West Asia News and Discussions

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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by TSJones »

Sathish_A wrote:
Surya wrote:Austin

the reason I suspect Trophy came into play is that the video does not show the aftermath

if it had destroyed am sure they would have been happy to provide the same

so I am suspecting it did minor damage

still would be interesting to see some more footage on effectiveness post Lebanon 2006
Exactly at 0.25 the projectile was still few inches away from the Merk, but at 0.26 it was a fireball. It clearly looks like a Trophy killing the RPG-29 :twisted:

Note the fireball and the dust plume, when RPG-29 hits MIA2. We cannot see this on Merk attack.

Tanks w/o infantry standing watch? With hatch open? Somebody does not understand tank/infantry concepts.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

from what little I have watched of OIF videos, if a IFV/hummer patrol column detected hostile fire from say a farmhouse or grove of trees near the road, they would usually halt, secure the area and call in a airstrike or call forward a abrams to pound the area.
in such cases the abrams is up in front with no infantry support.


listen to the soundtrack also 'you know whats good about this? its showing these people do not f*** with us, especially tanks'


again listen to the troops giggling and yelling in the back.....they are under orders to avoid unpredictable CQB and just dial in the airstrike or armour.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

Surya wrote:the chatter on othr forums too is that this is becoming an advertisement for Trophy
Thats correct , Some pics on other board revels this is an intercept of RPG-29 via APS.

Although I think Merks are one of the most highly protected tank far more armoured then any Western tank out there so RPG-29 hit would not have done much harm at best disabled the tracks if hit at the right place.

Past wars with Hizb reveled that Merks were over taken out by Kornet and Milan system if hit at right place.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

doesnt an RPG29 have the same penetration as Kornet/Hellfire if launched at its optimum distance of around 150meters?
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

Singha wrote:doesnt an RPG29 have the same penetration as Kornet/Hellfire if launched at its optimum distance of around 150meters?
No how can an RPG have the same penetration as a big missile ?

RPG-29 - 500-600 mm Tandem Heat Warhead Penetration for ERA
Kornet - 1000-1200 mm
Milan 2T - 900 m

From what I read the Hizb operate the older Kornet and Milan 2 for heavy anti-tank version not the more modern Kornet-M or Milan 2T , If I am not wrong IA operated both the newer Milan 2T and Kornet-M
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

Israel Attacks UN School where civilian fleed for safety , Killed 30.

Total Palestinian killed is by now 776
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by A_Gupta »

ISIS calling for female circumcision?
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/07/2 ... n-in-Mosul
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

Well,the GOIcast its lot in the UN vote ,voting against the Israeli offensive in Gaza. For a pro-Israel Modi regime that hopes to take the relationship to a higher level,it must've come as a surprise for the Israelis.The simple truth is that the casualties on the Palestinian side are overwhelming in comparison to the Israeli side,and most Israelis killed have been their soldiers,not innocent women and children on the Palestinian side.Here's veteran ME correspondent ,Fisk on the issue and the double standards being used by the West when compared to the MH tragedy..

http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/com ... 29726.html
Robert Fisk
Friday 25 July 2014
Eight hundred dead Palestinians. But Israel has impunity
There’s something very odd about our reactions to these two outrageous death tolls

Impunity is the word that comes to mind. Eight hundred dead Palestinians. Eight hundred. That’s infinitely more than twice the total dead of flight MH17 over Ukraine. And if you refer only to the “innocent” dead – ie no Hamas fighters, young sympathisers or corrupt Hamas officials, with whom the Israelis will, in due course, have to talk – then the women and children and elderly who have been slaughtered in Gaza are still well over the total number of MH17 victims.

And there’s something very odd, isn’t there, about our reactions to these two outrageous death tolls. In Gaza, we plead for a ceasefire but let them bury their dead in the sweltering slums of Gaza and cannot even open a humanitarian route for the wounded. For the passengers on MH17, we demand – immediately – proper burial and care for the relatives of the dead. We curse those who left bodies lying in the fields of eastern Ukraine – as many bodies have been lying, for a shorter time, perhaps, but under an equally oven-like sky, in Gaza.

Because – and this has been creeping up on me for years – we don’t care so much about the Palestinians, do we? We care neither about Israeli culpability, which is far greater because of the larger number of civilians the Israeli army have killed. Nor, for that matter, Hamas’s capability. Of course, God forbid that the figures should have been the other way round. If 800 Israelis had died and only 35 Palestinians, I think I know our reaction.

READ MORE: Israel is attempting to deal rationally with an enemy crazed with lust for our death
Israel has discovered that it's no longer so easy to get away with murder in the age of social media
Why I'm on the brink of burning my Israeli passport

We would call it – rightly – a slaughter, an atrocity, a crime for which the killers must be made accountable. Yes, Hamas should be made accountable, too. But why is it that the only criminals we are searching for today are the men who fired one – perhaps two – missiles at an airliner over Ukraine? If Israel’s dead equalled those of the Palestinians – and let me repeat, thank heavens this is not the case – I suspect that the Americans would be offering all military support to an Israel endangered by “Iranian-backed terrorists”. We would be demanding that Hamas hand over the monsters who fired rockets at Israel and who are, by the way, trying to hit aircraft at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport. But we are not doing this. Because those who have died are mostly Palestinians.

More questions. What’s the limit for Palestinian deaths before we have a ceasefire? Eight hundred? Or 8,000? Could we have a scorecard? The exchange rate for dead? Or would we just wait until our gorge rises at the blood and say enough – even for Israel’s war, enough is enough. It’s not as if we have not been through all this before.

From the massacre of Arab villagers by Israel’s new army in 1948, as it is set down by Israeli historians, to the Sabra and Shatila massacre, when Lebanese Christian allies of Israel murdered up to 1,700 people in 1982 while Israeli troops watched; from the Qana massacre of Lebanese Arabs at the UN base – yes, the UN again – in 1996, to another, smaller terrible killing at Qana (again) 10 years later. And so to the mass killing of civilians in the 2008-9 Gaza war.
And after Sabra and Shatila, there were inquiries, and after Qana there was an inquiry and after Gaza in 2008-9, there was an inquiry and don’t we remember the weight of it, somewhat lightened of course when Judge Goldstone did his best to disown it, when – according to my Israeli friends – he came under intense personal pressure.

In other words, we have been here before. The claim that only “terrorists” are to blame for those whom Hamas kills and only “terrorists” are to blame for those whom Israel kills (Hamas “terrorists”, of course). And the constant claim, repeated over and over and over, that Israel has the highest standards of any army in the world and would never hurt civilians. I recall here the 17,500 dead of Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon, most of whom were civilians. Have we forgotten all this?

And apart from impunity, the word stupidity comes to mind. I will forget here the corrupt Arabs and the killers of Isis and the wholesale mass murders of Iraq and Syria. Perhaps their indifference to “Palestine” is to be expected. They do not claim to represent our values. But what do we make of John Kerry, Obama’s Secretary of State, who told us last week that the “underlying issues” of the Israeli-Palestinian war need to be addressed? What on earth was he doing all last year when he claimed he was going to produce a Middle East peace in 12 months? Doesn’t he realise why the Palestinians are in Gaza?

The truth is that many hundreds of thousands of people around the world – I wish I could say millions – want an end to this impunity, an end to phrases such as “disproportionate casualties”. Disproportionate to what? Brave Israelis also feel this way. They write about it. Long live the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz. Meanwhile, the Arab, Muslim world becomes wilder with anger. And we will pay the price.

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/j ... e-proposal

"Stupid " JoKerry fails again.At least his track record is consistent!
John Kerry fails to secure Gaza ceasefire as efforts for truce continue
Binyamin Netanyahu's ministers and Hamas turn down plan, though 12-hour 'pause' may happen on Saturday
The US failed to secure agreement on a ceasefire to end 18 days of fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza on Friday night but insisted that efforts were continuing to arrange a humanitarian truce in time for a Muslim holiday early next week.

John Kerry, the US secretary of state, said he was confident of a breakthrough despite a reported decision by Israel's cabinet to reject the proposed terms. Israeli officials later announced a 12-hour "pause" from 8am on Saturday, Haaretz newspaper reported. Hamas was said to have agreed, according to al-Quds TV.

But in one of a flurry of contradictory moves, Israel's defence minister also warned that the army was preparing to expand ground operations in the coastal enclave, where the offensive has already claimed 850 Palestinian lives, three-quarters of them civilians.

Hamas has also signalled its opposition to the terms of the US ceasefire plan, which it deemed too favourable to Israel.
Its leader, Khaled Meshaal, has insisted on an end to the siege of Gaza; Israel on an end to cross-border attacks. The gap between the two sides remains wide.

"We are working toward a brief seven days of peace," Kerry said in Cairo. "Seven days of a humanitarian ceasefire in honour of Eid in order to be able to bring people together to try to work to create a more durable, sustainable ceasefire for the long run.

"The basic outline is approved by everyone. People believe that if the structures are right, a ceasefire is right. But it obviously has to be in ways that either side feels prejudiced." Israel, he said, "had some opposition to some concepts."

From Cairo, Kerry will fly to Paris, where he will meet officials from France, the UK and EU as well as Turkey and Qatar – two countries with influence over Hamas. "The whole world is watching tragic moment after tragic moment unfold and wondering when everyone is going to come to the their senses," he said.

Underlining the scale of the crisis, Unrwa, the UN refugee agency, said 160,000 people were now seeking shelter at its facilities. Palestinian militants again fired rockets from Gaza, triggering sirens across southern and central Israel, including at the main airport. No injuries were reported, with the Iron Dome interceptor system knocking out many of the missiles.

Israel army radio reported that Binyamin Netanyahu and his cabinet had been divided over the wisdom of accepting Kerry's proposal, which was supported by the UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon. Hawkish ministers were said to favour widening the ground operation in Gaza and warning against any gain for Hamas.

Under the US plan, Israeli troops could stay behind after a ceasefire to continue destroying cross-border tunnels. A week-long truce would be followed by talks on more permanent arrangements, under Egyptian supervision.

General Sami Turgeman, head of Israel's southern command, said his forces needed more time to destroy the tunnels. Hinting at the growing pressure for a ceasefire, he said: "We know that there are other timetables that can affect us, and we will use all the time that we have at our disposal." Turgeman said Hamas fighters were in poor shape and were finding it harder to launch rockets into Israel.

At least five West Bank deaths on Friday followed a big demonstration on Thursday night at the Qalandiya checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ramallah, in which 10,000 demonstrators marched in solidarity with Gaza.

Two men were shot dead by Israeli troops and about 250 people injured, mostly from gunshots.

"Ambulances were coming every minute," said a doctor in the hospital's emergency department. "We have seen this before but not since the intifada," he said, referring to the last Palestinian uprising.

Israel announced that an army reservist had been killed in Gaza, bringing to 34 the number of soldiers lost since its ground offensive began.
Gaza officials said Israeli strikes killed 55 Palestinians on Friday, including the head of media operations for Hamas and his son.

The Israeli military said that one of its soldiers who had been missing since a battle in Shujai'iya on Sunday was dead.
"Oron Shaul is defined as 'a soldier killed in action whose burial site is unknown'," said an Israel Defence Forces statement. The soldier was in an armoured vehicle ambushed by Palestinians.
The bodies of six other infantrymen were recovered but Shaul's fate had been unclear. If Hamas is holding Shaul's body, that may give the group leverage in bargaining for the release of prisoners which it is demanding as part of a ceasefire deal.

Unrwa issued a strongly worded statement about the Israeli military when a team including an international weapons expert visited the school at Beit Hanoun which came under attack on Thursday, causing at least 15 deaths and 200 injuries.

"The aim of the visit to the site was to survey the scene in the aftermath of the incident," Unrwa said.

"The Israeli army had been notified in advance about the composition of the team, the time and purpose of the visit. The mission had to be cut short and the team was forced to leave the area after gunfire around the school. We again underline our call for an immediate and comprehensive investigation."

Violence in the Palestinian territories was echoed in neighbouring Jordan, where about 2,000 people demonstrated in Amman after Friday prayers, chanting: "We sacrifice our blood and souls for you, Gaza" and "Bomb and destroy Tel Aviv." Protests were held in the northern cities of Zarqa and Irbid as well as in the south, in Karak.

In Iran hundreds of thousands of people took part in nationwide rallies in solidarity with Palestinians. Images showed demonstrators holding banners, such as one reading "Stop killing babies in Gaza". A group of demonstrators set fire to Israeli flags and carried puppets of Israeli and American officials.

In Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah, said: "This is the most critical period in the region's history since the rape of Palestine."
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by SwamyG »

The exclusivist cultural ideologies of Judeo- Christians and Islam, have caused most of the pain and suffering in the last 1000 years. Israel and ME have to be considered as a manifestation of their underlying problems. The ideologies hace really messed up tye people's head in that region. Christian culture has reformed and elevated itself to an extent on par with the eastern cultures. However the western political and economic thoughts have added more fuel to the fire. Supporting Israel might look appealing now because of their antiIslamic nature. But they are part of the problem, and not the victims.

Europe created Pakistan and Israel, and the World pays the price. One wishes both these people land in London or Paris and fight it out there.

A solution will arrive only when the fanatics in Judaism and Islam reform. Not going to happen in another 500 years.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by JE Menon »

If my memory serves, the latest round of bloodletting started with the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish teenagers. The response suggests that it is not advisable to do so. Hopefully the Palestinians who did this will learn not to repeat. Past experience suggests the learning curve there is sub-optimal.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by JE Menon »


What reform would you advise for the "fanatics of Judaism"?
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by A_Gupta »

JE Menon wrote:If my memory serves, the latest round of bloodletting started with the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish teenagers. The response suggests that it is not advisable to do so. Hopefully the Palestinians who did this will learn not to repeat. Past experience suggests the learning curve there is sub-optimal.
If memory serves, the violence started after the Palestinians announced a unity government including Fatah and Hamas. The deal was announced April 23, 2014. The very next day the Israelis struck Gaza. Though, per Wiki, there are a few rocket launches from Gaza each month, the previous airstrike by Israelis that I can find was in the beginning of March.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz had a story, behind a paywall unfortunately:
"Why is the Palestinian reconciliation driving Israel into a panic?
Contradictions are rife when it comes to Israel's refusal to engage in dialogue with Hamas."

that begins thusly:

"“Israel is an existing fact, and the State of Israel will continue to exist. But Hamas will only consider recognizing Israel when an independent Palestinian state is established … As a Palestinian, I want a state within the ‘67 borders,” said Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal in an interview with Reuters in January 2007. It was six months before Hamas’ armed... "

The fact is that Israel does not want peace with the Palestinians. They had no hesitation in aiding jihadis when the PLO was secular. This from 2002:
http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e10456.htm
Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

Israel "aided Hamas directly -- the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)," said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies.

Israel's support for Hamas "was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative," said a former senior CIA official.

All of which disgusts some former U.S. intelligence officials.

"The thing wrong with so many Israeli operations is that they try to be too sexy," said former CIA official Vincent Cannestraro.

According to former State Department counter-terrorism official Larry Johnson, "the Israelis are their own worst enemies when it comes to fighting terrorism."

"The Israelis are like a guy who sets fire to his hair and then tries to put it out by hitting it with a hammer."

"They do more to incite and sustain terrorism than curb it," he said.

Aid to Hamas may have looked clever, "but it was hardly designed to help smooth the waters," he said. "An operation like that gives weight to President George Bush's remark about there being a crisis in education."
Israel is no different from Unkil or the British, in not hesitating to raise jihad when it suits its purposes, and then fighting the blowback for years afterwards.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by A_Gupta »

JE Menon wrote:SwamyG

What reform would you advise for the "fanatics of Judaism"?
Stop stealing!

You know that even today, governments scramble to restore art or other items found to have been looted by the Nazis from the European Jews. One day the same justice will prevail for the Palestinians, and that is what terrifies the Israelis.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by A_Gupta »

ISIS blowing up monuments and shrines:
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/07/2 ... nah-s-Tomb
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by UlanBatori »

At least ISIS is being consistent with Ancient Islamic Tradition in that respect... and in the ritual mutilations.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by JwalaMukhi »

A jihadi from down under, from the land where the famous fatwa - uncovered meat left outside the refrigerator was epitomized displays his trophies (Graphic):
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/j ... -1.1880260
An Australian jihadist chillingly smiled while holding up several decapitated heads in front of a camera in Syria before spearing them to an iron fence for viewers on Twitter Thursday.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by JE Menon »


I'm not sure I understand what your position is... is it that Israel should allow the Palestinian state to emerge, and then wait for Hamas to consider whether it will recognise Israel?

Of course Israel aided Hamas when PLO was on top. I think we would have done the same, or something similar - probably a little more subtly though. I also don't think either Israel or Hamas were under any illusions, plus in those days there was Islamic Jihad in the occupied territories (another group).

Stealing what? Land? By that token all the land that Palestinians have now was "stolen" - only a little earlier. At what year do you want to start assessing greivances...

For the Palestinians it is a very easy decision. Submit. Or face what they are facing now. This is very similar to the choice offered to countless populations in the past, and will be again in the future. One just tries not to be on the receiving end.

For observers the decision is easy depending on where you stand. I think we can be fairly certain that, had the shoe been on the other foot, the kicks would certainly have been as vicious if not more - and probably none of us would be shedding any tears, because you know, that is how they are, that is what they do. And they wouldn't give a crap either way. Look at ISIS, the latest example.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by KLNMurthy »

JE Menon wrote:If my memory serves, the latest round of bloodletting started with the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish teenagers. The response suggests that it is not advisable to do so. Hopefully the Palestinians who did this will learn not to repeat. Past experience suggests the learning curve there is sub-optimal.
The rage and desperation of Palestinians will overwhelm their reason. Plus I suspect some Muslim meme that makes impossible to accept Jews as being in charge of their own destiny and security instead of putting themselves at the mercy of Muslims.

For its part, Israel is also being utterly inhumane and lawless in its pursuit of "never again."

We are seeing the natural limits on dharma inherent to the Abrahamic Jehovah-Allahist ideology. This tragedy won't end unless that ideology can be put back in the box.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Prem »

Present Panga in WA/ IP presents the proof of Punjabi saying, Sapp Nuu Sapp Larre Tey Zahar Kinuu Charre? How long before these religious rats gradulate to borrowed, stolen TN to annihilate each other.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by JwalaMukhi »

Way too much space is given to the palestine's problem as if they are the only people going through hardship in the entire world. They made their bed, let them lie in it. Regarding the vote- India has an excellent opportunity to figure out if in its establishment some had Yes Minister moment or if there is a coterie that believes in doing the things old way deliberately. It is good to expose such and take appropriate corrective actions. Appeasement be it for external audience (no, such gestures will not yield any jihadis to develop goodwill and have soft corner to other kuffars, be it release of Indian nurses or otherwise) or internal audience is bad. Even if there is one good gesture by external ummah pasand players, they will help in covering up many many wrong doings by jihadis against Indians. Ummah plays differently.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by JE Menon »

Firing into Israel has resumed despite ceasefire :D - after Israel extended the 12-hour truce by 4 hours. Hamas says it hasn't agreed to this and resumed firing. Truly Paki. This will be another resounding victory for the Palestinians. Morons.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Sathish_A »

JE Menon wrote:Firing into Israel has resumed despite ceasefire :D - after Israel extended the 12-hour truce by 4 hours. Hamas says it hasn't agreed to this and resumed firing. Truly Paki. This will be another resounding victory for the Palestinians. Morons.

The pakiness does not stop there...

Step 1. IDF eliminates a Hamas piglet with soosai belt on him trying to infiltrate the border. :twisted:
Step 2. Gaza abdul's takes his body on procession...however do not bother to remove the soosai belt and the trigger. :eek:
Step 3. Violent shaking is part of the procession and the result is obvious... :twisted:

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=31 ... =2&theater
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Prem »

Sathish_A wrote:[
Step 1. IDF eliminates a Hamas piglet with soosai belt on him trying to infiltrate the border. :twisted:
Step 2. Gaza abdul's takes his body on procession...however do not bother to remove the soosai belt and the trigger. :eek: Step 3. Violent shaking is part of the procession and the result is obvious... :twisted: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=31 ... =2&theater
Karma Was Kwick in action. AOA shouting sounds so stupid.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by chanakyaa »

Sathish_A wrote:Step 2. Gaza abdul's takes his body on procession...however do not bother to remove the soosai belt and the trigger. :eek:
This is so hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. The AoA after the blast was even more hilarious..
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

Very true.This is the world's oldest "blood feud".Solomon the un-wise fighting his brother Salmaan.Moshe against Moosa,Abraham against Ibrahim,David against Daood.If Shakespeare were alive today,he would've said,"a plague upon both your houses".
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

And the NSA allegedly has been bugging Nitin Gadkarii's bedroom since Oct last yr.! Sub Swamy has just been interviewed in the raging snoopgate sandal that has erupted in New Delhi.

With the Israeli "score" in the "Gaza Test" now 1000 and still counting,the world seems simply numbed by the senseless slaughter of the innocents. The humanitarian aspect has been so overwhelming that we are no longer outraged by the scenes of devastated Gaza,reduced to rubble and the human remains .The UK is now trying instead of stopping the Gaza slaughter to sue Putin in a legal suit when there is simply no evidence of Russian or his involvement.But such is the way of the white racist neo-imperialists engineering mass want the entire world to bow to their superiority. The asinine and horrific nature of this conflict is such that days are spent in arguing about a 12 hr or 24 hr. ceasefire during which another few hundred civilians have been killed.Is it no coincidence that we are at this very time commemorating the senseless slaughter during WW1,where millions died? Are we on the verge of another "Great War",a war to end all wars (!) which will start by engulfing the entire Middle East. Bibi Netanhayu appears game for it. So do ISIS. The Dear Lord forbid it if that entity starts targeting Israel.Hamas and the Hiz would look like boy scouts in comparison.

Is this report true or simply propaganda? Vietnam's famous tunnel network at Cu Chi is so well known worldwide,and the inspiration for militants international.

http://www.jpost.com/Operation-Protecti ... rea-369031

Report: Hamas in talks to buy missiles from North Korea
“Hamas is looking to replenish its stocks of missiles because of the large numbers it has fired at Israel," according to "The Telegraph."
Kim Jong-un
North Korea supreme leader Kim Jong-un Photo: REUTERS
Hamas and North Korea are in negotiations for a deal that would provide the Palestinian Islamist group in Gaza with a replenishment of missiles and communications equipment that would be used to continue its offensive, the British Daily Telegraph reported late Saturday.

The deal in the works is supposedly worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, the newspaper said.

“Hamas is looking for ways to replenish its stocks of missiles because of the large numbers it has fired at Israel in recent weeks,” a Western security source told The Telegraph. “North Korea is an obvious place to seek supplies because Pyongyang already has close ties with a number of militant Islamist groups in the Middle East.”

According to the report, a Lebanese company with ties to both Pyongyang and Hamas is being used as an intermediary.

The report also indicates that North Korea is suspected by Israel to have provided Hamas with know-how in building the extensive network of tunnels underneath the Gaza Strip. The North Koreans have gained a great deal of experience and expertise in the construction of tunnels, having built them in the tense demilitarized zone which separates the communist state from South Korea.
Hamas has exhausted a considerable amount of its arsenal of rockets in the three-week offensive.

Israel extends ceasefire for 24 hours, Gaza death toll surpasses 1,000
Published time: July 26, 2014
http://rt.com/news/175852-gaza-ceasefir ... -thousand/
Last edited by Philip on 27 Jul 2014 18:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by TSJones »

udaym wrote:
Sathish_A wrote:Step 2. Gaza abdul's takes his body on procession...however do not bother to remove the soosai belt and the trigger. :eek:
This is so hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. The AoA after the blast was even more hilarious..
No it's not funny. It's horrific. The body they were carrying did not explode. You could see it still wrapped in a sheet whole on the ground. One of the demonstrators must have been wearing a suicide vest and it accidentally went off. Why he was wearing it in his own territory I have no idea. Kismet, I guess. But it's not funny. God, it's going to take months to get the sight of those dismembered bodies out of my mind. Ugh. Terrorism got what it deserved but it's not funny. Stupid Palestinians.

I think back to the times I handled ordnance with disrespect. Good grief what idiot I was. Geezus.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

Seems some of the participant had those sucide bomb vest as the bodies seems intact , also the explosion seems to be far away from body.

Wonder why they wear those sucide vest out of operational necessity or out of sheer ( stupid ) bravado.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by chetak »

Maziar Irani @Maziari · Jul 25
800,000 tons of CEMENT donated by Israel to Gaza to build schools&hospitals used in tunnels to kill Israeli citizens.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by chanakyaa »

TSJones wrote:
udaym wrote:..
This is so hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. The AoA after the blast was even more hilarious..
No it's not funny. It's horrific. The body they were carrying did not explode. You could see it still wrapped in a sheet whole on the ground. One of the demonstrators must have been wearing a suicide vest and it accidentally went off. Why he was wearing it in his own territory I have no idea. Kismet, I guess. But it's not funny. God, it's going to take months to get the sight of those dismembered bodies out of my mind. Ugh. Terrorism got what it deserved but it's not funny. Stupid Palestinians.

I think back to the times I handled ordnance with disrespect. Good grief what idiot I was. Geezus.
Sorry TSJ. After hearing your clarification, it got worse. The uncontrollable laughter came back. Yes, it is horrific, but everything going on between Esrael and Hama$$ is horrific. Given that my attention went to other non/less horrific things. Wouldn't be surprised if Palastinian authorities issue following public safety advisory,

"Dear freedom fighters of, the great state of Palastine (from future which may never come), if you are planning to attend a procession of a martyr, please ensure that you leave you shoeside vest at home or the central shoeside depot. We are loosing so many of our young people in the fight with Esrael, that we do not want to loose any from stupid accidental shoeshide bla$ts. And, if you intend to leave you vest at home, please turn the switch off, to keep your family safe. Hope you know where it is." Now, I'll keep my laughter to myself, jai hind.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by UlanBatori »

Does it really matter a whole lot WHICH particular innocents are blown apart? For a soosai vest, or a mijjile warhead aimed into a crowded city,
success = Go Boom in a Crowd, hain?
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Neela »

TSJones wrote: No it's not funny. It's horrific. The body they were carrying did not explode. You could see it still wrapped in a sheet whole on the ground. One of the demonstrators must have been wearing a suicide vest and it accidentally went off. Why he was wearing it in his own territory I have no idea. Kismet, I guess. But it's not funny. God, it's going to take months to get the sight of those dismembered bodies out of my mind. Ugh. Terrorism got what it deserved but it's not funny. Stupid Palestinians.
I think back to the times I handled ordnance with disrespect. Good grief what idiot I was. Geezus.
Yes yes. All horrible. Abu Ghraib. GuantomanonamoMano Bay. This. All horrible.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by rohitvats »

Surya wrote:Rpg 29 attack on merkava
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=70 ... =2&theater

i cannot make out whether the trophy intercepted it or not
The crew of that RPG attack seems to have been trained well. Fired from a narrow FOV (to conceal the firer) and aimed at the tracks - a mobility kill. May be trying to set-up scene for more attack once the ARV come to haul the tank away. Again, shows the limitation of using tanks in built-up or urban areas. Good motivational video for the faithfuls.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by vishvak »

Is it not so that by international standards an attack by rockets, size of missiles, is an act of war? Suddenly no one is talking about 'international' laws because one side hamas isn't going to give a damn anyway. Or is it that hamas and ISIL are bankrolled by 'international' people of high certified secularism(per some arbiy international standard) and so it is convenient to ignore concerns of Israel.

So when is UN going to order misuse of cement by hamas even after elections were held and no one seems to be accountable! Also about suicide vests that seem to go around in hamas controlled areas - shouldn't UN be concerned about such happenstances? Where are investigations by UN about what ISIL is doing.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Vayutuvan »

Vishwak: how do you square that pits of yours with US voting no at UNCHR?
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by KLNMurthy »

udaym wrote: ...
Sorry TSJ. After hearing your clarification, it got worse. The uncontrollable laughter came back. Yes, it is horrific, but everything going on between Esrael and Hama$$ is horrific. Given that my attention went to other non/less horrific things. Wouldn't be surprised if Palastinian authorities issue following public safety advisory,

"Dear freedom fighters of, the great state of Palastine (from future which may never come), if you are planning to attend a procession of a martyr, please ensure that you leave you shoeside vest at home or the central shoeside depot. We are loosing so many of our young people in the fight with Esrael, that we do not want to loose any from stupid accidental shoeshide bla$ts. And, if you intend to leave you vest at home, please turn the switch off, to keep your family safe. Hope you know where it is." Now, I'll keep my laughter to myself, jai hind.
According to some, the original pioneers of suicide bombing were the LTTE. I guess, back then, it used to be called the shoe-side veshti.

Jai Hind.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by yvijay »

Sathish_A wrote:
The pakiness does not stop there...

Step 1. IDF eliminates a Hamas piglet with soosai belt on him trying to infiltrate the border. :twisted:
Step 2. Gaza abdul's takes his body on procession...however do not bother to remove the soosai belt and the trigger. :eek:
Step 3. Violent shaking is part of the procession and the result is obvious... :twisted:

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=31 ... =2&theater
Looks like that video is 2 years old from Syria. And the explosion is not from the dead body.
http://www.nbcnews.com/video/nightly-ne ... 1#48040371
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Shanmukh »

KLNMurthy wrote: According to some, the original pioneers of suicide bombing were the LTTE. I guess, back then, it used to be called the shoe-side veshti.

Jai Hind.
Out of curiosity, when was the first shoeside veshti exploded in Lanka? Or in general? I remember that the Hezbollah rammed the US barracks in Beirut in 1983, blowing up 200 or so US marines. And before that, there were German plans to blow up Adolf Hitler with a shoeside vesht. Although, none succeeded, in one case, one of the shoeside vesht bomber wannabes actually lit a 10 minute fuse to his bomb, while conducting old Adolf through a visit to a picture gallery, and Adolf left after just 2 minutes after that, leaving the poor perplexed wannabe bomber in a fit. He ran into a toilet to douse the fuse after Adolf left.
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