Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by IndraD »

Is congress extremely besharm not to react to daily gauli galauj from AK & Co or there is more than meets the eye?
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by vivek.rao »

^^ Basically DIEnasty sold all CONGis to save their rear ends by blocking Modi with AK
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by krishnan »

basically its like this,

AAP may not be a congi b-team , but the position it is in , it can set it terms with congress, because they are better than what modi might do. So AAP are doing all this because they can
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by krisna »


Apt cartoon. Manoj Kureel does a great job in his cartoons.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by geeth »

Awesome cartoon! can't explain it even with thousand words..
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by rajithn »

hanumadu wrote:AAP's promise of cheaper power may not be possible ... 810650.cms
Power tariff cut by 50%: The only way to do it, considering discoms are already running at a loss is for the Central Govt to subsidise the power by offering funding of Rs. 3,500 Crores to Delhi. But then, if they wanted to do that, they could have offered the subsidy to Sheila Dixit. Why would the Centre shoot itself in the foot by offering its political 'enemy' a subsidy of Rs. 3,500 Crores so that the AAPs can be seen to be delivering on one of its promises?

Jan Lok'ayukta' Bill: Similarly, they can bring out their version of 'Jan Lokayukta Bill" (By the way, I see this change in their terms of reference from Jan Lokpal Bill to Jan Lokayukta Bill) but with neither the Delhi Police or the CBI under their aegis, how do they go about prosecuting the people they indict?

Water: They have already started to make excuses that many localities will need to have their infrastructure changed before the 700 ptrs of free water can become a reality! So as other posters have said, they are going to take some quick wins on this one by offering a few localities the free water and weave a dream for the others that their turn would soon follow.

This is going to turn into a nice little circus for 90-days starting Saturday. The AAPs will try every trick in the book to provoke the CONgis to withdraw support and then cry 'victimhood'. The dumb Delhiites will be left holding the can. But one objective would have been achieved: they would have succeeded in building up a lot of cynicism for all political parties, BJP included. Come re-poll, we will see a huge spike in NOTA usage.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by subhamoy.das »

PAAP will drill home the truth that they are even worse as a political choice. The anti-congress votes will flow back to BJP. PAAP grabbed 50% of anti-congress vote based on false promises. There will be a ugly fight between PAAP and con-gress very soon, already started, and that will spill over to dissent in PAAP and who knows we can see a few defections to make BJP touch the 36 mark. BJP will have the last laugh! No doubt about it.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by vivek.rao »

Well! I doubt it. This is nice co-ordination game between AK and CON high command. Even if CON withdraws support,, AK will blame CON and BJP. A lot of people are falling for these tricks
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by muraliravi »

Congress plan is very simple.

1. Use Khujliwal to make sure that BJP loses in large metro/ultra urban areas by either allowing AAP to win or just cut BJP votes selectively creating a congress win
2. Use behenji alliance to destroy BJP in punjab, UP and some seats in MP, Raj and Haryana.
3. Make sure, MNS never goes for the maha alliance in Maharashtra
4. Run a high shrill media campaign to preempt any chance of bringing back Yeddy into BJP
5. Play the game smartly in Jharkhand to tie BJP down to less than 5 seats.
6. Ally with Lalu in Bihar (dont ever underestimate this alliance, Yadavs are seething with anger, The M-Y combo will be very tuf to beat even with a JDU alliance, so BJP on its own getting more than 10 seats is a ruf proposition).
7. Withdraw support to AAP before the LS to create a huge sympathy for them and help them maximize seats in the NCR area (Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad)
8. Give Jat reservation to sweep western UP and Haryana. I dont buy this theory that Jats are seething with anger against sickular parties and will vote BJP.

Congress has the ability to pull all these off before the LS.

So what is the best number BJP can pull of under these cirsumstances
1. J&K - 1
2. HP - 2
3. Uttaranchal - 4
4. Punjab - 1
5. Haryana - 0
6. Delhi - 2
7. UP - 20
8. Bihar - 10
9. Jharkhand - 4
10. Assam - 3
11. WB, NE, Orissa, AP, TN, Kerala - 0
12. Goa - 1
13. UT's - 3
14. Karnataka (without Yeddy) - 5
15. Maha (without grand alliance) - 13
16. Gujarat - 22
17. MP - 26
18. Chattisgarh - 7
19. Rajasthan - 24

Totals to 148. If I cut out 3-4 seats from this list where AAP can cut BJP votes in cities like bokaro, ranchi, jamshedpur, kanpur, lucknow, parts of Mumbai, BJP will most likely end up with 145 seats.

So what will Congress get

1. J&K - 1
2. HP - 2
3. Uttaranchal - 1
4. Punjab - 7
5. Haryana - 0
6. Delhi - 0
7. UP - 15
8. Bihar - 2
9. Jharkhand - 5
10. Assam - 9
11. WB - 3
12. Goa - 1
13. UT's - 2
14. Karnataka - 20
15. Maha (without grand alliance) - 10
16. Gujarat - 4
17. MP - 3
18. Chattisgarh - 4
19. Rajasthan - 1
20. NE - 5
21. Orissa - 5
22. AP - 10
23. TN - 0
24. Kerala - 7

So Congress romps to 117.

Both BJP and Congress combined get approx 262 seats in this scenario. Due to contradictions within the other parties a 3rd front will not be able to cobble 272 of the available 282. But a 3rd front type govt supported externally by congress is always possible.

I see only items 3 and 5 which I have bolded as possible items that BJP can address without congress interference or media trouble. Even in that Maharashtra will be tricky as any overt alliance with MNS will doom bjp in bihar.

BJP's best bet is somehow grab 20 more seats to reach 165. At that stage they stand some chance of forming govt.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by member_20317 »

Seems like AAP voters are willing to not hold their breath for 50% bijli rates and 700 ltr pani. There is a bunch here at the office and everybody was unanimous that even if he gets us 10% a year reduction for next 4-5 years, it would be great. I asked if the coal was going to be cheaper tomorrow or the plant was going to be cheaper or the labour their. What would be the costing like. Then just to test waters I dropped the subsidy idea while mentioning that 4 BJP states have rejected muftkhori with an overwhelming majority despite some of them being way poorer then an average dilli wala. But that did not dampen their spirits. One more educated guys actually told me that its our money and subsidies are justifiable.

Then I mentioned the water. AAP cannot really get more water released into the Yamuna. Indra Dev is a dharmic entity not impressed with Colour revolutions. And besides the tankers were what kept the poorer sections of the city hydrated since there are no pipe-ings in place. But this was entirely ignored. Conservation was also dropped but that made me look like a fool even for suggesting it - 'Duh! AK is an IITian he must have studied it. He will find new water or he will sew, a conservation infra-structure, up together faster than anybody else'. People do actually believe there is unlimited water somewhere.,

Chances are we will see a subsidy in both water and electricity and a bigger government. And a Janlokpal too. Only that, except the subsidies nothing is going to work at all. But all that does not count. The euphoria is too much, to have any rational thought getting picked up.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by M Joshi »

Spread far & wide..

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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by member_23365 »

I hope I will proven wrong but BJP should have form the government instead of sitting on high moral grounds.
BJP have done a grave mistake by not forming govt. It is not too hard to run those populist scheme without paying to anyone for next 3-4 months and AAP will do the same. They are not here for long term, there job is to dent Modis chance and they will do that. They will cost BJP altleast 25-50 LS seats.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by member_20317 »

I seriously doubt if not forming government had anything to do with high moral ground. People mostly accuse Sanghis of not having any moral grounding :rotfl:

The reality in my view is somewhat related to the basic philosophy. Sangathanatkam rajniti serves BJP better in real terms while Vighathanatmak rajniti serves Congress better. I believe BJP wants the difference in approaches, differneces in results and differences in priorities to come out much more forcefully. A government in hand (even if minority) would normally be worth two in the bush. But BJP is not fighting a normal battle esp. in Delhi. It is not 2-cornered or 3-cornered, it different. Different as in confusing for the masses. Voter division per se, may or may not be confusing. But voter confusion will definitely ensure lesser votes in BJP's hands.

I suspect the top brass is thinking of ways to tackle this. Assembly election campaigns have shown that they are trying out some newer ideas. Chances are they will roll out some concoction of it in the GE-14. Only wish that the concoction is strong enough and no underplay of the good hand is done.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by anchal »

I agree with some pessimistic estimates on BJP's chances in the LS elections. It just trumps how free marketers, top business people fail to see the hand behind the AAP. It seems people (at least rootless wonders in metros) are hell-bent upon voting Kejri even in LS elections

Modi will have to make some interesting moves now. Just bashing up CON, and bringing his humble roots might not suffice
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by hanumadu »

Congress will not fight or withdraw support to AAP atleast till the GE. It needs AAP to split BJP votes and also it needs whatever good will it has with the public. BJP challenged AAP to form the govt. and now it should not go overboard in raking the issue of AAP taking Congress's support though it should not let it completely slip away from the peoples mind either, especially the bacchon ki kasam thing. Let AAP rule and people will see it is much worse than either congress or BJP. When people find that its the same old life they are living and AAP did not make much of a difference to it, they will get disillusioned soon.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by johneeG »

Please to excuse this OT post.
ravi_g wrote:
johneeG wrote:^^^ :rotfl: The joke is on the people of dilli. It would have been much better for the people if there was another election, then people could have given a decisive verdict: either AAP or BJP.

Now, kongis will do what they do best: govt paralysis. They'll remain inside and keep rebelling. AAP will do what it has been doing: blame kongis and lotus.

The kongi line will be: "See, you guys believed in AAP and how they failed. We always told you that we are doing a decent job. You people were fools to try alternatives. Now that alternatives have also failed. Vote us back"

AAP line will be: "Well, we always knew that kongis and lotus will not allow us to give a good govt. But, if we ran away from it, they would have blamed us anyway. So, we took the challenge and showed how both the parties are together. We need to wipe out both these parties."

Thats all, thats their line. I don't see anything coming out of this. kongis will not want to be in this relationship for long. They'll be itching to get their votebanks back from the AAP. Now, mainos may not bother about that. But, lower kongis will not like this arrangement. So, they'll keep making noises and spoiling it for the fordriwal.

If fordriwal goes after a few token corrupt guys also(just to build up his reputation), it will unravel the kongi so much more.
No Garu the joke is on us. The backbencher Hindu Nationalist. AK-47 has clearly mentioned that 'there is no such thing as unconditional support'.

This is all a put on show to occupy mindspace of the public till GE-14 and make AK-47 look like an Arvind Gandhi. Come GE-14 and AAP will be telling people that give us he full mandate so that we cannot be hamstrung by Congress. And they will use it to go even hyper on Congress == BJP. Hedging techniques. The whole game is to create a new MMS only this time there would be a voter base too.

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.” - Goebbels.

Look at the rank difference between what is committed on paper (manifesto) and what is said in their sabhas. Look at the clear distinction between the Vadara case where they kept quite before the elections. The fake cry of wolf that some of them raised during and just after counting. Pre emption is writ large.

The point is that the propaganda wing of congress is AAP. The political wing of AAP is congress. The Ungutha Chaap leaders that got elected are the new pawns in the power game. The coup was by the hi comman.

johneeG garu can you tell me of a good story where a mayavi meets his match in a Deva in the Epics thread. Need to understand how our ancestors dealt with these.
Firstly, definition of 'maya': to project what is not and to conceal what is.

There is a story of Bhasmasura, saar. He was beguiled to put his own hand(which had the power to burn down anything on which it is placed) on his own head. Bhasmasura gained power from Lord and then turned on Him after getting the boon. He was punished by his own hand.

There is a story of Sundha and Upa-Sundha. Two asura brothers who were very close to each other. They had the boon that they won't die in anyone else's hands(i.e. only they could kill each other). Apsarasa Thilothama was created to create rift between them. The two brothers ended up fighting with each other for her and then killing each other.

There is a story of Jarasandha's chief commanders: Hamsa and Dimbhaka. Hamsa and Dimbhaka were close to each other and also powerful. They were one of the reasons for Jarasandha's power. One of them was misinformed that the other died. Believing the false info, he committed suicide in grief. Then the info of suicide was conveyed to the other, who also committed suicide in grief. This was most probably the ploy of Jagadhguru Shri Krushna. Later, similar ploy was used on Dhrona. He was misinformed that his son had died. So, he committed suicide.

Then there is episode of Vamana beguiling the Bali Chakravarthi into parting with his entire empire.

Raavana's bro Kumbhakarna wanted to ask for great boons after he performed Tapasya for Lord Brahma. But, his mind was played with by Goddess Saraswathi. So, he ended up asking for the 'boon' of forever sleep. Later, Raavana had to beg Lord for some respite for his bro from the sleep.

If one carefully analyzes the Raamaayana, then Shri Raama avathaar itself is maya. The almighty, omniscient and omni-present Vishnu disguised as a simple friendly neighbourhood prince(Shri Raama). The Goddess Lakshmi(Prosperity) Herself disguised as a simple housewife(Seetha amma). Poor Raavana was fooled. Would Raavana take on them if he knew that he was going against Lord Vishnu or was kidnapping Goddess Lakshmi?

Even Bhagavatham! Poor Kamsa! He was alright. May not be the best guy around, but certainly not the worst. Then, he was revealed that he would be killed by his own nephew. And suddenly all the worst characteristics of Kamsa came out. He was ready to kill his sister. He imprisoned his newly wed sister and bro-in-law. He ended up killing his nephews. He imprisoned his father. In short, turned into a complete rascal. Then, he was killed anyway. If on the other hand, he had not heard of that prophecy, maybe he would have lived longer.

In MB, the biggest trick of Dhevas was: Karna. If Dhuryodhana had known that Karna was the bro of Paandavas, would he have gone to the war? And what does Karna do when the war starts? He sits out of the first 10 days of war! All along Dhuryodhana thought Karna was going to lead him to victory. But cometh the hour and Karna sits out citing some petty reasons. When, he does start fighting, he does not kill the Paandavas. It seems he won't kill Paandava except Arjuna. Of course, he can't kill Arjuna because Krushna Himself is protecting him. He kills Ghatothkacha whom Krushna wanted dead anyway. Before the war Lord Krushna offers Karna kingship. Karna refuses it. Why? Couldn't Karna accept the Kingship and gift it to Dhuryodhana(if he was such a good friend of Karna)?

Hindhu literature is filled with such things. Naivety or simple-mindedness is never glorified. Nor real politics discarded. It is only the modern day(Gandhian?) interpretations which seem to be shy of such readings.

Saama, Dhaana, Danda and Bhedha. According to Atri Saar, Upeksha and Maya are the two other tactics mentioned in Agni Purana. These are the basics of tactics. Moles, spies, false info(propaganda disguised as news or advises...etc), honey traps, deceptions, luring the opponents into combat by projecting weakness(i.e. feigning a retreat and then attack), using emotional athyachaar to get personal commitments, giving the opponent long rope so that he can hang himself(or atleast taint himself so much that when he is hanged no one is bothered), forging alliances with powerful friends(especially with enemies of enemies and friends of friends), breaking friendships by sowing differences(i.e. creating a situation where they compete for the same resource) or by sowing doubts that the other person is betraying them, break the alliances of opponent by offering respect, riches, power and privileges...etc.

Talk politely but wield a big stick! Thats the strategy. One can see this method adopted by Shri Rama and Yuddhishtira. A truly clever person does not project the persona of cleverness.

Both Shri Raama and Yuddhishtira carry the persona of polite civility. Their opponents take them for cowards or sissies. They underestimate them and are surprised when Rama or Yuddhishtira react with force or stratagem. The outrage of opponents is due to cognitive dissonance.

Both Raama and Yuddhishtira also realise the importance of credibility. They take great care never to promise what they cannot accomplish and never to leave unaccomplished what they have promised. They go to great pains to build a brand. Praan jaaye par vachan na jaaye... Trust is very important. Once the credibility is lost, the leadership is in doldrums. So, they never compromise on credibility. Perhaps, on some rare and extra-ordinary occasion, they may take a calculated gambit(like Raama's killing of Vaali or Yuddhishtira's killing of Dhrona), but otherwise they value their credibility. It is a battle of perceptions. Power and leadership are based on perception. You lose the battle of perception, they you lose power and leadership. You are powerful only as long as people believe you are powerful. You are a leader, only as long as people follow you. Raama and Yuddhishtira perfected this to the extent that even their opponents believed in them. Of course, to live like that means the leadership has to also have to be willing to set an example. So, Raama had to live apart from His beloved wife Seetha merely due to allegations. He could have easily ignored the public perceptions and continued. But, He didn't. He wanted to set the example. Of course, He also had long term plans to redeem the situation of Seetha amma in due course. To be able to give such leadership, one has to be able to overcome lots of mental problems. Kaama, krodha, lobha, moha, madha, mathsarya...etc. Otherwise, power corrupts. Only someone who has won himself can wield power properly. Otherwise, he'll end up harming himself and others. Generally, people first try to win the enemies. Then, they concentrate on their friends. And they never concentrate on their own self. But, a good leader first perfect himself. Then, he cleans up his house. Then, he goes after the rest.

Today, the problem is that so many people want power. But, they hardly know what to do with it. They just lust for power because of some ego boost or minor perks(like women). Most seem to want power for the sake of ego boost. And when they get power, they occupy themselves in all sorts of shady businesses. They forget that ultimately power is for the sake of welfare for people. If one cannot accomplish welfare of people, then all the power in the world is useless.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by krishnan »

12:23 Will take help from IIT, IIM; can't fix everything ourselves: Kejriwal: Speaking about the problems facing people, Arvind Kejriwal has said he will take the help of a team of experts from IIT or IIM as and when required as "we can't fix everything ourselves".

Questioned if he would consult Congress which is extending outside support to AAP, on appointment of speaker, he said, "Why will we consult them".

Asked about problems of homeless and destitute who are forced to sleep in the open in the chilling winter night, he said it was an important task which can't be fulfilled without the help of 1.7 crore population of Delhi.

"There are still one lakh people who are fighting cold these days. We will soon install camps for them in different parts of Delhi," he said.

Earlier, Kejriwal held Janta Darbar to listen to the people's grievances and their suggestions. People from as far as Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Kerala, Bihar and Rajasthan had come to meet him.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by Hari Seldon »

^Tour-de-force johnneeG garu. Mazaa aa gaya
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by johneeG »

:D Thanks Hari saar.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by member_20317 »

johnneeG garu, thanks for not letting go off my hand.

unfortunately there is no shastaanga icon.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by saumitra_j »

A keeper johneeG sir, an absolute keeper! Thank you very much!
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by NikhilB »

excellent post johnneeG

If BJP loses election because of AAP and then blames Congis that you brought in AAP and hence I lost, it's shame. It's politics. Do whatever you want and win ! I hope, I really hope, NaMo is above all D4 types and will raise to the occasion and show AAP and Congis their real place !
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by panduranghari »

How can one not love BRF. Thanks for a superb post JohneeG.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by IndraD »

Alka Lamba congress leader, joins AAP. She reveals she was contacted by AAP before election to contest for them. So all these claims of AK not believing in jod tod is false propaganda.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by vivek.rao »

^^ So now all CONGis jump into AAP from CON like paapis clean themselves of PAAP by jumping into Ganga
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by vivek.rao »

Shishir Gupta
I am told that JD (U) is again trying to open a back channel with the BJP after being let down by Cong and seeing the rise of Laloo.

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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by Muppalla »

vivek.rao wrote:Shishir Gupta
I am told that JD (U) is again trying to open a back channel with the BJP after being let down by Cong and seeing the rise of Laloo.

All it needs is kickout Nitish and make someone else CM. Or merge JDU into BJP.

The ground news of Bihar is that BJP will go alone no matter what. The folks are going to vote for NaMo this time even if they are Yadavs, Kurmis etc. So this getting back is to cut number of Seats that BJP can get on its own. Too late now.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by RoyG »

AAP is the congress in a different garb. This Kejriwal is an asura and must be neutralized.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by Singha »

under various ruses he might be able to sustain his freebie based governance model until general elections though. bills will need to be paid eventually but by then INC & BJP equations may have changed again and people might prefer the familiar face of AAP.

all he needs to do is avoid really big scandals like the CWG scams. baki chota mota scams are dime a dozen in delhi and he can adopt the MMS garb of being "personally impeccable though some shady characters in govt".

BJP needs to come down hard on his wagon if they attempt to replicate in other metros which is definitely in the works....kind of like amirkhans paradropping in AF/NAM high points and and establishing firebases with air resupply to dominate some of the countryside and show the flag everywhere.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by Yagnasri »

It is traditional prajarajyam type trick gone wrong for mafia in Delhi. Paid media and anti modi gangs wish to make fordstar into national star. But extreme left wing airheads in the youth likely to be non bjp voters. Even in Delhi 5 mp seats are bmp seats as per this state level voting. Come GE it is only going to get better. Cheaters with big egos normally can not make long term bluffs. Mafia and khejri both belong to that.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by IndraD »

The way paid media is supporting AK with him being compared with Rajnikanth, Anil Kapoor in Nayak etc only proves that either media is supporting him under some action plan or he is simply increasing TRP out of curiosity. One thing is certain , media is full of semi literate people
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by Supratik »

What do you expect? The leftists know INC goose is cooked for 2014. Communists are showing no signs of resurrection. AAP is the only hope along with regional hold-outs to stop Modi riding a wave.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by Muppalla »

Wait until Feb and then break into the ranks of AAP and resurrect Harshvardhan as CM. In March imitate Manohar Parrikar on the lines of Tejpal stuff and arrest few top notch Delhi's criminal socialites who are escaping due to UPA and Shiela. baat katam.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by SBajwa »

by Muraliravi
Totals to 148. If I cut out 3-4 seats from this list where AAP can cut BJP votes in cities like bokaro, ranchi, jamshedpur, kanpur, lucknow, parts of Mumbai, BJP will most likely end up with 145 seats.
In the current lok sabha congress has 262 (+80 from previoius) and BJP has 149 (-17 from previous) while the Left Front has 79 (-30 from previous).

so you are saying that both Congress and BJP will lose while a third front with either Kejriwal or Jayalalitha will emerge? You are totally discounting the Modi wave and BJP winning the four states!
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by RajeshA »

johneeG garu,

thanks for washing our heads! Great piece!
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by SBajwa »

JohneeG is da Maestro!! Good Post!!
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by Gus »

the circumstances and the resources that helped AAP's success is hardly present anywhere else than maybe a handful of city LS constituencies. the RnD is high in the past two threads. relax and have a charminar.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by Atri »

JohneeG garu....

I offer u a saashtanga pranaama for that gem of a post. Thanks ramanaji for pasting it in good post thread. I will be referring to that post for long longtime, when in doubt. :)
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by muraliravi »

SBajwa wrote:
by Muraliravi
Totals to 148. If I cut out 3-4 seats from this list where AAP can cut BJP votes in cities like bokaro, ranchi, jamshedpur, kanpur, lucknow, parts of Mumbai, BJP will most likely end up with 145 seats.
In the current lok sabha congress has 262 (+80 from previoius) and BJP has 149 (-17 from previous) while the Left Front has 79 (-30 from previous).

so you are saying that both Congress and BJP will lose while a third front with either Kejriwal or Jayalalitha will emerge? You are totally discounting the Modi wave and BJP winning the four states!
Sir, What I am putting up are BJP and congress numbers. You are comparing them with NDA and UPA numbers.
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Re: Statewide and National runup to 2014 General elections

Post by Singha »

who is the other person next to kejriwal? I always see him in most of the pics. ... 38x225.jpg