Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Anujan »

Actually I think it is more nuanced than that. The original iPhone didn't have 3g, was slow, had piss poor camera, no apps and piss poor battery life (compared to dumb phones). People didn't care and bought it by the millions.

As far as SG4 is concerned, yes it is cheapo plastic, but it feels okay in the hand. Not premium or terrible but okay. By contrast HTC one feels premium. Now what is the downside? Apparently it takes ~200 mins to machine the body of the one. Sammy can churn millions of SG4 cases in that time. So you are trading off premium feel for cost and ability to mass manufacture. I think that it is a considered tradeoff on part of Sammy. Now if fruitco came over and said "beyond a point, people don't care about the feel of the handset, but only screen resolution and software UX" people would go "wah wah!! What insight!!" Maybe Sammy had the same insight! Weight + warranty + screen + responsiveness > whether handset is unibody. This hold true for atleast me. I typically tend to not notice the hand feel when I am using software on the phone. Maybe if fruitco came and said "quality of all apps don't matter, the most used app must be best designed, nobody cares about less used apps even if they are poorly designed" New Yorker will run a feature piece on this insight. Maybe that's what is happening on SG4. design of maps, search, gmail, dialer, chrome browser, YouTube and facekitab where I am sure 90% of people spend 90% of their time, is pretty sweet.

Now it is fashionable to argue that such and such big company can't do such and such. Like "Sammy can't design". Which is a pile of nandi droppings because that's not how big companies operate. They will just buy an entire design studio. Chacha couldn't design too -- except they bought up design studios in SFO with all their cash, brought in Matias Duarte and six months later people STFU. The core android experience is every bit as well designed as iOS. That is from a company whose earlier notable achievement was a blank page with a search box.

So instead of attributing people like personalities on companies, like so and so is weak in math, we have to see if their compromises aid their core strength. And in addition we have to see if it impacts their long term viability.

Imagine for a moment HTC cut deeply into Sammy's market share. What would happen next within six months?
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by member_20292 »

I just ordered a samsung SSD off of flipkart for 11K Rs. 250 GB.

Hunted on Amazon as well. Turned out that flipkart had the same price.

Stunning! Good job flipkart. (hope you dont lose money!)
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

Anujan wrote:So you are trading off premium feel for cost and ability to mass manufacture. I think that it is a considered tradeoff on part of Sammy.
That is a popular misconception. If that was the case ODMs would not be able to manufacture millions of iPhones/iPads/MacBooks or millions of Lumias/N9s/N8s. Just becoz something is premium doesn't mean it cannot be mass manufactured (not only does that technology exist, the capacity exists today in spades). After all we are not talking about hand tooled hand stitched leather housing here Vertu style! In fact a CE device company using the excuse that, my phone feels like crap becoz I need to make and sell millions is pure BS.

There is no magical insight on Sammy's part here - remember GB went thru the entire process and Sammy is merely going thru the same (with a phase delay of ~10 years). Even people who had never been FruitCo fanbois appreciated FruitCo's approach (and became fanbois) becoz for the first time someone catered to the user first, rather than technology first. For the first time, users were told they could afford a well crafted product and a product didn't have to look/feel ugly if it was affordable. That was a master-stroke and resulted in making lifelong fanbois of people who never heard or cared for FruitCo before. If the industry still doesn't learn lessons from that then its a leading a donkey to the well but not being able to make it drink situation.
Anujan wrote: Now it is fashionable to argue that such and such big company can't do such and such. Like "Sammy can't design". Which is a pile of nandi droppings because that's not how big companies operate. They will just buy an entire design studio. Chacha couldn't design too -- except they bought up design studios in SFO with all their cash, brought in Matias Duarte and six months later people STFU.
Its funny how I always hear, "we are a big company, we can always buy our way out" :mrgreen: . Sorry, doesn't work that way - its basic organizational behavior. History is filled with companies who are victim of this exact thought. You can buy a design studio but if your company culture is such that their inputs cannot get integrated into the product in a meaningful manner, your product will suck regardless of how many TFTA designers you have. Matthias Duarte succeeded in Android not becoz Chacha had the khota sikkas to buy a design studio (or hire him from Palm) but becoz he was given free reign to bring about change. Don't confuse the ability to buy something with the ability to get tangible use out of it (an illiterate can buy a book, that hardly makes them knowledgeable). Comparing Chacha with Sammy is like comparing apples and oranges. Chacha has historically been an acquisition driven company (maps, doubleclick, android, docs) and its culture ensures integration of assets from external acquisitions and building great products out of them - that has been the key to their success. No such thing for Sammy. Firstly Sammy has almost zero experience in acquiring anything like Chacha does (& actively shies away from doing acquisitions of that nature) and secondly their company culture does not allow such type of integration - their company culture is very top-down and very numbers-driven. Even companies like Mickey which were heavily number-driven like that are now changing - Sammy is not a magical company which gets an exception. In fact comparing Sammy with Mickey of yore would make more sense than comparing Sammy and Chacha.

The above are not technological or nuts-and-bolts system problems but lack of understanding them leads to situations where people are left scratching their nuts and wondering wtf did we do wrong when someone like FruitCo comes in from the cold and eats their lunch. You bet companies have personalities - that is what gets termed as company culture and work culture and is studied under organizational behavior. Any new CEO/SVP/VP level guy 1st taps into this especially if they have to effect a turn-around or ensure continued success.
Last edited by Raja Bose on 22 May 2013 01:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

Mickey's further foray into HW....
Building Xbox One: An inside look at Microsoft's play for the next generation of gaming

Old timer SDRE injineer some Bay Area folks might know personally...
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by nachiket »

Boseullah, when you compare Sammy to GB of 10 years ago, there is one major difference. GB could sell turds in millions because people did not have a well-crafted choice with much better UX. GB's sales collapsed in the developed world pretty much immediately after the iPhunwa came along. Sammy is selling their GSx series in millions despite people having the option of buying the HTC One or iPhunwa for the same price.

The other thing is the only difference in Sammy and HTC phones now is the build quality. As for the skin and gimmicks which you hate so much, both HTC and Sammy phones have them. And I think Anujan is right when he says that the plasticky build quality of Samsung is an informed choice rather than just a result of company culture or lack of design talent. Sammy's phones may be plasticky, but they allow replacing the battery, using a microSD card and don't scratch easily in addition to being much cheaper to manufacture. They are also much lighter to carry. It is basically a tradeoff where HTC has gone one way and Sammy the other.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

^^^There is a major difference when comparing FruitCo vs Sammy. FruitCo does not market or distribute as widely as Sammy and ofcourse FruitCo's business is deliberately restricted to a high price point niche (that's true for all their products historically). Yet the iPhone outsells the GS even today worldwide. Let's see if the same happens with the next iPhone is launched and how it compares with GS4 sales. I would not be surprised if GS4 actually sold more than the iPhone5S or if the GS3 had outsold the iPhone5 becoz that would be expected due to the above factors but right now the numbers definitely demonstrate the aspirational qualities of a well crafted product when it outsells another one despite lower market reach/price point viability - that makes one sit up becoz it show new ways one disrupt rather than play the same old game of flooding the market with boots on the ground or running a race to the bottom in price wars.

HTC design has always been good even when GB used to churn out turds - their build quality (in context of durability/component reliability) is only improving now and is still the weakest of the lot. HTC's problem is they have always remained a small company and hence lack the necessary muscle to negotiate the best ODM deals or get priority in sourcing. Even the recent debacle where HTC One's HDR mics were actually designed and owned by GB (and HTC didn't even know it!) shows how comparatively small of an operation they are compared to Sammy/GB/YellG/Motor Oil.

Premium does not mean it does not scale to mass manufacture or even heavy - that's a myth. If that was the case the iPhone5 would weight like a brick but it doesn't. An example of premium feel + heavy is the polycarbonate unibody used in the N9/Lumia900/920. Another tradeoff when it comes to weight is durability standards. People nowadays prefer less durable phones (or rather don't care as much about durability) due to rising disposable income*. But GB for example, insists on sticking to its old durability standards where a phone pretty much has to survive getting crushed by a car. They need to change that otherwise it penalizes them in other quarters where users form a 1st impression which may trigger or negate a buy - for example, weight or dimensions (z).

Re. all the outcry about necessarily allowing battery removal - guess how many people actually buy spare batteries for their smartphone? If I recall an iSuppli report it was < 5% :mrgreen:

*PS: There is a whole different broader story how that rise is leading to lower pride in ownership, more borrowing and more tendency to lease stuff (like cars) but that will have to be told some other day. :mrgreen:
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

Mortullah, take note:

Xbox One doesn't need always-on internet connection, supports used games

Though all is not pissful since XBox One wont run XBox360 games - I guess they did a Sony and probably looked at stats to figure out if they can get away with it (similar to Step 8 or 9 of the fanboy cycle).

PS: Now Wii is the only one left with PowerPC - hope that doesn't cause Nintendo takleef.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by manish »

Even as people continue to heap praises on the HTC One, the company seems to be slowly bleeding to death...

HTC in disarray: staff departures, 'disastrous' First, and production problems cloud company's future
The Verge has learned that HTC's Chief Product Officer, Kouji Kodera, left the company last week. Kodera was responsible for HTC's overall product strategy, which makes the departure especially notable on the heels of the global launch of the make-or-break One.

It's not just Kodera. In the past three-odd months, HTC has lost a number of employees in rapid succession — most recently Jason Gordon, the company's vice president of global communications. Other fresh departures include global retail marketing manager Rebecca Rowland, director of digital marketing John Starkweather, and product strategy manager Eric Lin.
To all my friends still at @htc - just quit. leave now. it’s tough to do, but you’ll be so much happier, I swear.

— eric L (@ericlin) May 20, 2013
"Anyone who's heard of them in Seattle doesn't want to go work for them right now. They're like T-Mobile two years ago," one source told us, gesturing to a downtrodden T-Mobile that was hemorrhaging subscribers leading up to AT&T's attempted (and failed) acquisition. "They're in utter freefall."
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

Raja Bose wrote:Mortullah, take note:

Xbox One doesn't need always-on internet connection, supports used games

Though all is not pissful since XBox One wont run XBox360 games - I guess they did a Sony and probably looked at stats to figure out if they can get away with it (similar to Step 8 or 9 of the fanboy cycle).

PS: Now Wii is the only one left with PowerPC - hope that doesn't cause Nintendo takleef.

This is good otherwise they would have shot themselves in the foot. Yes, we would like it to be backward compatible, so for the time being no upgrade for me as long as the XBox 360 is supported, which I suspect it will be, but not as long as Windows XP. :P
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

^^I think the support period of XBox360 depends on the major game studios - once they stop retailing those games, Mickey will stop supporting that XBox. Anyhow XBox will evolve into a proper STB if Mickey can manage even 50% of the quality of content deals that it struck on the gaming side of XBox.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

Raja Bose wrote:^^^^CR are unbiased reviewers but their review methods are similar to credit rating agencies - specific parts of the report are useful vs the report in its entirety. Regardless of what CR says:

(1) GS4 will sell well.
(2) Its still a turd.

Sammy has the ability to really make great devices and cream the likes of HTC or YellG but as is usual in a sooted booted run company, their refrain is, people are buying anyhow why spend money to make it fundamentally better? Then one day if people stop buying and jump ship, they will scratch their heads and go "WHOA!!!!! Haramkhoron!!!! What happened?!!!!!"

OK. Lets skip CR for the moment, and look at the GS4 as it is being sold in India and the rest of the world. A lot bloatware that all of carriers in the US force Android OEMs to install will be missing and it will have the Android 4.2 as Sammy envisions it. Is it still a turd? OK - but a lot less so. Lets skip the Sammy version of Android 4.2 and look at the GS4 Google Edition. The UI will be that of the Nexus 4, but with all the goodness of Sammy's hardware. Yes, there are still design deficiencies, but no phone is perfect, but the GS4 GE will be close to that.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

Who will buy the GS4 GE - will Sammy market it and distribute for Chacha in India or is it all left to Chacha who doesn't have distributions channels which scale right now? If its the former, I will give Sammy genuine credit. If its the latter, they have not changed.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

^^^It will be sold through the Play Store like the Nex4. At $649, in the US, it is only palatable to those who really want it or those who are with TMO and get a monthly discount for BYOD. I don't see more than a million sales a year in the US for the GS4 GE. However, would the GS4 GE still be turd when the UI is essentially that of GOOG?
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

ATT and Sprint are less than 5% of VZW and only TMO is the laggard. A quote from the comments section that is relevant here: Congrats, you are the best turd in the toilet bowl!!
As said before, wireless data and comms are changing faster now than ever before. The reality is on this forum we travel quite frequently internationally and need our phone number so people can contact us, and CDMA variants simply don't have QoS overseas.
The mofos at VZW combined with their cronies in the FCC are going fu(k over the American consumer. Take VZW's recent statement about doing LTE VoIP, they said they will keep CDMA2000 networks until 2020! ATT, Sprint and TMO will switch over in 2015. Until then, you will have to pry my cold dead hands from an unlocked GSM phone.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Abhijeet »

Happened to compare the prices of a 50" LED TV between India and the US.

The model is an LG "3D Smart TV" called 50LA6200.

Amazon price: $885 (with tax, about $950)
Indiatimes shopping price: Rs. 1.2 lakh (only)

I know that electronics are more expensive in India, but what could make the same model more expensive by 2.5x? Is it because 50" is an exotically large size in India?
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

Mort Walker wrote:However, would the GS4 GE still be turd when the UI is essentially that of GOOG?
Software-wise it wont be a turd, design/build quality wise it will still be a turd. :mrgreen: Why do you think I fervently wish that Chacha goes vertical - then all this crapware from the HW manufactuers won't be there. One can't blame the HW manufacturers from putting the crapware but then as a user why should I care about their sob story. Mickey now designs and manufactures its own HW, why for is Chacha being coy about HW? Is it waiting for Takla which BTW is increasingly showing signs of going seriously in HW given their recent acquisitions.
Mort Walker wrote:Until then, you will have to pry my cold dead hands from an unlocked GSM phone.
If you get stuck somewhere where only VZW signal works (as has happened to me a few times), that may turn out to be the case, no? :wink:
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Singha »

samsung is selling something called a Evolution kit that clips behind their TV as a compute server cum controller....effectively becoming a back end 'radar processor' of sorts while the front end display does the aesa antenna role. ... lution-kit
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

Raja Bose wrote:If you get stuck somewhere where only VZW signal works (as has happened to me a few times), that may turn out to be the case, no?
CDMA 2000 uses more battery and your phone would be dead faster on VZW. Only the iOS has been optimized to use VZW's network efficiently. Android less the case and I don't know about WP8. So it's a toss up.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

^^^Atleast I can make a phone call before it dies - better to have a less efficient battery than zero signal. :P
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

Singha wrote:samsung is selling something called a Evolution kit that clips behind their TV as a compute server cum controller....effectively becoming a back end 'radar processor' of sorts while the front end display does the aesa antenna role. ... lution-kit
Looks like they copied the Metro UI from Mickey :mrgreen: Roku is what I got - for $50.- it rocks.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

Raja Bose wrote:^^^Atleast I can make a phone call before it dies - better to have a less efficient battery than zero signal. :P
Not unless it dies on the way out to the middle of nowhere. East of the Rockies in the US, coverage is better, and when I'm in the car out west, I remind myself to keep a two-radio (CB) with a 9v battery or 12VDC car charger. How about being in the middle of nowhere eastern MH and AP? You need GSM there.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

^^^I always have a backup dumbphone :mrgreen: I dont get ATT/Tmo signal in the middle of urban chi chi bay area, do you think I would be nuts to expect any signal from them in middle of nowhere? :eek: Democracy will arrive in Pakistan before that happens (which itself will happen slightly after pigs are FAA certified).


Another HTC exec bites the dust...

HTC Asia CEO Lennard Hoornik is the latest reported exec departure
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

Abhijeet wrote:Happened to compare the prices of a 50" LED TV between India and the US.

The model is an LG "3D Smart TV" called 50LA6200.

Amazon price: $885 (with tax, about $950)
Indiatimes shopping price: Rs. 1.2 lakh (only)

I know that electronics are more expensive in India, but what could make the same model more expensive by 2.5x? Is it because 50" is an exotically large size in India?

That set probably sells for $1000 before tax in B&M stores in the US. In India, I doubt that size is being assembled within country. Last I recall was that up to 46" LCD panels were being assembled in country. This one is most likely imported from SE Asia or Korea. So, we're looking at $1000 + import duties (50%) + VAT (20%) = ~$1700 x Rs.56/$ = Rs. 95,200. The additional cost may be profit on what is considered a premium LCD TV.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Singha »

42-40" is most common size and suitable for indian drawing rooms.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

Raja Bose wrote:^^^I always have a backup dumbphone :mrgreen: I dont get ATT/Tmo signal in the middle of urban chi chi bay area, do you think I would be nuts to expect any signal from them in middle of nowhere? :eek: Democracy will arrive in Pakistan before that happens (which itself will happen slightly after pigs are FAA certified).
I would suggest you check the Root Metrics website before traveling to remote areas in the US. What did you do before mobile service? I remember being stuck in the Arizona desert back in the 1990s before mobile service in those areas. You kept a 2-way radio and dialed in on the emergency channel to get help. In the past even in urban areas, if you were stuck you walked and used a phone at the nearest place to get a tow truck or ride. In the US, where there are natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes, cell service goes down almost immediately and you have to rely on land lines. The remaining networks become congested and SMS works, but a message may go through hours later, as the only means of mobile phone communication. Speaking of which, the turd GNote 2, worked like a champ for 14+ hours with heavy SMS/voice/data/navigation and had 14% left by late night.

I'm not talking about ATT & TMO carriers in India. GSM service is most everywhere there (and the rest of the world) and you need to ensure you have roaming capability. I'm sure VZW works well for you, but it doesn't for rest of us on this forum.

BTW, pigs are certified to fly like pets, but depends on the airline.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

Singha wrote:42-40" is most common size and suitable for indian drawing rooms.

That's what I have seen and the price is palatable for the upper middle class.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

^^^^arrey daddu, hum kahan US mein thay jab cellphone nahin tha :mrgreen:

Actually it looks like ATT only works for you, nobody else. Survey after survey on user satisfaction says the same thing and BRF is a sub sample of that same sample space :P
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Sriman »

Mort Walker wrote: That set probably sells for $1000 before tax in B&M stores in the US. In India, I doubt that size is being assembled within country. Last I recall was that up to 46" LCD panels were being assembled in country. This one is most likely imported from SE Asia or Korea. So, we're looking at $1000 + import duties (50%) + VAT (20%) = ~$1700 x Rs.56/$ = Rs. 95,200. The additional cost may be profit on what is considered a premium LCD TV.
That's correct. The prices for TVs below 42" are steadily falling and not that expensive any more.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »


I'm on TMO and VZW hotspot. ATT sucks big time. I do love VZW LTE data though. However, I do see your point when there is limited connectivity. I'm an old guy who still wears a wrist watch 24/7 and has a couple of radios.
I pay $140/month on TMO for unlimited voice/text on 5 lines and unlimited data on my line and 2.5 GB/month on remaining 4 lines. Typical D/L speed is 8-10 MB/s and U/L 1-2 MB/s. VZW LTE hotspot is 20+ MB/s and 8-10 MB/s.
Last edited by Mort Walker on 22 May 2013 23:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Prasad »

Whats this with ATT connectivity? I got decent coverage pretty much everywhere across the US including the racetrack in Austin. Looks like only SF suffers from terrible connectivity perhaps.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Prasad »

Whats this with ATT connectivity? I got decent coverage pretty much everywhere across the US including the racetrack in Austin. Looks like only SF suffers from terrible connectivity perhaps.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

Prasad wrote:Whats this with ATT connectivity? I got decent coverage pretty much everywhere across the US including the racetrack in Austin. Looks like only SF suffers from terrible connectivity perhaps.
Getting new towers for GSM service in the west has been difficult. VZW has a lot of legacy towers from previous operators they acquired.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Raja Bose »

Mort Walker wrote: I pay $140/month on TMO for unlimited voice/text on 5 lines and unlimited data on my line and 2.5 GB/month on remaining 4 lines.
$140/month for unlimited data?! :eek: In my case unlimited data ($20/month) replaces the need for unlimited voice since I use Skype for a lot of stuff.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

Remember, some of us need voice & text.

TMO Standard rates for 2-lines is $120/month unlimited voice/text/data on both lines.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Vayutuvan »

Murugan wrote:Gurujans one more help

How the fonts are developed, especially the desi devnagari and like?
Are ther any app or prog?
Does it require knowledge of fine arts shart?
Try Metafont written by Knuth. Works for TeX and the likes. You also need the ITRANS. There are other transliteration systems which let you represent vedic sanskrit better. Ready made devanagari fonts are already available. Are you not satisfied with their shape? Developing fonts is a quite a bit of work though. One has to enjoy that kind of stuff. If not it can be a real chore.

One more thing - you need two things ultimately. One is the input method - this could be a devanagari keyboard or mule mode in emacs (which is quite confusing - I could never get the hang of it) and if you do not have the specialized keyboard for the language, then you need to have a transliteration system - either a compiler like ITRANS which processes the file into TeX DVI and onto PS and PDF or an interpreter which I presume is being used on Windows where as you type the words get translated and shown in a WYSIWYG manner.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Vayutuvan »

Singha wrote:there is a taskbar already there per this report. never knew about it..but I have seen my daughter's random swipes bring strange things and modes up that I cannot do by intent
Please read the story "Mismsy were the Borogove" by Henry Kuttner which is available online.
Kuttner is the best SF short story writer (what he has written all his life) ever. The movie "Last of the Mimzy" is based on this story but was not quite up to the story standard.
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Vayutuvan »

Singha wrote:Fascinating article..the ruins of super science ... r-science/
I always wanted the Biosphere project to succeed. Khair. Has anybody looked at the pins on the Google map? Mexico is Bangladesh and Barbados is in Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean :rotfl:
Mort Walker
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by Mort Walker »

This one is for RB, take note of it: HP $399 touchscreen laptop breaks price barrier
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Re: Phone, Tablet and Gizmo Thread #0x02

Post by member_20292 »

mahadevbhu wrote:I just ordered a samsung SSD off of flipkart for 11K Rs. 250 GB.

Hunted on Amazon as well. Turned out that flipkart had the same price.

Stunning! Good job flipkart. (hope you dont lose money!)

And the buggers delivered it the FRIGGING NEXT DAY. No extra payment for shipping (baked into price) . Cash on Delivery. 200$. Matched the price (after shipping and handling) . Damn Good.
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