Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Rahul M
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Rahul M »

kati ji, plz x-post in INA thread in mil.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by vivek.rao »

Time for transformation
They knew something that all of us didn’t. The Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA), after 10 years at the Centre, should be glad that it is unlikely to return to power. If it did, it would inherit a legacy that would be a millstone round its neck. This is in sharp contrast to what it had inherited from the previous NDA Government in 2004.

Almost every economic indicator has turned adverse. In the 10-year period, growth nearly halved from 8.1 per cent to 4.9 per cent, inflation more than doubled from 3.8 per cent to 9.5 per cent, and food inflation rose nearly 10 times from 1.3 per cent to 12.8 per cent. Job creation while the economy averaged almost 8 per cent was negligible: averaging 2 million jobs a year, even as additions to the working population averaged 12 million annually. Not only were not enough jobs being created to absorb additions to the labour force, the unemployment backlog has reached frightening proportions. It could threaten social chaos.

Similarly, the country’s coffers have been virtually cleaned out, adding to the worry of the next Government. The thorough neglect of public finance management over the last 10 years has meant that the country is carrying a huge debt overhang. Not only did it fail to plan for a rainy day, it has also spent wantonly on its misguided entitlement programmes, not to speak of the Rs 60,000 crore pre-election farm loan waiver of 2008-09. If it was a household budget, then the UPA regime would have pushed the country into a classic debt trap.

This sorry state of India’s public finances did not stop Finance Minister P Chidambaram from grandstanding during the vote-on-account he presented in February, claiming that he had managed to hold the country’s fiscal deficit (or year’s debt to the uninitiated) to the promised 4.8 per cent of gross domestic product.

It was nothing but smoke and mirrors. The balancing of books was managed by postponing accounting for the spending undertaken by the Government in 2013-14. Chidambaram announced a rollover of the fuel subsidy of Rs 35,000 crore to 2014-15 and omitted to mention the actual expenditure under food and fertiliser subsidies, claiming it was what he had budgeted for at the beginning of the year. The actual number is anybody’s guess, but it will most certainly add to the fiscal woes of the incoming Finance Minister.

For the UPA, this gimmickry is nothing new. Previously, it had floated oil bonds, essentially a book entry, to take the actual subsidy payments off its books and once again claim fiscal correction—more importantly, understating the actual debt burden. Chidambaram may have given good soundbites on his impeccable fiscal record, but foreign investors—key stakeholders in the Indian economy—were far from impressed. Moody’s, the global credit rating agency, signalled unambiguously after the presentation of the interim budget this year that it was unimpressed. ‘Moody’s stable outlook on India’s Baa3 sovereign rating incorporates the macro-economic risks posed by the government’s high deficit and debt ratios as well as its recent efforts to control the fiscal deficit through ad hoc measures,’ its statement read.

Presumably, the UPA overlooked the simple maxim that Abraham Lincoln articulated more than a century ago: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
Candidate Narendra Modi, like CM Modi, has given India enough indications that he has a workable plan for revival. The Gujarat Model of development has already been endorsed by renowned economists such as Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya. In their book, India’s Tryst with Destiny, Bhagwati and Panagariya have argued that the ‘Gujarat Model’—shorthand for development that is primarily growth and private-entrepreneurship driven—has paid off in achieving the goal of poverty alleviation. In their book, they also debunk the myth of the rival ‘Kerala Model’, which for them embodies redistribution and State-driven development. The professors argue that it is actually the Gujarat Model that has delivered on development even in Kerala. Contrary to common claims, Kerala has been a rapidly-growing state in the post-Independence era, which is the reason it ranks fourth among India’s larger states, according to per-capita gross state product (GSP), and first according to per-capita expenditure, they say.

Gujarat, which had inherited low scores on social indicators, has shown impressive progress. The state’s literacy rate has risen from 22 per cent in 1951 to 69 per cent in 2001 and 79 per cent in 2011. Its infant mortality rate per thousand has fallen from 144 in 1971 to 60 in 2001 and 41 in 2011. With its relatively high per-capita income as well as a high growth rate, Gujarat continues to generate high and rapidly rising levels of revenue, which, when combined with its good governance, promise sustained, accelerated and all-around progress. The conventional argument is that the Gujarat Model cannot be replicated across the country. Wrong!

Candidate Modi, with his proven record in growth- oriented governance, has evoked great expectations. Coping with this national sentiment is going to be a challenge. Just as foreign investors must be reassured, so must the beleaguered domestic constituency reeling under the twin burdens of persistent inflation and joblessness.

Compared with the spurt in new jobs from 2000 to 2005, India saw the creation of fewer than 3 million jobs in the five years between 2005 and 2010. This slow pace of job creation is worrisome, say economists, because 12 million people are estimated to join the workforce every year in the country. They are also anxious that the manufacturing sector has failed to ‘absorb’ those moving away from agriculture. This means that without large-scale job creation, India’s demographic dividend would become a burden, or a ‘demographic bulge’, resulting in social unrest and chaos.
Through his manifesto and stump speeches, Modi has sent out a message that a dispensation led by him will unlock nearly Rs 10,000 crore worth of infrastructure projects caught up in issues involving clearances, land acquisition or legal disputes. The multiplier effect of such an action would be enormous; restarting cash flows to these projects, enabling promoters to resume servicing their outstanding debt, and therefore relieving the finances of commercial banks by reducing their non-performing assets.

In the energy sector, the new Government would do well to make it easier for thermal power plants to access domestic coal resources. At the moment, due to mismanagement of environmental clearances, there is a huge backlog of clearances for coal mining. While that will have to be resolved, something drastic needs to be done to ensure that environmental pollution levels are minimised by granting power plants access to cleaner coal. The next regime could also set up a dedicated rail corridor network from coal mines to thermal power plants and other bulk users.

The next Government, senior BJP leaders assure Open, will come up with a new policy to ensure an optimal energy mix. In the short term, it will encourage coal-based energy resources, but in the medium-to-long term, a new fiscal incentive package to promote solar, wind and biomass energy may be expected. It has to demonstrate to the rest of the world that India is serious about its commitment to a green world. It will strengthen the hand of the country’s negotiators at the global high table—where, at present, India is considered a laggard and often tagged with China as a major handicap to a global green pact.

Similarly, the new Government is expected to leverage India’s new satellite capability, and conclude, within three months, a project that would map the water resources across 650,000 villages in the country. It will immediately highlight the magnitude of the problem of scarce water resources, and thereby help policy planners prepare a blueprint to address the issue.
It is least surprising, therefore, that the Modi government in Gujarat has, since 2004, received more than 285 awards for good governance. Among them are seven Prime Minister’s awards, 82 conferred by various central government departments, and 172 by well-known national and international agencies for its performance in various development areas. The Gujarat government has won accolades for best water and sanitation management in rural areas, housing development for poor urban people, and for best practices in controlling maternal and infant mortality. Gujarat’s Urban Development and Urban Housing Department has bagged several federal government awards for its public transport initiatives such as the BRTS, solid waste management, and water supply projects. The Modi-led government has also won numerous awards from the UN and other international agencies.

The new Central Government, under Modi, can be expected to evolve an alternative governance structure. For too long India has pursued a top-down approach. The UPA talked a lot about panchayats and empowering them, but followed up with mere token gestures. The Congress, which always believed in the maxim that ‘information is power’, never allowed much transparency in governance. So a starting point for a new governance model would be to set up a committee on governance made up of well-performing collectors from across India. The first task will be to digitise all birth and death records across the country; it is already active in several states. BJP leaders say that this could be achieved in the first three months of forming a new government. Once in place, this massive database can be used to generate free birth and death certificates for people. It is a simple gesture, but something that will go a long way in restoring the faith of the people of this country in its administrative machinery.
The coming days could also see a key role for state governments in the country’s foreign policy. Modi had suggested using cultural links as an important tool of soft power—something like establishing a fresh connect between Puducherry and France or Goa and Portgual. Experts have been pointing to Modi’s ‘5 Ts’—‘talent, tourism, technology, tradition and trade’—to drive home the point that his government’s focus will be on mutually beneficial relations. Modi has also categorically stated that economic diplomacy will be the backbone of his foreign policy. He has said that he knows only too well that as the world economy gets onto a recovery path, others will be keen to do business with India. Therefore, with him at the helm, the country can expect major breakthroughs in bilateral trade ties with other countries.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RamaY »

Mahendra wrote:LOL

Why were people observing muharram self lashing over the interview? Modiji was sweating? on the contrary he tore Doorknob Congress dog a new one, completely and utterly slapped him around before chewing him alive and spitting him out on the picture of Sonia mata

And he is correctly defining Yindooism, that too on MSM... this Yindooism includes jains, sikhs, buddhists are part of it.. and shows how other bhindians can get asylum by becoming yindoos, in their way of life onleee...
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Hari Seldon »

How successfully has modi managed to grab media spotlight? Well, here're some facts...

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by IndraD »

Modi alon turned the tides for BJP? Who is next????
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chaanakya »

Wait for NaMo to complete his three successful terms. Dienasty will be finished and new leadership will emerge from within Bharatavarsha.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Rahul Mehta »

Shouldnt the caps now be 33% green, and lotus be white?



NaMo's interview with paid Rajat Sharma was fixed = paid. And I havent seen interview with paid-Arnab. But in past, all interviews have been paid/fixed. And going by trend/tradition, this too must have been fixed = paid. I will say more after seeing the interview. Interview fixing and paid interviews are accepatable crimes. So I dont mind NaMo paying interview takers to avoid tough questions. But what I dislike is --- NaMo has cut deal with foreigners , and proof is that paid-Aranab = paid-ToI is owned and controlled and dictated by MNC-owners. And even then, paid-Arnab didnt ask tough questions to NaMo that would have failed NaMo big time.


Attn Muraliravi,

census-2011 numbers came out over 6 months back. Due to better transportation, and communication, this time, census data gathering was over jun-2012. And tabulation was fats because of computerization. Stupidest numbers like how many homes have 1 tubelight, 0 tubelight, 1 fan, 2 fants, store water in fridge or matka are out. But religion\language numbers are suppressed. NaMo supported Sonia's decision to withhold religion/language data. Why? Ask NaMo. The rumor mill says that Christian % population as per census-2011 in Gujarat has increased from 1% in year 2011 to 4% or even more year 2011. And if it is 4% , then actual share can be 7% as dalit are told by priests to call themselves Hindu and NOT Christian for reservation and other reasons. And rumor mill say that Muslim population % in Gujarat has increased from 9% to 12% in those 10 years !!! So if census-2011 religion numbers would have come, then Hinduvaadies across India would have rightly realized that Islamism and Missionares are far far stronger than Moditva, and Moditva is no solution to Islamism and Missionaries. Bandh mutti lakh kee, khul gayi to khakhkee. So NaMo supported Sonia Gandhi's decision to supress census-2011 religion/language numbers. Ganda he per dhandha hei yeh !!! Solution I propose is that you, me, all should ask all leaders to give Tahsilwise census-2011 data.

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Anantha »

Dec 10th at 5pm all outsiders have to leave Varanasi. We will see and know the true number of real supporters of AAPtards at that point. AK49 is going to be left alone will a small number of people. He is going to create a massive drama on the 12th during and after the poll closure.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Gus »

What the hell is wrong with people and their pie chart ratios...
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by sivab »

asmakhan pathan ‏@PathanAsmakhan 4h

Dear @narendramodi ji I must tell you 45% of Muslim women in #Varanasi will Vote for you.They're very impressed by U
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by sivab »

asmakhan pathan ‏@PathanAsmakhan May 8

muslim leaders & religious leaders are gathered at Varanasi to support @narendramodi ji #AbkiBaarModiSarkar
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Mort Walker »

Gus wrote:What the hell is wrong with people and their pie chart ratios...

I saw that and about spit up my coffee. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Mihaylo »

Gus wrote:What the hell is wrong with people and their pie chart ratios...

Saar it is a secular pie chart only.

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Mukesh.Kumar »

@Gus- Don't worry it's not our traditional pie chart but one of those fancy McKinsey type infographics where area covered is measure of ratio and not the angle.

Sir, accept it we have become old school.
Last edited by Mukesh.Kumar on 10 May 2014 01:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by panduranghari »

rvishwak wrote:
And is wearing a saffron tie!!
Great idea. We must all wear something saffron on 16th.

Can we spread this on twitter?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by shyamoo »

I'm definitely doing it. I have a beautiful shirt in light orange shade.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Chandragupta »

Narendea Modi is such a genius. One sentence of his has caused Maya, Mamta have both come out and said they will not support modi. More than Mamta, it's Maya who will suffer. Modi's saying of SABKA - SP, BSP, Congress all are together has been proved. If maya is against modi, she is automatically with congress. I expect a larger proportion of Dalit vote to BJP in the last phase.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by shyamoo »

Arjun wrote:Momentous changes have swept the Indian political firmament over the past year and a half, that are only likely to accelerate over the next year into 2014 and maybe beyond.

While the idea of India has been debated to death on this forum and other similar ones for more than a decade, the intellectual discourse was always strangely divorced from the on-the-ground political reality. This year finally marks the emergence in the country of a clear delineation of political alternatives - each with their own strongly sketched-out ideas of India and its place in the world.

A key factor bringing these alternate ideas into sharp focus has been the emergence of Narendra Modi as a political force, with ideas that some would say are radical - that India does not need to be forever mired in the Politics of Victimhood & Votebanking, that Governance can indeed be corruption-free at all levels, that Transformative economic development can coexist with drawing strength from Traditions & that Indians can come together meritocratically to push the achievement bar much higher in industry, sciences and other spheres. And that all of this can be achieved without relying on that old Indian (Nehruvian?) failing of Dynastic Raaj.


Hope the moderators allow this thread to remain for future discussion. India seems to be finally ready politically for mature analysis of these contrasting ideals, and the implications of each are clearly of enormous consequence to India’s future.
The above quote is from the first post on this thread. Way back in Dec 2012. BTW: Arjun saar, Thanks!!

Most of us, probably, never imagined of the possiblity present situation evolving the way it has. At least, it was not expected to happen in the near future. We might have hoped for or wished for it but not expected it.

Like the article quoted earlier. NaMo is the 'Inevitable One' as opposed to the Chosen One.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RamaY »

Mort Walker wrote:
Gus wrote:What the hell is wrong with people and their pie chart ratios...

I saw that and about spit up my coffee. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:mrgreen: this time they compensated the area with height. So if you add both you should get the proportion.... #Aaptards

I am so loving this election :lol:
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by IndraD »


wrong for IT to credit campaign, it was Modi Modi Modi all the way, the natural choice
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by disha »

rvishwak wrote:What happened to EC suddenly after the Press Conference yesterday?

1) Appointed an observer for Varanasi to oversee the DM.
2) Notice sent to Raul for making an speech about 22,000 people will be killed if BJP comes to power.
3) Further inquiry and notice for presence of Raul in polling booth in Amethi.
Commissioner Brahma openly and publicly chastised the EC for weak leadership and very very sharply pointed out lacunae's to ECs response on all of the above.

After that the commission had a marathon meeting and came up with a middle-ground "Hum saath-saath hain" report. However, the above 3 were put in motion. Rahul should be disqualified for next 10 years on both of the above. It will be interesting to watch (edited out for abuse - JE Menon) vadra doing her dance.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Nalla Baalu »

Is it a barter?: Tamil Nadu CEO as Varanasi poll observer for inaction on Rahul G's poll booth misadventure.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RamaY »

Eenadu reports that Modi's Varanasi Road show was in defiance to EC.

Is that correct?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Frederic »

disha wrote:
Commissioner Brahma openly and publicly chastised the EC for weak leadership and very very sharply pointed out lacunae's to ECs response on all of the above.

After that the commission had a marathon meeting and came up with a middle-ground "Hum saath-saath hain" report. However, the above 3 were put in motion. Rahul should be disqualified for next 10 years on both of the above. It will be interesting to watch Pink-chaddi-who vadra doing her dance.
Disha, any links for the news above?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Cosmo_R »

Mukesh.Kumar wrote:@Gus- Don't worry it's not our traditional pie chart but one of those fancy McKinsey type infographics where area covered is measure of ratio and not the angle.

Sir, accept it we have become old school.
Yes, it's more a 'nautilus' chart. I guess the whole is total airtime which would account for cricket, Bollywood, celebs and the 10 things you....the opium for the masses.
Ashok Sarraff
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Ashok Sarraff »

RamaY wrote:Eenadu reports that Modi's Varanasi Road show was in defiance to EC.

Is that correct?
Arjun Jaitley said in the press conference after the rally was banned by EC that NM will drive in the city as a common citizen and the EC cannot stop any citizen from traveling on the road because it is a free country.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by disha »

Frederic wrote:
disha wrote:
Commissioner Brahma openly and publicly chastised the EC for weak leadership and very very sharply pointed out lacunae's to ECs response on all of the above.

After that the commission had a marathon meeting and came up with a middle-ground "Hum saath-saath hain" report. However, the above 3 were put in motion. Rahul should be disqualified for next 10 years on both of the above. It will be interesting to watch Pink-chaddi-who vadra doing her dance.
Disha, any links for the news above?

Reminds me of Sunanda's Lupus. Even before she "officially died", several news channel "declared she committed suicide because she was suffering from Lupus". Proves that media is completely sold out and they change their stories., something that the new government should do is that any online story put out by media should be audited and backed up., and if it is tampered - media loses its license.

Here is the best I could find so far to back the above statement! ... 17654.aspx
Overseeing a highly-charged election while fighting off allegation of bias, the election commission (EC) seems to be facing problems in its own house too. Fissures in the EC became apparent with commissioner HS Brahma admitting Friday that it has been lax in acting on poll violations, even as the poll panel assured that all decisions were taken in “unanimity”.

“The EC shouldn’t go beyond eight to 10 hours to act on poll violation complaints,” Brahma said in an interview to Headlines Today, when asked why no action was taken against Rahul Gandhi even 48 hours after he was shown in a voting compartment in Amethi.

On the denial of permission for a Narendra Modi rally, he upheld Varanasi district magistrate Pranjal Yadav’s decision but said he could’ve been “more professional” and communicated with the BJP in a better way. Brahma’s remarks came a day after chief election commissioner VS Sampath said Yadav had acted on “professional advice”.

Asked for a response to Brahma’s remarks, the EC issued a statement — approved by all commissioners — saying the “top leadership comprising all three commissioners functions as a team and is discharging its constitutional responsibilities with firmness and the required promptitude”.

It denied it was taking longer to deal with poll violations. “The subjects that require minute inputs from the field and further verification take a little more time and are accordingly disposed of,” the EC statement read.

But earlier in the day, before the damage control exercise, the EC issued a rebuttal to Brahma’s claim that exit polls can’t be held till May 16, terming his statement a “slip of the tongue” and clarifying that the exit poll ban would end at 6.30pm on May 12.

The EC was also reported to be divided over the appointment of a new army chief with Brahma wanting the appointment deferred till after polls. But the other two commissioners were not willing to overrule the EC’s standing instruction allowing such appointments and there was no final view on the appointment till Friday evening.

On the complaint against Rahul, Brahma said the EC would take a decision either way by 6pm. But sources in the poll panel said the chief electoral officer has been asked to inquire as there was no clarity on whether Rahul had breached the secrecy of the vote.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by disha »

Here you go, producing in full before it gets SuNandified: ... 894940.cms
NEW DELHI: Faced with election commissioner HS Brahma's public criticism of the handling of the Varanasi stand-off on Friday, the Election Commission did a U-turn and appointed a special observer to oversee polling in the high-profile constituency where BJP's PM candidate Narendra Modi is being challenged by AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal and Congress's Ajay Rai.

With the appointment of Tamil Nadu chief electoral officer Praveen Kumar as special observer for Varanasi, Pranjal Yadav, district magistrate and returning officer of the constituency, will have to take a back seat in the conduct of polls. Yadav has been criticized by the saffron party for alleged partisanship after he declined permission for a Modi rally in the city.

Praveen Kumar's appointment marked a dramatic climbdown on the part of the EC, considering that chief election commissioner VS Sampath had publicly defended Yadav and rejected BJP's charge against him.

'Weak leadership spoiled EC's work'

The reversal appeared to have been caused by Brahma's public criticism of EC's handling of the dispute with BJP over the conduct of the returning officer. The election commissioner, who had on Thursday publicly interrupted Sampath, stunned many on Friday by telling media that there were lapses by both EC and Yadav in handling the confrontation. He also said the poll panel should have responded to BJP leader Arun Jaitley's letter promptly, adding that the poll watchdog's functioning had been hampered by its "weak leadership" — a not-so-subtle allusion to Sampath.

Although Brahma later in the evening signed on to a statement issued by the EC projecting a united front, the public outpouring confirmed BJP general secretary Amit Shah's claim earlier in the day that the poll body was divided over how to deal with the Varanasi returning officer.

In any case, the evidence of a split in EC had come on Thursday itself when Brahma interjected Sampath on the issue of whether Rahul Gandhi had committed a transgression when he entered polling booths in Amethi on May 7. "There is nothing grey about it," Brahma had snapped.

The appointment of a special observer for Varanasi came after a marathon meeting of the three election commissioners. Although the details could not be ascertained, Brahma's remarks in public, BJP's comment about division in EC and, above all, Praveen Kumar being placed above Yadav in Varanasi suggested that Brahma could have spoken his mind to his colleagues, Sampath and S N A Zaidi.

The subsequent unfurling of the banner proclaiming unity could be part of the compromise that the three commissioners hammered out. The panel issued a statement, which it claimed had approval of all three commissioners, clarifying that the top leadership worked as a "team" and denying any undue delay on its part in acting on complaints.

"The commission would like to reaffirm that there is complete coordination among the commissioners and all decisions are taken after due deliberation and in unanimity," it said.

On Thursday, Sampath had said the Varanasi DM had only acted as per professional advice that cited security and situational concerns.

However, barely 24 hours later, Brahma went public with his deviation from this stand. At a press interaction organized by the Indian Women's Press Corps, he said the undue delay on part of the Varanasi DM as well as EC in communicating denial of permission for Modi's rally at Benia Bagh was not justified and that BJP should have been told in time to enable the organizers to make alternative arrangements.

Suggesting that the EC leadership was "weak", Brahma said Sampath should have responded promptly to Jaitley's concerns either himself or asked one of the election commissioners to get in touch with him. "Why should anybody come to the EC, when the issue can be decided by the local thanedar or tehsildar... it means there is some urgency. If somebody approaches you for a genuine reason ... I have to either permit or say no and explain the grounds. I should not make him hang around for 24 hours," he said.

Talking about the lapses on part of the district magistrate, Brahma said even though his grounds for denial of permission for the Benia Bagh rally may have been justified, he should have conveyed his decision to the BJP leadership promptly.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SwamyG »

Is Nalini Singh, journalist, a closet Modi bhakt?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SaiK »

Mihaylo wrote:
Gus wrote:What the hell is wrong with people and their pie chart ratios...
Saar it is a secular pie chart only.
Nice one! Quota system onlee.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by anmol »

SwamyG wrote:Is Nalini Singh, journalist, a closet Modi bhakt?
Dont know but she is Arun Shourie's sister.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SaiK »

On what basis does India Today say Modi campaign touched only 1 in 4 voters. I would say 2 in 3 voters for the impact! Jai ho!
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Hari Seldon »

^1 in 4 is better. Am expecting national bjp voteshare of 30% thereabouts...
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Hari Seldon »


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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by disha »

^^ Wow :ROFL:

Twitter is really a great leveller and great at connecting back. I am sure even NaMo had a good laugh!
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Murugan »

what does this mean: Kindly help translating this statement

Yho moodittu velaiya Paris summary karuthu kanupellam venam euthanasia moodu
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by svenkat »

Yo (Oi),mooditu vaelaiya paaru-shut up(more like STFU all your holes),karuthu kanippellam venam-no need for opinion poll/survey,euthanasia ,moodu-close/mood(in english)

garbled sentence
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Rahul Mehta »

Bad morning everyone,

1. Decision of Congress/AAP/NaMo to replace excise with GST will WRONGLY benefit big companies and MNCs over small companies and new companies. How? please read on

2. Mauritius money mostly belong to Rothschild etc. The banks in Mauritius are owned by Rothschild. There is some Indian money, but Indians have to pay a fee to Rothschild to keep the money there and get tax benefits. The policy of Congress/NaMo/AAP that "capital gains and profits or Mauritius companies will NOT be taxed" is nothing but supporting slavery of Rothschild. see details later.

3. Rothschild etc have finally managed to force Swami Ramdevji to give up the demand to put "close Mauritius route" in Modifesto.

4. How MNC-owners forced Swami Ramdevji and NaMo to support the womb rental law that MMS had passed in year 2005 !!



1. As of today in excise law, say a factory owner = seller = S sells goods to buyer B for Rs 1000 and say the excise rate is 20%. Then the seller = S has to pay Rs 200 excise tax to the Govt. And if S doesnt pay Rs 200, then liability of Buyer B is zero. The govt will only track seller S. Whereas in VAT rules in Gujarat , if seller S sells goods to buyer B, and then if seller S doesnt pay VAT to govt, then buyer B will have to pay that VAT to govt, even though he may have already paid it to buyer B at the time of buying. The rule is said as "input VAT credit is disallowed if the vendor hasnt deposited the VAT". For more on this, please google on "sub-section-7A to section-11 of VAT act" for more. So now when NaMo brings GST, this section will also come. So if factory owner doenst pay GST, then buyer will have to pay GST. In such case, buyer will put less trust on new and small factory owner, and instead prefer to trade with large factory owner. IOW, GST will reduce acceptability of small factory owners , new factory and particularly new and small factory owners in the market.

Now all three parties , Congress, NaMo and AAP have supported the WTO demand to impose GST in India and remove excise. The solution I propose is that we should remove GST, VAT, service tax, excise and instead have wealth tax. Please see chap-25 for more on wealth tax.

NaMo has been forced to accept the WTO demand of GST. The MNC-owners in dec-2013 proved that they can project AK as anti-corruption hero and cut away as many as 25% of BJP voters to AAP. This forced NaMo to accept the WTO demand of GST. For solution I propose, pls see the Dharmic SMS thread.


2. There is a myth that money coming from Mauritius belongs to Indians. That is a lie. No one has any proof showing that money from Mauritius belongs to Indians. The banks in Mauritius are owned by British banking families such as Rothschild etc. Much of the money belongs to them only. They own the Mauritius Govt. Some money in Mauritius bank does belong to Indians. The Indians who invest via Mauritius banks dont have to pay in India, but they have to oay about 1% of TOTAL principal amount , not just profits, to Rothschild, and pay 3% of profits they earn to Mauritius Govt which is again channeled to Rothschild. All in all, "dont tax Mauritius investments" is nothing but slavery of Rothschild. Congress\AAP have always supported this Mauritius route. Now in dec-2013 , the MNC-owners showed how they can use AK to cut away the middle class voters away from BJP. And so now it seems that NaMo\Ramdevji too have agreed to support it.

3. Swami Ramdevji no longer talks about shutting down Mauritius route and cancelling tax subsidizes to SEZ. Swami Ramdevji had initially asked BJP to put "cancel Mauritius route and cancel tax subsidies to SEZ" demand in Modifesto, but NaMo seems to have forced\convinced Swami Ramdevji to drop these two demands. This was because MNC-owners proved in dec-2013 that they are capable of taking away as many as 50% of BJP voters towards AK-420 via paid-media. And so if NaMo\Ramdevji had continued with "cancel Mauritius route" proposal , then using paid-media, MNC-owners could have had cut away half the voters of BJP to AAP.

4. Women in West dont want to have even one kid, forget two. So the white population is declining across West. So in 2005, Congress\CPM MPs to pass womb rental act, known as Surrogacy Act so that womb renting industries grows in India and West can use that to increase its population. Now some workers of BJP, RSS, BST etc were hoping that NaMo will put "cancel Surrogacy act" clause in Modifesto-2014. But their hopes collapsed --- NaMo had made no such mention to cancel surrogacy act in Modifesto-2014. The reason was --- MNC-owners in dec-2013 proved to BJP that using paid-media and face of AK-420, they can cut away as many as 25% to 50% of BJP voters to AAP, and thus enable Congress to win. And so NaMo had to accept the MNC-owners' demand to continue the womb rental act in India. And Swami Ramdevji too is no longer demanding cancellation of surrogacy act. Likewise, demands of imposing 2 child rule is also passe. A new lollipop of Bangladeshi is given. But it is all hot air only.


So these are the problems. Solution? I have given the solution I propose in the Dharmic SMS thread. And IMO, it should be clear to all that "NaMo\Ramdevji solution" is too weak a solution to the coming MNC-owners , Missionary threat.

Basically, in 1500 AD Islamists were marching under Akbar. And they were winning because of some plus points like ban on usury (*) and instead use of partnerships, no inheritance on ownership of mosque, universal weapon education at mosques etc etc. And instead of copying these plus points, the Hindus back then did ONLY one thing ---- started worshipping Hemchandra like God. Time showed that strength that ban on usury, no inheritance on ownership of mosque etc rules give more strength to community that hero worshiping.

Today, we (minus me) Hindus are doing same mistake. Instead of copying the law-drafts that made West a powerhouse, we are resorting to hero-andh-bhakti. Lets accept the FACT that NaMo is no match against Rothschild, Rockefellar , Missionaries etc. And solution is to copy the law-drafts which made Rothschild, Rockefellar , Missionaries so powerful. And we dont copy these law-drafts, then MNC-owners and Missionary will take over away India just as islamists took over away India in 1500 AD. And this time, there may not be any way out.


(* - Islam banned interest on loans. This forced\enabled Muslims to create concepts of partnership, profit sharing, etc. And so craftsmanship = karigiri grew in Muslims and enabled Muslims to make better weapons. The Hindus back then refused to copy this ban on interest on loans, and so karigiri didnt grow and so weapons remain inferior. Now west invented voting, jury system, right to recall etc which enabled their craftsmanship = karigiri grow to a height unseen. And Muslims, Buddists and Hindus dont want to copy this, which is enabling West to defeat Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists etc)
Last edited by Rahul Mehta on 10 May 2014 08:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Singha »

a country constantly in political chaos and re-election mode, and AAP guerillas running around setting fires in the forest is perhaps the dream of AK to sustain his political career.

AAP and his ideology must be soundly crushed in the delhi elections at all costs. its got to end there and not left behind like a tumour that got missed in surgery.