Re: US strike options on TSP

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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by pankajs » ‏@Salon 2h2 hours ago

The Supreme Court's latest ruling proves the legacy of Jim Crow is alive and well in America
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by UlanBatori »

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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by pankajs »

USAID seems deep into democracy promotion worldwide. We need to figure our what all projects it is involved in India. ... story.html

Whistleblowers say USAID’s IG removed critical details from public reports
After the fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in 2011, the U.S. Agency for International Development hired several non­governmental organizations to set up pro-democracy programs in Egypt — even though they were not registered to work in the country.

Less than a year later, the Egyptian government charged 43 NGO workers with operating illegally. Sixteen of them were Americans, including the son of then-U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

The Americans were freed in March 2012 after USAID secretly paid the Egyptian government $4.6 million in “bail” money.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by pankajs » ... tw-nytimes

Small Towns, Small Hearts
There are lots of folks like me in Berea, who came here for its professed openness and diversity. But we had a rude shock last week, when the City Council voted 5 to 3 against an ordinance to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

The vote illuminates a new reality for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans. The equality divide we face is no longer between red and blue states, but between urban and rural America. Even as we celebrate victories like this month’s Supreme Court order on same-sex marriage, the real front in the battle for equality remains the small towns that dot America’s landscape.

But step outside the cities and the picture changes, just as in most states. Kentucky is one of 29 states where it is perfectly legal to refuse service to anyone even perceived as being gay or transgender, and protections vary locally. Once we enter small towns we can be kicked out of restaurants, refused places to rent or fired from our jobs just because of who we are.

The opposition was mostly two large church congregations. At council meetings, they wore shirts embossed with “Vote No to Favoritism,” an ironic phrase, since religious groups are specifically protected from discrimination on state law books. Sometimes the protesters held signs that read “Against Fairness.” During the public hearing, anti-fairness folks uttered words like “sick” and “abomination” when the topics of transgender people and gay marriage arose.

Homophobia and racism are not unique to rural America; I have seen them in New York and Chicago, in sudden, violent spurts. Of course, cities also offer the opportunity to surround ourselves with like-minded people in a way that small towns do not. And intolerance pervades rural thinking in a different way, mostly brought about by constant preaching in the small white churches lining country roads, a dogma that is often welcomed into the public schools and takes up residence beneath the skin of the people. Rural homophobia can be quiet, but steady. It is a slow assault on the spirit sanctioned by states that refuse to enact legislation offering everyone equal protection.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Shreeman »

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there was a little bulletin board. Old history, long flushed. On this board were people who actually thought they were doing good work by expressing their opinion, news, making time to go take pictures of things. You know. Boards were new things then, now its all old hat. Social media is "the thing" now, the going term is "s1ut shaming".

A little while ago, it surprised me how little people understood what "the US" is. Even those living there. A very "stronk!!1!" crowd, that. Perhaps some enlightenment was merited. So, I responded to a "^^^^Where have you been?" without any tact. Since, I have come to realize that there is no renaissance possible in my lifetime.

And if I were to ignore the steaming pile, let it be on a singular inane post.

Let me put it this way. You remember that summons business that took place, in Neu Yolk? Well, not too long ago, I went to the closest institution of the same rank with a stomach complaint (gas, perhaps). And a few others. So its not all talking out of my hat. You know those papers that were posted, those identical ones and more were generated. You know that bit about Amber G and Ulanbatori sending people to Delhi -- Done; well the Norway is not all that different from Delhi in the bigger scheme of things. Anyway, what I talk of is not the territory of the famed Breet Pharara and I would have chosen better timing (given the E!bola scare) but "a lot of Sandy people don't have homes", and "we will just have to squeeze you in somewhere". Nonsense goes on.

The Too Long; Didn't Read -- Of all understanding the US that is necessary is the following: Recall when you were told how X worked in "the US" or Y is where "the US" is the best -- it is all "p00p".

For example, where to even start, lets see:

National Science Foundation -- The republicans are right when they tell you it should be long dead and buried.
National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control -- Rotten heaps showing their competence in the E!bola experience unfolding now.
Universities -- Stay at home kids (and don't get into debt!),
XYZ center of excellence -- cow dung.

or equivalently:

the local, state, and federal legislature -- all uniformly p00py, and
state or federal courts and supporting law enforcement-- utter, complete and unrefined horse manure kids. Stay the hell away if you can.


media -- the ToIlet is better because at least the writers don't understand what they are publishing.

The crumbling institutions are falling apart so fast, no one can get out of the way. The *ONLY* stories you hear is about how many mighty dollars in blood money were exchanged between entity X and Y. That is not something anyone should emulate. Don't let anyone tell you "theirs ij better", its NOT any better than "thiers ij longer".

And before you think that it is "because this poster lost something to this system or that"; it is not. The loss would be the future time and energy wasted on trying to make any sense beyond when the fan has been hit. Its not worth it.

Oh; and if someone knows what this sikhnet business is all about, please do chime in. Luck does tend to send me to weird places. Thank you kindly and I will henceforth, with discipline, return to my junior jamaadar pojition in the laal madarasa onlee.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by A_Gupta » ... 9046e320-1
The study, conducted by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, informs us that America’s least-trusted news source is conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, rated unreliable by almost 40 percent of all Americans. The also conservative Fox “News” follows closely at 37 percent. So America’s least-trusted news sources are also its most popular; Limbaugh hosts the number one show on radio and Fox is the highest-rated cable news outlet.

It gets better. Pew tells us America’s most trusted news source is CNN; the network that eschews any ideological identifier is considered reliable by 54 percent of us. Yet for as much as we supposedly trust it, we don’t seem to like it very much. Its ratings — despite a mild resurgence in recent months — are but a fraction of Fox’s and it is undergoing massive layoffs.

For what it’s worth, there’s evidence to support America’s perception of who is and is not trustworthy. PunditFact, an offshoot of PolitiFact, the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checking website, has issued a report card on the truthfulness of broadcast pundits by network. It’s an imperfect measure, but the results are still compelling. Over 60 percent of Fox pundit statements rated by PunditFact have been found to be some flavor of false.

CNN? Just 22 percent.

If all this sounds like a commercial for the network of holograms and missing plane obsessions, it isn’t. Rather, it’s a lament for the closing of the American mind.
Two years ago, at the request of yours truly, the people at Nielsen crunched some numbers. They found that in times of major breaking news — the examples used were the Columbine shooting, the Sept. 11 attacks, the commencement of the Iraq War, the Japanese tsunami and the death of Michael Jackson — ratings for all three cable news outlets tend to rise. But, almost without exception, the most dramatic spikes on a percentage basis are enjoyed by CNN. The week of Sept. 11, its ratings rose by 800 percent. No other network came close.

In other words, when something big has happened and people need to know what’s going on, they know where to go. They go where they can trust.

But on a routine day, many Americans, for as much as they will say otherwise, really don’t want to be informed so much as to be confirmed in their political biases, in the partisan version of truth that explains the world to them while making the fewest demands on intellect — and conscience. They need the “death panels” and “anchor” babies, the birther controversies and supposedly rampant voter fraud, the “threats” of sharia law and Obama-caused Ebola, the whole rickety structure of falsehood and fear upon which conservatism has built its alternate reality. That’s the whole reason Fox exists — and CNN barely does.

Read more here: ... rylink=cpy
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by UlanBatori » ... ?hpt=hp_t1
Still, the conventional wisdom to banish the president from key Senate battlegrounds, in favor of either Bill and Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, :rotfl: and even First Lady Michelle Obama made sense to most Senate Democratic campaigns. The president's low approval numbers plus the conservative terrain at risk for Democrats in Arkansas, Alaska and Louisiana was a "toxic combination," as another top strategist put it.

The problem with that approach, according to Democratic midterm second-guessers, is that it left the party with little to offer voters.

"I am becoming convinced that many Democrats made a mistake in trying to run away from President Obama and the Democratic party agenda," said Jim Manley, a former spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "How is the base supposed to get excited when elected Democrats are going to such great length to put as much distance as the can between them and a president that was elected twice by the American people," Manley asked.
Can u believe these ppl?
Back in Nov. 2008, the US was plunging headlong into depression, unemployment over 10%, tied up in two losing wars..
Now the stock market is way up, unemployment is at 5.5%, the $ is way up, gas prices are plunging to record lows, gold is down 50 tp 60%, the US is out of Iraq, and only losing mildly in Afghanistan.
The Obamacare system has taken hold, it sure isn't any worse than what was there before, and is probably a heck of a lot better. It is the first reform to take place in the stinking ripoff of the medical system.

All this time, the Republicans have NOTHING to show except that they have been obstructing all progress all this time.

And these chicken-sh1t racist Democrats can't find anything in themselves to use in a campaign to shut up the Republicans? Shows what they are made of. They are facing getting wiped out tomorrow, and the COTUS is going be more like a circus, filled with Palinist Creationist cretins.

Character shows, every time!
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by member_22733 »

It is rather hilarious, I think.

When white ppl get money (or grow old) they almost uniformly vote republican, when they become poor and start struggling they vote democrat (mostly young folks) the old ones still stick on with the Republicans.

So what happens is this (for the last 15 - 20 years): 1) Democrat improves economy. 2) People are happy and they want low taxes etc so they vote him out 3) Republican destroys economy 4) people start struggling and out of desperation they vote him out ... etc etc. Of course the roles can and may flip sometime in the future, but its hilarious nevertheless.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Shreeman »

^^^ The senate, one hopes, wont turn red.

Still, the story here is very much like the scottland referendum. In non-presidential years, people dont really vote. If you go out tomorrow, check on the general enthusiasm levels.

Lastly, the voting systems are archaic -- paper and pen some places, punch cards other places, windows based touch screens more places that are even worse than paper and pen. Now there are voting rules that redistribute third and remaining loser votes among second choice candidates. And ballots themselves are identifiable to individual voters. then there are voter id laws. and ballot measures. the ballots --combining state, local council, high school board, blah, blah, ballot measures -- run into four five large pages. and its not always a check this box type ballot. its join these two lines, or fill in this box and so on.

Add the fragmentation between the two parties, and you have perfect sauce for status quo. i havent even touched gerrymandering. The US is not a popular vote democracy by definition, now it is quite poor even for representative/slate voting.

Doing a bit of volunteering in the system is eye opening.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by UlanBatori »

The incompetence of the Democrat Party is the main lesson of these past 2 years at least. No imagination, no leadership. They should have gone all-out ripping the Republicans to shreds, reminding the voters of all the obstructions, the govt shutdowns, the threats, the total negativity - and the fact that the economy has recovered despite the Republicans, not because of them. Instead all they can do is believe FOX news.

The Republicans simply attacked Dem candidates saying: "Look, s(he) endorses the President!" And the Dems believed that that was a negative and simply went into hiding. Now they do seem to be in for a "hiding", I don't see any miracles coming tomorrow.

I do believe the Senate is going to be as red as the House. Which makes it interesting: the Republicans will have no one to blame now, and can get themselves demolished come Nov. 2016. Oh, wait! I forgot one word that will save them: Hilarious Hillary!
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by vivek.rao »

UlanBatori wrote: ... ?hpt=hp_t1
Still, the conventional wisdom to banish the president from key Senate battlegrounds, in favor of either Bill and Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, :rotfl: and even First Lady Michelle Obama made sense to most Senate Democratic campaigns. The president's low approval numbers plus the conservative terrain at risk for Democrats in Arkansas, Alaska and Louisiana was a "toxic combination," as another top strategist put it.

The problem with that approach, according to Democratic midterm second-guessers, is that it left the party with little to offer voters.

"I am becoming convinced that many Democrats made a mistake in trying to run away from President Obama and the Democratic party agenda," said Jim Manley, a former spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "How is the base supposed to get excited when elected Democrats are going to such great length to put as much distance as the can between them and a president that was elected twice by the American people," Manley asked.
Can u believe these ppl?
Back in Nov. 2008, the US was plunging headlong into depression, unemployment over 10%, tied up in two losing wars..
Now the stock market is way up, unemployment is at 5.5%, the $ is way up, gas prices are plunging to record lows, gold is down 50 tp 60%, the US is out of Iraq, and only losing mildly in Afghanistan.
The Obamacare system has taken hold, it sure isn't any worse than what was there before, and is probably a heck of a lot better. It is the first reform to take place in the stinking ripoff of the medical system.

All this time, the Republicans have NOTHING to show except that they have been obstructing all progress all this time.

And these chicken-sh1t racist Democrats can't find anything in themselves to use in a campaign to shut up the Republicans? Shows what they are made of. They are facing getting wiped out tomorrow, and the COTUS is going be more like a circus, filled with Palinist Creationist cretins.

Character shows, every time!

Morons of Democratic party hate Modi and Hinduism. They probably can learn few lessons from Modiji's campaign and ideas. But then they send Teesta Setlvad to find out mass graves of Modiji Gujarat based on the scum society of mentally retarded lefty NRI gangs.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Y. Kanan »

With recent US elections it looks like Republicans are on their way to regaining full control of the US govt. They already control both House and Senate and it looks likely they'll take the presidency in 2016.

So I have a genuine question for fellow BR'ites. Which US political party is more dangerous to India? Or the world for that matter?

I'm having a hard time deciding. Over the years we have seen both the Republicans and the Democrats support Islamic terrorism and work to destabilize India, Russia and other countries that are not already vassals of the US. Under Republicans we watched the US and Saudi kick the global jihad movement into high gear in the 1980s and kill tens of thousands of our countrymen in the process (mostly in Kashmir). In the 90's we watched the Democrats cozy up to China, support Islamic militancy in the Balkans and Chechnya, slap sanctions on India, and even support the Taliban right up to 1999 until it became politically impossible to continue doing so. Then we watched the Republicans sh*t on India and strengthen the Pakistani terrorist state for 8 years, while also encroaching on Russia and plunging the entire Middle East into chaos. Then the Democrats continued basically the same policies from 2008 until the present day, except now they've really gone off the deep end, abandoning any pretense of giving lip service to human rights, democracy, etc by directly arming and funding Islamic radicals in Syria & Iraq that make the Taliban looks like schoolboys. We now have the US directly funding the most disgusting and reprehensible Islamic terror groups without even bothering to cloak their involvement through a third party as they did with Pakistan in the 1980's. Under Obama the US seems to have fully jumped into the Saudi\Pak\Sunni camp with both feet, and in so doing has plunged much of the Middle East into chaos. Meanwhile, US efforts to weaken and destabilize Russia have also increased manifold.

All this has me wondering what nefarious schemes the evil doers in Washington have in store for India, especially now that we've got a "Hindi Nationalist" gov't that won't bend over like all the previous ones. If they take power will Republicans continue down the ever more extreme path that Obama has taken? Will we now see the United States once again openly supporting Pakistan and its Islamic terrorism against India? Will Hillary be an even bigger nightmare for the world than Obama has been? Would the next Republican president be even worse?

Just curious what you all think.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by vera_k »

Y. Kanan wrote:So I have a genuine question for fellow BR'ites. Which US political party is more dangerous to India? Or the world for that matter?
In those terms, both are equally unpleasant. Remember they are elected to serve the US, not the world or India. By virtue of being a superpower, both would pursue what would be considered as right-wing policies by foreigners.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by shiv »

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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Shreeman »

All I have to say re. the election oucome is -- awww, p000p!
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by member_22733 »

As far as the US goes there are two constants:
1) Slide into authoritarianism and facism. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum each parties fall. --> Internal and external impact
2) Anti Indic/Anti-Pagan stance and subtle but pervasive racism. --> External impact

These two will remain until the US is the sick old man of the world.

As far as what is going to happen within the US, the voters are irreversibly polarized. Its about to get much more dirtier than it already is, just a matter of time before more open and blatant votebank politics occurs in the US. At this time it is very subtle, like Gerrymandering for ex.

With this victory, the Republicans have smelt blood and they will strike at the coloreds sooner or later. Obviously this will alienate the Black/Hispanic/Colored voters and that wound will not be forgotten in the near future.

Shit is about to hit the fan........
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by member_22733 »

Shreeman wrote:All I have to say re. the election oucome is -- awww, p000p!

Just as (almost everyone) predicted. Although I did underestimate how much the white voter has been polarized. They are polarized enough to vote for some really amazing nutjobs this time.

The propaganda machinery on the Republican side is truly an amazing machine. They know the fear of the whites, and they capitalize it to the fullest.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by pankajs »

Some really weird proposals will start making their way through congress.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Y. Kanan »

LokeshC wrote:As far as the US goes there are two constants:
1) Slide into authoritarianism and facism. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum each parties fall.
Too late, already happened. :) But it's more the "corporate fascism" variety like Singapore. The US govt is already controlled by the country's big corporations, with the banking, financial, military industrial and big oil sectors seemingly pulling most of the strings. Similarly, just five US corporations (all in bed with each other & Washington) control all the scores of US TV and print media outlets, ensuring that 90% of Americans get all their news from one (controlled) source. The whole American setup, with an unelected ruling oligarchy, controlled media and the mass-surveillance\police-state culture, actually reminds me a lot of Russia.
With this victory, the Republicans have smelt blood and they will strike at the coloreds sooner or later. Obviously this will alienate the Black/Hispanic/Colored voters and that wound will not be forgotten in the near future.
This I actually disagree with. No such thing will happen. The US population, even Republican voters, just don't have it in them. They're too fat, lazy and apathetic to engage in the kind of extremism you describe. Secondly, the US ruling establishment actually has no interest in stopping illegal immigration; where do you think they get all their slave labour? Illegal immigration is the wild card that will rescue the US from terminal economic decline; the Mexicans are the reason US birth rates aren't declining like Europe, China, Japan and other competitors. This, along with their recent oil & natural gas boom, will give the American economy a new lease on life, and allow them to avoid the stagnation and decline that would have been otherwise inevitable.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by SBajwa »

Which US political party is more dangerous to India? Or the world for that matter?
Democrats are more dangerous to India virtually because they are closet Islamists and 100% of Islamists vote them, check state of Michigan.

Republicans starting from Nixon to Reagan were in cahoots with Islamists but since then starting with Sr. Bush and then Jr. Bush they are more or less trying to move away from the Saudis and dependence on Arabians.

We have always voted Republican since after Clinton.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by abhischekcc »

Republicans are good for India and democrats are bad, that's the simple logic.

Republicans may be more right wing, but they are capitalists at heart, and would be willing to cut a deal with India and not give loose talk about human rights. Democrats on the other hand are certified psychopaths, who want to do deals and bullshit us as well. Not to mention the democrats are in bed with China far more than Republicans can ever be.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by UlanBatori »

Sign of the times, but as Dylan said,
The times they are a- changing
It's going to be interesting to watch his next show. I actually watched part of the show where Affleck was demonstrating why actors should just look pretty and STFP, but fell asleep.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Y. Kanan »

UlanBatori wrote:Sign of the times, but as Dylan said,
The times they are a- changing
It's going to be interesting to watch his next show. I actually watched part of the show where Affleck was demonstrating why actors should just look pretty and STFP, but fell asleep.
Ben Affleck... textbook definition of the useful idiot.

American liberals, like our own variety, have never learned the key lesson of liberalism. There's nothing "liberal" or "open-minded" about tolerating intolerance. It's funny to see western liberals tripping all over themselves to defend Islam while they reserve the harshest of criticisms for their own neo-nazi or skinhead types. There is of course little functional difference between Islam and neo-nazi beliefs, but Islam is ok because it's a religion, while neo-nazis are bad because their belief system is an ideology.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Gus »

you should see the next week's episode. he had some muslim woman who claimed to be a 'secular muslim' (the 'global citizen' types in the outermost layer in shiv's concentric circles)..that woman was all over the place.

to his credit, bill maher is the only progressive/liberal person on tv who consistently brings up this 'cannot be tolerant of intolerance, as that is against liberal values' against the 'oh no, we should not speak anything at all, against muslims or islam in an educated and targeted/nuanced way on things that seem wrong to us'
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Y. Kanan »

Gus wrote:you should see the next week's episode. he had some muslim woman who claimed to be a 'secular muslim' (the 'global citizen' types in the outermost layer in shiv's concentric circles)..that woman was all over the place.

to his credit, bill maher is the only progressive/liberal person on tv who consistently brings up this 'cannot be tolerant of intolerance, as that is against liberal values' against the 'oh no, we should not speak anything at all, against muslims or islam in an educated and targeted/nuanced way on things that seem wrong to us'
I like Bill Maher, too, from what little I've seen of him. You should see the move "Religilous", although it may leave you very worried about the future of India with our huge muslim population.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by A_Gupta »

Christine Fair @CChristineFair · 2h 2 hours ago

With every passing year, it becomes ever more clear that Merkin Jesus-e-stan is so much like al Bakistan.
0 replies 2 retweets 3 favorites
Christine Fair @CChristineFair · 2h 2 hours ago

also at a loss as to why so many Merkins are so pissed at Obama. Our economy has rebounded etc. This is ideological. Becoming Jesus-e-stan.
0 replies 1 retweet 3 favorites
Christine Fair @CChristineFair · 2h 2 hours ago

I'm also at a loss as to why women sign up to this reptard anti-woman agenda.
0 replies 2 retweets 3 favorites
Christine Fair @CChristineFair · 2h 2 hours ago

I really don't understand how we Merkins can elect officials who don't believe in science to protect our national interest. Merkastan?
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by A_Gupta »

Not sure where to put this, but this is as good a place as any: ... lternative
On how to frame political issues in the US.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Shreeman »

LokeshC wrote:
Shreeman wrote:All I have to say re. the election oucome is -- awww, p000p!

Just as (almost everyone) predicted. Although I did underestimate how much the white voter has been polarized. They are polarized enough to vote for some really amazing nutjobs this time.

The propaganda machinery on the Republican side is truly an amazing machine. They know the fear of the whites, and they capitalize it to the fullest.
Lokesh Chandra,

I didnt really intend to disclose this, but might as well. I ran a practical social experiment beyond just reading the news to test some of these very theories. The anecdotal evidence does not support *ANY* theories put together by *ANY* analyst. Here or elsewhere.

The US citizens will take it in the ar$e with vengeance as republicans run full throttle to turn back anything and everythung oibama did. But to argue that it is because of republican campaign success or democratic incompetence is as far from truth as can be.

The voting demographics by AGE are the only story here. This is nothing more than a repeat of scottish referendum. Voting was also a lot more difficult everywhere this cycle, and that trend too will continue in the future.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by pankajs »

Christine Fair @CChristineFair · 7h 7 hours ago

With every passing year, it becomes ever more clear that Merkin Jesus-e-stan is so much like al Bakistan.
Christine Fair @CChristineFair · 7h 7 hours ago

also at a loss as to why so many Merkins are so pissed at Obama. Our economy has rebounded etc. This is ideological. Becoming Jesus-e-stan.
Christine Fair @CChristineFair · 7h 7 hours ago

I'm also at a loss as to why women sign up to this reptard anti-woman agenda.
Christine Fair @CChristineFair · 7h 7 hours ago

I really don't understand how we Merkins can elect officials who don't believe in science to protect our national interest. Merkastan?
Bakistan has gone mainstream?
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by pankajs »

As expected Ombaba is going to press forward on emigration.
Bloomberg News ‏@BloombergNews 17m17 minutes ago

Obama to move on immigration even with warning, aide says:
President Barack Obama won’t scale back plans for unilateral action on immigration and will press forward with his agenda even as Republican leaders warned of a poisoned relationship, a top aide said today.

“We’re going to do what we think is best for the country,” senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told reporters and editors at a Bloomberg breakfast in Washington. “If they have disagreements about the things we do, they have the capacity to legislate.”

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and House Speaker John Boehner, an Ohio Republican, have said Obama should delay executive action on immigration he promised by the end of the year to avoid antagonizing members of their party.

Obama may use his authority to protect millions more undocumented immigrants already in the U.S. from deportation. He already acted in 2012 to stop deportations of undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by A_Gupta »

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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by member_22733 »

Shreeman wrote: The US citizens will take it in the ar$e with vengeance as republicans run full throttle to turn back anything and everythung oibama did. But to argue that it is because of republican campaign success or democratic incompetence is as far from truth as can be.

The voting demographics by AGE are the only story here. This is nothing more than a repeat of scottish referendum. Voting was also a lot more difficult everywhere this cycle, and that trend too will continue in the future.
Exactly. Some of the older white folks I know (very nice people if you know them personally) are extremely stuck up on ombaba, even the "liberal" ones. Some of these guys were actually walking with Martin Luther when they were youngsters, and now something about a "half-black" dude being a el-presidente is chilli in mushy. I keep reminding them that Ombaba is as much white as he is black, but to no avail. The "One-Drop-Rule" is still in effect.. apparently.

But having said that, one cannot deny that Faux Nooze is really doing some hardcore goebellian work.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by member_22733 »

pankajs wrote: Bakistan has gone mainstream?
Bakistanis themselves have started calling themselves with their true ummah name : Al-Bakistan.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by member_22733 »

Y. Kanan wrote:
With this victory, the Republicans have smelt blood and they will strike at the coloreds sooner or later. Obviously this will alienate the Black/Hispanic/Colored voters and that wound will not be forgotten in the near future.
This I actually disagree with. No such thing will happen. The US population, even Republican voters, just don't have it in them. They're too fat, lazy and apathetic to engage in the kind of extremism you describe. Secondly, the US ruling establishment actually has no interest in stopping illegal immigration; where do you think they get all their slave labour? Illegal immigration is the wild card that will rescue the US from terminal economic decline; the Mexicans are the reason US birth rates aren't declining like Europe, China, Japan and other competitors. This, along with their recent oil & natural gas boom, will give the American economy a new lease on life, and allow them to avoid the stagnation and decline that would have been otherwise inevitable.
I am really no fan of violence :) and I did not mean that my neighbors in burry Montana will one day turn Cliven Bundy on me (although technically I am Cliven Bundy's neighbor when I am in Montana :P ). So no, even though that is a remote possibility, I am not saying that here.

What will happen is stuff like women getting sued for the foetus getting hurt during childbirth (some nut job in one of the Dakotas was trying to or DID pass that abomination of a law). The natural rule in predominantly racially homogenous societies is that when they "tighten" their rules, its usually the minorities that get effed in the behinds. So I think the first woman who was put on trial for hurting a foetus, was an Asian (chinese/japaese etc) or an Indian (as in Indian American). White women usually wont end up with the book thrown at them.

Similarly, some local Sherrif might get some fire in his behinds to patrol more "aggressively". I always tell my non-white friends what to do in that case: RUN from that area.

These are just the outlines, they also show the other/darker side of a society somewhat rapidly loosing its conscience in the face of authoritarianism creeping in. Today its the minorities, tomorrow its going to be women, soon its going to be everybody. Just a matter of time.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Gus »

this sort of stuff are on the rise..and bound to, with republicans having total control over many states.. ... .html?_r=2
Such laws are increasingly being used as the basis for arresting women who have no intention of ending a pregnancy and for preventing women from making their own decisions about how they will give birth.

How does this play out? Based on the belief that he had an obligation to give a fetus a chance for life, a judge in Washington, D.C., ordered a critically ill 27-year-old woman who was 26 weeks pregnant to undergo a cesarean section, which he understood might kill her. Neither the woman nor her baby survived.

In Iowa, a pregnant woman who fell down a flight of stairs was reported to the police after seeking help at a hospital. She was arrested for “attempted fetal homicide.”

In Utah, a woman gave birth to twins; one was stillborn. Health care providers believed that the stillbirth was the result of the woman’s decision to delay having a cesarean. She was arrested on charges of fetal homicide.

In Louisiana, a woman who went to the hospital for unexplained vaginal bleeding was locked up for over a year on charges of second-degree murder before medical records revealed she had suffered a miscarriage at 11 to 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Florida has had a number of such cases. In one, a woman was held prisoner at a hospital to prevent her from going home while she appeared to be experiencing a miscarriage. She was forced to undergo a cesarean. Neither the detention nor the surgery prevented the pregnancy loss, but they did keep this mother from caring for her two small children at home. While a state court later found the detention unlawful, the opinion suggested that if the hospital had taken her prisoner later in her pregnancy, its actions might have been permissible.

In another case, a woman who had been in labor at home was picked up by a sheriff, strapped down in the back of an ambulance, taken to a hospital, and forced to have a cesarean she did not want. When this mother later protested what had happened, a court concluded that the woman’s personal constitutional rights “clearly did not outweigh the interests of the State of Florida in preserving the life of the unborn child.”

Anti-abortion reasoning has also provided the justification for arresting pregnant women who experience depression and have attempted suicide. A 22-year-old in South Carolina who was eight months pregnant attempted suicide by jumping out a window. She survived despite suffering severe injuries. Because she lost the pregnancy, she was arrested and jailed for the crime of homicide by child abuse.

These are not isolated or rare cases. Last year, we published a peer-reviewed study documenting 413 arrests or equivalent actions depriving pregnant women of their physical liberty during the 32 years between 1973, when Roe v. Wade was decided, and 2005. In a majority of these cases, women who had no intention of ending a pregnancy went to term and gave birth to a healthy baby. This includes the many cases where the pregnant woman was alleged to have used some amount of alcohol or a criminalized drug.

Since 2005, we have identified an additional 380 cases, with more arrests occurring every week. This significant increase coincides with what the Guttmacher Institute describes as a “seismic shift” in the number of states with laws hostile to abortion rights.

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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by member_28722 »

LokeshC wrote:As far as the US goes there are two constants:
1) Slide into authoritarianism and facism. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum each parties fall. --> Internal and external impact
2) Anti Indic/Anti-Pagan stance and subtle but pervasive racism. --> External impact

These two will remain until the US is the sick old man of the world.

As far as what is going to happen within the US, the voters are irreversibly polarized. Its about to get much more dirtier than it already is, just a matter of time before more open and blatant votebank politics occurs in the US. At this time it is very subtle, like Gerrymandering for ex.

With this victory, the Republicans have smelt blood and they will strike at the coloreds sooner or later. Obviously this will alienate the Black/Hispanic/Colored voters and that wound will not be forgotten in the near future.

Shit is about to hit the fan........
Sir, do you actually live in US?
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Vayutuvan »

Benjamin Disraeli via Samuel Langhorne Clemens wrote:lies, damn lies, and statististics
Average U.S. Retirement Age Rises to 62:Younger Americans are more likely to expect to retire before age 55

and an info-graphic (executive summary :?: )


Of course, there will be some who would retire before 60 and some after 60 (unless the distribution is Dirac delta or zero variance which doesn't seem to be the case from the details presented in the article).
Last edited by Vayutuvan on 12 Nov 2014 11:22, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by member_22733 »

saurabh.mhapsekar wrote:
LokeshC wrote:As far as the US goes there are two constants:
1) Slide into authoritarianism and facism. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum each parties fall. --> Internal and external impact
2) Anti Indic/Anti-Pagan stance and subtle but pervasive racism. --> External impact

These two will remain until the US is the sick old man of the world.

As far as what is going to happen within the US, the voters are irreversibly polarized. Its about to get much more dirtier than it already is, just a matter of time before more open and blatant votebank politics occurs in the US. At this time it is very subtle, like Gerrymandering for ex.

With this victory, the Republicans have smelt blood and they will strike at the coloreds sooner or later. Obviously this will alienate the Black/Hispanic/Colored voters and that wound will not be forgotten in the near future.

Shit is about to hit the fan........
Sir, do you actually live in US?
No sir. I am a European in Europe just imagining things after being high on some fine stuff from Amsterdam.

Added later: If you were being serious we can continue the discussion on the points I raised (and not on where I live or what I do, which should be none of your business).

If your goal is sarcasm, we can stop it here. --- Thanks.
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Re: Understanding the US-2

Post by Shreeman »

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