Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Rahul Mehta
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Rahul Mehta »

1. Many BJP-leaders openly support slaughter of bullocks, eg Manohar Parricker
LakshO: India set to be world's biggest beef exporter :evil:

News article from Firstpost that quotes from NaMo on beef. One more data point to reinforce how NaMo is different from these CongI termites that are eating the country from the insides :(

Hari Seldon: Saddening.
The word beef means buffalo + cow meat. In India, export of cow meat is legally banned, but does happen a lot. Official figures say all beef export is buffalo meat export. To abive numbers, one may want to add thousands of cows which get illegally smuggled to Bangladesh. And add lakhs of cows who get slaughtered in India and consumed in India.

BJP leader CM Manohar Parickker is a strong supporter of bullock slaughter Cow slaughter is banned in Goa. A Goa High Court judge had banned bullock slaughter on the basis of PIL which proved that bullock slaughter is leading to cow slaughter as well. But Manohar Parricker went for appeal , and also passed resolution in Goa Assembly supporting bullock slaughter. Pls google on "bullock slaughter Goa". I request all of you to spread this FACT -- that Manohar Parricker is supporter of bullock slaughter --- to everyone you know.


2. Why "we" nationalist are losing battle in media

Consider national-elitemen such as Subrato Roy, Adani, Ambani etc , who may or may not be nationalistic. And consider national-leaders be in BJP or Congress or SP etc who need not be nationalistic . And consider videshi elitemen aka MNC-owners. These elitemen and leaders earned billions thru fair or nefarious means. The BJP MPs are no poorer than Congress MPs. But the videshi elitemen aka MNC-owners invested a lot in paid media , while national-elitemen and national-leaders invested in gold and land only. So today, MNC-owners dominate Indian media. Now MNC-owners have put all BJP-haters in paid-media. And so there is more sympathy for AAP in paid-media. Worse, the national-elitemen and BJP-leaders did NOT invest even one dime in creating Indian social media, something that Chinese elitemen did. Chinese have their own facebook and their own twitter. They do NOT depend on twitter and facebook owned and run by CIA. Whereas today, we depend on twitter\facebook owned and run by CIA !!!

The nationalist-activists should have seen that coming in 1998. They should have seen that national elitemen as well as BJP-leaders are NOT taking any pains to create a parallel ToI or IE or orkut or parallel twitter\facebook or whatever. All the money they make is going in gold and lands. And worse, even when Sushma Swaraj allowed FDI in media in 2002, they continued to support these BJP-leaders. Well, you see the mess now.


3. Why many nationalist activists are also turning towards AAP

Now interesting bad development is that many nationalists are supporting AAP and have become anti-BJP. Nationalists like myself (if at all you call me a nationalist) are anti-BJP, but we are also anti-AAP. So why would a nationalist become pro-AAP? Its because of cold water BJP-apex thru on them. Let me explain.

Since 1998, I have told all nationalist-activists that "never ask an MLA-level leader or even Corporator level leader to support legislative reform proposals ; only campaign amongst small time activists and commons". eg I would hardly meet any Corporator or above leader and I would never ask him to support legislative reforms proposals. I knew their limitations, as well as reality beneath the speeches. But many nationalist-activists went with high hopes asking BJP leaders to support legislative reforms. The BJP leaders said "not now, wait for the right timing ; wait till we have our PM ; wait till we have 65% majority in both houses etc etc ". To the enthusiast nationalist-activist, this was like throwing cold water in chilled winter. Not only they lost hopes , but they started developing hatred against BJP. Some of the nationalists now hate BJP-leaders to such an extent that they have joined AAP. Instead, from 1998, I had never made any demand before any leaders, never put any hopes in them, and so I never felt back stabbed. So even though I am anti-BJP, I am not anti-BJP to the extent that I would support AAP.

But all in all, from posts of facebook friends of mine, I see too many youngster activists filled with hate against BJP and have become AAP, despite knowledge that AAP consists of anti-national elements. Basically, there take is "how is BJP different?". eg I posted many posts on FB citing the facts that AAP-leaders are pro-Bangladeshi , AAP-leaders support suppression of census-2011 religion/language numbers till jun-2014 etc etc. In all my status, I got replies like "I agree with you demand to release census-2011 numbers ; we should expel Bangladeshies ; but how is BJP different ?" There is no defense here. It is also a FACT that BJP-MPs agreed not to demand census-2011 numbers as early as possible. It is also fact that BJP-leaders passed/demanded NO laws to seek, prove, expel Bangladeshies.

The only way to take youth away from "pied piper from IITK" is to inform the youth that AK is opposing all good laws one can think of , and supporting all bad laws. And that "Janlokpal with no RTR Janlokpal" is giving away India to MNC-owners on silver platter. This method does work in convincing the youth that AK is compromised. But it also does damage to BJP-leaders' image, as BJP-leaders never opposed Janlokpal, and BJP leaders also never supported any good laws and BJP leaders also opposed all good law-proposals that came by. And if one choses to remain silent of FACT that AK is opposing all good law-proposals, then youth get more and more into AK.

So now nationalist-activists will have to decide whether they want youth to become AK-followers , or whether they want to confront AK with real legislative reforms, even though it will cause damage to BJP-leaders.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

What's the big deal if cows/buffalo are slaughtered?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by johneeG »

How can AAP take the support of kongis when clearly the people voted against the kongis? Wouldn't that be betrayal of the people's mandate?

Anyway, I think if the AAP take the support of the kongis, then lotus would have succeeded. Then, lotus would become the only anti-kongi option. The whole strategy of lotus seems to be to make the AAP take either kongi or anti-kongi position. So, far, AAP had avoided it by pouting airy fairy stuff.

So, Nilekeni for PM? Will it end in the same manner as Murthy for Prez? At one point, Murthy seemed like a contender for a Prez job specially with Nehru Dynasty TV also giving him lots of bhav.

Thumbs up to Lekhi for taking a tough stand. And another thumbs up for giving it back to Ornab. Ornab is all theatrics and rhetoric. I never liked him but I just stopped watching his channel after the election coverage. It was pathetic. Thanks to Niran saar for providing with that DD link.

harming Cows is prohibited according to Hindhuism. Cows, Bulls and Horses were considered sacred among many ancient cultures. Ex: Egyptian. Even in Judaism, there is an episode where Moses persecutes the people who worship a golden image of sacred calf.

Historically, jihadhis have been attacking the cows to humiliate the Hindhus and Sikhs. Abdali attacked Amruthsar and denigrated the golden temple. The sacred pool was filled with the blood of slaughtered cows. Similarly, many jihadhis used to force Hindhus to eat beef, so as to make them give up Hindhuism. It is said that Maharaja Ranjith Singh enforced a total ban on cow slaughter. The punishment for the cow slaughter was death penalty. BTW, that is the distinguishing mark of whether a country is dharmic or adharmic according to Bhishma in MB. If cows are harmed in a particular country, then that country/state is considered adharmic.

When the brits defeated the Sikhs, they opened the slaughter houses and encouraged beef. It even gave rise to the revolt against the brits. It is called Kuka movement of 1857. Link

Even in the rest of Bhaarath, cow slaughter played an important role in the 1857 revolt and rebellion. In brit ranks, a new type of greased cartridge was introduced which was made of cow or pig meat. That cartridge had to bitten off before loading. This enraged both the Hindhus(due to cow meat) and muslims(due to pig meat). This led to rebellion within the brit ranks. Jhansi Lakshmi Bhai, it is said, was unhappy with the brits and one of the reasons was that the brits allowed cow slaughter.

So, one can clearly see in history that the jihadhis and the brits have been trying to push cow slaughter as a mechanism to humiliate and convert the Hindhus. And Hindhus have been fighting against this attempt. Now, the sekoolar sarkaar is also trying to push beef exports and even dreams of pink revolution with the mini-stars themselves running huge slaughter houses.

Link to the post about the importance of cows in Hindhuism and the attempts by the various Hindhu gurus in trying to protect cows
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Pranav »

LK Advani refuses to give Narendra Modi credit for poll wins - http://articles.economictimes.indiatime ... aman-singh

Sushma puts Raman, Chouhan victories on a par with Modi's - ... s/1207489/
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Karan M »

the media will continue to do FUD. why should we buy into it fully. even if these guys are skeptics, hopefully modis follow on work will do the trick.
i hope AAP gets into bed with INC, and that will prevent their sanctimony from getting too much and people will wake up. meanwhile yeddy should get back into BJP and work should proceed for victory five months from now.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by ramana »

RoyG wrote:What's the big deal if cows/buffalo are slaughtered?

Its not a big deal normally. However they are slaughtered to hurt Hindu sentiments and then its a big deal.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SaiK »

Holy cow! now modi might join AAP! :wink:

but for now, I like the discussions shifting from kangrez to AAP! that in itself shows the biggest ramshackle dynasty!

this thread can't ignore nor modi. modi better clean up bjp house to match up to aap.,, now whatever that takes to eradicate corruption.. get them going., but we do need modi.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Hari Seldon »

The racist rag khanomist has written up pretty vile and nasty pieces on NM in their latest weekly outpouring - they're taking NM so seriously that NM seems to have even pushed Mandela from the cover page.

Won't bother linking to the total hit-job wala article on NM (essentially a template for the macaulayite media to follow).

There's a slightly better worded hedgie article here: ... -modi-save

Even that riled me up enough to comment:
"Otherwise, this newspaper will not back him."

Don't. And thereby do us all a favor.

Part of Mr Modi's appeal stems from the fact that his is an India-first worldview. And that a west-centric outlook, demeanor, precedent, value system and world-order wield little if any influence over him.

In any case, rich that a rag that covered up for 'great' Britain's crimes against humanity in India from 1857 onward to Churchill's racist policies that led to a million starvation deaths in the 1942 Bengal famine to the madness of Brit-favored partition - takes the high road on "human rights" and values in the subcontinent. You [The economist] never considered us Human enough when it suited you. Your 'influence' on shaping India's perceptions and perspectives is over-rated. Go, buzz off now.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Karan M »

Well put sir.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Prem »

If Congi can have Dhongi Chacha, Why cant Indians have genuine Modi Maama?
Modi should be designated as Maama of Nations' Bacchalogs.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Pratyush »

LKA, refusing to credit Modi, the wins in the assembly election is a good thing. It tells the world this what happened to the INC without Modi effect. Imagine what will happen to INC if the Modi effect was in place.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Karan M »

Altair wrote:Forget city populations voting for NN. Infosysians will launch a mass campaign in social media which will bury him for good. When the time comes we will launch a vicious campaign on his role during Operation:Parakram. He will be finished.
were you in that org and can you post anything specific about his actions during Op Parakram? i have only read generic comments saying ITVITY jarnails were against the op.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chaanakya »

Women can work in factories during night shift: Gujarat HC

It is so alarming that women feel so safer in Gujarat that they approached Gujarat HC to allow them to work in night shift. This is despite the fact that in few places Gongoons have been elected as MLA.
A provision under the Factories Act that prohibits women from working in factories during night hours has been held unconstitutional by the Gujarat High Court. A division bench comprising Chief Justice Bhaskar Bhattacharya and Justice J B Pardiwala said Friday that the provision imposed "unreasonable restriction" on women's fundamental right to work.

The court pronounced a common judgment in this regard while acting on a group of petitions that challenged the constitutional validity of Section 66 (1)(b) of the Factories Act which prohibits employment of women during night hours between 7 pm and 6 am.

One of the petitions was moved by a women's group from Damnagar village of Amreli district — Mahila Utkarsh Trust. The group had challenged the provision while arguing that they wanted to work in the local ginning mills at night as it was more suitable to them because they remained preoccupied in household chores during the day.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by shyam »

RoyG wrote:What's the big deal if cows/buffalo are slaughtered?
You might find answer to your question deep inside this
Last edited by shyam on 14 Dec 2013 13:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Prasad »

Is the mining prohibition for women still in effect too?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vishvak »

Can't separate cows and bulls but then letters of law can look weird.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vishvak »

shyam wrote:
RoyG wrote:What's the big deal if cows/buffalo are slaughtered?
You might answer to your question deep inside this
Shouldn't the disease be called London disease or British disease the way medical nomenclature names diseases.

Thankfully the London disease isn't seen in grazing animals.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by shyam »

Don't make your comment based on the title alone. There is lot more deep inside it.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Altair »

Karan M wrote:
Altair wrote:Forget city populations voting for NN. Infosysians will launch a mass campaign in social media which will bury him for good. When the time comes we will launch a vicious campaign on his role during Operation:Parakram. He will be finished.
were you in that org and can you post anything specific about his actions during Op Parakram? i have only read generic comments saying ITVITY jarnails were against the op.
I don't want to post any allegations here without proof. I can only say he rallied anti-war MNCs dependent on USD and pressured the Govt to back off.I will post on this more when the time is right.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Chandragupta »

Karan M wrote:
Altair wrote:Forget city populations voting for NN. Infosysians will launch a mass campaign in social media which will bury him for good. When the time comes we will launch a vicious campaign on his role during Operation:Parakram. He will be finished.
were you in that org and can you post anything specific about his actions during Op Parakram? i have only read generic comments saying ITVITY jarnails were against the op.
I just resigned from most admired company 3 months back after 2.5 years. I and some 20 odd batch mates of mine were picked up from one of the best B schools in the country. I was lucky enough to be put in another subsidiary and work was decent enough, no technology or development by miles, but my friends who went to Infosys proper have been pissed ever after. Some of them, MBAs with prior technical background were put in testing, imagine that! I know folks from another b school that is owned by a congress minister and based in Ghaziabad which sent 110 people to Infosys, half of them remained on bench after 2 years, being passed on in non related projects every couple of months doing absolutely no value addition and being used as stop gaps.

The work culture sucks to the core, lots of regionalism, it is a rule not exception to see non performers being promoted above performers, specially in HR in my subsidiary and almost everywhere in Infosys proper(flagship co). A lot of talk, zero substance. I can go ranting all day. They have the resources to do so much more but they are content with killing budding talent and leeching blood.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Karan M »

C, thanks. Looks like the info I got was not a one off but a real issue. The guy I spoke to was in dev/testing/fixing and was again put back in something akin to quasi-testing. Basically BI platform and fixing it/customizing it. So basically matches your notes.
Were you in BD?
When you say regionalism - is it like every group for itself (depending on who is leading) or is it like 1 group dominant?
Sad to hear this though - no schadenfreude, an Indian firm with resources, yet meandering around ...
We all used to think that most admired place/oil place were full of worker bees, 24/7 busy. From what I hear now, those are the lucky ones. Rest are on bench and end up wasting time and learning little.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Altair »

You will see the real stuff at program manager level. Anyone from that level would know the real infy and the leadership of that company.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Yagnasri »

What angered me is the national anthem issue when murthy said his gora guests will fell embraced.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by pankajs »

No point in being angry .. put up a simple apolitical blog with just the facts like the fellow did on Air France .. collect all available ammo in one place (News report, videos, statements, etc.) and hit them on social media when the time is ripe.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Hari Seldon »

Doubt NN will be hold his own against NM. Sure, he is welcome to try and he'll be way better than any politician INC puts fwd. NN has at least some accomplishments that include wealth-creation, job-creation, (corporate-)governance and social work to show, unlike the vast majority of professional politicos in the kangress.

That said, should wait for a formal announcement rather than go all out #aakthoo from now itself when its far from clear he's the nominee. Am finding it hard to root for either him or anant kr in the south blr LS seat though...
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Karan M »

abha singh ‏@Abha_ypsingh 5h

Gopal Rai shown the door by Anna Kumar Vishwas too gatecrashed Anna Says. Enough of using poor simple village bound Anna by AAP Opportunists
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by pankajs »


AAP takes on Modi, to contest all 26 LS seats in Gujarat
Riding high on its incredible success in the Delhi Assembly polls, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has now decided to take the battle to Bharatiya Janata Party prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi's home turf.

The party has decided to contest from all the 26 Lok Sabha constituencies in the state in the upcoming General Elections.

Read more at: ... 31255.html
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by kapilrdave »

Yeah. Come to GJ you cockroach kejri :twisted:
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RajeshA »

Arvind Kejriwal @ArvindKejriwal wrote:I m really surprised. How can Anna accept sarkari lokpal bill? Sarkari lokpal is a "jokepal". Who is misguiding Anna?
Anna needs permission from Hazrat Kejriwal!!

So he who coined the phrase "Jan Lokpal" is not with Kejriwal. Forgot his name.

Then Kejriwal started selling it under "Anna's Jan Lokpal", but if Anna has changed his position, then what is there left for Kejri to sell?

I hope he says no to CMship! Next time he goes to polls, he would have nothing left to sell! He would only be #RonaDhonaParty
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

shyam wrote:
RoyG wrote:What's the big deal if cows/buffalo are slaughtered?
You might find answer to your question deep inside this
All animals are technically sacred. The only reason cow or buffalo meat consumption was uncommon throughout our history was because they simply weren't considered food. Much like in the states you wont find people eating eating lizards, pigeons, dogs, cats, etc. I do agree that more research and screening has to go into prion diseases but if people can profit from export beef products and make money, why stop them?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RajeshA »

RoyG ji,

At the moment, Slaughtering Cows, Love Jihad, Obstructing Ram-Temple are ways for Islamists to remind Hindus that they are weak, and they cannot protect those who they love or consider sacred.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Sagar G »

RoyG wrote:All animals are technically sacred. The only reason cow or buffalo meat consumption was uncommon throughout our history was because they simply weren't considered food. Much like in the states you wont find people eating eating lizards, pigeons, dogs, cats, etc. I do agree that more research and screening has to go into prion diseases but if people can profit from export beef products and make money, why stop them?
You yourself agree that eating beef hasn't been a part of our culture so why force beliefs on our society which have never been part of just for the sake of making a few bucks ??? The p0rn industry also makes a lot of money and is recession proof as well are you going to advocate that for India as well ???
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RajeshA »

Breaking: Anna has pulled the plug on Jan Lokpal! Arvind Kejriwal is now a deer caught in the headlights. Check his tweets! :)
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

Sagar G wrote:
RoyG wrote:All animals are technically sacred. The only reason cow or buffalo meat consumption was uncommon throughout our history was because they simply weren't considered food. Much like in the states you wont find people eating eating lizards, pigeons, dogs, cats, etc. I do agree that more research and screening has to go into prion diseases but if people can profit from export beef products and make money, why stop them?
You yourself agree that eating beef hasn't been a part of our culture so why force beliefs on our society which have never been part of just for the sake of making a few bucks ??? The p0rn industry also makes a lot of money and is recession proof as well are you going to advocate that for India as well ???
Who is forcing anything on anyone wrt beef? All I'm saying is if people want to add beef to their menu alongside chicken, fish, goat, etc why stop them? As for *****, we have temples engraved with ***** scenes and kama sutra came from our civilization. Everyone watches ***** in India these days. Why let them keep watching western stuff?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by arindam »

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RajeshA »

RoyG wrote:Everyone watches ***** in India these days. Why let them keep watching western stuff?
Mostly watch it for free! Let them! Do we need to compete in everything?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Arjun »

RoyG wrote:Who is forcing anything on anyone wrt beef? All I'm saying is if people want to add beef to their menu alongside chicken, fish, goat, etc why stop them? As for ***** we have temples engraved with ***** scenes and kama sutra came from our civilization. Everyone watches ***** in India these days. Why let them keep watching western stuff?
Cows have been considered part of the "family" in India, like dogs are in the US. In the US, dog meat is banned in most states. India is doing the same for its own preferred animal.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by archan »

Aaj Tak is featuring this story. Apparently this happened through Varun Gandhi. As a side note, did he get hair implant? his head looks full of hair!
News indicates he might be reluctant to take up the offer though.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Yagnasri »

Ya. Actually it is Varun Gandhi who said to have offered Dada bjp ticket. With NM full backing of course. Dada will be very strong candidate anywhere in Bengal and I am sure even MB now have to think careful.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by archan »

Arjun wrote:
RoyG wrote:Who is forcing anything on anyone wrt beef? All I'm saying is if people want to add beef to their menu alongside chicken, fish, goat, etc why stop them? As for ***** we have temples engraved with ***** scenes and kama sutra came from our civilization. Everyone watches ***** in India these days. Why let them keep watching western stuff?
Cows have been considered part of the "family" in India, like dogs are in the US. In the US, dog meat is banned in most states. India is doing the same for its own preferred animal.
Pleae take this OT stuff out of here . Both the GE thread and this is getting too much OT these days.