Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Gagan »

Pakistan needs to understand that India seeking to impose fines for showing the incorrect maps of India is 100% in line with the UN resolutions on J&K, where the UN has asked Pakistan to return POK to the Union of India.

Pakistan is in contravention of the UN resolution on Jammu and Kashmir
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Abhay_S »

Pak amnesia intentional ... al-1222999

Pakistan has come up with an outrageous claim that what Jamaat-e-Islami chief Motiur Rahman Nizami did in 1971 was to uphold the constitution of Pakistan.

Its foreign ministry in a statement issued on Wednesday following the execution of Nizami claimed: "His only sin was upholding the constitution and laws of Pakistan."

The same day, during the passage of a resolution in the Pakistan national parliament condemning his execution, some of its MPs went a step further. They claimed that Nizami and other executed Jamaat leaders did not violate the law and constitution of the united Pakistan in 1971.

The foreign ministry's claim is factually incorrect because Pakistan did not have any constitution during the Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971.

The constitution promulgated by the government led by General Ayub Khan in 1962 was abrogated on March 25, 1969 by General Yahya Khan.

Ousting Ayub from power, Yahya grabbed state power. He declared martial law, making all other existing laws subservient to the martial law proclamations and orders.

Pakistan did not have any constitution until the government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who grabbed power by ousting Yahya, promulgated a new one in 1973.

So how did Nizami uphold the Pakistan constitution which did not exist at all in 1971?

The Pakistani MPs, those who claimed that Nizami and other who were executed for committing war crimes did not violate the constitution of Pakistan by their activities, however, are correct in the sense that there was no constitution at that time.

But their claim that Nizami and others did not violate any law of Pakistan is false. It is because the Pakistan Penal Code of 1860 that existed then did not allow them to kill and torture people and rape women.

Pakistan's foreign ministry and some of its MPs did not consider the fact to make the false claim.

They, however, proved by their actions, that they are grateful to Nizami for what he did in 1971 in support of Pakistani occupational army that carried out the heinous genocide on unarmed Bangalis.

Yes, Nizami upheld a law of Pakistan which was---Razakar Ordinance of 1971. General Yahya's government promulgated the ordinance to raise Razakars as a paramilitary force that would assist the Pakistan army to annihilate freedom loving Bangalis.

Nizami was the chief of Al-Badr, the brutal killing squad mostly comprised of leaders and activists of Islami Chhatra Sangha, the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami in 1971. Jamaat's secretary general Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojaheed, who was the second in command of Al-Badr and was executed in November last year for committing crimes against humanity.

Being chief of Al-Badr, Nizami worked to uphold the spirit of the Razakar Ordinance. In that case, Pakistan can now make the claim that what Nizami did in 1971 was to uphold the law of Pakistan.

The Al-Badr, as part of General Tikka Khan's scorched earth policy, made a list of intellectuals and picked them up around mid-December when they felt Pakistan was losing.

They shot and bayoneted the best minds of the country--writers, teachers, editors, physicians and intellectuals on December 14, 1971 at Rayer Bazar and Mirpur.

Nizami was sentenced to death for masterminding the killings of intellectuals, murders of 450 civilians and rape in Bausgari and Demra, Killings of 52 people in Dhulauri, killings of 10 people and the rape of three women in Karamja in Pabna.

He was also sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of involvement in the killing of Kasim Uddin and two others, and Sohrab Ali in Pabna, and torture and killing at the Mohammadpur Physical Training Centre in Dhaka, the Al-Badr torture centre where many intellectuals were taken before being killed.

His second in command, Mojaheed was hanged for leading the killing of intellectuals and other atrocities.

The killings and atrocities carried out by Nizami, Mojaheed and their cohorts were no way to uphold the so called Pakistan constitution. But their works had pleased the Pakistani generals in 1971 and those who still speak for them.

General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, who was chief of the Pakistani force in the then East Pakistan and led the genocide until the surrender in December 1971, lauded the Razakars for their performance.

Niazi dedicated his book "The Betrayal of East Pakistan,” among others to these Razakars, who he thought, had fought valiantly for Pakistan.

The way the present Pakistan leadership are reacting to the war crimes trial in Bangladesh proves they still remain grateful to Nizami and other Razakars.

The Pakistan foreign ministry in its statement offered condolence to the bereaved family members and the followers of Nizami. It also termed the trial proceeding flawed.

The national parliament did something more. It offered fateha for Nizami.

All these actions by the Pakistan ruling class prove Nizami along with other Razakars did a great job for Pakistani army that carried out the massacre to thwart the birth of Bangladesh as an independent country.

Pakistan did not come out suddenly with its outrageous reactions on Wednesday. It also reacted in the same manner to the execution of Mojaheed and BNP leader Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury in November last year.

In a statement issued by its foreign ministry in last November, it denied committing any war crime or atrocities during the 1971 War of Independence. It also rejected what it called “baseless and unfounded assertions” of Bangladesh against Pakistan.

Pakistan is deliberately forgetting that its atrocities are all in black and white. There are thousands of Bangladeshis who have testified of the harrowing tales of genocide. There are hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshis still living who carry the dark memories of the darkest hours in their lives.

The realities of its atrocities come out even in those Pakistani's own versions of the war. These are found in Pakistan's top military leaders' memoirs of the war as well as in the depositions of military officials to the Hamoodur Rahman Commission headed by the chief justice Hamoodur Rahman. The Pakistan government on 26 December, 1971 formed the commission to find out the reasons of defeat of the Pakistan army.

Pakistan remains consistent with its policy against the trial of war criminals. From the very beginning, it has sided with them.

After the end of the war, the Pakistan government made desperate efforts to block the trial of 195 Pakistani military officials for war crimes. To achieve this goal, then Pakistani government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto even threatened to block repatriation of 4 lakh Bangalis stranded in West Pakistan. He even requested China to use its veto power to deprive newly born Bangladesh of UN membership. His government also went to the International Court of Justice in The Hague with the request that India not have over 195 POWs to Bangladesh.

Some of its MPs on Wednesday urged the Pakistan government to raise the issue of trial of war criminals in the UN and to put pressure on Bangladesh. Their threat is a manifestation of Pakistan's old strategy.

All these however suggest Pakistan's present leadership are still following the legacy of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and the then military juntas who were desperate to block the trial of war criminals and in so doing they are deliberately distorting history. It seems they are suffering from amnesia of sorts from some perverted sense of political expediency.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Abhay_S » ... extremism/

The Pakistani curriculum and extremism

A selective, one-sided version of history; distortions, half-truths and biases; an ideological narrative designed to impose the state’s version of identity. Yes, these are all problems with Pakistan’s history textbooks, but not Pakistan’s books alone.

Countries around the world use curricula to impart ideology and inculcate nationalism. Scholarly research has documented issues such as the ones I mentioned above in history textbooks in India, Bangladesh, China, Japan, Israel and America — and more.

In my research, I have drawn a link between the problems with the Pakistani curriculum and the country’s current struggle with extremism. Yet extremism is not a major issue for the other countries I mentioned above.

Is it disingenuous, then, to link the curriculum with extremism in Pakistan when the connection does not seem to hold for these other countries? Does the key lie in the sheer quantity of distortions and biases in Pakistani textbooks relative to these others? Or are factors other than curricula more important?

The answer, in my view, lies in a few particularities in the Pakistani curriculum, and in the country itself.

First, Pakistani textbooks glorify armed jihad. They extol warfare that occurred pre-Partition against (armies of) other religions, and they glorify these wars in the name of religion. Pakistan is not alone in having fought wars, but it is one of very few countries (Israel is another that comes to mind) that invoke religion in war. In Pakistan Studies textbooks, the wars with India post-Partition are labelled as jihad.

Once you give armed conflict the cloak of religion — for the military as well as freedom fighters in colonial times — the next thing you know, violence in the name of religion becomes justifiable in the hands of modern-day militant groups as well.

Second, there is no critical thinking, questioning and reasoning to speak of in Pakistani government schools. How, then, can Pakistanis counter questionable narratives thrown at them? Pakistan is not alone in this — a lack of critical thinking is endemic to many Asian countries as well as other South Asian nations( :roll: ). But few other countries have the narratives of hate, victimhood, paranoia and conspiracy that float around in Pakistan.

These narratives are spouted by politicians, religio-political groups, the media, the neighbourhood mullah and by militant groups. The propaganda of militant groups — out there, unregulated — is doubly dangerous in the hands of an unthinking and gullible population. Worse, the narratives of some mainstream politicians, especially those belonging to religious parties, do not lie far from the narratives of militant groups, lending the latter further acceptability.

Third, Pakistan has no rule of law to speak of. Militants remain largely unprosecuted, except through non-transparent military courts. Pakistan’s policing infrastructure remains poor, as does its legal system. Unless extremists are held accountable in a transparent manner for their actions, they will persist.

Fourth, Pakistan has poor governance, no question, but Pakistanis have an almost unparalleled sense of grievance over their country’s poor governance. To understand how grievances, even unjustified, can lead to extremism, you need look no further than the current American election campaign and Donald Trump’s supporters, extremists of a different kind. They think the current American political system has done them grievous wrong, and this has driven them into the arms of an anti-establishment know-nothing.

In Pakistan, when charitable wings of militant groups fill the space left void by the government, and when militant groups dispense judgments — albeit harsh and regressive — where there is no legal system to speak of, allegiances and sympathies can shift away from the distrusted state to the only available alternative.

Fifth, the abysmally low levels of education in Pakistan, combined with the sheer number of problems in the curriculum, play a role. Pakistan has poorer educational attainment than each of the countries I have mentioned above. Levels of education matter: in my discussions with university students in Lahore, they told me that the broader view of history they saw in university beyond their government secondary schools changed and broadened their thinking. Studying European history, American politics and more helped reverse many of their earlier problematic conceptions. Pakistan’s textbooks are not alone in the world in being ideologically driven and chock-full of distortions. But in the myriad problems in Pakistan’s cauldron of extremism, its education system plays a significant role.

Thinking citizens and those with higher education are more likely to counter the propaganda all too readily accessible in the country (even that written in their high school textbooks). But other factors — governance and the rule of law — also matter, and we would ignore them at our peril.

one thing that stands out in the articles written by these selfstyled libreal elites of pakistan is how they try to find Paki traits in others. its time to wake up and smell the Baijiu.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Pakistanis Play Language Politics In Canada By Distorting Language Questions
Say no to distorting our census
By Tarek Fatah, Toronto Sun
Who would have guessed Canada’s 2016 census would provide us with an insight into the darker side of Canada’s multiculturalism?
In an attempt to enhance the presence of one linguistic group over another, some Canadian Muslims of Pakistani origin encouraged their community to give inaccurate information on the census form.
They asked Pakistani-Canadians to disown their own mother tongue, which is “Punjabi”, and instead list “Urdu”, so as to enhance Islamic numbers in Canada.
In addition, they apparently didn't want the Sikh community, who also speak Punjabi, to benefit from having more Punjabi speakers in Canada. :roll:
This ill-conceived advice to distort the census results could put anyone who followed it at risk.
I would have told them to tell the truth, as should all Canadians.
As Statistics Canada itself warns:
“Every person who … knowingly gives false or misleading information … is, for every refusal or neglect, or false answer or deception, guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to both.”
The reason why most Canadians have no idea this happened is that the controversy occurred entirely within the confines of one religious and racial minority community, where few outsiders have access.
This is another curse of multiculturalism that encourages insular communities and linguistic ghettos.
Pakis are well-known for not assimilating with mainstream communities everywhere by establishing Islamic schools, halal-only shopping zones, sharia compliant areas and "demanding" prayer break time ! Malsi encourages them to remain aloof and not mix with kaffirs.
The issue is not just one of competing languages, but the promotion of Urdu in Canada, a language that for the last century has become a symbol of pan-Islamism and has been used by Pakistan’s Islamists as the language of Islam, rather than of a people.
The use of language as a political, cultural and colonial tool has been documented by many linguists, including Noam Chomsky and Daniel Everett.
But the specific case of Urdu as an Islamist tool has been raised by Tariq Rahman, a Pakistani academic and author of many books on linguistics. As a native speaker of Urdu himself, Rahman writes:
“Urdu… is associated with Islam in South Asia. In Pakistan, Urdu and Islam are the main symbolic components of the Pakistani Muslim identity that resists the expression of the [indigenous] ethnic identities of that country.”
While the attraction of Urdu to Islamists is a powerful one, Urdu is the mother tongue of only about 7% of Pakistanis, and was a major reason for the country’s breakup in 1971.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Why Sex-Education Should Be Compulsory In Pakistan
By S.K Pakistan

Sex and /or sex education is such a taboo subject in Pakiland that this author (probably female ) is afraid of becoming Wajib-ul-cutlet!
The debate of sex education, or sex-ed, in Pakistan has been around for a while. In the Western world, sex-ed is a compulsory part of the school curriculum. Pakistan, as a developing world country, has yet to make this inclusion in its curriculum, extending knowledge to students about the human body, its sexual needs, desires and control.
The mullah brigade, for the record, should announce a Fatwa on this "forbidden fruit".
In Pakistani private schools, usually at the start of 6th grade, girls are taught about the process of menstruation through seminars held inside the schools’ vicinities – these talks are usually improvised by sanitary pad companies such as Always, Whisper etc. ( Guerilla Marketing in a Malsi environment )
Of course, boys are not part of the endeavor altogether – however, they do see their counterpart classmates enter the classrooms with khaki bags, which are directly stuffed into the girls’ bags as soon as they take their seats.
The anonymous author is talking about a population which is not even 0.10% of the population.
Be it a village or a posh society in a metropolitan city, if you think that teenagers are not getting involved in physical relationships and sexual activities, you’ve turned a blind eye for the worse. Varying in liberal values, people who wish to engage in sexual activity, do so comfortably, be it outside their comfortable homes’ vicinity, empty houses, rented apartments, cars parked in dark alleys, on the rooftops and backstairs of apartments, dark sheesha/hookah cafes, internet cafes and even in schools, the youth of Pakistan is undeniably sexually active. But under an Islamic veneer like burkha and beards :mrgreen:
Since sex is a natural biological process that those who wish to partake in will continue to do so, should not the youth at least be taught about sex? Shouldn’t they know about the dos and the don’ts about safe sex and sexual hygiene? :roll:
According to NCBI: “We estimate that 890,000 induced abortions are performed annually in Pakistan, and estimate an annual abortion rate of 29 per 1,000 women aged 15-49. The abortion rate is found to be higher in provinces where contraceptive use is lower and where unwanted childbearing is higher.“
The key figure to notice in the above stated quote is the age of 15. Most of these abortions are carried out through the parents’ consent as their teenage daughters had engaged in sexual activity without taking precautionary methods – which, would not have happened had they been taught about the probability and possibility of pregnancy through unsafe sex. This is where Sexual Education steps in.
What Do Schools and Ulemas Think About Sex-Education in Pakistan?
Ulemas think (and act )a lot about sex but behind four walls!!
“My body is only mine and only I have the rights on it. If someone touches my private parts I’ll bite or slap him in the face,” a ten-year-old student named Uzma Panhwar had said.
Top-tier schools of Pakistan such as the Beaconhouse School System have been contemplating the initiative of openly teaching sexual education, but still, they are caught in a double mind. “Girls feel shy to talk to their parents about sex,” said Roohi Haq, director of studies at Beaconhouse.
Maulana Tahir Ashrafi, the head of a moderate clerics’ alliance called Pakistan Ulema Council, when asked about the teaching of sexual education and its place in Islam, said, “If the teachers are female, they can give such information to girls in the limits of Sharia.“( so that means that Sharia law already has a policy on sex education ?. So, obviously this liquor -loving and "liberal" maulana has come out of the closet regarding sexual matters :mrgreen:
What do you think? Should our private and government schools take the initiative of accepting the need of Sexual Education? Should the Pakistani legislators be passing a notion on the issue? Or should we let things stay the way they are, and pray our youth manage to handle themselves and never fall prey to this calamity.

Article support from: Reuters. :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by arun »

When Mohammadden religion driven practises cloister away women in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, it is inevitable that deviant paedophilic male homosexual rape crops up:

Sexual abuse: 11-year-old boy raped in Paharipura

This deviant behaviour is no one off event in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Similar incidents of paedophilic homosexual rape have been reported over the past couple of years or so. Indeed I suspect that the incidents of this nature, by standards of prevalence of deviant behaviour, are quite widespread in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

12-year-old boy gang raped, strangled to death in Tando Mohammad Khan

Nine-year-old boy raped allegedly by relative in Peshawar

11-year-old gang-raped in Peshawar

Boy gang-raped in Mansehra

7-year-old boy dies after being gang raped by 'influentials' in Bahawalnagar

Lahore: 6-year-old boy killed after rape

Sexual assault: Boy allegedly raped by three men

Crime against children: Five-year-old boy raped

Girl, boy gang raped in Hafizabad

Gruesome crime: Kindergarten boy ‘gang-raped’ by principal, others
Last edited by arun on 19 May 2016 09:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by ArmenT »

nandakumar wrote:The capital for the plant seems obscenely high. Typically costs for coal based plants are in the region of 0.8 million US dollars per MW. This is a little over twice that.
Extra cost is because they need to also build the infrastructure around the plant as well (e.g. roads, bridges, coal mining equipment, trucks etc.) Also, I bet China Machinery Enginee­ring Corporation (CMEC) knew perfectly well at an early stage that they could not make a decent profit on it, but went ahead with the feasibility study anyway, probably charging a fat chunk of money to do it. Sure they lost $300,000 for failure to deliver on Letter of Interest, but you can depend on the fact that they've made more money charging for the feasibility study, so they were willing to take the hit. The project was worth $590 million, so losing $300K is chump change.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by nandakumar »

I guess that explains it. The harsh reality is that an economic power tariff that aims to recover sunk investments is never going to make manufacturing viable. That brings me to the larger point that this $40 or 50 billion worth projects that were announced with lot of fanfare were never intended to be put up in the first place.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Saleem Safi, Hamid Mir al-Qaeda’s favorite journalists: Gillani tells all
MULTAN (News Desk) – Ali Haider Gilani has claimed that al-Qaeda operatives had known about the May S9 US strike (so it seems that someone from Deep State is feeding them "information " ) on their hideout in Afghanistan’s Paktia province, which led to his eventual release earlier this month.
Narrating his dramatic recovery after being held captive for 3 years by an al-Qaeda faction, he said the militants were aware that US forces would strike later in the night, explaining their decision to shift him to another nearby hideout.
“While they were shifting me, clashes erupted between US forces and al-Qaeda operatives and my abductors were killed. Drones were still hovering in the sky, when a US soldier ordered me to stop,” Gilani told newsmen at a press conference in Multan.
He said that he introduced himself as son of former Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani. According to Gillani, the US soldier who stopped him, named George Flexure, relayed the information to Bagram Airbase, which later identified him as the former PM’s abducted son.
About Abductors:
During his interview, Ali Haider Gilani said that operatives of Khan Sajna group, who were fluent in Punjabi, had kidnapped him from Multan and then shifted him to Faisalabad.
I was in Faisalabad when Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah told reporters that my kidnappers had taken me to Waziristan, he added.
Gilani believes that he was not kidnapped for ransom. Rather, he was captured to pressure the government for the release of al-Qaeda operatives, who were held by Pakistani authorities at the time.
He claimed that his abductor originally wanted to kidnap his elder brothers Ali Musa Gilani and Abdul Qadir Gilani, but they failed due to heavy security measures. As a result, they decided to kidnap him instead.
The fact that he belonged to the "wrong sect" could well be one factor !
Ali Haider claims that al-Qaeda has sufficient resources to support its operatives worldwide. The Taliban are financially weak in comparison, he added.
He said that al-Qaeda possesses sophisticated weapons and communication resources. They use quality imported articles, sweets and other eatables, he added.
During my stay in Afghanistan, I was kept in caves, castles and houses where advanced computerised systems were installed, he told newsmen.
"infidel technology" being (ab) used in the cause of Muslim Ummah !
According to Gilani, al-Qaeda operated an advanced media monitoring cell and its operatives regularly watched talk shows of Pakistani journalists, especially those of Hamid Mir (so this closet Islamist -even after undergoing "kill attempt" by the Deep State is "admired" by terrorist groups !)and Saleem Safi, who Gillani claimed were their favorite journalists.
Ali Haider Gilani has also revealed his plan to write a book based on the events he witnessed during his abduction.
I want to pen the every detail of my story, so that people can understand several facts, he said.
According to his father,(the corrupt ex PM of Pakistan,) no less than Hollywood big-man Steven Spielberg is interested in making a movie about his ordeal !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

After 3-years with al-Qaeda, Ali Haider Gilani calls for shariah :roll:

Stockholm Syndrome :shock: ?

Went in as a R.A.P.E (Rich Anglophile Paki Elite ) came out as a B.A.I.L ( Bearded And Islamic Launda !) :mrgreen:

Remains to be seen now if Steven Spielberg's initial movie offer (to be based on his ordeal ) is now still on the table :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Prem »

Bakistani Djinn Chinn Missiles Win: A Nya Abbu

‘India might not be able to defend itself from Pakistani missiles’
ISLAMABAD: A nuclear expert from Moscow says despite heavy investments in developing anti-ballistic missile systems, India may not be able to fully defend itself in a conflict from strikes by Pakistani missiles.“Even in 10 years and with the huge budgets that India plans to spend on the development of nuclear weapons and capabilities, it is difficult to imagine it will be able to defend its territory from possible strikes from Pakistan in case of conflict,” said Petr Topychkanov, a senior researcher at the Carnegie Moscow Centre’s Non-Proliferation Programme.Talking about ‘Non-Proliferation and Strategic Stability in South Asia: A Russian Perspective’ at the Strategic Vision Institute (SIV) which is an Islamabad-based think tank specialising in nuclear issues, Mr Topychkanov said that despite largescale cooperation between India and Israel for the development of a ballistic missile defence system and Indian efforts for acquiring S-400 defence systems from Russia, “India is very far from developing any system that could effectively defend itself from a Pakistani missile”.
Last Sunday India tested an Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor missile and is working on developing a multi-layer ballistic missile defence system and Pakistan has expressed concerns over the test.It is feared that the development of anti-ballistic missile systems may give Indian strategists a false sense of security when contemplating military action against Pakistan with the belief that they can take care of an incoming missile.The possession of such a system could also increase pre-emption tendencies among Indian military planners. Pakistan experts also feel that with the short missile flight time between India and Pakistan, it will be impossible for intercepting incoming missiles.Talking about India’s candidature for the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) Mr Topychkanov said the world will be cautious about India.“The nuclear waiver given to Indian became a very important part of the lesson for the international community because Delhi did not give a lot in exchange, it didn’t change policies and approaches,” he said.Mr Topychkanov said it would not be the same this time because India will have to show “serious progress in relations with IAEA, UN and the international nuclear community”.Meanwhile, also claiming to have sound credentials for becoming an NSG member, Pakistan won rare acknowledgement from the US for its “significant efforts to harmonise its strategic trade controls with those of the NSG and other multilateral export control regimes” on Tuesday at a meeting of the Pak-US Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation (SSS&NP) Working Group.Talking about Russia’s policy for strategic stability in South Asia, the Mr Topychkanov said Moscow is interested in regional strategic stability and is working on avoiding crisis in the area.He said despite longstanding strategic partnership with India, Russia was developing relations with both Islamabad and Delhi.SVI President Dr Zafar Iqbal Cheema expressed concern about the deteriorating strategic balance in the region because of India’s acquisition of conventional and nuclear weapons and said such developments seriously impact Pakistan’s interests.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

FBR plans to tax pension funds, non-profit organisations
The proposals are aimed at generating over Rs5 billion in additional revenues along with...
Looks good on paper for the benefit of World Bank Auditors, but implementation is another story :mrgreen:

Govt likely to double WHT on cash withdrawals
The government may double withholding tax on cash withdrawal from banks by currency exchange companies, as infighting among top bureaucrats of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) intensifies over inclusion of tax proposals of their own liking in the upcoming budget.
The FBR has proposed an increase in withholding tax, which is collected as advance income tax, from 0.15% to 0.3% in a bid to receive additional revenue of Rs3 billion in fiscal year 2016-17, beginning July.
Again looks good on paper for the benefit of World Bank Auditors, but implementation (without Aam Abdul ) without agitation is another story :mrgreen:

I guess the World Bank wants to make sure that at least the interest portion is squeezed from the Aam Abduls and remitted back ! IMO, they must have come to the conclusion that Paki Govt is not going after the big crooks and is not of course serious about tax reforms and tax collection! They must have observed the drama being played about the foreign loot of NS,Zardari etc etc in connection with the Panama leaks !

Govt likely to increase petroleum prices from June 1st

Another example of squeezing the Aam Abduls to make sure at least the interest payments on World Bank loans will be met !

Consumption tax, (instead of making sure income tax is paid ) on the Aam Abduls being levied left and right on the advice of foreign lenders !
Last edited by Falijee on 19 May 2016 23:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Govt decides to arrest who leaked PM Nawaz, Raheel conversion video :mrgreen:
LAHORE (Staff Report) Government has decided to arrest all those, who leaked Chief of Army Staff (COAs) Raheel Sharif and Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif conversation video.
According to advisor to PM, those who leaked Chief of Army Staff (COAs) Raheel Sharif and Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif conversation video will be arrested soon.
It cannot be ruled out that that the video was deliberately leaked by Bad Sharif to embarrass the Good Sharif
Now some "innocent" person will have to take the rap!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Gagan »

We are in the run up to Ramadan, when every guy is supposed to ask forgiveness for their sins committed all year long.
IMHO there is a spike in sexual crimes in particular, and crimes in general before this. These guys are supposed to be celibate during ramadan, so baccha-baazi is a no-no.

So these guys are doing all sorts of dirty things now, so that all sins can be washed away next month...
Come Eid, and things will start off with a bang onlee
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

PM Nawaz performs ground breaking of $44m Pak-China Optical Fibre Cable project

Between his so-called medical check-ups in London, Ganja Sharif has become quite a frequent flyer; flying one day to Dushanbe,(map fiasco) second day to DI Khan (attacking Immy and promising a lot !) and a third day to Gilgit (fibre cable project will reduce terrorism :roll: ); all this inaugurating this and ground breaking that, one would wonder what this is doing to his fragile health ? Is he not ignoring the advise of his foreign doctors to get complete bed rest and stay away from "rich punjabi food" :mrgreen:
Earlier he was nicknamed the Deputy Commissioner of Islamabad due to his frequent travels to the Pindi market to check out the price of Bhindi, gosht and other tarkari ; now with his frequent travels outside Isloo, he is promoted to Deputy Commissioner of Pakistan ; the PM job remains with the Bad Sharif :mrgreen:
Last edited by Falijee on 19 May 2016 23:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Abhay_S »

Falijee wrote:FBR plans to tax pension funds, non-profit organisations
The proposals are aimed at generating over Rs5 billion in additional revenues along with...
Looks good on paper for the benefit of World Bank Auditors, but implementation is another story :mrgreen:

Govt likely to double WHT on cash withdrawals
The government may double withholding tax on cash withdrawal from banks by currency exchange companies, as infighting among top bureaucrats of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) intensifies over inclusion of tax proposals of their own liking in the upcoming budget.
The FBR has proposed an increase in withholding tax, which is collected as advance income tax, from 0.15% to 0.3% in a bid to receive additional revenue of Rs3 billion in fiscal year 2016-17, beginning July.
Again looks good on paper for the benefit of World Bank Auditors, but implementation (without Aam Abdul ) without agitation is another story :mrgreen:

I guess the World Bank wants to make sure that at least the interest portion is squeezed from the Aam Abduls and remitted back ! IMO, they must have come to the conclusion that Paki Govt is not going after the big crooks and is not of course serious about tax reforms and tax collection! They must have observed the drama being played about the foreign loot of NS,Zardari etc etc in connection with the Panama leaks !

looks like lot of Sialkot Accounting going on. need an evil yahood-o-hanood auditor at WB and IMF
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by KJo »

I am sure the world wishes that we could cordon off a secluded part of the world where all Pure Pissfools can live in accordance to the will of Allah governed by the Holy Shariah and Al-Qitaab. :roll:
Just don't bother the rest of the world.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Karan M »

For this they should give him Sitara Jurat.. last time some other chap farted (MM Alam who claimed he shot down 10,000 kaffir planes in 2.4 seconds, he got one too). :lol: :lol:

Jhujar wrote:Bakistani Djinn Chinn Missiles Win: A Nya Abbu

‘India might not be able to defend itself from Pakistani missiles’
ISLAMABAD: A nuclear expert from Moscow says despite heavy investments in developing anti-ballistic missile systems, India may not be able to fully defend itself in a conflict from strikes by Pakistani missiles.“Even in 10 years and with the huge budgets that India plans to spend on the development of nuclear weapons and capabilities, it is difficult to imagine it will be able to defend its territory from possible strikes from Pakistan in case of conflict,” said Petr Topychkanov, a senior researcher at the Carnegie Moscow Centre’s Non-Proliferation Programme.Talking about ‘Non-Proliferation and Strategic Stability in South Asia: A Russian Perspective’ at the Strategic Vision Institute (SIV) which is an Islamabad-based think tank specialising in nuclear issues
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan will push UN to declare Indian Ocean 'nuclear free zone', says Aziz :roll:
ISLAMABAD: Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz on Thursday informed Senate that Pakistan is considering to move a resolution in United Nations, urging it to declare the Indian Ocean a "nuclear free zone".
The adviser expressed concern over India's interceptor missile test of its advanced air defence missile Ashwin and vowed to raise the issue with all major powers 'bilaterally and multilaterally'.
He announced that Pakistan is planning to highlight the dangerous implications of India's plans to nuclearise the Indian Ocean at all relevant international forums and a proposal is under consideration to move a resolution in the next session of UN General Assembly to declare the Indian Ocean a "nuclear free zone".
IMO, the whole Paki Defence Establishment is "shxxting bricks" following India's successful missile test ! And IMO this 82 year old senile fart is not up to the job ; Pakis should seriously look for a young, handsome and chikna FM :mrgreen: ;
"Apart from this air defence system, India has also recently conducted tests of nuclear capable, submarine based K4 ballistic missiles. Simultaneously large nuclear powered submarines are being built to carry these nuclear armed missile as a part of its second strike nuclear capability," Aziz told Senate. :((
During his speech to the upper house, Aziz said that these two developments are part of the massive conventional nuclear and missile development programmes being pursued by India, which are now leading to nuclearization of Indian Ocean and will affect the maritime security of all the 32 littoral states around the ocean.( I am impressed by his trivia knowledge !
He assured the Senators that Pakistan is not oblivious to its defence needs and will upgrade its defense capabilities 'without entering into an arms race' (but will bankrupt the country in the process-which is what India wants !)
"Our efforts for peace and friendship must not be interpreted as a sign of weakness," said Sartaj Aziz.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by member_23370 »

Wow the old fart has gone senile. None of the Littoral states even care about pakistan.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Prem »

Modi to attend SAARC conference in Islamabad'
Caliph Of South Asia
LAHORE: Emphasizing the importance of reinitiating the stalled dialogue process between India and Pakistan, Indian High Commissioner Gautam Bambawale on Thursday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the upcoming South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) conference in Islamabad.Speaking exclusively to Geo News after arriving in Lahore on a two-day visit, he said he was unable to give an exact time-frame of the bilateral talks however emphasized on reinitiating the dialogue process before the 19th SAARC conference, scheduled to be held in Islamabad and Murree in November.Commenting over Panama Papers leak, the Indian envoy said whatever was happening on the issue in Pakistan was its own matter. However, action against those named in the sham list has been kicked off in India, he added.Bambawale dismissed the notion that only the game of cricket is being hindered between the two countries through some sort of conspiracy. He expressed the likelihood that bilateral cricket matches would soon begin.Commenting further on bilateral ties between the two South Asian neighbours, the Indian high commissioner said talks must be held on all issues, including Kashmir. “India is ready and will go ahead with the talks,” he added.Bambawale also hinted that a breakthrough was expected soon in the resumption of the dialogue process. He, however, added that no date has yet been finalised for the foreign secretary-level talks.On arrest of the Indian spy in Pakistan, he said Kulbhushan Yadhav was an Indian national and a request had been made to Pakistan government for a meeting with him.Expressing delight over the warm welcome accorded to him in Pakistan, Bambawale said he had taken tips from Pakistan’s former foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar on how to strengthen ties between the two countries.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

‘India might not be able to defend itself from Pakistani missiles’ :roll:
ISLAMABAD: A nuclear expert from Moscow says despite heavy investments in developing anti-ballistic missile systems, India may not be able to fully defend itself in a conflict from strikes by Pakistani missiles.
“Even in 10 years and with the huge budgets that India plans to spend on the development of nuclear weapons and capabilities, it is difficult to imagine it will be able to defend its territory from possible strikes from Pakistan in case of conflict,” said Petr Topychkanov, a senior researcher at the Carnegie Moscow Centre’s Non-Proliferation Programme. (probably Massa funded and therefore not necessarily Russian thinking !)
Talking about Russia’s policy for strategic stability in South Asia, the Mr Topychkanov said Moscow is interested in regional strategic stability and is working on avoiding crisis in the area.
He said despite longstanding strategic partnership with India, Russia was developing relations with both Islamabad (if this is the case then Putin should have no reason not to accept - for the second or third time - an invite to visit HQ of Terroristan !)and Delhi.
SVI President Dr Zafar Iqbal Cheema expressed concern about the deteriorating strategic balance in the region because of India’s acquisition of conventional and nuclear weapons and said such developments seriously impact Pakistan’s interests.

Whatever this Russian "Expert" says should be interpreted taking into consideration the following:
First his target audience were all Pakis, therefore he has to tailor his speech to his partisan audience.
Second, he was probably here by invitation from SVI ( a Paki Think Tank?)
Third, as a "honored guest", he was probably wined and (sorry we don't serve sharab!)dined by all and sundry to show off the famous "Paki hospitality".
Fourth Most likely his speech was vetted by Deep State
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by member_23370 »

The paki reaction is same as chinese one after A-5. They know their days are numbered.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

A great let-down
I.A. Rehman
THE democratic-minded people of Pakistan were again let down by both the treasury and the opposition benches in the National Assembly last Monday.
The prime minister decided to underplay the significance of the session, where he was expected to defend himself, by coming to the chamber one hour after the session had begun. He chose to spend more than 30 minutes on what he wanted to say instead of what the people wanted to hear. Finally, the opposition deemed it appropriate to say outside parliament what they should have said inside. Neither side showed the country’s only sovereign authority the respect it deserves.
For the second time, Mian Nawaz Sharif has missed the chance of becoming a statesman and a potential winner of the next election by simply announcing his decision to step down for so long as it took to resolve the Panama leaks affair. The earlier chance he missed was on April 22 when he sought to win sympathy with a narrative of his family’s travails. Perhaps he was not aware of the gravity of the situation at that time. But what has been happening over the past many weeks should have made him wiser.
First and foremost Ganja Sharif is concerned about "preserving" his loot, preferably remaining PM (in name only ) and even taking all these hits on his Enchendee from his political opponents; as a last resort,he is willing to let go of the PM ship if he is assured that no future Govt will take action against him and his corrupt family
Stepping aside for the time being would not have meant acceptance of guilt. The question of holding the prime minister guilty on the basis of the Panama leaks does not arise. But in politics, public perception of a politician’s moral duty is more important than his actual guilt or innocence. Politicians who respect the public’s perception of a situation more than the word of their copy writers last longer and enjoy greater esteem than those who do otherwise.
The government has also played unfair by raising the bogey of the system’s derailment. The majority party in parliament is a legitimate repository of state power. A change in its leadership, on any account whatsoever, will not derail the system, but resistance to a morally dictated duty surely will.
Perhaps the prime minister has been strengthened in his posture by the lack of public outrage of the kind that forced changes in other lands. True, the people have been drained of their capacity to react to the call of democratic duty and the threshold of acceptance of political waywardness is quite high in Pakistan. But this public will be equally apathetic in the event the democratic process is disrupted again.
The gladiators involved in demonising each other do not seem to realise that they are condemning the entire political elite as a batch of self-servers. Nawaz Sharif’s failure to correctly appraise his predicament has enabled his rivals to push aside their own records of financial and ideological corruption and call him to account.
IMO the whole Paki establishment is corrupt to the core !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Prem »

Bheeshma wrote:The paki reaction is same as chinese one after A-5. They know their days are numbered.
S400, Desi BMD, Israeli Iron dome all will be deployed to deflate Paki ego. Every time anywhere Paki military plane take off, Pilot hear RWR talking in Sunny Deol' voice , eject eject eject.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Kashi »

[url=AoA72]Did you know? Sarwat Gillani is learning Hindi for her next drama[/url]
No, the bindis aren't a misplaced fashion statement.

Sarwat Gillani and Bushra Ansari have snagged roles in one of actor Adnan Siddiqui's first productions, Seeta Bagri, "a play on the Hindu minorities, the Bagri clan."
"We have a Hindu girl Soorita teaching us Hindi and their traditional [customs]... added Gillani.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Sartaj Aziz rejects impression Pakistan controls Afghan Taliban :roll:
SLAMABAD: Advisor to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz has stated that peace cannot be achieved in Afghanistan without reconciliation process.
Addressing the inaugural session of the fifth round of Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) meeting here Friday, Sartaj Aziz said this group of Afghanistan, Pakistan, the United States and China were striving to ensure peace in war-torn country.
Aziz welcomed signing of peace accord between Gulbuddin Hekmatyar group, Hezb-e-Islami and Afghan government, and hoped other militants factions would also ink the peace agreements soon.
The advisor also rejected impression from some countries that Pakistan was controlling Afghan Taliban.
So, the pretense that Mullah Omar was still alive, the move afterwards to appoint a Pakistan -approved successor to him and the use of Haqqani assets against US forces, as documented by US Govt were "wrong impressions", according to this "old fart" :mrgreen:
He asserted that anti-Pakistan statements from Afghanistan were putting negative impact on peace process.
“Pakistan and Afghanistan can jointly control infiltration,” he added.He also condemned recent terror actions in Kabul. :((
Actions speak louder than words !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Three suspected suicide bombers killed in Peshawar as jacket 'accidentally explodes'

PESHAWAR: Three suspected suicide bombers on a motorcycle were killed when a suicide jacket carried by one of them accidentally exploded early Friday morning in Peshawar's Regi Lalma area, police said.
Superintendent Police Cantonment Kashif said the men were taking a suicide attacker to a target in Peshawar when the suicide jacket exploded. All three motorcyclists died on the spot.
The incident comes days after two remote-controlled roadside bombs killed one constable and injured 17 others.
So, preparations were afoot for the "usual Friday fireworks" ; next time, the TTP should make sure that there is good quality control procedures in their "suicide jacket making facilities" located somewhere in the FATA area. They should seriously consider "importing" ISIS inspectors to help them in this Islamic cause :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Poultry and meat consumers may be burdened

Another consumption tax on the Aam Abduls to satisfy the greedy bill collectors of World Bank and IMF
As said earlier, looks good on paper but implementation, with all the headache etc is another story
The day is not far enough when the bhooka nanga awam says "enough is enough" :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Peregrine »

House of Representatives votes to block $450 million US aid to Pakistan

WASHINGTON: Ignoring objections of the White House, the Republican majority House of Representatives has approved the National Defense Authorisation Act which blocks $450 million aid to Pakistan for failing to take action against the dreaded Haqqani network.

The NDAA 2017 (H R 4909) was passed by the US House of Representative (277-147) on Wednesday night, which among others included approval of three major amendments reflecting the strong anti-Pak sentiment prevailing among the US lawmakers.

As a result, as per the House version of the Bill, the Obama administration must certify that Pakistan has met before releasing $450 million in aid.

"Pakistan has shown progress in arresting and prosecuting Haqqani network senior leaders and mid-level operatives".

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher's amendment adds an additional requirement that the secretary of defense certify to Congress that Pakistan is not using its military or any funds or equipment provided by the US to persecute minority groups seeking political or religious freedom.

The NDAA-2017 also includes the sense of the Congress that Shakil Afridi is an international hero and that the government of Pakistan should release him immediately from prison.

NDAA-2017 now needs to be passed by the Senate, before it can be sent to the White House for the US President Barack Obama to sign it into law.

Early this week, the White House had expressed strong objections to several provisions of the bill, including the one related to $450 million in aid to Pakistan.

"The administration objects to section 1212 (of HR 4919), which would make USD 450 million of CSF (Coalition Support Fund) to Pakistan ineligible for the Secretary of Defense's waiver authority unless the Secretary provides a certification to the Congressional defense committees," the White House said in its statement.

"We share the committee's concerns regarding the threat posed to our forces and interests in Afghanistan by the Haqqani Network, and we continue to engage with Pakistan at the highest levels regarding the need for concerted action specifically against the group," the White House said.
However, Congressman Mark Thornberry, chairman of the house foreign affairs committee late Wednesday night decided to ignore the White House's objection to this and asked the members of the House to approve these amendments in block, for which no voting took place.

Speaking on the floor of the House, Congressman Ted Poe Last year, alleged that the Haqqani Network and the Taliban killed more Afghan civilians and troops than in any other year since the Taliban was toppled in 2001.

"My amendment adds a fourth condition on the aid to Pakistan. This new condition requires the administration to certify that Pakistan has shown progress in arresting and prosecuting Haqqani Network senior leaders and mid-level operatives," he said.

"This forces Pakistan to make a choice: either go after the Haqqani Network in a public way that it has never done before or lose hundreds of millions of dollars of US aid," Poe said.

The amendment moved by Rohrabacher makes it mandatory for the administration to certify that Pakistan is not using its military or any funds or equipment provided by the United States to persecute minority groups "seeking political or religious freedom," including the Balochi, Sindhi, and Hazara ethnic groups and minority religious groups, including Christian, Hindu, and Ahmadiyya Muslim.

"It is time to end this irrational support that we give to Pakistan," Rohrabacher demanded on the floor of the House arguing that the US has given more than $30 billion in aid since 2002.

"It is only prudent that we increase certification required to release American military or economic aid to Pakistan," he said.

"It behooves us not to finance Pakistan's brutal suppression of ethnic groups and religious minorities like the Baloch and the Sindhis who are under attack today simply for seeking their political and religious freedom," he said.

"I would ask my colleagues to join with me and to stand also with the people around the world. Send a message: If you stand with the US, we will not forget you; we will stand with you.

The people of the US and the US Congress stand tall with you and appreciate that you have risked your lives in a way that saved American lives," Rohrabacher said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by schinnas »

Now ISI will arrest some random balochis on charges of them being mid level leaders of Haqqani network. Real kingpins will be provided secret safe houses and be asked to be low key until the money is released.

Anyways, love this amendment especially the moral support for Balochis and Sindhi's.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Cosmo_R »

Falijee wrote:...Massa funded and therefore not necessarilyRussian thinking !..
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SSridhar »

But, but, didn't the same Sartaj Aziz say a few months' back that Pakistan had leverage over the Taliban? Didn't he say that the families of Taliban leaders lived in Pakistan and that the Taliban leasers sought medical aid in Pakistani hospitals and Pakistan could twist their arms etc?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Pakistan compelled to upgrade defence capabilities: FO - DT
Pakistan on Thursday voiced concerns over India’s test-fire of supersonic interceptor missile and said it would “take all necessary measures to augment the country’s defence capabilities”.

“We are not oblivious to our defence needs and we will be compelled to upgrade our defence capabilities through suitable technologies,” the Foreign Office spokesman said in a weekly press briefing here at the Foreign Office.

India test-fired its anti-ballistic missile Ashwin on May 15 that is capable of intercepting and bringing down hostile ballistic missiles.

Spokesman Nafees Zakaria said, “We reserve the right to maintain an effective deterrence and Pakistan is prepared to defend its people and borders.” He said that Indian actions were against the spirit of a peaceful and friendly neighbourhood and “would upset the balance of power in the region”.

The spokesman said that Pakistan had expressed its concerns about India’s missile test and ambitious missile programme at the plenary meeting of the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva this week.
The chatter after the latest AAD test is growing in Pakistan suggesting that a big ticket item is about to be transferred from China.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by rsingh »

Falijee wrote:Pakistan will push UN to declare Indian Ocean 'nuclear free zone', says Aziz :roll:
ISLAMABAD: Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz on Thursday informed Senate that Pakistan is considering to move a resolution in United Nations, urging it to declare the Indian Ocean a "nuclear free zone".
The adviser expressed concern over India's interceptor missile test of its advanced air defence missile Ashwin and vowed to raise the issue with all major powers 'bilaterally and multilaterally'.
He announced that Pakistan is planning to highlight the dangerous implications of India's plans to nuclearise the Indian Ocean at all relevant international forums and a proposal is under consideration to move a resolution in the next session of UN General Assembly to declare the Indian Ocean a "nuclear free zone".
IMO, the whole Paki Defence Establishment is "shxxting bricks" following India's successful missile test ! And IMO this 82 year old senile fart is not up to the job ; Pakis should seriously look for a young, handsome and chikna FM :mrgreen: ;
"Apart from this air defence system, India has also recently conducted tests of nuclear capable, submarine based K4 ballistic missiles. Simultaneously large nuclear powered submarines are being built to carry these nuclear armed missile as a part of its second strike nuclear capability," Aziz told Senate. :((
During his speech to the upper house, Aziz said that these two developments are part of the massive conventional nuclear and missile development programmes being pursued by India, which are now leading to nuclearization of Indian Ocean and will affect the maritime security of all the 32 littoral states around the ocean.( I am impressed by his trivia knowledge !
He assured the Senators that Pakistan is not oblivious to its defence needs and will upgrade its defense capabilities 'without entering into an arms race' (but will bankrupt the country in the process-which is what India wants !)
"Our efforts for peace and friendship must not be interpreted as a sign of weakness," said Sartaj Aziz.
They have to do it quickly otherwise it will be 33 littoral states :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Gagan »

schinnas wrote:Now ISI will arrest some random balochis on charges of them being mid level leaders of Haqqani network. Real kingpins will be provided secret safe houses and be asked to be low key until the money is released.
Massa has quite significant intel of its own, and knows about these groups very well. They buy info from everyone - ISI, Afghans, India. Their NATO allies have parallel intel setups and they also put info into the common intel pool maintained by massa.
So massa knows!
Now as to weather massa may choose to act on that info is an altogether different thing.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Prem »

Pakistan Propose: World Hold Nose
Pakistan formally applies to join nuclear suppliers club
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Friday submitted a formal application for membership of the Nuclear Supplies Group (NSG), a club of nuclear trading nations.In a letter addressed to the NSG chairman, Pakistan's ambassador in Vienna, stated that the country has the expertise, manpower, infrastructure, as well as the ability to supply NSG controlled items, goods and services for a full range of nuclear applications for peaceful purposes."Pakistan attaches high priority to nuclear safety and security. It has taken legal, regulatory and administrative measures to bring nuclear safety and security at par with international standards," reads the letter.Foreign office spokesman, in a statement, said that Pakistan’s NSG membership will further the club's non-proliferation objectives as the country has nuclear supply capabilities and it also adheres to NSG guidelines.The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a 48-nation club dedicated to curbing nuclear arms proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of materials that could foster nuclear weapons development.Pakistan's application is likely to lead to a showdown in the group which has also been facing calls to induct India as a member.China could also insist, as a condition of India's membership, that Pakistan also be allowed to join.The NSG, which was created in response to India's first nuclear test in 1974, is expected to hold its next meeting in June.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan applies for NSG membership
ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) – Pakistan has submitted its formal (informal "trial balloon" applications were rejected long time ago for obvious reasons !)application for the membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), Radio Pakistan reported.
In a letter addressed to the Chairman of NSG on May 19, the Ambassador of Pakistan in Vienna stated that the decision to seek participation in export control regime reflects Pakistan’s strong support for international efforts to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery.
“Pakistan has the expertise, manpower, infrastructure, as well as the ability to supply NSG controlled items, goods and services for a full range of nuclear applications for peaceful and other "clandestine uses,” :mrgreen: the letter said.
Pakistan attaches high priority to nuclear safety and security. It has taken legal, regulatory and administrative measures to bring nuclear safety and security at par with international standards.
Pakistan’s export control regime is underpinned by strong legislation, regulatory and enforcement mechanism. The national export control lists are harmonized with the control lists of NSG, MTCR and Australia Group.
Except some "technical expertise in connection with centrifuge production" which were inadvertently "exported" to North Korea, Iran and Libya,for which the rogue scientist Dr. A.Q. ( photochor) Khan has been "adequately" punished by the Govt Of Pakistan, Pakistan has a very clean record !
Pakistan’s NSG membership will further augment NSG non-proliferation objectives by the inclusion of a state with nuclear supply capabilities and its adherence to NSG Guidelines and best practices on supply of controlled items, goods, materials, technologies and services.
The "formal" NSG application is of course, another attempt at an == with India and is a question of Enchendee !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Prem »

Aage Chakra Peeche Aridman Aari: Gar Nahi Samje Baat Hamari;Jannat Safar Ki Kar Lo Tyari
A Nuclearised Hindu Sagar
India’s Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) Project, under the joint supervision of the Indian Navy, the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has been under development since 1999. This project produced its first nuclear ballistic missile submarine, the INS Arihant, which has completed its critical diving tests and undergone the test launch of unarmed ballistic missiles.The hulls of another two SSBNs, including INS Aridhaman, have already been completed and these vessels are expected to be launched by 2017. On March 31 this year India conducted a test of the K-4, an intermediate range nuclear-capable submarine-launched ballistic missile, from the indigenously built submarine the INS Arihant in the Bay of Bengal. The K-4 and the projected K-5 will thus become parts of its nuclear triad, enabling India to have second strike nuclear capability.India’s naval nuclear developments will qualitatively alter the strategic balance between India and Pakistan in favour of the former, which might compel Pakistan to again follow suit to rebalance the deterrence stability between the two countries in the region. This would not only instigate an arms race in the region, but will also raise questions regarding India’s professed minimalist policies. India’s strategic partnerships with major powers further help it to develop its naval nuclear assets. Great proponents of non-proliferation, these powers happily ignore the fact that the vertical proliferation of a de-facto nuclear weapon state poses severe challenges to the international non-proliferation regime.For Pakistan, the strategic stability in the region will be irreversibly disturbed by India’s on-going sea-based programmes. As regards the Indian Ocean, the danger is that it could become the most nuclearised of the seven seas. The great nuclear powers are already present there, and it is now threatened by Indian designs too. The induction of nuclear platforms in these fateful waters is a danger to the entire security environment of this part of the world.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by schinnas »

SSridhar wrote:
The chatter after the latest AAD test is growing in Pakistan suggesting that a big ticket item is about to be transferred from China.
Right on! I bet it could be some ballistic cruise missile that can evade India's upcoming missile defence system. This Cheeni maal will be painted green and showcased as pindigenously developed missile. With every step, Cheen are getting too involved into propping up Pukis to the point of no return. As India modernises it's defences, Cheen would be forced to share their top line technology and hardware with their all weather friend, to save their munna from getting thrashed by India.

At which point does it become point if negative returns for Cheen? How do we game that?
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