Indian Interests

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Re: Indian Interests

Post by darshhan »

brihaspati wrote:
darshhan wrote:
IMO , Baba Ramdev is smarter than to be an uncle Tom. Here it is the islamists who should fear him.
You mean he is as smart as Gandhiji, who tucked into the khilafat movement and thereby started the long slippery road down politically legitimizing separate Muslim identity?
Brihaspati ji , as Dalit movement was used to weaken Dharmic forces , similarly dalit muslim movement can be used to weaken islamists. Infact I wonder why the leftists who are ever so ready to come out in support of dalits, never even raise a voice for dalit muslims.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

Because Commies are Islam without Allah.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by devesh » ... nefit.html

Rs 38,500-cr project to benefit Telangana region, Congress
Pranahita, means dear to life. The Rs 38,500-crore Pranahita-Chevella project for which the chief ministers of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra signed a memorandum of understanding (M0U) is expected to bring not only life to the parched lands of Telangana region but also relief to the beleaguered Congress party in the region.

Once completed, the project will irrigate 16.70 lakh acres land in semi-arid Adilabad, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Medak, Warangal, Ranga Reddy and Nalgonda districts ; provide 30 TMC of drinking water for greater Hyderabad, 10 TMC of drinking water for 117 villages and 16 TMC for Industries.

The project would cost Rs. 38,500 crores and is expected to be completed by 2018-19.
Congress seniors also believe that the project would help rebuild the sagging image of the party and party leaders who were unable to face the people because of the statehood issue and the central leadership’s apathy.

The party would now be able to claim that they stood for development of the region.
This historic agreement was signed on Saturday between the governments of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra in the presence of Union Water Resources minister P K Bhansal in the national Capital.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has hailed the agreement and said this should serve as a role model to other inter-state projects.

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy and Maharashtra Chief Minister Pruthviraj Chauhan have assured that they would continue the same attitude of amicability and resolve all future problems.

Alternative to demand

Many believe that the Central government has brokered this agreement, as part of its unannounced package to the Telangana region, as an alternative to the demand for a separate state.

The Centre also might announce some more sops to Telangana so as to placate the people.

Ministers close to the chief minister say that credit for getting the agreement signed goes to Kiran Kumar Reddy who has been silently working out for the agreement.
He has also kept his efforts under wraps, so that there would not be any opposition from any quarters before agreement was signed.

However, the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) says the credit of Pranahita-Chevella goes to the ever vigilant Telangana forces.

“It is because of ten years of agitation that the union government has agreed to implement the project. TRS will be behind the state government for the speedy completion of project.

“TRS also believes that statehood to Telangana is the only solution,” Etela Rajendra , the TRSLP leader in state Assembly said.

every devil has its uses. TRS is serving a very useful purpose not just for Telangana, but also the broader non-coastal interior areas of the Deccan. This was one of the ways that I had envisioned to bring the Telangana mess to an end. namely, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Andhra leaders from the Deccan area getting together and proposing a joint project to harness the Krishna and Godavari to increase the fertile cover of the region.

I don't know who was at the root of this, but if Kiran Kumar Reddy has been working for this, then he has my respect. not only b/c it will be a huge help for the people of the region, but also because he has rightly identified the true roots of the Telangana agitation. it is agriculture and water. solve those issues, and wannabe "doras" like KCR won't have much ammo to fire from.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by RamaY »

ramana wrote:Because Commies are Islam without Allah.
:mrgreen: and Secularism is .....
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by brihaspati »

ramana wrote:
brihaspati wrote: You mean he is as smart as Gandhiji, who tucked into the khilafat movement and thereby started the long slippery road down politically legitimizing separate Muslim identity?

Bji, Didn't this in effect empower the jihadi/salafist movement inside the Indian Muslim mileu and we see the death spiral in TSP in approximately a century after the Khilafat movement was started? Maybe this was not MKG's objective but the end consequences are it spearated the wheat from the chaff in the IM community and more importantly separated the DIE/WKK/WMI (Well Oaf Modern Indians) form the rest of the Indians.

So MKG's support of the Khilafat movement precipated the hard core elements out of the Indian freedom movement where they were lurking in the society and going/rising with the tide.
I personally think MKG learned early on the value of pretension of cooperation and its withdrawal as a tactical weapon against the evolving British colonial factionalism. But his experience of SA coloured his foundational belief systems about religion and its effects or the possibility inter-faith collaboration. He was also influenced by goodhearts like Andrews or the influential American and Europeans he got as close collaborators into believing [or was he making a tactical cover out of his beliefs -he seems too wily for me. :mrgreen: ] that the Anglo-Saxon state itself could somehow have a change of heart.

MKG's khilafat move could very well be a response to Brit attempt at bringing the IM to its side [as I have quoted from Hamza Alavi] but the crucial blunder was recognizing an explicitly separate Islamist religio-political agenda as a congrez-nationalist agenda. This forever stamped on the INC the legacy that there could be a separate Muslim-agenda to be pampered by the congrez, and which was separate in identity terms from the rest of the nation.

By allowing malcontents to go out and find their own sovereign space next to our skin, increases the longevity of the separatist genocidic Islamist meme and identity, and makes it all the more harder to finish them off on the civilizational horizon.

Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies even closer. They should have been kept within the system so that we could eat away at their internals. Slowly. MKG made that impossible.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

Not really. The mess that TSP is in, can be traced to the Khilafat movement. By embracing the separatists/antediluvian elements they have nurtured the literalists who are now eating away the state.

So MKG might have made a mistake but it was a good mistake.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

Devesh, Pranahita etc were planned in CBN's time. Unfortunately for him he was not re-elected. YSR took his schemes and the credit..

The idea is to make Telangana a green basket with Godavari waters and bring back the olden glory days.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem »

On India's Temple Of Gold ... emple-gold
Note from Nic:
A recent article in The New Yorker about a surprising find in an ancient Indian temple got me thinking about gold, the subcontinent, and Charlie Munger’s recent comment that “Civilized people” don’t buy precious metals, but rather financial assets like stocks. Gold has, in fact, been in a bit of a freefall of late, so I asked Sarah to pick up these disparate thoughts and see where they lead. Her note, on Indian gold demand, follows here...

In the summer of 2011, while U.S. politicians were hotly debating the latest increase in the Federal debt ceiling, Indian authorities were facing quite the opposite situation: what to do with $22 billion worth of gold and rare jewels discovered under a temple in the southern state of Kerala. Rumors that the Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple sat on top of a horde of riches go back centuries, the result of millennia of donations to the gods, but the stories were only confirmed after a former Indian Police Service officer petitioned the Indian Supreme Court to order the opening of the temple to ensure “transparency in the running of the Trust” which overseas temple finances. The discovered wealth – which exceeds the annual education budget for the entire country – is now in limbo as two parties face off for ownership of the fortune. The Travancore Royal House, charged with the maintenance of the temple since the 18th century, assert that the riches belong to the gods they were offered to – and many Hindus in the region support their cause. Others think the wealth should be distributed to the poor; that $22 billion (and it could be far more once definitely valued) could potentially feed, clothe, and shelter every citizen of the region for years to come. The decision is ultimately up to the Indian Supreme Court, who have already stationed two dozen police officers around the temple for 24/7 surveillance. Just in case.The $22 billion treasure found in Kerala is astounding, to say the least, but it represents barely half of the $46.4 billion Indians spent on gold in 2011. And while you may have read about Western central banks, Chinese citizens, and scores of other buyers for the yellow metal, India in fact outpaces every other country on the planet in gold consumption:

•Annual Indian GDP acceleration or deceleration has a 0.4 inverse correlation with acceleration or deceleration in gold prices. In other words, when gold prices increase by a greater amount than the year before, it’s likely that Indian GDP will decelerate that same year. We’ve used the last six years as the baseline for this comparison, encompassing both the turmoil of the Financial Crisis in western economies uote]and India’s volatile GDP growth rates of anywhere from 6-10% over the period in question.
•China’s acceleration, on the other hand, is virtually unconnected to gold prices with a 0.03 R² over the same period. Clearly India is significantly more dependent on gold’s price appreciation than their neighbors to the East.
•When this same correlation is lagged by one year – 2011 gold price acceleration matched up with 2010 GDP acceleration, for example – the correlation is essentially perfect: 0.9965. So if the Indian economy accelerated in 2011, you can probably expect gold prices to follow suit in 2012, and vice versa. In China, this correlation is much weaker at 0.53, but still significant for a one variable economic analysis.
•Annual acceleration and deceleration in Indian and Chinese gold demand also have an almost perfect correlation to annual global GDP growth: 0.94 and 0.95, respectively. Essentially, when demand in these two countries drops, based on this correlation you might see global GDP fall as well.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by brihaspati »

I had said that the existing TSP state may fall on its own, but I did not say that its Islamist underlay will fall. The Afghan state has been continuously falling many times almost every century for the last known 2500 years. Its mullahcracy has been flourishing and increasingly intensifying in the more charming aspects of mullaism like Talebanism [which is perfectly compatible with the liberal practices of bacchabazi] al the while states on top of it keep falling.

MKG provided a space for them at the cost of the Indic. That blunder is not pardonable.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by member_20292 »

^^^ We could also say that MKG got rid of the tumour at the nascent stage itself.

However you look at it, dealing with faeces, by trade, by IT , by cultural exchanges, is STILL dealing with faeces.

Better have less of it to begin with. No?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by vishvak »

Jhujar wrote:On India's Temple Of Gold ... emple-gold

Goras are good at breaking rules. This is not Temple of Gold nor assets of deity called 'treasure'. ... 110713.htm
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by brihaspati »

mahadevbhu wrote:^^^ We could also say that MKG got rid of the tumour at the nascent stage itself.

However you look at it, dealing with faeces, by trade, by IT , by cultural exchanges, is STILL dealing with faeces.

Better have less of it to begin with. No?
Well say your neighbourhood had few stray dogs who were never vaccinated and hence a few regularly caught rabies from other vectors in the wild. You had also your pet dog at home who was vaccinated.

Now you kick out your pet dog into the stray group - no vaccination henceforth. You cannot kill the strays whose population is now being added to by your ex-pet - because animal rights activists threaten you with dire consequences, and you also feel sentimental attachment to your ex-pet. So the rabid ones frequently come into your house and bites you. Maybe you dont feel that concerned becasue they are only biting the maid and help who have to go around the house and yard a lot for their work - and you are sitting most of the time in the security of your inner two storyed top floor room, and whne you go out you have three bodyguards with clubs to shoo off the rabid?

Or maybe you secretly enjoy the pleasure that the protected rabids bite the maid and help from time to time to keep them scared and under your thumb?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem » ... t-by-2015/
India tipped to overtake the US to become the world’s biggest Facebook market by 2015
It has just seen Brazil overtake it to become Facebook’s largest overseas market, but India is being tipped to overtake the US and the Latin American country to become the planet’s largest collection of Facebook users by 2015.India currently has 57 million registered Facebook members, putting it some distance behind the US (157 million) and narrowly below Brazil (59 million) — according to Socialbakers — but India has barely scratched the service of its online potential, and could bring hundreds of millions of its population online in the coming years.Speaking to CNBC, Gartner analyst Shalini Verma predicted that a change of order will take place before the end of 2015, driven by a continued growth in mobile-based Web access:
India could overtake the United States in the next three years. Last year, Facebook users in India doubled. Growth will be driven by mobile Internet users in second- and third-tier cities.Mobile is the key factor for the development of Internet access in India, which, in turn, would power Facebook and other services’ growth. Currently, fixed-line penetration is below 10 percent — the country passed 100 million users in November — with mobile already accounting for half of all Internet use, according to Statcounter data, and phone-based access is set to only increase.Smartphones and Web-enabled feature phones are the driving force behind India’s online revolution. Smartphone shipments to the country passed 10 million for the first time last year, taking just ten months to set the new record, according to CyberMedia Research, but there is still much more to come.Smartphones accounted for just 6 percent of the 160 million plus mobile devices that shipped to India in 2011. Shipments are very much in response and anticipation to sales and, with country-wide monthly smartphones purchases topping one million for the first time in November, retailers are set to order and sell devices in greater quantities than ever before this year.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem » ... -in-geneva
India's Proposal For Government Control of Internet To Be Discussed In Geneva
The Indian Government is proposing to create an intergovernmental body 'to develop internet policies, oversee all internet standards bodies and policy organizations, negotiate internet-related treaties and sit in judgment when internet-related disputes come up.' This committee will be funded and staffed by the UN and will report to the UN General Assembly which effectively means the control of the internet passes on to World Governments directly."
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

India should have their own Facebook. Its foolish of Indian IT/VTY subalterns to not have created one by now.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem »

ramana wrote:India should have their own Facebook. Its foolish of Indian IT/VTY subalterns to not have created one by now.
Thinking of FB, It has the capability to change Indian politics. Old corrupt Politicians must be having D Shiver with instant information and network of concerned Indians.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Supratik »

It may have to do with controlling information which was the prerogative of the INC pre-liberalization. The internet makes the
propaganda machinery less efficient.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by merlin »

Jhujar wrote:
ramana wrote:India should have their own Facebook. Its foolish of Indian IT/VTY subalterns to not have created one by now.
Thinking of FB, It has the capability to change Indian politics. Old corrupt Politicians must be having D Shiver with instant information and network of concerned Indians.
None of who ever vote. There is a reason for the term slacktivism.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem »

Today in History – May 18
1498 – Vasco da Gama reaches the port of Calicut, India, the first European recorded to have done so
1974 – Nuclear test: Under Project Smiling Buddha, India successfully detonates its first nuclear weapon becoming the sixth nation to do so. Multiple pants are shat in Pakistan. ( Not my words)
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem » ... 0006.story
Piano and flute in India, where the sitar is king
There's a growing interest in the music of Beethoven, Bach and Co. in the country. The Delhi School of Music is among the institutions that feed this thirst for the Western classical genre
NEW DELHI — When Gavin Martin and his family moved here from southern India in the early '70s, the country's capital city offered the gifted young pianist exactly one option for continuing his music education: the Delhi School of Music.New schools have already come up, in fact — in neighboring Gurgaon, for instance, and elsewhere in the region. Their rise, along with their steadily growing popularity, might be the most obvious sign of a change in tune in Delhi, where the sounds of Bach and Beethoven, of piano keys and violin strings, are no longer as foreign as they once were."For one reason or the other, Delhi has become very big, and there are a large number of students who are wanting to do music," Banerjee says. "Gradually, students are helping to build up these institutions."That's especially noteworthy for Delhi, a city that's long suffered unfavorable comparisons to such culture-rich metropolises as Mumbai to the southwest and Calcutta to the southeast, both of which benefited more from British patronage during colonial rule. By the time Delhi replaced Calcutta as India's capital in 1911, it was far behind in cultural development.So making Delhi culturally competitive after independence in 1947 became the impetus for the creation of the Delhi Music Society.In fact, that may be the reason why Western classical music has been much slower to break onto the scene than other Western influences, such as movies and pop music, which began the crossover years ago. Western classical music is, in its sound and execution, the polar opposite of Indian classical music, in which solo artists riff, jazz-like, on traditional melodies, without any regard for written-out compositions. The form originated, Banerjee says, in Hindu temple practices and rituals in southern India, giving it a sacred tint largely absent from its Western counterpart.Khan, who repeatedly says that the rise of Western classical music in India does not represent a threat to native traditions, is nonetheless worried about the future of Indian music.

"It's very important to preserve our traditions,"
Khan says. "If the traditions are not preserved properly, the entire thing changes, and it becomes something else."
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by anupmisra »

Jhujar wrote:Today in History – May 18
1498 – Vasco da Gama reaches the port of Calicut, India, the first European recorded to have done so
The first European? Recorded?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by vishvak »

anupmisra wrote:
Jhujar wrote:Today in History – May 18
1498 – Vasco da Gama reaches the port of Calicut, India, the first European recorded to have done so
The first European? Recorded?
Weren't Jews already in India by then?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by brihaspati »

vishvak wrote: Weren't Jews already in India by then?
They were Jews onlee - how can you compare them with chi chi Europeans?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by vishvak »

brihaspati wrote:
vishvak wrote: Weren't Jews already in India by then?
They were Jews onlee - how can you compare them with chi chi Europeans?
Point being the whole history of how Jews were cornered and made to run, and along with where all and who all did treat Jews with respect and shelter, is made to look secondary by fanboi stories of 'discovery' at certain time of convenience, thereby ignoring anything and anyone earlier.

'Discovery' could be a wonderful word, thereby implying anything earlier is perhaps not 'as' interesting 'as first discovery'.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem »

As India's old ways change, senior-care homes are on the rise ... 4369.story
TRIVANDRUM, India — R. Padmanathan Nair sits on a plastic chair in the entryway of the Heritage senior home talking about the fellow residents who treat him like family, which is helpful seeing as his own rarely visits.
His wife tried to abscond with their valuables, he said, so he gave the house to a niece, who ignored him after she got the property. Now his daughter is the only one who visits the 76-year-old retired teacher here in the capital of the southern state of Kerala, and that's just a few times a year."But she only comes to get money from me," said Nair, unshaven and dressed in a white lungi skirt-like garment and striped polo shirt, his voice rising in anger. "It's a blessing there are homes like this."India, a nation that prides itself on the inclusive embrace of its extended families, is slowly accepting a feature long common in the West: elder-care facilities.Social changes find more urban families rejecting traditional arrangements involving grandparents, parents and children under one roof, preferring life without nosy in-laws. Economics is also playing a role as more professionals work abroad or in large Indian cities, too busy to care for aging parents.But things work both ways, sociologists say. More older people also prefer living with others their age, even enjoying a bit of romance away from the disapproving gaze of grown-up children."Life here is easier than living with my family in all respects," said P.V. Bhaskasan, also a retired teacher. "There's too much fighting in extended families."As India's traditional social contract frays, however, seniors are also more subject to neglect, physical and mental abuse and depression. In 2010, 11,100 people older than 60 committed suicide, a 20% increase from 2008.
"In abuse cases, parents don't want to come out against their own children," said Anjali Raje, deputy executive director of the International Longevity Center in Pune. "So it's swept under the rug."
he idea of senior homes has long carried a stigma in India."I can't imagine sending my parents to one of these," said Sathish Kumar, 47, a Trivandrum rickshaw driver who shares care of his 77-year-old father with his brother. "It's rather tragic."But that's changing, as more upscale gated communities for seniors, such as Mumbai's pioneering Dignity Lifestyle, offer saunas, aromatherapy, gyms and pools.
India, with its relatively young population, is still a long way from Western nations. Most extended families still live together, and even when grown children move away they tend to stay relatively close and visit often.
But the picture is changing, with the number of India's people older than 60, now at 96 million, expected to double by 2030. Critics say government planners are so enamored of the "India shining" narrative of its young people that they all but ignore the demographic shift."This is the government's last priority," said Roshan Jacob, an elder-care expert. "We're digging our own grave. It's a 200% crisis for India if we don't start thinking about this
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Aditya_V »

Cross Posting
Anyone noticed that many a UPA Minister/INC is from Lawyer Backgrounds as oppossed to people who worked as Project Managers or any other professionetc... hmm :( .

Wonder how such contact develops with people whose professionals duty is sometimes to put a very good defence to murderers, white collar criminals, hawala operatives, underworld gangs etc and act in hyprocrital way when they know thier client is guilty but have to use all possible means including positive media coverage to get thier client off the hook?????
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Aditya_V »

What are the Larger implications here, especially is the feild cleared for Brother Anil Kumar now to guide the flock.

Evangelist K.A. Paul arrested in Ongole

P.S when did this guy return from the US, last I thought he had settled in the US and was involved in negotiating peace deals in Western Africa.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by RamaY »

^ He returned a few months ago (in Jan I guess) and wanted to start a political party and wanted to put candidates for the bi-elections, which are do or die contest for YS Jagan group.

This guy made quite a few powerful enemies, with his nativity IMO. He opposed YSR and now going against his son and SIL brother-Anil.

It also happened that his brother and other directors of his evangelic society kicked him out and then his brother got murdered.

Now he is getting into jail for his brother's murder. In India it takes years before justice is delivered and it is not easy for a person like this to run his institution from jail.

Like I wrote in my blog on Jyotirao Pule's first project, even this worthy's first project was to provide monthly stipend to Hindu-widows. I wonder what is the logic behind these anti-hindu guys to start their movements with hindu-widows...

In a way it is a win-win for Dharmics. That many less converts.

Source: K A Paul's interview on Open Heart with RK
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem » ... 32189.html
India Free Bicycle Program Crucial To Keep Girls In School
RAMPUR SINGHARA, India -- The daily trip to high school was expensive, long and eventually, too much for Indian teenager Nahid Farzana, who decided she was going to drop out. Then, the state government gave her a bicycle.Two years later, she is about to graduate from high school and wants to be a teacher.The eastern state of Bihar has been so successful at keeping teenage girls in school, the bike giveaways have spread to neighboring states. Now the Indian government wants to expand it across the country in hopes it might help improve female literacy.Before starting the program in 2007, officials in Bihar, one of India's poorest and least developed states, despaired over how to educate the state's females, whose literacy rate of 53 percent is more than 20 points below that of its males."We found that the high school dropout rate soared when girls reached the ninth grade. This was primarily because there are fewer high schools and girls had to travel longer distances to get to school," said Anjani Kumar Singh, Bihar's principal secretary overseeing education.Poor families could not spare the money for transport, or were reluctant to let girls travel so far away, fearing for their safety.The program was an instant success, with the number of girls registered in the ninth grade in Bihar's state schools more than tripling in four years, from 175,000 to 600,000."The results are remarkable. The school dropout rate for girls has plunged," says Singh.In her crisply starched blue tunic uniform and white scarf, Farzana appears a carefree teenager, proud to have made it into the tenth grade. But she almost did not make it.Mohammed Jalaluddin, who runs a tea stall in Rampur Singhara, says his daughter's bike is used by the entire family.Nizhat Parveen, his 16-year-old daughter, drops her brother at his school on the way to hers. When she returns, the family uses the bicycle for chores, from shopping for groceries to making food deliveries from the tea shop.
Bihar is also giving free school uniforms to girls to keep them in school. The bike grant money is put into a joint bank account in the names of the student and her parents, and school administrators monitor whether the girls buye] bicycles and use them, or if the bike is sold and the girl ends up leaving school, Singh said. But mostly, the program operates on the honor system.
While corruption and fraudulent use of state money is rife in India, the Bihar government reports misuse of the bicycle funds is 1 percent.The results from Bihar were so encouraging that the program has been adopted by the neighboring states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Rajasthan, another state with low female literacy rates, has launched a free bicycle program for girls in secondary and high school.The federal government is exploring a plan to give bicycles to Muslim girls as their dropout rate is worse than that of other communities.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

They should give them mopeds.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by johneeG »

RamaY wrote:^ He returned a few months ago (in Jan I guess) and wanted to start a political party and wanted to put candidates for the bi-elections, which are do or die contest for YS Jagan group.

This guy made quite a few powerful enemies, with his nativity IMO. He opposed YSR and now going against his son and SIL brother-Anil.

It also happened that his brother and other directors of his evangelic society kicked him out and then his brother got murdered.

Now he is getting into jail for his brother's murder. In India it takes years before justice is delivered and it is not easy for a person like this to run his institution from jail.

Like I wrote in my blog on Jyotirao Pule's first project, even this worthy's first project was to provide monthly stipend to Hindu-widows. I wonder what is the logic behind these anti-hindu guys to start their movements with hindu-widows...

In a way it is a win-win for Dharmics. That many less converts.

Source: K A Paul's interview on Open Heart with RK
not just anti-Hindu guys, but all the corporates target single women(divorced or otherwise). Woman is a foundation on which a family(and consequently the society) is built.

IMHO, women are easier to manipulate when they are separated from the menfolk of their family. They are also easy targets for the propaganda. The rise of single women around the world is no accident. It is deliberately encouraged. The systems and laws that encourage woman to remain single are implemented. The insecurities are deliberately stoked. Men are presented as beasts and manipulators not to be trusted by women(who have to look after their own welfare and guard against men).

The best part is that, they are the first teachers of the next generation. So, if you get the woman, you get the children as well. So, the next generations have also been won over. Its a double whammy.

Over the period, the propaganda becomes the truth and people indeed start behaving as they think they should.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Manish_Sharma »

Is it true ??? I mean all the names ?

PRATIBHA PATIL - CHRISTY FERNANDES ( Secretary of Pratibha Patil )
You may understand by name - A. K ANTONY , Oscar Fernandes , P.C Chacko (Head of JPC on 2G Scam ) Margaret alva , Johan Dayal , Tom Vedekkan , Oommen Chandy , PJ Kurien , Hybi Eedan (Youth Cong all India President ) , KV Thomas , Valson Thampu just like so many ,
Then half Christian family – Vayalar Ravi , Arjun Singh , Shashi Tharoor , SALMAN KHURSHEED just like so many you can find
In key post we may found so many some famouse
P. J. Thomas - Central Vigilance Commissioner
P. K. Hormis Tharakan - RAW CHIEF
Navin Chawla FORMER - ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA (his wife is doing missionary work Rajastan)
Former Chief Justice KG Balakrishnan & current Human Right Commission (fist he converted he say he did convert for study after thet he reconvert to get job)

Chidambaram -- >Nalini Chidambaram Senior Advocate – Her main client is Christian missionary
(International Christian data says Christians in India to be 6%, ... Because of Nalini Chidambaram)
This all are some famous congress leaders
90% of All Printed & visual media
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ShyamSP »

Manish_Sharma wrote:Is it true ??? I mean all the names ?
Then half Christian family – Vayalar Ravi , Arjun Singh , Shashi Tharoor , SALMAN KHURSHEED just like so many you can find
Pranabji is Christian?

Kiran Kumar Reddy comes under half-chrisitan family unless he got converted for his wife. YSR is 100% Christian as his dad was a convert.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by devesh »

instead of worrying about some grand Jewish conspiracy, perhaps we should be worrying about a Christian conspiracy, in the NWO thread. increasingly, it seems this will be India's version of NWO. basically, placing Christians or Christian sympathizers in all the important posts in the country. of course, supposedly, 80% of India is Hindu, whatever that means.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem » ... 120521.htm
DHD militant outfit to sign accord with Centre
The government of India [ Images ] is all set to sign a tripartite agreement next month with both the Dima Hasao Daogah factions, it is reliably learnt. The DHD (Nunisa) faction chief Dilip Nunisa along with some of his colleagues met the Joint Secretary (North East), Ministry Home Affairs, Shambhu Singh on Monday afternoon in the North Block and discussed in detail the terms and conditions of the draft agreement.
Describing this crucial meeting as an "unofficial" meeting, the DHD chief Dilip Nunisa said that his group has reiterated its demand for the "incorporation of all the contiguous villages with the present Dima Hasao district" for smooth passage of the proposed tripartite agreement.However, the Indian government has categorically told Nunisa that only one contiguous village can be incorporated with the existing boundary of the Dima Hasao district. He has been asked to accept whatever is offered to him. Otherwise, he would be "left behind" and the government would ink the tripartite agreement with the Jewell Garlosa faction of the DHD. The other faction has already signed the draft agreement.Nunisa had earlier demanded incorporation of 94 contiguous villages with the existing Dima Hasao district from the neighbouring Cachar, Naogaon and Karbi Anglong districts. They also raised the issue of over 20,000 Dimasa tribe inhabited in Nagaland and demanded that the government make a special provision for the Dimasas of Nagaland as and when it signs an agreement with the NSCN leadership.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by johneeG »

devesh wrote:instead of worrying about some grand Jewish conspiracy, perhaps we should be worrying about a Christian conspiracy, in the NWO thread. increasingly, it seems this will be India's version of NWO. basically, placing Christians or Christian sympathizers in all the important posts in the country. of course, supposedly, 80% of India is Hindu, whatever that means.
I have had a nagging question for some time: What if the whole 'grand Jewish conspiracy' is a EJ conspiracy? It suits the EJs fine to shift all the blame on the Jews. Jews(zionists) are portrayed as the evil mafia that are responsible for everything that they(EJs) see as negative like Nazism, Communism, Imperialism, Economic Downturn, on. Most of the ardent proponents of 'Zionist conspiracy' are ardent christians who invoke Biblical quotes to make their point. These proponents argue that the freemasons and Zionists are hatching a grand plan to take over the world and that these 'evil' people worship Lucifer as their god and defy christ.

Given this background, should we really believe the theory of 'Zionist conspiracy'? What if the whole thing is an EJ conspiracy?

Anyway, regardless of the situation outside India, atleast in India, EJs seem to be firmly in the saddle. They have grabbed power at all levels and are pursuing their mission.

I am disgusted and depressed to look at the present condition in India. May God/Goddess save Hinduism...

One thing to ponder over: How is that these people are able to mislead people about their real identity? Obviously, most people assume these prominent politicians to be Hindus. Why? Because of their Hindu sounding names.

Given that most Hindus have abandoned their religious symbols(like tika, shika,..etc), name has been the only way to know about the identity of the other person. Perhaps, the solution is that the Hindus start sporting their religious symbols again, so that they are not mislead.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Pranav »

johneeG wrote:What if the whole thing is an EJ conspiracy?
See what the Bolsheviks did to Russian Christians, read what the traditionalist Catholic E. Michael Jones has to say. It is there in the NWO thread.

But it is true that in third world countries the Church is used as a tool, amongst other tools.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by habal »

It is becoming increasingly clear that Naxals are the armed wing of the EJ. They are to be used as a tool against VHP, BD, RSS etc. As and when BJP comes to centre, the mutiny and rebellion will shift to east. It's a movement being kept warm, and ocassionaly attempts being made to prevent it getting out of control. It is supposed to be used later.

The nature of India's power structure is such that it is extremely lean at the top. And that makes India highly vulnerable to manipulations of this nature.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by vishvak »

Pranav wrote:
johneeG wrote:What if the whole thing is an EJ conspiracy?
See what the Bolsheviks did to Russian Christians, read what the traditionalist Catholic E. Michael Jones has to say. It is there in the NWO thread.

But it is true that in third world countries the Church is used as a tool, amongst other tools.
Thing within Russia perhaps was that they both were Political+cultural. So there was mutual clash of interest and it is expected from either side to either dominate or feel sidelined even in case of separation of state and religion. It would be better to know if either of these affected others too who were independent of either, because of exclusive ideologies.

So there could always be resentment regardless of what is going on, and others are also affected.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Pranav »

vishvak wrote: Thing within Russia perhaps was that they both were Political+cultural. So there was mutual clash of interest and it is expected from either side to either dominate or feel sidelined even in case of separation of state and religion. It would be better to know if either of these affected others too who were independent of either, because of exclusive ideologies.

So there could always be resentment regardless of what is going on, and others are also affected.
It is a worthwhile exercise to trace the financial supporters of the Bolsheviks. We have looked at that in above mentioned thread.