Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2011

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by JE Menon »

My response to Ravi Shankar Etteth's article here. Let's see if they publish:

http://expressbuzz.com/opinion/columnis ... 59967.html

An outstanding article which dares to say it like it is. A stable Pakistan is in India's interest only if a stable India is in Pakistan's interest. Through its actions over decades, and through the words of numerous public figures, Pakistan has demonstrated that is a stable India is not in it's interests. Someone asks: "What is the alternative to talks"? The alternative is "no talks". Because, again, experience (Kargil, Mumbai and numerous other murderous incidents) has shown that whether India engages in dialogue or not, terror continues unabated. This is why Pakistan has formulated a new mantra: "uninterrupted" and (note this) "uninterruptible" dialogue. What the latter, in effect, means is Pakistan is demanding a formal commitment from India that even if another Mumbai is perpetrated by its intelligence agencies, India will continue talking and not resort to a military response. Is this a commitment that our country is prepared to make? The answer seems to be obvious to all, except apparently our Prime Minister.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by menon s »

US tip-off helps foil attack on India Kabul mission, 3 held
http://www.indianexpress.com/news/us-ti ... ld/770036/
Five days before the India-Pakistan Home Secretary dialogue on terror, New Delhi had alerted Islamabad and Kabul to an alleged Lashkar-e-Toiba plot to target its Ambassador Gautam Mukhopadhyaya and the Indian mission in the Afghan capital.
Subsequent intervention by Afghan authorities led to arrest of what sources call three potential suicide bombers and the seizure of a truckload of explosives in the Wardak province on March 23.
On March 22, US intelligence agencies are said to have passed on specific information through security channels to India’s Defence Intelligence Agency in Delhi about an alleged Lashkar plot, that included some officials of the ISI, to use suicide bombers against the targets on Pakistan’s National Day on March 23.
Persistence of Dr.Singh? Sigh!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Vivek_A »

menon s wrote: New Delhi had alerted Islamabad

Can someone explain this on to me? It's like the CIA finding out about an AQ plot and notifying Bin Laden. It's retarded.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by krishnan »


Its like telling the thief he is going to steal.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by SwamyG »

JwalaMukhi wrote: No bull peas price. :?:
Aam admi likes peace and stability in order for him to mind his own business as he sees fit. It is Raja dharma for a State to provide that at the minimum to its citizens. In the process MMS gets Nobel Peace Prize, so be it. Good for India. If we ignore, for the moment, American intervention and 2G's dynasty/appeasing politics, the question becomes, is MMS ideas grounded in reality? Has Pakistan shown a commitment to peace? In Mahabharatam, the Pandavas were on the side of 'peace' before the war; and the Kauravas on the side of 'piece'. Similarly, India is asking for 'peace' as Pakistan continues to make 'pieces' of India. Or does he think, Pakistan will get tried and resign from its terror spreading activities after concluding that all Pakistani antics can do nothing to India.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by anandsgh »

At Rediff, just now.
16:03 PM PC signals liberal visa plan with Pakistan:
News flash: Home Minister P Chidambaram says India is positive to the idea of a liberal visa regime with Pakistan.
It may be remembered that Indiagranted 5000 multiple entryvisas valid for 15 days to Pakistan for theWorldCup. However, fears remain that much of these visas are misused by terror groups. As many as 4,742 Pakistanis had disappeared after expiry of visas in the year 2005, their number had gone up to 5,392 in 2006; 6,038 in 2007; 7,547 in 2008 and 7,691 in 2009,
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by shiv »

Here is an archive of Ayass Amir's articles:


This one written on 11 June 1999 when the Kargil action had started is a keeper

SETTING aside the threat of war, it is instructive and not a little inspiring to consider the courage and skill of the fighters who are challenging the might of the Indian army and air force along the cruel heights of Drass and Kargil in Indian-held Kashmir. Risking a battle in which the chances of death outweigh those of remaining alive requires motivation of a high order. Whatever the Indian side may say, these fighters have a better right than most to call themselves mujahideen, those who fight in the way of Allah.
This certainly does not mean that these causes are unjust. How can the liberation of Kashmir by force of arms be considered an unjust cause?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by shiv »

Ayass Amir 18th June 1999
Even in the present situation the freedom fighters occupying the Kargil heights are giving a superb account of themselves. It takes some doing for a few hundred irregular commandos to face up to the might of the Indian army.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Suppiah »

The Shahenshah of WKKs drops rare gems of truth...
Today Pakistan is reaping the whirlwind it had sown
Dont these terrorist apologists generally argue that all is well with Pakistan and it is the yindoos that are at fault?

A visit to Pakbaric Jehadi Pigistan
It is an open secret which country is acting like a Santa Claus for the fundamentalists
why cant they name saudibaric animals? I-ass says the same, without naming the barbarians.
Civil society has dwindled and the persons talking of liberalism as such can be counted on fingers
Strange how estimates of 'liberals' in Pakbarianistan keep reducing, the other day it was 500 now it is handful, wonder how many fingers Kuldip Nayar has got...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by somnath »

Its simply amazing how selective quotes can give a different meaning...I dont hold a candle for Ayaz Amir, but blinkered hatred makes for no analysis, only sloganeering..

From that "infamous" article, actually makes sense to post the article in full..
When silence is no longer a virtue

By Ayaz Amir

War is no more than a lethal argument, and, to be worth the fighting, it demands a sane and profitable political end.

- J. F. C. Fuller:

The Second World War

EVER since the fighting in Kargil broke out, a section of the national press, as always happens when the atmosphere heats up, has been beating the drums of chauvinism. But many "responsible" newspapers, and this goes for individual writers too, find themselves caught in an embarrassing situation.

They are being pulled in opposite directions. Their judgment tells them to cry out about the danger of war. Their sense of patriotism tells them to suppress their true feelings and make a virtue of restraint and silence. While this attitude is understandable, the time may have come to speak up because it takes no exceptional intelligence to see that with each passing day we are inching that much closer to a war regarding whose purpose or utility the nation remains wholly in the dark.

To put the most charitable construction on what's going on in the Kargil sector, if this was the opening move in a bid to liberate Kashmir by force, something could be said in its defence. It would be seen as part of a larger scheme of things even if this larger scheme was decried as foolish or foolhardy. But unless there are higher secrets yet to be revealed, the fighting in Kargil appears to stand all by itself.

While it puts in sharp relief the courage and tenacity of the fighters facing the Indian army, it seems unconnected to a larger objective, at least none visible to mortal eyes or none sustainable over a period of time. In other words, what we are seeing is heroism and tactical brilliance as ends in themselves; tactical brilliance not tied to a strategic aim. This is folly of a dangerous kind. While people are dying and war clouds are massed thick on the horizon, few people are in a position to say why this high-risk course is being pursued.

To voice these doubts does not mean that we should hide behindweakness or despair. The people of Pakistan will never shirk the danger of war if they believe the cause to be worthy or the survival of the country to be at stake. It only means that we should keep our feet on the ground and not repeat similar blunders we have made in the past. Indeed it is amazing how the present fighting in Kashmir is eerily reminiscent of the events of 1965. Then too our politico-military command thought that Pakistan could seek military advantage in Kashmir without risking a war in any other theatre. The foolishness of this assumption was quickly exposed. If Pakistan was still able to avert a military disaster, it was because of the grit of its soldiers and junior officers and notthe brilliance of its senior commanders.

Even in the present situation the freedom fighters occupying the Kargil heights are giving a superb account of themselves. It takes some doing for a few hundred irregular commandos to face up to the might of the Indian army. Our soldiers manning the Line of Control too are in high spirits and prepared for the worst. The bravery of an army, however, is of no account when the higher direction of war is faulty or based upon unrealistic assumptions. A war, or even fighting of a limited kind as we are seeing in the Kargil and Drass sectors, must have a political objective if the expenditure of blood and resources is to be justified. What is the political objective of the present fighting?

It cannot be the conquest or liberation of Kashmir because we lack the strength for that. It cannot be the desire to internationalize the Kashmir problem because it is a quixotic venture to risk a war for so paltry an aim. After all, what did we gain when the Kashmir problem was before the UN? A few pieces of paper which have not stood the test of time. The objective cannot be to make India negotiate under duress because if at all we live in the real world we should know this is not a likely undertaking. What then is the purpose of this operation?

Mature nations do not seek unfavourable wars. Nor do they risk life and death for secondary objectives.China does not accept the independence of Taiwan, but aware of the limits of its power, it has not sent the Peoples Liberation Army across the Taiwan Straits. In the midst ofthe First World War Lenin swallowed the humiliation of the Treaty of Brest-Litovskbecause the primary aim before him was the preservation of the Bolshevik Revolution, not the defeat of Germany. Japan claims the four northern islands from Russia and although because of this dispute it has not signed a peace treaty with Russia, it has never contemplated the use of force to wrest the islands back.

We seem to have perfected the art of getting into wars without purpose and without a sense of the dangers involved. In 1965 the road to war was paved with false assumptions. In 1971 political recklessness set the stage for our greatest national humiliation. More recently we got involved in Afghanistan without counting thelong-term costs of that engagement. Given this background, it is only fair to wonder what considerations lie behind the Kargil operation.

That it is putting the country in an awkward position is becoming clearer with each passing day. Our official line is that we have no control over the freedom fighters. That may be so although it will be hard to convince the world that these fighters have fallen from the skies or are being supplied from the heavens. Even otherwise, to go forward - that is, to expand the Kargil operation - looks difficult because it would mean certain war. Stepping back risks a loss of national face besides prompting angry questions as to what the sabre-rattling was all about. How to declare victory, with as straight a face as possible, and defuse the tension is the challenge facing the country's politico-military leadership.

General Jahangir Karamat was right in suggesting a national security council (or call it what you will), incorporating the civilian leadership and the military command, to handle important questions of war and peace. If only Nawaz Sharif and his coterie had had the sense to understand that this suggestion, far from undermining civilian authority, would work to the political leadership's advantage. As it is, nothing in the present crisis looks more forlorn and helpless than the Muslim League's heavy mandate, with the prime minister's immense powers being of little use to him in understanding, much less dealing with, the present situation.

One conclusion most Pakistanis can safely draw. Left to themselves Pakistan's democrats have left nothing undone to prove their incompetence. Left to itself the military command has historically shown itself to be prone to shortsightedness and adventurism. For the foreseeable future there will remain the need to moderate and balance both these dangerous tendencies.
The article is nothing but a long standing tenor of Ayaz Amir against the army brass..

Anyways, to each his own 8)

BTW, I mentioned before about Ayaz Amir's voting on the blasphemy law...It wasnt the blasphemy law, but the Nizam-e-adl resolution (that formalised sharia law in the frontier province) in Parliament - Ayaz Amir was the only MNA casting an opposing vote...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Gagan »

These Pakistanis, down to the last one of them enjoyed the period when their ISI/Army and the Jihadi Terrorists went after India, killed and maimed Indians.
They all had a jolly good time, and reams and reams of paper were written glorifying the terrorist actions, and the mischief that their army conducted.

The haramzadas are now paying for what they did, Allah ensured that India is getting stronger than ever, and they are sinking.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Mihaylo »

anishns wrote:Response to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGm6a1o3UfU

HAHAHA!!! Have you checked the comments by BRAHASPATI19 on this video in response to a WKK?

Sure looks like it is by apna BRFite Brihaspati :lol:

Having witnessed some live matches at the Wankhede....unlike Mohali pappi jhappi's, I can safely assure all BR folks that there definitely will be chants of "PAKISTAN HAI HAI" by the Mumbai crowd whether the Pakis are playing or not !!! :mrgreen:

Mumbai wallahs hold a lot of grudge against the Pakis and it would have been tragic and insulting if the Pakis were allowed to play about 2-3 clicks from the Taj and the Oberoi :evil: :evil:
Amen to that. It would have indeed been a depressing day !!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Gagan »

Problem with MMS is that he is not a true politician.

Had he been and had he actually laboured hard to win an election, he would have realized the importance of give and take, he would have been up to speed with what Indians think.

He is answerable to the constituency that got him elected, in this case the congress high command.

I get the feeling that we are only offering the snake more milk to make it stronger, once it has recovered we will again feel the heat with terror strikes and border skirmishes.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Suppiah »

I-ass is not bitching about the tactics used, he is only complaining about their lack of success...let us not make a hero out of him. Of course, by the barbaric animalistic standards of Pakistan he approaches human levels of sense but that is about it.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Lalmohan »

dont forget that no pakistani scribe can write anything without atleast a nod and a wink from the eye-ess-eye bhailoge
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by shiv »

Suppiah wrote:I-ass is not bitching about the tactics used, he is only complaining about their lack of success...let us not make a hero out of him. Of course, by the barbaric animalistic standards of Pakistan he approaches human levels of sense but that is about it.
The moron was clearly supporting the Paki official line about "mujahiddeen" fighting in Kargil when India had been saying that Pakistani soldiers were turning up dead. And then - if you look at the articles after the pullout he cleverly avoids all references to the people whom he had earlier called "freedom fighters" and "mujahiddeen" and proceeds to curse the "leadership" for bringing humiliation on Pakistan.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by SSridhar »

We never learn, do we ? - From Rediff News Update
16:03 PM PC signals liberal visa plan with Pakistan:

News flash: Home Minister P Chidambaram says India is positive to the idea of a liberal visa regime with Pakistan.

It may be remembered that Indiagranted 5000 multiple entry visas valid for 15 days to Pakistan for the WorldCup {Why 15 days ? Even including the final, it should not have been more than 7 days}. However, fears remain that much of these visas are misused by terror groups. As many as 4,742 Pakistanis had disappeared after expiry of visas in the year 2005, their number had gone up to 5,392 in 2006; 6,038 in 2007; 7,547 in 2008 and 7,691 in 2009, :evil: {And, we continue to be generous with visas for Pakistanis after 26/11, after a barrage of terror bomb attacks in multiple cities, after commuter train attacks, after the Parliament attack etc ? Will any other nation be more foolish than us ?}
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Suppiah wrote:I-ass is not bitching about the tactics used, he is only complaining about their lack of success...let us not make a hero out of him. Of course, by the barbaric animalistic standards of Pakistan he approaches human levels of sense but that is about it.
All Pakistanis support terrorism especially against India. This is the most charitable statement I can make about them.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Suppiah »

http://www.worldbulletin.net/?aType=hab ... leID=71607

This is by Turkish army chief..

You cannot know what the software includes. If you enter a war with a third country in the future and if this country is allied with the US, the US may render your jets useless. A rocket launched by the enemy may not be perceived as a threat by the jets.

is Unkil putting some 'special' software in aircraft supplied to TSP? What about those supplied to India?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by JwalaMukhi »

SwamyG wrote: Aam admi likes peace and stability in order for him to mind his own business as he sees fit. It is Raja dharma for a State to provide that at the minimum to its citizens. In the process MMS gets Nobel Peace Prize, so be it. Good for India. If we ignore, for the moment, American intervention and 2G's dynasty/appeasing politics, the question becomes, is MMS ideas grounded in reality? Has Pakistan shown a commitment to peace? In Mahabharatam, the Pandavas were on the side of 'peace' before the war; and the Kauravas on the side of 'piece'. Similarly, India is asking for 'peace' as Pakistan continues to make 'pieces' of India. Or does he think, Pakistan will get tried and resign from its terror spreading activities after concluding that all Pakistani antics can do nothing to India.
Well, MMSji and others of similar leanings are of the view: that milk, honey and love flows between his place of birth and the current location he/they find themselves in. They want all the other peoples' to enjoy the fruits of that outcome. Namely, they are acting as arm chair advisers to lowly people that they should integrate. But, none of these high level thinkers would be willing to relocate and live in their original place of birth, amongst the so called peaceful baki brothers. They would not like to be caught dead there. It is easy to dispense such non-sensical advises when one doesn't have to bear consequences of that.
All peaceniks should be made to live for mandatory 2 year amongst bakis in bakistan. That would quickly cure all the mental disease associated with evaluating bakistan, if they survive that.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Dealing with the Devil
If one only takes a stroll through any sector in the federal capital of Islamabad, the horrors of the prevalent circumstances dawn upon us. The capital is filled with posters and placards put there by Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT), calling for a “Caliphate” and overthrow of a legitimate and democratic regime. For anyone not familiar with HuT, this is an internationally banned organisation. The eerily long time these placards have stayed on display gives the impression that no one is ready to challenge them. This is all taking place in a city where no banner can be displayed without administrative approval. Similarly, the donation box at a grocery store, in which customers generously donate their loose change, may on careful examination belong to some banned outfit or an organisation affiliated to it.
A reality check.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Flash News: An Indian embassy official is missing in Pakistan. Ms. Nirupama Rao speaks to Salman Bashir.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Rakesh »

Kasab practises karate to kill time

http://www.rediff.com/news/report/anniv ... 110309.htm

He gets the strength to practise karate from the biryani we feed him regularly. Next we need to invite karate masters from around the globe to give him that edge in karate training that he so desperately needs.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Chinmayanand »

'Missing' Indian official released after Delhi calls Islamabad

An Indian High Commission official in Islamabad, who was picked up by Pakistan security agencies yesterday in an allegedly tit-for-tat action, was released after 24 hours in detention following a strict missive to the Pakistani government from India.

The official works in the Consular section of the Indian mission in Islamabad. He was picked up last evening from outside the Indian High Commission while he was on his way home.

The official was handed over to the Indian mission on Friday evening but no reason was given for his detention.

The action was seen as a "retaliation" to an incident in Chandigarh on Wednesday -- the day of the India-Pakistan semifinal -- when a Pakistani driver posted with the Pakistan High Commission was detained after he had allegedly wandered into the restricted, military area near the Chandigarh airport.

Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Theo_Fidel »

somnath wrote:Theo-ji, forget Ayaz Amir...Read any of the Indian accounts on the Kargil war ..

I wouldn't go by that. Professional Soldiers find it incredibly hard to bad mouth the other side as a form of military courtesy. The Allies spoke very highly of the SS and Nazi fighters for instance. It speaks more highly of the IA than the TSP crowd. Not one of these 'brave' soldiers from the other side has ever admitted that the IA fought bravely for instance. Not one of these admitted that they were wrong. There has not been even a court of inquiry to discover what their exact 'fighting' achievements were. When they were faced man to man they were driven back. Nawaz had to beg for a ceasefire before they were completely driven back and lost all face. Contrast that with say Siachin where we openly defended the frontier and the TSP despite every possible advantage of access and equipment has always been driven back. They lack the courage to stand and fight, all the way from the bottom to the top.

The mode of battle was undoubtedly chosen by the soldiers themselves. The higher ups told them to occupy some land and they proceeded to hide in the mountains like rats. They didn't even have the courage to face the IA in the plains professionally. Historically too, the TSP army has a long record of surrender under duress. Three years ago an entire contingent of 200 soldiers, officers and all, surrendered to the Paki taliban of 20 fighters with out a shot fired.

Contrast that with the Indian professional forces, where leave aside the army, even the police in Chattisgarh and Jharkhand have fought to the last man almost every time. That is true courage.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by rsharma »

Fellow Birathers, apologies if u find it OT, but cannot resist posting it here.:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by SSridhar »

From Khaled Ahmed's article in TFT
Who will win? Doubtlessly the army! But this victory will be the defeat of Pakistan because it will leave nothing in the field but two passions: anti-Indianism and anti-Americanism, one received at birth, the other newly acquired from the guts of an army whose equation with Washington has never been without feelings of betrayal. Anti-Indianism has reached a point where it strikes at the root of Pakistan economic and social existence; the new-found anti-Americanism will push Pakistan to its dismemberment through the creation of two tribal but unviable states in the northwest and southwest. Pakistan does not have China’s instrument of ‘trading with the enemy’, warding off actual hostilities when rivalries peak. Pakistan’s only instrument of foreign policy are the jihadi organisations ensconced in South Punjab and North Waziristan, so far killing Pakistanis as a kind of ‘practice session’.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by anupmisra »

From the article:
...but they have a lot of hope in Manmohan Singh to retrieve their country which is teething at the brink of elimination.
That's a first. According to nayyar, pakis are now hoping that MMS will bail their miserable sorry ass out of the very BBQ that they had themselves set alight to roast the future of India and Indians. Irony, isnt it? Or is Nayyar playing both sides of the audience?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by anupmisra »

SSridhar wrote:From Khaled Ahmed's article in TFT
Pakistan’s only instrument of foreign policy are the jihadi organisations ensconced in South Punjab and North Waziristan, so far killing Pakistanis as a kind of ‘practice session’.
Hey, I learnt that in school in the 60's. Practice makes one perfect. And, here's to more practice. Cheers to the paki trolls.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by anupmisra »

rsharma wrote:Fellow Birathers, apologies if u find it OT, but cannot resist posting it here.:
Proud of my great grand uncle. Prophetic words.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by sum »

On March 22, US intelligence agencies are said to have passed on specific information through security channels to India’s Defence Intelligence Agency in Delhi about an alleged Lashkar plot, that included some officials of the ISI, to use suicide bombers against the targets on Pakistan’s National Day on March 23.
Damn...and there ends all the wet dreams about Indian agencies having complete know-how of Paki assets in A'tan
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by VikramS »

From TFT Such Gup:

Who is this Seth A?
Another interesting relationship that has recently been cemented is the one between David Abraham the great Bombay don, who lives in Karachi, and Seth A, also a man of means, real estate baron and one-time facilitator of precious metals across borders. Their kids tied the knot recently – SA’s daughter has married DA’s son – in a low key ceremony attended only by close friends and family.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by shravan »

Sheikh Abid Hussain alias Seth Abid ^
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by abhijitm »

somnath wrote:BTW, I used to communicate with Ayaz Amir eevery now and then via email til some years back - he is a thorough gentleman, always ready to see the "other point of view"...
Not many times but I too had communicated with him, not because he is a gentleman or so but to understand his pakistaniyat. I have read his almost every article in dawn and the guy is pure pakistani.
Never communicated after he got elected.

When its about India every pakistani has same approach. These masquerading pigs.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by abhijitm »

SSridhar wrote:We never learn, do we ? - From Rediff News Update
This also indicates that RAW is very weak and has no influence over bureaucrats or politicians. Either no military establishment is a part of decision making related to national security, or they are too weak to voice their concern, or they too have no concern. Whatever it may be the fact is that we are living on mercy of God, ISI and other intelligence agencies. The day our luck runs out 1993, Kargil, parliament, 26/11 etc etc happen.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by vijayk »

A rash observer will blame Pakistan for the plight in which it has landed itself. But the real responsibility lies on the shoulders of the US.
The losers COMMIES and WKKs first mantra: Blame some one else for every thing. Never take responsibility for any thing. Just blame others. Cut your own branch and blame the guy who gave you the saw.

It is funny how these scums change their colors. They blame India for supporting terrorists in Lanka or Punjab. But when it comes to neighboring terrorist state, it is always the fault of India or US or some one else.
The West tags the country with terrorism and many others consider it a failed state. For India, it is a potential enemy which is still to punish the terrorists who attacked Mumbai on 26/11, nearly three years ago. Yet the 16 million people want the same secure conditions which the inhabitants of other countries cherish. But they live in constant fear, the children praying for their fathers’ safety and wives of their husbands when they leave home. Security forces with their finger on the trigger guard the streets of key towns.
It is all the fault of US to large extent and India to some extent.The terrorist army and ISI bore no resposnibility. We are not bending enough. We are harping on 26/11 which is three years ago while the poor people are living with fear. oh! How cruel are we?
Can you write off Pakistan? Suppose it were to go to the fundamentalists or the Taliban? It will be the land training, nourishing and sending out the worst elements. How does India gain if the country disintegrates?
What are they doing now? :((
The worse was the policy of Washington to let arms and ammunition lie around for anyone to pick up. It saw to it that the Taliban were fully armed.
Huh? Where are the Taliban getting funds and arms from? TSP Puke army and ISI or US?

Never mind. They have arms and it is all the US fault. Of course.
The successive governments at Islamabad were short sighted. They used the Taliban to have its ‘strategic depth’ in Afghanistan on the one hand and to trouble India in Kashmir on the other.
oh! But any way, it is all the fault of amrika...
At one time even the late Benazir Bhutto hailed the Taliban as ‘my children.’ It was the Frankenstein to which Pakistan gave birth and it is now regretfully conscious of that.
Are they? Didn't the scum KiyaNahi say he is India and only India focused? Didn't Mushy address how India is their existential threat?
As regards water, prime minister Manmohan Singh has offered the integrated development of the Indus basin if Pakistan does not favour the three-river allotment under the Indus Water Treaty.
If solving their problem of bijli, sadak, pani were the concerns of Pukes, India and Pakistan would united again by now or work together like US and Canada.
I have come back from Pakistan with the conviction that the common man wants to live in peace and amity with the people in India. There are elements, strong enough, to keep the two countries distant. I was told that the army did not favour peace with India. Even if this is true, the friendliness writ large on the faces of people I addressed sustains my hope for a détente.

Well... friendliness writ on people's faces does not change the army. The WKKs live in their own imaginary world. Phew! will they ever learn?
India may not be their refuge but they have a lot of hope in Manmohan Singh to retrieve their country which is teething at the brink of elimination. India can ignore this at its own peril. Perhaps the time is ripe to talk about South Asia common market. I found this idea acceptable even to the religious elements in Pakistan.
Hmmm! No problem. Our PM will bring them from brink and help them nuke Mumbai. Then he won't sleep the whole night worried about the pilot's exposure to radiation but not Mumbai people.

South asian common market? ye kya hai? Even their religious elements want it. May be they hope to buy guns and kill us with our own guns. :P
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by Gagan »

Last edited by Gagan on 02 Apr 2011 00:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by vijayk »

SSridhar wrote:From Khaled Ahmed's article in TFT
Who will win? Doubtlessly the army! But this victory will be the defeat of Pakistan because it will leave nothing in the field but two passions: anti-Indianism and anti-Americanism, one received at birth, the other newly acquired from the guts of an army whose equation with Washington has never been without feelings of betrayal. Anti-Indianism has reached a point where it strikes at the root of Pakistan economic and social existence; the new-found anti-Americanism will push Pakistan to its dismemberment through the creation of two tribal but unviable states in the northwest and southwest. Pakistan does not have China’s instrument of ‘trading with the enemy’, warding off actual hostilities when rivalries peak. Pakistan’s only instrument of foreign policy are the jihadi organisations ensconced in South Punjab and North Waziristan, so far killing Pakistanis as a kind of ‘practice session’.
The low-IQ level of the army sets the standards for everyone, more or less in the same way as Al Qaeda dominates the mind of the madrassa clergy: be scared and become obedient (PPP) or become empowered against the PPP by siding with the army (Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, Mutahida Qaumi Movement, Judiciary, Media). The world sees the PPP as the governing face of Pakistan but it is the army it has to cope with. It will discover that the entire nation stands behind the army and martial nature of the national honour it represents.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by RamaY »

anupmisra wrote:
From the article:
...but they have a lot of hope in Manmohan Singh to retrieve their country which is teething at the brink of elimination.
That's a first. According to nayyar, pakis are now hoping that MMS will bail their miserable sorry ass out of the very BBQ that they had themselves set alight to roast the future of India and Indians. Irony, isnt it? Or is Nayyar playing both sides of the audience?
Perhaps india should donate MMS to pakis. He would

1. Go the extra mile with Taliban
2. Do an economic miracle in Pakistan and make it worlds best economy.
3. Talk to his massa bosses and get a nuke deal better than india.

He should get natural citizenship in Pakistan based on his birth. The only problem would be his sleep - more than 366 pakis are in western jails
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): Mar. 29, 2

Post by VikramS »

shravan wrote:Sheikh Abid Hussain alias Seth Abid ^
Could not resist
Sheikh Abid Hussain alias Seth Abid. He is one of the most resourceful developers/builders in the country owning vast stretches of land in major cities. On this land worth many billion of rupees, Seth has constructed residential schemes under the brand name of “Green Fort.” Seth came into this business after decades of notoriety as being one of the spearheads in cross-border smuggling. While many remember Seth for his allegedly illegal trading stints, a lot of informed circles still say with conviction that he, along with Dr.Qadeer and former Premier Bhutto, was the brain behind the success of Pakistan’s nuclear programme. About three dozen of Seth’s very close relatives, friends and nephews are members of country’s bourses and for many years now, the Seth Abid group assumes the role of king-makers during the annual polls of these stock exchanges.

He is a leading investor in stocks, metals and currency but what gives him immense pleasure is his philanthropic institution Hamza Foundation that he sponsors for the welfare of deaf and dumb children. Pakistan has not had a single ruler, politician, bureaucrat or Army General who doesn’t know the Seth who is more of a myth for most. The Seth, throughout his life, has avoided publicity-a fact known to most journalists.