Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Analyzing CPEC & PESW Threads

Chinese exports to Pakistan increase following CPEC launching
ISLAMABAD: China’s exports to Pakistan considerably increased following the launching of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), China Central Television reported on Saturday.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Brad Goodman »

If UAE is serious all it needs to do is just seize all assets of Dawood.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Prem »

Brad Goodman wrote:
If UAE is serious all it needs to do is just seize all assets of Dawood. ... n-musakhel
Convoy of Qatari prince comes under attack in Musakhel
Unidentified armed men attacked the convoy of a Qatari prince in Balochistan's Musakhel district on Sunday evening, DawnNews reported.
The gunmen opened indiscriminate fire on the convoy, as a result of which District Police Officer Majeed Dasti and two other security officials received bullet wounds, Levies official said.The Qatari prince remained unharmed in the attack, said senior district administration official Mohammad Yasir.The injured were rushed to a nearby hospital whereas the assailants managed to flee the crime scene.The senior official further said that a case has been registered against 20 suspects."Some Levies personnel are also among those accused, and an investigation is underway," he added.Last month, a team of houbara bustard hunters from Abu Dhabi, led by Prince Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, came under a gun attack by a group of men in the Gichk area of Panjgur.According to the tehsildar of the area, personnel of Frontier Corps and other security men retaliated, forcing the attackers to flee.A spokesman for the banned Balochistan Libration Front had claimed responsibility of the attack.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Doval Comments On Kandahar Hijacking

ISI backed Kandahar hijackers: Plane crisis negotiator Doval
NEW DELHI: The Indian Airlines flight IC-814 hijackers were actively supported by Pakistan's spy agency ISI, leaving them under no pressure to end the hostage crisis soon, according to national security adviser Ajit Doval, who was among those tasked as negotiator to defuse the crisis. The Kathmandu-Delhi flight, with 180 passengers and crew on board, was taken over by five hijackers soon after take-off on December 24, 1999, spiralling into one of the worst hostage crises in Indian history.
Doval said that if the Taliban hijackers did not have ISI support, India could have resolved the crisis. Doval's comments are part of 'Defeat is an Orphan: How Pakistan lost the Great South Asian War', a new book by Myra Macdonald, former India bureau chief for Reuters. The crisis finally ended with the release of dreaded terrorists Maulana Masood Azhar, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh (who was also involved in finance of 9/11 and murder of Daniel Pearl of WSJ ) and Mushtaq Zargar."There were a lot of Taliban on the tarmac with their weapons," says Doval. The negotiating team made another discovery when they landed.
Two ISI men were on the tarmac and others soon joined them. One was a lieutenantcolonel and the other a major, said Doval, who had spent many years serving in Pakistan. To make matters worse, the Indian officials realised the hijackers were communicating directly with ISI officers in Kandahar."We were getting very good intelligence about all that was happening," Doval says. With support from outside, the hijackers were far less susceptible to being worn down by negotiations writes Macdonald. "If these people were not getting active ISI support in Kandahar, we could have got the hijacking vacated," Doval says.
"The ISI had removed all the pressure we were trying to put on the hijackers." Even their safe exit was guaranteed, so they had no need to negotiate an escape route. "Normally that is not the way hijackers talk. Normally the biggest fear is how to get out," he says in the book.Doval goes on to outline how time was not on their side either. The then NDA government was under severe public pressure and was keen to end the hostage crisis before January 1. This put the negotiators on a tight deadline. Usually, writes Macdonald, it would be the hijackers who feared running out of time while trained negotiators remained calm, following an unofficial rule book put together from years of internationally pooled experience.
"In a normal hijacking, the stop-clock is for them," says Doval, implying that it was New Delhi rather than the hijackers that lost its nerve. Doval describes the three released men as "ISI-sponsored terrorists".
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by sanjaykumar »

That attack in Baluchistan will end bas tards hunting bustards.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Punjab seeking Begging $50m loan for tourism development :roll:
ISLAMABAD: The Pun­jab government is :roll: seeking a $50 million loan from World Bank affiliate International Development Association (IDA) for the development of tourism sector in the province.
And in other news: The Punjab Govt is refusing visa to an international delegation which wants to study the impact of Lawhore's "Orange Line Transit " ( a pet project of the Sharif brothers) on the famous International Heritage Site- the Mughal built Shalimar Gardens ! So, in the name of "tourist development", the monies, if received , will end up in someone's pocket or spend frivolously ! :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

A Tale Of Two (Karachi) Ghettos !

The Express Tribune > Pakistan > Sindh
Bahria Town unaffected by winter showers

While the first winter showers in Karachi clogged many of the city’s roads and streets, creating difficulties for commuters, roads in Bahria Town Karachi ( built by the Faujis all over Pakiland for the Elite !) remained clean and free of puddles.As seen in the pictures above, no rainwater accumulated on Bahria Town streets, allowing commuters to travel hassle-free – a testament to Bahria Town’s superlative forward planning and design.
Meanwhile, the rains exposed the incompetence of Karachi authorities as streets all over the city were inundated and power supply was suspended in several areas. Because of the city’s drainage systems being choked, several areas – especially those where construction work is ongoing – have become virtually impossible to traverse for commuters.
The more such gated communities ghettos are allowed to be built by corrupt and retired members of Paki Fauj in Krachi, Isloo and La-whore, the more resentment is created among the Aam Abduls, who see these enclaves as a mini-den of unIsamic and western lifestyle in a sea of poverty ! The Paki fauj might be called upon to saves these elites at the first sign that the hungry and jobless awams are at the gates- ready to storm . History shows that it has happened :mrgreen:
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Falijee wrote:Punjab seeking Begging $50m loan for tourism TERRORISM development :roll:
ISLAMABAD: The Pun­jab government is :roll: seeking a $50 million loan from World Bank affiliate International Development Association (IDA) for the development of tourism TERRORISM sector in the province.
And in other news: The Punjab Govt is refusing visa to an international delegation which wants to study the impact of Lawhore's "Orange Line Transit " ( a pet project of the Sharif brothers) on the famous International Heritage Site- the Mughal built Shalimar Gardens ! So, in the name of "tourist TERRORISM development", the monies, if received , will end up in someone's pocket or spend frivolously ! :mrgreen:

Falijee :

There, Dear Sir, PROPERLY Corrected!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Pakistani villagers attack Qatari prince's hunting party
-"Deep State" Guards assigned by Ganja Sharif not doing their duties :twisted:
- Qatari Prince to now withdraw "affidavit" submitted in favour of Nawaz ( in Paki Supreme Court !) Time will tell !!!!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Ganja Sharif Raked Over Coals By Extreme Anti- India " Nationalist"

Prime minister for all?
Prime minister Sharif is on a roll these days, stomping all over the country making speeches, portraying a more liberal and humane image of himself in the process. The other day he offered saalam, namaste, satt sari akaal and good afternoon while at the Katas Raj Hindu temple in Chakwal.
According to him he is not merely the prime minister of Muslims, but of Parsis, Hindus Christians and Sikhs as well. (what about the "few Yahudis" of Pakiland, no Shalom for them :mrgreen: !) Noble thoughts. But is he willing to walk the talk?
While Sharif was busy placating the liberals of the country who are increasingly worried about the dismal human rights record, his enigmatic interior minister, Nisar Ali Khan, was singing to a different tune in the Senate. Answering a question why he met Maulana Muhammad Ahmed Ludhianvi of the banned Ahle Sunnat Wall Jamaat (ASWJ) the interior minister gave a novel explanation: the proscribed sectarian outfits could not be equated with banned terrorist groups.( Ganja Sharif and his Shahbaz cannot afford to "offend" these banned outfits !)
Nisar made an apology for the Sunni Shi’a schism by claiming that it was 1,300 years old. Whatever his personal views, he happens to be the interior minister of the country. It is his job description to keep a check on sectarian violence and law and order in general, instead of breaking bread with those who should be behind bars. Strong words !- is the writer a Muslim of the Shia persuasion ?
Attacks on minorities’ worship places have become the norm rather than an exception. Religious zealots and members of banned terrorist organisations regularly target the Shi’a minority with impunity, especially in Balochistan. The plight of non-Muslim minorities like the Christians, Hindus and the Ahmedis is even worse.
In this context, the sudden disappearance of five liberal bloggers is not merely a coincidence. The interior minister maintains that his government is not in the business of disappearances and hence his ministry could not be held responsible for such occurrences.But the question that begs an answer here is that his ministry is certainly in the business of ensuring that such acts do not take place and those who are picked up surreptitiously are recovered in real time.The ubiquitous agencies have also denied any knowledge of the disappearances or having anything to do with them. But this has been the norm and modus operandi. In the past suspected religious terrorists were made to disappear. Now it seems is the turn of the liberals.
The Paki Deep State is in the process of figuring out how to muzzle social media
The government, instead of engaging in its signature Orwellian doublespeak, should be seen to act to make Pakistan a tolerant and humane society. If Sharif really wants to be the prime minister for all Pakistanis then he should initiate removing all discriminatory laws from the statute books. He has the relevant majority in the National Assembly.In order to evolve a consensus for possible amendments in the law the PPP would be more than willing to reach a consensus. Nonetheless sheer street power of the zealots and the state’s weak-kneed approach towards them would prevent the government from even thinking about embarking upon such a course.
The ruling PML-N is already in the general elections mode, as is quite evident from the premier’s recent speeches maligning the opposition and the media for its negativity. The Rana declared the other day that if the EC (Election Commission) allows member of the proscribed organisations to contest elections how can the government prevent them? This is perverse logic.Obviously backroom alliances with the jhadists to contest elections will be the norm rather than the exception in the election year. People like Professor Sajid Mir, a PML-N senator, and Maulana Fazlur Rehman, as an ally, are the best insurance policy for the obscurantist forces to keep on ruling the roost.In the meanwhile, talk of making Pakistan a tolerant and egalitarian society according to the teachings of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah will hence remain a pipedream.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Kashi »

Photochor Khan is not only a chor but also highly vain and self-obsessed.

[url=httpAoa72://]Meet the North Korean man who created AQ Khan's sculpture[/url]
“That was a personal commission,” says renowned North Korean sculptor Ro Ik-Hwa, pointing to a bust of Abdul Qadeer Khan.

The bust sits in Ro’s workshop in Pyongyang’s sprawling Mansudae Arts Studio complex, which has become the latest target of UN sanctions seeking to curb nuclear-armed North Korea’s access to overseas hard currency revenue.
The Khan bust was commissioned after the scientist visited the city’s Revolutionary Martyr’s Cemetery and admired the large bronze sculptures of individuals commemorated there.

“He asked for something similar in size and shape… so I made one,” Ro told AFP during a recent tour of his studio. “After he saw it, he really liked it and sent me a full-length photo and asked for another, so I made a two-metre tall one,” he said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by RCase »

One Nation, two countries - citizens of South Asia can now actually reclaim citizenship of their four-fathers!
How Pakistanis can acquire a Turkish passport
Are you fed up with your green passport? After all, it is among the worst one to have in terms of travel freedom.

Well, here’s your chance to change it. A Turkish passport is up for grabs, but if you have at least $1 million to spare.

Turkey has recently introduced a programme through which a foreigner can have its passport if he or she can buy at least $1 million of real estate, invest at least $2 million or deposit at least $3 million in a bank account.

Due to safety problems, some Pakistani families have acquired passports of countries like Portugal, Malta, Hungary, the Caribbean Island state of St Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Cyprus, etc. :shock: {Spreading pakistaniyat all over the world}They went ahead with their plans despite the fact that they had to renounce Pakistan’s citizenship to acquire the new passport.

Pakistan and Turkey do not have a dual citizenship agreement. In fact, Pakistan has dual nationality agreement with only 18 countries, according to the website of Directorate General of Immigration and Passports, Ministry of Interior, Pakistan.

Turkish passport ranks in the middle of the list at 51 while Pakistan is at the bottom (ranked 103) with Afghanistan (104) in the list of 104 countries.

In recent years, Turkey has remained in the news for almost all the bad reasons. Growing terrorist attacks are discouraging people to visit the country while the economy has also gradually slowed down over the years. {Second country catching up to the other in the quest to become One Nation!}
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Kashi »

In the usual farticle by Pachaasa, this bit caught my attention. Not that it was not known before, but the British deep state shenanigans can be understood.

[url=httpAoA72:// ... ority-vote]The power of the minority vote[/url]
It is also important to plug here the fact that a major Christian outfit in undivided India had backed Jinnah’s All India Muslim League.

A detailed paper authored by Dr Munir Al-Anjum and Dr Shahnaz Tariq documents how a large Christian organisation in the Punjab, the All India Christian Association (AICA) backed Jinnah’s call for a separate country. On June 23, 1947, when a resolution was moved in the Punjab Assembly to make Punjab part of Pakistan (which would come into being in August 1947), all the Christian members of the assembly voted for the resolution’s passage.
No need to guess who was nudging AICA from behind.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Ganja Sharif Shut Out ! Trump Has Invited Only Former President Zardari ( AKA Dus Percenti ) To His Oath Taking Ceremony .

Zardari leaves for Dubai ahead of Washington trip for Trump’s inauguration
KARACHI: op PPP leader Asif Ali Zardari has left for Dubai from where he will fly to the United States on January 17 to attend the inauguration ceremony of US president-elect Donald Trump.
According to the PPP sources, the party’s leaders are expected to meet the outgoing and the new US administration, adding that these meetings have been set :roll:
So, both the Obama and Trump Adminstration are discussing matters with a person who is not in govt ? Very strange !
Sources at the Bilawal House said the agenda of the meetings of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is to improve the soaring ( probably means "souring" :mrgreen: ) relations between Pakistan and the US. Zardari will also undergo a medical examination ( past unconfirmed rumours say that AAZ is getting treatment for depression ) in the US and is expected to return to Pakistan in the first week of February.
If what is being reported in this Paki newspaper is factually correct, then it appears to be an equivalent of a "diplomatic slap" to the NS Govt !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by abhishek_sharma »

RAJ ‏@rajfortyseven · 13h13 hours ago

#Pakistan #Nuclear #CNNC designed CHASNUPP3&4 ready.CHASNUPP3 during reliability demonstration test GE12/7/16.Notice steam in 4th exhaust

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by jash_p »

: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016
Postby Falijee » 17 Jan 2017 08:23

Ganja Sharif Shut Out ! Trump Has Invited Only Former President Zardari ( AKA Dus Percenti ) To His Oath Taking Ceremony .

Zardari leaves for Dubai ahead of Washington trip for Trump’s inauguration

KARACHI: op PPP leader Asif Ali Zardari has left for Dubai from where he will fly to the United States on January 17 to attend the inauguration ceremony of US president-elect Donald Trump.
According to the PPP sources, the party’s leaders are expected to meet the outgoing and the new US administration, adding that these meetings have been set :roll:
So, both the Obama and Trump Adminstration are discussing matters with a person who is not in govt ? Very strange !
Sources at the Bilawal House said the agenda of the meetings of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is to improve the soaring ( probably means "souring" :mrgreen: ) relations between Pakistan and the US. Zardari will also undergo a medical examination ( past unconfirmed rumours say that AAZ is getting treatment for depression ) in the US and is expected to return to Pakistan in the first week of February.

If what is being reported in this Paki newspaper is factually correct, then it appears to be an equivalent of a "diplomatic slap" to the NS Govt !
10% is not invited. As per trump site any one can attend ceremony if he pays $ 10,000 for ticket if not invited politically. !0% paid $20.000 for him and sherry rehaman as per Paki talk show.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by anupmisra »

Mushy apologizing, confessing, coming clean and...crying. Don't miss the shawl. Watch with pop corn and beer. ... freload=10
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by anupmisra »

Falijee wrote:Zardari leaves for Dubai ahead of Washington trip for Trump’s inauguration
Did dus-percenti actually get an invite or is he hoping for one just by showing up? What is the protocol at the airport? Is he going to park himself outside Blair House or in a coffee shop across from Trump Tower just like the other paki roving ambassador? I guess No-awaz Sharif's over-the-top recall of the phone conversation with Trump did not go down too well with the DT transition team.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

PM Nawaz Sharif in Switzerland to attend World Economic Forum's annual meeting

Modi decides not to attend WEF meeting in Davos

Ganja did not get an ( A list ) invite from Trump; therefore reluctantly opted for option B (attend Davos !)

PS: Added bonus: Modi-ji not in attendance ; Bad Sharif to give "lecture" there ; Pakistan's Enchendee remains intact :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by saip »

I signed up for inauguration tickets:
On Friday, January 20, we celebrate a new day for America as Donald J. Trump and Michael R. Pence are sworn in as President and Vice President of the United States. Because you played such an important role in our movement to Make America Great Again, President-elect Trump wants to personally invite you to the Inaugural Welcome Concert and Inaugural Swearing-In Ceremony.

You will receive a limited edition, commemorative ticket as a keepsake to frame and remember this historic event. This ticket IS NOT required for admittance. To register for your tickets, complete and submit the form below.
I got this back:
Thank you for signing up for your 2017 Make America Great Again Welcome Celebration tickets! Together, we're going to kick-off the inauguration of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President-elect Michael R. Pence. We're excited that you’re going to be a part of this historic event.
So far I did not get any quote for the tickets. Let us see what happens.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by saip »

There seem to different ways of getting tickets. Like from the senators and congressmen. You may able to check Trump's Balls for something like $60 or more. After going the inauguration, it matters where you sit.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by abhishek_sharma »

GAURAV C SAWANT ‏@gauravcsawant · 42m42 minutes ago

Did Pak ISI pay for the Kanpur train tragedy? Dawood-Dubai link under probe.Motihari SP speaks up. Top focus #IndiaFirst 8.25 pm @IndiaToday

GAURAV C SAWANT ‏@gauravcsawant · 40m40 minutes ago

ATS team rushes to Motihari to join local police in another attempted train blast probe. Accused speaks of ISI link to Kanpur train tragedy
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

saip wrote:There seem to different ways of getting tickets. Like from the senators and congressmen. You may be able to check Trump's Balls for something like $60 or more. After going the inauguration, it matters where you sit.
saip Ji :

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Changing ties

THE Indo-US strategic partnership has been a source of constant tension in Pak-US ties in recent years. The US has pursued ‘de-hyphenation’ ie dealing with Islamabad and New Delhi relatively independently of each other. Central to this has been its hands-off approach on contentious Pak-India issues.

Donald Trump has excited the Pakistani policy space by hinting at his willingness to reconsider the US line. Pakistani officials in touch with Washington have been trying to determine if Trump will actually consider a more proactive effort to improve Pak-India ties.

While there’s no definitive answer, one can point to factors that will influence the Trump White House’s final policy. President Obama’s experience is a starting point. Candidate Obama was explicit in promising a regional approach to South Asia during the 2008 campaign. His reasoning confirmed an appreciation of the link between Pak-India tensions and their fallout on Afghanistan: to solve Afghanistan, one needs improvement on the Pak-India front. The Indians shot down his idea and US policy recoiled to its de-hyphenation default.

The Trump administration will confront the same set of challenges — and more.

First, the Washington policy establishment is even more solidly committed to opposing US involvement in Pak-India issues than it was eight years ago. I have challenged the wisdom of this stance given that it contradicts US interest in South Asia. But few accept the proposition. Still, some in Pakistan hope that the Trump team may be less worried about defying Washington’s establishment. Perhaps. But a new administration with multiple policy positions seemingly at odds with this establishment would have to pick its battles carefully. Non-priorities like Pak-India may be ones to sacrifice.

Second, Trump’s position on China will complicate things. If Sino-US competition accentuates, India will be even more important as a counterweight to Beijing. India’s leverage over the US would increase, and it will demand that Washington put Pak-India back in cold storage. Pakistan’s backing of China would strengthen India’s case.

Third, Afghanistan will influence Washington’s approach. A tougher US line on the Afghan Taliban and Haqqani network is on the cards. Pakistan’s likely resistance to fresh US demands to ‘do more’ would imply added tensions in ties, creating more space for critical voices in Washington to oppose US engagement on Pak-India issues.

Fourth, Pakistan continues to be its own worst enemy. The state’s policies on anti-India militant outfits can’t win it any champions. The world cannot be expected to reach but the most sceptical conclusion when it sees leaders of anti-India outfits floating around freely and when it finds the Pakistani state trying to avoid sincerely prosecuting those charged with committing terrorism in India. Perhaps nothing has aided India’s global push to isolate Pakistan more than the latter’s mishandling of the Mumbai trials.

Finally, any US leader must ask: what is the probability of success? Washington’s bureaucracy is hesitant to put the US president out on such issues without a real possibility of success. The prognosis for Kashmir is anything but. Indeed, it is no coincidence that while Pakistan’s position articulates the need for US involvement, it explains little on how this would lead to a realistic resolution. Even the most committed Trump White House won’t want to set itself up to fail.

What could change this calculus?

India’s management of its ties with the US is a factor to watch. New Delhi could damage its case by refusing to play counterweight to China. India has been hanging in the balance on the issue but that may not be good enough for Washington going forward, especially if Sino-US tensions heat up. Second, Prime Minister Modi has been presenting the US stance on his efforts to isolate Pakistan as a litmus test of US sincerity to Indo-US ties. If he overplays his hand, Washington may push back, and find more space to invest in trying to improve Pak-India ties.

Also, if Sino-US ties do not sour under Trump, the two sides can cooperate in the Af-Pak-India theatre. Both want a stable Afghanistan and Pakistan, absence of Pak-India crises (if not improved ties between the two), and economic integration in South Asia. Theoretically, they could coordinate a policy aimed at incentivising a change in policy attitudes regionally. The US could take the lead in convincing India and Afghanistan while China could work with Pakistan to achieve a transformed regional architecture.

That said, no one is likely to go to bat for Pakistan in Washington unless there is a discernible change in the former’s approach towards anti-India and anti-Afghan militancy. An absence of cross-border attacks with links to militant presence in Pakistan and a more visibly stringent approach towards these actors are necessary prerequisites for any US president to consider an out-of-the-box approach to Pakistan’s liking.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Another "Paki National Asset " Under Chopping Block :mrgreen:

Plan to lease out Pakistan Steel Mills for 45 years
SLAMABAD: As Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) continues to pile up liabilities, the government is considering leasing the country’s largest industrial complex to a private concern for 45 years under a revenue sharing arrangement, and laying off almost 5,000 employees.On Monday, a transaction committee discussed various options in this regard, based on which the Privatisation Commission’s board will meet on Tuesday (today) to decide the duration of the lease. Sources privy to the development said a meeting of the cabinet committee on privatisation has been called over the weekend to approve the transaction structure. Under the name of "privatisation", a lot of Pakistani "crown jewels" have been brought very cheaply by either Arab interests or the new sugar daddy ( China )
“The present state of PSM is due to unchecked corruption, inefficiency, over-employment ( the norm in Pakiland !) and the government’s lukewarm attitude towards its revival,” summarised a report to the Economic Coordination Committee by the secretary of the industries ministry.
The government has injected over Rs85bn out of the federal budget for various bailout packages since than.( Probably "injection" in name only ! lot of that could have ended up in someone's pocket )
It was clear from the deliberations on Monday that the government would take care of liabilities worth Rs166 billion and offer voluntary separation scheme (VSS) to at least 4,835 employees and outsource the services of some of the remaining workforce to the new operator. Will the union allow this layoffs; will the new operator be paid on time for his services ; will the new operator deliver; the devil will be in the details :mrgreen:
The lease agreement will require the new firm to revive 25 per cent of the plant’s capacity utilisation in the first year, raise it to 50 per cent in the second year and to 85 per cent after that. The government will retain the right to encash the investor’s bank guarantee if the private concern fails to achieve 50pc capacity utilisation at the end of two years or 85pc capacity utilisation between three and five years.The PSM’s land will remain with the government while the plant and machinery will be handed over to the new company for a maximum of 45 years.The investor will form a new company registered in Pakistan and operate the plant on its existing premises. All non-core assets will remain the property of the PSM while “all liabilities on PSM books would be settled or restructured by the government before signing the lease or concession agreement with the new investor”.
A few weeks ago, the Ministry of Industries and Production warned the government that a humanitarian crisis was brewing in the mills because of non-payment of wages and medical expenses. Salaries have been paid from the federal budget for over two years and are considered outstanding since October 2016. Since the mill is no longer considered an “ongoing concern” for auditors, the PSM’s three-year accounts could not be audited. So, basically it is an insolvent enterprise, no one is "ready to pick up " for the asking price :mrgreen:
So slowly and surely, in spite of all the good news being trumpeted ( "Pakistan Stock Exchange outperforms...." ), things are in a dire straits, micro economically speaking ; as for the political side of things, the Badshah Of Raiwand ( Ganja Sharif ) is on a roll ; he seems firmly in the saddle and chances for his re-election are again looking very good in a "free and fair" election . :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Prem »

India Incomplete
BJP patriarch LK Advani has recently stated that India appears “incomplete” without Sindh in its territory. The idea that Pakistani territories belong to India has not died even after seven decades. Not a single demand for secession and joining in the last many decades, and even after half a dozen separatist movements on going within India, the conservatives in India have the arrogance to suggest that what happened in 1947 was a mistake. “At times I feel sad that Karachi and Sindh are not parts of India anymore. I was very active in RSS during my childhood days in Sindh,” he went on to say. Indians cannot simultaneously have an emotional connection to cities and towns here and be happy to see Pakistan destroyed. This entitlement, now second nature to many in India, is what makes Indian foreign policy so aggressive, and fuels jingoistic nationalism in its people.Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on Monday said in the Senate that Pakistan’s armed forces would respond with full force if India tried to carry out any surgical strikes inside Pakistan. A necessary speech to make after General Bipin Rawat, the new Indian Army Chief, threatened Pakistan, as per norm, hinting at “another” surgical strike. The new chief stated earlier this month that India is capable of handling a two-front contingency in the backdrop of the collusive threat from Pakistan and China. Another laughable assertion, after the odd statement by Advani, that India could take on China and Pakistan.Pakistan will never stop supporting the Kashmiri cause, and due to historical reasons, including the stalemate with India in the 1965 war, we cannot abandon our brothers. Not only are we a security state, we are an ideological state as well, created to resist Indian power. In contrast, India was not created to balance Pakistan’s power. Its security policy and ideology are rootless vis-a-vis Pakistan. A solution for India will never come from military aggression, but from dialogue and compromise – if the Indians can ever recognise the nature of their own statehood. :rotfl:
Last edited by Prem on 18 Jan 2017 06:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

The "Organ Donor" Game In Pakiland

Organ trafficking: doctors, police and middlemen

Interesting reading with "rich details".
A vast network of players sustains the kidney trade racket.
A vast network of players sustains the kidney trade racket.
Meanwhile, Mohammed’s donor, the bonded labourer Hassan, was discharged the day of the operation itself — a common practice by those involved in the business of trafficking organs in order to get rid of the evidence of their crime — and put on a bus to return to his village. At SIUT, donors are discharged after at least three days of post-operative care and then too only if they are healthy, and have convenient access to medical facilities. They undergo regular checkups, initially on a monthly basis. That gradually extends to annual visits to monitor their health so their remaining kidney functions properly. “Morally, legally, ethically, the donor is more important than the recipient,” said Dr Rizvi. “Through his altruistic act, he has saved someone’s life. That’s why donors remain our lifelong responsibility.”
The Special Branch police report names eight agents, two of whom are employed by hospitals where transplants are carried out. Khalid Masih — the document gives him the dubious honour of bringing in the most donors — is described as an employee of the Kidney Centre, and Tanao Masih is said to be in the pay of Jinnah Memorial Hospital. The report barely touches the main players and their modus operandi that this Dawn investigation has uncovered.Describing her personal experience of how the middlemen operate, a woman, who prefers to stay anonymous revealed: “They’re very well organised and have the organ broker business divided up by region.” And curiously enough it seems, by social class as well. “Afzal deals with the upper and middle classes, Naeem and Nadeem deal with [the rest],” she said, referring to three agents that she has come across.
So far, that has made no difference. One of the cases registered against the Kidney Centre on the DVC’s recommendation has already been discharged by a magistrate on Dec 17, 2016.
The UN describes organ trafficking as “an organised crime, involving a host of offenders”. Unless the law comes down on the side of the exploited peasants who offer their organs for sale, instead of shielding the corrupt and powerful who profit from their despair, the kidney fields of Punjab will continue to flourish.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by anupmisra »

Most beloved non-bakistani bakistani - no longer so!

Boxer Amir Khan's sexually explicit video leaked online
a sex tape of Amir Khan has been leaked online on major US p0rn websites. In the video Amir is seen Skyping with a former girlfriend and US model whom he romantically linked with in 2010 -- prior to his marriage to Faryal Makhdoom
However, the publication speculates that the video dates back to 2013, weeks after his marriage to Faryal.
He’s a Muslim boxer and his personal life is under the microscope right now, so the timing couldn’t be worse
His wife Faryal Makhdoom is "absolutely disgusted" by the videos
three other X-rated videos of the boxer have been offered for sale to p0rn websites
That's doing what a paki does best. ... ked-online
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Prem »

Pakistani passport still second worst for international travel ... nt-4914053
It enjoys visa-free access to only six countries. The list of countries for which Pakistani passport holders need a visa to travel now also includes Afghanistan.Just above Pakistan is Iraq with visa-free access to 28 countries, while Syria, currently a war-zone, ranks 92. Despite the Israel-Palestinian conflict, Palestine sits seven spots above Pakistan.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by AdityaM »

Falijee wrote:Doval Comments On Kandahar Hijacking
The crisis finally ended with the release of dreaded terrorists Maulana Masood Azhar, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh
If we ever have to release prisoners in future under similar circumstances, the least that can be done is to slip them a date rape drug, inject them with slow killing poison/virus & then release them.

If Masood Azhar had been injected with hiv/hpv/drug-resistant virus, he would have atleast been dead by now
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

World recognizes Pakistan's role in regional peace, stability :(( : Fatemi- Radio Pakistan

Radio Pakistan is again becoming the official propa-gandu machine of the "Deep State" . And this "gem" was uttered by the same gentleman, who parked himself in NYC for a couple of days,at the Paki consulate but unable to get an audience at Trump Towers, and flew back empty -handed :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Bad Sharif Shares His "Secret Of Success" At Davos : Intelligence Sharing Needed On Global Level To Combat Terrorism.

But if this dictum had being followed, OBL would still be "meditating" in his mansion in Abbotabad . :P
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Hurriyat Does Not "Have Confidence" In Malauna Diesel As Head Of Kashmir Committee

APHC asks Pakistan to remove Fazal-ur-Rehman from Kashmir committee
SIRINAGAR – All Pakistan Huriyat Conference on Monday demanded that Fazlur Rehman should be removed from the chairmanship of the Kashmir Committee.Huriyat leader Syed Ali Geelani has said that the committee of Parliament should be made functional, adding that the Pakistani government should appoint a person who could speak about Kashmir issue. He criticized that members of Kashmir Committee are unaware of Kashmir and did not have enough knowledge about Hindus’ mindset :roll:

Fazal is a "political appointee"; he has a history of opportunism ; wants to ingratiate himself with who so ever is in power ( Zia, Mush, Nawaz); in this case, he is the "junior partner" in Ganja's Govt, and is NS "eyes and ears" in KP, province where the Maulana is in a tussle with Immy for power for his Pathans ! Nawaz has given him "responsibility" for the "core issue". But that does not necessarily mean that the (fat ) Maulana of the Deobandi persuasion is the best person for the job . Truth be told," Diesel" has too much on his plate now-a-day. ( Taliban spokesman, Ganja's emissary to Dus Percenti, Guardian of Pakistani females, foreign trips for medical checkup etc etc) . So, he should be excused for incompetency :mrgreen:
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Fully Posted on the Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad Thread
Who is committing the worst atrocities against, us, Muslims?
Who is responsible for the greatest numbers of deaths against Muslims today? Who commits the worst atrocities against Muslims? It is not the West that claims the highest headcount nor is it Israel. The sad truth is that today Muslims kill the most Muslims around the world.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Falijee »

Peregrine wrote:
saip wrote:There seem to different ways of getting tickets. Like from the senators and congressmen. You may be able to check Trump's Balls for something like $60 or more. After going the inauguration, it matters where you sit.
saip Ji :

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Peregrine- ji:

Your question answered :D :

Topless Feminist Grabs ....
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Afghan attackers 'live, recruit and operate' in Pakistan, Ghani tells army chief

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has told Pakistan Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa that those who recently launched attacks in Afghanistan “lived, were recruited and operated freely in Pakistan and no action was taken against them,” a Presidential Palace statement said on Monday. But naturally - it is a well known fact.

Ghani’s allegations came during a phone call with the Pakistani army chief. General Qamar Bajwa telephoned the Afghan president on Sunday evening to condemn recent attacks in the country. The military’s media wing, Inter-Services Public Relations, said General Bajwa also offered intelligence cooperation and border management to stop illegal cross-border movement.

The offer came following attacks in Kabul, Kandahar and Helmand which killed nearly 60 people, including five UAE diplomats. Taliban claimed attacks in Kabul and Helmand and denied involvement in the Kandahar attack, which they blamed on the internal power struggle between officials in Kandahar.

“In his telephonic talk, President Ghani vowed to take revenge from the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks and said his country is ready to ensure security of his country,” a statement from Ghani’s office said.

“He again described terrorism and extremism as a serious threat for the region and the world and said that lack of determination to fight against the common threat could pose dangers to Pakistan itself and the region,” the statement posted on the Afghan president’s website added.

President Ghani said he wants “serious talks” to discuss Kabul’s future relationship with Pakistan.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by sum »

In contrast, India was not created to balance Pakistan’s power. Its security policy and ideology are rootless vis-a-vis Pakistan. A solution for India will never come from military aggression, but from dialogue and compromise – if the Indians can ever recognise the nature of their own statehood
:rotfl: :rotfl:
“In his telephonic talk, President Ghani vowed to take revenge from the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks and said his country is ready to ensure security of his country,” a statement from Ghani’s office said.
Looks like time for the new episode of "TTP returns" is going to air soon
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by saip »

Falijee wrote:
Peregrine wrote: saip Ji :

Cheers Image
Peregrine- ji:

Your question answered :D :

Topless Feminist Grabs ....
She done it for free too! :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by chanakyaa »

Falijee wrote:PM Nawaz Sharif in Switzerland to attend World Economic Forum's annual meeting

Modi decides not to attend WEF meeting in Davos

Ganja did not get an ( A list ) invite from Trump; therefore reluctantly opted for option B (attend Davos !)

PS: Added bonus: Modi-ji not in attendance ; Bad Sharif to give "lecture" there ; Pakistan's Enchendee remains intact :mrgreen:
Looks like China has taken a big platoon of business leaders to Davos, including 11 for the first time, promoting globalization and may be benefits of CPEC blah blah blah; and perhaps try to connect with Trump people when no one is watching. Ganja is a useful idiot to carry luggage around for his master. Away from business, it would be priceless to watch Ganja on skiing slope, sliding down terrified.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan- November 7, 2016

Post by SSridhar »

Police suspect Pakistan's spy agency ISI hand in two rail accidents in Uttar Pradesh - Debashish Karmakar & Bharti Jain, ToI
Two major train accidents near Kanpur which resulted in deaths of 151 passengers and injuries to 200 others, were carried out on the instructions of Pakistan's external spy agency ISI, according to the Bihar police.

The ISI hand was exposed following the arrest of three criminals Umashankar Patel, Motilal Paswan and Mukesh Yadav from Motihari on the Indo-Nepal border who were working at the instance of an ISI agent, a Nepalese citizen based in Dubai.

"These criminals were arrested for their involvement in placing a cooker bomb on the railway track near Ghorasahan in the district on October 1 last year. They have confessed to having worked for an ISI agent," district SP Jitender Rana told TOI over phone, adding one of them confessed to his involvement in planting explosives to derail the Indore-Patna Express and Ajmer-Sealdah Express trains near Kanpur last year.

The disclosure marks a new dimension of the subversion carried out by ISI, and has exposed the vulnerability of railways to terrorists. With the case throwing up clear external linkages with conspirators based in Nepal, Pakistan and UAE, the NIA is closely following the investigation by the Bihar police.

"Our team of investigators are in touch with the local police and will examine the disclosures made by the arrested accused. If our preliminary conclusions vet the ISI-link theory, there is a possibility of NIA taking over the investigation," said an NIA official.

Those involved in the plot could have killed many more if they had succeeded in derailing a passenger train by setting off an explosion on a rail track. Also, a major train accident was foiled on January 1 by the railway patrolling staff, who detected that 50 elastic rail clips and three pairs of fishplates were removed and deliberate damage caused by a hacksaw on the track between Kalyanpur and Mandhana stations in the Farrukhabad-Kanpur Anwarganj section.

Railways has already asked CBI to inquire into the incident which happened a day before Prime Minister Narendra Modi was scheduled to address a political rally in Lucknow.

"Fortunately, the bomb at Ghorasahan was detected with the help of villagers and defused,"
Rana said about the attempt by the trio to cause an accident in East Champaran district of Bihar on October 1 last year.

Passengers of the Indore-Patna Express were not so lucky. At least 151 were killed when the train flew off the track on November 21 last year. Just over a month later, more than 50 people were injured when Ajmer-Sealdah Express derailed, again near Kanpur, on December 28.

Rana said the trio had received around Rs 3 lakh till now from Brij Kishore Giri for engineering train accidents. Brij is a Nepali citizen. He along with Shambhu Giri and Mujahir Ansari was arrested by Nepal police recently. "The Nepal police have shared vital information with us regarding their ISI links," Rana said, adding that the state ATS (anti-terrorism squad) and other security agencies have been informed about their confession. RPF is also in touch with the Bihar police and is coordinating efforts to reach the bottom of the conspiracy.

Rana said Motilal was earlier a Maoist operating in Adapur block of East Champaran district. "Umashankar has at least four criminals cases against him while 12 cases are lodged against Motilal and Mukesh," the SP said, adding investigations were on to gather information on the main handler of the gang.

Police officials are verifying if Motilal was the area commander of an extremist group, an assumption which if proved correct, will suggest that concerns over ISI enlisting local disaffected groups may have come true.

Sources said Motilal told police he had planted explosives on the tracks near Kanpur for derailing the two trains. "Brij had received funds from Dubai for the purpose. Brij had promised flats, vehicles and finances to produce a Bhojpuri movie to the trio arrested from Motihari," said a police officer involved in the interrogation.

Police have now launched a manhunt for two others, identified as Gajendra Sharma and Rakesh Yadav, who are said to be hiding in East Champaran, the sources said.

Incidentally, Indian Mujahideen chief Yasin Bhatkal was arrested from Raxaul in East Champaran district in August 2013.