West Asia News and Discussions (YEMEN, gulf)

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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by kmkraoind »

A_Gupta wrote:http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6b6_1371812647
"The war in Syria was planned years in advance, and the motive was to overthrow a regime that Israel regards as hostile, says former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas. "I met with top British officials, who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria," said Dumas in a recent interview with French television LCP. "This operation goes way back. It was prepared, preconceived and organized ..." Responding to a question on the motive behind the war, which has claimed tens of thousands of lives, Dumas said, "Very simple! With the very simple aim! To overthrow the Syrian government, because in the region, it's important to understand, that this Syrian regime has a very anti-Israeli stance. Consequently, everything that moves in the region -- and I have this from the former Israeli prime minister, who told me 'We'll try to get on with our neighboring states, but those who don't get along, we will take them down'."
Just how responsible is are the Western governments for the current mess in Syria?
What a foolish act of Israel. Instead of Hezbollah (with Syrian govt support) pinpricks, now they may get Islamic hammering if ISIS morphs into a pure theological Islamic force. If Syria-Iraq (old Bhagdad empire) falls, then Arab princes may have to relocate to their European permanently.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Prem »

Right pinpoint location of ME on GPS ( NSFW)
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by member_23370 »

Please put NSFW on such images. :oops:
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Multatuli »

Egyptian forces mistake Mexicans for militants, kill 12 in air raid

Egyptian Army aircraft hunting for militants in the desert mistakenly bombed a convoy of mostly Mexican tourists, killing 12 people and wounding 10, authorities said on Monday.

Survivors said their group was bombed from a plane and helicopters. As members of the tourist convoy tried to flee, additional forces on the ground fired on them, Egyptian security sources said.

Egypt's interior ministry described the attack in the country's western desert as an accident.

Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto said two Mexicans were killed in Sunday's incident, though Egyptian security and judicial sources later said eight Mexicans and four Egyptians were killed. The sources said eight Mexicans and two Egyptians were wounded.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/ ... 0B20150914
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Vayutuvan »

kmkraoind wrote:What a foolish act of Israel. Instead of Hezbollah (with Syrian govt support) pinpricks, now they may get Islamic hammering if ISIS morphs into a pure theological Islamic force. If Syria-Iraq (old Bhagdad empire) falls, then Arab princes may have to relocate to their European permanently.
I don't think Israeli long term strategy is foolish at all. It doesn't who replaces who in ME Arab-persian (sunni-shia) world. All of them are going to be against Israel anyways. An upstart replaces an entrenched incumbent. The elite ("Arab princes" as you put it) move out of the neighborhood. It is not bad till the upstart gets entrenched. That buys Israel peace for a generation. They can rinse and repeat every two decades.

Whichever leaders percolate to the top of organizations/politics/countries of ME will move every generation or two to Europe and change their monikers according to an (expanded) map

{(Yusuf, Joseph), (Ibrahim, Abraham), (Ya‘qūb, Jacob), (Ishāq, Isac), (Hārūn, Aron), (Yūnus, Jonah), (Maryam, Mary), (Sulaymān, Solomon), (Zakariyyā, Zechariah), (Hābīl, Abel), (Dāwūd how can we forget that name), David Headly), (Idrīs, Enoch Powell), (Jibrīl, Gabriel), (Ayyūb Khan, Job Kahn | Kahan), (Yaḥyā Khan, John | Johann Kahn | Kahan), (Mīkāeel, Michael), (Mūsā, Moses one of the most famous), (Saba’, Sheba), (Arabic: سارا or سارة Sāra, Sara | Sarah), (Elisheba, Elizabeth | Beth), ...
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by RajeshA »

Jhujar wrote:Right pinpoint location of ME on GPS ( NSFW)
Goes for Ukraine too! :)
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 01249.html
One in 50 Syrian refugees entering Europe could be member of Isis, a Lebanese government minister has claimed.

Elias Bou Saab, the country's education minister, suggested as many as two per cent of refugees from Syria may be jihadis sent by the so-called Islamic State.

Mr Saab said he had no firm information on terrorist infiltration of refugees, but said his “gut feeling” told him it was happening.

Asked if Isis could be sending militants under the guise of being refugees, Mr Saab said: “Yes, they bring some people, the smugglers. They organise groups and send them out.”

Groups were arriving from Syria which looked different to usual refugees, he said: “They are all dressed with something unified, uniform, vests".

“I don’t have any information. My gut feeling is, yes, they are facilitating such an operation. For what reason, I don’t know,” he added.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by member_29172 »

Remember US and its poodles talking about giving free weapons to Free syrian army/ anti assad rebels? that's when ombaba was talking about crossing red lines and all that. In late 2013 I believe. ISIS was born straight out of that. Give high grade weapons to wannabe jihadis and that is what you'll get.

Another point to note is Syria, Libya etc. were ruled by dictators who were indifferent to west and the dollar. Both Syria and Libya are fairly developed (compared to other ME disasters). Uprooting these benevolent dictators and giving the seat to some crazy mullah is a trademark western sign. mullahs are easier to bribe and kill/replace. From Iran to Syria, it's a cool way of destabilizing stable countries and keeping the idiots busy in internal chaos.

A stable ME with all that petro dollar would've been a massive headache to the non muslim world. It's good in a way, ignoring deaths of innocents. But then again, they probably wouldn't have any clams about islamizing dhimmis. It's a practical effort albeit an expensive one.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Falijee »

Binladin construction company blacklisted after Makkah crane crash

RIYADH (Web Desk) – Saudi royal court on Tuesday banned Binladin Group from construction projects following Makkah crane collapse tragedy which claimed 107 lives last Friday.[*][/b]

According to Al-Arabiya TV all of the executives of Binladin construction company have also been barred from leaving the kingdom till next order.

More Related: “Makkah crane collapse was an act of God,” says engineer of Bin Laden Company

The royal court further said that Saudi Binladin Group will also not be given any further projects following Makkah crane collapse while the families of victims will be a compensation of one million saudi riyals.

More Related: Makkah crane accident is a result of Saudi regime’s carelessness, Iranian minister

The statement said that no conspiracy has been found to be behind crane crash tragedy in initial investigation however an in-depth inquiry will be carried out into the tragedy to reach a conclusion.

More Related: Inquiry of Makkah crane collapse will be made public: Saudi king

Earlier on Friday as many as 107 pilgrims died while another 350 were badly wounded when a crane toppled on them apparently due to heavy rains and storms in Makkah’s grand mosque.

King Salman also ordered that all members of the board and senior executives be prevented from travelling abroad after an investigation into last week’s incident showed the crane had been erected in a way that deviated from manufacturer’s instructions, causing it to crash in high wind.

Explaining the action, an official statement referred without elaborating to the responsibility and “shortcomings” of the company following an investigation into the crane crash that also injured 238 other people.

The king ordered that the Binladin Group be prevented from entering into new bids or new projects, said the statement, carried by state news agency SPA. The suspension would remain in force until the investigation is complete and until all legal cases are settled.

The crane toppled over at Makkah’s Grand Mosque last Friday, less than two weeks before the annual Hajj pilgrimage.

Pakistani, Indonesian and Indian pilgrims were among those killed when the crane collapsed, while the injured included Malaysians, Egyptians, Iranians, Turks, Afghans and Pakistanis.

The Binladin Group, one of the largest contracting companies in the kingdom, had been carrying expansion work at the Grand Mosque. It was founded more than 80 years ago by the father of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, and is run by Osama’s brother Bakr.

[*] It seems that the Bin Laden Group, ( whose original founder, -father of OBL,- was a ``prolific breeder`` and according to reports ``many times, helped the Kingdom, tide over its cash flow problems) since the change of the Saudi Monarch, apparently are not in favour at the present Royal Court or maybe, they dont have the ``Right Royal`` prince as their representative ; hence this difficulty :mrgreen:
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by ramana »

Pakistani, Indonesian and Indian pilgrims were among those killed when the crane collapsed, while the injured included Malaysians, Egyptians, Iranians, Turks, Afghans and Pakistanis.

Also heavy rains in desert kingdom is act of Allah!!!!

Too bad crane was not too long.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Falijee »

Saudi Arabia Accused of Not Taking in Refugees Despite Having 100,000 Empty, Air Conditioned Tents
While Europe struggles with the refugee crisis, Saudi Arabia, less than 2,032.5 km from Syria, has been largely unresponsive to the crisis.

Pressure continues to mount on Saudi Arabia to take Syrian refugees after it was revealed that the Middle Eastern country has 100,000 air conditioned tents that could house more than 3 million people, sitting empty.

The 20 square km tent city of Mina is used for five days each year by Hajj pilgrims, and deserted for the rest of the time.

The neatly arranged campsite is made up of eight-by-eight meter fire-proof tents, with kitchen and bathroom facilities.
Activist and nonresident fellow at the Brookings Institution Luay Al Khatteeb reported that Saudi Arabia has not taken a single refugee, likewise Kuwait, Qatar and United Arab Emirates. Jordan meanwhile has taken 628,427.
Nothing new here; they are great believers in money diplomacy and not human diplomacy :D
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

Iran supplies weapons to Syria, Iranian military experts are working here, but the Iranian army on the Syrian territory not - Assad
9/16/2015 6:00:05
Damascus. September 16. Interfax - Syrian President Bashar Assad has denied the statement of the Iranian military units operating in the territory of Syria, but has confirmed the location of military-technical cooperation with Tehran.

"Under the military support did not mean that some Western media are trying to present as the sending to Syria of Iranian military units - this is not true. Tehran is supplying us with military equipment," - said Assad in an interview with Russian media.

"Naturally, there is an exchange of military personnel between Syria and Iran. However, this exchange is always carried out. Of course, this bilateral cooperation is activated in time of war," - said the president of Syri

According to him, "Tehran's assistance was the main element that contributes to the stability of Syria in this difficult and brutal war."

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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Multatuli »

Egypt sends up to 800 ground troops to Yemen's war: Egyptian security sources

SANAA (Reuters) - As many as 800 Egyptian soldiers arrived in Yemen late on Tuesday, Egyptian security sources said, swelling the ranks of a Gulf Arab military contingent which aims to rout the Iran-allied Houthi group after a five-month civil war.

It was the first reported deployment of ground troops there by Egypt, which has one of the Arab world's strongest armies.

A coalition led by Saudi Arabia has scored major gains against the militia and its allies in Yemen's army, backing a push by Yemeni fighters to seize much of the country's south and now setting its sights on the Houthi-controlled capital Sanaa.

Four Egyptian units of between 150 to 200 troops along with tanks and transport vehicles arrived in Yemen late on Tuesday, two Egyptian security sources said.

"We have sent these forces as part of Egypt's prominent role in this alliance ... the alliance fights for the sake of our brotherly Arab states, and the death of any Egyptian soldier would be an honour and considered martyrdom for the sake of innocent people," a senior Egyptian military source said.

Yemeni officials put the number of foreign troops from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar at least around 2,000, while Qatari-owned Al Jazeera TV said at least 10,000 foreign soldiers had arrived, including 1,000 from the emirate.


The alliance has increased air strikes on Sanaa and other parts of Yemen since Friday, when a Houthi missile attack killed at least 60 Saudi, Bahraini and United Arab Emirates soldiers at a military camp in central Marib province.

http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/09/0 ... I720150909

France plans air strikes in Syria in coming weeks: minister

PARIS (Reuters) - France is planning air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria in the coming weeks in an effort to stem its growing presence in the country, French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Wednesday.

France, which has so far only taken part in strikes in Iraq, began reconnaissance flights over Syria a week ago in order to gather information on Islamic State positions.

Asked in an interview on France Inter radio when France would begin air strikes in Syria, Le Drian said "in the coming weeks", adding that he did not want to give details for strategic reasons.

"As soon as we have well identified targets and we can carry out the strikes that we need to carry out against an enemy who is the Islamic state and who is threatening us," he said.

http://news.yahoo.com/france-plans-air- ... 02456.html
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

this is from Feb18, 2015 - looks like ISIS has made good on their word in all respects

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... ombed.html
ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a 'psychological weapon' in chilling echo of Gaddafi's prophecy that the Mediterranean 'will become a sea of chaos'

Italian press today published claims that ISIS has threatened to release the huge wave of migrants to cause chaos in Europe if they are attacked

And letters from jihadists show plans to hide terrorists among refugees

Transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy claim to provide evidence that ISIS is threatening to send 500,000 migrants simultaneously out to sea in hundreds of boats in a 'psychological weapon' against Europe if there is military intervention against them in Libya.

Many would be at risk of drowning with rescue services unable to cope. But authorities fear that if numbers on this scale arrived, European cities could witness riots.

Separately, the militants hope to cement their control of Libya then cross the Mediterranean disguised as refugees, according to letters seen by Quilliam the anti-terror group, reported by the Telegraph.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

As omens go,the Mecca crane accident at the Grand Mosque is the equiv of Force 12 on the Beaufort scale. This is going to be a catastrophic time for the Saudi tyranny..oops! Monarchy. With oil prices plummeting,the Saudis energy strategy has been a big boo-boo,it is embroiled in a bitter internecine war in Yemen,where its bum-chums like Egypt are bailing it out after "eternal" bum-chums Pak by shying away from helping their most generous benefactors,shafted the Saudis in the ahem...nether end! This has enraged the kingdom who have now started to fund the planned Egyptian arms purchases from Russia.

The Saudis have also bitten off more than they can chew with ISIS. The diabolic entity was sponsored the Wahaabi Saudi aristocracy and the Gulf Sheikhdoms.It has spectacularly backfired just as the development of one OBL into an anti-Soviet zealot turned out for the Yanquis,who bit the dust on 9/11. With the withdrawal of the Yanquis and their hirelings of Europe from the MEast,a steady retreat in order to prevent another Saigon surrender,the stage was set for a new entrant,but familiar player onto the MEast chessboard,Russia.Russia has understood the root of the problem. I quote from a close friend ,author,expert on security matters,who warned the US in advance about future terror attacks on US soil before 9/11 which went unheeded:
The only way to defeat Islamic fundamentalism is to rout the ISIS, al Qaeda and allied organisations decisively and demonstrably. The main appeal of violent, medieval Islam is the belief, which has been strengthened enormously by the American retreat in Afghanistan and the ISIS advance in Syria and Iraq, that militant Islam is the wave of the future. The West must show that this is wrong. It is the military annihilation of Germany and Italy that destroyed Nazism and Fascism.The West has the military capability to crush militant Islam. But it lacks the will and the grit to do it. It will have to pay a terrible price for it.
Enter in the white knight Putin and Russia. It would be ironic if it is Russia and Putin who may well be the saviours of Western/European civilization! The Hungarian PM,Viktor Orban has forcefully at speed built an "iron fence" to keep out the hordes of Islamic so-called refugees,many from Pak,.attempting to invade "Christian" Europe.Orban has vowed to keep Hungary a Christian country and is building his iron fence .
Germany Seeks Talks With Russia Over Syria as Putin Conducts Naval Maneuvers Off Tartous (Video)
Posted on Sep 15, 2015

By Juan Cole
This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s website.

Agence France Press Arabic says that Cypriot officials are reporting that Russia has asked them to alter airline routes this week because it is planning naval military maneuvers off the Syrian coast near its leased naval base, Tartous.

The maneuvers are called “routine” by Moscow but come at a time of heightened American, European and Israeli concern about increased Russian military backing and aid for the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

Another Arabic news agency writes that the maneuvers will involve the firing of missiles.

There are also reports that Russia is preparing to send a new anti-aircraft system to Syria, the SA-22, which will be operated by Russian troops.

The necessity of such new weapons deliveries and Russian reinforcements has suggested to some, including President Obama, that Russia’s previous strategy in Syria is failing.

The developments come on the eve of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York, to be attended by Russian president Vladimir Putin for the first time in many years. There is speculation that there may be some diplomacy over the Syria issue at the UNGA.

The German government says it fears that Russia is doubling down on a military strategy to win in Syria, which cannot possibly succeed. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier wrote in the NYT this week:

“It would be folly to continue betting on a military solution . . . Now is the time to find a way to bring the parties to the negotiating table. This must include preparatory talks with and among crucial regional actors like Saudi Arabia and Turkey, but also Iran.”

Steinmeier had hoped that the UNSC nuclear deal with Iran would open the door to negotiations about Syria as well but fears that opportunity is receding.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Saturday that while Germany needs to work with the US to resolve the Syrian crisis, it likewise needs to work with Russia.

Because of their generous welcome of Syrian asylum seekers, German officials appear to be alarmed at the prospect that Russian aid to the Baath regime in Syria will detract from its willingness to negotiate with the rebels and so will prolong the civil war, lengthening the refugee crisis as well.

Among those worried about a Russian build-up in Syria are the Israelis. Here is Yediot Aharanot via BBC Monitoring:

“While the USA has restricted its military involvement in Syria to aerial activities Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has confirmed that Moscow has been sending military equipment and not just humanitarian assistance. Russia’s Kommersant newspaper said on 10 September that Moscow is supplying the Syrian army with small arms, grenade launchers, advanced BTR-82A armoured personnel carriers and Kamaz military trucks.

“A senior security source revealed yesterday that in addition to the Russian army forces coming to fight alongside Asad, Iran also has begun implementing its part of the deal. In the first stage a few hundred regular fighters of the Revolutionary Guard arrived in Syria to fight alongside Hezbollah against the rebels in the military camps area at Zabadani… The Russians and the Iranians claim that their military involvement in Syria is part of the effort to check ISIS. But the Russian army efforts in coordination with the Iranian Al-Quds force go much further and are directed in two channels. First, gathering the disintegrating Syrian units, arming them and putting them in training regime with the assistance of Russian and Iranian military advisers to enable them to fight effectively… Second, Russian aerial forces that would replace the Syrian air force and assist Asad’s land forces… While the Americans are content with talk and symbolic aerial activities, the Russians and the Iranians have decided to act and preserve by force their interests in the Middle East…” [From commentary by Alex Fishman in centrist, mass circulation Yediot Aharonot]”

Both Germany and Israel appear worried that the Obama administration is not serious about ending the Syrian fighting.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/the ... 02694.html

Kim Sengupta of the Independent
Wednesday 16 September 2015

The West is culpable for the bloodshed in Ukraine and Syria – and Putin holds the key to any breakthrough

Diplomatic Channels: There are reports that the Kremlin has a plan for President Assad to step aside

There are significant developments in two proxy wars in which the West is involved. The ceasefire in eastern Ukraine now appears to be holding, with flickering hopes of a future peace. New efforts are meanwhile under way to reach a settlement in Syria’s savage strife, but that is unlikely to be for some considerable time.

Russia, too, is involved in these wars and, at present, is in a strategically strong position. A frozen conflict in the Donbas will suit the Kremlin, which wants sanctions imposed over its annexation of Crimea and activities in the Donbas to be eased. In Syria it is openly stepping up its military presence while, at the same time, taking a leading role in diplomatic initiatives.

Ukrainian public figures bemoaned at a recent conference in Kiev that the international community is losing interest in their country. There is some truth in that. There is exasperation in the West at the seeming inability of the government of Petro Poroshenko to tackle endemic corruption and halt the economic slide.

But, above all, what is moving Ukraine on to the back-burner is the grim shadow of Syria, the tide of refugees flowing to Europe, and the rise of Isis.

Failure of Western policy has helped to create the violent and unstable conditions for this chaotic state of affairs. Britain has played a leading role, from its part in the 2003 invasion of Iraq to military intervention in Libya, now the main conduit for refugees crossing the Mediterranean. David Cameron was the chief cheerleader for bombing Libya. He was also the first to cry “Assad must go” (just as he had cried “Gaddafi must go”) at an early stage of the Syrian uprising when it could, perhaps, have been settled peacefully.

Having encouraged the uprising, the West did nothing to help the moderate rebels when they were still around in some numbers among opposition fighters.

Read more: • Russia has 'positioned tanks in Syrian airfield,' say US officials
• Comment: The Russians are coming to Assad's aid – or are they?

I spent the summer of 2012 with them covering the battle for Aleppo, when such help might have turned the tide against Bashar al-Assad’s forces. But that did not happen, and instead this paved the way for the Islamist extremists of Isis and Jabhat al-Nusra, with their wealthy backers in the Gulf States, to take over the rebellion.

We now discover that the West had turned down a Russian plan which could have led to President Assad’s removal a few months earlier. Martti Ahtisaari, the former Finnish president, disclosed that while he was holding talks with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council over Syria, Vitaly Churkin, the Russian ambassador, presented a three-point plan which would lead to Assad relinquishing power after negotiations began between the regime and the opposition. Mr Ahtisaari recalled how Mr Churkin had spoken about the urgent need to start a dialogue and finding an “elegant way for Assad to step aside”. But this was rebuffed by the US, Britain and France, all convinced that President Assad faced imminent defeat. The Finnish leader, a Nobel Peace Prize holder, spoke of his regret at the “opportunity lost in 2012”.

The consequence of failing to seize that opportunity was the continuation of a war which had cost 220,000 lives by February this year, leaving seven million people homeless. More than four million others have fled the country, tens of thousands heading in recent weeks for Europe.

Mr Ahtisaari described the refugee crisis as a “self-made disaster”, adding: “We should have prevented this from happening, this flow of refugees to our countries into Europe. I don’t see any other option but to take good care of these poor people... We are paying the bills we have caused ourselves.”

Read more: • 'We're inching towards peace with Russia,' claims Poroshenko
• Embattled President Poroshenko blames Russia for West's woes

It is this social and economic bill, the bitter divisions within the EU provoked by the refugee crisis, as well as jihad coming to the streets of Europe and North America, which has led the West finally to seek a solution to Syria after doing little as the country slid to the jagged edge of anarchy.

Russia, snubbed by the West three years ago, is now viewed – especially in Washington – as having a key role in seeking this solution. Senior former British and American commanders openly call for an alliance with Russia, and even an understanding with Assad, to fight Isis – a view echoed privately by serving commanders.

Saudi Arabia has, belatedly, concluded that some Sunni extremist groups, especially Isis, cannot be controlled.

There has been a flurry of meetings between Russian, Saudi and American officials. Iran, which wants to join the anti-Isis coalition after coming to an agreement with world powers over its nuclear programme, is being kept informed by Oman, which maintains good relations with its Sunni and Shia neighbours.

It is against this background that Russia has not hesitated to confirm its growing military capability in Syria. American objections to this have been relatively muted. Vladimir Putin claimed that he had talked to Barack Obama about it, and the Kremlin stresses the imperative of co-operation with the US.

The Saudis still hold that Assad cannot be part of the solution, as does the Syrian opposition in exile – and there are reports that the Kremlin may be considering another plan for him to step aside elegantly, something the West would now seize with alacrity. Mr Putin, however, is robust about Russia’s military support for the regime.

“Without an active participation of the Syrian authorities and the military, it would be impossible to expel the terrorists from that country and the region as a whole,” he declared. “Without Russia’s support for Syria, the situation in the country would have been worse than in Libya, and the flow of refugees even bigger.”

What happens in Syria will continue to be played out in the coming days. But it is Russia’s President, increasingly the man of the moment, who seems to be holding most of the aces.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Falijee »

I.S.I.S Coming To Town ? :mrgreen:

Heavy Gunfire In Ryadh

Riyadh, Dhu-AlHijjah 2, 1436, Sep 16, 2015, SPA -- A security spokesman of the Ministry of Interior disclosed today that, following precise information and follow-up of suspicious movements of some suspects, the security authorities successfully apprehended two hideouts to arrest two culprits in the first place and confiscate several dangerous items usually used in explosions and fire fighting in the second site.
The spokesman said that the first site is an apartment in Al-Monasiyah district in the city of Riyadh while the other is a rest house in Dhurma Province.
Preliminary information show that the two hideouts are home to dangerous tools, including weapons and explosives, necessitating speedy steps to apprehend who are inside, the spokesman said, adding that the security authorities managed to evacuate the neighboring houses of the first site, and besieging it. Once realizing that they have been encompassed, the two persons inside the hideout dared to come out firing at the security men. The battle ended in their surrender. They are Ahmed Saeed Jaber Al-Zahrani, 21, and Mohammed Saeed Jaber Al-Zahrani, 19.
Using monitoring cameras installed outside Dhurma rest house, the suspects inside the second site, dared to force their way out of the place, taking the initiative once the security men started to assemble around the building. Driving a four wheel Toyota vehicle carrying an Omani plate, they were shooting intensive fire towards the security men while forcing their way out. They were able to leave their damaged car and usurp a car of a passerby, to flee at large. Search for them is still going on.
A big quantity of different items usually used by terrorists were confiscated inside the two sites. In the first site, the security collected SR402101, $5500, three machine guns with ammunition, 36 fully-equipped machine gun magazines, three pistols, ten revolver magazines, five generates, weapon cleaning bag, vehicle plate, mobiles and laptops, typewriters for forging cards with lamination device, a number of counterfeited cards, scanner, papers, military bags to hold arms magazines.
In the second site, an explosive belt was found in the car and was defused. Also found was a lab for manufacturing explosives.
16:48 LOCAL TIME 13:48 GMT
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Y. Kanan »

U.S. spots Russian attack helicopters in Syria
http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/mi ... Syria.html
The United States has identified a small number of Russian helicopters at a Syrian airfield, U.S. officials said on Wednesday, the latest addition to what Washington believes is a significant Russian military buildup in the country.

One of the officials said four helicopters had been identified, including helicopter gunships, although it was not clear when the Russian helicopters had arrived there. The officials spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Reuters has previously reported on U.S. assessments that Russia has sent about 200 naval infantry forces, battle tanks, artillery and other equipment to an airfield near Latakia, a stronghold of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Despite Greek and Bulgarian backstabbing, the Russians are still managing to buildup some combat power in Syria. I wonder how they'll react if America's Jew friends decide to "accidentally" bomb a Russian unit or shoot down one of their fighter planes.

Still can't believe the Isrealis are so short-sighted in their support for ISIS and the other Syrian rebels. Makes you wonder when they'll stab us in the back, considering how cozy they've gotten w/Saudi Arabia.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

Rus is running an124 heavies over Iran and Iraq for this
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Multatuli »

Yemen rebels claim capture of Saudi troops, show one on TV

Sanaa (AFP) - Shiite Huthi rebels in Yemen claim to have captured several troops from Saudi Arabia, which is leading a coalition against the insurgents, parading one of the soldiers on television.

The Iran-backed rebels' Al-Masirah television late on Wednesday showed footage of a man dressed in military fatigues who identified himself as Sergeant Ibrahim Hakmi of a Saudi brigade based in the Jazan border area.

The man said he was being held along with several other Saudi soldiers, but did not specify how many. He also did not say how, when or where he was allegedly captured.

AFP could not verify if the man was indeed a Saudi soldier and Riyadh had yet to comment on the claim.

http://news.yahoo.com/yemen-rebels-clai ... 54516.html
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by kit »

Y. Kanan wrote:U.S. spots Russian attack helicopters in Syria
http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/mi ... Syria.html
The United States has identified a small number of Russian helicopters at a Syrian airfield, U.S. officials said on Wednesday, the latest addition to what Washington believes is a significant Russian military buildup in the country.

One of the officials said four helicopters had been identified, including helicopter gunships, although it was not clear when the Russian helicopters had arrived there. The officials spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Reuters has previously reported on U.S. assessments that Russia has sent about 200 naval infantry forces, battle tanks, artillery and other equipment to an airfield near Latakia, a stronghold of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Despite Greek and Bulgarian backstabbing, the Russians are still managing to buildup some combat power in Syria. I wonder how they'll react if America's Jew friends decide to "accidentally" bomb a Russian unit or shoot down one of their fighter planes.

Still can't believe the Isrealis are so short-sighted in their support for ISIS and the other Syrian rebels. Makes you wonder when they'll stab us in the back, considering how cozy they've gotten w/Saudi Arabia.
what if the ISIS was a creation of some western intelligence agencies and is being supported covertly ? Judge reactions of close western allies Israel and Turkey ..and oh ..Americans dont want want Russia to fight the ISIS .. truth might be stranger than fiction ..but there is something going on big time ..western news reports well ..not much to talk about it !
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by kit »

also how many refugees are the UK and USA taking in ?! ..having their cake and eating it no doubt ... also history is a good example ..not long back there were some good articles posted in BRF itself as to how the primary allied forces used "terrorism" as a means to control and influence other nation states
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Islamism thread.

Mohammadden Terrorist Rafik Mohamad Yousef who was provided refuge in Germany and was previously convicted there to an 8 year jail term for membership of the Mohammadden terrorist group Ansar-ul-Islam, stabs a Policewoman and in turn is himself shot dead:

Germany: Iraqi al-Qaeda Islamist Rafik Mohamad Yousef killed by police after Berlin knife attack

In a separate news item on the same case, the UK tabloid Express advises “GERMAN authorities were blocked in their attempt to deport a known terrorist who stabbed a Berlin policewoman in the neck today...because EU officials feared he would face the death penalty in his native Iraq.”:

EU rules STOPPED Germany from deporting terrorist shot dead in Berlin knife attack

At a time when providing refuge to Mohammadden Arabs is a hot topic, Germany and the EU will be well advised to ponder on this incident where a Mohammadden refugee of Arab extraction gave two hoots about those who provided him refuge by attempting to kill one of his hosts.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

interesting comment from Austins link:

Dude you may recall last year..The situation in the gang-controlled no-go zones of Sweden is deteriorating rapidly. Following the police report conceding the areas to the primarily Muslim immigrant gangs, the Swedish ambulance union is now demanding military grade protection gear to enter the no-go zones.

There have been a number of violent incidents lately, where thugs attack ambulances responding to calls in the zones. Thugs have slashed the tires of the ambulances, smashed their windshields and hurled large rocks from overpasses, while the paramedics themselves are subjected to both armed and unarmed physical violence on a regular basis. The situation has become so dire that the ambulance union now demands dramatically improved protection for its members.

“We need the paramedics to be prepared when entering these hot zones,” said union leader Henrik Johansson in an interview with Dagens Medicin magazine on Tuesday. “They need riot helmets, bulletproof vests, shin guards and holsterpacks. That’s the equipment needed to work in this environment. Of course, they also [need to be] equipped with gas masks.”

Firefighters face a similar situation. The gangs amuse themselves by setting fire to something — a container, a car or a school — and ambush the firefighters responding to the call

Emergency personnel now routinely request police escort before entering the no-go zones. Unfortunately, police are stretched thin and often lack the manpower to meet every request. Cars are torched practically every day in the ghettos, and Sweden holds the unflattering world record for the highest number of school fires.

Despite being a small country of less than 10 million citizens, a 2012 study showed an average of one school being burned per day in Sweden, costing tax payers upwards of half a billion SEK annually. By comparison, Greece has 11 million citizens and averages only five school fires per year.

Not even the police are safe from attacks. In May 2014, two police officers were cornered by 50 thugs in the no-go zone of Landskrona. They pulled their weapons to hold off the attackers and called for backup, but the police commander refused to send in backup, fearing escalation. One of the officers knew a few locals who intervened and convinced the gang to let the officers escape.

While such brazen aggression is rare, patrol cars are frequently pelted with rocks, and the drivers are targeted with green lasers. Blinding drivers with the powerful, hand-held lasers is a growing “sport,” where the goal is to make the driver crash. Buses, taxis, delivery companies and mailmen are also popular targets.

Even the suspicion of being part of law enforcement is grounds for beatings, as an elderly man waiting for the subway in Tensta discovered on Oct. 17. Gang members passing by misidentified his hearing aid as a police earphone and started punching and kicking him.

Ethnic Swedes are also being attacked. Local celebrity Linda Edenström’s 12-year old son was savagely beaten. In October, he took the subway after school to give a birthday present to a girl in his class. He was unaware she lived in a no-go zone, and when he exited the station he was promptly stopped by seven grown immigrants. They declared that no whites were allowed and proceeded to attack him while hurling anti-white slurs.

Swedish law states that the incident is not a hate crime. The law does not apply to an immigrant targeting a native Swede, even if an immigrant does so while explicitly stating they are doing it for racial reasons. However, the reverse situation with a native Swede saying a slur that could be perceived as racist has severe civil and criminal charges.

Why do civilized people cave to terrorists? and yes these gangs are terrorists
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by JE Menon »

^^The situation in many Western Europe (not just in Sweden) is much worse than one infers just by visiting these places. But I'm sure that the statistics exist with regard to the followers of the one true faith.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

Russia's "Syrian gambit".One can add that to the chess lexicon! Could it perhaps be a Russian strategy of getting Israel and the West to support Assad against ISIS,etc.,or face tons of Russian arms and experts instead as the consequence of remaining anti-Assad?

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 04444.html
Syria conflict: Israeli and US alarm as Russia gives Assad regime anti-aircraft missile system

President Putin is expected to go to the UN later this month to propose a new 'international alliance' against Isis
John Lichfield

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Mr Netanyahu will fly to Moscow next week to state his fears that Russian weapons – especially hi-tech anti-aircraft missiles – could find their way into the hands of Mr Assad’s Hezbollah allies on the Lebanon-Israeli border. “The Prime Minister will present the threats to Israel emanating from the increased flow of advanced weaponry to the Syrian arena and from the transfer of lethal weaponry to Hezbollah and other terrorist groups,” an Israeli spokesman said.

Russia, a long-term ally of the Assad regime, is reported to have deployed seven battle tanks, a handful of troops and artillery to Syria in recent days. Both Western and Russian sources have also spoken of plans by Moscow to add an advanced SA-22 surface-to-air missile system to Syria.

France joined the United States in rejecting the renewed overtures from Moscow for support for the Assad regime. The French Defence Minister, Yves Le Drian, also confirmed that a dozen French air force jets currently based in Jordan to carry out attacks on Isis targets in Iraq would also be flying missions into Syria in the coming weeks.

Mr Drian said France’s change of strategy – a switch also being considered by Britain – was a response to worrying developments on the ground.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

So who support Assad ? IRanians , Russians and Shia dominated Iraq tacitly ? Chinese arms are found in syriya now and chinese along with Russians vetoed every UN resolution against Assad.

More than Assad who is just figure head the fight seems to be between Shia/Alawite/Hizbolah versus US/West supported GCC/Sunnis and ISIS in cocktail.

There seems to be no good solution here , If Assad remains every one had one motive to fight which is to remove him and his Alawite/Shia support base , IF Assad goes then it will be classic Libya situation where every one fights for/against based on Religious Lines , So there could be sector based control.

From Russian/Iraq/IRan pov they would be happy to see Assad remains and they dont see Sunni/ISIS in their neighbourhood , If Assad goes killed or other wise then even able bodied Sunnin/Allawite would have AK and RPG to defend their faith to the last man who can lay life in name of allah.

This is major issue for EU and Refugees would increase and the terrorist would just end up the next best place to be which is west.

I suspect Russian Intelligence would have figured out West/GCC planning major attack on Assad and his army in the name of fighting ISIS and indeed the French statement posted by Philip hints at that , hence the quick flight to replenish their arms to fight till last man

What a Mess We are in ......I see no clear winner or looser here.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

Assad has suffered some serious reverses in last few months. he used to hold more territory a year ago. perhaps KGB got wind of a western sponsored putsch like when nato ships sped special bands of stormtroopers from benghazi and directly landed them in tripoli to target the qadhafi govt in its final days.

if syria falls, so goes the one and only russian naval base in the Med - Tartus. the west will make sure whichever regime takes over kicks them out asap.

assad seems lacking in manpower and funds to try and take over vast swathes of lightly contested countryside in the center or islamist rebel held areas in the north near aleppo. right now whenever the islamists/ISIS get surplus manpower they creep forward and expand their territory and assad is unable to control the initiative or launch a counterattack.

the US if they had honest intentions could within 1 week cripple all the oil facilities where ISIS makes its money from. no such thing has been done. even efforts to help baghdad govt retake al-anbar province have been light at best. talk of taking Mosul in the fall-winter evaporated into thin air.

Iran if they deploy 3 divisions of their best , plus native kurds might be able to help the iraqi army & militias take mosul but they have been declared non-grata in north iraq sunni areas by the wise heads in the gotus.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

IF the Arab/Opposition Forces were that good they would have rolled over Assad forces by now , It wouldnt be easy for them to fight Alwaite and Shia who are fighting for their homeland and their life , As they know loosing this would be a mass slaughter ISIL style.

ITs a deadlock there is nothing much US or GCC can do now nor can Assad and its supporters , ITs now a classic guerrilla warfare no side winning or loosing , The best option for them is to negotiate it out. The other option is to let ME burn in Flame and Rufugess to knock at EU doors
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

Russian defense, Pentagon chiefs agree to restore military contacts, discuss Syria

http://www.rt.com/news/315869-russia-us ... y-restore/
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Multatuli »

Syrian war, ISIS & Western propaganda: Assad interview in 10 quotes

In a rare interview with Russian media, including RT, Syrian President Bashar Assad opened up about terrorism, the refugee crisis, and Western propaganda. He went back in history, saying that the US invasion of Iraq had set the stage for Syria's unrest.

http://www.rt.com/news/315848-assad-syr ... interview/

Moscow says about 2,400 Russians fighting with Islamic State: RIA

About 2,400 Russian nationals are fighting with Islamic State militants, Russia's First Deputy Director of Federal Security Sergei Smirnov was reported as saying on Friday.

RIA news agency also quoted Smirnov as saying that in total there are about 3,000 Central Asian nationals fighting within Islamic State groups.

Speaking to journalists, Smirnov said that the problem of migrants fleeing the Middle East to Europe is only likely to increase, posing potentially a "great threat" for Russia.

"The assertion that Moscow's support negatively impacts the situation in Syria - and the flow of refugees in particular - is not true. This is due to the expansion of Islamic State in the region," he said.

Hinting at the United States, Smirnov said that there are "some countries that try to evade" international cooperation on fighting terrorism.

"There is a cooperation but not at the right level - especially with the United States," he said.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/ ... PG20150918
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

saudi arabia and uae have invaded yemen since month with a huge amt of western supplied hw ... some of it on show here like leclerc tanks ... most have addl side skirt armour and slat armour

here houthi infantry destroys a saudi M60 tank. seemed to have no infantry protection just stuck out there to get hit.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/dubai-ru ... eststories

33 yo son of the dubai PM and VP al-maktoum has died of a heart attack.

he was a fit athlete and participated in equestrian in asian games.

i wonder if this is a warning from the d-company/tsp-pasand section of their elite.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

^^ The Houthi have even taken out Saudi Abrams and Bradley using Konkurs ATGM


The terrain itself does not look good for tank warfare
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

Chinese ATGM used by Syrian Army ,Chinese ATRA HJ-73D in Syria

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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Altair »

Singha wrote:http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/dubai-ru ... eststories

33 yo son of the dubai PM and VP al-maktoum has died of a heart attack.

he was a fit athlete and participated in equestrian in asian games.

i wonder if this is a warning from the d-company/tsp-pasand section of their elite.
Thats tragic. Now the heir apparent is "Fazza",a text book drug and sex addict.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by kit »

Altair wrote:
Singha wrote:http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/dubai-ru ... eststories

33 yo son of the dubai PM and VP al-maktoum has died of a heart attack.

he was a fit athlete and participated in equestrian in asian games.

i wonder if this is a warning from the d-company/tsp-pasand section of their elite.
Thats tragic. Now the heir apparent is "Fazza",a text book drug and sex addict.

there has been quite a few instances of foul play in the lines of succession ..not all is public ..one of the UAE rulers even had a drug addict son killed when the latter tried to murder him., facts known only to few.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Vinod Ji »

You seem to know few things which we don't know here.. any more details?