Understanding US thread-III

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

And now come the WMD

(Weapons of Musical Democrats)
Springsteen singing, "Don't tell me a lie/And sell it as a fact/I've been down that road before/And I ain't goin' back," as well as "Don't you brag to me/That you never read a book/I never put my faith/In a con man and his crooks."
The musician and Democratic Party donor has been open about his disapproval of the current president.

There's hope 4 him, since Bawb Dylan won the No-Bill Prize.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Last edited by UlanBatori on 21 Apr 2017 00:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

GD, How is all that contributing to Understanding US thread. Its borderline race theory please delete your posts and those of others in 24 hours.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Free Speech Debate becomes Free 4 All.
For once, a rather broad-sweeping article with quotes from several desi types. A good read. With some zingers.
Today, experts say, students and faculty stifle speech themselves, especially if it involves conservative causes.
Meet the conservative student activist who wants to 'make campus great again'
Harvey Klehr, who helped bring controversial speakers to Emory during his 40 years as a politics and history professor, said the issues college students rally around today come "embarrassingly from the left."

UC Berkeley's Citrin said that was the point. Yiannopoulos' speech was staged to challenge the school's commitment to free speech, he said.
"There were a variety of calls for it not to be permitted to occur by a group of faculty who, frankly, didn't seem to understand the First Amendment very well," the professor said. "Free speech at Berkeley took a hit when it was all said and done."
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

IN Berkeley some San Francisco State philosophy professor used a U lock i.e. a bike padlock with a large U as a club to hit innocent bystanders in order to provoke Police to take action. This is his plan to provoke armed reaction and further the revolution. This was said on a Bay Area radio talk show this morning.


http://nicholasstixuncensored.blogspot. ... state.html

So folks on both coasts where there are protestors, please be careful for armed miscreants want to injure bystanders.
Listen to parents and stay home for you will be hurt by those you think you are supporting.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by hanumadu »

America's aging infrastructure.

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/mo ... lack-belt/
"Patterns Of Death In The South Still Show The Outlines Of Slavery"
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

ramana wrote:GD, How is all that contributing to Understanding US thread. Its borderline race theory please delete your posts and those of others in 24 hours.
though I have removed the 2 posts I do not agree with your assertion of them having anything to do with 'race theory' whatever it is.

- except in the mountainous tracts like peru or equador, the natives & blacks of s.america are at bottom of economic pyramid
- being at bottom they have least chances of making it to the top whether legally or as criminals - so the big shots are of euro origin - mostly spanish as spain took most of the continent and looted it to the bone for gold, tin etc. to keep itself afloat in middle ages. majority of the elites in the drug producing areas are naturally of spanish origin whether in hollywood or real life. doesnt mean spaniards have a criminal gene - it just means ex-spaniards are there at a time and place where some may take advantage of this "opportunity".
- brazil is the place where more admixture as taken place since apart from germans , a large number of poorer portugalis seem to have migrated there..slavery was abolished there long ago but economic effects persist
- argentina was one of top 10 richest countries in world in 1920s before falling off. it is very european country and buenos aires resembles any old euro city. so too uruguay
- chile also is fairly rich albeit part of it is a desert-mineral looting goes on.
- neither argentina or chile to my knowledge had much of native civilizations to loot (too cold) or history of slavery from africa - so their social dynamics are different from mexico or colombia

history is what it is and cannot be denied , no matter how un-PC it may look. I am glad to accept any factual corrections like I mixed up bimbisara and bindusara , but do not want to be PC just for the sake of being PC. whatever is S.america today is the result of the past 500 years. had not EU 'discovered' it and claimed all of it for cross and country and personal pocket , it would be a different history...good or bad none can say, but one must accept history the way it happened rather than sugar coating it.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

the native populations of chile and argentina were more like that of the great plains in n am. that said, influenza and small pox pre-cleared many existing civilisations, e.g. the mandan in n. america who were semi-urban, and it is possible that in years to come we will find lost civilisations in the jungles (e.g. amazonia) of entire populations destroyed by disease

when the spanish arrived they found more established empires - aztecs, incas - who had previously imposed their own stamp of authority, but even these would have been weakened by european diseases

brazil is still predonoinantly portuguese but has strong influences from africa and asia which have flavoured it differently to more euro-based chile and argentina

i don't think the argument is about race, it is more to do with 'guns germs and steel' (which we have discussed before) and S. America is far more complex and diverse than the gringo lens through which we see it
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Spaij took slaves to farm and clear lanf in mehico. One of cortez party had smallpox....enuf said
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

The Faithful must be sleeping, or just too preoccupied with yapping at the heels of other postors, to have missed thus HUGE booboo by AlObama racist hick Sessions.

Even my famous "chalta hai" attitude could not believe what the twerp said. Beats the heck out of "If U R not guilty, Y would U b a suspect?" Ed Meese. The Talking Heads are at their most sanctimonious now about this - and more power to them. Sessions needs to get half a brain.
Actually some of the best and most bloody-mined courageous decisions by Federal Judges have been by those "sitting in some hick town" of 3rd-world AlObama. In the center of Ku Klux Klanistan. It doesn't take much courage to sit in Hawaii and biss on the 'Zee.

Sessions finds it "amazing" that one judge with a conscience and integrity and brain can derail a whole train full of Washington DC jackasses.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

pah, what do you know about small islands in the pacific? you only know wide open plains covered in yak dung...
get over it, the election is over
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

A must-read for ppl who wish to understand a bit about the "legal" system in the US.The story IMO tries desperately to throw mud on Sessions, but fails. The reason why I knew to hunt for it is that the trial - and it was **NOT** the only one, there were others like it, brought the name of Sessions to the front and I remember thinking at the time that the name "sessions" was not because he was a "Sessions Judge" like in India, but his actual name.

The stories that I read were in the Ulan Bator Jernail and Constipation, as liberally dung-filled as any. The name Sessions at the time was associated with someone obstinate in pursuing justice regardless of immense pressure from the race-dung of Alabama.

Notice that in the end it was the silly NAACP types who tried very hard to get the Klan neta's death sentence commuted, and Sessions who said :P to that. Now these ppl are trying very hard to twist history.

Whatever else occurred, it was the proof that the Big Lizard of the KK would get fried by the government, that put a stop to the KKK. Not all the LoveNPeace demonstrations of BLM demonstrations and other noise. When that switch was pulled, it shut down the Klan.

Sure I believe that Sessions may have called his assistant "Bawh!" or whatever - anyone who knows Al Obama etc know that they call each other that too, it's by no means reserved for Other Race or Other Commyoonitty. But where it mattered, this guy provided the environment for JUSTICE to proceed. Not BIASED pre-judice, but JUSTICE. These idiots wouldn't know the meaning of that. So when he says:
Wow! Some judge sitting on a pacific island can undo a whole national policy set out legally by the President!
he means exactly that. The idiots focus on the words and desperately try to pick out bias from it, and ignore the idea.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

apparently, the not-hilary team raised 100+ million dollars for the inauguration, which was attended by the not-non-existent millions more than ombaba's (who raised 50 mil)...

stuff about folks giving money to get things done - for the not-paytoplay, like "A Venezuelan state-owned oil company, heavily indebted to the Russian oil giant Rosneft, made a $500,000 donation to Donald Trump’s inauguration festivities, it has emerged. Foreign donations are banned under US law, but the Venezuelan company, PdVSA, made the donation through a US affiliate, Citgo Petrol, soon after offering a nearly 50% stake in Citgo to Rosneft as collateral for a $1.5bn loan."
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Ann Coulter faces down People's Republic of Berkeleystan

The lawyer's letter is a must-read. It turns out that the ***ler-Jugend who invited Coulter are led by desis/ momeen, and I wondered what American ambu-chaser would write a 4-page letter. Turns out the lawyer is named Harmet Singh Dhillon. Small dunia!
Last edited by UlanBatori on 22 Apr 2017 23:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by chetak »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

chetak wrote:Image
So The Donald has defeated ISIS much like W won in Iraq!!!!! All hail the GOP!!!!!!
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

The pio surgeon general Vivek has been asked to go.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

And then the Taliban, coming out of the hole, killed a hundred of the Afghanistan Army.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

Well, pakis have assured pipeline now...they just need to provide a scare and then milk it by throwing some bones and low level commanders now and then for trump to tweet as victories
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by kiranA »

Gus wrote:Well, pakis have assured pipeline now...they just need to provide a scare and then milk it by throwing some bones and low level commanders now and then for trump to tweet as victories
Now ? when did they ever fail in doing that ?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

aid was declining. trump has increased it, reversing the trend.

it is apparently "following the lead of EU countries" as explained by one person here.

I am still trying to understand wtf that means.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Suraj »

America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People
In a new book, The Vanishing Middle Class: Prejudice and Power in a Dual Economy, Peter Temin, Professor Emeritus of Economics at MIT, draws a portrait of the new reality in a way that is frighteningly, indelibly clear: America is not one country anymore. It is becoming two, each with vastly different resources, expectations, and fates.

In one of these countries live members of what Temin calls the “FTE sector” (named for finance, technology, and electronics, the industries which largely support its growth). These are the 20 percent of Americans who enjoy college educations, have good jobs, and sleep soundly knowing that they have not only enough money to meet life’s challenges, but also social networks to bolster their success. They grow up with parents who read books to them, tutors to help with homework, and plenty of stimulating things to do and places to go. They travel in planes and drive new cars. The citizens of this country see economic growth all around them and exciting possibilities for the future. They make plans, influence policies, and count themselves as lucky to be Americans.

The FTE citizens rarely visit the country where the other 80 percent of Americans live: the low-wage sector. Here, the world of possibility is shrinking, often dramatically. People are burdened with debt and anxious about their insecure jobs if they have a job at all. Many of them are getting sicker and dying younger than they used to. They get around by crumbling public transport and cars they have trouble paying for. Family life is uncertain here; people often don’t partner for the long-term even when they have children. If they go to college, they finance it by going heavily into debt. They are not thinking about the future; they are focused on surviving the present. The world in which they reside is very different from the one they were taught to believe in. While members of the first country act, these people are acted upon.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by kiranA »

Gus wrote:aid was declining. trump has increased it, reversing the trend.

it is apparently "following the lead of EU countries" as explained by one person here.

I am still trying to understand wtf that means.
ha ha..I recommend to ignore that one person then. Pakis always play well in these matters - they milked even 911 attacks - and converted the threat from bombing to stone age to billions of dollars for direct govt to govt aid. Coming to USA - Trump is behaving exactly as you expect a republican president to be in these matters - frrendly to pakis, sunni arabs, and chinese.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

ah yes, the old prehistoric meteorite crater... nice work if you can get it

gus - there is a lot of open source tracing of donations going on at the moment. amazing how many are turning out to be made from parking lots and derelict buildings and businesses that as you have found - have connections to all kinds of interesting people...

meanwhile - assange has reacted to talks of an arrest warrant with threats of releasing someone's tax returns...

popcorn anyone?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

the manhattan attorney was apparently looking into some curious money laundering cases which seems to have caused his sudden demise...
wonder what the good doctor was doing? being brown whilst in possession of office? it could be a federal crime... a lot of people are telling me
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

Probably would have annoyed tom price by disagreeing with some scam
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by hanumadu »

The only way this is going to stop is when the wages are the same across the world. Until then outsourcing will keep killing the industry in high wage countries. Wait till third world countries acquire the skills and technologies that are now the exclusive preserve of advanced countries like aircrafts, jet engines, chip manufacturing, material sci, soft ware, computer science, computer engineering. When intels, boeings, googles, face books, GEs start popping up in India and China, the west will start working for Indian and Chinese wages. Once the current high paying jobs in the west are rationalized to third world levels, the rest of the jobs will be too and then local manufacturing will be cost effective.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

One way to look at it is that prices of services and certain essentials such as real estate and medical care keep rising while wages for most jobs are flat and number of jobs that pay well are going down. IOW the old idea that in the Bhesht "blue-collar" jobs lead to upward mobility, is dead.

Not sure what is the way around this but there are a few:
a) Real estate prices get rationalized much closer to an average worldwide. Maybe because formerly uninhabitable places become desirable, or formerly spiking real estate prices flatten out because of, say, reverse migration from cities to rural areas. Or ppl have options to move to Space Cities.
b) medical and legal care costs collapse due to automation and artificial intelligence. Constitutional law COULD be completely codified into artificial intel so that legal issues are resolved in seconds. Same with medical diagnostics. There will still be some leading-edge areas where Artificial Intel cannot reach, but very few.
c) Huge increase in demand for many skills or even generalists with moderate pay, because so many people now CAN pay that could not before. This is the original promise of Globalization: formerly dirt-poor people now become Consumers with paying power.
d) ISIS takes over the world, leading to 3 classes of people after a huge population reduction through genocides and WMD exchanges: slaves, rapists and mullah-rapists. A small and invisible class of mega-trillionaires lives say in a few reclusive places.
e) Blockchain technologies deliver the ultimate promise of Total Transparency: To Each According to It's Needs. From Each According To Its Ability (and Inclination to Contribute). The ultimate Marxist dream.
f) The Nazi Paradise: Those who are seen to accumulate more than 6 times the std deviation of wealth variation, are immediately killed and their wealth redistributed. Those who contribute below the 6-sigma level on the poverty side are also eliminated.
g) The Death of Luxury. Ppl evolve into beings like spiders: 8 long fingers to type on web fora 24 hrs/din, plus 2 to hang inside caves while doing so.

But anyway, on a 50-year scale, I think one has to look beyond unthinking extrapolations of immediate trends. The current phase is one of Relaxation From Non-Equlibrium as several sorts of barriers are removed. This process, per 2nd Fatwa of Mullah Thermo Dynamullah, is accompanied by large entropy increase. But several pockets of de-entropization also occur, such as anthills coming up when the freezing temperatures recede in Ulan Bator. They stick out, and are subject to massive genocide as well.

Let me suggest a few scenarios:

1. Suppose every Indian village (there are 660,000 of them) becomes energy self-sufficient.
2. Suppose Space and terrestrial power delivery reaches every corner of Africa in plenty.
3. Suppose banks etc all over the world reach the SAME level of security and transparency (i.e., subject to same levels of tax etc)
4. Suppose 99.9% of medical diagnoses and care is delivered at home over the 'web with at most a vijit to the local pharmacy needed. Doctors get paid according to how much service they provide, with essentially zero Paperwork and Filing. Insurance is Block-chain automted.

OK let's stop now and come back down to reality, but you see that it is possible to lop off the heads of most of the high Steeples of So-Called Excellence and Wealth-Accumulation Privilege. You can still make billions as a football/ IPL star or as a sex symbol I suppose. Or by playing risk-reward extremes like Blofeld or Moriarty.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Great article.

Real estate is already cheap vs income in 90% of the usa ans interest rates 4% .... less than half of india.

Food cost as % of income is less than india

Govt schools are usable for most areas vs unusable for most here unless one is in psu or central svc and gets into kv..a minute fraction of ppl.

Power and utilities very cheap.

I think the non fte people are getting killed by
...cost of higher education which is ever increasing
...instability in service sector jobs
...death of manufacturing
...no entry to fte without higher edu
...fte schools are much better so they pull ahead in higher edu
...medical insurance costs
...breakdown of the family

I have a single point fix...if the usa makes university education free for those with family income below 60k and highly subsidized for those 60k to 120k and puts a cap on fees for those above 120k ie govt subsidizes for all rather than penalizing the well off. This is probably the european approach....result is the barrier for entry into fte is broken..many more will break through. Pay the poor a living allowance also in university.

Will need some cutbacks in defence budgets though :)
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

I happen to agree with that. The BIG difference in the modern USA (and I suppose England) is that without a steady stream of dollars you just keep going down a slope of no return. And that minimum cash stream is getting beyond the capability of people who don't have corporate jobs.
Consider: Car insurance: minimum of $1000 / yr
Health insurance: $xxxxxxxxxx /yr.
Medicines: $yyyyyyyyy/yr.
Housing: $zzzzzzzzzz/yr
Heating in winter: $ppppppppppp/yr
Fuel for car: $qqqqqqqqqqqq/yr

You die/ your family dies without this.
So people go deeper and deeper into debt to the friendly loan shark. They drive w/o insurance, they get arrested. They don't have money to pay the fine, they lose whatever job they have because they are absent. They lose their car. They lose their home. They get sick, they are afraid to go to the doctor.

All these are present in India of course. Except that you won't die just because your furnace doesn't work. Plus you can get around on bicycles, the distances are not that great.

For these reasons, the US workers **MUST*** get a much higher wage than the Indian worker actually needs. This is where free competition runs into hard reality.

Of course, none of this seemed to faze Queen Victoria etc when they rammed British imports into India and destroyed Indian industry. But anyway, the above is why there are hard floors to what the US can tolerate, WTC or no WTC. Equalizing with India is not tolerable.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

As for university education, IMHO the problem is that too many degree programs are just Take Ur Money, Provide a Party Village, Hand Out Degree. How can that make anyone able to do anything hard and complex? The best education and experience that many, many students get is that of waiting tables or working as cook or cash register operator. Or ROTC. I know Indian institutions are trying to COPY this cra*, but that's just making a bad problem worse. Handing out free education won't solve this situation unless it becomes common to hand out Fs to 30% of the class.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by hanumadu »

Singha wrote:
I have a single point fix...if the usa makes university education free for those with family income below 60k and highly subsidized for those 60k to 120k and puts a cap on fees for those above 120k ie govt subsidizes for all rather than penalizing the well off. This is probably the european approach....result is the barrier for entry into fte is broken..many more will break through. Pay the poor a living allowance also in university.

Will need some cutbacks in defence budgets though :)
The barrier for entry into fte, at lest te, is not fee. The fee is the same for all majors in a university. So, if one can afford to pay for history, post modern studies, literature, music, journalism or what ever they can pay for te. And also the returns on fte are far greater than others, so logically more and more people should take up fte given how hot the job market is for them just like in India every body takes up engineering even if they have to pay a 10x more fee. But the reality is fte does not get any greater preference from american students than other majors. In fact, it is shunned by the girls to a great extent.

Yes, free college education will ease the burden on the americans a lot but america would rather spend a trillion dollars on the next war than provide education or health insurance to its citizens.

America is too big for its own good. The far flung places are sparsely populated for service industries to replace the dying/dead mining and manufacture industries.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

more upper middle and rich girls shifting from soft courses to STEM and managing to graduate would resolve the supply side shortages . efforts are always on to get girls to code, improve the techbro-dominated culture of stem etc. (india has ample number of women moving into stem for years now, there is no shortage of women except in the most competitive colleges.)

but does nothing for the non-FTE 80% which was the problem in the article.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

without a car, cheap energy for car/heating/AC and nearly free basic landline phone, most of the US is not habitable by europeans. southern US witnessed a boom in population only after the AC was invented and became affordable. in the south west, water is piped everywhere. colorado to phoenix 500 km water pipe allegedly leads to settlements like this. totally unviable without cheap water, petrol and electricity.

the suburban sprawl model is not a good model for the underclass. the desi model of semi-urbanized villages clustered in between richer colonies where the domestic, manufacturing workers, corporate office staff etc live keeps them close to work and close to common social infra like water, power, banks, medical care....atleast they are not shunted to some place 50 miles away out of sight of the ruling elites as is done under US model and under cheen model. european cities are far less sprawly. the parisien underclass is in a ring of govt made housing estates nearby, in london they are embedded as nodes.

the US is at a crossroads. just throwing technology alone at this problem is not going to help much. the well off FTE have decamped into their own towns and walled themselves (non tariff barriers) with high property taxes to get entry into their school system and network support.


http://www.hcn.org/issues/43.20/the-sou ... e-the-dust

In their 2011-2012 Economic Outlook for Arizona, Eller College economists note the "enormous inventory of vacant housing," which would take years to fill even at boom-time population growth rates. The housing glut is evident in Maricopa, where, beyond the empty lots, you'll find dozens of three- or four-bedroom homes, most only five or six years old, listed for prices -- $60,000-$70,000 -- that wouldn't have bought you an empty lot a few years back. More than half the houses in Nevada and Arizona are "upside down," meaning their value is lower than what is owed on them, and even the most optimistic forecasts say that prices could continue to fall for the next two years.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

What I don't understand is why "upside down" hasn't (yet) occurred in urban India. At least with the next step after DeMo. But OT. Nice swimming pools in those backyards, and no grass to mow or trees to fall. No birds to 'bomb' the car. But US-related pooch: is the inversion still in place, or has the real estate recovery changed the narrative again? Maricopa Cty is borderline Sonoma desert, hain? Place with the swaggering stereotypical Sheriff of Nuttingham?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Yes. The above pic is near las vegas but maricopa == deposed satrap arpaio-san