Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

TSJ ji your anger should be equally directed to BBC, CNN and west think tank who preach India to practice non violence while being battered by Islamists 24 X 7...
What goes comes back..
Though I wish it never happens to any one.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Prem »

Frustration setting in

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

btw dozens of snippets of Islamists in refugee centres in Europe shouting AoA and vowing to fight till eternity will be a headache for West more than East.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by TSJones »

cnn is a globalist organization that does not represent American middle class culture. in fact cnn despises it and constantly seeks to mold its thinking into a pro globalist doctrine.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by LokeshC »

Anyone remember that moronic scoundrel miliband or milipede or whatever who was a good friend of our Clown Prince Pappu? Remember what he said after Mumbai-26/11?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by GShankar »

It is time to make a documentary titled - "Britain's victims" to highlight the plight of terrorist victims in britain.
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UK: What British Muslims Really Think

Post by SujoyB » ... ims-survey

The 615-page survey found that more than 100,000 British Muslims sympathize with suicide bombers and people who commit other terrorist acts. Moreover, only one in three British Muslims (34%) would contact the police if they believed that somebody close to them had become involved with jihadists.

"[W]e have to adopt a far more muscular approach to integration than ever, replacing the failed policy of multiculturalism... Britain's liberal Muslims are crying out for this challenge to be confronted. ... There is a life-and-death struggle for the soul of British Islam -- and this is not a battle that the rest of us can afford to sit out. We need to take sides... We have 'understood' too much, and challenged too little -- and in doing so are in danger of sacrificing a generation of young British people to values that are antithetical to the beliefs of most of us, including many Muslims." — Trevor Phillips, former head of Britain's Equality and Human Rights Commission.

The survey does show that 88% of British Muslims believe Britain is a good place for Muslims to live. According to Philips, this is because the tolerance they enjoy in Britain allows them to do whatever they want.

Many British Muslims do not share the values of their non-Muslim compatriots, and say they want to lead separate lives under Islamic Sharia law, according to the findings of a new survey.

The poll — which shows that a significant part of the British Muslim community is becoming a separate "nation within a nation" — has reignited the long-running debate about the failure of 30 years of British multiculturalism and the need for stronger measures to promote Muslim integration.

The survey was conducted by ICM Research for the Channel 4 documentary, "What British Muslims Really Think," which aired on April 13.

The 615-page survey found that more than 100,000 British Muslims sympathize with suicide bombers and people who commit other terrorist acts. Moreover, only one in three British Muslims (34%) would contact the police if they believed that somebody close to them had become involved with jihadists.

In addition, 23% of British Muslims said Islamic Sharia law should replace British law in areas with large Muslim populations.

On social issues, 52% of the Muslims surveyed said they believe homosexuality should be illegal, compared to 22% of non-Muslim Britons. Nearly half believe it is unacceptable for a gay or lesbian to teach their children. At the same time, almost a third (31%) of British Muslims think polygamy should be legalized. Among 18-to-24-year-olds, 35% think it is acceptable to have more than one wife.

Thirty-nine percent of Muslims surveyed believe women should always obey their husbands, compared to 5% for non-Muslims. One in three British Muslims refuse completely to condemn the stoning of women accused of adultery.

The poll also found that a fifth of British Muslims have not entered the home of a non-Muslim in the past year.

Of the British Muslims surveyed, 35% believe Jewish people have too much power in the UK, compared to 8% of non-Muslims.

In an essay for the Sunday Times, Trevor Phillips, the host of the documentary and a former head of Britain's Equality and Human Rights Commission, warned of a growing "chasm" between Muslims and non-Muslims in Britain that "isn't going to disappear any time soon."

Phillips wrote that the poll reveals "the unacknowledged creation of a nation within the nation, with its own geography, its own values and its own very separate future." He added: "I thought Europe's Muslims would gradually blend into the landscape. I should have known better."

Phillips was referring to his role in commissioning the 1997 report, "Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All." Also known as the Runnymede Report, the document popularized the term "Islamophobia" in Britain and had a singular role in silencing criticism of mass immigration from the Muslim world. Twenty years later, Phillips now concedes that he has had a change of heart.

In an essay for the Daily Mail, Phillips, wrote:

"There is a life-and-death struggle for the soul of British Islam — and this is not a battle that the rest of us can afford to sit out. We need to take sides.

"Four per cent — the equivalent of more than 100,000 British Muslims — told the researchers that they had sympathy for people who take part in suicide bombing to fight injustice. Asked if they knew that someone was involved with supporting terrorism in Syria, just one in three would report it to the police.

"There is one truly terrifying finding. Muslims who have separatist views about how they want to live in Britain are far more likely to support terrorism than those who do not. And there are far too many of the former for us to feel that we can gradually defeat the threat.

"Liberal-minded Muslims have been saying for some time that our live-and-let-live attitudes have allowed a climate to grow in which extremist ideas have flourished within Britain's Muslim communities. Our politicians have tried to reassure us that only a tiny minority hold dangerous views.

"All the while, girls are shipped off to have their genitals mutilated, young women and men are being pressured into marriages they do not want, and teenagers are being seduced into donning suicide vests or becoming jihadi brides.

"We have 'understood' too much, and challenged too little — and in doing so are in danger of sacrificing a generation of young British people to values that are antithetical to the beliefs of most of us, including many Muslims.

"In my view, we have to adopt a far more muscular approach to integration than ever, replacing the failed policy of multiculturalism."

Philips added:

"Muslims want to be part of Britain — but many do not accept the values and behaviors that make Britain what it is; they believe that Islam offers a better future. And a small number feel that these sincerely held beliefs justify attempts to destroy our democracy.

"Britain's liberal Muslims are crying out for this challenge to be confronted. The complacency we've displayed so far is leaving them to fight alone, and putting our society in danger. We cannot continue to sit on the fence in the hope that the problem will go away."

The survey does show that 88% of British Muslims believe Britain is a good place for Muslims to live. According to Philips, this is because the tolerance they enjoy in the UK allows them to do whatever they want.

Some British Muslims have rejected the conclusions of the survey, which they say uses a flawed methodology because it was conducted in areas where Muslims make up more than 20% of the population, compared to 5.5% overall. They say the survey results are skewed because they are indicative of Muslims in these areas and not of British Muslims as a whole.

In an interview with CNN, however, ICM Director Martin Boon said that more than half of all British Muslims live in areas that are more than 20% Muslim and that the survey findings are sound. "In my view, this is the most rigorous survey of Muslims outside of the largest and most expensive surveys conducted by the UK government," Boon said.

The president of the British Polling Council, John Curtice, told CNN that ICM had followed standard methods of polling ethnic minorities in the UK.

Unlike many other surveys of Muslim opinion, which have usually been conducted by telephone or online, ICM used face-to-face, in-home research to question a representative sample of 1,081 Muslims across Britain.

The Muslim population of Britain surpassed 3.5 million in 2015 to become around 5.5% of the overall population of 64 million, according to figures extrapolated from a recent study on the growth of the Muslim population in Europe. In real terms, Britain has the third-largest Muslim population in the European Union, after France, then Germany.

In a statement, the Muslim Council of Britain (which is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood) claimed the poll lacks "academic rigor" and warned it would "do nothing but harden attitudes on all sides." It continued:

"Many British Muslims will find it bemusing that commentators and the media have constantly tried and failed to paint a picture of British Muslims at odds with the rest of the country. The way this poll has been formulated and presented in this climate of fear against Muslims is most unfortunate."

In an opinion article for the Guardian, Miqdaad Versi, the assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, argued that Philips "lacks nuance" and has a "distorted interpretation of the UK's diverse Muslim communities." He wrote:

"Discussions and proposals to promote integration and cohesion are always welcome. But the starting point should not be that Muslims are the problem, not quite British enough, and must be civilized into a pre-existing notion of Britishness."

By contrast, Sir Gerald Howarth, Tory MP for Aldershot, said:

"Three cheers for Trevor Phillips. I think he is absolutely right. There's an element in the Muslim community which reject our values, while enjoying our tolerance.

"We are a tolerant nation because we are routed in the Christian faith, which is a tolerant religion. As our own religious observance declines, a vacuum is being created into which the hardline Islamist community is stepping.

"We have been a very complacent society."

Allison Pearson, a columnist for the Daily Telegraph, called for an immediate ban on all Sharia courts in Britain and called on the government to ensure that all citizens are subject to British law. She summed up the British predicament:

"This is serious. Unless we succeed, the live-and-let-live attitude which makes Britain such a great place could end up being its death warrant."
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by LokeshC »

The reality is that UK should take care of its Islamists citizens. They are actively oppressing them and now, one misguided soul has decided to react in such a way to get attention. The citizens of UK should agree to Sharia law and make sure that they are in no way standing in way of the freedom of expression of any Islamist (which may include spontaneous combustion and vehicular homicide).
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by SujoyB »

LokeshC wrote:The reality is that UK should take care of its Islamists citizens. They are actively oppressing them and now, one misguided soul has decided to react in such a way to get attention. The citizens of UK should agree to Sharia law and make sure that they are in no way standing in way of the freedom of expression of any Islamist (which may include spontaneous combustion and vehicular homicide).
Aye aye sir
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by kvraghav »

They have already embraced a peacefully mayor who said such things happen in big cities.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lalmohan »

kvraghav wrote:They have already embraced a peacefully mayor who said such things happen in big cities.
out of context... please see what he really said
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

No surprise that London attacker Khalid Masood was born in UK
A vast proportion of attacks over the 16 years since have involved local volunteers attacking local targets. This is true of the conflicts in the Islamic world, where most terrorist casualties are inflicted. In 2010 intelligence officials in Afghanistan were surprised to learn that most Taliban attackers operated within 15 miles of home. The ranks of Boko Haram in Nigeria and al-Shabaab in Somalia are full of Nigerians and Somalis, not foreigners. It is true too in the west.

In Spain, the Madrid bombings of 2004 were the work of a network of people who lived less than a mile from the station where they killed nearly 200 people. The London bombers of 7 July 2005 were from northern England and the city’s extended suburbs. The killers of off-duty soldier Lee Rigby in south-east London in 2013 lived a short drive from the site of the murder. The brothers who attacked the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris in January 2015 lived a short drive from their target, while most of the network that attacked the city 11 months later were French, or Francophone Belgian. The Nice attacker was a long-term resident of the port city. ... CMP=twt_gu
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

Studies have found that first generation immigrants are loyal to the adopted country where as second generation born there turn to be fanatics & act against the country.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Mihaylo »

IndraD wrote:Studies have found that first generation immigrants are loyal to the adopted country where as second generation born there turn to be fanatics & act against the country.
I would argue that a certain religion of peace followers were not part of this study. I have known several such moon worshippers who are not loyal to their adopted country.

Last edited by Mihaylo on 24 Mar 2017 01:11, edited 1 time in total.
Raja Bose
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Raja Bose »

LokeshC wrote:Anyone remember that moronic scoundrel miliband or milipede or whatever who was a good friend of our Clown Prince Pappu? Remember what he said after Mumbai-26/11?
What had milligandu said after Mumbai attacks?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Primus »

The muslim population in the UK has doubled in the past decade and for the first time has now crossed 3 million, i.e. more than 5% of the total. More than 50% are born outside UK. This is a demographic time bomb for UK given the fact that there is little desire to assimilate into the majority. Even if you do not believe Peter Hammond, it is true that as the muslim percentage in a population increases, so does the friction in the society.

More than 30 yrs ago a Bihari colleague of mine in the hospital where I worked (outskirts of Birmingham) was called by the school to discuss why his daughters who were born in UK could not speak English (they were now five years old). He told me proudly that he had responded by saying 'we don't want to teach our children English because that is not our language'.

His kids could not speak English but knew enough to say 'no animal fat please' wherever they went and carried with them list of E numbers (additives sourced from animals) so they could avoid buying products containing them - since they would not be 'halal'.

Not much has changed from that mindset.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

Killer was born Adrian Elms in Kent as Christian later converted to Islam. He was sent to prison at least twice where he is supposed to have been radicalised. At the moment disproportionately high number of prisoners are Muslims in Britain.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

Raja Bose wrote:What had milligandu said after Mumbai attacks?
this is what he said:
he linked the Mumbai sieges in November, which India blames on the Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, to the long-running dispute over Kashmir. He said: "Resolution of the dispute over Kashmir would help deny extremists in the region one of their main calls to arms and allow Pakistani authorities to focus more effectively on tackling the threat on their western borders." ... 18914.html

He also has spoken adversely on Kashmir re India's stance in past.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

It appears police commissioner ran away / drove away from the scene of action during Westminster attack

Britain's most senior policeman faced difficult questions last night after it emerged he was driven away moments after witnessing Wednesday's murderous assault on one of his officers.
Critics said Craig Mackey – acting head of Scotland Yard – should have joined the efforts to save PC Keith Palmer and overseen the initial response.
As Acting Metropolitan Police Commissioner he had a responsibility to lead from the front, they said. ... z4cC6SWz9u
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Primus »

IndraD wrote:Killer was born Adrian Elms in Kent as Christian later converted to Islam. He was sent to prison at least twice where he is supposed to have been radicalised. At the moment disproportionately high number of prisoners are Muslims in Britain.
It is the same all over Europe. In France muslims make up almost 70% of the prison population, about 8 times their share of the general population. Significantly higher percentages in Denmark (Copenhagen has a huge problem), Norway, Spain, The Netherlands, even Switzerland. In some countries apparently it is illegal to collect such data.

In the US too there is a disproportionately higher number in prisons (at least 10 times the share of the general population).

I wonder what the numbers for India are.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Arjun »

Primus wrote:I wonder what the numbers for India are.
Share of Muslims in jail bigger than in the population, show NCRB data

In Maharashtra and TN - which are known for their efficient police forces - Muslims are incarcerated at rates 3 times their population line with global trends.

Bihar, UP, Jharkand etc - the variance is not so high. Probably a result of 'sekoolar" governments in these regions until recently - and also linked to why these areas have earned a deserved reputation for Goondaraj.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Singha »

munna was shot dead not by armed officers supposed to guard the castle , but by a member of personal protection detail of their defence minister with 3 shots. the poor unarmed policeman who was stabbed lies on the right. he lost his life due to Govts stiff upar lip attitude of unarmed beat cops projecting a friendly face - all well and good in posh locales, not in VIP areas or islamic liberated zones.

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Singha »

and their PM was not well enough guarded on the way out ... ament.html

I think they are living in their own little bubble . 2005 metro attacks should have been a wakeup call to secure their vital premises much better . but these self proclaimed leaders of free world want to keep alive the myth of open access. witness how many nuts continue to jump the POTUS fence and get away with it.

we have already seen the PKK use car bombs next to moving targets like buses of troops. its better vital people be protected within the secure facility itself in a safe hall and perimeter security block any attempts even by a "swarm" fronted by a couple of SVBIED to breach the defences . imagine a huge syria style svbied what it can do if allowed to get close.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Singha »

that ought to scare them off :roll: great british humour though.

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Atmavik »

Singha wrote:that ought to scare them off :roll: great british humour though.

its fake as per rNDTV.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Raja Bose »

IndraD wrote:It appears police commissioner ran away / drove away from the scene of action during Westminster attack ... z4cC6SWz9u
Hey he was just securing an expanded 1000 miles in diameter. Surely you don't doubt the stiffness of a br1sh1t gentleman's spine, what-what?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Singha »

well the colonial infantry and lower ranks of brits always led the charge of the light brigade.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Vayutuvan »

TSJones wrote:trump jr. took a shot at the londonibad mayor for the terrorism.

brits are outraged at donny T. ... 021572.php
Should be londonaabaad
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by hnair »

Fine medieval acrobatics over a piece-of-dung mayor and his defense of fellow religionists on the lines of "boys will be boys"

The message the mayor has sent to London residents is fitting, said Digby Jones. "You're safer in London than you've ever been," he said. "If this turns out to be an act of Islamic terrorism, I think the fact that the man is a Muslim is utterly and completely irrelevant."
:shock: That statement, what does it actually means? Like Rimpoche Coomarasamy Goldstein might also have done an act of Islamic terrorism?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

UK & NZ are only 2 countries where police is unarmed.
But police in Northern Ireland carry firearms.
This is cos British army carried arms on streets in 19th century and excessively used it.
Police often carry out audits with public and staff : and they still feel it is OK not to arm police as the number of fire arm incidents in UK is significantly lower than other parts of the worls.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by prahaar »

Raja Bose wrote:
IndraD wrote:It appears police commissioner ran away / drove away from the scene of action during Westminster attack ... z4cC6SWz9u
Hey he was just securing an expanded 1000 miles in diameter. Surely you don't doubt the stiffness of a br1sh1t gentleman's spine, what-what?
Reminded me of a certain senior mumbai police officer (rhyming with Tharoor) who froze into inaction with security escort, too scared to venture out and take stock of the situation. :rotfl:
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

It was by chance encounter with Def secretary protection officer which neutralised terrorist
The attack on the Palace of Westminster has raised serious concerns about security at what should be one of Britain's most heavily-guarded buildings.
Carriage Gates has been identified as a particularly vulnerable spot since police officers guarding it are unarmed.
It is emerged that the attacker was only stopped when he was confronted by one of Defence Secretary Michael Fallon's personal guards.
It is understood that officers work in a 'fluid' patrol pattern so terrorists can't plan around their patrol routes. ... z4cE4c5TAZ
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

Moment PM was bundled in armoured car: Theresa May runs the wrong way as she is rushed from Parliament after shots are fired during terror attack
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by IndraD »

custom made car of PM

lets hope at least now policemen on front are armed! Tasers not good enough when you have maniacs from ME flooding Europe...!
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by partha »

IndraD wrote: Moment PM was bundled in armoured car: Theresa May runs the wrong way as she is rushed from Parliament after shots are fired during terror attack
Surprised there isn't an underground tunnel from the Parliament for MPs to be evacuated. 7 LKM has an underground tunnel to evacuate Indian PM in an emergency all the way till Palam airbase I think. In the new Parliament building India is planning, we should have a tunnel for evacuation considering our Parliament has already come under an attack.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by chetak »

posted without comment

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lalmohan »

there are tunnels... but only for the secret knights templars... if you venture into such a tunnel you might find tom hanks searching for evidence to link the catholic church to martians

there's a lot of talk around this incident - i would say overall the security worked as well as it could. it is almost impossible to prevent the car ramming attack (it happens in israel on a regular basis). there are armed police in the houses of parliament, i can only think that its extreme bad luck for the unarmed policeman that the attacker came his way.

all said and done, gun and knife attacks are still relatively rare in London, but I can see that this incident may lead to more armed police deployment
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Lalmohan »

look at the profile of the attacker
a failed member of society, petty criminal, probably mentally ill, spent time in prisons, got radicalised
this is a repeating pattern - the guys who actually do the terror act tend to be people like this who are persuaded to break the law because they have nothing to lose...
the anjem's distract attention via the media and the nutters are coopted to do the dirty work
lone wolf attacks every time
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Singha »

VIP security cars at present is oriented to stopping grenades, small IEDs and point blank 7.65mm mags going in from all sides. heavier weapons that can defeat, like 0.50cal and 23mm ZSU are very unlikely as they are bulky for terrorist to cart around.

but the SVBIED invented by ISIS and now used by AQ (and even the PKK in turkey) has changed rules of game. need no be high grade mil stuff, the ISIS stuff seems to be drums packed with cruder stuff.

some 70 syrian soldiers lost lives this week in the 2 SVBIEds that heralded the start of the jobar attack in damascus.
any vehicle including a MRAP will be blown to pieces by a svbied going off in vicinity

hence means to detect and track down anyone purchasing such materials in bulk are very important in every country . in india the naxals source dynamites from stealing or paying off mines. they could gather the materials and simply use a truck handed over the jihadi scums to lash out.