Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2011

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by archan »

^^ Aren't your first and last sentences contradictory? :mrgreen:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by JE Menon »

In the pic accompanying the Hindu article linked by SSridhar, check out the eyes of the guy behind Khar ... We all know where the focus of the discussion is going to be. Poor woman. I mean, the Pak military is so transparent it's beyond ridiculous now... No doubt it is only a matter of time before someone dubs her Hind Rubbani Care
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by mayo »

Our old friend Pat Condell at his eloquent best

On Osama Operation
http://www.youtube.com/user/patcondell# ... zD-rnmeiH8

This one talks about the "Asian" gangs in UK and more
http://www.youtube.com/user/patcondell# ... EsWO4xep44
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by rajanb »

On Hina Khar's comments:
“This gives me a lot of confidence because I’m strengthened by the fact that not only the government of Pakistan is supportive of, and expects the best from, this dialogue but that the entire society, represented by important political parties, is supportive of this process,” she said.
She doesn't say that the PA is supporting it, even obliquely? And if it isn't, the progress will be substantially without merit.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by sanjeevpunj »

It would be a good idea, if a Nationalist Media Organisation like the BRF for example, (perhaps it is the only Media organisation that really is Nationalist), conduct a referrandum on "Should we develop Hatred towards Pakistan, or Love?" After the results of such a referrandum, we can conclude what the people of India want. Without assuming what the results may be, we should give this idea a serious thought.
There will be two types of possible consequences,if such a referrandum is conducted.
1.HATE - People all over India will really start developing hatred, just to be in line with the referrandum.
2.LOVE - People will start developing love, again, to be in line with the referrandum.

It all depends on how the vote swing takes place, towards Hatred or towards Love.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Sushupti »

In the pic accompanying the Hindu article linked by SSridhar, check out the eyes of the guy behind Khar
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by saip »

Indian president voluntarily declares her assets


Interesting comments from Pakis.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by gakakkad »

Their was a broadcast on Times Now about tapping of terrorist conversations in which the piglets talk of slaying Kashmiri's to teach them a lesson for not cooperating. Also that rabbani wimmin is meeting hurri-rat before having chai biskoot with Indian officials. Love that channel . Right time to show the right stuff.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by arun »

Only natural that in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which has a solid record of fomenting Islamic Terrorism that the main-stream media and Islamic Terrorists share the same dais.

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, head of a UN designated Islamic terrorist organisation, the Jamaat-ud-Dawaa, is an honoured guest at an event hosted by Majid Nizami, the owner of one of Pakistan’s largest media organisations:
Forecast for Muhammadi World Order
Published: July 26, 2011


LAHORE - “The evil troika - America, India and Israel – is working on deadly anti-Pakistan plans. However, despite all the conspiracies [that we see today], Islam is emerging as a big force, which will soon establish a ‘Muhammadi World Order’,” said Prof Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, the chief of the Jamaat-ud-Dawaa.

He was addressing the lecture series titled ‘Challenges to National Security and its Solutions’, held under the auspices of TheNation, Nawa-i-Waqt and Waqt News at Hameed Nizami Hall on Monday. The Nation Editor-in-Chief Majid Nizami was also present on this occasion. ..............................

The Nation
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by vijayk »

http://expressbuzz.com/opinion/columnis ... 96741.html
Our diplomats don't speak for the nation
Consider the recent statement on Pakistan-sponsored terror by Nirupama Rao, our ambassador-designate to the US, on CNN-IBN. Rao asserted, “I think the prism through which they (Pakistan) see this issue has definitely been altered.” Later, she talked about the need to tackle only non-state elements and ignored the active support that the terrorists enjoy from official agencies. As if to prove her wrong, terrorists struck Mumbai just 10 days later and killed 18 innocent people. Two died later of their injuries. On what basis the outgoing foreign secretary gave the ‘character certificate’ to what Home Minister P Chidambaram calls the “global epicentre of terrorism” is known only to her. Surprisingly, no global leader shares her perception or even the formulations on Pakistan expressed by External Affairs Minister S M Krishna during his interactions with Pakistan leaders and at various other international fora.
Interestingly, while Hillary was talking tough on Pakistan in New Delhi, back home the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Ghulam Nabi Fai, executive director of the anti-India Kashmiri American Council. He was charged with being an ISI agent and involved in a conspiracy to influence key US officials on Kashmir policy. Compare this with our diplomats, who were not even willing to hazard a guess about the possible involvement of the ISI in the Mumbai attacks. For the past one week, Indian diplomats have weakened India’s case against Pakistan by letting an impression grow that the Mumbai incidents may not have been sponsored from across the border.
So, while the world is looking at Pakistan with suspicion, Indian diplomats and some leading politicians are still talking about dialogue and debate. From President Nicolas Sarkozy of France to Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain, most powerful world leaders have slammed Pakistan for harbouring and exporting terrorism. Last year, Sarkozy set the tone against Pakistan when he said, “It is unacceptable for the world that terrorist acts should be masterminded and carried out by terrorist groups trained in Pakistan.” Our foreign office mandarins, in contrast, can’t even ask Pakistan to wind up the terror camps operating inside the country. For the past few months, the foreign ministry has followed up the home ministry’s request to Pakistan to hand over the fugitives hiding there. Rao—while addressing a London-based think tank—made a strong case for a stable Pakistan which she hoped would act as a “bulwark against terrorism”, quite forgetting the categorical point made a few months ago by Hillary that “America cannot and shouldn’t solve Pakistan’s problems. That’s up to Pakistan.
This stance of our diplomats baffles the political leadership. Some of them see it as the emergence of an alternative centre of power within the foreign office, which is following its own agenda. They see the diplomats taking advantage of a weak yet gentlemanly foreign minister and ignoring sensitive issues raised by the other ministries. While Pakistan diplomats are aggressively fighting for their country in global capitals, our ambassadors are either silent or making politically correct noises. Instead of isolating the country at world forums, our diplomats have allowed Pakistan to acquire the status of a victim of terrorism.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by vijayk »

http://expressbuzz.com/opinion/op-ed/po ... 97467.html
Politics behind Fai’s arrest
Fai claims to be working for a ‘peaceful settlement of the Kashmir conflict through tripartite negotiations between governments of India and Pakistan and the accredited leadership of the people of J&K’, is a known fact. Operating from a ‘well-appointed office’ at a short distance from White House, Fai was a known lobbyist at the Capitol Hill and had easy access to the White House; his prominently displayed photographs with two American presidents, George Bush and his predecessor Bill Clinton, at least were aimed to convey such a message. The KAC which came into being with the advent of militancy in early 1990s has regularly organised conferences on Kashmir with the active support of some influential members of US Congress. It was expected for the separatist leaders and some mediapersons from J&K and politicians from Pakistan to attend the KAC-sponsored shows in America. Surprisingly known Indian human right activists and media personalities also regularly attended these conferences.
Displaying the worst kind of hypocrisy these ‘intellectuals’ have come out with the lame excuse of not ‘fully knowing Fai’s credentials’. Anybody having cursory knowledge about the organisation of conferences and seminars on Kashmir, by both anti-India and pro-India groups, must be aware of the fact that all these conferences are mainly sponsored by the respective intelligence agencies of the two countries. Fai, for last two decades, has been coordinating Pakistan-sponsored high profile human rights campaigns in Geneva and New York. To neutralise India bashing, Indian agencies have also responded. This human rights business of allegations and counter-allegations has become a circus now that has led to the rise of government-sponsored NGOs. The Westerners tired of Indo-Pak ‘Tu-Tu-Main-Main’ have come to describe these NGOs as ‘GNGO’. KAC is a GNGO, sponsored by the ISI. US agencies not knowing that Fai’s high-voltage anti-India activities were not being bankrolled by Pakistan, is simply not possible. Fai was a regular visitor to Pakistan and this writer had met him in Muzaffarabad in 1989. The FBI affidavit reveals that the US government was fully aware of the shabby dealings: ‘The affidavit alleges that four Pakistani government handlers have directed Fai’s US activities and that Fai has been in touch with his handlers more than 4,000 times since June 2008’.
It is an open secret that Ghulam Nabi Fai was fully backed by Pakistan; it was known to India and could not have remained hidden from the US. America not only looked other way but also facilitated Fai’s activities in numerous ways. How was it possible for the Muzafferabad-based All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leaders to travel America on Pakistani passport without the US embassy in Islamabad facilitating the travel. The US was well aware of the fact that Fai had close contacts with the militant leadership of Muzafferabad-based Jihad Council.
The JKLF leader Yasin Malik has said that he first met US assistant secretary of state Christina Rocca in 2005 with Fai in Washington and discussed how to engage United Jihad Council in peace efforts and “Rocca gave a go ahead to both of them”. Making it sensational enough he further said, subsequently he “discussed this idea with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2006 and surprisingly the Indian prime minister said yes to that idea”. Singh’s overtures for peace-making are hardly surprising; he would have failed in his responsibilities had he responded negatively to the Yasin’s offer. Apparently American facilitation for peace-making also sounds to be a responsible goodwill gesture — superpower putting its weight behind to forge peace in the South Asia.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Altair »

vijayk wrote:http://expressbuzz.com/opinion/columnis ... 96741.html
Our diplomats don't speak for the nation
Interestingly, while Hillary was talking tough on Pakistan in New Delhi, back home the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Ghulam Nabi Fai, executive director of the anti-India Kashmiri American Council. He was charged with being an ISI agent and involved in a conspiracy to influence key US officials on Kashmir policy. Compare this with our diplomats, who were not even willing to hazard a guess about the possible involvement of the ISI in the Mumbai attacks. For the past one week, Indian diplomats have weakened India’s case against Pakistan by letting an impression grow that the Mumbai incidents may not have been sponsored from across the border.
Good Cop-Bad Cop routine
This time however India is playing a good cop and US the bad cop. Pakistanis know this game all too well. Its a waste of time and illogical wrt Pakistan.
Pakistan only understand the stick routine.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by jaibhim »

For a change the first post has a point of the foreign minister whose bosses being the military, comprises the pair of velvet gloves for TSP. Stop radia tapes we want piss, is already saying that the new appointee is the harbinger of piss. One hopes that the rulers do not commit treason and many martyrs and terror victims. King Dhritarashtra is in a tearing hurry for his place in the sun and is hell bent upon weakening the Indian union! The K word now includes J as well[that is indeed a bit strange, tomorrow it will have P and Junagadh unfulfilled freduian desires] is being used freely, traitors and all sorts of jhollwallahs are gravitating towards the RAPES which from media images seems to be in full strength in Delhi today. What is the real intent keeping in mind a cost-benefit analysis of the whole exercise, what are its tangible goals for GOI by this piss process strategy being spearheaded by king dhritarashtra?

It looks like self-inflicted sadism and wholesale surrender when circumstances have never been so favourable to exercise strategic interest? The only consolation for now being that as long as it is rich-tea-biskoot-and chai and samosa session there is nothing much to lose.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by JE Menon »

It's official: Ms. Khar is a Mr. Khar. Or at least used to be. You have to hear her speak for poorf of the claim.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by darshhan »

A new book on Pakistan"Playing with Fire"

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/140006 ... 1400069114
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by saket »

JE Menon wrote:It's official: Ms. Khar is a Mr. Khar. Or at least used to be. You have to hear her speak for poorf of the claim.
++ diametric opposite to Javed Miandad in looks and voice.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by abhijitm »

Altair wrote: Good Cop-Bad Cop routine
This time however India is playing a good cop and US the bad cop. Pakistanis know this game all too well. Its a waste of time and illogical wrt Pakistan.
Pakistan only understand the stick routine.
wrt pakistan and national security we should start taking our (all) politician on their face value. Neither you or me know whats the real reason behind Rao madam's love of pakistan so why speculate and assume? Better we come out of the assumption that something is good beneath. What if it is even more rotten? At least face value is the evidence and we should take it unless proven otherwise. If we start speculating then there is no end to it. As doggi singh is harming the country, so is Rao madam. period.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by vijayk »

Altair wrote:
Good Cop-Bad Cop routine
This time however India is playing a good cop and US the bad cop. Pakistanis know this game all too well. Its a waste of time and illogical wrt Pakistan.
Pakistan only understand the stick routine.
All this time we have been screaming from roof tops that this place is an epicenter of terrorism and suddenly we are playing Good Cop when the whole world is agreeing with our premise.

WOW! Our idiotic PM and diplomats may have to go to Diplomacy 101 course ...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Dilbu »

We specialise in own goals saar.. chillax. :-?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Altair »

I dont know if its been posted previously on this thread but I have been informed by a reliable source that all the rapes committed in Norway in the past 3 years have been committed by Muslim immigrants and I am sure you folks know who they all are. I am not condoning any mass murder by an European but Pakistan is definitely either on or off-screen in any mass murder on this planet.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Brad Goodman »

It’s not just Mr Tharoor!
Shashi Tharoor is no fool. Quite the contrary. He is a high achiever and combines brilliance with great marketing skills. So, why would he pen an article in the Deccan Chronicle (“Delusional liberals”, July 21) that seems, on the surface, to be fairly lightweight? Precisely because he is smart.
He knows perception-formation is important; he also knows reinforcing perceptions is crucial; and he knows the basic rule about perceptions: They are quick to form but resistant to change. The last paragraph of his article must, therefore, be seen not as an exercise in naivete but in considered perception-formation and reinforcement. Let me reproduce it here.

“Indians need to put aside their illusions that there are liberal partners for us on the other side of the border who echo our diagnosis of their plight and share our desire to defenestrate their military (italics mine).” He then honours me by capping his article thus: “Nor should we be surprised: a Pakistani liberal is, after all, a Pakistani before he is a liberal.”
for all his foolish antics in past. Tharoor has now redeemed himself by giving takleef to paki h&d. Look at Ejaz Haider
fuming all the way :rotfl: Got to read it all. Seems Aatish Taseer and Nitin pai have also given a big bamboo to poor paki
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by sanjaykumar »

India has diagnosed Pakistan’s problem; the Pakistani military needs to be defenestrated (it means to throw something or person out of a window — sigh!);

Hehehehe, defenestration is often applied to hymens. heeheeheee.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Nandu »

Tharoor has siezed the narrative initiative and forced the Pakis to debate on his terms. Congratulations!

Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Theo_Fidel »

Haider lacks a classical knowledge of English.

Defenestration is a means of throwing a individual or institution out of power. Storm the gates if you will.

Liberals in TSP like the military agenda being followed. They believe the aims are right, method wrong.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by RajeshG »

I dont know if paki blog links are allowed or not but this link has Hina video with voice. Plz remove the 'x' from beginning of URL.

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by vishnua »

vijak's article, i think belongs to indian interests thread. It was right on the money.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Brad Goodman »

Quetta mint is not just busy printing FICN

False UK passports made in Pakistan
Posing a major challenge to counter-terrorism efforts, making of forged British passports has been found to be the “most prevalent” in Pakistan with a US government agency recommending steps to check overseas travel by terrorists using such travel papers. The US Government Accountability Office (GAO), which sent a team to Pakistan and three other countries for field assessment, found gaps in four key areas — sharing of information on terrorists, use of fraudulent travel papers, passport issuance security and corruption in passport issuance and immigration agencies.

The report quoted a former Pakistani official responsible for immigration enforcement to say that “fraudulent British passports are the most prevalent type of fraudulent travel documents in Pakistan”.

Since British citizens are not required to obtain visas to travel to many countries, a terrorist could use one of these fraudulent passports to travel to many countries without further background checks”, the report, titled

‘Combating Terrorism’ and presented to the US Congress last month, said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by A_Gupta »

Any comments on the accuracy of Ejaz Haider's
Most peace initiatives towards India have come while Pakistan was under the jackboot. This should not have happened if the military requires a permanent state of war with India to retain its primacy in domestic affairs. (That has its structural reasons but this is not the place to go into those.) Similarly, Pakistan was pushed into the 1965 war by two civilians, not an army general (even though Ayub Khan should have known better). Pakistan’s nuclear programme is owed to a civilian prime minister, not a general. Pakistan’s decision to test was taken under a civilian prime minister and there’s credible evidence to suggest that the then-army chief was sceptical about it. Pakistan’s Taliban policy — in conjunction with the US — was formulated and implemented under a civilian prime minister and the ISI was opposed to it (in fact, until the Taliban captured Kabul in ’96, former DG-ISI Lt-Gen Hamid Gul (retd) would constantly refer to them as American stooges).
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Nandu »

A_Gupta, same reason as "only Nixon could go to China". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon_goes_to_China . The civilians would not be able to face the criticism if they showed overt interest in piss with India.

OTOH, "peace initiatives" from Paki side have always been in the vein of "let us try to win at the negotiating table what we couldn't in the battlefield", so to ascribe them to the military does not really paint them in a good light. Musharraf's own antics in Agra is fresh in our mind.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by A_Gupta »

Nandu, good point.

Is there any truth to the last
in fact, until the Taliban captured Kabul in ’96, former DG-ISI Lt-Gen Hamid Gul (retd) would constantly refer to them as American stooges
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Kanishka »

PBS Newshour Video
'Playing With Fire' Examines Pakistan's Complicated Relationship With Taliban

http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/terroris ... 07-25.html
Pakistan is fighting the Taliban on its own territory, but, by some accounts, it's supporting its efforts in Afghanistan. A new book, "Playing With Fire: Pakistan at War With Itself," examines the country's complicated relationships. Author and Washington Post correspondent Pamela Constable speaks with Judy Woodruff.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by A_Gupta »

http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/op ... 89912.html
The latest incident involves the blocking, by at least 13 of the country's ISPs, of the website of popular American music magazine Rolling Stone. The block comes shortly after the magazine published an article highlighting Pakistan's "insane military spending". The article, by Rolling Stone blogger Matt Taibbi, linked to a New York Times article for background information, a fact that some have used to argue that Rolling Stone may have been blocked for other reasons, such as the fact that the site hosts myriad images of scantily-clad women. But as Pakistani free expression group Bytes For All has pointed out, most major ***** websites are not censored in the country.

The ban on Rolling Stone points to a possible new trend in Pakistan: censorship of politically sensitive information. While in the past, content considered blasphemous or offensive to Islam has been the target of censors both online and offline, new evidence surfaced by the OpenNet Initiative suggests increased control of the internet by Pakistan's various information agencies. According to the report, users of popular ISP Mobilink must add proxy port 3128 in order to browse the internet; the result is the censorship of various keywords, including - strangely - the name of the country's president, Asif Ali Zardari.

Also blocked are various websites, including several news sites related to Balochistan, where a strong nationalist independence movement exists. According to an earlier report from the OpenNet Initiative, sites relating to Balochi independence are the "most comprehensively blocked".
If there is some way of opening proxies or whatever that Pakistanis in Pakistan can use to get to censored sites, then that would be an excellent thing for BRFers who can, to do.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by KLNMurthy »

Ejaz Haider's riposte just uses the Tharoor article to push the line that cunning SDREs are out to spoil the TFTA image onlee.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by A_Gupta »

Prof. Unfair tweets (should be read from the bottom up)
@CorneredLeo I have no soft spot for any country but my own government.

@CorneredLeo I opposed the US-India civ nuke deal and am quite vexed by it. BUT India never proliferated to US enemies like Pak did.

@CorneredLeo BTW: These are red herrings. What point are you trying to make? Pakistanis should ask their gov't to put Pakistanis' first.

@CorneredLeo And, I of course, opposed the Iraq war & wrote a book in protest. Needless 2 say, Pak has started and lost every war w/ India.

@CorneredLeo LeT/JM/HuJI has done NOTHING 4 Kashmiris except harm them and their interests. Clue up. Pak can help by NOT using these nuts.

@CorneredLeo Indeed. When those interests clash, shit happens. One can't B sentimental. Pindi should rethink its foreign policy tools.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Rana »

New Top U.S. General: Pakistan Arms Deals Suck
http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/07 ... eals-suck/
Since 2009, the U.S. has engaged in a bit of strategic bribery with Pakistan. America paid for hundreds of millions of dollars worth of helicopters, night-vision equipment and other gear; in return, the Pakistanis were supposed to go after the terrorists in their tribal areas. But the militant pursuit never quite went down the way Washington wanted. So now the next top U.S. military officer is thinking about tearing up the deal.

Gen. Martin Dempsey, the nominee for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, didn’t actually advocate abolishing the $400 million Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund. But during his Tuesday confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, he came very, very close. And he also suggested that the U.S. weapons Pakistan wants might not be so available in the future if it doesn’t help the U.S. hit the terrorist safe havens.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Rahul M »

A_Gupta wrote:Nandu, good point.

Is there any truth to the last
in fact, until the Taliban captured Kabul in ’96, former DG-ISI Lt-Gen Hamid Gul (retd) would constantly refer to them as American stooges
it's possible but is likely an exaggeration. SS would know this better but ISI's favoured candidate till then was gulbuddin hekmatayar. that's not to say the taliban and a dozen other factions didn't receive support from pakistan (or rather from saudi via pakistan minus TSPA cut money).
however, if true, it points out that even then hamid gul was aligned with AQ philosophy, taliban, with its backing from saudi royal family would be seen as american stooges until proven otherwise.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by KLNMurthy »

So Unfair is openly declaring she is a USG mouthpiece and not any independent-thinking academic?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by shiv »

krithivas wrote:The psychoanalysis of Pakistan
http://tribune.com.pk/story/213755/the- ... f-pakistan
...... his clothes drenched, his hair wild, his shirt unbuttoned, his hands covered in mud. “This is the last time I see you without an appointment, Pakistan.” The therapist tried not to reward Pakistan by obliging to his unannounced visits and subsequent tantrums, but this time, she knew that there was something terribly wrong.
Brilliant. This article deserves a place in the honor rolls of BR. Admins, please consider adding this to the startup posting of new TSP thread.
It's funny but it leaves out important stuff which would make it complete nonsense if it was believed. It must not go in the first post

For example it says:
Pakistan’s newly found religiosity didn’t go entirely unnoticed. In fact, Uncle Sam encouraged Pakistan’s violent streak in order to settle a score against its long time adversary by training Pakistan’s crazy cousin, Talib. With his AK-47 loaded with incendiary rounds and an even more incendiary faith, Talib, with the help of his Arab roommate, Qaeda, and Pakistan’s full backing, did for Uncle Sam what no one else could have. After the fight, when Pakistan and Talib turned around to celebrate their victory with a series of high-fives and ‘Allah-u-Akbar’ chants, Sam was nowhere to be found.
This is so much Paki bullshit - the author is humorously piskologizing people into believing that Pakistan is a "patient" and not a criminal - which is rubbish. The "mentally deranged but not criminal" argument.

Pakistan entered into an agreement with the US with each side knowing fully well that Pakistan would help fight the Soviets by creating a force - not with "cousins" but Pakistanis and the Paki army in exchange for Pakistan being armed and allowed to keep buggering Indian the side. Let that little Paki while lie in the article not be hidden by a piskological twisting of a tale told humorously.

Humph. <welcome back shiv>
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Vayutuvan »

Nandu wrote:...Paki side have always been in the vein of "let us try to win at the negotiating table what we couldn't in the battlefield", ...
IIRC, this was said by the Russians during the Tashkent talks when LBS was the PM.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Airavat »

gakakkad wrote:Their was a broadcast on Times Now about tapping of terrorist conversations in which the piglets talk of slaying Kashmiri's to teach them a lesson for not cooperating. Also that rabbani wimmin is meeting hurri-rat before having chai biskoot with Indian officials. Love that channel . Right time to show the right stuff.
Video of the terror intercept

It's between a Pakistani terrorist Saquib and his Paki army handler, mostly in a Punjabi accent. "One piece of advice (nasihat), never trust a Kashmiri. You need to first beat them (thok do unanoo) and then ask questions. Kashmiris only understand the language of the danda (stick)......The moment you see a Kashmiri, kill him."