Understanding US thread-III

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

OpEd on CNN, for once, a useful one. From an ambu-chaser, in this case an airline-chaser.TSJi might take heart: there is hope here to hit back at the airline, they are waaaay out on a limb even without the violence.

As for throwing mud at the passenger, that might boomerang. Anyone checked the locker room stories on the United executives? Munoz Himself? Their last CEO had to resign when the criminal bribery probe started.

ChicaGodzilla Police Chief? United's long and sordid record? The ambu-chaser can probably turn this into a class action and make a few hundred million for himself.
Also, apparently assorted Fed Depts are "looking into it" and UberSturmFuhrer Spicer has declared it "disturbing". The SLCMs may be lining up on United hangars as we speak...

And this from Kimmel:

...He went on to cover United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz's email to employees, in which he called the passenger "disruptive" and "belligerent" for refusing to give up his seat on the overbooked flight. "This is like when we re-accommodated El Chapo in Mexico. That is such sanitized say-nothing, take-no-responsibility corporate BS speak. I don't know how the guy who sent that tweet didn't vomit when he sent that out. … United didn't even admit that they did anything wrong," he continued.

He put together a mock "safety" video from the airlines, (WORTH WATCHING!!) and it's seemingly not too far off from their actual policies. "We're United Airlines. You do what we say, when we say and there won't be a problem, capiche? If we say you fly, you fly. If not, tough s--t. Give us a problem and we’ll drag your ass off the plane, and if you resist, we’ll beat you so badly you'll be using your own face as a flotation device," a fake stewardess says in the clip. You've gotta watch the whole thing! Read more at: http://www.x17online.com/2017/04/jimmy_ ... deo_041117
Last edited by UlanBatori on 12 Apr 2017 06:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

And now comes the Unity Of The Airlines:
Royal Jordanian ribbed United with a tweet. "We are here to keep you #united," it said. "Dragging is strictly prohibited."
Emirates also got in on the action. In a video, it referenced United CEO Oscar Munoz's putdown of Middle Eastern competitors last month. He told the airline trade publication ATW: "Those airlines aren't airlines. They're international branding vehicles for their countries."
The Emirates video said: "Well Mr. Munoz, according to TripAdvisor, the world's largest travel site, not only are we a real airline ... we are the best airline."
It also listed some of the accolades Emirates has received from TripAdvisor, before ending with this message: "Fly the friendly skies ... this time for real."
LATimes lumps United and Munoz with Wells Fargo and Stumpkopf
At United Airlines and Wells Fargo, toxic corporate culture starts with the CEO
While the full details of Sunday’s incident still aren’t known, solutions to the problem of getting a four-person crew to Louisville short of ejecting paying passengers are obvious: the airline could have had them driven to their destination, a trip of less than five hours; or it could have chartered a plane for them; or United could have offered more than $800 to find passengers willing to give up their seats.
But that would have required empowering the employees on the ground.
Munoz’s response doesn’t achieve that. He hasn’t given a concrete indication of plans to change United’s culture to encourage creative thinking on the ground. If United’s culture doesn’t change, he’ll have to take the blame, like John Stumpf.
Last edited by UlanBatori on 12 Apr 2017 07:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Prem »

Statement from United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz on United Express Flight 3411

The truly horrific event that occurred on this flight has elicited many responses from all of us: outrage, anger, disappointment. I share all of those sentiments, and one above all: my deepest apologies for what happened. Like you, I continue to be disturbed by what happened on this flight and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard. No one should ever be mistreated this way. I want you to know that we take full responsibility and we will work to make it right. It’s never too late to do the right thing. I have committed to our customers and our employees that we are going to fix what’s broken so this never happens again. This will include a thorough review of crew movement, our policies for incentivizing volunteers in these situations, how we handle oversold situations and an examination of how we partner with airport authorities and local law enforcement. We’ll communicate the results of our review by April 30th.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

This fellow refused to apologise ( no doubt advised by UAs legal fellows) and now when it was clear that the S&&t had hit the fan doing some rubbish talk. I do hope that the suit is filed and ends up killing UA as airlines. This will teach a valuable lesson to the US companies.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

What a load of cr**. The guy makes me sick with every statement. "We take FULL responsibility" (Yeah, the Jury is going to call him "responsible" too).
"We will work to Make It Right" (how original!) "its' never too late to do the right thing" (it IS late for incompetent CEOs.)
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

I want to see the CEO having to exit. That's a lesson.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

This great communicator took three attempts to say sorry. It shows something more serious than one idiot at the top. The whole bunch of people will be there to advise him on this. What the f&&k they are doing? The whole top lot including the board members are to go. Chicago Police in jeans? Great sanctuary city admin forgot that there are rights for the US citizens also and police have no right to beat up the people.

When the rich and power order you to jump you better jump otherwise you will be beaten black and blue ( great words black and blue)
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

Yagnasri wrote:Chicago Police in jeans? Great sanctuary city admin forgot that there are rights for the US citizens also and police have no right to beat up the people.
Not Chicago Police Department.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

Airport security is not under local police in the US?
Raja Bose
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Raja Bose »

TSJ ji didn't disappoint after all :rotfl:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by pravula »

Yagnasri wrote:Airport security is not under local police in the US?
no. under dhs, called tsa.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Prem »

UlanBatori wrote:I want to see the CEO having to exit. That's a lesson.
On the contrary , huge business success :)

Pentagon awards contract to United Airlines to forcibly remove Assad
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

Yagnasri wrote:Airport security is not under local police in the US?
It was Aviation Department Security -- not Chicago Police Department.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Philip »

Utd. stocks soar as Trump rewards it with the job of manning the immigration checkposts,counters and barriers at all US airports,ports,border crossings.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Ask Not For Whom Da Bell Tolls etc

Here's the hard and honest truth about this ugly incident: It is not an exception, but the new normal. Dao's brutalization was shocking to many Asian-Americans, who set Twitter aflame with accusations that he was targeted because of his race. We don't know what might have happened if he had not been Asian-American.
But America knows well the template for this treatment of "the other": Among African-Americans, the incident was simply and tragically familiar — an expression of the same state and corporate-endorsed violence that they have seen enacted against their community for generations.
It's 2017 and America has elected as a successor to the first African-American President a man who believes that the rights of corporations and their owners outweigh the rights of equity-less humans. Who has made it clear that "rules" and "order" are critically important -- not for the wealthy and powerful, naturally! -- but for the plebes who can't afford private jets and are condemned to coach.
In this America, "refusal to comply" with authority -- resistance in the face of oppressive and capricious establishment decrees -- is a corporal offense and, all too often, a capital one.
Hence we have Dao's nightmare. After his ejection, the airline closed ranks. United's CEO Oscar Munoz issued a statement blaming Dao's "belligerence" and "refusal to comply" with crewmember instructions for the violence committed upon his person. (Munoz later issued an overdue apology for the "truly horrific" treatment of Dao.)
But by then, the media, in its carrion-bird eagerness for clicks, had begun digging into aspects of Dao's past, as if sins of personal history have any relevance to victimization in the present.
Time and again, we've seen the same kind of memo that Munoz sent to his United team -- issued by police chiefs, commissioners and governors -- stating that "standard procedures were followed," that the victim was to blame for resisting, that "defensive" reprisal was to be expected given the constant fear of harm experienced by law enforcement. And time and again, we've seen retroactive smearing, assertions that the victim was actually a thug, a criminal, a monster, a predator who needed to be dragged away like an animal for public safety.
The horror of Dao's treatment brings us back to other news stories of innocent resistance in minor incidents, met with an overwhelming response and often tragic ending. He could've been Sandra Bland, pulled over for failing to signal and ending up arrested and dead in a cell. He could've been Samuel DuBose, who was shot by a cop who flagged him for a missing license plate. He could've been Walter Scott, unarmed and gunned down while running away from a traffic stop. All followed by post-facto attempts to defend and excuse the horrific actions of law enforcement.

Some Asian-Americans may have thought they were immune to incidents such as these, protected by our relative privilege and perceived "model minority" status. But if a doctor can be beaten and dragged by officers for refusing to "volunteer" a plane seat he legally purchased, it should be clear that no such immunity exists. And the speed with which right-wing publications and social media users have moved to dismiss this incident and retroactively condemn Dao should underscore that, in Trumpmerica, any of us who don't conform to the vision of "greatness" are now at risk.
So Asian-Americans, immigrants, women, LGBTQs and yes, members of the white working class: If you didn't come out in support of Black Lives Matter before, now is the time -- because you or someone you love could be the life that "matters" next.
And oh! BTW, the CEO of this company is a Hispanic. First-gen who got a college education etc.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

pravula wrote:
Yagnasri wrote:Airport security is not under local police in the US?
no. under dhs, called tsa.

But this wasn't security apparently, just calling the parking lot goons according to the TSA - they bounced the question to ChicaGestapo. Initially no one knew who had done the beating.

The jeans and baseball cap tell me that these were actually UNITED's baggage handlers. At minimum, blue jeans say they were off-duty. Plus no shiny gun-holster and glittering badges in evidence. No "POLICE" on the back of the jacket. ChicaGestapo investigating its ppl is probably to see why they were sitting in the donut shop and didn't get there in time to shoot the passenger b4 United's goons beat him up. Notice that they didn't arrest, handcuff and put the passenger in a cell, which is why he was able to return temporarily.

The doc does need to find a real good AmbuBirdbrain-Chaser and sue the pants off Munoz: there are several criminal offenses here.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Latest from seeennenn:
The US Department of Transportation has also said it's reviewing the episode.
(Mainly to watch an Asian getting beaten up and jerk off)
Lawyers for the passenger, since identified as Dr. David Dao, said he was still being treated in a Chicago hospital Tuesday afternoon.
Neck brace, wheelchair and slings for both arms on order for court appearance no doubt, plus face-covering nose bandage.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

Pity we are not going to see China town riots anytime soon. :(( :(( :(( :((
Raja Bose
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Raja Bose »

Aiyooo!! Massive change in tone from The Great Communicator (too bad Chaplin sahab is no longer around to make a movie on it). Perhaps some of his $7 million bonus is in jeopardy, hain?

Meanwhile apart from the Trumpanzee Presidential Medal of Phreeedommmm he also wins the Rahul Gandhi award for Excellence in Empowerment with this statement:
"We have not provided our front-line supervisors and managers and individuals with the proper tools, policies, procedures that allow them to use their common sense," said Munoz.
In other words, United is issuing a new RFQ for functioning brains for all its employees starting with the CEO.
Last edited by Raja Bose on 12 Apr 2017 19:16, edited 1 time in total.
Karan M
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Karan M »

Raja Bose wrote:TSJ ji didn't disappoint after all :rotfl:
exactly. :rotfl: :rotfl:

blamed the victim
stated he resisted
made light of the issue..

the usual.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by TSJones »

actually, the security people were from the The Chicago Department of Aviation and not United.

uh, still best not to offer physical challenge to them, even though they are not police.

unless you're feeling frisky like the physician.

the good doctor is still hors de combat. "everything is injured" per the clinician himself.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by LokeshC »

Yep. No need for badge or anything in the land of the brave. Just obey. Or, in the land of the free, you might be getting your HOORS de combat, especially if you have a darker skin tone.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by TSJones »

a west point cadet had the stuffing beat out of him by patti labelle's security guards while he was waiting in the airport vehicle passenger pickup lanes in houston.

took patti and her henchmen to court.

jury said tough luck kid.

the kid lost his commission to west point.

no great loss if that's the way the US Army works.
Last edited by TSJones on 12 Apr 2017 20:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by LokeshC »

Yeah. What happened to zee doc (event A) a morally ok thing to do coz a black persons security guards beat up somebody for whatever reason (event B)

Event A == Event B(for whatever magical reason)
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by TSJones »

I guess I can always watch videos of black people tearing up Asian beauty salons when they try to stop them from leaving w/o paying.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by LokeshC »

Totally! And that justifies what happened to the doc. Rock solid logical reasoning skills.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Garooda »

United Airlines: We beat our customers.

Air India: Our customers beat us.

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

Amazing how much reach the first lie has. 'He resisted ' is doing the rounds...
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

Read somewhere, but this doctor has interesting history. Convicted for trading drugs for gay sex, lost his license, which was restored two years back but must work under direct supervision of another doctor, known to lose temper, unstable, anger management etc. But the goons (also called the 'cops') have no business beating him up.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

If you dig deep enough everyone can be unstable and by middle age is on one med or another. The fellow passengers know the truth
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by LokeshC »

Btw in their hurry to smear the doc, they got their men mixed up, half of the smearing is about a totally unrelated dude.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by nachiket »

saip wrote:Read somewhere, but this doctor has interesting history. Convicted for trading drugs for gay sex, lost his license, which was restored two years back but must work under direct supervision of another doctor, known to lose temper, unstable, anger management etc. But the goons (also called the 'cops') have no business beating him up.
I wonder if the media would be this quick in trying to dig up dirt if the victim had been a blonde blue eyed girl instead of a 70 year old vietnamese guy.

Meanwhile we don't even have the names of the guys who thrashed him. Probably one of these goons:

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

TSJones wrote:... in houston.

jury said tough luck kid.
Ummm... Houston: that be.. TEXAS!!!!! :idea: :roll:

TSJi: I'll do the summarizing so u don't get in trouble with Da Polis:

A bunch of wimmen employed by a Hispanic call this bunch of incompetent (Africans) to drag out this obnoxious gay Chinaman who won't obey simple instructions. And all dem Liberals are :(( :((
The flight was from Chicago to Louisville, for cryin out loud! 5 hours in a comfy Hertz rental, and make the airline pay for that and the stops at all the Cracker Barrels on the way!
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by TSJones »

I was more out raged at the US Army than the jury.

officers and gentlemen, oh to be sure.

just don't have a couple of drinks on an airplane and get beat up and put in a hospital.

conduct unbecoming one of the club.

hope the kid had enough sense to finish up at a state U. and then Marine OCS and become an official misfit. he only had a year left at west point.
Last edited by TSJones on 12 Apr 2017 23:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

Looks like this guy, being a physician himself, is married to a doctor and ALL his children (4) are physicians.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by TSJones »

the guy accepted $800 and then changed his mind when he found out he couldn't get a flight until the next day..

would I drive a rental from chicago to louisville for $800? 297 miles?

it would be a pain but I wouldn't sqwauk about it and and get slammed into the floor over it........geeez.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by eklavya »

TSJones wrote:the guy accepted $800 and then changed his mind when he found out he couldn't get a flight until the next day..

would I drive a rental from chicago to louisville for $800? 297 miles?

it would be a pain but I wouldn't sqwauk about it and and get slammed into the floor over it........geeez.
The airline has admitted that what they did was wrong and that they will never do it again. The CEO has spoke about his shame and embarrassment.

"This can never, will never happen again on a United Airlines flight"
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

TSJones wrote:the guy accepted $800 and then changed his mind when he found out he couldn't get a flight until the next day..

would I drive a rental from chicago to louisville for $800? 297 miles?

it would be a pain but I wouldn't sqwauk about it and and get slammed into the floor over it........geeez.
Not if you have to work as Physician after driving 5 Hours. Besides that why did not the airline tell him when the next flight is BEFORE offering $800?

Also, they could have rented a LIMO (remember those LONG ones?) and sent those four bozos (employees) to Louiseville instead of inconveniencing the four fare paying passengers?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by KLNMurthy »

TSJones wrote:the guy accepted $800 and then changed his mind when he found out he couldn't get a flight until the next day..

would I drive a rental from chicago to louisville for $800? 297 miles?

it would be a pain but I wouldn't sqwauk about it and and get slammed into the floor over it........geeez.
Hey TSJ, real question:

I see your habit of spewing snarky supercilious posts proclaiming, more or less, the glory of the USA which is a land of individual freedom and dignity, unlike (in your mind) third-world hellholes like India or totalitarian robot-lands like Russia. Fine.

Yet, when actual incidents of mindless American officialdom intersecting with blind corporatism assault individual freedom and dignity in an unmistakable way, you come down squarely against the individual and for the mindless meld of corporations and government.

I know from your posts that you have a very high opinion of yourself as a knowing and intelligent person, so can you explain this contradiction?