Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part IV

BRFite -Trainee
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Post by kantak »

the opening has been great.Its time for the IN to stop being a mere watcher and to become a vulture!
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Post by Shankar »

General nobutus plan was simple and practical .His first objective of domination of namibia was not a majot strike at political capital of windoheck which had significant defensive perimeter -it was walvis bay the only deep sea harbour of namibia and thru which any major external assistance must come in with or without unitednations mandate . His tactical objective was simple -destoy the port infrastructure quickly and then use a part of invasion force to siege the capital city of windohek and bulk of the force to by pass the capital and head for south african border where majority of diamond and some of the gold mines are located . Loot them and then quickly exit northwards to angola before the so called international community has woken up and decided what to do abouth this new menace.

As his armoured column moved south west towards walvis bay -life in one of the more prosperous namibian city was more or less normal with some what enhanced security directed against potential sabotage and air strike .
The frantic request for help to united natins security council have been as expected stuck up in quigmire of global rael politik . Even a direct request to south african govt have not had any effect . There was just one last hope -the indian navy carrier group which was operating just outside the teritorial waters of namibia for a swift and direct intervention if not for anything but purely from a humanitarian point of view to save the people of of pictueseque walvis bay from plunder and rape and to save the economy of the young nation from sure economic disaster if the port infrastructure is destroyed altogether .

The call from namibian president was recieved at prime ministers office late evening and an emergency session of cabinet commiteee on security conveend same day late night over a frugal dinner of rice ,roti,dahi chicken and fruit salad where al the service chiefs were also present . The decision to act independent of united nations mandate was difficult to take .Aroind 3 o clock in the morning indian standard time it was finally agreed upon to provide military assistance to the state of namibia in a "limited way " . Initial military response will be offered from the navy carrier group and air force assets already present for the exercise with south africa and if required " additional re inforcements " will be arranged from " multinational sourecs "

By 9 in the morning the codeed flash priority message was with the task group comander and an emergency session was held on the same afternoon with all the air squadron commanders on board vikramaditya .
The iff protocols were established ,confirmed and reconfirmed and by early evening vikramaditya declared a 200 kms no fly zone around the task force after issuance of NOTAM to local and civil aviation authorities . This meant any aircraft of whatever nationality entering the no fly zone was laible to be shot down without warning unless it responds with the valid iff protocol strarting from transponder frequency to approach pattern to cruise altitude in short under complete control of vikramadityas air trafic control dictate .For all practical purposes that part fo atlantic became indian teritorial water space to be used for war .

Once again the indian navy got ready for a war far way from home land . Down in various south african air bases the air force contigents went on full alert along with the south african counterparts . As the frequency of fuly armed combat air patrols by iaf sukhois increased the citizens of johensberg ,cape town ,port elzabeth got a rare glimpse of the worlds most capable combat aircraft carryimg the full complement of air to air armaments taking to skies ,to defend the country of thier hosts and pay its debt of love and friendship to the continet of africa.
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Post by Shankar »

Namibias exploration by europeans commenced in 1485 but the presence of some what inhospitable namib desert prevented ingress in to mainland from this direction.The portugeese started calling this bay bahai das bahaleas or walvis bay from sixteenth century onwards.The next contacts happened in 1652 when dutch east india company who have based them selves in cape of good hope strted exploring the african west coast .Grundel landed on sandwitch bay south of present day walvis bay and the first recorded military or local resistance to european expansion in african mainland took place in place called kuiseb mouth between crew of bode with local nama.The next phase of coastal exploration generated increasing tension between the british and dutch. The british ship nautilus under command of thomas thompson surveyed sections of namibian coastline as far as angra pequena and orange river delta for a suitable place to recieve the british convicts. However due to exterme inhospitable nature of the coast it wa finally decided to new south wales of australia a place for such " receptin" . This was followed by dutch expedition in 1793 who proclaimed dutch soverighnity over angra pequina ,halifax island and walvis bay .

Along the namibian coastline between the orange river delta and walvis bay a group of 12 off shore islands exists scattered along the a distanec of about 330 kms and also known as penguin islands. Due to presence of rich guano deposits in these islands which are a natural souce of phospahate fertiliser the island of inchobe island was annexed by the british in 1861 and who soon followed by annexation of the rest of the 11 islands in the off shore island chain .

The present day importance of walvis bay to namibian economy cannot be under emphasised. Apart from peripherially situated luderitz bay walvis bay is the only deep draft natural harbour along almost 1350 kms of namibian coast .After a long bitter struggle according to resolution 432 dated 27th july 1972 of the constitution of namibia walvis bay and the off shore islands as well as centre line of orange river became an integral part of republic of namibia but the physical integration of walvis bay to namibian republic will take place much later -in 1994 .

Todays walvis bay has a moderate population of 50000 and a busy town .Most people are employed in the harbour terminal and booming fish industry.Sea salt production also offeres livelihood to reasoanble number of people . The salt fields of walvis bay area cover almost 3500 hectres and produce nearly 400000 tons of high quality sea salt.The special feature of walvis bay is the natural lagoon with overwhelming abundance of sea birdes ,flemingos and pelicans and in anual population of migratory birdes acn touch as high as 200000. .
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Post by Shankar »

- make periscope depth -speed 3 knots -up esm mast -make 5 degree on planes

As the diving planes of the kilo class adjusted to its new orientation the hydrodynamic forces acting on the diving planes pitched up the dark submarine towards the surface ,the forward speed quitely reduced to 3 knost a speed at which even worlds best sonar will not be able to detect it so close to the coastal shelf . The comparitively small but deadly underwater killer of indian navy glided up the warm atlantic waters and leveled out at periscope depth that is 3 mtrs below surface .

-up periscope -up esm mast

The heavy periscope hissed up quitely in its very well lubricated hydraulic lift cylinder and capt rogers quickly did a seven second surface scan .Like all good submarine commanders he had the uncanny ability to quickly register and record a surface picture in one at the most two 360 degree scan of the high resolution prismatic periscope . Today the sea was clear of all threats .The nearest ship was 5 kms away waiting at anchorage for a berth in the walvis bay harbour . The night was comparitively dark and in the distance he could clearly make out the brightly lit port of walvis bay .

- down periscope -surface ship - discharge cargo - you have 10 minutes

It was a brisk order and like all submariners he felt oddly vilnerable at surface even if logic told him there is no apparent danger . An unintended sighting by a fishing trawler or harbour patrol boat can risk the mission and expose his ship to unpredictable dangers . And he did not like that one little bit .

Compressed air rushed into the ballast tanks and the kilo moved up very very slowly to surface as the screw rotated more surely and within minutes the inner door and the outer hatch opening was opened up. The cargo this time was a 10 member marine commando force transfered earlier in the evening from INS Mysore along with their inflatable and equipment which in this case consisted of ak-74 s and 300 rounds of ammo eACH, 9mm browning high powered hand guns with spare mags,4 fragmentation grenades and two portable laser designator pods and frequency agile ultra high frequency ground to air communication sets .

It took almost all of alloted 10 minutes to get the two zodiacs out of the narrow hatch and inflate them up with compressed air from the subs high pressure air storage .The twin 250 hp yamaha outboard were out next and latched on .The comandoes slithered into the boat quickly along with their water proof duffel bags of equipement and weapons . In their black wet suit and in the black inflatables they were hard to see even from a distance of 20 ft .As the powerful yamahas purred to life the sailors pushed them outwards and the two tiny boats moved out towards the distant shores leaving a small wake behind .No word was exchanged during the entire process of insertion in the true traditions of all indian special forces operation .

-close hatch -prepare to dive
-hatch closed -inner door secure
-dive dive dive
The water valves opened and tons of sea water rushed into the forward ballast tanks till the submarine aquired neutral buoyancy
- make depth 100 mtrs -diving angle 15 degree
slowly the diving planes moved into the commanded position and the kilo took a nose down attitude and dived towards the dark deoths of atlantic ,once agin happy to be back in her elements .
- set course 140 -speed 6 knots
the deadly killer was back on prowl in her designated patrol position around the carrier group ,waiting for the command to strike .

Lt commander hardeep singh made a slight course change as he angled the zodiac away from the busy port and towards the more desolate pre selected beaching point near sandwitch bay .On his bulky night vision goggles he could see the sandy shore line going up in a low gradient towards the rocky dunes that surround the walvis bay . The air was reach and humid and stank of dried fish . His wrist GPS reciever was working fine and at 1 kms from the sandy beach he cut the motor and started rowing slowly ,the other zodiac did the same . As they beached the boats close to a colony of nesting flemingoes -there was understandable lot of commotion but nothing of alarming sort thought hardeep smilingly as after digging intheir boats in soft sand and making sure the chances of acciedental discovery remote ,they started their long trek up the dunes for a vantage observation point . They reached the dune peak with about 10 minutes to spare just as the eastern sky was breakinginto a riot of colours which usally hearalds an african dawn .
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Post by Shankar »

Capt virendra rao was an avid angler and just hoped this trip he will get a chance to do some serious shark angling once the conflict gets over .Like all military men he did not like killing people and that too in a distant land but he also had the responsibility of defending the men under his command and his friends and fellow officers and men in the strike force now assembled off the coast of africa.

In this mission his primary responsibility along with sister ship mysore was air defense of the convoy and for that he had two very potent air defense missile systems on board the israeli barak system and ofcourse the basic shtil or sa-n-7 gadfly basic area air defense missile with performance similar to us navys sm-2 missiles .Rao decided to have one more check of the shtil system since as per discussions he had with flag office commanding once the fulcrums go to active defense of namibian ground forces around walvis bay -it is but normal the angolan airforce which have been reported to posses a large number of soviet era mig 21 and 23 will try to hit back at the indian carrier group.

As he moved into the operating console of shtil air defense system and checked the configuaration for optimum performance .The target engagement mode was configured for simultaneous engagement of 12 targets and target bearing coverage for 180 degree (0-180) the frontal possible strike arc of angolan aircrafts ,mysore would be covering the rear strike arc , since the angolan aircrafts were expected to fly in low he selected the target elevation coverage at 35 degree though maximum elevation coverage upto 70 degree is possible in this system,reaction time he set at max that is 16 seconds and that gave him an effective killing range of 25 km+ on the monitor of the console .

The unique shtil air defense system was designed and developed essentially to protect a naval convoy or a carrier or both like in case of indian carrier group against both massed attack and anti ship missile salvos . It is comparitively easy to operate and maintain ,having a modular structure where repalacing a defective module even under attack takes buta few minutes.The target information is supplied from 3d circular scan radar .It operates using the current secondary dat (digital or analogue)or in some cases primary radar supplied data with data type and configuration specifically selected by indian navy.A high level of automation in the entire system ensures quick reaction time vital for a massed aircraft attack or low flying anti ship missile salvo from another ship or an aircraft maritime strike formation. The missiles themselves are semi activ radar homing with ultra powerful high explossive warheads with built in proximity detonation option .Missile launching is fully automatic from rapid fire single rail launchers and upto 3 missiles can be targeted at the same target based on threat perception of the intercept officer . At a total readiness time from cold stock to combat state taking less than 3 minutes shtil is indeed a formidable air defense system.

One last look at the configuration and rao punched in the execute button .The standby light glowed green and the firing mode was still in mannual and will be switched on to auto mode only when any actual stike is in progress .Rao did not want replicate iran air 617 episode once again when us navy shot down an aranian airbus over the gulf by its aegis operated sm2 missiles. There were no surviviors.

Cap rao walked over the sprawling 500 m2 helicopter deck today holding the sea king and the dhruv was up there some where looking for non existant subs . On his air search radar he could see the ka-31 from vikramaditya 50 kms away and the flight of 2 mig 29ks making idle race track patterns in the early morning sky .so far so good thought rao as his mind drifted back to the deep waters of atlantic and what lies within.

Shark angling is one of the most popular sports of namibia .Because certain species are only fornd in shallow waters upto a max depth of 100 mtrs sharks are often taken by shark anglers.The bigger species when caught are normally tagged and returned to sea.The season for shark angling extends from november to may .The most sought after is the copper shark or bronzy.It can weigh between 50 kg to 200 kgs .It prefers the cold water and inhabits the continental shelf from surfline to a max depth of 100 mtrs.It feeds on bonny fishes such as cape gunard and sole .The record till date ,capt rao remembered is 176 kgs.The other most caught shark by the shore anglers is the guly shark or spotty.It can be identified easily by the black spot on the body and reaches a length of nearly 170 cms .They feed on crabs,fishes and other smaller sharksand found mainly upto a depth of 50 mtrs from shore.A comparitively biger shark is the cork shark ,can be as long as 3 mtrs and reported to be dangerous to swimmers .Capt rao have come fully prepared with his purglass 400/4 rod,daiwa 450 reel 130 pound steel trace and 2x20 hook. He was looking forward to his first battle with the copper shark may be a bit more eagerly than his first fight with angolan airforce . But then in this world you rarely get what you want atleast not in the order of pririty you would like them to happen .
BRFite -Trainee
Posts: 44
Joined: 11 Dec 2005 15:14

Post by Philbert »

jus wanted to know if the INS Chola makes its premier in the upcoming war :?:
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Joined: 28 Aug 2002 11:31
Location: wai -maharastra

Post by Shankar »

General nobutu looked at the massed artilery and tanks positioned on the rocky dunes overlooking the prosperous harbour town .Everything was as it was supposed to be .The 130 mm shell cases were being opened and the t-55s ready to roll at short notice onec the arty barrage was over . Most of his mechanised infantry were in reasonable good shape after the rapid advance of last day and this time was as good as any to take the prize.He hoped with fall of walvis bay the namibian will to resist will die and his advance to south african border should be of not much problem .His air defense radars have picked up some fast moving blips over the ocean couple of times but that must be the indian migs doing routine combat air patrol over thier carrier and he seriously did not believe they will intervene in the current dispute -at leats not immediately . His intel sources within south africa have reported presence of some IAF contigents in number of south african air bases but they also are not likely to be of any serious concern atleast till UN takes any clear cut decision .

In the distant horizon he could make out the namibian defense fortifications and the gun emplacements which would be the first target for his artilery and then he will systemetically roll the fire forward to take out the city and the harbour .The namibians he hoped will learn soon enough the price of resisting his army can be very very high .

He picked up his field radio and quitely ordered his arty commander to open fire on a densely populated city .

The 130 mm russain field guns opened up as one shattering the peace of night and a few seconds later the citys perimeter defenses strted crumbling up like a pack of cards . 64 guns were used in the first salvo the other 128 waited for the namibian defenses to respond . The grid cordinates of the namibian guns returning the fire were carefully noted and thier firing solution plotted up in the final fire plan .All the 200 guns were now given specific targets and they adjusted thier barrel elevation based on the range to thier individual targets and the stong wind blowing in from the sea .

The 200 massed guns then started fring for effect very carefully and very deliberately and they never stopped for the next 3 hrs firing one carefully aimed shell at each target ,at each building and at the various harbour installtions . Soon the rolling thunder like noise of the guns was overwhelmed by a different kind of sound that of thousands of poor namibains in agony of death and injury ,of thousands of kids living in the shanties around the town shieking in terror as the volley after volley of shells passed overhead in a crescendo of whiplash like terror . By the time dawn came there was not much left of namibian defense or for that matter the town of walvis bay except hundreds of severely disfigured bodies both live and dead .

The actual death toll will never be known but various estimates put it anywhere between 2000- 6000 and number injured well over 10000. But it was just the begining .

Dawn was breaking out over the eastern dunes and the t-55s started up their diesel and formed up for slow deliberate advance to the besieged city . They advanced in a wide c formation ,turrets open and speed low so that the tracks get enough traction over the sandy soil . A blue haze of exhaust formed over the advancing column and the ground vibrated as the first regiment of t-55 opened thier throttle after cresting the dune overlooking the walvis bay .

-clear deck for helo launch
The characteristic clanking sound of kamovs rotors filled the flight deck as lt commander sudipta increased power and took off in easternly direction to her patrol position just inside the teritorial waters of namibia. The realtime data feed from her search radar on ground search mode was fed directly to the combat information centre and also to the pilots pre mission briefing room on a large monitor .

The 12 fulcrum pilots looked on intently at the ground radar plot and knew it will be difficult task . All most 200+ tanks were moving in to the town spread over a wide area followed by larger number of mechanised infantry mounted on bmp/brdm s . Even at average advance speed of 10 kms per hour it should not take the advncing armoured column to reach the outskirts of the city more than 3 hrs .They have to be stopped before that because once inside the densely populated city effcetiveness of precision strike will greatly diminish and civilian casualty will mount exponentially .

Up on the flight deck the armourers were sweating in the humid heat as they checked and rechecked the weapon load of eack mig 29k ,changing some based on realtime feed back from the kamov 31 acting now as an advanced recon post in air . Only the first two migs will be carrying 250 kgs laser guided boms in multiple rack each carrying 12 bombs in twin centreline pylons ,two 81 mm rocket pods in the iner pylons and two r-73 s each on the wing tip pylons. The rest of the formation will essentially be
carrying 57 mm rockets and 250 kg dumb bombs for ground strike alomg with mandatory twin r-73 s in wing tip.

- xo -steer course 085
and vikramaditya swung on its axis to get the wind over deck
- clear deck for air craft launch
One last check of the deck for loose tools and metal fragments as the lead mig 29k was guided into the restraing stand its nose wheels locked with the holding bar
- tower harpey flight -request clearence for take off
- harpey flight -cleared for take off - maintain take off heading and make altitude 5000 ft -expect strong cross wind at 3000 ft -good hunting
-roger that tower ,was the calm reply from comander vinayak pandey ,air group commander of ins vikramaditya . Like all senior pilots of indian navy he thought he owes it to his less experienced collegues to lead them to combat .

The usal quick scan of the instrument cluster , everything where it should be as his left hand gently pushed the throttle lever from idel to full military power waited for a few seconds and then pushed it past the reaheat gate all the way to stops . The roar of the twin rd-33 engines filled the cockpit een thru comparitively better accoustic insulation and the vibration came up thru the control column as the engine speed and thrust built up rapidly ,at 103% rpm and exhaust temperature 650 degree centigrade he stiifened himself for the launch when the restraining bar sensed the thrust is good and released its hold on the aircrafts nose wheel . She leapt forward ,flashed past the island structure and was in air in less than 3 seconds ,her air speed crossing 650 kms per hour and altitude already 1000 mtrs and climbing as wing comander vinayak slapped up the undercarriage lever and the three red on panel quickly changed to red and then moved up the flaps to cruise settings and as he reached 5000 ft his left hand moved with practised ease over the throttle lever pulling them back slowly back out of reheat zone into 90& max military power .The engine note changed significantly as the extra thrust of afterburners got cut off and the twin tailed bird of prey levelled out ta designated cruise altitude .
His wing man has already taken off and climbing rapidly to altitude and so far so good thought commander vinayak as he keyed in his mike

- tower harpey lead -all systems in green - altitude 5000 ft - request target vector
- harpey flight - target bearing 065-150 kms -tango 72 column confirm when visual -no friendly in area -you are weapons free -make altitude 100 ft - expect sa 3 and shilka batteries with tank column
-roger that tower -shal keep my eyes peeled for those bl---- shilkas - over and out .
Admiral bhasin frowned at the last explitive but then smiled .After all you cannot make saints out of fighter jocks as the next flight of migs took off in a fury sound and smoke .
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Post by Shankar »

Major longo was a happy man .He had a clear cut responsibility of defending the tanks from air strike and for that purpose he had six sa-3 launcher system mounted on some what pld zol heavy duty trucks arranged in a start of david array witht he command truch (which very considerately was air conditioned ) and each of the six mobile launchers had 4 ready missiles and one set of reload .All in all he had the capability to shoot down 48 +48 a total of ninety six aircraft/chopper which was considerably more than anything the namibians or for that matter south african air force could deploy aginst the brave armed forces of angola at short notice .

the sa-3 missile system was essentially designed as an afterthought to sa-1 and and sa 2 missile system with somewhat shorted engagement range and more effective against low flying targets .During initial development phase the missiles were deployed on fixed launchers but later on based on feed back from vietnam war and angolan civil war mobile launchers were developed. Reload time is comparitively high at just under one hour in actual field condition .

Like all surface to air missiles in erstwhile soviet union sa-3 system was first deployed in 60s for the air defense of moscow but as better variants became available they were sold with periodic upgrades to soviet allies like angola,cuba and india. The naval version was also developed and deployed in several warships of red navy and also in some frigates of indian navy . The most talked about success of sa-3 goa system was when it managed to shoot down a single f-117 stealth bomber during kosovo conflict with presumed assistance from civilian mobile telephone network .It has been used extensively in both vietnam and arab-israeli conflicts and proved to a reliable and rugged system .

The three primary radar system used by sa-3 air defense network are -P-15 380 kw flat face primary target aquisition radar ,low blow 250 kw I/D band target tracking ,guidance and fire control radar and side net e band height finder radar with a max altitude detection range of 32000 mtrs and tracking guidance range of 40 kms + .

For optimum performance the flat face target aquisition radar is van mounted on a mast for bettre aquisition of low flying targets , the low blow target tracker is installed on a trailer and the ht finder side net inside a box bodied trailer

As major longo powered up his emmiters to max range search and track mode he could see some blips on the farthest corner of his screen and that he presumed were the indian naval aircraft on cap to his south west ,due south everything was clear so far . under his feet the ground rumbled as the 800 hp 50 ton iron monsters called t-55s rolled thier way forward towrds the besieged town of walvis bay

-Clear deck for air craft launch
- and the first of the to fulcrums equipped with as 17 anti radiation missiles came onto the launch station .Apart form 2 mandatory r-73s for self defense he was carrying 6 of those long range anti radiation missiles four on the fusalage pylons and two on inner wing pylons . The real time data feed from kamov 31 close to namibian shore has made the last minute change nessecery when the last of the two mig 29k were quickly downloaded of the rockets and bombs and the sleek long anti radition missiles were uploaded in reccord time . The sam launchers were now pririty one and the earlier three flights were diverted over the atlantic on a holding pattern till mamba flight could do the job
- tower -cobra lead -request clearence for take off
-cobra lead -cleared for take off - make altitude 30000 ft -fly runway heading and contact tower when at grid sector victor bravo -you are not weapons free at this point
- roger that tower - fly runway heading-climbing to 10000 mtrs to grid sector victor bravo -not weapons free understood

The throaty roar of twin rd-33 s on full power with reaheat on filled the space once again as the fulcrum took off with hardly suppressed urgency at the newly developebut some what expected threat to strike formation . The angolan tactics of switching on the radars at last moment has worked very well and indian strike force was taken by surprise -but now that factor need to be neutralised soonest .No navy in the world likes surprises .The wingman was similarly armed and he took off in less than 2 minutes forming up on the lead at 10000 ft and turning inland as the spear point of naval strike force .
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Post by Shankar »

Lt commander arjun waited for the angolan sa-3 radars to light up so that he can take them out for good but it did not.The angolan air defense officer was smart and was operating the radar on on/off mode making positive aquisition some what diffcult and arjun definitely did not want to loose his nearly million dollar apiece missiles on chance strike even if the chance of hit according to brochures was nearly 90%

-tower we have lost target -request assistance to locate emmiter assembly soonest
- roger that cobra lead standby replied the calm voice from combat informationcenter of vikramaditya .

In an adjacent undersea emergency communication console the operator tried to raise the nearest kilo sindhu shastra on the sound powered phone he was sucessful on fifth attempt

- dolphin 1 - execute siera strike -target coordinate siera alpha -flight profile flat -altitude 3000 mtrs
-roger that mother 1 -executing now

Capt rogers quitely issued the nessecery command s which will being his sub to missile firing position

- load missiles intubes 1thru 4
- make your depth 50 ft -angle on diving plane 15 degree
-missile director target -coordinate siera alpha -flight profile flat -set cruise altitude 3000 mtrs

As the sleek submarine angled up to reach the missile firing depth all aboard hel on to whatever nearby to keep balance . In the miisle launch console the targets co ordinates were quicky uploaded into the missiles microprocessor brain .

The launch process itself was comparitively smooth as one by one the four missiles came out of the tubes and angled up in a stream of bubbles and then the solid motors ignited pushing it out to atmosphere and to its pre designated targets ,which in this case was the general position of the angolan expeditionary force command centre and the air defense missile radars .They flew on slowly at less than 600 knots at 10000 ft altitude pushing the angolan defenders to commit a mistale and that they did

The sa 3 target aquisition radar aquired the slow and high flying clubs immediately after launch and the passed on the the target data to the misile track and guidance radar which took on the cue and started tracking the incomming clubs automatically as the missile launchers swung up to the expected intercept elevation . The clubs were comming on slowly and all the emmiters went an full power and continiuos emmission mode .

This was the objective of the whole exercise

Lt commander arjun looked on the head up display intently as the flashing target marker came up right in the bottom left corner with a spike icon indiacting ground to air radar and his reactions were routinely reflex as he pushed the control stick down and left bringing the target icon into centre of head up cross hair display

- tower - cobra lead have aquired target - request weapons free
- roger that cobra lead -you are weaponbs free -confirm target type
- tower -target confirmed type siera alpha 3 -engaging now

The missile aquisition circle over the spike icon turned red indiacting the target is now aquired -locked and doomed .As arjuns right thumb pressed on the fire button lifting up the protective shield in one smooth movement the first of the as-17 kryptons arguable worlds best anti radar missile dropped free into the slip stream and the solid motor ignited taking it safe distance away from the launch platform before the built in acceleromaters sensed the speed and energised the pyros which in their turn ignited the small explossive charge seperating the solid motorcasing from the rocket body . The ram jet ignited quickly pushing up the speed to nearly 4 times the speed pf sound and the fins deployed accurately guiding the deadly missile with its 90 kg blast fragmentation warhead unerringly towards the comand vehicle of the angolan sa-3 based air defense system. It tore into the vessel and almost exited from the other side before exploding killing all operating staff instantly . The other three kryptons followed shortly there after with a gap of precisely 10 seconds and they targeted the individual launchers and the radar vehicles .In about one minute of krypton strike the angolan air defense capability was non existent.

Like all armies on the move they ofcourse had secondary capability and reserve capability but that would take time to to come to operational status . Unfortunately for the angolans indian navy was not in a fair and gracious mood that day .On this day the angolan expedition force will not be shown any mercy .They will be told very surely and very firmly that killing of women and children must stop and they must withdraw all their forces immediately . Namibians have just got themselves a strong friend .

The land attack clubs came in next with their 300 kgs high explossive warheads targeted at the ammo dumps and the fuel tanker parkings ,the food storage and temporary barracks . More than the actual damage it is the ferocity and sureness of indian attack which unnerved the angolans .But the best was yet to come .

-harpey flight -tower -you are cleared to engage target and weapons free on all targets
- engaging now -harpey lead

The mig 29s swooped down on the lead elements of armoured column and let loose with a fury of heavy rockets and 250 kg bombs . Each would make one pass and then climb up as the next one came down and the process continued for 30 minutes by which time at least 34 tanks and numerous armoured personnel carriers were in flames . As the fulcrums exited over the atlantic ,their pylons empty ,general nobutu looked with dis belief at the extent of devastation caused by such a small force .For the first time he started doubting whether hsi decision to invade was indeed the right one .
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Location: wai -maharastra

Post by Shankar »

The early morning sea haze still covered the someaht depleted armoured column as general nobutu sipped his first black coffee of the day by side of a small camp fire . The indian naval strike for him was a total surprise and he knew if he has to survive the damned indian ships must be sunk.Since he could not even see the ships his only option was to call up help from luanda. Hopefully the airforce guys with their supersonic fighteres will be able to rectify the situation somewhat . In the mean time he decided to retreat into bush country nearly 30 kms eastwards where it will be somewhat more difficult for the aircraft to target his formation

Chaos was everywhere . More than 30 percent of his troops were busy attending the damaged vehicles ,taking care of the injured ,regrouping the undamaged vehicles and tanks and re positioning the zsu-23 4 /2 s for a possible attack later in the day .A small group has managed to get the standby sam system assembled ona spare zil chasis and now busy calibrating its radar aftre hooking up the power lines to field generator.

Nobutu did not expect any attack soon and once in the bush counry he would feel comparitively safe .

The six mig 29k s came in low this time very low in fact barely 50 ft over the rolling wave tops of atlantic ocean as they crossed the walvis bay beach and turned north east towards nobutus formation now backing off into the bush country in some what chaotic manner .So far no angolan aircraft have challenged their right to be in namibian sky and that suited them fine . The first 4 were carrying 500 kg cluster bombs and the rest two 2 1500 kgs napalm canisters .This time the target was nobutus infantry .

- mother 1 -arrow lead crossing shore line -course 060 -altitude 50 -request weapons free
- arrow lead -mother 1 - you are weapons free over land - no friendlies in the area - make your payload count - good luck
-roger that mother one - target in sight - sa 3 launcher getting ready -engaging now -over and out

The lead fulcrum climbed to 5000 ft swiftly and banked inwards aquiring the surface to air missile system getting ready and dived in with the radar vans with antena mast in dead centre as it released its load of clustre bombs easch carrying 151 tiny bombletes setting of small but deadly effective explossions all around . The air defense capability of angolans were taken off for the second time in less than 24 hours . The secondary explossions from the ruptured fuel tanks and un armed missiles came a few seconds later

About 100 mtrs to the west of the sam system so methodically being destroyed was positioned a group of tracked bmp 2s with the troops milling around for boarding for the expected raping and looting in the city .Their dream was rudely cut short as the last of the two fulcrums cam in and got rid of nearly 1500 kgs of thickened petroleum jelly over them which stuck to their skin and the vehicles and thier weapons like a rotten jelly fish so common in the atlantic shores . And then it ignited with a loud whoosh and it burnt ,it burnt the flesh ,it set off the vehicle fuel tanks and the ammo inside ,it even burnt the oxygen out of the very air they were breathing and soon they could not even breath .Their scream could be heard even over the deafening roar of the twin jet engines of the fulcrum doing the damage and then left quickly the scene of carnage .

- mother 1 -arrow lead -target destroyed -returning base
- arrow lead -mother 1 - good work -return base -set course 170-speed 700 km/hr and confirm-make altitude 5000 ft
- course 170 -speed 700 klick- altitude 5000 replied the arrow lead pilot as he quickly moved his aircraft to the new speed and course heading ,behind him the rest of the formation did the same -starting the long way back following exactly the carrieres instruction to enter the safe corridor back . They knew both the escort destroyers were now on full alert and some their air defense systems were on auto mated response mode and electronic chips can be very stupid sometimes .

Down in the ground general nobutu looked with stunning dis belief at the fresh havoc .He hated the indian aircrafts and their base at sea with an intensity he never thought he had . The smell of burnt flesh and exploding shells filled his nostrils as he picked up the field radio trying to contact luanda once again.

Several kms down the road the population of walvis bay raised thier hands in salute to the sky and to those brave indian naval aviators who some how have managed to save thier city and thier lives . For the first time in 48 hrs the shelling have stopped, and people came out of their ramshackle homes and plush apartments to do some shopping and talking and in general carry on with the business of living .
BRFite -Trainee
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Post by kantak »

sorry about not posting for so long.Was just wondering why lose 3-4 Kh-35 from a subs limited supplywhen just one with proper radar dummies would have done the job.
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Post by Shankar »


General Nobutu had to re think his offensive plans in view of fresh developments .Walvis bay he knew is a difficult objective what with the annoying indian naval aircrafts getting in way of a nice little tactical victory . In his characteristic flourish he decided to hand over the problem of indians to the angolan air defense force guys and concentrated on his main objective -strike deep into south african mainland and take the rich diamond country as a legitamate prize of war .

Nobutus column retreated to swakopmund 31 kms from walvis bay along highway b2 and then headed for the the town of okahandja approximately 150 kms due east where he intended making a night halt before turning next day to the capital city of windohoek .He needed the international airport to land his short legged migs for final assault into pretoria along the tran kalahari highway using thew namibian capital city as spring board for his final offensive .

As his armoured column moved east across the swath of namibian central zone even he a seasoned military man could not but enjoy the variety of wild life that thrive on this arid landscape . The country has nearly 26 wild life reserves making it the one of the countries greatest tourist assets. The most famous of these parks is etosha national aprk which harbours as many as 114 mammal species.There are 8 mammal species endemic to namibia including the black faced impala,several mice,gerbils and bats.The black faced impala is similar to common impala except the distinctive black stripe down its face.The namibian dessert is well known for its large number of dune dwellers which includes more than 30 species of lizzards and many many types of birds .The endangerd list of animals include wild dog,black rhino,oribi and puku.The puku antelope is limited to about 100 individuals and mainly sighted around linayati marshes of namibia. The black and white rhino were almost on the verge of extintion during angolan civil war and only recently shown sighns of some revival The country of namibia has worlds largets population of cheetas outside national parks.There are over twenty species of antelope ranging from the largets eland to to smallest damara dik-dik.

The quite thoughts of general nobutu was rudely interupted as a full squadron of 16 mig 21 s screeched overhead in a westernly direction towards the indian carrier group .


Lt comander sudipta watched intently as the 16 blips changed course inland over namibia and started loosing altitude rapidly heading in an inverted v formation towards the carrier .As she switched on the active data link to combat information center she also activated the seconday link to 4 mig 29ks on cap somewhere near walvis bay flying a fuel conserving race track pattern

The response to her input was quick and sure

- Tower -harpoon flight -multiple bandits - course 210-altitude 7600 and decresing -type fish bed -request weapons free
-harpoon flight -no friendlies in arae -you are weapons free-engage immediately -stay 50 klicks from mother one under al circumstances

commander vineet engaged the afterburner even before the transmission was complete and banked down hard to port as he quickly went over the motions of armingup the r-77 s for max range intercept .As the twin engines pushed the powerful aircraft past the sonic barrier he used the target designator on the stick to lock on to the two lead elements of mig 21 flight and at just under 70 kms indicated range launched both the missiles within a time interval of 5 seconds . His hand moved once again over the weapon statio selectors and the rest 4 r-73 s were armed up in one go as his fulcrums crossed the mah 2 threshold and then he could see the dark specks in the distance in with occasional bright reflections from sunlight . The first of the r-77s stuck home and a rewarding flash in the distance .The second one missed as the fishbed obviously flown by a very experienced pilot went on a near suicidial dive punching out chaffs in wild abandon and then came nose up trying to engage the attacking fulcrums .It was a futile gesture -nothing can match a mig 29k in close range air combat as vineet turned his head aquiring the target with his helmet mounted sight and squeezed of a single r-73 at an unbelievable off bore sight shot . The missile free of its launch rails dropped slowly into the high speed slip stream of the launching aircraft and then accelerated sharply towards the mig 21 in a 12 g turning climb . As it hit the hot tailpipe the sleek aircraft exploded in a bright fireball .

All over the sky the scene was repeated 10 of the 16 incming mig 21s of the angolan airforce could not even cross the shore line and the the rest somehow managed to evade the fulcrums as they entered the sam air defense zone .

The shtil sam system was ready and tracking the incomming fishbeds for long but did not have the authority to engage as the mig 29s were in close proximity . That situation was quickly changed as the data link from vikramaditya came alive
- harpoon flight -break contact - climb to 20000 ft-course 050
- goal keeper 1 -you are weapons free at all targets -confirm and engage
- tower -harpoon flight -dis engaging now -climbing 20000-course 050-over
- mother one -goal keeper1 -engaging targets
-mother one -goal keeper 2 - on standby

Both the delhi class destroyers were now in the game for which they have been designed in the first place as one by one their san7 gadfly missiles started launching ,chasing and killing the targets all over the ocean surface .It was all over in less than 4 minutes .A total of 12 misssiles were fired from the launchers of mysore ,two per aircraft decided upon automatically by the shtils computer brain based on proximity and threat level to the strike group .Afew of the expensive missiles were wasted in this mode of defense but all in all it saved time and assured protection.The barak system never came into play since all the interception was done effectively at a pre selected range of more than 10 kms .

- Tower- harpoon lead- splash 2 fish bed kills -pl confirm
- roger that -we confirm 2 kills -return base -over and out

The tally taking started in earnest over the tactical net . A total of 18 kills were claimed and some pilots were pretty disappointed when thier kills were not confirmed by the air defense commander but then this is the way the ganme is played and they had to accept the judgement with smile.
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Post by Shankar »

The soft spoken prime minister was sombre when the defense minister and service chief brifed him about the recent naval air action near namibian coast.One thing he surely did not like was the way the stakes quickly went up because of the nations commitment to a freind far away.His primary concern ws energy security of the nation and for that he needed uranium for the power reactors in a big way since imported crude was definitely not a solution even in the midterm scenario.He knew if the current growth rate of 8+% is to be maintained he has to ensure the uninterupted supply of low enriched uranium under international safeguard to all the countries operational reactors at any cost . And to assure that relations with the countries producing the precious metal must be kept impecable at the least something better if concievable. A limited war is but a nessecery price to pay for that objective .

With the iran-us conflict likely to break out any day after irans rejection of the un security council resolution on stopping and rolling back its uranium e
nrichment programme ostentiably for its limited nuclear deterence which us was hell bent on stopping at any cost -support to indian naval air contingent in south africa was at the best will be only token . It was obvious any roll back of the invasion of angolan forces fom namibia south africa border wil some day sooner than later involve commitmet of indian ground forces too .

He turned towards the service chiefs and asked their confirmation on his assesment of the situation . While non of them were happy about the prospects they all agreed he was right .

Deployment of ground troops is always a very time consuming affair and so after a brief discussion the logistics staff swung into action .The first order of action was to locate enough transportation preferably air immediately to be followed by ocean transportation of heavier equipment .

First call from prime ministers office went to kremlin and the comitment from russian president was instaneous .It took more time for washington but that too came before the day was over .IAFs airlift wing was already in full load witht he task of suporting the existing force level but now thy will bend some rules and strech some specifications to meet newly set lifting targets .

All over the country selected units were issued mobilising orders and they started moving into nearest railhead/air base for short hop to Thiruvanthapuram which would be the main staging post for the air lift.All civilian container operation fom kochi was suspended as comandeered ships under indian flag started arriving lamost one every two hours .The first sea convoy would leave in 72 hrs and the first of iaf il-76s started taking off within 25 hrs .

Things were warming up too fast for comfort
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Post by Shankar »

Escorting the troops and supply convoys over the long ocean route became just another priority task for the indian navy till the island of maldives upto which no significant air threat was envisaged . After wards as they approached the combat zone and wihtin strike range of angolan mig 23s and su-24 s the carrier battle group will offer protection. 5oo kms from south african coast line iaf sukhois already located in the region will take over the escort responsibility.The mig 29ks and su-30 mkis will have some what overlapping area of operation near the namibian coast line so that at least four aircraft cap equipped only with air to air ordanace will always be available

The united nationa security council regulation condemning angolan invasion of namibia was passed and along with also came the directive to withdraw its forces within 48 hrs .In an unusal move the resolution also authorised international community to use all means nessecery to roll back the invasion if the directive to withdraw is not comlied within the specified time frame

Two 150000 ton very large crude carriers were cleaned up and flushed with diesel before being filled to brim with high speed diesel for the armoured column due to sail in a day ,actually it will be in three days because of a goods train derailment near secundrabad junction and consequent rerouting .

The first of the giant an 124s landed at chandigarh next day and the pair of c-5 galaxies landed at agra after 6 hrs . They were manned by usaf crews and russian crews respectively .Thereafter one aircraft will land every 2 hrs for the whole of next day . In all 10 C-5 and 12 An 124s will be deployed by the sole super power and ex superpower towards the indian war effort . The aircraft did not come with an empty hold .Once unloaded they were assigned to pure and simple trucking operation across the indian ocean and came under operatioanl command of indian air force for the entire duration of the conflict.

The first squadron of israeli f-15 eagles landed in an undisclosed south african airbase about the same time . A lone squadron fo singapore airforce f-16 falcons refuelled over indian ocean about the same time .

A lone japanese self defense force awac took off from a military airbase near osaka in the evening . The israeli air force phalcon was sceduled to join their eagles next day .

Back home in angola another batch of 400 t-55s and approximately 200 arty pieces strted moving up the border for that final push across windohek and onwards to south african diamond mines close to namibian border .This was followed by equal number of more or less equal number of armoured personnel carriers which quickly moved cross country to join nobutus force around namibian capaital of windohek.

Only european power other than russia who came unequivocally to indian side was strangely france .Who announced the charles de gaulle carrier group will be slipping anchor imediately and expected to be by the side of vikramaditys in 5 days .

At last indians knew who are their friends in need and how good friends they exactly were .It was a revelation which would shape the indian foreign policy for years to come when it would emerge as a superpower not only in field of information technology but in everything from space to nuclear power generation to weapons technology .It will be a super power with a difference a power who is sensitive to the limitations of others who are not so fortunate.But all these and much more were not known to the actors on the stage this day except may be the soft spoken prime minister of ndia .US too knew it and recognised it as such . That is why it allowed the soon to emerge global player a clear playing field .
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Post by Shankar »

Air commodore pranab roy watched the namibian coast pas by form 40000 ft
after along non stop journey from Thiruvantha puram in his il-78 mki .5km to his starboard and back his wing amn group captain khosla was at 2000 ft lower altitude but exactly on same heading towards the hoesa kutako internatinal airport or more simply windhoek international airport 100+ km on the gps . Located 49 kms away from the city of windhoek and at an elevation 1719 mtrs with twin runways and having modern navigational aids likeVOR-DME,NDB would be an ideal base for the giant tankers to support advanced air operations over namibia and most likely the neighbouring country of angola .As he throttled back the power on four engines also keyed inthe r/t to approach ATC .

Windhoek approach - flight alpha limo -flight level 400-speed- 500knots-to land
- flight alpha limo-windhoek tower - join right trafic-flight - make altitude 5000 ft - contact tower once in visual contact with runway 26 for landing clearence-you are no3 in que
-roger that windhoek tower - reducing altitude 5000 ft -descent rate 1000ft per minute -aircraft type india lima 78 - shall contact when in visual range of runway at designated altitude

Roy pulled back the throttle lever even more backwards cutting off further the fuel flow to the qudraple engines as he dialed in the new course and altitude to the autopilot . The il 78 mkis took the turn and descent as one seperated only by a vertical spacing of 2000ft .As the indicated air speed dropped off to 350 knots he deployed the flapsto 5 degree and also the slats to support the heavy aircraft in the reduced speed regime in preparation for landing .The altitude quickly dropped down and he had to continiously calculate in his mind the indicated altitude in meters to desired altitude in feet as used in british trained namibian air trafic controllers .The long smooth runway 26 came to view thru usala. frican mid day haze.

-alpha limo flight -windhoek tower - you are cleared to land - runway 26 right-air temperature 42 deg celcius -wind speed 5knots at 230
-windhoek tower - alpha limo flight -cleared to land -runway 26-altitude 5000ft-descent rate 500ft/min -in visual contact with runway -over

For air commodore roy landing on a huge runway with all the modern navigational aids and almost unlimited visibility was a luxery compared to the fog ridden landing he usally made at leh and jorhat .As his hands move up with practised ease at the undercarraige lever and pulled it down and and the vibration in the air frame as the undercarriages touched the slip stram and then the reasuring thud to confirm the wheels have locked in place .All the three light on undercarraige console glowed green as he slowly changed the flaps lever status to 15 degree on his final approach.The barren namibian landscape flashed past as he angled the large tanker towads the touch down zone .The air speed dropped down quickly as the undercarraige was deployed and flap configuration changed to 280 knots as he crossed the airport perimeter and flared off with a slight pull on the control stick and cut power quickly to idle .The il-78mki glided on for a few seconds as if unsure of the the way to go then gravity took over and it landed with a thud on the concrete with aslightest whiff of smoke from its so many tires .It was one of the easiets landings roy has ever made -but things were likely to change very shortly as the angolan airforce changed strike priority .

Flight alpha lima - exit runway when able -contact ground on ---
- windhoek ground -alpha lima -request direction to cargo area -unfamiliar with airport
-alpha lima flight -windhoek ground -follow the follow me jeep on taxi way for parking bay location- welcome to namibia and thanks .

The next stage of force induction in war of south africa was over smoothly.
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Post by Shankar »

The il-78 mki s though a recent addition to indian airforce is perhaps one of the most rugged variety of aerial tanker flying anywhere in th world along with acomprehensive self defense capability built in is capable of comfortably operating in a combat zone with minimal escort support usally a pair of su-30mkis when operating with airforce and mig 29ks when operating with the navy Based on upward modified airframe of il76 m this tanker first entered service in 1987 with russian air force essentialy to replace the m-4 bisons.Fitted with three UPAZ PAE external refueling units ,one under each wing and one on the port side of rear fuselage is athree but usally two point refuelling tanker capable of delivering fuel at 900 to 2200 ltr/min depending on the recieving aircraft .For example for su-30 mkis it will use the fuel transfer pump at max discharge pressure corresponding to slightly over 2200 ltr/min and will be able to fill out almost dry tank in less than 7 minutes .Since the recieving aircraft do not as amatter of routine come in dry usal refuelling contact alsts on average 3-4 minutes .Internally the il 78 mki midas has a pair of large cylindrical pallet mounted fuel tanks in the cargo hold which togeteher containg the aircrafts nearly 50 tons of transferable fuel load .The refuelling process is monitored and directed by an observer in the erstwhile tail gunner position and pump operation is controlled from the cockpit by the flight engineer.Reciever to tanker contact is assisted by a low power homming radar housed in a rear facing radome located forward of the rear loading ramp

The four ps-90an turbo fan engines allow it reasonably high cruise and climb characteristics.Its optimum cruis sped of 750 km/hr or 420 knots approx allows it to fuel even fast interceptors like sukhois and fulcrums which has a comparitively high stall speed with ease.

Like all russain airforce aircraft il-78 was designed right from the start for short rough field performance .symbolised by high mounted wings,wide span tripple slotted trailing edge flaps,upper wing spoilers,and almost full length leading edge slats.There are total of 20 low pressure tyres with four on the nose wheel and the main landing gear has two rows of 4 tyres each allowing itto land even in very rough field with more less fullpayload .The inner fuel tanks can be quickly removed and the tanker can get converted to a standard military transport or if the need be into a heavy bomber .

max fuel load is 118000 kgs and in certain situation it can if nessecery transfer almost all of it more specifically nearly 100000 kgs to the reciever aircrafts instaed of normal 50000 kgs . This operation calls for some ricky fuel transfer from the aircrafts own giant internal fuel tanks to the pellets or sirectly to the recievers tanker thru some intricate fail safe mode piping network .The rear mounted range finding cum homming radar allows refuelling operation at night and in bad weather with comparitive safety

Lobengo smith ,the minister of defense of namibia watched the the two indian tankers taxi to distant cargo area and smiled .At atlast he cold see some hope of protectng his beloved city from the furious onslaught of the angolans who were reported less than 80 kms from the city perimeter .Unless something is done quickly this unique city will be in ruins even if angolans loose the war evantually .Namibians do not have the financial power of oil rich kuwaitis to rebuild a city afresh .

As a further token of assurance he first of the indian jaguars landed in a cacaphony of jet sound and the second one landed just as the first cleared the main runway .He could see two more on the distant horizon which dropped quickly and line up for final approach .Right in front of his eyes a fullsquadron of jaguars formed up in less than 30 minutes .And that was not all as soon as they were led away to dispersed parking bays the mirages started appearing in the radar scope .His air trafic controlers told him the heavy transporters carrying the firts of the fully equipped ground troops and heavy armour is expected by evening .

The defense minister of namibia did not know why felt so much relief seing the indian aircraft maybe because the pilots looked so un assuming and so sure of their capability or because the clockwork precision with which the indian reinforcements to save his country have started arriving or may be just because he felt he could trust the indians

All civilian flight in and out of windhoek were suspended and iaf air trafic controllers joined their namibian counterparts in guiding in the multitude of inerceptors and transporters simutanously using both the runways .Very quickly from a besieged airport it started getting converted into aspring board for future air ffensive action towards the angolan army ,airforce and the nation of angola itself .It would take but afew more days.
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Post by Shankar »

The capital city of namibia ,windhoek is traditionally known by two names -ai gams from the nama people which literaly refers to hot springs that were once a aprt of windhoek while the second name otjomuise meaning aplace of steam was given by herero people . In fact both tradional names refer to hot springs.The early settlements of windhoek came alonf because of water from hot springs .In mid 1800s captain jan jonker africaner settled near one of the bmain hot springs located in the present day klien windhoek an upper class suburb of windhoek .Theories vary how the ai-gams otjumuise got its modern name windhoek .Most believe the name windhoek is derived from afrikaans word wind hoek meaning corner of wind .It is also believed the name came from windhoek mountans at tulbag in south africa where the early afrikaaners have lived.

In 1878 british annexed walvis bay and incorporated into capr of good hope.But since at that time britain was not interested in extending its influence in the african interior -a request bt merchants from ressulted in declaration of german protectorate in 1884.A german colony came into being and with determination of its borders in 1890 germany sent aprotective corps called schutztruppe under major curt von francois to maintain order.Von francois stationed his garrison in windhoek which was strategically situated as a buffer between nama and herero .The twelve high flow springs provided enough water for cultivation.

Present day wndhoek was founded in 1890 when von francois lay the foundation stone fo the garrison fort.,which is now known as alte feste or old fortress .During the n. ext fourteen years windhoek developed slowly with only the most essential of govt and private buildings being erected.In klien windhoek small plots were alloted to first settlers who strted farming activities with fruit,tobacco and some amount of dairy activities. .After 1907 development accelerated with migration fo people from within the country as well as outside.There was a large influx of western settlers arriving from germany and south africa .Buisness were erected at kaiser stret presently called independence avenue and along dominant mountain ridge overloking the city.German colonial rule came to an end after first world war and south african troops occupied windhoek in 1915 on behalf of great britain. For the next five years a military government administered namibia .Development process of came to a near standstill. After the end of second world war the developemnt process once again gatherd momentum as more money became available to improve the economic climate.

With namibias indepndence from south africa in 1990 windhoek became the seat of first democratically elected government of the republic of namibia with president sam nujoma as president .

Apart from windhoek international airport another airport called eros was also made available to the indian airforce .This happens to be the busiest airport in namibia in terms of take off and landings and handles morethan 12000 fights a year. The main limitation is runway length and air space congestion with light air trafic . With imposition of emergency rules civilian congestion of air space was brought down to managble proportion and only one aircraft could operate with ease in the short take off condition and still carry a heavy payload -Su-30 mki .

-Eros towe - india alpha siera flight -10000 ft -request clearence to land
- india alpha siera flight -eros tower - hold altitude -steer course 210 -oyu are number 3 in landing

Sq leader sujeet made a face but knew namibian air trafic controller did not really have an option . With the international airport some 40 kms to west already in IAF control ,eros was the only namibian airport allowing the besieged country contact with outside world .Unlike in his home base at lohegaon where air trafic controlers usally accrded priority to military flight in eros it is the light private aircrafts having all kind of emergencies some real and some imaginary got the priority .The r/t came alive just as he was about to enter another of those endless race track turns

- inia alpha siera - you are cleared to land -runway 060- temperature 38 degree celcius -pl keep 3 minutes spacing between each landing - welcome to namibia

Behind sujit the 5 other su-30 mkis flagged their wings as they broke of the foramtion and one by one peeled off in towarsd a straight fly in towrds the designated runway .

Like most people around thw world who has even a wee bit interest in aircraft the namibian airport staff gaped in awe as the massive twin fined fully armed su -30mkis came in to land one by one after a sharp turn in the final approach to minimise bird hit possibility and then comming down quickly to touch the tarmac at the precise touch down point like a well conducted orchestra .These six birds really had the capability to take in an entire airforce (ofcourse with some help from their not so attractive sisters already bedded down in nearby windhoek international)

For the poor and rich in windhoek -for once they did not compalin the accoustic pollution more simply the noise level as the flankers flew in low shaking the very earth under their feet on their approach .They atlast knew -indians have kept thier promise .
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General nobutu watched with dispassionate interest destruction of 6 of his mig 21s whcih tried to engage the indian sukhois over the hills of windhoek.As the news of indian reinforcements arriving in windhoek international and eros airport reached him .he was left with no other alternative but to order a strike while the aircrafts were still in ground getting ready for combat. At the least he expected some serious damge to the runwyas therby minimsing the effectiveness of anti armour strike sure to come in future .

The killing of the angolan migs reminded him of a childhood incident .A leopard has strayed into his village may be in search of goats or pigs when the village dogs more than a dozen got the scent of their most hated enemy and attacked together . The leopard tried to run away for some time not seking to engage knowing full well they are no match for her grace and ferocity .When the dogs will not give up the chase ,she took a decptively cruel stand . As they reached a clearing near a river bed she rolled over ,exposing her vulnerable fluffy white belly to the attacking dogs inviting an attack. As the lead dog jumped head on looking forwrds to sink its canie into the soft furred belly of the leopard ,she caught him in full flight with her front paws barely a feet from her exposed abdomen and then in one smoth motion ripped open the dogs guts with a quick movement of her rear claws and in the same movement throwing of the gutted dog clear with a slight push of her forward legs . She repeated this action half a dozen times over the next few minutes and very soon a trail of horrible disfigured bleeding dogs marked the exit route of most vicious and graceful of all african cats -the leopard.

As the angolan migs tried to take down the two su-30 mkis on combat air patrol over windoek by a concerted attack the sukhoi pilots appeared to loose nerve and "attempted" escape north at high altitude .The angolan mig 21s sensing a kill lit their after burner quickly closing the gap with the indian sukhois for a heat seeker shot at her vulnerable tail pipes followed by a gun kill .Both the indian flankers slowed down to make the angolan fishbed pilots get fully commited to launch and then just like a she leopard rotated on their spine and executed a perfect reverse loop with full afterburner power to get behind the mig 21s which have overshot ,not having the slightest idea how such an aerobatic move can be executed
in such small volume of space . As the angoaln mig 21s tried to race away to safety the flanker pilots cooly launched thier r-73 heat seeking missiles at almost point blank range . 6 missiles and six kills -there was no escape .As the six firballs dropped from sky over the advancing angolan armour column -the angolan knew this is one war they may not win.

General nobutu perhaps did not know all sukhoi pilots of indian airforec have made thier bones in mig 21s far before they were allowed evn to touch a mirage 2000 or a mig 29 and only the best of the best ever get a chance to seat in the front seat of su-30 mkis -the best air dominance aircraft in the world . He even did not know the pilots who so effortlessly shot down his migs have also manged to do the same to USAF f-15 s in gwalior nearly 4 years back . The legend of indian sukhoi 30s were not born in a day.
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Post by kantak »

trully the legend of the sukohi continues
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Post by Shankar »

It was busy day at windhoek internatioanl .Right from the early morning heavy airlift aircrafts ahve started landing onec a regual comabat air patrol have been established by the sukhoi and mirage .Now at any point of time there was atleast 2 sukhois on air along with 4 mirages 2000s or 3 mig 29s .First thing in the morning the four il-76 landed at 15 minute interval disgorgin thier cargo of advanced contingents of mechanised division mainly drivers and technicians .This was followed by a flight of 12 AN-124 s one every half an hour bringing in their giant hold the missiles and shells for sukhois jaguars and mirages along with agood number of spare engines . In the afternoon the USAF C-130 s came on spares radars and replacement modules for the mirages all the way direct from dassault factory in france with quite a few refuelling on the way .But all these were just good enough to hold on to present status quo .With nearly 1000 angolan t-62/55/72s on the rampage barely 75 kms from the capital city -soem serios tank busting ammo was required and the russians have promised something good .Only so far nothing have come by ,thought briagdier hashmukh patel as he loke expectantly towrds the sky . If the angolan make a determined assault in night with even 25% of thier collective armour might even the sukhois may not ahev enough time to do the needful .He badly needed class a anti armour weapons and needed it now

His rayer was answered almost immediately as if the almighty knew the predictment he was in and knew how urgent this particular weapon system was required to save the innocent women and children of windhoek.

-windhoek towe -russian airforce flight victor nova-request vector to airport as unfamiliar with the area-aircraft type antonov 225- altitude 20000ft -100 kmscourse 040
-flight victor nova -windoek tower - turn right heading 260- start your descent to 3000 ft -fly straight in as you intersect the landing beacon 15 kms from runway -report when you have runway in visuals
-roger and thanks windhoek tower - starting descent now -changing couse to inercept landing beacon at 260 -please switch on the runway lights in 5 minutes
-roger that flight vector nova -sorry for the mistake .Unlike sukhois and mirages which can sometimes land without runway light or quickly do a go around if hey fail to line up on the runway with help of thier landing lights the massive antonov 225 has no such luxery . Once it looses altitude and reduces speed to minimum it is extermely risky to attempt ago around.

The airport soon thundered with the sound of six massive jets on 65% power as the obnoxiously large but still very graceful aircraft made adelicate touch down and then used up almost the entire 10000 ft runway to make a stop ,another 5 minutes to execute aturn aroun and exit thru the enarest taxi way towrsd the erstwhile international cargo terminal .As both front and rear clamshell cargo hatches swung open smoothly on giant hydraulic arms the internal lighting came on . One by one the BMP3 s started rolling off equipped with kornet e laser guided anti tank missile launchers already mounted on the chasis.Then out came the missile reload crates .And finally the small team of russian engineers and system trainers all of whom were conversant with hindi and since majority of indian army enginers are somewhat familiar with rudimentary russian techniacl terms -the battlefield induction of such a system was not expected to a major probelm.

The namibain air trafic controller as well as the indian airforce trafic controller have made a slip .All runway lights were switched off as a matter of precaution but they have forgooten to switch it on as the worlds biggest transport aircraft fully loaded came in to land that to in an unfamiliar airport.

The semi automated laser beam riding anti tank missiles are effective upot a maximum range of 5.5 kms in daytime and nearly 3.5 kms + in night.Half the missiles were armed with tandem shaped charge warheads and the rest with ful air explossive warheads more suitable for anti personnel and anti material duty.The shaped charge warhead is capable of pentrationg 1200 mm of steel or alternately 4.5 mtrs of concrete.The basic firing unit consisting of single missile launcher and and thermal sight weighs only 65 kgs and takes under 3 minutes to assemble and ready for launch in field conditions.In this case each bmp 3 s had 4 missiles in ready to fire mode with 12 missiles in auto loader.

A total of 12 BMP 3 were unloaded carrying with them the potential to destroy 192 tanks if fired right . But then this was only the first installment .Within 6hrs the usaf c-5 galaxy landed with a slightly smaller load of 8 bmp3 .Before the dawn broke the 20 fully combat ready bmp 3 s were on thier way to forward deployment position in the mountains surrounding windhoek -ready to take on the armoured might of the angolan army .
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Post by Shankar »

Brigadier patel was an avid reader of russian tank battels during world war two and he alwyas thought the battle at kursk was perhaps the most decisive of all tank battles during the great war when russian army by use of overwhelming fire power almost anhilated an entire german army in a mater of days and that battle also marked the comming of of age of russian tan manufacturing capability in the shape of t-34 which outgunned and outperformed the famed german leopard tanks decisively.It was a battle not won by just mobile fire power of the tanks but also correct use of static artilery to break the enemies will to fight and then using the fast moving tanks to achieve break thru.

This time patel wanted to use the time honored hammer and anvil tactics to crush the angoaln expedtionary force . The army contigent forming up on windhoek will be the hammer forcing the angolan forces to run out of bush country to open vastness of kalahari dessert and the armoured contingent from walvis bay will break out and cut of the escape routes of angolan armour northwards .

But like all wars from time immortal patel did not ahve yet the right resources in position and with almost 800 angoaln tanks closing in on the namibain capital time was indeed short .The advanced columns of angolan army was barely 75 kms from windhoek and advancing at the rate of 0-15 kms per day despite ferocious attacks by the mirages and jaguars .As the angoaln armour left the open desert to bush country around windhoek the cost of ant armour operation by aircraft alone became less effective and more expensive both interms of pilot fatigue and weapon usage .He needed the land component added to his force structure and needed it yesterday .

The reluctance of south african govt to commit any sizable amount of ground forces outside its natioanl borders though understandable still added a new complication to the offensive planning . But then this problem was not for him to solve .People with more brass stars on thier shoulder boards and those wearing ash safari suits were already on the job and he hoped the politico military probelm will be taken care of soon .

The first of 75000 on indian bulk carrier berthed in pier 7 and unloading operation strted immediately .The giant 100 capacity harbour cranes started plucking up and putting gently down right on the tank carriers parked alongside the first of the t-90s main battle tanks . The first ship carried 75 t-90s along with an equal number of bmp 2 armoured personnel carriers . In an adjoing pier the scond ship of indian convoy slipped in with its load nearly 110 fh-77b bofors 155 mm howitzers and almost equal number of bm-21 multi barrel rocket launchers .

There were 8 more ships waiting at the outer harbour all over 60000 tonnage and carried all that will be required for an army to fight an win a war from diesel generator sets to tents to mobile hospitals to tunska air defense systems ,to light choppers for arty spotting to un manned aerial vehicles and ofcourse troops from the short and stbby gorkhs to tall and flammobouyant jats from thinking tamils to rough biharis .They all had thier different language and food habbits some would worship in a makeshift temple others would recite namaz while others would bow before christ .But one thing was common to all - all of them withoutv exception wore the uniform of indian army and they saluted the indian flag and when required they all would fight -kill and if nessecery die for that flag anywhere in the world.
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Post by Shankar »

General nobutu wanted to set an example to his soldiers in the best tarditions of angolan army . Before him where a dozen odds who after having witnessed the effect of napalm on open ground wanted to simply run off to thier native villages in interior angola . It was a good idea except someone talked and they were now before a furious general tied hand and foot .

Just behind then flowed on one of the larger tributeries of orange river a favourite palce of residence for the monstrous nile crocodiles some which can grow as large as 20 ft and weigh as much as 1000kgs .

General nobutu was sitting under an acacia tree with a glass of chilled local brew inhand as he pondered what to do with the deserters . Shooting will too easy a death and angolans after decades of civil war no longer bothered abut afiring squad . For some it was a welcome relief from unending poverty and corrupt offcialdom.

General nobutu knew if he has to make his soldiers stand up and really fight ,he has to put the fear of death in them literally. The arrested soldiers gave him just the right chance .

All the 12 desertors were tied to stakes in the half dried river bank and then one corporal under direct order of the general ripped open the belly of the leader with a bayonet ,and blood mixed with muddy river water along with astrong stench of bowels as the soldiers intestines escaped ina slithering mass into the running waters of orange river .

For a few minutes nothing happened except the scream of horribly disfigured soldier whose guts have all but escaped his abdomen and now lay in a tangled heap on the muddy river bank . In the far bank first of the armoured reptiles who were so long sunning themselves slitherd into the shallows and soon except the nose tip the massive body went under water effortlessly ,soon tw be joned by wo more and then the whole group started swimming rapidly towards nobuus troops ,only the stream of bubbles confirming their forward movement

The wounded soldier stopped screaming when he saw the line of streaming bubbles moving towards him and soon he could see the monster in the shallows as it pushed out of the water and started walking on wobbly legs and took his first snatch of his still alive guts and then executed a perfect roll tearing off the guts and swallowing them whole .The monster croc advanced few more steps and grabbed one more moutful of bleeding guts and di an encore . Even the battle hardened troops of nobutu started vomiting at the horiible sight unfolding on the river bank as more and more crocodiles joined in the feeding frenzy .The crocodile teeth are not meant for cutting so they have depend on thier friends to hold on to the prey (in this case unfortunate anglan soldiers)while they tore off a sizable chunk from the living body by a frantic roll. The macbre feast went on for more than one hour and when the crocodiles left not much was left on the river bank except few scrapes of skinn and patches of dried blood .

General nobutu took another sip of his brew and went inside his airconditioned tent for an afternoon nap.
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Post by Singha »

this is a effort at alternate history , a different line of thought than Shankars 303% sweep of sargodha afb long ago when the generalissimo was visiting.

let us assume herr general had authorized an escalation around that time then sat back in his bunker to watch the events unfold....


around midnight NH8 Mahipalpur

Nikhil Kaul and his current girlfriend Neha Kamath had been steadily drinking beer interleaved with small shots of vodka in the back of his Ford Endeavor SUV for a couple of hours now. They were watching the great silver planes that came in over vasant kunj, crossed a barren stretch "chambal", roared over the highway and set down on the main runway. Mostly they were civilian planes , tourist arrivals had gone to nothing after the war started but indian diaspora and business travellers continued to arrive and depart. Nobody had put a restriction on civilian flights yet, a air corridor had been defined from near Mumbai straight over the arabian sea to Qatar and beyond.

They had reached the spot around 9:45pm ..Nikhil had a argument with his father who ran a big travel agency in central delhi, decided to cool off with a long drive. since Neha lived in the same building , picking her up was easy. Her parents had gone to some inane swapping party..as usual. Neha was doing her Bcom at LSR, a sober and affectionate girl. they had been steady for 4 yrs now...a record of sorts in their friend circle. new and quick prosperity had brought a fickleness to youth, people changed these things like cellphone covers. Nikhil was glad he had her, his dad was a short tempered ex-Colonel, Ma had passed away several years back and Didi was married to some IT dude in phoenix, visiting once in two years.

Normally police patrols were regular on the delhi-gurgaon expressway but the security needs of wartime meant all the highway cops had withdrawn to other duties. So they had taken the exit for the BSF campus, drove past the main gate and parked at a dimly lit area earmarked for future construction of some govt complex. Opening the rear hatchback door, blankets and alcohol already stashed there, watching the clear night sky and the little stars, cuddling up to each other...only the periodic growl of the passing aircraft interrupting their quiet moments.


Wayfarers of another type were afoot in the night. Two dark tinted SUVs starting around 11pm from north delhi threaded their way carefully towards dhaula kuan, entered the expressway at moti bagh and sped down towards Mahipalpur.

Two men were in the first vehicle. Two more in the second. The rear seats on both had been removed leaving the entire area behind the front seats for cargo. Two long pvc boxes occupied the first vehicle, the second SUV was full of small boxes. the men drove steadily and quietly.

once the expway curved left at Palam, the co-pilot in 1st vehicle made a short cellphone call to his colleague in second vehicle, the second SUV now took the lead, speeding upto 120kmph it quietly vanished among the isolated cars mostly youngsters and trucks speeding towards gurgaon.

"Take the exit here Aslam"

driver nodded and duly slowed down, heading down the ramp, past the BSF campus into the "chambal" area - a stretch of rocky hills and defiles that separated palam from vasant kunj. the only intrusion of civilization being a squat building housing the runway radio beacons.

The copilot took a long careful look into the darkness in the deserted construction area. "Aslam any idea what that SUV could be doing here?"

"Sir probably young people having some fun, you know what! " Aslams mouth curled with a faint distaste.

"What shall we do now, cut the headlights, when the next plane approaches you take us near...let me think"

Meter by meter the now dark SUV crawled nearar to Nikhils ford. as yet Major Salim in the copilot seat could see no sign of any occupants. thankfully a particularly loud IL76 passed overhead masking their approach.

"Enough.stop engine and stay tight"

Salim gently opened the door , leaving it open to avoid any noise, silenced automatic extended like a long finger he approached the open ramp at the rear of the dark Ford. he wasnt looking forward to this but what must be done had to be done. he would try to make it quick and painless.

Stepping casually to confront the occupants .... Empty! some beer cans and a vodka bottle lying unkempt .....darn! where were they! he looked at this watch..11:42...there was a schedule.

"Aslam, nobody here...no time to track them, lets get the stuff"

Each picking up a long PVC box they marched off into the ravines, making to noise...years of field ops in the SSG for Salim and covert ops in india for Aslam the driver had honed their senses to a keen edge.

Walking through the thorny bushes wasnt very pleasant, but soon a small ravine opened up, its bottom worn smooth by flashfloods during monsoon rains.

"ok this is it, you take up position over there 30 meters ahead, I will be here. stay sharp, we dont know who those guys in the ford are or where they are prowling, could well be policemen offduty or something"

Aslam nodded and vanished into the dark night.

with slow and calm deliberation, Salim set the box on the sandy soil, opened the cover and extracted a matte finish tube around 6 inches in diameter, bearing dark green paint and markings in cryllic letters.

He took a battery cum optronic sight module from another cavity inside the box and fastened it midpoint along the tube. A switch or two started the power flowing from the high energy battery , self diagnostics completed successfully and a couple of tiny LEDs went from amber to green indicating system was "a-go".

A low rumbling indicated the imminent approach of another large plane.

Salim calmly hefted the tube to his shoulder, opening the front cap ..letting the IIR seeker scan its FOV. pointing the tube in general direction of the approaching landing lights he had to wait only 3 seconds before a "ready to fire" beep came and green LED started blinking in his eyepiece.

30 meters up the ravine Aslam was poised similarly.

The Big 747 after a long flight from the south pacific was on final approach. Pilots were monitoring the instruments and preparing to deploy thrust reversers once the wheels settled.

Salim pressed the trigger, letting loose the SA16 Igla from its den. Aslam saw the missile go up, waited for 2 seconds and released his own. There couldnt be too much gap lest the second missile home onto the first ones fire. He aimed slightly to the right of the first missile.

the Iglas saw four big blobs of heat coming right at them. first missile went for the inboard engine on right wing, second for outboard engine on left wing.

Exploding powerfully right at the compressor faces, they punched through multiple stages of the compresses, sending fragments of hot metal through the fuel lines and into the wet tanks on the wing.

Pilots suddenly felt the loss of control as the big plane lost much of its lift and started veering and banking to the left, snapping to manual the pilots attempted to recover their runaway plane as it roared over the NH8 and headed across the second parallel runway towards the terminal.

It touched down at an angle between the second runway and first, veered on the second runway for a while before sliding on broken wheels towards the new apron area packed with 12 heavy planes all being refuelled for long flights. Somewhere on its slide it smacked a fuel truck...after that matters were academic as 6 planes, all with passengers boarding went up, fuel trucks exploded and the wreckage of the target plane plowed at 100kmph into new Terminal-3.

Far away in north delhi people ran to the rooftops startled at the shocking fireball and sinister glow from the south.

Aslam and Salim sprinted back to their vehicle, gained the westbound ramp and departed the scene within five minutes, just as police and fire brigade from palam side appeared on the scene.


Nikhil and Neha who had decided to do their thing under the stars rather than in the cramped rear of the Ford were actually right in the next ravine from the shooting position. horrified by the whoosh noise and explosion overhead, they sat up throwing the blanket away...then realising their state hurriedly donned their pants and ran back to their car just as headlights from the BSF camp started to emerge from the mist.

"Shit Neha, God knows what happened, lets get the hell out of here"

"Nikhil shouldnt we go and help the wounded?"

"What can we do! there's plenty of police and such, let them do their work..lets move before someone asks us...didnt you see those rockets fired from near our hide?"

Neha made a face at him..."How could I, you were lying on top of me"

"yeah yeah" Nikhil allowed himself a juicy thought and pulled the SUV out onto the road, made a sliding turn and stamped on the gas towards the mahipalur service road. soon they were on the expway and heading west - home in gurgaon.

Sires wailing, ambulances and gurgaon fire brigade trucks began to pass them at speed.

Nikhil pressed the accelerator and didnt look back. Hopefully he could finish off this interrupt context and get back to his earlier "process" - if Nehas parents hadnt returned home yet...they seldom returned sober or before 3am ...there was time he thought grimly looking at his girl slouched into the comfortable bucket seat.

He reached across and clicked the 6-cd changer...michael boltons voice filled their environment..."Can I touch you now...there". Neha smiled gently again and slid up to hold his left hand.


The second car had sped past the first towards gurgaon. It kept just below the speed limit of 120kmph...attracting some overzealous punk rookie cop out to prove himself wasnt part of the desired programme. Dutifully paying the tolls in kapashera booth (using fake indian currency) to a bleary eyed and tired gate guardian, they accelerated again into haryana.

To the left the shining lights of the huge DLF area started to emerge, to the right the brightly lit industrial complexes of udyog vihar.

"Colonel" in the co-pilot seat paid little attention to all this.

"Azam you know exactly where to go right?"

"Yessir, I have done two dry runs last week"

"Ok good"

Ten minutes later they took a left at heritage city onto mehrauli road, another right and entered the mecca of gurgaon nightlife called the "Mall mile" by gushing journalists.

At this hour there was still too much traffic. the shops were open under the new business friendly, multiplexes had the late shows on, restaurants and trendy coffe shops were full with off-work BPO types soaking up the fun and spending their disposable income.

"So which one is the most crowded Azam"

"That one sir" Pointing to a big glass and steel showpiece that looked like the newest and hipest edifice on the block.

"Very well, let us pay a visit" , the Colonel looked at his watch.

the SUV entered the basement lot, Azam taking his ticket from the machine and they drove around a little to select a suitable spot. Colonel instructed Azam to park right above a underground diesel tank located next to a machine room having the big diesel genset.

"Let us go and see what these indian girls do shall we?" Colonel allowed himself a thin smile. Tonight would be good, all this sin, this human waste , taught a lesson.

They hung out for around ten minutes, two plainly dressed middle aged men in old sweaters and non-branded trousers looking at the hordes of trendy twenty somethings prowling the corridors, the men in body hugging shirts, the women in low waist jeans mostly. A few boho types in skirts.

"Colonel" felt a certain sickness, a sudden desire to catch a few youngsters and smash their faces into the wall...he spied one young lad smooching his girl with his hands dug into both her jeans back pockets...he felt sick at this degradation of culture. Suddenly he felt really good about his task, his crusade to teach these wastrels some austerity.

All doubts vanished, he felt closed to God, fewer and fewer questions remaind now. A new energy filled his tired old body.

The "ting ting" of Azams cellphone interrupted his trance. "Sir taxi has reached, shall we go?"

"Yes Azam, let us leave"

Salim and Aslam were waiting in the dropzone near the front entrance, SUV engine was running.

"I trust your efforts went well Salim?"

"Praise be the lord, it is done"

"Good, let us depart"

The black SUV pulled out into the dark mehrauli road and gathered speed.

After quarter of a mile, "Colonel" pulled a cigarette sized box from his jacket , extended a thin telescope antenna and pressed the button.

The 200kg of high grade RDX in their abandoned SUV ensured the showpiece mall effectively ceased to exist as a useful entity anymore.


91kms west of Delhi two long black objects spouting small flames from turbojet engines, stubby wings giving them lift and a life and sped on towards their destination. At 150 feet height, using a low emission radar altimeter they used terrain contour mapping to precisely chart their path towards preset points.

The world know of them as "Babur". 42 minutes previously a TEL had released them from a point near the indian border in southern punjab. They had swooped low and followed the cover afforded by low hill ranges and river valleys to make it this far without being detected.

A few mins later as they neared the western exremity of the ever expanding gurgaon they executed another turn to the south , skirting the populated DLF area and seeking the cover of the night, ...... and there as a S-300 battery to the north of Palam.

The airwaves over Delhi were by now complete chaos. fifteeen flights on the inbound stack had already been diverted elsewhere. Two Mig29s had taken off from Hindon and were enroute provide a CAP over the palam area. Police were swarming all over the ground zero now, the Igla tubes and boxes had been already recovered and so had Nikhils blanket and some of neha's clothing from nearby...

Babur-1 now turned on its scene correlator and started comparing digital imagery supplied from PRC databanks. It went down to 75 ft above the treetops now, a blur of motion at 500kmph. Boring in over the Qutab minar it crossed the diplomatic area of chanakyapuri and executing zig zag courses homed in finally on a immense round building with pillars all around the perimeter.

Before the shocked stares of its hapless guards, the Central hall of parliament took a direct hit. fortunately nobody was in there at this hour.

Babur-2 which had split from its partner a few minutes earlier swept over moti bagh, rk puram and climing steeply to clear the high buildings on janpath and kasturba road, executed a precise zenith attack on A-block of Connaught place. The buildings being full of old offices stuffed with paper and shops below were made for the incendiary warhead of Babur-2. In a few minutes large and devastating fires were raging through one quadrant of CP.


The TV channels reached the scenes with the satellite trucks even faster than most of the first responders.

There was no need for the "Colonel" to give a status signal to anyone. the TV was doing it quicker and better than anyone.

Down in his bunker, the general took in the proceedings, nodded to himself and retired for the night.

The desired slap on India's face had been administered.

Tomorrow he would phone the president. the president would find him a harder man tomorrow, for what did the moron think...that he would sell his country for a few dollars? the dear president could stuff his dollars, *He* decided here who lived or walked. He had *showed* them.

A renegotiation of their power equation was long overdue.
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Post by bala »

welcome back to the scenario thread Singha...much awaited
MN Kumar
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Post by MN Kumar »

Shanker your story a lot like a fantasy to me. Iam sorry to say you just couldnt get the excitement going after your initial post. No where near a real life scenario on which this thread was based.

I just couldnt understand how can we concentrate and redeploy such a huge force when we were just recovering from a war in the neighborhood? Really its beyond me. Thanks Rudra you are back. Can you please continue without dropping from here. I think most of us really miss your posts. And Shanker i just didnt mean to hurt your feelings. Sorry if i did that.
MN Kumar
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Post by MN Kumar »

Shanker your story looks a lot like a fantasy to me. Iam sorry to say you just couldnt get the excitement going after your initial posts. No where near a real life scenario on which this thread was based.

I just couldnt understand how can we concentrate and redeploy such a huge force when we were just recovering from a war in the neighborhood? Really its beyond me. Thanks Rudra you are back. Can you please continue without dropping from here. I think most of us really miss your posts. And Shanker i just didnt mean to hurt your feelings. Sorry if i did that.
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Post by Shankar »

Brigadier patel while watching his tanks form up after refuelling had some time to reflect on some of the greatest fantasies which have some how managed to change the shape of modern combat and to some extent the world itself

The most recent example of this new found geo plotical fantasy finding its foot on real world arena is ofcourse russia and china joining hands to to stop nuclear weapons ambition of iran

Arab states joining uss to fight iraq for liberation of kuwait

US taking active role in discouraging pakistan from worsening the kargil crisis(thier erstwhile seato/cento military pact partner)

US while fighting a global war on terror siding with chechan teros in russia.

And then to a lesser extent

deployment of indian troops by air to maldives and more significant deployemnt in sri lanka when her own security intersts were threatened .

Or for that matter indian airforce comming to aid of pakistani troops under un command in congo using mi-35s essentially purchased to be used primarily to destroy the same ground troops .

The present deployment of indian air force and armour so immediately after amajor was essentially alogical extension of that thought process.Namibia and south africa were vital towards indias energy security since with the price of oil sky rocketing there was but no choice but todepend on nuclear materials for meeting the growing ecomies ever increasing power needs . South and south west africa /nambia represeted the largets source fo such material namely low enriched uranium 235 in immediate context .

The rumble of 100 odd tank engines starting up ,broke patels self reflection as he picked up the mike to order formation start .
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Post by kantak »

MN Kumar wrote:Shanker your story a lot like a fantasy to me. Iam sorry to say you just couldnt get the excitement going after your initial post. No where near a real life scenario on which this thread was based.

I just couldnt understand how can we concentrate and redeploy such a huge force when we were just recovering from a war in the neighborhood? Really its beyond me. Thanks Rudra you are back. Can you please continue without dropping from here. I think most of us really miss your posts. And Shanker i just didnt mean to hurt your feelings. Sorry if i did that.
Mr MN Kumar,please check out the title"Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part IV.Hence one does not expect reality of this story.In the future when india does become a superpower i am sure the present global reach and ability to fight mutilple conflicts accross the globe now persent with the US will exist with India.

Shankar your effort is commendable.It is your writing which has kept this tread going for some time now else it would have been trashed.
So kuddos to you
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Post by kantak »

i wont mind at all is t-90's were replaced by the arjun mk-3.Then the rumble of the engines would be even louder
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Post by Shyam_K »

kantak wrote:
MN Kumar wrote:Shanker your story a lot like a fantasy to me. Iam sorry to say you just couldnt get the excitement going after your initial post. No where near a real life scenario on which this thread was based.

I just couldnt understand how can we concentrate and redeploy such a huge force when we were just recovering from a war in the neighborhood? Really its beyond me. Thanks Rudra you are back. Can you please continue without dropping from here. I think most of us really miss your posts. And Shanker i just didnt mean to hurt your feelings. Sorry if i did that.
Mr MN Kumar,please check out the title"Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part IV.Hence one does not expect reality of this story.In the future when india does become a superpower i am sure the present global reach and ability to fight mutilple conflicts accross the globe now persent with the US will exist with India.

Shankar your effort is commendable.It is your writing which has kept this tread going for some time now else it would have been trashed.
So kuddos to you
Ya Shankar, this thread and your recent contributions to it are one of the reason my visits to BRF has taken a quantam leap. Keep up the good work, can't wait for the next installment.
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Post by Shankar »

Like all brilliant military generals brigadier rao was also good student of military history from alexander to rommel to patton to montgomary he knew the battles by heart and did manage top his class in history of modern warfare at nda so many years back. He knew though the name kursk is better known in the military community for the unfotunate tragedy of the soviet nuclear submarine due to a unforeseen torpedo launch probelm during a military exercise and then highlighted by the western media out of all realstic propostion jsut like most defense reporters in india do about mig crashes the reason why the rusian navy named the state of the art submarine kursk aly far into the past -to the great battle of kursk which was the single most decisive battle in the history of modern warfare ,which ultimately turned the tide of battle against germans and was the begining of end of world war 2 .

Just the statistics is mind boggling .Red army amassed 13 00 000 men,3600 tanks and 20 000 arty pieces ,2400 aircraft against a german force of 900 000 men, 2700 tanks and 2000 aircraft.The battle of kursk was a battle of epic proportion by all counts but will always be remembered as the biggest clash of armour in the history of modern warfare. The vast land mass around the city of kursk was a salient in the russian line of defense .The germans need a victory in this fron for a number of reasons 1) the boost the moral of german war machine after bitter defeat at stalingrad 2)to show to the world and russians in particular that german army in russia is still aformidable force and finally destroythe russian will to fight for thier fatherland .

The salient was positioned just south of orel with maloarkangelsk at the northern base and at the centre of the salient was the city of kursk and at its southern base was belgorod. The red army had advance information of impending german armour striek thru humanit inside hitlers germany and also some code breaking info from the british and us intel services. .The russian army decided to make a stand in kursk not just to stop the third reichs army in its track but also to make the kursk the spring board for launching its summer offensive which will take its army right into heart of hitlers germany in a years time .

The basic strtegy was like alwys brilliantly simple .While stalin wanted a pre emptive strike on german formations with overwhelming force at his command general zhukov wanted the germans to attack first and wear down the german offensive capability on entrenched soviet defense before making his first offensive move .The defense of kursk city was done in a massive scale with civilian population pitching in with all they had laying a massive array of tank traps ,minefields,anti tank guns and dug in tanks to accept the german armour in lethal embrace of russian bear .

The original date of german offensive was 4/5/43 but was delayed to 3/7/43 as hitler intervened directly in the military decision making process with soon to be proved catastrophic ressults so that so that newer panther and elefant tanks can be deployed.Soviets fortunately go advance information of germn offensive thru couple of captured german engineers who were in the advanced party clearly a safe lane thru russian defensive minefields.The german mine clearing ffort was very efficeant and the german sapper were reported to have cleared nearly 2700 mines about 1 mne per sapper per minute .

The german offensive started at 1445 hrs ,4th july when junker started bombing russian position and this was followed immidiately by the german arty which opened up with all they had .In a multi pronged attack the german panzers attcked soviet positions around savidovka,alekseyevka,luchainino and butovo. The soviet rsistance was more severe thn expected and the panzers did not reach their objective till around midnight of sane day.

It was about thesame time the soviets counterattacked with massive aty barrage and torential rain slowed down the german armour advance oa crawl. Soviets used nearly 600 heavy guns and rocket launchers (katyusha). The germans responded with equal ferocity and some say the tonange of shells fired during this battle was more than that fired during entire french and polish campaign.

The greatest tank battle of all times ook palce at prokhorovka 50 miles south east of city of kursk. The german atack on this front started at dawn and involved nearly 550 tansk with heavy tanks in the front followed by the edium tanks .The german armour advance started immediately after the art barrage have lifted and aircover from luftwaffe was in position.But russain prepared defensive lines were simply too difficult to overrun and germans lost nearly 200 tanks and 25000 men while gaining about 6 miles of progress.The german air losses were also stupendous ,close to 200 aircrafts were lsot mostly ju-87s .This pattern of furious german attack to be repulsed with spirited defense of red army would be repeated many times over the next week and at the end german 9th army would loose 2/3 of their tank inventory and the battle also comming of age of famed t-34 tanks whose commanders quickly identified the weak point of tiger tansk -its thin side armour.

The massively furious russian counter offensive started on 12th july and the red army outnumberd the germans bya factor of two in everthing from tanks to guns to strike aircraft. Germans fought bravely but they did not have the luxery of einforcements and by 19th jult the red army ahs managed to push thegermans back by morethan 100kms .Around this time the il-2 stormvck proved its mettle as they did not allow the powerfull luftwaffe supremacy of air or harass soviet army advance in any significant way. Geran army started simultaneous withdrawal from all thefronts totally defeated and exhausted from day night bombardment .Morethan a battledefeat their will to fight was gone and that ina way initiated the fall of third reichs military machine .

Brigadier rao -looked at his defensive forces and knew if the russians could do it 60 years back -he could do it too today on the mountains and desserts of namibia -with littelhelp from god .
MN Kumar
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Post by MN Kumar »

kantak wrote: Mr MN Kumar,please check out the title"Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part IV.Hence one does not expect reality of this story.In the future when india does become a superpower i am sure the present global reach and ability to fight mutilple conflicts accross the globe now persent with the US will exist with India.

Shankar your effort is commendable.It is your writing which has kept this tread going for some time now else it would have been trashed.
So kuddos to you
Kantak, boss just a small suggestion. Go thru the thread once again from the begning and i mean from Part I. This is part IV, then u ll understand what i was saying.

The way the scenarios were developed was simply fantastic and they were based on a real possibility that may happen based on the current situation in our neighborhood. And the way different authors (including Shanker) seamlessly integrated their versions was simply superb. It was quite realistic. And i just said what i felt and it was meant for Shanker.
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Post by Shankar »

General nobutu though some what sadistic in enforcing discipline was also areasonably well trained soldier well versed in the art of armoured warfare and which implied good map reading skills. As he poured over the large scale map of windhoek region and his own armys postion on the highway b4 ,the distance as the crow flies to the namibian capital and its international air port was barely 65 kms but it was all small country roads and narrow mountain passes if he takes adirect route via c13 alternatively if he continues along the main expressway b4 takes right turn at the railway junction town of goage and then turn south along c 12 to holoog and then turn east to windhoek the distance to travel will more than double but will ensure timely arrival of the whole force on the primary target together and he was sure the indians evn with their advanced aircrafts and fancy anti tank missiles will be no match for the 800 odd t55/t-62s which now rode under his commands .The windhoek internatioanl airport which lies some 20 kms to theeast of city itself will come within the range of his field guns earlier may be in 3 days timE.Nobutu was sure once the 130 mm guns start firing the skinny indian general and his fancy sukhois will not last a day .With the airport destryed the indians will have no option but to withdraw or face anhilation. He has also heard from his sources within south african army have informed even indian women were now in combat roles flying the funny looking kamov choppers . A sly smile crossed his ugly face as he contemplated kind of treatment he would meet out should such a pilot fall into his hands .

Nobutu brushed such distractions away as he decided to split up his force two ways . The first tank group composed entirely of more modern t-62s will do the cross country rush to windhoek international across the dried river beds and narrow mountain passes to reach windhoek in 2 days time .The bulk of his force will use the main expressway and should reach the city in another 72-96 hrs . Once windhoek falls the diamond rich "restricted area " along the namibias atlantic coast will be his and his alone . He was sure the old man in the deserts of asia will pay top dollar for namibian diamonds and if god allows the uranium ore which he knew he will have access to once windhoek falls .

Windhoek was the key

major srikant ordered hisformation stop after he once agin checked the gps indiaction on his commanders console . He was in his designated blocking position on route c13 at rosh pinah ther he was supposed to wait to deliver the killing blow to retreating angolan armour as they were expected to do in 4 days time once the full might of allied airpower mainly indian but also south afriacan and israeli was unleashed in the vicinity of windhoek mountain .

lt colonel bhusan was tired from screaming afer a night long rail journey from the town of kolmansko his brigade was now unloading at the railway siding and like alwys everything was a mess of highest order . One of the open box cars have derailed in the sidding as the nambian driver in order to impress the indian colonel with speedy operation reversed full speed at a dead end and too late remebered the condition of his worn out brakes. The language problem between tamil lt in charge of unloading the massive tanks and namibian porters deputed to help indians was anything but hilarious . Eevry one was hungry and the biggest problem was finding right vegetarian food for the group of vegis ina land where almost everything is a delicacy including poisonous snakes and locust fry.

Cheetah brigade would form the second arm of pincer block planned by brigadier rao . It has reached its designated position few hours late but now the messy unloading seemed to throw all schedule out of gear . Bhusan knew time for screaming was over and some direct action was called for if the unruly mass has to be kicked into coherent force. As he rolled up his sleeve and with a branch of dead acacia tree in his hand opened up with choicest punjabi explitives even the namibians seemed to understand -the joke time was over and put thier shoulder to work this time seriously .

All in all a normal day in the life of indian army -at war .

Even the powerful engines of t-62 found the going tough .The road was all broken up dirt track with soft sandy base .The drivers were sweating in thier littel hell holes asthey negotiated the steep gradients evry half an hour or so in low gear and slipping tracks . Thick columns of unburnt diesel and smoke rose into the sky and the noise of 200 odd tank ngines in full rev. Individual tank comanders stood out of open turret against all standing instructions ,the inside was simply too hot to stay locked in .There was no formation in this chaotic high speed advance .Everyone knwe they have to be windhoek within 48 hrs and no one wanted to face the mad general by not keeping to the schedule .

No one really knows how many t-60 were made most likely tens of thousands by sviet union in the hay days of cold war with the sole objective of overwhelming nato defenses in germany in the early hours of third world war .The war never came and the t-62 got delegated to secondary mobilisation or reserve units and more modern t-72s and t-90s took place. These were then exported /given away to almost all african and arb countries as acurrency of good will or along with more profitable surface to air missile systems as a packages .At 41 tons they were not very heavy and the 115 main gun packed quite a punch in front to front combat. The 7.62 mm co axial machine gun in fact was sometimes more useful in putting down coups and small local wars than the main gun due to shortage of gun ammo. One of the short commings was short range about 450 km without extra fuel tanks and cross country like now the angolan t-62 s will not be able to do better than 300 kms which meant by the time they reached windhoek they will not have much combat fuel and if something goes wrong -no fuel to go back home .

Colonel lobengo looked at the sky intently thry his east german made zeiss field glasses and was horrified . Far up and far high there floated in the unmistakable shape of indian twin tailed aircrafts morethan a dozen and he jumped out of his command tank and screamed at the tank crews to get fro for air strike. Only airdefense weapons he had was the 7.62 machine guns and few shoulder fired sams ,sinec the larger sam batteries could not be moved over the cross country route and have moved up along with general nobutus convoy.

Colonel lobengo was dead wrong -those aircraft up there were not indian migs they were infact f-15i from israeli airforce getting ready oopen thier account in this war . They did not even need the support of thier phalcon awac .arguably the best awac fliing the worlds skies today for this anti armour mission and all the pilots in the squadron are trained and experienced tank killers war or no war since the survival of thier nation itself depends on the tank killing efficeancy of israeli air force .

-star eye 1 - harpoon lead-have target in visuals -requst weapons free
-stand by harpoon 1 - star eye one
colonel josua quickly scanned the large 40 inch lcd tactical dispaly screen -no indian aircraft was in the vicinity and the indian tank positions have stayed unchanged over last several hours still he made aquick data link check with indian gound command before giving the eagles the right to

-harpoon 1-star eye -1 -you are weapons free -ground targets only - no significant sam threat envisaged -good hunting and good luck .

The israeli eagles floated into position for cimultaneous missile launch in a wide bow formation as they activated thier interplane data link exchanging individual target data and establishing launch protocol so that none of the expensive mavericks are wasted or thier efforts duplicated .

-star eye -harpoon lead -launching missile

one by one the eagles launched thier stand off anti tank missiles from aheight far above the effctive range of the tanks guns or the manpads .Each launched 16 missiles and in total 150 missiles were launched .As the missiles streaked towrds the target the twin tailed angels of death turned out and away to their base .

87 T-62 destryed outright ,23 more damaged seriuosly .The angolan short cut paln clearly did not not work out
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Post by kantak »

MN Kumar wrote:
kantak wrote: Mr MN Kumar,please check out the title"Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part IV.Hence one does not expect reality of this story.In the future when india does become a .......would have been trashed.
So kuddos to you
Kantak, boss just a small suggestion. Go thru the thread once again from the begning and i mean from Part I. This is ........It was quite realistic. And i just said what i felt and it was meant for Shanker.
quite true about multiple authors same topic and the seamless integration of versions esspecially the very first bangladesh ops "Awakening" .
However i still feel that shankar has done a good job in the present futuristic concept.

Mr Kumar ,i didnt mean to sound rude :oops: No hard feeling right!!!!!
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Post by Shankar »

At last his omparitively small but highly lethal tank force was deployed and dug in to take on the expected retreating angoaln army ,thought major srikanth as he surveyed from his open turret the staggered u formation of his t-90s neatly camofalged behind sand dunes and scrubby bushes . The advanced quick response team mounted on bmp2 and gypsies equipped with essentially karl gustav and Kormut anti tan missiles were all also positioned for the first intercept . The field hospital was atlast operatioanl including a mini operation theatre and small complement of surgeons and nurses from the army medical corps.

On the eastern horizon the dawn was breaking out in all splendour awash in a right of colours ruthlessly pushing out the savegary of african night when the predators rule the earth. With nothing more to do till breakfast at 0600 hrs he jumped down on the desert floor and started his early morning 5 km jpg which will take him around the perimeter of his command and then he expected to be back by breakfast time . Though on field duty never stayed more than arms distance from his personal sten the morning jogging time was an exception .

He felt the hard dessert floor give away as he picked up speed and made the first turn of his circuit towards the bushy ground when the earth shook with the roar of an unmitigated proportion

Srikanth froze .It is said even the bravest person shrivels when he hears the roar of a full grown lion in the wild . For srikanth in his 29 yrs life nothing has prepared him for such an encounter . The 400 kg lion with athick mane of black hair came out of the bush and roared again ,srikanth could feel the air vibrating in his ears the loud sound echoed across the empty desert floor .Tenormous head and powerful bunched up muscles on the beast shoulder coveyed the impression of enormous strength and agility a true king of beasts .Single grown up lions have been known to take down a1000 kg wild buffalo in under a minute .This one must have come exploring lured by the smell of last nights cooking and then major srikanth have manged o startle him in rather unpleasent way

The massive head went down and its funny looking tail started swishing as the largests of africas cat prepared to attack and kill ,a reflex born out of million years for him the indian major was just another prey or an intruder into his teritory which was his solemn responsibilty to defend .

Srikanth knew he was staring death in face ,one bite from those massive jaws which can effortlessly crush a buffalo head will not even feel the the resistance of his first vertibra as it will crush down on his wind pipe .Death will come surely and swiftly.

Lt commander sudipta in his kamov 31 watched e whole drama dumb stuck as she prepared to circuit the leopard base camp prior to landing on the makeshift helipad . She was carrying the final ops order and deployement instructions personally from the force commander rear admiral bhasin to be hand delivered to the person who now stood barely 100 ft from the jaws of death .Ofcourse she had no idea who the soldier was but knew she had to do something if a life is to be saved . As she pushed the collective all the way forward directly at the attacking lion on full power and punching out couple of high intensity magnessium flares for additional effect the magnificent lion got scared for the first time in its adult life . It stood fixed to ground for a few seconds more at the ungainly bird spewing fire and making hell of a racket till it could stand no more ,forgetting its pride and ferocity it pushed the tail between legs and bolted away into the bush in one smooth motion .

Few hours into future once the official business was out of the way and mechanics were checking out the kamov birdfor its return journey , a new type of cactus flower will bloom in the dessert floor - a flower called romance in midst of war .

Colonel lobengo looked back at hsi severly depleted armour convoy .The indian air strike (he still did not know they were israeli ) did mange to mess up all his plans and he already did not know what to say or how to face the general .In his battle report he has casually mentioned 12 tanks destroyed and 6 damaged as a ressult of " indian strke " and also he proudly mentioned the angolan forces have manged to shoot down 6 of the intruding aircraft by judicious use of surface to air missiles and anti aircraft guns .

Still he commanded a sizable force and only way he could save his skin was by meeting his mission objective with whatever force still available namely 100 odd t-62s.
BRFite -Trainee
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Joined: 18 Jun 2005 01:03

Post by ripusingh »

lol.... nahi dont tell me there is going to be a love story in there now.

keep going ... good work
BRFite -Trainee
Posts: 6
Joined: 06 May 2005 09:37

Post by Amrinder »


all good job done previously, but now I have to agree with others on where you taking us with your new stuff.

Cmon man, we come here to read the might of indian forces crush enemies. It seems you would rather make indian soldiers tarzans, fighting lions etc and also include filmy romance in it ! i fear it losing its charm, if not already.

BRFite -Trainee
Posts: 44
Joined: 11 Dec 2005 15:14

Post by Philbert »

:twisted: Good storyline so far shankar but you might want to keep the romance out of the field play because most of us come here to read about the military secnarions not much of the romance secnarios anyways ur da best writer here keep doin da gud job :twisted:
BRF Oldie
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Post by Murugan »

guys might be jumping the gun.

shankar, don't worry, let it come naturally and spontaneously, you are doing one of the best jobs.

let others know that wildlife is very much part of battle scenes, sometimes you have to survive on it...

your wildlife and battlelife narrations are unmatched.

BRFite -Trainee
Posts: 44
Joined: 11 Dec 2005 15:14

Post by Philbert »

Murugan wrote:guys might be jumping the gun.

shankar, don't worry, let it come naturally and spontaneously, you are doing one of the best jobs.

let others know that wildlife is very much part of battle scenes, sometimes you have to survive on it...

your wildlife and battlelife narrations are unmatched.


I plead no contest to shankar doing one of the the best jobs here hell he is the best here according to me :twisted: NOTE TO SHANKAR:- Shankar if you dont mind could you mail me all your secnarios if you have them in any other formats i would like to read them all in one big document and is just for my personal reading no copyright infringment i promise my email id is philbertpereira@gmail.com :)
Last edited by Philbert on 21 Feb 2006 12:30, edited 1 time in total.