Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

Quality Time With Family - ISIS Style !
Quality time with one’s family is a very admirable value in the Western World. In the Middle East, there are those who also value quality time with their children. This MemriTV video is absolutely miserable. ( Very interesting video ! "Catch them young" as they say :twisted: ).The Middle East is a completely different world then the Western World.- no kidding, as they say !
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Singha »

al shabaab and AQ have released a 55 min high gloss feature film. poster here
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Yet another Mohammadden majority country, overwhelmingly Mohammadden Iraq in this case, bans the the garment imposed by Mohammaddenism on its female adherents namely the burqua aka burka aka niquab on security grounds.

Iraqi army imposes Ramadan ‘burqa ban’ in Mosul fearing Isis will use it for attacks

Iraq is off course not the only Mohammadden majority country to have banned the burqua aka burka aka niquab on security grounds. Mohammadden majority countries of Chad, Cameroon and Niger have also banned this dress, wearing of which by female adherents is mandatory per Mohammaddenism, on security grounds.

Why West Africa's Muslim-majority states are banning the burqa

Then there is the case of Morrocco who appear to have banned the sale of burquas:

Morocco bans burqa over security concerns

And Egypt apparently is mulling a ban:

Egypt drafts bill to ban burqa and Islamic veils in public places

When authorities of Mohammadden countries themselves seem unconvinced of the peacefulness of those with whom they share a common belief resulting in suspicion being aroused for wearing a belief mandated garment like a burqua, why do Mohammaddens demand that Non-Mohammaddens throw self-preservation to the wind and ignore the many instances of acts of Mohammadden Terrorism carried out by burka clad persons?
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Singha »

on wednesday i saw a muslim man , 2 kids , 2 full saudi type burqa women in phoenix mall here. looked indian, must have to gone to saudi to work and become purer green
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by KLNMurthy »

I love the headline. Burqa should only be allowed in the privacy of one's home.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Oppression of Minorities in Pakistan thread.

In the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan, three adherents of the minority Ahmadiyya aka Ahmadi sect of Mohammaddenism are sentenced to three years imprisonment and PKR 50K fine for the crime of ”excessive use of Quran and Islamic literature” along with “illegal possession of the Islamic Holy book”.

Pretty bizarre that Pakistan which takes every opportunity to tom tom its Mohammadden belief based credentials including terming itself an Idelogical Muslim State, Islamic Republic, Sole Islamic Nuclear Power and not to mention naming many of its ballistic missiles after Afghan War Lords who raped and plundered areas that forms today Pakistan simply because that were Mohammadden; has criminalised ”excessive use of Quran and Islamic literature” along with “illegal possession of the Islamic Holy book”:

Pakistan: Men sentenced to three years in prison for “Excessive use of Quran”
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee » ... /82651452/
Persecution of Christian Minorities in Pakistan

100 Muslims break fast, offer prayers near Trump Tower

Why are these people allowed to abuse the decency of western society in the name of so-called human rights !!!!

Are churches and temples allowed to be built in Saudia ?
Are Hindus and Christians allowed to practice their religion in peace in Pakistan ?
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

Chinese Clampdown On Muslim! : Islam, Quran, Mecca & Medina. And Hajj , Imam, Saddam & Arafat Are Now Banned Names For Children

Muslim children forced to drop 'religious' names in western China
Muslim children in China’s far western Xinjiang region are being forced to change their “religious” names and adults are being coerced into attending rallies showing devotion to the officially atheist Communist party.
During Ramadan, the authorities in Xinjiang have ordered all children under 16 to change names where police have determined they are “overly religious”. As many as 15 names have been banned, including Islam, Quran, Mecca, Jihad, Imam, Saddam, Hajj, Medina and Arafat, according to Radio Free Asia. Not clear, if the children can "revert" back to the "overly religious" name , once Ramadan is over !
“Terrorists are the scum of the Uighur people, they are the common enemies of the people of all ethnic groups,” said a Communist party cadre leading one of the rallies in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang. “We must treat the enemy harshly and brush away the old to make a clean sweep, we should raise our swords high and in no way be lenient.” Pakistani "Think Tanks" should "take notice" of this frightening development , and "direct" a study to meet this challenge "head -on" , as once the creeping Chinification of their "Islamic country " takes roots, they may be faced with the same problem :mrgreen:
In recent months authorities began confiscating Qur’ans published before August 2012, declaring them illegal for containing “extremist content”, according to a report by US-funded Radio Free Asia.On the same day as the mass rallies, officials in Xinjiang announced they had expelled a Communist party member for attending religious activities at a local mosque. It was not clear if the man was a government official or simply a private citizen who was also a party member. Rules announced last year also forbid retired officials from attending religious ceremonies and ban them from holding and beliefs. Those who have the "genuine interest" of Pakistan in mind, should make every effort to ensure that the "Urdu Translation" of this is published in all vernacular newspapers and weeklies. Such challenge to Malsi cannot be allowed to remain unanswered - CPEC or no CPEC . They need to revive the ancient slogan of "Islam in danger" ASAP :twisted:
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

First robotic cop joins Dubai police :D

The Sheikhs of Dubai, Abu Dhabi And Other Small Fiefdoms have so much money (earned on the backs of poor Indian & Paki day labourers ) to burn and a new found zeal to enter the ranks of the First World ( notwithstanding the prevalence of the Al mighty Sharia !) that today is the announcement of "First Robotic Cop" and yesterday (if I recall correctly ) was the trumpeting of the "First Tourist Flight to Outer Space" ! . Meanwhile , western tourists are booked for indecency,- under Sharia - if they are found "holding hands" on the "hot sands" of the beach !
"Our aim is to raise the number of robots to 25 percent of the police force by 2030," said Brigadier[*][/color] Khaled al-Razzooqi, head of Smart Services at Dubai police.
[*][/color] Probably, "commanding" a "brigade" of expat Indians, Pakis, Brits , Aussies and Amreekis , who are doing the nitty-gritty "smart services" behind the scenes !
PS: Is the robotic cop , a practicing Sunni Muslim , ( praying 5 times a day ) keeping fast these days , and any plans to going to Hajj after Eid :twisted:
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Terrorist attack in London kills 6.

Press Association reports that 2 eye witnesses say attackers were shouting Mohammadden belief based slogan of “This is for allah”. Anyway going by the history of terrorist attacks since the turn of this century in the UK, fact that this is the month of Ramzan aka Ramadan and modus operandi of attack, I would be greatly surprised if the perpetrators of this attack turn out to be Buddhist, Christist, Confucian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Rastafarian, Sikh, Taoist, Yazidi or Zorastrian though I will say not say that I would be mildly surprised if the perpetrators indeed turnout to be motivated by Mohammaddenism as suggested by the nature of the sloganeering during the rampage.
Witness Eric described the terror attack as a “rampage”. He told BBC Radio 5 Live he saw three people get out the van and initially believed they were going to help those who had been injured. He said: “The three people literally started kicking them, punching them, and took out knives. It was a rampage really.” The three men ran off towards the nearby bars and restaurants and there was a shout of “this is for Allah”, he told the station.

Another witness called Gerard said the suspects stabbed a series of people near Borough Market and shouted, “This is for Allah”.
From here:

London terror attack: Six dead; 48 injured; three suspects killed

More on the same story from the UK’s Telegraph:

'They shouted 'this is for Allah', as they stabbed indiscriminately' - How the London terror attack unfolded
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Manish_P »


It's no longer far away.

The Europeans are scared now that it may be in their midst.

Turin stampede: '1,500 injured' at Juventus screening
About 1,500 people were injured in the Italian city of Turin after a firecracker provoked a stampede on Saturday night, police say.
Thousands of football fans were watching a live relay of Juventus' Champions League final against Real Madrid in Cardiff when a bang was heard and rumours of an explosion spread.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Statement on Saturday’s Mohammadden Terrorist attack in London by Harun Khan, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain "That this should happen in this month of Ramadan, when many Muslims were praying and fasting only goes to show that these people respect neither life nor faith.”, is a caravan load of porcine excreta designed only to gull credulous non Mohammadden Kaafirs into believing that the repeated acts of Ramzan month Mohammadden Terrorism the world has seen are purely an aberrant act. A caravan load of porcine excreta as it is a well established fact, confirmed by texts Mohammaddens revere, that the founder of Mohammaddenism himself participated in war and mayhem during the month of Ramzan aka Ramadan by involving himself in the Battle of Badr.

Harun Khan better watch his step as the implication that founder of Mohammaddenism had “respect neither life nor faith” could get him Bull Cutletted aka Wajib ul Qatl by one of his fellow adherent’s of Mohammaddenism who are notoriously short fused on these matters:

Muslim Council of Britain: 'Attack during Ramadan shows they respect neither life nor faith'
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Oppression of Minorities in Pakistan thread.

In the Land of the Pure, Mohammadden physician who was fasting for Ramazan refuses to treat Christist sanitary worker as he was impure ie: Na Pak, leading to the death of the Christist sanitary worker:

In yet another incident exposing the lack of conformity to safety rules and the alleged apathy of medical practitioners, a sanitary worker suffocated to death on Thursday in Umerkot. The deceased, 30-year-old Irfan Masih, fell unconscious along with three other sanitary staff while cleaning a manhole on Chorr Road in Umerkot.

He died hours later in the government hospital in front of doctors who were allegedly reluctant to treat him because Irfan was drenched in sewage sludge. The other three sanitary workers, Faisal Masih, Yaqoob Masih and Shaukat Masih, were referred to Hyderabad and later Karachi for medical treatment.

All of the workers fell unconscious while cleaning the central manhole, which had already claimed the lives of two sanitary workers, 25-year-old Krishan Gujrati and 28-year-old Nawaz Masih, in September 2012. Local residents pulled out the staff from the manhole and shifted them to the hospital.

“The doctors refused to treat him because they were fasting and said my son was ‘napaak [unclean]’,” claimed Irshad Masih, the mother of the deceased. …………..
From here:

Sanitary worker dies in Umerkot after fasting doctors refuse to touch his 'unclean' body
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Death toll from suicide bombing at Kabul funeral 19, dozens injured :

Reuters via Al Ahram
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by IndraD »

Muslim father rapes own daughter in Norway for living a Western life ... nised.html
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

Power Of Saudi Check Book Diplomacy

'Sensitive' UK terror funding inquiry may never be published
An investigation into the foreign funding and support of jihadi groups that was authorised by David Cameron may never be published, the Home Office has admitted.The inquiry into revenue streams for extremist groups operating in the UK was commissioned by the former prime minister and is thought to focus on Saudi Arabia, which has repeatedly been highlighted by European leaders as a funding source for Islamist jihadis. When the name of this # 1 culprit is whispered in reference to "terrorism finance" even countries like UK and USA walk on egg shells !
However, 18 months later, the Home Office confirmed the report had not yet been completed and said it would not necessarily be published, calling the contents “very sensitive”.
“It is no secret that Saudi Arabia in particular provides funding to hundreds of mosques in the UK, espousing a very hardline Wahhabist interpretation of Islam. It is often in these institutions that British extremism takes root.” On the other hand , the Mullahs of Iran openly espouse their intention to "enforce" an Islamic System, but do not play a "double game" like the Saudis !
The Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron, said he felt the government had not held up its side of the bargain made ahead of the vote on airstrikes. The report must be published when it was completed, he insisted, despite the Home Office caution that information in the document would be sensitive.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by vijayk »

Saudi previously threatened UK with terrorist attacks over arms sales investigation ... .armstrade

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Pakistani Role In Global Terrorism thread.
arun wrote:
Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports that one of the Mohammadden Terrorists involved in the London Bridge attack was born in the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Jun 4, 2017 at 1:17 pm ET

London Attack Had International Connection

At least one of the three London Bridge attackers was born in Pakistan, a Western security official said.

It couldn't be learned when the man came to Britain, or whether he had acquired British nationality. The nationalities of the other two London Bridge attackers were also not clear. ………………

-- Benoit Faucon
From WSJ here:

London Hit by Deadly Terror Attack
UK Police release names of two of the three involved in the London Bridge attack.

Unsurprisingly a link to the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan emerges. One of the attackers is identified as “a Pakistan-born British citizen”, Khuram Shazad Butt.

The other attacker is identified as Rachid Redouane aka Rachid Elkhdar who is identified as “Moroccan and Libyan”/

Both of the named attackers, going by name, are adherents of Mohammaddenism making the London Bridge attack yet another case of Islamic Terrorism carried out by Mohammaddens during the significant to Mohammaddens month of Ramzan aka Ramadan.

Does the Butt surname, make Khuram Shazad Butt a brainwashed and misguided individual from the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan Occupied Jammu & Kashmir :?: :

Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane named as two of three London Bridge attackers
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Singha »

Terror attack in notre dame paris and melbourne
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by VinodTK »

Imam in UK sexually assaulted minor girls as they recited Koran verses in class
Wales (UK): A Muslim religious priest in Cardiff, United Kingdom, has been accused of sexually assaulting minor girls as young as five years old when they sat with him during Koran recitals.

According to a report in Daily Mail, 81-year-old Mohammed Haji Sadiq would touch the girls on their stomach, chest and private parts during his Koran classes at Madina Mosque in Cardiff, where he taught primary school children for 36 years.

He would also pull the girls towards him and rub their bodies against the inner part of his legs. He would call them to sit next to him saying he wanted to hear them recite the Koran.

Prosecutor Suzanne Thomas said that he took advantage of his position to sexually abuse the girls in his care.

One of his victims, who is now 26 years old, said he would abuse her several times a week. She said that he had touched her under her clothes many times and sometimes he would lay her face on his lap and touch her between her legs.

The priest denied seven counts of indecent assault of a girl under 14 years, and eight counts of assaulting a girl less than 13 years of age by touching.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Singha wrote:Terror attack in notre dame paris and melbourne
Mohammadden belief based group, Islamic State aka IS aka ISIS claims responsibility for Melbourne siege by Mohammadden refugee from Somalia with a long criminal track record by name of Yacqub Khayre.

The Seven Network reported the gunman called the organisation saying “This is for IS [Islamic State]. This is for al-Qaida.” :

Isis claims responsibility for Melbourne siege that left two people dead

In Paris, hammer wielding presumably Mohammadden attacker as he shouted “This is for Syria” shot outside the Notre Dame Cathedral following attack on Policemen:

Notre Dame attacker shouted 'this is for Syria' before hitting police officer with hammer

May the Gods preserve us Non Mohammadden Buddhist, Christist, Confucian, Hindu, Jewish, Jain, Sikh, Shinto, Taoist, Yazidi and Zoroastrian Kaafirs from acts of Islamic Terrorism as the Mohammadden month of Ramzan aka Ramadan unfortunately has many more days to exert its baleful influence by instigating some adherents of Mohammaddenism to commit acts of violence targeting us Non Mohammaddens.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Green on Green Intra Mohammadden belief inspired violence sees Mohammadden belief inspired group belonging to Sunni sect of Mohammaddenism namely Islamic State aka ISIS aka IS launch attacks in Shia Mohammadden majority Islamic Republic of Iran.

Attacks include suicide bombing the tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini, an individual considered significant from a Mohammadden belief standpoint; and an attack on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Parliament which is ongoing. Death toll of this Ramzan aka Ramadan act of Islamic Terrorism stands at 7:

Several people killed, hostages taken in ISIS attacks in Tehran
Last Updated Jun 7, 2017 5:58 AM EDT

TEHRAN, Iran -- The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed two attacks in Tehran after several armed assailants stormed into the country's parliament building and suicide bombers targeted the shrine of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on Wednesday, with the shooting at the legislature still underway.

The local Tasnim news agency reported that seven people had been killed and four people were taken hostage in the attack on parliament. Citing sources on the ground and adding that the information hadn't been confirmed by security personnel, Tasnim said the hostages were being held on the upper floors of the parliament building.

State broadcaster IRIB reported that one of the parliament attackers detonated a suicide vest on the fourth floor of the building amid the ongoing siege. ……………………
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by SBajwa »

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Y. Kanan »

Falijee wrote:Chinese Clampdown On Muslim! : Islam, Quran, Mecca & Medina. And Hajj , Imam, Saddam & Arafat Are Now Banned Names For Children

Muslim children forced to drop 'religious' names in western China
Muslim children in China’s far western Xinjiang region are being forced to change their “religious” names and adults are being coerced into attending rallies showing devotion to the officially atheist Communist party.
During Ramadan, the authorities in Xinjiang have ordered all children under 16 to change names where police have determined they are “overly religious”. As many as 15 names have been banned, including Islam, Quran, Mecca, Jihad, Imam, Saddam, Hajj, Medina and Arafat, according to Radio Free Asia. Not clear, if the children can "revert" back to the "overly religious" name , once Ramadan is over !
“Terrorists are the scum of the Uighur people, they are the common enemies of the people of all ethnic groups,” said a Communist party cadre leading one of the rallies in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang. “We must treat the enemy harshly and brush away the old to make a clean sweep, we should raise our swords high and in no way be lenient.” Pakistani "Think Tanks" should "take notice" of this frightening development , and "direct" a study to meet this challenge "head -on" , as once the creeping Chinification of their "Islamic country " takes roots, they may be faced with the same problem :mrgreen:
In recent months authorities began confiscating Qur’ans published before August 2012, declaring them illegal for containing “extremist content”, according to a report by US-funded Radio Free Asia.On the same day as the mass rallies, officials in Xinjiang announced they had expelled a Communist party member for attending religious activities at a local mosque. It was not clear if the man was a government official or simply a private citizen who was also a party member. Rules announced last year also forbid retired officials from attending religious ceremonies and ban them from holding and beliefs. Those who have the "genuine interest" of Pakistan in mind, should make every effort to ensure that the "Urdu Translation" of this is published in all vernacular newspapers and weeklies. Such challenge to Malsi cannot be allowed to remain unanswered - CPEC or no CPEC . They need to revive the ancient slogan of "Islam in danger" ASAP :twisted:
That's how you gotta deal with them. We should follow the Chinese demographic policy in Xinjiang and move kaffir settlers into Kashmir to convert muslims into the minority there.

But you can bet we won't. In 50 years India will fall under muslim domination from within, while Beijing, by that point, won't even be worried about its western muslim problem, because the region will be full of Han Chinese.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

InFamous Saudi Arms Dealer , Wheeler Dealer And Lover Of Luxury Now Dead :mrgreen:

Adnan Khashoggi, High-Living Saudi Arms Trader, Dies at 81
Adnan Khashoggi, the flamboyant Saudi arms trader who rose to spectacular wealth in the 1970s and 1980s while treating the world to displays of decadence breathtaking even by the standards of that era, died on Tuesday in London. He was 81.His family announced his death in a statement. He had been undergoing treatment for Parkinson’s disease.When Saudi Arabia and other Arab states decided to embark on a vast armament program after the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, backed by billions of dollars in oil money, Mr. Khashoggi became their principal link to the American arms industry. For years, he was the middleman in most of Saudi Arabia’s arms purchases.Mr. Khashoggi had several brushes with the law but was never convicted of a crime. He was involved in many of his era’s highest-profile scandals, including Iran-contra and the Marcos family’s effort to spirit money out of the Philippines.
Apart from his financial wheeling dealing, like most Saudis, he had a taste for "young, white flesh", spend a few years with them, get tired and get rid of them paying hugh amounts as "settlements" . Wonder how he can reconcile these contradictions with the austere Wahabi version of Malsi , that is de -jure in Saudia :twisted:
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by RCase »

Falijee wrote:InFamous Saudi Arms Dealer , Wheeler Dealer And Lover Of Luxury Now Dead :mrgreen:

Adnan Khashoggi, High-Living Saudi Arms Trader, Dies at 81

Apart from his financial wheeling dealing, like most Saudis, he had a taste for "young, white flesh", spend a few years with them, get tired and get rid of them paying hugh amounts as "settlements" . Wonder how he can reconcile these contradictions with the austere Wahabi version of Malsi , that is de -jure in Saudia :twisted:
Kaffir and slave wimmens are right hand possession to be enjoyed. All by the book onlee. Austerity is only for the gullible aam abduls, the ashrafia enjoys wimmens, wine and song.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

Tarek Fateh's Presence At Aligarh Muslim University Will Hurt The Sentiment Of Muslims In The Holy Month Of Ramzan :roll:

Tarek Fatah should not be allowed in Aligarh – Congress & SP back AMU students’ demand
Leaders and student organisations affiliated to Congress and Samajwadi Party have opposed the arrival of Pakistan born Canadian author Tarek Fatah in Aligarh and demanded that the event where he is supposed to speak be cancelled.Tarek Fatah, who is known for his outspoken views on radical Islam and for his views against Pakistan, is slated to attend and address an event at local DS College on 11th of this month. Fateh has been invited as a keynote speaker at the event which is titled “World peace and Islam—a Dialogue”.
The event first attracted opposition from AMU (Aligarh Muslim University) Students Union, which took the matter with district administration and asked them to repeal the permission given to hold the event.The AMU Students Union President claimed that the event will ‘hurt the sentiments of Muslim community’ in the holy month of Ramzan and it could further vitiate the city’s atmosphere as Aligarh is Muslim dominated. Similar tactics are being used by Arab and Muslim students at North American Universities, where they want to dis invite controversial speakers, who do not toe their line on world affairs !
It seems that the local administration did not succumb to these veiled threats by AMU Students Union, so now Congress and Samajwadi Party have joined the bandwagon in opposing Fatah. Leaders and students belonging to outfits affiliated with both the parties are now putting pressure on the college administration to cancel the event. Ultimately it boils down to "vote bank" politics.
This is not for the first time when groups claiming to respect Muslim sentiments have opposed Tarek Fatah’s presence at any event or any city. An anti-Pakistan event in Kolkata, West Bengal was cancelled after similar protests and pressure in January this year, while Fatah was physically manhandled at an Urdu poetry event at Delhi in the following month
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Schmidt »

VinodTK wrote:Imam in UK sexually assaulted minor girls as they recited Koran verses in class
Wales (UK): A Muslim religious priest in Cardiff, United Kingdom, has been accused of sexually assaulting minor girls as young as five years old when they sat with him during Koran recitals.

According to a report in Daily Mail, 81-year-old Mohammed Haji Sadiq would touch the girls on their stomach, chest and private parts during his Koran classes at Madina Mosque in Cardiff, where he taught primary school children for 36 years.

He would also pull the girls towards him and rub their bodies against the inner part of his legs. He would call them to sit next to him saying he wanted to hear them recite the Koran.

Prosecutor Suzanne Thomas said that he took advantage of his position to sexually abuse the girls in his care.

One of his victims, who is now 26 years old, said he would abuse her several times a week. She said that he had touched her under her clothes many times and sometimes he would lay her face on his lap and touch her between her legs.

The priest denied seven counts of indecent assault of a girl under 14 years, and eight counts of assaulting a girl less than 13 years of age by touching.

The Imam was only trying to emulate the Poobah
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Article titled “Ramadan Rage 2017 : The Complete List of Jihadist Attacks Around the World”, chroncles the various acts of Maoammadden belief inspired attacks around the world.

Article informs that “During the first 13 days of Ramadan 2017 period, there have been an estimated 70 terror attacks carried out in the name of Allah (by Islamic extremists) resulting in the death of 950 people and injury of 1,021.

As explanation for the “Ramadan Rage” article also says “other adherents of Islam perceive Ramadan as a time when martyrdom and jihad is especially valued — doubly rewarded in paradise, prompting a spike in terrorist attack during the holy month.

Article lists Ramzan aka Ramadan month Mohammadden Terrorist attacks as follows. Also article carries embedded links to other articles by Reuters etc. on the individual attacks:
May 27 — Charchino, Afghanistan — Group fighting in favor of imposing Islamic law ambushes checkpoint, kills 11.

May 27 — Qadis, Afghanistan — Taliban kills 14, injures 17.

May 27 — Khost, Afghanistan — Taliban suicide bomber targets U.S-backed National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF), which includes army and police units, killing 18, wounding six others, including children.

May 27 — Kacha Khuh, Pakistan — “Honor Killing” — Brother hacks one person to death: his 18-year-old sister for denying to abide by pre-arrange marriage.

May 27 — Marawi, Philippines — Jihadists kill 19 including women and a child.

May 28 — Marawi, Philippines — Jihadists murder eight for “having betrayed their faith.”

May 28 — Ramo Adey, Somalia — Jihadists bury man to his neck, stone to death for adultery

May 28 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS sets hospital ablaze and kills a dozen young people inside.

May 28 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS kills at least 40 women and children trying to flee besieged city.

May 28 — Shirqat, Iraq — ISIS rocket attack kills three children and their parents.

May 28 — Gumsri, Nigeria — Boko Haram kills at least seven villagers.

May 28 — Shakhil Abad, Afghanistan — Islamic extremists kill district governor and his son inside their home.

May 28 — Baqubah, Iraq — Suicide bomber kills three, injures up to 16 others outside court.

May 29 — Nguro, Nigeria — Boko Haram beheads five people.

May 29 — Ghat, Libya — Suspected Islamic terrorists kill one, injure f0ur.

May 29 — Shirqat, Iraq — Islamic shrapnel dismembers a child, injures seven.

May 29 — Baghdad, Iraq — 17 killed, 32 wounded — ISIS launches suicide attack against ice cream parlor frequented by families who were breaking their Ramadan fast.

May 29 — Baghdad, Iraq — 14 killed, 37 injured. ISIS attacked Shiites.

May 30 — Mattani, Pakistan — Islamist gun down four peace committee members.

May 30 — Peshawar, Pakistan — Suspected jihadist shoots one leader of Hezb-i-Islami terrorist group while he was leaving a mosque.

May 30 — Shifa, Iraq — Mass grave found with 60 ISIS torture victims, including women, elderly.

May 30 — al-Joura, Syria — ISIS mortar kills 14, including children.

May 30 — Bay Hassan, Iraq — ISIS kills three Iraqi guards, wounds six others.

May 30 — Baghdad, Iraq — Jihadists kill seven, injure 19 in a blast.

May 30 — Baqubah, Iraq — A bomb explosion at mosque kills seven, wounds six.

May 30 — Hit, Iraq — Fedayeen suicide bomber kills eight, injures ten.

May 31 — Kaya, Nigeria —Boko Haram kills 14.

May 31 — Fafi, Kenya — Suspected al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab burns down school, kills one teacher.

May 31 — Bab el-Beid, Iraq — Suicide bombers kill three civilians, including a child.

May 31 — Hit, Iraq — Shahid suicide bomber kills three, injures seven.

May 31 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS kills 34 for trying to leave the city.

May 31 — Mangai, Kenya — al-Qaeda-linked bombers kill eight.

May 31 — Kabul, Afghanistan — Suspected Haqqani Network kills at least 150, Wounds more than 460, including 11 Americans.

May 31 — Sinjar, Iraq — ISIS kills two, injures two.

June 01 — Abala, Niger — Jihadists kill six guards.

June 01 — Al-Hazm, Yemen — Terrorists kill six, wound 15.

June 01 — Behsud, Afghanistan — Suicide bomber kills one, wounds four.

June 01 — Oldenburg, Germany — Muslim kills one for smoking during Ramadan and refusing to fast.

June 01 — Zanjili, Iraq — ISIS kills seven for trying to flee caliphate.

June 02 — Kolofota, Cameroon — Islamist use two girls as suicide bombers: 11 killed and 30 wounded.

June 02 — Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia — Jihadist beheads one man.

June 03 — Marawi, Philippines — Islamic sniper kills 70-year-old man.

June 03 — Halabsah, Iraq — Four suicide bombers kill one, injure three.

June 03 —London, England — Three Jihadists plow into pedestrians, then stab people, killing seven, injuring 48.

June 03 — Zanjili, Iraq — ISIS kills 43 for trying to flee caliphate.

June 03 — Lower Munda, India — Hizb-ul-Mujahideen kill two security troops, injure four.

June 03 — Nawabshah, Pakistan — Alleged victim’s brother-in-law kills two people for alleged adultery.

June 03 — Kabul, Afghanistan — Suicide bombers kill 20, injure 87.

June 03 — Ferkane, Algeria — Muslim extremists kill two local soldiers, injure four.

June 03 — Burkina Faso, Soum — Jihadists kill five.

June 04 — Bijapur, India — “Honor Killing” — pregnant Muslim woman burnt alive by her family for marrying Hindu man.

June 04 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Afghan police insider attack leaves six dead, one injured.

June 04 — Spini, Pakistan — Two Shiites from Hazara minority group killed.

June 04 — Talibul, Moula, Pakistan — “Honor Killing” — Father kills one 18-year-old daughter for allegedly “having an affair.”

June 04 — Zanjili, Iraq — Wave of suicide bombers kills 32, injures 24.

June 04 — Quaidabad, Pakistan — Jihadis kill one barber.

June 05 — Melbourne, Australia — ISIS-linked migrant from Somalia kills man, takes prostitute hostage, an injures four.

June 05 — Baghdad, Iraq — Terrorist mortar fired into family home dismembers 10-year-old boy, injures four.

June 05 — Kismayo, Somalia — al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab detonates bomb, killing three, injuring 20.

June 06 — Sinai, Egypt — Suspected Islamic extremists kill two police officers.

June 06 — Paris, France — Jihadist wounds one cop with a hammer outside Notre Dame cathedral.

June 06 — Herat, Afghanistan — Terrorist kill seven, injure another 16 near the northern gate of the Great Mosque of Herat.

June 06 — Garissa, Kenya — Suspected al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab jihadists kill four aid workers with land mine.

June 06 — Mandera, Kenya — Unknown jihadist kill one woman, injure one.

June 06 — Maiduguri, Nigeria — Boko Haram attacks area with suicide bombers, heavy guns, killing 14 and injuring 24 others.

June 06 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS kills 15 women as they tried to escape the section of city controlled by the jihadist group.

June 07 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Islamabad’s intelligence agency (ISI) attacked refugee camp in Kandahar province, which borders Pakistan, killing three, including two children and wounding eight, including women.

June 07 — Mosul, Iraq — Islamic State executed 160 civilians trying to flee city, according to United Nations.

June 07 — Tehran, Iran — ISIS claims responsibility for attacking Shiite country’s parliament while wearing women’s attire, kills 12, injures up to 42, marking first time the Sunni extremist group carries out attack in Islamic Republic.

June 07 — Tehran, Iran — Islamic State suicide bombers target Shiite shrine of revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini located just outside the capital, killing two and injuring ten.

June 08 — Puntland, Somalia — al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabaab kills 70, including some women who were decapitated, and wounds 18.

June 08 — Maiduguri, Nigeria — Boko Haram kills 14, wounds 24.
From here:

Ramadan Rage 2017 : The Complete List of Jihadist Attacks Around the World
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Body count from Green on Green Intra Mohammadden Ramadan aka Ramzan month blood letting piles up. Mohammadden belief inspired group Al Shabab attacks military camp controlled by fellow Mohammaddens representing the military of the semiautonomous state of Puntland in what is/was Somalia. Al Shabab claims 60 soldiers killed.
MOGADISHU, Somalia — Shabab militants killed dozens of people — soldiers and civilians, including children — when they stormed a military base on Thursday in northeastern Somalia, officials said.

Reports about the number of people killed in the attack in the semiautonomous Puntland region varied widely. A spokesman for the Shabab, extremists who regularly carry out attacks against the government, said fighters had killed more than 60 soldiers and made off with the military’s equipment. ………………………..
New York Times:

Shabab Fighters Kill Dozens, Including Children, in Somalia
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Green on Green Intra Mohammadden belief based sectarian violence in Musayab near Karbala in Iraq, sees Mohammaddens of the Sunni sect targetting Mohammaddens of the Shia sect. Female suicide bomber targets market killing 30 in an attack claimed by Sunni Mohammadden group, Islamic State aka IS aka ISI.

Neither the Mohammadden Sabbath of Friday nor the significant to Mohammaddens month of Ramazan aka Ramadan seems to have been sufficient to get the “Peace” that Mohammaddens claim is inherent in their belief to rub off on the female suicide bomber :

Woman suicide bomber kills 30 in Iraqi market attack claimed by IS
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by IndraD » ... tegration/
‘Enlightenment values’: Austria enacts anti-burqa & compulsory integration law

“Those who are not prepared to accept Enlightenment values will have to leave our country and society,” reads the text of the law that drew thousands of protesters to the streets earlier this year, before it was passed by a centrist coalition last month.

Women who will wear Islamic veils – either the burqa or the niqab – in public places, will face a fine of €150 ($168).

More generally, newcomers who expect to stay in Austria, will need to enroll in a 12-month “integration course,” which includes German language lessons, if they are to receive their welfare benefits.

They will also be expressly forbidden from distributing incendiary radical materials, and are encouraged to volunteer before they can get their work permits, so that they are better prepared for life in the workplace.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by JE Menon »

From the EU point of view,an explicit policy of signing documents on arrival which clearly demand adherence and loyalty to the values enshrined in the constitution of the state, with violation guaranteeing deportation back to state of origin. Else, don't come in. It will happen, one by one.

This will be good for legal Indian migrants too.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Hari Seldon »


Now that the legal template exists, in the geographic heart of oirope no less, watch the contagion spread. Earlier the better.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Manish_P »

Apparently fake sub-titles... he seems to be ranting about some politician/s
SBajwa wrote:
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

US Muslims struggle to get approval for mosques in towns, cities

WASHINGTON: Muslims in the United States are finding it increasingly hard to get approval for the construction of new mosques as they claim rising anti-Muslim sentiments is driving local administrations in various towns and cities to unfairly deny their applications to build places of worship.

However, while Muslims are fighting legal battle for their right of worship in courts, the US Department of Justice is trying to end the discrimination against Muslims by filing law suits against towns and cities denying permissions to build mosques.

Last week, the Department of Justice announced that Bernards Township in US state of New Jersey will pay $3.25 million to settle a lawsuit over its denial of a permit to build a mosque. The department has also opened investigation into denial of a mosque in Bayonne, another city of the same state.

In its special report last year, the US Department of Justice had pointed out a sharp increase in the number of its investigations into religious discrimination involving mosques or Islamic schools over the past six years. The department opened 17 investigations involving Muslim groups under the Religious Land Useand Institutionalised Persons Act, which protects groups from discrimination in land-use decisions.

The report cites "particularly severe discrimination faced by Muslims in land use." It notes that 84 percent of investigations that don’t involve Muslim issues ended in a positive resolution without any lawsuit compared to only 20 percent of cases involving mosques and Islamic schools.

New Jersey, with a growing Muslim population, has seen several recent discrimination cases involving mosques. In 2014, Bridgewater paid $7.5 million to settle a lawsuit after officials rejected a proposal to turn a former banquet hall into an Islamic community center. And in February, the Garden State Islamic Center alleged in a federal lawsuit that Vineland discriminated when it denied a permit for full use of the mosque, also citing unequal treatment.

In Vineland, Bernards and Toms River, where a mosque application is also pending, boards have changed their zoning rules in ways that have made it more difficult for mosque proposals to proceed.

Adeel Abdullah Mangi, an attorney representing Muslim groups in Bernards and Bayonne lawsuits told the local newspaper about hate being spread by Anti-Muslim elements.

Anti-mosque fliers were put in children’s mailboxes at school. The church basement where they used to pray was spray-painted with slurs and curses. A “stop the mosque” Facebook page has drawn hundreds of followers and bigoted comments.

“How much uglier can it gets than that?” said Mangi. “Municipalities around the country should pay close attention to what happened in Bernards Township,” he said. “The American Muslim community has the legal resources, the allies and the determination to stand up for its constitutional rights in court and will do so.”

Dina Sayedahmed, 22, of Bayonne told the paper that it was hard to hear hateful comments from people in the city where she grew up and attended school. "If someone tells us 'Go back to where came from' or 'We want to save the community from you guys,' that’s going to hurt," she said.

Cheers Image
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by A_Gupta »

The contours of Islamic soft power are outlined here: ... 22-moment/
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Lilo »
..a 'phobia' is an illness, and those people(who are supposedly "Islamophobic") aren't sick: they have justified fears"
We should skip the "Islamophobia" word in this thread.

Since this thread already reached its 72,
"Islamism and reaction to it abroad - News & Analysis" is my submission. Please do suggest any better alternatives.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by IndraD » ... tests.html
Angry scenes as hundreds of anti-Muslim protesters at 'March Against Sharia' rallies in 28 cities across the US are met with stiff opposition from civil rights activists.

protests by group against sharia was met with even larger counter protest (looks like skinheads vs Ummahs + Leftists)
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by A_Gupta »

Faith is often expressed through the observance of the law. The failure to follow Islamic law is a reflection of the believer’s lack of faith and unwillingness to submit to God. Salvation is impossible without law. ... al/485801/
worth a read.
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