Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

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Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by archan »

Last page of previous thread.

The following links are background material on Pakistan.


Jinnah's Pakistan: An Interview with MA Jinnah, and how the Pakistan of Yesterday is the Pakistan of Today


The above is the testimony of Ashley Tellis on Jan 28th 2009, to the US Senate Homeland Security Committee on LeT's global role. It is a good articulation of LeT's past and future trends.

Know Your Pakistan
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/MONITOR/I ... /Shiv.html

The Monkey Trap: A synopsis of Indo-Pak relations
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/MONITOR/I ... ayyam.html

PAKISTAN-FAILED STATE: an ebook that owes its origin and existence to BRF.

Whither Pakistan ? Growing Instability and Implications for India: an IDSA e-Book, July 2010

A landmark article that demolishes myths built up about Pakistan

Pakistani Role in Terrorism Against the U.S.A
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/MONITOR/I ... yanan.html

Pakistani Education, or how Pakistan became what it is: Curricula and textbooks in Pakistan
http://www.sdpi.org/publications/public ... 86-34.html#

Making Enemies, Creating Conflict: Pakistan's Crises of State and Society. A book written by Pakistanis on Pakistan.

Should Pakistan Be Broken Up? by Gul Agha

Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part I
http://pundita.blogspot.com/2009/12/ald ... art-1.html

Prof. Walter Russell Mead, "Pakistan's Failed National Strategy"
http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/ ... -strategy/

"Pakistan Is", by Barry Bearak in New York Times Magazine, December 7, 2003.
Brings out succinctly various facets of Pakistani perfidy, obsession, fundamentalism etc.
http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.h ... nted=print


The Ideologies of South Asian Jihadi Groups (Laskar-e-Taiba)
By Hussein Haqqani (journalist and Pak ambassador to US)
http://www.futureofmuslimworld.com/rese ... detail.asp

Lashkar-e-Taiba: Past Operations and Future Prospects, Stephen Tankel, April 2011
New America Foundation
http://newamerica.net/sites/newamerica. ... _LeT_0.pdf

Pakistani sponsoring of Terrorism
http://pak-terror.freeservers.com/Terro ... y_Tool.htm

Terror Map: The Pakistani Hand

Ethnic cleansing in Pakistan - a statistical analysis
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/MONITOR/I ... idhar.html

A chronicle of genocide by the Pakistan army

Documentary video evidence of Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EBKlIUbpc ... re=related
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xwwPbkyZV ... re=related

Inside Jihad - How Pakistan sponsors terrorists in India
http://www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/ ... r_sb1.html

Pakistan's Role in the Kashmir Insurgency - Op-ed by Rand's Peter Chalk

Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part II
http://pundita.blogspot.com/2009/12/ald ... -upon.html

http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/ ... nthrop.pdf

Pakistani Military Officers' Links with Jihadist Organizations


On the Frontier of Apocalypse: Christopher Hitchens seminal article on Pakistan today


A Slender Reed in Pakistan - Editorial in the Christian Science Monitor

Seymour Hersh Interview

Pakistan's Nuclear Crimes (Wash. Post editorial)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dy ... 2-2004Feb4


The Battle for Pakistan: Militancy and Conflict in Pakistan's Tribal Regions
http://counterterrorism.newamerica.net/ ... r_pakistan

BOOK REVIEW Fulcrum of Evil: ISI-CIA-Al Qaeda Nexus
http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/%5Cpap ... r1844.html

Article from Vinni Capelli - Foreign Policy Research Institute:
Containing Pakistan: Engaging the Raja-Mandala in South-Central Asia
http://www.fpri.org/orbis/5101/cappelli ... kistan.pdf

The videos are from this documentary: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/taliban/

A bomb at all cost By Ahmad Faruqui - a candid admission of the wars that Pakistan started against India.

Popular support for suicide bombings in pakistan.
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.as ... 008_pg12_1
Survey by university students in karachi say 50% of respondents support suicide bombings in kashmir.

"Descent into Chaos"
UC Berkeley Conversations with History, host Harry Kreisler talking with Pakistani Journalist Ahmed Rashid. 59 minutes 120 MB. It sums up Pakistan and lays bare all Pakistan's terrorist support and proliferation activities. **Note - he wants the US to solve Pakistan's Kashmir problem.

Pakistan on the brink: Video Link (must download)


Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto telling Bangladeshis to "Go to Hell": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dsxfyxa ... re=related

IDSA's weekly summary of Pak Urdu Press:

Five installment series by Kapil Komireddi published in Frum Forum

Part I. Nov 16, 2009. “Pakistan In Crisis”.

Part II. Nov 18. 2009. “Pakistan: Origins of A Failed State”.

Part III. Nov 18, 2009. “Pakistan: It Could Not Succeed Unless India Failed”.

Part IV. Dec 06, 2009. “Pakistan: A Mecca for Radical Islam”.

Part V. Dec. 07, 2009. “Pakistan’s Army: Building a Nation for Jihad

A perceptive blog on Pakistan: http://pak-watch.blogspot.com/

Declassified documents from US National Archives on Pakistan:


Admission of state sponsored terrorism by Pakistani authorities

see this Der Spigel Interview where Musharraf admits to that.

On 7th Nov in TimesNow Channel, Tasneem Noorani, a former Secretary of the Pakistani Interior Ministry, openly said that.

Kiyani called the Haqqanis as strategic assets.

In Dec. 2008, President Zardari himself admitted to ISI helping LeT. He said,"The links between the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency and the LeT were developed in the old days when dictators used to run the country. After the 9/11 terror attacks in the US, things have changed to a great extent"

In an address to bureaucrats in July 2009, President Zardari said: "Militants and extremists were deliberately created and nurtured as a policy to achieve some short-term tactical objectives. Let us be truthful to ourselves and make a candid admission of the realities. The terrorists of today were the heroes of yesteryears until 9/11 occurred and they began to haunt us as well"

In Nov. 2009, Prime Minister Gilani admitted to the support for terrorism by Musharraf as "running with the hares and hunting with the hounds".

When Bush warned the Pakistanis in August 2008 of their support to Al Qaeda, Afrasiab Khattak, President of Awami National Party (ANP) said this: "The question is why it has taken the Americans so long to see what the ISI is doing. We’ve been telling them for years but they wouldn’t buy it.". See here.

In an interview to the BBC as far back as on Feb. 13, 1994, Benazir Bhutto admitted how she handed over to Rajiv Gandhi the complete list of Sikh activists colluding with the ISI in terrorism in the Punjab. Later, Nawaz Sharif described this interview as a faux pas.

Apart from these, of course, numerous Pakistani commentators, analysts, and editors have openly admitted to terror as a state policy.

A Venn diagram, by Shiv, to illustrate the commonality and difference between "bad Taliban" and Jinnah's Pakistan.

Why Did Pakistan's Spy Chief Make a Secret Trip to China?
Pasha's China trip has been interpreted by some as a tacit act of defiance—a reminder to his American counterparts that the Pakistanis can always look east to their “all-weather” friend across the Himalayas rather than bend the knee to the will of the U.S.

But it also may be a sign of China's growing disquiet with Pakistan. Another top-ranking Pakistani military officer, Lt. Gen Wahid Arshad, had already conducted a considerable tour of China just weeks ago in a bid to improve ties. A few analysts have suggested that Pasha's trip — couched in vague terms about building a “broad-based strategic dialogue” — may have been less a visit and more of a summons.
Chinese officials claimed the attacks in Kashgar were authored by the shadowy East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a jihadist organization of mostly ethnic Uighurs, a Turkic Muslim minority that comprises the majority in the far-western Chinese region of Xinjiang. China routinely invokes the specter of the terrorist threat when cracking down on dissent in the restive region. Yet disturbances there tend to be triggered more often by social discontent — many Uighurs chafe at state policies they deem discriminatory and marginalizing — than militant connivance. Pasha's presence in Beijing may mark Beijing's continued efforts to root out Uighur dissidents and sympathizers beyond China's borders, as it has already done in Kazakhstan.
Youtube video: Bilatakalluf with Tahif Gora: Tarek Fateh dissects with Pakjabi society and shows how its war-impotent Army loots the common Pakistani (Jan 13, 2012)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Prem »

Poaq Poaqunddran Pakhandan
Russian bear and the Paki fly
F.S.Azz Assuddin
Ironically, Pakistan is the only Grand Duchy in modern times that has nuclear capability. We are a nuclear power, but one that is all dressed up with nowhere to go.Being a member of an exclusive if talkative club of nuclear powers, one would have imagined that Pakistan might have improved its relationships with fellow members. However, we have managed to run into arguments with all who matter. With the United States over Waziristan, with China over Gwadar, with India over almost everything, and now with Russia over President Putin’s abortive visit.For the past 65 years, every Pakistani leader from Liaquat Ali Khan to Asif Zardari has learned that the Russians style of negotiations is to offer a velvet handshake in an iron glove. The first offer of a steel mill in the 1950s — spurned it is said by Liaquat Ali Khan on US instructions — created an atmosphere of suspicion and unmasked hostility that festered for decades, bursting open during the East Pakistan crisis in 1971.Two years later, Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto laid the foundation stone of the present Pakistan Steel Mills (PASMIC). He knew more than anyone else that it was the price the USSR had exacted from Pakistan for the Simla Agreement.The supply terms of PASMIC were as one-sided as the Treaty of Versailles of 1919. We selected a steel mill of Russia’s choice, we agreed to pay for it in instalments linked to the international price of gold, and we bound ourselves to using coal as its raw material, importing from countries as close as Australia. The USSR’s plan may have been to encourage exports of coal from India to Pakistan. India still relies on local coal for more than 50 per cent of its power generation. Economically, that would have made sense; politically, it was and remains a non-starter.President Putin’s now cancelled visit to Pakistan on Oct 2 would have been the first by a Russian president since 1947. For it to have been included in his crowded calendar was a deliberate statement of intent by the Russian leadership that it seeks better relations with countries in its region. His offer of Russian support for PASMIC and strategic projects represented Russia’s keenness to permeate Pakistan’s economy, gradually sharing if not supplanting Chinese interests here.His cancellation can only be interpreted as a rejection of Pakistan’s professed status as an ‘independent’ nuclear power. To the Russian bear, we are back to being a noisy, vexatious bee whose honey is not worth the effort.ecause the Russians own or control most of the non-Arab hydrocarbon resources in this part of the world, common sense and self-interest would dictate that we take Russia more seriously than we do. The visit by army chief Gen Kayani will be treated by the Kremlin as a courtesy, not an act of contrition. Throughout the history of our relations, the Russians have given us cause to remember that to exclude them is to forfeit their confidence. To ignore them is to invite retribution. Not today, not tomorrow, but at a time and place of Russia’s choosing. The Russians have long arms and even longer memories.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by BijuShet »

From Dawn (opinion piece - posted in full). It recounts events of 1970 prior to Bangladesh and sees parallel with present day Balochistan. One more article in a long series in TSP newspapers all waiting for Balochistan to separate in the near future. Loha garam hai but where is the hatoda (and who has it)???
Why East & West never met
From the Newspaper | Khurram Husain | 17 hours ago

IN the tumultuous March of 1970, the Planning Commission convened an advisory panel of economists from East and West Pakistan to provide input to the outline of the Fourth Five-Year Plan. The panel consisted of 12 economists, six from each wing, and held six meetings in three different cities.

The panel could not come to an agreement regarding important questions of growing regional disparities in Pakistan, and as a result split into two different groups. The economists from East Pakistan went off in a group led by Mazharul Haq who was the chairman of the panel, while their West Pakistani colleagues worked separately to produce their own report.

As a result, two separate reports were submitted to the government from the same panel. East and West never had a meeting of minds on the crucial questions of their time, and their tortured attempts to communicate with each other makes for grievous reading, and deserves to be quoted at length.

“The future of the nation, indeed its very survival, hinges on whether the benefits and burdens of economic development can be shared equitably by the people of all the regions,” wrote the East Pakistani economists in the opening pages of their report.

The authors regretted that the panel was forced to split into two, saying “our differences were fundamental, touching, we felt, the very sense of the crisis the nation is passing through”.

Regional disparities lay at the heart of the crisis and could be seen in ever-widening disparities in per capita incomes, in the East’s share in government expenditure, in private investment, in the marginal saving rate ‘imposed’ on the eastern wing, in the utilisation of foreign aid and export proceeds and many other areas.

This growing disparity could only be redressed “by reversing the past ratios of regional allocation of total expenditures in favour of East Pakistan” in the Fourth Plan, the authors argued, urging that delay in this reallocation would only make the eventual adjustment more difficult.

“The problem is already acute now as a drastic reversal of policy will cause a sudden retardation of the growth rate in West Pakistan,” the report states, showing the sensitivity the authors had to the constraints faced by their colleagues from the West wing.

“We have proposed merely that the Fourth Plan allocation between East and West Pakistan be made in proportion to population,” they wrote, arguing that even this was an insufficient step and would require a bigger thrust in the subsequent Fifth Plan. “Our colleagues from West Pakistan, however, could not be persuaded to agree even to our moderate proposal.

“We could not communicate with each other adequately as to the urgency of removal of disparity,” they complained, adding that in moderating their demands, the West Pakistanis “were asking East Pakistan not only to forget the past inequities … but to wait for a long time to reach parity…. [and] to assume a disproportionate burden of the effort to build a more harmonious nation”.

The West Pakistani economists, in their separate report, did acknowledge the “considerable political sentiment” that the issue of regional disparity had created within the country, but expressed their helplessness to address the issue in the time allowed by one Five-Year Plan.

We, the members of the panel from West Pakistan felt that our colleagues from East Pakistan were starting from certain rigid political parameters, and were not willing to give due consideration to the very real economic problems which would be faced by West Pakistan if a very sudden and sharp further reduction in the investment ratio of that wing were to take place,” they wrote.

“We further believe strongly that protecting growth in West Pakistan to the extent advocated by us is in the overall national interest” wrote the authors. “We understand and sympathise with the impatience of our colleagues. This impatience has grown as a result of failure of past attempts to arrest the growth of inter-wing disparity.”

The “impatience” of the East Pakistani economists grew out of a long history. In a separate appendix attached to their report, they noted that “East Pakistan’s long ridge of protest” began in the debates around the inception of the First Plan, and continued through the Second and Third Plan, and the first and second finance commissions.

“The irony is that, in essence, the East Pakistani members of this panel are not saying anything new,” they wrote and added that in 1962, during the finance commission discussions, their call for a more “harmonious national development” not only fell on deaf ears, but the then deputy chairman of the Planning Commission, “referred to some of the East Pakistani economists as ‘minions of foreign powers’ in a widely publicised radio broadcast”.

When submitting the Fourth Plan in July 1970, Mr M.M. Ahmed, then deputy chairman of the Planning Commission, made no mention of the split that had developed in the panel, saying only that drafting the plan has “been a difficult exercise”.

And then, in two sentences he added that “t was gratifying for the Planning Commission that the recommendations finally made by it found unanimous approval of the National Economic Council. It is our earnest hope that the Fourth National Plan will find enthusiastic support both within the country and abroad.”

Less than a year later, the outcome of a national election was annulled and military action was ordered in the eastern wing. The earnest hopes of a gratified Mr Ahmed were dashed, and the worst fears of the East Pakistani economists had materialised as Pakistan began its final lap to a blood-soaked, rubble-strewn dismemberment.

Less than 10 months later, the flag of Bangladesh was hoisted atop the very buildings in Dacca where the economists of the eastern wing had earlier formulated their complaint.

“Will an impatient nation give us yet another chance?” the East economists had asked in closing their report. There was no more patience. There were no further chances.

The question of regional disparities is back vis-à-vis Balochistan. This time it’s more complicated since the disparities are not only economic. Let’s not walk down that road all over again.

The writer is a Karachi-based journalist covering business and economic policy.

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by BijuShet »

From Dawn (news article - posted in full).
Pakistanis happier than Indians and Americans: survey
From the Newspaper | Our Correspondent | 17 hours ago

WASHINGTON, Oct 3: Pakistanis, in general, are happier about their lives than both Indians and Americans, says a survey released on Wednesday.

The Happy Planet Index 2012 ranks Pakistan 16th among 151 countries, ahead of both India and the United States ranked 32nd and 105th respectively.

The HPI measures human wellbeing and environmental impact of a country’s development to determine its rank. The index was introduced in July 2006 by a British NGO, the New Economics Foundation, which also has a branch in the United States.The HPI 2012 ranked Costa Rica as the happiest country in the world, followed by Vietnam and Colombia.

Costa Rica has consistently been among the top Latin American countries in the Human Development Index, ranked 69th in the world in 2011. In 2010, UNDP cited Costa Rica as one of the countries that have attained much higher human development than other countries at the same income levels.

And in 2011, UNDP included it among good performers on environmental sustainability, with a better record on human development and inequality than the median of their region. It was also the only country to meet all five criteria established to measure environmental sustainability.

Costa Rica is ranked fifth in the world, and first among the Americas, in the 2012 Environmental Performance Index.

Costa Rica constitutionally abolished its army permanently in 1949. It is the only Latin American country among the world’s 22 older democracies.

The Happy Planet Index is calculated using life expectancy, wellbeing and ecological footprint of the countries with data collected from various sources including UNDP and Gallup.

The life expectancy and experienced wellbeing of Pakistan was found to be mediocre, but the ecological footprint was termed “good”. The total HPI of Pakistan was calculated at 54.1.

Israel landed just one spot above Pakistan, with “good” life expectancy and wellbeing, but a “poor” ecological footprint.

Bangladesh was higher up on the scale at 11, with the first two factors termed mediocre and the footprint as “good”.

India showed mediocre life expectancy and wellbeing but a “good” ecological footprint. India’s total HPI was 50.9.

The United States scored low because of its ecological footprint which was worse than the “poor” category. The life expectancy and well-being were, however, ranked “good”.Afghanistan was ranked 109.

The countries which landed at the bottom of the Happiness Index were mostly from Sub-Saharan Africa.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by BijuShet »

From Dawn (news article - posted in full).
Nadra’s disclosure: Over 2m rich pay no taxes
From the Newspaper | Mubarak Zeb Khan | 19 hours ago

Data gleaned from known sources identified 2.38 million people who live in palatial houses, own luxury cars, travel abroad frequently, possess arms, hold multiple bank accounts and pay hefty utility bills, but pay no income tax. — File Photo

ISLAMABAD: There are 2.38 million people in the country who are rolling in wealth, but do not figure on the tax roll at all. They are tax evaders — except for the taxes deducted at source.

Nearly three million people possess a National Tax Number (NTN), but only 1.4 million of them filed income tax returns last year.

Data gleaned from known sources identified 2.38 million people who live in palatial houses, own luxury cars, travel abroad frequently, possess arms, hold multiple bank accounts and pay hefty utility bills, but pay no income tax.

The statistics, compiled by the National Database and Registration Authority, also reveal that tax officials don’t bother to bring these rich people into the tax net, ignoring the fact that one cannot buy a new car without producing NTN.

Section 181 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, allows commissioners of income tax to register a person who earns a taxable income and there are about 90 commissioners across the country.

No wonder Pakistan is known for its low level of compliance with income tax rules and international donors want the country to widen its tax base before asking the world for more aid and help.

Ironically, the Federal Board of Revenue has already borrowed more than $153 million from donors for reforms in its tax machinery.

Now after carrying out its reform process for over eight years, the FBR still needs an amnesty scheme to bring these influential people into the tax net.

Although Nadra has identified some potential tax evaders, tax officials posted in 19 regional tax offices across the country did not bother to pursue them.

Even more interesting is the fact that there are 1.611 million people who frequently embark on international tours but do not pay a single penny as income tax.

About 584,730 Pakistanis have multiple accounts in domestic and multinational banks, but do not possess NTNs.

The FBR has bound banks to deduct a meagre amount of less than one per cent at source less tax on cash withdrawals of more than Rs50,000 in a day, but it doesn’t issue notices to bring them under the tax net.

Over 56,000 people live in posh areas and more than 20,000 people own luxury cars, but pay no income tax.

It is a fact that prices of a plot of land are in millions of rupees in posh areas of Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar, but income tax officers don’t bother to trace the buyers of these plots and make them pay income tax.

There are 66,736 individual consumers who pay large utility bills, but no income tax.

More than 13,000 people have licences of both prohibited and non-prohibited weapons, but they do not possess an NTN.

There are 25,130 people who are engaged in lucrative professions like medicine, engineering, law and chartered accountancy, but they do not pay a single penny as income tax.

Despite these facts, revenue collection has increased over the past few years, but an official told Dawn that it had become possible because of rupee devaluation, rise in the rate of withholding taxes and some increase in government spending.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by dnivas »

last page to previous thread is incorrect. correct link is
http://forums.bharat-rakshak.com/viewto ... start=2840
Last edited by archan on 05 Oct 2012 05:55, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: thanx, fixed.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by ranjbe »

Inflation must be hurting Zardarisaab's puchaspercenti earnings. Pakistan has upped fees for international calls by 200%. A discount calling company has sent this e-mail to its US customers:

"Dear YYYY,

The government of Pakistan has ordered a substantial increase in the cost of completing international phone calls in Pakistan effective Oct 1 2012. This change will affect all carriers providing service to Pakistan.

As a result, we must raise the rate we charge for calls to Pakistan to cover the tremendous increase in our costs. Therefore, as of Oct 3 2012, the XXXX rate for calls to Pakistan will increase from the very low current rate of 3.5 cents per minute to 11 cents per minute.

We at XXXX continue to strive to provide you with the highest quality service at the most competitive price possible. And, as always, we will keep looking for ways to reduce our costs and pass savings on to you.

Thank you.

The XXXX Team"
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Nandu »

Great take down of that lifafa drones study from "Stanford and NYU". http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.as ... 2012_pg3_2
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by BijuShet »

From Tribune (news article - posted in full). CJ of TSP SC keeps expanding his footprint into the political space. One of these days someone may clip his wings.
SC makes office of President a party to Asghar Khan case
By Web Desk - Published: October 4, 2012

A letter has been sent to office of Presid­ent inform­ing that they have been made a party.

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court accepted the request of Salman Akram Raja, the counsel of former air chief air marshal (retd) Asghar Khan, to make the President of Pakistan a party in a case pertaining to the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) financing politicians in the 1990 elections, Express News reported.

The court stated that a copy of the order be sent to the President’s principal secretary to inform them that they have been made a party.

A five-member bench, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry was hearing the case.

The defense secretary submitted a signed letter in the court, in which he maintained that there was no political cell operating in the ISI.

The chief justice observed that there should be no political cell operating in the President House because the president is the head of a country and also the commander of armed forces.

Justice Chaudhry said that the documents obtained by the court reveal that there was a political cell working under the supervision of former president Ghulam Ishaq Khan in the President House during elections in 1990s.

The chief justice added that meetings were also held between former president Farooq Leghari, former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and Naseerullah Babar regarding the cell.

The court adjourned the hearing till October 15.

Read full text of the court order here.

Correction: An earlier version of the article incorrectly stated that Zardari was made a respondent, however, it was the office of the President which was made a party.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by BijuShet »

From Tribune (news article - posted in full). TSP Def Min denies existance of a ISI Political cell. Will this satify the CJ of TSP SC?
No political cell in ISI, SC told
By Azam Khan - Published: October 4, 2012

Defence ministry submits statement in the Asghar Khan case; dissatisfied, CJ summons interior, defence secretaries.

ISLAMABAD: In a startling denial, defence authorities informed the apex court on Wednesday that no political cell exists in the country’s premier intelligence agency.

The ministry of defence, in a written statement submitted at the Supreme Court, stated that no political cell is currently operating in any department of the defence ministry.

A three-judge bench of the apex court, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, was hearing the 1996 petition filed by former air chief air marshal (retd) Asghar Khan, who had accused the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of financing politicians in the 1990 elections.

The bench, however, reminded the ministry’s counsel that a statement submitted in 1997 had affirmed the existence of a political cell in the ISI.

Dissatisfied by the ministry’s statement, the court decided to summon the defence and interior secretaries again.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik, who was present in the courtroom, assured the bench that he will ask both secretaries to appear before the court.

Lack of interest
Commander Shahbaz, Director Legal at the defence ministry, told the bench that the ministry had confirmed the information from the ISI before submitting its response.

Justice Chaudhry asked him to submit the statement, regarding the non-existence of a political cell in the ISI, duly signed by the defence secretary.

“It is a matter of concern for us to see lack of interest on the part of the executive and defence authorities in this case,” the chief justice said.

It is the task of executive authorities to ensure the implementation of court’s judgments but the situation here appears to be otherwise, he added. Justice Chaudhry said he wondered how he could refer this case of financial misappropriation involving top public officials to the National Accountability Bureau, since nothing has been done in the earlier referred cases of rental power projects, illegal appointment of the Ogra chief, and Nato container cases.

Earlier confirmations
During previous hearings, the attorney general was asked by the court to produce the notification of the formation of a political cell in the ISI, but to no avail.

Akram Sheikh, representing former army chief Gen (retd) Mirza Aslam Beg, had said that in 1997, then-cabinet secretary, Hassan Raza Pasha, had placed certain documents on record before the then-Supreme Court bench.

The documents, according to Sheikh, might have contained the notification regarding the setting up of the political cell.

Meanwhile, ISI’s former director general Lt Gen (retd) Asad Durrani had also submitted a summary that was sent to former premier Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto for the formation of a political cell in ISI.

Deliver the judgment
Salman Akram Raja, counsel for Asghar Khan, asked the bench to deliver its judgment and then leave the task of implementation to the executive authorities.

Raja called for an apex court order to armed forces’ personnel to not obey illegal orders of the high command.

He also called for disciplinary action against officials who violated their oath.

The court will take up the case again on Thursday.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 4th, 2012.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Brad Goodman »

Sunil Gavaskar denies reports of his involvement with PPL
NEW DELHI: Former India captain Sunil Gavaskar on Thursday denied his involvement with the proposed Pakistan Premier League as has been reported in a section of the media, saying nothing of this sort was on the table when he had a brief meeting with PCB chief Zaka Ashraf in Colombo.

A report by the Associated Press of Pakistan on Wednesday said that Gavaskar pledged his support to Ashraf in organising the proposed PPL and has accepted the Pakistan Cricket Board's invitation to visit the country.

Gavaskar said in a statement that he met Ashraf along with former Pakistan captain Wasim Akram at the lobby of the hotel in Colombo and during a brief conversation he was invited to watch the T20 tournament when it is held and there was nothing transpired more than that.

"I happened to meet Mr Zaka Ashraf and Wasim Akram in the lobby of the hotel where I had
gone for lunch with a friend. That's when they mentioned that they were planning a Pakistani Premier League. I wished them all the best for it and they invited me to watch it. That is the beginning and the end of the brief conversation in the lobby of the hotel," Gavaskar said in the statement

The report had said that Ashraf held meetings with Gavaskar and Akram to seek their expertise in holding the proposed Twenty20 league and the former India cricketer assured his all out support to make the event a big success. But, Gavaskar denied having had a discussion like this.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Suppiah »

It is good if TSp starts its own T20 league..that should take away the WKK case for including their terrorists in our leagues. Paki board itself may ban it.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Dilbu »

Suppiah wrote:It is good if TSp starts its own T20 league..that should take away the WKK case for including their terrorists in our leagues. Paki board itself may ban it.
And D bhai can spend his money locally rather than pumping it here through Bwood.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Suppiah »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Raja Bose »

What else to expect from the Pakis. :rotfl: When they have had no good news for the last 50 years, all they can do is manufacture them.

1st, it was LinkedIn opening an office in Pakistan - DENIED.
After that, it was Putin visiting Pakistan - DENIED.
Now, it is Sunil Gavaskar helping set up the PPL - DENIED.

:rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by partha »

Raja Bose wrote:
What else to expect from the Pakis. :rotfl: When they have had no good news for the last 50 years, all they can do is manufacture them.

1st, it was LinkedIn opening an office in Pakistan - DENIED.
After that, it was Putin visiting Pakistan - DENIED.
Now, it is Sunil Gavaskar helping set up the PPL - DENIED.

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Japan offering $4B funding for Basha dam - DENIED.
Bill Gates inviting Pakistani student - DENIED (http://www.thenewstribe.com/2012/05/28/ ... G50Yfl27cY)
Bangladesh Cricket Board agreeing to tour Pakistan - DENIED (http://cricket.yahoo.com/news/bcb-chief ... 08451.html)
Salman Khan and Katrina attending Pakistani awards function - DENIED (http://tribune.com.pk/story/405801/katr ... situation/)

SG involvement in PPL should be the best :rotfl:
Looking at the state of Pakistan, I won't be surprised if Jinnah comes back from the grave and denies having created Pakistan. :rotfl:
Last edited by partha on 05 Oct 2012 11:16, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by partha »

This Associated Press Of Pakistan seems to be the biggest troll of all the news agencies in the world!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by SSridhar »

PM's visit hinges on progress of 26/11 - Ranjan Mathai
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh would like to see “substantive” progress on action against the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attack before he visited Pakistan, said Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai on Thursday. “The Prime Minister has said he is looking forward to the visit, but wants substantive progress on Pakistan’s action against perpetrators of the Mumbai attack,” he said answering questions after delivering a keynote address at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) as part of the Fifth IISS-MEA Foreign Policy Dialogue.

Mr. Mathai said that some progress had been made in trade and people-to-people relations with Pakistan, but “not much progress has been made in other areas”.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Raja Bose »

This article is a keeper. The grammar is 500% BENIS material :rotfl:

http://www.thenewstribe.com/2012/05/28/ ... G6Ao016usF
Lahore: Microsoft Pakistan office has denied the report that Bill Gates , founder of Microsoft, had invited Shayan Akhtar who claimed to set a record as world’s youngest certified student.
There is no such invite sent to student of Okara when we checked the reports with head office in USA. Even, we are tracing the records of the person which are not available at the moment with us.
Earlier it was reported in media reports t that Gates has invited Shayan over his highest score in the certification.
Official in Microsoft Pakistan said that invitation of Bill Gates is an extraordinary news from the company therefore it contacted with head office in USA for authentication but found no such thing which was claimed by the student earlier in the media.
If student has credentials to prove its ability and success in the Microsoft Professional Certificate Program, these can be made him as the youngest professionals if documents are not fake, he added.
The news has been made a controversy after another student, Ammar Afzal, claimed to be a genius and youngest students with different certifications but his all credentials were reported fake later on and the company had become cautious for keeping an eye on such reports.
However the news of recording making and breaking by youngest Pakistanis in the field of IT seem to be true as Arfa Kareem secured a record earlier in her brief life and become hall of fame after meeting with Bill Gates. :rotfl:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by habal »

Can anyone explain why after 10:00 all the soldiers manning the ship PNS Shamsheer put on white masks when appearing on camera. At 9:34, the first guy wizens up and starts to put on a mask, then the virus spreads like fire. Look how they stare at the camera and then violently fling their unmasked chehre away. At 9:40 the whole crew is busy donning pardah.

very shady characters. Are they hiding their faces from their neighbours in Karachi ? PNS mein ladkon ka bhi pardah hain kya ?

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by shiv »

partha wrote:
Raja Bose wrote: What else to expect from the Pakis. :rotfl: When they have had no good news for the last 50 years, all they can do is manufacture them.

1st, it was LinkedIn opening an office in Pakistan - DENIED.
After that, it was Putin visiting Pakistan - DENIED.
Now, it is Sunil Gavaskar helping set up the PPL - DENIED.

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Japan offering $4B funding for Basha dam - DENIED.
Bill Gates inviting Pakistani student - DENIED (http://www.thenewstribe.com/2012/05/28/ ... G50Yfl27cY)
Bangladesh Cricket Board agreeing to tour Pakistan - DENIED (http://cricket.yahoo.com/news/bcb-chief ... 08451.html)
Salman Khan and Katrina attending Pakistani awards function - DENIED (http://tribune.com.pk/story/405801/katr ... situation/)

SG involvement in PPL should be the best :rotfl:
Looking at the state of Pakistan, I won't be surprised if Jinnah comes back from the grave and denies having created Pakistan. :rotfl:
This is an interesting pisko-commentary on Pakistan. The denials usually appear on non Paki media, but the original fake news appears in Paki media

That means that Pakistanis pretend to maintain a semblance of normality or a pretence of dealing with the high and mighty. It seems to be an echandee issue. Unless they fake the news, every Paki will soon guess that his God given Islamic paradise of Pakistan is actually a urinal into which everyone pisses.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Kashi »

An old news that recently recirculated due to the hugama over Pakis holding dual-nationality
Pakistani politician got paid £1,000 a month in UK benefits

As the governor of Sindh province in Pakistan, Dr Ishrat-Ul-Ebad Khan
lives in a mansion in the state capital while being waited on by servants and chauffeured in Mercedes limousines.
Yet, while enjoying the perks of his position, Dr Khan was for 10 months the recipient of money from the benefits system, including income support worth about £1,000 a month.
Taxpayers also funded the £244-a-week rent on a house in north-west London, that Dr Khan keeps as a base for his family in Britain. His wife, Shaheena, also received benefits because she had been diagnosed with a "stress disorder". Extra money was added to allow for Dr Khan, who did not have a job, as her full-time carer.
When confronted by The Sunday Telegraph, Dr Khan, who has four children, admitted receiving benefits to which he was not entitled :D since taking up his position as governor three years ago but insisted that he had paid back the money.
Khan, who trained at Sindh Medical College in Karachi, came to Britain in 1992 as an asylum seeker. Following the acceptance of his asylum claim in 1999...In May 1999, they began claiming income support, which also entitled him to other payments, such as housing benefit.
Goes on to show how beghairat this qaum is. I am certain he is justifying it as jaziya in Pakhanaland.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by anupmisra »

Kashi, you missed the best part. In summary: A paki asylum seeker with a medical degree and living on the dole in the YUK becomes the governor of a major state in nutsland. How often does that happen?
Kashi wrote:Khan came to Britain in 1992 as an asylum seeker. Following the acceptance of his asylum claim in 1999...In May 1999, they began claiming income support, which also entitled him to other payments, such as housing benefit.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Kashi »

anupmisra wrote:Kashi, you missed the best part. In summary: A paki asylum seeker with a medical degree and living on the dole in the YUK becomes the governor of a major state in nutsland. How often does that happen?
It's the last para in the bit I quoted...trust me when it comes to Pakistaniyat, I rarerly miss their shenanigans :D

But you are right..that is indeed the best part and should have been higlighted.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by anupmisra »

Now, isn't this a kick on the collective paki HS&D? First the Russians deny that Putin ever planned on visiting pakiland while slamabad was being decked out to receive the new time-tested honored friend. Then soon after that denial, Putin goes ahead and plans this: Putin to Visit India in November.

A big :(( .
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by SSridhar »

So, the Taliban announce their decision, as promised, one day before the start of the Long March by jihadi Imran Khan & his PTI. They don't want him there.
Suicide bombers may target Khan's anti-drone rally
Authorities in northwest Pakistan warned that cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan's march against the US drone campaign could be targeted by suicide bombers even as a faction of the local Taliban expressed its opposition to the rally today.

Militant groups have reportedly sent nine suicide bombers to the area around Kotkai village in South Waziristan tribal region, where the march by the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf party will conclude on October 7.

These bombers could target those participating in the rally, government sources were quoted as saying by Geo News channel.

In a related development, an offshoot of the Pakistani Taliban today distributed a pamphlet in South Waziristan that warned Khan against organising the anti-drone rally in the region.

The Jaish-ul-Mujahideen al-Khilafat distributed the pamphlet in Urdu in the market of Tank town, which serves as the gateway to South Waziristan Agency, Newsweek Pakistan reported on its website.

The pamphlet threatened those participating in the rally with "unpleasant" consequences.

"We inform all and sundry that Imran Khan and the Pakistani Tehrik-e-Insaf is leading a protest rally into South Waziristan against drone strikes... He (Khan) has no sympathy with tribesmen and is merely staging a drama. He is an agent of Israel, the US and Britain," {jihadi Imran's piety & jihad are not good enough, after all}the pamphlet said.

It further claimed Khan was promoting Jewish and Christian propaganda through "the politics of drones."

It said: "We humbly request people not to participate in this rally otherwise, if something unpleasant happens and property and human losses are inflicted, Imran Khan will be responsible both in this world and also in hereafter."

Khan told a news conference in Islamabad yesterday that the march to South Waziristan would begin on October 6 despite security fears and doubts over whether the authorities would allow him to travel to the tribal belt.

However, he did suggest that the main gathering would take place wherever authorities intervened and stopped the rally - even if that was before the slated destination: Kotkai in South Waziristan.

Several commentators have questioned Khan's decision to march to South Waziristan and not to North Waziristan, which has witnessed more US drone strikes and is described as a stronghold of Taliban and Al Qaeda elements. :)

South Waziristan has been relatively peaceful since the army conducted a major offensive against the Taliban in the region in 2009.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Lalmohan »

someone must have said putin is due to visit south asia, thats probably what got the paks all excited
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Brad Goodman »

Here is more on H&D
Raina blames nephew for 'Pak shameless' tweet
Suresh Raina [ Images ] created a furore on a social-networking site when he called Pakistan "shameless" before deleting the offending tweet and clarifying that it was a prank by his nephew.

"Ek do din late gaye ghar !!!! Woh bhi besharam ki tarah Gaye... Bye bye Pakistan!!!!" [they went home a couple of days late, and that too shameless] read a post from Raina's Twitter account on Thursday, referring to Pakistan's ouster from the World T20 after their loss to Sri Lanka in the semi-finals.

Raina apologised on Friday, saying his nephew used his phone to post the message.

"Smart phones r dangerous. Discovered it last night after my nephew posted random tweets. I'm a sportsman and would never disrespect," he wrote.

"Though I already deleted it, I felt its better to clarify. To all those who r upset, I'm sorry. I'm not one to show disrespect," Raina added.

Users on Twitter were quick to spread the message, with several Pakistan cricket fans condemning the Indian all-rounder's action.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by rsingh »

Actually there are many more things denied to Bakisatan

Drone technology-DENIED
More water during drought and less water during floods-DENIED
Free passage to any country except Sudan-DENIED
Pipeline deal-DENIED
Face saving during Kargil-DENIED
Common sense-DENIED

On a serious note; people , specially in west tend to see the Russians as unruly,untactful bunch of drunks. This kind of thinking is stuffed in western mind and our western educated budhijeeves. Do not forget that they were the only serious challenge to unkil and his thugs. What made us think that Russia will abandon old relationship with India for relationship with sinkhole shistitan? They can have access to warm water port anytime they want through Iran. Russians have not forgotten Bakistani role in Afganistan during FSU days. There are thousands of "Afgantshi" (SU soldiers who fought in Afganistan). And then Bakistani role in Chechenia. Russians never forget enemy and they remember friend.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Oppression of Minorities in Pakistan thread.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a country self-claimed to have been created as a safe haven for the followers of Mohammaddenism residing in the Indian Sub-Continent, proves to be no such thing. Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden sectarian violence sees a Shia / Shiite musician and Mosque / Imambargah trustee shot dead in Karachi:

Famed musician falls prey to sectarian violence
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by nakul »

Russia slams US drone strikes in Pakistan
“It is not right to violate the sovereignty and integrity of any state. :rotfl: We fully support Pakistan’s stance,” Dawn quoted Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying at a joint news conference with his Pakistani counterpart Hina Rabbani Khar.

Lavrov arrived in Pakistan on Wednesday after Russian President Vladimir Putin's plan to travel to Islamabad was cancelled. :?:

Rabbani Khar, for her part, stressed that US terror drone attacks are not only “counterproductive, “but also “illegal” and “unlawful.”

Pakistani tribal regions are the target of US terror drones, with Washington claiming that its unmanned aircraft are targeting militants. However, casualty figures indicate that Pakistani civilians are the main victims of the assaults.

The killing of Pakistani civilians, including women and children, in the strikes has strained relations between Islamabad and Washington, prompting Pakistani officials to send warnings to the US administration over the assaults. :((

Despite Pakistani government’s repeated calls on Washington to end the drone attacks, the US government continues its strikes on the tribal regions of the country.

Addressing the 67th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari also said that US assassination drone strikes were counterproductive and asked Washington to end the strikes on the country’s tribal areas.

The aerial attacks were initiated by former US President George W. Bush, but have escalated under President Barack Obama.

The drone strikes have triggered massive anti-US demonstrations across Pakistan to condemn the United States violation of their national sovereignty. :-?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Aditya_V »

Smart- > I hope Pakistan rather than Nautani Protests deceided to take soem direct Action against Uncle and its miltary.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by archan »

rsingh wrote:Actually there are many more things denied to Bakisatan

Drone technology-DENIED
More water during drought and less water during floods-DENIED
Free passage to any country except Sudan-DENIED
Pipeline deal-DENIED
Face saving during Kargil-DENIED
Common sense-DENIED

On a serious note; people , specially in west tend to see the Russians as unruly,untactful bunch of drunks. This kind of thinking is stuffed in western mind and our western educated budhijeeves. Do not forget that they were the only serious challenge to unkil and his thugs. What made us think that Russia will abandon old relationship with India for relationship with sinkhole shistitan? They can have access to warm water port anytime they want through Iran. Russians have not forgotten Bakistani role in Afganistan during FSU days. There are thousands of "Afgantshi" (SU soldiers who fought in Afganistan). And then Bakistani role in Chechenia. Russians never forget enemy and they remember friend.
Most of all... Allah's wish .... DENIED
Pakis keep oging Insha'llah Insha'llah in every sentence they utter but He isn't willing well for them. The only hope is ghaas-wa-e-hind.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by jrjrao »

Hillary's latest certification to Congress is in.

Hillary says that yes, Munna is indeed a terrorist scum-pit, and that Munna's military continues to support "Islamic militant groups, al Qaida, the Afghan Taliban and other extremists" who are staging attacks in Afghanistan.

And yet Hillary has certified that she is waiving the legal restrictions that would have blocked some $2 billion in U.S. economic and military aid to Pakistan. Disbursing the funds, she said in an official notice, is “important to the national security interests of the United States.”Col. Hanif of IPRI would be pleased:

Pakistan freed of anti-terrorism obligations; U.S. billions flow instead

And on this same day that this is reported, we also have this on NBC news:

2,000 gone in Afghanistan: Did you notice the death of Sgt. Riley Stephens?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by SSridhar »

nakul wrote:
“It is not right to violate the sovereignty and integrity of any state. :rotfl: We fully support Pakistan’s stance,” Dawn quoted Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying at a joint news conference with his Pakistani counterpart Hina Rabbani Khar.
So, how long before this will be denied by the Russians ?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Anujan »

And this funny one:
NATO airstrike: Kerry to visit Pakistan with ‘formal apology’ 8)
http://tribune.com.pk/story/367375/nato ... l-apology/
Influential US senator would likely offer a formal public apology on behalf of the Obama Administration over the Nato airstrikes on a Pakistani check post in November last year.
One day later:
US apology further delayed {Note: it is going to come, just delayed.} :mrgreen:

One more day later:
Senator Kerry not planning visit to Pakistan: Spokesperson :((
http://tribune.com.pk/story/367976/kerr ... kesperson/
As opposed to previous reports of US senator John Kerry’s visit to Pakistan on US President Obama’s directive, the senator’s spokesperson Jodi Seth has claimed that no such visit has been scheduled, nor has the US president issued any such request.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Anujan »

There is a pisko reason for all this "Thing is going to happen", "Thing is delayed", "Thing is never going to happen, former 2 statements were a lie" thing in Pakiland.

In any country, there is a base-level of lying. Politicians lie that they will solve all your problems, defence lawyers lie that their clients didnt commit the crime, advertisements lie that if you drink bournvita you will jump 12 feet into the air and smash a volleyball. But the social discourse has rationality and truth too. In this context, people are attuned to what is a lie and what is not. We know politicians are lying, we know lawyers lie on behalf of their clients, we know advertisements lie.

In Pakiland on the other hand, they dont even know that they are lying. It is because everyone lies all the time so pervasively that lying has become the norm and the natural form of communication. That is the reason why Indians have such a hard time negotiating with Pakistanis. It is not that Pakistanis lie purposely, it is just that they are incapable of saying anything else!

The army plants stories against the civvies. The civvies plant stories against each other and against the public (Rehman Malik frequently claims that Karachi violence is due to a foreign hand), Judges plant stories, Media personalities plants stories (RAW/CIA/Mossad conspiracy revealed by Shoodars), Mullahs plant stories (Vaccination is a conspiracy by the Jews), Bureaucrats plant stories (IMF is going to release loan right now), Everyone plants stories against India (Kasab is not Pakistani), Diplomats plant stories (Paki UK diplomat initially claimed Osama was killed in a joint operation), Inquiry commission plants stories (Osama commission in Pakistan has said it is not clear if Osama ever lived in that compound), Spokesmen plants stories (Benazir sunroof lever), Sportsmen plant stories (I didnt fix match), Engineers plant stories (Here is a car that runs on water), Scientists plant stories (Samar Mubarakmand claiming Thar coal will generate 1 trillion billion gigawatts of electricity), Historians plant stories (We won against India in Kargil, 1965, 1971 and have been continuously winning), Textbook writers plant stories (Pakistan was founded in 100000 BC by Qasim and his camel).

Nobody knows what is true because nobody has heard any kind of truth in their life! Nobody even knows who killed Benazir (Some say taliban, Some say ISI, some say Zardari-Rehman Malik, some say Chaudharies of Gujrat, Some say Musharraf with appropriate news articles planted by parties which stand to gain). In this environment, not only do people make up conspiracies, normal rational people lose their ability to discriminate what is real and what is fake. They also think that there is no "one" truth and every statement is equally likely and you have a nation full of crazy people.

Anyone remember the made-up wikileaks in Pakistan which even Zafar Hilaly wrote an oped on? (he later apologized). Funny thing is he was Ambassador to Nigeria. Wonder who he gave his bank account numbers to :mrgreen:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by arun »

X Posted the India-US Strategic News and Discussion thread.

Praveen Swami tabulates in the Hindu the staggering extent to which the US has financed and supplied the Islamic Republic of Pakistan with weapons that improve its war fighting capability against India under the pretext of countering Mohammadden terrorism which in the first place has been fomented by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan itself:
Large parts of the U.S. aid (see chart) have been made up of military assistance — assistance many analysts have argued is used mainly to develop its capacities to fight a war with India. “For example,” the report states, “of the some $2.1 billion in Foreign Military Financing provided to Pakistan from FY2002-FY2010, more than half has been used by Islamabad to purchase weapons of limited use in the context of counter-terrorism.”

Pakistan has used the aid to purchase equipment that could be used in a war against India — among them, eight P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft valued at $747 million; six AN/TPS-77 surveillance radar used to locate artillery positions, worth $100 million; 6,312 anti-armour missiles worth another $100 million; and the USS McInerney, a missile frigate, which has received an $65 million refurbishment.

In addition, the aid has part-funded 60 midlife kits for Pakistan’s F-16A/B combat jets, accounting for $477 million of the $891-million cost.
From here:

U.S. waived counter-terror conditions for aid to Pakistan, new official report states
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Prem »

Pakistani Rupee dips all time low against dollarKARACHI: The rupee sank to an all-time low against dollar Friday on high oil prices and forex reserve fears as the country repaid nearly $100.5 million on October 2 to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).High demand of dollar in the inter-bank market was seen eroding rupee value even today, as it was seen traded highest of high at Rs95.48 against dollar.
While Indian Ruppe appreciated 8% in last few weeks
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Oct 4 2012

Post by Prem »

From Russia with love
http://dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?pa ... 2012_pg3_1
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is in Islamabad to meet his counterpart, Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar and other senior members of the ruling administration, including Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf. Many things have been discussed and issues have been put forth to start searching for solutions in what looks ready to be a new strategic relationship, one that has been eluding Pakistan and Russia for decades, especially since our decisive role in the Cold War, which saw the Soviet Union defeated in its designs on Afghanistan. Ms Khar and Mr Lavrov were on the same page during their talks when it came to condemning US drone strikes as unlawful and against the sovereignty of the country, and counter-productive means in the war on terror.This trip by the Russian foreign minister is no ordinary visit. Pakistan was originally expecting Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit this week in what would have been the first visit of a Russian head of state to Pakistan. This was an extremely anticipated visit, one that was raising the eyebrows of many an international observer. However, Putin cancelled the trip, citing a tight domestic schedule. This started off a round of speculation and crazed theories both at home and abroad. It seems that Sergei Lavrov’s hastily arranged two-day trip has been to reassure Pakistan that Russia has still left the door open for full strategic and economic relations, signalling a new era of foreign policy and alliances with promises of the Russian president visiting Pakistan very soon.In a rather unique ‘coincidence’, COAS General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani is in Russia meeting his Russian counterparts and discussing different aspects of military cooperation between the two nations. No doubt, a lot of effort is being put into rectifying any fallout from Putin’s cancelled visit and discussing all aspects of a post-2014 Afghanistan
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