Understanding US thread-III

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

Suraj wrote:So, this isn't going to stop when either side stops arguing with each other
But is that even possible? or is that the way you think is better to move forward?

I would rather not be presumed to be on a side. I actually think I am not on any side when it comes to Trump. I don't have any particular affiliation towards Dem/Rep, or HC/DT. I would like to think that I have certain principles and worldview and so on and look at individual policies on their own merits and how it aligns with my views etc.

I get that it is all useless to our purposes anyways to dissect everything Trump says.

But does that mean that we toss all the logic aside..stuff that made brf what it is (or was?)
Even the arguments here on BRF - where everyone's considered united - proves it.
Are we? We have gone past political, policy difference of opinions and logical arguments over it. stuff happening here is mirroring comments section of youtube.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by TSJones »

in texas all you need is the last 4 numbers of an ssn and a mail address to register to vote......... :roll:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

TSJones wrote:in texas all you need is the last 4 numbers of an ssn and a mail address to register to vote......... :roll:
yes, but why the other party is never able to prove this fraudulent millions of voters, added to list?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

anyways..I don't think there's anything more for me to say reg this 'millions of illegal voters' claim. There will never be proof, but this will just be one of those things that is argued as fact based on new standards.

changing topic - what is the endgame for this? is this possible under WTO or whatever the trade regime is?

https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/th ... e1ad5b2d64
Trump spokesman Sean Spicer added a stunning new detail about the proposed wall project later Thursday, saying that Trump intended to pay for it by imposing a 20 percent tax on all imports from Mexico.
time to stock up on tequilas and coronas :P
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Suraj »

Gus wrote:
Suraj wrote:So, this isn't going to stop when either side stops arguing with each other
But is that even possible? or is that the way you think is better to move forward?
Of course not. If that sort of restraint existed, there would be no need for forum moderators, or at least not more than 1-2 of them to handle the odd kerfluffle. Instead we're kept busy by almost daily scuffles.
Gus wrote:But does that mean that we toss all the logic aside..stuff that made brf what it is (or was?)
Even the arguments here on BRF - where everyone's considered united - proves it.
Are we? We have gone past political, policy difference of opinions and logical arguments over it. stuff happening here is mirroring comments section of youtube.
Well the two things you say here contradict themselves don't they. How do you argue logically ? It's human nature to want to argue like this. It's not an Indian nature as such - the YooEss is showing they're just as good at being polarized and divided.

What sort of logical conclusion do you hope to accomplish out of getting involved ? At the helm is a master manipulator who knows he only has to throw some controversal verbal bombs out regularly and he's pretty much guaranteed a support base because at least one group of people at any time will be in support. The entire basis of this mechanism is not an appeal to logic but emotion, so what place does it have here ?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

Is there a way to block a thread specifically from the view? That would be a very useful feature. :D

I know..I know..just need to get some more willpower...
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

On Monday, President Trump gathered House and Senate leaders in the State Dining Room for a get-to-know-you reception, served them tiny meatballs and pigs-in-a-blanket, and quickly launched into a story meant to illustrate what he believes to be rampant, unchecked voter fraud.

Mr. Trump kicked off the meeting, participants said, by retelling his debunked claim that he would have won the popular vote if not for the three million to five million ballots cast by “illegals.” He followed it up with a Twitter post early Wednesday calling for a major investigation into voter fraud.

When one of the Democrats protested, Mr. Trump said he was told a story by “the very famous golfer, Bernhard Langer,” whom he described as a friend, according to three staff members who were in the room for the meeting.

In the emerging Trump era, the story was a memorable example, for the legislators and the country, of how an off-the-cuff yarn — unverifiable and of confusing origin — became a prime policy mover for a president whose fact-gathering owes more to the oral tradition than the written word.

The three witnesses recall the story this way: Mr. Langer, a 59-year-old native of Bavaria, Germany — a winner of the Masters twice and of more than 100 events on major professional golf tours around the world — was standing in line at a polling place near his home in Florida on Election Day, the president explained, when an official informed Mr. Langer he would not be able to vote.

Ahead of and behind Mr. Langer were voters who did not look as if they should be allowed to vote, Mr. Trump said, according to the staff members — but they were nonetheless permitted to cast provisional ballots. The president threw out the names of Latin American countries that the voters might have come from.

Mr. Langer, whom he described as a supporter, left feeling frustrated, he said.

The anecdote, the aides said, was greeted with silence, and Mr. Trump was prodded to change the subject by Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff, and Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas.

Just one problem: Mr. Langer, who lives in Boca Raton, Fla., is a German citizen with permanent residence status in the United States who is, by law, barred from voting, according to Mr. Langer’s daughter Christina.

“He is a citizen of Germany,” she said, when reached on her father’s cellphone. “He is not a friend of President Trump’s, and I don’t know why he would talk about him.”

She said her father was “very busy” and would not be able to answer any questions.

But a senior White House staff member, who was not at the Monday reception but has heard Mr. Trump tell the story, said Mr. Langer saw Mr. Trump in Florida during the Thanksgiving break and told him the story of a friend of Mr. Langer’s who had been blocked from voting.

Either way, the tale left its mark on Mr. Trump, who is known to act on anecdote, and on Wednesday redoubled his efforts to build a border wall and crack down on immigrants crossing the border from Mexico.

The story, the aide added, had made a big impression on Mr. Trump.
From: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/25/us/p ... fraud.html
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

Gus wrote: changing topic - what is the endgame for this? is this possible under WTO or whatever the trade regime is?

https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/th ... e1ad5b2d64
Trump spokesman Sean Spicer added a stunning new detail about the proposed wall project later Thursday, saying that Trump intended to pay for it by imposing a 20 percent tax on all imports from Mexico.
time to stock up on tequilas and coronas :P
A country can walk out of any treaty at any time; of course, there will be a diplomatic and political cost to be paid. Smaller countries that walk out of a treaty might be invaded, but that is unlikely to happen to the US.

The real thing to note is that Trump is out to destroy the very system that the US spent the entire post-WW2 period building up in the first place.

As this http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cass ... d-disorder says:
Since the end of the Second World War, the United States has promoted global economic integration on the basis of multilateral free-trade agreements. This policy stance was adopted in response to what had happened during the early nineteen-thirties, when the imposition of the Smoot-Hawley tariff sparked a trade war that broadened and deepened the Great Depression. The U.S. embrace of free trade was squarely based on self-interest. With much of Europe and Asia in ruins following the war, the U.S. economy was indisputably the world’s strongest, and its firms were keen on expanding their markets abroad.

In return for U.S. financial help in postwar reconstruction, nations such as Germany and Japan agreed to embrace an open trading system. In Geneva in 1947, twenty-three countries, led by the United States, reached a deal, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), to reduce tariff barriers and other impediments to commerce. Over the ensuing five decades, the GATT was steadily expanded, and by 1990 more than a hundred countries had signed up. In 1994, it gave way to the World Trade Organization (W.T.O.), which now has a hundred and sixty-four members, including China—a member since 2001.
The question to ask is, if WTO starts falling apart, is there any way for India to improve its bargaining position, and get rules more favorable to India? (I have no clue as to whether a scope for improvement exists, but assume that the guys with the most clout wrote the rules to favor themselves more than valuing fairness.) My concern is that China will prevail.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by disha »

Gus wrote:
that's not how it works. you make the claim, you get to prove. what is the expectation here? that somebody will go find all illegals and ask them where they were during election day and vet their alibis? :lol:
Your claim is that there are no illegals on the ballot and the voter id list is bullet proof. Prove it.

You also have stated that 'some id' is required for verification. No., no id is required for verification. Only the bearer should have in position address proof. It could be DL or it could be utility bill.

And yes, the voter id list can be manipulated and is manipulated. Here florida had to sue the US Fed to gain access to the voter list: http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Feds ... 09476.html - take out adjectives like 'aggressive', 'blow2modi' etc from the news to understand the gist - basically cleaning up of voter rolls was dissuaded. The check at the end of the day was a half-assed solution that came out of the torturous court process.

And of course you have not included millions of votes mailed by ballot., that is another avenue of breached voting.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

A_Gupta wrote: The question to ask is, if WTO starts falling apart, is there any way for India to improve its bargaining position, and get rules more favorable to India? (I have no clue as to whether a scope for improvement exists, but assume that the guys with the most clout wrote the rules to favor themselves more than valuing fairness.) My concern is that China will prevail.
I am not clear how much is posturing and 'rattling the cage' tactics and what will be actual policy implemented.

Not clear what the effect will be for India as well. Modi has invested a lot in 'make in india', no? we have tons of young people to try and fit into a manufacturing ecosystem fostered by make in india.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

^^^ Also understand this, US goods imports from Mexico in 2015 were $295 billion (and exports $236 billion); to pay for a $15 billion wall over 10 years, an 0.5% levy on goods imported from Mexico would suffice. Also note whether 20% or 0.5% tariff, this money will be coming from US consumers, not from Mexicans.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by KLNMurthy »

TSJones wrote:
KLNMurthy wrote: Suppose Trump says some xyz's mother is a whore, with no basis whatsoever.

Does that mean every such xyz's mother should be made to go through an investigation to prove That Trump is wrong, and she is, in fact, not a whore?

What a pass rhe free people of the mighty USA have come to. Willingly enslaved to the whimsical tyranny of a third-rate huckster and con-man.

there is slander and then there are reasonable suspicions.......

what are the facts?

1. does the US have a large illegal immigrant pop? yes, 15 million or more by conservative estimates.

2. is there a positive ID required in order to vote? no.

3. is there any penalty if caught trying to illegally vote? has any anyone been arrested at the voting booths? practically never....

now who is being enslaved?
Your logic amounts to saying to someone: "Your mother was never accused of being a whore, though she had every opportunity to be a whore. Therefore I, Trump, who btw just happens to be a self-confessed whoremonger, am right to suspect her of being a whore, and demand that she prove her chastity to me." It is true that to a whoremonger every woman looks like a whore.

Let's talk about what enslavement is. To me, the hallmatk of a free people is that they expect to be treated as men and women of honor whose word can be taken at face value. Enslavement is the opposite condition, under which they have to be constantly treated as thieves and crooks, who can be expected to do the wrong thing if not closely watched.

Voter registration requires an oath under penalty of perjury that one is a citizen. States like CA have a citizenship verification step at the Secretary of State's office.

You are claiming a priori that a non-negligible proportion of undocumented aliens, who would be mostly loath to come to any kind of official attention, are part of a systematic effort to perjure themselves about their citizenship status for the purpose of swinging an election for one or the other candidate. To believe this, one would have to believe that in a state like California which has had millions of undocumented aliens for decades now, has seen hundreds of elections in which this kind of fraud occurred, but there was a conspiracy of silence among all the losing candidates in all of these elections to never change fraud.

Afaik Trump is basing his claim on a study that found that often, voter rolls are out of date, due to dead people not being removed or due to people who move out of state not bothering to de-register. But that same study found no evidence that there has been significant fraudulent voting in the names of those dead people or out of state people.

Documented American history of voting fraud has always been in the direction of suppression of voting rights of legitimate voters due to their race. This in fact affected outcomes regularly. The quasi-honor system of voting registration that many states liks California adopted is to try and fix this known, actual problem. I think it is disgusting and disgraceful to try and invalidate this decent element of the system, and to callously try to roll it back.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

Gus wrote:Not clear what the effect will be for India as well. Modi has invested a lot in 'make in india', no? we have tons of young people to try and fit into a manufacturing ecosystem fostered by make in india.
Make in India is, AFAIK, not primarily an export-driven growth strategy, but is more balanced on both domestic and export markets.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

The problem with allegations of voter fraud in the US are that

1. Elections are conducted by the states; and numerous Republican-controlled State Attorney Generals have been unable to find evidence of voter fraud at the polls in their states. E.g., Texas is a Republican controlled state; a border state with Mexico and one with lots of undocumented immigrants.

2. So it happens only in Democratic states, you say. Well, here is an example of the safeguards:
http://www.ocregister.com/articles/vote ... oting.html

3. And as that article points out:
Additionally, there are 12 million Latino citizens who are eligible to vote but don’t. That raises the question of why partisan activists would covertly encourage non-citizens to cast ballots instead of focusing more aggressively on those who can vote legally.
4. Most detected (so far) voter fraud occurs through absentee ballots, not at the polling place.
http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/ ... op_it.html
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

From the Moscow Times ...
A top cybersecurity specialist in Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) was arrested on Wednesday reportedly on suspicion of leaking information to the U.S. intelligence community — a bombshell accusation that, if true, would mean Washington had a spy in the heart of Russia’s national defense infrastructure.
Here's the additional detail ...
According to the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta, the FSB believes Sergei Mikhailov tipped off U.S. officials to information about Vladimir Fomenko and his server rental company “King Servers,” which the American cybersecurity company ThreatConnect identified last September as “an information nexus” that was used by hackers suspected of working for Russian state security in cyberattacks.
The article goes on to say that four others have been arrested in connection to the treason case against Mikhailov. It is important to note that even if these are the charges, in a country like Russia, what you're charged with isn't just not necessarily true. It may not even be what the state and prosecutors think is true.

But this immediately poses the question: if Mikhailov was a US asset, how was he compromised? Did the information put out by US intelligence somehow lead to his exposure? Without putting too fine a point on it, a number of close advisors to President Trump are being scrutinized for ties to Russia. Some of them participated in the intelligence briefings the President receives.

Do we have a very big problem?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by chanakyaa »

https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/th ... e1ad5b2d64
Trump spokesman Sean Spicer added a stunning new detail about the proposed wall project later Thursday, saying that Trump intended to pay for it by imposing a 20 percent tax on all imports from Mexico.
Theoretically, this is a very good news for Mexico and all other countries (including India) who run trade surplus with YooS, unless you are very small country, in which case you are screwed. All this Trumpanzee talk of tariffs and border tax is NOW revealing the true cost of manufacturing based globalization, its impact on national debt and currencies to its own citizens. Over time dependency on exports to YooS/EU-based model has made countries so fat, lazy, and lethargic that people like Drumpf know how to squeeze balls to get what they want from such countries. For fun Mekiko should demand that the country will only pay for products imported to Mekiko using Peso...then watch the table turn.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

After reading the past 14 pages my Understanding of the United States has gone up significantly..
Now to understand Mexico. Let's say a neighboring country sent bombers to destroy your nation's industrial base, one big factory at a time. I suspect that you would expect your government to get AA guns and missiles and blast their bombers out of the sky, then send hundreds of bombers to hit their factories hard.

What Mexico and China have been doing to the US is no different in effect.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

does the 20% mehico tax stand a chance of passing in congress?

the latinos have used IM style vote banking tactics to carve out a good chunk and keep the gates open for themselves while legal migrants get stuck for decades in the h1-gc circus loop. the per country "diversity" quotas hurt migrants from populous and capable nations like india and cheen the most. for smaller countries like nepal, bhutan, kuwait or uae it is always current.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by shyam »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by shyam »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by shyam »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

republican lies! sanders lies! all breitbart staged events!

latino vote banking and integration of illegal migrants probably mimics the well oiled system in west bengal-BD situation but on a vast nationwide scale...
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by shyam »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Rudradev »

If it is on youtube, then of course, it has already more than met the rigorous "RW" standard of evidence :mrgreen:

No additional "investigation" is required to take us any further "ahead of the curve" than we already are :rotfl:
Last edited by Rudradev on 27 Jan 2017 08:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by shyam »

Let there be investigation, why people are afraid of it?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Rudradev »

Arrey ,why have investigation when the matter has already been conclusively decided in 2-3 youtube videos (of unimpeachable integrity no doubt?) Jail the 3.5 million fake-voting mofos already, and let's get on with making America Great Again :D
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by shyam »

What happened in Michigan recount?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by disha »

^^The 'trade war' with Mexico is to break out of the NAFTA treaty., US wants to get out of NAFTA as soon as possible - for all the right or wrong reasons.

3. And as that article points out:
Additionally, there are 12 million Latino citizens who are eligible to vote but don’t. That raises the question of why partisan activists would covertly encourage non-citizens to cast ballots instead of focusing more aggressively on those who can vote legally.
The problem with crap #mediapimps like slate is that they have stuck their pseudo-liberal head way up their a$se and create a echo chamber and delude themselves into self-righteousness.

Which 12 million latino citizens? There are 55 million latinos in US and out of them 17 million are US-Citizens. Is the article saying that more than 12 million latino 'citizens' are eligible to vote but don't are legal? It does not say that - the sleight of the words is very careful. It calls them 'latino citizens' not US citizens and moves on to voting rights.

Everybody brings in pseudo-liberal rags like slate., but can anybody answer - how did the latino population zoom by 9x? From 1960 to 2012? Remember the TFR for latinos in 1960s was only 3 (not very high to start with) and came to similar background TFR of general population. (2.53 in 2000s compared to general 2.48 of 60s) (among first gen). This is an indication of stable or slightly increasing population and will account for only 1.5x at most rise.

However can anybody explain the 9x zoom in latino population from 1960/65 to 2012? Remember for that level of zoom in population - assuming there was same immigration as asians (via H1B and GC) then each latino couple in 1960/65 had to have at least 6-7 babies (TFR will be >7 and <8)!! And the second generation TFR has to be >3 (<4).

The TFR data does not support 9x zoom in number and hence the slate article claiming that "12 million latino citizens" could have voted is just a loud fart.


Here is the problem., if we do not recognize the problem we will be not in position to understand US of the future. The US of the future is primarily going to be latino. From 2040/2050 itself the change in demographics will make the white minority and the asians and blacks will be super-minority. This means that the politics will gravitate towards what we currently see in LatAm countries. Can US become Brazil or Argentina - well it could as well be on its way to one!

Putting our heads in the sand and blaming Trump is not going to help it.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by disha »

Singha wrote:Latino vote banking and integration of illegal migrants probably mimics the well oiled system in west bengal-BD situation but on a vast nationwide scale...
Exactly. We call mamata as jehadidi etc., but when it comes to latino influx - we like to dig our heads in the sand.

And guess what., the latino influx will hurt super-minorities like black and asians more than the established current majority. Several colleges already have affirmative rights for blacks and latinos and drumroll whites. It is the asians (chinese and indians) who are getting shafted.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Rudradev »

Must say this "RW" logic gets more convincing every minute.

The dumbass Clintonistas were wrong about the Michigan recount, therefore Orange Buffoon must certainly be RIGHT about 3.5 million fraudulent votes having been cast!
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

What Mexico and China have been doing to the US is no different in effect.
This is not Mexico or even China doing to USA. This is actually what USA has been doing to USA, more importantly the business owning class of USA, which happens to be mostly republicans, have been doing to USA. Mexico did not arm twist the US companies to relocate their plant to Mexico. Same thing can be said about China too.
Nobody arm twisted USA to outsource its plants and jobs, the greedy Americans themselves did.

Mexico export to US is about $294 billion, import from US ~$240, a difference of about $50 billion, that is just not a catastrophic sum, that is pocket change for a $18+ trillion economy. Beside $50 billion surplus is probably due to the American companies sneaking in their made in Mexico products into USA and making extra money on the back of cheap Mexican labor, and if you own the stocks of these company, you are getting rich too! So all this hullabaloo and bullying of Mexico is truly bizarre!

Similarly the ~$300 billon trade surplus China has with US is all the things Walmart and such companies make in China and then sell to USA. It all appears as import from China, but actually is goods produced by American company on the back of cheap Chinese labor and sold in US markets for the extra profit, shared by American stock holders of these companies.

So who has been really buggering America? The answer is Americans, that too mostly of the Republican kind. And that is only part of the story.
Last edited by Dipanker on 27 Jan 2017 09:08, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by shyam »

What happened during recount?

Michigan Recount Results Day 1: Problems Found in Clinton Strongholds
The number of ballots listed in poll books is not the same as the totals given on machine printouts.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by disha »

Rudradev wrote:Must say this "RW" logic gets more convincing every minute.

The dumbass Clintonistas were wrong about the Michigan recount, therefore Orange Buffoon must certainly be RIGHT about 3.5 million fraudulent votes having been cast!
Please sir., instead of indulging in PhD level rhetoric., can you please answer to the data? Are you saying that latinos are NOT 17% of the US Popln (2012 census)?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Arjun »

It is simple....anybody who knows anything about India knows that there is a clear divide between 'aspirational' India and 'handouts' India...which part of the country are moving the nation ahead and which parts are pulling India backwards. The link between the parts that pull India backwards and the demographics of those parts is also very very clear.

The US is in a similar dilemma and I think we should sympathize.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

indians and chinese will need to resort to this kind of economy with truth soon to stand a chance :) and this after enduring a decade long circus starting at h1 or f1. one just cannot win against numbers and democratic takeover of the electoral process.

http://nypost.com/2015/04/12/mindy-kali ... -be-black/

http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/edu ... 51620236/1
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Rudradev »

Arjun wrote: ...

The US is in a similar dilemma and I think we should sympathize.

Sympathize if you want. I am a citizen of India and I could not care less what happens to them.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

There may not be any civilisational changes if US Latin population increases. It may, in fact, become more EJ and not less. Yes, it may not be Anglo-Saxon, but still EJ. Remember before Rule Britania; there was a Spanish empire. In the case of BDs in India, we have a far bigger and serious civilizational problem.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... b8bf9789bc

Weepy posts like the above do not address the fundamental problem of joblessness in US and destruction of the manufacturing base of US. It is the core reason for DT win. We may call him anything, but like any crazy fellow, he may push on with his promise to build a wall and impose taxes on import. Yes, it will increase the prices for the US citizens. But it will also give an intensive for the revival of the US manufacturing.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by svenkat »

Britain and America will no longer invade foreign countries 'to make the world in their own image', Theresa May says
Britain and America will never again invade foreign countries “in an attempt to make the world in their own image”, Theresa May has said in the biggest shift in UK foreign policy for more than 20 years.

Addressing US Republican politicians in Philadelphia, the Prime Minister pledged not to repeat the “failed policies of the past” in a clear reference to the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan by Tony Blair and George W Bush.

Her comments are a repudiation of the doctrine of “liberal intervention” set out by Mr Blair in a speech in Chicago in 1999.
Mrs May’s speech came as she prepared to become the first foreign leader to meet Donald Trump in the White House and begin talks on a major new free trade deal to be announced after Britain leaves the European Union.

She made clear that Britain and America will now forge a new Special Relationship which will ensure that the rise of Asian economies like China and India does not lead to an “eclipse of the West”.

And she vowed to address the aggression of Russia and the “malign” influence of Iran in the Middle East.

Travelling to America on Thursday, Mrs May insisted that she will bond with Mr Trump in spite of their personality differences, saying that "opposites attract".
In her speech Mrs May, who was given a standing ovation by the audience, said that Brexit and Mr Trump's election are an opportunity to "renew" the Special Relationship, which she described as "one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever known".

And she hailed Mr Trump's election as "dawn breaking on a new era of American renewal".

She told Republicans: “I speak to you not just as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, but as a fellow Conservative who believes in the same principles that underpin the agenda of your Party.
“Principles instilled in me from a young age. Principles that my parents taught me in the vicarage in Southern England in which I was raised.
Mrs May made clear that a stronger alliance between Britain and America can ensure that the two countries are able to compete with Asian economies like China and India.

Nor can we afford to stand idly by when the threat is real and when it is in our own interests to intervene

She said that the rise of these economies at the same time as the financial crisis and a series of terror attacks “have led many to fear that, in this century, we will experience the eclipse of the West.”

"But there is nothing inevitable about that. Other countries may grow stronger. Big, populous countries may grow richer. And as they do so, they may start to embrace more fully our values of democracy and liberty,” Mrs May continued.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Rudradev »

disha wrote:
Rudradev wrote:Must say this "RW" logic gets more convincing every minute.

The dumbass Clintonistas were wrong about the Michigan recount, therefore Orange Buffoon must certainly be RIGHT about 3.5 million fraudulent votes having been cast!
Please sir., instead of indulging in PhD level rhetoric., can you please answer to the data? Are you saying that latinos are NOT 17% of the US Popln (2012 census)?

Sir, that was a response to Shyam ji, not you. But don't let that stop you from putting words in my mouth, of course.

I have no sympathy whatsoever for white anglo saxon culture OR latino culture. Both are vicious, predatory, colonialist entities driven by genocidal Christist barbarism (of one stripe or the other), and both have the blood of countless innocent native peoples on their hands. I don't CARE if one prevails by out-breeding or exterminating the other.

The current "voter fraud" kerfuffle makes no more difference to me than idly watching two colonies of invertebrates fighting amongst themselves. In the end, what we are seeing is the unraveling of the self-styled hyperpower, the last gasp of the vampiric culture that dominated it, and possibly the beginning of a new international order in its aftermath. Securing an optimal place for India in that new order is the beginning and end of my concerns.
Last edited by Rudradev on 27 Jan 2017 10:08, edited 3 times in total.
BRF Oldie
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Joined: 19 May 2009 17:23

Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by svenkat »

The German American has stirred,not shaken the Anglo-American establishment.The Empire is fighting back.