Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “India-US relations: News and Discussions III” thread.

A couple of days old excerpt from Op-Ed in Forbes dealing with implications of Donald Trumps fawning telecom with Nawaz Sharif titled “Trump's Ignorant Call To Pakistan's Sharif May Send India An Unwelcome Message” by Charles Tiefer :
One of the main messages it sends, is that he shows no awareness of the issues between the United States, Pakistan, and India. He may very well not know much. In American, we have gotten used to reading that Trump skips the daily security briefings expected of a President or President-elect. We have seen that his pick for his national security adviser is good only for a narrow focus on terrorism, not the full breadth of world problems. But again, in the rest of the world, this may not be familiar.

What doesn’t Trump know? I will save the top item for last. Starting with others, he shows no awareness that the American military is enraged with Pakistan for how it props up forces in Afghanistan -- the Haqqani network -- that kill American soldiers. He probably doesn’t know.

Nor does he show awareness that President Obama and Prime Minister Modi of India had reached agreement on the important point of joint condemnation of Islamist terrorists based in Pakistan.

Nor does he show awareness that there has been delicate but real tension between Obama and Pakistan over its expanding armory of nuclear weapons. He does not show awareness that Pakistan, this year, has moved toward distributing tactical nuclear weapons to its army, a step that puts in jeopardy the very fabric of nuclear peace in the subcontinent. He probably doesn’t know.

I said I would save the top item for last. There is something Trump does have in his mind, but that is not as reassuring as it sounds. In his call, he said, “I am ready and willing to play any role that you want me to play to address and find solutions to the outstanding problems.”

This has to be read against the background that during the campaign, Trump made one of his characteristic expansive, blustering, but frankly ignorant offers. He offered to mediate about Kashmir between Pakistan and India. I cannot be sure, but that is a possibility in what he means about being “ready and willing to play any role.” He seems to mean the “role” of mediator on Kashmir.

Needless to say, it was unwelcome to India when he made that offer the first time. Presented in this casual but frankly ignorant way – for he has never shown any idea that he knows anything of Kashmir – it is perhaps even more unwelcome this time.

The best hope I can hold out to India: maybe Trump will pick a relatively good Secretary of State who will somehow manage to put America’s foreign relations in better order and buffer the world a little against Trump.
Frome Forbes at the below link:

Trump's Ignorant Call To Pakistan's Sharif May Send India An Unwelcome Message
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Arjun »

Prem wrote:On Thursday afternoon, the White House suggested that the State Department might have briefed Mr Trump before his call to PM Sharif.
:lol: It was the precise opposite...the White House suggested that DT did NOT make use of State Dept counsel before his call. Paki attempt to maintain H&D is rather amusing!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by CRamS »

Guys, I think India should stay out of reacting impulsively to everything going on between a moron like Trump and a terrorist abomination like TSP. Let the dust settle. Or else if India starts reacting, first, it will reinforce equal equal in glaring terms. Next, the pathetic narrative is that India is desperate to woo US and so some lollipop dog bone must be thrown at India lest it feels hurt. My point is no matter what, equal equal will be the guiding mantra that will define India US TSP relations until some dramatic geo-political change takes place. But why make the spectacle so glaring and humiliating by reacting to every little chuckle TSP gets by getting into the good books of Trump?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by sivab » ... 0101466112

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This family in the Pakistani city of Sahiwal are demonstrating demanding that the police take action against 6 men who raped their donkey
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by sooraj »

Stephen Colbert on Trump's phone call to Pakistan

Bart S
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Bart S »

CRamS wrote:Guys, I think India should stay out of reacting impulsively to everything going on between a moron like Trump and a terrorist abomination like TSP. Let the dust settle. Or else if India starts reacting, first, it will reinforce equal equal in glaring terms. Next, the pathetic narrative is that India is desperate to woo US and so some lollipop dog bone must be thrown at India lest it feels hurt. My point is no matter what, equal equal will be the guiding mantra that will define India US TSP relations until some dramatic geo-political change takes place. But why make the spectacle so glaring and humiliating by reacting to every little chuckle TSP gets by getting into the good books of Trump?
When did the GOI react to it? There was just one casual tongue in cheek remark from Vikas Swarup, and that was it. I think the GOI has stayed calm and done nothing of the sort that you are insinuating.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by RajeshA »

Donald Trump has in the past called out Pakistan as not being a friend of USA. His over the top praise of Pakistan, their leaders and their people, is Donald Trump using his standard business and media approach of praising in superlative terms, but not meaning any of it. This way he puts Pakistanis at ease and and at the same time gets a good laugh at their cost!

Pakistan should prepare itself, not so much for criticism out of USA, but a real Pechone Baans!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

KLNMurthy wrote:My post goes from on-topic to somewhat-OT; I beg the Mods' indulgence.

Let’s talk science!

I came across this article in Pakistan's The Friday Times, it is by one Sheikh Fayaz purporting to attack Pervez Hoodbhoy's stand on the lamentable state of science in TSP. The article itself is the usual uber-baki rubbish, using the Great Pakistani Water Car innovation as an argument that not only (or not really) actual science-guys but aam bakis like Water Car Waqar drive the advances that will change TSP into Japan.

All of this is unremarkable, given that it is TSP we are talking about.
KLNMurthy Ji :

Here is Dr. Parvez Hoodbhoy on Cwapistani Education - not really related to the Article "Lets Talk Science" - does in a number of ways convey the real state of Science Curricula in Cwapistan :

Promoting anti-science via textbooks

A BIOLOGY textbook is normally expected to teach biology as science, meaning a scientifically based study of the structure, growth and origin of living things. But what if such a book instead says science must follow ideology and loudly denounces the core principles of biology, condemning these as wrong and irrational?

Published in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa last year, a biology textbook declares that “The theory of evolution, as proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, is one of the most unbelievable and irrational claims in history”. Ridiculing the notion that complex life evolved from simpler forms, it claims this violates common sense and is just as “baseless” as assuming that when two rickshaws collide “a motor car was evolved”.

Colliding two rickshaws will, of course, never result in a motor car. That’s common sense. But what does this have to do with the prokaryote-eukaryote transition (which the authors are trying to refute)? More importantly, common sense isn’t good enough for science. Didn’t common sense once tell you that the sun moves across the sky, the earth is flat, and that being out in the cold produced colds? Common sense didn’t tell you that smoking was dangerous. Evidence did.

Ideological discomfort with science largely explains our near total absence from the world of creative science.
Evidence through years of patient observation — not common sense — led to Darwin’s theory of evolution and to Newton’s laws of motion. Take them away and biology, as well as physics, instantly collapses into a meaningless jumble of facts. Robbed of fundamentals, biology ceases to be biology and physics ceases to be physics. They cease to be branches of science.

If the quoted textbook was just one of a kind, I would not have written this article. But almost all books have this attitude. Another KP textbook says “A person in a stable and proper state of mind” cannot accept the wild theories of Western science. By corollary, only mad people can. A physics textbook of the Sindh Textbook Board categorically states that the universe sprang instantly into existence when a certain divine phrase was uttered.

Anti-science does not live in our textbooks only. Many Pakistani science and maths teachers are uncomfortable with their vocations. Whether in schools or universities, they obtained their jobs by possessing requisite certificates and degrees. But not all agree with what they are paid to teach, or even understand it. It should surprise no one that most biology teachers in Pakistan either do not — or perhaps dare not — touch upon human evolution.

Other teachers also feel torn between science and faith. Qari N. was a mathematics professor at Quaid-i-Azam University and my neighbour in the QAU housing colony. He was a soft-spoken and deeply pious man who wore his shalwar well above his ankles and would rebuff customary embraces after Eid prayers, declaring them to be bid’at (an innovation, hence disallowed).

His PhD in mathematics notwithstanding, the gentle qari would say to his M.Sc students that although it was his job to teach, yet mathematics was not to be trusted. He rejected not just mathematics but all Western cultural contaminations, including modern medicine. A chronic diabetic, he refused to see a regular doctor and instead put his trust in a hakeem who prescribed several spoonfuls daily of pure honey. Sadly, I was unable to make it to his funeral because of my busy class schedule that day.

Ideological discomfort with science largely explains Pakistan’s total absence from the world of creative science or technology. But there are other competing reasons, foremost among which is corruption and extreme incompetence in the field of textbook publishing. I do not think there is another country in the world that miseducates its young so badly.

Over four decades, I have collected scores of school science textbooks, both Urdu and English. Most have been produced by the Punjab and Sindh textbook boards. You can guess how many copies need to be printed for a population of 200 million people, as well as imagine the profits from even a small markup. These are ideal conditions for corruption and incompetence to thrive in government education departments.

One year ago, my article ‘Burn these books, please!’ was published in this newspaper. It pleaded that our students should be kept away “from the rotten science textbooks published by the Sindh Textbook Board (STB), an entity operating under the Sindh Ministry of Education. Else yet another generation will end up woefully ignorant of the subjects they study — physics, mathematics, chemistry, and biology.”

The article caught the attention of the current Sindh secretary of education, a man who appeared committed to change. He invited me to be part of the Sindh government’s education advisory board, an honorary position which I instantly accepted. A Karachi-based philanthropist offered to underwrite expenses needed for a massive revamp of textbook development and also paid my airfare to attend a committee meeting. There was some excitement, and a faint ray of hope that one hoped was not that faint.

The first meeting was duly held, and then subsequent ones. Unfortunately, the committee’s secretary made sure nothing would really move. Many promises were made but none were kept, critical issues were left unaddressed, and endless bureaucratic hurdles were devised.

One year later I see that our efforts — including those of a US-based Pakistani academic — had been neatly sabotaged. Now I hear over the grapevine that the committee has been dissolved. It doesn’t matter if it has — the lack of seriousness was apparent from day one. When foxes are charged with protecting chickens, the outcome rarely surprises.

The Sindh education ministry is beyond reform. It cannot deliver good textbooks for Matric and FSc. Adapting, subsidising, and translating internationally produced ‘O’ and ‘A’ level science books — used presently by only a tiny sliver of upscale Pakistani schools — is the only reasonable way to go. Those who protest that this amounts to a Western cultural invasion should be asked to produce their own science. In the meantime they shouldn’t use electricity or mobile phones, and travel only on donkeys and camels. Instead of antibiotics or insulin they could, like my former neighbour, opt to use honey.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by CRamS »

Bart S wrote:
When did the GOI react to it? There was just one casual tongue in cheek remark from Vikas Swarup, and that was it. I think the GOI has stayed calm and done nothing of the sort that you are insinuating.
Please read carefully what I wrote, and before you do so, try and understand how the word "if" is used.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by g.sarkar » ... 161203.htm
PCB won't follow PHF, against boycotting cricket ties with India
December 03, 2016 20:13 IST
Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Shaharyar Khan has refused to follow in the footsteps of Pakistan Hockey Federation which announced this week that it would boycott future international events in India.
PHF secretary Shahbaz Ahmad has said that in order to register its protest with the International Hockey Federation (FIH) for dropping Pakistan from the Junior World Cup in India this month, it would not take part in any competition in India.
But Khan, a career diplomat, made it clear that the PCB would not follow in the footsteps of the PHF in announcing any boycott of ties with India in India.
"Look, we will not take any such decision because it will be unfair to millions of people who want to watch Indo-Pak matches. Secondly, whenever we play against each other it means big financial benefits for the Boards and players and any boycott will only hurt us financially," said Khan who had earlier made threats of boycotting India in ICC events.
"By boycotting matches with India, we will only hurt ourselves," he said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by svenkat »

Just before 8 on the morning of Oct. 21, 2014, Robin Raphel climbed into her Ford Focus, put her purple briefcase on the passenger’s seat and began the 20-minute drive from her house in Washington to her office at the State Department.

It was a routine Tuesday. The main event on her schedule was a staff meeting.

Raphel swiped her badge at the revolving security door and headed to her office where she placed her briefcase on the floor and sat down to check her email. Later, as she joined her colleagues in a conference room to discuss office schedules, her mobile phone, which she had left at her desk, began to ring. It was Slomin’s Home Security.

When she didn’t pick up, the operator called her daughter Alexandra, who raced to the house to check the doors and windows. When Raphel returned to her desk, the phone rang again. It was Alexandra, in a panic.

Burglars hadn’t set off the alarm. It was the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Raphel grabbed her purse and ran out. She left behind her purple briefcase—one she had bought at the Kohsar Market in Islamabad—with a bag of carrots and a Rubbermaid container full of celery sticks inside.

As she pulled up to her yellow-brick house, Raphel saw agents going in and out the front door, walking across the oriental rugs she had trundled back from tours in South Asia. They boxed up her two computers, Alexandra’s iPad and everything else electronic. In the basement, they opened the drawers of a mahogany file cabinet she had picked up during a posting in London. They pulled out a stack of files.

The agents, without saying a word, carried the boxes out to a white van.

Raphel, unsure of what was happening, paced in circles on her front porch.

Two FBI agents approached her, their faces stony. “Do you know any foreigners?” they asked.

Raphel’s jaw dropped. She had served as a diplomat in six capitals on four continents. She had been an ambassador, and the State Department’s assistant secretary for South Asian affairs. Knowing foreigners had been her job.

“Of course,” she responded, “Tons…Hundreds.”
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by johb »

could you post the whole article about RR
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by ArmenT »

Just google for " the last diplomat" and it will show on a google search. Click on the link and voila, full article available on wsj's site. For some strange reason, wsj doesn't like sites linking to their articles more than a day old, but have no problems if the site linking to them is google.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Rishi Verma »

Robin Raphel was a Billie The Clitton appointee and it's entirely possible she had brain-washed Hillary against India. If she hadn't been caught and if Hillery the devil had been elected the presidentess .. imagine the nightmare for India.

Thank gawd due to NaMo's auspicious planets both lost big.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “India-US relations: News and Discussions III”.
NRao wrote:
Gen. James Mattis could serve as a voice of reason in the next administration.
That will remain to be seen if he is going to be the voice of reason from an Indian perspective going by the below article on Gen. James Mattis which suggests that he would more likely appease the Mohammadden Terrorist Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan especially the Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Punjabi dominated Military rather than be tough:

Trump’s New Defence Secretary Was Obama’s Go-To Man to Keep Pakistani Generals Happy : In the aftermath of the Raymond Davis and bin Laden affairs, General James Mattis was key in maintaining ties with top Pakistani military leadership.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by yensoy »

johb wrote:could you post the whole article about RR
Open an anonymous/incognito browser window, go to and look for "The Last Diplomat". Be warned it's a long story with an ending not what a BRFite would hope for. The witch should have been sent to prison.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by UlanBatori »

The Pakis are back at the SD with a bang
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Rudradev »

And in the DOD
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by CRamS »

g.sarkar wrote: "By boycotting matches with India, we will only hurt ourselves," he said.
At least he is honest on this count. But a good reporter should ask how about boycotting pigLeTs and then as he says millions and Indians and Pakis can play and watch kirket.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by anupmisra »

Calm down everyone. World is not coming to an end. We are dealing with pakjabiyat (the penchant for seeking praise and saintliness) at its worst.

By the way, after the two day laugh-fest and bevy of face palms, now there is a second, toned version of the "fantastic" telephone call between Trump and Sharif that the pakis recently released (according to NPR). ... e-minister

Trump Gushes About Pakistan In Call With Its Prime Minister
The Pakistani government press office later released a second version of the conversation between the two men. It was more toned down than the first, but still mentioned that "Pakistan is a fantastic country of fantastic people."
Many of us who live here and have watched Trump all these years know how easily people throw such superlatives around.These are meaningless words. Draw your own conclusion once the dust settles.

Here's the more toned down version (no link because it will give you the cooties):
Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif called President-elect USA Donald Trump and felicitated him on his victory. President Trump appreciated the leadership role of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and said that under his leadership, Pakistan is making visible progress in all the fields. The President-elect said that Pakistan is a fantastic country of fantastic people and he praises the people of Pakistan for their exceptional qualities. The President-elect said that Pakistan is an important country full of opportunities and he is looking forward to work with the Prime Minister for promotion of bilateral relations, and addressing the outstanding problems and issues of mutual concern in the days ahead. Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif extended an invitation to Mr. Donald Trump to visit Pakistan after assuming the Presidency in January 2017. Mr. Trump thanked the Prime Minister and said that would love to come to a vibrant country like Pakistan soon and extended his good wishes for the people of Pakistan.
Here's the first version. Notice any difference?
Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif called President-elect USA Donald Trump and felicitated him on his victory. President Trump said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif you have a very good reputation. You are a terrific guy. You are doing amazing work which is visible in every way. I am looking forward to see you soon. As I am talking to you Prime Minister, I feel I am talking to a person I have known for long. Your country is amazing with tremendous opportunities. Pakistanis are one of the most intelligent people. I am ready and willing to play any role that you want me to play to address and find solutions to the outstanding problems. It will be an honor and I will personally do it. Feel free to call me any time even before 20th January that is before I assume my office. On being invited to visit Pakistan by the Prime Minister, Mr. Trump said that he would love to come to a fantastic country, fantastic place of fantastic people. Please convey to the Pakistani people that they are amazing and all Pakistanis I have known are exceptional people, said Mr. Donald Trump.
It's obvious, some level headed paki with a degree in English Writing and Political Science from the US went through the first version with a red marker.

By the way, here's a link to Trump's word salad that he likes to frequently use and what they actually imply. "Fantastic" is one of them. Have a feast. ... onary.html
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Dipanker »

Rishi Verma wrote:Robin Raphel was a Billie The Clitton appointee and it's entirely possible she had brain-washed Hillary against India. If she hadn't been caught and if Hillery the devil had been elected the presidentess .. imagine the nightmare for India.

Thank gawd due to NaMo's auspicious planets both lost big.
I wouldn't say Clinton lost big, 50,000 flipped votes or about 0.03% of the total cast votes in 3 purple states and she would be president now, Yes it was that close!

Beside in any normal democratic system ( as opposed to US's flawed electoral system ), she would be the big winner by the margin of almost 3 million votes, she has now 65+ million votes compared DT's 62+ million.

Personally I thought Hillary was "comparatively" better for India than a Republican president because IMO there too many paki pasand in Republican establishment, State Dept. DoD etc.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

g.sarkar wrote: ... 161203.htm
PCB won't follow PHF, against boycotting cricket ties with India
December 03, 2016 20:13 IST
"Look, we will not take any such decision because it will be unfair to millions of people now 225 Million belligerent, illiterate ‘nanga-bhookas’ Cwapistanis who want to watch Indo-Pak matches. Secondly, whenever we play against each other it means big financial benefits for the Boards and players and any boycott will only hurt us financially," said Khan who had earlier made threats of boycotting India in ICC events.
"By boycotting matches with India, we will only hurt ourselves,
" he said.
There B-RFites, the present day import of Shaharyar Khan's "Begging"!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Rohit_K »

BSF foils intrusion bid, kills Pakistani intruder ... r-4408872/
BSF has foiled a cross-border intrusion bid after it shot dead a Pakistani intruder at Border Out Post Dhindha in Gurdaspur sector of Punjab. “BSF troops of Border Out Post Dhindha Sector Gurdaspur observed suspicious movement of a Pakistani intruder who crossed the International Border and came inside the Indian territory. BSF troops challenged him to stop but the intruder continued with his aggressive posture. Hence, BSF troops opened fire in self-defence and killed him,” a BSF official said.
Pakistan refuses to accept body of intruder shot dead in Pathankot ... ii3dP.html
Pakistani authorities refused on Saturday to accept the body of a suspected intruder who was shot dead by India’s border guards in Punjab’s Pathankot district, officials said. The rebuff by Pakistan Rangers, which guards the country’s borders, is seen as its refusal to acknowledge the suspected intruder’s Pakistani citizenship, officials said. Border Security Force (BSF) had called a “flag meeting” with Pakistan Rangers on Saturday to hand over the body. Pakistani currency, a cigarette packet, a matchbox and a soft drink pouch were found on the slain intruder, said Pathankot senior superintendent of police Rakesh Kaushal.
Pic of what they found on him: ... 3aec4d.jpg
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Pakistan's Sartaj Aziz lands in Amritsar ahead of schedule, sparks talks buzz at the Heart of Asia conference

AMRITSAR: Talk of an India-Pakistan detente which could help stem the free fall in ties, precipitated mainly by innumerable LoC ceasefire violations, dominated the Heart of Asia conference which started here on Saturday, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani attending a dinner hosted for delegates from more than 30 countries.
In a sudden change of plan, Pakistan's Sartaj Aziz landed in Amritsar on Saturday evening, at least 15 hours ahead of his scheduled arrival on Sunday for the conference on Afghanistan.

While the development again amplified the unpredictable nature of Indo-Pak ties, it brought within the realms of possibility an interaction, howsoever fleeting, with the Indian authorities, including PM Modi, on the margins of the conference. SHAMELESS Indian DDM Aziz was a part of a group of foreign ministers of the Heart of Asia member-countries who collectively called on Modi after the dinner.

After visiting the Golden Temple, both Modi and Ghani attended the dinner at a heritage village, Sadda Pind, on the Amritsar-Attari road.

Pakistan had earlier confirmed that Aziz, its de facto foreign minister, would arrive in Amritsar to participate in the conference only on Sunday and leave the same evening. Both countries played down Aziz's early arrival though.

While Pakistani officials said that Aziz had come early to attend the collective Heart of Asia dinner, Indian authorities said the early arrival was necessitated by the heavy fog which has been engulfing Amritsar every morning for the past few days. Pakistan sources continued to insist that there was no proposal for any formal, bilateral dialogue on Sunday on the sidelines of the conference. Bhookha Nunga Pyaasa Senile Sartaj Aziz has come early to have decent Indian Food and Generous "Punjabi Pegs" of Diplomat Whisky.

However, while Indian authorities remained tightlipped about any possible engagement with Aziz on Sunday, sources here did not rule out constructive, even if informal, talks on issues which have plagued relations in the past few months. After he landed in Amritsar, Aziz also sent flowers to foreign minister Sushma Swaraj wishing her a speedy recovery.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by CRamS »

Indeed shameless DDM how have no understanding of national interests or have any self respect. One expect them to either ignore this fart or go hammer and tongs on terror, but instead a massive hype on whether there will be talks, who will get the scoop etc. The fart will definetly puke on Burka and Thappad's shows, thats for sure.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by SSridhar »

Rishi Verma wrote:Robin Raphel was a Billie The Clitton appointee and it's entirely possible she had brain-washed Hillary against India. If she hadn't been caught and if Hillery the devil had been elected the presidentess .. imagine the nightmare for India.
IMO, every US President is a big nightmare for India.

That apart, Robin Raphel was (and remains) was a singular disaster for us. The extraordinary cocktail of terror that she persoanlly brewed is not yet acknowledged widely. She was the US assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian affairs from August 1993 to June 1997, a very crucial period.

She formed the Hurriyat, United Jihad Council and the Taliban.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by svinayak »

SSridhar wrote:
IMO, every US President is a big nightmare for India.
How India-US relations have progressed under the last 5 American presidents
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Baikul »

Mountain over a molehill. IMO their reaction to Trump call etc is nothing more than standard Bakistani tactical brilliance which will sort itself out as it always has. Only fit for typical Bakjabi celebratory ululation that pacifies and dupes the locals for the space of a few intervals before reality intervenes again.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by g.sarkar » ... 38654.html
Heart of Asia summit: Is there any good reason to accommodate Sartaj Aziz in Amritsar?
Why did Pakistan Foreign Minister Sartaj Aziz arrive in Amritsar fifteen hours before schedule and why was it allowed? It is not even an hour’s flight so there must have been good reason besides the obvious one of putting Indians on the backfoot as the bureaucrats adjusted the accommodate him. Make them scurry around.
That is the operative word. Accommodation.
The Hearts of Asia conference is about Afghanistan and while technically the Foreign Minister of Pakistan is a delegate, weren’t we supposed to get some sort of traction from the other side of the border by way of assurances that terrorism would have to terminate its relationship with state sponsorship. Suddenly we have their Foreign Minster pop in prematurely and that kind of puts paid to all the outrage over Pampore, Uri, Samba, the mutilation of our soldier in Maalchi and our absolute conviction that Pakistan’s authorities were integral to all these acts of unbridled horror.
It was JFK who said we should never negotiate out of fear but we should never fear to negotiate.
To that extent one concedes that every opportunity to try and end the 70 years of distrust should be grabbed and an attempt made to work out a truce. But that said, why is it always India that has to be the bigger person. There is a depressing sense of déjà vu about this meeting in Amritsar because in many ways we have closed the chapter on all the incidents that occurred on the border till 4 December, 2016. Today.
Once you shake hands and break bread that becomes the latest milestone on this arduous and exhausting Indo-Pak journey and everything else liquefies and turns into water under the bridge.
However unpleasant the current equation we have shifted today from boycotting Pakistan across the board to suddenly playing host, reluctant, but still host. It is no coincidence that the Pakistan Cricket Board uses this very day to announce how it will not cut off ties with India and now we are like the bad guys who aren’t being sporting and largehearted. They always manage to twist the scenario and produce this ‘reasonable, balanced’ rationale while we are saluting martyrs.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by SSridhar »

svinayak wrote:
SSridhar wrote:
IMO, every US President is a big nightmare for India.
How India-US relations have progressed under the last 5 American presidents
Shallow article. I have much more information on how India-US relationship has blossomed in the last two decades.

But, still, I continue to hold the view that "every US President is a big nightmare for India" for the simple reason that the US plays realpolitik (and it can't be faulted for that) and India (and many other nations) are just a pawn in their hands. Once again, I find absolutely nothing wrong in that behaviour. That's why they always want to keep some dry ammunition in their hands (such as intolerance, religious freedom or Pakistan card), a bitter lesson learnt from the unbridled support offered to China to overcome the USSR which finally turned against themselves, the Basmasura story. They wouldn't want that repeated with India. Relatively speaking, they also had a much greater need for China in the 70s & 80s than they have for India today.

We have to be always weary of the PotUS & GotUS. There is simply no alternative.

Since, it is OT here, no more from me.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Rishi Verma »

Two Headlines

"Without Naming Pak, Modi Demands Action on Terror"

"Pakistan Snubbed by Afghan President for giving Sanctuary for Terrorists"

According to the article Ghani repeatedly named and shamed the pakis.. what happened to NaMo
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by g.sarkar » ... n-amritsar
Ghani, Modi lash out at Pakistan on terrorism at Heart of Asia moot in Amritsar
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined hands to lash out at Pakistan on terrorism as the subject took centre stage at the inauguration of the sixth Heart of Asia ministerial conference on Sunday in Amritsar.
The theme of the conference is 'enhanced cooperation for countering security threats and promoting connectivity in the Heart of Asia region', and speculation is rife that India and Afghanistan will seek to pin Pakistan on terrorism, with a possible draft declaration at the conference, which will include hard reference to "cross-border terrorism", and "sanctuaries for terror groups".
Ashraf Ghani opened the conference by snubbing a $500 million pledge from Pakistan for development projects in Afghanistan, saying Afghanistan 'needs aid to fight terrorism', Times of India reported.
"We need to identify cross-border terrorism and a fund to combat terrorism. Pakistan has pledged $500m for Afghanistan's development. This amount can be spent to contain extremism," Ghani said, directly addressing Foreign Affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz who was in attendance at the two-day moot.
"Afghanistan suffered the highest number of casualties last year. This is unacceptable... Some still provide sanctuary for terrorists. As a Taliban figure said recently, if they had no sanctuary in Pakistan, they wouldn't last a month," the Afghan president thundered.
"I don't want a blame game, I want clarifications on what is being done to prevent the export of terror," Ghani said.
Must counter terrorists: Modi
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his opening remarks termed terrorism "the biggest threat to Afghanistan's peace and the region," Indian media reported.
Although the Indian premier did not refer explicitly to Pakistan in his speech at the Heart of Asia conference, Modi has vowed to step up a drive to isolate Pakistan diplomatically following the Uri army base attack in September, which it blames on Pakistan ─ an allegation Islamabad denies.
Hours after the Uri attack occurred, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh termed Pakistan a 'terrorist state' and accused Pakistan of involvement.
Addressing the moot, Modi said, "We must counter terrorists and their masters. We must demonstrate strong collective will to defeat terror network that cause bloodshed and spread fear."
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by SSridhar »

What happened to Iran suddenly ??

Iran says it’s ready to mediate between India and Pakistan - Kallol Bhattacherjee, The Hindu
Iran is willing to mediate between India and Pakistan if asked to play a role, said Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif on Saturday.

Pitching for regional connectivity and shared prosperity in South Asia, Mr. Zarif strongly argued against terrorism and said that Iran was partnering with India to stabilise Afghanistan.

“Iran is a close friend of India as well as Pakistan. We would like the relations between our friends to improve. We are ready to do whatever we can, if both our friends so desire,” said Mr. Zarif at a think tank event.

Mr. Zarif was in Delhi before proceeding to Amritsar, where he will participate in the Heart of Asia conference on Afghanistan.

He said that India and Iran were working to provide Afghanistan with access to the port of Chahbahar which will help address “root causes” of Afghan crisis.

Afghan economy is an informal war economy based on war-lordism and drug trade,” said Mr. Zarif and added, “we are working with India to create a formal economy in Afghanistan and the port of Chahbahar built in Iran will provide Afghanistan with access to global market, where it can sell iron ore and other minerals which would help create a formal economy in the country.”

Global terrorism

Speaking at the event organised by Observer Research Foundation and the embassy of Iran, the Minister spoke in detail about global terrorism and said that support to terrorism was unacceptable. “Demagogues are exploiting alienation and insecurity as the demand for respect for some people is not being addressed,” he said arguing that religion had nothing to do with terrorism as terror acts were also being committed in atheistic societies.

Pitching for dialogue in conflict zones, Mr. Zarif said that supporting terrorism would not bring the desired results and would further jeopardise the global security scenario. “No agreement is sustainable if one side gains and other side loses. An agreement has to be a win-win situation,” he said showcasing strength of diplomacy.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

A Chilly Day for Sartaj Aziz in Amritsar :mrgreen:
New Delhi: When the Pakistani prime minister’s foreign affairs advisor, Sartaj Aziz, landed at Amritsar on Saturday evening, there was already a sharp winter chill in the air. Even as Aziz took part in the pre-summit events, there was no visible thaw, with both the Indian and Pakistani governments going an extra step to keep away any bilateral encounters, however, fleeting, from the public eye.
With Swaraj absent from Amritsar – she is awaiting a kidney transplant – one of the first steps by the senior Pakistani official was to send a bouquet of flowers to her residence in Delhi. ( this is part of "diplomatic courtesy"- should not "read" too much on this !)Finance minister Arun Jaitley is sitting in her stead at the multilateral summit.
After landing in Amritsar, Aziz went straight to the dinner hosted by the Indian prime minister (did not want to "miss out on the action" :mrgreen: ) at a resort spread over 12 acres, constructed to look like a typical Punjabi village.
At the dinner table, Narendra Modi was seated between Afghan president Ashraf Ghani and Iranian foreign minister Javed Zarif, while Sartaj Aziz sat at a separate table. :cry: ( so, he was given the "pariah" treatment, due to senile age ? ?)
Pakistan has, of course, been wary of the Indian presence in Afghanistan, which Islamabad believes is part of New Delhi’s broader encirclement strategy. Therefore, it is not clear if Aziz actively endorsed India’s “leadership” in Afghanistan’s search for stability, or remained diplomatically quiet.
(Diplomatic isolation of Pakistan, going according to plan :P )
Just like Kremlinology, the opaque curtain behind which India-Pakistanis relations are conducted fuels a cottage industry in the interpretation of small gestures.
That’s why when it was confirmed on Saturday afternoon that Aziz, the 87-year-old Pakistani diplomat, would be arriving in Amritsar a day earlier – speculation went sky-high.The earlier plan was for Aziz to spend just a few hours on Sunday at the ministerial summit. He may have got a handshake with the Indian PM when the latter greeted the delegates at the conference, but that could have been the extent of their contact.
Officially, the Indian hosts’ explanation for Aziz changing his mind on an overnight stay was to avoid the possibility of delay due to the early morning winter fog. Then, there was also another explanation forwarded – that the veteran Pakistani diplomat wanted to participate in the official dinner on Saturday evening, hosted by Prime Minister Modi. Does this "senile advisor" fond of "vegetarian fare " ?
In contrast to the fleeting nature of the Indian-Pakistani encounter, Modi opened his arms to embrace Afghan President Ashraf Ghani literally – their fourth meeting this year.Ghani also got a personal guided tour of the shimmering Golden Temple, albeit escorted by a cordon of security personnel while curious devotees peered in from the sides.The Holy city was chosen by India to highlight the connectivity issue to the ‘Heart of Asia’ delegations, especially its key location on the Grand Trunk Road which links Kabul and Chittagong on both ends of the subcontinent.
Appropriately, the 40-odd delegations will be taken to the Integrated Check Post (ICP) in Wagah, Attari on Sunday evening. The visit to the ICP will, of course, highlight New Delhi and Kabul’s long-standing grievance with Pakistan, which does not allow full transit trade through its territory.
Meanwhile, senior officials continued to negotiate the final declaration ahead of the formal inauguration of the summit on Sunday . Sources said that the main hurdle was the framing of the terrorism challenge, with Pakistan objecting to the use of language which pointed fingers at Islamabad, like ‘cross-border terrorism’.
Sartaj is the "sentry" sent by the Paki fauj to ensure that "censure of Pakistan" does not occur in the " :mrgreen: final declaration"
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Bart S »

svenkat wrote:THE LAST DIPLOMAT
Nothing new here, just an extended puff piece.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by CRamS »

Rishi Verma wrote: According to the article Ghani repeatedly named and shamed the pakis.. what happened to NaMo
Familiar saga of India TSP relations. Blow hot, blow cold until the next terror attack. Apparently, the sentry did not mention Kashmir in his speech, so most likely NaMo decided not to directly point a finger at TSP. I mean what is this crap. TSP is not some normal country for such nuances. He should have a launched into a verbal surgical strike. Of course had he done that, he would have been berated by India's opposition traitors and he would have been blamed for leaving poor TSP with no choice but to hit India. But so what, whats news, the opposition will pile on ModiJi no matter what.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan High Commission In Delhi Caught In "Demonization " Scheme :D

New bank conditions spark diplomatic row between Pakistan and India
NEW DELHI: In this season of demonetisation, the High Commis­sion for Pakistan here is trying to stave off a cash crunch of an entirely different kind.The mission has written to India’s external affairs ministry to protest against the policies of the bank where Pakistani officials’ salaries are deposited.According to Pakistan, the bank has imposed additional conditions for withdrawal of the salaries that the mission officials receive in dollars. Several senior diplomats have refused to withdraw their salaries in protest against the new conditions. :D
These conditions, which came into effect only last week, make it mandatory for Pakistani officials to fill up additional forms specifying their expenditures and also that they exchange their dollars with the same bank. The officials are upset because the exchange rate is much lower than that offered by the bank.
Pakistan has threatened to do the same with Indian diplomats and officials in Islamabad if the ministry doesn’t get the bank to remove the conditions immediately.Senior Indian officials denied that there was any specific move against the Pakistani mission.
Paki High Commission "staff members" ( some of whom might be "ISI" posing as "diplomats ") would now be forced to "stand in line " just like any other Delhi-ite :mrgreen: )