J&K News and Discussion-2011

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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ManuT »

Terror group letters reveal links with Pak army, plans to target India
Edited by Surabhi Malik | Updated: July 11, 2012 11:12 IST
Jammu:  Letters purportedly sent by the United Jehad Council, a terror group which operates out of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, reveal elaborate plans to target India, including how militants should infiltrate and the routes they should use. They also reveal a connection with the Pakistan Army.
NDTV has access to these letters, most of which were sent out in November last year. The extent of the spread of the terror network is apparent from these letters. One letter is addressed to the Pakistan-based terror group, Lashkar-e-Taiba, increasingly seen as more deadly than even the Al Qaida. Another letter is addressed to the Azad J&K Brigade of the Pakistani Army.
In detailed terror strategy, there is mention of five entry points or "launching camps" from where militants plan to infiltrate India - Hassan Forward Kahuta, Nakiyal, Khoi Ratta, Samahni and Dhali Bagh. Militants are asked in these letters to target Indian army camps, places of worship and VIPs. 
In keeping with the Lashkar's shadowy modus operandi, one letter says that the terror group must not claim responsibility for any attack. Another says that the Pakistani army must provide covering fire only if a militant unit is surrounded by the Indian Army and there is exchange of fire. Several incidents of cease-fire violations from across the border seem to bear this out. 
Militants going to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir for training are asked in a letter to ensure they return to their "launching camp" by nightfall.
The letters give an insight into what seem like deep links between the militants and the Pakistani army. They talk about the militants deciding on the level of engagement with the Army. One letter says, "The launching of militants will be conveyed to just a few army officers, but not before the actual commencement of the launching."
There also seem to be differences. Purportedly addressed to a Pakistani army commander based in PoK near the Line of Control, one letter says: "The Pakistani army is not implementing the decisions made by the United Jehad Council." 
Reacting to the revelations, Brigadier Tejinder said Indian forces would not let militants succeed. "We have been getting information. Certain suspicious movements have been seen all along. There have been bids to infiltrate but they have not been successful as yet. We are ready to receive them any time," he told NDTV.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ManuT »

5 October 2010 Last updated at
Musharraf admits Kashmir militants trained in Pakistan

Former Pakistani military ruler Pervez Musharraf has told a magazine that his forces trained militant groups to fight in Indian-administered Kashmir.

He told the German magazine, Der Spiegel, that the government turned a blind eye because it wanted to put pressure on India to enter talks.

India has always alleged that Pakistan trained militants in the 1990s.

But this is thought to be the first time such a senior figure in Pakistan has admitted it.

Mr Musharraf said in the interview that militant groups "were indeed formed" in part because of the international community's "apathy" over the Kashmir dispute.

The retired general also indicated that he did not regret the Kargil intrusion (by Pakistani soldiers disguised as militants) that led to skirmishes with India in 1999.

"It is the right of any country to promote its own interests when India is not prepared to discuss Kashmir at the United Nations and resolve the dispute in a peaceful manner," Mr Musharraf said.

Last week Mr Musharraf apologised for "negative" actions he took while in power, as he launched his new political party, the All Pakistan Muslim League, in London.

Mr Musharraf said: "I... sincerely apologise to the whole nation" for the "negative repercussions".

But he vowed to galvanise Pakistanis and fight a "jihad against poverty, hunger, illiteracy and backwardness".

Correspondents said there was no real likelihood of him returning soon.

Mr Musharraf seized power in 1999 when, as chief of Pakistan's army, he ousted elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a coup.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ManuT »

Jammu and Kashmir ‘nightmare’ in UK media
Ashis Ray, TNN | Jul 12, 2012, 05.20AM IST

LONDON: Late on Tuesday, Britain's Channel 4 screened an hour-long TV documentary virtually challenging India's credentials as a democracy, accusing security forces in Jammu & Kashmir of being responsible for disappearances of 8,000 Kashmiri civilians and extra-judicial executions in the past 22 years as well as for rape and torture.

The same day, the UK's Guardian newspaper carried an extended piece on the same subject in a clearly co-ordinated assault against India's human rights record.

The lacunae in the programme, though, was that no neutral party, let alone authorities in J&K or at the Centre were given an opportunity to express their point of view. Strangely, the production team was in the Kashmir valley at the time of last year's stone-pelting incidents in which over 100 youths were killed. There are questions being asked whether they were tipped off by those who planned the demonstrations.

The central figure in the documentary is a dignified, seemingly progressive and secular advocate at the J&K high court, Pervez Imroz. He was portrayed as diligently compiling complaints of disappearances, rape and torture; and filing cases in court on these.

Imroz was in 2005 awarded the Ludovic-Trarriux International Human Rights Prize but was, allegedly, unable to accept this in person because he wasn't issued a passport. He is behind the discovery of more than 2,000 unmarked graves which chief minister Omar Abdullah last year described as being mostly unclaimed bodies of foreign militants. Imroz termed the graves "prima facie evidence of war crimes".

Atta Muhammad Khan, a white-haired man from Bimyar village, described how he was forced to inter bullet-riddled unidentified bodies in the middle of the night.

The programme depicted gruesome examples of torture. One woman claimed on camera that she was raped by security forces when she was 16 and still in school
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by shyamd »

J&K police conducted several operations in the last few days. Apparently we should expect some good news within the next few days.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Dipanker »

Snake in the grass, A.G. Noorani once again shows his true color in this article in Dawn:

A week in Kashmir
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by sum »

^^ Only in Desh will such openly seditious people be tolerated and worse, feted as "scholars" and "nationalists"
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by chetak »

Has omar got himself a hair transplant or a wig?

Sure looked like that on TV recently.

The follies of men when they boot out their wives and lust after floozies, what?
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Prem »

sum wrote:^^ Only in Desh will such openly seditious people be tolerated and worse, feted as "scholars" and "nationalists"
What can be better revenge than he and his ilks die like disappointed donkey ?
May he live long and suffer daily to see the rise of India as civilization and country. People like him are the punishment for Indians who did not listen to Dr Ambedkar and got fooled by the Nehru's Thuggery to rob India of its essence and fill the space with DIE Dung.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by shyamd »

Vice President Addresses Birth Centenary Function of Late Brig. Mohammed Usman
The Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari has said that Brig. Mohammed Usman, the Hero of the Battle of Naushera is one of the most inspiring military leaders of Independent India, who demonstrated exceptional courage, devotion to duty and and love for the motherland in the finest traditions of our Army. Addressing at the “Birth Centenary function of Late Brig. Mohammed Usman” organized by Indian Army to commemorate his birth centenary here today, he said that Brig Usman won the hearts and minds of one and all during the partition, when he was vested with the responsibility of 50,000 Hindus and Sikh refugees as the Garrison Commander of Multan. He always remained calm, religiously followed Gandhian principles and delighted in spinning the Charkha, a gift from Bapuji. He wore khadi when not in uniform and enjoyed reading Gandhiji’s works.

Shri Ansari said that Brig Usman’s determination and commitment was legendary. When Jhangar fell on 27 December 1947, he took a vow not to sleep on a cot till he had recaptured Jhangar. True to his word, he slept on a mat during the biting cold of the winter months in 1947-48. He redeemed his pledge when on 18 March 1948, 50 Parachute Brigade recaptured Jhangar after a fierce fight. Prior to that he was instrumental in defending Naushera.

The Vice President hoped that the heroic deeds of Brig Mohd Usman would continue to inspire the Indian Army in the years to come. He called upon the people to remember this national hero who was the senior most Indian Officer to make the ultimate sacrifice during the Jammu & Kashmir operations of 1947-48. As a war hero, his name in the history of India and in annals of military history will always be written in gold, he added.

Following is the text of the Vice President’s address :

“It gives me great pleasure to participate in today’s function organised by the Indian Army to commemorate the Birth Centenary of Late Brig. Mohammed Usman. It is also an opportunity to pay homage to a great son of India, and at a personal level, to my cousin.

Brig. Mohammed Usman, the Hero of the Battle of Naushera is one of the most inspiring military leaders of Independent India, who demonstrated exceptional courage, devotion to duty and and love for the motherland in the finest traditions of our Army.

Brig Usman won the hearts and minds of one and all during the partition, when he was vested with the responsibility of 50,000 Hindus and Sikh refugees as the Garrison Commander of Multan.

He always remained calm, religiously followed Gandhian principles and delighted in spinning the Charkha, a gift from Bapuji. He wore khadi when not in uniform and enjoyed reading Gandhiji’s works.

Brig Usman’s determination and commitment was legendary. When Jhangar fell on 27 December 1947, he took a vow not to sleep on a cot till he had recaptured Jhangar. True to his word, he slept on a mat during the biting cold of the winter months in 1947-48. He redeemed his pledge when on 18 March 1948, 50 Parachute Brigade recaptured Jhangar after a fierce fight. Prior to that he was instrumental in defending Naushera.

The heroic deeds of Brig Mohd Usman will continue to inspire the Indian Army in the years to come.

On the day of his birth centenary, let us all remember this national hero who was the senior most Indian Officer to make the ultimate sacrifice during the Jammu & Kashmir operations of 1947-48. As a war hero, his name in the history of India and in annals of military history will always be written in gold.

I thank the Chief of the Army Staff for inviting me to this function.”
A Lion, To The Last
Martyred on the front, Brigadier Usman’s story is an ode to honour

No military commander in independent India, except one, has received a state funeral. But so overwhelmed was a nascent nation at the supreme courage and sacrifice of Brigadier Mohammad Usman 66 years ago that Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and his cabinet colleagues turned up at the funeral of the hero—the “highest ranking military commander till date” to lay down his life in the battlefield—who was laid to rest with full state honours on the premises of Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi.

Two memorials, one at Jamia Millia Islamia, the other at Naushera, stand as silent reminders of the man today—as the nation prepares to observe his one hundredth birth anniversary.

Brig Usman leading a parade in Multan

It was 5.45 pm on July 3, 1948. Jhangar near Naushera (Jammu). The sun was about to set and the brigadier, having offered his evening prayers, was holding the routine, daily meeting with his staff officers at his command post—actually, a makeshift structure rigged with the help of a few tents. A sudden burst of shelling sent them all scurrying for cover behind a rock formation.

The brigadier sized up the situation and saw the enemy’s field guns to be too well-entrenched. Spotting an enemy observation post sited on an elevation, he shouted instructions for his field guns to engage the fortification while he himself attempted a dash, presumably in an effort to alert others. But as he stepped out, a shell from a 25-pounder landed almost next to him—its splinters killing him on the spot. Usman died 12 days short of his 36th birthday.

Hailing from a modest, middle-class family in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Usman had steel in his spine. At the tender age of 12, they still remember of him, he had jumped into a well to rescue a drowning child. He had a stammering problem in childhood, but overcame the handicap by sheer willpower. One of the ten Indian boys to secure admission to the Royal Military Academy (RMA) at Sandhurst, England, in 1932—the last batch of Indians to do so—the feat made no less remarkable by that distinction. Usman was commissioned in the storied Baluch Regiment at the age of 23 and saw action in Afghanistan and Burma during the World War. He rose quickly to the rank of brigadier, drawing attention to himself by his firm and fair handling of the precarious communal situation at Multan. During the splintering of the army in the wake of Partition, Usman was offered the promise of out-of-turn promotions and the prospect of becoming the army chief in Pakistan. A senior Muslim officer at the time, everyone expected him to grab the offer.

Brig Usman with Nehru

But the brigadier surprised everyone by opting to stick with India. Neither Mohammed Ali Jinnah nor Liaquat Ali Khan could convince him to have a change of heart.

Of Usman’s heroics, former vice-chief of the army staff, Lieutenant General S.K. Sinha, then General Staff Officer to General Cariappa, recalls: “I accompanied General Cariappa to Naushera. He went round the defences and then told Brigadier Usman that Kot overlooked our defences and must be secured. Two days later, Usman mounted a successful attack against that feature. He named it Operation Kipper, the General’s nickname. A week later, over 10,000 infiltrators attacked Naushera. With Kot held by us, our boys inflicted a crushing defeat on the enemy, who retreated leaving over 900 dead. This was the biggest battle of the Kashmir war. Usman became a national hero.”

The defence of Naushera, against overwhelming odds and numbers, made him a living legend. Naushera ka Sher. The Pakistanis announced a prize of Rs 50,000 for his head, an astronomical sum in 1948. But even as congratulatory messages poured in, the brigadier remained unaffected and continued to sleep on a mat laid on the floor. He had taken a vow that he would not use a cot till he recaptured Jhangar, from where he had to withdraw earlier in the face of a fierce onslaught by the infiltrators. Jhangar was of strategic importance, located at the junction of roads coming from Mirpur and Kotli. But more compelling was his fierce pride in his men and determination to restore their honour.

His memorial in Jamia Millia Islamia. (Photograph by Tribhuvan Tiwari)

On March 15, 1948, the brigadier signed an order to the “Comrades of 50 (I) Para Brigade”. It read: “Time’s come for the capture of Jhangar. It is not an easy task, but I’ve complete faith in you all to do your best to recapture the lost ground and retrieve the honour of our arms—we must not falter, we must not fail. Forward friends, fearless we go to Jhangar. India expects everyone to do his duty. Jai Hind.” Three days later, his troops recaptured Jhangar.

The legend grew. It would have grown larger still. Had the Lion of Naushera survived the July of 1948, could he have ended his career as India’s first Muslim army chief?
RIP Martyr. This is the chap who Pakis tried to bribe to join them. He fought for his motherland instead.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Roperia »

Cross post from TSP thread
Roperia wrote:No solution from "outside" on Kashmir: POTUS | PTI

Pakistan's Allah - The US of A refuses to intervene. US President further adds that the dispute can only be resolved by the two countries.

I think the current policy of pretending to talk but in reality shaming the Pakis on terror should be pursued with more vigor. :rotfl:
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by suryag »

Interview with Lt.Gen KT Parnaik - read it all in full
http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/full- ... dtv-247974
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Pranav »

x-post from CT and COIN thread:

Tunnel connecting India, Pak unearthed in J&K - http://ibnlive.in.com/news/tunnel-conne ... 3-245.html

400 meters long, on the Indian side alone!

Even though the fence is well inside the LOC, these tunnels seem to be quite long.

Wonder whether ground-penetrating radar will help.

Need to scrutinize the floors of all suspicious houses near LOC, the openings might even be hidden under carpets etc.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Roperia »

Pranav wrote:x-post from CT and COIN thread:

Tunnel connecting India, Pak unearthed in J&K - http://ibnlive.in.com/news/tunnel-conne ... 3-245.html
Brilliant discovery! That also means R&AW needs to strengthen its penetration in these Jihadi groups.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

Why is the police so keen to prove that this is a gas cylinder burst, when there seems to be a little evidence of such a cause?

Blast in car, 3 tourists die
Srinagar, July 28: A blast in south Kashmir today ripped apart a vehicle carrying eight women tourists from Mumbai, leaving three dead.

The women, some middle-aged and some elderly, were headed to Pahalgam from Srinagar when the explosion happened in Bijebehara. Five women were wounded.

A police spokesperson said a gas cylinder had burst in the vehicle but there was a strong buzz that a grenade may have caused the explosion.

Kashmir is witnessing a massive tourist boom this summer. Deaths in militant attacks have played havoc with tourism in the past.

Yashpal Sharma, the owner of Jammu-based Bhagwati Tour and Travels, said the women had hired a vehicle from him. “It had halted to pay toll tax. The injured told me someone had lobbed a grenade through the window,” he said.

“My driver is with police. He too has suffered minor injuries to his arm.”

A doctor treating an injured woman, Jaishree Desai, said her wounds seemed to have been caused by grenade splinters. “Blood is oozing from multiple wounds, which is a characteristic of splinter injury,” he said.

Jaishree, in her 50s, and the other injured at the hospital claimed there was no gas cylinder in the vehicle.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by wig »

news on the tunnel near Samba as covered by the Jammu based press

Pak bid for easy infiltration route for ultras 280 meters tunnel detected along IB on Indian side, no exit found.
In a sensational and first of its kind act, a 280 meters long tunnel was today detected by the Border Security Force (BSF), police and people at zero line on the International Border (IB) near forward village of Chechwal in Rajpora area of Samba district this morning, which probably had been dug from Pakistan side.

"The tunnel had reportedly been dug by the militants or the Rangers or by the workers with active connivance of Rangers from Pakistan side bypassing fencing and mining area to facilitate infiltration by the militants on the International Border. It was well planned and well managed task, which might have been undertaken by experts, most likely from Pakistan side as the tunnel was cleanly dug with enough space for the infiltrators or even the Pakistan Army or Rangers to enter into Indian side at the time of war'', official sources said.

"The tunnel was 20 feet below the earth with three feet to four feet diameter and was fitted with pipes probably for oxygen or fresh air. The tunnel had enough space inside. So far, it has been measured 200 meters from zero line to fence and 80 meters into the village Chechwal'', official sources told the Excelsior, adding the exit of the tunnel on Indian side had not been detected so far.

They said a villager Sukhdev Singh first saw land caved in at the fields at four to five places due to rains last night. He sounded the BSF, which swung into action in no time and started the operation.

"It's a fact. A tunnel is there. It has been detected 20 feet below the earth with 3 feet to 4 feet diameter and fresh air or oxygen pipes, with enough space for infiltrators to sneak into this side'', they said.

This was for the first time that a tunnel dug from Pakistan side towards India has been detected. Exit of the tunnel has not been found so far and there were apprehensions that it might have been quite long. It would take time to ascertain whether the tunnel had already been used by the infiltrators or trans-border smugglers or was just being completed.

BSF sources said the BSF Headquarters in New Delhi has been sounded and given a detailed report of what seems "the tunnel like work'' at the International Border.

"We have requisitioned experts from New Delhi to find out details of the digging and fitting of pipes and other works etc. The experts were likely to reach here tomorrow and visit the spot. Preliminary findings hinted at the tunnel work'', they said.

"The tunnel was well planned and dug meticulously over a period of time. It reportedly opens on other side of the border at Lambriyal post of the Rangers in Shakargarh area of Pakistan, about 150 to 200 meters across the IB'', sources said.

In the evening, officiating IG BSF, Jammu Frontiers, DIG NS Jamwal also visited the spot for on spot assessments of the situation. He was at the spot for about half an hour and went inside the tunnel along with DIG BSF J S Oberoi, Deputy Commissioner, Samba, Mubarak Singh and SSP Samba, Israr Khan. The BSF has cordoned off entire area and would resume the operation to find out exact nature of digging tomorrow morning.

The BSF has deployed heavy machinery at the forward area to conduct digging operations and reach completely to the tunnel. The work to detect the tunnel was apace during the day but had to be stopped in the evening due to rains. The work would resume tomorrow morning.

Speaking to reporters, Mr Jamwal said the use of oxygen pipes inside the tunnel indicated that the tunnel had been dug with proper planning and in a sophisticated way.

"As the militants had been unable to enter into this side through the IB even by cutting fencing, a new technique has been used from across the border by digging underground tunnel to facilitate infiltration of militants'', he said, adding that exit of the tunnel has not been detected so far.

"The tunnel was part of a very deliberate attempt, executed through proper planning including the use of oxygen'', Mr Jamwal said, adding: "it was yet to be ascertained as to how long the tunnel had gone into Pakistan''.

Describing the underground tunnel as "new way of infiltration'', he said the BSF has not asked for a flag meeting with the Rangers so far. "We would complete our task of detecting exact length of tunnel including its exit route'', he added.

DC Samba Mubarak Singh and SSP Samba Israr Khan camped at the spot. They said no end to the tunnel has been sighted so far. They added that initially Pakistani Rangers resisted digging at the zero line but they were told that they were looking for a child. They said entire area has been cordoned off. The officers lauded the villagers, who spotted the ground that had caved-in and asked other villagers not to panic as both civil and police administration were at their disposal along with security forces.

A senior officer of one of the Intelligence agency, who landed inside the tunnel, told the Excelsior that pipe in the tunnel, which was 2.5 inches x 3 inches round was new and clean, which indicated that it had been fitted fresh. There was no exit to the tunnel on Indian side detected so far.

The experts called by the BSF would go inside the tunnel and find out its exit routes, exact length and starting point, if possible.

"By all means, the tunnel had been dug from Pakistan side and connected to forward village of Chechwal on the International Border on Indian side. The motive could be to help militants infiltrate into this side, which otherwise, they were finding it impossible due to fencing on the border, installation of electronic gadgets and surveillance by the BSF'', sources said.

Sources said the villager Sukhdev Singh while moving into the fields saw the land leading towards fencing having sunk at four places, which created doubts in his mind. He informed the BSF, which started the operation that picked up in the morning.

The BSF has deployed very heavy machinery at the spot. However, things would be more clear with the arrival of experts from New Delhi tomorrow, who would go inside the tunnel to find it its exit route on Indian side and the starting points.

Sources, however, admitted that the tunnel had been dug from near Lambriyal Post of Rangers in Shakargarh area about 200 meters into Pakistan territory. They added that since the digging took place about 20 feet deep inside the earth, the BSF jawans at their forward posts were unable to detect it. They said the experts in digging the tunnels appeared to have executed the task going by the fact that the tunnel had been meticulously executed. The oxygen had been supplied to the workers through pipes. The same pipes had to be used to supply oxygen and fresh air to the infiltrators.

Sources admitted that it was very urgent for the security agencies to find out exit route of the tunnel, which they would try to ascertain at all costs immediately.

Worthwhile to mention here that a number of militants have been camping at the IB and LoC awaiting an opportunity to infiltrate into this side. However, all infiltration attempt at the LoC and IB have been foiled this year making the militants and their mentors in Pakistan Army and the Rangers jittery.

Finding unable to push the militants either from the LoC or the IB, the Pakistan Army appeared to have used the new technique of digging the underground tunnel to push the militants from the IB. Using the tunnel, Pakistan would have been able not only to infiltrate as many militants as they wanted but could have also used the tunnel during wartime had it not been detected.

Sources described the construction of underground tunnel as a "very serious development'' on the borders, which had the potential of being raised at very high level with Pakistan. External Affairs Minister SM Krishna is scheduled to travel to Pakistan in September.

According to sources, execution of such a large tunnel might have been going on for months together. They said the work right on the IB was not possible without active connivance of Pakistan Army, BSF and militant commanders. Moreover, some professionals in digging underground tunnels had been used for the task, they added.

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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by wig »

bid to disrupt Independence Day? Tunnel detected along Indo-Pak border It was noticed when land caved in due to rains
Barely 17 days ahead of Independence Day, the BSF has detected a tunnel being dug 25 feet below the ground along the Indo-Pak border near Chalyari border outpost in Samba sector thereby foiling a possible plan of the “enemy” to cause disruptions on August 15.

The tunnel, which probably started from Pakistani side, was detected 500 yards well within the Indian Territory.

The BSF mans 192-km international border.

“It all happened yesterday afternoon when BSF jawans on a patrol duty noticed that a big chunk of land had caved in due to rains near Chalyari BoP in Samba sector,” said a senior BSF officer.

Suspecting some foul play, the BSF jawans alerted senior officers. “Subsequently, when we pressed into service heavy machinery this morning and reached 25 feet below the ground, we came across a tunnel,” he added.

“Apparently, we have pre-empted a possible plan of the subversive elements. It is not possible to dig the tunnel 25 feet below the ground without the involvement of engineers. We have also found some air pipes inside the tunnel, which are used for supplying oxygen,” said the officer while hinting at the possible involvement of Pak Rangers.

“As of now, we can’t say anything about the length of the tunnel and whether it started from Pakistani side. It’s up to the experts now. But, it looks we have pre-empted a possible plan of the enemy,” he added.

Samba SSP Israr Khan said, “It appeared that the tunnel had originated some 400 meters on the other side of the border. Not only it had crossed the border but the barbed fence put up by the BSF and had entered 100 meters into our territory.”

Khan further said it would not have been possible to dig such a tunnel deep inside the ground without the involvement of Pak Rangers.

“It had not opened up on the surface in our territory but they must have used a good technology,” said the SSP.

Khan didn’t rule out the possibilities of involvement of some subversive elements on the Indian side.

“It is possible that some people on this side were guiding them about the direction of the tunnel. Going by the findings so far, it looks that the tunnel might have been started several months back, possibly with a sinister design to do something big on August 15,” said Khan.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by shyamd »

Surprised it took the pakis this long to catch up on this technique. I was expecting this news about 3 years ago.

US and Israel have been struggling with this for a long time
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by paramu »

The Soviet tried this in the east german to west german tunnel.
They used to keep sensors to monitor patrol force and and for survielance.

These tunnels can be used for groundbased warning system and connected to optic fibre system to create a border based screen based sensor map.

Pak has built a extensive fibre based network system thoughout the borders in the north
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by svinayak »

Stratacom in the late 90s had built the network for the Pak army near the borders. One of the company guy I met during that time mentioned to me
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by jamwal »

From Al Hundi
Our paradise is lost... forever

Poshmal is playing in her crèche, while her dad is at work at the municipal corporation office. Right then, her mom had got up from her desk at the State tourism department office for lunch break. She had cooked batt, nadir-daal and dum-aaloo. That’s how her husband liked it for lunch. But then, just when she was about to eat the first morsel, she bumped into this colleague of hers, a 30-something lady. She whispers something into her ear and they exchange terrified looks.

Looks like she will break down any moment. But she struggles hard, maintains her composure and swears under her breath. She has no time to ponder over the entire calamity that has struck; she has no time to wonder how it all happened. All she can think of is her husband’s safety, his well-being. After all, the lady just told her that his name was on the hit list! And, of course, she spares a thought for her daughter, playing in the crèche, oblivious to the impending dangers outside.

Her head heavy with turbulent thoughts, she keeps back the food in the box and starts wrapping up quickly. The thought of her little daughter scares her even more. She hurries with the packing and leaves. Her steps are quick but her thoughts slow; trying to gather all that has happened in the past few weeks. She finally gets herself out of the office and starts pacing towards her daughter.

She wants to call her husband meanwhile but alas! That wasn’t the year of cellphones. She will have to wait for another hour before she reaches his office. Thinking so, she quickens her pace when suddenly she sees that temple. She had been going there right since her childhood. That place had been special to her but today she doesn’t stop to seek blessings, well there is no temple there now. It had been razed a few days ago, just a few remains are left now. She curses under her breath at one moment and the very next moment, her eyes are filled with tears.

Slowly and steadily, the feeling had begun to sink in. It wasn’t random killings of Kashmiri Pandits here and there. It was complete ethnic cleansing; a planned massacre of her community. The sense of fear had been in the air for quite some weeks now. After all, it wasn’t without reason that she had stopped wearing mangalsutra and vermilion. There was a reason why she had stopped bowing her head every time she passed a temple on the road.

There was a reason why her husband used to leave for work at different times every single day and return home at odd hours. Her mother-in-law had stopped going out to buy grocery and the brave grandma preferred staying indoors. The family members would go off to sleep every night listening to the blaring sounds coming from loudspeakers. The life-threatening announcements scared her.

But she still went off to sleep like that on countless nights. But one morning, her heart heavy with fear, she was just outside her room when she saw her neighbour come out. She wanted to speak to her. They had been friends for quite some years now, or that’s what she thought at least. But sadly, Naseem just looked away; like she had never known her. That was when she knew, it was all over. Her homeland, her birthplace, her home, everything would soon be lost! She had hoped to see her neighbours, her friends, protest against whatever was happening but they chose to remain silent!

That moment scared her. She was still thinking about it when a sudden gunshot brought her back to her senses. She rushed to the crèche. Poshmal was still there doing her antics in the cot. She picked her up, ran out of there, went to her husband’s office, trying to keep a straight face. She didn’t trust anyone anymore. She did not want anyone to see the surge of her emotions, the feeling of being betrayed, that feeling of being rendered homeless, the feeling of hatred, and the biggest of all, that feeling of knowing that all she could take with her were her family members.

She walked up to her husband and gave him the news. They exchanged grim looks and left hurriedly. And yet again! While on their way back, they saw their small temple, the Vitaal Bharavi mandir, still not destroyed. The legend was no thief could ever enter that area surrounding the temple and it had held true all these years, but then how were these murderers allowed to come in? Who were they to throw them out of their homeland? Calling them kafirs and making death announcements over speakers; asking them to choose between bullets and their homeland, their sweet homes, their temples, their birthplace, their beautiful memories of a lifetime.

The couple looked at the deity and then at each other and walked past it. They went home, and even before the elders started asking them any question, they started packing up. Poshmal’s dad started giving instructions to all, quickly moving around the house and looking out of the window every now and then. He would see a few army jawans here and there. It gave him confidence. He said to himself, “I will get my family alive out of here.”

Thinking so, he got busy again, and all of them were done in a few hours. After all, they did not have a lot to take along, nor did they have the time to wait any longer. It was 10 in the night already. They had to leave under cover of darkness with the jawans posted there to make sure that the Pandits were taken to safer places.
Every Kashmiri Pandit I know talks about the hostility of Kashmiri Muslims and targeted killings led on by these two-faced rats. Still WKKs keep on smoking that dope called Kashmiriyat where KM would have stopped the migration onlee if KPs had not listened o Jagmohan and trusted their Muslim brethren :roll:
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by jamwal »

4 Muslims including 3 school teachers rape an armyman's daughter in Rajauri who later committed suicide http://bit.ly/N8ec1p
A 16-year-old girl in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district committed suicide after she was allegedly gangraped by four persons. What’s more, three of the alleged rapists are her teachers. The police

arrested all four on Wednesday, two days after the girl — daughter of an armyman — died
after consuming poison.

Rajouri superintendent of police Mubassir Latief identified the accused as government schoolteacher Mohammad Zafar, his son Waseem and two others. “The medical examination has been conducted. We are awaiting the report to confirm the allegation of rape,” Latief said.

The police said Zafar also ran a private school in the girl’s village, Khagal, about 150km from Jammu city. His son was an administrator at the school. The two other accused are teacher Aurangzeb and part-time teacher Mohmmad Iftikhar.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Vikas »

Kashmiriat is nothing but euphemism for Muslim dominance and Hindu Dhimi-ism. And lets top this crap about sufi's and their mazars. It is only Hindus who visit such places. Show me Muslims visiting Shankracharya or Ksheer bhavani temple except for the intent of defiling it and converting it into a mosque.
For dope smoking wkk, it is all peachy to speak in praise of Kashmiriyat as long as they get to live in the protection of GoI in some VIP enclave while visiting Switzerland and London for vacations.
Kasmiriyat my foot which did not let shelters to be built for Yatris to Amarnath.

Most of us have seen the face of evil in those dark days and it looked like the neighborhood KM. For all of the KP's, Jagmohan will always be treated as one of the defending saints of the Dharma.
She wants to call her husband meanwhile but alas! That wasn’t the year of cellphones. She will have to wait for another hour before she reaches his office. Thinking so, she quickens her pace when suddenly she sees that temple. She had been going there right since her childhood. That place had been special to her but today she doesn’t stop to seek blessings, well there is no temple there now. It had been razed a few days ago, just a few remains are left now. She curses under her breath at one moment and the very next moment, her eyes are filled with tears.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Yogi_G »

Is it common for people to be named Aurangazeb in Kashmir? I havent come across a single Aurangazeb thus far even though I have lived in a Muslim majority town and other general large Muslim inhabited areas across India.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by jamwal »

It isn't a common name. Knew one Saddam Hussein though
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by krithivas »

A man from Pakistani-administered Kashmir who entered India illegally is to apply for an Indian passport after officials said he could stay..................However, officials said he should be considered an Indian citizen as India claims all of Kashmir. The case is thought to be the first of its kind.
This is very interesting - LoC includes Mirpur?
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

Caught on CCTV cameras: Children used to carry out Sopore attacks
Jammu: Shocking visuals from CCTV cameras have brought to light a matter of grave concern for the Jammu and Kashmir administration. The footage, which has been accessed by NDTV, shows minors throwing grenades on a police post in Sopore last week. Three people were injured in the blast.

The footage shows two boys pushing a handcart and later taking cover while throwing a grenade at a police post and then escaping into a narrow lane.

The boys, aged 12 and 13, were picked up by the police after the CCTV footage captured their act. But, since they both are minors, they cannot be arrested; they can only be detained and questioned.

Police believes that there was one more young man involved in the act and are trying to find him as well.

According to sources, the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) is banking upon children now to carry out attacks on security forces. The children, sources say, are being paid just a few thousand rupees to carry out such acts.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

Ceasefire violations by Pakistan is happening on a very regular basis...much as their demands on financial freebies...

Pakistan violates ceasefire again, two BSF jawans injured in firing on Indian posts
Srinagar: In another ceasefire violation in less than 24 hours, Pakistani troops fired on Border Security Force (BSF) post tonight in the Hiranagar sector in Jammu. Two jawans were injured in the firing.

The Pakistani Rangers targetted an ambush post of the BSF with rockets and small arms. The firing continued for one and a half hours.

The injured jawans were shifted to Samba district hospital.

Yesterday, the Pakistani Rangers resorted to unprovoked firing at a BSF post in RS Pura sector in Jammu...
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by jamwal »

Hiranagar of all the places ? :-? WTF !! First that tunnel in Samba and now this. Pakis are really up to something this time. Perhaps they are trying to pull off another terrorist attack like Kanhachak and Kaluchak. I hope the army is a more pro-active this time.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by wig »

First exit found after 540 m tunnel inside Samba village * GSI to go ahead with work
A joint team of Geological Survey of India (GSI) and Border Security Force (BSF) today unearthed total length of about 540 meters of tunnel dug into Indian side by Pakistan from the Zero Line and reportedly found its exit point about half a kilometer short of Chechwal in Samba sector. The tunnel was also expected about 200 meters to 300 meters in Pakistan territory, most likely originating from near Lumberiyal post of the Rangers. However, the GSI team has requisitioned more sophisticated instruments to find out through the scientific way the construction of tunnel by the Pakistan authorities in a way that the BSF authorities deployed on the border and forward posts couldn't detect it though the entire activity took place about 25 feet deep inside the earth. Official sources told the Excelsior that a high level GSI team from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, which had started its task yesterday morning to detect total length and exit of the tunnel on Indian side at forward village of Chechwal in Samba sector, achieved a major breakthrough around 4 pm by detecting another major part of 140 meters tunnel dug on Indian side taking total length to 540 meters and also reportedly came across what could be its exit route

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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by BhairavP »

I know an Aurangzeb at work. One of my MBA batchmates was Yasir Arafat, from Kolkata.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by jamwal »

Kashmiri Muslim watchman kills young law graduate in a case of attempted rape
Pallavi Purkayastha, the daughter of Delhi-based senior bureaucrats, was found dead by her live-in partner Avik Sengupta in a pool of blood with her throat slit. She had multiple injuries on her face, hands and eyes, police said.

The couple-both law graduates-stayed on the 16th floor of the 20-storey Himalayan Heights. The Kashmiri watchman, 28-year-old Sajjad Pathan, was arrested after he confessed to the murder. He said he wanted to take revenge for the humiliation.

"He was upset with Pallavi after she had rebuked him a couple of days ago. He felt humiliated and wanted to take revenge. Finding her alone in the flat, Pathan molested her and also made an attempt to rape her," a crime branch officer said on condition of anonymity. Pathan was an employee of Ahmed Hamid Enterprises, a security services firm.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Aditya_V »

The problem was that just because she was in a Live in relationship, this chap thought she was easy and available? Now wait Hurri rats and Dilli Billis come out against punishing the poor Kashmiri
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Lalmohan »

the real experts in tunnelling are the north koreans, i wonder if some TOT has been taking place alongside the no dongs and Pu-bums cross flow?
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ramana »

Lalmohan wrote:the real experts in tunnelling are the north koreans, i wonder if some TOT has been taking place alongside the no dongs and Pu-bums cross flow?

I was thinking same way. Maybe the TSPA was emulating the NoKo tactics for infiltration.

I don't see the point of revealing all these findings? Is it hoping to shame them? They will claim non state djinns did it.

So far two tunnels. There could be more already underway.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by shyamd »

^^ They are late in this! I was expecting this news about 2 years ago (if memory serves me right, they did discover some bootleggers in the rajasthan border using a tunnel to get to the other side) From Amrika to Gaza to NK, tunnels have been used. I think that tunnel can't be more than a year old as they are prone to collapse after a certain time period as it happened.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by hulaku »

Currently enjoying the excellent weather in the Happy Valley after a long time.

Things seem to have changed, for one this place isn't as half as radicalized as I assumed it to be. Attended an Iftar party the other day and very conveniently there was a not so secret bar behind the main tent for people to enjoy their drinks. And 95% of the people in attendance were local KMs. They just cannot help it as the Liquor Shops in valley are closed during Ramzan.

Very few burkas, some Hijabs but most women go around freely and the number of female drivers have dramatically increased. No more fear physcosis in the air. All the Tourist money seems to have worked.

Met Yasin Malik the other day. Have spoken to a lot of people. Will keep you guys posted.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ashish raval »

^^ completely agree, jamwal here. Kashmiri Muslims do not want pundits back. I don't know why media is looking otherwise and trying to sing the crap of kashmiriyat. It is utter nonsense to run far from truth. There whole load of bollocks about Assam riots etc. how many Indians view parallels with Kashmir here, in 100 years times natives of assam will be minority and will lead to Kashmir of the east.
Pathetic state of governance by Sonia et al.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by chetak »

ashish raval wrote:^^ completely agree, jamwal here. Kashmiri Muslims do not want pundits back. I don't know why media is looking otherwise and trying to sing the crap of kashmiriyat. It is utter nonsense to run far from truth. There whole load of bollocks about Assam riots etc. how many Indians view parallels with Kashmir here, in 100 years times natives of assam will be minority and will lead to Kashmir of the east.
Pathetic state of governance by Sonia et al.

It is certainly not a coincidence.

There is marked policy being forced on us by the NAC and the associated mafia.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by shyamd »

http://www.timesnow.tv/Terror-posters-e ... 408177.cms

TIMES NOW finds Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Al-Qaeda poster warnings spreading terror in the Shopian area of South Kashmir. These posters are seen with the branding of terror groups LeT, Al-Qaeda and Mujahideen which are sending waves of terror across the district. The posters warn sarpanches to resign within a week or else they would be killed along with their families. The posters also warning parents not to send their daughters out without complete purda or else they would be defaced with acid. Further warnings issued barring girls from using mobile phones in public.

OA is silent about this.... this is a great chance to step up security presence in the area and let people carry on with their lives.