Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Gagan »

Baki apdul is trying to manually trying to prevent premature mijjile phyrr
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Atmavik »

anupmisra wrote:
Prem wrote: Chinese are trying to set honey trap for Peshawari Paki Pakoldiers.
As is evident from the fotu below - note the happy, grinning ibrar next to the unsmiling, clenched-cheek chinis.


Those chiknas need to be carefull in the land of bachabaazi. smiling pissfull might have already closed the deal.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Canada Denies Immigration/ Residency To The Family Of A Pakistani Army Officer Who Was Involved In the Torture Of Civilians In Karachi In The Nineties :D
Federal Court Decisions :
Ghazala Asif Khan v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)
Court (s) Database Federal Court Decisions
Date 2017-03-10
Neutral citation 2017 FC 269
File numbers IMM-975-16

Date: 20170310

Docket: IMM-975-16

Citation: 2017 FC 269

Ottawa, Ontario, March 10, 2017



[1] The Applicant, Mrs. Khan, is a citizen of Pakistan. Her application for permanent residence in Canada was denied after her spouse was found to be inadmissible to Canada on the basis that there are reasonable grounds to believe that he had been complicit in the commission of crimes against humanity, and that he had personally participated in such crimes when he was a high-ranking member of Pakistan’s military. ( Enchendee violated by a Kufr Court )
[2] Mrs. Khan asserts that the decision denying her application should be set aside on the basis that the reasons provided were not sufficiently justified, transparent or intelligible.[3] I disagree. For the reasons that follow, this Application will be dismissed. :lol: Hon Judge cannot be "bribed" ; Sifarish not applicable in Darul - Harb :mrgreen:
I. Background[4] In support of her application for permanent residence in Canada as a member of the [b]investor class, Mrs. Kahn[/b] ( probably does not have a dime in her own name ; investor class, be damned ! )disclosed that her spouse had been employed with Pakistan’s military between 1976 and 2000, and that he had risen through the ranks to eventually become a Lieutenant Colonel.
[5] In June 2012, Mr. Khan participated in an interview [the Interview] in relation with his spouse’s application. A summary of the Interview states that Mr. Khan acknowledged that he had been a member of the joint Pakistani military and police Field Interrogation Team [FIT] in Karachi when it was involved in “Operation Clean Up” in 1992 and 1993; and that he had used interrogation techniques such as slapping, punching, using stress positions and forcing detainees to look at the sun, ( new and unique !) during that period. That summary added that Mr. Khan insisted that those techniques did not constitute torture because no electricity, water boarding, heavy beatings or techniques that caused long-term physical damage were used. The bar for torture set in Canada is too low ; slapping, punching should be considered "normal" !
[6] The visa office in London, U.K., informed former counsel to Mrs. Khan that it did not have a transcript of the Interview. However, a redacted version of the security advice brief of the Canadian Security Intelligence Services [CSIS] security advice brief was included at pages 235–239 of the Certified Tribunal Record [CTR].
[7] Through counsel, Mr. Khan subsequently clarified that he had not personally used or witnessed such interrogation techniques, that he does not personally condone them and that he suspects the police alone had used them. However, he acknowledged that such techniques would legally constitute torture (CTR, at 205, 212 and 218). Serials liars like him should be subjected to lie detector tests :evil:
[8] The decision under review [the Decision] is comprised of a form letter, dated January 7, 2016, and computerized notes [Notes] that were prepared by the Immigration Officer [the Officer] who issued the Decision, as well as by others who were involved in processing Mrs. Khan’s application. It is common ground between the parties that the Notes form part of the Decision. Immigration Canada and US Homeland Security should re-visit old files wherein they have granted residency to ex- ISI/ Military Officers , who are now ensconced in cities like Toronto, Mississauga, Montreal , Calgary , Vancouver and Miami and LA and should deport them if their entry to these countries was made under fraudulent pretenses !
[9] The letter informed Mrs. Khan that her application for a permanent resident visa had been rejected on the basis that there are reasonable grounds to believe that her spouse, Muhammad Asif Khan, is a member of the inadmissible class of persons described in paragraph 35(1)(a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, SC 2001, c 27 [IRPA]. The letter explained that, pursuant to paragraph 42(1)(a) of the IRPA, a foreign national is inadmissible on grounds of an inadmissible family member if their accompanying family member or, in prescribed circumstances, their non-accompanying family member is inadmissible. Given that her spouse is inadmissible, she too is inadmissible. They should re-submit their "investor class" application to Saudia Arabia, Qatar or Turkee, where because of Islamic and RAPE status, they will be welcomed with open arms :mrgreen:


[57] Considered as a whole, the evidence mentioned and alluded to in the Decision provided a compelling basis for the conclusion that there were reasonable grounds to believe that Mr. Khan had been complicit in the torture that was perpetrated by the FIT, MI and Pakistan Rangers groups within the military in which he had held senior positions. In essence, that evidence established that Mr. Khan had voluntarily made a significant and knowing contribution to the commission of one or more crimes described in sections 4 to 7 of the CAHWCA. In turn, that implicit finding provided the basis for the ultimate conclusion that Mr. Khan is inadmissible to Canada pursuant to paragraph 35(1)(a) of the IRPA, and that therefore Mrs. Khan is inadmissible pursuant to paragraph 42(1)(a).
VI. Conclusion

[58] For the reasons set forth above, the conclusions that there were reasonable grounds to believe that Mr. Khan had been both complicit in, and personally involved in, acts of torture, and therefore in crimes set forth in sections 4 to 7 of the CAHWCA, were not unreasonable.

[59] Accordingly, this Application will be dismissed. and the applicants denied entry in a civilized country :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

venug wrote:China got involved the instant it started CPEC with TSP.
China's masterplan is obvious here. Its protestations to India about not dragging China into a bilateral dispute between India & Pakistan are a ploy to firmly get entrenched in the POK issue by blaming India later that in spite of its warnings, it was India that dragged it into the issue.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

That abdul, Asif Khan, tried to be clever-by-half by trying to shift blame on the Krachi police! This should be brought to the attention of Krachi police seniors who would also be applying for Canadian visa at some time. He has spoilt their chances too now.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Prem »

Indian claims of militant presence along LOC aimed at spreading unrest in AJK, says army chief
(Boot Now on Poak Foot)

Qabila News
Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Friday said Indian 'propaganda' regarding presence of militants along the Line of Control (LOC) is aimed at spreading unrest in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), said a statement released by the Inter-Services Public Relations.He added that the 'propaganda' spread by India will “never succeed”.“Pakistan Army shall continue to ensure protection and security of people along LOC,” said the army chief.Bajwa directed the military to ensure progress and development works in the area in coordination with the government of AJK, added the ISPR statement.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Gagan »

Won't be surprised if the retard fauji afsar is paid a midnight visit by about to be retard karachi police afsars.

OK so he didn't get Canadian Visa. But surely he will try somewhere else - Southern Pakistan, Bartaniastan, etc etc, so many places
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Singha »

tribal rashkar in hindara, orakzai agency burn the house of a militant after a mayor and sepoy were killed yesterday


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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

HS&D Saved. Peace will reign in the land of thin skins.

Three, including minor girl, shot dead in suspected 'honour killing' in Khairpur
Akbar Ali Rauka allegedly opened fire on his 27-year-old sister Nazia Kausar, her 9-month-old daughter, and their house help, killing all three.
Akbar had suspected that his sister had illicit relations with the servant.
The family's Honor, So-virginity and Dignity remains untarnished. Akbar is now g'runteed 72 raisins. ... n-khairpur
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

This selfless action by the believers will once again prove bakistan is part of the international comity of advanced nations. In the land of 24X7 power supply:

Pakistan to observe 10th Earth Hour today
A hundred and seventy countries, including Pakistan, will observe the 10th Earth Hour 2017 on March 25 (today), between 8.30 to 9.30pm local time
businesses and landmarks set aside an hour to switch off non-essential lights
Non-essential lights in 40 landmark buildings in Karachi, including the Chief Minister House, Mazar-e-Quiad, Karachi Airport and Expo Centre will be turned off
Khan concluded, inviting people all over Pakistan to observe earth hour and become part of the global campaign
One wit remarked in the comments section:
JAFFERY: Due to Power Cut it's Earth Day almost everyday here in Pakistan
What jazba, what junoon, what hunar!!
Bakistan khappay!! ... hour-today
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Senile Sartaj Defends Saudi Arabia In Paki Senate Against Unexplained Death Of The Transgender In The "Land Of The Two Holy Mosques" :roll:

Transgender in Saudi Arabia died of cardiac arrest, Senate told
ISLAMABAD: Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz on Tuesday informed the Senate that the cause of death of a Pakistani transgender in Saudi Arabia was cardiac arrest.Responding to a point of public importance raised by Farhatullah Babar, the Advisor said transgender Amin Aziz was illegally staying in Saudi Arabia and used to organize dance parties at guest houses in violation of the Saudi laws. who were the "guests" at such parties - local Saudis or expat Pakis :mrgreen:
He said Saudi authorities had raided the guest houses from where 35 persons, including some transgenders, were arrested. “Our Community Attach’e immediately contacted the Saudi authorities and 29 persons were released while five were under investigation.”The Advisor said Amin Aziz was a heart patient and that fact had also been reported by his colleagues that he had undergone surgery earlier. “He died during custody and we have asked for the medical report to ascertain whether he bore any kind of torture.” Even if the torture claims are confirmed, will the" matter be taken up with the Saudis " or the report will be "whitewashed" and laid to rest like ( for fear of offending the Saudis ) many other previous incidents ![/quote]
He said the body of Amin Aziz was flown to Pakistan free of chrage through Pakistan International Airlines as the government was trying for release of remaining captives :roll: .Answering a question, the Advisor said he (Amin Aziz) had been living in Saudi Arabia illegally, and was also involved in illegal and immoral activities that made the authorities to arrest him.He said if the arrested people were being investigated under the Saudi law for involvement in illegal activities, then there was no question of lodging any protest. “However, if any unlawful treatment would have been meted out to him, we shall definitely talk to the Saudi authorities.” Within the last 3-4 months 39,000 + such illegal Pakis were deported by Saudi Authorities ; some paranoid Pakis see India's hidden hand in this action :twisted:
Meanwhile, Farhatullah Babar pleaded that Foreign Office must have sent a note of displeasure to the Saudi authorities and proposed to send the matter to Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs.Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani observed that he could not send the matter to the committee, however, if the committee desired it could itself take up the issue. Domestic infighting between the two "Honorable" Paki senators. "Good sign " of Pakistan's "robust democracy" for the benefit of oversees guests in the visitors gallery :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by BajKhedawal »

anupmisra wrote:Image
Truly BENIS material, but continuing here because some BRFaa's like to decipher body language of our PM, RM, EM, etc so....

Chinese biraders know too well to wear knee length boots while wading in Pakistan. From the look on their face, it seems like they have tightly clinched their buttcheeks, and are in attention position; whereas the momeen is all relaxed and cool about it, in vishram position.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan reject "Fairy Tale" Report :mrgreen:

Pakistan rejects US rights report
Countries that are not even party to some of the core human rights conventions have no standing to question others,” Zakaria said.
I guess you are in good "human rights" company, when you are lumped with Saudi Arabia, Iran and China :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

"Chinese biraders know too well to wear knee length boots while wading in Pakistan. From the look on their face, it seems like they have tightly clinched their buttcheeks, and are in attention position; whereas the momeen is all relaxed and cool about it, in vishram position."

Is the Paki momeen a fan of Bacha Baazi , by any chance :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Guddu »

Atmavik wrote:
anupmisra wrote:
As is evident from the fotu below - note the happy, grinning ibrar next to the unsmiling, clenched-cheek chinis.


I am surprised, is cheeni taller than himalayas, or paki extra short ?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Prem »

Paki on Indian's new Nuke posture.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by jrjrao »

This musical tribute to Pakisatan was broadcast on the Walton & Johnson radio show ( yesterday, Friday, March 24.

Hoping this is kosher under the fair use doctrine. Hold your coffee or beer tight!

Hope this link works
Bart S
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Bart S »

jrjrao wrote:This musical tribute to Pakisatan was broadcast on the Walton & Johnson radio show ( yesterday, Friday, March 24.

Hoping this is kosher under the fair use doctrine. Hold your coffee or beer tight!

Hope this link works


This is an absolute gem. Deserves to go viral.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

India to seal border with Pakistan by 2018: Rajnath Singh

NEW DELHI: Union home minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday said India plans to seal international boundaries with neighbouring countries Pakistan and Bangladesh soon.

"India is planning to seal the international boundaries with Pakistan and Bangladesh+ as soon as possible. This could be India's major step against terrorism and the problem of refugees," Singh said while addressing the passing out parade of the Border Security Force Assistant Commandants at the BSF Academy in Madhya Pradesh's Tekanpur area.

The home minister assured that the border with Pakistan would be sealed by 2018.

The decision has been taken in the wake of an increase in infiltration attempts, Singh said.

"The project will be periodically monitored by the Home Secretary at the Central level, the BSF from the security forces' perspective and the Chief Secretaries at the state-level," Singh said, adding that the government would apply technological solutions for sealing the border in difficult terrains.

Lauding the BSF personnel, the home minister stated that the force has changed the rules of engagement at international borders which have made it a known entity in the neighbouring countries.

"The BSF has changed rules of engagement at international borders. Now, the BSF is a known entity even in neighbouring countries," Singh said.

He also spoke about the planning for an effective grievances redressal mechanism in the forces which will be implemented soon.

"We are planning for an effective grievances redressal mechanism in the forces. The forces are coming forward with such mechanism," Singh said.

After the passing out parade, the Home Minister signed the visitors' book at the BSF academy.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by LokeshC »

jrjrao wrote:This musical tribute to Pakisatan was broadcast on the Walton & Johnson radio show ( yesterday, Friday, March 24.

Hoping this is kosher under the fair use doctrine. Hold your coffee or beer tight!

Hope this link works
Hahahaha :rotfl: :rotfl: :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Prem »

LokeshC wrote:
jrjrao wrote:This musical tribute to Pakisatan was broadcast on the Walton & Johnson radio show ( yesterday, Friday, March 24.
Hoping this is kosher under the fair use doctrine. Hold your coffee or beer tight!
Hope this link works
Grab The Hukkah and draw some smoke in name of Jihadi Poak.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Atmavik »

jrjrao wrote:This musical tribute to Pakisatan was broadcast on the Walton & Johnson radio show ( yesterday, Friday, March 24.

Hoping this is kosher under the fair use doctrine. Hold your coffee or beer tight!

Hope this link works
What a find!! Country music never sounded so good. this just beat the "Born in the Dejert"
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

ranjan.rao wrote:
what is bachabazi then? is that halaal?
ranjan.rao Ji :

Bachabazi : Rambling in the Rear Garden of Delights! It is Totally Halal nay it comes Highly Recommended for the Momins, being an excellent method of Family Planning and Population Control. :lol:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Gagan »

The cheeni soldiers are so TFTA
The paki ibrar is Short & Dark. He must be a Mohajir.

Pakistani Saturday Night !!! Yay !!!
Actually they missed it by one day. Pakis like their Friday Days 'n Night better to get the jeehard party goin' :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Whitewash Paki Style :Black into white: Inside money laundering

Black into white: Inside money laundering
"Tell me,” Munaf Kalia challenged his interrogator immediately after his arrest, “who is not involved in this?” The question hung over the ensuing investigation into money laundering by Pakistan’s largest forex company. The answer came three years later when all involved were acquitted of all charges. “Politicians, ministers, generals, businessmen, tell me who is not a user of our services?” :shock: As a famous author had once remarked in his seminal work on Pakistan : Pakistan is a vast criminal enterprise !
That was in 2008, the heady year of catastrophe. The financial system had nearly collapsed, with the stock market shut and banks seeing withdrawals so rapidly that fears of a large-scale run the likes of which we have never seen in our history were rising. The country’s foreign exchange reserves dropped from, , what was touted only a year earlier as “record high” to such a precarious level that the government had to approach the IMF for an emergency lifeline. And the government launched a massive crackdown against illegal hawala traders, money changers who engaged in the illegal transfer of foreign exchange into and out of the country, though in those days almost all the traffic was outbound. Traffic jam on a "sinking ship " :roll:
Investigators estimated that Khanani and Kalia (K&K) —of which Kalia was a director — held between 25 to 30 percent of the hawala market at that time, and had transferred close to 104 billion rupees in the 13 months leading up to their arrest. Press reports speculated that these transfers were responsible for depleting Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves, forcing the country to seek an IMF bailout, but the estimated amount would not be sufficient to bring the economy to its knees.What those transfers, and the subsequent investigation of the enterprise, did reveal though was how far and wide the web of money laundering is spread within Pakistan’s economy, and how central it is to its normal functioning. Did Dar ( NS proxy), Dus-Percenti, Dawood and Deep State receive favourable exchange rates due to elite status !
Pakistan has one of the world’s highest cash-to-bank deposit ratios. The amount of money that swirls around the economy in cash is more than one third of total bank deposits. Its fractured relationship with neighbours has also helped create an informal payment systems and a large overland trade designed to bypass normal customs channels. Finally, capital accumulation domestically finds it difficult to locate investment opportunities within the country due to the rigid nature of the industrial system which has not changed much for the past three decades, creating a built-in incentive to accumulate assets outside the country. Most of the Paki Elite have one foot in the country and one foot either in Bartania , Massaland or any other place where "residency and passport " is easy to get ( look at their PM; son "settled" in Londonsitan with loot !); so when the ship is sinking it will be easy to get out - the funds salted abroad - with the help of K& K - will help !
For K&K, all these constraints were an opportunity. Their headquarters housed more than 35 servers dedicated to processing money transfer requests received through a network of up to 4,000 branches and franchisees around the country. They had their own software house, located in a five-storey building with hundreds of employees, dedicated to building and upgrading money-transfer software that would connect their branch network across Pakistan with thousands of other branches and franchises spread around the world. Whenever the amount of money travelling through their system approached the regulatory limit allowed to them as a registered ‘A’-class exchange company, the system would automatically route the transfer through their parallel hawala operation. They sold the software to other exchange companies in addition to using it themselves. So, besides indulging in illegal and criminal activities, they urged others to do the same ; therefore conspiracy charges will also be slapped on them !
Contrary to popular misconception, hawala actually uses the banking system extensively. The theory about hawala transfers says that no physical movement of money is required, since funds coming to the recipient country are settled against funds going out to the country from where the funds are remitted. So remittances coming to Pakistan from the UAE, for example, would be taken by a hawala trader there, and the requisite amount of rupees would be issued by that trader’s agent here in Pakistan. US investigators had concluded that financing of 9/11 attacks came from Pakistan and UAE through hawala channels !
$10BN IS THE MONEY LAUNDERED OUT OF PAKISTAN EVERY YEAR, ACCORDING TO US STATE DEPARTMENT ESTIMATES( Pakistan is a major player in this game !) [Funds sent abroad are also sent via a bank account, usually opened in the name of the exchange company, as well as a large array of “benami” accounts — accounts opened in someone’s name but operated by other people — which they use for their hawala operation. In the case of K&K, the central node in their system was Al Zarooni Exchange, located on Naif Road in Dubai, ( So, Ummah Brothers are also helping them in this illegal activity !) which received funds from across the world. The sender would be issued a code, which he or she could take to any K&K branch or franchise anywhere in the world and obtain their funds accordingly. Once cleared, their position would be closed.
Their paid-up capital, or the ceiling that they were allowed to legally transact under the terms of their license, was 25 crore rupees daily, but the funds landing in Al Zarooni were far in excess. By 2015, the US Treasury department claimed that the K&K enterprise was moving “billions of dollars” annually on behalf of a global clientele. When he was arrested in a sting in 2015, Altaf Khanani was laundering money for an American law enforcement agent and charging him 3 percent commission.[ "Sting operation" - a favourite way to gather court evidence :twisted: )
Exchange companies are only one way to transfer funds into or out of the country without arousing the authorities’ suspicions. The State Department has estimated that 10 billion dollars are laundered out of Pakistan every year, meaning the channels through which to move this quantity of money would be numerous.
There are numerous ways that black money accumulates in an economy like Pakistan’s. Ill gotten proceeds of powerful individuals are only a small amount of the total. By far the largest amount of black money accumulates outside the country in the form of mis-declaration of trade. Exporters will routinely understate the amount shown in their Letter of Credit (L/C) opened with a bank, preferring to receive the rest into an offshore account. When traders and businessman have no faith in the future of their country, why should the Aam Abduls "practice honesty " :twisted:
Likewise, importers will routinely understate the value of the consignment they are importing to avoid customs duties, and remit the balance through an exchange company, or from offshore accounts held abroad. According to estimates of reported trade between Pakistan and China, the difference in the Chinese and Pakistani reported data of all exports and imports between the two countries is as high as 5 billion dollars, which is slightly more than half of the reported trade deficit between the two countries. When traders and businessman have no faith in the future of their country, why should the Aam Abduls "practice honesty " :twisted:
When poring through K&K servers, law enforcement also came across examples of importers who had mis-declared the value of their import consignments by about 50 percent. This volume of accumulation of black money will always require powerful channels for the movement of these funds into and out of the country, for which a variety of pathways have been carved out over the decades.( Pioneered by "Deep State " with the help of Bank Of Crooks and Criminals Inc ( BCCI) during" Afghan Jihad " and up graded by Dawood & Co :twisted:
There are numerous ways that black money accumulates in an economy like Pakistan’s. Ill gotten proceeds of powerful individuals are only a small amount of the total. (AAZ and NS fall into this category ) By far the largest amount of black money accumulates outside the country in the form of mis-declaration of trade. By far the largest amount of black money accumulates outside the country in the form of mis-declaration of trade. Exporters will routinely understate the amount shown in their Letter of Credit opened with a bank, preferring to receive the rest into an offshore account.
Since at least 2012, governments around the world are coming under increasing pressure to choke off illicit pathways of money transfer since they are used extensively for terror financing and moving funds from criminal activity. The regulatory framework is being tightened, and pressure to prevent the formal banking system from being used for illicit movement of funds is mounting. The State Bank has warned that “a tightening regulatory landscape governing cross-border money transfers in the US (which has increased compliance costs for banks and money transfer operators)” could end up with implications for Pakistan’s banks, especially their ability to interact with the outside world through correspondent banking relationships. As recent media reports indicate Paki Financial Institutions are increasing being put on "International Watchlists ", sometimes on evidence provided by Massa and India !
Most recently, a long standing demand from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to move more visibly and vigorously against individuals and entities designated as terrorists under UN Resolution 1267 saw a flurry of activity in February, when Hafiz Saeed was placed under house arrest, and the government announced that his name along with an associate was being added to the Fourth Schedule of the Anti Terror Act. :D
Pakistan’s financial system is increasingly caught in this three way bind. First is a tightening global regime that seeks to aggressively squeeze the space in the banking system that illicit actors and designated terrorists can use to advance their purposes. Second, a large and thriving informal sector and large pools of tax evaded wealth, that make illicit channels for the movement of funds salient to the operation of the economy. And finally, a legal apparatus that cannot distinguish between the illicit movement of funds and the movement of illicit funds. The US Embassy and other Foreign Embassies should take note of this investigating reporting and the same to the attention of their govts for necesssary action !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by ArunK »

This lays bare everything about CPEC. These stupid Pakis have sold their country down the river.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan university's students told to apologise for playing Holi :roll:

So much so , for Ganja Sharif recent attendance at a Hindu Religious Function and his grand statement that the Hindu Community has nothing to fear and no one is forcing them to convert ( paraphrasing here - for for this statement one of the Mullah issued a Fatwa against Ganja !) :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

"Mumtaz Qadri Grave Becomes Shrine" News Goes Global .

Convicted Murderer's Grave in Pakistan Becomes Shrine for Some - Voice Of America
In January of 2011, Mumtaz Qadri killed the very person he was paid to protect. Qadri served in the squad of personal bodyguards for Salmaan Taseer, a liberal Pakistani politician and governor of Punjab province who advocated for liberalizing the country’s controversial blasphemy law.After killing the governor, Qadri surrendered himself to law enforcement and confessed to his crime, citing religious reasons to justify his action. ( Just like the perpetrators of " honour killings "!)
Being convicted of blasphemy in Pakistan carries the death enalty or life in prison, but so far because of pressure from rights groups and the international community, no one convicted has been executed.Qadri was hanged, however, after being found guilty of murder by Islamabad High Court last year. Tens of thousands of religious people attended his funeral, blocking several main roads leading to capital Islamabad and chanting “Qadri, your sacrifice will be remembered.” Pakistan is an Islamic country :D
The slogan of remembrance at his funeral seems to have been followed through. Now Qadri is being hailed as a hero in Pakistan.
Located on the outskirts of the capital city Islamabad, decorated by four white minarets to imitate Muhammad’s Mosque in Saudi Arabia, the shrine is attracting large number of devotees on a regular basis.Inside the shrine is the white marble grave of Qadri filled with fresh rose petals. The tombstone has inscriptions from the Quran. The ceiling is ornamented with detailed mirror-work and the walls are carved with names of God and Prophet Mohammad. Qadri, however belonged the "Barelvi sect " , which at least on paper are against the Saudi concept of "Wahabbism" .
The shrine has initiated a debate on extremism in the country. Human Rights activists believe the shrine in essence glorifies and nurtures an extremist narrative in a country already undermined by terrorism and extremism.“Government of Pakistan has done nothing to stop this grave becoming a shrine. The gravesite should never have been allowed to become a shrine,” Zohra Yusaf, chairperson of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan told VOA.
But to some in Pakistan, going to Qadri’s shrine is within the realm of freedom of expression and speech.Similar places like the Lal Masjid,the Binori Masjid in Karachi , and Akhora Khattack seminary in KP are places nurtured by the Deep State and are now permanent fixtures of hate, sectarianism , bigotry for which the State is unable to do anything about it fearing a backlash from Aam Abduls ! :twisted:
Despite criticism, Pakistan’s government adamantly enforces the anti-blasphemy law. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif recently ordered authorities to take measures against people posting anti-Islamic contents on social media.As part of the government’s crackdown, several bloggers have been arrested and the country’s Federal Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan announced earlier this month that a Facebook delegation is to visit Pakistan soon to discuss the issue of blasphemous content on social media with Pakistani authorities.Pakistan has seen a surge in extremism over the last several decades. Rights activists are concerned that at a time when the country has vowed to destroy extremism, emphasizing on enforcing the anti-blasphemy law will only radicalize people, particularly the younger generation.
Muhammad Ishtiaq, from VOA's Urdu Service contributed to this report.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Bartania Sides With India Over Gilgit Baltistan .

British Parliament condemns Pakistan's move over Gilgit-Baltistan, says it belongs to India
The British Parliament has condemned Pakistan's move to declare Gilgit-Baltistan as its fifth province. The British Parliament passed a resolution rejecting Pakistan's position on the region in PoK.A motion was passed by the British parliamentarians announcing Gilgit-Baltistan as a legal and constitutional part of Jammu and Kashmir illegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947.The motion had been tabled in the British Parliament on March 23 by Bob Blackman of the Conservative Party. It says that Pakistan is attempting to annex an area that does not belong to it.
The British Parliament motion reads, "Gilgit-Baltistan is a legal and constitutional part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India, which is illegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947, and where people are denied their fundamental rights including the right of freedom of expression."The British parliamentarians accused Pakistan of adopting a policy to change the demography of Gilgit-Baltistan region in violation of State Subject Ordinance. They called the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as illegal. Modi-ji's policy to diplomatically isolating Pakistan working :mrgreen:
The 'forced and illegal construction' of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has interfered with the disputed territory, the motion said.The Gilgit-Baltistan area is under Pakistan's control since it invaded Jammu and Kashmir soon after partition of India. It forms the northernmost administrative territory under Pakistan's control just beyond the Kashmir region - a part of which is illegally occupied by Islamabad.Recently, a committee headed by Sartaj Aziz, the Foreign Affairs Advisor to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif recommended converting the Gilgit-Baltistan region into its fifth province.Pakistan has four provinces - Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly North West Frontier Province). One more reason to appoint " a competent full time Paki Foreign Minister" - an oxymoron term ! replacing the "best before date " Senile Sartaj :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Gilgit - Baltistan Issue In UK Parliament - Paki Version By A Well Known "Organ" Of The Deep State :roll: !

India faces embarrassment in British Parliament over Gilgit-Baltistan sponsored motion
London: India had to face huge disappointment and embarrassment in the British Parliament after one of its sponsored motion backed by only one member of the Parliament was moved in the House.No other member of the house has signed the motion which condemns Pakistan move of making Gilgit-Baltistan as fifth province of Pakistan.Indian lobby in UK could not succeed in convincing any other member of the house to follow and sign the motion.
Earlier it was reported in Indian media that The British Parliament has moved a motion condemning Pakistan’s move to declare Gilgit-Baltistan as its fifth frontier, saying the region is a legal and constitutional part of Jammu and Kashmirillegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947.
The motion was tabled on March 23 and sponsored by Conservative Party leader Bob Blackman.It stated that Pakistan by making such an announcement is implying its attempt to annex the already disputed area.
“Gilgit-Baltistan is a legal and constitutional part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India, which is illegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947, and where people are denied their fundamental rights including the right of freedom of expression,” the motion read.It was further noted that the attempts to change the demography of the region was in violation of State Subject Ordinance and the `forced and illegal construction` of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) further aggravated and interfered with the disputed territory.
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry has said that Beijing was ready to work with Islamabad to take forward the CPEC to benefit the people of both countries.The CPEC is a USD 51.5 billion project that aims to connect Kashgar, in China`s western province of Xinjiang, with the port of Gwadar in the Pakistani province of Balochistan.
Damage Control ordered by "Deep State " ; Paki "dirty shalwar" being washed in Londonistan :oops: )
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Grave mistakes found in Lahore board’s exam papers
LAHORE: Education board officials fail rather than students as grave mistakes are found in the examination papers of classes 9 and 10.
Class 10 students have appeared for their papers, while exams of class 9 are still ongoing. However, the number of mistakes in the examinations is appalling and makes people question the quality of education offered by Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BSEK), Lahore.The mistakes were found in objective papers of various subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Physics and English. The mistakes have not only stressed the students but are likely to adversely affect the position holders.In the objective papers of the subjects, many multiple choice questions (MCQs) had two correct answers while some questions right answer was not in the options available.In the English objective examination, the first and second group had four objective questions with two correct answers. While in Biology, questions pertaining to number of bones, myelin sheath and sexual reproduction had all four wrong answers.
If the "graduates" apply for admission in Axaact University later , these "errors" would not matter :mrgreen:
In, Chemistry PF3 objective part, the question and its translation in English and Urdu were asking different things.In the Physic paper of class 9 students, the question and its translation had different meanings and their answers were wrong too.Geo News contacted Lahore board Examination Controller Nasir Jameel and asked about the mistakes in the examinations. He said that the objective papers of all subjects are being investigated.
“If mistakes are found, then students will be given marks for them,” he assured. Pakistani education system seems to works on the GIGO Principle : Garbage In Garbage Out ; also , it would be interesting to know if Hijab wearing students would get "extra marks" in these exams , as was recently announced :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Recent "PSL Drama" In Lawhore Does Not Impress Bangla - Desh

Bangladesh rejects PCB’s offer to visit Pakistan again
LAHORE: An offer got rejected on Sunday which was made by Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) to Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) to play two Twenty20s matches in Lahore.The PCB chairman Shahryar Khan revealed in one of his statements that PCB had offered BCB to play two T20s in the middle of 2017 in Pakistan, but no positive response came from the other side.According to details, it was made clear by the BCB spokesperson that Bangladesh has not even thought of coming to Pakistan.The BCB is already to host Pakistan in July this year.It is worth mentioning here that PCB had prioritized this tour, believing that it could pave way for the return of international cricket to Pakistan. So, inspite of the "tremendous success of the recent PSL match " Pakistan cricket is basically back to square one - no nation wants to step inside Paki soil because of "security concerns" . Is there something that they can do to mitigate such "pariah like treatment" . Now with Paki ties with Russia already "warming up " , can Putin be convinced to make an "incident free trip " to Islamabad ? That will surely be a "big boost" to Paki cricket :lol:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Falijee wrote:Bartania Sides With India Over Gilgit Baltistan .
British Parliament condemns Pakistan's move over Gilgit-Baltistan, says it belongs to India
Falijee :

Early day motion 1107 :

Name : Blackman, Bob - Party : Conservative Party, Constituency : Harrow East, Date Signed : 23.03.2017


Session: 2016-17
Date tabled: 23.03.2017
Primary sponsor: Blackman, Bob
That this House condemns the arbitrary announcement by Pakistan declaring Gilgit-Baltistan as its Fifth Frontier, implying its attempt to annex the already disputed area; notes that Gilgit-Baltistan is a legal and constitutional part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India,which is illegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947, and where people are denied their fundamental rights including the right of freedom of expression; further notes the attempts to change the demography of the region in violation of State Subject Ordinance and forcibly and illegally to build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which further aggravates and interferes with the disputed territory.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Customs high-ups get off scot-free in illegal freight clearance case
ISLAMABAD: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is yet to take disciplinary action against top customs officers involved in clearing more than 50 containers carrying high-duty goods on fake documents from the Model Customs Collectorate of Port Qasim between May 2012 and July 2013 ( Almost 4 years and no action taken ? Too many higher ups involved Are those responsible still in Pakiland awaiting Kannadian Vija :twisted: .
The goods had been moved from Port Qasim over 15 months and the FBR had uncovered the scam in 2013-2014. Some ( 5%?) of the freight was later recovered from various warehouses in Karachi.
Sources told Dawn that a similar case had emerged in 2006-07, when 265 containers had been removed illegally from Port Qasim without examination or payment of duties...
The inquiry officer who had investigated that scam was entrusted with the task of looking into the May 2012-July 2013 case. In his inquiry report, the officer proposed that explanations must be sought from senior customs officers posted at Port Qasim during the clearance of the 50 containers. Too hot to handle ?
An FBR official, however, said that the FBR had recovered Rs18.91m from 10 people involved in illegally moving 33 containers of taxable imported goods at Port Qasim, Karachi. He said they had managed to recover freight from 33 containers, while the whereabouts of goods stashed in 17 containers were not known. Customs intelligence officials had arrested six people in this connection. Although no senior officer had been penalised, he explained that several junior customs officers had been issued charge sheets and suspended. (made "scapegoats" :mrgreen: )

Best Comment : Sami about 17 hours ago
Don't take actions against CSP officers. They are sacred cows. If they loot country, let them do it, this country is for politicians, bureaucracy and army. :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Brisk Trade In Quetta : Stolen Kabul And Krachi Vehicles :D

Footprints: Kabul cars in Quetta
AS Mohammad Sadiq gets out of his Corolla on Double Road, Quetta, he is anxious to have a word with Mohammad Nazar, an auto-mechanic. “I’ve been coming here for the past three days and you still haven’t been able to give me an injector for my car,” exclaims Sadiq, as he walks into the workshop.
“Yes, I’ve got one, but it’s worth is Rs4,000,” replies the mechanic. Surprised, Sadiq asks: “In the recent past, I got four injectors for only Rs2,000. How did they suddenly become so expensive?”“Did I close the Pak-Afghan border at Chaman?” replies the mechanic sarcastically. “For over three weeks, nothing moved across.” So the "mechanic" is heavily depended on cross -border smuggling !
On the bridge from Sariab Road to Double Road, hundreds of Kabuli vehicles of different models can be seen. Noor Ullah, who lives in the vicinity, tells Dawn: “At midnight, when the whole city sleeps, the Kabuli vehicles reach here. The vehicles include Toyota Corolla Fielders, Primeos, Prados, Pajeros, Mercedes, Indus Corollas and Vitz.”
After frequent requests, a moustachioed Pakhtun dealer of Kabuli cars, Azam Khan [name changed to protect the source], agrees to talk. Sitting at the same Double Road garage, he says: “There are two key routes through which Kabuli vehicles come, the Chaman and Torkham border crossings.”Sipping his green tea, Khan says, “From the Chaman border to all parts of the country, they sell these vehicles. If someone lives in Khuzdar and wants to buy a Kabuli car, he only needs to look at the car’s photographs on WhatsApp and reach an agreement with the seller. After that, for only Rs20,000 extra, he gets the car delivered to his home.” Information Technology in the service of ...... :lol:
In the past, according to assistant director Mehmood Sultan Afridi of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), officials of the Frontier Corps, FIA, and Customs would seize smuggled vehicles coming through Afghanistan. Due to mismanagement, he concedes, now only the Customs department can act upon illegal vehicles.The Pak-Afghan border has in recent times seen a number of trenches dug out here. “Subsequently, the smuggling of foreign vehicles has decreased remarkably,” says Afridi, citing unemployment and low rates of income as additional factors fuelling this industry. Afghanistan which does not recognize the "artificial Durand Line" as a border, has vowed to stop any attempt at building a fence, trench or any other border marking !
If a vehicle is stolen in Quetta, he says, it is driven to another district and given a different number plate. “As for stolen vehicles, it is a specialised, professional and organised job. After the theft, the criminals forge the car documents too. However, we are doing our best to put an end to this business,” he explains.
With consistent efforts by the law enforcement agencies, there may be a day when the economy of Balochistan can legitimately benefit from a thriving industry. No mention of the "thriving" insurgency currently raging in the Balochi parts of Balochistan :eek:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Raheel Ready To Roll :P

Raheel Sharif may assume command of Saudi-led force next month
ISLAMABAD: Retired army chief Gen Raheel Sharif is likely to assume in April the command of a yet-to-be-formed Saudi-led, 39-country Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT), which is being dubbed as a ‘Muslim Nato’ Has he already completed the mandatory Arabic lessons for his "command and control" position :D
Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said in a media interview that Saudi Arabia had been intimated in writing about the government’s consent. ( As if Khawaja "would dare " refuse such a consent ! The pretense of Paki Fauj being under civilian control :mrgreen: )
Foreign Affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz had also said that he would make a statement about the foreign policy implications of retired Gen Sharif’s appointment, whenever and if it happened. ( Ties with Iran and Yemen will take a nosedive ; Paki Shias will do the "usual protests" )
Mr Awan said the former army chief’s immediate tasks at his new job would be the capacity building, interoperability and training of the force and developing mechanisms for experience sharing and intelligence coordination.( Raheel's job surely involves "cross - selling" the Paki Army time tested super -tough training programs to the Muslim Nato sub commanders :mrgreen: This will serve as an additional source of "cash cow" for the ever-hungry Paki Military Establishment ; maybe, he will also be able to "sweet talk" ( just like Mush !) King Salman in parting with some of his billions and then he does not have to worry about "financial headaches" any more :twisted: ( Raheel will be "andho mae kaana raja" , which will of course boost his huge Pakjabi ego. However interested readers would like to know if "The Bad Sharif " is going to be the Top Honcho in this "Islamic Nato" or will he be subservient to HRH AND SAUDI FIELD MARSHALL ( of Iraq war fame ) ( no doubt self appointed like Ayub Khan !) KHALID BIN SULTAN :lol: )
Last edited by Falijee on 27 Mar 2017 04:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Amoghvarsha »

Peregrine wrote:
Falijee :

Early day motion 1107 :

Name : Blackman, Bob - Party : Conservative Party, Constituency : Harrow East, Date Signed : 23.03.2017


Session: 2016-17
Date tabled: 23.03.2017
Primary sponsor: Blackman, Bob
That this House condemns the arbitrary announcement by Pakistan declaring Gilgit-Baltistan as its Fifth Frontier, implying its attempt to annex the already disputed area; notes that Gilgit-Baltistan is a legal and constitutional part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India,which is illegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947, and where people are denied their fundamental rights including the right of freedom of expression; further notes the attempts to change the demography of the region in violation of State Subject Ordinance and forcibly and illegally to build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which further aggravates and interferes with the disputed territory.

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The motion did not pass.did it?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Amoghvarsha wrote:
Peregrine wrote:Falijee :

Early day motion 1107 :

Name : Blackman, Bob - Party : Conservative Party, Constituency : Harrow East, Date Signed : 23.03.2017


Session: 2016-17
Date tabled: 23.03.2017
Primary sponsor: Blackman, Bob
That this House condemns the arbitrary announcement by Pakistan declaring Gilgit-Baltistan as its Fifth Frontier, implying its attempt to annex the already disputed area; notes that Gilgit-Baltistan is a legal and constitutional part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India,which is illegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947, and where people are denied their fundamental rights including the right of freedom of expression; further notes the attempts to change the demography of the region in violation of State Subject Ordinance and forcibly and illegally to build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which further aggravates and interferes with the disputed territory.

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Amoghvarsha wrote:The motion did not pass.did it?
Amoghvarsha Ji :

The Hansard Site does not give any verdict - neither Aye nor Nay.

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