Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by kapilrdave »

Shonu wrote: +1!
Exactly, the venom was set in from the start. Nehru learnt from the British how to divide and rule the population. After independence, there was no longer a "single enemy" as before (Brits). So they had to create one. But how do you create one out of thin air? Hence he decided to start dividing hindus based on caste - remember the widespread anti-brahminism?. Hindus were foolish enough to fall for this. We are paying for it even today and will continue for generations to come. A friend of mine who has links to BJP says even RSS has gone quiet these days. Until this realisation dawns upon people, they will continue down this path, and i fear that by the time they realise, it will be too late.
RSS does not need to 'realize' anything. RSS is and has been throughout its history making Hindus realize this fact, albeit by its own way. Just because RSS is not shouting on loud speakers about this - which is useless anyways - it doesn't mean that they are not working on it. Anyone familier with RSS philosophy would know that its very base is about bridging the social gaps among Hindus. Their Swayam Sewaks visit each other's house regularly and maintain homely relation with each other - irrespective of caste. Their sub-org like Vanvasi Kalyan Kendra work in tribal areas for Scheduled Tribes and help them in everywhich way. This org is created specifically to check the proselytism in these areas. Churchs find these people low hanging fruit because they are mostly detached from the upper castes and also they can keep doing this silently. RSS has had a great success in this area and are now able to even re-convert some of them back to Hindu.

Another area where RSS is working is against BSP's Baudhism. BSP has worked in great depth with little success as yet to convert SC & ST into Boudhsm. Just for vote bank. They even claim that Dr. Ambedkar was a Boudhist! They are failing because of RSS.

If RSS was of no use, then why would congis and leftists would cry foul about them?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Yagnasri »

I think 63. Dont worry sir. Except for EV Magic the chances of INC getting near 100 are very less. The only danger may be 3rd front which will be plan B of mafia. BJP should just try to get 175-200 seats and rest will fall in place.

Please do not under estimate RSS. Being from the Sangh I can tell you we do not shout what we really think. The basic aim is building the individual (as per Hindu ideas) and later society. When given option to express all Hindus except city crezys all are speaking Indic values - Just see online. Only thing is to convert it to votes. Just like the task of Shivaji the present day task is also great and takes time.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Arjun »

johneeG wrote:I know of people who voted to congress just to teach a lesson to BJP not to give up on Hindutva.
The only set of folks with even lower IQ than the Dynasty and its chelas must be the Hindutvavadis who voted Congress to teach a 'lesson' to BJP ! Did they consider that the Congress would teach them a lesson 100x times more forceful than the one they 'taught' the BJP?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by anmol »

Chindu's take:
Rahul’s day out

In the season of electoral hardsell, Rahul Gandhi has chosen to portray his party, government and himself as they are, warts and all. Not surprisingly, the pundits are tearing their hair: What could be the strategy behind a potential Prime Minister telling his voters not to entertain any hopes from him? Indeed, there were puzzling aspects to Rahulspeak, the platform for which was provided by India Inc. The Congress vice-president made no business pitch to the captains of industry as might have been expected of a political leader newly appointed to a strategic position in the ruling party. No invitation to invest, no assurances to ease the red tape, and no pleas for support. If this was odd, odder still was the Congress second-in-command’s refusal to woo the electorate with the kind of largesse and promises mandatorily handed out ahead of a critically important general election. Rahul’s speech was like a soliloquy: it was as if he was throwing questions at himself, exploring his own dilemmas, doubts and weaknesses and concluding that perhaps there were no answers.

Rahul might have been a philosopher contemplating the mysteries of the world rather than a hard-nosed politician fighting to save his battered party and government from the prospect of defeat. To put it another way, he might have been a Congress malcontent wishing doom on the UPA government. How else could one explain his assertion that if Manmohan Singh was expected to “solve our problems, it is not going to happen?” The VIP politician critiqued the existing system for closing its doors on the ordinary people with their phenomenal capabilities but offered no roadmap for their future inclusion in decision-making. If there is a method in this seeming madness, it can only be that Rahul is consciously playing the outsider to escape the misdeeds of a regime of which he is a part. Admittedly he holds no post in government. But the Congress has ruled India the longest, and the Nehru-Gandhi clan has given us three Prime Ministers. And though Sonia Gandhi passed up the opportunity to be the fourth on the list, she is widely viewed as the power behind Prime Minister Singh’s shaky throne. So it stretches credulity that Rahul should speak as if he were a disenchanted voter angered and fatigued by the government’s remoteness from his everyday problems. On the other hand, sacrifice and aloofness are qualities that have proved in the past to be attractive to the Indian polity. The more the clan members run away from power and position, the more apparently their mystique. But can detachment by itself deliver votes when the competition is in the form of a very determined Narendra Modi?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by member_23629 »

Votes for what? Brits transferred the power to Nehru and Jinnah. Thats that. Where do Hindus come into the equation.
The Brits did not "transfer" power to Gandhi and Nehru just like that on a silver platter -- a proper procedure was followed to ascertain the will of the people.

I am talking about the extremely crucial elections to provincial assemblies that were held in late 1945 and early 1946 after the War. The Brits were bound to discuss the issue of Indian Independence with the leaders of the winning parties. Hindu Mahasabha was defeated in these provincial elections and taken out of the picture completely. Congress and Muslim League romped home. The members of the provincial legislative assemblies thus elected then went on to elect the members of the Constituent Assembly later that year.

Realising the importance of the provincial elections, Hindu Mahasabha had campaigned hard asking Hindus to vote for them so that they can protect their interests. If Hindus had supported Hindu Mahasabha leaders during these elections instead of Gandhi and Nehru, the history and constitution of India would have been different. Savarkar was a hard-nosed bargainer and would have screwed Jinnah in negotiations for independence.
Meanwhile the elections to the central Legislative Assembly had been held and the complete results became available towards the end of December 1945. The Congress won with a huge majority and was able to sweep the polls for the non-Muslim seats. The Leagues managed to win all the 30 seats reserved for the Muslims. The results of the provincial election held in early 1946 were not different. Congress won most of the non-Muslim seats while Muslim League captured approximately 95 percent of the Muslim seats. Both parties celebrated their victories and the Central Election Board of the Congress on 6 January 1946 declared that the Congress was the most representative organization in the country. Link
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by kapilrdave »

Just as we speak about it...

Today's BJP does not match with my idea: Advani
New Delhi: On the occasion of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s 33rd Foundation Day celebrations taking place here, senior BJP leader LK Advani on Saturday said that the party should not feel sorry about its role in the Ayodhya movement.

The BJP should, however, take pride in its stand on the issue, said the veteran leader.

Commenting on the Samajwadi Party’s chief remark when he had hailed the BJP patriarch a few days ago, Advani said: "When people heard Mulayam Singh praising me, they raised concern. I believe if you say the right thing, the world will accept it. Don't hesitate... don't develop an inferiority complex. If we believe in Ayodhya (temple issue) and carried out an 'andolan' for it, don't be apologetic about it... never... we should take pride in it."

Notably, Advani is the man behind the Ram Janmabhoomi movement which led to the demolition of the Babri mosque at Ayodhya in December 1992.

Speaking at the function, Advani told the audience that keeping in mind what is going on within the party, "today's BJP is different from my idea of the party".

The senior leader further insisted there should be no compromise with indiscipline and corruption. "Things that I get to hear these days do not match with my idea of the BJP. I am deliberately raking this issue up today because I believe that this party can benefit the country a lot. But the country cannot be benefitted just by winning state elections, we have to have the policy of complete intolerance towards indiscipline and corruption," he added.
Why does he keep raising the issue of corruption within the party? Whom he is referring to? Yeddi chapter is already closed. Whom is he pointing to? He is becoming bit too awkward.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vijayk »

^^ the plan is to make sure Modi does not bring yeddi back into the fold.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Muppalla »

Advani, Vijay Goel and Uma Bharati had given ambiguous statements and interviews in the last few days.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by anmol »

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RajeshA »

Chandragupta wrote:
kapilrdave wrote:Call me a Hindu fanatic but I find even NM less interested in Hinduism and more in economics these days. In Guj he has not done any particular favor to Hindus (godhra was not a favor). But I think he is practicing his Raj Dharma very well which is good enough for me.
I tend to agree with that. From the looks of it, unless somebody here has access to the man himself, it seems like Modi is not really a Hindutva person i.e. in the mould of Hindutva that has more fans here at BR (including moi). He looks as if he leans right because he is 100% secular dharmic while the opposition is Left-Islamo-Christist. I don't think in the perfect scenario, Modi would be a right wing leader.

He may not explicitly do favors to Hindus and honestly, we don't want that, but he instills a sense of pride in the karmabhoomi & openly projects & propagates desi culture which in itself is a victory for Hindus. In my opinion, he is not the person who will take the fight to Islam & Christianity but Islamists & Evanjehadis. He also looks capable of Indianizing Islam & turning India into a dharmabhoomi for Indian Muslims. Apart from that, I don't think Modi will do anything and more importantly, apart from this, I doubt the Hindus have stomach for - currently.

If Modi is not elected in the next LSE and we get another 5-10 years of Congress rule, then the idea of Modi will cease to be relevant. In 2024 elections, we will need a Savarkar, not Modi.
Modi IS the Savarkar for 21st century. Modi may not be too much into temples and redeeming pride by recreating those anew. However Modi is most definitely into recreating the temples of the mind.

Modi has on many occasions spoken highly of reviving Sanskrit and Sanskriti and Bharatiyata.

It is my personal opinion that before RJB is built for civilizational reasons, mind you political reasons can be different, but for civilizational reasons, it is important that the people of Bharat begin to appreciate really the depth of Bharatiya Sanskriti and Bharatiya history. So instead of building we should be doing more digging - both in the ground and intellectually.

Why are so many diverse foreign ideologies in Bharat so prevalent and even popular? It is because Bharatiyata is hidden below the surface where not everybody can see it. Academically it is kept out of the classes, archaeologically it is kept beneath the ground. In such an environment how can Bharatiyata shine!

However should it start shining, its brilliance would shake the intellectual pillars of Mankind. What Modi has to do is to make Bharatiyata shine again!

Once Bharatiyata shines again, the Indian Muslims themselves would fall over each other to build Ram Janambhoomi!
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

Modi as PM is like detonating an atomic weapon on the corrupt political class. All these ch*tiyas who have kept Bharat shackled to the ground under secularism and leftism are going to be vaporized. It's no wonder that some Congressites in the NDA want to pull him down.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RajeshA »

johneeG wrote:Votes for what? Brits transferred the power to Nehru and Jinnah. Thats that. Where do Hindus come into the equation. Brits recognized Gandhi as the representative of Indians/Hindus and kongress as the representative of Indians/hindus. Brits recongnized Jinnah as the representative of muslims and ML as representative of muslims. It was a deal between these people. No one else comes into the equation. Hindus, certainly, are no where in this equation.

Hindus were influenced by the prevailing propaganda of that time. Anyway, I think the popularity of these figures is being over-estimated. Most of the Indians, I think, were not really aware of the actual stands of these figures.

After independence, Nehru wiped out all the competition and created a sycophantic environment. Most of the contemporaries of Nehru had died or retired early into Nehru's tenure. People were exposed to ceaseless propaganda. Nehru was projected in a larger than life image. It is this propaganda that seems to have deified Gandhi and Nehru in India. Nehru's image took a beating with 62. And that created situation for the end of his long raj.
Basically everything happened in a controlled environment - the Brits, Nehru, Jinnah! All three parties were on the same page. If the Brits wanted to build up Nehru, then one could say even Kashmir was a means. An external aggression against an Indian national interest, i.e. Pakistan attacking Kashmir, went into propping up Nehru's credentials among the Indian people. Nationalism of the Indian people was channelized to Nehru as one gathers around one's leaders.

Both MKG's assassination and Pakistani aggression into Kashmir were means to consolidate British interests in the Subcontinent, JLN in the Delhi gaddi, and Pakistani Army in Pakistan!

The real Hindu orgs like Hindu Mahasabha, RSS, and Hindu leaders in the INC got sidelined. Nehru rose! The Brits were really good at politics.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krisna »

twitter quotes
Madhu Kishwar ‏@madhukishwar 4 Apr

@AgaAniket I have read Teesta for years but have not spoken to her in recent months. I will try interviewing her towards the end of my study
Modinama seems to be the beginning. Madhu based on her tweets seems to be on fire, with a mission.
Can understand now the cbi/It and other congi dept have acted with great urgency on her.
will have to see what teesta has to say- how Madhu Kishwar will write on her. Good luck to her.
fun to watch in the coming weeks.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vijayk »

Arjun wrote:Modi Vs Gandhi

Good article, and this is this million-dollar question in everyone's minds:
Why is a man like RahulG, who is reluctant to take on any responsibility, doesn’t want any accountability, is not seeking to be PM and doesn’t even think he can solve any problems being touted as a contestant against Narendra Modi? If Modi were the Apple, it’s not even an Orange to Apple comparison it’s a Peanut to Apple comparison which no sensible person would ever make. This is quite intriguing.
Rahul Gandhi is just a decoy to make the country believe it’s NaMo V RaGa. It is not!
I am not sure he even carried his own bag to school considering he had home tuitions at some point. He does have other experiences of people being killed in his family which can be devastating. But did that make him a tougher man? I don’t know because I haven’t seen any signs of anything from the man. So for the MSM and their “intellectuals” to suggest that RG showed a ‘broad vision’ during his speech at the CII on April 4 must take extraordinary wisdom or predictable ass-licking. These guys fail to see what ordinary Indians can plainly see.

Rajdeep Sardesai, Meghnad Desai, S. Varadarajan and many more have been desperate to cover up the lack of intelligence or vision from RG. I am discounting politicians since their views will be politically coloured. It is fun to laugh at his gaffes like Girish the painter or carpenter or Rani ki Jhansi or India being a Beehive but there is something far more dangerous. Is India some kind of toy that some dimwit kid can play with? This is the serious question both the Congress party and the media will need to honestly answer.
There is nothing about RG that suggests he has learnt anything about India. Nobody even knows where he is half the time. His parliamentary attendance is probably among the worst. And some in the media find this guy “inspirational”? I guess slavery hasn’t ended yet in India. RG visits a slum woman and her kids. One of them aspires to be an IAS officer and our little boy says “Not happening”! They find this inspirational? And then he tells the audience nobody is gonna come riding on a horse. Does he believe Indians are stupid enough to wait for the Knight in shining armour who will come to their emotional rescue? That is a Mick Jagger fantasy. He refers to The Buddha as a "gentleman from Bihar who changed Japan 3000 years ago" as if The Buddha was a regular cabinet colleague. That's how "Indian" he is!
Why is a man like RahulG, who is reluctant to take on any responsibility, doesn’t want any accountability, is not seeking to be PM and doesn’t even think he can solve any problems being touted as a contestant against Narendra Modi? If Modi were the Apple, it’s not even an Orange to Apple comparison it’s a Peanut to Apple comparison which no sensible person would ever make. This is quite intriguing. So suppose there is indeed a Modi V Gandhi contest I don’t think that Gandhi is Rahul Gandhi. That Gandhi pretty much remains Sonia Gandhi which her party and media are trying their best to mask. Rahul Gandhi is just a decoy to make the country believe it’s NaMo V RaGa. It is not!
Poor Rahul! Wittingly or unwittingly he is the sacrificial lamb for the ITALIAN MAFIA QUEEN.
Modi has rarely attacked any Congress member or even RahulG. His severest attacks have always been reserved for Sonia Gandhi. In the process of projecting a Rahul V Modi combat the media is cleverly again flanking SoniaG from all the attention. The slave media is sworn to protect their “crumbs-giver”. This helps to keep SoniaG from scrutiny and attention from the BJP and the general public. Clever, isn’t it? Many elections have proved beyond doubt that SoniaG remains the Congress’s best vote-catcher. Any exposure of SoniaG to any kind of attack or scrutiny can dent the prospects substantially. So throw in RahulG who aspires for nothing as the “defender” whom they hope Modi will challenge.
In the real Modi V Gandhi contest it’s not Rahul but Sonia Gandhi who will be the defender. Mark these words. If RahulG said “I am irrelevant” a bit thoughtfully, I believe he is right even politically and factually.
One of the comments:
Ravinarji - We need a comedy central John Stewart style of political commentary in English, Hindi and some regional channels such as Tamil/Telugu/Kannada etc to make people understand the lies of media crooks (sorry to steal your site name but that's perfect name for them).

Just make them laugh and educate them. Analyze the news and get the message across.

Probably we can leverage Youtube and social media network to distribute. any thoughts?
any thoughts? any one thinks it is doable?
Last edited by vijayk on 06 Apr 2013 19:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krisna »

twitter quotes
MediaCrooks ‏@mediacrooks 8h

If Modi is "Yamraj" ... SoniaG has "YumYum Raj" .. Nice!
:rotfl: :((
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vijayk »

MediaCrooks ‏@mediacrooks 5m
Congress ideology explained in one pic... Dont miss...


It would be funny if this is not true. But I can't even laugh
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krisna »


from twitter.
well known about pappu, getting overt confirmation about his abilities. :((
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SwamyG »

Modi testing waters in KA is good. It is not like BJP is going to clean sweep the elections, so KA is good to place to practice some speeches, ideas and tactics. If BJP does no good, then media will definitely question Modi's pan-Indian appeal. Big deal, they will forget that pretty soon as elections near. Sure it will move some fence sitters into INC's camp. It is the price to pay. Also, Modi and BJP can analyze and conduct postmortem.

Nothing is gained by keeping Modi shielded and safe to be used as a brahmastra for the final battle. If Modi can help get KA back into BJP camp, then it is good. Understanding the media and consequences is important, but running away is not the answer.

It is almost for sure that modi has impressed big and medium industrialists and investors. Time to check out small business, aam admin towns and villages.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krisna »

NaMo to address the rally today live
NaMo speech from 58 mts onwards.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SwamyG »

There is no point in picking small things from Rahul's speech. It is not the be all end all of things. Even in my company when we invite top executives from other departments or organizations, we ensure there are good questions. We invite online questions, and then also ensure the team that organizes the event has some interesting questions.

One needs to take the criticisms and appreciations with some salt. These industrialists are not going to win the elections for either party. Neither is the media picking who wrote whose speech, if Rahul should have worn briefs or boxers. Was his pajamas sheer or thick enough. The discussions in the social media world is getting petty and time pass onlee. And some of it only assuages BRFites already held notions both individuals.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krisna »

I disagree to some extent.
every potentail candidate should be micro dissected to the minutest detail to know their worth.
many a time if things are glossed over then a major catastrophe will occur with time.

Diamonds are formed in the bowels of earth it is never got easily. hard work is necessary to take it out of the earth.

Similarly if pappu improves due to this microdissection or any other congressi then it is worth it. if not throw them into dustbin of history.
1.2 billion indians deserve better than pappu or its clones
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vijayk » ... bjp-350931 ... 40191.html

India a beehive for Congress; mother for us: Modi

Looks like this statement by Modi is causing severe kujli and burning for PAID MEDIA at Headlines today, undyTV, CON/IB etc tripling the sales of Burnol.

CBI is investigating if the NaMO works for Burnol and receiving commissions for marketing the product.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RamaY »

RamaY wrote:Reading at various MMS statements on his 3rd term it looks like

MMS must have told Queen-termite that if they want to continue an appointed PM then he should continue as the PM instead of looking at PC/AKA/DR. Doggie raja must have got wind of this thought and that is why he made that comment about two power centers. To counter this MMS told media that if RahulPappu want to become the PM, he will make the seat vacant.

So MMS' message is clear. If RG is not ready then he will continue as PM. It should be either pappu or moorkh; no place for slavepiggis.
Looks like my guess is correct

Cong will fight 2014 polls under Sonia-Manmohan leadership: Digvijaya
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

SwamyG wrote:There is no point in picking small things from Rahul's speech. It is not the be all end all of things. Even in my company when we invite top executives from other departments or organizations, we ensure there are good questions. We invite online questions, and then also ensure the team that organizes the event has some interesting questions.

One needs to take the criticisms and appreciations with some salt. These industrialists are not going to win the elections for either party. Neither is the media picking who wrote whose speech, if Rahul should have worn briefs or boxers. Was his pajamas sheer or thick enough. The discussions in the social media world is getting petty and time pass onlee. And some of it only assuages BRFites already held notions both individuals.
Pappuji just entered the race. If he or his supporters can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Sanku »

SwamyG wrote:Modi testing waters in KA is good. ....
I agree. In any case, if he wants to take a bigger national role, he will campaign there next year.

Early learning would be useful.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Sushupti »

No comments

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vijayk » ... age=page-1

Great insight from great man. He summed it up all in one sentence.

Rahul Gandhi has made a strong case for rejecting the United Progressive Alliance in the coming election.
Rahul Gandhi painted it blacker in his CII speech when he said one man was not a solution to India’s myriad distresses. He meant Narendra Modi but he also reflected the Congress’s inherent lack of confidence which is why it is unable to discard the discredited model of two power centres. In the end, Narendra Modi may or may not be the man to lead India (this writer thinks he is), but to rule out forever the reemergence of a strong India with a firm Centre and an able prime minister smacks of defeatism. Rahul Gandhi is a defeatist. Narendra Modi is not.
When a government is elected decisively, it means it has the support of all sections of society, although the degree of support may vary. Just like the upper castes moved to the Samajwadi Party in the last Uttar Pradesh elections, the Muslims have redirected to the Bharatiya Janata Party in Gujarat. This is called tactical voting. You vote with the majority trend so that your voice is heard and you are not isolated. This happened with the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra earlier. What this suggests is that votebanks are no longer sacrosanct or cast in stone. They are mobile. They will in some cases blow with the wind.

The importance of this shift cannot be underestimated for re-forging a robust Centre with a prime minister who delivers. If political parties can project prime minister candidates with a transformational image, voters will be attracted to the best of them. Identity politics will not disappear because a settled phenomenon takes time to dissipate. But the change is upon us, which the Congress and its chief mascot, Rahul Gandhi, do not recognize or accept.
Aside from all his political economic successes as the chief minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi’s biggest advantage is that he does not have a dynastic background. Dynastic politics ultimately weakens individual leadership. Aware of this, Jawaharlal Nehru did not promote Indira Gandhi beyond a point. She became prime minister on her own steam. Not so with Rajiv Gandhi, who failed, and his son, anointed by his mother, has proved a bigger disaster. A “farce” is what Karl Marx calls such decline in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. And because Rahul Gandhi scares of leading, which is inevitable with his inadequacies, he declares India cannot be led by one person. But why not? What about Gandhi? What about the successful prime ministers?
Because the Nehru-Gandhis have no talent or vision for leadership, a puppet prime minister must be imposed on India. Rahul Gandhi’s contemporaries must be subservient to him despite the odd chance that one or two may be brighter than their boss. What the Nehru-Gandhis do to the Congress is their business, but the country must come out of their clutches. This is an entrepreneurial society and such societies are inherently creative. The United Progressive Alliance has choked that creativity. India needs a prime minister who can harness its entrepreneurial energies and lead it once again to greatness.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Sushupti »

kapilrdave wrote:
vijayk wrote: A collapse in the Muslim vote was important in the Left Front’s demise. Muslim divines regularly remind the present government of this. The Trinamool Congress wants to ensure a continued slice of this vote. In an unprecedented move, the government handed out monthly stipends to imams and muezzins to build a class of Muslim “community leaders” who eat out of its hand. The debt-ridden, vision-deficient government is unable to solve the problems that are common to the poor. It has wooed a section of the marginalised on the basis of religion by selective handouts. These are excellent as speech-making points masquerading as empathy. This also gives fillip to forces whose trajectories are not under usual political control.

This is not NEW. When these bloody scums call inclusive, this is what they mean! Freebies to looters and mullahs. The ITALIAN MAFIA and LEFTISTS terrorists are all same.
To be honest this happens (at country level) because of BJP's own indecisive nature towards Hindutva and Nationalism. The people of India are not fool. Hindus are not fool. It is just that there is no one who will actually take their side. There are parties all over jumping and falling over to appease muslims. So muslims will naturally go out and poll in unison to the one who gives them most. Whereas Hindus are left to choose from their own caste. Had BJP maintained their policy towards Hindutva, I bet the voters would have come over their caste based politics and voted for Hindutva. We saw this happening during Babri times. BJP came to power in the name of Ram but after coming to power they did not build the temple. They sweared by the name of Bhagvan Ram :eek: . Remember the slogan - Saugandh Ram Ki Khate Hai, Ham Mandir Wahi Banayenge (we swear by the name of Ram, we will build the temple at that very place)! I was among the huge mass who chanted this swear and was thoroughly disappointed by the inaction of BJP when in power. And over the period of time they completely gave up the Hindu idea. Hence the losses in 2004 and 2009 and at the state level.

IMO if BJP maintained their Hindutva agenda, there would have been lot of parties who just sheerout of competition would have cared for Hindus as well. At least they would think twice before appeasing muslims. But in recent times there was no real opposition to this appeasement. Even BJP is scared of pissing muslims by opposing these appeasements. No wonder there is no stopping to this appeasement. And LKA has been a disaster since babri.

There is little support to the dynasty across the country. There has always been anti congi and pro nationalistic mindset in India. Even in the pre independence era the nationalistic Hinduvadis were there in good numbers. RSS was the base for them. Even Nehru was unpopular among (true) intellectuals of that time. But the problem has always been the same. No one wanted the votes of Hindus.

If an honest survey is done across India, we can find that the core reason behind people's love for NM is that he is pro Hindu. Development comes second. Just imagine what would WB's Hindus be thinking by didi's such act quoted by vijayk. Now what choice the voters have about this? Just remove NM from the equation and think whom WB's Hindus will vote to? There is really no one who wants Hindu's votes! The so called political pundits just don't get this simple equation that there is a huge mass waiting to vote them but there is no taker :( .
You run the risk being declared virus if try to deviate BJP from inclusive path shown by Atal Ji and his minions. Blaming their own cowardice (gandphattupana) on the Hindus is hallmark of Nehruvian lobby in BJP.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

All these lefty journalists are jumping ship in groups now. They know the game is up for congress.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Murugan »

Narendra Modi has insulted bees and small insects by refuting Rahul-ji's analogy! Congi-jans are now trying to be in burqa for sometime!

(This is triple sundae)
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

These drones are just angry that leftists are losing steam because of Modi.
Hari Seldon
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Hari Seldon »

THis is downright sad...

Modi event's venue changed to ensure more seats
Industry body FICCI has changed the venue of Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi's address to its women's wing in order to accommodate a larger audience.

Modi is scheduled to address women on April 8 on the topic "Unleash the entrepreneur within: Exploring new avenues".

The programme, earlier arranged at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) auditorium in New Delhi, where the seating capacity is only 200-300, has now been moved to Le Meridien Hotel to accomodate more people.

Modi is scheduled to address members of three chambers of commerce of Kolkata on April 9 as well.
Sad for the paid media types, I mean...
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

RoyG wrote:

All these lefty journalists are jumping ship in groups now. They know the game is up for congress.
rakhoush • a day ago −
Abusive language being used in the video itself in the name of satire and ofcourse intellectualism drips from the fact that "six pack shacks ...of bevan..n ...lazy fat vs sports" n rubbish being the topic of debate. Huh...some people still believe, simply talking anything against cricket would give them the brownie points. 5 brownie points for the amazing effort and -5 for not even managing carrom at a decent level. Atleast Rahul's speech gave them something to start the chat with. I am sure they are thankful towards Rahul's effort. Overall a desperate attempt to have a phunn chat for sure without the pun in it. Thanks for posting the comment policy very clearly. ("Comment Policy: We encourage discussion and debate in our comments, among viewers and writers. However comments that are abusive or personal in nature, will be deleted.") I am sure, out of all the people the host definitely is not taking any criticism here. Is there a negative rating option here ? or are you just going to delete this.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Sanku »

If the Hindu decided to vote for obvious anti Hindu's because the party most aligned to them did not do enough -- the Hindus deserve it.


If Hindus can not understand how BJP in 98-2004 was changing the ground for Hindu's including the Ram temple (how and when did ASI did lot of pioneering work in discovery of Ram temple, SSC, the Hindu structures in Fatehput Sikri etc)

The so called Hindus cause proponents here, who can not open their mouth without uttering a foul word towards some in their camp (including those who made sure Modi got protected during hardest time) are the root cause of failing of Hindu causes.

This is the story of the Monkey, the fly and the King.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Sanku » ... 130406.htm

Modi takes on Rahul: India beehive for Cong, mother for BJP

"For you, this might be a beehive but for us this country is our mother. Hundred crore people of this country are our brothers and sisters. This is a sacred land of saints and seers. Atal Bihari Vajpayee used to say every particle of this land is Lord Shankar for us," Modi said.
Fascinating, I did not know this
Modi claimed the BJP is one of the rare parties, which came to power at the Centre in its "youth". In an interesting comparison, he said Britain's Labour Party had taken 80 years since its formation to achieve this.
Some food for thought for those who start bad mouthing BJP and RSS for failing.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Murugan »

I have posted many times and just discussed with family members that BJP started showing numbers in parliament post 1989 and it is a very young party. It came to centre first for 13 days, then for 13 months and then for a full term, and this cannot be counted as small achievement. Later many states were or are being run by them. This is significant since many big states size or population wise were/are ruled by them.

(though above achievements do not prove that BJP is great!)

They have miles to go and have to learn to behave.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chaanakya »

So next is 13 years

by that time congis would be finished
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by sourab_c »

I think that a lot of people underestimate the fact that a lot of our electorate lives in the dark and do not have access to the press, media, TV, radio etc (whether they have been left in the dark deliberately by 50 years of Congress rule is a completely different debate). They are oblivious to Modi or Rahul or anyone else. As one Congi rightly said, people vote for parties, not individuals. This is what concerns me. The voters who live in the dark and do not know any better. All it takes is a small donation of cash/food/alcohol by the local congi workers the night before the election day to get these voters to swing their way. The winning party would have to ensure they reach people hiding in every nook and cranny of this nation and not just the big city/town dwellers.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by VikramS »

sourab_c wrote:I think that a lot of people underestimate the fact that a lot of our electorate lives in the dark and do not have access to the press, media, TV, radio etc (whether they have been left in the dark deliberately by 50 years of Congress rule is a completely different debate). They are oblivious to Modi or Rahul or anyone else. As one Congi rightly said, people vote for parties, not individuals. This is what concerns me. The voters who live in the dark and do not know any better. All it takes is a small donation of cash/food/alcohol by the local congi workers the night before the election day to get these voters to swing their way. The winning party would have to ensure they reach people hiding in every nook and cranny of this nation and not just the big city/town dwellers.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krisna »

Sanku wrote: ... 130406.htm

Modi takes on Rahul: India beehive for Cong, mother for BJP

"For you, this might be a beehive but for us this country is our mother. Hundred crore people of this country are our brothers and sisters. This is a sacred land of saints and seers. Atal Bihari Vajpayee used to say every particle of this land is Lord Shankar for us," Modi said.
Fascinating, I did not know this
Modi claimed the BJP is one of the rare parties, which came to power at the Centre in its "youth". In an interesting comparison, he said Britain's Labour Party had taken 80 years since its formation to achieve this.

Some food for thought for those who start bad mouthing BJP and RSS for failing.
Amongst all politicians including our distinguished economist/PM MMS, no one has the facts and figures as NaMo has. This is one of the many hallmarks of NaMo.
Not only is he well versed with the local history, culture and traditions, also facts about Gujarat and India. Now he is displaying about inetrnational stuff like labour party in britain.
Amazing. It is also said that he has no speech writer but himself. So no one to tell him facts but self study.

wonder how he finds time amidst his busy schedule.
Hope India gets to know him better by making him repaying his debts to her (as PM) over and over again till another better PM material comes around.