Rafale & MMRCA News and Discussions

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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Snehashis »

Rafale: French conquest

FRANCE seems to be on the verge of walking away with one of the biggest defence deals in recent times. In early February, the Indian government announced that it had chosen the French firm Dassault Aviation as the sole bidder to supply 126 Rafale jet fighters for the Indian Air Force (IAF). Among the bidders, Dassault had quoted the lowest prices and had also agreed to provide technology of the Rafale to India. No details have emerged about the exact price tag, but reports suggest that the Rafale would cost around $5 million per unit.

The final cost will be announced only after the two sides complete the negotiations, taking into account the weapons and avionics that will be fitted in the planes. Many military experts say that the contract will be worth more than $20 billion.

The Defence Minister, A.K. Antony, announced on February 17 that the final series of negotiations with Dassault had begun. He said that the Contract Negotiations Committee (CNC) had started its work for the procurement of the multi-role combat aircraft. The Minister reiterated that complete transparency would be maintained during the negotiations, which would continue through the year. He said that the government would closely monitor all stages of the negotiations and “ensure that nobody corrupts the Indian system”. Dassault's rivals, while faulting the Indian government's choice of aircraft, have all said that the bidding process was transparent. Previous aviation deals have been clouded in controversy, with allegations of kickbacks being bandied about.

The IAF already flies around 50 French Mirages. The Indian government had signed a $2.5 billion deal with Dassault last year to upgrade the IAF's Mirage fleet. The only serious competition was from the Eurofighter Typhoon, manufactured by a consortium of German, British, Italian and Spanish companies, led by the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS). The British and German governments have already conveyed their unhappiness with the Indian government's decision to opt for the French plane. British Prime Minister David Cameron, while expressing surprise at the decision of the Indian government to opt for the Rafale, said that the Eurofighter was a “superior” plane. British and German officials were evidently under the impression that the Eurofighter was the clear front runner. EADS officials have sought an explanation on the criteria and cost estimation applied by Indian officials while deciding to choose the French planes.

The Europeans had sweetened their bid by offering India the status of the fifth partner in the prestigious EADS consortium. In a recent letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, German Chancellor Angela Merkel wrote that India would become the “fifth partner country” along with Germany, Britain, Spain and Italy. EADS had also offered India the opportunity to develop the aircraft jointly and make the country one of its production hubs for the sale of aircraft to third countries. Dassault, too, has offered similar terms. France has told the Indian government that if it wins the contract, the first 18 fighter jets will be delivered within 36 months and the remaining 108 will be assembled in India.

Other competitors for the contract were eliminated from the original shortlist last year, as the IAF concluded that they did not meet the technical requirements. The fighter planes in question were the American F-16 and F A-18, the Swedish Grippen and the Russian Mig-35. The United States attaches strings to the sale of high-tech weaponry. Countries like Iran and Venezuela, which have chosen to espouse an independent foreign policy, have been denied the much-needed spares for their U.S.-manufactured planes. After India tested nuclear weapons in 1998, Washington imposed sanctions on it. These sanctions, including on the sale of high-tech weapons, were lifted only after the two countries signed a military agreement in 2006.

Although the U.S. has lost out on the latest defence deal, India has gone in for defence purchases from the U.S. in a big way. The recent contract to buy 22 Apache Attack helicopters, overlooking a competitive Russian bid, is an illustration. India had earlier acquired a refurbished U.S. troop ship with logistics-support helicopters, C-130J Hercules heavy lift transport planes, advanced long-range naval reconnaissance aircraft, and weaponry worth several billions of dollars. Many other deals with the U.S. worth billions are in the pipeline. Russia may still be the single biggest arms supplier to India, but the Western powers, together with their ally Israel, provide most of the imported weaponry. This has led to a feeling of discrimination in Moscow.

For the past one year, EADS and Dassault were locked in a fierce competition to clinch the deal. For Dassault, it was virtually a make-or-break situation. France, despite hectic lobbying by President Nicolas Sarkozy, had failed to sell a single Rafale jet abroad. Among the countries that rejected the Rafale were the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland and Morocco. The late Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi was given an “exclusive offer” on Rafales after being wined and dined at the Elysee Palace by Sarkozy during his visit to Paris in 2007. But on his return, the Libyan leader decided that his country could do without the expensive French jets. It is another story that Libya was used as a testing ground for Rafales and Typhoons following the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)-led invasion of the country last year. Both Dassault and EADS regularly put out bulletins detailing the prowess their planes displayed over Libya.

As recently as 2009, the Rafale and the Eurofighter were prominently displayed at an arms fair in Libya. After the regime change in Libya, there are reports that France is on the verge of clinching a deal with the interim government there for the sale of 14 to18 Rafale jets. Last year, the French had also failed to clinch a deal for the sale of 60 Rafale jets to the United Arab Emirates after negotiations had reached an advanced stage. The UAE government changed its mind at the eleventh hour and is now on the verge of inking a deal for the purchase of the Eurofighter. The Eurofighter, according to most aviation experts, is the superior air-to-air interceptor. Dassault was in deep financial trouble because of the huge costs incurred in the production of the Rafale. In December last year, French Defence Minister Gerard Longet warned that production of the jets would have to be stopped if foreign orders failed to materialise in the near future.

After the Indian government announced its decision, an elated Sarkozy said that “we were waiting for this day for 30 years”. It was good news for the French President, who is facing a difficult re-election later this year. The President said that the Indian government's decision should also be seen as “a signal of confidence in the French economy”. Sarkozy had earlier tried to convince the Brazilian government to go in for Rafale jets. In 2008, Sarkozy and President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva had announced that both countries had reached an agreement for the sale of 36 Rafales. But the Brazilian Defence Ministry was quick to issue a statement clarifying that no final decision had been taken. Now with a new President, Dina Roussef, in office, the Brazilian choice has narrowed down to the U.S. F/A 18 Super Hornet fighters and the Swedish Grippen.

India, in recent years, has emerged as the biggest buyer in the international arms bazaar, outspending even the petro-dollar-soaked monarchies of the Gulf. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has said that India accounted for 9 per cent of all the world's weapons imports in 2010. In early February, the Indian Navy took charge of a Russian-made nuclear submarine, INS Chakra-11. It will be on lease for 10 years at a cost of $1 billion. The much-delayed aircraft carrier, Admiral Gorshkov, is expected to join the Indian Navy by the end of this year. That deal was worth $2.33 billion. India has also signed a $30 billion deal with Russia for the purchase of 250-300 Sukhumi T-50 Stealth fighters. They are expected to be inducted into the IAF by 2018.

Many defence analysts interpret the defence acquisition spree by India as an attempt to match China's growing military strength. Washington is encouraging New Delhi to accelerate its costly defence procurement drive by playing up the so-called threat from China. James Clapper, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, told the American Congress that the Indian military “is strengthening its forces in preparation to fight a limited conflict along the disputed border, and is working to balance Chinese power projection in the Indian Ocean”. However, the Indian Defence Minister has clarified that India's modernisation of its defence forces is not aimed at China but only to protect the territorial integrity of the country.

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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Don »

karan_mc wrote:Is this the reaction to MMRCA selection in India

Russia Close to Sign Su-35 Fighter Deal With China
Nah...if they want to "react" to MMRCA by buying foreign they could have bought alot more than just 48 fighters. Afterall, the Chinese have alot more money compared to India. $ 3.181 trillions compared to $ 296 billions in foreign exchange reserves.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by saptarishi »

Don wrote:
karan_mc wrote:Is this the reaction to MMRCA selection in India

Russia Close to Sign Su-35 Fighter Deal With China
Nah...if they want to "react" to MMRCA by buying foreign they could have bought alot more than just 48 fighters. Afterall, the Chinese have alot more money compared to India. $ 3.181 trillions compared to $ 296 billions in foreign exchange reserves.

nahh...this is just to perfect j-11bs. they want to have a look at su-35 and its modern avionics and tvc and other stuff like ols irst and irbis. they are expert in reverse engineering.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by karan_mc »

Russian this time have asked return Guarantee that it won't be copied or used to upgrade their other J-11 fleets
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Singha »

and we all know what such guarantees are worth :mrgreen:
Rus is probably raising funds for PAKDA their next bomber project by selling IP of the Su35BM - an excellent plane but one they cannot buy in large nos at present.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by kuldipchager »

  • karan_mc Post subject: Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!Posted: 06 Mar 2012 19:57


    Joined: 02 Dec 2006 20:53
    Posts: 545 Is this the reaction to MMRCA selection in India

    Russia Close to Sign Su-35 Fighter Deal With China

If china put these bird against us.do you think we shuold complain to russia.Why we did't buy these SU 35(it was offered).It will be cheaper to operate compare to Refel.Because parts and service will be close to SU 30 mki.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by karan_mc »

Singha wrote:and we all know what such guarantees are worth :mrgreen:
Rus is probably raising funds for PAKDA their next bomber project by selling IP of the Su35BM - an excellent plane but one they cannot buy in large nos at present.
They want money to Run production for Su35 its self , since they are inducting but the pace is slow
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by arthuro »

India, Dassault enter final MMRCA negotiations 
PrintBy: Greg Waldron Singapore 1 hours ago Source:
India has confirmed that final negotiations with Dassault for 126 Rafale fighters have commenced, and that the Indian air force plans to phase out its Mikoyan MiG-21 aircraft from 2014.

The defence ministry says final talks are now under way with Dassault, which in early February secured so-called "L1 vendor" status, denoting that it was the lowest-price-compliant bidder for the medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) competition.

A defence ministry official also dismissed as false a report in an Indian publication that quoted unnamed sources as saying it had raised concerns about calculations pertaining to the Rafale's life-cycle costs.

Achieving L1 status allows Dassault to conduct final negotiations for the deal with India's Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC). A CNC is comprised of a defence programme's key stakeholders, and in the case of MMRCA is likely to include organisations such as the air force and Hindustan Aeronautics, which will build 108 of the aircraft domestically.

Once launched, negotiations between the CNC and Dassault could take between six months and one year to complete, according to an industry source.

Analysts have estimated the value of the MMRCA contest as ranging between $10 billion and $20 billion. The Rafale's original rivals for the requirement were the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16IN Super Viper, RSK MiG-35 and Saab Gripen NG. All but the Rafale and Typhoon were eliminated in April 2011.

The defence ministry source says India will begin phasing out its MiG-21s from 2014. While popular among experienced pilots, the MiG-21s in air force service have suffered from obsolescence problems as well as a number of fatal accidents in recent years.
http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... ns-369150/
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by shyamd »

^^ They had the highest costs in the Libyan operations.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by saptarishi »


http://defense-update.com/20120305_elbi ... ology.html
The Boeing Company has selected Elbit Systems to provide advanced avionics systems for its fighter aircraft, including the upgraded versions of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and F-15SE Silent Eagle.Large Area Display Technology
The system employs 11-inch by 19-inch (27.9 x 48.2 cm) Large Area Display (LAD) integrating tactical data, mission planning and flight information into a complete situational picture responding to specific mission phase and pilot controls. LAD is designed to operate in synch with the Boeing JHMCS II helmet mounted display,
maybe we can integrate these elbit large area displays into rafale, super-30 mki or amca or probably fgfa . i think we should seriously consider super hornet for n-mmrca for navy. i wanted rafale to win in mmrca,but still my heart says that there should be one yanky fighter in our armed forces be it navy or air force
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Singha »

wow 11x19 is seriously good. I like I like.

Rus due to its funding issues is in a bind. modern projects are very costly. it has to feed the wolf some pieces of its own flesh to keep the rest of body healthy and alive.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Austin »

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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Ganesh_S »

self delete.
Last edited by Ganesh_S on 07 Mar 2012 16:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Lalmohan »

expect to hear a report soon on how the typhoon's life cycle costs are lower...
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MOD Babus Re-open the Cost Issue for the Rafale

Post by Jaybhatt »

Why this sudden brouhaha ?

Is it the Anglo - German EF lobby working overtime to sabotage the Rafale deal or is it the usual gang of grubby-fingered
babus trying to extract some juice for themselves and their political masters ?

Or a combination of both these forces ?

Any guesses from fellow BR members ?
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Lalmohan »

un named sources can say anything to anyone
why only yesterday un named sources said that shiv was dating aishwarya
meanhile confirmed unnamed sources are saying that I was seen in a Bips/Sush sandwich
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by saptarishi »

mmrca deal has become a hot topic in b-school interview processes. in group discussions and interviews of premier b schools,questions regarding mmrca deal was asked. i got a call from imt ghaziabad, mdi gurgaon and iim-kashipur and in all of them something regarding mmrca was asked. in imt-ghaziabad,, a premier b school, the interviewer asked me whether it was wise to go for rafale when fifth generation f-35 was getting ready for induction, in iim gd the topic was whether mmrca selection fair given many jets were on offer. so it surprises me. mdi gurgaon had a case study on mmrca. i guess this is a hot topic.
Ganesh_S wrote:http://www.deccanherald.com/content/232 ... fales.html
Top IAF sources said the two MoD members on the Contract Negotiations Committee (CNC) have questioned the low lifecycle cost that was earlier worked out in respect of the Rafale which was chosen over the Eurofighter Typhoon for the Air Force’s MMRCA programme that envisages supply from Dassault 126 aircraft for a massive $20 billion, the largest open tender military aviation deal in the world.

The sources said that the “differences” that have cropped up among the CNC members are centred around the Rafale’s lifecycle cost which the MoD representatives have declared to be far less than what it should be.

“There is no unanimity among the CNC members... and failing a unanimous decision, the Rafale acquisition could well get pushed back,” sources said. While the maintenance cost of a Saab-Gripen single engine aircraft is over $3,000 per hour, that of the far superior Rafale could be estimated to be much higher.

The MoD representatives’ assessment that a Rafale’s lifecycle cost should be higher appears to have stemmed from the defence establishment’s historical reliance on Russian aircraft
. According to sources, the MoD officials on the CNC are “not satisfied” with the lower assessment of the lifecycle cost.

The MoD’s disagreement with other CNC members comes at a time when the committee will also have to review other “items” involving the Rafale, including the cost of air frame, engine, avionics, weapons system and spare parts support among others. It is learnt that the MoD representatives raised their objections some time after the commercial bids were opened and continued to object to the low computation of a Rafale aircraft’s lifecycle cost in some recent meetings of the CNC.
old news already denied by MOD
arthuro wrote:
India, Dassault enter final MMRCA negotiations 
PrintBy: Greg Waldron Singapore 1 hours ago Source:
India has confirmed that final negotiations with Dassault for 126 Rafale fighters have commenced, and that the Indian air force plans to phase out its Mikoyan MiG-21 aircraft from 2014.

The defence ministry says final talks are now under way with Dassault, which in early February secured so-called "L1 vendor" status, denoting that it was the lowest-price-compliant bidder for the medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) competition.

A defence ministry official also dismissed as false a report in an Indian publication that quoted unnamed sources as saying it had raised concerns about calculations pertaining to the Rafale's life-cycle costs.

Achieving L1 status allows Dassault to conduct final negotiations for the deal with India's Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC). A CNC is comprised of a defence programme's key stakeholders, and in the case of MMRCA is likely to include organisations such as the air force and Hindustan Aeronautics, which will build 108 of the aircraft domestically.

Once launched, negotiations between the CNC and Dassault could take between six months and one year to complete, according to an industry source.

Analysts have estimated the value of the MMRCA contest as ranging between $10 billion and $20 billion. The Rafale's original rivals for the requirement were the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16IN Super Viper, RSK MiG-35 and Saab Gripen NG. All but the Rafale and Typhoon were eliminated in April 2011.

The defence ministry source says India will begin phasing out its MiG-21s from 2014. While popular among experienced pilots, the MiG-21s in air force service have suffered from obsolescence problems as well as a number of fatal accidents in recent years.
http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... ns-369150/
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by saptarishi »

Singha wrote:wow 11x19 is seriously good. I like I like.

Rus due to its funding issues is in a bind. modern projects are very costly. it has to feed the wolf some pieces of its own flesh to keep the rest of body healthy and alive.
I WISH IAF GETS these displays in most of its future fighters like lca mk2,amca ,fgfa and super-30.elbit avionics are already seen in lca,su-30,jaguar and dhruv. let us hope iaf gets these.
Lalmohan wrote:un named sources can say anything to anyone
why only yesterday un named sources said that shiv was dating aishwarya
meanhile confirmed unnamed sources are saying that I was seen in a Bips/Sush sandwich
nope shiv ji is so into katrina.shiv ji adores her ornaments like rbe-2aa,meteor,spectra etc. ash bips sush are old stories :rotfl: :wink: lol
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Ganesh_S »

saptarishi wrote: old news already denied by MOD
Sorry, it just appeared to have been posted 6 hrs ago. you are right the article was written on 5th.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by member_20453 »

saptarishi wrote:Image

http://defense-update.com/20120305_elbi ... ology.html
The Boeing Company has selected Elbit Systems to provide advanced avionics systems for its fighter aircraft, including the upgraded versions of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and F-15SE Silent Eagle.Large Area Display Technology
The system employs 11-inch by 19-inch (27.9 x 48.2 cm) Large Area Display (LAD) integrating tactical data, mission planning and flight information into a complete situational picture responding to specific mission phase and pilot controls. LAD is designed to operate in synch with the Boeing JHMCS II helmet mounted display,
maybe we can integrate these elbit large area displays into rafale, super-30 mki or amca or probably fgfa . i think we should seriously consider super hornet for n-mmrca for navy. i wanted rafale to win in mmrca,but still my heart says that there should be one yanky fighter in our armed forces be it navy or air force
I agree a full Spec SH Internatioanl with all the upgrades including new 20% extra thrust engines, CFTs, new MAWS, new cockpit, further reduced rcs, etc would have been the ideal aircraft. It would also have been cheaper by a long shot and with a more advanced weapons pack, the yankee piss poor deal making in this case was their undoing.

I guess a separate order of 100 SH would be ideal.

This type of single large display could make it into the PAKFA.

Super 30 will mostly have a su-35 style cockpit

http://www.google.be/imgres?q=su-35+coc ... 29,r:3,s:0
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by babbupandey »

Austin wrote:Su-30MKI versus Rafale

I am tempted to take it with a pinch of salt. I don't know how they calculated the probability of win and this is for the first time I have seen aircraft being compared in terms of fuel economy (like they are scooters)
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by saptarishi »




this was an ideal mmrca,alas the controls and stupid pacts like cismoa etc. have ruined its chances. with the new cockpit from elbit,cft,apg-79, higher thrust gef414 EPE engines,internal IRST. JHMCS 2 HELMET and a far cheaper price, it was a better mmrca compared to rafale but what we wanted was complete tech transfer and handing over of source codes. rafale is ideal in that sense. but for N-MMRCA we should definitely give this a thought. for follow on order of 63 jets for IAF i think rafale is good because it has already been selected. spare a thought for the boeing guys and super hornet, they lost in japan and india,but this jet is really good no doubt
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Cain Marko »

^^ Well, they'd have stood a much better chance had they introduced it earlier and demoed a flying proto for tech evals instead of just a mockup at AI 11 - too little too late.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by saptarishi »

Cain Marko wrote:^^ Well, they'd have stood a much better chance had they introduced it earlier and demoed a flying proto for tech evals instead of just a mockup at AI 11 - too little too late.

super hornet international roadmap detailed.with n-mmrca they can make it. i think mig-29k with aesa,rafale ,f-35c and super hornet international roadmap will be the contenders. with 45 mig-29k already ordered for ins vikramaditya and ins vkrant,it is easy to guess that iac-2 will be having lca mk2 and n-mmrca. it will most probably be a 65000 tonne carrier.indian navy plans a fleet of 100-120 fighters. 45 mig-29k,40 lca mk2 and 40 n-mmrca just fits the bill,but that will be post 2015 so most probably rafale or f-35 will win the deal. naval fgfa or pak-fa can also be there.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by shyamd »

Update on BAe digging dirt on dassault winning the MRCA: they have identified a consultant that may have been involved.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by saptarishi »

shyamd wrote:Update on BAe digging dirt on dassault winning the MRCA: they have identified a consultant that may have been involved.
the mod and iaf should sign the contract without delay after concluding the negotiation . bae might resort to other dirty tricks.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by ramana »

shyamd wrote:Update on BAe digging dirt on dassault winning the MRCA: they have identified a consultant that may have been involved.

A BRF member perhaps?
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by shyamd »

^^ Lets see. Why this kolaveri though? Is it the disbelief that there HAS to be some foul play to get the L1? Does that mean Rafale is really more expensive? I mean to dig dirt on Dassault - that would mean someone at the top is seriously pissed off - and obviously the french govt/Dassault will respond in kind if there are allegations made.

But at least we know that the ball is rolling and BAe is looking for some mud to throw.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by nachiket »

shyamd wrote:? I mean to dig dirt on Dassault
Why? Isn't that what BAe is doing?
- that would mean someone at the top is seriously pissed off -
The only ones pissed off are members of the EF consortium. For losing the contract. Well tough luck. I hope the govt. asks them to pi$$ off if they start creating too much trouble.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by NRao »

Ban EF for 10 years!!!!!!!
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Singha »

BAE and HMG were involved in kickbacks for the saudi deals. they could rightly be banned here for 50 yrs for unethical and adharmic business practices. they better watch where they are treading.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Kersi D »

Lalmohan wrote: why only yesterday un named sources said that shiv was dating aishwarya
meanhile confirmed unnamed sources are saying that I was seen in a Bips/Sush sandwich
WOW BR is going places !!!!!!!
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by shyamd »

Bernard Baiocco, the former director of Thales International Asia who retired in 2006 and is now a consultant. Baiocco has been based in Singapore for many years but he is a specialist in South-East Asia rather than India. He is one person BAe are focusing on.
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Singha »

from 5th Feb 2012 - seems S Swamy is in the game.
Although it is unclear whether any of these families have been involved in the fighter jet deal, industry
insiders claim that Bernard Baiocco, a veteran French consultant, took part in background negotiations.
Baiocco, a former employee of the Thales defence firm, allegedly met a senior and influential official in
the administration.
Last week Thales, which contributes radar and electronic systems to the Rafale, said Baiocco was not
working on its behalf. However, a Paris defence industry source said Baiocco was part of a team set up
by the consortium GIE Rafale, a group of 500 companies involved in making the plane.
In Delhi one prominent source suggested that Baiocco’s role was influential. “I was told that the
Eurofighter had won and then this changed,” said Subramanian Swamy, an Indian MP. “Baiocco was
here and he went around, and everything changed after that.”
Last week Baiocco could not be reached for comment and Dassault declined to answer questions about
his alleged meeting with the senior official. The French insist they have become the preferred bidder on
pure value for money
Another Westminster source said that after allegations of corruption surrounding the huge Al-Yamamah
arms deal with Saudi Arabia, BAE had been at pains to play by the rules. “They are absolutely terrified
about doing anything that could even be construed as not cricket,” said the insider. “I’m not sure some of
their competitors play by the same rules.” :rotfl:
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by kelesis »

Dassault Says Indian Fighter Jet Deal Secure as Talks Intensify

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-0 ... nsify.html
For 15 years, we’ve been saying the Rafale costs less than the Eurofighter,” Edelstenne said. “Now it’s the Indians who are saying it.”

Dassault will prevail against the Eurofighter in India because in every competition where the two jets have been in direct competition, the French model gained higher rankings, even if it ultimately didn’t win the final deal, the CEO said.
Little by little, the whole plane will come to be produced in India within 10 years,” he said. “We are open to all transfers of technology, I don’t fear competition.
Kersi D
Posts: 1444
Joined: 20 Sep 2000 11:31

Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Kersi D »

Lalmohan wrote:un named sources can say anything to anyone
why only yesterday un named sources said that shiv was dating aishwarya
meanhile confirmed unnamed sources are saying that I was seen in a Bips/Sush sandwich
You lucky $#$%^!#^$#
Christopher Sidor
Posts: 1435
Joined: 13 Jul 2010 11:02

Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Christopher Sidor »

Just great. This deal is sought to be pulled into corruption scandal, too. Please leave this deal alone. We need this fighter. And we need all of them, i.e. 128 units, yesterday.
Posts: 1083
Joined: 07 Dec 2008 02:32

Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Kailash »

Antony tells MoD to probe Rafale deal

Tamasha start again. God save India
Posts: 1083
Joined: 07 Dec 2008 02:32

Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by Kailash »

Eurofighter 'stands ready' to renegotiate MMRCA bid with India

Looks like critical parts of CAPTOR sourced from the US company Micronetics
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Re: Raffy wins - Go Katrina!

Post by suryag »

At times I feel Antony is a blessing but thats just a minority. The good thing that seems to be coming out of this is that bofors from drawings is being made at OFB, whether it eventually turns out to be good we dont know. Also pray that we doint get into war while this turmoil is unfolding and see who is raising the complain mysoora reddy. he is a joke of a politician in AP

Added later well when r.chowdhary could do it why not m.reddy
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