Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Balwaristan thread.

Meanwhile in Islamic Republic of Pakistan occupied Gilgit-Baltistan, Taller than Himalaya’s, Deeper than Indian Ocean, Sweeter than Honey, Iron Brother, the Peoples Republic of China largesse is not appreciated by the freedom yearning Balwaristanis.

Senge Hasnan Sering, President of the Institute for Gilgit-Baltistan Studies besides views on P.R. Chinese trade and investment, views on Oppression by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, how things are better in Jammu and Kashmir than in Pakistan Occupied J&K and yearning of the Balti’s to be liberated and rejoin India:
Many hardliners opposed to India in J&K try to show things as being better on the other side

I can't comment on what they say but nothing's further from the truth. People of GB want what Indian Kashmiris have -- membership of parliament, special status, democratic rights, right to choose our own government, etc. Even pro-Pakistani leaders, talk about how Indian Kashmiris have both special status and benefits of Indian judicial, political and economic institutions.

So how does the average local from GB see this as?

The people in GB are tired of being treated like Pakistan's colony. It uses our resources but doesn't give any rights to locals. Forget rights, persecution fills us with fear. Even the mention of creating special enclaves for Kashmiri Pandits has led to so much outrage, in GB we've so much unquestioned Pakistani influx. We live in a state of siege.

Much of this persecution is also perpetuated through non-state players?

Yes. In the recent past sectarian attacks have increased manifold in GB. As the Pakistan state weakens, the Pakistani military is increasing Islamisation through the Jamat-e-Islami, Taliban, Lashkar-e-Dawat, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Lashkar-e-Janghwi to enhance strategic interests. These Takfiri groups hate Shias who face persecution along with Christians, Ahmadis and Hindus.

What is your view on the huge Chinese investment in GB?

Since the building of the Karakoram Highway in 1966, China has steadily been increasing its stranglehold on GB. The Chinese see the region as their access way to link to Muslim countries. Once it reaches the Gwadar port, the Persian Gulf is not too far away.

Are locals happy with such Chinese presence?

What choice do they have? Given how miserably Pakistan has failed in providing us with connectivity, this is seen as a good thing. There are major issues with the Chinese over mineral exploration, land compensation and who controls the revenue and the royalties of the dams. And it not like we're getting jobs. Chinese bring their own labourers and locals are not given work. This is resented.

The list of foreign powers wanting to dabble in GB is long

Every major player in the world is aware of GB's location and its geo-strategic interest. India China, the EU, UK, US, Russia as well as Saudi Arabia and Iran. The Indonesians, Japanese and Koreans are making their own moves along with the Australians. Currently of course its China which is benefitting the maximum from GB.

Does India have role to play?

Of course, it does. Its baffling why it chooses to just play a wait-and-watch game. No one's asking India to go to war with Pakistan. But it just can't sit and hope for things to work out. As Pakistan gets Talibanised, it will bear the brunt. India should act before the fire of radicalism reaches it. Either partner with people of GB or work with the international community as well actors like Iran which has an interest in countering Taliban.

Legally you're Indian. But you need a visa to come here

Constitutionally I'm Indian. India should either forget us or do something. For 60 years we have been physically in control of Pakistan while India has constitutional capacity. How long can we live like this?

Do you go back home to GB?

I could go. (laughs) But I'm not sure they'll let me get out again ever.

Who is Senge Hansan Sering?

The Skardu- born engineer, Senge Hasnan Sering, has a Development Studies postgraduate from England. The cultural activist has been instrumental in reviving the indigenous Balti script, and has also been a fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies & Analysis, Delhi. Settled in the US since 2003, he runs the Washington-based Gilgit Baltistan Institute
From here:

People of Gilgit-Baltistan want what the Indian Kashmiris have: Senge Hasnan Sering
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X posted from the "Oppression of Minorities in Pakistan" thread.

Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden religion based sectarian slaughter in Quetta in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan where Sunni Mohammadden group, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (L-e-J) kills co-religionists of the minority Shia Mohammadden sect:

Four gunned down in Quetta sectarian attacks
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Web link for earlier May 15 Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden religion based sectarian attack in Karachi in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan where ISIL aka ISIS aka Islamic State affiliated Sunni Mohammadden group, Jundullah, attacked and killed co-religionists of the minority Shia Ismaili Mohammadden sect, now posted:

Militant Pakistani Sunnis kill 43 Ismaili Muslims in bus attack in Karachi
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Green violence in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan sees Mohammadden mob attacking fellow Abrahamics of the Christist faith in Lahore:

Religious strife: Mob attacks Christian locality in Lahore
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Dr. Azeem Ibrahim writes an article titled “Grim prospects for Pakistan’s minorities” in Al Arabiya.

Al Arabiya describes Dr. Azeem Ibrahim as “Research Professor at the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College and Lecturer in International Security at the University of Chicago”.

From information available elsewhere on the net, Dr. Azeem Ibrahim is also “Strategic Policy Advisor” to I’m the Dim Imran Khan making him likely to have roots in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and paid up RAPE member:
Dance of power

So why is the Pakistani government failing to protect its citizens? The first problem seems to be that the government either is incapable or maybe even uninterested in acknowledging that there is a problem. Its political priorities would not be served by worrying too much about minorities, in any case. In fact it might be straight up politically problematic to stand up too firmly for minorities and risk open conflict on the issue with Sunni hardliners who are one of two main constituencies in the country – the other being the military-intelligence complex.

The second problem is that even when shocking massacres of civilians happen, it is much more convenient for everyone involved to deflect any responsibility away from any internal, Pakistani issues with extremism and terrorism, and instead point the finger at the “malign influence” of foreign powers – their favorite bogey man is India’s intelligence agency, RAW (Research and Analysis Wing). It took less than 24 hours for Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary some army chiefs and local police chiefs to make a series of public statements which taken together heavily imply that RAW is behind the attack, rather than indigenous home-grown terrorism.

Military-intelligence complex

In this understanding of events, the interests of the military-intelligence complex and those of the Sunni hardliners are aligned against foreign meddling in Pakistan’s internal affairs, and this justifies the amount of support that the Pakistani intelligence services, and indeed the army, keep providing to various radical Islamist groups to fight “foreign influence” – even when those very same groups have had extensive histories of anti-state activities in the past.

But so long as the victims of this perverse dance of power between the two main entrenched power-structures within the Pakistani state are minorities and the “democratically elected” leaders do not have to care, all is well. Some kind of uneasy balance between the two competing forces can be maintained, and tensions leading to outbursts of violence can be deflected outwards, towards groups that neither cares about: Pakistan’s minorities, or women, Indians (e.g. in the Mumbai attacks), Afghanis, Western troops or mercenaries still in the region and so on. And so long as this state of affairs continues, it will be the most vulnerable that will continue to suffer. Pakistan’s minorities need to brace themselves. Worse is still to come.
From Here:

Grim prospects for Pakistan’s minorities
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the STFUP thread.

Both the overt and covert Jihadi’s of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan ooze concern for illegal Muslim Bangladeshi migrants in Myanmar whereas back in 1971 the same Islamic Republic of Pakistan thought nothing a launching a campaign of genocide against Bangladeshi’s in the erstwhile East Pakistan till India liberated them from Pakistan’s genocidal depredations.

The covert Jihadi’s of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

Persecution of Muslims: Pakistan to mobilise OIC and UN over Rohingya plight

The overt Jihadi’s of the Pakistani Taliban:

TTP calls for 'jihad' in Myanmar

Meanwhile amdist all this pious hand wringing about illegal bangaladeshi migrants in Myanmar the Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden religion based slaughter sees Shia Mohammaddens contuing to be killed with impunity by Sunni Mohammaddens in the Islamic Republic:

Sectarian target: Five Hazara men gunned down in Quetta
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the STFUP thread.
shiv wrote:
Hypocritical frauds
The Punjabi dominated elite of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan are indeed shamelessly hypocritical.

Slaughter of Pathans / Pushtun by the Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Punjabi dominated Military of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan continues unabated despite the commencement of the Mohammadden holy month of Ramazan / Ramadan.

The pious Mohammadden Pathan / Pushtun Freedom Fighting Mujhahideen it seems are ranked even lower than murderous criminals by the Punjabi Military dominated elites of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and not immune to slaughter during the Mohammadden holy months:

Air strikes kill 20 Freedom Fighting Mujahideen in Khyber Agency
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “Pakistan arms sales, ops, doctrine, etc” thread.

First the Punjabi dominated security forces of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan displace some 1 Million Pathan’s / Pushtun’s from the homes and force them into refugee camps.

Then the Punjabi dominated security forces of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan kill 2 Pathan’s / Pushtun’s who have been forced from their homes into refugee camps during the Mohammadden holy month of Ramzan aka Ramadan.

Is killing 2 fellow Mohammaddens during Ramzan what is meant by the” Jihad fi Sabilillah” part of the motto of “Iman, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabilillah” or translated into English, “Faith, Piety, Jihad in the path of Allah”?

How is it remotely excusable for the Military forces of a country claimed to have been created as a safe haven for the Mohammaddens of the Indian Sub-Continent to slaughter fellow Mohammaddens during Ramazan?

How also is it remotely excusable for a country that loses no opportunity anoint itself with all manner of Mohammadden titles such as Islamic Republic, Sole Mohammadden Nucler Power and Citadel of Mohammaddenism to kill fellow Muslims during Ramzan?:

Pakistan Security Forces Clash With Waziristan IDPs
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by Avinash R »

^ but bakistanis claim pasthuns are jews and as per the holy book followed by most bakistanis killing jews is the most honorable act in the holy month of ramadan
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “Baluchistan: The Story of Another Pakistan Military Genocide” thread.

Punjabi dominated Military of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan continues its genocidal campaign against fellow Mohammadden Baluchi’s:

Year-to-date: 83 mutilated corpses found in Balochistan
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Green on Green Intra Mohammadden oppression in the Land of the Pure with the most committed of the Pure to the IEDology of Pakistan who are a minority complaining about getting persecuted by the less committed of the Pure to the IEDology of Pakistan who are in majority.

The most ardent votaries of Mohammadden supremacist Two Nation Theory by virtue of voluntarily uprooting themselves from areas of India not being portioned, namely Punjab and Bengal, and moving as refugees to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Urdu Speaking Mohajirs, seem to have woken up to the nasty reality that their ancestors made a fatally stupid move.

The Urdu speaking Mohajirs are now claiming before the United Nations Human Rights Council that they are being persecuted by fellow Mohammadden Punjabi’s in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

Pakistani Mohajir Plight Highlighted in United Nations Human Rights Council
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Uniformed Jihadis of the Punjabi dominated Military of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan follow tactics adopted by a foreign army of occupation seeking to subdue an alien population and use a weapon that is both a disproportionate use of force and an inaccurate one prone to create collateral non-combatant damage against the Un-uniformed Jihadi’s of the TTP who are Pathan. All this Green on Green Intra Mohammadden violence during what Mohammadden’s claim is the holy month of Ramazan aka Ramadan.

What a contrast between how the Punjabi dominated Military of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which makes such a fetish of being Mohammadden fighting fellow Mohammaddens, albeit Pathan’s rather than Punjabi’s, and the Indian Army which in conducting operations within India is every mindful of the possibility of civilian collateral damage and thus chooses the weapons it uses to reflect proportionate force with greatest feasible accuracy:

23 militants killed in North Waziristan, Khyber Agency airstrikes
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “Pashtun Civil War” thread.

The “Jihad in the Path of Allah” or “Jihad Fi Sabilliah” part of motto of “Faith, Piety, Jihad In the Path of Allah” or “Iman Taqwa Jihad Fi Sabilillah” of the Punjabi dominated Pakistan Army, in action.

Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden Ramadan month violence as Uniformed Jihadi’s of the majority Punjabi dominated Military take on the Un-uniformed minority Pathan Jihadi’s of the TTP in the battle to determine who among them are entitled to be the “More Pure” in the “Land of the Pure” aka the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

4 soldiers, 9 militants dead in Waziristan op
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X posted from the “Pashtun Civil War” thread.

NYT reports that the Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Punjabi dominated military of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan have turned on the Ununiformed Jihadi’s with covert internment centers, torture and extra judicial executions with the US quietly looking on and showering the Uniformed Jihadi’s with Military aid:

In Pakistan, Detainees Are Vanishing in Covert Jails
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by SSridhar »

[A Hindu] Woman speaks of forced conversion, denial to lodge FIR of rape, trafficking - DAWN
How women of marginalised communities are suffering at the hands of influential people and the state has turned a blind eye towards their misery came to light at a press conference held on Friday.

Emmi, 30, and resident of Thatta city, is now looking for justice with the help of a non-governmental body providing legal aid to women and child survivors of violence and abuse.

Ironically, however, the police have not only refused to register an FIR on one pretext or another but also sexually harassed her. There is no action from the government side either that has been informed in writing about the case, according to her.

“When I took my complaint to the Thatta police, nobody took me seriously and the staff there started laughing. I was told to go to the house of DSP Makli for FIR’s registration,” said Emmi at the press conference organised by Madadgaar Helpline in its office.

She accused the police official of sexually harassing her. “I have been exploited for eight years and demand justice,” she said as tears rolled down her face.

Emmi’s troubles started when she became friendly with a man over the phone in 2008. The man that she identified as Shahbaz, a resident of Mirpur Sakro, later convinced her to meet him outside her house and kidnapped her with the help of another man, Ramzan.

“They took me to an unknown place where I was confined in a dark room for 20 days, beaten and raped. Then I was sold and taken to Nawabshah,” she said.

In Nawabshah, Emmy was forced to sign some papers to convert her from Hinduism to Islam and arrange her fake marriage with Javed Khaskheli who forced her into prostitution. She attempted twice to escape and was punished.

“I was burnt and initially admitted to a hospital in Nawabshah and later to the Combined Military Hospital in Hyderabad.

I was told that I should identify myself as the wife of Javed,” she told journalists, adding that she was also poisoned by his tormentors.

According to her, she spent about six years in Hyderabad in confinement during which she also met three girls brought for prostitution. She finally managed to escape on the second day of Eid and reached her home in Thatta. It came as a shock to her that her father, the only close relative he had, died following her kidnapping.

“With the help of a friend, I came to a court in Karachi where someone suggested that I should seek help from Madadgaar,” she explained.

She also showed a picture and the national identity card of one of his tormentors to media persons during the briefing.

Giving his remarks, Advocate Zia Awan said his organisation prepared a case for the victim and also contacted relevant police officials in this regard. But the police were not willing to register the case.

“On Thatta police’s insistence that the case didn’t fall in their jurisdiction and that the Mirpur Sakro police should be contacted, we asked the victim to go to the latter. But they also refused to register the case. Both police stations have accepted the complaint, though,” he said.

According to Mr Awan, it was after his NGO received no positive reply from the government side, including minister for culture Sharmila Faruqui, that it decided to highlight the case in the media.

“We have contacted police officials and a sitting minister to take action but all our attempts have been futile. What else an NGO could do. We are not a state,” he said in reply to a question.

“State inaction and justice denial is also a kind of terrorism. We want this case to be seriously investigated and culprits punished,” he said, adding that a number of cases had brought to his knowledge in recent months in which women were trafficked and used for prostitution.

The women, he said, were taken to Afghanistan via Balochistan.

“This case is just the tip of the iceberg. Most cases go unreported. In cases that reach us, often the victims are reluctant to talk to the media. There is a dire need to make the police and the justice system efficient,” he said.

Published in Dawn, August 1st, 2015
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan fellow Abrahamic Christist’s are harshly reminded on what it is to be a Non-Mohammadden Dhimmi Kaafir in a country claimed to have been created to provide a safe haven for the adherents of Mohammaddenism in the Indian Sub-Continent by falling afoul of medieval Mohammadden religion based laws.

Over the years I have come across many cases of individuals being accused of blaspheming Mohammaddenism in Mohammadden majority countries but do not recollect of any case where a Mohammadden has been punished for blaspheming Buddhism, Christism, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Taoism or Zoroastrianism leaving me with the distinct impression that in Mohammadden majority countries, blasphemy laws are a weapon to oppress Non-Mohammaddens. Does anyone recollect any case of a Mohammadden being punished for blaspheming Non-Mohammaddens in Mohammadden majority countries? :

Christian arrested for ‘blasphemy’ in Kasur
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by Bhurishrava »

http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/09 ... s-plummet/

Pakistan’s Christians are finding it harder to secure asylum in Britain, despite the rise of their persecution within Pakistan.
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the STFUP thread.
Rajdeep wrote:News360: Visuals expose PoK horror


The real face of Pakistan occupied Kashmir has been exposed. There are massive protests against the Pakistani government in several areas of PoK, including Muzaffarabad, Gilgit and Kotli. CNN-IBN exposes how the Pakistani establishment is using brutal force to quell rebellion in the region, resorting to massive human rights violation even though Islamabad has never lost an opportunity to hit out at New Delhi over Kashmir and the alleged attempts to suppress the people living in the Valley.
A CNN-IBN article about the Punjabi Military dominated deep State of Islamic Republic of Pakistan oppresses Kashmiris in Gilgit, Muzzafarabad and Kotli in Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, to go with the video posted by you.

Article also has the same video embedded which conveys the scale and strong scope of protest not to mention the brutality of the crackdown of the Punjabi dominated security forces.

Am taking the liberty of cross posting this to the “Oppression of Minorities in Pakistan”, “J&K News and Discussion-2015” and “Pakistan arms sales, ops, doctrine, etc” threads:

Pakistan muzzles pro-India voices in Pak-Occupied Kashmir with brutal force, human rights violations
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Apparently in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, performing the Mohammadden religion mandated sacrifice of animals during Eid ul Adha aka Bakrid aka Bakri Id is Constitutionally prohibited if an individual belongs to Mohammaddenisms Ahmadiyya aka Ahmadi sect even though it is permitted for Mohammaddens of other sects.

Ahmadiyya’s must be ruing the support their sect gave for the Mohammadden religion based Two Nation Theory that partitioned India.

In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, discrimination occurs not just because of a breakdown in the Law, it also frequently occurs because of the enforcement by the State of blatantly unjust Laws :

Ban sought on Eid sacrifice of animals by Ahmadis
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Fides, News Agency controlled by Christist Clerics of the Catholic sect report fears that in fellow Abrahamic though overwhelmingly Mohammadden majority Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Christists of Protestant sect jailed for using Urdu word for Apostle i.e.: Rasool on a poster fear being extrajudicially killed. Needless to add it is perfectly legal for Mohammaddens to use the term Rasool in the Islamic Republic on a poster :roll: .

This is yet again a case where discrimination occurs not just because of a breakdown in the Law, but because of the enforcement by the State of blatantly unjust Laws :

Christians imprisoned for blasphemy fear an extrajudicial murder
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “Balwaristan” thread

Pak Repression: Gilgit-Baltistan Residents Demand Balawaristan
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “Baluchistan: The Story of Another Pakistan Military Genocide” thread.

Pakistan's battle against Balochistan separatists sparks anger and suspicion
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by SSridhar »

Hindus in Pakistan Protest 'Exclusion' From RTI Act - PTI, New Indian Express

PESHAWAR: Activists from minority Hindu community in Pakistan have staged a protest here against the provincial government of Khyber Pakthunkhwa for allegedly not allowing minorities to access information through the recently enacted Right to Information Act.

The members of the All Pakistan Hindu Rights Movements (APHRM) held the demonstration outside the Press Club building here against the alleged exclusion of the minorities from the ambit of the legislation.

The minority group's leaders alleged that the KPK government was not giving them their due rights and they are being subjected to "discriminatory attitude".

"Prohibiting access to information will weaken minorities and undermine their civic and political rights," APHRM Chairman Haroon Sarab Diyal said.

The demonstrators demanded the government to provide correct information to the members of the minority community under the law.
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Christist arrested for blasphemy in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

“Local Police Official” said that “The arrest was made after residents complained that the Christian man used a sword for healing patients on which Quranic verses were inscribed and it was offending for their religious sentiments”.

Explanation notwithstanding, I still cannot understand what was so blasphemous about a using a sword inscribed with verses from Koran aka Quran to heal the sick. So help me here. Was it blasphemous because:

1.Since Mohammaddenism is claimed by followers to be “The Religion Of Peace” inscribing Koranic verses on an instrument of violence such as a sword is blasphemous?

2.Quranic / Koranic verses were inscribed on a sword whose scabbard had a chape rather than one that had the chape removed?

3.Something altogether different?

From here:

Police arrest Christian healer for blasphemy in Sargodha
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden religion based sectarian violence in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan sees demonstration of the IED Mubarak variant of the IEDology of Pakistan in a Mosque used by the minority Mohammadden Shia sect.

Looks like the “Strategic Asset” Non-State Actors created by the State Actors of the Punjabi Military dominated Deep State of the Islamic Republic to oppress the Baloch people have as it were gone off reservation for some private sport:

Ten killed as suicide bomber strikes imambargah in Balochistan
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the STFUP thread.
Death toll in this Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden religion based sectarian violence in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan targeting a religious procession taken out by members of minority Shia Mohammadden sect on the Mohammadden Sabbath of Friday, has climbed to 16.

Further it is now being reported that this attack was a not merely a demonstration of the IEDology of Pakistan but rather a demonstration of the IED Mubarak variant of the IEDology of Pakistan:

16 mourners killed, 30 injured in Jacobabad suicide blast
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden religion based sectarian oppression sees Mohammadden of the minority Shia sect jailed for blasphemy for posting “hateful material” Mohammad’s “companions” for 13 years:

Man jailed for 13 years over Facebook ‘hate speech’
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

After factory, mob torches Ahmadi place of worship in Jhelum over blasphemy allegations :

Express Tribune

Why Pakistan persecutes the minority Ahmadi group :

Deutsche Welle
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Kashif N. Chaudhry, who originates in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and belongs to the minority Ahmadi aka Ahmadiyya sect of Mohammaddenism claims in Huffington Post from the safety of the US that what Mohammaddens in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan are already doing to fellow Mohammadden Ahmadi’s is similar to what US politician Donald Trump (and Marco Rubio and Bill Carson) is proposing to do unto adherents of Mohammaddenism in the US. However keeping in line with the Mohammadden tradition of practising Taqiyyah to gull Non-Mohammaddens, Kashif N. Chaudhury is silent about the very significant difference that Mohammaddens in the US and elsewhere are indulging in Mohammadden Religion motivated violence targeting host populations unlike Ahmadi’s and other Religious and Sectarian Minorities in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, elsewhere in Mohammadden majority countries and indeed anywhere else in the world:
So Pakistani fellows, everything we hate about Trump, we are already doing - and much more - to the Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan. How is it fair then to decry Islamophobia in the West, while turning a blind eye to the rampant - and far more putrid - anti-Ahmadi bigotry in Pakistan? This only makes us a bunch of hypocrites, a dishonest people. We dislike Trump but fail to realize that ours is a very huuuuuuuge Trumpistan.

Next time we speak of how minorities are treated in the West, let us also reflect into our own attitudes towards our own minority communities.
From here:

Is Pakistan Just a Huge Trumpistan?
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by member_19686 »

Bilal Farooqi
Hindu child abducted, converted & raped in Pakistan, court hands her over to husband/rapist

http://www.thenews.com.pk/print/93238-C ... iage-valid


Court declares 16-year-old converted girl’s marriage valid

January 24, 2016

SHC allows Shabana who converted to Islam from Hinduism and married a Muslim man to live with her husband


The Sindh High Court declared on Saturday the marriage of a 16-year-old girl, who had converted to Islam and married a Muslim man in Nawabshah, valid under the Mohammadan law and allowed her to live with her husband.

The directives came on a petition filed by the girl, Shabana, who sought the quashment of a kidnapping case against her spouse, Ali Gul.

She submitted that she had willingly converted to Islam on October 5 and married Gul, but her family was annoyed over her move and registered a case against her spouse.

She sought the quashment of the case and protection against harassment at the hand of her family.

The court had earlier observed that the petitioner seemed to be a minor and ordered that she be shifted to a shelter home and a medical board formed to determine her age.

The board was of the opinion that girl is between 18 and 19 years old however the court did not express satisfaction on its report. It had directed the Civil Hospital Medical Karachi superintendent to include a senior gynecologist in the medical board.

The new board suggested that girl was between 15 and 16 years.

The counsel for the girl’s father submitted that the petitioner was a minor and her marriage with Gul was illegal in accordance with Section 4 of the Hindu Guardianship Act 1956.

The court observed that the contention of the respondent had no force as the petitioner had attained the age of puberty as was evident from the medical board’s report and she had voluntarily converted to Islam without any pressure.

The court observed that it had already been held by the Supreme Court that a girl having attained the age of puberty could marry a person of her choice and such a marriage was valid under the Mohammadan Law.

The court, after hearing the arguments of the counsel, observed that petitioner had voluntarily converted to Islam on October 4 and her nikah was solemnised on October 5 in accordance with the Mohammadan Law with her spouse and as such she was entitled to live with her spouse.

The court allowed the petition of Shabana and directed the shelter home to release her. The court directed the investigation officer to submit a copy of its judgement before the magistrate concerned and obtain the relevant order with regard to the disposal of the case.

http://www.thenews.com.pk/print/93238-C ... xJogY.dpuf
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Cases of the practice of the doctrine of “Mā malakat aymānukum” or "What your Right Hands Possess” that the principal Mohammadden text, the Koran aka Quran, permits Mohammadden’s to take Non-Mohammadden females as Sex Slaves?

Raymond Ibrahim who converted from Mohammaddenism to Christism in an article titled “Pakistan: "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men" which was published by the Gatestone Institute:

Pakistan: "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men"
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “Baluchistan: The Story of Another Pakistan Military Genocide” thread.

A new Shenzhen? Poor Pakistan fishing town's horror at Chinese plans : Mega-port will bring five-star hotels and Chinese access to Arabian Sea, as residents in conflict-torn province contend with lack of water and food:

Guardian, UK


Balochistan: Pakistan's information black hole-Province is the hardest place in the country for human rights workers, diplomats and journalists to operate, as the Guardian discovered on a visit to the region

Guardian, UK
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted.

The race to plumb new heights of Mohammadden piousness continues in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Citing Mohammadden Religion, Kohat district officials bans fellow Abrahamic’s following Christism from celebrating religious festival commemorating Valentine who Christist’s consider a Saint:

Pakistan district bans Valentine's Day celebrations
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by SSridhar »

Minority Rights - Edit, DT
In a landmark move, Sindh has become the first province to give those belonging to the Hindu minority the right to formally register their marriages. As per the law passed by the Sindh Assembly, parties to the marriage have to be 18 or above, should be able to give consent, and have at least two witnesses present. The law will be applied retrospectively. Married couples have to register themselves, or risk paying a fine. Sikhs and Zoroastrians will also be able to register their marriages under this law. The passage of the Hindu Marriage Bill 2016 is a significant boon for the beleaguered Hindu community of Sindh (and Pakistan at large). It is shocking to consider that it took almost 70 years after Pakistan came into being for such a bill to be passed. After the 18th Amendment, issues pertaining to minority rights became a provincial subject but Khyber Pakthunkhwa and Balochistan have passed legislation putting the matter back in the basket of the federal government, whereas Punjab still has to pass any bill on the matter. Given these prevailing conditions, it is highly commendable that Sindh government has stepped up and done its duty. Other provinces as well as the federal government cannot follow Sindh’s lead soon enough.

It is no revelation that the status of minorities in Pakistan is a particularly precarious one. The fact that there was no legal recognition of Hindu marriages for so many years reflects the fact that discrimination suffered by the minorities was not simply societal but also institutional. Hindu women are targets of rape and abduction, which frequently result in forced conversions of said women. They are then forced to marry their rapists, even if they are previously married. Previously, since no law recognised their previous marriage, they could not prove their married status and a discriminatory justice system that already disadvantages minorities almost always took the side of the Muslim perpetrators. Due to the absence of such a law Hindu women, again, have also had to face more legal hurdles in matters related to inheritance, as widows could not legally prove their claims on their deceased husbands’ property. Subscribing to governmental services, banks, or any other process that requires official documentation has also been nearly impossible for Hindu individuals. It is hoped that with the passage of this bill, the Hindu community can finally rely on institutional protection from the violence and deprivation suffered by them for decades. As far as the federal government is concerned, a draft bill is being considered. However, a clause of that bill is causing controversy as it holds that the marriage will be voided if one of the spouses converts {This is a backdoor provision to encourage conversion and harass the Hindus} . This clause is highly unnecessary and leaves the door open for continued abduction and forced conversion. Leaving it in will void the purpose of formalising Hindu marriages. Hence this clause must be removed before the bill is passed.
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by sanjaykumar »

http://indiatoday.intoday.in/video/expo ... 00852.html

Exposed: Pakistan's dirty war in Balochistan
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “Oppression of Minorities in Pakistan” thread.

A case of Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden religious based sectarian oppression in Sunni Mohammadden majority Islamic Republic of Pakistan sees minority Shia Mohammadden man sentenced to 13 years imprisonment “for posting objectionable material against the belief of Sunni Muslims”:

25-year-old sentenced to 13 years in prison over 'religiously offensive' Facebook post
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Notwithstanding claims by Mohammaddens that there is no forced conversion in their religion as the text of the Koran which is deemed holy by them apparently says “"There is no compulsion in religion", a ghastly reminder of the horrors of being a Non-Mohammadden “Dhimmi” “Kaafir” minority in Mohammadden majority countries such as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

Pakistani Hindus Complain of Forced Conversion of Teenage Girls
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

Sociology text book used in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s dominant Punjab province defines the minority people of Punjab Occupied Balochistan as “Uncivilised” and “people who lived in the desert and looted caravans”.

Is it then any surprise that that the Punjabi dominated Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Military of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan commit so many atrocities against the freedom seeking Baloch?:

Textbook definition of ‘Baloch’ shocks Senate
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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Balwaristan thread.

Meanwhile, in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, books on ‘Azadi’ continue to be banned : Sixteen books were banned last month by the government of PoK. The situation is the same in Gilgit-Baltistan, where any talk of azadi means charges of sedition. :

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Re: Oppression of minorities in Pakistan

Post by arun »

With Hat tip to Deejay and Anujan for pointing out that attack may have targeted Christists and the many others who have posted on this attack.

Demonstration of the Easter Sunday IED Mubarak variant of the IEDology of Pakistan in Lahore turns out to be case of Intra-Abrahamic violence with Mohammaddens targeting minority Christists at a childrens park. As per Reuters the spokesperson of Mohammadden group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar claims responsibility for themselves and says "The target was Christians". Clearly for this group of Mohammaddens targeting women and children was not an activity that was prohibited by the claims of adherents of Mohammaddenism that theirs was the Religion of Peace:

Suicide bomber targeting Christians kills 65, mostly women and children, in Pakistan park
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