Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by kancha »

Guess something spooked them into correcting it! Going by the comments at the end of the article, it is unlikely that just the folks who commented, could have caused them to change it.
But you're right, the evidence is going to be there for posterity :twisted:
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by nachiket »

kancha wrote:Guess something spooked them into correcting it! Going by the comments at the end of the article, it is unlikely that just the folks who commented, could have caused them to change it.
But you're right, the evidence is going to be there for posterity :twisted:
Oh, they had to change it because according to their older map, the girl didn't die in India.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by kish »

Not a news item, found this pic in twitter. Is this True? Margaret Thatcher attending RSS event in 80s. pls let me know if it isn't appropriate for this thread. I will delete it.

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by JE Menon »

wow great pic. major propagandu value. should be saved. i don't think its psed.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by eklavya »

Indo-UK joint army exercise:
Indo-UK joint exercise, Ex Ajeya Warrior: official photos and press release

The Indo-UK Joint Military training aimed at enhancing counter terrorism skills got underway on 04 April 2013 at the hills of Belgaum. The Joint Training code-named Exercise Ajeya Warrior will simulate a scenario where both nations are working together on a joint operation in counter insurgency and counter terrorism environment. This is one of the major ongoing bilateral defence cooperation endeavours between the two countries and is the fifth in the series which initially started as a biennial feature in 2007 to be held in India and UK alternatively.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Vayutuvan »

JEM ji, I don't know how that is of propaganda value. I really hope you are not doing an analogy of
Reagan (or some other US pres):Taliban :: MT:RSS.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by eklavya »

A few more terrorists locked up:
Four Britons jailed for al Qaeda inspired bomb plot

LONDON (Reuters) - Four Britons were jailed on Thursday for plotting al Qaeda inspired bombings across the country, including an attack on an army base using a remote-controlled toy car packed with explosives which they planned to drive under the gates.

Prosecutors said the men, who were captured after an operation involving London's Counter Terrorism Command and the MI5 domestic spy agency, were "dangerous and committed terrorists".

Zahid Iqbal, Mohammed Sharfaraz Ahmed, Umar Arshad and Syed Farhan Hussain, from Luton, north of London, had all pleaded guilty last month to preparing for acts of terrorism.

Prosecutors said Iqbal was a "terrorist facilitator" who arranged for people, including Ahmed, to travel to Pakistan for extremist purposes.

Meanwhile Ahmed, who with others also underwent training in the Snowdonia mountainous region of North Wales, had recruited Arshad and Hussain.

British officials have said that while al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and Afghanistan are less capable of organising mass attacks along the lines of the July 2005 suicide bombings on London which killed 52 commuters, the threat from homegrown Islamists remains.

"All four men have shown a deep commitment to engage in violent jihad," said Deborah Walsh, deputy head of Counter-Terrorism at Britain's Crown Prosecution Service.

"In April 2011, Iqbal and Ahmed discussed an attack on the Territorial (reserve) Army base in Luton using explosives placed on a remote controlled car. Independent forensic evidence has confirmed the device was viable."

Police said the group had taken advantage of information provided by an English language online magazine posted by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and had talked about making a bomb and procuring firearms.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by abhishek_sharma »

Corera, Gordon The Art of Betrayal: The Secret History of MI6: Life and Death in the British Secret Service
Fresh from a posting to South America, de Mowbray was assigned to support MI5’ s investigations into two Britons whom Golitsyn said had been targeted by the KGB in Vienna for their homosexuality. After a few months, his boss came into his office and told him he had something ‘special’ for him to work on with two MI5 officers. He was told to head over to a safe house the following day. There he was met by the two central figures of the spy-hunt. Alongside Arthur Martin was Peter Wright. The latter was the Security Service’s master technician and authority on bugging. The Security Service operated outside the law during this period. It was overseen, but only in the loosest sense, by politicians and civil servants but was not governed by any statute. ‘We bugged and burgled our way across London at the state’s behest, while pompous bowler-hatted civil servants in Whitehall pretended to look the other way,’ Wright said with relish of his work. 21 But some of Wright’s beloved bugging operations had mysteriously come to nothing, he explained to de Mowbray. He and Arthur Martin had independently come to the same conclusion: ‘We believe MI5 is penetrated.’
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by habal »

matrimc wrote:JEM ji, I don't know how that is of propaganda value. I really hope you are not doing an analogy of
Reagan (or some other US pres):Taliban :: MT:RSS.
I used to have a gut feeling quite a while back that the hindutva movement including babri masjid demolition coincided too closely with the Iraq wars. It was perhaps a move to divide public opinion in India against getting too sympathetic to Iraqis in particular and muslims in general. During those days most Indians were distanced and diverted from middle-east shenanigans through this movement led by L.K. Advani. So there could have been penetration by western agents.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by brihaspati »

kish ji,

You will find a great pic with Indira Gandhi too - and excerpts from her letters expressing her real feelings, and other stuff. ... al-pal.htm

Apparently anti-terror intel collaboration has been constantly growing upwards in scale from her times, built upon and added to by successive PM's. Must be - since '90's Mumbai or 2008 happened.

JEM, yes a keeper - by the same token, the pic with IG too.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by brihaspati »

If we are looking at Margaret Thatcher's associations/sympathies with fronts/orgs/ideologies through special speculative lenses : here should also be something of interest:
Overlooked in both portrayals is her support of political Islamism and, by extension, jihadis. In December 1979, Thatcher advocated political Islam as a counterweight to left-wing or communist ideologies, which she derogatively dubbed “imported Marxism.” As cited in Mark Curtis’ Secret Affairs, Britain’s Collusion with Radical Islam, she said:

I do not believe that we should judge Islam by events in Iran…There is a tide of self-confidence and self-awareness in the Muslim world which preceded the Iranian revolution, and will outlast its present excesses. The West should recognize this with respect, not hostility. The Middle East is an area where we all have much at stake. It is in our own interests, as well as in the interests of the people of that region, that they build on their own deep religious traditions…

Thatcher’s statement that “our interests” and “the interests of the people of the region” are one and the same is rooted in a particular type of British imperialist strategy that was articulated by Frederick Lugard.

An imperial officer in northern Nigeria in the 19th century, Lugard managed the local emirs on the grounds that they “were allowed to retain the trappings of power so long they accepted the advice of their new overlords,” according to Dane Kennedy’s Britain and Empire.

There was nothing new about this puppet-overlord relationship in the history of British imperialism, but Lugard added a new dimension to this relationship. He framed the Empire’s relationship with its subjects “in terms of the preservation” of their way of life. Hence, Thatcher’s notion that the “Muslim world” should “build on their own religious traditions.”

Professor John Callaghan further argued in The Labour Party and Foreign Policy that if there were no indigenous structures for the British Empire to partner with, then it would consolidate its exploitation and also “retard the rate of social and political progress.”

When the Empire began to consolidate its lordship over the Arab world after WWI, it partnered with Saudi Wahhabis and the Muslim Brotherhood. The trends that these movements represented were not so much “invented” by the British but favored and promoted.

Before the British allowed the Wahhabis to establish themselves in Riyadh in 1901, they were an isolated, exiled cult in the Basra region known as “Kuwait.” With further support from the Empire, the Wahhabis expanded into the western part of the Arabian peninsula in 1924 and 1925.

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928. In Richard P. Mitchell’s seminal book on the Brotherhood, The Society of the Muslim Brothers, the American academic states that a British operative, seemingly from the British embassy, James Heyworth-Dunne, was “a participant in some of the history of the movement and his work must be considered a primary source.” The work in question is Heyworth-Dunne’s Religious and Political Trends In Modern Egypt.

Heyworth-Dunne wrote that the challenges faced by the Empire in Egypt in the 1920s and 30s were twofold. First, US president Woodrow Wilson’s “declaration of self-determination inspired the Egyptians to higher ideals.” Second, there were the “communistic ideas” to be dealt with.

To offset these two challenges, Heyworth-Dunne advocated the Islam as “taught and represented by Hasan al-Banna,” the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, rather than the traditional Islam as practiced by the oldest university in the Islamic world, al-Azhar, for which he had nothing but disdain.

The British Empire had an overprotective attitude toward Islam. It heroically and selflessly defended Islam, even if al-Azhar, the traditional bastion of Islamic learning in the world, didn’t comprehend this urgency.

By the time these two major trends of Islamism strategically coalesced in the 1950s to meet the challenge of third world independence and socialism, the Americans had embraced the British Empire’s imperialist strategy.

The British Empire had an overprotective attitude toward Islam. It heroically and selflessly defended Islam, even if al-Azhar, the traditional bastion of Islamic learning in the world, didn’t comprehend this urgency.
This embrace meant bringing British puppets, such as the Saud clan of Saudi Arabia and the Thani clan of Qatar, under its protective umbrella. This American appropriation of the puppets had initially gained doctrinal credibility through the Eisenhower doctrine and extended all the way until the 1980s to support the Islamist mercenaries, or mujahideen, against the Soviets in the 1980s.

It is for this reason that Thatcher declared that these mujahideen were engaged in “one of the most heroic resistance struggles known to history,” as cited in Sandy Gall’s Afghanistan, Agony of a Nation.

For the UK, the policy of employing Islamists to further its interests is rooted in an imperialist existential strategy, whereas for the US, utilizing Islamists commenced in the 1950s during the Cold War. This is the reason why there is currently a mild schism between the US and the UK with regard to supporting the Islamist “rebels” in Syria. With the Cold War over, the obstacle currently facing the UK is convincing the US to remain enlisted in a pro-Islamist strategy in Syria.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by habal »

Rothschild had alliances with both right & left wing during 1st and 2nd world war eras. Like in present days Rockefeller is associated with both Republican and Democrat. Same Same .. just change of dress in net effect.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by JE Menon »

>>JEM ji, I don't know how that is of propaganda value.

Have you seen a picture of any of our PMs in a prayerful posture with the RSS? I haven't. This is the sort of thing that will come in handy to use on the crowd who cannot understand why someone like Modi comes to power. In short, you have to engage with all your electorate if you want to remain relevant. MT was willing to go to a Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh meeting as apparently guest of honour... Maybe it is time for one of our PMs to do so? And if this muddle-headed crowd, I don't call them secular or pseudosecular (you are freely surrendering political territory with such exclusion), make a noise, this photo will come in handy. And they will swallow it; the British did it first after all...
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Karan Dixit »

I forgive all her sins :)
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Vayutuvan »

JE Menon wrote:This is the sort of thing that will come in handy to use on the crowd who cannot understand why someone like Modi comes to power.
OK I see it now. But B ji and Habal ji had a different take on this. Probably people with different political philosophies use it differently, though.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by eklavya »

Interesting poll:
Second World War clashes named as 'Greatest British Battle'

The twin Second World War clashes of Imphal and Kohima have been named as the greatest ever battle involving British forces.

The two victories over the Japanese, which took place in the same region of north east India over the same period in 1944, were voted the winner of a contest run by the National Army Museum to identify “Britain’s Greatest Battle”.

There are several memorials to the British and Indian troops who fought in the area, including one with an inscription that has become famous as the ‘Kohima Epitaph’. It reads: “When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today’
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by vishvak »

Wasn't ww2 fought amongst colonials in Europe as the main theatre of warmongering of colonials
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by chetak »

kish wrote:Not a news item, found this pic in twitter. Is this True? Margaret Thatcher attending RSS event in 80s. pls let me know if it isn't appropriate for this thread. I will delete it.


Dressed formally too. :)

Bermuda shorts not suited for foreign dignitaries?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by uddu »

That image is not even of RSS. Its Hindu Swayam Sevak Sangh an organisation for the welfare of Hindus in U.S. Looking at an image and making comments like this will only make the idiots in the DDM to go hyper with new theories and postulates. I suggest members to use the appropriate tag and let the reader know that you're mocking or joking the DDMs.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Prem »

Fitch downgrades UK credit rating - as it happened ... ity-growth
Why Fitch downgraded the UK
Fitch says it took the decision to downgrade Britain's triple-A rating because of the country's deteriorating economic climate.It now believes Britain's gross debt will peak at 101% of GDP in 2015-16.A debt mountain larger than the UK's annual economic outlook is not consistence with a top-notch credit rating.
Here's the key points from tonight's statement:
• Fitch now forecasts that general government gross debt (GGGD) will peak at 101% of GDP in 2015-16 (equivalent to 86% of GDP for public sector net debt, PSND) and will only gradually decline from 2017-18. This compares with Fitch's previous projection for GGGD peaking at 97% and declining from 2016-17 and the 'AAA' median of around 50%.

• Fitch previously commented that failure to stabilise debt below 100% of GDP and place it on a firm downward path towards 90% of GDP over the medium term would likely trigger a rating downgrade. Despite the UK's strong fiscal financing flexibility underpinned by its own currency with reserve currency status and the long average maturity of public debt, the fiscal space to absorb further adverse economic and financial shocks is no longer consistent with a 'AAA' rating.
• Higher than previously projected budget deficits and debt primarily reflects the weak growth performance of the UK economy in recent years, partly due to headwinds of private and public sector deleveraging and the eurozone crisis. Fitch has revised down its forecast economic growth in 2013 and 2014 to 0.8% and 1.8%, respectively, from 1.5% and 2.0% at the time of the last review of the UK's sovereign ratings in September 2012. The UK economy is not expected to reach its 2007 level of real GDP until 2014, underscoring the weakness of the economic recovery.

• Despite significant progress in reducing public sector net borrowing (PSNB from a peak of 11.2% of GDP (GBP159bn) in 2009-10, the budget deficit remains 7.4% of GDP (excluding the effect of the transfer of Royal Mail pensions) and is not expected to fall below 6% of GDP and GBP100bn until the end of the current parliament term. The slower pace of deficit reduction means that the next government will be required to implement substantial spending reductions (and/or tax increases) if public debt is to be stabilised and reduced over the medium term
MF fears 'poisoned umbrellas' in London
The UK government and the International Monetary Fund are preparing for a serious scrap over Britain's fiscal plans next month.IMF officials are due in London in May to conduct their annual assessment – and are widely expected to challenge George Osborne's policies (following Christine Lagarde's concern over the UK's weak growth).The Treasury, though, is planning an aggressive response – suggesting a clash that could potentially influence the economic debate beyond the UK.According to the Financial Times, an unnamed IMF official is even harking back to the killing of Bulgarian dissident writer Georgi Markov back in 1978:IMF economists concede they may need to watch out for “poisoned umbrellas” for their so-called “Article IV” mission to London. One aide to Mr Osborne said: “If they recommend we loosen fiscal policy, we won’t do it. We think they are wrong.”Mr Osborne believes that IMF criticism of his policies is unfair, as Britain’s 1 per cent fiscal contraction this year is in line with the fund’s general recommendations for advanced economies.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Rahul M »

HSS is RSS' overseas arm.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by habal »

matrimc wrote:OK I see it now. But B ji and Habal ji had a different take on this. Probably people with different political philosophies use it differently, though.
that's where you need real-time intelligence. I may have an opinion depending upon certain political views, someone else may have another opinion but the real motive may be a combination of all these views, or maybe such meetings are used to create assets in a target organisation.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by prahaar »

Rahul M wrote:HSS is RSS' overseas arm.
HSS UK is an independent registered organization inspired by RSS, not an arm or such thing.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Rahul M »

it's an 'overseas friends of RSS' society, right ? the semantics don't really matter in this instance.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by prahaar »

Rahul M wrote:it's an 'overseas friends of RSS' society, right ? the semantics don't really matter in this instance.
My point was not to pick some semantic nitpick. The focus of HSS is Hindu culture, not so much focus on Bharat, since most members are UK citizens, and they are not expected to be more loyal to Bharat. I hope this explanation makes it a bit more clear.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by shyamd »

tiger Hanif - Dawoods aide lost his extradition appeal. He'll be on his way to india soon.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by eklavya »

shyam: please post link
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Haresh »

Race row as Tory town tells Gove super-head: We don't want your inner-city pupils here

John Cherry, 73, told The Mail on Sunday: "Ninety-seven per cent of pupils will be black or Asian. It depends what type of Asian. If they’re Chinese they’ll rise to the top. If they’re Indian they’ll rise to the top. If they’re Pakistani they won’t" :rotfl: ... -here.html
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lilo »

Philip wrote: ........

This Q is a serious one as allegatiosn that elemnets within the establishment hope to train and use them for anti-Russian attacks.Similarly,the Brits got caught ion Iraq when their "Arab terrorists" were caught with their pants down.They were held prisoner and only a combined US-UK special forces rescue attempt saved the day and further embarrassment.
Here are details ofn that story: ... -basra/994

Were British Special Forces Soldiers Planting Bombs in Basra?
Does anyone remember the shock with which the British public greeted the revelation four years ago that one of the members of the Real IRA unit whose bombing attack in Omagh on August 15, 1998 killed twenty-nine civilians had been a double agent, a British army soldier?

That soldier was not Britain’s only terrorist double agent. A second British soldier planted within the IRA claimed he had given forty-eight hours advance notice of the Omagh car-bomb attack to his handlers within the Royal Ulster Constabulary, including “details of one of the bombing team and the man’s car registration.” Although the agent had made an audio tape of his tip-off call, Sir Ronnie Flanagan, chief constable of the RUC, declared that “no such information was received” (

This second double agent went public in June 2002 with the claim that from 1981 to 1994, while on full British army pay, he had worked for “the Force Research Unit, an ultra-secret wing of British military intelligence,” as an IRA mole. With the full knowledge and consent of his FRU and MI5 handlers, he became a bombing specialist who “mixed explosive and … helped to develop new types of bombs,” including “light-sensitive bombs, activated by photographic flashes, to overcome the problem of IRA remote-control devices having their signal jammed by army radio units.” He went on to become “a member of the Provisional IRA’s ‘internal security squad’—also known as the ‘torture unit’—which interrogated and executed suspected informers” (

The much-feared commander of that same “torture unit” was likewise a mole, who had previously served in the Royal Marines’ Special Boat Squadron (an elite special forces unit, the Marines’ equivalent to the better-known SAS). A fourth mole, a soldier code-named “Stakeknife” whose military handlers “allowed him to carry out large numbers of terrorist murders in order to protect his cover within the IRA,” was still active in December 2002 as “one of Belfast’s leading Provisionals” (

Reliable evidence also emerged in late 2002 that the British army had been using its double agents in terrorist organizations “to carry out proxy assassinations for the British state”—most notoriously in the case of Belfast solicitor and human rights activist Pat Finucane, who was murdered in 1989 by the Protestant Ulster Defence Association. It appears that the FRU passed on details about Finucane to a British soldier who had infiltrated the UDA; he in turn “supplied UDA murder teams with the information” (

Recent events in Basra have raised suspicions that the British army may have reactivated these same tactics in Iraq.

Articles published by Michel Chossudovsky, Larry Chin and Mike Whitney at the Centre for Research on Globalization’s website on September 20, 2005 have offered preliminary assessments of the claims of Iraqi authorities that two British soldiers in civilian clothes who were arrested by Iraqi police in Basra on September 19—and in short order released by a British tank and helicopter assault on the prison where they were being held—had been engaged in planting bombs in the city

See: ... icleId=972 ... icleId=982 ... icleId=981

A further article by Kurt Nimmo points to false-flag operations carried out by British special forces troops in Northern Ireland and elsewhere, and to Donald Rumsfeld’s formation of the P2OG, or Proactive Preemptive Operations Group, as directly relevant to Iraqi charges of possible false-flag terror operations by the occupying powers in Iraq ( ... icleid=992).

These accusations by Iraqi officials echo insistent but unsubstantiated claims, going back at least to the spring of 2004, to the effect that many of the terror bombings carried out against civilian targets in Iraq have actually been perpetrated by U.S. and British forces rather than by Iraqi insurgents.

Some such claims can be briskly dismissed. In mid-May 2005, for example, a group calling itself “Al Qaeda in Iraq” accused U.S. troops “of detonating car bombs and falsely accusing militants” ( ... category=0). For even the most credulous, this could at best be a case of the pot calling the kettle soot-stained. But it’s not clear why anyone would want to believe this claim, coming as it does from a group or groupuscule purportedly led by the wholly mythical al-Zarqawi—and one whose very name affiliates it with terror bombers. These people, if they exist, might themselves have good reason to blame their own crimes on others.
(This is a long report,read the link please for the full report.)
British special forces caught dressed as Arab 'terrorists'

British soldiers have been caught posing as Arabs and shooting Iraqis in the occupied city of Basra in southern Iraq. A group of them was caught yesterday by Iraqi police. They were driving an Iraqi car, wearing Arab clothing, and carrying weapons and explosives.

The Iraqi police were patrolling the area looking for suspected "terrorists" or "insurgents", and they noticed that the men were acting suspiciously. Suddenly, without warning, the suspicious men started shooting at people, but the new Iraqi security forces managed to capture some of them before they could escape. Obviously, if these men had not been caught, the mass media would now be reporting the incident as just another attempt by evil "terrorists" to create civil war in Iraq.

There have been a number of incidents in this area and throughout Iraq in which police and civilians have been targeted and killed by "terrorists" or "insurgents". But this is the first time that any of those responsible have been caught in the act, and it is now clear that at least some of them are working directly for the occupying forces, as many Iraqis have openly suspected all along.

A few days ago, in a statement unreported in the corporate mass media, Iran's most senior military official specifically linked the instability in Iraq with agents of the US and its allies: "we have information that the insecurity has its roots in the activities of American and Israeli spies."

The post-war violence in Iraq is always been blamed on "Islamic extremists" or "rival ethnic factions". Yet in the history of the country, nothing like this has ever happened before. The problems began precisely when the US and UK seized control.

The Iraqi police arrested the men and put them in prison. Unfortunately the police never had a chance to question the men and find out exactly what they were doing, because within minutes the UK sent in six tanks and an elite SAS unit to break their terrorists out of jail.

During the illegal prison break Iraqi officials were held at gunpoint, much of the jail was demolished, and all of the other criminals and insurgents were set free. The US and UK do not hesitate to use violence and terror to achieve their objectives, no matter what the consequences.

The official explanation for the illegal jail break is that somebody thought the British men might be taken away by a gang of Iraqi resistance fighters and never seen again. This is blatantly nonsense, of course, because the entire prison was entirely surrounded by British tanks and troops. With the full force of the British military at hand, the terrorists were rescued quickly and easily.

As further details emerge, the Western media increasingly presents conflicting reports about the nature and sequence of events, and the official British sources cited without question in mainstream news coverage are indicative of a classic disinformation exercise.

When local people saw what was happening the area began to erupt with angry anti-British protests.


The Guardian, "British tanks storm Basra jail to free undercover soldiers", front page, 20 September 2005., ... 33,00.html
British tanks storm Basra jail to free undercover soldiers
British troops used tanks last night to break down the walls of a prison in the southern Iraqi city of Basra and free two undercover British soldiers who were seized earlier in the day by local police.
An official from the Iraqi interior ministry said half a dozen tanks had broken down the walls of the jail and troops had then stormed it to free the two British soldiers. The governor of Basra last night condemned the "barbaric aggression" of British forces in storming the jail.
Aquil Jabbar, an Iraqi television cameraman who lives across the street from the jail, said dozens of Iraqi prisoners also fled in the confusion.
In a day of dramatic incidents in the heart of the British-controlled area of Iraq, the two undercover soldiers - almost certainly special forces - were held by Iraqi security forces after clashes that reportedly left two people dead and threatened to escalate into a diplomatic incident between London and Baghdad.
The soldiers, who were said to have been wearing Arab headdress, were accused of firing at Iraqi police when stopped at a road block.
Muhammad al-Abadi, an official in the Basra governorate, told journalists the two undercover soldiers had looked suspicious to police. "A policeman approached them and then one of these guys fired at him. Then the police managed to capture them."


BBC News, "Iraq probe into soldier incident", 20 September 2005. ... 264614.stm
Both men were members of the SAS elite special forces, sources told the BBC's Richard Galpin in Baghdad.
Mr Reid said surveillance had established the men were being moved to another location, while at the same time an angry crowd posed an obstacle to the departure of the six-strong team.
Almost simultaneously, a separate operation was staged to rescue the men from the place where they had been moved to.
Richard Galpin said al-Jazeera news channel footage, purportedly of the equipment carried in the men's car, showed assault rifles, a light machine gun, an anti-tank weapon, radio gear and medical kit.

Al-Jazeera, "The occupation forces are the real perpetrators of bomb attacks in Iraq?", 14 September 2005. ... asp?id=257
Iran�s top military commander accused the United States and Israel of planning the non-stop bomb attacks that killed thousands of civilians in Iraq.
Brigadier General Mohammad-Baqer Zolqadr, the deputy commander of Iran�s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), told a gathering of senior officials, that the U.S. needs those attacks to justify the continuation of its military presence in Iraq.
�The Americans blame weak and feeble groups in Iraq for insecurity in this country. We do not believe this and we have information that the insecurity has its roots in the activities of American and Israeli spies,� Zolqadr said.
�Insecurity in Iraq is a deeply-rooted phenomenon. The root of insecurity in Iraq lies in the occupation of this country by foreigners�.

Washington Post, "British Smash Into Iraqi Jail To Free 2 Detained Soldiers", front page, 20 September 2005. ... 00572.html
BAGHDAD, Sept. 19 -- British armored vehicles backed by helicopter gunships burst through the walls of an Iraqi jail Monday in the southern city of Basra to free two British commandos detained earlier in the day by Iraqi police, witnesses and Iraqi officials said. The incident climaxed a confrontation between the two nominal allies that had sparked hours of gun battles and rioting in Basra's streets.
An Iraqi official said a half-dozen armored vehicles had smashed into the jail, the Reuters news agency reported. The provincial governor, Mohammed Walli, told news agencies that the British assault was "barbaric, savage and irresponsible."
In London, authorities said the two commandos were released after negotiations. But the BBC quoted British defense officials as saying a wall was demolished when British forces went to "collect" the men.
The killing of the New York Times reporter took place six weeks after an American freelance journalist, Steven Vincent, was kidnapped and killed in Basra, allegedly after being taken away in a marked police car. ...
Iraqi security officials on Monday variously accused the two Britons they detained of shooting at Iraqi forces or trying to plant explosives. Photographs of the two men in custody showed them in civilian clothes.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by mraghu »

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by abhishek_sharma »

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Vayutuvan »

It boggles the mind that there are people who want to immigrate into UK. It may be best left to India's neighbors to the west. Indian citizens wanting to emigrate should consider US as their first destination followed by Canada (may be - not sure as they consider themselves to be subjects of Her Majesty).
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by ashvin »

matrimc wrote:It boggles the mind that there are people who want to immigrate into UK. It may be best left to India's neighbors to the west. Indian citizens wanting to emigrate should consider US as their first destination followed by Canada (may be - not sure as they consider themselves to be subjects of Her Majesty).
I have been wondering this for some time, too. I have some relatives who speak very highly of UK and Canada and it incenses me.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by panduranghari »

ashvin wrote:
matrimc wrote:It boggles the mind that there are people who want to immigrate into UK. It may be best left to India's neighbors to the west. Indian citizens wanting to emigrate should consider US as their first destination followed by Canada (may be - not sure as they consider themselves to be subjects of Her Majesty).
I have been wondering this for some time, too. I have some relatives who speak very highly of UK and Canada and it incenses me.
US ho ya Canadaa, Uk ho ya Amerikka, the west hates us Indians. Full stop. UK is too darn fcuked up. They are a piddly poor country whose geriatrics and chavs still think they have an empire.

The truth is UK is
With a completely bust economy and the pound equal to toilet paper.

The only thing is most of the Brits do not know this yet.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by jamwal »

Victory over Japanese at Kohima named Britain's greatest battle
The Battle of Imphal/Kohima, when British troops fighting in horrendous jungle conditions turned the tide against the Japanese army in World War II, has been chosen as Britain's greatest battle.

Kohima was picked over the more celebrated battles of D-Day and Waterloo in a contest organised by the National Army Museum.Rorke's Drift in the 1879 Zulu War and the Battle of Aliwal in the Anglo-Sikh War in Punjab in 1846 brought up the rear.

"Great things were at stake in a war with the toughest enemy any British army has had to fight," historian Robert Lyman said, making the case for Kohima in a debate at the museum.

If Lieutenant General William Slim's army of British, Indian, Gurkha and African troops had lost, the consequences for the allied cause would have been catastrophic, he said.

The contest's criteria included a battle's political and historical impact, the challenges the troops faced, and the strategy and tactics employed.

Waterloo had topped an online poll which produced a list of 20 land battles fought since the English Civil War. The top five were debated on Saturday before going to an audience vote.

The winner was something of a surprise given the enduring prominence of Waterloo and D-Day/Normandy in Britain. Indeed, the troops who fought in India and Burma in World War II called themselves "The Forgotten Army".

The Battle of Imphal/Kohima took place in 1944 in Nagaland when Japanese troops poured over the Burmese border to strike at India. Fought over a vast area of jungle and mountain, it was marked by vicious hand-to-hand fighting.

The successful British defence meant they were then able to push into Burma and roll back the Japanese from mainland Asia.

"The victory was of a profound significance because it demonstrated categorically to the Japanese that they were not invincible. This was to be very important in preparing the entire Japanese nation to accept defeat," Lyman said.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Neshant »

Canada is relatively good. Best of all the western countries socially IMO.

Its economy is buffered by a lot of natural resources and a reasonable amount of manufacturing & high tech industries making it resistant to recessions - unless banking goons get involved. Of all the western countries that can withstand the coming downturn, Canada and Australia seem well placed even if commodity prices go through the floor.

How is the UK - from the prespective of those living in the UK - I mean socially? Do Indians in the UK in general get along well with the people there.

Everytime I watch the news about events in the UK, I notice pakistanis youngsters are rioting over some islamic issue with cops in the street. Yet this is reported as "Asian riots". The term Asians in the US and Canada usually refers to Chinese, not Indians.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by panduranghari »

Political correctness. There have been numerous occasions I have sent complaints to BBC and home office when they refer to India, traditions, Hindu religion, varnashram etc in a derogatory way. As usual they send a nimby reply saying how their research was thorough and the source of info was encyclopaedia Britannica. :roll: :roll:

The only issue I have had success with is I sent over 7 emails and various letters to UK home office about Zakir Naiks peace Tv which 2 months ago the government banned by official decree.

Last week they ran a radio documentary on varnashram which they conveniently called caste system. Of course I complained about shallow reporting standards. They have not yet replied. Unless there is an effort to question them to their motives, they will keep spouting shit.

North of England is a shit hole as it has always been. South of England is racist zone. Irrespective of where ever in England, they hate Indians. But then they also hate Frenchies Germans Americans Irish scots Welsh Pakis Muslims Argies Chinese. But most of all they hate their weather.

Ruling a quarter of the world for 150 years and now living like a has been is hard to digest for everyone here.

So to keep themselves relevant they encourage separatist movements everywhere from India Russia Syria.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by vinod »

Neshant wrote: How is the UK - from the prespective of those living in the UK - I mean socially? Do Indians in the UK in general get along well with the people there.

Everytime I watch the news about events in the UK, I notice pakistanis youngsters are rioting over some islamic issue with cops in the street. Yet this is reported as "Asian riots". The term Asians in the US and Canada usually refers to Chinese, not Indians.
There are many nationalities living here especially in London that they couldn't care much about Indians specifically. Earlier it used to be a hell with skin heads etc. But now it is way better compared to those days. Moreover, they have new target - muslims. Police generally are very sensitive to any kinds of racial related violence and they respond quickly. That doesn't mean there is no racial profiling, stop and search etc. The point is when they are called to a specific thing, they look at it seriously.

Generally they are more worried about immigration especially the new east europeans. Nowadays, its all about a bunch of "roma" vagabonds huddling around in their lovely gardens and causing unsightly appearance.

I personally think with the cushion of benefits going off, by end of the year things will start biting. Those people who are affected would become more agitated at seeing foreigners(anyone who doesn't look\speak like them, not necessarily non-white-british) and then the foreigners are going to be increasingly targetted.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Murugan »

RSS was a main stream and acceptable organization till IG took over.

I have seen pics of Lal Bahadur Sahstri and RSS Chief Golwalkar sitting together in RSS publication. If anyone have problem believing in RSS acceptability within the govt, see this picture, RSS participating in RD parade in Delhi in the link below.

Btw, HSS is nothing but RSS overseas. ... iotic?cp=2
During the 1965 war, the then Congress Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri had invited and lauded RSS help in helping maintain public order in Delhi, taking up traffic police assignments and thus relieving policemen to go on war time duties.
This is a good message for chaddi brigade haters.

Also this,
Emotional Ties with Nepal

On the occasion of Shivaratri in 1963, Shri Guruji visited the famous Pashupatinath temple in Nepal. After this, an extremely cordial welcome was extended to him by the King of Nepal, Maharaja Mahendra. Prime Minister of Nepal Shri Tulasi Giri was also present there. The decisive defeat of Bharat in the 1962 war had made Nepal incline towards China. The King of Nepal also had some grudges against the Bharat government. Shri Guruji assured the King that he would inform all the points to the government in Delhi.

On his return from Kathmandu, Shri Guruji wrote letters to Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri and Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. He gave a detailed account of his meeting with the King of Nepal to them and suggested that it was necessary for Bharat to have cordial and respectable ties with Nepal. He also emphasized that there was a strong need for taking Nepal into confidence regarding the aims and objectives of Bharat’s policies towards it.

As the danger of the expansionist intentions of China was looming large, Pt. Nehru immediately responded to Shri Guruji and in his letter of 1st March, consenting to most of his suggestions. Later, in 1965, when Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee met Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, the latter said, “Shri Guruji had already accomplished three-fourth of my job of improving Bharat-Nepal relations, during his visit to Nepal, having made the atmosphere congenial for me.”
Fearless and Clear Analysis

In 1965, Pakistan again attacked Kashmir, The war, this time spread up to the entire north-western boundaries and Gujarat. The then Prime Minister, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri invited Shri Guruji along with other eminent political leaders for deliberations. A special plane was sent to fetch him to Delhi from Maharashtra where he was touring. The meeting was arranged to discuss the main strategy to be adopted against Pakistan. Shri Guruji very forcibly opined that the security of Bharat can be guaranteed only by erasing the very existence of Pakistan and not by the elimination of the materials for war. He also suggested that Kashmir and all other regions, duly liberated from Pakistan’s occupation should be retained with India. ... iti-mandir
Last edited by Murugan on 26 Apr 2013 21:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Haresh »

Neshant wrote:How is the UK - from the prespective of those living in the UK - I mean socially? Do Indians in the UK in general get along well with the people there.
Generally speaking the Indians get on fine, I've never had a situation I couldn't handle.
They use the word "Asian" because they dare not use the word "moslem".

Pretty much all the Indians I knew at school/college have done well. Regardless of wheter thay are Sikh,Hindu,Buddhist, Christian.We get on fine with the gora's.
Unless you meet a die hard racist, most people will realise that Indians are different to followers of the RoP.

The paks/bangladeshis are pretty much hated.Many years ago people didn't know or care about the difference, now they do.

I don't think most Brits are racist.They will obviously be aware that you are not white, but that doesn't mean they hate you.