Telugu States' News and Discussion

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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by gpati »

OmkarC wrote: why some Andhra people are trivializing the disastrous impact of EJs, turning my beautiful Andhra into the next Nagaland.
Omkar garu, situation is not hopeless. Telugu people's love for Christianity is a 'rebound' affair after their break-up with Communism. Telugu people from coast are radical, dislike rules, and always search for new things (కొత్త ఒక వింత, పాత ఒక రోత!).This is why Telugu people revert back to Shivaism time to time. Christianity's weakness is its inherent structural nature (organized religion), similar to Buddhism.

There two phases for growth of Christianity in coastal area.

1. Radical and Egalitarian movement (1940 - 1990)

First existential challenge to Nehru came from Andhra communists around independence. Communist movement was violently crushed by Nehru with Malabar Police in late 1940s and early 1950s. PWD grounds in Vijayawada, which are ironically called as Swarjya Maidan now, was a prison camp where many were made to vanish into thin air. In one instance, a young mother with her days old baby was imprisoned and both the mother and the baby were not even given water for several days. In another particular instance, residents of an entire village, even women, were stripped naked and made to walk several kilometers. Survivors were drawn to Christianity and saw Jesus as one with compassion (Kalinga pacification redux ?). Perhaps, it stopped police harassment because of missionary/western pressure.

My paternal grandmother (Kamma community) converted to Christianity when my father was 16 years old. Until then she was a traditional Hindu, waking up early in the morning to perform puja etc. Rest of the family stayed Hindu. It was puzzling to me why she converted to Christianity. I was told my grandfather was a bad husband and it was true (Communist and gambler). But there was another deeper reason. My uncle joined Naxals and my grandmother was subjected near third-degree treatment by police (I came to know recently through a relative, Ex-Indian navy who thinks Jesus has lot of compassion). Perhaps, it was her way of showing defiance. My grandmother had made few other families to convert Christianity. But, none of them are doing financially very well.

My maternal grandmother became a deciple of Chinna Jeeyar Swamin in late 1980s. She was telling me that Telugu people are more spiritual now as opposed to when she was a kid (1920s). She had her own group of Jeeyar deciples, which cut across many caste lines, attending each others family events etc. Because of her, my parents and uncles recite Vishnu Sahasra Namam every single day! My father is a REC-Warngal alumni. He would have joined Naxals but suffering of their family because of his brother kept him away. He is forwarding REC-Warangal Alumni email chains praising Yogi Adityanath and how Babri once was a Hindu temple etc.

Yogi, because of his passionate personality, is becoming popular with radical elements. Senior journalist Satish Babu who is a Communist sympathizer is parsing Yogi.

మాస్ మహరాజ్ తో పెట్టుకుంటే మడతడిపోద్ది!

2. Giant pyramid scheme, money, and peer pressure (2004 - 2014)

Many joined Christianity simply for money. For some others it was peer pressure. Youngsters wanted to simply emulate YSR and Jagan and look cool.

We had a young maid who washed our dishes around 2004. She was from Banjara community and she was a traditional Hindu so much so that she did not even eat meat . Her husband was an alcoholic who had died because of the addiction. But, he left her with debts. She converted to Christianity, cleared debts, and started eating meat. Two years ago, I was told her present employer made her to revert back to Hinduism.

Also, we had a driver two years ago. Same pattern, his mother converted to Christiniaty. He was on the fence, attending Church mass and participating in Hindu village festivals. His attraction to Christianity was YSR and Jagan. In this regard, rise of Narendra Modi is a very important phenomenon. He is making Hindus cool now.

Lokesh is disliked by radical component of Kamma community and broader TDP constituency because TDP is a dynastic party now, which is akin to imposition of rules. But there are no other alternatives for now.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by OmkarC »

gpati wrote:
OmkarC wrote: why some Andhra people are trivializing the disastrous impact of EJs, turning my beautiful Andhra into the next Nagaland.
Omkar garu, situation is not hopeless. Telugu people's love for Christianity is a 'rebound' affair after their break-up with Communism. Telugu people from coast are radical, dislike rules, and always search for new things (కొత్త ఒక వింత, పాత ఒక రోత!).This is why Telugu people revert back to Shivaism time to time. Christianity's weakness is its inherent structural nature (organized religion), similar to Buddhism.

There two phases for growth of Christianity in coastal area.

1. Radical and Egalitarian movement (1940 - 1990)

First existential challenge to Nehru came from Andhra communists around independence. Communist movement was violently crushed by Nehru with Malabar Police in late 1940s and early 1950s. PWD grounds in Vijayawada, which are ironically called as Swarjya Maidan now, was a prison camp where many were made to vanish into thin air. In one instance, a young mother with her days old baby was imprisoned and both the mother and the baby were not even given water for several days. In another particular instance, residents of an entire village, even women, were stripped naked and made to walk several kilometers. Survivors were drawn to Christianity and saw Jesus as one with compassion (Kalinga pacification redux ?). Perhaps, it stopped police harassment because of missionary/western pressure.

My paternal grandmother (Kamma community) converted to Christianity when my father was 16 years old. Until then she was a traditional Hindu, waking up early in the morning to perform puja etc. Rest of the family stayed Hindu. It was puzzling to me why she converted to Christianity. I was told my grandfather was a bad husband and it was true (Communist and gambler). But there was another deeper reason. My uncle joined Naxals and my grandmother was subjected near third-degree treatment by police (I came to know recently through a relative, Ex-Indian navy who thinks Jesus has lot of compassion). Perhaps, it was her way of showing defiance. My grandmother had made few other families to convert Christianity. But, none of them are doing financially very well.

My maternal grandmother became a deciple of Chinna Jeeyar Swamin in late 1980s. She was telling me that Telugu people are more spiritual now as opposed to when she was a kid (1920s). She had her own group of Jeeyar deciples, which cut across many caste lines, attending each others family events etc. Because of her, my parents and uncles recite Vishnu Sahasra Namam every single day! My father is a REC-Warngal alumni. He would have joined Naxals but suffering of their family because of his brother kept him away. He is forwarding REC-Warangal Alumni email chains praising Yogi Adityanath and how Babri once was a Hindu temple etc.

Yogi, because of his passionate personality, is becoming popular with radical elements. Senior journalist Satish Babu who is a Communist sympathizer is parsing Yogi.

మాస్ మహరాజ్ తో పెట్టుకుంటే మడతడిపోద్ది!

2. Giant pyramid scheme, money, and peer pressure (2004 - 2014)

Many joined Christianity simply for money. For some others it was peer pressure. Youngsters wanted to simply emulate YSR and Jagan and look cool.

We had a young maid who washed our dishes around 2004. She was from Banjara community and she was a traditional Hindu so much so that she did not even eat meat . Her husband was an alcoholic who had died because of the addiction. But, he left her with debts. She converted to Christianity, cleared debts, and started eating meat. Two years ago, I was told her present employer made her to revert back to Hinduism.

Also, we had a driver two years ago. Same pattern, his mother converted to Christiniaty. He was on the fence, attending Church mass and participating in Hindu village festivals. His attraction to Christianity was YSR and Jagan. In this regard, rise of Narendra Modi is a very important phenomenon. He is making Hindus cool now.

Lokesh is disliked by radical component of Kamma community and broader TDP constituency because TDP is a dynastic party now, which is akin to imposition of rules. But there are no other alternatives for now.
Gpati garu,

Thanks for your write up and explanation of ground realities in Andhra, including the few personal case studies. Some aspects of what you said make sense - esp younger generation is more nationalist than older. But what I don't understand is this - why is there a natural aversion to Hindutva ideology in Andhra ? I can understand Tamil Nadu due to their Dravidian issue and Kerala due to huge population of ROP/ROL followers. But what's stopping Andhra from considering this ideology ?
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by ShyamSP »

Lilo wrote:
ShyamSP wrote:...Further they separated themselves into castes as we know currently.
Shyam garu,
Aha, then you know the fact that these landowning castes diverged from the same land cultivating farmer-warrior stock.That too in relatively recent history of middle ages.Then my ensuing arguments will have more effect.

Normal telugu history for me is what i learnt of the few dynasties that held sway over extensive areas/periods andor leave their own lasting imprint on the cultural palimpsest(ex:a temple architecture style) to be historically significant - iam least concerned about samsthanam & principality level histories, unless they are culturally significant(ex: heroes eulogized in common ballads - like burra kathas etc) .
Anyway in present day,various caste's pen legendary hagiographies for their own caste.Nothing new.
They also aim to appropriate some historical herrow for their caste in competition with some rival castes.Nothing new here also. These things are as common in AP as copying is in exams of AP engineering colleges.

Funny thing is same castes which claim legendary kings & cheiftains & warrior herrows for their caste in the same breath claim millenia of brahmanical oppression & domination.

So call me a cynic but after seeing so much i dont feel there is anything new when few people gather together and claim legendary history for their caste.

btw yogi vemana was apparently a reddy before he became yogi - if he knew that caste conscious people in the current age will appropriate him first and foremost for their own caste, he would have burnt all his poems .

Veerapandiya kattabomman fought and died against the british when others of his caste were submitting to british & betraying their land, that doesnt make him that caste's herrow. He is a hero for all Indians.
There is nothing wrong in taking pride in their Jathi. It is how Jathis passed on their work in traditional way. Let the faults and perfections shown for them to make corrective course!

Let Reddys take pride in Yogi Vemana instead of YSR/Jagan. It actually helps to shoot back at them saying "You guys had Yogi Vemana and Vema Reddy, now you go behind Goonda Christian?"

As for the point on local heros and legends, Indian education hardly covers them. That is real history not your sanitized "Normal Telugu history".
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by kiranA »

nukavarapu wrote:But it's evident this thread has been primarily opened to spout slur and then humiliate Andhra people. I am seeing post after post people bashing Andhra people on variety of topics coming straight out of musharrafs. Then if that was not enough comes the CBN and Kamma bashing. People are conveniently ignoring his achievements and all these Telangana sons keep on forgetting that it was CBN who brought IT to Hyderabad. And then if that was not enough next comes the Kamma bashing. I am surprised the extent of hatred people here have shown towards Andhra folks CBN and Kammas. I am shamefully admitting that this thread has succumbed to bias and I am seeing no rationality in people's discussion but only mad race of who can humiliate Andhras, CBN and Kammas the most. For all all this bashing, 10 years from now Andhra will become the most progressive state and the credit will go the resilience of Andhra's and I guess the forum members will still bash Andhra's for their achievements. Instead of me being part of this deaf and dumb thread, let me move on and take part in Andhra's growth. Mods great job allowing such bashing of Andhra's, Kammas and CBN.
Very true. There was a nice little bashing party going on here against all non-brahmin andhra castes led by stalwarts such as Lilo, Yagnasri, Chettak and chimed in by clueless OmkarC. Everything was as nice as sugar and spice for them until I protested firmly and logically. The intitial reaction was like rats scurrying away when sunlight is beamed on them - going helter skelter demanding ban, complaining how the thread has gone to dogs (it was all fine then with words such as kamma gangster ladies, kapu crooks etc).

To summarize what I noticed here is extreme and intense hatred of non-brahmin southindians - especially for those south indians who have chosen to stand up as leaders and not extremely servile followers of RSS/BJP. kamma community gets the maximum now because they hate the guts of that community which marches forwards and has its own leaders. Same intense hatred would be against Kapu and Reddy communities too had they posessed power. It really doesnt matter what they do (other than servility) they are hated for their birth and their guts to stand up for themselves. CBN is hated despite him being an ally for their Modi. Venkiah is hated despite being a long time RSS/BJP worker. They are hated if they promote hinduism (note the lilo charge that NTR used Krishna, Rama for his political gains. They dont really believe that gods like Krishna, Rama belong to heritage of non-brahmin south indian validating ironically periyar theory). They are smeared with allegations of virulent casteism which is not true at all. They are hated if they are freindly with christians, they are hated if they support BJP and they are hated when they oppose BJP.

Note chetak going all around forums painting CBN as thief, selfish and crook for supporting Vajpayee in 1998 and 99. Normally observer would see CBN strengthening vajpayee and standing by him even after gujarat riots. But for chetak CBN is a crook who exploits ridiculously a PM while being a CM. I dont think a hateful scum like Chetak will be persuaded with reason. Really the forum needs to decide whether such people need to have a free run here.

Brahmins get a pass and though I am not exactly sure why I have a couple of theories for it . One is the periyar theory that BJP/RSS style hindutva is essential a tool to enslave south indians with brahmins as chosen internal sabotagers or fifth column among south indians. And other more practical one is seeing south indian brahmins as push overs and useful idiots to impose a supremacist agenda on south indians. Whatever may be the intent their behaviour is harmful to south indian brahmins themselves whose home is among their people in south india. The irony is that these very people who claim to portray periyar as lier are the ones who validate him the most.

Again these fellows will claim several intent. They say the intent is against EJ, intent is anti-caste (while immediately assuaging that they think caste in itself is harmless) - whatever they claim their intent to be - the outcome is exactly the same. Unbridled hate and smears against non-brahmin south indians.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by chetak »



I never mentioned any caste, brahmin or non brahmin, or telugu people in any of my posts anywhere.

careful as to your very liberal use of words like idiot, scum etc.

it shows up your low character as well as upbringing. you are very quick with a foul tongue. I am sure that you would have physically been thrashed enough by now. Personal attacks seem to be your forte. Someone would surely have extracted the price by now.

I have telugu speaking family, even now, in TG/AP going back to the british days and days of the madras presidency when they migrated there for business. I heard of kamma when I was in college and the rest only on this forum. That's how much I am interested in caste.

caste has never, ever been of ANY consideration for me. Do not make false allegations.

My views on CBN, YSR remain unchanged and have been long held, go back as long as you want, on the forum. I have however never mentioned the telugu people anywhere, what to talk of caste and creed.

anybody who believes that the telugu people have a god given right to migrate to the US and the GoI should have a separate dept to facilitate/handle this aspect specifically, seriously needs to get his head examined.

Also, did you expect people to swallow your blatant, slanted and motivated lies on PVNR and his gross humiliation by the eyetalian plants and their willing cohorts, all congis and EJs, BTW??

Indians will never forget it.


a note for your paranoid self.

I have never complained against ANYONE on this forum to the moderators, despite the many abuses and personal provocations, especially in your case.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by kiranA »

chetak wrote:^^^^^^^


I never mentioned any caste, brahmin or non brahmin, or telugu people in any of my posts anywhere.

careful as to your very liberal use of words like idiot, scum etc.

it shows up your low character as well as upbringing. you are very quick with a foul tongue. I am sure that you would have physically been thrashed enough by now. Personal attacks seem to be your forte. Someone would surely have extracted the price by now.

I have telugu speaking family, even now, in TG/AP going back to the british days and days of the madras presidency when they migrated there for business. I heard of kamma when I was in college and the rest only on this forum. That's how much I am interested in caste.

caste has never, ever been of ANY consideration for me. Do not make false allegations.

My views on CBN, YSR remain unchanged and have been long held, go back as long as you want, on the forum. I have however never mentioned the telugu people anywhere, what to talk of caste and creed.

anybody who believes that the telugu people have a god given right to migrate to the US and the GoI should have a separate dept to facilitate/handle this aspect specifically, seriously needs to get his head examined.

Also, did you expect people to swallow your blatant, slanted and motivated lies on PVNR and his gross humiliation by the eyetalian plants and their willing cohorts??

Indians will never forget it.
Look at the incoherence your reply. Half of it is about grieving about usage of one word. Second is about boasts and rants of your alleged identity. Third is about tangential responses which never really address my points against - how does it matter when you formed your opinion against CBN.

As I said before I dont care about your claimed identity or your intent - they are multiple - but I know exactly what the outcome will be in terms of your behaviour. PVNR is a brahmin isnt he ? You behave exactly as I mentioned in my post.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

kiranA wrote:
chetak wrote:^^^^^^^


I never mentioned any caste, brahmin or non brahmin, or telugu people in any of my posts anywhere.

careful as to your very liberal use of words like idiot, scum etc.

it shows up your low character as well as upbringing. you are very quick with a foul tongue. I am sure that you would have physically been thrashed enough by now. Personal attacks seem to be your forte. Someone would surely have extracted the price by now.

I have telugu speaking family, even now, in TG/AP going back to the british days and days of the madras presidency when they migrated there for business. I heard of kamma when I was in college and the rest only on this forum. That's how much I am interested in caste.

caste has never, ever been of ANY consideration for me. Do not make false allegations.

My views on CBN, YSR remain unchanged and have been long held, go back as long as you want, on the forum. I have however never mentioned the telugu people anywhere, what to talk of caste and creed.

anybody who believes that the telugu people have a god given right to migrate to the US and the GoI should have a separate dept to facilitate/handle this aspect specifically, seriously needs to get his head examined.

Also, did you expect people to swallow your blatant, slanted and motivated lies on PVNR and his gross humiliation by the eyetalian plants and their willing cohorts??

Indians will never forget it.
Look at the incoherence your reply. Half of it is about grieving about usage of one word. Second is about boasts and rants of your alleged identity. Third is about tangential responses which never really address my points against - how does it matter when you formed your opinion against CBN.

As I said before I dont care about your claimed identity or your intent - they are multiple - but I know exactly what the outcome will be in terms of your behaviour. PVNR is a brahmin isnt he ? You behave exactly as I mentioned in my post.
old jungle saying "some abortions are unsuccessful" :)

Old jungle sayings are not personal but they are truthful.

added later

BTW, mentioned TG/AP branches of my family to convey that we have nothing against the telugu people but are serious stakeholders in the continued prosperity of both states but you seem too thickheaded to appreciate that.
Last edited by chetak on 06 May 2017 23:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by OmkarC »

KiranA - I didn't want to respond to you, but your constant ad-hominems are forcing me to respond.

You know what ? the problem people have is not w/ Kammas or Andhras - the problem several people have is with YOU.

Even if you were a Brahmin or North Indian or Mongoloid looking North Eastern Indian, there would be a problem with YOU. Your personality is not conducive for a mature discussion w/ BRF forumnites and you would've picked fights w/ everyone. Your views are not pro-nationalistic, they are aimed at widening artificial faultlines created by foreign oppressors to justify their oppressive, colonialist regimes.

There are many NRI people like me, who keep seeing an increasing number of churches every time they visit. Almost everyone on BRF - have CONCERNS about EJs and we find you bringing Periyarist Dravidian arguments to trivialize the issue. BTW, when people of North-east like Assam, Arunachal & Manipur have no issue w/ NORTH INDIAN BJP and they don't even come from the same race as either North or South Indians, what issue do you have w/ so called NORTH INDIAN BJP ?

Also, the fact that you are alive and you are able to have a name like KIRAN and not KAMRAN is due to the sacrifices of some great NORTH INDIAN soldier at India's Border - who could've even been a Brahmin or some Mongloid looking more respectful of others if you expect to be treated accordingly.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

OmkarC wrote:KiranA - I didn't want to respond to you, but your constant ad-hominems are forcing me to respond.

You know what ? the problem people have is not w/ Kammas or Andhras - the problem several people have is with YOU.

Even if you were a Brahmin or North Indian or Mongoloid looking North Eastern Indian, there would be a problem with YOU. Your personality is not conducive for a mature discussion w/ BRF forumnites and you would've picked fights w/ everyone. Your views are not pro-nationalistic, they are aimed at widening artificial faultlines created by foreign oppressors to justify their oppressive, colonialist regimes.

There are many NRI people like me, who keep seeing an increasing number of churches every time they visit. Almost everyone on BRF - have CONCERNS about EJs and we find you bringing Periyarist Dravidian arguments to trivialize the issue. BTW, when people of North-east like Assam, Arunachal & Manipur have no issue w/ NORTH INDIAN BJP and they don't even come from the same race as either North or South Indians, what issue do you have w/ so called NORTH INDIAN BJP ?

Also, the fact that you are alive and you are able to have a name like KIRAN and not KAMRAN is due to the sacrifices of some great NORTH INDIAN soldier at India's Border - who could've even been a Brahmin or some Mongloid looking more respectful of others if you expect to be treated accordingly.
OmkarC ji,

Did you not learn in lower KG, the futility of putting lipstick on a pig??

It still remains a pig. :)

until, of course, someone who likes pork comes along.

my last on this.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by kiranA »

I used to moderate discussions before. And the guidelines were always clear - fiesty words which describe the opponenet person or their thoughts were generally treated with amusement until it becomes too crass or vulgar - infact clever humorous reparte are enjoyed. But anything which abuses things that person cannot control - like their birth, race, caste here - would be immediately disqualified.

But what i see here is exactly opposite among few members I talked about here. Thats because these thin skinned people dont have any moral fiber within them. They are very content developing hatred and abuses against people based on their birth but run to the mummy if their character is exposed and called out for what it is with few words.

Nukavarapu very justifiably protested against hate against andhras, kammas and he was told he need to have a thick skin for it. But when I call a fool as a fool based clearly on the posts he makes here then the drama, the greivance is highly graphic.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by ShyamSP »

Chandra Babu visit to San Jose, California

1:26:50-1:36:00 - San Jose/California/US elected officials welcomes CBN (in English)
1:56:00 - 3:06:00 - CBN speech (in Telugu) ... r_embedded
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by TKiran »

There's a kinda ప్రభంజనం going on presently in Andhra, with most of my friends who married in 1996-1999 have kids who are in 10th or in inter. The results are astounding.

In 80s and the first half of 90s the students were not as studious as the current crop, even a 90%could fetch you a state rank, but now there are tens of thousands of students who secured perfect 100%.

Even last year the results was not not as exceedingly good as this year. Every parent putting their wards in "Factory".

No wonder we have a God given right to emigrate to US or Australia or Canada or Europe. We are trained for US economy in particular. No wonder why Telugus contributing 10% to population achieve 50% seats in IITs, more than 50% H1B s for Telugu. Jai ho onree
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by vijayk »

A friend of mien was with CBN in California trip.

Signed deals with Cisco, Tesla to get some pilots running.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Rony »

TKiran wrote:There's a kinda ప్రభంజనం going on presently in Andhra, with most of my friends who married in 1996-1999 have kids who are in 10th or in inter. The results are astounding.

In 80s and the first half of 90s the students were not as studious as the current crop, even a 90%could fetch you a state rank, but now there are tens of thousands of students who secured perfect 100%.

Even last year the results was not not as exceedingly good as this year. Every parent putting their wards in "Factory".

No wonder we have a God given right to emigrate to US or Australia or Canada or Europe. We are trained for US economy in particular. No wonder why Telugus contributing 10% to population achieve 50% seats in IITs, more than 50% H1B s for Telugu. Jai ho onree
Imagine if they could put their Brains and Talent domestically into DRDO, ISRO etc . There are many Telugu people in US who work for Lockheed, Raytheon , Boeing, Northrop grumman etc.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by TKiran »

IAS IPS is for UP Biharis, America is for Telugus
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Marten »

I cannot wait for the day when Dallas TX or Edison NJ decide to secede from the Union.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by kiranA »

TKiran wrote:There's a kinda ప్రభంజనం going on presently in Andhra, with most of my friends who married in 1996-1999 have kids who are in 10th or in inter. The results are astounding.

In 80s and the first half of 90s the students were not as studious as the current crop, even a 90%could fetch you a state rank, but now there are tens of thousands of students who secured perfect 100%.

Even last year the results was not not as exceedingly good as this year. Every parent putting their wards in "Factory".

No wonder we have a God given right to emigrate to US or Australia or Canada or Europe. We are trained for US economy in particular. No wonder why Telugus contributing 10% to population achieve 50% seats in IITs, more than 50% H1B s for Telugu. Jai ho onree
How is that in anyway something to celebrate ? Devlopment is not about going to some foreign country and enjoying their infrastructure and then begging them to accept you as their equals. its about bringing all modern comforts to where you live among your people.

Telugu people had something good going between 1996-2004 and the momentum took them a little forward. But now pretty much everything is lost including the state itself.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

kiranA, You are being repeatedly disruptive and revel in that.

To restore order I need to ban you for a while.

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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by VenkataS »

Lilo wrote:In the most recent census, out of a list of 29 states & 7 UTs , Andhra Pradesh with 67% literacy rate is in the bottom five of this list of 36 territories. Telangana is just below at 66.5% .
BIMARU state having lesser literacy rate than Andhra is Bihar with 63%.

Forget India's avg literacy (74%), the literacy of Andhra Pradesh(67%) is less than the average literacy of the BIMARU states combined at 69%.

Unlike Telangana which has a long history of brutal occupation by Nizam who literally sucked the blood of peasants to fund his rollsroyce collection or the cartier jewellery collections, much of AP was under the quite benign ryotwari system and benefited also from the irrigation systems created by british. So atleast Telangana had a historical reason for its dismal literacy rate, Andhra had the reason of CBN & YSR & respective party high commands for 60 years.
This is one area that we do not see enough discussion in the media or among the general public which is disheartening. I have pointed this out a few times in the past as well. We need to spend more and build up infrastructure wisely here with a focus on universal education until Class 12 for every child. There should also be additional programs focused on adult literacy and skills development as well.

From Andhra Pradesh state budget here is all that I could gather: ... 017-18.pdf

Education (includes
School, Higher and
Technical Education) 19,655 crores (2016 allocation) 21,108 (2017 allocation) 7.4% (Growth in allocation from 16 to 17)

Also a side note here is that Rs 1,807 crore allocated for Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, which is a 39% increase as compared to revised estimates in 2016-17.

To see how this compares is to states which are doing much better on the literacy front than AP, here is the Education sector allocation in Tamil Nadu:
"Rs 26,932 crore allotted for school education department. Higher education department gets Rs 3,680 crore." (from TN Budget 2017)

I would like to see the breakdown of the allocation between the Primary, secondary, Teritiary education levels for both the states. If anybody has that information please share it here. Unless there is more awareness here we will not see the change that should happen.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Singha »

Why exactly is tkiran given a mile long lanyard here to make bombastic condescending and nonsensical statements ...almost a parody?

Untermensch want to know.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by TKiran »

I am unapolegetic about emigration to other nations. There were already 4 emigrations of Telugus according to some other poster, so this is the 5th one such instance.

There are some posters such as rony, who think that emigration is bad, and there are such poineering places like ISRO or DRDO etc which can take in millions of engineers who all will ultimately become Kalam's.

It's just a point of view, jingoistic or not.

Singha sir, tell me honestly, isn't that unfair on the part of the Telugus to get 50%of IIT seats, contributing only 10% to the population of India? Based on your reply I can tell you what bothering you with my posts.

Chinese are unapolegetic about their theft of intellectual property, you can call it also as condescending, stupid and nonsensical, but that doesn't stop the Chinese doing the same thing. Pakis are unapolegetic about their use of Terrorism against India.

Tell me if my posts are as bad as the pakis or Chinese... Having a particular view about emigration is as bad as Terrorism/ Theft?

I will voluntarily stop posting if you give me your honest answer (not honest mistakes please).
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Rony »

TKiran wrote:.There are some posters such as rony, who think that emigration is bad, and there are such poineering places like ISRO or DRDO etc which can take in millions of engineers who all will ultimately become Kalam's.
I dont think migration is entirely bad. I am only pointing out that considering Telugus are almost 50% of IIT seats (your claim), they should at least be 40-50 % of ISRO and DRDO as well. But i am not sure thats the case (i dont have statistics to support either view).
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Rony »

Politics make strange bedfellows. So in return,looks like the deal is that BJP will protect this Evangelical from the Law in a slew of corruption cases pending against him.

YSR Congress to support BJP candidate in Presidential poll: Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

Rony wrote:Politics make strange bedfellows. So in return,looks like the deal is that BJP will protect this Evangelical from the Law in a slew of corruption cases pending against him.

YSR Congress to support BJP candidate in Presidential poll: Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy
That is his fond wish and fervent hope.

The BJP will not oblige him.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

Rony wrote:
TKiran wrote:.There are some posters such as rony, who think that emigration is bad, and there are such poineering places like ISRO or DRDO etc which can take in millions of engineers who all will ultimately become Kalam's.
I dont think migration is entirely bad. I am only pointing out that considering Telugus are almost 50% of IIT seats (your claim), they should at least be 40-50 % of ISRO and DRDO as well. But i am not sure thats the case (i dont have statistics to support either view).
AFAIK, DRDO is telugu dominated and ISRO is Tamil dominated and because of deeply entrenched and vested interests, this is not going to change anytime soon.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Singha »

Desis have even exported state and caste based nepotism to land of honey. In my own co i see ample evidence of that as well as informal gripes on gora grapevine networks.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Lilo »

chetak wrote:
AFAIK, DRDO is telugu dominated and ISRO is Tamil dominated and because of deeply entrenched and vested interests, this is not going to change anytime soon.
Chetak ji,
Care to elaborate ?
I dont think these such vested interests in lower recruitment are unique to south india. Go to any central govt institution/office in Delhi one can see the negligible percentage of southindian origin employees.
For me its nothing nefarious but just an outcome of the continuing effect of the past non centralized recruitment practices these offices/orgs/institutes used to do before the dawn of the information age.So locals enjoyed information asymmetry with regard to the openings.With increasing centralized and online testing & recruitment such imbalances will only decrease going ahead.

Or do you claim some patronage network in Isro and drdo is capturing all the top posts in these orgs even for undeserving & talent less amongst southindians or there is some regional geographical bias in location of these orgs?

I thought such strategic orgs were chosen to be setup in south to benefit from strategic depth from the expected northern pincer during wartime and to keep them away from shortrange missiles & aircraft raids and such.
In case of Hyderabad the acres and acres of rocky barren uncultivated land & central location in deccan gave additional reason compared to cultivated plains in north for establishment of orgs & labs of DRDO,Bhel etc.
The greater availability of technical graduates (scientists engineers , technicians etc) before the current era of engineering college boom is another reason.

The lag effects of this imbalance will persist for a few decades more during interview process.But obviously such premier research orgs have always placed a premium on talent and capability compared to connections.

If there is some other deeper nefarious reason i would like to know.
Anyways this is an OT post.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

Lilo wrote:
chetak wrote:
AFAIK, DRDO is telugu dominated and ISRO is Tamil dominated and because of deeply entrenched and vested interests, this is not going to change anytime soon.
Chetak ji,
Care to elaborate ?
I dont think these such vested interests in lower recruitment are unique to south india. Go to any central govt institution/office in Delhi one can see the negligible percentage of southindian origin employees.
For me its nothing nefarious but just an outcome of the continuing effect of the past non centralized recruitment practices these offices/orgs/institutes used to do before the dawn of the information age.So locals enjoyed information asymmetry with regard to the openings.With increasing centralized and online testing & recruitment such imbalances will only decrease going ahead.

Or do you claim some patronage network in Isro and drdo is capturing all the top posts in these orgs even for undeserving & talent less amongst southindians or there is some regional geographical bias in location of these orgs?

I thought such strategic orgs were chosen to be setup in south to benefit from strategic depth from the expected northern pincer during wartime and to keep them away from shortrange missiles & aircraft raids and such.
In case of Hyderabad the acres and acres of rocky barren uncultivated land & central location in deccan gave additional reason compared to cultivated plains in north for establishment of orgs & labs of DRDO,Bhel etc.
The greater availability of technical graduates (scientists engineers , technicians etc) before the current era of engineering college boom is another reason.

The lag effects of this imbalance will persist for a few decades more during interview process.But obviously such premier research orgs have always placed a premium on talent and capability compared to connections.

If there is some other deeper nefarious reason i would like to know.
Anyways this is an OT post.
The mid and senior level managements in both organisations are mostly as indicated.

They take care of their own, as is usual and normal. Very subtly, life is made difficult for others, prime projects, inter lab transfers, cosy performance reviews, PG seats, paper presentations at various conferences are facilitated etc, etc. You know the routine.

Nonconformance invariably leads to termination of career prospects rather quickly and is used as an example to control the troops.

Increasingly, youngsters are using DRDO as a springboard for lucrative careers in industry.

Beyond that it's difficult to be specific on an open forum such as this.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Muppalla »

Lilo wrote:
chetak wrote:
AFAIK, DRDO is telugu dominated and ISRO is Tamil dominated and because of deeply entrenched and vested interests, this is not going to change anytime soon.
Come on. Nothing nefarious. Folks always wanted to find jobs near home. Most of the folks who join government and decided to be part of government as a career, will try at every opportunity to get transferred to home state or even home district.

In Railways it is far worse. Even the government created zones and divisions like that. My dad was appointed in Southern Railways and got his position at Trichi. The day South Central came he voluntarily moved to Hyd to be close to home. This was late 60s.

Even ISRO also if you are in Tiruvanantapuram, you can then call a nefarious design of Malyalees.

In BARC Mumbai also many Telugu scientists are there. Again the reason was at college level, an exclusive Nuclear science department was a rare but it is there in Andhra University campus. Even though Gov did it's best with 50% not AP quaota etc via central grants, you still have 50% Telugus.

There were also a major other problem:
(1) All these science/engg for practical reason is English language driven. Brit times the South education above college is all English.
(2) The idea of keeping all defense and strategic establishments away from Pakis led to positioning mostly in the South
(3) Mobility in India was far worse those days ( for us to go from Hyd to my grandpa place in deep Guntur dt was full day's journey. Today folks do commute trips)
(4) Then came this keeping relevant educational institutions near the vicinity of these departments. Again another lack of infra spending.

When the issue of demographics and opportunities was realized, and 50% quotas for rest of India plus 50% for the state, the very first REC was also again setup in Warangal. It took a while before it got spread to North and east. After all you have just FIVE IITs for decades.

Now comes a stage when mobility is easier and folks are moving whereever there are opportunities. The problems still persists because those who had an upfront start for several decades are the ones who move around and grab opportunities. Just like you are seeing some sinister design, the brother in Telangana saw the same sinister designs of their other Telgooo bros and got a new state created. :)
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Muppalla »

chetak wrote: The mid and senior level managements in both organisations are mostly as indicated.

They take care of their own, as is usual and normal. Very subtly, life is made difficult for others, prime projects, inter lab transfers, cosy performance reviews, PG seats, paper presentations at various conferences are facilitated etc, etc. You know the routine.

Nonconformance invariably leads to termination of career prospects rather quickly and is used as an example to control the troops.

Increasingly, youngsters are using DRDO as a springboard for lucrative careers in industry.

Beyond that it's difficult to be specific on an open forum such as this.
I agree on this. Not trying to support such things but it is universal problem in the world. I can't tell details here but far worse in massa land. The government has to change the recruitment and HR policies. Making exam based without interviews whereever possible is the best. Where interviews are needed, creating a genuine process will mitigate but will not go away as humans have more seize mindset.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Muppalla »

Singha wrote:Desis have even exported state and caste based nepotism to land of honey. In my own co i see ample evidence of that as well as informal gripes on gora grapevine networks.
This is beyond companies now in massa lands. In real estate of massa also it is imported :) .
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Muppalla »

chetak wrote:
Rony wrote:Politics make strange bedfellows. So in return,looks like the deal is that BJP will protect this Evangelical from the Law in a slew of corruption cases pending against him.

YSR Congress to support BJP candidate in Presidential poll: Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy
That is his fond wish and fervent hope.

The BJP will not oblige him.
BJP will oblige. Jagan openly came and said he is supporting president candidate with no iffs and buts. On the Telangana side KCR also said he will vote for NDA's presidential candidate. Huge boost for BJP.
Saama daana danda bedha at works.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

Muppalla wrote:
Lilo wrote:
Come on. Nothing nefarious. Folks always wanted to find jobs near home. Most of the folks who join government and decided to be part of government as a career, will try at every opportunity to get transferred to home state or even home district.

In Railways it is far worse. Even the government created zones and divisions like that. My dad was appointed in Southern Railways and got his position at Trichi. The day South Central came he voluntarily moved to Hyd to be close to home. This was late 60s.

Even ISRO also if you are in Tiruvanantapuram, you can then call a nefarious design of Malyalees.

In BARC Mumbai also many Telugu scientists are there. Again the reason was at college level, an exclusive Nuclear science department was a rare but it is there in Andhra University campus. Even though Gov did it's best with 50% not AP quaota etc via central grants, you still have 50% Telugus.

There were also a major other problem:
(1) All these science/engg for practical reason is English language driven. Brit times the South education above college is all English.
(2) The idea of keeping all defense and strategic establishments away from Pakis led to positioning mostly in the South
(3) Mobility in India was far worse those days ( for us to go from Hyd to my grandpa place in deep Guntur dt was full day's journey. Today folks do commute trips)
(4) Then came this keeping relevant educational institutions near the vicinity of these departments. Again another lack of infra spending.

When the issue of demographics and opportunities was realized, and 50% quotas for rest of India plus 50% for the state, the very first REC was also again setup in Warangal. It took a while before it got spread to North and east. After all you have just FIVE IITs for decades.

Now comes a stage when mobility is easier and folks are moving whereever there are opportunities. The problems still persists because those who had an upfront start for several decades are the ones who move around and grab opportunities. Just like you are seeing some sinister design, the brother in Telangana saw the same sinister designs of their other Telgooo bros and got a new state created. :)
There is no sinister design. It's just how it is.

Once a set of people reach a critical mass, protection of their turf is natural. May not be what is required but it's what the system demands and gets. Once the threat of the sword recedes, performance deteriorates and complacency sets in as institutional rewards are distributed for reasons other than performance and loyalty is substituted for results.

Would an ahole like digvijay singh have survived based just on his pathetic performance?? or luloo or even pappu??
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by TKiran »

This weekend I was casually discussing with a central government official whom I met for the first time. That person could be the most non-partisan as far as internal caste politics are concerned.

He told me how greedy the people have become, when he tried to rent office space for central government office. The owner was a "kamma" doctor based on the surname anyone can get the idea of his caste. The initial understanding is that the office would be rented out for ₹30,000/- when the officer called the doctor saying that he is proposing to send the communication that the total rent including maintenance would be ₹30,000/- the doctor said, nonono it is₹35,000/- including maintenance, now the officer sends his clerk to get a proposal in writing from the owner, the owner called the officer back saying that the market rate is ₹40,000/-

The officer said, OK whatever you propose, give it in writing.

Now the officer gets call from the wife of the doctor saying that her friends' place of similar area in similar location is rented out for ₹50,000/-

The officer once again said, give the proposal in writing.

The clerk brings the proposal with ₹60,000/- rent all inclusive, except Electricity and water.

Now the officer has to get the "fair rent certificate". It was only ₹20,000/- for that area. Even if there is"management", it would not go beyond 25,000/-. If it was 3years back, it would not be more than ₹1,500/-

The officer was totally frustrated, his own comment is " why nobody opposed conversion of such fertile land (I can think of bias on the part of the officer as he is from a desert area) into concrete jungle?"

"You guys have seen Mahabalipuram? There are such great architects in Telugus, why do you invite Singapore to give the plan? You could have converted deserty areas in ananthapur district or cuddapah into your capital, for just buildings, you are going to convert fertile land is insanity"

I couldn't say anything as I also agree with what the person said
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

TKiran all you said in your post is applicable without ref to the caste of the person.
Please edit it out.


Singha, Are you doing a Hanuman and forgetting you are an admin?
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by Aditya_V »

T Kiran one can claim Mahabalipuram is Tamil and what is the distance between Srikakulam district and Anantapur or Cuddapah district, not exactly convienient for them is it. And Coastal people will think we agreed to this dry area and Built a Capital in Hyderabad which is a dry arid area. What if Rayalsemma does a Telegnana 20-25 years down the line?
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by ShyamSP »

Strong comments on government control of temples and giving away temple lands and misuse of properties. He is asking for special status for temples.
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Re: Telugu States' News and Discussion

Post by TKiran »

Ramana gaaru, I just now only saw your message, I don't have editing option now, apologize that everytime I am have been seeing the situation from caste point of view, but the anecdotal evidence is also coming that way only, I can't help my bias against the wrong decision taken by CBN, any way, I have made my point clear, so I will refrain.