Indian Army News & Discussions - 11 June 2014

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Ashutosh Malik
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Ashutosh Malik »

Would recommend reading this while we make strategies based on China being 5x ahead of India, etc. Best regards. ... china.html

That is one basic reality: China’s real economy is about 2.4 times that of India, or inversely India’s real economy is about 40% the size of China’s. As China’s GDP at PPP was about the same as India’s in 1985, it took thirty years for China to open this gap.[1] During this period Chinas growth rate (9.9%) averaged 3.4% points more than the 6.5% average Indian GDP growth rate. As people some time confuse GDP with per capita GDP, the corresponding facts are as follows: China’s real per capita GDP, which was equal to India’s in 1992 (0.99) had become 2.2 times India’s per capita GDP (PPP) by 2013. The average growth rate of per capita GDP from 1990 to 2013 was 9% for China and 4.8% for India. It thus took, 25 years for a per capita growth difference of 4.2% per year to translate into a per capita income difference of 2.2 times.
By way of benchmark, note that China’s GDP at PPP is now almost equal to that of USA, even though its Per Capita GDP at PPP (PcGdpPpp) is only about 22% of US( because its population is 4.3 times). India’s GDP is therefore also 40% of the US, while its per capita GDP is 10% of the US."

The second basic reality is that the difference in the growth rates of China and India has been narrowing during this period 1990 to 2013. Thus estimating and plotting the GDP “growth differential” and introducing a linear trend through it shows that the “growth differential” has declined by about 0.16 per cent point per year. The per capita GDP growth differential has narrowed at the slightly slower rate of 0.15 per cent point per year. Those concerned about the new Indian data with base 2011, should be reassured that this narrowing trend was clear in the old data available up to 2013-14. If we extend this data to include the forecast growth for 2015, we see a sharp narrowing of the GDP growth differential suggesting that the China’s growth trend will go below India’s from 2016 (actual GDP growth is virtually equal in 2014).
Along with the GDP Gap, have been the narrowing of the gap is several ratios, known to be correlated to per capita GDP growth. These include the Export/GDP, Import/GDP and FDI/GDP ratios. The faster growth of exports of goods and services, their imports and FDI, may in fact be driving the narrowing of the per capita GDP growth gap."

A realistic appraisal of the relative position of India viz China and how we got there also provides a basis for projecting into the future. Thus it took about 22 years for China’s real per capita GDP to become 2.2 times that of India’s with an average per capita GDP growth differential of around 4.2% per year. Given relative population growth rates, it took about 28 years for China’s real GDP to become 2.4 times India’s with an average GDP growth differential of about 3.4% per year. If India’s average GDP growth averages about 3.4% points more than China’s, India’s GDP will take between 25 to 30 years to catch up to, and become equal to that of, China. Thus for instance if India is able to accelerate growth to an average of 8.5%, while China’s growth slows to about 5%, it would take about 28 years to close the gap. This is however an optimistic projection from India’s perspective.
A more realistic scenario would be for both Indian and Chinese growth rates to decline gradually, with Indian GDP growth averaging about 2.3% points higher than China over several decades. Based on this scenario, a realistic objective for Indian Growth and development would be to target an elimination of the GDP PPP gap with China by 2050. Though this is a generational challenge it is far from impossible one."
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by ShauryaT »

Rahul M wrote:while we do have some ability to airdrop armour, (BMP-2's from IL-76's) I am not sure this extends to brigade level. I also remember that since the first time MSC's combat aviation bde plans were speculated about, rohit always said it was beyond our funding capacity right now.
On the air lift capability. You must recall Op. Pawan, These sources indicate (tentatively) that we transported three brigades in a day, about 10,000 troops but this one with the help of the civilian 737 thrown in. Am not sure if we had the full contingent of IL 76 with us at that time. Also, quite sure, even if the raw men were transported in a day, their supplies and materials were built up over the next few days.

A quick calculation for a brigade with a couple of regiments of BMP II's, about 20 batteries of IFG, ammo, supplies and fuel and other mobility vehicles for men and machine, gives me not more than 4000 tons to lift. Employing a third of the IAF main stay the AN 32 and about 50% of the IL76 feet, this can probably be achieved in 24-48 hours - or about 200 sorties.

As of today, with C17 and C130J in the mix along with increased tactical lift, I think the raw capability to lift is much more than a brigade. Am not saying we are optimized for these type of ops, but seems can be done. Not entirely clear on how much time it took for the first batch of troops to be lifted in op. Pawn but attached are some references and seems impressive for those times.
On October 15/16, the IPKF advance stopped its advance to stabilize the front. Palay, the major operations headquarters for the 54th Infantry Division, was also secured from Tiger attacks. At this time the Indian Air Force undertook a massive airlift to reinforce the 91st with three brigades and heavy equipment, including T-72 tanks and BMP-1 fighting vehicles. Air traffic controllers worked round the clock to fly-in troops and equipment. Indian Airlines is said to have contributed to the airlift, using its Boeing 737s to deliver troops.[6] This short interval also saw the introduction of Mi-8 medium helicopters and the first use of the Mi-25 gunships of No. 125 Sqn, along with HAL Cheetah light helicopters. By end of October the IAF had flown 2200 tactical transport and 800 helicopter sorties.[6]
Operation Pawan
The below review of Bharat Verma's work by from our very own Jagan P. Link gives some add'l details.
Chapter 3 deals with the Induction of the IPKF and the IAF/AAC aviation components in Sri Lanka. For those who are aware of how the Sri Lankan operations transpired in the early days, the details of the haphazard induction of troops and equipment into the Jaffna peninsula are not surprising. The author digs deeper to reveal some dangerous (And sometimes humourous) aspects of this rushed operation. Troops being transported by air with live munitions - mortar bombs and grenades - Army units trying to be airlifted lock stock and barrel (literally) and all at the same time.... Read the book to actually understand the previous statement!

On funding or lack of it for the MSC, we have created a two pronged issue. One is the lack of funding and the other is the priority given to what we do fund and procure along with some serious organizational issues both in the forces due to lack of integration and between the civilian and military structures due to the complete lack of ANY capabilities in the executive to plan, prioritize and execute. The bureaucracy either gets caught in the middle or helps the clueless political bodies do what it does best - procrastinate. Anyways, do not want to start on a whine here but if we have to modernize the forces then the above has to be addressed. India as of today at about 1.7% of GDP for defense spend is a laughable matter, in the neighborhood we live in. Something had to give - I will pray to lord Ram to not let us get caught with pants down.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Karan M »

abhik wrote:
sudeepj wrote:China is a 10 Trillion dollar economy. India is a 2 Trillion dollar economy. Even if Indian growth rates were to outpace Chinese growth rates by 3%, (say India at 10% and China at 7%) which historically has never been possible, it will take India more than 50 years to catch up! This is the tremendous and conceivably irreparable damage that the UPA years did to us. Further, if you consider that China grew at a time when the entire world was growing very fast and there was demand for cheap manufactured goods, which demand is just not present today, you realize the scope of the challenge India has before her.

If China gets serious about a war with a large economy such as India, it will devote a larger percentage of its GDP to its armaments industry as no country goes to war with barely 3-4% of GDP into its military. Further, China can do it as most of their armaments are locally made and it can increase defense production as a stimulus to its economy. A $10 Trillion economy devoting 5% to defense will spend 500 billion on its military yearly, while we can barely manage 50 billion with our needs for welfare and poverty alleviation.

If we are serious about standing up to China in Arunachal, we need to examine which strategies have worked for countries faced with such an asymmetry in hard and soft power. Two examples are immediately apparent: Pakistan deterring India for nearly 30 years, and the West deterring overwhelming Russian conventional superiority post WW II. Both examples involved nuclear weapons, both involved a forward deployment of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.

We need to forget about jokes such as MSC that will bankrupt the treasury and that are strategic dead ends* and instead deploy Prahar type short range quick reaction missiles at division or even brigade level in Arunachal with the full authority to launch given to local commanders. Hints should be dropped that India may embark on a test series to acquire MT yield weapons if the border is perturbed too much. We should use the strategic window of time that this gives us to fix up our economic and scientific base to catch up with the Chinese capability.

*Its a strategic dead end because where/what will this strike core strike at? There is no 'value' in the land beyond the Himalayas. The only thing of value to destroy there would be the PLA, and they will be able to overmatch us based on the flat terrain, better infrastructure, much bigger economy and a vastly tighter internal security apparatus on their side. A 500 billion dollars an year army will always defeat a 50 or 75 billion dollars an year army. Therefore any money spent on the MSC in the hopes of is deterring the Chinese is mostly a waste.
+1. Nukes are the only way to deter the Chinese. I never got these wet dreams of using the MSC to invade Tibet. A decade and a half go the Pakies deterred India from crossing the LoC in the face of an invasion with just a handful of low yield nukes. Even if we assume that the IA starts to mount a successful assault on Tibet, what happens when the Chinese threaten us with nukes?
I'd rather we spend 200,000 Cr (the MRCA + MSC would have cost us) on expanding our strategic forces.
So if PRC invades India, you'd nuke them and then deal with the escalatory ladder? Where does that lead to?
Nukes are deterrence, they are not warfighting weapons.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by member_22539 »

^+1. Some people have a problem understanding that. Porkis bluffed us with nukes at Kargil, we called their bluff. China will call our bluff if we do the same.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by RamaY »

China will/can create a two front war situation & can push for a nuke scenario on western borders thru non-state actors. All it needs is a dozen Muslims in Pakistan.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by sudeepj »

If there is a credible threat that a brigadier will launch the 5 nukes he has under his command if he is surrounded or his brigade destroyed, China will not surround him.

If the nukes are under the command of Delhi, IMO, the threat will not be credible. The great whore city of Delhi will never be willing to be a target in exchange for Arunachal.

For nukes to be peacekeaping weapons and not war fighting weapons, the threat to use them needs to be credible. We may have the physical and technological means to put together a credible threat, but we also need to have the political and social means to put a credible threat in place. Pakistan tries to do this by fostering a Jihadi psychology and threatening to give its generals the weapons (Nasr). The US prepared its allies, by placing weapons in allied countries. While the posture on the Chinese border is fairly quiet, the stunts that PLAN is pulling in South China Sea are alarming. If they try similar stuff in Arunachal, this is one possible response India can make. MSC will not make the difference, again, IMO.

To the gentleman who thinks we called any bluffs in Kargil, no Sir, we did not. Calling the bluff would have meant we invaded Pak, we did not. We restricted ourselves to bombing (mostly) our own territory.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Bade »

That is the beauty of waging war at the front which is sparsely populated rather than over cities, even Tawang forget Delhi. You can bomb the hell out on any expeditionary force within what we consider our territory without unnecessarily escalating to a nuclear exchange. Now you may see the need for MSC or its equivalents.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by abhik »

Karan M wrote: So if PRC invades India, you'd nuke them and then deal with the escalatory ladder? Where does that lead to?
Nukes are deterrence, they are not warfighting weapons.
Nuclear weapons can be used to deter conventional attacks not just nuclear.
Arun Menon wrote:^+1. Some people have a problem understanding that. Porkis bluffed us with nukes at Kargil, we called their bluff. China will call our bluff if we do the same.
If we had crossed the LoC at Kargil, we would have 'called their bluff'.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by member_22539 »

^Pakis had thought we would not retaliate at all, but we did and we took back what is ours. The LOC thing was not just because of nuclear threats, but it was also a bow to international diplomacy, which increased the pressure on pakis.

At the end of the day, no one is going to risk nuclear doomsday without facing a sufficient threat or benefit, thats all there is to it (even true for the pakis, despite all their crazyman playacting).
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by sanjaykumar »

Kooks with nookes.
Karan M
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Karan M »

abhik wrote:
Karan M wrote: So if PRC invades India, you'd nuke them and then deal with the escalatory ladder? Where does that lead to?
Nukes are deterrence, they are not warfighting weapons.
Nuclear weapons can be used to deter conventional attacks not just nuclear.
Arun Menon wrote:^+1. Some people have a problem understanding that. Porkis bluffed us with nukes at Kargil, we called their bluff. China will call our bluff if we do the same.
If we had crossed the LoC at Kargil, we would have 'called their bluff'.
So if the PRC crosses the border in NE with conventional force, we'd nuke them on our own territory? And if we nuke them elsewhere, what makes the ones within India leave?
Your scenario has glaring flaws in it.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by wig »

MoD clips fiscal powers of military officers
Introducing major changes in rules, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has virtually stripped military officers of their discretionary financial powers across the board. While revising the powers from the level of Vice-Chief down to middle rung officers, the MoD has imposed additional checks and oversight mechanisms.
The new orders, circulated earlier this month, state that there would be no inherent financial powers in the new dispensation. Therefore, the Competent Financial Authority (CFA) at every level would be required to exercise the delegated powers in consultation with the Integrated Financial Adviser (IFA), a civilian officer from the defence Accounts Department posted to military establishments.
Another major change is the introduction of a collegiate-based mechanism, referred to as “procurement committee”, probably to speed up the procurement cycle. The committee will be formed by all CFAs within their domain and will deal with all stages of procurement from the preparation of the request for proposal to the final supply order.
Detailed schedules have also been drawn up for each service, listing the financial powers for different ranks under various heads and categories. The rules were last notified in 2006. “All procurement, works and non-procurement powers in schedules are required to be exercised with concurrence of the IFA concerned,” the orders state.
The new orders also provide that at any stage of procurement, the CFA can overrule the advice of the IFA by a written order giving reasons for the same. There are also provisions for making emergency purchases or executing some specific works without prior approvals from the IFA. Pointing out that decentralisation of decision-making was one of the key components of good governance in large and complex organisations like defence, the MoD has contended that any effective system of delegation needed to necessarily have an appropriate oversight mechanism as an integral element of the ecosystem based upon the principle of reasonable assurance to the executive at the highest level. ... 87960.html
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by rkhanna »

Yesterday i got a NDTV flash update of a pitched encounter between SF and Insurgents in Kashmir. No news anywhere.. Anybody have any info?
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by vaibhav.n »

Three militants killed in Kashmir encounter
A vicious encounter is going on since hours between special forces and militants in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara district. Heavy exchange of firing is underway from both the sides. According to reports, five to seven militants entered illegally in Indian Territory from across the Line of Control. Before the terrorists could do something evil, Indian Army stopped them.

The Army jawans asked the militants to surrender but they opened fire trying to escape. The terrorists hide themselves in three houses of the area which is barely 800 metres away from the Army’s brigade headquarters. As of now the Army has seized the area and fierce gun battle is still on. The whole area is surrounded by security forces.

Earlier in the morning, Army foiled an infiltration bid by heavily armed militants near the Line of Control in Tangdhar sector of Kashmir. This was second infiltration bid by militants in Tangdhar sector of Kupwara district within a week. On May 25, three soldiers and a militant were killed in a failed infiltration bid by militants.

Army, however, says it was an infiltration attempt that was foiled. “Three militants have been killed so far and the encounter is going on” said Col Brijesh Pandey, Col GS (IW) at Army’s 15 Corps in Srinagar. “The encounter took place on a ridgeline and the militants were holed up in two houses after they fired on a patrol (party),” he added. Col Pandey also said that the encounter has dragged on as the Army believes that an old man is trapped inside one of houses.
J&K: Encounter underway between militants and 4 Para Army SOG in Tangdhar Sector (Kupwara District), 5-6 militants trapped.
4:43 PM - 31 May 2015
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by vaibhav.n »

abhik wrote:Nuclear weapons can be used to deter conventional attacks not just nuclear.
Why do we need to pay for a military in that case??
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by wig »

rprobably this news : Army foils fidayeen attack on Brigade Hqrs; 4 killed
Army today foiled fidayeen attack on its Brigade headquarters in Tanghdar in the frontier district of Kupwara by killing four members of six heavily armed militants.
An Army spokesman said here that three militants were killed in Tanghdar and operation against rest of the group is going on.
Sources said that security guard of supply depot of the Army outside the Brigade headquarters noticed the movement of militants near the depot and he fired at them. The militants fired back and Army from 3/1 GR, 20 RR, 12 Maratha and 26 Rajput was rushed immediately to the area and operation was launched against heavily armed group of militants.
Army also airlifted 40 members of elite Army Commandos of 4-Para from Kupwara to conduct the operation against these heavily armed militants.
These six Fidayeen were engaged in a fierce gun battle by Army Commandos and militants took shelter in two civilian houses belonging to Muneer Sheikh, son of Mehboob Sheikh and Shakoor Sheikh, son of Ata Mohammad Sheikh outside the brigade headquarters. However, around 11 inmates including women and children ran away towards the forests and Army had to carefully conduct operation against these militants to prevent civilian casualties.
Army Commandos fired mortars to blast off these houses. Sources said that there were multiple blasts in these two houses as the militants were carrying large quantity of ammunition that went off in army operation.
Sources said that six men were heavily armed and they had to target the Brigade Headquarters in Tanghdar. The civilians who were questioned have revealed that the militants were heavily armed.
Army has detained three people from the area who were suspiciously moving there during the operation. They have been handed over to the police and are being questioned about the group of militants.
Deputy Inspector General of Police, North Kashmir Range, Gareeb Dass told Excelsior that four militants were killed near the Brigade Headquarters in Tanghdar today. He said that the encounter took place in Bakhian village near hospital outside Brigade Headquarter. “One civilian is still trapped inside the village and operation against rest of the militant group is on. So far no dead body has been recovered and clear picture will emerge tomorrow when the area will be searched in the morning”, he added. ... -4-killed/
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Aaryan » ... 539776.cms
At least 20 Army personnel were killed and 12 injured in a militant attack in Manipur's Chandel district on Thursday.

The 6 Dogra Army convoy came under attack while it was coming from Motul towards Imphal.

The incident took place at 8.45am. The injured soldiers have been airlifted to Nagaland.

Further details are awaited.
Third attack on Army in recent times.. Something fishy..
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by sum »

20 army men? :eek:
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Aaryan »

DD न्यूज़ ‏@DDNewsHindi
मणिपुरः चंदेल में आतंकी हमले में 6 डोगरा रेजिमेंट के 8 जवान शहीद, 16 घायल
NewsroomPost.Com ‏@NewsroomPostCom
Army convoy ambushed in Manipur; 10 jawans killed, 12 injured ... 2-injured/

Times says 20..
Manu Pubby @manupubby Army now officially confirms. At least 20 soldiers from 6 Dogra killed in Manipur attack as first reported by ET. 11 more injured.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

Sickening, outrageous. At least, if this was some progressive, visionary movement to uplift Manipur in every way, one could understand, though not praise such actions. "Praise" would ensue if the militants were fighting a hateful ideology or system, like Nazism, Islamism, Stalinism etc. This is pure anti-India and anti-Indianism, with no vision of a better society or better ideology. BTW, can you imagine if 10-20 soldiers were killed on the soil of the US, France, Japan or Denmark? Nothing else would be talked about for that day.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Bade »

Things have been brewing for a while in the NE states. It is getting progressively worse with time, instead of improving.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by sarkar »

sum wrote:20 army men? :eek:
When was the last time we had so many casualties in Kashmir?
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Aaryan »

sarkar wrote:
sum wrote:20 army men? :eek:
When was the last time we had so many casualties in Kashmir?
I cant remember any.. Atleast not in last 15 years.. Also Wondering if by this incident China has moved the 1st pawn directly in region??
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by sooraj »

Rajnath holds high-level meet on Manipur ambush
High-level meeting on regarding the Manipur ambush. A meeting between Defence minister Manohar Parrikar, Home Minister Rajnath Singh and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval underway. Army Chief Dalbir Singh also reaches the Home Ministry for the meeting.

Using rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons, a group of insurgents today ambushed a military convoy in Manipur killing at least 20 army personnel in the worst such attack in recent years.

Eleven army men were also injured in the ambush, an army spokesman said.

A team of 6 Dogra Regiment was on a road opening patrol as part of its daily routine along Tengnoupal-New Samtal road, about 80 km from Imphal, when it was attacked by an unidentified insurgent outfit first with a powerful Improvised Explosive Device, a police official said here.

After the IED blast, the insurgents resorted to heavy firing at the convoy of four Army vehicles with RPGs and automatic weapons, Army sources said. "20 army men were killed and 11 injured in the attack," army spokesman Col Rohan Anand said in Delhi.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by RoyG »

ULFA and NSCN claim responsibility according to TOI. This is what happens when missionaries run amok.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by vaibhav.n »

26 Sector has always been a tricky one as it controls the border also.

IIRC, 26 Sector has some 5 Assam Rifles Battalions there besides the Infantry Battalion---6 Dogras in this case. Good thing is Gen Suhag will know the area well as ex 3 Corps Commander.

They need to sort these chaps out soon.

For those unfamiliar with NE Insurgency, typically army units which give them heartburn they retaliate while they are in the process of leaving. While they leave service support units alone. Some of the most notorious layered ambushes too........
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by devesh »

RPG's are not exactly that easy to smuggle in quantities. Only an entrenched network with backing from an external entity can facilitate the transfer/procurement of such weapons. This is PRC gun-running nexus with Jihadis, EJ's, and probably sourced through Nepal.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Singha »

could be staged and sourced from BD.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Hitesh »

India needs to let loose dogs of war and wreak havoc on those scums. No mercy allowed. Allow use of gunships and airplanes.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by rohitvats »

The ambush was done in an area between AOR of Road-Opening Party (ROP) of 20 Assam and 6 Dogra. 4 x vehicles ambushed. Consisted of men proceeding on leave along with few troops on their way to a certain post. Front two vehicles attacked with RPG - many casualties due to burning; 08 bodies burned beyond recognition. Very horrific pictures. RIP.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by member_23891 »

RIP to our Braves. Tragic loss.

Can we have some action Doval Ji!! Want to see these scums and their masters bleeding in tears.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Karan M »

ULFA and NSCN should be hit so hard, again and again and again, that even the descendants of their descendants should be afraid to mention the IA's name
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by RamaY »

My gut feeling says, this is a warning shot by China! Manipur "People's Liberation Army" indeed.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Singha »

in april there was a meeting in myanmar between the remnant factions of the ulfa (paresh baruah), NSCN(khaplang), NDFB(some warlord) and the KLA(kamatipur liberation army) and probably some manipuri militias too. since none are any longer capable of creating mayhem on their own, it was decided to make a militia parivar of sorts and do a 'united struggle' this ambush was planned as their coming out party and was in planning and recce for atleast a month for the right time and spot. PRC would have provided the Round A VC funding and purchased a 15% stake in this startup.

since the myanmar govt in rangoon is not enthused about these miscreants muscling aside the govt in the north, we should seek their intel and facilitation in carrying out quiet raids across the border to destroy the serpents nest and target their leaders.

same with the dhaka govt which has handed over numerous scum.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by srin »

This is essentially a declaration of war against us. I don't believe the NSCN or ULFA would dare to do it on their own without external state help. So in essence, it is likely that PRC has declared proxy war against us.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by RamaY »

From STFU thread...
Gagan wrote:Khabar hai that the Pakistanis may be supping with Rohigyas /NE terrorist groups in Myanmar.
Will perhaps have to watch for some Paki connection to the manipur attack on the army convoy.

I think it is more than a co-incidence that a Paki neta mentioned a few weeks ago, that there were missiles in manipur. (He was trying to counter the indian anchor's statement that the TTP has tested a missile)
I think that paki neta had heard something from the ISI - neta grapewine there about some ISI cell which was in contact with some Manipuri groups.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by uddu »

All the NE terror outfits do have a base in Myanmar and they target us from there. Myanmar is harboring these terror outfits and their leaders there. Last heard is that after the attack the terrorist are trying to cross over into Myanmar. The hunt must not just stop within India but inside Myanmar to eliminate all terrorists operating from there.
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by vaibhav.n »

While there could be multiple reasons for the attack.

Typically, Army units which give these factions trouble do face heat as their own tenure ends when these said units wont be able to retaliate much.

Where we can begin is start detaining their money-pushers and bagmen, they will really feel the heat then. It is an extortion economy afterall....In Manipur, even senior police dudes and bureaucrats pay protection money. Very few probably except the Assam and Manipur Rifles troops stand upto these chaps.

BTW for those, Manipur unlike the rest of the NE is Hindu dominated and under the king was the official religion. Especially if you thought that Singh's only came from North India!!
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Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

Post by Abhay_S »

uddu wrote:All the NE terror outfits do have a base in Myanmar and they target us from there. Myanmar is harboring these terror outfits and their leaders there. Last heard is that after the attack the terrorist are trying to cross over into Myanmar. The hunt must not just stop within India but inside Myanmar to eliminate all terrorists operating from there.

i have heard Myanmar allows hot pursuit. is this true?