Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lisa »

The Elephant in the room,

I predict at least one more country in the EU holding a referendum on EU exit. I can personally see the EU unraveling.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lalmohan »

this vote is a rejection of the current political order in the west and in the world as a whole (G7...)
expect more of the same in the US now (Trump victory)
expect rest of europe to follow one by one

more recession...
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

@Rahulm. I was watching him for last two weeks, and he makes sense on a lot of issues. I am surprised that he is considered as a racist by UK establishment. Maybe he is as I do not know much about him or his party. But I will be bit surprised if he is. Anti-Immigration stand alone can not be a racist thing. We do not want B'Deshis in India. Then are we also communal?

Now I wonder if the MP was murdered or "murdered" for influencing the voting. Young, good looking female, mother of two kids, a great supporter of internationalism killed by a neo-Nazi mad man. Excellent story to sell and win the vote. No?

All over world establishment is getting kicked in the A**. Next Trump win?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lalmohan »

anyway dawood kamran has met his 72
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lalmohan »

yagnasri and rahulm - farrage is a smooth talker and a good media front man, but his supporters are real racists and fascists
ukip stirs up the worst in the red neck lands who would otherwise go to the even more far right
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by prahaar »

IndraDji, this is again a typical typecasting attempt made to given a impression that the Brexit supporters were male, lower educated, lower class while those who opposed were female, educated, higher class.

This is akin to the description of Internet Hindu by the likes to Chetan Bhagat - poor English, no female friends, low-tier city, etc. Almost 50% of UK is neither high class nor low class. So there is a vast amount of middle ground. While racial profiling is supposedly an anathema to so-called liberals, the use of profiling to manufacture a narrative is used in the most sophisticated manner by this group.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

The reasons were given by "experts" will be mostly rubbish. We know that even in India. People giving lectures to others always search for all kinds of reasons and one of the most frequent reasons is that the other side is full or idiots. That is what they were saying here also. 52% voting is not a small thing when entire mainstream political parties, most of their leaders, almost all the media, almost all the "experts" created enormous fear and drama and majority people simply ignored them.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by RajeshA »

Those who were advocating Brexit, were also of the type, "Make Britain Great Again" variety, and that means building better relations with the Commonwealth, at the expense of solely EU.

That means Britain would be looking towards India a lot more, obviously finding a India different from the one they left behind in 1947. I think the Brexit people have wanted to take the dive into the dark waters of uncertainty, but they don't know how Britain is going to fare better than was the case as part of the EU. So they would be up to experimenting new/old relationships anew.

How about free travel and work within the Commonwealth? :mrgreen:
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lalmohan »

the leavers are driven by 2 main factors

1. perception that british people do not make their own laws anymore (and some unelected person in brussels does)
2. thanks to the eu there are too many foreigners in the uk - taking jobs, houses, and worse living off the welfare state

whilst there is some element of truth to both factors, they are not universally true

why this is an own goal is that the free movement of peoples principle that underlies 2. is a two way street

the economics arguments don't seem to have made any impression, which tells me that the british do not feel poor, unlike say the way the spanish or the greeks now do

as for turning to the commonwealth - this is based on the assumption that britannia still rules the waves...
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

Nicola Sturgeon says second Scottish referendum 'highly likely'
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

Indians and dogs are not welcome boards will have to come down. India shall immediately start free trade talk with the UK or what is going to be left of it. :D

In a way, it is good that internationalism is getting defeated. This thread is rumming a sprint towards 100 pages. :mrgreen:
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lalmohan »

yes, the electorate are rejecting globalisation
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

As I said just before, now we need not be surprised if Trump wins in November.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

My wife's FB page is full of posts from 'liberal educated ones' ''I shudder to think the two great powers of world US & UK will be ruled by Trump & Boris, God save us!' etc etc :mrgreen:
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by ShyamSP »

IndraD wrote:Nicola Sturgeon says second Scottish referendum 'highly likely'
burn baby burn! BRexit, now Ruentry. Gravity wins afterall! :)
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

Read this. This NZ fellow thinks too much democracy is bad. Is it not the same argument for white man burden. Dirty people do not know what is good for them. ... d=11663033

Posted in full for the record.

espite the views of David Cameron, a majority of MPs, the UK business community, finance houses, and legal fraternity, and most leaders in the Western world, Britain's voters have defied them all to return a Leave vote. The dire economic consequences for Britain, Europe, and New Zealand have been well forecast in the Herald and factual confirmation will doubtless follow.

My aim is to look further ahead. I identify three longer term consequences, none reassuring.

First, David Cameron's judgement in calling the referendum for party-political reasons, and the credibility of the Conservative Party for splitting so rancorously over the issue, are now seen as serious mistakes. Cameron will resign but the next leader will be faced with the task of reunifying the party or face defeat at the hands of Labour next year. This portends a period of reform policy paralysis while negotiations with the EU take precedence.

The referendum debate was marred by negativity, fear-mongering and slurs such as have never been seen in British politics before, and the iconic civility of the British public has been vitiated. Public disillusionment with established parties and politicians, already evident in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, has intensified. More political volatility will characterise the next election, accompanied by an upwelling of factions and minor parties, among which UKIP will be prominent, perhaps joined by Scottish Nationalists.
Second, Britain's benign image abroad as a consensual, courteous, pragmatic democracy has been shattered. Many European leaders are beginning to perceive the UK as a self-centred, demanding partner, and may be reluctant to grant further special privileges and opt-outs to London. The cry 'perfidious Albion' may echo anew across the Channel. Hostile leaders such as Vladimir Putin may see deepening Western European disunity as an opportunity for further encroachments in Eastern Europe. The United States, which politely allows Britain to claim a 'special relationship', may distance itself from its factious and now unpopular ally in favour of more stable partners on the Continent.

Third, the UK episode is a symptom of a wider Western democratic malaise. Put baldly, publics increasingly mistrust their leaders. Disillusionment with promises not kept and prosperity and jobs not delivered by handsomely paid political, financial, and commercial elites and their associated consultants and think tank pundits is growing across Europe and North America. Parties and leaders of the extreme right and left are proliferating and attracting larger followings, notably the National Front in France and nationalist parties in Austria, Denmark, Greece, and Spain. The 'democratic deficit' that has marred the European Union is now being addressed by populist mobilisation such as seen in the Trump and Sanders campaigns. Independence movements in Catalonia and Basque region, and in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and the Leave movements in Greece and Portugal may get fresh oxygen.

It is paradoxical that at in an era of successful Western history when professional expertise to manage complex societies and economies is more necessary than ever, amongst non-elites respect for expertise is evaporating. 'Post-truth' attitudes and politics prevails. The current elite-public gap echoes the classic Marxist conception of class divide between bourgeoisie and proletariat but transcends material grievances to embrace nativist and identity appeals. In short, xenophobia is no longer politically incorrect, and openly decrying immigration and Islam is its most visible expression.

What is the path back from this incipient crisis of democracy? Two routes have appeared in recent history: the rise of charismatic leaders and preparations for aggression masked as 'defence'. Neither ended well.

A less risky route is to oblige government institutions to become more inclusive and elites to listen more sympathetically to public grievances. Furthermore, I recommend a moratorium on referenda which can be hijacked by demagogues and produce perverse results.

As English statesman Edmund Burke argued during the French Revolution, too much democracy can be counterproductive and harmful to health, and elected leaders should accept the responsibility of making hard decisions in the public interest.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lisa »

Lalmohan wrote:yagnasri and rahulm - farrage is a smooth talker and a good media front man, but his supporters are real racists and fascists
ukip stirs up the worst in the red neck lands who would otherwise go to the even more far right
Lalmohanji, from personal knowledge, I can say that HE is no different (first hand knowledge).
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by nandakumar »

The Polish plumbers and construction workers will remain. So indeed would Portugese nannies and Ukrainian farm worker (plucking peas, the ultimate English vegetable). What the 'Leave' verdict would do is to deal a serious blow to the financial products (marketing and investment) industry. A key feature of economic integration within the European Economic Area is that an entity regulated by one of the countries of EEA can ply its trade in other countries within the EEA without having to be registered in that other country. It is called the 'passporting' of trade. Just like a passport enables an individual to travel the registration of services can be 'passported' to other countries within the EEA. So a mutual fund registered in the UK can open branches in other countries or even do cross-border marketing sitting in London. Ditto for alternative investments such Real Estate Investment Trusts, Exchange Traded Funds, Mortgage backed Securities etc. EU might well withdraw this privilege for the UK financial services industry and indeed, it might be compelled to do so. Since these businesses are more conveniently carried out in English more and more of the cross-border investment flows were routed through London thus spawning a huge financial services industry. Since these investment products also need to be legally vetted a burgeoning legal services industry sprung up around the financial services core. Then there was secondary market trading in these instruments generating jobs for bond traders and so on. Now, they may well be Americans, Indians and expatriates from a host of other nations. In that sense there is no job loss for Britishers. But the salaries and bonuses that they earned were spent in Britain sustaining the local economy for all sorts of consumer goods, real estate and so on. This is what Britain stands to loose.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by RajeshA »

IndraD wrote:Nicola Sturgeon says second Scottish referendum 'highly likely'
Brexit has been a slap on the face of EU. Yes some countries or some of the constituencies may celebrate that they need not put up with those Brits, but overall it is still a slap and goes against the integrationist movement within Europe.

In the past, EU showed Scotland a cold shoulder in its desires to become an independent member of the EU. Now however, EU would be more than glad propping up Scottish calls for a new referendum and membership of the EU.

EU would want to create a narrative where other people WANT to join EU, rather than leave it. In fact, EU would not waste any time in supporting a call for Scotland to be part of EU, UK's sovereignty and integrity be damned.

Northern Ireland is a different matter.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by UlanBatori »

Satya_anveshi wrote:UK, US and most EU countries will certainly be in recession this upcoming qtr.

In addition, I am wondering if there is going to be civil war in UK as a result of this.
SA speaks the truth - same as what was going through my mind. Compare two reactions to a Secession vote, which is what this is.
1) US Confederacy, circa 1860
2) BREXIT vote, 2016

In (1) Abraham Lincoln sent in the US Army. In (2) the Brussels Baboon ordered more caviar and champagne. At the core, this is what makes the difference. The EU was a brave idea - bringing all the little tribes that had been warring since they came down from the trees into an Etats Unis d'Oirope. Unfortunately this shows that such a union may be built on namby-pamby speeches and votes, but to be sustained through hard times, it needs gentle persuasionmilitary force. Oirope ain't got what it takes. It is in danger of going the same was as the "CIS" or whatever the post-Soviet setup was. And then out of that one powerful, nationalistic, slightly crazy entity comes out.

I wonder if UK can now quickly build up domestic industry, military, etc. on their nationalism and xenophobia. I know someone who did - back in 1918 - 1938... Otherwise, Zimbabwe has better prospects.

The battering of London's Thieves Street is sweet to watch, though I suspect that I don't want to look at my retirement account mutual funds - OR Indian stocks etc today. :eek: :shock:

WILL Britain close its doors to immigration - or realize that without immigration they are heading for Zimbabweness?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

Full Text of that idiot Komoran speech.

Full text of David Cameron’s statement following EU referendum
India TV News Desk [Published on:24 Jun 2016, 15:06:46]
- India Tv
David Cameron
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London: Britain today voted to leave the European Union after a bitterly divisive referendum campaign, toppling the government -- sending global markets plunging and shattering the stability of a project in continental unity designed half a century ago to prevent World War III.

The Electoral Commission said that 52 per cent of voters opted to leave the EU. The UK would be the first major country to leave the EU, which was born from the ashes of World War II as European leaders sought to build links and avert future hostility.

Prime Minister David Cameron, who had led the campaign to keep Britain in the EU, said he would resign by October and left it to his successor to decide when to invoke Article 50, which triggers a departure from European Union.

Here is the full text of Cameron’s statement made in Downing Street on the outcome of the referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union:

The country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise – perhaps the biggest in our history. Over 33 million people – from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar – have all had their say.

We should be proud of the fact that in these islands we trust the people with these big decisions.

We not only have a parliamentary democracy, but on questions about the arrangements for how we are governed, there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves, and that is what we have done.

The British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected.

I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument, including all those who put aside party differences to speak in what they believed was the national interest.

And let me congratulate all those who took part in the Leave campaign – for the spirited and passionate case that they made.

The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered. It was not a decision that was taken lightly, not least because so many things were said by so many different organisations about the significance of this decision.

So there can be no doubt about the result.

Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made. I would reassure those markets and investors that Britain’s economy is fundamentally strong.

And I would also reassure Brits living in European countries, and European citizens living here, that there will be no immediate changes in your circumstances. There will be no initial change in the way our people can travel, in the way our goods can move or the way our services can be sold.

We must now prepare for a negotiation with the European Union. This will need to involve the full engagement of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom are protected and advanced.

But above all this will require strong, determined and committed leadership.

I am very proud and very honoured to have been Prime Minister of this country for 6 years.

I believe we have made great steps, with more people in work than ever before in our history, with reforms to welfare and education, increasing people’s life chances, building a bigger and stronger society, keeping our promises to the poorest people in the world, and enabling those who love each other to get married whatever their sexuality.

But above all restoring Britain’s economic strength, and I am grateful to everyone who has helped to make that happen.

I have also always believed that we have to confront big decisions – not duck them.

That’s why we delivered the first coalition government in 70 years to bring our economy back from the brink. It’s why we delivered a fair, legal and decisive referendum in Scotland. And why I made the pledge to renegotiate Britain’s position in the European Union and hold a referendum on our membership, and have carried those things out.

I fought this campaign in the only way I know how – which is to say directly and passionately what I think and feel – head, heart and soul.

I held nothing back.

I was absolutely clear about my belief that Britain is stronger, safer and better off inside the European Union, and I made clear the referendum was about this and this alone – not the future of any single politician, including myself.

But the British people have made a very clear decision to take a different path, and as such I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction.

I will do everything I can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months, but I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination.

This is not a decision I have taken lightly, but I do believe it is in the national interest to have a period of stability and then the new leadership required.

There is no need for a precise timetable today, but in my view we should aim to have a new Prime Minister in place by the start of the Conservative party conference in October.

Delivering stability will be important and I will continue in post as Prime Minister with my Cabinet for the next 3 months. The Cabinet will meet on Monday.

The Governor of the Bank of England is making a statement about the steps that the Bank and the Treasury are taking to reassure financial markets. We will also continue taking forward the important legislation that we set before Parliament in the Queen’s Speech. And I have spoken to Her Majesty the Queen this morning to advise her of the steps that I am taking.

A negotiation with the European Union will need to begin under a new Prime Minister, and I think it is right that this new Prime Minister takes the decision about when to trigger Article 50 and start the formal and legal process of leaving the EU.

I will attend the European Council next week to explain the decision the British people have taken and my own decision.

The British people have made a choice. That not only needs to be respected – but those on the losing side of the argument, myself included, should help to make it work.

Britain is a special country.

We have so many great advantages.

A parliamentary democracy where we resolve great issues about our future through peaceful debate.

A great trading nation, with our science and arts, our engineering and our creativity respected the world over.

And while we are not perfect, I do believe we can be a model of a multi-racial, multi-faith democracy, where people can come and make a contribution and rise to the very highest that their talent allows.

Although leaving Europe was not the path I recommended, I am the first to praise our incredible strengths. I have said before that Britain can survive outside the European Union, and indeed that we could find a way.

Now the decision has been made to leave, we need to find the best way, and I will do everything I can to help.

I love this country – and I feel honoured to have served it.

And I will do everything I can in future to help this great country succeed.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by UlanBatori »

Speaking of prospects for caviar, Lalmohanji, could you please release the new letter from Herr Mike Schmidt regarding the prospects for intra-Oiropean trading in mice schidt aka Caviar de Mees with the (formerly) United Queendom?
I wonder if the British team can any more be allowed in the European Cup soccer tournament - surely their Fan Mobs cannot be allowed to swarm European capitals without les Schengen Visas for which they will have to be cavity searched? Prospects for bars all over Oirope are grim.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by UlanBatori »

biggest democratic exercise - 31 million voters.
That's what? Kottayam district in Bangalore, Kerala? Can you believe the disproportionate puffed-up-ness of the Brish1ts?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

I seriously feel that Germans and to some extent, French will be sore losers. I think will be massive economic retaliation from EU gang.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by UlanBatori »

BTW, I am strongly pro-Oirope, FWIW, which is == mice schidt. Back in 2006 I went to Spainistan for the International Astronautical Federation Congress, Valencia. There was an airline baggage handlers' strike, so everyone's baggage got stuck in Madrid. Entire conference of Dignitaries from NASA, ESA, ISRO etc walking around in their knickers, unshaven, wimmens had no face powder, lipstick.... u name it - they believed in strolling off their First Class seats swinging an UltraSlim briefcase like James Bond, unlike some of us long-suffering cattle-class peasants who knew to anticipate most of the troubles of delayed baggage.
Well, by thursday the baggage had arrived, as we realized when we strolled past the ISRO booth and saw the bright plumage and face paint. "Oh, just go to the airport, they have the bags all lined up against a wall". Which was nice because my bag could be spotted among the thousands from a kilometer away, by its steppe-worn beaten-up appearance of 200,000 kilometers and the ugliest and most garish luggage strap that one could pick up from the dung-laden Silk Route.

All I remember buying in Valencia because of the baggage delay was one shirt and maybe deodorant so I could go present my papers. They gave me forms to fill out at Valencia airport. I did it after I got back to Mongolia just to irritate them, with receipts etc. Got a cheque for what converted to 780,000 Tughriks. :mrgreen: May their yaks always have prolific dung output.

Compare that to airline policies in the Great US of A or Mongolia! :eek: But I knew right then that the EU was headed for disaster: who can survive with such liberalism, when the reality was that their workforce is lazy and goes on strike every few months?

R.I.P. Oiropean Oonion.
Last edited by UlanBatori on 24 Jun 2016 16:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

While I also support welfare state to a large extent and pro worker policies ( Discloser - I am a card carrying BJP member), it can not be as idiotic as we see in most parts of the gora world and India.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Haresh »

I and my wife voted Leave.
Most of my Indian origin friends did as well.

The EU would have been a disaster for NRI's and other non RoP immigrants.
I really do hope the EU now falls apart.

They have let hoards of RoP'ers in, the people who made these decisions will not have to live amongst them.

The more the population of RoPers increases the more the EU will pander to them.
This will mean more lecturing India on Human Rights/self determination crap when they want to talk trade.

Good riddance to the EU.

All of the Gora's I have spoken to have said words to the effect " we don't have a problem with "good hardworking, law abiding migrants (Sikh's and Hindu's) but the other types"
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by RajeshA »

Yes, one layer of the Oiropean Onion is gone! Next is Harappan Onion on the line!
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Singha »

How long will Germany public foot the bill for the piigs ...throw them.out!! Schnell....Raus Raus!!
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

I thought all non-goras voted to remain because leave was a racist thing. At least that the impression I got from seeing all the youtube videos.

PIGS may decide to go soon. So 4 may be on the way now.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lilo »

Lisa wrote:The Elephant in the room,

I predict at least one more country in the EU holding a referendum on EU exit. I can personally see the EU unraveling.
EU won't unravel .

The immigrants and islamization (eurostyle multiculti) was american pushed balancing strategy since the last 60 years as precondition to Marshall plan and all that subsequently entailed.Note the contrast in how massa only allowed the most talented into its borders : the creme-de-lacreme of world's talent
Germans were burdened with turks,
French with north africans,
Norwegians with pakis,
Dutch with pakis and pakilike etc
So much so that there is no euro country that is not blighted with islamist and jihadis now.

The whole eurostyle multiculturalism as pushed in Europe since end of WWll -i.e dominated by inbred Muslim immigrants(single males) - as opposed to the far more benign and efficient and profuse Indian or Chinese or indochinese then available(since 60s) is entirely an American pushed project.

Massa doesnt need euro countries getting too big for their designated shoes - they should just develop economically and culturally they must accept their homes and women being taken over by the aggressive malsis and the leftist elites must sing kumbaya for this eurostyle multiculturalism.In the past USSR was shown as the big red peril now Russia is projected as the white blue peril from the east.Wars and conflicts are engineered to prevent increasing interlinks b/w Russia and the Western Europe by installing puppet regimes in places like Ukraine (via color revolutions) - remember Ukraine(eastern european steppe) is the gateway to Russia(actually Eurasia) for Europe (as per mackinder).

All this while massa remains one gaint meat grinder where the massastyle multiculturalism implied that carefully selected brightest and the best(commonly from europe but also from rest of the world - only rarely from the Islamic world)are denuded of their original cultures and assimilated into the american mainstream by the second generation.
By third generation his/her bio will read like this - "She is of Spanish, German and Irish descent"

The churning rightwing in Europe is actually a reaction against the capitulation(since last 60yrs) of the euro elites ( perennially in leftist mold ever since the defeat of Nazism) in front of Massa and its poodles.

I think all this rebooting of EU will finally get rid of Marshall plan baggage (ultimately Nato too) as EU integrates east into the economies of cultural and technological powerhouses in Eurasian landmass starting with Russia
Last edited by Lilo on 24 Jun 2016 16:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by prahaar »

Singhaji, the EU conundrum is multiple layered. Germany is reaping excellent benefits with full access to a relatively high spending power market comparable to US. Brexit is also a vote against German domination. For an export oriented country like Germany, EU gives more benefits than the contributions. In the short term it may ease some public finances but over medium term it will have an effect.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by panduranghari »

While I am voluntarily off the voters register, my wife voted leave. 10 years hence, Brits will regret leaving. EU won't unravel as people expect. Best news is gold portfolio up 16% overnight. Getting bubbly out. If Corbyn survives vote of confidence within parliamentary Labour Party, he will be the next PM when elections will be called.
Callum‏ @callumhalpin_
David Cameron: "In some parts of Britain there are three generations of families where nobody has ever worked."

Buckingham Palace?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Manish_Sharma »

panduranghari ji, but in Bharat gold is lurking around same as yesterday 30 thousand something.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Vipul »

Soon special sale deals in the US to read:

"If you live in a non-contiguous U.S. state or territory—in Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands or Engalnd & Wales —additional fees or shipping restrictions may apply." :P :wink:
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Vipul »

Netherlands and France right wingers will start their own movement for EU exit. The erstwhile small countries which had colonized, plundered majority of the world and formed an union to remain relevant in the new world order will collapse.
USA regains the largest economic power tag.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by UlanBatori »

USA regains the largest economic power tag.
HaHa! Loundeyed Lunning Dogs of Papel Tigels of Capitarist Impeliarist dleaming of past coroniarist groly. V know who will become dominant as a lesurt.

Prs check into Peopre's Capitarist raboul camps arleady set up in Ilerand; esp. Customel Selvice Centels :rotfl: whele they speak with loundeye accents. Now Scotchrand also to be bought by Peopre. Engrand and Wares 2 b centel fol flee tlade in opium and plostitution. Why not? Historly comes lound. :twisted:
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by kvraghav »

With Britain gone, do we get to be a bigger economic pawaar than EU?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Yagnasri »

They will first slow the cascading effect. Later they will try to make an example of UK. I do not see any conciliatory steps from elites.

Jai Sri Ram.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by rsingh »

Pardon I am late for the party. it is general strike in Brusselabad. Here are few bits

Jean-Claude Juncker- It is bad for Europe and bad for UK. Now I hope David to start the negotiation (exit) ASAP. This can not be delayed by some local political reason.

One German MP very close to frau: It is bad but we have to go on
Q- Do you think this could have been avoided . I maean if EU was more flexible with David during negotiations.
MP: I think we were very generous towards him during negotiations. They complain that they pay too much but Norway is paying more then UK. There is no free lunch.
Q- Any possibility of second refrendom?
MP: NO. There will be a refrendum is Scotland, they do not want to stay with you. There will be small country letft alone called England.

End of EU? Naaaah. They are happy to get rid of Uk.