Terroristan - October 8, 2018

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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Kashi »

Link to previous Terroristan thread: Terroristan - July 27, 2018

The following links are background material on Pakistan.


Jinnah's Pakistan: An Interview with MA Jinnah, and how the Pakistan of Yesterday is the Pakistan of Today

The above is the testimony of Ashley Tellis on Jan 28th 2009, to the US Senate Homeland Security Committee on LeT's global role. It is a good articulation of LeT's past and future trends.

Know Your Pakistan
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/archives/ ... /Shiv.html

The Monkey Trap: A synopsis of Indo-Pak relations
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/archives/ ... ayyam.html

PAKISTAN-FAILED STATE: an ebook that owes its origin and existence to BRF.

Whither Pakistan ? Growing Instability and Implications for India: an IDSA e-Book, July 2010

A landmark article that demolishes myths built up about Pakistan

Pak's Continuing War against Indian Civilisation - Tufail Ahmad, Director South Asia Project, MEMRI
https://www.memri.org/reports/article-m ... vilization

Pakistani Role in Terrorism Against the U.S.A

Pakistani Education, or how Pakistan became what it is: The Subtle Subversion - Curricula and textbooks in Pakistan
http://unesco.org.pk/education/teachere ... s/rp22.pdf

Making Enemies, Creating Conflict: Pakistan's Crises of State and Society. A book written by Pakistanis on Pakistan.

Should Pakistan Be Broken Up? by Gul Agha

A modest proposal from a Pakistani Brigadier:
https://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/i ... desman.htm
"We should fire at them and take out a few of their cities—Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta," he said. "They should fire back and take Karachi and Lahore. Kill off a hundred or two hundred million people......."
Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part I
http://pundita.blogspot.in/2009/12/alde ... art-1.html

Prof. Walter Russell Mead, "Pakistan's Failed National Strategy"
https://www.the-american-interest.com/2 ... -strategy/

"Pakistan Is", by Barry Bearak in New York Times Magazine, December 7, 2003.
Brings out succinctly various facets of Pakistani perfidy, obsession, fundamentalism etc.
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/07/magaz ... an-is.html

Religion as the Foundation of a Nation: The Making and Unmaking of Pakistan - P.K. Upadhyay, IDSA
It probes the religious and sectarian fault-lines in Pakistan in depth to determine their impact on the future of Pakistan.

Ms. Christine Fair's exposition on Pakistan military, society et al. A Must see.
Fighting to the End: Pakistan Army's Way of War

False Equivalency in the "Indo-Pakistan" Dispute - Ms. C. Fair, War on the Rocks, June, 2015

Shia-killing in Pakistan: Background and Predictions - A blog by Omar Ali


24 years of exploitation created Bangladesh by Babar Ayaz, Daily Times, January 17, 2018

Image Scan of article on 1971 East Pakistan Genocide by Antony Mascarenhas, Former Asst. Editor, Morning News, Karachi in Sunday Times, London, June 13, 1971

Text scan of the above article on 1971 Genocide

Bangladesh Genocide Archive

Ethnic cleansing in Pakistan - a statistical analysis by Sridhar N. Bharat Rakshak Monitor Vol 6(2) September-October 2003
Also available at: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1592160/posts

A chronicle of genocide by the Pakistan army

Documentary video evidence of Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EBKlIUbpc ... re=related
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xwwPbkyZV ... re=related

List of military arms supplied by US to Pakistan since 9/11


The Ideologies of South Asian Jihadi Groups (Lashkar-e-Taiba)
By Hussein Haqqani (journalist and Pak ambassador to US)
https://www.hudson.org/research/9867-th ... adi-groups

Lashkar-e-Taiba: Past Operations and Future Prospects, Stephen Tankel, April 2011
New America Foundation
http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/04/27 ... -pub-43802

Pakistani sponsoring of Terrorism
http://pak-terror.freeservers.com/Terro ... y_Tool.htm

Terror Map: The Pakistani Hand

Inside Jihad - How Pakistan sponsors terrorists in India
http://www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/ ... r_sb1.html

Pakistan's Role in the Kashmir Insurgency - Op-ed by Rand's Peter Chalk

Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part 2
http://pundita.blogspot.in/2009/12/alde ... -upon.html

https://www.brookings.edu/research/beyo ... -pakistan/

Pakistani Military Officers' Links with Jihadist Organizations

Putting Our Children in Line of Fire - The Nation, January 27, 2013
The above is an admission by Pakistan Army's Top General that it was the Pakistani Army at Kargil, not the mujahideen, and Musharraf was the Culprit

Debate between a Taliban Scholar and a Paki Army Officer


Pakistani nuclear scientist's accounts tell of Chinese proliferation - R. Jeffrey Smith and Joby Warrick, Washington Post, Nov 13, 2009


On the Frontier of Apocalypse: Christopher Hitchens seminal article on Pakistan today


A Slender Reed in Pakistan - Editorial in the Christian Science Monitor

Seymour Hersh Interview

Pakistan's Nuclear Crimes (Wash. Post editorial)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dy ... 2-2004Feb4


The Battle for Pakistan: Militancy and Conflict in South Waziristan by Mansur Khan Mahsud, April 2010
http://www.operationspaix.net/DATA/DOCU ... ristan.pdf

BOOK REVIEW Fulcrum of Evil: ISI-CIA-Al Qaeda Nexus, a book by Maloy Krishna Dhar
http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/%5Cpap ... r1844.html

Article from Vinni Capelli - Foreign Policy Research Institute:
Containing Pakistan: Engaging the Raja-Mandala in South-Central Asia
http://www.fpri.org/orbis/5101/cappelli ... kistan.pdf

The videos are from this documentary: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/taliban/

A bomb at all cost By Ahmad Faruqui - a candid admission of the wars that Pakistan started against India.

Popular support for suicide bombings in pakistan.
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.as ... 008_pg12_1
Survey by university students in karachi say 50% of respondents support suicide bombings in kashmir.

"Descent into Chaos"
UC Berkeley Conversations with History, host Harry Kreisler talking with Pakistani Journalist Ahmed Rashid. 59 minutes 120 MB. It sums up Pakistan and lays bare all Pakistan's terrorist support and proliferation activities. **Note - he wants the US to solve Pakistan's Kashmir problem.

Pakistan on the brink: Video Link (must download)


UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir

Gilgit Rebellion: The Major Who Mutinied Over Partition of India
A book on the events by Maj. William Brown, the mutineer himself.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto telling Bangladeshis to "Go to Hell": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dsxfyxa ... re=related

IDSA's weekly summary of Pak Urdu Press:


Christine Fair :Ten fictions that pakistani defense officials love to peddle

Five installment series by Kapil Komireddi published in Frum Forum

Part I. Nov 16, 2009. “Pakistan In Crisis”.

Part II. Nov 18. 2009. “Pakistan: Origins of A Failed State”.

Part III. Nov 18, 2009. “Pakistan: It Could Not Succeed Unless India Failed”.

Part IV. Dec 06, 2009. “Pakistan: A Mecca for Radical Islam”.

Part V. Dec. 07, 2009. “Pakistan’s Army: Building a Nation for Jihad”

A perceptive blog on Pakistan: http://pak-watch.blogspot.com/

Declassified documents from US National Archives on Pakistan:


Admission of state sponsored terrorism by Pakistani authorities

see this Der Spigel Interview where Musharraf admits to that.

On 7th Nov in TimesNow Channel, Tasneem Noorani, a former Secretary of the Pakistani Interior Ministry, openly said that.

Kiyani called the Haqqanis as strategic assets.

In Dec. 2008, President Zardari himself admitted to ISI helping LeT. He said,"The links between the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency and the LeT were developed in the old days when dictators used to run the country. After the 9/11 terror attacks in the US, things have changed to a great extent"

In an address to bureaucrats in July 2009, President Zardari said: "Militants and extremists were deliberately created and nurtured as a policy to achieve some short-term tactical objectives. Let us be truthful to ourselves and make a candid admission of the realities. The terrorists of today were the heroes of yesteryears until 9/11 occurred and they began to haunt us as well"

In Nov. 2009, Prime Minister Gilani admitted to the support for terrorism by Musharraf as "running with the hares and hunting with the hounds".

When Bush warned the Pakistanis in August 2008 of their support to Al Qaeda, Afrasiab Khattak, President of Awami National Party (ANP) said this: "The question is why it has taken the Americans so long to see what the ISI is doing. We’ve been telling them for years but they wouldn’t buy it.". See here.

In an interview to the BBC as far back as on Feb. 13, 1994, Benazir Bhutto admitted how she handed over to Rajiv Gandhi the complete list of Sikh activists colluding with the ISI in terrorism in the Punjab. Later, Nawaz Sharif described this interview as a faux pas.

Apart from these, of course, numerous Pakistani commentators, analysts, and editors have openly admitted to terror as a state policy.

Why Did Pakistan's Spy Chief Make a Secret Trip to China?

Pasha's China trip has been interpreted by some as a tacit act of defiance—a reminder to his American counterparts that the Pakistanis can always look east to their “all-weather” friend across the Himalayas rather than bend the knee to the will of the U.S.

But it also may be a sign of China's growing disquiet with Pakistan. Another top-ranking Pakistani military officer, Lt. Gen Wahid Arshad, had already conducted a considerable tour of China just weeks ago in a bid to improve ties. A few analysts have suggested that Pasha's trip — couched in vague terms about building a “broad-based strategic dialogue” — may have been less a visit and more of a summons.

Chinese officials claimed the attacks in Kashgar were authored by the shadowy East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a jihadist organization of mostly ethnic Uighurs, a Turkic Muslim minority that comprises the majority in the far-western Chinese region of Xinjiang. China routinely invokes the specter of the terrorist threat when cracking down on dissent in the restive region. Yet disturbances there tend to be triggered more often by social discontent — many Uighurs chafe at state policies they deem discriminatory and marginalizing — than militant connivance. Pasha's presence in Beijing may mark Beijing's continued efforts to root out Uighur dissidents and sympathizers beyond China's borders, as it has already done in Kazakhstan.

Youtube video: Bilatakalluf with Tahif Gora: Tarek Fateh dissects with Pakjabi society and shows how its war-impotent Army loots the common Pakistani (Jan 13, 2012)

Terroristan - Land of Pure Terror - Right to Reply of India by Eenam Gambhir (First Secretary in the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in New York) at the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly:

Last edited by Kashi on 09 Oct 2018 10:23, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Rajdeep »

Why is Imran delaying ISI chief's appointment?

A 'report' surfaced in Khabrain, one of Pakistan's largest circulating Urdu dailies, alleging that there was a plot to kill Pakistan army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa, hatched by Lieutenant General Asim Munir and outgoing ISI chief Lieutenant General Naved Mukhtar.

According to the Khabrain 'report' the plot involved air defence officers who would shoot down General Bajwa's helicopter as he returned from a foreign trip.
The 'report' is authored by by Zaid Hamid, a known maverick journalist who carries little credence. Hamid was discredited by the ISI itself after being patronised for years to spew anti-Indian propaganda.

In November 2008, Hamid claimed Mumbai 26/11 was a 'Hindu-Zionist plot'. In 2013, he alleged a similar plot to kill former army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, ostensibly for his 'pro-democracy' views.

In 2015, he was arrested by the Saudi authorities while on the umra with his family. Hamid is a Muhajir. :rotfl: His mother was reportedly from Kashmir.
If Imran Khan delays his assent to General Bajwa's recommendations on the new promotions any further, it could imply he is taking stock of possible serious dissent within top army echelons.

If the differences are assessed as serious, the ISI job could go to someone else like Lieutenant General Nadeem Zaki Manj, a previous DGMI, now GoC 33 Division. Quetta.

It could also sow the first seeds of tension between the army chief and an elected prime minister. Otherwise, it could be just another storm in a tea-cup in Pakistan's conspiracy-ridden Urdu media.

The delay in announcing the charges of the new three star generals is certainly unusual.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by arun »

The US State Department is not impressed with that Taqiyyah Islamic dissimulation that the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan is peddling via its Foreign Minister with regard to resetting the bilateral relationship :lol: :
Heather Nauert
Department Press Briefing
Washington, DC
October 2, 2018 ……………………………….

QUESTION: Thanks. I know the Pakistani foreign minister may still be here in the building. Are there any updates on attempts to reset the relationship? And he hinted on Fox News that there might be a compromise on the fate of the Pakistani doctor who helped the U.S. find Usama bin Ladin.

MS NAUERT: Yeah, I think they’ve been saying that for quite some time that there could be some movement on that. We have yet to see that. I can confirm with you that the – confirm to you, pardon me, that the Secretary did meet with his counterpart at the State Department today. I’m not sure exactly when that was. It was sometime this afternoon. I don’t have a readout of that meeting just yet. If I have one to bring for you, provide to you, I certainly will. But we had a good trip when the Secretary went to Pakistan and had good, fruitful meetings with the Pakistani Government.
See US State Department website here:

Department Press Briefing - October 2, 2018
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan "Beats" USA On This One !


Must be something to do with "Pakistan's robust Fertility Rate " :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

CJP Nisar Saves The Life Of Asia Bibi For The Time Being . But Warns The Media Not To Speculate Until The Detail Judgement Is Issued . IMO, He Is "Smelling A Rat " In The Allegations Against The "Uneducated Christian Woman" Accused Of Blasphemy :mrgreen:

Supreme Court reserves verdict on Asia Bibi's final appeal against execution
Oct 8, 2018

IMO, she will be let go , to prove to the "Christian World" that Paki Justice is "fair ". She will be welcomed- along with her extended family - to either Canada or US with "open arms" . And will start a new life there !
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Mahdi Update : Fake PBUH Arrested !

Self claimed "11th Imam of Islam" arrested by Punjab Police
Oct 8, 2018
LAHORE - Punjab Police has arrested the self claimed 11th Imam of Islam from Sahiwal.
The cleric, who declared himself the “11th Imam of Islam” is reportedly in custody of the Sahiwal police .A photo making rounds on the social media shows the accused sitting inside a police van.
Abdullah Bin Moneeb went viral on social media when in a video he claimed to be the 11th Imam of Islam.Quoting Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), Imam Abdullah said, “I, Imam Abdullah bin Moneeb, with the grace of God and kindness of the last Prophet (PBUH), announce that I’m the 11thKhalifa Rashid of Islam and anyone who opposes me and my followers will be damned.”
Hope he is not lynched by the momeens !
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Guddu »

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

First It Was Naya Pakistan. Now It Is "Clean And Green Pakistan " :roll:

"Clean and Green Pakistan" launched by PM Imran Khan
Oct 8, 2018
ISLAMABAD – Prime Minister Imran Khan has launched “Clean and Green Pakistan” initiative at a ceremony on Monday (today).
Addressing to the inaugural event, he said a country-wide campaign for cleanliness would be launched Saturday next and this would be sustained over the next five years.
Implying that under Ganja's Purana Pakistan , the Lund Land Of The Pure ( Pakistan ) was ghanda or "dirty" :mrgreen:
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Katare Ji : Katare Your Post 08 Oct 2018 06:32 on Page 72 of the Last Terroristan Thread

You stated “What is it?”

Please "Left" Click on the Image.


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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by RCase »

I guess he wants to clean up Pakistan and make it greener (it was already green). Will that mean the flag will be changed to all green? Maybe darker shade of green?
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

BrahMos Aerospace engineer detained for leaking information to Pakistan - Shishir Arya

NAGPUR: Sleuths of the ATS Utter Pradesh and military intelligence have detained a young engineer of BrahMos Aerospace, a joint venture organisation of Indian and Russian governments which has its key unit in Nagpur.

The engineer (in his mid-twenties) was identified as Nishant Agrawal and was working with the organisation for the last four years. He is suspected of passing technical information related to the missile tech to Pakistan and US intelligence agencies.

Sources say he has been booked under the Official Secrets Act

The action at Nagpur is a follow-up of the arrest of three persons which included an ISI agent and two DRDO employees in Kanpur.

The cops who had grilled the trio, found that they were in contact with Agrawal. The ISI agent had established a contact with him through using a pseudo name, said a source.

Following the probe, it was suspected that Agrawal has been passing on the details to the ISI agent who was arrested in Kanpur. The ATS had contacted his seniors at the BrahMos Aerospace office, saying that he would be picked up for questioning.

The team landed in Nagpur on Sunday night and swooped down on his rented residence in Ujjwal Nagar.

Neighbours said a team of cops came in a car at around 5 am and entered the house by jumping the compound wall and entered soon after the door was opened on ringing the bell.

BrahMos Aerospace which deals in missiles is a commercial organisation an has been in Nagpur since a decade. It is headed by Lt (retired) General Achyut Deo.

Agrawal's landlord Manohar Kale, a retired central PSU employee, said Agrawal got married
in March this year.

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

A Paki In The Running For "The Mother Teresa ( who is a Chrisitian !)Award :roll:

Salman Sufi nominated for Mother Teresa Award 2018
Former director general of Punjab’s Strategic Reforms Unit, Salman Sufi, who spearheaded various pro-women reform initiatives in the province, has been nominated for Mother Teresa Award 2018.The Public Policy and Development Specialist, who was denotified as SMU member in July this year, has been named along with Nobel laureate Nadia Murad Basee.
Mr Sufi took to Twitter to announce the honour :roll: on Sunday.
Are the Mullahs in Pakiland "comfortable" with Sufi for getting "excited" about this Award . After all, Mother Teresa not well known for "embracing Malsic values"
“Humbled to announce that I have been nominated for #MotherTeresaAward 2018 along with Nobel laureate Nadia Murad Basee. I dedicate this award to the Women victims of Violence and pledge to keep working for them,” Mr Sufi tweeted. :roll:
This is not the first time he has been nominated for a prestigious award.In December last year, he was added to list of top 5 men from around the world who worked to end violence against Women.He won prestigious Voices of Solidarity Award 2017, presented by the Vital Voices Global Partnership, an organisation working under the chairmanship of Hillary Clinton.The list of men Sufi joined includes prominent personalities such as former US Vice President Joe Biden, UN Secretary General Antonio Gueterris and some others.
Wait ! Sufi should not get prematurely excited about getting nominated. Even if he wins, there is the matter of the Vijja . Issuance of an Indian Visa on his Green Passport is not a given ( ie a right !) . For his sake, he should keep his fingers crossed :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Cyril Almeida Of Dawn Appears To Be "Set Free" At Least For Now , According To This Report !

LHC tells Nawaz, Abbasi, Almeida to file responses in treason case till Oct 22
Pakistan Today
Oct 8, 2018
LAHORE: The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Monday adjourned the hearing of a high treason case against Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif, former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and journalist Cyril Almeida till October 22. Earlier in the day, Nawaz Sharif, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Cyril Almeida appeared before the LHC in the case pertaining to a controversial interview of the former with daily newspaper Dawn.
A three-member bench, headed by Justice Mazahar Ali Naqvi, heard the petition lodged by Advocate Azhar Siddiqui ( Deep State Front Man :roll: ) against the trio.
Further, the court ordered that Cyril Almeida’s name be removed from the Exit Control List (ECL) and arrest warrants against him be withdrawn following his appearance in the courtroom.
Sharif, Abbasi and Almeida’s attendance was noted and all three respondents were ordered to submit written replies to the court and appear before the bench on Oct 22.
So, Almeida a "respected" journo is lumped together with Ganja and Abbasi ( both "confirmed" crooks :evil: )
Meanwhile, a local lawyer Afaq Ahmed filed a petition requesting that the treason case be set aside, arguing that it was not in accordance with law, and did not hold the signature of the petitioner but instead of her lawyer. High court rolls do not allow action on such petitions, Ahmed maintained.
ThankGod Allah for small mercies !
Ahmed asked the court to make him party to the treason petition and scrap the case against Sharif. The maintainability of the petition must be assessed. It was not taken up by the court on Monday.Security was enhanced as heavy contingents of police and Rangers were deployed outside the court. Several workers of PML-N were also present outside the premises of LHC and surrounded Nawaz when he reached the court.In the previous hearing, Abbasi was present in court for the hearing while Nawaz and Almeida were absent.Defence counsel Advocate Naseer Bhutta had said that the reason for Nawaz’s absence was that people have been visiting him to condole the passing of his wife Begum Kulsoom.The court had also issued arrest warrants against Almeida and ordered that his name be placed on the ECL.
The inclusion of Almeida created an outrage in national and international media and IMO, the Paki Govt has now succumbed to the pressure to "preserve its good name" :mrgreen:
The petitioner had pleaded that Sharif had committed sedition by rejecting the NSC statement and was liable for action as per the Constitution and the Pakistan Penal Code, and also sought action against Abbasi for violation of oath through his disclosure of the minutes of the NSC meeting to Sharif.He further requested the court to order a treason trial against the three respondents.In July, the Lahore High Court had decided to adjourn the hearing till after the general elections.On May 12, Nawaz gave an interview to a local daily in which he had stated, “Militant organisations are active. Call them non-state actors, should we allow them to cross the border and kill 150 people in Mumbai? Explain it to me. Why can’t we complete the trial?”
“We have isolated ourselves. Despite giving sacrifices, our narrative is not being accepted. Afghanistan’s narrative is being accepted, but ours is not. We must look into it,” he added.
Almeida is probably handcuffed - from the look on his face !
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

In This Day And Age Of "Me Too Movement" Paki Diplo In Italy Accused Of Sexual Harassment. By A Paki Ayesha . Not An Italian Signora :mrgreen:

Pakistan Ambassador to Italy Faces Probe over Sexual Harassment Allegations
Oct 8, 2018
Sources said a female commercial attaché at the Embassy in Italy accused the diplomat of sexually harassing her time and again. They said that the female official has also moved to the federal ombudsman’s office against Riaz over the alleged harassment. Foreign Officer Spokesman Dr Muhammad Faisal also confirmed the complaint against the diplomat and ongoing inquiry against him.He said that an inquiry is ongoing against the envoy on the complaint of the female embassy official.
Reports said that the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat for Protection against Harassment of Women at Work Place ( Long name , zero game :roll: ) was moved against the alleged harassment.
As per the complainant, the ambassador directed her to travel with him to places unrelated to her job. Is that a crime under "Italian law". Italy is not "under" Sharia, to the best of my knowledge :roll:
The complaint said the ambassador called the complainant to his office and relayed to her that he understands the nature and plight of being a single woman and invited her to visit him in his room anytime if she wishes to. As per the complaint, Riaz told her that he is single and divorced and shared with her his divorce story.
Oldest trick in the book :roll:
However, the complainant was sexually harassed time and again and the working environment was made hostile.The complainant also accused Riaz of trying to get in uncomfortable proximity with the complainant while showing official presentations.The commercial attache said after such humiliating and hostile working environment, she sent a number of complaints to the Ministry of Commerce from May 2017 to June 2018. The official said she filed complaints before the departmental authorities, but to no avail and the issue remained unresolved.
Now, the Federal Ombudsman ( with the long title !) will "look into this matter" :mrgreen:
The matter is currently sub-judice with the Ombudsman. While the commerce division is responding to the ombudsman, the Foreign Office did not report the matter to the women harassment department.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Immy being named as "Donkey Raja " :mrgreen:

Crypto Bible Retweeted
Saad Siyal
‏ @SaadSiyal
Oct 6

Donkey Raja

Diesel ( The Maulana !) also "digs" at Immy In This Video :mrgreen:
Crypto Bible Retweeted
Smita Prakash
‏Verified account @smitaprakash
Oct 7

Hahahaha. Maulana Fazlur Rehman, a Pakistani politician takes a dig at Imran Khan, citing a video of a monkey on a steering wheel who thinks he is driving the bus, when it’s a ‘uniformed guy’ actually driving. Video from Davangere Karnataka was tweeted by ANI.

Bart S
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Bart S »

Falijee wrote:
Hahahaha. Maulana Fazlur Rehman, a Pakistani politician takes a dig at Imran Khan, citing a video of a monkey on a steering wheel who thinks he is driving the bus, when it’s a ‘uniformed guy’ actually driving. Video from Davangere Karnataka was tweeted by ANI.

No fair Diesel saab, I posted this same analogy in the last TSP thread. :(( :D
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Is CJP Saquib Aware Of This "Threat" Hurled By The Mullah Brigade With Regards To Asia Bibi Blasphemy Case :twisted:

Pakistan Islamists warn of 'terrible consequences' of blasphemy appeal
Saad Sayeed, Drazen Jorgic
Oct 8,2018
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A hardline Pakistani Islamist group has warned of “terrible consequences” if a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy is granted leniency in an appeal heard on Monday, a case that has drawn global headlines and indignation.
Asia Bibi, a mother of four, in 2010 became the first woman to be sentenced to death under Pakistan’s draconian blasphemy laws.She appealed to the Supreme Court which concluded proceedings on Monday but reserved its judgment. The court did not specify when it would announce a ruling.
This is a "test case" for Saquib . He has been quick to condemn "everyone" . Let us see, if he has the guts to confront the Mullah Brigade and get justice for this "poor illiterate Christian woman" :mrgreen:
Her case has outraged Christians worldwide and been a source of division within Pakistan, where two politicians who sought to help Bibi were assassinated, including Punjab governor Salman Taseer, who was shot by his own bodyguard.
The ultra-religious Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan (TLP) party, which makes punishing blasphemy its main campaign rallying cry and lionizes the bodyguard who killed Taseer, warned the court against any “concession or softness” for Bibi.
“If there is any attempt to hand her over to a foreign country, there will be terrible consequences,” TLP said in a statement.
Insulting Islam’s prophet is punishable by death under Pakistani law, and blasphemy accusations stir such emotions that they are almost impossible to defend against. Dozens have been killed following blasphemy claims, sometimes by mobs of men.
TLP won more than two million votes in the July 25 elections, though it has no parliamentarians in the National Assembly and only holds two provincial seats. But it wields outsized influence due to street power of its die-hard supporters.
In November, TLP staged a crippling blockade of the capital after a tweak to a religious oath, which it claims was tantamount to blasphemy. Seven people were killed and more than 200 wounded in clashes with the police and TLP’s supporters only dispersed after striking a deal with the military.
Probably, a test case for Immy and the fauj as well . Snakes nurtured as "strategic assets" coming home to roost, IMO :mrgreen:
In May, an extremist linked to TLP shot and wounded Pakistan’s then-Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal.Bibi was sentenced to death for allegedly making derogatory remarks about Islam after neighbors objected to her drinking water from their glass because she was not Muslim.Bibi has always denied blaspheming and her representatives have claimed she was involved in a dispute with her neighbors and that her accusers had contradicted themselves.
Rights groups say the blasphemy law is increasingly exploited by religious extremists as well as ordinary Pakistanis to settle personal scores. The law does not define blasphemy and evidence might not be reproduced in court for fear of committing a fresh offence.
“Aasia Bibi has become a symbol of all that happens to religious minorities where class and prejudice intersect and a dysfunctional justice system is unable to protect Pakistan’s non-Muslim citizens,” the English-language Daily Times said in an editorial on Monday.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Bart S wrote:
Falijee wrote:
Hahahaha. Maulana Fazlur Rehman, a Pakistani politician takes a dig at Imran Khan, citing a video of a monkey on a steering wheel who thinks he is driving the bus, when it’s a ‘uniformed guy’ actually driving. Video from Davangere Karnataka was tweeted by ANI.

No fair Diesel saab, I posted this same analogy in the last TSP thread. :(( :D
Sorry for the duplication - Bart - Ji : :D
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Prem »

Ghauri From Paki Morri is out to restore H & D

https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/ne ... 123618.cms
Pakistan successfully test-fires nuclear-capable Ghauri ballistic missile
slamabad, Oct 8 () Pakistan Monday successfully test-fired Ghauri ballistic missile which is capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads up to a distance of 1,300 kilometers, bringing many Indian cities under its range. The launch was conducted by Army Strategic Forces Command and was aimed at testing the operational and technical readiness of Army Strategic Forces Command, said the Inter Services Public Relations, the media wing of the army.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan PM promises 'whistleblower' law to fight corruption
Oct 8, 2018
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday promised a new law that will reward whistleblowers who help nab corrupt officials and politicians.
Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party won the July election campaigning on an anti-corruption reformist agenda, and has blamed the country's economic woes on the alleged corrupt practices of his predecessors.With Pakistan facing a balance-of-payments crisis, Khan said recovering that stolen wealth would help ease the burden on the country's economy.He has claimed that billions of dollars of public money have been stolen over the last few decades, much of it laundered out of the country.
Imran and his minions are mentioning a figure of $ 200 Billion "stolen monies" ,which they claim illegally fled the Islamic Republic during the reign of Nawaz Sharif . No evidence as yet been provided for this massive figure !
"The law will invite countrymen to identify the corrupt and (whistleblowers will) get 20 percent of the ill-gotten money and assets recovered from such people," Khan told a press conference in the eastern city of Lahore. The other 80 percent would be used to pay off Pakistan's debts, he said.
When this law comes into operation, expect (like the blasphemy cases ) false accusations against political or business rivals !
Khan did not give any further details, but said a draft of the law will be presented in parliament in the coming days, and will include protections for whistleblowers.Pakistan's budget deficit has climbed steadily over the last five years, and foreign currency reserves have declined.The rupee has also been repeatedly devalued in the past year, fuelling inflation.
Islamabad is likely to seek a bailout from the International Monetary Fund, ( Pakistan will seek IMF bailout . It is official now !) which has called on the new government to act fast to stabilise Pakistan's teetering economy, warning growth will likely slow and inflation rise further.
Khan's predecessor Nawaz Sharif was ousted from office last year by the Supreme Court over alleged corruption, and is currently on bail pending appeal.His brother Shehbaz Sharif, the current Pakistan opposition leader, was arrested on Friday for graft -- a move described as politically motivated by the brothers' Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) party, ahead of by-elections later this month.
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

FATF team in Pakistan to examine steps taken against terror financing

ISLAMABAD: A team of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is set to hold meetings with top Pakistani officials on Monday to discuss the measures taken by Pakistan so far to counter money laundering and terror financing.

The nine-member delegation, comprising members of FATF's Asia Pacific Group (APG), arrived here on Sunday on a 12-day visit to see the implementation of the action plan Pakistan had issued earlier this year, official sources said.

The team includes experts from British Scotland Yard, US Department of Treasury, Financial Intelligence Unit of Maldives, Indonesian Ministry of Finance, Peoples' Bank of China and Justice Department of Turkey.

Pakistan was formally added to the 'grey list' of countries involved in providing monetary assistance to terrorism and related causes after a FATF meeting in Paris in June.

The FATF is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international lfinancial system.

Sources in the finance ministry said that "Pakistan has done its homework" and the delegation will be briefed about the measures to curb terror financing through money laundering and illegal remittances.

The team will carry out on-site inspections in order to see the systems and mechanisms put in place while its three members will stay for longer period to review progress on the 10-point action plan agreed with Pakistan.

Pakistan and FATF negotiated a 10-point action plan to be implemented by September 2019 to get out of the grey list.

Already, a team of FATF visited in August to identify deficiencies in Pakistan's anti-money laundering/counter-terror financing laws and mechanisms.

During the current visit, the experts will meet officials from ministries of Interior, Finance, Foreign affairs and Law.

They are also likely to meet officials of State Bank of Pakistan, Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, National Counter-Terrorism Authority, Federal Investigation Agency, Federal Board of Revenue, National Accountability Bureau, Anti-Narcotics Force, Financial Monitoring Unit, Central Directorate of National Savings and provincial counter-terrorism departments.

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Genetically Modified Maize Seeds Coming To Pakistan

Stakeholders warn against introducing GM maize seed
Express Tribune
Oct 8, 2018
LAHORE: Stakeholders have warned the new government against experimenting with the healthy maize crop, saying farmers, dairy and livestock sector, seed producers and industrialists are satisfied with the increase in harvest.
The federal government is in consultation with the stakeholders for introducing imported genetically modified (GM) maize seeds in the near future. These seeds will be protected from some pests and will have tolerance against lethal pesticides.
The new technology, however, will be detrimental to the local maize varieties as it will contaminate them due to cross-pollination.The stakeholders have fiercely opposed the large-scale import of costly and potentially hazardous GM maize seeds. They argue that the maize crop has been showing tremendous results and there is no major challenge to its cultivation that needs any intervention.
While the whole world is proceeding with caution with GM technology, Pakiland is embracing it !
Local seed producers have also asked the government to pressurise multinational companies to produce maize seeds locally. A spokesman for the Seed Association of Pakistan said the Seed Amendment Act 2015 and Plant Breeders Right Act 2016 were in place which protected the seed producers.
Now, the main precondition of multinational seed companies has been met for local seed production. Therefore, the multinational companies should be bound to ensure local production of hybrid seeds, which would reduce the import bill and would also benefit the farmers, he emphasised.
Furthermore, Agri-Forum Pakistan Chairman Ibrahim Mughal said the national maize industry, which was a major buyer of the crop, would be affected due to the introduction of GM seed as exports of value-added maize products, which require GMO labeling, would be adversely affected.This will negatively affect export price of the produce and will fetch lower value for the farmers. The farmers will end up bearing a higher cost of production at the expense of a negligible increase in the yield while Pakistani maize products will be banned in non-GM countries.
It is possible that the Imran Govt would do a U Turn on this as well :mrgreen:
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Market watch: Stocks continue to take a hammering as KSE-100 dives 1,328 points

KARACHI: The stock market faced on Monday another round of battering as the KSE-100 index nosedived nearly 1,500 points in intra-day trading and ended its sixth successive trading session with a hefty decline.

Following a brief stay in the positive territory, the index continued its journey towards the south, falling below 37,900 points. There was no respite for the anxious investors who offloaded stocks amid mounting concerns over the national economy. Selling pressure was witnessed in stocks across the board.

“The market has maintained the downturn due to the government’s lack of clarity on the economic policy,” Arif Habib Limited analyst Tahir Abbas told The Express Tribune.

Although the government has hinted at going back to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bailout to fix the sagging economy, people want a clear statement.

Market participants want to know how much financing is coming from financial institutions and what role the investment from Saudi Arabia will play.

Stocks battered as KSE-100 loses 1,772 points

Commenting on the situation, Arif Habib Head of Sales Saad bin Ahmed said the market outlook remained negative. “Technically speaking, the market is heading towards 36,000 points,” he said.

At close, the benchmark KSE 100-share Index recorded a decrease of 1,328.06 points or 3.39% to settle at 37,898.29.

Elixir Securities’ analyst Murtaza Jafar said equities faced another round of selling spree as the benchmark index touched its lowest level since June 15, 2016 with declines of 7.6% and 6.4% respectively so far in the current month and calendar year.

“Panic selling was witnessed in retail names on reported margin selling while index-heavy MSCI scrips also came under renewed selling pressure on reported sell-off from FII (foreign institutional investors) and potential redemption from mutual funds,” the analyst commented.

During the day, the rupee also weakened by another 1.5% in the open market to Rs129.5 against the greenback.

Market watch: Stocks hammered as KSE-100 dives 861 points

“Conclusion of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) review meeting and clarity on the funding of depleting foreign exchange reserves are likely to restore investor confidence,” Jafar said.

JS Global analyst Danish Ladhani said the index hit an intra-day high of +71 points and intra-day low of -1,457 points.

“This volatility was due to reports of delay in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout package till December,” he pointed out.

On the economic front, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has expressed willingness to provide $7.1 billion in financing to help Pakistan achieve inclusive and sustainable growth over the next three years.

Furthermore, final negotiations between the FATF and the government have begun in the federal capital.

“All the sectors were battered where financial, cement, power and energy stocks closed in the red. Top stocks Habib Bank (-5%), United Bank (-5%), Lucky Cement (-5%) and DG Khan Cement (-5%) closed at their lower circuits,” he said.

Market watch: KSE-100 drops 473 points on tough measures suggested by IMF

Major heavyweights namely Habib Bank (-5%), Pakistan Petroleum (-2.85%), Oil and Gas Development Company (-2.38%), Engro (-2.76%), MCB Bank (-1.19%), United Bank (-5%), Fauji Fertilizer (-4.77%) and Pakistan Oilfields (-3.88%) cumulatively struck 491 points off the index.

“Moving forward, we expect investors’ sentiment to remain dull. Therefore, the KSE-100 performance will likely remain under pressure amid selling from foreign investors,” Ladhani added.

Overall, trading volumes increased to 186 million shares compared with Friday’s tally of 154.1 million. The value of shares traded during the day was Rs6.3 billion.

Shares of 385 companies were traded. At the end of the day, 30 stocks closed higher, 341 declined and 14 remained unchanged.

The Bank of Punjab was the volume leader with 18.4 million shares, losing Rs0.85 to close at Rs10.12. It was followed by K-Electric Limited with 12.2 million shares, losing Rs0.23 to close at Rs4.77 and WorldCall Telecom with 10.3 million shares, losing Rs0.04 to close at Rs1.64.

Foreign institutional investors were net sellers of Rs928.6 million worth of shares during the trading session, according to data compiled by the National Clearing Company of Pakistan.

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan, a country that is in love with lies
Sunday Guardian
Oct 7, 2018
here are some lies so preposterous that only Pakistanis can speak and believe them. One such was told by Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi at the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly in New York recently: “Pakistan continues to face terrorism that is financed, facilitated and orchestrated by our eastern neighbour.”
He didn’t stop here: “Pakistan shall never forget the mass murder of more than 150 children in a Peshawar school, the terrible Mastung attack and many others that have links with terrorists supported by India.” Blaming India for the Peshawar school massacre takes the cake, for it is a fact well-acknowledged and widely reported even in the mainstream Pakistani media that the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), a very home-grown outfit, carried out the attack.
Pakistani mendacity knows no bounds. In July, its postal department issued 20 stamps highlighting the “atrocities” in Kashmir, “missing persons”, “protest against killers”, “tortured women”, “human shield” and “homeless children”. But the truth has a way of revealing itself, often facilitated by the incompetence of liars. So, it was found that the picture of “homeless children” was from the news reports on the massacre of 35 Sikhs at Chittisinghpura in Jammu and Kashmir in March 2000. Another one depicting “missing persons” is a photograph of a demonstration organised by the Kashmiri Pandit group, Roots in Kashmir at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi in January 2014 to protest against Pakistan-sponsored terror.
It may be recalled that Qureshi’s statement was not the first Pakistani attempt to present the country as a victim of terror. Two years ago, at the 71st session of the UNGA, the then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had made similar claims: “My country has been the principal victim of terrorism including that supported, sponsored, financed from abroad.”
The Pakistani claim that their country is a victim of terror is akin to the lamentation of the drug lord whose own children have become addicts. You cannot sell narcotics and psychotropic drugs in your town—and expect your family members to remain immune to this social evil. You cannot promote jihad as state policy, accept Islamist principles, and propagate them in schools and colleges—and expect to create a modern, prosperous, “New Pakistan”, something that the new Prime Minister Imran Khan has promised to his countrymen and women. You cannot sow the wind—and hope to escape the whirlwind.
Snakes in the backyard as HRD warned !
Much of Pakistan’s pathologies are a product and function of its unique character: it is the only country in the world that has imported both its faith and its language. While there are dozens of countries with imported religions, our western neighbour is the only one that also got its national language, Urdu, from another country and that too from its mortal enemy—India (That is, mortal enemy from its own perspective, not India’s.) Much of its faith too comes from India—the Barelvi and Deobandi versions of Islam.
Wahabi variety is an import starting from Zia period !
Come to think of it, Bangladesh, which was East Pakistan for 24 years, also separated from India on the basis of religion. When it seceded from Pakistan, it decided to continue as a separate nation, and yet it is not a creator and exporter of jihadist terror. Perhaps because it has not tried to import language and culture.
It is the search for a national identity, for its soul—which they can’t find in the land they are born in—that propels them to look outwards, look askance at the Arabs despite the latter’s unconcealed contempt.
Irony, Pakis are called "Indians" in Saudia and other Gulf States !
Left-liberals in our country humour themselves by believing that the Pakistanis are good people, just like us, but are burdened with the mad mullahs, unscrupulous generals, the deep state, et al. Congress leader and author Shashi Tharoor recently said that Imran Khan is a “good guy and if the military decide they want peace, he will be a wonderful face for that peace but if the military decide they want hostility, I’m sure he is equally capable of being an effective voice for hostility,” Tharoor said.
Notice “if the military decide”. As if it were something apart from Pakistani society! The fact, however, is that the mullahs and generals are from the same society, embedded in it and deriving moral and ideological sustenance from the ideals and mores of Pakistan.But then there are also ideas so stupid that only intellectuals like Tharoor believe them.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Mosharraf Zaidi Retweeted
‏ @Trishala1231
7h7 hours ago
Replying to @mosharrafzaidi

According to WB study, inadequate sanitation costs Pakistan $5.7 Bn.
Here's the source http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/ ... UBLIC0.pdf

Imran's Call For "Clean Pakistan" Makes Sense :mrgreen:

Inadequate Sanitation Costs Pakistan 343.7 Billion PKR (US$5.7 Billion) Mosharraf Zaidi Retweeted
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Guddu »

I thought some of you may be missing Fair didi

Georgetown Prof On "Research Leave" After Incendiary "White GOP Senators Deserve Miserable Deaths" Tweet

by Tyler Durden
Mon, 10/08/2018 - 19:45

Authored by Grace Gottschling via Campus Reform,

Georgetown University Associate Professor Christine Fair is now on “research leave” after making incendiary statements about Republican politicians on her blog as well as on social media.

Fair entered the spotlight after Campus Reform reported on her profanity-laden tweets in which she suggested that white GOP senators "deserved miserable deaths while feminists laugh." Fair also publicly attacked Campus Reform correspondents on her blog, Tenacious Hellpussy, after being contacted for a statement.

“This has been a challenging moment for our community, as we balance our unwavering commitment to free speech and expression with the need to ensure civil and respectful discourse,” Joel Hellman, Dean of the Walsh School of Foreign Service, wrote in an email to students Friday.

"We can and do strongly condemn the use of violent imagery, profanity, and insensitive labeling of individuals based on gender, ethnicity or political affiliation in any form of discourse. Such expressions go against our core values," he added.

“Earlier today, I spoke with Professor Fair. To prevent further disruption to her students and out of an abundance of caution for the security of our community, we have mutually agreed for Professor Fair to go on research leave effective immediately. Professor Fair will accelerate previously scheduled international research travel.”

Hellman said that "out of an abundance of caution for the security of our community," Georgetown University and the professor mutually agreed that she would go on "research leave effective immediately."

"Professor Fair will accelerate previously scheduled international research travel," Hellman also said in the statement.

“It’s become clear that incivility begets incivility. While we have received many legitimate concerns from members of our community and beyond regarding the social media posts Professor Fair has made in her personal capacity,” Hellman continued, adding that the university has also received “provocative and threatening” statements that are being addressed by the Georgetown “Threat Assessment Team” and police department.

“This has been an emotional time, and I hope you will join me in thanking those at the front lines for handling their responsibilities with professionalism, tact, and patience,” Hellman concluded.

“I want to reiterate a message that I make to every entering class at [the School of Foreign Service]: while we teach diplomacy as a subject, we expect diplomacy as a community.”

Just minutes before Hellman's email to students, Georgetown President John DeGioia also sent an email to students in which he condemned Fair's recent conduct, but without naming her.

Georgetown University student Amelia Irvine responded to the college's decision in a statement to Campus Reform.

“Though President DeGioia should have condemned Professor Fair by name in his statement, this outcome truly seems fair to all parties. Professor Fair will certainly benefit from time outside the United States—and might benefit from some time away from Twitter as well," Irvine said.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by partha »

Falijee wrote:Mosharraf Zaidi Retweeted
‏ @Trishala1231
7h7 hours ago
Replying to @mosharrafzaidi

According to WB study, inadequate sanitation costs Pakistan $5.7 Bn.
Here's the source http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/ ... UBLIC0.pdf

Imran's Call For "Clean Pakistan" Makes Sense :mrgreen:

Inadequate Sanitation Costs Pakistan 343.7 Billion PKR (US$5.7 Billion) Mosharraf Zaidi Retweeted
There is a long precedent of Pakis just copying Indian policies. They must have seen the recent reports on how Swachh Bharat took Indian sanitation coverage to over 90% and decided they too want to fix sanitation.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by jash_p »

Paki "Khazana" Minister, Umer Makes It Official About "Begging" From IMF ! Add Another U Turn To Immy's Long List Of U Turns :mrgreen:

Pakistan to approach IMF for bailout: Asad Umar :twisted:
The News International
Oct 8, 2018

So when is Immy going to do suicide and will it be wearing jacket made in FATA or by other means ? can we watch live when he explode?
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by RCase »

When FATF does 'Black Listing' of the only Islami Atomi Takat.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by RCase »

Mahadi of Ghazwa-e-Behind, Lal Topee Jahil HamEid should definitely hear the bugle call of his fellow anal-ists.

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

Market sinks to 27-month low
The KSE-100 index of Pakistan Stock Exchange continued its downward trajectory on Monday, shedding 1,328 points to sink to 27-month low.
https://nation.com.pk/09-Oct-2018/marke ... -month-low
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

Why all of a sudden there's an urgency?

Govt decides to ‘immediately’ approach IMF
“Talks with IMF would begin immediately after Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan gives the go-ahead to do so,” said the finance minister in a video.
https://nation.com.pk/08-Oct-2018/govt- ... proach-imf
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

Pakistan conducts Ghauri missile training launch

What's a "training" launch? One without any atami bums attached?
aimed at testing the technical readiness of the missile system
ASF commander appreciated the standard of training and operational preparedness
https://nation.com.pk/09-Oct-2018/pakis ... ing-launch
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by partha »

anupmisra wrote:Why all of a sudden there's an urgency?
Possibility of FATF blacklisting?
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by menon s »

PKR is trading at 134.00 to a dollar..up by12.00 rupees...!
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by chetak »

menon s wrote:PKR is trading at 134.00 to a dollar..up by12.00 rupees...!

aren't they shooting for 150 to a dollar, which is what the IMF suggested?? :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by arun »

anupmisra wrote:Why all of a sudden there's an urgency?

Govt decides to ‘immediately’ approach IMF
“Talks with IMF would begin immediately after Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan gives the go-ahead to do so,” said the finance minister in a video.
https://nation.com.pk/08-Oct-2018/govt- ... proach-imf
Meanwhile Reuters reports that IMF Chief Economist Maurice Obstfeld has said “The government has expressed its desires to enact deep structural reforms that might break the cycle of Pakistan needing financial support from the Fund”.

:wink: Polite euphemism that Imran Khan Niazi has as usual climbed down from railing against fresh borrowings, U turned and agreed to the IMF doing a deep insertion of empty cigar case without KY Jelly up the Mohammaden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s fundament :lol: :?:

IMF says not yet approached by Pakistan for financial assistance
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Terroristanis Number of Millionaires & Billionaires in Terroristani Rupees TO INCREASE RAPIDLY
The country’s fifth devaluation since December, taking rupee losses to about 26 percent, had been expected and seen as a prerequisite for another IMF rescue package. In 2013, the IMF lent Islamabad $6.7 billion.

The rupee weakness follows comments early on Tuesday by IMF chief economist Maurice Obstfeld in Bali that the currency was “too rigid and overvalued”.

The rupee tumbled to about 134 per dollar by 10:30 PST after closing at 124.26 on Monday, in what market participants called a de facto devaluation. By midday, it was down about 7 percent.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Kashi »

menon s wrote:PKR is trading at 134.00 to a dollar..up by12.00 rupees...!
You mean down by 12 rupees? That's a massive fall.