2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Jarita »

Bharats dumb RW is raging against BJP after the Munger episode, paving way for the anti Hindu brigade of Kanhaiya and Lalu. Do we have a deathwish? Do we not have an ability to distinguish between an anomaly and an anti Hindu government?
Hari Seldon
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Hari Seldon »

Jarita wrote:Bharats dumb RW is raging against BJP after the Munger episode, paving way for the anti Hindu brigade of Kanhaiya and Lalu. Do we have a deathwish? Do we not have an ability to distinguish between an anomaly and an anti Hindu government?
Talk is cheap, jarita garu. Let tweeples talk. Doubt much effect it will have among mango Bihari voters.

That said, that talk is not really empty. It exists because there seems to be a pattern at play.

On one hand, our top netas after winning our votes go on to deride the very concept of love jeehard and call online-noise wala protests against it "over activism". But can spare no comment on Nikita Tomar shot in the head. I understand why Amitbhai can't speak on a state L&O matter but at least STFU on things like LJ if you can't say anything good, no? Say 'no comment' and move on. No?

Top netas are quick to jump up and down commenting on 'mob lynchings by gau rakshaks' and names liek akhlakh and pehlu are household names but zilch sympathy or even a token few words for BJP karyakartas mob-lynched in WB and KL and MH and what not. OK, keep your silence but at least don;t comment on the former also, no?

Here's one tweet text: "Let top leaders tell us "Please wait for now & let us win so & so elections & then we will give justice to Hindus." Are they evening expressing sorrow about Munger or Palghar lynching or Nikita or Rahul Rajput or Ankit Saxena? While they spoke on Tabrez & against Gau Rakshaks.."

Sentiment exists on the ground. What to do? Don;t inflame it further at least. No?

Wahan sala INCV state govts change textbooks, top bureucrats and major policies in their first month in office and what have 'our' BJP state govts to show for it? Ask an ML Khattar or Rupani or Chauhan about it pls. Yogi ji (and Himanta da) are hope, baki sab are dope only. Or at least that's the impression going around. What to do only?

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ashokk »

Twitter tenders apology before house panel on Leh map mess-up
NEW DELHI: Micro-blogging site Twitter on Thursday tendered a verbal apology before the joint parliamentary committee (JPC) for showing Leh as part of Chinese territory on its location setting.
The parliamentary panel on Wednesday had directed the American social media company to give a written explanation and an affidavit from Twitter Inc to indicate its compliance with Indian laws while committee chair Meenakshi Lekhi warned the firm’s representatives that misrepresenting the Indian map can attract charges of treason.
Twitter India’s public policy and communication team — Shagufta Kamran, Ayushi Kapoor, Pallavi Walia and Manvinder Bali — appeared before the Lekhi-led joint committee on Personal Data Protection Bill 2019. They faced questions on Twitter’s letter to the IT secretary in which it said the company is alive to “Indian sensitivities” on the subject, with committee members pointing out that the issue was not only a matter of “sensitivities” but also India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
Lekhi said not depicting India’s map right is treason and attracts a seven-year jail term. “Any firm that owns business in India will have to abide by the law of the land. The panel has asked them to explain further,” she said.
BJD’s Bhartruhari Mahtab is also understood to have pointed out that Twitter had, in another instance, shown J&K as part of China, following which the Twitter team had “begged apology” while the panel had sought a written response on the firm’s corrective mechanisms and the punitive action taken.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshhan »

Jarita wrote:Bharats dumb RW is raging against BJP after the Munger episode, paving way for the anti Hindu brigade of Kanhaiya and Lalu. Do we have a deathwish? Do we not have an ability to distinguish between an anomaly and an anti Hindu government?
I doubt if they are that dumb. Three events happened in close succession. First one happened in Himachal Pradesh at Shoolini temple where a female IAS officer destroyed the hindu temple traditions for so called social justice cause. Second event happened in Faridabad, Haryana where a hindu girl was killed by a muslim. In neighbouring mewat district, oppression of hindus by muslims has reached horrific proportions. This district is more than 70% muslim. Third event was munger firing by cops on hindus. You know what is common between all three events. They all happened in BJP ruled states. Infact in Haryana it is BJP's second term. Whereas in Bihar BJP along with its ally JDU has been in power for most of the last 15 years.

Even after ruling these states BJP is unable to give protection and priority to Hindu interests. Neither it has been able to make administration(specifically IAS-IPS lobby) an ally of Hindus. Even their anti hindu curriculum and agenda remains as it is.

Hence lot of true hindus are anguished and they have chosen to speak. And if they choose to speak now, what is wrong with it? Would you rather have people speaking in 2023-2024 time frame.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

The anamoly is tried and tested. If it does cause trouble for BJP then they need to continue to sharpen their skills. With Hindus being killed off left right and center, BJP can't blame things on dumb voters when they themselves don't educate their own cadre about Hindu causes. Forget about educating voters. BJP has no excuse to not anticipate such anamoly. Probably one more BJP guy was knocked off in WB while I was writing this. All BJP leadership has proved so far is that cadre blood is cheap as long as it's not your own. A voter can't see the big picture if it's never shown by BJP. All one has to do is look at GJ and see how minimal has been delivered for Hindus by BJP even after being voted in election after election. BJP is becoming a hard sell based on Hindu causes. BJP can certainly ask for votes on other basis where they have delivered. For Hindu causes, BJP has lot farther to go than RJB. BJP has utterly failed to create ecosystem that's capable of being ruthless. Yogi seems to be an exception so far.

Here's an example from GJ. There are umpteen number of islamic mafia elements in GJ from INC days. In 20 years, there's not been any swift takedown like this one of any of those. No major news outlet in GJ carries islamic activities and atrocities. Is voter dumb to not observe such trend?
https://www.deshgujarat.com/2020/10/28/ ... urrenders/
Jamnagar: Yashpal Jadeja, one of the wanted gang members of notorious Jayesh Patel (Jaysukh Ranparia) gang surrendered today before Jamnagar Police. Yashpal’s brother Jashpal is already in custody. Both brothers are accused of land grabbing, firing and other criminal offenses.Yashpal has been booked under GujCTOC (Gujarat Control of Organised Crime Act). 8 arrests of Jayesh Patel’s gang members have already taken place under GujCTOC. More arrests including that of Jayesh Patel are in pipeline. Meanwhile, number of photographs in which Minister of State in Gujarat government, Hakubha Jadeja and accused Yashpal Jadeja are spotted together are in circulation on social media. Hakubha had last month denied alleged nexus with Jayesh Patel and his gang after some news reports indicating it. DeshGujarat
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

Jaritaji, two things -

a. Twitterati probably represents 1% of India's total electorate , so they are not the true representation of the mood of the nation. Also, the so called RW twitter handles are a unique breed, there are a dozen different factions and 90% of the time they fight with the other faction than collectively counter left's narrative. The most dangerous among these factions is the Swamy-Army, a large army of twitteratis whose full time job is to take swipes at Modi, Shah and BJP. There's also a RW mahila mandali where every topic is an opportunity for them to self promote through selfies but i digress...

b. Darshanji and Hariji have already articulated very well what the problem is. Even if you give BJP a pass in WB and KL where they've never been strong, what can one say about incidents in Haryana, Jharkhand , Maharashtra or Bihar ? When INC was in opposition with 30 something seats they orchestrated the Jat agitation, the maratha agitation, the lingayat agitation etc. they ensured BJP is always on the backfoot. Yet there's not a single protest in MH against the atrocities by Uddhav's clown-sena other than wondering if BJP's silence means something chanakyan. Similarly in BH, the images of cowering, injured worshippers around Maa Durga being trashed to pulp by the cops, a kids brains blown out by bullet etc will not be easily forgotten as neither will be the silence of JDU and BJP. They've been in power for 15 years now and they are answerable.

Lets not forget Rajasthan and the slogans of those who were once BJP supporters " Modi tujhse bhed nahin, Raje teri kher nahin" ( We have no complaints with Modi, but Raje won't be spared ).

The opposition is very clear and fearless in their objectives, where as BJP and even its top brass seems unsure who their audience are. After Amit Shah's statement on Tanishq, i think i now fully understand what keeps feather weights like Javdekar or Ravishankar Prasad in the cabinet.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Ambar wrote: b. Darshanji
Correction: darshhan
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Rishi_Tri »


Bihar is a state of summary justice and power is held by people. Moreover people remember every little incident and no one fears the police. In fact, no one depends on police for any help. Also, police let people sort it out among themselves.

Munger repeats itself across several towns of Bihar year after year. Boundaries are harder than steel and no one, absolutely no one can cross any boundary, be they be police or the peacefuls. Because of the consequences.

And yes, people in Bihar don't need BJP or for that matter any other party, to protect themselves. They are armed with their long held traditions.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Ashokk wrote:Twitter tenders apology before house panel on Leh map mess-up
NEW DELHI: Micro-blogging site Twitter on Thursday tendered a verbal apology before the joint parliamentary committee (JPC) for showing Leh as part of Chinese territory on its location setting.
The parliamentary panel on Wednesday had directed the American social media company to give a written explanation and an affidavit from Twitter Inc to indicate its compliance with Indian laws while committee chair Meenakshi Lekhi warned the firm’s representatives that misrepresenting the Indian map can attract charges of treason.
Twitter India’s public policy and communication team — Shagufta Kamran, Ayushi Kapoor, Pallavi Walia and Manvinder Bali — appeared before the Lekhi-led joint committee on Personal Data Protection Bill 2019. They faced questions on Twitter’s letter to the IT secretary in which it said the company is alive to “Indian sensitivities” on the subject, with committee members pointing out that the issue was not only a matter of “sensitivities” but also India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
Lekhi said not depicting India’s map right is treason and attracts a seven-year jail term. “Any firm that owns business in India will have to abide by the law of the land. The panel has asked them to explain further,” she said.

BJD’s Bhartruhari Mahtab is also understood to have pointed out that Twitter had, in another instance, shown J&K as part of China, following which the Twitter team had “begged apology” while the panel had sought a written response on the firm’s corrective mechanisms and the punitive action taken.
damage done, maps forwarded and retweeted many millions of times.

apology meaningless. the offence is being repeated with impunity

the damage is being done purposely, spitefully and wilfully.

BTW, it appears that the so called "apology" is only verbal and there is nothing in writing so far.

Twitter India’s public policy and communication team — Shagufta Kamran, Ayushi Kapoor, Pallavi Walia and Manvinder Bali all seem Indian.

The stronger message would have been FIR and arrest first, and then bail after "investigation" over some long weekend when bail would have been difficult to get. as usual we are best at pussy footing
Last edited by chetak on 29 Oct 2020 18:38, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

One just has to walk into any major municipality of GJ and talk about Hindu causes and the reality would dawn that there's no major correlation of Hindu causes and BJP in GJ. Modi fetches them votes and may be Yogi will after that. In GJ, local BJP has no Hindu cause goal that they can walk you through that they worked on last year and are working towards this year. All they will do is point to saffron and if bright then point to RJB. In similar fashion, same about dismantling INC ecosystem. One will not find BJP canvassing with stats in hand to talk about Hindu causes. Also BJP won't be seen fighting in trenches on a daily basis in EJ infested areas like Dang. Voters aren't dumb to not notice and keep track. Opposition also knows that voters are keeping track. So opposition dials in anamolies. If opposition beats BJP with it then it's BJP's fault for sleeping on job when voted in and not dumbness of voters.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

chetak wrote: damage done, maps forwarded and retweeted many millions of times.

apology meaningless.

damage done purposely and wilfully.

BTW, it appears that the so called "apology" is only verbal and there is nothing in writing so far.
Yes. This is another display of GoI's ineptitude. Similar to not closing down Amazon and Flipkart for not showing chinese tags. What's the point of chinese tags after the festivals?

GoI could have done same thing being done to Republic and asked to see every single transaction and employee.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by asgkhan »

Two most useless bench warmers in Mudi Kaaka's cabinet are that langur Javedkar and chubby boi RS Prasad.

Utterly useless and reminds me of castrated effeminate comfort bois.

Lets also remember Dr Sambit who screams Sonia should apologize forgetting that BJP is in power.

We need an alternate to BJP fast. This party is turning into a retirement zone for old foggies and other assorted numbnuts, secure in the fact that they have another 4 years to snooze.

Just check the TL of Ravi from media crooks. He has gone ballistic on the silence of 'Mor Bapu' on hindu murders, palghar lynching and love jehad cases.

It's that tweet of Mor Bapu asking for Shabana Azmi welfare painful as a hot poker, and his silence on the gut wrenching photo of the mother holding her dead son's body in Munger.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

asgkhan wrote: Just check the TL of Ravi from media crooks. He has gone ballistic on the silence of 'Mor Bapu' on hindu murders, palghar lynching and love jehad cases.

It's that tweet of Mor Bapu asking for Shabana Azmi welfare painful as a hot poker, and his silence on the gut wrenching photo of the mother holding her dead son's body in Munger.
That just won't happen. Modi won't comment on it. Like I mentioned in my previous posts that they don't talk about it in GJ. Heck, most newspapers don't even report such local events in GJ. I have never heard of GJ BJP talking openly on any such subjects or even discussing killing of their cadre in other states. The least they could be doing is discussing each such BJP death in GJ in open about who this person was and why he was killed. There should be posters outside each municipality about deaths and various events. Oh wait. They never even bothered to change textbooks in GJ. Come back to earth.

Looking at how congress ecosystem works and what can be done, GJ BJP has left lot to desire. All congress brainwashing newspapers and outlets in GJ should have been gone by now given how MH govt has gone after Arnab. Certainly there are ways to get things done but GJ govt hasn't done anything.
Last edited by darshan on 29 Oct 2020 19:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshhan »

Here is an unpopular opinion. We need another hindu political party. And initially where ever islamic population is high >20%, only one hindu party should contest to prevent division of hindus.

But meanwhile keep in mind that democracy based on universal sufferage is itself the most tragic story of Bharatvarsh.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by asgkhan »

Another professional wailer and certified online rudaali is that bufoon Amit Malviya. BJP workers are getting swatted like flies in WB. All that chew-tiya does is share the pictures and demands justice from that oil faced baboon of a CM.

The sheer impunity and confidence of anti hindu forces dancing with macabre joy is very demoralising day in and day out.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshhan »

darshan wrote:
asgkhan wrote: Just check the TL of Ravi from media crooks. He has gone ballistic on the silence of 'Mor Bapu' on hindu murders, palghar lynching and love jehad cases.

It's that tweet of Mor Bapu asking for Shabana Azmi welfare painful as a hot poker, and his silence on the gut wrenching photo of the mother holding her dead son's body in Munger.
That just won't happen. Modi won't comment on it. Like I mentioned in my previous posts that they don't talk about it in GJ. Heck, most newspapers don't even report such local events in GJ. I have never heard of GJ BJP talking openly on any such subjects or even discussing killing of their cadre in other states. The least they could be doing is discussing each such BJP death in GJ in open about who this person was and why he was killed. There should be posters outside each municipality about deaths and various events. Oh wait. They never even bothered to change textbooks in GJ. Come back to earth.
Darshan ji, While Namo will continue to rock popularity charts for some time to come, BJP has totally lost plot at state as well as local levels. Leader like Yogi ji and even HBS are exceptions. From what I have observed one of the reasons is the increased centralization of powers within BJP. Today atleast in one respect there is no difference between BJP and Congress. Both require total submission. Only yes men will thrive in this environment. Even vocal leaders like Giriraj Singh, Ananth Hegde and Sadhvi Pragya have been silenced. Today if you have an independent mind and your heart beats for Hindus, there is no future for you in BJP. I just hope Namo knows what he is doing and that he actually has a plan. In lot of parts of this country, the situation of Hindus is very precarious and people don't even know it. For example I read somewhere that muslim percentage for 0-4 age group kids in the financial capital of the country i.e Mumbai is close to 40%. Imagine what will be the scene there just 10-12 years from now.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshhan »

asgkhan wrote:Another professional wailer and certified online rudaali is that bufoon Amit Malviya. BJP workers are getting swatted like flies in WB. All that chew-tiya does is share the pictures and demands justice from that oil faced baboon of a CM.

The sheer impunity and confidence of anti hindu forces dancing with macabre joy is very demoralising day in and day out.
Life of these foolish it cell cowards will pass only in exposing the anti hindu activities of TMC/Shiv Sena/congress/kerala cpm etc. Fool stop exposing and actually do something to defend hindus. You are in power now. When congress or other secular parties come to power they distribute arms licences to muslims. You can actually check the data on this one. When BJP comes to power, Amit Shah makes the arms act even more stringent.

The most sorry part is that BJP cadre can't even protect its own cadres. Forget about avenging. I have been a BJP booth agent/worker myself in 3 elections both for lok sabha as well as state legislative elections. Doubt if I will volunteer again.

I also have sincere doubts if BJP has what it takes to win Bengal. I have lived in West Bengal including rural areas for some time and have some really good friends over there. Mamta didi will just kill so many that any resistance would become worthless and Bengalis would vote her back in instead of supporting BJP losers.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

There's some blame that goes to Hindu voters. Many have fell for false narratives about Modi and GJ riots. Modi didn't lie when he said that he did everything possible to keep muslims safe. Opposition isn't scared of any Hindu messiah's arrival. Even if that means another arrival of Durga and Krishna as they know that there are enough non Hindus to take care of everything overtime. Opposition is after Modi as he is attempting to take India forward. While it may allow Hindus to survive little longer, it is causing changes in other powers' strategies.

Many have stated before that RW people need to start their own real party and showcase real votebank like muslims and christians if they want to come to negotiation table. BJP hasn't claimed to be that and it's also not what has been observed on ground in GJ for last two decades. In GJ, INC still fetches lot of votes and edge is given to Modi. Even with such competition, GJ BJP hasn't introduced pro Hindu stance.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

World over people are most afraid of only one cult and that's non pagan cult.
HBO withdraws tweet where it asked which ‘Indian cult’ people are ‘most afraid of’, referring to Aghoris and Brahma Kumaris: Read their apology
https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/hbo-agh ... tor-sleep/
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

The whole India should have been burning by now but it's not. All it means is that RW people don't have any votebank yet. Hard to ask for accountability without representation at the table.
Lord Ram’s effigy burnt in Amritsar on Dussehra, case registered after BJYM and VHP members held protests
https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/miscrea ... -dussehra/
What would have been the reaction if it was muslim that was shot instead? That's what EC needs to be forced to clarify.
EC orders immediate removal of Munger SP after police brutality on Hindus during Durga Puja visarjan procession left one dead
https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/lipi-si ... ommission/
Last edited by darshan on 29 Oct 2020 22:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by greatde »

darshan wrote:There's some blame that goes to Hindu voters. Many have fell for false narratives about Modi and GJ riots. Modi didn't lie when he said that he did everything possible to keep muslims safe. Opposition isn't scared of any Hindu messiah's arrival. Even if that means another arrival of Durga and Krishna as they know that there are enough non Hindus to take care of everything overtime. Opposition is after Modi as he is attempting to take India forward. While it may allow Hindus to survive little longer, it is causing changes in other powers' strategies.

Many have stated before that RW people need to start their own real party and showcase real votebank like muslims and christians if they want to come to negotiation table. BJP hasn't claimed to be that and it's also not what has been observed on ground in GJ for last two decades. In GJ, INC still fetches lot of votes and edge is given to Modi. Even with such competition, GJ BJP hasn't introduced pro Hindu stance.
Why is it "RW", as it is a western reference and the narrative battle is already lost with such meanings. BJP represents aspirational India, and that should be focus.

And attack is the best defense. Instead of another pro-Hindu party, build ecosystem to target and challenge opposition. Other than BJP party, few have dared to question the opposition, currently with likes of Kangana or Republic TV who have thereby suffered huge repercussions. There is no activists, institutions, B-teams challenging them. In 2017 Punjab, there was a big halla over drugs. So has it been solved now, why are the Congress leaders getting a free pass? Compare it with the other side, despite weak Congress party, there is constant outrage towards BJP. That's the fuel.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

greatde wrote: And attack is the best defense. Instead of another pro-Hindu party, build ecosystem to target and challenge opposition.
That's the whole point. BJP has no such stated goal or ground record. Irrespective of the definition of RW, there's not large enough votebank that BJP would change it's behavior. Slight leaning towards Hindus gets them by. This also keeps them clear of opposition killing them off one by one. That's how they operate and will continue to operate till there's change in the votebank pattern. Opposition is mostly anti Modi and not anti BJP. One can also add Yogi to the list now. It's the executioners with loyalty to India that worries them and not some pro Hindu stance.

I keep bringing up GJ as if what you're thinking is something that BJP was looking to do then it would have started showing up at grassroots level for GJ BJP.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Prem Kumar »

darshan wrote: That just won't happen. Modi won't comment on it
Therein lies the problem. Modiji condemned & rightfully so, the Islamic terror attacks in France. But closer to home, cat gets his tongue when Muslims or the State kills Hindus.

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by asgkhan »

Heights of impotency/mental slavery seeking validation from others. Keep crapping about pedo gandee, quoting some obscure crap from some useless book. I have had it. It sucks to be a BJP supporter. Chances of getting bumped off will be high. Might as well accept the dhimmi status.

The helplessness of these idiots in the BJP makes it worse and to add insult to the injury they parade the photos of the dead to garner sympathy and votes.

The Hindu is condemned to live a second class life always trying to defend his way of life. No dearth of attacks from rice bag converts, ropians, compromised media and commies.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by m_saini »

Bjp as it is right now just seems full of people who are happy riding the Modi wave and never take any initiatives. Only yogiji seems to take some action without waiting for Modiji to come and feed him with a spoon. Congis never wait for Maino to come up with every single scam, they just make sure the dancer gets her fill and imo Bjp needs similar people.

Controversial opinion, but I think what Bjp needs is self-serving/loose cannon but self-starter people like SubSwamy. I realize how Swamy was "hindu-terror" etc in the past but bjp seems to be lapping up every loser that falls out of congi system and I'd have Swamy any day of the week than someone like Javedkar etc.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Lisa »

chetak wrote:
damage done, maps forwarded and retweeted many millions of times.

apology meaningless. the offence is being repeated with impunity

the damage is being done purposely, spitefully and wilfully.

BTW, it appears that the so called "apology" is only verbal and there is nothing in writing so far.

Twitter India’s public policy and communication team — Shagufta Kamran, Ayushi Kapoor, Pallavi Walia and Manvinder Bali all seem Indian.

The stronger message would have been FIR and arrest first, and then bail after "investigation" over some long weekend when bail would have been difficult to get. as usual we are best at pussy footing

You are missing the elephant in the room. Twitter is banned in China. So for whose benefit is this tamasha?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshhan »

m_saini wrote:Bjp as it is right now just seems full of people who are happy riding the Modi wave and never take any initiatives. Only yogiji seems to take some action without waiting for Modiji to come and feed him with a spoon. Congis never wait for Maino to come up with every single scam, they just make sure the dancer gets her fill and imo Bjp needs similar people.

Controversial opinion, but I think what Bjp needs is self-serving/loose cannon but self-starter people like SubSwamy. I realize how Swamy was "hindu-terror" etc in the past but bjp seems to be lapping up every loser that falls out of congi system and I'd have Swamy any day of the week than someone like Javedkar etc.
But it is actually the central leadership including Namo himself who do not want any other leaders to hog the limelight. Firebrand leaders like Giriraj Singh, ananth hegde, sadhvi pragya etc have been gagged up completely. As of now BJP central leadership needs only people who are totally submissive to them. So first you yourself want yes men only and then complain about them for not taking initiatives.

As far as Yogi ji is concerned, even he kowtow's Namo line all the time. However he will always have his separate importance and independence as he is the head of powerful gorakhnath Math.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Why BJP doesn't go after congress ecosystem has always been a mystery for GJ people. There's hardly any fear seen in congress. Is it some sort of CBM? Is there a redline that isn't supposed to be crossed? Are they afraid of opposition that has access to unlimited number of jihadis that aren't afraid of political killings and going to jail or being dead?
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by DharmaB »

It is tiresome to read so much pessimistic views here on recent happenings, and complaining on inaction on the part of leadership and general hindoo public. But I still want to see a ray of hope from all these events however bleak the situation look at this moment. The majority of issues can't just be solved in democratic way. It is too much for any leader to take unlimited bold actions and convince majority to rally behind him. At the very first chance of something slightly going wrong, our very own people will not spare and show any mercy. And that is the biggest advantage the BIF forces have as of now.

I hope they are preparing and waiting for an opportunity at right time, so that there won't be any looking back once it starts, at the same time, should able to rally the majority people behind them and support in the time of real crisis. Until they are confident of that, no leader will jump for a suicidal mission which will end up in resulting more misery than serving any good cause.

It is also positive for India on what is happening in Europe right now. It will change the world opinion in favor of us, and whatever actions they take, we can follow the same without fear of backlash from so called institutions who are very eager to preach us on every thing. I think after the elections are over in khan land, it will be clear, if the conflict is going to be swift and less violent or long and more violent depending on who comes to power.

Here is one recent article, a good read, found on a post by CestMoiz..

https://thedailyguardian.com/radicals-a ... ly-ruined/
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by pankajs »

https://www.financialexpress.com/india- ... t/1604876/
Modi govt plans big revamp of top bureaucracy, to induct 400 experts from private sector
If implemented, the proposal could take away 60 per cent of the 650 posts at the DS/Director level under the Central Staffing Scheme (CSS). These posts are currently available to officers from the three all-India services and 37 participating services such as Railways, Customs, Income Tax etc.

With the Narendra Modi government lending its support to filling vacant positions laterally, think tank Niti Aayog will also hire 54 private sector employees. These 54 of the 516 positions at Niti Aayog are recognised as “flexi-pool posts,” for which the think tank recruits consultants on a need basis. This time around, the hired individuals will be on par with regular civil servants in terms of rank, status, responsibilities and accountability.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by pankajs »

https://twitter.com/AmarUjalaNews/statu ... 8429116416
मेरठ: तेज धमाके के साथ फटा विस्फोटक पदार्थ, कांग्रेस नगर अध्यक्ष की मौत, कई दबे
#UttarPradesh #Meerut @Uppolice @myogioffice

Translated from Hindi by Google

Meerut: Explosive substance exploded with sharp explosion, death of Congress city president, many buried
#UttarPradesh#Meerut@Uppolice @myogioffice
https://twitter.com/DivyaSoti/status/13 ... 3996121093
कांग्रेस नगर अध्यक्ष का शुभ नाम आसिम खान था। मकान माबूत खान का है। बाकी आप समझदार हैं।

Translated from Hindi by Google

Congress city president's was Asim Khan. The house is owned by Mabut Khan. The rest of you understand.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by pankajs »

BJP knows Nitish Kumar popularity sliding & NDA win dependent on PM Modi

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by pankajs »

https://twitter.com/prasannavishy/statu ... 9297913856
Narcotics Case: ED Arrests CPM Secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan’s son Bineesh Kodiyeri For Links To Drug Peddler Mohammed Anoop https://swarajyamag.com/news-brief/narc ... mmed-anoop via @swarajyamag
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by m_saini »

DharmaB wrote:....It will change the world opinion in favor of us, and whatever actions they take, we can follow the same without fear of backlash from so called institutions who are very eager to preach us on every thing.....
It really wouldn't. And we can't follow the same without backlash.

This is not the first time terror attacks happened in EU and their opinion about "hindu nationalists terrorizing muslims" has never changed.

And why even worry about the backlash anyway? No-one is going to let us get our house in order without "backlash". We're neither white, nor chrischian.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »


Former Solicitor General and noted lawyer Harish Salve married Caroline Brossard on Wednesday in an intimate ceremony in London.

Harish Salve represented India before the International Court of Justice in the Kulbhushan Jadhav case in May 2017
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

darshhan wrote:
m_saini wrote:Bjp as it is right now just seems full of people who are happy riding the Modi wave and never take any initiatives. Only yogiji seems to take some action without waiting for Modiji to come and feed him with a spoon. Congis never wait for Maino to come up with every single scam, they just make sure the dancer gets her fill and imo Bjp needs similar people.

Controversial opinion, but I think what Bjp needs is self-serving/loose cannon but self-starter people like SubSwamy. I realize how Swamy was "hindu-terror" etc in the past but bjp seems to be lapping up every loser that falls out of congi system and I'd have Swamy any day of the week than someone like Javedkar etc.
But it is actually the central leadership including Namo himself who do not want any other leaders to hog the limelight. Firebrand leaders like Giriraj Singh, ananth hegde, sadhvi pragya etc have been gagged up completely. As of now BJP central leadership needs only people who are totally submissive to them. So first you yourself want yes men only and then complain about them for not taking initiatives.

As far as Yogi ji is concerned, even he kowtow's Namo line all the time. However he will always have his separate importance and independence as he is the head of powerful gorakhnath Math.
Disagree. Ananth Hegde is a motormouth and a lout, Sadhvi Pragya is not a politician and her ability as a savvy administrator is yet to be seen. Just being a loose canon is not sufficient, there are plenty such light weights with big mouths and bigger egos. NaMo and Amit Shah did not get where they are today with loose mouths, they are the architects of a new patriotic nationalist wave because they are politically savvy, measured in their speech and know which battles to pick. From a long term perspective if BJP is to remain relevant then we need more NaMos and Amit Shahs and less Anant Hegde/Uma Bharati like characters.

As for SuSwamy the less said the better. He is the one eyed king of his twitter kingdom, his latest swipe was at S Jaishankar - Minister of External affairs and Ajit Doval asking them not to dress like waiters while meeting Mike Pompeo in Delhi. If Jayalalitha could see through him within an year then master politicians like Modi/Shah would have long seen how disruptive someone like Swamy will be. Atleast in case of Javdekar/Ravishankar Prasad one can be sure they won't internally sabotage the government.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

PM Modi Condemns Killing Of Three BJP Workers In J&K's Kulgam District
https://swarajyamag.com/insta/pm-modi-c ... m-district
Three Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members, including a district youth wing leader, were shot dead by terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir's Kulgam district on Thursday (29 October) night.

Police said Kulgam police received information about a terror incident at Y K Pora village where terrorists had fired upon three BJP workers and senior police officers reached the spot.

"Preliminary investigation revealed that terrorists fired upon three BJP workers -- identified as district youth General Secretary Fida Hussain Yatoo, Umer Rashid Beigh and Umer Ramzan Hajam -- at Eidgah Y.K. Pora, injuring them. They were shifted to a nearby hospital where they were declared dead," a police officer said.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshhan »

Last edited by darshhan on 30 Oct 2020 11:01, edited 3 times in total.