Understanding US thread-III

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Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

Opening the new thread to discuss US as it is going through a potential transformation. Please no polemics or personal attacks. Election is over in November 2016.

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

A discussion on how Trump will deal with Israel, going on at Retd. US Army Col. W.P.Lang's blog:
http://turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semp ... 18872.html


PL: "IMO the likudniks are making a big mistake if they expect Trump to be a subservient gentile. His "friendliness" will last until they cross him."

KH: "I hope you're right, but I doubt it. The reason? His daughter, Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner.
And his their-sired grandchildren, being brought up as Jews.

"One of the few areas in Trump's life in which he has shown consistency is his evident devotion to the well-being of his children. Would he be willing to betray the support Ivanka and Jared have given him? He will be caught between supporting them versus doing right for the larger American interest, truly between a rock and a hard place for him. On that, I have sympathy for him."

PL: "I am surprised that so many of you do not understand the meaninglessness of Trump's "business development" technique and negotiating positions. He will say anything, anything to compromise your position and get you to say you love him and then he will screw you (not the nice way) when you cross him or do not give up your interests to him. IMO Ivanka and her hubby should consider some nifty real estate down on the Gulf of Aqaba for use after the intra-family fight with daddy's ego."

A: "It seems to be really difficult for people to shift from the diplomatic language of 'concern' 'deep concern' 'stern concern' ''consterned cisterns' to Trump's language of the high-salesman. Between all the bluster, fluffing, and bluffing, is language that frames things exactly as he wants them to be framed. That's how you sell, and he will sell. What exactly the goods are, I don't know".
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

http://globalnews.ca/news/3155294/u-s-a ... trump-win/

Where will be the bottom of Lib driven stupidity?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Falijee »

Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency
Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON—President-elect Donald Trump, a harsh critic of U.S. intelligence agencies, is working with top advisers on a plan that would restructure and pare back the nation’s top spy agency, people familiar with the planning said.The move is prompted by his belief that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has become bloated and politicized, these people said.The planning comes as Mr. Trump has leveled a series of social-media attacks in recent months and the past few days against U.S. intelligence agencies, dismissing and mocking their assessment that Russia stole emails from Democratic groups and individuals and then provided them to WikiLeaks for publication in an effort to help Mr. Trump win the White House.
One of the people familiar with Mr. Trump’s planning said advisers also are working on a plan to restructure the Central Intelligence Agency, cutting back on staffing at its Virginia headquarters and pushing more people out into field posts around the world. The CIA declined to comment. Part of DT's election promise to "drain the swamp" ? But will the Republicans ( like John McCain ) and Democrats and other vested interests (military industrial complex ) allow such a thing :roll:
“The view from the Trump team is the intelligence world has become completely politicized,” said the individual, who is close to the Trump transition. “They all need to be slimmed down. The focus will be on restructuring the agencies and how they interact.”
Mr. Trump has drawn criticism from Democratic and Republican lawmakers and from intelligence and law-enforcement officials for praising Russian President Vladimir Putin, for criticizing U.S. intelligence agencies, and now for embracing Mr. Assange, long viewed with disdain by government officials and lawmakers.“We have two choices: some guy living in an embassy on the run from the law…who has a history of undermining American democracy and releasing classified information to put our troops at risk, or the 17 intelligence agencies sworn to defend us,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.). (and one of the hard-liners !) “I’m going with them.”
Since the November election, Mr. Trump has published close to 250 Twitter posts. Of those, 11 have focused on Russia or the election-related cyberattacks. In each of those tweets, Mr. Trump either has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin—last month calling him “very smart”—or disparaged the investigation into the hacks.
Top officials at U.S. intelligence agencies, as well as Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress, have said Russia orchestrated the computer attacks on the Democratic Party last year. President Barack Obama ordered the intelligence agencies to produce a report on the hacking operation, and he is expected to be presented with the findings on Thursday.Russia has long denied any involvement in the hacking operation, though Mr. Putin has said releasing the stolen emails was a public service.The heads of the CIA, Federal Bureau of Investigation and DNI James Clapper are scheduled to brief Mr. Trump on the findings on Friday. Mr. Trump tweeted late Tuesday that this meeting had been delayed and suggested that the agencies still needed time to “build a case” against Russia. White House officials said Mr. Trump will be briefed on the hacking report as soon as it is ready. Will DT buy their version is anybody's guess !
Paul Pillar, a 28-year veteran of the CIA who retired in 2005, said he was disturbed by Mr. Trump’s tweets and feared much of the intelligence community’s assessments could be filtered through Gen. Flynn.“I’m rather pessimistic,” he said. “This is indeed disturbing that the president should come in with this negative view of the agencies, coupled with his habits on how he absorbs information and so on that don’t provide a lot of hope for change.”
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ricky_v »

Chicago investigators are questioning four African-Americans after a Facebook Live video shows a group of people torturing a white mentally disabled man while someone yelled "F*** Trump!" and "F*** white people!"
Chicago police were made aware of the video Tuesday afternoon. A young African American woman streamed the video live on Facebook showing at least four people holding the young white man hostage.
"The video is reprehensible," said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.
"It's sickening. You know it makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that," Police Supt. Eddie Johnson added.

Throughout the video, the victim is repeatedly kicked and hit, his scalp is cut, all while he is tied up with his mouth taped shut.

At one point, the victim is held at knife point and told to curse President-elect Donald Trump. The group also forces the victim to drink water from a toilet.

The suspects can be heard saying they want the video to go viral.

Detectives think the victim, who lives in the suburbs and appeared to be in his late teens or early 20s, met some acquaintances in northwest suburban Streamwood and they drove him to Chicago in a stolen vehicle, Guglielmi said.

The victim is then believed to have been held hostage and tortured in an apartment in the 3400 block of West Lexington on the West Side, Guglielmi said.

On Tuesday afternoon, police officers spotted the victim walking on a street on the West Side wearing shorts, Guglielmi said. Because it was unusual to see a man in shorts in the cold weather, the officers stopped to talk to the man, who appeared disoriented, and he was taken to a hospital to be treated for his injuries.

Toxicology tests were performed at the hospital to determine if the victim was under the influence of anything.

Police said the victim was a classmate of one of the suspects. He was held hostage for at least 24 hours and as long as 48 hours.

"It's quite a possibility that this is a kidnapping and that's certainly one of the charges we'll be seeking if it turns out to be that. But, he's traumatized by the incident and it's tough to communicate with him at this point," said Chicago Police Commander Kevin Duffin.

Community activist Andrew Holmes was made aware of the disturbing video, which he is calling a "hate crime."

Although President-elect Donald Trump was mentioned, Chicago Police do not believe the crime was politically motivated.

"I think some of it is just stupidity, people just ranting about something that they think might make a headline. I don't think that at this point we have anything concrete to really point us in that direction, but we'll keep investigating and we'll let the facts guide us on how this concludes," Supt. Johnson said.

Charges are expected to be filed in the next 24 hours.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

A theory of American political cycles:
https://www.thenation.com/article/what- ... omes-next/
 In his acclaimed book The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership From John Adams to Bill Clinton (1997), Skowronek describes what he calls the sequence of “political time,” a cycle that has held true more than 200 years. He claims all of presidential history follows a distinct pattern: “Reconstructive” presidents like Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan (to take only the last two cycles) transform American politics in their own image, clearing the field of viable competition and setting the terms of political debate. They are followed by hand-picked successors (Harry S. Truman and George H.W. Bush) who continue their predecessors’ policies and do little more than articulate an updated version of their ideas. They are usually succeeded in turn by presidents whom Skowronek calls “pre-emptive”—Dwight D. Eisenhower, Bill Clinton—who represent the opposite party but adopt the basic framework of the reigning orthodoxy. Next comes another faithful servant of that orthodoxy (John F. Kennedy/Lyndon Johnson; George W. Bush), followed by another preemptive opposition leader (Richard Nixon, Barack Obama) who again fails to overturn it. The final step in the sequence is a “disjunctive” president—usually somebody with little allegiance to the orthodoxy who is unable to hold it together in the face of the escalating crises it created and to which it has no response. The last disjunctive president, in Skowronek’s schema, was Jimmy Carter.
Applying that theory to today's situation:
 RK: What does the election of 2016 tell us about the presidency of Barack Obama?

SS: First of all, it tells us that the Reagan era is not over. Obama was just an opposition leader trying to see how weak and replaceable the reigning orthodoxy was. His own probing for opportunities to repudiate it stimulated a reaction that ended up reviving that orthodoxy in an even more virulent version—first with the Tea Party and then with the Trump campaign. We shouldn’t be very surprised by that. It’s actually fairly typical of second-round opponents of old regimes. They tend to find that the old orthodoxy comes back with a vengeance. Think of Richard Nixon probing New Deal liberalism for points of weakness, or Woodrow Wilson questioning but not overturning the Republican orthodoxy that had ruled since Lincoln.

In that context, I think what’s most interesting about Obama is not his failure to transform everything, but his apparent disavowal of that whole standard of governing. There’s something to his ruthless pragmatism, his emphasis on problem-solving plain and simple. He tried to convince the nation to stop thinking about political transformation and great leadership the way we thought about it in the past—the great repudiator who transforms everything all at once. He wanted to get rid of that and adopt a more secular, practical approach to government. That’s what he found attractive in Hillary Clinton as an heir. Her defeat is one indicator that Americans are not through with this old Jacksonian idea of redemptive politics, of reconstruction, the idea that we have to make America great again, drain the swamp, and so on—redeem some ancient mythic idea of America—which evidently still has a lot of cultural resonance and appeal. That makes Obama a tragic figure. He offered rational, sensible approach to problem-solving. In America, that is still a limited premise on which to base any extended form of rule.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

^^^^ contd, explains America very well:
 Americans themselves hold these two conflicting expectations: they expect presidents to be transformative figures who shake things up, who redeem American values, and they expect their presidents at the same time to be responsible stewards of their affairs. Presidents need to be both, but you can’t do both well. This problem is not going to solve itself. Tensions between responsible management and transformation are getting more acute, not less so. Our desire to have both is tearing the country apart.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Falijee »

US army eases rules on beards, turbans for Muslim, Sikh troops
Army Secretary Eric Fanning, in a memorandum signed this week, revised the uniform policy to set appearance standards for people seeking religious accommodations to wear beards, turbans and head scarfs.
Out-going Obama making things tougher for in-coming Trump - on all fronts ! Will Trump reverse this, without creating a political hue and cry ; remains to be seen :roll:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Falijee »

BOOM! Trump Goes On EPIC Rant About ‘Russia Hacking’, Completely Destroys Dem Narrative
Democrats have released their “findings,” after supposedly probing the role of Russian interference in the presidential election. Although they are acting like they found a pile of smoking guns, they basically found nothing.
As a result, they are hiding their so-called evidence. President-Elect Trump will not let that go unchecked, tweeting out plenty of important points, including, “The Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia…”
Trump, who is now receiving official briefings, was astonished at what he saw, amazed at the games that Democrats play with the narratives that they concoct. “So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?” he tweeted.
Trump, who is now receiving official briefings, was astonished at what he saw, amazed at the games that Democrats play with the narratives that they concoct. “So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?” he tweeted.
The Democrats (including both the Obama and Clinton camps and many on Capitol Hill), are in defense mode, trying to find a scapegoat for their horrible performance in last year’s election. They refuse to admit that the loss was a total rejection of them and their failed policies.
Trump is also wise to point out that the Republicans were not hacked, unlike the Democrats who are careless and even negligent in their cyber security (like Clinton’s personal server, for example).Critics are going after Trump for his ongoing use of Twitter to share his opinions with the nation. But, given the way that the left-leaning media treats the soon-to-be president, can anybody blame him? The only way for him to ensure that his messages will be untainted is to send them directly from his phone to ours.
he must, thanks to the ugly, deceitful tactics of Democrats and liberal news outlets..Moving forward, expect more of the same. The Democrats will continue to question Trump’s right to be in the White House. They will remind us of the election everyday for the next four years. Not to worry. Trump is undeterred.Once again we celebrate the fact that Trump is not a career politician, but rather a seasoned business leader who has tons of resilience and determination. He is just the President we need to battle the onslaught from the Democrats.
One more example of the out-going Dems making trouble for the in-coming Trump Admin !
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Falijee »

Bernie Sanders: Trump Won Because Democrats Are Out of Touch
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said the Democrats lost to President-elect Donald Trump because they are out of touch with America.
“I happen to believe that the Democratic Party has been not doing a good job in terms of communicating with people in cities, in towns and in rural America, all over this country,” Sanders said in an interview on NPR’s Morning Edition.
The Vermont senator, who ran for president on the Democratic ticket and then switched back to Independent after losing the primary to defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, added, “Look, you can’t simply go around to wealthy people’s homes raising money and expect to win elections. You’ve got to go out and mix it up and be with ordinary people.”
Sanders and other Democratic leaders have called for a “Day of Action” on January 15 — ahead of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — “to vigorously oppose the Republican plan to end Medicare as we know it and throw our health care system into chaos,” according to a December 28 letter addressed to colleagues and signed by Sanders, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).
The letter adds, “Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump after he promised not to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He must be held to his promises and should veto any legislation which cuts these vital and necessary health programs.”
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by pankajs »

http://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/06/opini ... eback.html
Rumors of Hillary Clinton’s Comeback
I’m fantasizing, yes, but with a glimmer of encouragement. On Wednesday Newsmax, a conservative outlet, reported that Democrats who couldn’t abide the city’s current mayor, Bill de Blasio, were courting Clinton to run against him in a Democratic primary this year and deny him a second term. The Times weighed in on Thursday, noting that speculation about a Clinton candidacy had been “bubbling up for weeks” and was intensifying.

Neither source actually suggested that she’d follow through with this, and several prominent, well-connected Democrats assure me that it won’t happen. So does my gut. Lofty as the perch of New York City mayor is, it’s still a big comedown from what she had in her sights — twice. By campaigning for it, she’d risk coming off as a has-been hankering for any old place at the table.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lilo »

A good recap of the 2016 as it affected the globalist regressive left & its SJWs .


Pardon for the number of times word f*** is used, dont miss the song at the end.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

Singha wrote:Image
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

Obomber said today "Yes, we can. Yes, we did.'' Starting with destroying his party, he did a lot. I was not ready to accept that Obomber is a narcist earlier but now after seeing all he did from Nov 8 to till date I am starting to wonder if something is wrong with this man.

Obomber is not going to go away. He will be there putting Dems under problem at every turn like a ruthless political operative in the mould of MGK great cover of moral superiority and great optics. More than GOP the Dems are in for big trouble with him from now onwards.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

Looks like MI6 is fixing Dt with unsubstantiated materials
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

http://www.theamericanconservative.com/ ... or-whites/

This writer J.D.Vance book said to be very good one on whites of US and their present condition.

small quote

And if you’re an elite white professional, working class whites are an easy target: you don’t have to feel guilty for being a racist or a xenophobe. By looking down on the hillbilly, you can get that high of self-righteousness and superiority without violating any of the moral norms of your own tribe. So your own prejudice is never revealed for what it is.

Apply it to India - Very easy to look down on Hindus.


Even if they want to blackmail DT, on what they can do? I mean women? money? metal health? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Buy something he sold day before yesterday, from the new buyer, at twice what she paid. And (with no linkage to new buyer) threaten to publicize that. :LOL
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Falijee »

Trump "Dirt Rumours" Circulating !

BuzzFeed drops a Trump bombshell, irresponsibly
As CNN reported on a private intelligence report claiming that Russia has dirt on President-elect Donald Trump Tuesday night, BuzzFeed published the basis of the report, a 35-page dossier, online.Both CNN and BuzzFeed pointed out that the documents have been circulating since at least October and that its claims are unverified ( could be part of a "vilification campaign" before he assumes formal office !) .BuzzFeed Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith explained his choice to publish the dossier in a memo to the newsroom Tuesday, arguing the decision reflects "the job of reporters in 2017.”
Critics will probably say that BuzzFeed's decision to publish the document had more to do with asserting its own relevance than it did with public-spirited reporting. And BuzzFeed’s retort would likely be that the public deserves to see a report that hundreds of political insiders are talking about.But the act of publishing the dossier in its entirety isn't journalism. Vetting the document and determining its veracity? That’s the work of journalists in 2017, or any other year.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Falijee »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

https://sputniknews.com/us/201701111049 ... aim-4chan/

seems half a dozen culinary agencies used their massive resources to investigate a fakenews dossier floated on 4chan by a troll and even briefed Obama on it :rotfl:

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

I am seeing the confirmation hearing of SofS by US senate. Quite impressive.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

'Zee news conference. See Enn Enn gets their undies in a knot, big-time, tries to heckle Zee. Zee tells them to "quit being rude". I was hoping he would get the Secret Service to physically throw them out.
Also made some nice crack against BBC. All in all, great fun.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by GShankar »

he said "I won't give you a question" to clinton nn. But bbc person (2nd one) asked the same question. Great fun indeed.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Mort Walker »

DT needs to be careful as the deep state may be after him.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

John McCain admitted he handed over the former British agent 'report' to FBI.

Someone in FBI released to press.
Now Intel community has lost face based on their deep state supporter hatred.

Fellow has done a Kalidasa move.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yayavar »

^which report is it?

added later: read it in guardian ...
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

The Press Conference resembled a pack of howling hyenas. They would have been perfectly at home with UnDieTeeVee and Hundi. I think that was a grave error on their part: they completely played into DT's worst paranoia about media unfairness.

Long time back, CBS' Dan Rather tried bullying/haranguing Dubya I (Pappa-e-Dubya). It was outrageous. He walked into it. The POTUS came out swinging and basically slapped DR silly on prime time TV (figuratively speaking, but it was a blunt, kindergarten-type put-down). His approval ratings shot through the roof - he had been seen as "weak" and "non-decisive" before, and this cured all that. DR's career was over. The POTUS does indeed have that power.

Second example, even before that, is when Reagan took over. Until then, the media were basically rampaging, bullying Jimmy Carter. Extremely disrespectful.

The Reagan gang basically made sure that Press Conferences after that were "orderly". You want an invitation, you BEHAVE. Thus CBS was ignored, ABC (Sam Donaldson) moved ahead by kissing Reagan's musharraf.

I don't exactly like this model, it is an abomination where a Free Press is treasured, but DT has clearly demonstrated that the Free Press is a Lifafa Press, bought and paid-for, or infested with idiots. NOT A SINGLE QUESTION today had any substance. Why should this be tolerated?

BTW, I LOVED Trump's put-down of the BeeBeeSee (he muttered/ grinned something about "Oh! That's the other gang of idiots" or something like that). Time for the POTUS to remind these foreigners from the 2-bit floating garbage dumps that they are here by sufferance.

Idi Amin used to require that all envoys come to him by crawling on their knees (British envoy had to do that too). :)

Incidentally, I didn't see the reason for all the fuss about that "Dossier". Whoever published that, CLEARLY said: hey, this is garbage but we are posting it so you can see that it is garbage. It was CNN's boo-boo that they gave it credibility by saying that one item was proven false. They walked into it, now they are whining loudly. DT is dealing with them as he should, by not playing by THEIR rules. Can you believe the CNN guy kept on interrupting loudly and saying "IT IS NOT APPROPRIATE!" to the President of the United States? Do that after Jan. 20 and it is a ballistic exit out the WHOTUS gates, courtesy of the Secret Service bouncers. All in all, fun to watch.

BTW, ACLU's magazine has come out with a cover showing the Zee with the caption:
How do I see that magazine? ahem.... 8)
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by GShankar »

Mort Walker wrote:DT needs to be careful as the deep state may be after him.
I think DT has the support of dominant section of Deep State. On his public hauling session, Comey responded to Senator Al (not baghdadi) that he neither acknowledges nor denies whether there is an active investigation on DT's links with Russia. Even the good senator quipped it was ironic. :rotfl:

The Deep State definitely (made comey to) revealed that and now are behind DT. Almost sounds like olympians vs titans.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

DT is a fighter and a brawler, he wont back away from a fight and bringing his considerable wrath to bear on how to punish his MSM enemies.
he is not a gandhian about the MSM unlike another leader who shall remain unnamed.

http://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/ ... e-news.cnn

CNN got called fake news on prime time tv lol

time for the unnamed indic leader to slap around some MSM here too
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

CNN is yowling, but what they did was to GIVE CREDENCE to that fake report by saying that ONE ITEM (Russian trip by Trump flunky) was false. That's like saying: "Yup, I read the report that Hilary Clinton eats babies by the light of the full moon, but I think the claim that she has titanium canines cannot be independently verified". Trump very rightly caught their intent, and slapped them silly for it.

Now they are claiming that TRUMP shouted at their reporter. Having heard the press conference, I was shocked at the reporter KEEPING ON yelling at Trump, while Trump at most said politely: "Don't be rude". I was expecting Security to remove the reporter, he was basically shouting down other people's questions with his continuous rant. NO WAY is that behavior tolerable, I expect him to be banned from the WHOTUS for the next 4 years. Probably should be fired as well. (Getting shut out of the WHOTUS means that his gentle CNN colleagues will stampede over him falling over each other trying to suck up so his goose is cooked.)

Yes, it is delicious how the "Fake News" slur has come back to fall right smack on CNN and Co. Vlad P. must be :rotfl:

And BTW, Trump may have said "I THINK it was Russia.." which CNN is blaring now, but what Trump said was
I THINK it was Russia, but it could have been many others...China for instance.
So yes, CNN reporting IS Fake News.

With a little brains one can figure out that ALL these nations meddle with each other's govts. Israel is on record as seeking to destroy a British Minister. And the US doesn't try to influence Russian elections? If so the Culinary Institute's budget needs serious slashing. US and UK and China don't meddle in Indian elections? China doesn't lobby big-time in the US?

DT went on to explain that several nations exploit weakness in the US system - and he doesn't blame them for it. He named Mexico, China and Japan specifically.

So yes, it is probably true that Russia tries to do what they could. Just as the US does what it can. And China does so much with so much success. And Israel does much more than it can. But what Trump said is that in future Russia will be more respectful and not waste their efforts trying to meddle when they can talk directly to the US Govt. Which is something that they have not been able to do with the "Chessboard Pigeon". :mrgreen:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

It was fun to watch, and I hope there is lot more of this in the next eight years. My gut feeling is the Dems will go left of left with Obomber and Burner egging them on. Their Congress membership is mostly from those states where the left will win in any way. So they are not bothered. There will be fights like wall between the US ( California state) and Mexico with the local lefty rulers opposing Federal Gov wall building efforts.

He called BCC "you are another beauty".
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by sooraj »

Donald Trump Shouting Match With CNN Reporter At Press Conference "You Are Fake News" 1/11/17 :lol:

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Philip »

The plan to "assassinate" Donald Trump.

The amazing speed with which 17 US intel/allied agencies have all come out in support of a Trump-Russia secret alliance/understanding just before he takes office,leaves erious doubts in the minds of independent observers.The "fake news" report that he somehow is being blackmailed by Russia without a single shred of evidence,indicates a deep-rooted conspiracy in Washington to derail/destroy the Trump presidency from the very srat.The old adage "if you throw enough mud at an enemy,some will hopefully stick on", is being used here.

Clinton lost the election for variety of reasons.One people didn't trust her.thousands of her e-mails were deliberately destroyed FACT.The US "rust belt" and white voters in large numbers voted against her for both economic and social reasons,the huge divide between rich and poor in the US and fears of Islamic terrorism being allowed to maul the US as is being done in Europe. Non-conformist Trump was a breath of fresh air too American voters.Despite all the dirty tricks that the Clintons ,O'Bomber ,the Washington establishment and co. could come up with,he won fairly and squarely.

The losers however refuse to accept defeat.They want to bring down Trump any which way and the easiest to them is to insinuate that Russia somehow manipulated the US election and that the Trump presidency is illegal and tainted. A flurry of anti-Russian actions were taken by O'Bomber just before heis term expired ,like expelling Russian diplomats,etc.,accompanied by hysterical voices from Uncle Sam's most loyal subject across the pond in "Poodleistan",Britan. A wave of paid media reports accompanied by zero evidence is now being used to bring down Trump.

JFK was assassinated in a right-wing US/organised crime conspiracy .So was RFK.Edward Kennedy was similarly "assassinated" by the Chappaquiddick incident. Donald Trump is the next US president who is going to be "assassinated". The method thus far is to brand him as a Russian agent! Now comes evidence of MI 6 also part of the "kill Trump" bandwagon as its former spy has been caught with his pants down for preparing the fake news dossier. This reminds one of the "sexed up" "dodgy dossier"" that British Intel gave Tony B.Liar to lie to the British parliament and people about Saddam's (non-existant) WMDs.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/01 ... terrified/
ormer MI6 officer Christopher Steele, who produced Donald Trump Russian dossier, 'terrified for his safety' and went to ground before name released
Donald Trump at the press conference
Gordon Rayner, chief reporter Patrick Sawer, senior reporter Ruth Sherlock
11 JANUARY 2017 • 10:04PM
A former MI6 officer who produced a dossier making lurid allegations about Donald Trump is “terrified for his safety” after he was unmasked by a US publication.

Christopher Steele, 52, fled from his home in Surrey on Wednesday morning after realising it was only a matter of time until his name became public knowledge.

A source close to Mr Steele said on Wednesday night that he now fears a prompt and potentially dangerous backlash against him from Moscow.

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Mr Steele, the co-founder of London-based Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd, prepared a 35-page document that alleges the Kremlin colluded with Mr Trump’s presidential campaign and that the Russian security services have material that could be used to blackmail him, including an allegation that he paid prostitutes to defile a bed that had been slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama.

His research was initially funded by anti-Trump Republicans, and later by Democrats.

Mr Trump has branded the allegations in the dossier “fake” and has said he feels as though he is living in Nazi Germany.

Watch | Donald Trump's first press conference since his election win
With his cover about to be blown, Mr Steele hurriedly packed his bags and went to ground hours before his name was published on Wednesday.

Mr Steele, who spied in Moscow for the Secret Intelligence Service in the 1990s, fled from his home in Surrey after leaving his cat with a neighbour and telling them he would be away “for a few days”.

For months, he had been playing a dangerous game; tipping off journalists about what he said he had discovered from his sources in Russia about Donald Trump’s alleged dealings with the Kremlin, as well as claims that the FSB had hugely compromising information about Mr Trump’s activities during visits to the Communist country.

Mr Steele had been hired by a Washington firm to gather information on Mr Trump’s connections to Russia, funded at first by anti-Trump Republicans and, later, by Democrats. He also shared the information with the FBI.

One of his key contacts, David Corn of the political blog Mother Jones, wrote last year about the resulting dossier and his conversations with the “former spook” who had compiled it, but did not name Mr Steele nor, crucially, did he give away his nationality.

The existence of the dossier, which ran to 35 pages in total, comprising several reports filed over the course of six months, had been common knowledge among journalists in the US for more than half a year, but it was only given credence when the US news network CNN reported that Mr Trump and President Barack Obama had been given a two-page summary of its contents by the FBI.

CNN also reported that the dossier had been put together by a British former intelligence agent, and Mr Steele’s anonymity was fatally compromised.
A source close to Mr Steele said he was “horrified” when his nationality was published and is now "terrified for his and his family's safety".

At his large detached home in the Surrey commuter belt, a neighbour said he had left on Wednesday morning. His wife and children were not at home on Wednesday night.

"He asked me to look after his cat as he would be gone for a few days," said the neighbour. "I'm not sure where he's gone or how to contact him. I don't really know much about him except to say hello.

“We're all pretty secretive round here to be honest. All I know is he runs some sort of consultancy business."

Mr Steele is understood to have worked as an expert on Russia for 20 years during his time at MI6, and was sent to Moscow as a spy in 1990.
After leaving MI6, Mr Steele founded Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd with his business partner Christopher Burrows in 2009.

The company’s website says that it was “founded by former British intelligence professionals”. Based in Grosvenor Gardens, near Victoria railway station, Orbis says it has a “sophisticated investigative capability” and mounts “intelligence-gathering operations and conduct complex, often cross-border investigations”.

It also offers “real-time source reporting on business and politics at all levels”.
Mr Burrows, 58, said he would not "confirm or deny" that Orbis had produced the report.

Mr Burrows describes himself on the LinkedIn website as a former counsellor in the Foreign Office, with postings in Brussels and Delhi. :?: He was educated at Cleethorpes Grammar School and Liverpool University.

Giving his first question and answer session with the media since his election, Mr Trump said the eyebrow-raising reports about his activities in Russia were “phony” and “false,” and voiced his anger at his suspicions that intelligence agencies had leaked the dossier.

He said: “I think it was disgraceful that the intelligence agencies allowed any information that turned out to be so false and fake out,” he said. “I think it's a disgrace, and that's something that Nazi Germany would have done and did do.”

He said for the first time that he did now believe Russia was behind the hack of Democratic party emails. But he also said that the hacking had revealed valuable information, and insisted that he wanted to make friends with President Vladimir Putin, saying he believed that would be an “asset” to America, especially in its fight against Isil.

Addressing a packed lobby in Trump Tower, New York, Mr Trump hit out at the news organisations who had reported the contents of the dossier, labelling Buzzfeed “a failing pile of garbage,” the BBC “another beauty” and saying CNN dealt in “fake news”.

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One US official said investigators had so far been unable to confirm material about Mr Trump's financial and personal entanglements with Russian businessmen and others whom US intelligence analysts have concluded are Russian intelligence officers or working on behalf of Russian intelligence.

In the news conference, Mr Trump declined to answer whether anyone connected to him or the campaign had contact with Moscow during the presidential campaign, and said he had no loans or business deals with Russia.

The White House has said Mr Trump and his transition team have refused to make public information that would put to rest questions about his and his family's possible financial entanglements in Russia.

"There's ample evidence that they could marshal, to make public to refute those claims, those accusations that they say are baseless. But they refuse to do so," spokesman Josh Earnest said at a news briefing. "That kind of secrecy only serves to sow public doubt."
PS:Now all that's required is for this former MI-6 officer to be found dead ,like Dr,Kelly,chem-warfare expert (also allegedly bumped off by the British establishment) to be found eead somewhere,or missing,with allegations that Putin did the deed! :rotfl:
Truth, to use Napoleon's famous saying about history ,"is a fiction upon which we are all agreed".
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Hitesh »

Philip and other people shouting this is a conspiracy,

Russia potentially having blackmail material against Trump is a very valid national security concern especially when he is about to become President. That is a very serious allegation and needs to be investigate to ensure that the presidency of the US cannot be subject to foreign influence or blackmail. Trump can cry Conspiracy all he wants till his throat become coarse but this will remain a valid topic and concern until it can be conclusively proven that there is no basis to such claims.

It is not a conspiracy. Trump is doing this to himself. He started the whole birther conspiracy thing and threatened to lock up Hillary for vague baseless allegations of wrongdoing. Now the roosters are coming home to roost and that is entirely Trump's doing. Now Trump's enemies are employing the same tactics that Trump has used so successfully against his political foes. He can't complain about that. In short, he sowed the seeds, now he has to reap them.
BRF Oldie
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by darshhan »

Mort Walker wrote:DT needs to be careful as the deep state may be after him.
Forget being careful. He needs to screw deep state and be even more aggressive. Disbanding CIA would be the way to go.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by darshhan »

Hitesh wrote:Philip and other people shouting this is a conspiracy,

Russia potentially having blackmail material against Trump is a very valid national security concern especially when he is about to become President. That is a very serious allegation and needs to be investigate to ensure that the presidency of the US cannot be subject to foreign influence or blackmail. Trump can cry Conspiracy all he wants till his throat become coarse but this will remain a valid topic and concern until it can be conclusively proven that there is no basis to such claims.

It is not a conspiracy. Trump is doing this to himself. He started the whole birther conspiracy thing and threatened to lock up Hillary for vague baseless allegations of wrongdoing. Now the roosters are coming home to roost and that is entirely Trump's doing. Now Trump's enemies are employing the same tactics that Trump has used so successfully against his political foes. He can't complain about that. In short, he sowed the seeds, now he has to reap them.
But then Bill Clinton was always into adolescent girls. It never became a national security issue then. Hillary clinton sleeps with a card carrying muslim brotherhood paki bitch and that also doesn't become national security issue. Wonder what the play is?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Hitesh »

darshhan wrote: But then Bill Clinton was always into adolescent girls. It never became a national security issue then. Hillary clinton sleeps with a card carrying muslim brotherhood paki bitch and that also doesn't become national security issue. Wonder what the play is?
Easy answer. Those were not cited in intelligence briefs. If several intelligence agencies investigated and thought them as worthy of mentioning them in intelligence briefs, you may have a point. But you really don't because you are just engaging in strawman's arguments. You are just engaging in really unnecessary and tasteless innuendo that has no basis in reality.

By the way, Bill Clinton was indeed investigated for being into adolescent girls. He was tried for impeachment but he won. As for that last statement about Hillary Clinton, I find it unworthy, completely baseless, and utter completely ridiculous to respond. That girl, Huma Abedin, has already been vetted by the FBI and the CIA and has received national security clearance.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

If HC can be given a SofS post in the US, it says much about the so-called vetting process of FBI and CIA.

I will ask once again what else we can know bad about DT? Let us examine point by point so that we can blackmail him. :mrgreen:

1. He is a nut case.
2. He is a womaniser. Like to grab them by their C&&t.
3. Married more than once. Had affairs with many.
3. Large financial irregularities.
4. Loves Putin. (thouba thouba)

Any thing else?

Now tell me which one of the above is not known to the whole world? Let us expose him on all these points so that there is a fire strom on MSM :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: so that entire GOP leadership will raise against him. :mrgreen: