Understanding US thread-III

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by IndraD »

Brahma Chellaney ‏@Chellaney 12h12 hours ago
"Planted intel leaks aim to impair Trump presidency": Such things usually happen in police states or where intel agencies have turned rogue
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by IndraD »

Brahma Chellaney ‏@Chellaney Feb 15
Trump promised to drain the swamp. Instead the swamp is rising to take him down. Deliberate leaks—especially from intel sources—hobble Trump.

Brahma Chellaney ‏@Chellaney 2h2 hours ago
The state within a state? U.S. intel community is withholding sensitive intel from President Trump because it doesn't trust him, reports WS
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by shravanp »

No wonder so many nytimes wapo hit jobs on Trump with insider info.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

During campaign he thrived on leaks. Asked Russia to hack, praised wikileaks. Now the shoe is on the other foot, welcome to the real world.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

We are looking at a possibility where POTUS trusts Russian intelligence more than his own. What a bizarre world it has become...
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »


WASHINGTON — President Trump plans to assign a New York billionaire to lead a broad review of American intelligence agencies, according to administration officials, an effort that members of the intelligence community fear could curtail their independence and reduce the flow of information that contradicts the president’s worldview.

The possible role for Stephen A. Feinberg, a co-founder of Cerberus Capital Management, has met fierce resistance among intelligence officials already on edge because of the criticism the intelligence community has received from Mr. Trump during the campaign and since he became president. On Wednesday, Mr. Trump blamed leaks from the intelligence community for the departure of Michael T. Flynn, his national security adviser, whose resignation he requested.

There has been no announcement of Mr. Feinberg’s job, which would be based in the White House, but he recently told his company’s shareholders that he is in discussions to join the Trump administration. He is a member of Mr. Trump’s economic advisory council.

Mr. Feinberg, who has close ties to Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, and Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, declined to comment on his possible position. The White House, which is still working out the details of the intelligence review, also would not comment.

Bringing Mr. Feinberg into the administration to conduct the review is seen as a way of injecting a Trump loyalist into a world the White House views with suspicion. But top intelligence officials fear that Mr. Feinberg is being groomed for a high position in one of the intelligence agencies. :twisted:

Mr. Bannon and Mr. Kushner, according to current and former intelligence officials and Republican lawmakers, had at one point considered Mr. Feinberg for either director of national intelligence or chief of the Central Intelligence Agency’s clandestine service, a role that is normally reserved for career intelligence officers, not friends of the president. Mr. Feinberg’s only experience with national security matters is his firm’s stakes in a private security company and two gun makers.

On an array of issues — including the Iran nuclear deal, the utility of NATO, and how best to combat Islamist militancy — much of the information and analysis produced by American intelligence agencies contradicts the policy positions of the new administration. The divide is starkest when it comes to Russia and President Vladimir V. Putin, whom Mr. Trump has repeatedly praised while dismissing American intelligence assessments that Moscow sought to promote his own candidacy.

Against this backdrop, Mr. Trump has appointed Mike Pompeo, a former Republican congressman from Kansas, to run the C.I.A., and former Senator Dan Coats, an Indiana Republican, to be the director of national intelligence (he is still awaiting confirmation). Both were the preferred choices of the Republican congressional leadership and Vice President Mike Pence and had no close or longstanding ties to Mr. Trump. In fact, they each endorsed Senator Marco Rubio of Florida for president during the 2016 Republican primaries.

But the potential White House role for Mr. Feinberg follows intense speculation among intelligence professionals that Mr. Feinberg is in line for a powerful position within the intelligence community.

Reports that Mr. Feinberg was under consideration to run the clandestine service rocked the intelligence community in recent weeks, raising the prospect of direct White House control over America’s spies at a time when Mr. Trump’s ties to Mr. Putin are under investigation by the F.B.I. and congressional committees.

The last time an outsider with no intelligence experience took the job was in the early days of the Reagan administration, when Max Hugel, a businessman who had worked on Mr. Reagan’s campaign, was named to run the spy service. His tenure at the C.I.A. was marked by turmoil and questions about the politicization of the agency. He was forced to resign after six months, amid accusations about his past business dealings. (He later won a libel case against the two brothers who made the accusations.)

Even the prospect that Mr. Feinberg may lead a review for the White House has raised concerns in the intelligence community.

Mr. Coats is especially angry at what he sees as a move by Mr. Bannon and Mr. Kushner to sideline him before he is even confirmed, according to current and former officials. He believes the review would impinge on a central part of his role as the director of national intelligence and fears that if Mr. Feinberg were working at the White House, he could quickly become a dominant voice on intelligence matters.

Michael V. Hayden, a retired general who ran the C.I.A. and the National Security Agency during President George W. Bush’s administration, said it was hard to wrap his head around “the idea of a D.N.I. nominee in the confirmation process while others consider retooling the position.”

Mike Pompeo, center, the C.I.A. director, being sworn in last month by Vice President Mike Pence. Mr. Pompeo does not see an urgent need for a review of the intelligence community. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
“I think I’d be concerned, too,” he said.

The challenge is less immediate for Mr. Pompeo. He does not see an urgent need for a review of the intelligence community, according to current and former American officials, but sees it as better than the appointment of Mr. Feinberg to a job with actual authority over daily intelligence operations.

Many intelligence officials question what purpose a White House intelligence review would serve other than to position Mr. Feinberg for a larger role in the future. Most significant changes to the intelligence community would require an act of Congress, a fact that would ultimately blunt whatever ideas or proposals Mr. Feinberg came up with. Even with a Republican majority in both houses, getting Congress to agree to major changes to intelligence agencies seems unlikely.

It is difficult to “object to someone putting fresh eyes on the organization of the intelligence community,” Mr. Hayden said. “But, even though the D.N.I. staff has become far too large, I don’t think any of us think a major restructuring of the community is in order.”

Tensions between the intelligence community and the White House have already played out on several fronts. Before Mr. Flynn was forced out, one of his top aides, Robin Townley, was denied a security clearance by the C.I.A. But distrust of the intelligence community has been building for years in conservative political circles, where the C.I.A. during the Obama administration was seen as heavily politicized.

Representative Steve King, Republican of Iowa, said in a recent interview that some officials in the intelligence community were trustworthy but “not all.”

Another Republican lawmaker said that the predominant view at the White House is also that the politicians in the intelligence agencies need to be cleaned out.

Through Cerberus, his private equity company, Mr. Feinberg has strong ties to the government contracting industry. Cerberus owns DynCorp International, which has had a wide array of large contracts providing security to the State Department and other agencies. DynCorp is now locked in a major legal dispute over the fate of a $10 billion State Department contract that it previously held to provide air support for counternarcotics operations overseas.

John F. Kelly, the new Homeland Security secretary, was paid $166,000 a year as a DynCorp adviser until he was named to the new administration.

In 2008, Mr. Feinberg also considered investing in Blackwater, the security firm founded by Erik Prince, a former member of the Navy SEALs, before it was ultimately acquired by other investors.

New York magazine reported last year that Mr. Feinberg went to Blackwater’s North Carolina compound in 2005 to take firearms training.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Tweets & replies Media
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 1h1 hour ago
The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and "sources," is far more effective than the discredited Democrats - but they are fading fast!

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 4h4 hours ago
The spotlight has finally been put on the low-life leakers! They will be caught!

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 4h4 hours ago
Leaking, and even illegal classified leaking, has been a big problem in Washington for years. Failing @nytimes (and others) must apologize!
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »


elite turkish trained al-bab commandos
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by IndraD »

Singha wrote:https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=37d_1487103788

elite turkish trained al-bab commandos
:rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

i wonder if those tweets have been vetted by a competent adult?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

We elected a whiner. He inherited a mess from Ombomber and straight away made it worse.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

Donald "Dangerfield" Trump. No respect.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by IndraD »

For once my relatives & friends who pooh poohed me for not being in massa land are avoiding my wapp calls etc: for they feel there is some one who is shaming US like never before, where sun never sets, country of opportunities etc etc.... are hiding in burqa these days by realising how racist & misogynist US is deep within.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

had at one point considered Mr. Feinberg for either director of national intelligence or chief of the Central Intelligence Agency’s clandestine service, a role that is normally reserved for career intelligence officers, not friends of the president. :roll: Mr. Feinberg’s only experience with national security matters is his firm’s stakes in a private security company and two gun makers.
:rotfl: Where do they get such garbage-peddlers?

Berkeley-Stanford alert. If you check back, you will see the appointments of William Casey and even before that, Bush 1 as CIA directors. What "intelligence" had they, not to mention "career intelligence aphsar" experience?
I think CIA stopped appointing Career anything after the Angleton episode.

As for POTUS trusting Russian intelligence services more than US ones, perhaps he has learned from the Turkish PM who owes his life to the same? And BTW, so does UBCN, the world's most reliable news&analysis organization.

Remember EyeRak Dubya-EmDee, anyone?
Also, Syrian Regime Chemical Attack on Kitten Shelters?
And just the other din, the "intel" that preceded the Yemen Raid? Trump would have done far better if he had got Russian intel prior to that raid. That brave SEAL might still be alive and some sh1theads dead instead of him.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

apparently the first nomination withdrawal already happened..

http://time.com/4672325/andy-puzder-lab ... ald-trump/

something about DV and wife's description of it at Oprah in 1990...getting out now from a personal copy of another DV victim at the show.

where does trump finds these people...
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

fake news

http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/t ... eck-235095
Trump had claimed in his opening remarks that he had won the biggest Electoral College victory since Ronald Reagan, which is demonstrably false.

“You said today that you had the biggest electoral margin since Ronald Reagan,” Alexander said, sitting feet from the president. He then began to list recent electoral victories bigger than Trump’s, which include both of Barack Obama’s victories, both of Bill Clinton’s victories and George H.W. Bush’s 1988 victory, all since Reagan.

“Well, I was talking about Republicans,” Trump said. George H.W. Bush, who was also a Republican, received 426 electoral votes, well above Trump’s 304.

“Why should Americans trust you?” Alexander asked.

Trump said he had just been given the information, seeming to imply he had been given incorrect information.

“It was a substantial victory, you do agree with that?” Trump asked.

“You’re the president,” Alexander responded.

Trump moved on to the next question.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

The Director of the National Clandestine Service (D/NCS) is a senior United States government official in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency who serves as head of the National Clandestine Service, the Directorate of Operations).
Director of the National Clandestine Service - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Director_ ... ne_Service
It makes eminent sense if the person in question is a career person.

Of course in an "alternate world", "alternate interpretations" and "alternate facts" do exist, and people are gullible enough to believe them!
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

I want to take a moment to discuss two articles which have been published in recent days which focus on the idea that Michael Flynn was run out of office by a cabal of enemies in the intelligence and law enforcement establishment which actually has as its goal driving President Trump from office.
I wanted to discuss these two articles because even though I mainly disagree with both, they both point to an issue I think is incredibly important and I've been concerned about for weeks. The prospect of the country's intelligence apparatus working against rather than for an elected President is an incredibly dangerous one. We even have a report from the Wall Street Journal from last night which says that the Intelligence Community is withholding some information from the President and his top aides for fear it might be leaked to hostile powers. It's important to note some of the conversation around this article which notes that the bright line of sharing and not sharing isn't necessarily that bright. Some level of detail about sources and methods may necessarily be cleaved aside simply with the request that something like the President's Daily Brief be limited to a single page with no more than 9 bullet points. But, the point here is clear: at least according to this article, people at high levels of the intelligence community suspect the President might be compromised, either knowingly or not, by agents of a hostile foreign power. That belief is dangerous whether the underlying fact is true or not, just dangerous in different ways. Acting on that belief, true or not, edges us close to a constitutional crisis, albeit one that may lurk in the background.
Like every bureaucracy, the intelligence world has its inertia, blindspots and shortcomings. People from the Ledeen/Flynn world have wanted to 'shake it up' and 'reform' it for decades. They've gotten several chances. Each has led to unmitigated disasters. Yes, it's really that clear-cut. You don't have to have rosy-eyed views about the intelligence world to know from the vast track record that introducing the ideas and machinations of these men into that world or giving them power is comparable to injecting strep or some lethal fungus into a human body. It's that bad.
Last edited by A_Gupta on 17 Feb 2017 02:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

Gus wrote:apparently the first nomination withdrawal already happened..

http://time.com/4672325/andy-puzder-lab ... ald-trump/

something about DV and wife's description of it at Oprah in 1990...getting out now from a personal copy of another DV victim at the show.

where does trump finds these people...
Earlier. Vince Viola withdrew as nominee for Army Secretary -- citing business conflict reasons.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

IndraD wrote:For once my relatives & friends who pooh poohed me for not being in massa land are avoiding my wapp calls etc: for they feel there is some one who is shaming US like never before, where sun never sets, country of opportunities etc etc.... are hiding in burqa these days by realising how racist & misogynist US is deep within.
yeah my MUTU friends and relatives are in deep radio silence. they have disappeared off fbook and email after a few days of ranting against DT post election :D
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

Ret. Vice Adm. Bob Harward turned down President Donald Trump's offer to be national security adviser Thursday...
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

NYtimes is inviting leakers and tipsters to send info in, right on its front page, with detailed instructions

https://www.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/20 ... n=top-news
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by NRao »


NYT has had that some time now, months.

BTW, on searching your phone at the border.

Can they search my phone?

Yes, they can. Even a US citizen.
Could my laptop, phone or other electronic devices be searched?

Yes, even if you're a green card holder or an American citizen.

On January 31, Sidd Bikkannavar, a US citizen and NASA engineer, was stopped by customs officers at Houston airport when he was returning from a vacation in Chile. He wasn't from any of the seven countries listed in Trump's executive order. But CBP officers asked for his phone and his PIN to access the phone.

According to CBP, your devices could be searched for many reasons, including incomplete travel documents or because your name matches a person of interest. It also could be a random search.
How can I safeguard my device when traveling internationally?

"If you don't want it searched, don't carry it across the border," Rizzo says.

Wessler's advice is similar: "The best advice may be to be really careful on how many devices and what kind of data you're carrying with you," he says. "In terms of devices, government can't search what you don't have."
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by devesh »

saip wrote:During campaign he thrived on leaks. Asked Russia to hack, praised wikileaks. Now the shoe is on the other foot, welcome to the real world.
Those leaks were non-governmental. He didn't encourage govt enployees, especially Intel bureaucrats, to leak info.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

devesh wrote:
saip wrote:During campaign he thrived on leaks. Asked Russia to hack, praised wikileaks. Now the shoe is on the other foot, welcome to the real world.
Those leaks were non-governmental. He didn't encourage govt enployees, especially Intel bureaucrats, to leak info.
So I guess it should be OK if ISI helps Indian politicians to hack their opponents. Many of wikileaks came from Government employees.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by g.sarkar »

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/busi ... 194510.cms
Rush to invest $500,000 to get green card
John Sarkar | TNN | Updated: Feb 17, 2017, 08.46 AM IST
Every week, on average, three Indians are signing up to shell out half-a-million dollars each to have a go at living the American dream, through a sponsored 'invest in the US and get a green card' program called the EB-5.
The EB-5 Investor Visa program provides an opportunity for immigrant foreign nationals and their immediate family (children up to the age of 21) to obtain US green cards and permanent residency in mainly two ways.
Through the first route (direct investment), one can invest a minimum of $1 million, start a business from scratch and create 10 full-time American jobs.
The second way (regional center program) is simpler and requires a one-time investment of $500,000 (Rs 3.4 crore) into a government-approved EB-5 business that creates 10 or more full-time American jobs in rural areas. One can also redeem the investment after five years.
"We have signed up 210 investors in a very short time and 42 are Indians," said Rogelio Caceres, co-founder & CMO of LCR Capital Partners, an investment cum immigration consultancy that invests applicants' funds into companies such as Dunkin' Donuts and Four Seasons. "For EB-5, we have witnessed interest from top executives at companies including Bain, Reliance, Aditya Birla and McKinsey apart from business families. These guys do not want their kids to face uncertainty while looking for jobs in the US," said Caceres. He attributes the current rush for EB-5+ to two factors: uneasiness over the Trump administration's take on H-1B+ and the expiry of the EB-5 visa program in April.
Last month, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) proposed significant changes to the EB-5 Investor visa program that includes raising the minimum investment amount from $500,000 to $1.35 million.
I would be the last person to contradict a Sarkar, but would one invest half a million dollars just to get a green card? Can someone not make a lot more money with that amount in India? I remember the amount used to be $40K or 80K, something like that back in the 80's, and one was given an investor's visa, with the whole family.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Zynda »

"These guys do not want their kids to face uncertainty while looking for jobs in the US"

These folks have 3.5 crore to invest in a GC scheme which for all purposes would be a write-off as far as the expenses are concerned and yet they are worried that kids may have to find a job in future? Twisted logic...even if they keep that money in a Indian Bank FD, their kids probably wouldn't need a real job in Desh anyways.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

^^ some of these are people whose kids would settle in the anglosphere anyway for the lifestyle (eg sid mallya) or maintain a pio status but run the dads business after a foreign edu. but most of these are not the real uber rich scions but a rung below , some of whom also intend to study seriously and are worried about F1 prospects...

the EB5 is under pressure not from india but from sinic elites all making a beeline for the 'exit' sign. i heard demand was so much they were thinking of putting in yearly quotas and remodelling it.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Zynda »

US will not modify F1 program heavily. US universities are dependent on money from foreign students to some extent at least. Beyond F1, for sure, H1 program may be affected (for middle class folks, if the prospects of getting a job after graduation are less, they may elect to chose another welcoming land. But for EB5 kinda of folks, if they are really serious about studying, they can finish studies and return to desh...unless their field of study is super niche and there is no ecosystem of any kind in India..like our Murtee Jr. who wanted to set up Robotics Lab in Boston onlee.

They might be after a foreign PR kinda backup..which in case, Australia & Canada are perfectly fine destinations as well. I am still not convinced by the need to invest that kind of money but both India & US are free countries and people are free to do as they see fit. Good for them & their kids...and also Massa :)
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

the anglosphere has made a huge business out of education and weaponized it to suck up the dollars of rich third world elites. you should see the horde that descends here for education fairs. aussie and brit second rung univs are EVERYWHERE and extending their reach deep into intl schools.

we have only ourselves to blame for misguided economic policies that led to a job creation drought over the last few decades. anglosphere will be happy to take our money or brains and preferably both. they are agile people who use any trend up or down to profit unlike the dogmatic japanis and germans who are more insular and slow to react.

brits and aussies are superb marketeers both of themselves and whatever product they sell. and their accent is so charming.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

harward pulls out citing personal and financial reasons but is rumoured to be unhappy that he cannot bring his own team in. this leaves the path clear for petreaus - although he is still on parole and has to notify his parole officer if he wants to move to DC!

the issue with flynn is that he engaged in diplomacy whilst still a civilian (i believe this is illegal) and he then 'mislead' the VP about what happened. could be a case of the Veep flexing his muscles...

trumps latest anti-media rant was also fairly comic - not sure this strategy is going to work for him
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ldev »

Lalmohan wrote: trumps latest anti-media rant was also fairly comic - not sure this strategy is going to work for him
This strategy will work for middle america and that is his target.

The media elites, other elites, think tankers (a lot of whom are IC/quasi IC funded) not so much, but then they are his opposition.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

It depends on what the mango American think about MSM. If they think MSM is dirt, then they will be happy that DT has guts to attack the MSM Scum.

Did NFL ban super bowl matches from Texas because the state did not allow transgenders to use female bathrooms? Wow if true.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ldev »

The DS is against anyone in USG who wants better US-Russia relations. Keeda etc are small fry. They want a big, bad enemy figure who can justify the existence and actions of the DS. Remember that the DS scuttled Obama's Syria peace deal with the Russians by "inadvertently" bombing and killing 63 Syrian soldiers when they were supposed to be targeting ISIS. The difference is that Obama slunk away, he knew his place. Trump is fighting back with all guns blazing. This is going to be a fascinating battle royale between this President who is the elected representative of the american people and the DS who think that they are the permanent government of the US.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Hard to associate any "depth" with the bubbleheads asking "questions" at the Press Conferences and tweeting their fa*ts.
Read the quoted tweets that pass for "news and analysis" these days

Except of course on UBCN.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

Lalmohan wrote:.trumps latest anti-media rant was also fairly comic - not sure this strategy is going to work for him
Trump's presser heartened his supporters. E.g., read this and the comments here:
http://turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semp ... nounc.html
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by IndraD »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Zynda wrote:"These guys do not want their kids to face uncertainty while looking for jobs in the US"

These folks have 3.5 crore to invest in a GC scheme which for all purposes would be a write-off as far as the expenses are concerned and yet they are worried that kids may have to find a job in future? Twisted logic...even if they keep that money in a Indian Bank FD, their kids probably wouldn't need a real job in Desh anyways.
The key word is "INVEST". I think 500K is for rural investment. Plus there is a requirement on number of jobs created and paid for 2 years. Which, incidentally, will buy maybe 100 times the fertile, developed land area in the US that it will buy in India.

JOOC, why do you believe that if someone brings $500K to the US, it will be a write-off? Indians have not been able to make money in bijnej in US? Indian-Americans don't know where they can invest a friendly $500K and turn it into $50M in a few years? And this from someone in the land of Baniastan, hain? Is rice and fish in short supply in the diet, hain?

If you know anyone that has $500K to invest in this good cause and needs to connect with US-based banias, pls drop me a line using the PeeAref fajility 4 doing so. ****SERIOUSLY****. I will pass on to my contact in Ulan Bator who can contact the right ppl via hawala channels pronto. For once, this is a serious post. I know, I know, violates UBCNews policy ("I AM ONLY A JOURNALIST, I CAN'T MOVE MY A** AND DO ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE LIKE SET UP A MEETING WITH CBC") and all but I do have a serious side.
BRF Oldie
Posts: 6919
Joined: 24 Dec 2009 18:46

Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by habal »

Donald Trump bashes the BBC again in heated back-and-forth with 'impartial free and fair' reporter Jon Sopel during White House press conference

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... again.html

BBC reporter Sopel describes his organization as 'Impartial, free and fair',
and Trumps riposte; 'Just like CNN right?' :mrgreen:

Trump Won't Call CNN "Fake News" Anymore

Now, it's "very fake news." :rotfl:
