India-US Strategic News and Discussion

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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by akashganga »

CRamS wrote:Even by Pankaj Misra's filthy standards, this must truly take the cake; and I wonder why NYT gives this pervert space every now & then?
Pankaj Mishra's article in NY times is one of the most disgusting articles I have come across. This is similar to right wing christian sites about India/Hinduism. NY Times does not even have comments option for this post. He probably hopes to join US Tea Party lunatic group and get a ticket in election.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by darshhan »

^^he might be a closet evangelical.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by CRamS »

Even one of looks at India most realistically as I do, I mean beyond the hype, Pankaj Misra's biles if hateful and vengful. it was not a journalist's POV, it was written anti-India, anti-Hindu fascist mindset. Even TSP ISI couldn't have scriped that bile. Which begs the question, what was NYT's motive? Of course, they will give the usual crap about "free press"; yeah right.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by darshhan »

In fact I just read the article once more.Reading it again made me realise that this essay is not even subtle and Pankaj mishra doesn't even try for any kind of subtlety.It is actually an extremely crude piece written by someone who is consumed by hatred of his own motherland.

Usually such psyops especially if initiated by a hostile intelligence agency(for eg ISI) or a media conglomerate , are very sophisticated.They atleast try to showcase some positive points before highlighting a critical negative point.

It is very probable that Mr. Pankaj Mishra might be on payroll for some hostile foreign agency but this hatchet job that he has done is a reflection on his own demented mind.Even Arundhati roy would be ashamed of this article.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by A_Gupta »

What has changed since "Mother India" (1927)? India has progressed a lot. And Katherine Mayo's job has been outsourced to Pankaj Misra.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by darshhan »

I will post a snippet of this article.
More fatefully, the Hindu nationalists exploded nuclear bombs underground and threatened Pakistan with all-out war, creating a legacy of hard-line nationalism — which the Indian military in Kashmir and successive governments in Delhi have embraced.

Certainly, the four million Muslims of Kashmir, who every day suffer the brutalities of what’s arguably the world’s largest military occupation, cannot be blamed for failing to make meaningful distinctions between Hindu nationalists and the current government, led by the more moderate Congress Party. Their fate remains that of a minority kept under perpetual siege by a paranoid nation-state.
Traitor pankaj Mishra in his full glory.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by A_Gupta »

Please write polite, concise letters to, with regard to Pankaj Mishra. Let's see if a BRFer can get published. Since newspapers generally want exclusivity, don't post your letter here till later.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by eklavya »

CRamS wrote:Even by Pankaj Misra's filthy standards, this must truly take the cake; and I wonder why NYT gives this pervert space every now & then?
Read this sentence and it all makes sense:

"Yet Beijing faces no political problems as severe as the many insurgencies in central India and Kashmir, or tragedies as great as the waves of suicides of tens of thousands of overburdened farmers over the last two decades. "

Pankaj Mishra is so consumed with taking potshots at India that he appears to have forgotten about Tibet, Xinjiang, the suicidal electronics factory workers in China, Falun Gong, etc.

I think this sentence gives it away: this guy is a Maoist / Marxist, egging on the revolution. He cannot be a liberal: even the most anti-India liberal would never try to 'cleanse' / 'pavitrify' China in this way.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by CRamS »

A_Gupta wrote:Please write polite, concise letters to, with regard to Pankaj Mishra. Let's see if a BRFer can get published. Since newspapers generally want exclusivity, don't post your letter here till later.
I have tried so many times and given up. At the end of the day, there is no such thing as free press in this country. Its all about money and lobby. Each media outlet caters to a particular POV and thats it. Can you imagine NYT putting out such a vile op-ed by someone pointing out the extreme Arab viepoint about Israel? Or even an op-ed carefully and cogently arguing based on international law that Bush, Cheney, Blaire et .al should be tried for war crimes for their gang rape of Iraq?

Ditto think tanks. I have tried engaging all the "South Asia" big wigs from Uneven Cohen to Harvard honchos. When you ask them specifics, they will either so no time to continue discussion or just ignore.

The best bet for India in my opinion would be for a bunch of nationalist Indians, and NRIs who have a heart for India and with lots of moolah to spare, to start a news network presenting Indian nationalist POV. Somewhat like Fox news but without the hate. Or even like say Al jazeera.

But then again, even if that were to happen and it becomes a successful enterprise, who knows, if US does not like what is being covered, CIA might get into the act :-). I was just hearing a program on NPR, one of those rarerest of rare times when something diabolical that US did decades ago will be admitted through "recently released documents" and very discreetly when 99.999% have forgotten or have no clue; apparently Nixon's aides wanted to get rid of a journalist for exposing among other things, Nixon secretly arming TSP dictators during the 1971 war and overlooking their crimes. The modus operandi: they carefuly studies this guy's route to work every morning and found spots where they could conveniently make this guy get into an "accident" :-).

At the end of the day, a a powerful media needs the backing of a state and without a powerful India such an enterprise by private individuals is doomed. So its a chicken or the egg situation.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Cosmo_R »

CRAMS^^^: "Ditto think tanks. I have tried engaging all the "South Asia" big wigs from Uneven Cohen to Harvard honchos. When you ask them specifics, they will either so no time to continue discussion or just ignore."

Why are you surprised? They get thousands of emails some barely literate and most brimming over with anger, from the 'proletarian experts' about some topic or the other . Pankaj, Arundhati, or the other Non-Indian Residents are not their main fare and they are not going to come over to your side on some issue. They write what they are paid to write.

If you really want to take on Pankaj, you have to ridicule him. For example, write a satirical piece in the Onion or its clones: "India Eliminates Poverty—Pankaj Misra, Arundhati Roy Denounce Social Genocide." Subtitle: "Sidewalk Dwellers Forced To Move Into Condos." Do a viral video With Arundhati/Pankaj stand-ins like:

The point is you are trying to reach the people who feel the way you do and want reassurance that they are not alone. Ninety-five percent of the NYT audience either could not care less about Pankaj, India or any 'refudiation' as Sarah Palin would add.

Writing to the think tank worthies and the NYT whose reporter (Sarah Lyall) called the Hizb ut Tahrir a "non-violent organization" and whose Somini Sengupta, Celia Dugger, Barbara Crossette known India-haters is a waste of time. The only pro-India person was Abe Rosenthal and he died a long time ago.

Blunt force does not work. It's all about asymmetry. That's what propaganda (the product of the propagandu) is all about.

Hope this helps lower the need for Prevacid.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Varoon Shekhar » ... be-complex

From the US's neighbour Canada, an article with a vastly different tone than Pankaj Misra's- upbeat, cheerful, but always mindful of the problems of India. Quite a contrast!
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by sunnyP »

Sanjay Dutt denied visa renewal for his daughter’s big day
Sanjay Dutt is facing a hard time making it to his daughter Trishla’s graduation day to be held in New York at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Sanjay Dutt applied twice for his passport renewal for US but the consulate rejected his plea based on his criminal record that had him convicted for serial blasts in the year 1993 and also possession of arms illegally. ... day-029981


Good - it's about time these Bollywood wallas realise that their actions have consequences.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Singha »

his daughter studying criminal law - to help father in future court cases?
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by A_Gupta » ... rtnership/
Why has the relationship been so narrow in scope?

One reason, I suspect, is that India’s foreign policy is in flux. In some senses, at least, India is a jumble of contradictions: It is a maritime nation—strategically situated at key chokepoints—but with a continental strategic tradition. It was nonaligned but, in essence, aligned itself with the Soviet Union, particularly after 1971. It’s a nation of illustrious mercantile traditions that long closed up many aspects of its economy.

Debate now rages in India about its role in the world—and the proper instruments to support Indian interests. These debates are by no means resolved, yet overt partnership with the United States is still politically explosive to many in India.

But much of what India is saying and doing is unprecedented in its diplomacy: It has backed U.S.-supported resolutions against Iran in the IAEA three times, and enforces UN Security Council resolutions against Tehran. It has stopped a North Korean ship in Indian waters and inspected its cargo. It is the fifth-largest donor of reconstruction assistance to Afghanistan. It participates in nearly every U.S.-supported multinational technology initiative for tackling climate change, including projects on hydrogen, carbon sequestration, and nuclear fusion. It is harmonizing its export controls with current Nuclear Suppliers Group and Missile Technology Control Regime guidelines, and has committed to adhere to these guidelines in future. It provided tsunami relief in 2004 through an ad hoc naval partnership with the United States and two of Washington’s closest military allies. India’s military conducts exercises with every U.S. armed service, and has exercised trilaterally with the United States and Japan, despite Chinese protests.

For a country that cherished its nonalignment, this sort of public association with the United States shatters long-standing reflexes in Indian diplomacy.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by svinayak »

A_Gupta wrote: It participates in nearly every U.S.-supported multinational technology initiative for tackling climate change, including projects on hydrogen, carbon sequestration, and nuclear fusion. It is harmonizing its export controls with current Nuclear Suppliers Group and Missile Technology Control Regime guidelines, and has committed to adhere to these guidelines in future. It provided tsunami relief in 2004 through an ad hoc naval partnership with the United States and two of Washington’s closest military allies. India’s military conducts exercises with every U.S. armed service, and has exercised trilaterally with the United States and Japan, despite Chinese protests.

For a country that cherished its nonalignment, this sort of public association with the United States shatters long-standing reflexes in Indian diplomacy.

Every one of these are for the national interest of India.
It is actually the US and the anglo world which is trying to align with the a large population of India due to its long relationship with the Indian civilization (foundation of the British Empire). For the last 40 years there has been attempt to curtail immigration of Indians to the west. Now They have put massive amount of money into Indian media and channels to change the public perception of the west and the US for the last 20 years. The amount of money poured for Christian evangelism tells a story of how desperately they want want opinion in their favor. Christian evangelism of the American variety is a direct evidence of large scale opinion making of a large population in the world. These speakers are being dishonest in their intentions and plans.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Pulikeshi »

Would it make sense to start a thread to track news and insights prior to Sri Obama's visit to India?
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by ShivaS »

his daughter studying criminal law - to help father in future court cases?
father did practicals while daughter does the theoretical. intent is to pur_sue Criminal activities I guess
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Jarita »

darshhan wrote:
Philip wrote:The "US lobby" inside the PMO is not the danger,as it has already been in the hands of "Quisling Singh" for quite some time!
As he finds time is running out in his last innings,he is doing as much as he can,under orders from his handlers,to tie up as many defence deals as he can and get India completely enmeshed into the US's "strategic netwrok",so that it will become almost impossible for the Crown Prince to untie the nation from the spider's web thast Quisling has led us into.When viewed against the continuing US covert and overt activities at propping up Pak,further aiding it militarily,it is simply astonishing that the GOP and the Quen Bee cannot put a brake upon Quisling's sell out.Perhaps it is because they are so devoid of intelligence in strategic affairs,being more involved in keeping their votebank intact and preparing the way for the crown prince to make an easy entrance post Quisling.However,by then the damage will have been done and the CP will have his work cut out both in winning the next election plus unravelling the sticky web that Quisling has got us into.
Philip ji , What makes you think that crown prince is not a quisling himself or for that matter the queen mother.Who knows they might even be worse?

Anyway they are the ones who are controlling the govt. even today.So they are as complicit as Dr.Singh.

That question begs an answer especially with the mommas frequent undercover visits to the US. Add to that the subtle blackmail that Subramanium Swamy keeps alluding to on Volker.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by pgbhat »

sunnyP wrote:Sanjay Dutt denied visa renewal for his daughter’s big day
Good - it's about time these Bollywood wallas realise that their actions have consequences.
Paah!! look at this headline.

Sanjay to miss out daughter Trishala's birthday‎
Sanjay Dutt is also very disappointed as he could not make to his daughter’s birthday.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Karan Dixit »

United States Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee, told that he appreciated India's concerns over the massive American military largesse for Pakistan, considering the reports that such aid has often been diverted for a potential military confrontation with India. ... misuse.htm
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

Massa might exempt Indian H1Bs from having to pay Social Security tax as they are temporary workers. This can offset the Schumer tax.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Philip »

There appears to be two power centres at work.One the PMO and the second the party faithful,loyalists and key advisers to the first family.At this moment in time,upsetting the applecart by doing anything to unsettle the good snake-oil peddlar would be unwise,especially as the 'con-omy is going rather well with positive bleats from the western press,CWG notwithstanding.But the tugs from Europe will be as strong as those of the US,as the fortunes of MMS wanes as it will during the latter days of his term,this being his last and he wants to cement his footnote in history with western/US approbation,before those of the CP waxes .The "inner circle" appear to be more concerned with planning how to keep their popularity high and winning the next general election as top priority.The party faithful concern themselves more with the latter task,saving their seats,while MMS has his sights firmly fixed across the waves! He desperately seeks becoming the most loyal serf of Uncle Sam,a "turd world" version of Tony BLiar!
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Venkarl »

another brahmin traitor..phew.......any customs & excise officers on BRF may come handy when this phuker visits desh...

Biography of Pankaj Mishra

is he wearing a taliban hat?
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Oct 05, 2010
By Ben Evans
Christine O'Donnell: China had 'carefully thought out' plan to 'take over' U.S.: AFP

The lady seems to be paranoid enough about the Chinese threat to be a useful Indian ally in the Senate. Please support her Campaign to become the Republican Senator from Delaware in the U.S. Senate Elections 2010.

Wikipedia Entry
Campaign Site

According to Rasmussen Reports she has a fairly good chance at beating the Democratic Party contender Chris Coons. Christine O'Donnell has mentioned that her previous failed bids were due to a lack of funds.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Nihat »

Obama's Winter Date With India
Given this recent history, it is sobering that India's foreign policy establishment is responding to President Barack Obama's imminent arrival in a rather lukewarm manner. There are very limited expectations of the visit. Part of the reason is India does not see Obama as a ‘traditional' White House resident, the sort who may have alarmed South Block in another era, one loaded with third world shibboleths, but who this country has come to find increasingly useful in a more pragmatic 21st century.
India's two biggest constituencies in the US in the past decade have been the Pentagon (the Department of Defence) and American business. Between them they have pushed for a closer relationship with New Delhi, often lobbying against State Department veterans who have advocated a more cautious approach to a country that has not traditionally shared American foreign policy goals.

It is worth noting that neither of these constituencies is an Obama natural. He is not a favourite of the US military and is not popular on Wall Street. He is seen as a big-business sceptic, and has focused on increased public spending and taxation rather than incentives to the private sector in an attempt to kick-start the next economic surge. That second route is recognised as inevitable by many, including the Conservative-led government in Britain, and by ginger groups such as the Tea Party movement in America itself.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Hari Seldon »

Would be gleat if our Media had the courage and b_lls to treat the obama visit with the same level of relative indifference shown Cameron. However, count on that not happeniong. The yanquis will activate every media asset they have, pull every string and call every favor to flatter to flutter neta-babu egos in Dilli to get their way.

The only defence against a charm offensive is to declare charm an offence! :evil:
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

The real question is what has DC done for India lately?

Passed the outsourcing tax bill
Supported terrorists in Kashmir(Embassy offcials meeting)
Protected David Headley the chief terrorist enabler in Mumbai attack
Suggested and later retracted to trade-off kashmir for bogus UNSC seat whihc PRC will oppose anyway.

Total Gungadin article.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Venkarl »

When Bush came to was nuke deal...which promised 15 to 20 billion dollars to American firms with some American leverage in political and military spheres of India...for India it was nuclear energy, technology, knowledge and other foreign investments {do we have a monetary value benefited by India from this Nuke deal?}

Now, its Obama...all the military deals of MMRCA, C17 blah blah...would benefit USA by say same 15 to 20 billion dollars...even though we sign "N" number of US senate documents...I don't think an Indian Mind will allow an all out sell off of India to what leverage will Americans try for? and from India's PoV...anything less than a full ToT on military trash compared to juices offered by Bush's Nook Deal{yeah at cost}....

and above all....what was given to India by Bush in 2005 wasn't even considered for Porkies...and this Obama wants to lure us with military equipments to which porkies are also recipients..that too for free....what difference his visit will make to India? is he going to publicly announce that India will have a veto power in UNSC?

Obama was, is and will remain to be a spectacular blunder for US and I fear what wrath he'll bring to India...I hope I am proved wrong in Oct/Nov this year
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Pranav »

US-Paki relations have been heading downhill. TSP was created by western elites for specific objectives, primarily in South Asia, but also in Central Asia.

India should be responsive to any genuine changes in US-Paki equations. At the same time, one has to keep in mind the long-term, global hegemonic goals of western elites.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by arun »

When it comes to Islamic terrorism fomented by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan targeting India , the US is simply unprepared to term it an act of State Sponsored Terrorism even in the face of a Pakistani admission.

The US State Department summarily sweeps the admission of Former Pakistani Military Dictator, Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf of fomenting Islamic Terrorism targeting India in an interview to Der Spiegel, under the carpet :
Philip J. Crowley
Assistant Secretary
Daily Press Briefing
Washington, DC
October 6, 2010

QUESTION: Change of subject. Former Pakistani president, military ruler, Pervez Musharraf in an interview to a German magazine has admitted that Pakistan , a close ally of the U.S. , obviously, trained underground militant groups to fight against India in Kashmir . Would you like to comment on that?


QUESTION: And he also said that he has no regrets for Kargil intrusion which led to an armed conflict in 1999.

MR. CROWLEY: This is an issue between Pakistan and India . It is important. There have been successful discussions between Pakistan and India on this subject in recent years. Some of those discussions – very fruitful discussions – occurred between former governments of India and Pakistan . This is an issue that we hope that the two sides can address and resolve, but this is obviously an important bilateral issue between the two governments.

QUESTION: Just to follow up. And now he’s going to run for office in 2013. So how do you see U.S. working with him?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, it’s a long time between now and 2013. We are engaged deeply with the current civilian government. We’re working hard with this government to address the immediate aftermath of the flooding and the ongoing security challenge that affects Pakistan and the United States .

QUESTION: A follow-up on that?


QUESTION: When a former president who was the president of a country for ten years says that he trained terrorists to fight against other countries, do you consider this a case of state-sponsored terrorism?

MR. CROWLEY: I’m sorry. What?

QUESTION: Do you consider that claim or that statement as a case of state-sponsored terrorism?

MR. CROWLEY: Lalit, that’s a very sweeping kind of question I just can’t address here.

US State Depatment
For those who may have missed the Der Spiegel interview, here it is:

' Pakistan is Always Seen as the Rogue'
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by CRamS »


Lets be a bit careful here & not act like DDM. Terrorist Mush, when he said TSPA trained fighters, he certainly did not mean terrorists. What he said was that since the west was not dealing with "core issue" meaning India was not foreced to not hand over valley on a sliver platter for all the guboing TSP did to the west during Soviet occupation of Afganisthan, TSP supported and trained "freedom fighters". The only "revelation" if you want to call it that is that TSP went beyond "moral and diplomatic" support only. And Mush is on solid ground even on that. With US even admitting that TSP has a right to use LET against India, and US must take on the white man's burden to "fix" India & TSP, what kind of moral outrage can one expect from US to some rather far benign "revelations" from Mush? Mush is wily scum bag. Even his I'bad declaration he signed with Vajpayee that TSP territory won't be used against India, he made a careful distinction between Kashmir and the rest of India. So the fact remains that TSP does not consider LET actions in Kashmir as terrorism, and US concurs. Thats the reason Crowley refused to comment on Mush's "revelations". As for Mumbai, its was done by "rouge elements" and "non state actors", so even here US and TSP are on the same page.

Incidentally, MMMS & Co boldly declared that they would respond to Mush's "revelations". What was their response? DDM should be more focused on that.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by CRamS »

This may not involve India US strategic relations even though the topic centers on an Indian American. I wonder if anybody is following this prank by two Rutgers univ students: an Indian American & a Chinese American; they secretly webcast one of their classmates having gay sex, and this gay student later commited suicide; and the allegation is that the webcast humiliation caused him to do so.

Reason I am bringing this here is because when I hear this covered in the media, I sense a lot of racial overtones (the power of the gay lobby aside). No doubt it was a gross invasion of privacy and the students must be punished, but if you see the moral outrage, which as I said has some racial overtones, it is so lopsided. This Indian American guy is being accused of kinds of things, a bigot; they want him charged with hate crimes and locked up for good. My goodness, all this over a prank that went horribly wrong?

With someone like me having multiple threads of thought in my mind, I felt like calling up NPR yesterday and telling them, you bloody clowns, how about a fraction of this moral outrage at your actions of propping up a terrorist dictatorship in TSP that has the blood of 1000s of Indians on its hands? Of course, this sure will sound incongruous to Americans, but I hope you get the drift, when US wnats to, they will slice and dice any issue to the rock bottom to show their moral self righteousness.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Amber G. »

From Arun's post quoting State Department Briefing of Oct 6 by Phillip J Crowley
US State Depatment

This particular quote:

QUESTION: When a former president who was the president of a country for ten years says that he trained terrorists to fight against other countries, do you consider this a case of state-sponsored terrorism?

MR. CROWLEY: Lalit, that’s a very sweeping kind of question I just can’t address here.
Should be followed up, whenever one gets a chance, with Obama, and SOS Clinton if "Crowley's" statement fairly represents their position. .. Obama will be in India, some reporter must ask this to him on the record. It is really shameful for Crowley and State Dept must hear the feedback.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Carl_T »

The guy should be certainly prosecuted for invasion of privacy but not anything extra just because the other guy commited soosai. Even Perez Hilton spoke out against charging him with hate crimes.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by CRamS »

Amber G. wrote: Should be followed up, whenever one gets a chance, with Obama, and SOS Clinton if "Crowley's" statement fairly represents their position. .. Obama will be in India, some reporter must ask this to him on the record. It is really shameful for Crowley and State Dept must hear the feedback.
Thats easy to spin. Obama will simply say, US is opposed to any form of terrorism, and India US cooperation is at an all time high, TSP is making progress inthe war on terror bla bla.

Its a pathetic state of affairs as far as India is concerned that for 60+ years, reaching a crescendo past 2-3 decades, TSP was been using terror as an instrument of state policy, and India is still seeking US acknowledgment of the same. As I said, US has all but said so. Read Woodward's experts of what his govt handlers told him. US does undertsand why TSP needs LET, and they must "fix" India & TSP so TSP won't need LET. What more acknowledment does one need? TSP's position is also pretty clear. Give us the valley and we'll consider going slow on LET.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Cosmo_R »

Ravi won't be charged with a hate crime. It won't stand-up in court and they would risk a hung jury. They will charge him with invasion of privacy and he'll five years. Wei will get a lesser sentence since she was not the prime instigator merely an accessory.

There are also civil suits in the offing.

Yes, there have been racist statements about both of these idiots but no more so than the usual quota

It's like Harold and Kumar go to jail. They've ruined their own lives and caused the death of a talented kid.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by Amber G. »

Few Headlines:
From theweekl: controversy: Is Obama fleeing the country? :D
Obama will be flying to India just two days after the midterm elections — leading some bloggers to conclude he's eager to avoid the fallout from a "Democratic bloodbath"
From Bloomberg: India Plans to Sign U.S. Shale-Gas Technology Agreement When Obama Visits
India intends to join a boom in shale-gas exploration that has fueled more than $39 billion of acquisitions in the U.S. by companies including Exxon Mobil Corp., Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Reliance Industries Ltd. ....
Reliance Industries, India’s largest company by market Value, has agreed to pay almost $3.4 billion for stakes in U.S. shale-gas fields since April, taking on partnerships in Pennsylvania and Texas, where U.S. producers first learned to extract gas commercially from hard, impermeable shale.

Preliminary estimates show India’s shale-gas reserves may be larger than its proven conventional gas deposits...
Obama's India visit: No major game changer expected :|

And of course: from our usual sources hope :
(Pak hopes) Obama will take up Kashmir issue during India visit :rotfl:

(Okay okay ...I know.. I know .. the narrative prevalent here in thread . "David Headley protector.. the chief terrorist enabler ..who concurs with LET and TSP ..past/present/future US blunder.. who only wants to charm naive Indian ddm who would fawn on him ...) :mrgreen:

Meanwhile this headline from the Fox must be quoted here (or may be in bositive thread)
Pentagon: Pakistani Intelligence Agency Is Not Supporting Terror
Pay the attention to what follows:
The Pentagon acknowledged Thursday that some parts of Pakistan's intelligence agency are cooperating with terrorist groups as a new report suggests Inter-Service Intelligence agents are working to undermine U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

[figleaf] Spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said the Pakistan intelligence service as an organization does not support terrorism, but some elements within the ISI are providing assistance to terrorists. [/figleaf]
BRF Oldie
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Joined: 07 Oct 2006 20:54

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by CRamS »

Cosmo_R wrote:They've ruined their own lives and caused the death of a talented kid.
What about those in successive US govt including Obama & Co who have armed TSPA to the teeth and caused the deaths of some many 1000s of Indians?