Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Raja Bose
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Raja Bose »

I noted a small detail...Modi touches Advani's feet after his speech. Pappu had forced an elderly man to give up his seat on stage. That speaks volumes about each of their respective characters.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by VinodTK »

For all those who wanted Modi to bring out the cast issue here it comes:

'Casteist, elitist' Congress doesn't want to pit Rahul Gandhi against 'tea boy': Narendra Modi
Terming the Nehru-Gandhi family elitist and anti-OBC, Modi said their feudal mindset, casteist prejudices and sense of uniqueness, apart from Sonia Gandhi's decision not to "sacrifice" the career of her son fearing certain defeat, were the real reasons why Congress did not project Rahul as the PM candidate despite clamour from the cadre.

Modi levelled "casteist" charge against the Congress leadership, which also marked an aggressive outreach towards the politically crucial constituency, while addressing members of BJP's national council.

"They have developed this feudal mindset because of the way they have been brought up and established themselves as an exceptional family, and this leads them to think that, while winning the Lok Sabha elections may be important for Congress, they cannot deign to compete with a tea hawker. Where is the comparison? They feel ashamed because while they have pedigree, I can only boast of my achievements," the BJP's PM candidate said.

Modi, who was speaking two days after Mani Shankar Aiyar's "chai wala" taunt, pressed on, "The pedigreed don't want to compete with one who has only his work to speak for him. The belief in the importance of social hierarchy, casteist prejudices, the sense of innate superiority because of being born into an elite family who were respected for centuries, all these lead them to think how can we run against someone who was born into a backward caste, whose mother would fill water in neighbours' houses. Do I really need to contest against such an OBC person?"
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by devesh »

KJoishy wrote:I don't know much about Kumar Vishwas, but I think he was doing standup comedy and he seems very confident about his act and delivery.

eh...maybe you should listen to what he's saying! what does confidence have to do with this?!

he describes "kerala nurses" as "kali peeli" and compares them with "shandar north Indian nurses".

and ashashi and you think there is nothing wrong because it was "standup comedy"?!

mind-numbing comments.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

Seeing LK Advani on stage gave me the shivers. This guy is frail and very manmohan like. Doesn't inspire any confidence anymore like he once did in the past. Glad that he retired. The party would have been permanently ruined if he managed to sideline Modi.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Vadivel »

rkirankr wrote:All the AAP supporters should watch a Tamil movie called " KO" which was release few years ago when no one new Arvind Kerjriwal.
Oh yes, missed the connection. If one thinks about it, AAP growth is very similar to the one in that movie.

Now AAP is in government they are against media for exposing them :lol:
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by ashashi »

Victor wrote:
ashashi wrote:
He was doing standup comedy. Nothing wrong with it.
Racism is racism, whether it was delivered in stand up, sit down or lying sideways position and there is everything wrong with it. Pandering to some assumed sense of superiority, even in comedy, betrays shallowness which is a hallmark of the empty-headed AAPturds. This video is a keeper and must be aired at every opportunity along with the other gems these idiots generate on a daily basis.
Check out famous comedians like George Carlin, Richird Prior, Louis CK etc, or even Russel Peters on You Tube. Russel is an Indian, and he insults every group of people, including Indians in his skits.

Please dont judge the person by the comedy skits.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by ashashi »

hanumadu wrote:
ashashi wrote: He was doing standup comedy. Nothing wrong with it.
So, who sets the standard for what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in standup comedy. If it is acceptable in the west, does it mean it is acceptable in India too? Don't we have different sensitivities and a different cultural outlook?

And even in the US, it is not acceptable to classify some one as beautiful or ugly based on the colour of the skin. When some one does race jokes in the US, it is based on the behavioral traits of the particular group, but not if they are ugly or beautiful.

Kumar Vishwas is a C grade comedian. I posted a link earlier to one of his act and mentioned how boring it was.
Recently, someone posted recently another skit of him on twitter where he was praising Narendra Modi. He says something like, "in Pakistan if a man goes to a doctor with upset stomach, the doctor doesnt give medication, he gives a photo of Narendra Modi. Sub kuch saaf hojata hai, poora khandan ka".

If the above skit makes Kumar Vishwas a racist, the Narendra Modi skit should make him a NaMo supporter.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vivek.rao »

Out of my mind: ABM — CMB = AAP?
The only way Bhishma could be brought low was for Arjun to hide behind Shikhandi, a man who used to be a woman. Analogies are never perfect and the Congress may think of Narendra Modi (NM) as Duryodhana rather than Bhishma, a slot perhaps Advani feels is his. But there is no doubt that in the upcoming election, as in the Mahabharata fought at Kurukshetra, the objective is the same — occupying the throne at Delhi. The Congress has now given up any hope of winning. The aim now is Anyone But Modi (ABM). As far as the Congress is concerned, the BJP is welcome to win the election but not get too many seats. The prayer is that the BJP gets no more than around 170. Then they would need many coalition partners and in that case the Congress believes NM is unlikely to attract many parties and will be displaced by someone more “secular” — the favourite being Advani, who will be forgiven the Babri Masjid episode, 2002 being worse than 1992.

This is the dream scenario for the Congress. But how to realise it? The anointing of Rahul Gandhi (RG) is hardly likely to change much as he has not delivered the goods in the previous elections. In any case, it is too late to launch an RG wave. Experts are busy making projections of the worst ever Congress performance, relying on the 1977 and 1998 results. The tally would reach three digits if the Congress is lucky, 80 being more likely. The Congress needs many more partners than NM would, if it is to realise its ABM dream. That is why the Congress has been frantically making alliances with Lalu Prasad and Ram Vilas Paswan, hoping Mayawati would smile at them and Nitish would come on board when the call came after the election to gang together to stop NM. All the anti-BJP parties are to gang up for ABM.

The BJP election machine had gone into full gear long before the Congress woke up, and they are confident that 200-230 seats are within sight. They hope that once the BJP is the largest single party, coalition partners will flock to it and the NDA will form the government. Then NM’s dream of Congress Mukta Bharat (CMB) will be realised.

This scenario has been shaken by the arrival of AAP. ABM enthusiasts are beside themselves with joy. Not all of them like AAP. The party, they complain, is noisy, alarming in its economics, too much in love with referendums, with what looks like a dictatorial leader and many other issues. But AAP is the sole weapon left whose effectiveness is untried. Thus projections are being made about its seats. As the Congress seat estimates are going down as in a Dutch auction, AAP is being fancied to win enough seats to deprive NM of his dream of speaking from the Red Fort on August 15, 2014.

How many seats does AAP have to win to realise the ABM dream? Of the 60 extra urban seats which the Congress won in 2009, the BJP was hoping to win a large majority — say 45. Now AAP could win 30 seats and the BJP the rest, squeezing the Congress out completely. But then AAP would need to win another 30 seats or more to get the BJP down from its own best estimate of 230. How likely is that?

Let us take a wild card scenario. Suppose AAP gets 100, more than the Congress, which may then end up with 80 as the third largest party (saving RG the horrible prospect of being Leader of the Opposition and having to attend the Lok Sabha regularly). Together, AAP and the Congress may get as many as the BJP in this wild card situation. The BJP will be invited by the President to form the government. At that stage, if NM fails to attract enough partners, we may get the ABM scenario.
Perhaps Jayalalithaa would be the PM with her 35-plus seats or may be Advani, spreading joy to all secularists.

If so, NM should not despair. He should talk to Manmohan Singh, who will tell him that it is not being PM which confers power. NM can be leader of the coalition. That is where power resides.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by member_22539 »

^If wishes were horses, AAP/congis would ride.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chetak »

ashashi wrote:
hanumadu wrote:{quote="ashashi"}
He was doing standup comedy. Nothing wrong with it.{/quote}

So, who sets the standard for what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in standup comedy. If it is acceptable in the west, does it mean it is acceptable in India too? Don't we have different sensitivities and a different cultural outlook?

And even in the US, it is not acceptable to classify some one as beautiful or ugly based on the colour of the skin. When some one does race jokes in the US, it is based on the behavioral traits of the particular group, but not if they are ugly or beautiful.

Kumar Vishwas is a C grade comedian. I posted a link earlier to one of his act and mentioned how boring it was.
Recently, someone posted recently another skit of him on twitter where he was praising Narendra Modi. He says something like, "in Pakistan if a man goes to a doctor with upset stomach, the doctor doesnt give medication, he gives a photo of Narendra Modi. Sub kuch saaf hojata hai, poora khandan ka".

If the above skit makes Kumar Vishwas a racist, the Narendra Modi skit should make him a NaMo supporter.

kumar bakwas is a hustler. ( wanted to use another and more appropriate word but.....)

He supplies exactly what the client wants. That's why his acts are so varied. His appearances are paid for and the clients call the tune.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Victor »

ashashi wrote:
Check out famous comedians like George Carlin, Richird Prior, Louis CK etc, or even Russel Peters on You Tube. Russel is an Indian, and he insults every group of people, including Indians in his skits.
Just because dumb American yeehaw numbskulls lick sh!t doesn't mean we should too. What a pathetic measuring stick.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by disha »

Guys, regarding Kumar Bakwas - he wants to go around as a "Poet" and not as a "Standup Comedian".

And government is not a "standup comedy"! None of the standup comedians like George Carlin, Richard Prior, Louis CK or even Russel Peters is running for US Congress or Indian MLA/MP legislature.

Of course standup comedians' have their jigs. So do rap singers like Honey Singh. But those guys are not considered as serious contenders for national elections! Here we have media propagating them as the next best thing since sliced bread to happen to Indian political firmament and what turns out are that this guy is a 3rd rate standup comedian!
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vivek.rao »

Arun Menon wrote:^If wishes were horses, AAP/congis would ride.
YES SIR! The dumbo CONGis, AAPtards, foreign sponsored NGOs, PAIDMEDIA all are hoping after hope that Kujli can prevent Modi and destroy India
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by gandharva »

West funded NGOs announce new outfit to stop Modi

Ahmedabad, 19 January 2014

A group of major America/west/church funded NGOs and others is out again with their evergreen “Stop Modi” project. In a press conference held in Ahmedabad today, Foreign funded NGO operators Lalji Desai ( Jameen Adhikar Andolan – Gujarat (JAAG)), Gagan Sethi (Janvikas) , Manan Trivedi ( Anhad) and Shabnam Hashmi along with left leaning Indu Kumar Jani ( Editor Naya Marg) and Rajnibhai Dave(Editor Bhoomiputra) announced formation of JANVADI VICHAR ANDOLAN, BHARAT ( JAVAB).

They said the formation of this front is against Hindutva agenda and communal forces.

“We feel that we need to intervene urgently to the best of our ability to ensure the defeat of communal forces.”

“It will be our effort to appeal to all secular forces to ensure that the anti-communal vote does not splinter. The platform will work in some select constituencies to repel any communal polarization through its grass roots campaigns and meetings right up till the elections,” the statement further reads.

It also reads, “over the next ten days we will be contacting individuals and groups across India to join us. We will release the addresses of offices across India by January 30 and have a website functioning so that people can join the platform. This platform will have local branches in select constituencies. The local committees will conduct door to door campaigns, hold aman panchayats, foster dialogue between communities, ensure that people’s issues remain at the centre of the election campaign, and be vigilant against any communal-fascist propaganda.”

Following are the names associated with the JAVAB as per the release.

Aban Raza, painter, Delhi
Aisha Siddqui, Lucknow
Amit Sengupta, journalist, Delhi
Anand Patwardhan, Film maker
Asad Ashraf, Jamia Students Solidarity Forum, Delhi
Asad Zaidi, publisher, Delhi
Bhavana Ramrakhiani, Convenor, Ahmedabad Community Foundation
Bhavna Sharma, service, Delhi
Deepti Raju, senior activist, Ahmedabad
Dr Harshvardhan Hegde, surgeon, Delhi
Dr. Dilip Borah, Gauhati University, President Assam Sahitya Sanmilanee
Dr. Indrajeet Bezbaruah, Lumding College. Writer, Social activist.
Dr. Sabeeha Anwar
Dr. Subash Barman, Secretary, Assam college Teachers, Association, Goalpara
Dr.Monirul Hussain,Gauhati university
Emanuk Haque, Secretary, Bhasha o Chetana Samity, West Bengal
Gaurang Raval, Sauhard, Ahmedabad
Hafiz Ahmed, Convener, All India Secular Forum, Assam.
Harinesh Pandya, Janpath, Ahmedabad
Harsh Kapoor, South Asia Web
Indukumar Jani, Journalist, Editor Naya Marg, and senior activist, Ahmedabad
John Dayal, Catholic Union
Kedar Misra, writer, poet, Orissa
KN Panikkar, Historian, Kerala
Lalji Desai, senior activist, Ahmedabad
Madhumita Ray, activist, Orissa
Mahesh Bhatt, Film director
Manan Trivedi, activist
Manisha Sethi, academic, activist, JTSA
Manisha Trivedi, ANHAD
Mansi Sharma, activist, Delhi
Mohan Rao, Academic, Delhi
Mohd Aamir, Anhad
Mona Das, Academic, Delhi
Muniza Khan, Lucknow
Nandita Narain, Associate Professor, Dept of Maths, St. Stephen’s College.
Naresh Saxena , Lucknow
Navaid Hamid, Secretary Peoples’ Integration Council
Noorjehan Safia Niaz-BMMA, Mumbai
Pankti Jog, RTI activist, Ahmedabad
Persis Ginwalla, social activist, Ahmedabad
Pralayan Shanmuga Sundaram – theatre actor, director, Chennai
Prof Rooprekha Verma, Saajhi Duniya, Lucknow
Prof. Mohini Manglik, Lucknow
Prof. Ram Puniyani, writer, activist, Mumbai
Rajnibhai Dave, Editor Bhoomiputra and senior activist, Ahmedabad
Rahul Govind, Academic, Delhi
Raju Deepti, senior activist, Ahmedabad
Rakesh, Lucknow
Sagar Rabari, senior activist, Ahmedabad
Sahir Raza, cinematographer, Mumbai
Sanghamitra Misra, Academic, Delhi
Seema Mustafa, journalist
Shabnam Hashmi, activist
Sohail Hashmi, film maker
Sukumar Muralidharan, journalist
Suman Bhattacharyaya, media professional, Kolkata
Tanveer Nasreen, Associate Professor History, Kolkata
Tanvi Soni, activist, Gujarat
Tanweer Fazal, Academic, Delhi
Tarique Anwar , journalist, Delhi
Vijay Bharatiya,
Vivan Sundaram, artist, Delhi
Zakia Soman-BMMA ... stop-modi/
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by ramana »

Can some one make a flag with AAP written in a jaadu, INC on hand and put it on a red background. And tweet that.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Anantha »

rhytha wrote:
rkirankr wrote:All the AAP supporters should watch a Tamil movie called " KO" which was release few years ago when no one new Arvind Kerjriwal.
Oh yes, missed the connection. If one thinks about it, AAP growth is very similar to the one in that movie.

Now AAP is in government they are against media for exposing them :lol:
Thanks for the info. For those in the fast lane here is the summary
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by ramana »

Kiran Bedi is supporting Modi very vociferously now. Had she found the courage and run in delhi stae elections as asked by Bay Area people it could have been different.

Still better late than ever.
Looks like INC support to AAP made up her mind.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Shanmukh »

ramana wrote:Kiran Bedi is supporting Modi very vociferously now. Had she found the courage and run in delhi stae elections as asked by Bay Area people it could have been different.

Still better late than ever.
Looks like INC support to AAP made up her mind.
Does anyone know what Gen. V K Singh plans to do? He would be a great addition to Team NaMo. Apart from providing a superb insight into military matters, I personally think he should be the BJP candidate for the CM ship of Haryana.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by KLP Dubey »

SwamyG wrote: How does he keep delivering better speeches?
When one speaks from conviction, integrity, devotion to motherland, and genuine experience, such speeches come spontaneously. What a contrast between Shriman Modi and trailer-trash traitors like Sonia and Rahul who fumble to say even a few words convincingly.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by ashashi »

disha wrote: And government is not a "standup comedy"! None of the standup comedians like George Carlin, Richard Prior, Louis CK or even Russel Peters is running for US Congress or Indian MLA/MP legislature.
Standup Comedian cannot become a politician?
Reminds me of Mani Shankar Aiyer.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by ashashi »

Victor wrote:
ashashi wrote:
Check out famous comedians like George Carlin, Richird Prior, Louis CK etc, or even Russel Peters on You Tube. Russel is an Indian, and he insults every group of people, including Indians in his skits.
Just because dumb American yeehaw numbskulls lick sh!t doesn't mean we should too. What a pathetic measuring stick.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SaiK »

all characters in the kala angrez setup are sticom running gags with trademark haath lagao logos.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by member_20317 »

SaiK wrote:Another indirect way to get coverage is send SMS, asking for response - to basic questions like How do you want Modi to do x, y or z? keep asking question, and the response itself will give a prepoll data.
That would ensure involvement at a large scale.

TV says NaMo would be starting a new sub-format of the overall campaign. Net based sahbas/chaupals. They plan to ID 1000 shops that would offer chai biscuit and over the net NaMo is expected to address ~5 per day. This the TV claimed they would do in 300 seats.
Wonder how they will be targeting the potential voters with this.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SaiK »

you can have an impact, but can't measure and validate via chai shops.
it can be small beginning, with deep triggers... and it all depends on how many chai drinkers visit the shop and talk about namo.

get one more aam admi to chai shop, the next chai is free for you should be something to think off
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krishnan »

BJP should start a channel and tamil sub title all the speeches
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Muppalla »

krishnan wrote:BJP should start a channel and tamil sub title all the speeches
Based on a whatapp group I am in, I read that they are starting one in Tamil and Malayalam. It is stuck in IB ministry.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Comer »

vivek.rao wrote:Kumar Vishwas highly sexist and racist comments against Nurses from south India !
*snip* dumb video
And this guy is trying to be an MP in LS! I have seen lowbrow humor by a lot of people but not everyone is trying to be an MP. With this guy and the Somnath guy this looks like a party of lowbrow busybodies with a faux moralistic attitude. These guys will not only control Govt but will try to regulate culture too.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by archan »

KLP Dubey wrote:
SwamyG wrote: How does he keep delivering better speeches?
When one speaks from conviction, integrity, devotion to motherland, and genuine experience, such speeches come spontaneously. What a contrast between Shriman Modi and trailer-trash traitors like Sonia and Rahul who fumble to say even a few words convincingly.
KLP, Do you really need to use racist innuendos, that too American, to talk about Indian politicians? We get it, you don't like or approve of them. But why spoil the forum, you love?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by gandharva »

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SwamyG »

nageshks wrote:
ramana wrote:Kiran Bedi is supporting Modi very vociferously now. Had she found the courage and run in delhi stae elections as asked by Bay Area people it could have been different.

Still better late than ever.
Looks like INC support to AAP made up her mind.
Does anyone know what Gen. V K Singh plans to do? He would be a great addition to Team NaMo. Apart from providing a superb insight into military matters, I personally think he should be the BJP candidate for the CM ship of Haryana.
Based on one of the TV channels (cannot remember which one), it was all but confirmed that he would join BJP in about 2-3 weeks. I heard it last week. So probably we will know in February. The channel made it sound like they were deciding where he would contest from Rajasthan or Harayana (I hope I got this state correctly).
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by johneeG »

There are rumours that Sallu miyan's papa will get a LS tikit and thats the reason for sallu ji's latest stance in support of NaMo. SRK, on the other hand, seems to be firmly in kongi camp.

I am happy that Sachin has not joined any politics so far. AAP guys could have used him, but fortunately didn't. Perhaps because these political pigmies might get overshadowed by Sachin's presence. So, Sachin is the winner in this whole episode. He got his rathna but stayed away from politricks. And kongis are fighting a losing battle. Infact, the dynasty seems to be not even interested in fighting it. The non-appointment of pappu shows that dynasty has already given up. Will pappu or munni stay in the dhesh and do jugaad for 5 yrs in NaMo's regime? Highly unlikely! They will fly away to italia as soon as they can lest they end up in tihar.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krishnan »

they will stay back, maybe you are seeing rg take the PM seat in 10-15 years , who knowns , but i dont see them leave india
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by member_28352 »

johneeG wrote:There are rumours that Sallu miyan's papa will get a LS tikit and thats the reason for sallu ji's latest stance in support of NaMo.
Savarkar would have turned in his grave. Apparently Sallu's family, originally from Jabalpur, was involved in some love jihad case in the early days of independent India. Apparently there were riots in Jabalpur then because of this.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by nagesh »

No wonder,he speaks of the Sangh pariwar with such contempt.At a lecture he delivered on heart care at my office,I asked him what he thought about the use of 'Bottle gourd' juice in coronary blocks.He asked me where I heard of it,I gave out the name of Shri Sudarshanji,who in a NMO meet at Delhi had shared with us how after 2 angioplasties,(he developed coronary blocks,he refused to go in fr third surgery and instead taken bottle gourd juice tis,with tulsi,purina and rock salt(gave us the entire recipe) and lived on for more than 15 yrs thereafter).In reply,he asked me mockingly,'Do u believe those guys?'...that after when he had been awarded a Padmshri,by a swayamsewak ABV shortly ago!

Dr. Naresh Trehan was brought from america by Indira and she made a special rule for him that his income will never be taxed in Bharat.[/quote]
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Hari Seldon »

If NM becomes PM, I would fully expect many 'elitemen' to flee the country starting with dynas-tea all the way to the U R AnanthaMurty types....

There's zimbly too many skeletons in too many closets in lootyens Dilli for a yamuna-rivalling stench to not rise up once sunlight floods into 'em closets only.... and by jove it will with NM at the helm.... Bring back the 'approver' laws and watch the lootyens elitemen turn on their own kind.... beer-popcorn beckons already.... but coming back to reality, this scenario is precisely why the establishment will fight tooth and nail and claw and paw to keep NM out....
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by archan »

nagesh wrote: Dr. Naresh Trehan was brought from america by Indira and she made a special rule for him that his income will never be taxed in Bharat.
Any link for that? can a PM even do that?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by niran »

ShankarCag wrote:
johneeG wrote:There are rumours that Sallu miyan's papa will get a LS tikit and thats the reason for sallu ji's latest stance in support of NaMo.
Savarkar would have turned in his grave. Apparently Sallu's family, originally from Jabalpur, was involved in some love jihad case in the early days of independent India. Apparently there were riots in Jabalpur then because of this.
they originally are from Indore both cities 100 of km apart in terms of physical and abstract distance even now, their ancestral home still is present and senior khan still visit the place every two to three years.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by niran »

Dr. Trehan after quiting AIIMS went back to khan land then he joined Apollo which is the first karporate haspatal in India
to have the best Cardiac unit, there used to be a clause in tax code that if you open a "research Institute" you get dooty exemption for instrument
import for 15 years, service tax exemption for 15 years, income tax exemption for 15 years and interest free loan to the tune of 20 keyroar for 15 years ofcourse, notice the word research institute cropping up in cities under the guise of karporate haspataal?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by IndraD »

Trehan is a congress man. When Nirbhaya was to be moved to Singapore doctors from safdarjung and AIIMS refused point blank to do so as it was unethical and beyond belief to transport a patient with multi organ failure to abroad. Trehan came in and offered Medanta help, his anaesthetist Dr Yatin Mehta is the person who took the patient to Singapore. Every expert doctor who came on channels severely criticized the move
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by anmol »

nagesh wrote:No wonder,he speaks of the Sangh pariwar with such contempt.At a lecture he delivered on heart care at my office,I asked him what he thought about the use of 'Bottle gourd' juice in coronary blocks.He asked me where I heard of it,I gave out the name of Shri Sudarshanji,who in a NMO meet at Delhi had shared with us how after 2 angioplasties,(he developed coronary blocks,he refused to go in fr third surgery and instead taken bottle gourd juice tis,with tulsi,purina and rock salt(gave us the entire recipe) and lived on for more than 15 yrs thereafter).In reply,he asked me mockingly,'Do u believe those guys?'...that after when he had been awarded a Padmshri,by a swayamsewak ABV shortly ago!

Dr. Naresh Trehan was brought from america by Indira and she made a special rule for him that his income will never be taxed in Bharat.

Naresh Trehan, Madhu Trehan, Tejpal, william dalrymple others... before thathappened.
Last edited by anmol on 20 Jan 2014 15:30, edited 1 time in total.