India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by chetak »

Najunamar wrote:I agree the mere fact someone has family/interests in US or Europe is not going to influence thinking of GOI leaders any more than the growing presence of Indian Americans with money and more recently some power will counterbalance State department's thinkingvwhich is still shaped by cold war legacies. No one is suggesting we use disproportionate response, but only what is deserved for acts of commission and omission by such inimical foreign forces.

we are missing the elephant in the room... They fear the rise of an India which they see with great alarm, and dismay, turning into another aggressive clone of the cheenis, and upsetting their carefully set "rules-based international order"

Thus far the cheenis are just along for the rise because they are not much affected.

It takes a great deal of money and expensive geostrategic power projection to maintain this "rules-based international order" which puts them at the top of the food chain

the cheeni also do not want to upset this applecart for now because if they assume the control of this "rules-based international order", they will have to spend trillions of dollars which they just do not have, in order to sustain, and maintain this ecosystem.

UKR will give you an idea of the kind of money required to be spent to maintain this so called "rules-based international order", which means they rule and the rest maintain the order and obey the diktats spewed out by this crime cartel

Anti India/Anti Hindu protests are running to a well planned strategy which has tangible geopolitical implications and a a fast expanding global footprint and the objective is to undermine India and bring about a regime change, to install a raincoat and mamamia mafia type BIF controlled dispensation to do their bidding.

germany's foreign minister baerbock abuses India publicly, while the german president hugs Modi, ditto for biden, who praises Modi in all forums while the amriki deep state is actively supporting regime change narratives in India and orchestrating anti India/Hindu hatred using the abrahamics and operating through the FFNGOs. Ditto for the UK and the EU, including the cheenis and the jihadis from pukestan to the entirety of the gulf states

currently, the amerikis have blocked the cheenis, globally speaking, while India has blocked the cheenis on the regional front. OBOR has gone for a six and fried the cheeni testimonials on the financial front. Without India in the OBOR, they are looking at a bleak future. Everyone has a bone to pick with a rising India led by Modi, and hence the real desperation of the BIF to bring in a pliable clown to decorate the PM's gaddi...

these guys (the goras, abrahamics and the cheenis) do not want another china in the making, to rise and disrupt the settled "established global order and rules based international order" and they remember how easy it was to control, govern, take advantage of, and squeeze the economic vitals out of India during the colonial and also the foolish priapically focused neverwhuvian era where the BIF led the great Indian "leader" by his nose (or worse)

Caste based laws in the US are not just some random events that have come about by happenstance.

It doesn't matter right now whether they pass the laws or not, but the fact that the overton window is in place, is by itself alarming, but also the harbinger of nastier things to come

Do not see anti Hindu disturbances in the US, UK , AUS and some parts of eu in isolation. The so called "referendums" are being announced in various countries almost on a daily basis. Hindu Temples and embassies of India being attacked are not random episodes and the countries concerned have been both obdurate, and lackadaisical, in handling such targeted violence, and yet they are still ager to continue "FTA" talks with India

It takes a very special kind of idiocy to be Hindu, blissfully unaware/unconcerned about the dangers that loom in the short time and matters may well come to a head in 2024.

Remember the utter surprise one half breed nut job experienced when the results of the 2019 hustings was announced

he is playing the very same game again and his BIF backers have also upped their game and changed their narrative
Last edited by chetak on 22 May 2023 10:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Manish_P »

In short, they want a pliable India to replace an uppity China (as their factory & supply chain) but with a CEO & management appointed by them and fully under their control.

A East India Company version 2.0 if you will..
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by chetak »

Manish_P wrote:In short, they want a pliable India to replace an uppity China (as their factory & supply chain) but with a CEO & management appointed by them and fully under their control.

A East India Company version 2.0 if you will..
Manish ji,

They want a fully controllable, and fawning India, which includes puppeteer administration of India's Armed forces and her nuke strike capabilities, to do their every bidding and also be a tight part of their servile, sycophantic, and bootlicking "military alliance" like the britshits and the EU, who followed them blindly and unquestioningly into eyeraaq and afghanistan etc

they see a possible war coming with the cheenis and they want to set up the table so that they are able to fight the cheenis to the last SDRE Indian.

As a part of this strategy, they want India to break with russia, eschew france, and only buy amriki weaponry at very great cost, weapons that integrate completely with their integrated battle command systems fitted on their ships, aircrafts, and UAVs, and of little real or actual utility to us

In this projected war, the amerikis and the AUS are very very keen to see India at the FEBA, be it at sea or on land, as far as the cheenis are concerned

The goras don't want to see what every Indian can so plainly see, that India has no dog in their fight

We need to keep the powder dry for our own war which is just as likely to happen
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Manish_P »

chetak wrote:..

They want a fully controllable, and fawning India, which includes puppeteer administration of India's Armed forces and her nuke strike capabilities, to do their every bidding and also be a tight part of their servile, sycophantic, and bootlicking "military alliance" like the britshits and the EU, who followed them blindly and unquestioningly into eyeraaq and afghanistan etc

they see a possible war coming with the cheenis and they want to set up the table so that they are able to fight the cheenis to the last SDRE Indian.
Not very different from our post-independence formative years, when the prime target was the erstwhile SU
Only this time we have got the N-weapon and a more assertive populace
Hence the shift to sociological warfare to weaken the defenses and establish a beachhead.
chetak wrote: We need to keep the powder dry for our own war which is just as likely to happen
Again not too different from the 60s and 70s. The teams are the same, the playground is the same, the spectators are also the same.
The game has not changed much though the rules might have changed a bit.
But they are pretty well defined - including the one about free hit should a N-ball be bowled..
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by disha »

^ One has to understand the American (pre-dominantly white) psyche to understand why some things are happening the way it is. Will post later in Understanding US thread.

Our earlier interaction with the west was them as colonial superpower and we the colonized dhimmis and pliant slaves. That equation is changing and that is what is causing the issues. Understanding the american psyche will help immensely. Part of it is to undertake foray into the deep americana and win the heart and mind the indic way.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Pratyush »

WRT, the above discussion. I find it quite amusing to learn that India is assertive this time round against external intervention in Indian affairs.

The only time in my memory when India was not as assertive as today was the time period between 2004 to 2014.

Even then we were not totally submissive.

What has changed in India post 91 is the desire to have better relationship with the USA at the political level cutting accross the party lines.

The jokers in the pack going forward are RaGa and RRR.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Cyrano »

Chetak ji, right always !

Quoting from the Tellis interview on the previous page:
We gave India the privilege of maintaining its nuclear weapons program and doing whatever it wanted with this nuclear weapons program while still offering it full opportunities for nuclear cooperation, as well as cooperation in other areas of advanced high technology.
This is quite telling, revealing in fact.

The west, led by the US, realise that they dont have much purchase on India or on most of its 1.4 billion people. Have you noted how Blinken ityadi never miss an opportunity to blabber about "shared values" but we from the Indian side mostly dont? Indian world view is different, and it leads to many values that are different too, while some are obviously universal and therefore that level of matching doesnt really count.

By often repeating catch phrases about "shared values" the American rhetoric tries to pass off what they define as values as that of India. And then, want to make us believe because we have (unbeknownst to ourselves it would seem :mrgreen: ) lived up to those values, we are being rewarded by accepting us into their highly select clubs. The next step is to make us feel all our growth and economic progress is thanks to that acceptance and if it were to be taken away we would be back to where the British left us.

Classic trick of chaining an elephant with a thin coir rope tied to a staff in the ground, which works only as long as the elephant believes it cant break free. Thats the unbelievable power of spin/rhetoric/narrative.

The attempts to malign India in various ways - freedom indices, WHO reports, carbon footprint studies, population bomb scares etc etc are first and foremost designed to make us Indians believe that we are flawed, unworthy on our own and need the enlightenment and crutches offered by the west to survive in this big bad world. The crutches are offered in several disguises, like 123 or QUAD or promise of a UNSC seat, or ICETS technology handouts etc depending on the flavour of the day.

So in the Tellis quote above, I see arrogance but also the invisible chain that wants to keep the elephant from marching ahead on its own path. Mental colonisation 2.0 if you wish. Today's India is resurgent and confident to engage and play the game to its own advantage in pursuit of its self determined goals.

Why is India so important for the west to go through all these contortions? Simply because they are societies that consume a lot more than they produce. Notwithstanding their achievements in medicine, sciences and technology and the undoubtably beneficial effect it has on the entire world - lets be clear there was no charity but still the benefit must be acknowledged in fairness, their societies have and will continue to extract more from the rest of the world in terms of resources, effort, human capital, stability and peace than what they offer.

China has been a willing big contributor for sustaining the west's appetite for a few decades now, but they are no longer as pliable. The next biggest productive society in the world that can sustain the west's appetite is - once again - India. We know what 2 centuries of sustaining the west did to us. We wont let that happen again so easily.

This is what American policy makers dont understand or rather pretend not to understand. And thats what prevents then from dealing with India fairly, honestly. But it doesnt matter. We will make the century ahead ours, and thanks to India's civilisational influence, it will secure greater peace and prosperity for more peoples than what the west dominated recent centuries have ever managed to do.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Pratyush »


Indian tragectory since 47 has been quite clear. India has never submitted to any one.

Not even when we were dependent on food aid from the US in the 60s. We developed the ability to feed ourselves.

During the most vulnerable period in 90s. When the US was jumping up and down for Kashmir. We did not flinch.

When the US turned a blind eye to PRC proliferation of nuclear weapons. India did not submit.

So why is it the USA doesnt get that India cannot be dominated?
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Cyrano »

The west won't give up trying, just like the British did not give up in the 1800s and persisted until they could drive wedges into Indian society and play one against the other. The colonisers did this as routine practice wherever they went. Centuries of conditioning or culture if you will. That's how they are.

In earlier decades India didn't have the political and economic heft it has now, and wasn't a critical piece in the developing global rebalancing. The US had Pakistan to use against Russia, and China wasn't big either until the end of the cold war. Since then the pieces on the board have moved, India has grown and once again has become a very relevant player, especially since the Chinese sauce has turned sour and unipolar dominance is being threatened. So we are seeing these attempts to pull India firmly into their side, one way or the other, they will continue and even intensify.

An independent India will ask some questions, others will rally behind it, increase noise in the garden. Having a docile India will allow west to pursue a collision course with China without hindrance. If they can make another Ukraine out of India to go after China, what can be better than that ?
KL Dubey
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by KL Dubey »

titash wrote:It is simply a recognition of the facts that the US establishment has certain things in motion, not all of which are conducive to India and by extension India's Hindu majority population
It is already recognized.
Not sure what you are offering as a reality check.....But your statement that "I'm not sure what is the agenda of the posters seeking to continually spread negative information without balanced discussion" is quite inappropriate

Reality check is that we are going around in circles torturing the same facts and themes in an unproductive way. Act, not discuss.

When you say "not sure what you are offering", that is fine...but when I say "I'm not sure of the agenda of the posters..." that's inappropriate? :mrgreen: Look in the mirror, and don't waste time.
surely as a country of 1.4 Billion people you can find a couple of Mass Comm. graduates to write Op. Eds., give interviews, and point out instances of hypocritical behavior in real-time. And that is irrespective of what you do with your industrial capabilities and/or institutions.
That's exactly the point. There are tons of people doing that, i.e. taking effective action. However, I find here only the same tired old "US and its allies at their core are inimical towards India"...just different variations of the same facts.
People will do what's in their best interests and what they feel passionately about. If economic wellbeing and lifestyle is a priority then by all means you should leave India and go abroad. If your family, religion, culture, and loyalty to your place of birth mean anything to you then you should stay in India and contribute towards industrial and/or institutional capability development. Both are very legitimate approaches.
This needlessly sets up a "divide" of people with two ways of thinking. Exactly the same divisive attitude that you are attributing to India's foreign adversaries. I think almost all Indians (there can never be a 100% on this) find importance in family, religion, culture, and loyalty to your place of birth. However, circumstances also matter. The idea that "emigrating means prioritizing economic wellbeing and lifestyle" indeed is a poor argument.
Of course there is, but it's quite unclear which of these you're contributing to :mrgreen:
That's your problem.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by chetak »

Pratyush wrote:WRT, the above discussion. I find it quite amusing to learn that India is assertive this time round against external intervention in Indian affairs.

The only time in my memory when India was not as assertive as today was the time period between 2004 to 2014.

Even then we were not totally submissive.

What has changed in India post 91 is the desire to have better relationship with the USA at the political level cutting accross the party lines.

The jokers in the pack going forward are RaGa and RRR.

There was no Indian "market" with a huge middle class, tech ecosystem with dominance in the IT sector, and the massive services sector, including a multi trillion dollar Indian economy to contend with earlier. These few factors are the major game changers and no one can ignore India now, not even the cheenis who are really desperate to corner the Indian markets

The perception of the goras has changed, from a joke in the neverwhovian era, to tolerance and acceptance in the raincoat era, to surprise, wariness, and a slowly rising fear in the Modi era.

The cheenis and the goras are very wary of India's growing MIL might, it's demonstrated excellence in the space based domain and its spinoff into the MIRVed very long range weapon delivery systems that stand on the unbeatable deployment concept of the triad.

The cheenis will not go up against Modi, and nor will the goras.

Hence regime change by money power is the BIFs preferred option like it was done in KAR but the US is not trusted in India, neither among the mango people nor among most of the political honchos

Submissiveness went out the window in 2014 itself.

rowdy raghu already looks like he has the kiss of failed coalition caused political death that has been bestowed upon him, and raga has the stench of the political graveyard emanating from him as he will not be allowed to head any opposition front going up against Modi. There are many more who are equally ambitious, and who also think that they are more capable than mamamiamafia sonny boy to lead the country up the BIF garden path.

One fully expects major social media players to be banned for the short term during the run up to the 2024 drama, but the Govt may stop just short of doing that. They need to watch all the mischief mongers like a hawk, and take them out using legal means

Let's see how things play out
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by JE Menon »

>>The key challenge is to maintain a clean and accountable administration/government that is not compromised to foreign interests. The way forward is to keep strengthening our institutions. Everything else flows from that.

Absolutely key observation from KL Dubey.

And a superb post from YI Patel.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by gakakkad » ... elon-musk/

Israeli diaspora minister supports Musk against Soros . Long overdue. He declares attacks against sore-ass are not anti-Semitic . I think they should get some head rabbi declare Soros as a "non-jew ". That will prevent him from using the anti-Semitic defense again.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by saip »

Yesterday night at 10 a nineteen year old driving a U-Haul crashed into White House gates. Was he trying to kill Biden (that is one of the charges he is facing)?. Unfortunately, his name is Sai.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Cyrano »

That seems like a very far fetched way to interpret the event.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by gakakkad »

This is how I'd phraseThe white house incident -

Lone wolf , mentally ill 19 yo American of south Asian descent drove a truck x the white house ,carrying the Nazi flag. Perhaps he was under the influence of white supremacists or xtian fanatics .
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by RoyG »

gakakkad wrote:This is how I'd phraseThe white house incident -

Lone wolf , mentally ill 19 yo American of south Asian descent drove a truck x the white house ,carrying the Nazi flag. Perhaps he was under the influence of white supremacists or xtian fanatics .
Where did white supremacists or xtian fanatics come from?
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by gakakkad »

^ Nazi flag was found with the kid. That does stand for white/Xtian supremacy .
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by NRao »

A companion video for the article:

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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by chetak »

saip wrote:Yesterday night at 10 a nineteen year old driving a U-Haul crashed into White House gates. Was he trying to kill Biden (that is one of the charges he is facing)?. Unfortunately, his name is Sai.
Who is sai varshith kandula.....

does anybody know what possessed him to such a thing

Indian origin yes, but he doesn't seem to be an Indian citizen

By any chance, did he lose a spelling bee and then decided to kill everyone as revenge......


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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by dsreedhar »

The WH attacker (Sai) could be a plot to project a hindutva nazi poster boy. Leftists and Islamists have been doing that propaganda for sometime. They could have trapped / setup this guy. Need to be thoroughly investigated. Maybe some Indian organizations should also get involved in the investigation for truth to emerge.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by sanman »

He is being called a "Nazi admirer", "Neo-Nazi", etc ... ill-b.html ... red-hitler ... 5daql.html ... ize-power/

Deep State wants to crack down on white guys, so this Kandula nutjob's attack will now provide the excuse

Plus maybe they want an excuse to throw Dinesh D'Souza back in jail again
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by sanman »

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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by sanman »

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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by sanman »

Why did he rent a U-Haul to ram into the Whitehouse street barricade with? Why didn't he just come in a regular rental car?

Is it possible that he wanted to look like he was driving an explosives-laden truck? (even though it was actually empty)

Was he perhaps deliberately trying to get police to gun him down, so that he could go out in a blaze of glory? (aka. "suicide by cop") :?:
KL Dubey
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by KL Dubey » ... la-jailed/
He was originally charged with threatening to kill, kidnap or inflict harm on a president, vice president or family member, as well as assault with a dangerous weapon, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, trespassing and destruction of federal property, US Park Police said.

His federal charges have since been downgraded to a single count of depredation of property of the United States in excess of $1,000.
This kid seems to need mental health care, and hopefully will be deported instead of being thrown in the US prison system.

A rather comical incident in my opinion...a brown guy claiming to be a Nazi attacking a white man's residence. :mrgreen: He didn't even make it on to the white house grounds...a toddler managed to do that on Apr 18:
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Amber G. »

Sure it is going to give heart burn to many (not only to Rana Ayuub/NYT types but many here is brf. but sharing..
Meanwhile: "bin bulaya Mehman" and "Kitne Garcetti Ayae "Kitne Garcetti Gaye"
Great to welcome Ambassador Eric Garcetti of the United States... "Evil" Garcetti interacting with "evil" GoI EAM.

Discussed the enormous progress in our relationship, especially over the last decade. Exchanged views on the recent Quad Summit.
Confident that India-US ties will continue to grow from strength to strength.

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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by ricky_v »

i do not get the point of the above post, though i have narrowed it down to the following options:

a) the ambassador of one country met the foreign minister of the host country, shocking!! stop the presses

b) the most platitudinous of platitudes has been mouthed in a diplomatic photo-op session, declare the day as a national holiday, lower the flag to half-mast, distribute sweets and candies

eric garcetti is a replaceable bobble-head, it might as well have been ShaaanuQuea Gonzales instead of him in that meeting, everybody knows it is the deep state that is the real master and the one to take authoritative action, no ambassador has the authority to initiate things on his own, when Taranjit Singh Sandhu initiates some dialogue with the us government, is he acting on his own behalf or on the guidelines of the goi? (inb4, oh but you see, in the vaunted jungle of us politics, our people "lobby" for such postings)

also, this pr of the us ambassador is also weird, both positive and negative, instead of focusing on the message, we focus on the messenger and chastise him, if his interaction yields good for the country or is at the least a non-negative, then the outreach is to be calibrated, in this particular case, this is regular chai-biskoot #3456, very little use as anything other than the fact that tea and biscuits were consumed on that particular day, if it is negative, then that is another data point for our own response, unless eric garcetti himself posts here, nobody cares how much ml of tea or pieces of parle-g he has consumed in every chai-biskoot plenary, nobody else diligently posts about the various activities undertaken by the german or japanese chief diplomats in the country, why the special focus?
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Cyrano »

When Garcetti attracts limelight to himself he is also under watch ! Why keep a watch on him? Because as a foot soldier of a powerful nation's foreign affairs department specialising in regime changes, he has the means and potential to do some good or lot of harm.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by ricky_v »

in his current avatar as the ambassador to india, garcetti is nobody, just another replaceable cog of the deep state machinery, whatever words come out whenever he flaps his gums, there is a puppeteer hand inside him coaxing him to say so... with the wonders of technology, he does not need his feet to be literally on the ground, he can simply live stream on twitch (the current record is 3 million live viewers for an event, might be enough for garcetti's needs), and his supporters can donate 5 or 10 dollars or so, or have a zoom or teams session, iow, if he wants we will never have any way to know about his intentions, chai-pe-charcha on photo-op generic meetings serves no purpose, unless there is a tangible outcome involved
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by sanman »

NATO+ ??
Sounds like wishful thinking. I don't think NATO+ can work.

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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by NRao »

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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Pratyush »

sanman wrote:NATO+ ??
Sounds like wishful thinking. I don't think NATO+ can work.

We have to understand exactly what they mean by NATO+. Because of it means that in any future operation Indian forces will be operating under US command. Then I don't think that India will ever agree to such an agreement.

If it only means that the technological crown jewels of western technology will be shared with India for our specific military requirements. Or that such technology will be developed with us as a joint venture. With equal ownership of IP. Then I think it can work.

Bet we have to have the exact details for what is on offer.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Yagnasri »

Pratyush wrote:
We have to understand exactly what they mean by NATO+. Because of it means that in any future operation Indian forces will be operating under US command. Then I don't think that India will ever agree to such an agreement.
We will never agree with that. Plus on the sale of weapons, we do not want the present state of affairs forever. We want to make our own weapons here in Bharat.

No one is ready to enter any such deal with the US. So why do we want to do it? No one respects the setting sun.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by Cyrano »

NATO has been harping about Indo-Pacific. Apart from the US, France, Canada and UK, afaik, no other NATO countries have any territories in the Indo-Pacific. Only the US has real power projection capability in the region, France and UK to a very limited extent, and all others have none. Given the Ukraine fiasco, I'd think there are deep fissures in NATO despite a brave united front presented in the media.

Reach outs to India to be part of NATO+ is to prop up NATO and give it a new playground, at no cost to current NATO members who are all struggling with economic downturns and have neither the money nor the military means to do anything useful. India is expected to lift the burden while showing gratitude for entering this select club.

The first casualty will be India's independent foreign policy. The collective west will at last get some purchase on India and make us malleable. Indian forces under NATO (joint) command will come next, thus taking away all agency to pursue any military action on its own. It will also make India a comparatively easy and accessible target for Chinese reaction which is not the case with any NATO country. To support India, there must be "interoperability" between Indian and NATO forces, so our military procurement will also become NATO ie US dependent.

The ostentatious state visit of NaMo to US might see a lot of cajoling on this, with all kinds of carrots being dangled. NATO and US state dept leaders must be fans of the same powders used by Zelinsky if they are dreaming India will become the next Ukraine for them in Asia. Aint happening, ever.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by NRao »

NATO+ is a reach out to Israel, India, Australia, South Korea, and Japan!!!!

However, IMHO, this is DoA. With de-dollarization pretty much a done deal I doubt even NATO itself will exist.
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by gakakkad »

How much % of GDP must we commit to NATO+ ? Will India be required to take part in every invasion us plans ? Remember Indian army will be as big as rest of the NATO combined and will have the second largest/powerful air/spaceforce and navy in NATO + if it joins . So the benefits appear pretty one sided to NATO with only thing India getting is a half assed assurance that maybe in a war with China they ll also send a few people .
JE Menon
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by JE Menon »

Why the US Wants "Regime Degradation" in India, not Regime Change. ... e-in-india
BRF Oldie
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions IV

Post by srin »

gakakkad wrote:How much % of GDP must we commit to NATO+ ? Will India be required to take part in every invasion us plans ? Remember Indian army will be as big as rest of the NATO combined and will have the second largest/powerful air/spaceforce and navy in NATO + if it joins . So the benefits appear pretty one sided to NATO with only thing India getting is a half assed assurance that maybe in a war with China they ll also send a few people .
NATO+, if and it is a big IF, it ever happens, will be another form of Major Non-NATO ally. There is no way US will insist on Article 5 equivalent with NATO+. Not because India is going to refuse to take part in every US invasion but because US doesn't want to shed American blood for India's sake (in the event of war with Bakis or chinese).

So, I don't think there will be a %GDP or a collective defense clause.
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