Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by subodh »

Carl - Ron Paul has a very committed core set of devotees who will follow the man off a cliff. They are very motivated and keep the machine going. MSM has not helped by trying to go overboard in attempting to keep him in the shadow - that effort has backfired in some ways.

But - the reality is - his current numbers in the polls are driven more by people who want anyone but Romney. Newt, Santorum (and briefly Perry) - all sail up simply because mainstream republicns find Romney very uninspiring and a bit of a weasel. He is a new England RINO, and as such will find it hard to get real traction across the South when the election rolls by. He is on top of the primaries because his competetion is so odious (Newt, Santorum) or unelectable (Paul).

The day a Chris Christie, Jeb Bush or Mitch Daniels agrees to join the race, the rest will fade away. Unfortunatley, that doesnt seem like it will happen in this cycle.

And specifically to your point about Paul moderating hsi presentation rhetoric if/when he gets into office - unfortunately, he has a very long voting record that is available to the public and it is uniformlycrankish. So no, he will not get the benefit of that doubt.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by Agnimitra »


Good points. Yes, I noticed that most of RP's support base are extreme right wing, including endorsements such as John Birch Society. A lot of christian constitutionalist militias across the US, especially concentrated in about 13 states, are affiliated with this segment of the population. Grapevine has it they are digging in and preparing for civil war type situation. There are chances of violence.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ShauryaT »

subodh wrote: And specifically to your point about Paul moderating hsi presentation rhetoric if/when he gets into office - unfortunately, he has a very long voting record that is available to the public and it is uniformlycrankish. So no, he will not get the benefit of that doubt.
A libertarian position is Crankish now? Maybe for only those who do not know the history of this country pre FDR. RP is a definite minority. He is not in it to win. He is in it to propogate his message, which is pure, sound and solid. I think all know that this pure message is not what will get done under any President in 2013 but if he can set the tone then that is good enough.

One way or the other, I foresee the US or at least the GOP adopting the RP message (even in diluted forms) in the long term - maybe with a foreign policy exception. The Tea party is the first salvo.
Mort Walker
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by Mort Walker »

The current Republican contenders are misfits in one way or another and are flawed. Ron Paul is a crank and his only intention is to perhaps get the party to adopt some of his libertarian ideology.

Romney and Santorum come across as anti-immigrant religious zealots - they will loose against Obama unless the price of fuel goes up 20% and is sustained through the summer months. Come fall, particularly late October-early November, the price increases in fuel, food and other goods will bite when it becomes cold coupled with the bitter unemployment/underemployment situation; and that will hurt Obama. That is the Republican strategy. Make things worse between now and late October.

The Christian base of the Republican party will never vote for a Mormon and simply not vote come November if Romney is the party nominee. In the electoral college scenario for 2012, I would expect Obama to win between 300-325 electoral votes for victory.

The one good thing about the US system is that a president's term is limited to two four year terms.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by subodh »

Mort Walker wrote: The one good thing about the US system is that a president's term is limited to two four year terms.

Which is the real reason in my opinion why Christie, Jeb Bush and Mitch Daniels are keeping their powder dry. A guy like Obama is so self centered, he will not let any alternate leadership come up on the democratic side - so in four years, the race will be wide open, and a strong Republican candidate is much more assured of a win.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by subodh »

ShauryaT wrote:A libertarian position is Crankish now? Maybe for only those who do not know the history of this country pre FDR.
I am very well aware of the pre-FDR history of this country, and Ron Paul is a certified crank in 2012. Even diluted, many of his positions are not going to be adopted by anyone serious. And the tea-party's fiscal positions are not just Paul's ideas - those are mainstream conservative ideas for the most part before GWB and the idiot republicans in the house and senate got bitten by the 'bipartisan' bug.

Ron Paul on the FED, on legalising drugs, on foreign policy, is just plain nuts. And he will always remain a fringe candidate - even more so than wackos like Ross Perot.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by Agnimitra »

subodh wrote:I am very well aware of the pre-FDR history of this country, and Ron Paul is a certified crank in 2012. Even diluted, many of his positions are not going to be adopted by anyone serious.
Well it still depends on who is the "anyone serious" you are talking about. You yourself admitted that Ron Paul has a consistent, principled voting record for years - something that can hardly be said about most other politicians in the US, who are all puppets for lobbies and their corporate donor money. Ron Paul may be scrupulous even to a fault, but to trash that as being a crank is a bit too harsh.

At a time when a large segment of the youth, and underprivileged are camping out in the "occupy" movement, there is a need for scruples, and a deep suspicion of corporate lobbies and their "serious" agendas. There is no doubt that some of his reforms would be radical, but voices of pragmatism and gradualism will prevail. So even if RP himself doesn't get elected, if he has a big impact on the public opinion, it will be good for the US. Important here will be the militant movement that has not yet made a statement - the US elites have so far only had to deal with peaceful demonstrators.

From an Indian PoV, it is arguable that it may be advantageous for the American Eagle to withdraw from Asia for a bit, so that a multipolar order can take shape. This would in future mark India out clearly as a natural ally with no alternatives. It will also be good if the US flaps its wings and shakes off the various old timer Western Christian and Islamist Imperialist viewpoints that have laid their eggs in its feathers. Then after a hiatus, during which it repairs the injustices and systems in its own society, the American Eagle can soar again, swooping down into Eurasia again to finish off the greedy European and Islamist imperialisms that blight the world. This would be an ideal, a Garuda-like destiny for the US.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by subodh »


Ron Paul's record being consistant doesnt preclude him from being a crank. Take as an example his views on drug legalisation. There is a significant lobby in the US that wants marijuana decriminalised - hasnt really happned yet, but at the State level - Ca type states are moving close to it. Ron Paul's position is to decriminalise everything - from pot to psychedelic drugs to cocain. That kind of thinking relagates him to the fringes, and actually damages the cause of those who want to emphasise the difference between various categories, so they can advocate for marijuana decriminalisation.

Same re his views on the FED and the financial system. He has, in effect - called for the dsimantling of the FED, and allowing precious metal based tender to exist in parallel with fiat money. As someone who has worked in the financial industry all my life, and been involved with the plumbing of the system in an intimate way - Ron Paul's position is laughable and patently ridiculous to the point of being stupid. The current central banking system in the US and the associated issues around the monetary system has many things that are sub-par and can be improved - but to call for abolition shows you really cant be taken seriously.

The Occupy movement was mostly the creation of a leftist media looking for a story and democratic politicians, led by Obama, looking for fuel for their class warfare rhetoric. It neither has the numbers, nor the ideas to be meaningful - and as was always expected, is fading way - inspite of efforts from segments of the MSM to keep it going.

A withdrawal of American power projection will have mixed effects globally, and from an Indian pov, may well be beneficial - especially if the paki swine get cut loose. Having said that, disengagement to the extent Ron Paul advocates is never going to happen, its just not in the institutional make of this country.
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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Post by vera_k »

ramana wrote:Even if Ind-Ams support Deomcrats because of their fathers' ehsan to the visa regime of the LBJ, its the Republicans who have given them governorships right now: Lousiana and South Carolina.
How does it matter, given Republican antipathy to minorities at present? BJP has Muslims at cabinet rank as well (same rank in the Indian order of precedence as held by a US Governor), yet only between 10-20% of Muslims vote for the party.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by devesh »

why the rage against Ron Paul? think of it from Indian viewpoint. not from American viewpoint. it doesn't matter whether he is considered a "crank" by American politics. think of it purely from India's perspective and see if he can do things that might benefit us?

one thing I've noticed is that Ron Paul's greatest support is in the age range of 18-29. this is very interesting, and also a sign of things to come. in the Republican party, the under-30 age group is thinking very differently from the >30 age group. this is a huge sign for the future. the fact that the sons and daughters of baby boomer republicans have no problem in voting hugely for a guy who doesn't care about the global-Cop role, is saying a lot and speaks of a fundamental generational change!

as this generation progresses into their 30's and 40's they will try to change the Republican party. the problem is they won't have any allies on the "liberal"/"democratic" side. both Repubs and Dems are addicted to the who State that they have built up. neither will want to part with it. the Dem vote base is unlikely to give up on Welfare State. the Repub vote base is also unlikely to give up on retirement benefits and Medicare and the military state, so this 18-29 demographic and Repub base is a unique one and might ultimately try their best to achieve "change" but by simple demographics they might not be able to do anything.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ramana »

Super Tuesday is over and throws up Romney as the leader. Yes Santorum is fast behind him but the lead is quite large.

Most likely he will pick someone as VP to consolidate the base.

Virginia, Florida and Ohio are all up for grab in general elections in Nov.

If the oil price hike due to Iran crisis and the Greek debt crisis impact on Wall street then its an open election.

Indians should be ready for either option.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by devesh »

I am glad to see Romney overtook Santorum in Ohio. for a while I was afraid Santorum would win, but didn't happen. that rabid EJ deserves his own little asylum. he gave a speech saying that "liberals wanted people to go to college so they be brainwashed". the idiot forgot that he himself went to college and got two degrees. his rabble rousing is unique among even Republicans. just short of Billy Graham types.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ramana »

Obama blames foreign hand

Obama blames it on foreign hand
Author: S Rajagopalan

Faced with plummeting ratings, Barack Obama blames India and China for pushing up fuel prices

Imagine faraway India and China playing a role in the American presidential election — that too by way of putting a spoke, if you will, in President Barack Obama’s re-election wheel. Here’s how the thesis goes. As US gasoline prices go through the roof, hovering around the $4 a gallon mark, Mr Obama is drawing flak and it is not just from the Republicans. In a recent New York Times/CBS News poll, 54 per cent of Americans expected their President to do a lot more about gas prices. Some analysts now go so far as to profess that the current pain at the pump, if unresolved in time, could even cost Mr Obama the upcoming election, given its potential to undo America’s slow economic recovery after an extended recession.

But what has India and China got to do with all this? Ask Mr Obama. At about every public outing lately, he has been holding forth on the whys and wherefores of the oil crisis. It has not come about for want of going the whole hog with domestic drilling, as the Republicans accuse him of. Nor is it solely because of the uncertainties brought about by the Middle East situation. The real issue, as Mr Obama suggests at meeting after meeting, is the rising demand for oil from fast-growing economies like India and China, so there can be no quick fix to the spike in gas prices. “You’ve got rapidly-growing nations like China and India, and they’re all starting to buy cars. They’re getting wealthier. They want cars, too. And that means the price of gas will rise,” he held forth in remarks at a community college in Maryland last week, noting: “Just to give you an example — in 2010, China alone added 10 million new cars. That’s just in one year. And there are about a billion Chinese. So they’ve got a lot more people who are going to want cars in the future, which means they are going to want to get some of that oil and that will drive prices up.”

The India-China refrain dominates Mr Obama’s stump speeches these days, just as his Republican foes fault his policies for the energy crisis and accuse him of passing the buck to cover up his refusal to permit more drilling because of his ideological obsession with green energy. He insists that America is producing more oil at home than at any time in the last eight years, but with only two per cent of the world’s proven oil reserves, drilling alone is not a solution. “We will not fully be in control of our energy future if our strategy is only to drill for the two per cent but we still have to buy the 20 per cent,” he said in his latest weekly radio address, pushing for his multi-pronged approach of investing in advanced technologies and alternative fuels, alongside expanding domestic oil and gas production. :mrgreen: “The truth is, the price of gas depends on a lot of factors that are often beyond our control. Unrest in the Middle East can tighten global oil supply. Growing nations like China or India adding cars to the road increases demand.” It is another matter that the United States is the world’s biggest oil consumer (18.81 million barrels per day as of 2009 end), exceeding the combined consumption of China, Japan, India and Russia (18.61 million barrels). :mrgreen:

In 2008, when the oil prices touched an all-time high of $4.18 a gallon just four months before the White House race, Mr Obama was a clear beneficiary. For all the current assertions that a President can do very little in dealing with gas prices, Mr Obama, the Democratic candidate, exploited the high prices to the hilt then. The Republican National Committee lost little time this week, comparing and contrasting Mr Obama’s utterances then and now. Even CBS News veteran Bob Schieffer played back on his Sunday talk show Mr Obama’s 2008 remarks on how people in Ohio had to fork out two-and-a-half times more for gas than what they used to pay just before George W Bush took office in 2000. The RNC also confronted Mr Obama with another 2008 campaign address by him in Indiana, declaring: “As President, I will work to solve this energy crisis once and for all. We’ll invest $150 billion over the next 10 years in establishing a green energy sector that will create up to five million new jobs — and those are jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced.”

Now, it’s the turn of Republican presidential hopefuls to challenge Mr Obama’s energy policies and they are out with all guns blazing. They know for sure that gas prices could become a potent issue in the coming months as the US-Europe confrontation with Iran looks set to snowball. Which is why the three major players — front-runner Mitt Romney, his main challenger Rick Santorum and the trailing former Speaker Newt Gingrich — have lost little time in doling out their own ambitious alternatives. If Mr Romney talks of opening federal lands for drilling and easing regulations on fracking, the controversial technique to harvest natural gas, Mr Gingrich has promised policies to ensure gas at $2.50 a gallon. Mr Obama scoffs at it, remarking that any career politician who promises some three-point plan for two-dollar gas is not looking for a solution, but is “just looking for your vote”. He claims increased domestic oil production and a four-fold rise in the number of operating oil rigs under his watch, but says the solution lies in a mix of alternatives, including tapping wind power, :rotfl: solar power and biofuels, besides making cars and trucks more fuel-efficient.

Whatever the case that Mr Obama is making so repeatedly and passionately, soaring gasoline prices are seen to be dragging down his poll ratings just when they had started looking up. “Gas prices sink Obama’s ratings on economy, bring parity to race for White House,” said a Washington Post report last week, pointing out that nearly two-thirds of Americans who participated in a Post-ABC News poll disapproved of the President’s handling of gasoline prices. “Just 26 per cent approve of his work on the issue,” the Post reported. Little wonder that Mr Obama realises that there is more work to do in the coming days. He travels to Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Ohio this week to highlight his Administration’s comprehensive energy strategy including his focus on expanding “responsible oil and gas development” and supporting renewable energy sources. Just as the Republicans vying to dislodge him keep the fuel pot boiling.

And he keeps talking about Iran and rasing the gas prices all the time.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by Roperia »

Cross post from India-US Strategic News and Discussion
Roperia wrote:U.S. International Role - C-SPAN Video Library

A panel discussion on what would be the FP challenges/opportunities for the two 2012 Presidential candidates. Almost all participants agree on a tighter "alliance" with India, Brazil and Turkey.

Panelists kinda highlight the following things for the incoming administration

=> Reform international monitory institutions or see the rise of something like BRICS bank.
=> Make tighter alliances with emerging countries like India, Brazil and Turkey.
=> China is a different organism than the emerging countries mentioned above. Panelists are hopeful that Gov. Romney will go soft on China.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ramana »

Now that it looks like even steven between the two parties its time to debate which one is beneficial for India.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by Fidel Guevara »

ramana wrote:Now that it looks like even steven between the two parties its time to debate which one is beneficial for India.
Given Romney's business history and blue-chip PE career record, he will be more positive to India from a business perspective...more H1B, more outsourcing. Politically, he does strike me as much more wishy-washy than Obama, and he will likely go with opinion polls and the establishment momentum than having his own firm Bush-like views on global events. From that angle, he could go either way vis-a-vis India. He is very risk-averse as well, and something like the Osama hit is unimaginable from Romney.

With Obama, it will be more of the same, plus this time Obama has nothing to lose. He will only want to set his legacy into concrete. Expect more isolationist actions (withdraw troops, bring back jobs, decrease the heavy hand of the US around the world) and more "socially progressive" moves around health care and taxes.

Whatever 2012 brings in, with the demographic changes happening so rapidly, the future will be overwhelmingly Democrat administrations.

With old white rural Bible-thumping males dying off, and replaced by young urban multi-child-bearing Hispanics, the Republicans are heading towards being a fringe party soon, unless they move more to the centre. The Dems might even split into "Leftist Dems" and "Centrist Dems".

Surprisingly, most desis in the US tend to gravitate towards the Dems, with the exception of the upper crust. The thinly-veiled racism and overt religiousness of Republican offshoots (eg the Tea Party, various Bible Belters) cause a lot of discomfiture to Indians.

My prediction: Obama 2012, unless there is an economic disaster between now and November. He has the liberals, the minorities, the white Dem base, and a lot of educated fence-sitters who don't like the cuckoos in the GOP ecosystem. A couple of populist "bring our jobs home" policies will nail it for Obama.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ramana »

A couple of populist "bring our jobs home" policies will nail it for Obama.

India Inc. should watch out as only India is easy pickings with little chance of blowback from govt or companies!
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by Fidel Guevara »

ramana wrote:
A couple of populist "bring our jobs home" policies will nail it for Obama.

India Inc. should watch out as only India is easy pickings with little chance of blowback from govt or companies!
So true, this easy pickings comes from 3 main drivers:

1) The public perception about IT and call centers. Nobody really seems to care about the far higher number of manufacturing jobs that have been moved to China.

2) It is easier to bring white-collar jobs back onshore: train US staff, give out pink slips in India and don't renew the office space leases. Much easier than trying to uproot a factory and the associated supply chain out of China. I saw an ABC documentary on just how easy it is to transfer a business function - the beauty is that you can do it person by person or team by team and take steps to adjust at each point. You cannot do it machine by machine in a manufacturing environment unless you are agreeable to have zero production during the transition.

3) Then the third factor is that Chinese manufacturing jobs are the biggest leverage that the US has over China. If they have to bring a large number of jobs back to the US, will they prefer an enraged China with an openly anti-US foreign policy and no Khan leverage, or a similar India? Khan has other avenues of leverage over India, hence easier target on this count as well.

However, I don't believe BHO has the nerve to legislate a major jobs-repatriation-linked tax policy; he will probably just reduce the number of H1B visas by some optimum amount - just enough to sound impressive to his supporters, but without disrupting major IT projects.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by gunjur »

Romney says Marco Rubio being 'thoroughly vetted' as possible VP
Romney has confirmed that florida senator and rising conservative star Marco Rubio is being vetted for VP position
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ramana »


Know all those facts what would you think the US would do and PRC?
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by Prem » ... ok-travel/
Obama campaign uses company with operations in India and China to book travel
new ad from President Obama’s re-election campaign calls Mitt Romney “Outsourcer-in-Chief,” accusing the former businessman and presumptive Republican presidential nominee of overseeing companies that shipped jobs to China and India while leading Bain Capital.But while Obama tries to hit Romney on this issue, records show that Obama’s campaign is using a travel booking company this year that have operations in India and China.Federal Election Commission reports show that Obama for America made numerous payments to the corporate travel company Egencia as recently as May. They were made to Egencia’s Bellevue, Washington office.Egencia is a corporate travel division of the online travel company Expedia and, according to its website, has call center operations “around the world.”“Our customer service team consists of hundreds of travel consultants around the world dedicated to superior service and value to your travelers,” the company says.
Egencia is active in the Asia-Pacific region,” Egencia president Rob Greyber told the Investor’s Business Daily in 2009. “We have operations in both China and India as well as Australia.”The company’s website shows that it has jobs openings for software development, engineering and analytics work for its office in Gurgaon, India.Egencia, at one point, contracted with a company to handle calls at a center in Pensacola, Fla. But the Pensacola News Journal reported in 2011 that the company Tata Business Support Services closed and laid off all of its 180 employees.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Aug 11, 2012
By Kymberly Bays
What Does Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan Foreign Policy Look Like?: Pangea
The selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as Vice President is clearly not motivated by a desire to beef up an outward expertise in foreign policy. Rep. Ryan does not currently serve on foreign policy House committees, and Gov. Romney’s international experience is largely limited to a Mormon mission in France, business relations during his time with Bain Capital, and the coordination of the 2000 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ramana »

Philip wrote:The US election is just around the corner.May we have a new dedicated thread "US elections" for the same please ?

Here's post 1. ... 26161.html

For Barack Obama, all roads to the White House lead through Florida – and Israel
President battles to dispel Republican accusations as he woos the key Jewish vote
David Usborne Fort Lauderdale
Wednesday 12 September 2012

When Barack Obama spoke at a rally near Cape Canaveral two days ago to press home his support for the local space industry, a single heckler persistently shouted from the back of the crowd, "What about Israel?". It was a reminder – as if he needed it – that his hold on the crucial Jewish vote in South Florida may be in jeopardy.

For weeks now, the Mitt Romney campaign has been touting the notion that when it comes to Israel, the United States has not been the friend it is meant to be under President Obama. And it is being brazenly trumpeted up and down the interstate highways in this part of Florida with billboards proclaiming, "Obama… Oy Vey!"

In 2008 Mr Obama won the votes of 78 per cent of Jewish Americans; Mr Romney making inroads into that support could have important consequences, particularly in swing states with small, if significant, Jewish blocks like Ohio, Pennsylvania and especially Florida, where the margin of victory for either side might be very slim indeed. George W Bush took Florida in 2000 from Al Gore, with the help of the US Supreme Court, by 537 votes. Last night Bill Clinton was due in Miami to address grassroots supporters.

The sudden focus on the Jewish vote is a reminder that Mr Obama is in essence fighting multiple campaigns at once. There is the national platform with its overarching theme of defending the middle class, and beyond it there are sub-campaigns tailored to a wide range of key individual constituencies, including women, retirees, gays, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Jewish Americans, veterans (and, yes, even space industry employees). Appealing to those groups – each was assiduously wooed from the stage at the Democratic convention - is especially important in an election which hangs on a sliver of undecided voters in only seven or eight states.

Not everyone agrees that Mr Obama is guilty of forsaking Israel. Professor Robert Freedman, of Baltimore Hebrew University, points to increased military aid for Israel and the lengths the US went to last year to block efforts by the Palestinian Authority to use the United Nations as a forum to achieve statehood. "Mr Obama has been the best US president for Israel in history," he wrote in the Baltimore Sun.

However, it is an impression that the Republicans have nurtured, pointing to slow progress on Middle East peace and to Mr Obama's reluctance to support an Israeli strike against Iran. They also highlight the difficult relationship between the President and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"The only thing they can try to talk about is to scare Jews on Israel," commented Marc Stanley, chairman of the National Democratic Jewish Council. "Because if they go to the other issues Jews care about – choice, education, poverty, health care, social justice, civil rights, equal rights – Jews resoundingly vote Democratic."

Random conversations with Jewish voters suggest he may be right. "Obama has done everything he could possibly have done [to support Israel and tackle Iran]," said Dan Goldstein, 67. "It's very easy for the Republicans to say anything negative about the Democrats."

"The Republicans are very adept at inventing a story that suits their goal of stripping Mr Obama of his accomplishments," says Morty Esam, 76, who is more concerned with the economy and what he says has been Republican obstructionism. "The Republicans are committed to blocking anything that Obama might accomplish in Congress and they use that as fodder to say the Democrats haven't done enough."

The Democrats did not help themselves at the convention when they first failed to state in the party platform that "Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel". It was reinserted with a floor vote at the request of President Obama. That he felt the need to intervene was itself revealing: he knows that losing even a single Jewish vote is something he cannot afford.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ramana »

Spoof on recent Obama Romney debate

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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by gunjur »

What is this concept of early voting i.e. where one can cast his vote well before the election day. And some in US have already voted for the current election. Is this really there or this "early voting" is not exactly the way i have got/put it?
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ramana »

To avoid the rush on election da and as its a working day some people chose the early voting in states that allow it. These are people who already made up their mind.

Postal ballot is another lesser impact version.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by gunjur »

^^^ thought this could be mainly for voters who may not be present on election day in US. OK, so this is open for voters within US as well. Usually how "large" are these early voters and more importantly would some sort of trends or figures on these early votes be made public?
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by krisna »

A question to watchers of us presidential election--
It is the oldest modern democracy uninterrupted for 200 odd years. Surprising despite its profess of equality there is no women as the president in all its years as a democracy.
Also no non christian as head of state. Just recently a lady from Hawaii became its first non christian member of senate.

So much for being a heaven for all, a beacon of democracy. :eek:

OTOH we have a number of head of states in Indic countries -- India, SL,TSP,BD,Burma(at least Aung su Kyi would have won if not for the junta) and Indonesia. TSP, BD and Indonesia have a a heavy Indic influence. But non Indic muslim majority countries have not had a lady premier so far.

uncle can rightfully claim to be the world's best nation if it is able to elect a non christian lady.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by pentaiah »

Thats why it was called women's suffrage
With rage built in
Don't worry mrs H kilton will in 2016
Of course only if nothing comes out of Libyan
Consulate incident hearings
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by gunjur »

uncle can rightfully claim to be the world's best nation if it is able to elect a non christian lady.
It can start by making a bhoomiputra i.e. red indian apache/cherokee/mojave etc person as president.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by devesh »

ok, according to Rasmussen this election is going to be pretty close. in 2004 and 2008 those guys got it right to the % of popular vote.
New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, and Wisconsin are a very tight race. these will decide the race. I am assuming that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, and Iowa will go to Obama.

in NH, OH, VA, NC, FL, CO, and WI, the difference is 1 % point according to Rasmussen. Obama leads in a few and Romney leads in the rest. so watch out for these states. they will decide. keep watching the Rasmussen polling in these states. if the polls only keep getting tighter, it means this one is going to be extremely close. it might even go to the courts...
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ShauryaT »

Republicans better for India
It matters to Indian national interest which person and party wins the presidential elections in the United States, not for the usual reasons of the this or that winner being more friendly to this country; but because, generally, Republicans are more hard-headed and strategically-oriented, clearer in their minds of what countries are more important in the larger geopolitical game underway at any given time; and, specifically, because Republican appointees to high posts in the administration tend to be more Manichean in their outlook — cognizant of ideological adversaries who need to be checked, unlike Obama’s officials trying to ‘nuance’ their way out of trouble.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ramana »

One thing troubles me.

The Republicans blame the high price of gas on Democratic failures. The Deocrats say the economcy greew and the world economy also grew raising the demand for gas. Democrats openly say that one of th ecuases in ihigh imports from China and India. Farid Zakaria slips in the indian bit where ever he goes.

The fact check question is how much did Indian imports of gas/oil grew from 2008 to 2012 and what was the effect on gas prices?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by Manny »

I am voting for Obama. He did two things right

1) Went after OBL pssing off the Porkies

2) He kept a check on H1 and L1 Visas so some of us citizens had some opportunities to work here. Otherwise Millions of Indians would be here for $30 an hr from TCS, Wipro, HCL and the likes. I Like India and Indians...but not to the extent where I have to commit suicide!

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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by ShauryaT »

^^This is about Indian interests, not personal.

My issue with a republican administration is that although the differences in US FP on the region will not change much, I do agree with BK that the opportunities exist, with one big qualifier. There should be a corresponding strong Indian administration to play the game. Otherwise, a strong FP oriented administration is actually a disadvantage as the IUNCA showed.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by g.sarkar » ... IJPq2fM_KQ
Denise downs Obama-baiter Dinesh
- Indian-origin puritan spearhead caught in woman scandal
Washington, Oct. 19: The earliest aspirant to power and influence in the US as an Indian American in modern times fell from grace yesterday, hoist with his own petard of Christian conservatism and extreme right-wing morality.

Mumbai-born Dinesh D’Souza, a policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan, was forced to quit his million-dollar job as president of an evangelical Christian educational institution in New York after it came to light that he shared a hotel room overnight with a woman 22 years his junior during a conference to “restore… the Christian principles upon which the US was founded”.
D’Souza’s fall came at a time when his fame and influence were at their zenith in the current election season: his recent documentary, 2016: Obama’s America, became the choicest fodder for Obama-haters and grossed $33.4 million at the box office, according to latest estimates....." ... upsetting/
No, no, no — we were fine with D’Souza’s racism, but the adultery is upsetting
October 17, 2012 By Fred Clark 345 Comments
LifeWay Christian book stores still carry Dinesh D’Souza’s books. For now........"
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Post by ArmenT »

The full deal is that Dinesh D'Souza brought this woman to a Christian values event and introduced her as his fiancee. Trouble was that he hadn't finished divorcing his ex-wife yet (he submitted the divorce papers a few days later). On top of that, this fiancee appears to be currently married to someone else too. ... so-married

So much for all his spouting about holding on to traditional marriage values. The one sole consolation in all this is that this fiancee of his is pretty good looking.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by Fidel Guevara »

Gunjur wrote:^^^ thought this could be mainly for voters who may not be present on election day in US. OK, so this is open for voters within US as well. Usually how "large" are these early voters and more importantly would some sort of trends or figures on these early votes be made public?
About 20-25% of the electorate votes early. The early voting trends are not available in advance...all votes are counted after the election is over.
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Re: Indian Interests in US Presidential Election Campaign 20

Post by SBajwa »

Tonight is the final presidential debate. 13 more days for election!!! Everybody is calling it a statistical dead heat between Obama and Romney!!
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