Indian Interests

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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

If India wants free movement for her professionals in other countries then it has to be reciprocal. So its important to have H1B type worker visas.
Who knows Steve Jobs might have stayed back in India!
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Klaus »

devesh wrote: I don't see how this decision is a "positive" one, let alone beneficial or wise.
The A-S block (which is traditionally ocean based power) would strongly feel that private sector push in ship-building will genuinely propel the IN into certified blue-water navy status. The A-S handles in the MoD choose to clamp down on that for the present till the time that other Asian nations choose the indigenous route, Japan for example.

The IOR has the maximum A-S interference anywhere in the world.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by devesh »

indeed. I as hoping somebody would respond to that one. are we to assume that the "handles" are outright batting for the other team? or is it that they realize there are other choke points on India, which the AS current have, that India might not be able to handle at the present time, and therefore they believe that staying inconspicuous is better for now, instead of going full throttle?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Klaus »

^^^ IMO the latter is the case, otherwise the MRCA would have gone to the EF, or even the Khanate birds. This phase of the IN's growth strategy would be creeping growth, for eg the winning bird has proven a/c carrier ops capability. Unfortunately, this comes at a price as PRC will greatly reduce the gap in naval capabilities at the expense of our posture.

The choke points on India are likely to be found in less-likely locations, not directly traceable to the usual suspects. Perhaps, this is why we may need to scout for new locations to base new ship-building infra soon.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Aditya_V »

What would the Media's reaction be if a BJP person, rather someone who is an intergral part and INC ally had said this???

Shut nightclubs to prevent rapes: Mamata
Under fire for the deteriorating law and order situation in West Bengal, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has sparked another controversy, saying 'shut nightclubs by midnight and there'll be no rapes in the state.'
She had claimed that the 30-year-old woman allegedly raped by a gang of armed robbers too was a set-up. Mamata had also hit out at the Left over the recent spate of crib deaths in the state, saying it was an attempt to discredit her government.
In this ugly politics over rape, it is the rape victims who are suffering. As politicians slug it out, victims are being victimised further. It is becoming increasingly difficult for them to come forward and claim the very same justice Mamata once promised to deliver for Bengal.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem » ... story.html
NEW DELHI — Of all the threats India tries to keep from spilling across its borders, one has been particularly difficult to block: fake Indian rupees printed in Pakistan.Bank transactions involving counterfeit currency increased 400 percent in the past year, according to India’s Finance Ministry, and officials in the capital made a record seizure of fake cash during a search of fabric shipments from Pakistan this year.Personal Post Officials say Pakistani groups produce the high-quality fake notes and then use them to fund terrorism and drug networks in India. Counterfeiting is also a form of economic sabotage, the officials say, which could deter global investors if left unchecked.The high quality of the notes indicates that sophisticated machines were used to make them, the officials say, adding that such equipment would be available only to governments. The fakes typically have security features found in genuine notes, such as watermarks, silver security threads and micro-lettering, intelligence agency reports say. In Islamabad, a senior security official rejected the suggestion that the Pakistani government was involved. “This is an old allegation — it has been going on for years now,” the official said. “There is no truth to it whatsoever.”Activists of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India and militants from the outlawed Pakistani group Lashkar-i-Taiba arrested in the past four years were found with fake currency in their possession, according to India’s National Investigation Agency. In the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, police say, Maoist insurgents have also begun using fake notes in their campaign.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Aditya_V »

I have a feeling it is better to shutdown the Offices, labs, staff for CBI, better higher 15 stenos with desktops and printers outside 10 Janpath and 23 Akbar Road.

Election results: CBI’s sword hangs over Mulayam, family
For, on October 26, 2007, the CBI had filed an application in the SC seeking permission to proceed ahead with the case on the ground that during the preliminary probe it had stumbled upon prima facie evidence on the alleged DA case of the SP chieftain, his sons, Akhilesh and Prateek, and daughter-in-law Dimple.
When the matter was crucially poised before the court, there was a change in political equations with SP's 39 MPs rescuing the UPA during the 2008 trust vote(my input)and offcourse being the boots on the ground to buy off opposition MP's! on the Indo-US nuclear deal. Indebted by the SP's help, the UPA decided to pay back.
he CBI filed another application on December 6, 2008, seeking permission to withdraw its October 26, 2007 plea. The logic behind the flip-flop - a grave error in the calculation of assets had led the agency to believe that the SP chief and his family members had amassed wealth disproportionate to their known sources of income.
What if the CBI does a somersault again? The fallout could be grave: prosecution of all the four important members of the SP first family.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

If INC goes ahead then SP will make AY as the CM and MY will go to jail and get even more sympathy. Having failed in UP elections the INC is dangling the Congress Bureau of Investigation stick. Mulayam Singh might turn it around and reorganize Central politicial porcess itself! If he agrees to join up with other like minded CMs he can take over the INC and throw the 2Gs out of INC.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by member_20617 »

ramana wrote:If INC goes ahead then SP will make AY as the CM and MY will go to jail and get even more sympathy. Having failed in UP elections the INC is dangling the Congress Bureau of Investigation stick. Mulayam Singh might turn it around and reorganize Central politicial porcess itself! If he agrees to join up with other like minded CMs he can take over the INC and throw the 2Gs out of INC.
2Gs :rotfl:

What about 2Vs?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Hari Seldon »

Tamils' prejudice against 'North Indians' takes an increasingly violent turn
Last weekend, a dishevelled, bare-chested man was almost done to death in Chennai. Police and scores of bystanders watched the young man being beaten unconscious. A few even cheered and egged on the mob. Barely three days before this incident the city witnessed the killing of five men, allegedly involve in a recent spate of bank robberies in the city, in a daring mid-night ‘encounter' with the police. The two incidents, close on the heels of each other, had one commonality—the ‘north Indian' factor. An eyewitness to the lynching told reporters “the mob was screaming north Indian thief” as they “thrashed him” and dragged his unconscious body to the main road. The apparent ‘burglar from north India' finally turned out to be one Venkat Rao from Andhra Pradesh. So who are these ‘north Indians'? What are they doing here?
The ‘north Indian'

Two applications filed in the Madras High Court by six advocates and residents of Velachery, the neighbourhood where the ‘encounter' took place, describes these ‘north Indians' as “the workers who had landed in Tamil Nadu for working, slowly steadied their roots here and later started indulging in many crimes, many of which are dastardly and grave ones”. They further state that “offences committed by (the) north Indians in Tamil Nadu are on the rise” and that in this particular instance “group of north Indians were on a rampage....disturbing the peace and tranquillity of the state”. The applications have been filed to counter the ongoing public interest litigation in the Madras High Court challenging the recent killings.

In their malicious and mischievous intent, there is one thing that the applicants have said that is true, that they are ‘workers'. But the truth stops there.
A sad, sad tale. There's really no rich state like Guj in India then, where such petty desi-on-desi xenophobia on display in MH and now TN has not erupted violently. #aakthoo.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by abhishek_sharma »

Views from the Right
Knocking NGOs

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s recent remarks on the anti-Koodankulam protests — that non-governmental organisations based in the US and receiving support from abroad are leading protests against the nuclear plant installation, besides stalling use of genetic engineering in agriculture — has been welcomed by the RSS journal, Organiser.

“The prime minister’s unusually forthright and strong stand on the Koodankulam protesters is welcome,” says its lead edit. Claiming that it was the first to talk about the “devious role played by the Church” in spearheading the protest, the Organiser alleges that church leaders at the level of cardinals and bishops are directly involved in orchestrating a chorus against the nuclear power project. It also argues that Tamil Nadu is the largest recipient of foreign funds, going by Foreign (Contribution) Registration Act figures released by the home ministry, and adds that most NGOs are “extension counters of the Church, dabbling in religious conversions rather than social work”.

Saying that the government has frozen accounts of some NGOs for diversion of funds from its intended purpose, the Organiser contends that this is only the tip of the iceberg. It says that, while the population of Koodankulam is not more than 300, people have been brought from outside in truckloads and provided food and money to sit in dharnas. “It is not possible to sustain an agitation for over five months without outside support”, the edit says. It says there is no effective forum in the country to monitor the working of NGOs, and demands that a system be put in place that can not do this, but also allow a redressal route for those who have complaints against them.

VHP’s good works

The Organiser noted the re-conversion of 3,127 converted Christians to Hinduism last month through the “Paravartanjajna (homecoming)” programme organised by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad in Sundargarh in Odisha.

According to the article, the VHP runs over 40,000 schools, residential schools and colleges for tribal children in tribal areas all over the country, which produce doctors, scientists and government officers. Self-help centres and vocational guidance units have been set up. It says that the programme was also attended by the VHP international working president, Pravin Togadia, who had demanded that a bill be brought in Parliament delisting tribals who have converted to Christianity from availing the benefits of reservation.

Gunning for Geelani

The Panchjanya has criticised Hurriyat Conference hardliner Syed Shah Geelani for his visa recommendation letter for Pakistan to alleged Lashkar-e-Toiba militant Ahtesham Malik and asked for stringent action against him.

The Panchjanya editorial alleges that anti-national and separatist elements are emboldened to speak against India because the Centre always turns a blind eye to such incidents. It argues that Geelani’s recommendation letter shows that he is not only hand-in-glove with separatist and terrorist forces, but also highlights the importance he is given by the Pakistani establishment. “This is the same Geelani who openly advocates Pakistan’s cause in the Kashmir valley, who uses ISI funds and the network of Imams to instigate the stone pelters to attack security forces, issues Islamic calendar for the Kashmiris and compels them to follow it, besides coming to Delhi on the pretext of medical treatment and using other forums along with Arundhati Roy to raise the cry for separation of Kashmirfrom India in the backdrop of banners like ‘Azaadi, the only way.”

People like Geelani and Arundhati Roy, who “should actually be behind bars for treason, are enjoying privileges at government expenditure”, says the article. The Panchjanya argues that action against those like Geelani will go a long way in sending a clear message to other separatist forces.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by nvishal »

There is nothing more dangerous to india than infighting; external threats are secondary.

If india doesn't even out its uneven regional developments then these infighting's will spread to other regions. Much of it caused by migrants scattering to other parts looking for jobs.

The underdevelopment of middle india has already sent many hindi migrants to every corner of india.

Telangana is yet another issue of uneven development. Vidharba in maharashtra too.

Division of UP stems from uneven development.

MNS is maharashtra was born from anti-immigration politics.

I expect the birth of at least 3 new states in the next 15 years as an ointment to prevent mass scale infighting from getting out of hands.

This reminds me of middle india of hundred different provinces that were too busy scheming and fighting each other and in the process, turned a blind eye at external threats coming from the north-west putting all the load on the punjab people to guard the gate.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem »

How India Became America
ANOTHER brick has come down in the great wall separating India from the rest of the world. Recently, both Starbucks and Amazon announced that they would be entering the Indian market. Amazon has already started a comparison shopping site; Starbucks plans to open its first outlet this summer. As one Indian newspaper put it, this could be “the final stamp of globalization.” For me, though, the arrival of these two companies, so emblematic of American consumerism, and so emblematic, too, of the West Coast techie culture that has infiltrated India’s own booming technology sector, is a sign of something more distinctive. It signals the latest episode in India’s remarkable process of Americanization.More than half a century ago, R. K. Narayan, that great chronicler of India in simpler times, wrote about his travels in America. “America and India are profoundly different in attitude and philosophy,” he wrote. “Indian philosophy stresses austerity and unencumbered, uncomplicated day-to-day living. America’s emphasis, on the other hand, is on material acquisition and the limitless pursuit of prosperity.” By the time I decided to return to India for good, in 2003, Narayan’s observations felt outdated. A great reconciliation had taken place; my two homes were no longer so far apart.
This reconciliation — this Americanization of India — had both tangible and intangible manifestations. The tangible signs included an increase in the availability of American brands; a noticeable surge in the population of American businessmen (and their booming voices) in the corridors of five-star hotels; and, also, a striking use of American idiom and American accents. In outsourcing companies across the country, Indians were being taught to speak more slowly and stretch their O’s. I found myself turning my head (and wincing a little) when I heard young Indians call their colleagues “dude.” I recently spoke with a woman in her mid-50s who lives in a nearby village. She leads a simple life (impoverished even, by American standards), but she is immeasurably better off than she was a couple of decades ago. She grew up in a thatch hut. Now she lives in a house with a concrete roof, running water and electricity. Her son owns a cellphone and drives a motorcycle. Her niece is going to college

But the intangible evidence of Americanization was even more remarkable. Something had changed in the very spirit of the country. The India in which I grew up was, in many respects, an isolated and dour place of limited opportunity. The country was straitjacketed by its moralistic rejection of capitalism, by a lethargic and often depressive fatalism. Now it is infused with an energy, a can-do ambition and an entrepreneurial spirit that I can only describe as distinctly American. In surveys of global opinion, Indians consistently rank as among the most optimistic people in the world. Bookstores are stacked with titles like “India Arriving,” “India Booms” and “The Indian Renaissance.” The Pew Global Attitudes Project, which measures opinions across major countries, regularly finds that Indians admire values and attributes typically thought of as American: free-market capitalism, globalization, even multinational companies. Substantial majorities associate Americans with values like hard work and inventiveness, and even during the Iraq war, India’s views of America remained decidedly positive.
This is what all the money has brought to us,” she said to me. “We were poor, but at least we didn’t need to worry about our lives. I think it was better that way.” Hers is a lament — against rapid development, against the brutality of modernity — that I have heard with increasing frequency. India’s Americanization has in so many ways been a wonderful thing. It has lifted millions from poverty, and, by seeding ideas of meritocracy and individual attainment into the national imagination, it has begun the process of dismantling an old and often repressive order. More and more, though, I find myself lying awake at night, worrying about what will take the place of that order. The American promise of renewal and reinvention is deeply seductive — but, as I have learned since coming back home, it is also profoundly menacing
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem » ... -thinking/
Do India’s Planners Lack Innovative Thinking?
In their critique the researchers note: “India has visibly weathered the global crisis of 2008-2009 and its aftershocks much better than most countries for the time being because of its limited engagement with the global economy…. Execution of the 12th Five Year Plan, in whatever form it finally appears, will face much greater uncertainty and turmoil than anyone is willing to forecast at this time.” The authors state that “barring a miracle, India has no reasonable chance of becoming a country with the third largest GDP in the world in the coming two decades.”Their premise is based on two key aspects of the Indian economy — the education system and the intellectual property (IP) system. They point out that other important players in the region, including China, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, have all spent years building their education and R&D institutions and IP system in a planned manner. In India, the education system has been declining rapidly over the years and there is no robust IP system in place. If India is to maintain its economic growth, these two systems must be overhauled thoroughly and quickly, the researchers add.
According to the Acadinnet team, the Planning Commission has failed to highlight the serious consequences of the country’s decline in education and IP creation. The critique also points to other areas to which the authors argue that Planning Commission has not given adequate focus. For instance, the need for job creation at the high end, such as positions for researchers, innovators and professors whose knowledge and skills now drive the global economy, and the need to retain and also attract back to the country high-caliber talent that has gone overseas.The authors of the critique also suggest that the Planning Commission has a “blind spot” toward the information technology sector. They contend that while this industry has put India on the global map by offering high salaries for high-tech jobs, it has “systematically siphoned off the top layer of the educated young population … thus depriving all other sectors of the economy in desperate need of talent.” Instead of relying on only economists and bureaucrats, Raj says, “The Planning Commission also needs to get innovators who can advise it on innovation and IP and how these impact the economy.”
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

Recieved by e-mail from RamaY:

Please think it over:

If we look at current developments in and around India
- KKNP fiasco
- Murder of Indian fishermen by Italian merchant sailors
- Sri Lanka human rights case
- Myanmar
- Tibet
- Nepal
- China entering PoK
- Pakistan
- Baluchistan
- Afghanistan
- Iran

In all these challenges, Indian interests are at odds with western interests/strategies.

In such a scenario can west (US, EU, NATO and GCC) ever be helpful to India? In every scenario mentioned above any benefit to India will come at western (influence) cost. So how can there be a synergy between our core interests?

People are thinking that India will become west's quarterback in the future by becoming its water boy today. But water boys do not become quarterbacks no matter how good they are at being water boys.

Regarding Indian immigrants in GCC. They will not be able to influence local governments, unlike the RNIs who influenced GoI during Op.Parakram.

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Re: Indian Interests

Post by brihaspati »

ramana wrote:Recieved by e-mail from RamaY:

Please think it over:

If we look at current developments in and around India
- KKNP fiasco
- Murder of Indian fishermen by Italian merchant sailors
- Sri Lanka human rights case
- Myanmar
- Tibet
- Nepal
- China entering PoK
- Pakistan
- Baluchistan
- Afghanistan
- Iran

In all these challenges, Indian interests are at odds with western interests/strategies.

In such a scenario can west (US, EU, NATO and GCC) ever be helpful to India? In every scenario mentioned above any benefit to India will come at western (influence) cost. So how can there be a synergy between our core interests?

People are thinking that India will become west's quarterback in the future by becoming its water boy today. But water boys do not become quarterbacks no matter how good they are at being water boys.

Regarding Indian immigrants in GCC. They will not be able to influence local governments, unlike the RNIs who influenced GoI during Op.Parakram.

Some of the items appear to be in western interests : but are they really so? Dont most of them represent the weakness and dependence of the west on non-western forces?

Murder of Indian fishermen by Italian merchant sailors : there is more to the story. I have already proposed that the southern shipping lanes are part of the conduit that flows arms and drugs across the northern IOR offshore route that connects SE-Asia and Chinese point of origins to sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. Norway connection to SL in this should be remembered. The Italian shooting case should have been made out into the opportunity to clamp down on the entry of stuff through the arc around Kerala. Foreign shipping will drop arms and people in a zone for coastal "innocent" boats to pick up. The shooting should have been used to clean this up - as the shooting could be seen as scaring away wrong boats so that the zone acquired a reputation as unsafe for those not involved in the trade. Italians appear to have been involved in other sea-based initiatives as in the case of Palestine blockade.
- Sri Lanka human rights case [No comments]
- Myanmar : Here Brits are on the backfoot. The earlier biz connection and drugs connections are no longer in their favour. The elite are playing both China and Brit off against each other.
- Tibet : Whats happening there is not in western interests.
- Nepal : It is practically out of western influence in the social sense. The majority underlying Nepal has turned irrevocably hostile. The Gurkha recruitment attendance is not the only face of Nepal. Vast portions of the region is now practically out of bounds for westerners. Here the key was and still remains culture - religiona dn language, something that the current system in India abhors - and which space the Chinese use by trying to push communist discrediting of Hinduism. Chinese influence is not in western interests there.
- China entering PoK : again ultimately dangerous for west.
- Pakistan : going against west. Slowly and surely - the Talebs and their copies are taking over.
- Baluchistan : natives are turning against west. Even if they use any proffered help from the west. Can't say more than this.
- Afghanistan : Talebs will take over.
- Iran : War looms and not from any of the scenarios so romantically elaborated in many official scenarios.

The two key problems to indicate how it will go - is Syria and the second phase of Egyptian consolidation of Islamists after riding the first uprising of the youth. MB is moving fast.

Now if in all this we cannot see how west is losing its grip, we would be mistaken. Now west's losing the grip need not be to India's benefit in all senses. Neither should it be the unmitigated disaster that some may worry about. It all depends on how cleverly and with a long term vision to expand Indian power in IOR and Asia - that Indian rashtryia planners work.

I see great opportunities. If only we have clear plans towards territorial and defacto imperialist expansion. To counter aspiring empires one needs to be an aspiring empire itself. The older strategy of a Maoist luring deep inside and ambushing piecemeal [the one some feel was adopted against Islamics] will not work in the age of missiles and airforces. China can be shrunk and Pakistan erased. Gulf and Iran has to be tamed, neutralized and subverted to stop the oil-money flowing to fund Paki-like dreams. Dominance of the Gulf by India - on Indian terms, and Indian ideological dominance [not Islamic] should be part of the long term picture.

This is no longer a purely western or Chinese game. They have created Frankensteins, which are also to our advantage.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »


In my opinion China (CPC), in it's current form, is nothing but the colonial arm of Anglo-Saxon west. Let me explain. Before 1970 the west heavily relied on the cheap labor of the colonial Asia and before that the slave Africa. All this ended with abolition of slavery and successful freedom movements post WW2.

In 1970 the west was successful in convincing the CPC to be the Colonial arm of West. How this is done is immaterial, as the end result is nothing but China morphing into the crown jewel in the new American empire. The modern MNCs are incarnations of EIC. Look at how the apples and walmarts of USA are exploiting the cheap labor of china thru the American Raj (CPC) system in china. It is no different from how British India was kept under control between 1700-1947.

That is how, IMHO, a strong and one-China will be in the best interests of AS-West. It is akin to pre-1937 Bharat. In one way, British helped bringing back the splintered Bharatiya territories together until 1937. If and when the real China demands freedom from this colonization thru yellow-sahibs, then only the China will be split into multiple nations/ethnicities, irrespective whether they are natural or not.

Despite of all the growth, China's 'asuric' image is carefully managed by the west for future use. I see parallels to India's uncivilized image throughout the colonial period which is the biggest mental block to India's true potential within and without.
RamaY has become quite clear during his sabbatical!!!

One of PRC President's lamented in India how PRC subsidizes the West thru exports. He was on a visit to Bangalore.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by devesh »

I thought RamaY garu's sabbatical was over?!
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by brihaspati »

ramana ji and RamaY ji,
I agree that is how it appears. But China has always dallied with the west when it realized it could not match up to western military power. Factions within China fighting against the ruling regime [not just 20th century] have always reached out to western powers. But in the end - it is about becoming independent of west. The mad rush to expand territory is part of the centuries old sense of dependence on and having to lick up to the "west".

China is simply using the west - even allowing the impression to be gained that they are being screwed by the west. The west, especially the Brits are better placed than Americans in dealing with China - since they have colonial era drugs and financial flow connections which have proved themselves in the test of time. But things in China are changing and changing rather rapidly. The hold of the CCP is waning and the party itself is desperately trying to adapt.

China is already slipping out of western grip. Please keep this alternative in mind - that a lot on the US-China Waltz is just as the Vienese court room dance - pretense of lust. Russia and China are coordinating a lot of moves - aimed at weakening and bleeding [mounting expenses - the same trick the Vatican and USA coordinated on USSR] USA.

UK is the ultimate prostitute - so it will survive in its relations with the Reds - they always have. Even at the height of the Cold War, there are reasons to believe that the Brits maintained connections, and vice versa. The Brits are the ultimate middlemen, and Russia and China both will maintain this connection. But UK is no longer in the position to set the agenda - they only play among the factions as middlemen to gain profits for themselves. A middleman - in a very connected world with the buyers and sellers having independent means of negotiating - can only gain by using the overt and official restrictions in such direct one-to-one bargaining.

So combined - I don't see China being effectively the colonial arm of western neo-imperialism. Even if some western delusionists think so.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

May be in fifty years UK will accede to India with the royalty given raj pramukh status. Only way to survive is for the UK to become European province of India.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by brihaspati »

We should prepare for the time when USA or the west is no longer able to come to Pak rescue, and China is forced to roll back due to its internal crises as well as external attacks. India needs a forward looking policy - providing political and military stability for the entire subcontinent and even control the Gulf. This is about - bringing all under the same rashtryia arrangement - maybe a special status semi-autonomous adjunct. But soverignty is needed in the crucial aspects.

It is time to ignore or bypass the objections of conservative voices - who might be carrying the fear and conditioing of a bygone era of imperialism, whose emperors have now grown clay feet. This fear of what will happen if we take action - is the only thing that binds us.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem »

In not so far in Future, KP , Afghanistan will need 50-75 Bllion in development aid from 2022-2032. Baloch people can use all kinds of help in defending their homeland and Sindh will need Indian assistence in having dierect access to Water. This leaves Poaqjabs alone , especially the 5-7 deistricts living on military budget. These districts will require prophetic scale cleanisng like the yahoodis of yathrib and the the complete uprooting of filthy, poisonous ideological weed. Nothing is impractical in actively pursuing these options to remove the threat for good. Na rahega Poaq na bajegi Musharraf.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem » ... 7361.story
Gun culture spreads in India
Indians own about 40 million guns, second only to the U.S. Rising incomes, along with crime and fear of terrorist attacks, have fueled firearms purchases.

Reporting from Chandigarh, India— Vikramjit Singh stands in the parking lot of a posh club in Chandigarh discussing one of his favorite subjects: guns. He owns 10 or so; he can't remember exactly. They may come in handy if the old family feud resurfaces.In a Hatfield-versus-McCoy saga that haunts the 25-year-old student, his grandfather was shot to death here in the western state of Punjab and his father imprisoned for a retaliatory murder. Although the two clans signed a truce a few years back, Singh isn't taking any chances."Having a gun 24/7 is a necessity," he says. "You don't know if their relatives will crop up again. And an expensive weapon is a status symbol. You can't flash just any old gun around.Guns are in the blood, he says beneath a painting of a man toting a shotgun."This forgiveness-peace idea will only make Pakistanis think we're soft targets," he says."All that Gandhi stuff is for tourists," adds his father, Raja K.S. Sidhu. "They should go off to Varanasi, see the holy cows."
Despite tough controls on weapons, Indians own about 40 million guns, the second-highest number in the world. Of those, 85% are unregistered Saturday-night specials involved in 90% of firearm homicides. That said, there are only 3 guns for every 100 people in India, compared with 89 guns per 100 Americans, the world leaders, according to boost an individual's confidence," says a video by the group, titled "Guns For Peace." "Guns are force equalizers."Rakshit Sharma, the group's secretary-general, says the Mumbai attack would have been cut short if Taj MahalHead-turners include the Russian-made 7.62 Tokarev pistol and its Chinese knockoff selling for as much as $12,000 and the American Colt .45 pistol at $6,000 to $8,000, in addition to Italian-made weapons. Domestic guns are distinctly declasse, seen as low-quality and unreliable, which aficionados say is a legacy of India's protected markets and focus on nonviolence."People are richer, gain access to expensive weapons, which enhances their image," says Sidhu, the government worker. "Despite regulations, you can't stop a Punjabi from loving guns." hotel guests had been carrying firearms. "The government
has a very antiarms view," he says
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by abhishek_sharma »

This is interesting. Might be useful for our society
In general terms a structural dimension needs to be emphasized in distinguishing, for example, between French and German modes of national integration, with the relevance of such a distinction in terms of anti-Jewish attitudes becoming clearly apparent. Since the French Revolution, the French model of national integration had been that of a process fostered and implemented by the state on the basis of universal principles, those of the Enlightenment and the Revolution. Since the romantic revolution, the German model of national integration had been derived from and predicated upon the idea of the nation as a closed ethnocultural community independent of and sometimes opposed to the state. Whereas the French model implied the construction of national identity by way of a centralized educational system and all other means of socialization at the disposal of the state, the German model often posited the existence of inherited characteristics belonging to a preexisting organic community.60

Friedlander, Saul (2009-10-06). Nazi Germany and the Jews
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Sanku »

Revival of Charak's treatment methods ... 76911.html

Apparently it is working very well, solving cases which regular western medication could not.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Pranav »

Sonia makes it to #4 on list of the world's richest politicians - ... it-good-24
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by abhishek_sharma »

Views from the Right
Congress’ flop show

The message from the just concluded assembly elections to five states is a clear expression of the voters’ disapproval and disenchantment with the Congress party, conclude the latest editions of the Organiser and the Panchjanya.

In its lead editorial, RSS journal Organiser contends that the Sonia Gandhi parivar, more specifically Rahul Gandhi, “met with a shattering rebuke from the voter” and says that the party’s traditional hold on voters in Amethi and Rae Bareli is under siege.

“Rahul had a similar experience earlier in Bihar, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. He is a voter-repellent and not a darling either of the youth or the masses. The UP situation for the Congress... looks akin to the party’s rejection by the voter post-Emergency in 1977...Then it was a sudden explosion of mass anger, now it is a cool, calculated rejection of the dynasty politics in world’s largest democracy.” Claiming that the Congress decline from Uttarakhand to Goa is total, it says that the “Rahul-Priyanka flop show has put a question mark on the future of the Congress first family”.

The Panchjanya is also critical of the Gandhi dynasty and the efforts by Rahul Gandhi to revive the Congress in UP. “Among leaders from all parties, Rahul Gandhi held the maximum rallies (212) and over a dozen road shows, but the poll results not only smashed his ‘star’ image but pushed the Congress into deep disappointment”, it says.

Good governance wins

The party’s victories in Punjab and Goa and its performance in Uttarakhand — especially the clean images of the Uttarakhand and Goa chief ministers — have been lauded by both the Organiser and the Panchjanya. “The BJP snatched power (in Goa) in a resounding mandate. The Congress had converted it into a laboratory of crime, cronyism, corruption, sleaze and communalism. Power was handed over to mafia war lords loyal only to the God Mother...Voters rejected the idea and the numbers are reduced to a single digit. The biggest ever setback in Congress history...” says the Organiser.

The Organiser has claimed that the Akali-BJP combine came back to power in Punjab because it followed the Gujarat model of governance and revived agriculture, ensured better compensation for farmers and presented a positive development agenda. In Uttarakhand, it claimed that the “Mr Clean image of Khanduri worked wonders”.

Taking stock of UP

Both the Organiser and the Panchjanya have critically assessed the BJP’s poor performance in the UP assembly elections. They likened the BJP to the Congress in UP and maintained that unless corrective measures are taken, the party could end up faring badly in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. The Panchjanya went a step further and suggested that the BJP was now suffering from a problem of more leaders than workers.

“In UP, the BJP too has suffered from...disconnect with its voter. So it has lost half its vote share in the last one decade. Core ideological issues, principled approach and credibility of leadership are needed to sway the voter. More than the party, the leader, and more than the leader, his track record (performance) determine poll outcomes these days,” says the Organiser.

The Panchjanya, on the other hand, has contended that while the BJP’s nationalist approach has raised a ray of hope in a UP it perceives as being embroiled in the politics of caste and religion, its decline will only strengthen fundamental forces. “The Congress promise of 4.5 per cent reservation for minorities that was extended to 9 per cent, was surpassed by Mulayam Singh Yadav who promised 18 per cent quota for minorities. As a result, majority of the Muslim votes went to the SP, even though if the promise is really implemented, then it will disturb the entire constitutional system in the state.”

Compiled by Swaraj Thapa
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by nawabs »

Rare Indian, Asian art at Christie's sale ... 274560.cms
More than 1,800 Asian art works - including a large collection from India - estimated at $48 million will be auctioned by Christie's at the Rockfeller Centre in New York during its Asian Art Week March 20-23.

The art works have been sourced from prestigious private collections across the world, including the Doris Wiener collection, Robert H. Blumenfield collection and the Robert H. Ellsworth collection, Christie's said.

The works will be auctioned in a series of seven sales, categorised as the "Doris Wiener Collection", the "South Asian Modern and Contemporary Art Collection", "India and Southeast Asian Collection", "Japanese and Korean Art", "Auspicious Treasures for Scholars and Emperors", "Luminous Perfection" and "Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art".

A spokesperson for Christie's said the Doris Wiener collection of South Asian art was of historical importance because of its antiquity and beauty. Wiener, one of the big Indian art dealers and collectors in the US in the 1960s, placed Indian art in the top private collections and institutions across the world.

The collection on sale features nearly 400 sculptures and art from the Gandhara, Himalaya, India and South Asia. Leading the sale will be a rare group of bronze Somaskanda sculptures from South India estimated at $1,200,000.

The Somaskanda sculptures depict Lord Shiva, the goddess Uma and their son Skanda. These icons were carried in a procession to temples so that devotees who could were not allowed entry into the shrine could pray outside the temples, Christie's said.

Another highlight of the sale is a 13th century Nepalese gilt-bronze figure of Padmapani, the holder of the lotus, an icon of Mahayana Buddhism. The sculpture is estimated at $350,000. The Doris Wiener collection will be on sale March 20.

The second auction of Indian and Southeast Asian art March 21 will offer more than 106 lots of art works on sale estimated at $5.6 million. The major attractions of this collection are a 17th century Pahari miniature style painting, "The Demon Sugriva Meets Ambika" ($12,000), a buff sandstone figure of Salabhanjika ($350,000), a goddess under a mango tree, and a bronze sculpture of Manikkavacar, a 9th century Shaivaite saint ($600,000), Christie's said.

Another sale of South Asian modern and contemporary art March 21 will feature works by Indian modern masters like Tyeb Mehta, Syed Haider Raza, F.N. Souza, M.F. Husain, Subodh Gupta, Jitish Kallat, Nalini Malani and Atul Dodiya.

One of the highlights of the sale is "The Keehn Family Portrait", a group portrait of the Keehn family by M.F. Husain in 1959. The family lived in India till the late 1950s. The painting is estimated at $150,000.

The Robert H. Blumenfield collection of rare Chinese artefacts will go under the hammer March 22.
Wonder how many art works stolen from India are doing the rounds in the west.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by member_20617 »

nawabs wrote:Rare Indian, Asian art at Christie's sale ... 274560.cms
More than 1,800 Asian art works - including a large collection from India - estimated at $48 million will be auctioned by Christie's at the Rockfeller Centre in New York during its Asian Art Week March 20-23.

The art works have been sourced from prestigious private collections across the world, including the Doris Wiener collection, Robert H. Blumenfield collection and the Robert H. Ellsworth collection, Christie's said.

The works will be auctioned in a series of seven sales, categorised as the "Doris Wiener Collection", the "South Asian Modern and Contemporary Art Collection", "India and Southeast Asian Collection", "Japanese and Korean Art", "Auspicious Treasures for Scholars and Emperors", "Luminous Perfection" and "Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art".

A spokesperson for Christie's said the Doris Wiener collection of South Asian art was of historical importance because of its antiquity and beauty. Wiener, one of the big Indian art dealers and collectors in the US in the 1960s, placed Indian art in the top private collections and institutions across the world.

The collection on sale features nearly 400 sculptures and art from the Gandhara, Himalaya, India and South Asia. Leading the sale will be a rare group of bronze Somaskanda sculptures from South India estimated at $1,200,000.

The Somaskanda sculptures depict Lord Shiva, the goddess Uma and their son Skanda. These icons were carried in a procession to temples so that devotees who could were not allowed entry into the shrine could pray outside the temples, Christie's said.

Another highlight of the sale is a 13th century Nepalese gilt-bronze figure of Padmapani, the holder of the lotus, an icon of Mahayana Buddhism. The sculpture is estimated at $350,000. The Doris Wiener collection will be on sale March 20.

The second auction of Indian and Southeast Asian art March 21 will offer more than 106 lots of art works on sale estimated at $5.6 million. The major attractions of this collection are a 17th century Pahari miniature style painting, "The Demon Sugriva Meets Ambika" ($12,000), a buff sandstone figure of Salabhanjika ($350,000), a goddess under a mango tree, and a bronze sculpture of Manikkavacar, a 9th century Shaivaite saint ($600,000), Christie's said.

Another sale of South Asian modern and contemporary art March 21 will feature works by Indian modern masters like Tyeb Mehta, Syed Haider Raza, F.N. Souza, M.F. Husain, Subodh Gupta, Jitish Kallat, Nalini Malani and Atul Dodiya.

One of the highlights of the sale is "The Keehn Family Portrait", a group portrait of the Keehn family by M.F. Husain in 1959. The family lived in India till the late 1950s. The painting is estimated at $150,000.

The Robert H. Blumenfield collection of rare Chinese artefacts will go under the hammer March 22.
Wonder how many art works stolen from India are doing the rounds in the west.
I understand that Robert (not of ‘Amar, Akbar, Anthony’ fame) Vadera runs a business of such artefacts.

I am not accusing him of anything! :wink:
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Rony »

Does anyone know anything about this "Harmeet Singh" guy ? Is he a Sikh ? He is being promoted by Steve Farmer and Co to attack anyone who stands up for Dharma with Lahori logic.

Below is his "review" on Rajiv Malhotra's Being Different ... ok-review/
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by svinayak »

Looks like a fake 'singh'
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by devesh »

the author is full of hatred for India and everything Indian. no need to waste time on him. whether real or fake, not worth our time.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

Some of the most virulent anti-India, anti-Hindu sentiment comes from Sikhs or persons with Sikh names. This has everything to do with the events of 1984-85. After the Golden temple assault and tragic aftermath of the Indira Gandhi killing, all kinds of primordial, almost implacable anti-India feelings were expressed by Sikhs living abroad. Over the years, the real visceral stuff has died down considerably, but there are more 'intellectual' expressions of anti-India/anti-Hindu stances, such as this article, and the "India won't become a superpower' bit from Miss Amrit. Of course, it's a minority of Sikhs, but a very vocal minority.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by brihaspati »

Its our so-called tolerance of diversity. The strongest voices of criticism of the "Hindu India" comes from the those very backgrounds who are most intolerant of alternative viewpoints, and in spite of militant intolerance of "Hindus", were actually tolerated by ruling or leading sections of the hated Hindus. I dont think this hatred is an ancient one in the case of Sikhs - and it has been sharpened in this direction under European colonial manipulations.

But my personal experience with many Sikhs is that most of them have their feet planted firmly on the soil. They have a surprising acceptance of common roots with the Hindus even if they are not necessarily always very vocal about it in a community setting.

We have a common and great future in a common undertaking.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by shiv »

Cross post
Book review: "Breaking India" by Rajiv Malhotra ... -India.pdf
Three global networks that have well
established operating bases inside India,
undermine India’s integrity. First is Islamic
radicalism linked with Pakistan. Second is
Marxist radicals supported by China. Third
is Dravidian and Dalit identity separatism
being fostered by the West.
The focus is on the role of U.S. and
European Churches, academics, foundations,
Government and human rights groups in
fostering separation. It tracks money trails
that start out claiming to be for education,
human rights and empowerment training
but end up in programmes designed to
misguide Indian youth to separatist
The British to suit their colonial interests
had the policy of divide and rule. Hence
they created a myth that Aryans and
Dravidians are separate races. Christian
evangelists and local Politicians use this
myth for their selfish ends. Christian
organizations in the West spread false
propaganda that Dalits and religious
minorities are persecuted in India.
The Aryan race theory has been rejected by
Europe. But the academics and media in
India still hold on to Aryan invasion
theory. Many such myths are systematically
manufactured and disseminated through
entrenched channels with ulterior motive.
A Tamil translation of this English book is
also available
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by abhishek_sharma »


From the Urdu Press
Reading the UP result

The Samajwadi Party’s victory in Uttar Pradesh has been generally welcomed in the Urdu press. The daily Inquilab, published from Mumbai, Delhi, Lucknow, Kanpur and Bareilly, writes on March 11: “Every Muslim firmly believes that the government to be formed under Akhilesh Yadav will put an end to the injustices meted out to minorities. After the SP assuming power, UP Muslims have begun to feel that they do not have to live in the shadow of fear... that Akhilesh Yadav will not become a part of the global conspiracy that sends young Muslims to jails under false allegations of terrorism.”

In an editorial on March 13, the paper writes: “Along with the correct decision not to take D.P. Yadav, it was the party’s strategy to make Akhilesh Yadav — and not Mulayam Singh — declare the commitment to keeping goonda elements out. The party’s effort to change its image was behind Akhilesh’s emergence as the new face of the campaign, without any (public) claim or assertion to this effect.”

Rashtriya Sahara, in a cautious analysis on March 10, writes: “If the SP victory is a result of their new political consciousness, the Muslims of UP do indeed deserve praise and congratulations. But one has to stop and think. Did the Muslims give such massive support to the SP under some conditions or it was unconditional? ... If the Muslims of UP put their faith in the election manifesto promises, it certainly cannot be seen as the awakening of their political consciousness, as no party looks back at its manifesto after coming to power.”

Delhi-based daily Jadeed Khabar writes (March 12): “If Mulayam Singh wants to play a leading role in national politics, he will have to act with far-sightedness and strategy. He will also have to shoulder the responsibility of properly governing UP because Akhilesh, despite his popular appeal, has no experience of governance.” The paper also expresses concern about the reports of “lawlessness” coming from the state.

Don’t blame NGOs

Commenting on the PM’s controversial remarks on “American” interests, via NGOs, driving the agitations against nuclear power plants and biotechnology in food, Hyderabad’s leading daily, Munsif, writes in a February 29 editorial: “It is not that protests against the hazards in nuclear reactors are being held in India alone. Such protests have also been seen in other countries. Putting the NGOs opposing these plants in the dock, rather than credibly addressing suspicion of nuclear hazards, is no solution”.

On the Jaitapur protests, Rashtriya Sahara writes in its editorial on March 3: “Those opposing the Jaitapur plant were not just illiterate or half-educated fishermen and farmers; many highly educated persons were also with them. All over the world, such campaigns include locals as well as foreigners and NGOs for whom preservation of life and the environment are more important than development. Now, when globalisation is favoured everywhere, it appears odd that when talk of national and foreign factors is brought up to talk of vested interests.”

Israel’s agenda

Most papers have reported the protests against the arrest of freelance journalist Mohammad Ahmad Kazmi for his alleged role in the bombing of an Israeli diplomat’s car last month. But very few have written an editorial yet.

Inquilab’s editor writes, in a signed column on March 10: “The manner in which Kazmi’s arrest has been reported in Israeli newspapers gives the impression that he had been marked by Israeli intelligence agencies for some time now. Israel has long felt that it is necessary to silence the Urdu press so that the Indian government can be fully brought into the Israeli camp. So far, Israel has not been able to compel the Indian government to break its relations with Iran. That is why newer conspiracies are being hatched...”

The paper adds: “The mention of a journalist’s name in the Delhi blast has caused concern, and it is being asked whether this is a conspiracy to muzzle Urdu journalists; if this arrest is part of the global conspiracy to threaten journalists writing against Israel.”

No helmet, no namaz

According to a report (March 1) in the daily Siasat, published from Hyderabad and Bangalore, there is a mosque in the city where entry without wearing a helmet is prohibited. Situated in a military area, the 400-year-old Jama Masjid Qutab Shahi Military Area First Lancer (as it is known) is very well maintained and namaz is offered regularly. It has a stock of 300 helmets for use by those without a helmet on Fridays, when there is a vast congregation. The newspaper report says that the helmet is necessary for two-wheeler riders entering the area, as part of military discipline. But why it is compulsory for those not using a two-wheeler is not made clear by the report.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Pranav »

Varoon Shekhar wrote:Some of the most virulent anti-India, anti-Hindu sentiment comes from Sikhs or persons with Sikh names. This has everything to do with the events of 1984-85.
The social engineering to separate Sikhs from Dharma was started by the British. There a very good analysis of it in VS Naipaul's "Million Mutinies" (if I recall correctly) which traces the evolution of this phenomenon over the last 150 years, focusing in particular on the influences that shaped Bhindranwale. What is needed is to rekindle awareness of the foundations of Dharma, which is already happening slowly.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by vishvak »

Per this report, the evangelical organization World Vision is an arm of State Dept. of US Govt. still it gets secular funds as secular charity from everyone.
Most of the major evangelical corporations (like World Vision, Campus Crusade, Youth with a Mission, and Samaritan’s Purse) operate in partnership with the US government in its pursuit of foreign policy goals. World Vision, which is effectively an arm of the State Department, is perhaps the most notable example of this. There is also the benefit of a custom-built legislation, with the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 providing necessary sanction to bring errant nations into line.
Seems US Govt has this major religious fundamental facet. These organization also collect charity in name of humanity, in rather secular way ie secular collection of funds from anyone and all at the same time furthering goals of US Govt. It is one of the highest recipient of foreign aid in India this year, if not the highest.
From this link,
The list of foreign donors is topped by the Gospel For Asia Inc of the USA (Rs232.71 crore) followed by Fundacion Vicente Ferrer, Barcelona, Spain (Rs228.60 crore) and the World Vision Global Centre of the USA (Rs197.62 crore)
The highest amount of foreign contribution was received by the World Vision of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (Rs 208.94 crore)
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by krithivas »

IMO - The statement by Secretary of State Ms. Clinton during her visit to Chennai that "Chennai can be the gateway of trade for South India" and the mega-rapid increase in Churches in Tamil Nadu over the past decades are related. United States feels that some critical mass has been reached in their social engineering process and they are moving to the next phase.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Hari Seldon »

^^^ I know. US decision to open consulate in secular-harmonious Hyd rather in communal-fascist BJP ruled Bengaluru also had me worried...