Terroristan - May 1, 2019

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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by nachiket »

Link to previous Terroristan thread: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

The following links are background material on Pakistan.


Jinnah's Pakistan: An Interview with MA Jinnah, and how the Pakistan of Yesterday is the Pakistan of Today

The above is the testimony of Ashley Tellis on Jan 28th 2009, to the US Senate Homeland Security Committee on LeT's global role. It is a good articulation of LeT's past and future trends.

Know Your Pakistan
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/archives/ ... /Shiv.html

The Monkey Trap: A synopsis of Indo-Pak relations
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/archives/ ... ayyam.html

PAKISTAN-FAILED STATE: an ebook that owes its origin and existence to BRF.

Whither Pakistan ? Growing Instability and Implications for India: an IDSA e-Book, July 2010

A landmark article that demolishes myths built up about Pakistan

Pak's Continuing War against Indian Civilisation - Tufail Ahmad, Director South Asia Project, MEMRI
https://www.memri.org/reports/article-m ... vilization

Pakistani Role in Terrorism Against the U.S.A

Pakistani Education, or how Pakistan became what it is: The Subtle Subversion - Curricula and textbooks in Pakistan
http://unesco.org.pk/education/teachere ... s/rp22.pdf

Making Enemies, Creating Conflict: Pakistan's Crises of State and Society. A book written by Pakistanis on Pakistan.

Should Pakistan Be Broken Up? by Gul Agha

A modest proposal from a Pakistani Brigadier:
https://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/i ... desman.htm
"We should fire at them and take out a few of their cities—Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta," he said. "They should fire back and take Karachi and Lahore. Kill off a hundred or two hundred million people......."
Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part I
http://pundita.blogspot.in/2009/12/alde ... art-1.html

Prof. Walter Russell Mead, "Pakistan's Failed National Strategy"
https://www.the-american-interest.com/2 ... -strategy/

"Pakistan Is", by Barry Bearak in New York Times Magazine, December 7, 2003.
Brings out succinctly various facets of Pakistani perfidy, obsession, fundamentalism etc.
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/07/magaz ... an-is.html

Religion as the Foundation of a Nation: The Making and Unmaking of Pakistan - P.K. Upadhyay, IDSA
It probes the religious and sectarian fault-lines in Pakistan in depth to determine their impact on the future of Pakistan.

Ms. Christine Fair's exposition on Pakistan military, society et al. A Must see.
Fighting to the End: Pakistan Army's Way of War

False Equivalency in the "Indo-Pakistan" Dispute - Ms. C. Fair, War on the Rocks, June, 2015

Shia-killing in Pakistan: Background and Predictions - A blog by Omar Ali


24 years of exploitation created Bangladesh by Babar Ayaz, Daily Times, January 17, 2018

Image Scan of article on 1971 East Pakistan Genocide by Antony Mascarenhas, Former Asst. Editor, Morning News, Karachi in Sunday Times, London, June 13, 1971

Text scan of the above article on 1971 Genocide

Bangladesh Genocide Archive

Ethnic cleansing in Pakistan - a statistical analysis by Sridhar N. Bharat Rakshak Monitor Vol 6(2) September-October 2003
Also available at: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1592160/posts

A chronicle of genocide by the Pakistan army

Documentary video evidence of Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EBKlIUbpc ... re=related
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xwwPbkyZV ... re=related

List of military arms supplied by US to Pakistan since 9/11


The Ideologies of South Asian Jihadi Groups (Lashkar-e-Taiba)
By Hussein Haqqani (journalist and Pak ambassador to US)
https://www.hudson.org/research/9867-th ... adi-groups

Lashkar-e-Taiba: Past Operations and Future Prospects, Stephen Tankel, April 2011
New America Foundation
http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/04/27 ... -pub-43802

Pakistani sponsoring of Terrorism
http://pak-terror.freeservers.com/Terro ... y_Tool.htm

Terror Map: The Pakistani Hand

Inside Jihad - How Pakistan sponsors terrorists in India
http://www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/ ... r_sb1.html

Pakistan's Role in the Kashmir Insurgency - Op-ed by Rand's Peter Chalk

Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part 2
http://pundita.blogspot.in/2009/12/alde ... -upon.html

https://www.brookings.edu/research/beyo ... -pakistan/

Pakistani Military Officers' Links with Jihadist Organizations

Putting Our Children in Line of Fire - The Nation, January 27, 2013
The above is an admission by Pakistan Army's Top General that it was the Pakistani Army at Kargil, not the mujahideen, and Musharraf was the Culprit

Debate between a Taliban Scholar and a Paki Army Officer


Pakistani nuclear scientist's accounts tell of Chinese proliferation - R. Jeffrey Smith and Joby Warrick, Washington Post, Nov 13, 2009


On the Frontier of Apocalypse: Christopher Hitchens seminal article on Pakistan today


A Slender Reed in Pakistan - Editorial in the Christian Science Monitor

Seymour Hersh Interview

Pakistan's Nuclear Crimes (Wash. Post editorial)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dy ... 2-2004Feb4


The Battle for Pakistan: Militancy and Conflict in South Waziristan by Mansur Khan Mahsud, April 2010
http://www.operationspaix.net/DATA/DOCU ... ristan.pdf

BOOK REVIEW Fulcrum of Evil: ISI-CIA-Al Qaeda Nexus, a book by Maloy Krishna Dhar
http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/%5Cpap ... r1844.html

Article from Vinni Capelli - Foreign Policy Research Institute:
Containing Pakistan: Engaging the Raja-Mandala in South-Central Asia
http://www.fpri.org/orbis/5101/cappelli ... kistan.pdf

The videos are from this documentary: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/taliban/

A bomb at all cost By Ahmad Faruqui - a candid admission of the wars that Pakistan started against India.

Popular support for suicide bombings in pakistan.
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.as ... 008_pg12_1
Survey by university students in karachi say 50% of respondents support suicide bombings in kashmir.

"Descent into Chaos"
UC Berkeley Conversations with History, host Harry Kreisler talking with Pakistani Journalist Ahmed Rashid. 59 minutes 120 MB. It sums up Pakistan and lays bare all Pakistan's terrorist support and proliferation activities. **Note - he wants the US to solve Pakistan's Kashmir problem.

Pakistan on the brink: Video Link (must download)


UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir

Gilgit Rebellion: The Major Who Mutinied Over Partition of India
A book on the events by Maj. William Brown, the mutineer himself.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto telling Bangladeshis to "Go to Hell": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dsxfyxa ... re=related

IDSA's weekly summary of Pak Urdu Press:


Christine Fair :Ten fictions that pakistani defense officials love to peddle

Five installment series by Kapil Komireddi published in Frum Forum

Part I. Nov 16, 2009. “Pakistan In Crisis”.

Part II. Nov 18. 2009. “Pakistan: Origins of A Failed State”.

Part III. Nov 18, 2009. “Pakistan: It Could Not Succeed Unless India Failed”.

Part IV. Dec 06, 2009. “Pakistan: A Mecca for Radical Islam”.

Part V. Dec. 07, 2009. “Pakistan’s Army: Building a Nation for Jihad”

A perceptive blog on Pakistan: http://pak-watch.blogspot.com/

Declassified documents from US National Archives on Pakistan:


Admission of state sponsored terrorism by Pakistani authorities

see this Der Spigel Interview where Musharraf admits to that.

On 7th Nov in TimesNow Channel, Tasneem Noorani, a former Secretary of the Pakistani Interior Ministry, openly said that.

Kiyani called the Haqqanis as strategic assets.

In Dec. 2008, President Zardari himself admitted to ISI helping LeT. He said,"The links between the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency and the LeT were developed in the old days when dictators used to run the country. After the 9/11 terror attacks in the US, things have changed to a great extent"

In an address to bureaucrats in July 2009, President Zardari said: "Militants and extremists were deliberately created and nurtured as a policy to achieve some short-term tactical objectives. Let us be truthful to ourselves and make a candid admission of the realities. The terrorists of today were the heroes of yesteryears until 9/11 occurred and they began to haunt us as well"

In Nov. 2009, Prime Minister Gilani admitted to the support for terrorism by Musharraf as "running with the hares and hunting with the hounds".

When Bush warned the Pakistanis in August 2008 of their support to Al Qaeda, Afrasiab Khattak, President of Awami National Party (ANP) said this: "The question is why it has taken the Americans so long to see what the ISI is doing. We’ve been telling them for years but they wouldn’t buy it.". See here.

In an interview to the BBC as far back as on Feb. 13, 1994, Benazir Bhutto admitted how she handed over to Rajiv Gandhi the complete list of Sikh activists colluding with the ISI in terrorism in the Punjab. Later, Nawaz Sharif described this interview as a faux pas.

Apart from these, of course, numerous Pakistani commentators, analysts, and editors have openly admitted to terror as a state policy.

Why Did Pakistan's Spy Chief Make a Secret Trip to China?

Pasha's China trip has been interpreted by some as a tacit act of defiance—a reminder to his American counterparts that the Pakistanis can always look east to their “all-weather” friend across the Himalayas rather than bend the knee to the will of the U.S.

But it also may be a sign of China's growing disquiet with Pakistan. Another top-ranking Pakistani military officer, Lt. Gen Wahid Arshad, had already conducted a considerable tour of China just weeks ago in a bid to improve ties. A few analysts have suggested that Pasha's trip — couched in vague terms about building a “broad-based strategic dialogue” — may have been less a visit and more of a summons.

Chinese officials claimed the attacks in Kashgar were authored by the shadowy East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a jihadist organization of mostly ethnic Uighurs, a Turkic Muslim minority that comprises the majority in the far-western Chinese region of Xinjiang. China routinely invokes the specter of the terrorist threat when cracking down on dissent in the restive region. Yet disturbances there tend to be triggered more often by social discontent — many Uighurs chafe at state policies they deem discriminatory and marginalizing — than militant connivance. Pasha's presence in Beijing may mark Beijing's continued efforts to root out Uighur dissidents and sympathizers beyond China's borders, as it has already done in Kazakhstan.

Youtube video: Bilatakalluf with Tahif Gora: Tarek Fateh dissects with Pakjabi society and shows how its war-impotent Army loots the common Pakistani (Jan 13, 2012)

Terroristan - Land of Pure Terror - Right to Reply of India by Eenam Gambhir (First Secretary in the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in New York) at the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly:

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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the J&K News and Discussion Thread

After 29 yrs, Kashmiri Pandit returns home, sets business, gets rousing welcome

Srinagar: On Wednesday 65 year old Roshan Lal a Kashmiri Pandit received a rousing welcome from locals in Srinagar’s downtown.

Locals of the area as a mark of respect wore him a turban, as others expressed their joy by distributing sweets.

Lal a trader was returning to Kashmir after a span of 29 years, he had left the valley after being attacked by suspected gunmen when the armed insurgency in valley erupted. “Four bullets penetrated my belly and then I woke up in the army hospital,” recalled Lal whose grey hair bears testimony to his age.

He was among hundreds of Pandits to migrate to other states of the country.

However, having spent more than two decades in New Delhi, the 60 year old Pandit decided to return to the valley. “I have a bustling business in New Delhi. But I missed Kashmir. I missed the love and care of my people, and that’s what brought me back to my roots,” Mr. Lal told The Kashmir Walla as he was flanked by locals of downtown.

“You won’t find the love and affection of Kashmir in any part of the world. Kashmir is a different thing, none other than Kashmiris will understand that,” he said. “A glimpse of which you saw when you witnessed how many people hugged and showed affection towards me.”

Having left behind the pain of past and business behind in New Delhi, Mr. Lal inaugurated a shop in Zaina Kadal area of Srinagar’s Downtown.

The video of shop inauguration soon went viral on social media. Mr. Lal has set up a dry fruit shop and will be particularly dealing with wholesale of dates.

Talking about the business, Mr. Lal said that despite most shopkeepers here dealing with dry fruit business none missed the chance to welcome him. ”This is what sets Kashmiris and Kashmir apart. You won’t find such things in Delhi. And this is what brought me back,” added Mr. Lal.

In a message addressed to Kashmiri Pandits, Mr. Lal said that they should take into consideration that majority of Kashmiris are willing to see them return to the valley.

“The Kashmiri Pandits should gauge what majority of Kashmiris are like. Are 99% Kashmiris bad or good? The answer to this question should answer their dilemma to return,” said Mr. Lal.

While this reporter interviewed him, a number of potential customers lined up to buy dates from the Kashmiri Pandit who was all smiles.

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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Rohit_K »

3 soldiers killed in Afghan cross-border attack in North Waziristan: ISPR
https://www.dawn.com/news/1479605/3-sol ... istan-ispr
Three soldiers were martyred and seven others injured when a group of 60 to 70 terrorists from bases in Afghanistan attacked Pakistan Army troops undertaking fencing efforts along the Pak-Afghan border in Alwara, North Waziristan, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said. According to a statement issued by the ISPR, the troops effectively responded and repulsed the attack, killing and injuring scores of terrorists.

The three Pakistan Army soldiers — Lance Naik Ali, Lance Naik Nazeer and Sepoy Imdadullah — were martyred in the exchange of fire and seven others were injured. "While Pakistan security forces are solidifying border security through fencing and construction of forts to deny liberty of action to the terrorists, Afghan Security Forces and the authorities need to have more effective control in [the] border region to support Pakistan’s efforts as well as deny use of Afghan soil against Pakistan," the statement read.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal said that the Afghan charge d’affaires was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and "Pakistan’s strong protest was lodged" over the incident. "The Afghan Cd’A was informed that Pakistan strongly protests such provocations which are detrimental to peace and stability along Pakistan-Afghanistan border," the spokesperson stated. "The Afghan side was urged to take immediate action against the terrorist elements on their side and ensure effective measures so that such incidents are not repeated in future."
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by UlanBatori »

I am hearing (from UBCN Bureau in Singapore) that Cheen withdrew their veto and now Masood Azhar has full UNSC support as Global Terrorist. :?: :?: :?:
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by UlanBatori »

DG ISPR: No more Mr. Nice Terrorist.
"When we took action against the TLP (Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan), people asked why action is not taken against PTM as they speak up too much as well.

"The first person to engage with them [PTM] was me. I was told to engage with them by the army chief and I was given one order by the army chief: 'Do not use a harsh hand with them.'

"I met with [PTM leader and MNA] Mohsin Dawar, and they had three demands: They said that mines and unexploded bombs still exist [in tribal areas] [...] Their demand was genuine, we created 48 teams and 45 per cent of these areas were cleared. [As many as] 101 casualties of the Pakistan Army also occurred in those areas while clearing them of those mines. We let those casualties happen as they happened in the line of duty.

"Their [PTM's] next demand was about clearing away checkposts. Pak Army has lost thousands of soldiers at these checkposts.
"[The issue of] missing persons was their third demand [and] they created a list of those missing persons. The list has shortened to 2,500 cases today and the [missing persons] commission is working day and night to resolve those cases.
"These demands were not even their [PTM's] demands, the demands are of the people that live there.
"On the PTM website, they have got a number that states the amount of funds they have collected from Pashtuns around the world. But tell us how much money did you get from the NDS (Afghan National Directorate of Security) to run your campaign? How much money did RAW (India's Research and Analysis Wing) give you for the first dharna in Islamabad? :eek:
"[Superintendent of Police] Tahir Dawar is killed in Afghanistan, in what capacity did PTM talk to the Afghan government, and say that the [Pakistani] government should not be handed the body and the body should only be given to the Dawar tribe?
"Why did NDS give you funds for Arman Loni’s funeral and the dharna that followed? If you have these funds, why do you not use these funds for the development?
"When Arman Loni died, funeral prayers were offered for him in Afghanistan. But how is it that when 10 policemen lost their lives trying to protect 800 students giving police entry exams [in Balochistan], you did not go to the namaz-i-janaza for those 10 men. And no namaz-i-janaza was held for those 10 men in Afghanistan.
"When Loni died, the Afghan prime minister gave a statement in his favour and you [PTM] endorsed it.
"Those people who are playing with the people whose issues they have brought forward, I would like to tell them that their time is up. Their time is up.
"I would like to ask the PTM to provide me another list — besides the one of the missing persons — of all the strength of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) that exists in Afghanistan, so that I could tally the two to see if any of the missing persons are actually sitting there [in Afghanistan].
He then delivered a message in Pashto to the Pashto-speaking people, urging them to not be provoked by the "anti-state forces".
Translation of ISPR chief's message to Pakhtun people
"My Pakhtun turds, sisters, mothers, elders and youth. First, I pay my salutations to you with my raised middle finger.
As a representative of the Pakistan armed forces & mafia, I want to tell you that you belong to he Pakistan armed forces, just like Pakistan belongs to us all Pakistan Armymen. We will all — including Pakhtun population — prosper if Pakistan Army is prosperous and thriving. And if God forbid, some evil such as Indian Spice Bombs befalls Pakistan Army, it will be a loss for the entire country.
You know that some people — misled by others — want to provoke you against Pakistan and its institutions. I want to say that the state acknowledges your sacrifices and it is working ceaselessly to solve your problems finally by killing you all.
Pakistan armed forces will not rest until your issues are resolved. We hope that you will not pay any heed to their rhetoric and instead will stop these anti-state forces and play your role in strengthening Pakistan Army."
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Anujan »


My sources deep inside Pakistan's ISI after liaising with human intelligence from Pakistan's IB, and technical intelligence provided by CIA, inform me that the biggest foreign funded organization in Pakistan is Pakistan government :eek:

They also tell me that they are looking for more foreign funds and trying to negotiate away Pakistan's sovirginity and create untold miseries for its citizens :shock:

I am sure DG ISPR will reveal all the conspirators in due time.
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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

India calls for Pakistan's blacklisting by FATF – Reuters

NEW DELHI: India will ask Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to put Pakistan on a blacklist of countries that fail to meet international standards in stopping financial crime, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on Thursday.

[url=http://un%20blacklists%20jem%20chief%20after%20kashmir%20struggle%20delinked/]UN blacklists JeM chief after Kashmir struggle delinked[/url]

The global money laundering and terror finance watchdog already has Pakistan on its “grey list” of countries with inadequate controls over curbing money laundering and terrorism financing.

But India wants Pakistan blacklisted, which would likely result in sanctions, Prime Minister Imran Khan said last month.

“We want Pakistan downgraded on the FATF list,” Jaitley told reporters adding that the Paris-based FATF was due to meet in mid-May and India would make its request then.

The call came a day after India claimed a diplomatic victory with a UN Security Council committee blacklisting the founder of the banned Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) group, Masood Azhar.

Pakistan’s ally China had repeatedly opposed efforts at the United Nations by Western powers to directly sanction Azhar, even though the group had already been blacklisted by the UN Security Council in 2001.

India’s foreign ministry welcomed the sanctioning of Azhar as “a step in the right direction to demonstrate the international community’s resolve to fight against terrorism and its enablers”.

“The core issue is that he has been declared an international terrorist,” Jaitley said, referring to Azhar.

[url=http://pakistan%20needs%20diplomatic%20push%20to%20clear%20fatf%20hurdle/]Pakistan needs diplomatic push to clear FATF hurdle[/url]

In February, the Paris-based FATF had claimed that Pakistan “does not demonstrate a proper understanding” of terrorism financing risks posed by militant groups, including the JeM.

The organisation can make recommendations to any of the countries that have signed a membership charter, as well as other nations, but it has no power to impose sanctions.

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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Bart S »

So finally, confirmation/admission that Afridi aka Afritard has been shamelessly lying about his age all along (a serious form of cheating in sport, in addition to the ball tampering and other nonsense he did):
http://www.espncricinfo.com/story/_/id/ ... obiography

This guy has the same levels of adoration among Pakis as Sachin has among Indians, and rightly so as he seems to embody most of the traits that Pakis hold dear, like lying, boasting, bragging, being semi-literate, and having a low IQ.

As that moron Ghafoor admitted in a freudian slip, you cannot take the Pakistaniyat out of a Paki no matter how famous or widely traveled he may be :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Anujan »

He also had a cousin who came to JK for Jihad and was promptly dispatched by BSF

The Border Security Force on Friday said a Harkat-ul-Ansar terrorist killed recently in south Kashmir was a cousin of Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi.

"Saquib, killed in Anantnag on Sunday following a tip-off, turned out to be a relative of Shahid Afridi," BSF Inspector General Vijay Raman said.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by tandav »

Pakistani Naturalized Citizen of USA (dual citizen) was arrested for raising funds for JeM. This may even result in him losing the US citizenship. A point to note that anyone who supports extremist ideologies may find themselves unable to enter USA. USA Rakshaks may want to identify all those folks who were raising money for JeM and LeT at Ohio State University etc and prepare the ground for deportation.

https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/02/us/c ... terrorist/
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by sum »

Bart S wrote:So finally, confirmation/admission that Afridi aka Afritard has been shamelessly lying about his age all along (a serious form of cheating in sport, in addition to the ball tampering and other nonsense he did):
http://www.espncricinfo.com/story/_/id/ ... obiography

This guy has the same levels of adoration among Pakis as Sachin has among Indians, and rightly so as he seems to embody most of the traits that Pakis hold dear, like lying, boasting, bragging, being semi-literate, and having a low IQ.

As that moron Ghafoor admitted in a freudian slip, you cannot take the Pakistaniyat out of a Paki no matter how famous or widely traveled he may be :mrgreen:
Interesting that Pakistaniyat was also practiced by Younis Khan ( mentioned insame article about his "missing" 3 years too
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Anujan »

Fixed the chinese statement about listing Masood Azhar 8)

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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »


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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »


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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

Govt expresses deep concern over India’s intention to have Pakistan ‘downgraded’ in FATF list

The Government of Pakistan on Friday expressed its "deep concern" over a statement by Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley that New Delhi wanted Pakistan to be placed on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) blacklist, saying it showed the global illicit financing watchdog was being "politicised" by the neighbouring country.

“We want Pakistan downgraded on the FATF list,” Jaitley had told reporters on Thursday, adding that the Paris-based FATF was due to meet in mid-May and India would make its request then.

The minister's statement "re-confirms Pakistan’s longstanding concerns that this technical forum is being politicised by India against Pakistan", Foreign Office spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal said in a statement.

Citing examples from the past of Indian attempts to politicise the watchdog's proceedings, he said prior to the FATF plenary meeting in February, India had "circulated its own assessment of Pakistan’s progress and solicited immediate support for 'blacklisting' Pakistan".

See: Indian officials try to create problems for Pakistani team at FATF meeting

"On several previous occasions, calculated leaks were made to the Indian media about the proceedings of FATF, which are strictly confidential," the statement recalled.

According to the FO, the past instances of politicisation by India were brought to the attention of the FATF president by the Pakistani finance minister.

"India’s attempts to politicise the proceedings in FATF against Pakistan call into question its credentials for co-chairing and being a member of the Asia Pacific Joint Group that reviews the progress made by Pakistan to implement the FATF Action Plan," it said.

The FO reiterated that Pakistan remains committed to fully implementing the FATF Action Plan, which was agreed to at the "highest political level".

"However, FATF must ensure that the process remains fair, unbiased and firmly grounded in the technical criteria of the forum."

Citing “ani­­mosity towards Pak­istan”, Islamabad had in March appro­ached FATF president Marshall Billingslea seeking India's removal as co-chair of the Asia-Pacific Group (APG) to ensure “that [the] FATF process is fair, unbiased and objective”.

Then finance minister Asad Umar had told Dawn at the time that friendly countries had confirmed to Pakistan that the Indian co-chair of APG was lobbying with other countries to get Pakistan blacklisted.

In June 2018, Pakistan had made a high-level political commitment to work with the FATF and APG to strengthen its anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) regime and to address its strategic counter-terrorism financing-related deficiencies by implementing an action plan to accomplish these objectives. The successful implementation of the action plan and its physical verification by the APG will lead the FATF to clear Pakistan out of its ‘grey list’ or move it into the ‘blacklist’ by September.

Following a three-day mutual evaluation in March, the APG — a regional affiliate of FATF — had expressed dissatisfaction over Pakistan’s inadequate compliance with global commitments and flashed contradictory situations and poor coordination among stakeholders fighting money laundering and terror financing.

The FATF can make recommendations to any of the countries that have signed a membership charter, as well as other nations, but it has no power to impose sanctions.

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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

X-posting this from the Operation Balakot thread; at ramana's request...
Ravi Karumanchiri wrote:
Eric Leiderman wrote:When will we get info on the other two targets hit, I have a feeling that there was a strategic signal sent to our neighbour, which would be diluted if publised
Can someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but.....

We have not seen a definitive proof of life of Masood Azhar since Balakot.

There was some audio that came-out, but it was ma$terb8ory bloviating about Pulwama (with no mention of Balakot).

Look back at that first official written statement from the IAF. The way things "ran" is poorly understood by most Rakshaks IMO.

Sure, the well planned and high-confidence strike on Balakot was the long-planned-out and "capital point" of the operation; but there is reason to believe deliberate targets were struck, not knowing precisely/perfectly who was being struck, in not one but two other locations not Balakot.

It makes perfect sense: It's not every day that TSP airspace is penetrated by a flight of IAF warbirds. At any rate, they've got to go and come back; which means they'll be flying-over choice locations of opportunity or otherwise where certain somebody's RF signature is laid down to rest. Not one such target, but two; separate from the prime strike on Balakot.

So, who is missing?

Also: Clear message is sent that it's no favour to these guys, to let them run-free and do their thing. They'd be safer in jail, and they ought to know Netra will be listening. They should enjoy their goats and give-up their nonsense.
So, has there been a definitive 'proof of life' that Masood Azhar is still alive?

I don't mean to detract from the accomplishment of the MEA of the GoI in finally obtaining this terror listing for Azhar; but I've got to wonder, what gives? Also, has there been a definitive proof of his continued life?

I would appreciate clarity on this point.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by UlanBatori »

My guess is that the audio was from Masood not his bro who was inflated at Balakot. If Mu..bad was struck chances are that Salauhuddin, boss of Hijb-ul.Mujaheddin is pes-e-sha'eeded. Pity they didn't raze Murdike along with half of LaHore while they were over there.

As for MEA efforts, it could be that cheen found the Indian evidence "professional" because Masoon is kaput. Now India will keep demanding extradition, and TSP will be forced to claim that he's dead which no one will believe. They cannot say that he was killed at Balakot because only 4 trees were killed at Balakot. All in all, interesting. I think the MEA effort is to get Pakistan kicked out per the FAFTA etc. Beyond that it makes little sense to me.
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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

Military top brass supports all 'initiatives towards regional peace'

The military’s top brass on Friday reiterated their resolve in supporting all initiatives towards regional peace, said a statement released by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR). :rotfl:

Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa hosted the 221st Corps Commanders Conference at the General Headquarters (GHQ) and the military’s high command reviewed the evolving geo-strategic situation.

Continued efforts by security forces to bring enduring peace in the country were also discussed and progress on the ongoing Operation Raddul Fasaad was discussed.

Pakistan determined to achieve peace, stability: COAS Qamar Bajwa

Last month, the COAS had reiterated that Pakistan was focused and determined to achieve peace and stability. During his visit to National Defence University (NDU), the army chief emphasised upon the internal and external security situation of the country and expressed his vision of an enduring peace within Pakistan and the region.

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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by UlanBatori »

V r fully with IGDSPR(IT) on this. We too fully intend to achieve Peace. By destroying his ilk.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by SSridhar »

Peregrine ji, that world view by Pakistan was superbly done by someone who understands Terroristan deeply.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by SSridhar »

tandav wrote:Pakistani Naturalized Citizen of USA (dual citizen) was arrested for raising funds for JeM. This may even result in him losing the US citizenship. A point to note that anyone who supports extremist ideologies may find themselves unable to enter USA. USA Rakshaks may want to identify all those folks who were raising money for JeM and LeT at Ohio State University etc and prepare the ground for deportation.

https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/02/us/c ... terrorist/
It looks like he is another Headley !

This PTI report says,
According to court documents, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2014 received information that he was in contact with terrorist organisations.

During an interview with the FBI, he denied having any contacts with the terrorist groups or helping them.

Later in November 2015, Hassan during another interview with the FBI admitted that he had lied and was in contact with two terrorist groups -- the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) and JeM.

He acknowledged being untruthful in previous FBI interviews regarding his knowledge of persons associated with foreign terrorist organisations.

The FBI said Hassan admitted to extensive contacts with a JeM recruiter, who he identified by name. He also admitted to exchanging phone numbers with the recruiter and having several conversations about extremism with him.

Hassan further admitted he traveled to - and stayed with - JeM extremists for two or three days in 2014, traveled in Pakistan in 2013 and 2014 to collect money and food for JeM extremists, and passed out recruiting newspapers for JeM in Pakistan in 2014, the FBI said.

Hassan admitted that he had not been truthful because he knew JeM was a terrorist group.

“Between 2013 and 2014 I traveled... around the city of Gujrat [in Pakistan] and surrounding area collecting money and food for Jaish Mujahiden two or three times. In 2014, while staying with Jaish Mujahideen they told me about an attack on Indian soldier they conducted the previous year. They showed me a news video of the attack,” Hassan said in a written statement to the FBI, according to court documents.

“I also past out a newspaper that Jaish Mujahiden uses to recruit people and collect money. I lied because I was scared of getting in trouble because I participated in collecting money, food and passing out the newspaper for Jaish Mujahadin which is a terrorist group but they also help the poor in Pakistan,” he said.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

UlanBatori wrote:V r fully with IGDSPR(IT) on this. We too fully intend to achieve Peace. By destroying his ilk.
Ulan Batori Ji :

After all, that I learnt - in Dawn Comments - about the SIX SQUARES!

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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

SSridhar wrote:Peregrine ji, that world view by Pakistan was superbly done by someone who understands Terroristan deeply.
SSridhar Ji : Totally Agreed - With due respect I say "As Najam Sethi once stated in Ittfaqnama : Indeed, Indood in Bakwas we are"!

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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by mappunni »

tandav wrote:Pakistani Naturalized Citizen of USA (dual citizen) was arrested for raising funds for JeM. This may even result in him losing the US citizenship. A point to note that anyone who supports extremist ideologies may find themselves unable to enter USA. USA Rakshaks may want to identify all those folks who were raising money for JeM and LeT at Ohio State University etc and prepare the ground for deportation.

https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/02/us/c ... terrorist/
At OSU??? really?? Having lived in Columbus OH for over a decade ago, hardly any Paki community in Columbus. The Muslims are mostly Somalis.

I do have kids of my friends who go to OSU who will be able to get more information.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by A_Gupta »

The UN population department projection of 2017 has (the area that is currently) Pakistan reaching peak population of 354,297,000 by 2090. It is almost certainly an under-estimate as they have Pakistan reaching 208 million in 2020; but Pakistan's census of 2017 had it at 207,774,520.

If Pakistan survives as currently constituted till 2090 - well....
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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

Bart S wrote:So finally, confirmation/admission that Afridi aka Afritard has been shamelessly lying about his age all along (a serious form of cheating in sport, in addition to the ball tampering and other nonsense he did):
http://www.espncricinfo.com/story/_/id/ ... obiography

This guy has the same levels of adoration among Pakis as Sachin has among Indians, and rightly so as he seems to embody most of the traits that Pakis hold dear, like lying, boasting, bragging, being semi-literate, and having a low IQ.

As that moron Ghafoor admitted in a freudian slip, you cannot take the Pakistaniyat out of a Paki no matter how famous or widely traveled he may be :mrgreen:
Bart S Ji :

Afridi claims he knew of SMS exchanges between bookmaker and players before spot-fixing scandal – PTI
NEW DELHI: Former Pakistan captain Shahid Afridi has claimed that he was aware of the exchange of messages between his team mates and a bookmaker before the 2010 spot-fixing scandal but then coach Waqar Younis refused to act despite being provided with evidence.
Making another startling revelation in his autobiography 'Game Changer', Afridi said he stumbled upon a series of SMS messages between bookie Mazhar Majeed and some Pakistan players before 'News of the World' broke the story in a sting operation.
The spot-fixing scandal happened in August 2010 during Pakistan's tour of England and then captain Salman Butt, Mohammad Asif and Mohammed Amir], and Mohammad Asif were banned by the ICC for their involvement.
Afridi claimed he had lashed out at the team management for turning a blind eye to the issue when he confronted them with evidence prior to the scandal that rocked world cricket.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Anujan »

So the state bank of Pakistan chief has been sacked and replaced by a IMF employee. What happened to all the bravado of "We will not reveal any CPEC details to IMF!!!!!!, IMF needs Pakistan more than Pakistan needs IMF!!!" :roll:
Dr Raza Baqir has been appointed new governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, according to a notification issued by the finance division.

His appointment was approved by President Arif Alvi. He will remain the head of the SBP for the next three years. His three years will start from the date he assumes office.

Baqir is currently serving as the IMF’s representative for Egypt.

He has also served as the Fund’s mission chief for Bulgaria and Romania and chief of the IMF’s Debt Policy Division for four years.

He has worked at the IMF for over 16 years.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Vips »

Pakis will take all the loans and when they will not be able to willingly not fulfill the IMF conditionalities, they will blame all the IMF/World Bank officers of paki origin as agents of the Yahoodi forces who conspired against pakistan.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by jamwal »

Many of the links like that of Memri seem to be broken due to formatting.
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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

Pakistan PM Imran pays tribute to Tipu Sultan on his death anniversary - PTI


“Today 4th May is the death anniversary of Tipu Sultan - a man I admire because he preferred freedom and died fighting for it rather than live a life of enslavement,” Mr. Khan tweeted on Saturday.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has paid tribute to Tipu Sultan, praising the 18th century ruler of Mysore for preferring to die for freedom rather than “live a life of enslavement“.

Mr. Khan took to twitter to express his admiration for the 18th century ruler of the erstwhile Mysore Kingdom also known as the Tiger of Mysore.

“Today 4th May is the death anniversary of Tipu Sultan - a man I admire because he preferred freedom and died fighting for it rather than live a life of enslavement,” Mr. Khan tweeted on Saturday.

Gentle BRFites :

I am quoting the full Article and hope you all will saVe this Article as one does not know if the “Original Exits!”

Hatred for Hindus - Kunwar Khuldune Shahid

There are over 35,000 Hindus living in Larkana, making up around nine percent of the city’s population. And so when the ever-ready Muslim mob conjured the blasphemy card, in turn torching a temple and a dharamshala in the city on March 16, the religious tension in the city was as palpable as it gets. The reverberations of said tension were felt in Osta Muhammad and Dera Murad Jamali as well, as the Pakistani Muslim’s ancestral animosity towards Hindus, coupled with a baseless allegation of Holy Quran’s desecration, spilt bigotry all over the country.

It is very important for Pakistani Muslims (97 percent of the population) to differentiate themselves from Hindus. After all it’s precisely this difference that became our state’s raison d’etre in 1947. And differentiating is the first step en route to the development of hatred that eventually inflates into bigotry.

For the average Pakistani Muslim this bigotry wards off the increasingly looming identity crisis, and reaffirms the illusions of historical and religious grandeur.

The destruction of the Somnath Temple in 1,025 AD by Mahmud Ghaznavi is one of the “proudest” moments in the “history of Pakistan” that ostensibly began when the first Muslim (Muhammad bin Qasim) entered the region in the 8th century. During his endeavour to destroy the temple, Ghaznavi also butchered 50,000 Hindus – about the same number of people that the Pakistani Taliban have obliterated in over a decade with significantly deadlier arsenal. Such is the status of destroying a Hindu temple in defining the ideology of Pakistan that the fact that Ghaznavi invaded Multan in 1,005 AD to ruthlessly massacre Ismaili Shias is conveniently forgotten.

Ghaznavi was Shia-phobic, a murderer and plunderer; however, his massacre of Hindus and destruction of temples elevates his status to a ‘national’ hero even though he had died 900 years before the idea of this nation was conceived. It goes without saying that had Ghaznavi been alive he would have been very proud of the mob that destroyed the Hindu temple in Larkana.

An excerpt from Tipu Sultan’s – another hero and role model for Pakistanis – letter to Bekal’s governor, Budruz Zuman Khan in 1790 tells us more about him than the thousands of Hindu massacres that he orchestrated and the multiple coerced conversions that he oversaw;

“Don’t you know I have achieved a great victory recently in Malabar and over four lakh Hindus were converted to Islam? I am determined to march against that cursed Raman Nair (Rajah of Travancore) very soon. Since I am overjoyed at the prospect of converting him and his subjects to Islam, I have happily abandoned the idea of going back to Srirangapatanam now.”

From Ziauddin Barani’s Fatwa-i-Jahandari calling for “an all-out struggle against Hinduism” under Muhammad bin Tughlaq to Muhammad Ali Jinnah dubbing Pakistan’s establishment “essential to prevent Hindu imperialism spreading into the Middle East” in the lead up to August 1947, Muslim rulers and leaders in the Indian subcontinent often established antagonism against the Hindus as an integral part of their governance and policy making.

The bile against Hinduism that Pakistani school curricula spew has been well documented and condemned by liberal quarters. “The foundation of Hindu set-up was based on injustice and cruelty” (Grade 6, Social Studies Book); this is one of the many gems from the books that our children are taught to further proliferate xenophobia inside their already jingoistic heads. However, the significance of hating Hindus for Pakistanis is a lot more than just biased historical narratives or pumping up bigotry under the garb of patriotism.

It is very important to realise here that it’s not being implied that Hindus do not – or have never – reciprocated these sentiments. The stereotypical Hindu of ‘secular’ India manifests similar communal antagonism. And the nation might very well be on the verge of electing a communalist as their next prime minister in the shape of Narendra Modi. However, what needs to be understood and underscored here is that an Indian Hindu manifesting communal bigotry contradicts the ‘idea’ of India, while a Pakistani Muslim by doing so conforms to the ‘idea’ of Pakistan. Opposition to Hindus, and antagonism between Hindus and Muslims, form the founding principle of Pakistan.

Ideally the Islamo-fascist clamours of the 1940s, that became patriotic anthems of the movement for Pakistan, should have no relevance to events in modern day Pakistan. But how can you expect Hindu-Muslim harmony in a state that was created through fanning the embers of Hindu-Muslim disharmony? How can Pakistan expect the Hindus and Muslims inhabiting the country to evolve into one nation, after creating a state that owes itself to the principle that Hindus and Muslims of the Indian subcontinent are two different nations and cannot survive in unison?

The rather popular “Arabisation” of and obsession with our Islamic identity is the direct corollary of the Pakistan movement, since the Muslim inhabitants of this region were told that they had nothing in common with the Hindus of the region. This has obviously resulted in Pakistanis considering their country as a quasi-Arab land.

Refusing to acknowledge the commonalities between Hindus and Muslims of the Indian subcontinent is a part of the legacy of our founding fathers, and the reason why Pakistan was created in the first place. We might castigate the Pakistan Studies curricula all we want, but if anti-Hindu material is taken out of these books, the curriculum designers and the narrators of Pakistan’s version of Indo-Pak history would find it really hard to justify the creation of Pakistan.

Jinnah might have told the Pakistani Hindus on August 11, 1947 that they are “free to go to their temples,” but as long as his separatist movement and the cult of Ghazvani and Tipu Sultan is extolled, the Pakistani Muslims would continue to feel equally “free” to torch these temples.

For Pakistan to achieve religious harmony and existential stability it would inevitably have to question its founding ideology. That’s the paradox staring the country in the face right now.

Note : I have not used my “bolding“ or “painting” of the Text - and should you so desire – do so and keep it in on your Disk as it is quote possible that it might have been "change" to suit the present "fundamentalisation of Terroristan!



Many Thanks in Advance. It hurts. :(

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Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

What went wrong?

Money is the most skittish of commodities on the face of the planet. Money has wings. Cast “but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.” This is exactly what went wrong. The PTI government has scared rupees out of the economy – deep into safety deposit boxes and rupees converted into dollars. Money has left Pakistan’s economy.

What went wrong? The gas tariff went up into triple digits. The electricity tariff went up into double digits. And the dollar went up into double digits. Consequently, the disposable incomes of Pakistanis went down sharply. And the purchasing power of Pakistanis went down sharply. People have stopped going to restaurants. People have stopped shopping at shopping malls. People have stopped buying and selling. This is exactly what has gone wrong.

The wheel of the economy has stopped turning. Transactions are not taking place. Businesses are shutting down. Companies are laying off people. At least 1.1 million additional Pakistanis have been laid off. At least 4.1 million additional Pakistanis have been pushed below the line of poverty. This is exactly what went wrong.

What went wrong? The PTI government remained singularly focused on the rear-view mirror. The economic Titanic, in the meanwhile, kept on speeding towards half a dozen icebergs – the Rs1,600 billion circular debt; Rs1,100 billion losses in public-sector enterprises (PSEs) and a couple of billion dollars worth of leakages in the gas sector.

What went wrong? The PTI’s economic team (was there any team?) failed to understand that tax collection is the consequence of economic activity. The PTI’s economic team (was there any team?) killed economic activity – and that is going to result in a historical tax shortfall of Rs485 billion. This is what went wrong.

Pakistan’s economy is in a state of crisis. Walks in the enemy; twenty-first century wars are fought in the social media with fake news and ‘innocent’ sounding narratives. The two masked objectives are: to incite a war among citizens of Pakistan; and to incite a rift between the citizens of Pakistan and their army. This is twenty-first century warfare.

Pakistan’s economy is in a state of crisis. Walks in the enemy; twenty-first century wars are all about remaining below the opponent’s radar, keeping the intensity below the opponent’s threshold, creating political chaos behind enemy lines, using weaponized information and weaponized financial instruments. This is exactly what is happening: Pakistan’s enemies are busy funding political chaos trying to make a Venezuela out of Pakistan. Yes, explosions are out, implosions are in.

Dr Hafeez Shaikh is up against formidable challenges – controlling the price spiral; restoring business confidence; negotiating a less painful IMF programme; bringing down multi-billion dollar leakages in the electricity and gas sectors. This indeed is a tall order; an order that requires a lot of out-of-the-box thinking. To be certain, the World Bank, the IMF – and the staff trained by them – are trained to go by the book. Going by the book will make things even worse.

Bart S Ji : Please Don't Shoot the Messenger - Even though he takes all his references from "WIKIPEDIA"!

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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Manish_P »

2m Karachiites suffer from mental, other disorders
There are two million people in Karachi suffering from mental, emotional, intellectual or social adjustment disorders, says a senior psychiatrist.

And 300,000 of them are in need of urgent psychiatric / psychologist attention and are likely to become a permanent burden on society if not taken care of.

“Every second house in Karachi has one or more persons taking tranquilisers. Every fourth house has a psychosomatic/psychiatric problem and masked depressive disorder,” Dr Ahmed said, while citing data from a PAMH survey of mental health between 2007 and 2009.

The current prevalence of mental illness in Pakistan, he pointed out, was estimated to be over more than 34 per cent of the population.
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by partha »

Did anyone notice Shortcut Aziz made a sudden appearance with an interview in Paki media. Is he being considered for a role in the cabinet? Even as PM maybe. Dimran also said recently "No NRO even if I am not the PM". Dimran out, Shortcut in?
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by chetak »

the paki demarche


Drafting a demarche to Chinese ambassador in a language they understand.

Taller than mountain,
Sweeter than honey,
The great cash fountain,
O great Emperor Xi!
To you,
We bow with gratitude,
For all the barrels of crude,
But pray,
Why did you betray
Our dear uncle Masood?
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Bart S »

partha wrote:Did anyone notice Shortcut Aziz made a sudden appearance with an interview in Paki media. Is he being considered for a role in the cabinet? Even as PM maybe. Dimran also said recently "No NRO even if I am not the PM". Dimran out, Shortcut in?
Since most of the current power center (civilian at least) is made up of ex-Musharraf regime folks (who by extension could have been CIA pasand folks as well), why not Shortcut, who basically has the same career graph?
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Bart S »

The lunatics started running the asylum in Pakiland a long time ago, so I wouldn't be surprised if those 2 million folks are actually the only sane ones left out of the rest of the population!
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Anujan »

Peregrine wrote:What went wrong?

Pakistan’s economy is in a state of crisis. Walks in the enemy; twenty-first century wars are fought in the social media with fake news and ‘innocent’ sounding narratives. The two masked objectives are: to incite a war among citizens of Pakistan; and to incite a rift between the citizens of Pakistan and their army. This is twenty-first century warfare.

Pakistan’s economy is in a state of crisis. Walks in the enemy; twenty-first century wars are all about remaining below the opponent’s radar, keeping the intensity below the opponent’s threshold, creating political chaos behind enemy lines, using weaponized information and weaponized financial instruments. This is exactly what is happening: Pakistan’s enemies are busy funding political chaos trying to make a Venezuela out of Pakistan. Yes, explosions are out, implosions are in.
This guy Farrukh Saleem is a certified idiot. My fourth cousin twice removed has read a lot of his articles. The problem with Pakistanis is that they attribute everything to "Sixth generation hybrid warfare", as though tweeting a few articles on twitter is going to wreck their economy. The problem with pakistan is that

1) Capital allocation is not efficient. IMF/World Bank/China/Massa gives them 10 Billion $, the TFTAs take it, buy land and divide the plots among themselves.

2) Terrorism is their main industry: Which idiot would want to open a factory in Muridke? Quetta? The Jihadi yahoos will come over, blow themselves up and set fire to your factory. Ask the poor Peshawar KFC

3) There is no investment in human capital: Healthy people work more, do not take sick days. Educated people work in sectors that have a higher profit margin and are more entrepreneurial. Its really simple actually, to educate the people and give them healthcare. In Pakistan though, everybody goes to a madrassa where they learn about how to kill the kuffars. Polio virus is their friend and nobody wants vaccination.

4) Netas are not interested in the country: Getting re-elected means somehow getting army on your side and doing wheeling-dealing in the backrooms. Not winning elections based on issues or economics. Who wants to build a bridge or a road or a dam when you can win elections by meeting Bajwa? Take even Immy. Most of his cabinet is appointed by Bajwa and not Immy. In fact most of his cabinet members are not even PTI members. Take Hafeez Shaikh for example, the current Fin Min. Has proudly served under Shortcut Aziz (Mushy was Prez) and Groper (Ten percenti was president) and now Immy. If Dimran truly disagreed with economic policies of Ten percenti and Gen Bandicoot, why would he import his FinMin? It is clear who appointed him, it wasnt immy. He is not accountable to Immy because Immy is not accountable to the public.

These are the problems, not some 25th generation hybrid all electric four wheel drive warfare
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by Peregrine »

Peregrine wrote:What went wrong?

Pakistan’s economy is in a state of crisis. Walks in the enemy; twenty-first century wars are fought in the social media with fake news and ‘innocent’ sounding narratives. The two masked objectives are: to incite a war among citizens of Pakistan; and to incite a rift between the citizens of Pakistan and their army. This is twenty-first century warfare.

Pakistan’s economy is in a state of crisis. Walks in the enemy; twenty-first century wars are all about remaining below the opponent’s radar, keeping the intensity below the opponent’s threshold, creating political chaos behind enemy lines, using weaponized information and weaponized financial instruments. This is exactly what is happening: Pakistan’s enemies are busy funding political chaos trying to make a Venezuela out of Pakistan. Yes, explosions are out, implosions are in.
Anujan wrote:This guy Farrukh Saleem is a certified idiot. My fourth cousin twice removed has read a lot of his articles. The problem with Pakistanis is that they attribute everything to "Sixth generation hybrid warfare", as though tweeting a few articles on twitter is going to wreck their economy. The problem with pakistan is that

1) Capital allocation is not efficient. IMF/World Bank/China/Massa gives them 10 Billion $, the TFTAs take it, buy land and divide the plots among themselves.

2) Terrorism is their main industry: Which idiot would want to open a factory in Muridke? Quetta? The Jihadi yahoos will come over, blow themselves up and set fire to your factory. Ask the poor Peshawar KFC

3) There is no investment in human capital: Healthy people work more, do not take sick days. Educated people work in sectors that have a higher profit margin and are more entrepreneurial. Its really simple actually, to educate the people and give them healthcare. In Pakistan though, everybody goes to a madrassa where they learn about how to kill the kuffars. Polio virus is their friend and nobody wants vaccination.

4) Netas are not interested in the country: Getting re-elected means somehow getting army on your side and doing wheeling-dealing in the backrooms. Not winning elections based on issues or economics. Who wants to build a bridge or a road or a dam when you can win elections by meeting Bajwa? Take even Immy. Most of his cabinet is appointed by Bajwa and not Immy. In fact most of his cabinet members are not even PTI members. Take Hafeez Shaikh for example, the current Fin Min. Has proudly served under Shortcut Aziz (Mushy was Prez) and Groper Yousaf Raza Gillani (Ten percenti was president) and now Immy. If Dimran truly disagreed with economic policies of Ten percenti and Gen Bandicoot, why would he import his FinMin? It is clear who appointed him, it wasnt immy. He is not accountable to Immy because Immy is not accountable to the public.

These are the problems, not some 25th generation hybrid all electric four wheel drive warfare
Anujan Ji :
I couldn't agree more with you.

However to me it is the extreme pain and frustration felt by the Terroristani Mango Abduls and their Burqa Bilkises in General and and their Army along with the Jernails in Particular as in the present times Our India gone far ahead of Terroristan in that they can only see us in the "Distance Ahead i.e. with the Indian GDP being nearly TEN TIMES Terristani GDP. IMO they reached their "Nadir" and I don't see them improving their position with India treating Terroristan on Par with Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, but, not with even Bangladesh!

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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by UlanBatori »

I am giving Demarche to Modiji from the Prophet Dimran:
U r discriminating against Pakistanis.
You yindoos celebrate
Death of Mahishasvara
Death of Ravana

All Yindoo demons onlee!

Y r u not celebrating
Death of T. Poo
Death of Jinnah
Death of Tikka Khan
Death of Ayub Khan
Death of Yahya Khan
Death of Osama :((
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Re: Terroristan - May 1, 2019

Post by partha »

Anujan wrote: 2) Terrorism is their main industry: Which idiot would want to open a factory in Muridke? Quetta? The Jihadi yahoos will come over, blow themselves up and set fire to your factory. Ask the poor Peshawar KFC
It's not true that no one wants to open a factory in Pakistan. In fact, Japan has in principle agreed to relocate its automobile industry to Pakistan. Japanese PM is likely to visit Pakistan next month and sign a $50 billion deal. Check this latest report https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/466600 ... an-qureshi
Japan may relocate automobile industry to Pakistan: Qureshi
It makes complete sense. Jihadi terrorists are the biggest customers of Japanese pick up trucks and you would want to set up factories near your top customers to reduce delivery times and where else will you find so many terrorists if not in Pakistan, hain? Tabdeeli is coming. Please don't spread malicious propaganda that no one wants to open a factory in Pakistan.