Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2015

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by KLNMurthy »

A_Gupta wrote:
RoyG wrote:Holy sh*t.Fatah rips communists, ngos like arundhati roy, islamists, pakistanis etc. a new one. He's on a role. Everyone must watch this.
Thanks, RoyG!
This is an absolutely must-watch.
I wish we could subtitle the parts where he speaks in Urdu and Punjabi so that all English-speakers can watch it.
He sounds like a BRFite. Except that he wants India to intervene between Russia and Turkey as an honest broker, rather than sending bombers and joining the fun.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by sunnyP »

Paki media reporting this, hopefully it's just BS.
Modi, Nawaz give go-ahead for Pakistan-India series
By Nabeel Hashmi
Published: December 8, 201


One of the most anticipated cricketing events of 2015 — a bilateral series between Pakistan and India — is finally set to become a reality as the governments of both countries agreed on the series in principle, with a formal announcement expected to be made on Tuesday.

Both boards have kept their cards close to their chest on the issue thus far but The Express Tribune has learnt that an affirmative decision has been made by both sides, with Prime Ministers Nawaz Sharif and Narendra Modi both agreeing to the series. ... ia-series/
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by JE Menon »

RoyG wrote:Holy sh*t.Fatah rips communists, ngos like arundhati roy, islamists, pakistanis etc. a new one. He's on a role. Everyone must watch this.
Yes, a brave man. A true hero. Looks like he is getting on, or has some knee problem or something.

But what is truly stunning is that about 14 minutes in, people ask him to speak louder - and a girl tells him, let's have some energy, we all came to see something no? !!! Amazing youngistan. I love it.

The Pakis have no idea what they are in for.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Paul »

Late Naseerullah Babar once told me that he asked Mullah Omar to recognize the Durand Line as an international border. In reaction, however, Omar asked him to stop eating the meal and buzz off,” Afandyar Wali Khan breaks the inside story
Awami National Party (ANP), in the recent times, has increased its political activities to end its silence. Besides other leaders of the party, Asfandyar Wali Khan, the president of the party, has also increased regular participation in party’s sessions and public gatherings. Asfandyar Wali Khan has worn a more defiant mood as he has taken up on a number of sensitive issues. He has been speaking on issues of extraordinary importance, very unequivocally. His audacious statements on some key and emergent issues, which hogged headlines in media, include the looming threat posed by ISIS (Daesh), a new but deadliest game of international powers in the region, tensions in AfPak bilateral relations, the sensitive and controversial issue of the Durand Line, and on top of that the looming threat of division of Afghanistan.

Below is a very interesting interview conducted by Afghanistan Times

Q: You have become active after a long hiatus, any particular reason?

A: The way how did we face the post-2007 situation is known to all. ANP’s key leaders and political activists were killed in hundreds. I too was targeted in a suicide bombing attack. The tragedy was that not only leaders were being killed but hundreds of supporters and innocent citizens were used to be killed in such bombings. In such a situation there was no other option, to reduce our political activities. It was inevitable because we want to protect innocent lives. I shrank my political activities at the repeated insistences of the party’s workers. ANP sustained unbearable losses as we kept our activities in a highly hostile and deadliest environment. For others it was the Chief Election Commissioner, Fakhruddin G. Ibrahim, but for us, it was Hakimullah Mehsud, who restrained our political activities and we couldn’t reach out to the general public in the 2013 general elections.

Now, comparatively, the situation has been improving. Though challenges are there, which is why, I feel myself bound to reach out to the party’s supporters. We increased our political activities. The world can see the difference now. The results of the recent local bodies’ elections are different than the results of the 2013 general elections. Eventually ANP has proved itself a biggest political power.

Q: Why did the ANP come under deadliest attacks from the Taliban?

A: They knew that it is only ANP which has the spleen to stand in their way. And ANP proved it true. We sternly opposed their violent ideology. Since we have a crystal clear ideology that politics and religion are two totally different things, therefore, the Taliban started destroying the sanctity of our “hujra” and “masjid”. They started exploding every sign that relates to Pashtuns’ society. We opposed it publicly what they had unleashed in the land of Pashtuns. We lost over 800 activists, but we didn’t succumb. We still are defiant. We didn’t surrender. And did not budge from our ideology and standpoint, even an inch. How we could have compromised with such elements, which were hell-bent on pulling “chador from the heads of our mothers, sisters and daughters?

Q: With what intent or objective did you talk to the Taliban in Swat?

A: Actually in striking Nizam-e-Adl deal with the Taliban we respected the demand of the general public. To respect their demand besides accepting the Taliban’s demand, we started dialogue with them. After the Taliban breached the accord, the general public realized the Taliban’s motives, which were quite different than ours. Eventually, the general public ceased supporting them.

The only reason that led to the success of the Swat operation was public stood by the side of the government. No operation can be successful until political forces and the nation are behind it. Looking at the benefits of Swat operation, now there is a demand of “do more” from inside (at home).

Q: Is this true the United States sternly opposed peace dialogues in Swat, and you faced extreme pressure?

A: Yes this is true. When peace talks were on the anvil, the Deputy Secretary of State in a meeting vented his blister against the peace dialogues. I responded him it is we not they who must decide the fate of our people and our region. I told him if there was any problem in New York and I visit you just to tell you what do and what not or dictate you, how you will feel about it? The meeting was so bitter that it will remain the bitterest incident in my life. Later on our policy proved to be very much successful. And we succeeded in restoring peace in that region.

Q: What is the biggest mistake that caused the spread of Talibanization in Pakistan?

A: Our agencies started pursuing a policy of intervention in Afghanistan. Jihadists were recruited. They kept sending them to Afghanistan. Once addressing the parliament, I pointed at late Benazir Bhutto and said if you think that extremism will remain confined only to Afghanistan, then such a belief is disastrous. I emphasized if the fire of extremism flares up on the other side of the Durand Line, keep it in your mind that Durand Line is not powerful enough to contain it and resist the spillover of the fire into Pakistan. The later developments proved our warnings true. The fire also affected us. Even today we are surrounded by deadly threats. I usually say that a peaceful and a stable Afghanistan, is not only essential for the people of Afghanistan, but a stable Afghanistan guarantees peace and stability in Pakistan.

Q: Do you think the issue of Durand Line is affecting Pakistan’s Afghan policy?

A: Late Naseerullah Babar once told to me that when he asked Mullah Omar to recognize Durand Line as a permanent international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan as with its recognition all the issues will disappear on their own. “Mullah Omar told me to stop eating the meal and get out of the room,” Babar recalled. Such a behavior is considered to be very much harsh and inhospitable in Pashtuns’ culture and society, yet, Mullah Omar responded in anger.

Though, Nasirullah Babar and some other leaders used to call the Taliban their children. The dream to turn Durand Line into a permanent boundary is a mad idea; this is a mirage. We should refrain from any such attempt.

Q: Why you don’t recognize it as an international border?

A: This is a controversial issue. A similar issue is between Pakistan and India. We call our border with India “Line of Control—LoC”. We don’t recognize it as an international border. The reason is we consider it controversial and we cannot upset Kashimris. If we don’t recognize LoC as an international border, how we can recognize the Durand Line as an international frontier?

Moreover, Afghanistan never remained a threat for Pakistan. In the wars of 1965 and 1971, Afghanistan could have been used against us, however, Afghanistan not only remained non-aligned, but quite friendlier with Pakistan. As a result we had no concerns on western frontier. I think Pakistan must come out of perceived threats and accept that we cannot change our neighbors. Our development and peace lie in the belief that we must forge friendlier ties with Afghanistan and India.

Q: You have been seen on many occasions while criticizing American policies. What is the reason behind this criticism?

A: Had the United States not dumped Afghanistan after the collapse of Dr. Najibullah’s government, the Taliban wouldn’t have appeared on the scene. Al-Qaeda wouldn’t have emerged. And now we wouldn’t have been surrounded by a threat as biggest as Daesh.

The first mistake of United States in the region was it armed Afghans in the name of jihad and not in the name of nationalism and Afghanism. The US along with its allies attempted to corrode the role and importance of “hujra” and “jirga” and imposed the supremacy of rulings by masjid and madrassas.

This seismic imbalance shook the edifice of Pashtuns’ society. Had hujra and jirga been functional in Afghanistan and FATA, today, the situation would have been totally different. Unfortunately this evil game ate away the role of hujra and jirga. At the end of the day we were pushed to tolerate its backfires in the shape of extremism and terrorism. And if the United States dumps Afghanistan this time again, it will unleash more horrific backfires.

Q: In recent times you have warned on many occasions that Afghanistan is on the brink of division and Pakistan is descending into disintegration? Any particular reason?

A: Well, whatever is the situation in Afghanistan it directly affects Pakistan. If trust deficit rules the roost, and blame game catches further length, and there is no serious and honest joint approach to weed out Taliban and clip the wings of Daesh, and world leaders continue their foreign policy games in the region, the threat of Afghanistan’s division is looming larger.

Tajiks, Uzbeks, Turkmens and Hazaras, will be compelled to annex to Central Asian Republics (CARs) as these minorities have not only direct border ties with CARS but also lingual and cultural.

In such a situation, Pashtuns who are in majority in Afghanistan will start looking towards their Pashtun brothers in Pakistan. The already troubled Pashtuns in Pakistan wouldn’t remain unconcerned.

Should this happen and Afghanistan is divided. Do you think Pakistan will remain intact? It cannot. Pakistan will also disintegrate. I wish it doesn’t happen. Nevertheless, the threat is looming larger

Q: Why do you think that international powers are going to clash in this region?

A: There are many signs that indicate that tensions are rising among the United States, Russia, and China. The clash of world powers in Iraq and Syria is in front of all. If terrorism rages on and duplicitous games are being played, the region will fall victim to the evil schemes of world’s powers, and Daesh’s activities will increase. Eventually, people will forget the barbarities of the Taliban to see the bloodlust and savagery of Daesh. It has been observed that terrorism, for the first times, has spread towards Hindu-Kush. We cannot ignore the hand and game of world players in the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.

If they don’t balk at their games, I cannot rule out that China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) will bite the dust. To make this billion dollars project practically possible, peace in Afghanistan is a must, because China wants to have access to Central Asia via this corridor. One of China’s objectives of the project is to address the economic issues in its areas where China faces extremism. In case there is no peace in the region, this project cannot succeed.

Q: How do you see the role of China? And how terrorism can successfully be tackled?

A: China’s role is extraordinary. Unlike American role in peace and stability in the region, people look confident about the role of China. Peace and security in the region is a must for China’s interests.

This is the good luck of the region that China has come into movements to play its role. Given that there is no open clash of interests among world powers in this region, continued peace talks, and continued operations against terrorists, then I am confident that peace is not a distant dream.

China can play an effective role, of course. But the end of proxy wars and duplicitous games is a must. As far as terrorism is concerned, besides international powers, Afghanistan and Pakistan must be on the same page. I think, now the key to peace lies in the hands of these four men—Nawaz Sharif, Rahil Sharif, Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah. This question is necessary to be addressed that how the understanding built in 2014 caved in, all of a sudden? Why the environment of trust and understanding turned into acrimony and rivalry? Let me repeat once again that peace is not the need of Afghanistan only, but it is the need of Pakistan too. Until we don’t understand this reality, peace will remain a distant dream.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by habal »

JE Menon wrote:
RoyG wrote:Holy sh*t.Fatah rips communists, ngos like arundhati roy, islamists, pakistanis etc. a new one. He's on a role. Everyone must watch this.
Yes, a brave man. A true hero. Looks like he is getting on, or has some knee problem or something.

But what is truly stunning is that about 14 minutes in, people ask him to speak louder - and a girl tells him, let's have some energy, we all came to see something no? !!! Amazing youngistan. I love it.

The Pakis have no idea what they are in for.
that was his daughter !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by jagga »

For the first time after Kargil, India has the better of Pakistan
By holding talks in a third country, the two sides deftly side-stepped the issue of the role of Kashmiri separatists. The last scheduled talks in Delhi broke up over the issue of Pakistani consultations with Kashmiri separatists.

By holding the talks unannounced and in a third country, that issue never arose. This is certainly an acknowledgement of Indian sensitivity over this issue.

More importantly, these talks have been resumed after India began a new policy of 'disproportionate' response to border firing by Pakistan. Despite the media hype in India about the suffering of the border population on the Indian side, the fact of the matter is that Pakistan suffered much greater damage
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by JE Menon »

>>that was his daughter !

Oh, I didn't know...
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by archan »

I see pakis are good at doing pranam, bent down hands joined well..
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Yashwant questions resumption of talks - Nistula Hebbar, The Hindu
Former External Affairs Minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, Yashwant Sinha, has slammed the Narendra Modi government for initiating National Security Adviser (NSA) level talks between India and Pakistan which is to be followed up by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj’s visit to Pakistan this week.

My view is straightforward and simple. At the end of the Vajpayee era, we had come to the conclusion that talks and terror cannot go on. That was the basis of the January 6, 2004 joint declaration in Islamabad that talks would happen only if Pakistan stopped terror activities against India. Predicated on this, the talks happened,” he said. In the 10 years of UPA rule, despite the attacks on Mumbai in 2006, he said, the Central government “somehow felt compelled to talk to Pakistan.”

“At that time too, between 2004 and 2014, the BJP held the same view, that terror and talks should not go together,” Mr. Sinha said. “The Ufa statement earlier this year reflected this when our government said terror would be discussed between India and Pakistan “Then, talks at the NSA level were called off because Pakistan brought in the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. What has changed on the ground? Has any forward movement been made on bringing Hafiz Saeed to justice or getting Dawood Ibrahim extradited to India?” he asked.

Continuing attacks

“Even this morning, a CRPF convoy was attacked in Jammu and Kashmir, and there have been frequent incidents where our people have lost their lives. So what has been the trigger for these talks?” he asked.

“We must learn from history that sometimes there is no virtue in following the path set by others. Secondly, and more importantly, many people in India believe that the alternative to not talking to Pakistan is war. That is simply not true. I personally know that there is a vast diplomatic space between not talking and war, and maybe, this government needs to explore that,” he said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Will take India-Pak bilateral ties forward: Sushma Swaraj - ToI
"India-Pakistan relations should become much better and move forward," external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj said on Tuesday as she arrived in Islamabad for a two-day visit to attend a conference on Afghanistan.

"It is necessary and appropriate for me to hold talks with Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif and his adviser Sartaj Aziz to discuss bilateral issues," the external affairs minister said after reaching Islamabad to attend 'Heart of Asia', a multilateral conference on Afghanistan.

During the two-day visit, Sushma Swaraj is expected to hold talks with Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and her counterpart Sartaj Aziz.

Aziz had said on Monday that the deadlock in India-Pak ties had eased to some extent and the focus of the meeting would be on the resumption of the stalled composite dialogue process.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Dhaka reviewing ties with Islamabad: Minister - Haroon Habib, The Hindu
Bangladesh Foreign Minister A.H. Mahmood Ali on Sunday said his government is assessing its ties with Pakistan after Islamabad lodged protest against the country’s war crimes trial and denied that atrocities were committed during the 1971 Liberation War.

“The whole matter is a continuous process,” he said at a function in Dhaka marking the 44th anniversary of India recognising Bangladesh as an independent country.

The Minister said many Pakistanis have admitted the crimes committed by their forces during the 1971 war. “There is no use denying them now, telling that they did not do anything. It’s ridiculous.”

Pakistan’s foreign ministry on Nov 22 made a statement, voicing “deep concern and anguish” over the death sentence of key Jamaat leader Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojaheed and BNP leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury, both convicted over crimes against humanity.

Islamabad’s reaction prompted Dhaka to summon the Pakistan envoy. Pakistan, in turn, summoned Bangladesh’s envoy in Islamabad and denied committing any war crimes or atrocities during the 1971 Liberation War.

Talking about the country’s relationship with India, Mr. Mahmood Ali said it was in a very good state after 1975 and that the problems were “psychological which needed to be resolved with everyone’s participation.”
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by ArmenT »

TSJones wrote:But what did Mommy Dearest know? Inquiring minds in the FBI want to know........ ... an-n475096

the humble representative from the great state of Texas wants to also know......
Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said he's been told that federal investigators are working hard to determine what Malik was doing overseas before she came to the U.S. in 2014 to be Farook's wife.

"There's a serious investigation ongoing into what she was doing in Pakistan and in Saudi, including if she attended the red mosque in Islamabad, which is a very radicalized mosque," he said on "Fox News Sunday."
will Mommy Dearest who spent a lot of time in the lovebird's nest, wind up in a federal pen with the Thuggettes and Sista Sojahs?

kinda doubtful but one can always hope.....
Already posted a link about the guy's suspiciously large bank account and now there appears to be more news on that front: ... ardino-fbi
Meanwhile on Monday US media reported that a deposit of $28,500 was made to Farook’s bank account on November 18, some two weeks before the attack.

Investigators were trying to determine whether the transaction, made from Utah-based, was a loan, Fox News said, citing a source close to the investigation.

On or around November 20, Farook withdrew $10,000 of the money in cash and deposited it at a Union Bank branch in San Bernardino, according to the source, who also told the cable news network that in the days before the shooting, there were at least three transfers of $5,000 each that appeared to be to Farook’s mother.
Sounds like the mother may be somewhat involved too...
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by rsingh »

JE Menon wrote:
RoyG wrote:Holy sh*t.Fatah rips communists, ngos like arundhati roy, islamists, pakistanis etc. a new one. He's on a role. Everyone must watch this.
Yes, a brave man. A true hero. Looks like he is getting on, or has some knee problem or something.

But what is truly stunning is that about 14 minutes in, people ask him to speak louder - and a girl tells him, let's have some energy, we all came to see something no? !!! Amazing youngistan. I love it.

The Pakis have no idea what they are in for.
This guy deserves Padma Bhushana. Wish somebody starts campaign on media. Facebook page is good for a start.
Last edited by rsingh on 08 Dec 2015 20:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Anurag »

What I like most about Tarek Fateh is he switches to Hindi for maximizing his PoV. From what I've seen a lot of folks in India when speaking English take it more 'technically' than reality. He really just drives the point home especially as you notice those 'AuntyJis' sitting at the back. This is raw and hits the nail on the head.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by CRamS »

Guys, lets leave aside anal-ysts' views, some like Colonel Anil A Athale say TSP fell in line, others like KC say it is India that fell in line (although I will add that the latter group appear more critical for their animosity towards ModiJi than any objective analysis). To me at least, its obvious that there is TSP's 3.5 blueeprint written all over this.

But I doubt any of us can disagree here that TSP wants discussion on Kashmir, and they got that dog bone in some form in the Bangkok joint statement. I will credit ModiJi for taking a hit domestically, by throwing TSP this dog bone, ModiJi has managed to keep the focus on terror. One never knows what trajectory this discussion on Kashmir will take. India will say infiltration, TSP will say "self determination".

And my own prediction (happy to be proved wrong) is that TSP will get kirket also (here I completely disagree with ModiJi) about which we have spent reams discussing and trading personal insults (like Cong and BJP). Not to re-iterate all the issues, but kirket resumption by India blunts focus on terror alone simply because we will have many people in India going gaga, including DDM and Bollywood super enamoured with TSP players' TFTA traits, bhajrangi bhaijaan and other equal equal crap (and not to mention the huge moolah TSP rakes in). Certainly TSP's 3.5 who were behind Bangkok are going to take note of this, and on the next terror attack, the same cycle will repeat itself, people want p!ss but extremists on "both sides" don't.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by shiv »

^^India has no freedom with Pakistan. Whatever India does is because the government is being instructed by the USA, codenamed 3.5. At least that is the insinuation that I read from this. Not sure why such an insinuation has to be made so frequently though.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by shiv »

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by shiv »

Is this obeying instructions or disobeying instructions of 3.5? ... 449583877/

PAMPORE, India, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- Two suspected terrorists were killed Tuesday in Kashmir by Indian police who suspect they entered the disputed area to conduct an attack in the city of Srinagar.

The suspects were traveling by car and were killed in Pampore, nine miles from Srinagar, a city of 1.1 million people near the border with Pakistan.

Central Reserve Police Force personnel engaged the suspects in a gun battle on a busy highway. Two police officers were injured.

Police said the suspects opened fire after they were ordered to stop when their vehicle was intercepted at a security blockade of the road. Drivers of other vehicles were evacuated from the site of the incident.

A senior police officer said police believe the alleged terrorists were planning an attack in the city.

Identities and affiliations of the two suspects have not been revealed.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by A_Gupta »

Anurag wrote:What I like most about Tarek Fateh is he switches to Hindi for maximizing his PoV. From what I've seen a lot of folks in India when speaking English take it more 'technically' than reality. He really just drives the point home especially as you notice those 'AuntyJis' sitting at the back. This is raw and hits the nail on the head.
I would say Tarek Fateh is a master rhetorician. His stories are often a bit embroidered, and he blocked me on twitter for pointing out some material (source documents) which don't support one of his narratives. While the point of view that he advocates is admirable, real life is not as colorful and unambiguous as he needs it to be to drive his point of view home.

Nevertheless, overall, it is exaggeration in a good cause.

I think we should learn some communication skills from Tarek Fateh. Note his constant good humor. It helps makes his points really devastating. He is passionate, but not with the angry or shrill tone that is all too common among activists, political spokespeople, and so on. When he has bad news to convey, he is not gloomy.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by CRamS »

Smooth sounding talk is cheap, but action needed, not military aid to TSP ... 097827.cms
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by member_29218 »

A_Gupta wrote:
Anurag wrote:What I like most about Tarek Fateh is he switches to Hindi for maximizing his PoV. From what I've seen a lot of folks in India when speaking English take it more 'technically' than reality. He really just drives the point home especially as you notice those 'AuntyJis' sitting at the back. This is raw and hits the nail on the head.
I would say Tarek Fateh is a master rhetorician. His stories are often a bit embroidered, and he blocked me on twitter for pointing out some material (source documents) which don't support one of his narratives. While the point of view that he advocates is admirable, real life is not as colorful and unambiguous as he needs it to be to drive his point of view home.

Nevertheless, overall, it is exaggeration in a good cause.

I think we should learn some communication skills from Tarek Fateh. Note his constant good humor. It helps makes his points really devastating. He is passionate, but not with the angry or shrill tone that is all too common among activists, political spokespeople, and so on. When he has bad news to convey, he is not gloomy.
It is worth watching him on Canadian television. He has a show called 'Bila Takalluf' on the Rawal channel where he is 'interviewed' by Tahir Gora. He has an amazing knowledge of the history of the region and has a very refreshing POV. I believe he is instrumental in the renaming of Aurangzeb Road in Delhi to Abdul Kalam Road and has now become a bit of a celebrity in India.

I have both his books - 'The Jew is Not My Enemy' and 'Chasing a Mirage'. Interesting read.

FWIW, every media person of his stature has an ego to feed and I am sure he does too. However, he is funny and speaks well, love the Urdu he mixes in with the English. All in all, a refreshing change from the DDM.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Prem » ... ing-block/
Pakistan between South and Central Asia — a bridge or a stumbling block?
KARACHI: As South and West Asia undergoes critical political changes with the withdrawal of the security forces from Afghanistan, regional countries are looking at how the situation will unfold.“What compulsions and opportunities can we see for regional countries, such as Pakistan, in relation to Central Asia and how may India and Afghanistan impact this regional scenario,” he asked. Answering his own query, he said that the reason behind discussing this issue is to use conceptual and constructed reasoning to see issues from different perspectives.He started off with talking about the relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. “If Pakistan stops interfering in India’s affairs, it will not have to suffer from the consequences of Afghanistan’s conflict,” he said, adding that countries in the region, such as India, Russia and China, are worried about their relations with Pakistan. This means that Pakistan has to step back and stop interfering in their matters to avoid any consequences, he added.On Iran’s importance to Pakistan, Reetz said that Pakistan can potentially play a mediating role if regional cooperation works. Pakistan can become a game changer for global engagements with Iran, he said.According to his experiences and research, Pakistan’s importance to India is relative to the world, and more so under Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “India does not want to burden itself with Pakistan’s problems,” he said.The United States is no longer ready to provide money and weapons without any clear benefits, Reetz pointed out, adding that there is no clear political will within Pakistan in terms of cooperation with the US.

Reetz felt that India, Pakistan and China are in a triangular relationship with more or less the same reasons on all fronts. Pakistan has expanded the influence of China, while the influence is less by imperial design and more by the consequences of solving issues of domestic economic and social stability, he added.“Pakistan and its army can prosper if they adapt to the new environment by redesigning their strategic potential from a liability to an asset,” Reetz recommended. “You also need strategic rethinking on how Pakistan can be an asset to China, India, Afghanistan, and Iran,” he said. Reetz concluded his presentation with the hope that strategic rethinking will benefit Pakistan as the economic, political and even cultural dependence on it will grow.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2015

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Oil & Natural Gas: News & Discussion

India, Iran discuss undersea gas pipeline bypassing Pakistan

A senior Iranian official said on Monday that negotiations are being held to build a $4.5 billion undersea gas pipeline from Iran to India following New Delhi’s rejection of the proposal for an on-land pipeline that would pass through Pakistan.

“Negotiations are under serious consideration,” said National Iranian Gas Export Company managing director Alireza Kameli at the World Energy Policy Summit in India.

Necessary approvals and agreements for gas sale and purchase are yet to be signed, the official said. The pipeline from the Iranian coast via the Oman Sea and Indian Ocean to Gujarat will likely to be built in two years and will carry about 31.5 million standard cubic metres gas per day.

“We welcome India’s participation. At the moment, Iran is in negotiations with South Asia Gas Enterprise (SAGE) for construction of an undersea line,” Kameli said.

Further, according to the proposal which is currently under scrutiny, SAGE will lay a 1,400km pipeline bypassing the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Pakistan. Companies wishing to buy gas from Iran will have to rent the pipeline.

“SAGE will not be buying gas from Iran. It will lead to an international consortium for building the pipeline,” Subhodh Kumar Jain, director of the New Delhi-based SAGE said, while adding that SBI Caps is advising them on the project.

India has not participated in talks on the 1,036km Iran-Pakistan-India ((IPI)) gas pipeline since 2007, owing to security and commercial threats.

Referring to the IPI project earlier, Assocham Secretary General D S Rawat remarked that the proposed pipeline projects involving Pakistan may not materialise due to the critical political situation.

"Given the kind of serious political problems, the proposed pipeline projects involving Pakistan, it is feared, may remain a pipe dream. All other viable alternatives to enhance India’s energy security must be explored,” he said.

The consortium of Indian public sector companies, ONGC Videsh, Oil India and India Oil Corporation, had discovered gas in the Farzad-B block in Iran in 2008 and subsequently, prepared a field development plan to recover about 12.8 trillion cubic feet of gas. However, according to Assocham, the plan had to be abandoned following sanctions on Iran. India has already spent $90 million on exploration.

A senior Iranian official said on Monday that negotiations are being held to build a $4.5 billion undersea gas pipeline from Iran to Indian west coast following India’s rejection of the proposal for an onland pipeline that would pass through Pakistan.

“Negotiations are under serious consideration,” said National Iranian Gas Export Company managing director Alireza Kameli at the World Energy Policy Summit here.

The planned pipeline from the Iranian coast via the Oman Sea and Indian Ocean to Gujarat is proposed to carry 31.5 million standard cubic metres gas per day and will be built in two years, from the date necessary approvals and a gas sale and purchase agreement are signed, he said.

“We welcome India’s participation. At the moment, Iran is in negotiations with South Asia Gas Enterprise (SAGE) for construction of an undersea line,” he said.

As per the proposal being discussed, SAGE will lay the 1,400 km pipeline bypassing the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Pakistan. Any company wanting to buy gas from Iran can rent the pipeline.

“SAGE will not be buying gas from Iran. It will lead an international consortium for building the pipeline,” said Subhodh Kumar Jain, director of the New Delhi-based SAGE.

“SBI Caps is advising us on the project,” he added.

India has not taken part in the talks on the 1,036 km Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline since 2007, citing security and commercial concerns.

Meanwhile, the Teheran-based Mehr news agency has reported that Iran has agreed to award a $3 billion contract to develop the Farzad B gas field in the Persian Gulf to a consortium of Indian companies led by state-run Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC).

Mehr quoted the director of the Falat Ghare oil company, Saeed Hafezi, as saying the easing of sanctions after Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers, signified that the consortium can resume field development, the first phase of which aims to produce one billion cubic feet of natural gas per day.

The Farzad B field, successfully discovered by the Indian explorer’s overseas arm ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL), is estimated to hold initial in-place gas reserves of 12.5 trillion cubic feet.

ONGC officials here, contacted by us on Monday, declined knowledge of the latest developments, but said a proposal submitted by the consortium had cited around $3 billion as costs for the first phase of development of the Farzad B field.

Guidance : SSridhar Ji : INTEC (I hope you remember them) are involved!

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Cosmo_R »

^^^ Whatever the incremental cost of the undersea pipeline, it is mitigated to a large extent by not having to pay transit fees to Pakistan. Also, in the current environment of $30 something/barrel prices, construction costs and Iranian price expectations will be lower. Once built, the dynamic changes somewhat. We get leverage because of the sunk costs. Now's the time to get this done.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Vipul »

Even if the pipeline is away from the Shitistani EEC/maritime zone, how will this pipeline (once built) be kept safe? Is there any way it can be monitored to try to keep Paki frogman from sabotaging it in international waters?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Prem »

Ammi Bhi Barri Nikammi
San Bernardino jihad murderer’s mother active member of ICNA, a pro-Sharia, pro-caliphate group
The Farooks are turning out to be quite a crime family, but they were on no one’s radar. That would have been “Islamophobic.”ICNA is also the group responsible for the billboards that are up all across the country, saying that Muhammad taught peace and women’s rights. Our attempts to put up billboards actually quoting Muhammad saying things to the contrary were, of course, rejected. ICNA also, despite (or perhaps because of) its open support for Sharia and the caliphate, enjoys mainstream access to a degree that counter-jihad groups are never given.Rafia Farook, the mother of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, is an active member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim organization that promotes the establishment of a caliphate and has ties to a radical Pakistani political group called Jamaat-e-Islami.Farook’s affiliation with ICNA was revealed on Friday when MSNBC and other new outlets scoured the Farooks’ apartment in Redlands, Cal. An MSNBC reporter found a certificate of appreciation presented to Safia Farook last summer by ICNA’s sisters’ wing.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Abhay_S »

Vipul wrote:Even if the pipeline is away from the Shitistani EEC/maritime zone, how will this pipeline (once built) be kept safe? Is there any way it can be monitored to try to keep Paki frogman from sabotaging it in international waters?

This is where deterrence comes into play. No matter who sabotages the pipeline we can sink there entire swamp Behria in a day :mrgreen:
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Peregrine »

Vipul wrote:Even if the pipeline is away from the Shitistani EEC/maritime zone, how will this pipeline (once built) be kept safe? Is there any way it can be monitored to try to keep Paki frogman from sabotaging it in international waters?
Vipul Ji

In 1995 INTEC ENGINEERING made a Project Report on the Oman-India Deep Sea Pipeline.

In the earlier part of this century when the GOI was looking to an alternative route to avoid the Iran-India Pipeline passing through Cwapistan there were discussions in Cwapistan exploring the use of Babur Missiles and even sending the Augusta Submarines to "straddle the Pipe Line" and then place Explosives to Blow it up.

Of course this involved Depths of up to 3,500 Metres and the Augusta Submarines Depths limited to 400 Metres it would be a "wee bit difficult" to say the least.

In addition, I believe, it would cause huge environmental damages.

Here is the Pipeline Route Profile : Image

For further details click on :
SAGE - Middle East to India Deepwater Gas Pipeline

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by partha »

Abhay_S wrote:
Vipul wrote:Even if the pipeline is away from the Shitistani EEC/maritime zone, how will this pipeline (once built) be kept safe? Is there any way it can be monitored to try to keep Paki frogman from sabotaging it in international waters?

This is where deterrence comes into play. No matter who sabotages the pipeline we can sink there entire swamp Behria in a day :mrgreen:
Yeah, more such modern infrastructure is needed which will automatically make it difficult for Paki apologists in India to call for peace at all costs. Who cares if a bunch of poor people traveling in Mumbai local die in Pak sponsored bomb blasts, right? Imagine the same blasts on Delhi Metro or bullet trains or gas pipelines cutting off gas supply to millions of people. That will be spartaa! More modern our infrastructure becomes, the harder it gets for GoI to not strongly respond to any Paki terror attack.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Falijee »

Hero Hamid's Teetar Account Hacked By Harami Hackers :mrgreen:
Hamid Mir’s Twitter Account Hacked, Private Emails, Bank Statement Leaked Online
Hamid Mir’s twitter account, which has over 1.6 million followers,( so this "closet Islamist" has a huge following!) has been reportedly hacked by an unknown hacker just moments ago. The hacker, without identifying him/herself, leaked Hamid Mir’s private emails online, however, we could not confirm if these emails indeed belonged to Hamid Mir or not.
The" hidden hand of Deep State" cannot be ruled out considering the nature of some of the "embarrasing tweets"
From the look of things, its more than just the Twitter account that was compromised as some tweets include bank statements and email excerpts from his official email ID as well.
At the time of writing, tweets are still up but we’re posting screenshots just in case the account is recovered and they are deleted:
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2015

Post by Peregrine »

This article is from the time when Mad Senile Aiyar was doing his best to have the Iran-India Natural Gas Pipe Line by the Land Route via Cwapistan.

The Pipelines Perplexity – Bhaskar Dasgupta : 16-01-2004

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Peregrine wrote:X Posted on the Oil & Natural Gas: News & Discussion

India, Iran discuss undersea gas pipeline bypassing Pakistan

Guidance : SSridhar Ji : INTEC (I hope you remember them) are involved!
Peregrine ji, yes, of course.

What did we say at that time? Some guys were smoking the 'India-Pakistan Peace Pipeline' BS. Unfortunately, some top scientist and the MSA guy were involved in that 'Peace Pipeline' that set us back by a decade at least.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Vipul »

Thanks Peregrine ji.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by shiv »

Vipul wrote:Even if the pipeline is away from the Shitistani EEC/maritime zone, how will this pipeline (once built) be kept safe? Is there any way it can be monitored to try to keep Paki frogman from sabotaging it in international waters?
Question: How does one sabotage a pipeline that is more than 1000 meters deep?
1. How to locate accurately?
2. How to actually sabotage it?
3. How to confirm that it has been damaged?

Points to consider (taken straight and fresh out of my own musharraf)
1. Pipelines will have some inherent strength and protective metal cable cladding (possible double layered) to withstand the pressures underwater and any other reasonable wear and tear processes
2. Pipeline may sink under the subsea sand and remain invisible withot specialized equipment
3. How accurate can depth charges be. One can sink lots of them but one may need an explosion in close proximity to actually damage the pipeline No frogman will ever get to those depths
4. For insurance and ease of laying pipes it would make sense to lay two or more parallel pipes of smaller diameter rather than one large one. If enough pipes are laid a couple can be kept empty - to be used in case of sabotage just like "dark fiber" along with internet fibres that run undersea in the same area
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Pakistan must not distinguish between terror groups like Pak Taliban and LeT: US - ToI

This US Dy. Secy. of State guy is saying all these nice-to-hear words in New Delhi. He will sing a different tune in Pakistan.
NEW DELHI: The US on Tuesday said Pakistan should not distinguish between terror groups like Pak Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba and that it would be satisfied only when perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks are brought to book and justice ensured to the victims.

Deputy secretary of state Antony Blinken, who is on a two- day visit to India, said Pakistan must adhere to the "standard" set by its army chief General Raheel Sharif through his statements on not differentiating between terrorist organizations like Pak Taliban and LeT.

On the 26/11 attacks, he said India and US were "bound together" in seeking justice to the victims.

"I don't think anyone would be satisfied until justice is done, no we can't be satisfied," Blinken said in an interview to Karan Thapar on India Today news channel.

Talking on a range of issues, Blinken stressed that the US has told Pakistan, "publicly, privately and repeatedly", that the country should take action against both "inwardly directed and outwardly directed" terror groups who threaten India, US or Afghanistan.

"We are looking to his (Gen Raheel) own standard that there should be no distinction. A terrorist is a terrorist whether it is Pak Taliban, LeT or Haqqani network. It's a very important statement and should be the basis of collective action," he said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by shiv »

SSridhar wrote:Pakistan must not distinguish between terror groups like Pak Taliban and LeT: US - ToI

This US Dy. Secy. of State guy is saying all these nice-to-hear words in New Delhi. He will sing a different tune in Pakistan.
People keep goats around here before bakr-id presumably to sell for slaughter. It is sad and pathetic to hear them bleating ineffectively. The US sounds like that when they tell Pakistan silly things like "Don't distinguish between terror groups" or that "Hafiz saeed is a wanted man"

I think yes - they do it only to sound like they are doing something - like bleating might help. Ultimately with the US pouring effort into wars and internal security, one more straw that the US will clutch tightly is the Pakistan army straw which tells them "Keep us funded and happy or else we will lose to the Islamists and you will have even more trouble from us than you have from Syria"
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by saip »

India connection to terror woman?

US shooting suspect also spent time in India: Riyadh

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by shiv »

saip wrote:India connection to terror woman?

US shooting suspect also spent time in India: Riyadh

That is a Paki news item but it is good news if she spent time in India because only India (and not Saudi or Shitistan) will be willing to investigate her links and catch some of her friends
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Prem »

Madam Fair retweeted that no Paki dignitary was present at Isloo to receive SS. What gives ? Heartburn, plain insult or just vanila stupidity for which Paki are famous for.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Nov 21, 2

Post by Prem »

Heart of Asia': Afghan President Ashraf Ghani arrives in Islamabad
Check the body language of Ghani and Ganza: Aassar Nahi Laage Changa
Ghani was received by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at Nur Khan air base and presented a guard of honour and given a 21 gun salute. National anthems of both countries were played.The participation of President Ghani and Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj's in the process has given a new momentum to the two-day ministerial conference.Swaraj arrived in Islamabad on Tuesday and was received by Foreign Office officials.
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