West Asia News and Discussions (YEMEN, gulf)

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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Gerard »

With a direct descendant of a King as its Prime Minister. Fitting.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Lalmohan »

sisi has ordered air strikes against ISIS targets in libya
hmmm... sisi... isis... co-in-ci-de-nce???!?!!
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Prem »

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-hea ... lp00000592
Frantic Intrigue of King Abdullah's Last Hours
King Abdullah's death was triggered by massive internal bleeding and not by pneumonia, informed Saudi sources have told me. The collapse in his health, which happened on December 31 last year, prevented the King from carrying out a plan to remove his half brother Salman from the position of crown prince and replace him with Prince Muqrin bin Abdel Aziz. Abdullah's own son Prince Meteb would have become next in line to the throne, the sources said.On December 31, the palace issued a statement which said the king had been admitted to hospital, but which disguised the severity of his condition. According to the state SPA news agency the king " entered today, Wednesday ... the King Abdulaziz Medical City of the National Guard in Riyadh to undergo some medical tests".Since Salman came to power, the Tuwaijri camp has lost out. The new crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef has gone out of his way to show that the kingdom's friends are changing. Yesterday he met the Turkish interior minister. Last week he chose Doha for his first official visit.There have also been a number of indicators that the Kingdom's policy on the Muslim Brotherhood , which Abdullah declared a terrorist organization, is about to change.He is the world's longest serving foreign minister, so his statement last week could not have been a slip of the tongue. Then, two days ago a confidant of Salman gave an interview in which he said it was "unreasonable" to designate the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.Ahmed al-Tuwaijri (no relation) a former member of the consultative assembly said: "He denied the Interior Ministry had designated the whole Brotherhood as terrorists and explained the "context" around the group's designation as an outlawed organization."There is something called linguistic context," Tuwaijri told Rotana, a television channel owned by Saudi billionaire al-Waleed bin Talal.The story of the court intrigues in Abdullah's last days, and the leaked recordings which have come out since then, show something that was not immediately apparent in June 2013, when Egypt's first elected president Mohammed Morsi was overthrown by his army, after mass demonstrations against his rule.The story shows how close the connections were between one faction in the Saudi royal court, the Egyptian military and UAE. Sisi was doing their bidding and expected to be paid handsomely for it. The tone of his remarks in the leaked recordings is one of a man who is contemptuous of his paymasters. At one point in the private discussions of his kitchen cabinet, the Gulf states are referred to as "half-states".The long arm of the Saudi royal court holds applies today to the shake-up that is currently under way. Salman's new personnel will forge new alliances, lifting the cover that Egypt's rulers have thus far enjoyed. This could be another factor behind the release of taped recordings of deeply incriminating conversations in Sisi's private office.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by ramana »

Gerard, Please elaborate? Cameron. Then the Kings have really descended!!!

LM, Looks like all those airstrikes are brutus fulmen.
More like show some anger and not really meet face to face.

Halaku Khan knew who to deal with all these ISIS type terrorists.

HK razed the Assasin castle.

So maybe Sisi is acting against ISIS due to fallout with KSA?
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Shreeman »

Libya is divided between the islamist tripoli and arabian/uae "western " government. Egypt has been itching (see previous unannounced airstrikes), now they have an excuse to make a proper FATA/Pakistan of it. With the same F16s.

No one has the stomach to pug boots on the ground. It will be fun once things start moving east from Libya. Yemen will need to heat up first. For now, all Libya will do is flood the med. with boats. Make money, setup people, easy to create distractions later. It went from 20 ->200 ->2000 a day just caught. Not counting those that make it across.

Europe wants problems, it can surely inherit them from ukraine, georgia, turkey, syria, libya, yemen.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

the refugee crises across the Med is payback for the decades of meddling and state failure Europe has participated in africa in the hunt for cheap natural resources.

most of the european mining and trading conglomerates and their associated govts were/are in the thick of it.

but with birth rates falling , perhaps africa can solve its worker shortage problem. far better than importing TSPians at any rate :mrgreen:
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by RamaY »

Through his paternal grandmother, Enid Agnes Maud Levita, Cameron is a lineal descendant of King William IV by his mistress Dorothea Jordan.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Prem »

This old woman have the guts , she is not scared at all.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z3RdENy5KJ
Two ISIS fighters were sitting in a car when the elderly woman approached
She told them the terror group is cursed and that they are not backed by God

Check her on the Video.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

A theory is gaining ground they do not desire stable political power but a confrontation
With crusaders in dabiq Syria.
A doomsday expediting cult. Hence pointlessly brutal things to get everyone involved.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Shreeman »

Singha wrote:A theory is gaining ground they do not desire stable political power but a confrontation
With crusaders in dabiq Syria.
A doomsday expediting cult. Hence pointlessly brutal things to get everyone involved.
It is easy to discount based on their financial transactions. They need an active conflict to keep recruits flowing and fighters motivated. Beyond that, they are no more doom oriented than jordan, egypt, or even israel.

If a large scale boots on ground operation happens, they will melt into the countryside. Otherwise, the lamd is theirs to torture. They have learnt from afpak, and somalia. And learnt well.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

Kind of next gem startup with all gathered wisdom of the old incumbents like tsp but agile.

But their vulnerability vs a more rural son of soil outfit like pakiban is this...
Their core of foreign fighter and elite leadership are mainly urban Iraqis, gulf urbans and euro urbans.
I do not think they can survive as a vietcong style rural org if urban centres are taken away and comforts of kidnapped women denied.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

Ramana,with the SNP predicted to do exceedingly well in the coming Brit elections,Britain will be reduced to the status of requiring building a new one or repairing Hadrian's Wall!

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 50206.html
'Of course Obama is pleased his moderate friends are taking on Isis – this is Arab killing Arab. Americans are safe. So are the Israelis'

Robert Fisk: Isis, in all its various mutations, can now claim it is fighting its enemies in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya and Algeria – and there's only one odd one out
Obama can take satisfaction in seeing ‘moderate’ Middle Eastern friends flying alongside

Robert Fisk
Monday 16 February 2015

Just when Washington and Nato feared they were going to be bombing Isis on their own, the self-styled “Islamic State” has single-handedly created a new Arab military alliance to bomb the West’s enemies.

By its seaside slaughter of 21 Egyptian Christians, Isis has brought ex-Field Marshal President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi into the war against it. And by burning Jordan’s captured pilot alive, it provoked 56 more air strikes from Jordan, a return to action by the UAE and a flight of Bahraini jets to Amman to help in the struggle. In what is almost a sideshow, Libya’s air force – supporting one of its country’s two rival governments – continues to bomb Isis fighters, but now in co-operation with Egypt.

So President Obama and the Pentagon can, it seems, take satisfaction in seeing their “moderate” friends in the Middle East flying alongside them in their latest version of the “war on terror”. So far, so good. No “boots on the ground”, as the now-hackneyed expression goes. No Western lives in danger – save for the pitiful handful of hostages still held in Raqaa. Of course, any Iraqi who opposes the “Islamic State”, any Iraqi Shia, and any Christian – Libyan or otherwise – who falls foul of Isis’s sectarian hatred, will suffer accordingly. But that will be Arab killing Arab. Americans are safe. So are the Israelis.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi offers his condolences to some of the Coptic families (AFP) President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi offers his condolences to some of the Coptic families (AFP)

But crystal balls almost always break in the Middle East – especially when, to expressions of outrage and shouts of “barbarism”, fighter jets take to the air. Isis, in all its various mutations, can now claim that it is fighting its enemies in Iraq, Syria, Arabia (Yemen), Egypt (Sinai), Libya and Algeria. It boasts as much, even warning that France and “French-speakers” – a clear allusion to Algeria’s ruling military-bourgeois elite – must expect to be attacked. Italy, too. And remember all those thousands of extra refugees who’ll now be washing up on Italian shores.

READ MORE: • Isis beheadings brings Islamists to the doorstep of Europe
• Egypt joins attacks with air strikes avenging massacre
• Italy warned Libyan jihadists are ‘just south of Rome’

But let’s start with Egypt. Ever since the now-elected President Sisi overthrew the previous democratically elected President, Mohamed Morsi, in 2013, Isis and its satellites have been fighting a ferocious campaign against Egyptian security forces in the Sinai peninsula. Sisi likes to conflate Isis with the Muslim Brothers, which is bad news for the thousands of Brotherhood supporters thronging Egypt’s jails – but bad news, too, for the Sisi regime. Islamists have shown themselves strong enough in the Sinai and they are already setting off bombs in Cairo – without acquiring new allies among the Brotherhood courtesy of the Egyptian President.

The Egyptian air strikes on “training camps and weapons caches” – by extraordinary circumstances, that’s exactly what Jordan’s air force claims to be targeting – may have been revenge for the murder of the 21 Christian Copts. And we all knew that women and children would be killed by the Egyptian planes.

But now Isis will want revenge for the Egyptian air raids. Will there be more bombs in Cairo itself? Definitely. Will there be assassination attempts against Sisi? Almost certainly. When the ex-dictator Hosni Mubarak fought his native Islamist enemies in the 1990s, he miraculously survived 15 murder attempts, one of them in Addis Ababa, at least two of them by soldiers belonging to the same Egyptian army from whose ranks came President Anwar Sadat’s killers in 1981. Mubarak was lucky. With Isis as his enemy, Sisi will now have to be even luckier.

After all, four months ago Islamists massacred 28 Egyptian security men in Sinai. Then just over two weeks ago, the “Islamic State’s” Egyptian militiamen butchered at least 30 more in a massive bombing at a military hotel and base in al-Arish. On that occasion, Sisi flew back from a conference in Ethiopia as his soldiers were being flown in pieces back to Cairo in a fleet of military aircraft. Egypt didn’t launch its war with Isis in yesterday’s air raids – the two sides had been killing each other for more than a year.

Protesters hold placards during a demonstration against the killing of Egyptian Coptic Christians (Reuters) Protesters hold placards during a demonstration against the killing of Egyptian Coptic Christians (Reuters) Shorn of its window-dressing, however, the Arab alliance does not look so impressive. UAE planes may have flown to Amman – but are they to be crewed by Emiratis or Jordanians? Bahrain has also sent some planes to Jordan; but this was a minuscule kingdom that felt so threatened by its own Shia majority in 2011 that it had to call in the Saudi army to occupy part of the island and protect the Sunni royal government.

Isis would no doubt like to provoke Sunni-Coptic armed violence in Egypt, reigniting a miniature war which has been smouldering for decades. An unlikely scenario. But Egypt’s support for the Libyan military of General Khalifa Haftar – who in turn supports the internationally-recognised Benghazi government – will only deepen the Libyan civil conflict.

But for Arabs, there is a clear message in all these alliances. Washington has an American-trained general in charge of the Libyan air force, an American-trained former field marshal and president in charge of Egypt, an American-educated and British-trained king in Jordan and two wealthy emirates with huge US investments – one of them headquarters to the US fleet in the Gulf – in the battle. Only that well-known dictator who has been fighting Isis for longer than any of them – Bashar al-Assad of Syria – is left out. For now.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

ISIS has already kidnapped some 30 egyptians in libya in revenge for the air strikes.

another slaughter seems imminent.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

http://gazette.com/fort-carson-brigade- ... le/1546240

once enough periphering nations are willing to put boots on the ground, and with airpower and 24x7 drones on tap, the end of the ISIS will be bloody and quick as their elite butcher boy bandits have very little ability to fight a vietcong style insurgent war and would stick out like sore thumbs in the countryside. once deprived off the comforts and looted resources of the towns they wont be so tough.

the bees are being attracted into the pot of honey and set up for a slaughter. the iraqis and syrians themselves will halal them in every public square given half a chance of liberation. unlike the AQ, ISIS is going to be defined in history as a short lasting death cult with no ideological heft or long term impact. barring its brief bloody reign...history has seen its share of such mad regimes

the more diffuse boko haram type outfits with easy access to vast forests of central africa are probably long lasting players.

amrika needs to focus on training the kurds and iraqis into well paid, well led and well equipped batallion sized forces, with good artillery and infantry tactics that can deal with ISIS strongpoints , chase them out of towns and deal with them in the countryside to the conclusion of each battle. create a couple of 'shock' forces in brigade sized also to hammer them if they gather into bigger places. once the army wins a battle, push in police forces to mop up and lead citizen militias to id and eliminate any isis still hiding around.

the syrians given aid and resources and lifting of sanctions can also help in their corner.

its time to mete out justice. deserved justice. and end the abandonment of iraq and syria people to the wolves.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Gerard »

ramana wrote:Gerard, Please elaborate? Cameron. Then the Kings have really descended!!!
He is a direct descendant of King William IV and his mistress.
Cameron is the fifth cousin twice-removed of the British Queen.

His wife is a descendant of Charles II and his mistress.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by deejay »

I have been watching Kurdish videos and news of Kurdish forces take on the "Daesh" (ISIS). While mostly it is blood and gore but there are some great footage of the odds faced by the Kurds against the ISIS. Mostly the greater odds were faced by YPG & YPJ (Don't ask me the full form but basically these are Kurdish Civilian Resistance while Peshmerga is the military.

IMO, most foreign reports are pretty stupid stuff and was specially cheesed off at Al Jazeera trying to fault the Peshmerga for war crimes against ISIS.

Then, I came across this report aired by BBC but not filmed by usual BBC journos. The video is about life inside Kobane before the Peshmerga arrived and of Kurdish journalists covering it. There are subtitles in English. About 25 mins and not focussed on blood and gore.


The ISIS, in my view is unable to break past determined opposition. They do have a lot of heavy stuff and a huge body count but their ability to fight or military tactics and know how is limited. A full scale operation against them will rout them.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by ramana »

ISIS is Saindhava to Wahabi Islam

ISIS:Wahabi Islam = Saindhava: Vruddhakshtriya
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Madhusudhan »

http://www.theatlantic.com/features/arc ... ts/384980/

A far more thoughtful article on ISIS than typically seen
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

It tAkes a lot to operate a combined arms brigade sized forces properly.
Most regular armies barring the top 10 cannot do it.
They have mountains of abandoned Iraqi army stuff but using it is tough.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by RSoami »

http://news.yahoo.com/hezbollah-presenc ... 01647.html

Hezbollah says it is fighting IS in Iraq

Also Syrina forces along with Hezbollahare on offensive and have cut off Aleppo.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/ ... JQ20150217
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by RSoami »

http://www.theshillongtimes.com/2015/02 ... ocks-road/
In December mainly Islamist insurgent factions in Aleppo grouped together to form Jabhat al-Shamiyya — the Levant Front — an attempt at unity among their fighters. Last month the Western-backed rebel group Hazzm movement joined the alliance after coming under pressure from Nusra Front.
Recent Syrian army progress in the area has reduced the chances of a truce between the government and disparate insurgent groups, diplomats say.

So much for moderate rebels.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by uddu »

lol. This is their version of good Taliban joining the bad Taliban.
If they fight for you..then freedom fighters
If they fight against you..then enemies of the western world.
But good or bad, Taliban is always Taliban. :rotfl:
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/02/18 ... raqi-town/

45 people burned to death by IS in al-baghdadi, 5 miles from a base with 450 usmc trainers.

so finally the flies have reached one of the honeypots set out for them....let them gather....the prospect of capturing and beheading 450 crusaders in one shot would be beyond their wildest fantasies...it is the irresistible lure ...

I wonder what kind of medicine Khan is keeping on standby for them once they gather and concentrate for a major attack on the base?
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by deejay »

Singha wrote:
I wonder what kind of medicine Khan is keeping on standby for them once they gather and concentrate for a major attack on the base?
Well, as per the article posted by Tuvaluan ji on Islamism and Islamophobia abroad thread, the Daesh are already waiting at Dabiq, Syria. That's what the Quran tells them and they want the US to strike (boots on ground and all). Dabiq is where there last stand will be. All this is being done, and I agree here with the article, so that the Western World becomes involved against the Islamic Caliphate.

The article is a long one but an interesting read. Posting here for referenec:
Tuvaluan wrote:Finally, an article that is making even "moderate" muslims accept that this guy has a point, even though they "disagree" with him because you see, only 100,000 muslims in ISIS are screwed, the remaining 1+ billion of them are just peaceloving and baby kissing lovers who don't mind universal imposition of shariat, since that is "moderate" islam from the standpoint of "moderate" muslims.

http://www.theatlantic.com/features/arc ... ts/384980/
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

if they want death it will be given to them, but from standoff ranges mostly.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by UlanBatori »

irresistible lure ...
I wonder what kind of medicine Khan is keeping on standby for them once they gather and concentrate for a major attack on the base?
Same as Poroshenko and SDOTUS luring Putin into Debaltseve?

These sh1ts don't have to attack the base, they simply have shown no inclination to fight any really armed adversary. They are quintessential Islamist terrorists, torturing the unarmed, and women and children, and stealing goats. They run fa*t-propelled like the Pakis that they are, when faced with even Kurd girls carrying flintlock rifles.

So they will continue to slaughter people around the American base. The Americans will no doubt launch a few airstrikes, hitting.. what exactly? Meanwhile, ISIS' popularity is rising to Houristan in the Ummah, with the well-advertised prospect of being able to cut throats and rape slave women. Same as it has been since Medina.

Until there are a few photos of the effects of napalm on ISIS leaders, that will continue.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by deejay »

^^^Wonder with all the Shia slaughter when will Iran move in 'Overt'. Or maybe they worried about their own Sunnis and quite a few among them have turned up as dead rats in Kobane, Mosul, Kirkuk,etc.

Hezbollah is definitely in the fight and if Iran does move in it might just become a "global Shia - Sunni" heart to heart communication in djannat-e-houristan.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

that pic of the lone tusker INS kolkata standing on the edge of the forest at dawn and unleashing the brahmos back into the dark night of the western oceans could be a prophetic one.

the middle east is going to be engulfed in a blood letting of unknown proportion....whoever wins is going to be the big swinging dick of the whole yard, the uber killa, the mahdi's army, having killed some 5-10 million souls ...they are going to turn west to africa for resources and to the east (india) for plunder and slaves.

so a war is coming whether we are sickular or communal, whether we want it or not....mark my words...we got to be ready if history is not to repeat.

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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by deejay »

That lone tusker imagery is apt.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by svenkat »

Madhusudhan wrote:http://www.theatlantic.com/features/arc ... ts/384980/

A far more thoughtful article on ISIS than typically seen
The cynicism and calculating cunning of western barbarism shines through the fact they were monitoring the online recruitment,did not stop it,but encouraged it to send volunteers to syria to fight syria,hezbollah,iran,and shiite iraq.Talk of killing 'n' birds in one stone while getting rid of sunni jihadis in their society without any cost.Collateral damage to yazidis,kurds is tough luck,what to do.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Prem »

Singha wrote:tso a war is coming whether we are sickular or communal, whether we want it or not....mark my words...we got to be ready if history is not to repeat.https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9zidrNCAAEjrkO.jpg:large
This will be god given opportunity and destiny of India . Finally It will be Bharti who get to rid of these ME Sharartis and save the human world. A new Yuga beckons..
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by brihaspati »

India is unprepared for this war. Not only in terms of military hardware, but also in terms of ideological/mental preparation. The counter-terror mentality and psychological aspects of counter-terror needed to stop them - is absent in the professional army. The major factor in fighting an ideologically motivated army that has no barriers psychologically to any form of sadism or masochism, is a counter ruthlessness and willingness to apply the same language and methods back on the invader, not just at equal levels, but at overwhelmingly multiplied/scaled up level.

These kinds of onslaughts need a scaling up unimaginable even by the jihadis. Where is that mindset among Indian state's controllers? They can only manage that level of fire and brimstone on their docile majority community timid outbursts of dissent.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Tuvaluan »

Hard to say one way or the other as to who is prepared or who is not at this time -- western governments and academia and the intellectual crowd are filled with people who are still groping around and are on the side of the IS and their supporters, even if they will not acknowledge it or even know it. They are more worried about a "muslim holocaust because of rising islamophobia" than they are about the IS. All the western policy makers basically claim that Russia is a bigger problem than the IS at this point, which about says how firmly they have their collective heads stuck in their nether end.

things have to escalate quite a bit before the battle lines are drawn...at this point, no one seems to be sure who or what the "enemy" is. The islamic fascists are clever enough to muddy the waters to let this confusion fester -- it will take some more serious bloodletting by the IS and their overground and underground supporters in West Asia before the "problem" crystallizes to be recognizable.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

if the prophesis about the Dajjal from Khorasan be true , who would thrash the believers to half an inch of their lives all the way to jerusalem, then a major IS-Iran war is probably on the cards. Hezbollah & Syria will take on IS in the rear.

the gulf emirates and KSA will as usual try to bribe everyone off to leave them alone but secretly fund the IS as their sunni biraders.

the yemen is divided between shia north and sunni south, they could fight their own pvt little sandbox war.

turks and kurds would come to blows again as the northern part of the great stage.

hordes of EU/US/Aus jihadists will be making a beeline to join whichever party they owe loyalty to, deftly encouraged by their host govts as a way to cleanse the community for free.

thats why I say all who want to join and live under IS from India should be facilitated and given a travel subsidy but must relinquish their passports and citizenship at immigration and have no right to return later.

the war will inevitably encourage the sunni jihadists in TSP to impose a "final solution" to the shia+ahmediya problem. todays Fri massacres would be like kids play once everyone comes out firing . TSPA would likely start a war with india to divert the situation and build Qaumi unity. we need to be ready to hammer them for it. TSPA is too powerful for Iran to intervene on behalf of the shias , busy as it will be with a greater struggle with the Raqqa caliphate in the west.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Shreeman »

Syria is in a stalemate due to bird droppings. Except around aleppo. The 1200 chosen ones have just started training.

The next round is Yemen and Libya. Jordan could be a surprise. In the face of bird droppings, the response in afghanistan was IED mubarak via cars.

Iraqis have a long tradition of that. There will be festivals of car-mubarak in syria/iraq. But raqqa itself is getting reduced to rubble, building by building. IS is in consolidation. There actions will be the chalie hebdo types, far from IS lands. It is the newly chosen ones that will make major news in syria/iraq as far as battles are concerned. And those will be against "regime".
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

http://www.islamicinvitationturkey.com/ ... an-part-6/

one scholar has written the turkish people were originally from khurasan and as such the dajjal could arise from modern turkey itself. this matches the ISIS vision of advancing upto istanbul but being beaten back by the dajjals army.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by RSoami »

http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeas ... 97749.html

Division in Gulf council.
Three countries withdraw their ambassadors from Qatar.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by vijaykarthik »

I do remember seeing somewhere that Salman isn't as detesting of the Islamists as Abdullah was. Did anyone else see anything on those lines?

I am curious about how this move of Qatar recalling their ambassador from Egypt. Turkey surely supports Qatar. And they are a gang.

Now that Abdullah has croaked, might be interesting to see how things change.

RSoami: did you want to mean this link instead? http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/ ... me=topNews

Your link contains old 12 month old news, isn't it.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2010 14:39

Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by RSoami »

Oh yes, Thank you.
And accept my apologies for the mistake.

Posts: 1169
Joined: 11 Aug 2016 06:14

Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by vijaykarthik »

^^ ah, no problem at all!