Indian Interests

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Re: Indian Interests

Post by SSridhar »

India's influence wanes on world stage - G.Parthasarathy, Business Line

Nations lose international influence and power when they are either militarily unprepared or floundering economically. We are still to recover psychologically from the humiliating military defeat inflicted by China in 1962.


The 1962 conflict led to an adventurist Field Marshal Ayub Khan seeking to seize Kashmir and failing to do so, in a largely inconclusive conflict in 1965. This conflict had disastrous diplomatic consequences, with the once-friendly Soviet Union seeking the role of a mediator, while readying to supply weapons to Pakistan.

India became a basket case, dependent on the Soviet Union for arms and on the US for IMF assistance, to deal with a balance of payments crisis. With begging bowl in hand, India sought American food aid, as chronic food shortages led people to the verge of starvation.

Things turned for the better when Indian agriculture revived, through a “Green Revolution” spearheaded by then Agriculture Minister C. Subramaniam. The Soviet Union came out in support of an economically self-reliant, rhetorically Left-leaning Indian Government.

The dark shadows of 1962 receded when, backed by the Soviet Union, India emerged victorious, while pitted against a Nixon-Mao-Yahya Khan Axis, in the 1971 Bangladesh conflict. By the early 1990s, however, the Soviet Union collapsed and we had to mortgage our gold reserves to stay afloat.

A malevolent Clinton Administration was prepared to go to any length in pressurising the Russian Federation to end cooperation even in space with India, in a relentless effort to “cap, roll back and eliminate,” India’s nuclear weapons programme. Our prestige sank so low that we were humiliated in an ill-advised contest against Japan for a seat in the UN Security Council in 1997.

It was only when the economic reforms and liberalisation initiated by Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao took effect that India’s economy recovered, for India to withstand global economic sanctions, which the country faced after the nuclear tests of 1998.

A chastened Bill Clinton visited India once he realised that it was pointless to sanction an economically vibrant country. The NDA Government under A. B. Vajpayee observed the fiscal prudence required to not let runaway inflation set in.

The UPA-1 built on all these developments. Global nuclear apartheid against India ended, with India assuming a larger global profile by its participation in forums like G-8, G-20 and BRICS.


But, the UPA political dispensation still remains wedded to populism and fiscal irresponsibility. Few remember that the economic disaster in 1991 followed a populist loan waiver for farmers by then Prime Minister V.P. Singh. {VP Singh, the destroyer of India}

Now, fiscal deficit has crossed 5 per cent of GDP, and growth is down to 5 per cent levels. A populist Environment Minister brought in regulations destined to inordinately delay project clearances. New investments are becoming scarce, as Indian entrepreneurs seek greener pastures abroad. Every rating agency, foreign investor and foreign government knows that India has become a difficult investment destination.


It is now commonly mentioned that BRICS would be better served if India is replaced by Indonesia, where economic management is prudent and sound.

The current joke is that while corruption is present everywhere in emerging markets, one sees “efficient corruption” in China, but “inefficient corruption” in India!

With the current account deficit at 6.7 per cent of GDP in Q3 of 2012-13, it was ludicrous for New Delhi to be advocating a BRICS Investment Bank. India will be a relatively minor player, given China’s vast reserves and potential. This at a time, when observers believe that we may have to seek a bailout from the Western dominated IMF, whose influence the BRICS Bank is designed to erode.

Reports from Durban that South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma did not bother to meet our Prime Minister, and was busy feting President Xi Jinping and President Putin, are disturbing. Moreover, while other Heads of Government were housed comfortably in Durban, Manmohan Singh was made to stay 40 kilometres away from the Conference venue. Indian prestige and credibility today are at its lowest in recent years.

In Maldives, we have been out-manoeuvred by a wily President Waheed, who skilfully bought insurance from China and Pakistan. On Sri Lanka, we have vacillated in the UNHRC.

In the process, we have gratuitously offended a friendly neighbour and not persuaded public opinion in Tamil Nadu of the merits of our stand.

Moreover, we should ask ourselves whether our diplomacy has really helped a friendly Prime Minister, facing serious challenges from Islamic extremists in Bangladesh.

These issues will hopefully, receive attention, when the Budget session of Parliament resumes.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by abhishek_sharma »

Views from the Right
As the Congress moves towards perhaps projecting the relatively young Rahul Gandhi as its prime ministerial candidate for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the RSS too has chosen to focus on the youth. Organiser invited its ideologues to pen down their thoughts on the youth and Panchjanya has focused on success stories from the younger generation.

Lauding the intellectual capacity of the youth, Organiser says that the spontaneous response in support of the Delhi gangrape victim has shown that young people are not passive about issues of national concern. "This movement, which came out of nowhere, opened the eyes of those who had dismissed the youth of our time as dormant and mostly interested in technology, glamour and movies," it says.

It points to the social networking sites for evidence that young people are engaged in heated discussions on topics pertaining to the nation. However, claims Organiser, the need for role models is a major challenge, and projects Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as a role model, claiming he has transformed Gujarat with his administrative and governance skills. "These leaders have transformed the landscape of their respective states through several programmes and policies, which is leading to the eradication of poverty and illiteracy". It adds that the tacit support for Sanjay Dutt is a disturbing trend. "Is glamour the only criteria for the youth to emulate or should they look upon people who are doing yeoman service to the nation and the society?" it asks.


In an article in Organiser, BJP president Rajnath Singh has emphasised the youthful character of the party's organisational line-up after the recent reshuffle undertaken by him. "Eighty per cent of the office bearers are below 60 and most of the general secretaries are below 50. It's a blueprint for the future. At lower levels, too, the youth have been given key posts and are being involved in the decision-making and implementation process," he said. Singh points out that youth in rural and backward areas of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar are struggling with poverty and unemployment. "The disturbing fact is that the biggest section found under the Naxal influence is the youth. It is our collective responsibility to help these youth join the mainstream and contribute significantly in the task of nation-building," he said.

Contending that today's youth have great aspirations, Pravin Togadia in another article in Organiser argues that the present system is not equipped to handle them. "This makes today's youth impatient and angry. Their anger bursts from time to time in social movements. Rightfully so... Today's youth is not a headless mob; it has a system," he says.

Left attack

An article in Panchjanya is critical of the Left in Bengal, saying that it dreams of coming back to power by playing politics over the death of SFI leader Sudipto Gupta. It alleges that by undermining the law and order situation after the Sudipto Gupta incident, the Left wants to discredit Mamata Banerjee. The Left parties had been numbed for some time following their defeat by Mamata Banerjee but have now seized the opportunity provided by the "accidental death" of the young SFI leader and are claiming it was a police brutality death, the Panchjanya article states. It claims that the Left's stance is contrary to their own behaviour as, under their rule, thousands of people who fought against them were killed.

Compiled by Swaraj Thapa
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Lilo »

Posting in this thread as it is the foremost Indian interest to nail Tytler for his role in the Delhi Pogrom on Sikhs,
Along with the role of the Nehru-Gandhi family and its coterie of sycophantic courtiers in preventing Indian Army and Delhi Police intervention as the Congress goons went on a systematic rampage.

kmkraoind wrote:Memories of 1984 riots, and the importance of nailing Tytler
Others with better access to people in power too were sufficiently disturbed by the goings-on. Within hours of the anti-Sikh violence breaking out, Pupul Jayakar, a close associate of the Nehru-Gandhi family, went to Indira Gandhi’s son Rajiv Gandhi and urged him to call out the Army to snuff out the violence. With the moral authority that came from having known Rajiv Gandhi’s mother and grandfather, she reminded Rajiv Gandhi that had she been alive, Indira Gandhi would have done just that.

For reasons that one can only surmise, Rajiv Gandhi did not act on her counsel. To low-life leaders in the Congress, Rajiv Gandhi’s silence – and his pointed inaction at a moment of impending conflagration – conveyed an unspoken licence to kill. Delhi Police authorities too read much the same message, and effectively stood down from controlling the violence, even though the Police Control Room war receiving a stream of agitated calls for help.

What seemed, on the previous day, to have been spontaneous violence targeting Sikhs turned, over the next three days, into a systematic pogrom directed at Sikhs, orchestrated and in some cases personally overseen by Congress leaders at various levels.

From the comment section for above article
This is a piece that needs to be read once over to see what lies between the lines.

It is clearly articulated that Rajiv could have called in the Army but did not, even though he was specifically asked. Compare this to the quick response from Modi in Gujarat riots. And Venky does not want to make a strong connection between the silence of Rajiv and the impunity with which the lower levels went on to kill or to turned a blind eye to the killing by Congress workers. Understandable but he has subtly conveyed it... brilliant....

Secondly, the report that Tytler was angry that he fell short of the target he was supposed to achieve, the target that came from or promised to the Central leaders is the most damning. That means the Central leadership, Rajiv is implicated. If you read this and the silence on the Rajiv's part, an active silence not a passive one, it is reasonable to conclude that this was a pogrom planned at central level and executed by their managers. Punishing Tytler is only peripheral. What is required is punishment of Congress which as an organization was the guilty. Like the NAZI party.....

The other evidence that bears out is the reward to those people who achieved their target. On a cynical note, Congress is run as a business..
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Lilo »

When Congress goons killed thousands of Sikhs - Kanchan Gupta via NitiCentral

At 9.30 am on October 31, 1984, Mrs Indira Gandhi, iron-willed and iron-fisted Prime Minister of India, famously described by her aunt Vijayalakshmi Pandit as “the only man in her Cabinet”, was assassinated at her 1, Safdarjung Road residence. The assassins, both Sikhs, were Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, two of the guards who were meant to protect her. Satwant Singh was arrested; Beant Singh was shot dead by the other guards.

Satwant Singh later told investigators that he and Beant Singh had assassinated Mrs Gandhi to avenge the desecration of Harmandir Saheb and destruction of the Akal Takht in ‘Operation Blue Star’, the Army action of June 5-7, 1984. Mrs Gandhi had ordered the military operation to flush out Khalistani terrorists, including Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, who had made the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar into their headquarters.

‘Operation Blue Star’ was a military success but a political disaster. The objective of ‘flushing out’ the Khalistanis was achieved, but at a huge price. According to the White Paper published by the Government of India, 493 people, including terrorists (200 in the Akal Takht alone), were killed.

The ‘official’ toll was far less than what foreign agencies and newspapers reported: 1,000. BBC journalist Mark Tully, in his book Amritsar – Mrs Gandhi’s Last Battle, placed the death toll at 2,093. Eyewitnesses said at least 8,000 were killed. The ‘White Paper’ said 83 soldiers had died in the three-day-long action. This figure, too, remains disputed.

The backlash was hideous, and beyond what had been anticipated, alienating the Sikh masses at home and abroad (Khalistanis in Canada plotted and executed the bombing of Emperor Kanishka, Air India’s Montreal-London-Delhi Flight 182, killing all 329 people aboard the aircraft on June 23, 1985) and fuelling the Khalistani movement which was finally crushed in the early-1990s, thanks to the then Punjab Police chief KPS Gill. But the restoration of peace in Punjab is another story.

On January 6, 1989, Satwant Singh and Kehar Singh, who had been held guilty of conspiracy in the crime but pleaded his innocence till the end, were executed at Tihar Jail.

That, in brief, is the story of Mrs Gandhi’s assassination. But there’s a longer story to be told – that of what followed the deed.

Twenty-eight years is a long time. Public memory is notoriously short and it is unlikely those who have come of age in these 28 years would know of the terrible pogrom that left at least 4,733 Sikhs dead, most of them slaughtered in Delhi, retribution massacres carried out by Congress thugs led by Congress leaders, among them Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar.

It would, therefore, be in order to recall the chain of events lest we be persuaded to believe that nothing of consequence happened by a remorseless Congress which is quick to point its blood-stained finger at others, without realising there are millions of fingers that point to it for the horrendous crime committed by its foot soldiers in the guise of ‘avenging’ their leader’s death.

So, here is the story of how thousands of innocent Sikhs were slaughtered; in Delhi alone, 2,733 Sikhs were burned alive, butchered or beaten to death. Women were raped while their terrified families and children pleaded for mercy, little or none of which was shown by the Congress goons. In one of the numerous such incidents, a woman was gang-raped in front of her 17-year-old son; before leaving, the marauders torched the boy.

For three days and four nights the killing and pillaging continued without the police, the civil administration and the Union Government, which was then in direct charge of Delhi, lifting a finger in admonishment. The Congress was in power and could have prevented the violence, but the then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, his Home Minister, PV Narasimha Rao, indeed the entire Council of Ministers, twiddled their thumbs.

Even as street dogs gorged on charred corpses and wailing women, clutching children too frightened to cry, fled mobs armed with iron rods, staves and gallons of kerosene, AIR and Doordarshan kept on broadcasting blood-curdling slogans like “Khoon ka badla khoon se lengey” (We shall avenge blood with blood) raised by Congress workers grieving over their dear departed leader.

Mrs Gandhi was assassinated at 9.30 am, but her death was ‘officially’ confirmed at 6 pm, after due diligence had been exercised to ensure Rajiv Gandhi’s succession. By then, reports of stray incidents of violence against Sikhs, including the stoning of President Zail Singh’s car, had started trickling in at various police stations.

By the morning of November 1, hordes of men were on the rampage in south, east and west Delhi. They were armed with iron rods and carried old tyres and jerry cans filled with kerosene and petrol. Owners of petrol pumps and kerosene stores, beneficiaries of Congress largesse, provided petrol and kerosene free of cost. Some of the men went around on scooters and motorcycles, marking Sikh houses and business establishments with chalk for easy identification. They had been provided with electoral rolls to make their task easier.

By late afternoon that day, hundreds of taxis, trucks and shops owned by Sikhs had been set ablaze. By early evening, the murder, loot and rape began in right earnest. The worst butchery took place in Block 32 of Trilokpuri, a resettlement colony in east Delhi. The police either participated in the violence or merely watched from the sidelines.

Curfew was declared in south and central Delhi at 4 pm, and in east and west Delhi at 6 pm on November 1. But there was no attempt to enforce it. PV Narasimha Rao, the then Home Minister, remained unmoved by cries for help. In his affidavit to the Nanavati Commission of Inquiry, Lt Gen Jagjit Singh Aurora, decorated hero of the 1971 India-Pakistan war, said, “The Home Minister was grossly negligent in his approach, which clearly reflected his connivance with perpetrators of the heinous crimes being committed against the Sikhs.”

The first deployment of the Army took place around 6 pm on November 1 in south and central Delhi, which were comparatively unaffected, but in the absence of navigators, which should have been provided by the police and the civil authorities, the jawans found themselves lost in unfamiliar roads and avenues.

The Army was deployed in east and west Delhi in the afternoon of November 2, more than 24 hours after the killings began. But, here, too, the jawans were at a loss because there were no navigators to show them the way through byzantine lanes.

In any event, there was little the Army could have done: Magistrates were ‘not available’ to give permission to fire on the mobs. This mandatory requirement was kept pending till Mrs Gandhi’s funeral was over. By then 1,026 Sikhs had been killed in east Delhi. Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar were among Congress ‘leaders’ who, witnesses said, incited and led mobs. Both deny the allegation, but the evidence is overwhelming.

A report on the pogrom, jointly prepared by the PUCL and PUDR and published under the title, Who Are the Guilty? names both of them along with others. The report quotes well-known journalist Sudip Mazumdar:

“The Police Commissioner, SC Tandon was briefing the Press (about 10 Indian reporters and five foreign journalists) in his office on November 6, at 5 pm. A reporter asked him to comment on the large number of complaints about local Congress MPs and lightweights trying to pressure the police to get their men released. The Police Commissioner totally denied the allegation… Just as he finished uttering these words, Jagdish Tytler, Congress MP from Sadar constituency, barged into the Police Commissioner’s office along with three other followers and on the top of his voice demanded, ‘What is this Mr Tandon? You still have not done what I asked you to do?’ The reporters were amused, the Police Commissioner embarrassed. Tytler kept on shouting and a reporter asked the Police Commissioner to ask that ‘shouting man’ to wait outside since a Press conference was on. Tytler shouted at the reporter, ‘This is more important.’ The reporter told the Police Commissioner that if Tytler wanted to sit in the office he would be welcome, but a lot of questions regarding his involvement would also be asked and he was welcome to hear them. Tytler was fuming…”

The slaughter was not limited to Delhi, though. Sikhs were killed in Gurgaon, Kanpur, Bokaro, Indore and many other towns and cities in States ruled by the Congress. In a replay of the mayhem in Delhi, 26 Sikh soldiers were pulled out of trains and killed.

After quenching their thirst for blood, the mobs retreated to savour their ‘revenge’. The flames died and the winter air blew away the stench of death. Rajiv Gandhi’s Government issued a statement placing the death toll at 425!

Rajiv Gandhi had no qualms about justifying the carnage. “Some riots took place in the country following the murder of Indiraji,” Rajiv Gandhi said on November 19, 1984, even as thousands of families grieved for their loved ones killed by Congress hoodlums, “We know the people were very angry and for a few days it seemed India had been shaken. But when a mighty tree falls, it is only natural that the earth around it does shake a little.”
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by RajeshA »

This time when NDA comes to power, they should drag everybody from Congress into the purview of Justice for 1984, especially Rajiv Gandhi.

Besides Justice, that should be Modi's response to Congress's campaign against Modi on Gujarat 2002 riots.

In Gujarat, the accusation is that Modi was not able to stop the riots. But in 1984 it is clear-cut that Congress not just instigated but also carried out the pogrom of Sikhs.

Based on this and this alone, Congress should be buried for ever!
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by chaanakya »

When NDA had chance till 2004 they did not do it? What makes us believe that they would do it now if they come to power. And when we didnt give a damn in 2004 and elected Congis how does it matter now? What about bofors and many scams that came before and after.

Let us not have high expectations in absence of commitment.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by member_23629 »

Sanjay Gandhi was 'shot three times' during Emergency: WikiLeaks
In late August 1976, when India was under an Emergency that gave his mother Indira Gandhi absolute powers, Congress leader Sanjay Gandhi was shot at thrice by an "unknown assailant," according to a cable sent by US diplomats to Washington. It was the third attempt to assassinate Mrs Gandhi's younger son, they reported.

Mr Gandhi, then 30, was visiting Uttar Pradesh when the "well-planned assassination attempt" was made, the cable noted, and said he was "not critically injured." It credited the information to a clandestine source and said a high-powered rifle was used in the attack. (Read the cable)

The cable, sent about a week later on September 6, 1976, is part of the latest Wikileaks release and one among many despatches devoted to Mr Gandhi, then looked upon as the "heir apparent" of Congress chief and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

The cable quoted Indian intelligence to say that this was the third attempt on Mr Gandhi's life. Information on the attack, it said, was being tightly controlled and said it would eventually be blamed on "revolutionary elements sponsored by outside powers."

Mr Gandhi's political graph was on the rise then. Other cables from that year said Sanjay was being seen as the prime mover behind the Congress' revitalisation and was billed in the party as a national leader second only to his mother.

But electoral defeat and some years of ignominy were round the corner.

Five months after this reported attack on Sanjay Gandhi, Mrs Gandhi announced elections, to be held in March 1977. The Janata Party highlighted the suppression of civil liberties during the months of Emergency and vanquished the Congress. Morarji Desai took over as Prime Minister.

Indira Gandhi and the Congress would be back in power by May 1980. But the very next month, on June 23, Sanjay Gandhi died in a plane crash. His older brother Rajiv, who had kept well away from politics, had to reluctantly step in. It was he who eventually succeeded Mrs Gandhi both as Congress chief and as India's Prime Minister.
Looks like Sanjay Gandhi was accidented -- it is very suspicious for him to die an unnatural death a month after an assassination attempt. Was his plane sabotaged? Sanjay Gandhi was bumped off, Indira Gandhi was bumped off, Rajiv Gandhi was bumped off and Sonia Gandhi became the de-facto PM. Put two and two together. Goras would go to any extent to see a White Christian rule India. This "White Christian man or woman inserted in a pagan royal family" trick has been played many times in history, including in Sikkim, Burma, India and even UK when it was Christianized.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Yayavar »

^^We know IG was by Khalistani supporters. Did they need to be pushed? We know Rajiv was by Prabhakaran? Did he need to be pushed? Beant Singh's Rajaona - did he need to be pushed? See the support Rajaona is getting. There are enough strong fissures not requiring any specific all-knowing outside hand. Can we leave such ideas off the table please?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by member_23629 »

^^ Khalistanis and LTTE, both had a strong Gora connection. Pls read more.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Yayavar »

:) sure...and the all-knowing goras went to all that trouble to install SG.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by RajeshA »

viv wrote::) sure...and the all-knowing goras went to all that trouble to install SG.
what trouble?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem »

Outsourcing Your Pregnancy to India Is the Financially Savvy Choice ... -472457746
India is home to a booming, multi-million dollar, unregulated surrogacy industry, in which couples can hire an Indian woman to carry their child via in vitro fertilization—using the either the couple's own sperm and egg or donor sperm and egg—for less than a quarter of what it costs to for the same services in the U.S.The town of Anand is considered the "hub" of India's surrogacy business. One clinic there—run by Dr. Nayana Patel, who has helped deliver babies for over 200 American couples—requires surrogates to live in a hostel for their entire pregnancy so they can be monitored. Dr. Patel's facility was was profiled by CBS News; footage shows small, crowded rooms packed with rows of single bed-sized cots, some of them holding two pregnant women at a time, while hallways are lined with women eating their meals on the floor. They are cut off from their families for the duration of their stay.Of the $25,000 price tag that Americans pay for a pregnancy, only $8000 goes to the surrogate for her 40 weeks on the job. But it beats the $30 a month that one woman at the clinic was making as a housekeeper.So we are basically now living in a dystopian future in which the ruling class is farming people in an impoverished environment. This is The Handmaid's Tale come to life.That said, it does seem to be advantageous for everyone involved. A couple can get a baby for relatively cheap, while the surrogate will earn a relatively significant amount of money—enough to change her life or that of her own children.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

Please read this article on street food vendors in Pune published in Hindu newpaper. See how they bait and induce the street vendors to reveal their native places. The obejctive is to show the street vendors are non-Marathi. The educated Indian is the worst divider in India.

Those Street Vendors of Snacks


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Re: Indian Interests

Post by RamaY »

Jhujar wrote:Outsourcing Your Pregnancy to India Is the Financially Savvy Choice ... -472457746
India is home to a booming, multi-million dollar, unregulated surrogacy industry, in which couples can hire an Indian woman to carry their child via in vitro fertilization—using the either the couple's own sperm and egg or donor sperm and egg—for less than a quarter of what it costs to for the same services in the U.S.The town of Anand is considered the "hub" of India's surrogacy business. One clinic there—run by Dr. Nayana Patel, who has helped deliver babies for over 200 American couples—requires surrogates to live in a hostel for their entire pregnancy so they can be monitored. Dr. Patel's facility was was profiled by CBS News; footage shows small, crowded rooms packed with rows of single bed-sized cots, some of them holding two pregnant women at a time, while hallways are lined with women eating their meals on the floor. They are cut off from their families for the duration of their stay.Of the $25,000 price tag that Americans pay for a pregnancy, only $8000 goes to the surrogate for her 40 weeks on the job. But it beats the $30 a month that one woman at the clinic was making as a housekeeper.So we are basically now living in a dystopian future in which the ruling class is farming people in an impoverished environment. This is The Handmaid's Tale come to life.That said, it does seem to be advantageous for everyone involved. A couple can get a baby for relatively cheap, while the surrogate will earn a relatively significant amount of money—enough to change her life or that of her own children.
Where can one get a 24/7 maid at $30 per month in India. And since when it is moral to 'outsource' notherhood for financial reasons? May these western b*tards and their agents in India die a painful death.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Sushupti »

chaanakya wrote:When NDA had chance till 2004 they did not do it? What makes us believe that they would do it now if they come to power. And when we didnt give a damn in 2004 and elected Congis how does it matter now? What about bofors and many scams that came before and after.

Let us not have high expectations in absence of commitment.
Windbag is in Coma and chance of, his Sancho Panza, Loh Purush becoming PM is very little.
Last edited by Sushupti on 13 Apr 2013 01:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Sushupti »

varunkumar wrote:
Sanjay Gandhi was 'shot three times' during Emergency: WikiLeaks
In late August 1976, when India was under an Emergency that gave his mother Indira Gandhi absolute powers, Congress leader Sanjay Gandhi was shot at thrice by an "unknown assailant," according to a cable sent by US diplomats to Washington. It was the third attempt to assassinate Mrs Gandhi's younger son, they reported.

Mr Gandhi, then 30, was visiting Uttar Pradesh when the "well-planned assassination attempt" was made, the cable noted, and said he was "not critically injured." It credited the information to a clandestine source and said a high-powered rifle was used in the attack. (Read the cable)

The cable, sent about a week later on September 6, 1976, is part of the latest Wikileaks release and one among many despatches devoted to Mr Gandhi, then looked upon as the "heir apparent" of Congress chief and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

The cable quoted Indian intelligence to say that this was the third attempt on Mr Gandhi's life. Information on the attack, it said, was being tightly controlled and said it would eventually be blamed on "revolutionary elements sponsored by outside powers."

Mr Gandhi's political graph was on the rise then. Other cables from that year said Sanjay was being seen as the prime mover behind the Congress' revitalisation and was billed in the party as a national leader second only to his mother.

But electoral defeat and some years of ignominy were round the corner.

Five months after this reported attack on Sanjay Gandhi, Mrs Gandhi announced elections, to be held in March 1977. The Janata Party highlighted the suppression of civil liberties during the months of Emergency and vanquished the Congress. Morarji Desai took over as Prime Minister.

Indira Gandhi and the Congress would be back in power by May 1980. But the very next month, on June 23, Sanjay Gandhi died in a plane crash. His older brother Rajiv, who had kept well away from politics, had to reluctantly step in. It was he who eventually succeeded Mrs Gandhi both as Congress chief and as India's Prime Minister.
Looks like Sanjay Gandhi was accidented -- it is very suspicious for him to die an unnatural death a month after an assassination attempt. Was his plane sabotaged? Sanjay Gandhi was bumped off, Indira Gandhi was bumped off, Rajiv Gandhi was bumped off and Sonia Gandhi became the de-facto PM. Put two and two together. Goras would go to any extent to see a White Christian rule India. This "White Christian man or woman inserted in a pagan royal family" trick has been played many times in history, including in Sikkim, Burma, India and even UK when it was Christianized.
You came to know it now?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by chaanakya »

Sushupti wrote:
chaanakya wrote:When NDA had chance till 2004 they did not do it? What makes us believe that they would do it now if they come to power. And when we didnt give a damn in 2004 and elected Congis how does it matter now? What about bofors and many scams that came before and after.

Let us not have high expectations in absence of commitment.
Windbag is in Coma and chance of, his Sancho Panza, Loh Purush becoming PM is very little.
This derogatory comment is not appreciated. It was Rath Yatra that broke the back of Kongis and got BJP more seats ever. They are yet to replicate his feat. He was the leader to be as PM but due to compulsion of coalition politics it was not to be. That does not mean he has to be called sancho panza. BJP will be truly tested when they get two third majority to change the constitution which is implied in many of the expectations or premises or their manifesto. Till such time , we cant expect much without disappointment from BJP.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Yayavar »

^^ And ABV led the first full term non-congress govt.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by chaanakya »

Nonethelaess it was NDA govt not purely BJP one.
And to take it to full five year term BJP does get a credit ,more so, LKA as he gracefully accepted the second position freshly coming from his successful rath yatra and electoral success.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Sushupti »

Sibbal defended Bhullar as per Bitta.
Bitta tears into Congress leadership ... 62026.html
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by kish »

'There is a mini-Pakistan growing in Delhi': Author Tarek Fateh speaks out after his lecture on Arafat is cancelled
A talk at Jamia Millia Islamia's Yasser Arafat Hall featuring Fatah was cancelled on Thursday after, according to the writer, "Muslim radicals" objected to his plan to speak about why a hall is named after the late Palestinian leader but not for a syncretist like Dara Shikoh
Thank god, he did not have a Hindu sounding name else he would have been mistaken for saffron terrorist.
"I would have loved to take on these twits. I'm not allowed to speak in Pakistan and the sad thing is there is a mini-Pakistan growing in Delhi itself, at Jamia," Fatah said.
People know this, but can't speak about it Mr. Tarek Fateh.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by SSridhar »

UPA Govt. was split over decision to hang Bhullar
File notings show the foreign ministry under K Natwar Singh favored commuting Bhullar's death penalty to life sentence.

MEA's advice was, however, rejected by the ministry of home affairs that felt bilateral relations could not be a factor in deciding issues involving the country's criminal justice system.

MEA's advice could have been prompted by a series of clemency pleas from Germany, the UK, the US and Indian politicians like former PM H D Deve Gowda and Rajya Sabha MP Ram Jethmalani.

Information accessed by SC Agrawal says, "... Several petitions from individuals and institutions, both domestic and foreign, were received seeking clemency for Devender Pal Singh Bhullar. Since some of these petitions were from prominent international personalities and organizations including President of Germany, members of EU, US Congress and UK House of Commons, MEA also considered the matter."

The government told Agrawal that "MEA, with the approval of the then EAM (K Natwar Singh) intimated the MHA that MEA was in favour commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment. The views of MEA were considered by the MHA. The plea of MEA was not accepted on the grounds that bilateral relations cannot be a deciding factor in the enforcement of criminal justice system in the country and that Devender Pal Singh being an Indian criminal, needed to be dealt by Indian laws and procedures and not be guided by extraneous factors."

Then home minister Shivraj Patil rejected Bhullar's mercy petition on July 7, 2005, and the file was submitted to then President APJ Abdul Kalam. The case was reviewed in 2011, when P Chidambaram became the home minister.
So, blatantly foreign governments are interfering in internal Indian matters bringing pressure on vulnerable and susceptible GoI & Indian politicians who then dance to their tunes. It is a shame. Of course, there is always a tension between the MEA & MHA as MEA wants to satisfy their foreign friends all the time and MHA acts on domestic vote-bank politics. Let us identify those who pleaded for Bhullar's commutation.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Sushupti »

Defeating secularist plot in India & Sri Lanka
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by member_20036 »

The Communist’s tryst with fascism
By Anirban Ganguly on April 17, 2013 ... 67302.html
Comrade Sitaram Yechury unfailingly uses the space of his ‘Left Hand Drive’ column to attack the RSS, the BJP and Narendra Modi. In fact he uses the patronages of this particular column to spew venom, hurl incoherent expletives and confusedly discuss history in his amateurish attempt at trying to denigrate Hindus and organisations that speak up for them. He also attacks individual leaders of the Right who speak for the need to develop a cohesive and vibrant India. But we know what usually happens to most left hand driven vehicles in India – whether they are thought vehicles or road vehicles – at some point of time they crash. It is an accepted fact, however hard for comrades to digest, that a majority of Indian roads like the majority of the Indian mind and psyche is highly averse and unsuited for left hand driven vehicles as well as for left hand ideologies. Time and again these have been abandoned and junked.

Comrade Yechury has discussed the rising spectre of fascism and has again raised the bogey of the fascist agenda of the RSS to be implemented by Narendra Modi. While doing this he has extensively discussed dates, positions, events, especially related to Hitler and his third Reich. Now this is what I call dated and putrefying scholarship – trying to draw parallels between a 21st century India and one of the most dreadful episodes of world history and a system and ideology that is long past and gone. But this is what the comrades have always done; they have always harked back to an alien past, dissected an alien ideology, embraced it starry-eyed and then forcibly advocated its imposition on the Indian mind and conditions. However, without entering into a detailed analysis of comrade Yechury’s thoughts I would focus on what he discussed extensively – i.e. fascism. He said that the rise of Hindu forces would be the rise of fascism. I shall not focus on the Molotov-Ribbentrop episode, nor discuss the bogus claim of a peoples’ war – these are too well known episodes but comrade Yechury, while conveniently skirting these, has ignored the fact that this period saw the actual inauguration of the era of the Communists’ tryst with fascism.

For those of us who subscribe to the Right of Centre position, comrade Yechury and his followers are the epitome of fascism. Throughout history the comrades have sided with fascist elements, have themselves displayed fascist traits and have often remained silent accomplices in the growth of fascistic forces. The very lumpen proletariat that they condemn has often become their instruments for consolidation of political power. They have often surrendered to these forces for sheer survival. When Taslima Nasreen was thrown out of Kolkata in November 2007, the comrades were bowing down to the dictates of the lumpen proletariat represented by the Islamist fringe. When in February 2009 the comrades got the editor and publisher of one of the oldest dailies of Kolkata The Statesman, arrested, they were willingly ceding political space to this very lumpen fascist proletariat which had brought to standstill central parts of Kolkata in the name of Islam. Comrade Yechury has very deftly avoided these episodes; his only brief was to blindly bludgeon the Hindu Right. Since Comrade Yechury has quoted and cited references to his positions it would be appropriate to do the same in support of what we say.

Let us start quite early. Fascism is built around the cult of one person; any balanced student of history will associate such a cult with Stalin and Mao, both perpetual fountains of inspiration for comrade Yechury and his camp followers. No country and people aspiring to prosperity, freedom and selfhood would ever wish to live through the systems that these “stalwarts” so passionately espoused. Fran Dikotter in his Mao’s Great Famine, says: “Between 1958 and 1962, China descended into hell. Mao Zedong threw his country into a frenzy with the Great Leap Forward, an attempt to catch up to and overtake Britain in less than 15 years. The experiment ended in the greatest catastrophe the country had ever known, destroying tens of millions of lives,” this is just one example of the havoc that a fascist regime can wreak.

Stalin’s proletarian paradise was, in effect, the hell-hole of fascism. Stéphane Courtois in his paper ‘Crimes of Communism’ gives a list of those liquidated under Stalin’s gaze. The Great Purge between 1937 and 1938 saw the liquidation of almost 690,000 people. Nicolas Werth in his ‘A State Against Its People’ describes how during the Great Terror of 1936 – 1938, the period known as Ezhovshchina, ‘Rule of Ezhov’ referring to Nikolai Ezhov, then head of the dreaded NKVD, saw repression at all levels of Soviet society. Ordinary citizens as well as politburo members were detained, deported and liquidated. The entire period saw 200,000 people affected. Available documents of the period indicate how Stalin “meticulously controlled and directed Ezhov’s every move. He corrected instructions to the NKVD, masterminded all the big public trials, and even wrote the scripts for them.”

Speaking of our climes, it is well known that Indian comrades siding with the reactionary Muslim League supported the demand for Pakistan in the 1940s. Ram Manohar Lohia in his Guilty Men of India’s Partition for example mentions how Communist support to the partition demand “acted like an incubator.” Interestingly, responding to the Muslim League’s hartal in support of its Direct Action in August 1946, the legendary patrician comrade Jyoti Basu, then a communist member of the Bengal Legislative Assembly, made a startling proposition in face of a fascist organisation’s imposed programme. Comrade Basu is reported to have said, according to the leading Amrita Bazar Patrika of August 14, 1946, that his party would support the strike where necessary and oppose the strike where necessary. It ludicrously meant that the comrades would oppose the Muslim League hartal in areas in Calcutta where the Hindus were in a majority and would support the shutdown in areas where the Muslim League dominated! It is in this manner, taking recourse to fascism that comrade Yechury’s mentors saved themselves and survived the vagaries of Indian politics.

Years later AJ Kamra in his heart-rending The Prolonged Partition and Its Pogroms recounted how comrade Basu, now transmuted into the new avatar of a democratically elected Chief Minister of West Bengal, helped settle thousands of Bihari Muslims from Bangladesh in Calcutta, those very Bihari Islamo-fascists who collaborated with the fascist Pakistan Army and the fascist Jamaat in butchering Hindus during 1971. Kamra noted how comrade Basu allowed the Forward Bloc minister in his Cabinet, Kalimuddin Shams, to play “a pivotal role in settling the Bihari Muslims of Bangladesh in and around Calcutta.”

During the 1971 Bangladesh war, comrade Yechury’s party did not condemn the fascist Rezakars of Jamaat and Pakistani Army. Instead, as Mohit Sen, an insider, describes in his insightful A Traveller and the Road, when India sent its Army, the CPI(M) was “taken aback and stated that outside intervention in the internal affairs of another country could only lead to negative consequences.” Yechury’s party, displaying a strong fascistic trait, “never demarcated itself from and much less criticised the Chinese support of the Pakistan military junta and its genocide” in East Pakistan.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by abhishek_sharma »

Views from the Right

The Sangh Parivar's Organiser uses the recent court verdict rejecting the CBI's closure report, which absolves senior Congress leader Jagdish Tytler's role in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots case, to certify Narendra Modi's fairness against allegations of his administration's complicity in the 2002 Gujarat riots.

"The Congressmen who have been accusing Narendra Modi and the BJP government of Gujarat for the Gujarat riots do not accept the fact that [the] law has taken its own course in Gujarat. A senior minister in the BJP government, Maya Kondani, was sentenced. The law was taking its own course there. Several accused were convicted and many were let off by the courts," says the editorial. In contrast, "the Congress government has rewarded the concerned officer who was instrumental in giving a clean chit to Tytler with a high-profile government posting". For the Organiser, the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom was a "carnage", wherein over 4,000 Sikhs were "butchered", whereas Gujarat merely witnessed a "riot" in 2002.

PAKISTAN's minorities

Panchjanya focuses on the plight of minority Hindus in Pakistan, with the cover story declaring "nark ka naam Pakistan (the hell that is Pakistan)". It carries news reports about some of those Hindus who have crossed over to India recently to avoid alleged persecution. The stories also single out VHP leader Pravin Togadia's remarks demanding Indian citizenship to all Hindu immigrants from Pakistan. The editorial criticises Pakistan's human rights record as far as minorities go. "While Hindu refugees have their hopes pinned on India, the plight of Christian and Shia minorities trouble Europe and Iran," says the editorial.

The Organiser also gives prominence to this issue, claiming that "genocidal brutalities" in Pakistan are forcing Hindus to seek asylum in India. Highlighting the fact that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh himself was a refugee from Pakistan, the editorial seeks to draw his attention to their plight.


The Sangh Parivar weeklies serve up details of the alleged deals revealed by WikiLeaks in its latest cache, which contained diplomatic cables related to members of Nehru-Gandhi family. A full-page report in Panchjanya declares how Rajiv Gandhi played the role of a "middleman" in a defence deal, but the report is accompanied by another revelation that Indira Gandhi sought to strike a deal with Pakistani leader Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on sharing the nuclear technology developed by India. This report is supplemented by the revelation that Sanjay Gandhi thrice escaped assassination attempts.

The Organiser also carries a full-page report highlighting how the exposé on Rajiv Gandhi has the Congress "scurrying for cover". The Organiser asks how the "Congress, a party led by Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi can give common man a corrupt free government". It wonders aloud that "old habits die hard for the Congress party and the business of wheeler dealing seems to be continuing".

Compiled by Ravish Tiwari
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by RamaY »

Katju's Idiots at work in Supreme Court, CBI, Politics, Media, Film Industry and so on...

Watch video: ... utt/271743
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem » ... dodo-bird/
India's Government Finds Its Dodo Bird
Mauritius is just a tiny dot of a nation in the Indian Ocean, far off the eastern coast of Madagascar. A former French colonial hold out, the island had no inhabitants when discovered by the Portuguese in the 1500s. Back then, the only thing wandering the island was the dodo bird. Today most of its inhabitants are Indian and for a small piece of real estate on this great big planet, Mauritius is to India what Cyprus is to Russia. It’s an offshore banking and investment hot spot for rich Indians and businesses — both from India and around the world — who set up shop in Mauritius and conduct the bulk of their business in India. Picture accountants and lawyers on smart phones with their toes in white sand explaining tax law for a few hours a day. That’s a day at the office for companies whose real labor and product is sold over 4,000 kilometers (2,485 miles) north in India.They make money. They sell their companies or divisions of their companies. And India’s Ex-Chequer receives not a dime in capital gains.Mauritius, for decades, has been a shadow state of India’s one-percenters. It’s been a part of Indian culture for decades due to a tax treaty that does not charge capital gains taxes on Mauritius-based companies doing business in India. Although “shadow” conjures up images of foul play, when it comes to corruption Mauritius is actually light years ahead of India, Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa and more on par with South Korea.Mauritius remains the biggest question mark hanging over India’s budget.
india, in Mauritius, has a real problem on its hands. The myriad of political groups are all over this. “The Communist Party of India likes to whip people up in a frenzy over this,” says Shan Nair, founder of Nair & Co. “The socialist parties are right behind them.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Murugan »

Karan Thapar Grilled Accused of Well Promoting Pukistani Interests ... 0pgz2biUmE
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Sushupti »

Varoon Shekhar
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

Another wonderful article from Tarek Fatah, in the Toronto Sun. Here is a Pakistan origin writer, speaking plain truth. It's also good publicity for India, in the minds of the lay readers. It shows India to be an open, democratic society.

At the eye of the storm — again

The university refused to elaborate on the ‘unavoidable reasons’ that led to the cancellation of my talk with students

By Tarek Fatah ,Toronto Sun

While visiting India, columnist Fatah meets with India's Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid. SUPPLIED PHOTO

I am in India doing research for my next book, Jinnah’s Orphans, the story of how a single man left a permanent scar on India’s face and seriously damaged the psyche of a people. And as I write this sitting in the Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai, the very place where Pakistani terrorists committed mass murder in the name of Islam in 2008 — I have managed to embroil myself in a controversy over free speech and the rise of Islamism in India.

India is the birthplace of my Muslim parents, their grandparents and generations before them who, by the the mid 1800s, converted from Hinduism to Islam.

In my desire to get a sense of how Indian Muslim youth see the future and to know where they stand on the rise of radical Islamism across the world, I had requested my hosts arrange a visit to the prestigious Jamia Milli Islamia Univesity (JMI) in New Delhi. JMI is headed by Najib Jung, one of India’s most enlightened Muslims, a leading figure in the community and well respected for his progressive outlook.

JMI agreed to my talk, but merely hours before the event on April 11, the university sent out a cryptic press release stating: “An interactive session with Mr. Tarek Fatah, a Canadian writer and broadcaster and a secular Muslim activist has been CANCELLED due to some unavoidable reasons.”

The university refused to elaborate on the “unavoidable reasons” that led to the cancellation of the event.

It didn’t take long before I discovered it came as a result of a handful of Islamist youth who had threatened to disrupt the event. They created a situation where university administrators were coaxed into shutting down the event instead of risking a flare up on campus.

Soon the news of this cancellation hit India’s most prominent media outlets, and now the issue has taken on a life of its own.

If there is anything to be learned from this is that what is needed today is a robust challenge to not just terrorism, but the ideology of Islamism. The Islamist addiction to self-imposed victimhood must also be exposed. This does not happen in India (or even in Canada) where vote bank politics trumps the truth.

One rare example of straight talk came from the man who just might scrape through to become India’s next prime minister.

In January 2010, a group of students at the Aligarh Muslim University aired the sense of Muslim victimhood when they heckled Rahul Gandhi, demanding to know “Why has India not had a Muslim prime minister?”

While the question by the Muslim students was rhetorical, Rahul Gandhi’s answer was refreshingly bereft of political correctness or vote-bank pandering. The young MP who most likely will lead the Congress into India’s next general elections in 2014, shot back at the students: “Can you name five young Muslim leaders?”

What India’s current flock of Islamic leaders do best is cajole the majority into what is referred to as a ‘Hindu guilt’.

The same happens in the U.S. and Canada where it is ‘White liberal guilt’ that precludes any challenge to Islamist ideology.

What has been observed of the Muslim leadhership in India can be described as spoiled brats. This attitude erupted last week when India’s national TV broadcaster, DDR, aired a recipe that contained pork on a cooking program. All hell broke loose with Muslim leaders claiming offence and demanding an apology. These are the same leaders who slaughter cows regularly in a country where most people consider cows sacred.

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that — I probably just got into trouble again.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by nawabs »

“Are Indians buying back their own ideas from the West?”

[youtube] ... sCWK-TQVsk[/youtube]
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

Interesting idea of Jinnah' Orphans the "jihadis who stayed back" in India.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Prem »
Meet India’s Last Polio Victim
New Delhi - On January 13, 2011, it was sunny in Panchla Block in Howrah, West Bengal, temperatures hovering around 70, with a slight breeze. On the crowded streets on this particular Thursday, Rukhsa Khatun, a slight two-year-old with big dark eyes and short cropped black hair, developed a fever. At some point in the previous three weeks, Rukhsa had come into contact with someone else’s feces – perhaps a fly landed on her food, or she drank contaminated water, maybe simply while playing on the street – and unbeknownst to her, she caught a virus.
Once inside her body, the disease quickly spread through her central nervous system, destroying the nerve cells that cause muscle fibers to contract and causing acute flaccid paralysis.She was lucky; the virus stopped before it reached her lungs, leaving her breathing muscles intact. Ten percent of all paralyzed polio victims are not so fortunate.To a western audience, polio belongs to the category of vanquished diseases, along with smallpox and diphtheria, that are no longer cause for concern. Iron lungs have been consigned to museums, few remember why Franklin Roosevelt needed a wheelchair. But in India, the fear of polio is still very real. Until 2009, India reported half of all of the world’s cases – more than 700 hundred cases like Rukhsa’s every year.
Nikhat, a stout woman with smile lines around her eyes, is familiar with fear. She’s spent the last two years walking door to door in Moradabad, India, as part of the largest public health initiative ever undertaken. A Muslim who wears the hijab and who lives in the center of India’s last polio epidemic, Nikhat has worked with many worried people – some of whom are more afraid of her then of the disease.
In 2009, after 74 new polio cases broke out in Moradabad, a senior imam, Dr. Mukaffar Sultam Hasam Torabi, explained, “people were still worried about the vaccine. They thought it might be a back-door family planning program.” While parents were anxious to protect their children from polio, using folk remedies like a ritual pre-dawn dunking in a nearby river, many refused to immunize their children, worried that the vaccine contained forbidden animal parts, or caused impotency. When Nikhat came knocking, parents hid their children, or refused to allow her in.It was in this atmosphere of mistrust and miscommunication that public health officials designed the largest health campaign ever created. Many epidemiologists doubted its chances for success; the worst outbreaks were in neighborhoods which lacked even basic sanitation infrastructure, with migrant populations whose frequent movements made comprehensive coverage difficult to imagine.But the campaign, a coalition run by India’s national government, WHO, Rotary International, CDC, and UNICEF, spent over $8 billion dollars, employing 2.3 million vaccine administrators armed with only the basic kit of an oral vaccine, color-coded, hand-drawn maps, and penciled-in tally sheets. And it worked:in 2012 India went one full year without any new polio cases. This was a huge milestone. Now, if by early 2014 no new cases are reported, the World Health Organization will certify that polio has been fully eradicated from India.Of course, as with any public health issue, there are criticisms. Some think the money would have been better spent improving sanitation in a country where 334,000 children die every year because of diarrhea. In the dusty streets of Moradabad, listening to Nikhat explain how some parents used vaccinating their children as a bargaining chip, attempting to demand electricity or basic infrastructure improvements in exchange, the tremendous focus – and the opportunity costs – of the polio campaign appear even more striking. But now that polio is potentially vanquished (doctors involved with the campaign are stillvery careful to qualify the achievement) India’s health officials are contemplating how the program’s innovations might be used to improve other health issues, including other routine immunizations.As for Ruksa, she’s three now, and still learning to walk again; her right foot was twisted and stunted by the disease. But with any luck, she’ll be the last Indian to suffer from polio.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by RamaY »

What is "Secular Behavior" of an individual? How does it influence the individual's 'definition' of Nation and national interests?

What is the need for a state to be secular when it's citizens are secular?

Can secularism become a fascist idea that can deny the natural identity of majority, and deny honest, capable and patriotic individuals from national leadership positions?
Last edited by RamaY on 20 Apr 2013 08:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by ramana »

I dont like the terming of the Boston bombers as Chechens. Thats not a recognised state. Next what Kassmiri terroshits?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by RamaY »


Goes well with those questions...

Hari Seldon wrote: Ram Navami rituals not allowed at Ayodhya site
FAIZABAD/AYODHYA: For the first time in 64 years, the district administration didn't allow the special Ram Navami rituals at the Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya as per a Supreme Court order passed 19 years ago. Despite the apex court's order, the rituals were performed every year.

However, this year the administrative authorities took the decision following strong opposition from Hashim Ansari, the first appellant in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title suit.

The Ram Janmabhoomi Seva Samiti has been performing traditional rituals despite the Supreme Court through its various orders restraining any religious activity on the acquired land of Babri Masjid and Ram Janmabhoomi. The chief priest appointed by the court, Acharya Satyender Das, is authorised to offer only daily prayers at the disputed site but no special prayer is allowed.

Faizabad DM Vipin Kumar Diwedi had earlier clarified that the administration would abide by the Supreme Court orders. So, when on Friday the samiti members reached the first entry point of the acquired area — the Rang Mahal barrier — they were stopped and the metal 'kalash' (urn) was taken by a local priest arranged by the administration there. Talking to TOI, the chief priest of Ram Janmabhoomi said, "One of my followers took the kalash, but it was not offered to Ram Lalla in the makeshift temple."
What happened to secularism of SC, GoUP and Hashim Ansari?
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by RamaY »

Watch video: ... hit/271674

NDTV as usual proves it's secular (read pro Congress-system) credentials... Please watch this short video (3mins) to understand what could have been achieved with Rs 50,000 crore/year NREGA funds, if the congress-system leaders were not poor malnutritioned secularists.

The Congress-System achieved this wonderful feat after 10 years of secular, progressive and inclusive governance

50% Indians living below poverty line: Govt panel
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by kish »

Not a whimper in Indian media. Treacherous paid ba$tards.

Indian Muslim Mothers Charged In 'Honor' Killings Of Daughters Who Married Hindu Men
Two Muslim mothers in a northern Indian town have been arrested on accusations they killed their daughters for dishonoring the family by eloping with Hindu men, police said Sunday.

Newlyweds Zahida, 19, and Husna, 26, were strangled when they returned home after getting married to men of their choice, said Anil Kumar Kusan, a police officer.
Initial investigations showed that the mothers helped each other to strangle their daughters.

"We killed them because they brought shame to our community. How could they elope with Hindus? They deserved to die. We have no remorse," Khatun, one of the mothers, was quoted as saying by the Indian Express newspaper after her arrest Friday. Khatun uses only one name.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by brihaspati »

RamaY wrote:^^

Goes well with those questions...

What happened to secularism of SC, GoUP and Hashim Ansari?
This is good. I applaud the state's actions. This should be enjoyed by those among the "pseudo-hindu" among us, who have been making noises about why the "mandir" is not == should not be that "important" and issue or a priority. That any leader from the "right" who ignores/downplays/ postpones RJM is doing the right thing, ityadi.

These are issues on which the state organs/functionaries/institutions show which religions they are really sponsoring or protecting or committed to, under the pretense or cover of "secularism". This is no criticism of the government - since there is a feeling in the air, that gov == nation, and therefore any oblique criticism of the gov or state institutions is a bashing of the nation. Just a mere observation and expression of happiness that the state reveals its true character. The more such steps the better.
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Re: Indian Interests

Post by Amitabh »

kish wrote:Not a whimper in Indian media. Treacherous paid ba$tards.

Indian Muslim Mothers Charged In 'Honor' Killings Of Daughters Who Married Hindu Men
Two Muslim mothers in a northern Indian town have been arrested on accusations they killed their daughters for dishonoring the family by eloping with Hindu men, police said Sunday.

Newlyweds Zahida, 19, and Husna, 26, were strangled when they returned home after getting married to men of their choice, said Anil Kumar Kusan, a police officer.
Initial investigations showed that the mothers helped each other to strangle their daughters.

"We killed them because they brought shame to our community. How could they elope with Hindus? They deserved to die. We have no remorse," Khatun, one of the mothers, was quoted as saying by the Indian Express newspaper after her arrest Friday. Khatun uses only one name.
The Indian Express and India Today are not part of the Indian media? Did the Huffington Post break the story?

But why let facts and logic get in the way of an ideological rant...