Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by CRamS »

A_Gupta wrote:
PM Modi's stand internationally is that terrorism can be stopped only when nations stop differentiating between "good" and "bad" terrorism. Actually, this has been India's stand for quite a while, but PM Modi has given it more heft with his international diplomacy. The suspension by Pakistan of talks demonstrates to the world that Pakistan is still playing the good/bad terrorism game. This is the message to the world that should not be lost amidst internal recriminations about "failed" policy.
A_GuptaJi, I don't mind pulling off all levers to make TSP behave, but show me one country among the big boys that is on India's side when it comes to TSP? And I don't mean it in the sense of being loved and respected; just honest, truthful, decent right thing to do, namely, hold TSP accountable for terror against India, just as the world holds Al Queda, ISIS, Iran, NK, Syria etc accountable for crimes far less than what TSP has committed against India. Show me one country.

And a a ModiJi supporter, I say this. By him making out with Badmaash in public, and inviting ISI to p!ss all over India, this constant crap about "world must de-link terror from religion" (as if the world needs his advice) etc, are not going to win India any support. Rather, the world will look at that as an abject weakness in the face of TSP attacks (and condescendingly "laud" India). As somebody else pointed out, a good measure of all this tamsha by ModiJi is for domestic consumption, but even on that count, Indian opposition is braying for his blood, in some cases, as the Ishrat Jehan case showed, literally. So ModiJi is better off living up to a fraction of his 56 inch chest persona than all this artificial peacnick rubbish.

A good place to start will be no engagement with TSP until 26/11 and Patankot terror suspects are brought to justice, and even after that engagement under the red lines: no terror, no Harried rats. Forget about India punishing TSP, thats only in jingo dreams, but is India not powerful enough to even stick to this aggressive form of defense?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by svinayak »

shiv wrote: I think people, even in high positions, have a fundamental mental resistance to seeing any country being as dysfunctional as Pakistan. I see Parthasarathy, Gen Hasnain and a few others accurately point out Pakistan's real behaviour - but it makes no dent on decision makers. What am I to think? I do not get the feeling that people are reading Pakistan properly and it will not be handled properly as long as it is not read properly.

I am certain Doval knows Pakistan well. Why then does Modi do what he does? I have believed that he is simply consolidating himself politically in a country where the vast majority of normal people still think there is an element of "normality" in Pakistan. If I stand back and judge Modi differently I would say that he is demonstrating, step by excruciating step, to his opponents and supporters, that Pakistan is not a normal nation.

This is the train of thought that I use to judge the "average" Indian's belief about Pakistan, Right or wrong.
Pakistan's real behaviour - state does not need to behave like humans. Pak strategy is only one. Put India down and trouble India. They have other problem of their own. They act as if they are part of India and then change direction and act as different state. This is deliberate strategy and UPA could not figure this out.
Pak should be treated as a faceless state and policy must be made for this faceless state.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Aditya_V »

Tell me what military option we have, Pakis have armed themselves to the hilt since 2005 while we have twiddled our thumbs, they have backing of China and USA, it is simple we are not militarily ready, it will take atleast 3 terms of a nationalist Govt to get the necessary military balance to deal with the Pakis.

If we engage in military action we must come victorious( not some tactically brilliant strategically stupid plan), it must be swift and in surprise. China, USA, 3.5 and Paki constituency within India is working for them.

Pakis have a very clear aim, they want to be the next Mohammed Ghori or Ghazni, both these leaders were just looters. The Paki and Leftist history is written to make them believe that Hindus can never defeat Islam

Our people including some in BRF think Pakistan is a rational nation. They dont pay for thier weapons, thier economy is run on the Dhole of 3.5 Friends. Look at how USA fought Gulf war II or Serbia, they sanctioned the country and went to war with unbelievable military superiority.

A military conflict which is kind of stalemate plays into Paki and Sikuclar gang Paki consistency, the West and China in name of peace talks will just jump in the name of negotiations and give Pakis better terms.

They even spun Operation Parakram as some sort of Paki victory and large parts of the Indian population and some in BRF bought it. Pakis never talk of thier casualties or why they entered into a ceasefire 1 year Parakram.

To deal with Pakis which I think is happening and will take years we need to do the following.

1. Increase divisions within the country with huge dissatisfaction and inter regional and inter society conflicts.
2. Make sure that they dont arm themselves, Lull the 3.5 into thinking about that we have not armed ourselves sufficiently to attack them.
3. Increase our MIC to the extent where we can achieve our miltary goals quickly, we need to take out the Paki Airforce, Paki Missile Lauchers of Ballistic Missiles, Power plants, Waterways, Dams, Key road ways, Paki Navy surface, submarine and arial reconnaissance, decapitation strikes on all core commanders in a very short time. So that Pakis are reduced to firing AK 47 at incoming missiles and bombs and burying all their military dead.

It will take us some time of rearming and getting soem international clout before we can do this. In the meantime we need to pretend to listen to powers that be.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Aditya_V »

svinayak wrote: Pakistan's real behaviour - state does not need to behave like humans. Pak strategy is only one. Put India down and trouble India. They have other problem of their own. They act as if they are part of India and then change direction and act as different state. This is deliberate strategy and UPA could not figure this out.
Pak should be treated as a faceless state and policy must be made for this faceless state.
That is BS, UPA are not Dumb, they figured it out but these guys have long term arrangements abroad. They really don't care about India as a nation, they didnt mind losing 1/3rd Kashmir to Pakis in ceasefire deal in 1949 or anther 17% to China in 1962 with the same policies.

They arre well funded from abroad, their next gen is abroad, this country is just an old cow to milked till it can and slaughtered after that- thats how they view it.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Lisa »

Without comment but in the correct thread.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Gus »

Simply put - the only way to put a stop to paki nuisance is to do what countries did before WW2. Total war and population replacement. We don't have means or the will for that.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by CRamS »

As I predictable, WKK worms are slowly but steadily crawling out of their hideouts, patting ModiJi for so called "victory" against the generals, and urging him to more. Open up trade. Give TSP everything it wants. ... eststories

There will be a day when WKKs say give TSP Kashmir as that will strengthen the people Vs the generals.

This crap about civvies Vs militray is one heck of a mountain that needs to be demolished. When it comes to India, is there any difference between the amm Abdul and whisky drinking general and pigLeTs and other assorted RAPE?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Anujan »

A couple of things:

Paki army is expert at playing politics. One of the attributes if playing politics is that you find out what your opponent wants and go p1ss on it. Army wants a Zarb-e-zamzam in Pakjab. Sharif brothers apparently do not (there was some article somewhere that more than half of Sharif brothers' lackeys have some kind of dealings with Jihadis in Pakjab for money laundering, intimidating their opponents, muscle for elections etc). Army could be sabotaging the peace process because that is what Badmash wants. Maybe they settle for some Quid-Pro-Quo.

Secondly, this whole JIT team visit from Pakiland had much rona-dhona and drama in India. "Should they visit?!" "Should they not visit?!" etc etc. If you thought this hungama was loud you should have seen the hungama in Pakiland. It has completely divided them. What you should understand about Pakis is this: They sincerely believe that they sincerely want peace and would diligently investigate any allegation of terrorism only if they were provided an opportunity. You know "Before you accuse the suicide bomber of suicide bombing you should realize the bomber himself was a victim of bombing" line of thought. A section of Pakis actually believe that. So they want the JIT sent to clear up their name and sincerely prosecute the terrorists. Another section of Pakis want the JIT sent as a window dressing. Another section wants the JIT to be not sent at all, according to them terrorism is just a distraction and will go away when JK issue is resolved. So it is JK that should be discussed first. You know, the Taliban Khan line of thought. If only US vacated Afghanistan, taliban would cease their attacks and go read great works on existentialism and organic farming.

If you've been following news, there was an agreement that NSAs would meet to talk terror, followed by Sushma Swaraj visit to talk comprehensive dialog. The Ufa agreement. Which was sabotaged by Sartaz Aziz when he said he wanted to talk only JK. This was an indication that Pakis want terrorism on the back burner. If JK is solved, terror will go away. Eventually the NSAs did meet and agreed for the JIT. Maybe the Pakis thought India will never allow a JIT into a base. Now that the JIT has traveled, they need to write a report, either owning up to the attack or completely denying everything (which would be absurd), Again Pakis dont want terror to be a central issue.

The best way to scuttle this is to call talks off. Want for six months and then pretend JIT never happened.

Now is anything going to come out of JIT? Obviously not. The pakis are yet to find out who killed Botox Babe and who made sure Bin Laden was chilling out for so many years without getting caught. One was an Ex-PM and the other the most wanted man by the sole superpower who had given them lots of baksheesh and arms and ammo. Even their case is not solved. Now why would Pathankot case make progress?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by BajKhedawal »

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by deejay »

Aditya_V wrote:Tell me what military option we have, Pakis have armed themselves to the hilt since 2005 while we have twiddled our thumbs, they have backing of China and USA, it is simple we are not militarily ready, it will take atleast 3 terms of a nationalist Govt to get the necessary military balance to deal with the Pakis.

If we engage in military action we must come victorious( not some tactically brilliant strategically stupid plan), it must be swift and in surprise. China, USA, 3.5 and Paki constituency within India is working for them.

Pakis have a very clear aim, they want to be the next Mohammed Ghori or Ghazni, both these leaders were just looters. The Paki and Leftist history is written to make them believe that Hindus can never defeat Islam

Our people including some in BRF think Pakistan is a rational nation. They dont pay for thier weapons, thier economy is run on the Dhole of 3.5 Friends. Look at how USA fought Gulf war II or Serbia, they sanctioned the country and went to war with unbelievable military superiority.

A military conflict which is kind of stalemate plays into Paki and Sikuclar gang Paki consistency, the West and China in name of peace talks will just jump in the name of negotiations and give Pakis better terms.

They even spun Operation Parakram as some sort of Paki victory and large parts of the Indian population and some in BRF bought it. Pakis never talk of thier casualties or why they entered into a ceasefire 1 year Parakram.

To deal with Pakis which I think is happening and will take years we need to do the following.

1. Increase divisions within the country with huge dissatisfaction and inter regional and inter society conflicts.
2. Make sure that they dont arm themselves, Lull the 3.5 into thinking about that we have not armed ourselves sufficiently to attack them.
3. Increase our MIC to the extent where we can achieve our miltary goals quickly, we need to take out the Paki Airforce, Paki Missile Lauchers of Ballistic Missiles, Power plants, Waterways, Dams, Key road ways, Paki Navy surface, submarine and arial reconnaissance, decapitation strikes on all core commanders in a very short time. So that Pakis are reduced to firing AK 47 at incoming missiles and bombs and burying all their military dead.

It will take us some time of rearming and getting soem international clout before we can do this. In the meantime we need to pretend to listen to powers that be.
Sir, will we ever be militarily ready by this logic? In 03 terms of nationalist govts (back to back I presume), while we arm ourselves, Pakis will twiddle their thumb? China and US won't take Pakistan to next level while we become mightier?

15 yrs ago folks would say the same thing about our military preparedness, it is the same today and will be the same in 2031.

We will not use military options because bulk of Indians are not in favour of military action (my opinion). We are in favour of military action when we are attacked but not in favour of such action in an attacking role.

Are we scared of war to the point that we will take Mumbai, Parliament attack, Pathankot, etc with dossiers and be happy? Will we ever stand up for ourselves? If we are not going to stand up for ourselves, pray, why will any one else stand for us? International clout - what is that? Seat on Security Council or member of NSG, MTCR, SCO, etc.?

In our minds we have been conditioned to believe that we are great rescuers not fighters. Clout comes from force of will and not wish. Our conditioning is to be a good boy with hair properly parted, finger-on-your-lips, hands-by-your-side, shirt tucked in, nails cut, erect posture.

I am not advocating war. I have been involved enough to know that a lot can be done militarily without a war. However, whenever someone brings up retaliation as a point of discussion, folks immediately bring up points of how under prepared we are for war. I am sure folks who have been on BRF since 2000 would have read these arguments frequently enough to realise the familiar pattern.

There are two key perceptions here:
>It has been constantly drummed into Indian minds that we are under prepared for war. We believe it like we believe the sun rise. The only people who question this belief are the one who took Pakistanis to task.

>Pakistani Army is cut off from the welfare of aam abduls and hence irrespective of consequences to the goat loving abdul they will be reckless and escalate war to its nuclear destination promptly.

I am not sure whether these perceptions are based on factual conditions but I am sure that every time the option of military action is brought on table these are the first thoughts (or variations to these) that come in everyone's mind. All decisions flow from this subconscious backdrop. Hence, to me, these decisions have been dhimmified even before formulation.

As far as I am concerned every time this happens, Pakistan wins against India. One more nail gets hammered into the Indian subconscious. One more time a billion plus people try to erase the slight delivered by Pakistan and go back to work trying to forget how they were just outraged. An image of a rape victim unable to find strength and courage in the people around her to take on the local goon who has gotten away so often that he doesn't even bother hiding his crime. A local goon against whom the police, the state or the society refuses to act. A goon that stands tall as he collects more and more hafta.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by shiv »

deja vu

After the parliament attack, and after Mumbai 2008 and other provocations, every single one of us has bayed for Paki blood on here. I am growing old on BRF calling for Pakistan to be punished.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by vinod »

I don't think war is the option, but definitely a "visible" "action" by GOI is a "must".
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by svinayak »

Aditya_V wrote:
svinayak wrote: Pakistan's real behaviour - state does not need to behave like humans. Pak strategy is only one. Put India down and trouble India. They have other problem of their own. They act as if they are part of India and then change direction and act as different state. This is deliberate strategy and UPA could not figure this out.
Pak should be treated as a faceless state and policy must be made for this faceless state.
That is BS, UPA are not Dumb, they figured it out but these guys have long term arrangements abroad. They really don't care about India as a nation, they didnt mind losing 1/3rd Kashmir to Pakis in ceasefire deal in 1949 or anther 17% to China in 1962 with the same policies.

They arre well funded from abroad, their next gen is abroad, this country is just an old cow to milked till it can and slaughtered after that- thats how they view it.
So according to you this is no correct and UPA is not dumb.
The explanation is ridiculous and laughable.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by CRamS »

vinod wrote:I don't think war is the option, but definitely a "visible" "action" by GOI is a "must".
I would put it slightly differently. First, if I were PM, I will call all my armed forces and RAW chiefs and tell them to give me a comprehensive plan on how they can thwart high-profile TSP terror attacks like Patakot and Pampore. Not this tragic spectacle of 10-15 of our boys laying down their lives to take out 1-2 TSP pigLeTs, and then the sad, sad images of their families wailing and weeping over their deaths and funerals. Thats a "victory" for a country like TSP which has 1000s of suicidal pigLeTs whichever way you cut it. I will tell the chiefs they will get whatever they need. And mind you, I am not talking about an offensive strategy here. Indian armed forces and RAW are to be capable of such a defensive strategy provided they are pushed hard.

In parallel, I will cut out this "we have no choice but to engage TSP" crap. Enough of this nonsense. Set clearly the terms of the engagement, and publicly convey that to TSP's 3.5. In other words, aggressive diplomacy to convey that TSP attacks against India are no different from ISIS and Al Queda attacks or Hamas against Israel. Emphasize that TSP's terror strategy against India is unadulterated evil and this has to end for any meaningful engagement.

Finally, a strong nationalist discourse, and stay the course, come what may. None of the "terror and religion must be de-linked" balderdash. I doubt even ModiJi believes that. And this must include taking on the domestic TSP's co-religionists or other colluders. For e.g., I am pretty sure that without extensive insider support, TSP could not have undertaken Patankot.
Last edited by CRamS on 08 Apr 2016 21:35, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by VKumar »

AQ, ISIS, Hamas do not possess Nuclear weapons, Air Force, Navy, trained army. How do you propose to strike at TSP? Artillery on the border?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by CRamS »

VKumar wrote:AQ, ISIS, Hamas do not possess Nuclear weapons, Air Force, Navy, trained army. How do you propose to strike at TSP? Artillery on the border?
I don't know if this was addressed to me, but I didn't say strike TSP directly (we have to if TSPA directly invaded India, but those cowards won't). Please carefully read what I wrote.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by member_29190 »

Rephrasing my earlier view.

Every terror attack, inflitration attempts anywhere on Indo-Pak border should result in artillery fire-assault on PA posts & targets. There is no need to cross borders, no need to involve IAF, no full fledge war, no need to go behind mazood or fazood. This should be automatic. Every Indian civilian or millitary casuality will have corresponding PA men killed.

Record the artillery rounds landing on PA posts on UAV and show it to the Indian public.

Keep 500K artillery rounds every year as a gift to PA.

Delhi can issue the usual "fire was returned" line or just say "dont know what Pakis are talking about.."

The last time IA was given free hand in artillery response, in 2003 the Pakis propsed a ceasefire.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by VKumar »

I think this was tried out in 2015 as well. Disproportionate fire. Wonder way it was stopped?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by member_29350 »

they promised to not shoot back? It's almost a few months since cross border firing by the Pakis
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by VKumar »

But the attacks within India haven't stopped. what does it mean about the instructions to the forces on the border? The question remains - how to effectively retaliate for attacks within India.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SBajwa »

India has Military, Economic, Diplomatic, Ecological, etc leverage over Bakis

1. If not overtly at least covertly destroy big military items like Planes, Ships, satellites, etc.
2. Raise taxes for any Indian company dealing business with bakis (including bollywood)
3. Bring back all the diplomatic staff from Bakis (covert staff can remain).
4. Start diverting water from Indus to Ravi and to Satluj and then over to Haryana, Delhi.
5. set up Electrical (coal based) power plants on the border with Bakis with fans blowing over smog to their side.

and so forth!!!

We need to learn from our history that defense of India is not to be set at Panipat but at beyond Indus river at Khyber Pass.
Last edited by SBajwa on 08 Apr 2016 23:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by CRamS »

No doubt IA's response along LoC has been robust. But if I read Gen Hasnain's analysis correctly, there are places along the LoC where IA dominates and TSP is vulnerable and vice versa. In other words, TSP ups the ante along areas where it can cause most damage. And India retaliates where it can hurt TSP the most. But TSP has no military strategy per se in their LoC attacks, they want to raise the temperature to create "nuclear flash-point" bogey and then of course cock a snook at India by calling for UNMOGIP. Thus, while TSP's antics along the LoC have reduced, I don't believe its the Indian retaliatory firing thats the cause. They will up the ante when they need to raise the temperature.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Pakistan ready to discuss arms control with India: FO
ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on Thursday said Pakistan had taken note of US President Barack Obama’s statement after the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) and was ready to discuss arms control and restraint measures with India for peace and security in South Asia.
So Ombaba has sent an edict to Cwapistan. India should never agree to this as Cwapistan will sign the “Agreement” and then Attack India – Taqqiya and Haqqani!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Akshay Kapoor »

Peregrine, I love the way you always sign off with cheers !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Peregrine »

SBajwa wrote:India has Military, Economic, Diplomatic, Ecological, etc leverage over Bakis

1. If not overtly at least covertly destroy big military items like Planes, Ships, satellites, etc.
2. Raise taxes for any Indian company dealing business with bakis (including bollywood)
3. Bring back all the diplomatic staff from Bakis (covert staff can remain).
4. Start diverting water from Indus to Ravi and to Satluj and then over to Haryana, Delhi.
5. set up Electrical (coal based) power plants on the border with Bakis with fans blowing over smog to their side.

and so forth!!!

We need to learn from our history that defense of India is not to be set at Panipat but at beyond Indus river at Khyber Pass.
SBajwa Ji :

Balay Balay +100
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Peregrine wrote:Pakistan ready to discuss arms control with India: FO
ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on Thursday said Pakistan had taken note of US President Barack Obama’s statement after the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) and was ready to discuss arms control and restraint measures with India for peace and security in South Asia.
So Ombaba has sent an edict to Cwapistan. India should never agree to this as Cwapistan will sign the “Agreement” and then Attack India – Taqqiya and Haqqani!
Cheers Image
From reading the article, it seems to me that the Paki Foreign Officer apparatus is in disarray ; the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing ; the "honourable spokesman" of the FO is contradicting what their HC in New Delhi has announced; so, who to believe; are any of these two, speaking of behalf of the Army, who has the final say in the matter. Time will tell !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by vishvak »

Label all infiltration points as terror points and map out entire terrorist hierarchies -jihadi army who won't stop terrorists, non-state jihadi actors, weak points to hit each and every time - when there is an attempt to infiltrate, not just attacks. This can be the minimum that Pakis understand. Also take the civilian masks to cleaners every time in all international fora so the fourfathers don't have excuses to whine.

In reality, the fourfathers whine against India even after terrorist attacks while propaganda is that retaliation against jihadis will kill our own well trained jawans defending motherland, not to mention grief to families. In EU, even immigration camps are now dismantled, by law, while in India there is usually a gauntlet to run even after direct terrorist attacks.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Rajagopal »

Every bomb blast in Pakistan is followed by the usual platitudes that “terror has no religion”, “Islam is peace” etc. A similar kind of rhona-dhona seems to be happening on BR after every attack. Hundreds of posts have been written on how to deliver that one almighty punch.

Please allow me to play the devil’s advocate for 2 minutes at the end of which you can pelt me with rotten eggs.

Scene 1: Let’s assume that we have delivered a powerful decapitating strike against Pakistan in the lines of the above post “we need to take out the Paki Airforce, Paki Missile Launchers of Ballistic Missiles, Power plants, Waterways, Dams, Key road ways, Paki Navy surface, submarine and arial reconnaissance, decapitation strikes on all core commanders in a very short time. So that Pakis are reduced to firing AK 47”

That is exactly what Americans did to Iraq in the first gulf war of 1991. What was the result? You have a society that collapses into complete chaos lacking any form of enforcing authority. A post Saddam Iraq or present time Syria with ISIS, LeT, JuD, JeM, A-Z terrorist organizations taking over the society.
This brings us to two options:
Option A: send Indian army to secure that country.
Resulting in the exact same mistakes Americans made by stepping into Afghanistan and Iraq. Unrelenting bloodbath, endless body bags, bankruptcy of billions in taxpayer’s money. End of the day, we will always be the “Hindu force trying to enslave 192 million Muslims”.

Option B: we destroy the Pakistan army and return to peacetime positions.
This means the mini-Jihadi state will turn into a major Jihadi state with ISIS like beheadings and killings every day resulting in at least 100 million unwashed Abduls fleeing to better conditions. That means *us*. Our borders on the entire western flank will be crowded.
An exact repeat of Syrian refugee crisis for which the world has no answer. Will the Indian army slaughter them with machine gun fire? All 100 million of them?
The photos of starving children and women will prompt hard reactions from all the capitals in the world. We will have no other alternative than setup up refugee camps on our borders or inside. An exact repeat of Afghan refugee situation in Pakistan.

So, much for the decapitating strike.

The “Toilet seat” option:
The Jihadi monster is presently targeting Pakistani schools and parks instead of Indian schools and parks. They are targeting Pakistani bases, trucks and soldiers which could have been India on unrelenting basis.
However fanciful and ridiculous it seems, the purpose of Pakistani armed forces is to act as a toilet seat for India. The absence of this toilet seat will result in our butt directly dunking into the toilet. The ideal situation for us is to have the shalwar-kameez jihadi and the uniformed jihadi in a perpetual state of targeting each other. The day the “toilet seat” disappears, India would be kissing goodbye to the phenomenal 7.8% GDP growth, peace and quiet.

Modi & Doval solution:
The only solution to deal with these 192 million Abduls is that they have to be weary of the endless cycles of violence and at some point do a Ghar-wapsi. For this to happen, the benevolent big brother needs to be seen as working towards peace, condemning acts of violence, do an occasional free surgery, well timed saree exchanges, jhappi and pappi with leaders like Nawaz sheriff, even pretend to review evidence. :D

As Sun Tsu said, “For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill”.

If this is not chanakian,I don’t know what is. Let the rotten eggs and tamatars fly!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Peregrine »

Peregrine wrote:Pakistan ready to discuss arms control with India: FO
ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on Thursday said Pakistan had taken note of US President Barack Obama’s statement after the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) and was ready to discuss arms control and restraint measures with India for peace and security in South Asia.
So Ombaba has sent an edict to Cwapistan. India should never agree to this as Cwapistan will sign the “Agreement” and then Attack India – Taqqiya and Haqqani!
Falijee wrote:From reading the article, it seems to me that the Paki Foreign Officer apparatus is in disarray ; the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing ; the "honourable spokesman" of the FO is contradicting what their HC in New Delhi has announced; so, who to believe; are any of these two, speaking of behalf of the Army, who has the final say in the matter. Time will tell !
Falijee Ji :

Elementary my dear Watson! The Army!!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by vishvak »

By the way, isn't PoK under some trouble after heavy rains for 7 days and the PA not around? The region is cut off?
Landslides cut-off Gilgit-Baltistan from Pakistan, over 100 dead
Let us see how much American transport planes help sending disaster management teams everywhere in PoK.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Maulanas of B-RF : I have not made this up. It is Real. First they were buried and then they Pronounced Dead and finally after they are buried their identities will be known!

23 buried in Kohistan landslide pronounced dead

PESHAWAR: Authorities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Friday pronounced 23 people buried by a landslides in Kohistan District dead, bringing the rescue operation that began on April 3 to an end.

The decision to declare the victims dead was made by elders, clerics and officials of the local administration after hectic efforts by civil and military officials failed to retrieve the bodies.

A large number of people offered funeral prayers of the deceased. Identities of the dead are yet to be known. Dozens of people lost their lives as heavy rains and snowfall hit large parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and northern Pakistan.

According to the National Disaster Management Authority more than 1,200 houses have been damaged since April 2, with roads across the mountainous north blocked.
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Last edited by Peregrine on 09 Apr 2016 00:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SBajwa »

by Rajgopal
Scene 1: Let’s assume that we have delivered a powerful decapitating strike against Pakistan in the lines of the above post “we need to take out the Paki Airforce, Paki Missile Launchers of Ballistic Missiles, Power plants, Waterways, Dams, Key road ways, Paki Navy surface, submarine and arial reconnaissance, decapitation strikes on all core commanders in a very short time. So that Pakis are reduced to firing AK 47”

That is exactly what Americans did to Iraq in the first gulf war of 1991. What was the result? You have a society that collapses into complete chaos lacking any form of enforcing authority. A post Saddam Iraq or present time Syria with ISIS, LeT, JuD, JeM, A-Z terrorist organizations taking over the society.
This brings us to two options:
Option A: send Indian army to secure that country.
Resulting in the exact same mistakes Americans made by stepping into Afghanistan and Iraq. Unrelenting bloodbath, endless body bags, bankruptcy of billions in taxpayer’s money. End of the day, we will always be the “Hindu force trying to enslave 192 million Muslims”.
We almost decimated the Baki Army in 1971 but didn't go for the full strike. IMHO we should have occupied "Bangladesh" for at least 10+ years (to fix the remnants of the Baki army), protect Mujibar Rehman and at least get a port (sea access) for the North East India. (which now has no port access and was relying on Chittagong before 1947).

You are overstating the "fighting capabilities of the Bakjabis" These are the conquered people., they have no fight in them. Just like barking dog seldom bite, bakis are barking toothless dog without any bite (their nuclear armament is a lie). After destroying Baki army we need to make sure that

1. Wahabi seminaries are destroyed.
2. Population have no weapons.
3. seal the borders from China (IRan, Afghanistan borders will already be sealed and both of these countries will be very happy that their enemy state of Baki has been destroyed).
4. Create the occupied state into 9-10 manageable provinces inside Indian union (give them some independence but no armed forces or foreign communications). i.e. Sindh, Baluch, Bahawalpur, Multan, Jhang, Chitral, Gilgit, Baltistan, etc and rest can become West Punjab (rename Indian punjab as East Punjab). Give them some n number of seats in Parliament.

Americans could not manage Iraq or Afghanistan because of culture,language, etc barriers. Indians have no such baggage we can talk back to them in their own language and thus our Occupation of Bakistan is 100% opposite of USA occupation of Afghanistan or Iraq/Syria.

Iraq/Syria issue is again due to historical problems with shias/sunnis/arabs/non-arabs/etc. Bakis have only one problem with us and that is Islam. Which we can figure out by talking/ghar wapasi/converting to Shia/etc.

If Bakistan issue is solved then Indian landmass from Indus to Myanmar (Burma) is the richest, most fertile delta in the world which at one time controlled 25%+ of world economy. We have become poor because of these divisions of Indian landmass.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Rudradev »

For all those asking "why talks?" and "why invite the JIT to do tamasha in Pathankot"... I have only one answer. It is diplomatic theatre.

Are talks, inviting the JIT etc. going to achieve f___ all as bilateral measures? Are they going to make the Pakis behave any differently at all? Obviously not.

So what is the utility of those things? Optics, only optics. And exclusively for the benefit of third party viewers (i.e. the "international community").

Now some, like my friend CRamS ji, may ask: "what is the use of adopting these postures for third party viewers? Show me one country that has ever been pro-India in the India-Pakistan context."

To this I would only say: remember that when we talk about countries we aren't talking about individuals. Sounds obvious, doesn't it... until you think about a lot of the 140-characters-or-less homilies so often posted here... "Unkil is one of 3.5 fathers, and will NEVER abandon his Munna Pakistan" etc. Sometimes we use these analogies so much that we begin to take them literally. As if the US is one autocratic individual with an inordinate hatred of India (like a continent-sized Rajdeep Sardesai) who acts in a given predictable way in all circumstances with no rational explanation.

Yes, indeed, there is a very strongly anti-India lobby in the US. It includes influential people from the State Dept, the CIA, the Pentagon, the WHOTUS and the COTUS, not to mention various think tanks etc. They have an agenda that includes keeping India contained and tied down. They will always push that agenda.

But that does not mean we have no diplomatic leverage. Indeed, we do. It may not be even 10% of what, say, the Israelis have... but it is there. To say that it is not there at all, is an insult to many generations of Indian diplomats (also Indian private citizens, and PIO US citizens, including some who post on this forum) who have worked very hard for decades to cultivate it. As a result, we do have our own lobby in Washington. Also in other capitals of the world, and in the UN.

Our lobby in Washington is hard-pressed to push our point of view against an effectively stronger and better established anti-India, pro-China, pro-Pakistan lobby. Probably our lobby will never be strong enough to actually induce the kinds of results we fantasize about (B52s over Islamabad etc.) There is too much opposition for anything like that, both from the motivated anti-India lobby and from the indifferent establishment.

But when we really need to do something against Pakistan, our lobby is there for us. It will do whatever it can. As CRamSji suggests, it will probably never be able to overwhelm Washington and create a sea-change in US diplomatic posture towards the subcontinent. But it can stymie those who would want more US involvement in favor of Pakistan and against India... at least for some time. Our calculus is that whatever objective we want to achieve against Pakistan, at the occasion and place of our choosing, can be achieved within the period of time that our lobby buys us. That's all. Once that time period expires it's up to us to present the fait accompli... or face consequences that will make our overt anti-Pakistan action a case of diminishing returns to one extent or another.

So what does this have to do with the optics? Simply this: the optics give our lobbies in Washington DC (and other nations, and in the UN) the ammunition they need to fight our diplomatic battles. That's all. We can argue forever whether this is worth the perceived humiliation implicit in such optics (Pakistan canceling talks, JIT submitting a sham report, etc.) We can express a lot of anger here that nothing is being done visibly to hurt Pakistan, and in fact gestures like talks, inviting the JIT etc. are being made which irritate us. The GOI has to balance our anger and irritation on BRF (and like-minded sections of the Indian polity) vs. the need to provide the ammunition of optics to the lobbies who, when called upon, will fight India's diplomatic battles in foreign capitals.

That's how it is. Anyone can reduce this grim reality to a "log kya kahenge argument" or "why should we care what the world thinks" or whatever makes one feel better about it. It's immaterial. That's how it is.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Showtime – Bakistan has a Bain in the Butt!

Analysis: What can Pakistan do right in the face of India’s growing military might

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) registered a $1.7 trillion increase in military spending in 2015. Its depiction in percentage (1%) by news sources worldwide does not paint a proper picture.

‘Military expenditure’ is a wider term compared to ‘arms spending’ as it refers to all government expenses on current military forces and activities, including salaries and benefits, operational expenses, arms and equipment purchases, military construction, research and development and central administration, command and support.

Defence anxieties

Last year’s data brings India to the sixth place, moving up a notch from 2014. The spending trajectory is on the rise there too. So will be the case with China, Saudi Arabia and Russia. Interestingly, Pakistan does not rank among top 15 military spenders. Unlike India and Iran, Islamabad has not been able to allocate funds for military modernisation due to domestic financial conditions.

In 2015, India registered an 11% increase in military expenditure, with acquisition of the latest nuclear submarines, INS Arihant, being the highlight. The $3 billion strategic vessel that cleared all sea trials is definitely worrisome for Pakistan as it gives Delhi assured second-strike capability in a nuclear standoff. This was followed with the purchase of 36 Rafael fighter jets from France in addition to 270 Russia-made SU-30MKIs, making the threat more real for Islamabad amid no progress in composite dialogue – renamed after Modi government as comprehensive dialogue – on dispute resolution.

National Security Adviser Lieutenant General (retd) Nasir Khan Janjua highlighted the same in a seminar the other day. He minced no words while stating India’s soaring military expense threatens Pakistan’s and the region’s peace.

The current spending of $9.5 billion does not help maintain a balance of power to preserve the status quo. The Modi government has aggressively pursued a policy of encircling and isolating Pakistan. The recent arrests of over a dozen spies allegedly affiliated with RAW have heightened the existing mistrust.

How to manage risk

Not only does Pakistan Navy need more financing for a modern, conventional fleet to secure its sea lanes in the tense Arabian Sea, but also to meet the undeniable necessity for an assured second-strike capability.

Pakistan spent around $1 billion more in 2015. The trend is likely to continue. Islamabad has never tried to match India’s military spending but has still managed to equip itself sufficiently to match the rival’s arsenal.

Though the domestic arms industry is under-marketed due to a multitude of factors, including bureaucratic ill management, the time to achieve dividends is nearing. With the delivery of JF Thurder-17s to friendly countries and more projected sales, the military will be increasing its share of exports.

The state-owned conglomerate Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) already exports small arms to more than 30 countries worth nearly $100 million. Since Pakistan Army is evaluating various options to replace existing utility arm, G3, Islamabad will be spending significant sums for POF plant modernisation if the decision is made during the fiscal year 2016-2017.

While heavy reliance on the indigenous defence industry may save precious financial resources, the non-stop western technology transfer and next generation arms sale to India does not leave Islamabad with any option but to increase its military expenditure. Some officials believe that Pakistan’s defence outlay for 2016-2017 may register further a increase of $1.5 billion. However, nothing is on the record yet. So Cwapistan's Defence Spending this year will rise to US$ 11.0

Given rising global tensions, Pakistan’s increase in defence spending is unlikely to rank the country amongst top 15 military spenders. In 2016, Iran is set to spend heavily on defence modernisation. If the price of oil bounces back, Gulf States as well as South American countries will be increasing their military expenditure.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Friday Fireworks - 3 Killed In Karachi Gun Attack
KARACHI (Web Desk) Two men were shot dead and one other was critically injured when unknown gunmen ambushed a car in Karachi on Friday.
The tragic incident occurred on one of the city’s busiest road at Shafiq Morr.
Unidentified armed men opened fire on the vehicle as the men were returning after offering Friday prayers at an Imambargah.
According to media reports, four gunmen riding motorcycles opened fire on the car and sped away.
Three people were critically wounded in the ambush. They were rushed to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, where two were pronounced dead on arrival.
The third later succumbed to his wounds after being shifted Hospital.
The deceased were identified as Hashim, 40, son of Nasir Rizvi, Ali Sajid, 27, son of Shahid Hussain and Shamim Rizvi, 30.
Police say they have launched a probe.
Inter-Ummah civil war; Sunnis killing Shias - going by the location of the attack and name of victims!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by jash_p »

I have been watching one of the Paki talk show by accident where Panama pappers were discused and one PML-N ex general guy was telling that he have 400 % proof that it is Yanki-Yehud conspiracy because one of the owner of firm is Jew and working for CIA and they leaked it now can you believe his reason-----

to disrupt CEPC as Pakis and china are building CEPC which is so great things for Muslim umha and China that they will become economic world power and west Europe, USA, Israel etc. will loose economic power and they will become third world countries, India have to give up KASHMIR and after that inshalla every one will be forced to recite AOA.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Prem »

India ready to Act for Worm Control
After PoK, India turns focus on Balochistan
After highlighting the alleged human rights violations in the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), India is preparing to take an aggressive position on Balochistan, in a marked departure from South Block’s Pakistan policy of the past.The new Indian position over Balochistan became public when Balochistan Liberation Organisation (BLO) representative Balaach Pardili addressed a gathering in New Delhi on October 4, reading out a statement from BLO’s exiled leader Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri.The London-based Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri is the leader of Free Balochistan Movement with a militant arm, Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), and BLO, the political wing. “I hope to facilitate Nawabzada Marri’s visit to Delhi in near future,” Pardili told The Hindu.In a statement to The Hindu, Nawabzada Marri said: “We wish that India, the largest democracy, have a clear policy about Balochistan. If Pakistani officials can openly meet the Kashmiri leadership, why shouldn’t India do the same? The Red Cross does not have a hotline on Balochistan despite our repeated pleas. I want India’s help to start a crisis hotline with the Red Cross.”While the dynamics of the new policy have not been fleshed out, officials confirmed to The Hindu that both PoK and Balochistan will be used more and more when India faces allegations from Pakistan over Jammu and Kashmir. “This is an evolving policy. Remember, that taking up PoK and Balochistan is an old idea that hasn’t been worked upon within the government over the past few years,” a senior official said, referring to a proposal for highlighting human rights violations in Pakistan during the previous NDA government under Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Interestingly, National Security Adviser Ajit Doval, who is understood to have pushed the new line on Pakistan, was Director of the Intelligence Bureau (IB) in 2004.

The event of September 4, in which Mr. Pardili featured as Nawabzada Marri’s representative, was organised by Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena which runs, an e-publication supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of “broad-based prosperity” in India. Subsequently, the video of the event was tweeted by some Baloch activists.Speaking to The Hindu, Mr. Pardili said he feels safe in Delhi and has the support of a section of the BJP led by R.S.N. Singh and Tejender Singh of Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena. Mr. Pardili is confident of creating awareness on the oppression of the Baloch people in Pakistan.“Balochistan is divided among three countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. But the atrocities are taking place inside Pakistan which has conducted five military operations against the Baloch people and the last campaign that they began in 2004 has left 19,000 dead and many more displaced and missing. Pakistan also encourages the Taliban to torture the Baloch inside Afghanistan.”Tejender Singh says that next, Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena will take Mr. Pardili to the prominent universities of India, including JNU.The presence of Mr Pardili in Delhi and his allegiance to the BLO and FBM are expected to prompt a debate over a refugee’s right to indulge in separatist political activities from Indian soil. Anticipating that debate, Tejender Singh said that the Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena is determined to fight even a legal battle in case anyone in India challenges Mr. Pardili’s activism in India.
The extent of India’s turnaround on Balochistan can be explained by the fact that India has traditionally shied away from mentioning human rights violations in Balochistan while criticising Pakistan. The mention of Balochistan in the Joint Statement from India-Pakistan meeting in Sharm El Sheikh in 2009 created a furore as the mention was interpreted as a surrender by India. In contrast, the public address by Pardili in Delhi underlines that India will henceforth speak freely about human rights violations in Balochistan.It also remains to be seen how the Government of India will deal with the presence of Baloch separatists on Indian soil. Speaking to The Hindu, Secretary (East) Anil Wadhwa said that the Ministry of External Affairs is not involved with promoting Baloch activists inside India. "I can say that at least the Ministry of External Affairs is not directly promoting the Baloch representative in India," he said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by A_Gupta »

Really? ... 14232.html
Trade with India on track despite suspension of talks: Pak
Pakistan's trade with India is on track despite "suspension" of bilateral dialogue, Commerce Minister KhurramDastgir has said.

Dastgir was talking to the media here after attending the Texpo Pakistan exhibition, which was attended by around 400 foreign delegates.

"Suspension of dialogue with India did not suggest an end to bilateral trade," Dawn newspaper quoted Dastgir as saying.

He said that Pakistan intended to hold a single-country exhibition in India.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by shiv »

A_Gupta wrote:Really? ... 14232.html
Trade with India on track despite suspension of talks: Pak
"Suspension of dialogue with India did not suggest an end to bilateral trade," Dawn newspaper quoted Dastgir as saying.

He said that Pakistan intended to hold a single-country exhibition in India.
To me this only indicates that Pakistan does not have a coherent policy towards India. That is not extraordinary. It is possible for "normal countries" to have lobbies and pressure groups that follow contradictory policies towards other nations. Even the US deals with India and Pakistan in this seemingly dysfunctional way.

It is even possible for me to extend this "normal country/normal behaviour" description by saying that countries can even have hate groups who want war with another nation and other groups who want peace. Both India and the US have such groups, so why not Pakistan?

The difference boils down to something we all know - Pakistan's terrorism against India and continuous acts that threaten or kill Indian citizens. But then, even on this issue it is possible to say that this is nothing extraordinary. the US is continuously performing acts that kill Pakistanis, Afghans, Syrians, Iraqis and a whole lot of others. Syrians, Iraqis and Turks are doing the same thing. Somalis and Nigerians do that. Pakistan does it. Palestinians do it. Israel does it.

Does India do it? All of us will protest and say that India does not do such things. Of course, in the international community nobody believes that India does not do such things. It is normal for everyone to do it and in any case Pakistan is accusing India of interfering in Baluchistan and on the Afghan border so India must be doing it too. This sort of "view of the world" where "it is normal" to be killing someone or other weighs heavily against India's stance as a halo wearing nation. The smallest accusation against India - violence in Kashmir or Gujarat is held against India as an indicator that "India is normal. India is like everyone else. India is killing someone or other" And therefore India cannot be anything other than hypocritical if it claims some kind of moral ascendancy by saying that we do not kill Pakis, but Pakis kill our people.

No matter how much we protest we cannot claim any special place in this world, as a special nation that is especially troubled by Islamic hatred towards the poor ickle dharmic bunny. And here lies our problem in my view. India is politically split between two groups. One group howls that India is a poor ickle dharmic bunny under attack from big bad Islam. The other group says that India is an ancient land that has shown enough hatred towards minorities and ethnic groups to look silly if Indian lay claim on any special form of victimization. These are political splits in India which translate on the surface as "Hindutva, Nationalism, patriotism, love for mother India" and "Secularism, intolerance towards minorities"

The political splits in India ensure that India typically does not form a united front to punish Pakistan. This leaves us open to constant low level terrorism from Pakistan. It is not as if NDA is better than UPA. Each political group will always attack anything that the other political group does or seems likely to do. This basically means that a massive all out war to punish Pakistan cannot be initiated by any political dispensation in India unless there is grave provocation, after which there is usually all-party support for war. Both NDA and UPA faced grave provocations and did not declare war. This basically leaves Pakistan with a good idea of what are India's red lines and how far terrorism can be taken before they get war imposed on them. Unfortunately we have to depend on our political leaders to ensure that punishment is being meted out at the India-Pakistan border and in other places without any publicity or fanfare.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by A_Gupta »

^^^ Which suggests, Shiv, that a massive citizens' effort is needed.
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