Terroristan - April 15, 2021

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by g.sarkar »

When Nazi concentration camps were liberated, the allies were faced with thousands of starving inmates. Food was introduced to them slowly, as over eating caused sickness followed by death. Similar conditions exist in Pakistan. The Pak population can not afford meat, sugar, cooking oil, vegetables, rice etc. Their bodies are not used to these foods anymore. Over eating during Eid festival can be fatal.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by vinod »

RKumar wrote:Napak maybe spent 5 crores on Drones and to counter that India will need hundreds of 25 Crores costing anti-drone devices. It is called invoking a disproportionate response. Now, the question to Gurus, what can India do to pay back in kind? Napak is finding new ways and getting away with such nuance for too long.
It's simple. Once we have anti-drone tech deployed enough, launch a full scale drone war against them and hone the skills.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

In PoK, during the current stage-managed elections, here are a few protests for freedom against paki forces that you will never read about in paki press.


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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rajsunder »

vinod wrote:
RKumar wrote:Napak maybe spent 5 crores on Drones and to counter that India will need hundreds of 25 Crores costing anti-drone devices. It is called invoking a disproportionate response. Now, the question to Gurus, what can India do to pay back in kind? Napak is finding new ways and getting away with such nuance for too long.
It's simple. Once we have anti-drone tech deployed enough, launch a full scale drone war against them and hone the skills.
why is Indian army sparing those paki army border posts from where these drones are commandeered? It should be a simple calculation, for each paki drone that crosses the border, Indian Army will take out two paki army posts.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manish_P »

A bit confused

In the 'What makes Pakistan tick' thread, Ramana ji points that the rise of Taliban is for a Pashtun resurgence. But here the assertion is that taliban is anti-pashtun project.

So how do the two statements reconcile?

One way is that is the Taliban not a single block, but more like a kabila of various factions?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Aditya_V »

Manish_P wrote:
A bit confused

In the 'What makes Pakistan tick' thread, Ramana ji points that the rise of Taliban is for a Pashtun resurgence. But here the assertion is that taliban is anti-pashtun project.

So how do the two statements reconcile?

One way is that is the Taliban not a single block, but more like a kabila of various factions?
Taliban were never an Afgan-Pashtun project, they were a Pakjab project to keep the area underdeveloped. Weapons and Ammo are all centrally procured and distributed through the ISI-PA. They will allow these Talibani rules to be implemented in Isloo Rawalpindi and Lawhore.

For the Arabs- West, it means that Afghanistan and CAR energy resources remain landlocked and unavailable to India . For Pakjabis they get to be the undisputed Landlords as they wreaked all other societies around. They get rewarded.

Thats why all the Infra goes to Isloo and Lawhore.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by chetak »

Aditya_V wrote:
Manish_P wrote:
A bit confused

In the 'What makes Pakistan tick' thread, Ramana ji points that the rise of Taliban is for a Pashtun resurgence. But here the assertion is that taliban is anti-pashtun project.

So how do the two statements reconcile?

One way is that is the Taliban not a single block, but more like a kabila of various factions?
Taliban were never an Afgan-Pashtun project, they were a Pakjab project to keep the area underdeveloped. Weapons and Ammo are all centrally procured and distributed through the ISI-PA. They will allow these Talibani rules to be implemented in Isloo Rawalpindi and Lawhore.

For the Arabs- West, it means that Afghanistan and CAR energy resources remain landlocked and unavailable to India . For Pakjabis they get to be the undisputed Landlords as they wreaked all other societies around. They get rewarded.

Thats why all the Infra goes to Isloo and Lawhore.
The taliban remain a paki project that has spun out of ISI control and morphed into the pure evil that it is today. They have plans to take over this moth eaten state of djinnah because they will have a defined country of their own, a caliphate

When many thoughtful & patriotic paki people warned against the state backing the afghan taliban lest it empowered pak taliban they were dubbed as ‘enemy agents’ in the 5-G war.

Now the taliban chickens are coming home to roost. They will turn against the cheeni too when the time is right.

paki development projects as with paki infrastructure has always been pakjabi heavy because the paki army has, since independence, been controlled by the pakjabis which means that their babooze are also mostly from the same community.

from a supporting and subservient role envisaged for them by the paki planners, the taliban have grown to challenge their own masters.

The jehadis who attacked cashmere in 1947 were Pashtoon tribesmen but egged on, controlled, and financed by pakjabis. and that narrative has not changed even today.

India should forget this nonsense of "civilizational" ties and realize that there have never ever been good relations between India and the afghans. This is a country that invaded us and for these muslims "invasion" conjures up all manner of superiority complexes that can be seen even today. Just look at eyran and the insufferable ayatollahs.

we will also face a similar situation with some of the CARs, if and when that happens.

for a very brief period, for a decade+ or so, it suited India to help out the afghans. That time is over. Throw them back to the wolves and write off the "investment".

If we persist, it will not end well for us.

Russia has great residual influence in the CARs. As we grow, russia cannot keep pace with our requirements because they still operate in the cold war mentality of "blocs" and India has out grown the russian and will soon have to take a neutral or independent stand in the Indo pacific.

we have diversified our oil sources using second sourcing across the world just like we are trying doing with our weapon systems. CAR oil sources would be a bonus, no doubt. But the price may be way too high for us to bear both strategically and politically.

both the russkis as well as the amerikis want to lock us down to their "blocs" and it is the east India company mentality all over again. Unfortunately, the russki bloc is actually the cheeni bloc

there are already political parties in India that have subscribed to this concept and are working to full fill it.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Aditya_V »

I dont see the Taliban Chickens coming to Roost, they have soo far been delivering for Pakistan whatever they wanted too.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manish_P »

Are the Talibs (Paki) overwhelmingly pashtun? Or do they have significant (pak)Punjabi numbers in this day and age (as in has their composition changed over the past 3 decades)?

The afghan and Pak pashtuns may be ideologically on the same page even if they are on different sides of the durand line, but do they have cross border ambitions (of a independent Pashtunistan).
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

PoK elections - as expected I'm the Dimmy's party won by a landslide. 56% voter turnout. Expect a lot of finger-pointing.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by saip »

Best rigging ever. They had a selected PM and now they will have a selected CM (or is it another PM?)
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by g.sarkar »

Oh what a surprise!
https://news.yahoo.com/pakistan-pm-khan ... p_catchall
Pakistan PM Khan's ruling party wins Kashmir regional election
Abu Arqam Naqash and Asif Shahzad, Mon, July 26, 2021

MUZAFFARABAD, Pakistan (Reuters) - The ruling party of Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has won a majority of seats in Pakistan-administered Kashmir's regional assembly, the head of the election commission announced on Monday.
Analysts say polarisation in Pakistan's politics pushed the main national parties to focus on the polls in the semi-autonomous region, tightening races in an election that is often overlooked and traditionally won by the national ruling party.
Khan, who came to power in a 2018 election, has faced growing criticism over his management of Pakistan's economy and his ability to deliver on campaign promises, including pledges to create millions of new jobs and root out corruption.
His Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) won 25 seats in the 45-seat assembly in Sunday's poll, Chief Election Commissioner Abdul Rashid Sulehria told a news conference.
The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) of former premier late Benazir Bhutto secured 11 seats, while the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, which had previously held a majority in the body, took just six seats.
Kashmir's outgoing Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider, of the PML-N, contested two seats, losing one and winning the other by only 300 votes.
AJK’s ugly elections
Editorial, Published July 27, 2021

AS widely expected, the PTI has won a comfortable majority of seats in the Azad Kashmir elections brushing aside the challenge from both the PPP and PML-N. Prime Minister Imran Khan will now nominate a prime minister for AJK from among two hopefuls whose names have been doing the rounds in party circles.
By winning the election, the PTI has upheld the tradition of the ruling party in Islamabad forming the government in Muzaffarabad. It has enough reason to be satisfied with its performance and Prime Minister Imran Khan is justified in giving his team a pat on the back. Yet, there are problems.
As election campaigns go, this was one of the ugliest in recent times. The tone and tenor of speeches, the intensity of partisan attacks and the level of personal mudslinging was, to say the least, abominable. All party leaders focused on insulting their rivals instead of talking about issues concerning the AJK electorate. These leaders brought their animosity and mutual loathing into the AJK arena and polluted the air with their toxic brand of politics.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Caption Time.

Non-state basic training for Ghadhwa-e-Hind.

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Manish_P »

First Ghoda, now jahaaz. Sheikh Chilli is training hard to be a SEAL for ghazwa-e-hind

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Rohit_K »

Manish_P wrote:First Ghoda, now jahaaz. Sheikh Chilli is training hard to be a SEAL for ghazwa-e-hind

This farmhouse used (still?) to be a training camp for pakjabis being sent to Kashmir

Article from 2005: https://fp.brecorder.com/2005/06/20050617282425/

Satellite imagery: https://www.google.com/maps/@33.576002, ... a=!3m1!1e3
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Manish_P wrote:First Ghoda, now jahaaz. Sheikh Chilli is training hard to be a SEAL for ghazwa-e-hind
The new age M. ibn Qasim. Training to attack kufrs by land (viz. ghadha-borne) and sea (naiyya-borne).
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by g.sarkar »

Dimran Khan Niazi being interviewed by PBS, today.
Actually you may want to see the whole PBS news hour, it has more background info on the Kaptan.
Busra Bibi is spiritually present in the interview in the worry beads that Dimran has in his hand.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rsingh »

Rohit_K wrote:
Manish_P wrote:First Ghoda, now jahaaz. Sheikh Chilli is training hard to be a SEAL for ghazwa-e-hind

This farmhouse used (still?) to be a training camp for pakjabis being sent to Kashmir

Article from 2005: https://fp.brecorder.com/2005/06/20050617282425/

Satellite imagery: https://www.google.com/maps/@33.576002, ... a=!3m1!1e3
Wah ji wah. BR residents beat experienced investigative journalists by miles. Bismilah
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by RajaRudra »

https://images.dawn.com/news/1188094/sh ... d-in-okara

Harami link..

The disturbing news left many angered and concerned about aggressive sexual behaviours fast becoming a social epidemic that needs to be urgent addressed through education and psychological counselling. Sadly, as we all know, such steps are rarely taken in Pakistan because the root of hyper-sexuality is often linked to one thing alone — the victim's choice of clothes at the time of the assault.

Many have sarcastically questioned whether the goat should also be blamed for its lack of clothing, modest or otherwise.

Activist Shaneira Akram shared the grotesque news about the rape and sarcastically advised "viewer discretion" before a picture of a goat she posted on Instagram. "This footage contains nudity, ***** and strong sexual content that apparently may be arousing to some," she wrote.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Ambar »

Two more chinese nationals have been attacked, this time in Karachi. One is said to be in critical condition and the other one has minor injuries. This is beginning to look a lot like the 90s when the ISI was orchestrating attacks on yanks to extract more money to "curtail militancy and radicalism". Ofcourse, the chinese are not americans and there is no ways they'll part ways with a single dollar without extracting 10x collateral from the two timing pakis.

https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-paci ... 021-07-28/
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by ArjunPandit »

I think Sexual violence in paxtan needs a separate thread of its own..it is much more widespread and much more gory. I wish there was a way to track these things in paxtan
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Ayesha's online profile fotoo.

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Foot in the mouth disease is very catching in packistaan. This dimwit is not very articulate.

'US really messed it up': PM Imran
Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the United States "really messed it up in Afghanistan" as he questioned the American motive of Afghan invasion in the first place
"I think the US has really messed it up in Afghanistan," the premier said during an appearance on PBS NewsHour
Haraam ka link: https://www.dawn.com/news/1637401/us-re ... -situation
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Aditya_V »

When China has floods can their Condom be left behind. How Pakis have not yet blamed Indian Army in Siachen causes Global Warming leading to flooding in Islamabad.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Ambar wrote:Two more chinese nationals have been attacked, this time in Karachi. One is said to be in critical condition and the other one has minor injuries.
Apparently, one chini has died. Gaddi Nasheen Koreysh and DG-ISI will be summoned again to Beijing. Perhaps, they should just set up shop there.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Ambar »

The generals are just revisiting the ISI guidebook. Well before Benghazi, Pakis mastered the art of orchestrating protests and attacks on US consulates in the 70s and 80s. In late 90s there were routine attacks on westerners including the killing of 4 US oil executives in Karachi which the US suspected was organized and carried out by the ISI as a revenge for the arrest and execution of Mir Aimal Kansi. They are repeating the same with the Chinese now but the chinese are anything but dumb.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Lisa »


No this is not an ISI playbook. It is a pukistani national playbook,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_U.S. ... _Islamabad

They did this in the open and EVEN then the US handed over aid!

"The U.S. diplomats survived by hiding in a reinforced area. Marine Security Guard Corporal Steven Crowley, 20, Army Warrant Officer Bryan Ellis, 30, and two Pakistani staff members were killed in the attack."

"The Pakistani Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee claimed to have been unavailable because they were accompanying Zia-ul-Haq on a bicycle tour of Rawalpindi. Later, the Pakistan Army surveilled the damage by helicopter, and according to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency decided to let the embassy burn down and not confront the rioters"
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Ambar »

They did it again in the 80s and attacked the US embassy in Islamabad, this was when US was withdrawing monetary and arms support to pakis after the Soviet Union decided to pull out of Afghanistan. They kept up attacks targeting westerners in the 90s, Al-Faran was directly controlled by HuJI and in turn controlled by the ISI, unlike other jihadi tanzeems operating in the valley during that period, Al-Faran was only interested in going after western targets culminating into the 1995 kidnapping and deaths of western tourists including 2 americans.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Vips »

anupmisra wrote:
Ambar wrote:Two more chinese nationals have been attacked, this time in Karachi. One is said to be in critical condition and the other one has minor injuries.
Apparently, one chini has died. Gaddi Nasheen Koreysh and DG-ISI will be summoned again to Beijing. Perhaps, they should just set up shop there.
This time the vaseline bottle that Qureshi will carry will not be enough as he will be expected to service the choicest of the sex crime inmates in China :twisted:
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Vadivel »

Pakistan is willing to sell Gwadar Port in Occupied #Balochistan if the Chinese are willing to settle their (Pakistan's) external debt of over $ 100 Billion

https://twitter.com/Sootradhar/status/1 ... 3624311809
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Vadivel wrote:Pakistan is willing to sell Gwadar Port in Occupied #Balochistan if the Chinese are willing to settle their (Pakistan's) external debt of over $ 100 Billion
$100 Bn? That's it? The Baloch will certainly react to this, if true.

There's a price for everything in pakhanistan. As a famous quote by Robert Horan, a district attorney for Fairfax County, Va. goes:

"Pakistanis regularly sell their mothers for a few thousand dollars.″ Horan was commenting in a television interview on reports the U.S. government paid millions of dollars to capture a Pakistani charged in the 1993 slayings of two CIA officials.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/ ... 683859719/
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by ArjunPandit »

Lisa wrote:Ambarji,

No this is not an ISI playbook. It is a pukistani national playbook,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_U.S. ... _Islamabad

They did this in the open and EVEN then the US handed over aid!

"The U.S. diplomats survived by hiding in a reinforced area. Marine Security Guard Corporal Steven Crowley, 20, Army Warrant Officer Bryan Ellis, 30, and two Pakistani staff members were killed in the attack."

"The Pakistani Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee claimed to have been unavailable because they were accompanying Zia-ul-Haq on a bicycle tour of Rawalpindi. Later, the Pakistan Army surveilled the damage by helicopter, and according to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency decided to let the embassy burn down and not confront the rioters"
didnt know this..but this is another gem...zia-ul-Haq condemned it in a televised address, stating "I understand that the anger and grief over this incident were quite natural, but the way in which they were expressed is not in keeping with the lofty Islamic traditions of discipline and forbearance." :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by ArjunPandit »

One question that i have for quite some time is that how has paxtan managed ot keep the no.s so low and so hidden? why did paxtanis not get affected by covid. Delta variant has reached there and their vaccination rates have been low..they have 8 million vaccinated even if increase it to 12 million given their population density esp in karachi lahore why is that that our situation was bad and theirs is low..not that they manufacture medicine, vaccine, oxygen.
Is there something for us to learn or am i missing out something
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by bharathp »

ArjunPandit wrote:One question that i have for quite some time is that how has paxtan managed ot keep the no.s so low and so hidden? why did paxtanis not get affected by covid. Delta variant has reached there and their vaccination rates have been low..they have 8 million vaccinated even if increase it to 12 million given their population density esp in karachi lahore why is that that our situation was bad and theirs is low..not that they manufacture medicine, vaccine, oxygen.
Is there something for us to learn or am i missing out something
the numbers are low because the tests are low. they do not have massive testing to identify infected populations.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by ArjunPandit »

actually i should have been clear, i am not concerned with the case no.s i am concerned with the deaths..wondering why is our death rate so high..why was our wave so severe...or simply speaking why havent paxis died
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Rudradev »

Ultra haraam youtube video on The Liar's youtube channel. Do not watch on a full stomach, you might barf.

Karan Thapar interviews Paki NSA Moeed Yusuf. Tries to convince Indian audience that "Pakistan needs an opportunity to save face" and calls for "dialogue". Moeed Yusuf says India must istop torrijum in Bakistan.

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Tanaji »

Rudradev wrote:Ultra haraam youtube video on The Liar's youtube channel. Do not watch on a full stomach, you might barf.

Karan Thapar interviews Paki NSA Moeed Yusuf. Tries to convince Indian audience that "Pakistan needs an opportunity to save face" and calls for "dialogue". Moeed Yusuf says India must istop torrijum in Bakistan.


Ugh, I had to switch off after 5 mins. A text book example of a RAPE talking to a DIE…. There is only so much one can take….
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by ArjunPandit »

https://twitter.com/faisalmalix1/status ... 1534913536
oxygen cylinder messages & people reporting loved ones passing away in #Karachi are circulating high on Whatsapp......we need to hold it before gets out of hand......
seems like ISPR is managing twitter and have learnt it from India...but dont they want more money/vaccines???