J&K News and Discussion-2011

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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by JE Menon »

Mufti is playing politics. Its ok, he knows which side his bread is buttered on... He also needs to keep his head on his shoulders.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by chetak »

JE Menon wrote:Mufti is playing politics. Its ok, he knows which side his bread is buttered on... He also needs to keep his head on his shoulders.
smile sweetly and zip his mouth if still wants to keep his hand in the BJP pockets, no?? :wink:

He has to show to his paki masters that he is not scared of NaMo whereas the real question is whether the BJP is scared of mufti and prepared to shaft it's own Army??
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by JE Menon »

If he wanted to keep his hands in the BJP pockets, he would have praised the BJP. He wants to attract those still leaning to the hurryrats and make the noises which will keep Paks confused.

Clearly the BJP is shit scared of the Paks, will shaft the Indian army and sell all our nukes and other secrets to the Americans. Modi, Shah and Doval are traitors unlike us heroes on BRF, and will sell the country down the river for a few votes. The next time, those who can must vote AAP. Whatever the "real" question is, this must be the real answer...
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by arun »

Not clear if the below is what is in the Common Minimum Programme of the PDP and BJP coalition or not or is an indication of what could be the CMP when it does eventually come out as I have not seen any document so far that purports to be the unabridged CMP.

One thing is clear though, the PDP has shoehorned a lot more of its agenda into the CMP than the BJP has. The BJP has climbed down on Article 370, got somewhat on the backfoot regards AFSPA by agreeing to look into its continuance and had PDP agenda of CBM’s, reconciliation, talks (?) with Mohammadden separatists and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan rammed down its throat. The only agenda item the BJP seems to have forced into the CMP is the West Pakistan refugee issue.

K N Govindacharya, former ideologue of the BJP, may have been right when he was reported by Rediff (Clicky) as saying "I believe that if any alliance happen between PDP and BJP in Jammu and Kashmir it is absolutely immoral. Such alliances are short-term gain, long-term loss," :
Here are the highlights of the coalition government's stand on the key issues:

Armed Forces' Special Powers Act or AFSPA: The coalition government will thoroughly review security situation in state with a view to examine need and desirability of all the special laws being applied to state.

Article 370: While recognising the different positions of both parties the present position will be maintained on all the constitutional provisions including special status.

Dialogue with Hurriyat Conference: The coalition government will facilitate and initiate sustained dialogue with all internal stakeholders irrespective of their ideological views and leanings.

Peace process with Pakistan: The coalition government will be empowered to catalyse reconciliation and confidence-building within and across the Line of Control, thereby ensuring peace in the state.

Governance or political alliance: The PDP and the BJP have entered into a governance alliance based on an agreement and agenda which is an effort towards seeking national reconciliation on J&K.

West Pakistan Refugees: Will take measures for sustenance and livelihood of the West Pakistan refugees.
From NDTV:

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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by JE Menon »

Guys, even if everything else remains exactly as is, J&K remains in the same state as before the deal - the simple fact that BJP-PDP have formed a government in the state is historic, unprecedented and another small step up the ladder of reintegration. It will be like this, small step by small step, unless we are lucky and Pakistan gives an opportunity for a full on war.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Sagar G »

arun wrote:One thing is clear though, the PDP has shoehorned a lot more of its agenda into the CMP than the BJP has. The BJP has climbed down on Article 370, got somewhat on the backfoot regards AFSPA by agreeing to look into its continuance and had PDP agenda of CBM’s, reconciliation, talks (?) with Mohammadden separatists and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan rammed down its throat. The only agenda item the BJP seems to have forced into the CMP is the West Pakistan refugee issue.
Climbed down ??? BJP can't do shit about 370 till they don't get a majority in J&K assembly and the assembly then forwards it's request to the president for abolishing 370. To bypass this BJP will need absolute majority in both the houses of parliament so that it can change the damn constitution on it's own or trifurcates the state into three different states which will then make 370 redundant. Basically BJP needs absolute power to remove the 370 cancer from constitution.

Does BJP have absolute majority in J&K assembly ??? NO
Does BJP have absolute majority in both the houses of parliament ??? NO

So how the hell people expect BJP to abolish article 370 when they aren't willing to give BJP absolute power to do the same hain ???
Armed Forces' Special Powers Act or AFSPA: The coalition government will thoroughly review security situation in state with a view to examine need and desirability of all the special laws being applied to state. :rotfl:
Typical babugiri in full display, practically the arrangement in CMP has no assurance of scrapping the AFSPA and the central government ain't going to do it without Army's approval which isn't going to come because the filth in Kashmir wouldn't vanish any time soon.

Dialogue with Hurry Rats :lol: we already know how MAD has made them irrelevant so all BJP has agreed to is more chai biscuit sessions. Fulltoo trolling assured for the next six yrs. along with occasional danda as and when MAD decide.

The current arrangement isn't appealing to anyone but one thing is assured that with BJP's participation India isn't going to be sold out w.r.t. Kashmir and giving concessions to Islamic terrorists. The only practical approach that I see to remove the stranglehold of filthy jihadis over Jammu and Ladakh is by trifurcating that state and brining Kashmir under central rule with army given a much bigger danda to handle the filth there. To achieve this BJP needs majority on it's own in both the houses of parliament which is more achievable than full majority in J&K assembly.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by chetak »

JE Menon wrote:If he wanted to keep his hands in the BJP pockets, he would have praised the BJP. He wants to attract those still leaning to the hurryrats and make the noises which will keep Paks confused.

Clearly the BJP is shit scared of the Paks, will shaft the Indian army and sell all our nukes and other secrets to the Americans. Modi, Shah and Doval are traitors unlike us heroes on BRF, and will sell the country down the river for a few votes. The next time, those who can must vote AAP. Whatever the "real" question is, this must be the real answer...
So far it's only omar abdullah who has asked if the role played by the Army and other forces is being discounted because mufti said the the "pakis and the militants" "allowed" the elections to take place.

Did they also fix the voting to favor the mufti and his party??

In all this "allowing", omar abdullah's own role in the conduct of the peaceful elections is also being publicly discounted causing his already tattered image to be further damaged.

The BJP is quiet and news says that the BJP is "reacting cautiously"

one wonders if this is what the BJP had envisaged in it's eagerness to form the govt in J&K ?? The response to the mufti should have been short, swift and unequivocal. This timid response does not bode well for the BJP.

It is already a war of perception in J&K and the islamic lot know very well how to play that game and are fully supported by the BJP/NaMo hating Indian media. They have seen how the TN politicians had completely cornered the MMS govt on the SL issue and no reason why the J&K politicos should not try to similarly corner the NaMo govt on pakistan. Whether they actually succeed or not is not the issue currently but try they will, for sure, with the amrekis and the europeans loudly pitching in. More avoidable bad publicity for us.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by member_27987 »

If BJP had not put in their leg into Kashmir assembly, we sure would have gotten the entire Kashmir to agree for dissolution of 370. Damned BJP, how dare they make alliances and rule Kashmir! Hero of Kashmir, Omar-ji is the only one batting for the army - not withstanding how he insulted the army for rescuing Kashmiri's from the evil floods last year.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by pankajs »

The world is black and white only at the margins but for the most part it is various shades of gray.

Modi has made mistakes in the past and perhaps he will in the future but he has more political savvy than most of us on this board and he has the whole GOI machinery to back his play whatever it is. Lets give him sometime to do his work before we start judging the outcome. It is anyway a coalition of the opposites that will sooner or later disintegrate.

They key to watch out for is at the end of this joint rule if GOI/BJP has furthered its agenda. If it can it will have my thumbs up no matter what happens in the interim. I will not insist on every sentence, paragraph, comma and full-stop be per my preference.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by chetak »

pankajs wrote:The world is black and white only at the margins but for the most part it is various shades of gray.

Modi has made mistakes in the past and perhaps he will in the future but he has more political savvy than most of us on this board and he has the whole GOI machinery to back his play whatever it is. Lets give him sometime to do his work before we start judging the outcome. It is anyway a coalition of the opposites that will sooner or later disintegrate.

They key to watch out for is at the end of this joint rule if GOI/BJP has furthered its agenda. If it can it will have my thumbs up no matter what happens in the interim. I will not insist on every sentence, paragraph, comma and full-stop be per my preference.
No harm done. nothing that a swift kick, to the circumcised parts and associated assembly, will not fix.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Paul »

Looks like Omar Abdullah lost his virginity today.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by RamaY »

I agree with this guy. By "allowing" elections in JK all these terrorists accepted defeat.

@secular786: So Pak & Hurriyat gave up on J&K?

Mufti Sayeed says Pak, Hurriyat allowed conducive atmosphere for J-K polls
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Tuvaluan »

http://indianexpress.com/article/india/ ... -minister/

An ex-separatist is now BJP's choice for J&K cabinet...that is a big step for people, as should be clear to those who have seen the bad old days in J&K.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by devesh »

Contrary to the moronic belief that separatists have "given up", this is simply the next phase in their Jihadi agenda. Islamists world over have grown adept at infiltrating and manipulating democracies to do their bidding. BJP for its part has effectively destroyed their "abolish Article 370" agenda.

Joining hands with Jihadis and Islamists is never a good strategy for long term. All of us hoping this is some "chankian" move will be disappointed. IDEOLOGY is everything. the last man standing is he who holds on to his ideology steadfastly, not ever compromising.

BJP, at the first taste of short term political power, has compromised on its core agenda. they will pay a price for this. I increasingly think BJP is going the same way as INC.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by devesh »

By allying with PDP, BJP has effectively legitimized not just the past Jihad/separatism agenda of PDP. In fact, going forward, BJP will be hostage to whatever PDP does. If they decide to covertly support (or not go against) some dharna/rally of ISIS-flag-waving Jihadis at some point, what will BJP do? what will BJP's response be?

this is a blunder on so many levels...I cannot even begin to imagine the perversion within the top minds who can justify this as "coalition dharma".
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by RoyG »

devesh wrote:By allying with PDP, BJP has effectively legitimized not just the past Jihad/separatism agenda of PDP. In fact, going forward, BJP will be hostage to whatever PDP does. If they decide to covertly support (or not go against) some dharna/rally of ISIS-flag-waving Jihadis at some point, what will BJP do? what will BJP's response be?

this is a blunder on so many levels...I cannot even begin to imagine the perversion within the top minds who can justify this as "coalition dharma".
Are you seriously that naive? I assure you AFSPA wont be removed and there is no legitimization of separatism agenda of PDP. We're now picking up the pace in unshackling the economy. Things are slowly picking up pace on the opening up of the Kashmir economy to the rest of India and the free movement of people. The insurgency has really taken a bad hit. It's virtually neutralized except in a few border areas.

Just integrate the VALLEY with the rest of India. Jammu, Ladakh, and other areas of J&K are already with us. Let industry move in and give people jobs that add value by producing something that people actually need.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by devesh »

RoyG wrote:
devesh wrote:By allying with PDP, BJP has effectively legitimized not just the past Jihad/separatism agenda of PDP. In fact, going forward, BJP will be hostage to whatever PDP does. If they decide to covertly support (or not go against) some dharna/rally of ISIS-flag-waving Jihadis at some point, what will BJP do? what will BJP's response be?

this is a blunder on so many levels...I cannot even begin to imagine the perversion within the top minds who can justify this as "coalition dharma".
Are you seriously that naive? I assure you AFSPA wont be removed and there is no legitimization of separatism agenda of PDP. We're now picking up the pace in unshackling the economy. Things are slowly picking up pace on the opening up of the Kashmir economy to the rest of India and the free movement of people. The insurgency has really taken a bad hit. It's virtually neutralized except in a few border areas.

Just integrate the VALLEY with the rest of India. Jammu, Ladakh, and other areas of J&K are already with us. Let industry move in and give people jobs that add value by producing something that people actually need.

then answer my question: what is PDP's stance on the pro-Islamic State rally (with flags, masks, etc) that had happened in JK last year. and if something like this happens in future again, how will BJP respond? Modi has publicly even undermined IA by proudly proclaiming the sentencing of some IA soldiers as "India first". clearly there is a precedent of Modi himself undermining IA's stance in JK publicly. going forward, with "coalition dharma" now supreme on everyone's minds (including Modi's), how will he respond to PDP provocations?
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by RoyG »

It's the valley buddy. Get over it. These things will happen even if BJP is in opposition. What do we gain by not partnering with the PDP?

AFSPA wont be revoked and the Army will continue to operate in the valley.

The national economy is opening up.

The economy of J&K is opening up.

Insurgency is at an all time low.

Yes we know the mentality of Muslims particularly in J&K and the rest of India. This will be there regardless. We need to open up. Maintain territorial boundaries and ensure that we check mate Sino-Pak designs and build up our national comprehensive strength.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Prem »

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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Prem »

Sajjad Lone is also sworn in as Minister taking oath of loyalty to the Constitution of India etc.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Tuvaluan »

http://indianexpress.com/article/india/ ... -hurriyat/

The US-funded pakis in the hurriyat are all worked up that they are getting credit for the recent peaceful polls in J&K. :) Some of these hurriyat terrorists were thrown in the slammer for disrupting the electioneering, and the rest just meekly shut up...these hurriyat fools are irrelevant.
Last edited by Tuvaluan on 03 Mar 2015 06:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Gagan »

The PDP and the other parties worked so hard for this and all other elections.

Yeah right, they are going to hand over kashmir valley and the political initiative to the harried rats on a platter.

Now the usual selfish politics about enjoying the power and the fruits of power begins in srinagar.
Everyone will be paying due lip service to negotiations, with pakistan and harried rats.

Mufti was only showing them their impotence. He has joined hands with the most powerful entity in India - the BJP. The opportunities are endless for the PDP, endless funds for J&K from the center, to begin with...
Pakistan is failing. Everyone recognizes that Modi is the man of the moment, there is a vision he wants to get the nation to.
PDP will most likely join that vision if they have any sense...
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by arun »

kenop wrote:Mufti sahib has started his innings with this
After taking oath, Sayeed says Pak, Hurriyat and militants allowed conducive atmosphere for J-K polls
“Pakistan, Hurriyat and militants allowed conducive atmosphere for assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir,” Sayeed said at a press conference that was held to unveil the coalition agenda — the Common Minimum Programme (CMP). “We want to make the alliance a turning point in history to win the hearts and minds of all people of the state,” he said. "Army will be made accountable for its actions," Sayeed added when asked about AFSPA.
The army related comments is quite neutral in my view but the one about Pukis and hurried rats is interesting. It was certainly not cooperation with these two sets of jokers that we saw the successful completion of the process.

Second time, that to in rapid sucession, events show that the BJP is unable to reign in the Mohammadden Terrorism supporting antics of its (BJP's) political ally, the PDP:

PDP demands return of Afzal Guru's remains and brands his hanging a 'travesty of justice'
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Prem »

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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by chetak »

Gagan wrote:The PDP and the other parties worked so hard for this and all other elections.

Yeah right, they are going to hand over kashmir valley and the political initiative to the harried rats on a platter.

Now the usual selfish politics about enjoying the power and the fruits of power begins in srinagar.
Everyone will be paying due lip service to negotiations, with pakistan and harried rats.

Mufti was only showing them their impotence. He has joined hands with the most powerful entity in India - the BJP. The opportunities are endless for the PDP, endless funds for J&K from the center, to begin with...
Pakistan is failing. Everyone recognizes that Modi is the man of the moment, there is a vision he wants to get the nation to.
PDP will most likely join that vision if they have any sense...
Nothing is going to happen that the BJP does not fully control from the center, irrespective of any coalition dharma or bullshit agreement with the PDP.

Every child in India knows the value of the muslim word and their quran sanctioned ideas of taqiyya. A fool and his land are soon parted.

mufti is a whiskey sodden buffoon and feels that he is in full control. mehbooba is no better, though one would not venture to hazard a guess on the whiskey part.

The only sad thing that may not have been well and fully gamed is the unlimited, unrestricted and manipulative access to the Indian media freely given to all manner of muslim separatists.

the BJP can simply shut down any pdp extra territorial political or trade initiative and misadventure simply by sitting on it.

the BJP has not changed it's stated position of firmly ignoring the hurryrats or the pakis. Mufti begging publicly for the BJP to accommodate the pakis and the separatists means that the BJP has not conceded any headroom there
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Sachin »

I am getting a feeling that BJP did not get a good deal in the current J&K government. All key portfolios like Home, Revenue etc. are still managed by the Mufti from PDP. The deputy CM - the BJP chap - seems to be pretty much powerless. I personally feel that it was a "wash out" for BJP J&K party. Mufti with money and police power, can ensure that the money all goes to the Kashmir valley and its traitors, while the police can be just put on a tight leash enabling the Jehadis to try their luck again.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ramana »

NaMo already answered that PDP is wrong to show sympathy for those who attack the Lok Sabha.
PDP had to make noises to appease their 'supporters'.
media is portraying it as a thunderclap.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by arun »

kenop wrote:Mufti sahib has started his innings with this

After taking oath, Sayeed says Pak, Hurriyat and militants allowed conducive atmosphere for J-K polls

“Pakistan, Hurriyat and militants allowed conducive atmosphere for assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir,” Sayeed said at a press conference that was held to unveil the coalition agenda — the Common Minimum Programme (CMP). “We want to make the alliance a turning point in history to win the hearts and minds of all people of the state,” he said. "Army will be made accountable for its actions," Sayeed added when asked about AFSPA.
The army related comments is quite neutral in my view but the one about Pukis and hurried rats is interesting. It was certainly not cooperation with these two sets of jokers that we saw the successful completion of the process.
arun wrote:Second time, that to in rapid sucession, events show that the BJP is unable to reign in the Mohammadden Terrorism supporting antics of its (BJP's) political ally, the PDP:

PDP demands return of Afzal Guru's remains and brands his hanging a 'travesty of justice'

Third time, that to in rapid sucession, events show that the BJP is unable to reign in the Mohammadden Terrorism supporting antics of its (BJP's) political ally, the PDP and is reduced to impotent post facto whinging:

Not Consulted, Don't Approve Decision to Release Hurriyat Hardliner Masarat Alam, Says BJP

BJP should note what Auric Goldfinger said to James Bond:

"Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action'.”
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by sunnyP »

I like how the BJP are using plausible deniability to spin their way out of this. 'We were not consulted about this etc etc'. Yes of course you weren't.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by chetak »

sunnyP wrote:I like how the BJP are using plausible deniability to spin their way out of this. 'We were not consulted about this etc etc'. Yes of course you weren't.
The Govt has asked for a report from the J&K govt. I don't think that anyone is spinning their way out of this mess. It's a lose lose deal for the BJP. It's going to end very badly.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by rohitvats »

It appears to me that both parties - PDP and BJP - have formed the government with NOT the intention of running a stable organization but preparing the ground-work of next election. And which can happen anytime over next 6 months to 12 months. Each one will attempt to play a narrative opposite to other to please their constituency. Here is my take on the situation:

(1) PDP will use the position of CM to under-take acts which will burnish it's position as the only option which can accommodate the interests of the separatist elements. It will move fast to make best out of the time available (and before BJP reaches break-point). Expect it to concentrate on high-visibility actions which help it to demonstrate its intent and strengthen its position.

The act of releasing master-mind of 2010 stone-pelting and asking for Afzal Guru's remains fall in this category. With each such action, it will test the BJP resolve and increase space for itself in the J&K Government which will at the expense of BJP. The moment BJP withdraws out of the government (and it will at some time given the antics), PDP will lay the blame at door of BJP.

However, we must understand one thing very clearly here: That PDP is not contesting against BJP for seats/power in Kashmir. It is contesting with NCP for the same. So, all the actions by PDP are to steal a march over NCP in the 'separatism' departments.

(2) It would be interesting to look at 2014 election numbers and vote percentage share. Please do go through this:

http://articles.economictimes.indiatime ... mu-kashmir

- All PDP seats are in North and South Kashmir with one seat in Muslim dominated Jammu and two in Hindu dominated Jammu. NCP had 12 and Congress 4 seats. With 5 going to others.

- As against this, BJP has all seats in Jammu; bulk are from Hindu dominated Jammu (48%+ vote-share) and 3 from Muslim dominated Jammu. It had drawn blank in Ladakh - this mean Ladakh BJP MP needs to do more and be more active. There are 4 seats in this region.

(3) Long story short - PDP aim is to take away Congress/NCP seats in Kashmir proper. Majority requires 44 seats, NCP has 28 and needs 16 more seats. Congress and NCP between them have 27 seats of which 16 are in Valley, 6 in Muslim dominated Jammu, 2 in Hindu dominated Jammu and 3 in Ladakh.

So, NCP will target seats in Valley and Muslim dominated parts of Jammu. But that would be a tall order - Because if inspite of such devastating floods, NCP managed to get 15 seats with 20.8% vote-share, it indicates at a strong cadre on the ground.

(4) Rest assured, the shrills and decibel level will increase markedly in the Valley as PDP explores all avenues to effect a white-wash on opponents in next elections - for that it will have to prove that it has delivered. This is AAP redux as far as Valley is concerned.

(5) BJP has a very strong fight at it's hand and are against a wily politician in Mufti. Local BJP leadership does not seem like up to task to take him on - the burden will again fall on BJP central leadership.

Also, it is very very important that BJP is SEEN preserving the interests of its HINDU constituency in Jammu - it will have to put in place a counter-narrative to what PDP is doing. It has to emerge as the sole voice which can carry HINDU voice in Valley and try and maximize its seat+vote-share in Hindu dominated Jammu and some in Muslim dominated Jammu. Further, try and get seats in Ladakh.

Speed is of essence - BJP cannot be in reactionary mode and allow PDP/Mufti to set the agenda. I'm afraid there will be no honeymoon period here.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Muppalla »

The only thing I am pessimistic is Jammu Hindus voting in such large numbers to BJP again.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Vikas »

Problem with elections is that no one knows which way the cookie would crumble especially of elections are held too closely.
Both PDP and BJP have got their hands blackened by hugging each other. All this is tamasha is just that - Tamasha.
PDP will get to run Kashmir while BJP will run Jammu, a sort of de-facto partition.
In the end, both parties are populated by Politicians. They have spent tons of money to get elected. No one is bringing the govt down atleast till they have recovered the money.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by svenkat »

A certain kal-chiron thinks that an aging old man with a not very clever daughter is far better than some orbullahs with London connections.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Aditya_V »

PDP, NC, INC are same face of the coin, they dont want BJP to empower Jammu Ladakh. PDP is trying to embaress BJP and geet points for INC. Just like the Pakis did during ABV's time.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Vikas »

^ Actually both are equally bad. One is overtly Islamists while the other is Psudo Islamist and both are targeting to get their progeny in power for the rest of eternity.
I was personally expecting to see the sister of Kidnapped progeny to get the reins but Daddy dear isn't yet done with lust for power or maybe he has no hearth in London to take rest.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Vikas »

Aditya_V wrote:PDP, NC, INC are same face of the coin, they dont want BJP to empower Jammu Ladakh. PDP is trying to embaress BJP and geet points for INC. Just like the Pakis did during ABV's time.
it would be highly naive of BJP leadership to let Islamist run away with Brownie points and in the process lose Jammu too but then Local BJP leadership in Jammu is not something that could give you confidence about being ruthless and agenda driven.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by schinnas »

rohitvats wrote:It appears to me that both parties - PDP and BJP - have formed the government with NOT the intention of running a stable organization but preparing the ground-work of next election. And which can happen anytime over next 6 months to 12 months. Each one will attempt to play a narrative opposite to other to please their constituency. Here is my take on the situation:


(5) BJP has a very strong fight at it's hand and are against a wily politician in Mufti. Local BJP leadership does not seem like up to task to take him on - the burden will again fall on BJP central leadership.

Also, it is very very important that BJP is SEEN preserving the interests of its HINDU constituency in Jammu - it will have to put in place a counter-narrative to what PDP is doing. It has to emerge as the sole voice which can carry HINDU voice in Valley and try and maximize its seat+vote-share in Hindu dominated Jammu and some in Muslim dominated Jammu. Further, try and get seats in Ladakh.

Speed is of essence - BJP cannot be in reactionary mode and allow PDP/Mufti to set the agenda. I'm afraid there will be no honeymoon period here.
Very well said. I was actually surprised at the cabinet portfolios BJP agreed to. It seems lose-lose proposition. Without at least one of Finance, Home or Law portfolios, BJP cannot do much and it would be a lose-lose situation. Also, in a highly dynamic local environment, leaving decision making to central leadership is a good way of committing political suicide. BJP state unit must gets its act together and have a media savvy leader. And the obvious choice would be the Deputy CM (with some media managers sent by Central leadership).
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by arun »

X Posted from the STFUP thread.

After being challenged in Jammu & Kashmir by coalition partner PDP, the BJP led Government of our Prime Minister Narender Modi along with our country India, is challenged by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Hot on the heels of our Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar’s March 3 visit to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Islamic Republic’s High Commissioner to India meets with Mohammadden Kashmiri separatists. :

Pak High Commissioner meets Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Tuvaluan »

Mufti seems to working with the pakis and is playing some scripted drama along with the pakis -- the whole paki refusal of a PDP member to be a part of the track thoo visit seems to have be some sort of drama to make it seem like the PDP and the pakis are not on the same side. The litmus test will be in how Mufti hobnobs with the Hurriyat in the coming days.