Terroristan - June 20, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Ganja Sharif Days Are Numbered According To This Urdu News Columnist :roll:

PS: Nawaz Sharif's (political) death has been "greatly exaggerated" before as well !
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the PESW Thread

Current account deficit widens 178%, stands at $8.93b
KARACHI: Pakistan’s current account deficit (CAD) widened by a massive 178% in the first 11 months (July-May) of the outgoing fiscal year, standing at $8.93 billion compared to $3.22 billion in the same period of previous year, according to data released by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Thursday.
The enormous increase in the deficit suggests that the government has been unable to manage its balance of payments position over the 11-month period.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Gagan »

Kulbhushan Yadav files mercy petition before Pak Army Chief
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by pankajs »

How do we know except that the bakis are claiming that.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by CalvinH »

Gagan wrote:Kulbhushan Yadav files mercy petition before Pak Army Chief
Shouldnt that be filed before President....but this is Pakistan!!!!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by CalvinH »

Falijee wrote:Ganja Sharif Days Are Numbered According To This Urdu News Columnist :roll:

PS: Nawaz Sharif's (political) death has been "greatly exaggerated" before as well !
I think he will suffer a serious set back this time. The JIT verdict will come against him and he will be kicked out. He may be imprisoned too. Brother from Punjab or may be the Beti will have to fight the next elections on his behalf..

Her Beti probably would be his chosen political heir but she can be tried in the same case for whether she is truthful and trustworthy. Brother is safe..

Imran is preparing already for this and has started giving an open pass to popular (winnable) leaders from PPP and PMLN to join his party.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Christian man in Lahore arrested over allegations of blasphemy
A Christian bicycle mechanic in Lahore was arrested on June 15 over allegations of blasphemy after he became involved in a dispute regarding payment for services rendered to a customer
Masih demanded Rs35-40 for his services and Ishfaq requested that Masih reduce the price as he is a poor man
After a crowd gathered to witness the incident, unidentified individuals levelled accusations of blasphemy against Masih
Police, who were called to the scene, arrived and arrested Masih, shifting him to the Green Town police station.
a blasphemy case had been registered against Masih
Problem solved. Tamasha over. Ishfaq got the puncture service for free which was his ultimate goal. Next...

https://www.dawn.com/news/1341120/chris ... -blasphemy
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Pakistan supports Turkey's stance on Cyprus, COAS tells Turkish PM
"Pakistan and Turkey share the same stance on many issues," the COAS said. "Pakistan supports Turkey's position on Cyprus as well as its efforts against terrorism of all hue and colour."
Uh oh!! Bad move gen-rail sahab. I wonder if all those paki asylum seekers in Greek camps agree with Waist Bajwa's oath of loyalty?

https://www.dawn.com/news/1341094/pakis ... turkish-pm
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by krishna_krishna »

Gagan wrote:Kulbhushan Yadav files mercy petition before Pak Army Chief
Here is another recording of so called conf # 2,to me this is portrayed as look guy issafe and healthy ( the way video is at tmes shw bdy ) to me this is a trick t get their pappus ( two more evaporated from a Stan) Ipray for his well being

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Atmavik »

This canadian guy from POK explains abt Stone Pelting in kashmir.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistani academic Akbar Zaidi says CPEC corridor will colonise Pakistan
Sayantika Bhowal, bdnews24.com
Columbia and Karachi university political economist S Akbar Zaidi has contended that Pakistan will become a colony of China once the CPEC corridor is implemented.

Published: 2017-06-10 12:14:09.0 BdST Updated: 2017-06-10 12:16:38.0 BdST

Columbia and Karachi university political economist S Akbar Zaidi has contended that Pakistan will become a colony of China once the CPEC corridor is implemented.In a lecture entitled "Has China taken over Pakistan" at the think tank Calcutta Research Group on Friday night, Zaidi said the CPEC initiative is the most discussed but the least transparent of the foreign initiative in contemporary Pakistan."It is indeed a game changer, but not in the way our ruling classes have projected it to be. It will enslave Pakistan and undermine its sovereignty," Zaidi said. Just re-affirms what others have said !
Zaidi's many books, especially "Military Civil Society and democratisation in Pakistan" and " Issues in Pakistan's Economy", have won him acclaim on the world stage.Talking about the CPEC corridor, Zaidi said: "It is a part of China's OBOR initiative to expand its influence in the world and Pakistan is just the geographical space used by Beijing to reach the warm waters of the Persian Gulf. But in the process, Beijing blueprint will ensure complete control over Pakistan." Zaidi quoted Senator Tahir Mashhadi, chairman of the standing committee on planning and development, who had described the CPEC corridor as the advent of “another East India Company is in the offing.” The most dangerous fallout of the CPEC corridor, he said, would be that Pakistan's foreign relations, especially those with India, will be determined by the Chinese.
This is an interesting proposition . Will the Paki Fauj and their ally "The Islam Brigade" allow the non- Islamic Chinis to dictate what and what not the "qom" should do in regards to "Kuffar Hindus" :roll:
"Pakistan’s obsession with China and CPEC will prevent any rapprochement between India and Pakistan unless the Chinese themselves initiate such a process and that they would do only if that fits into their grand design in the region. With China taking over Pakistan, providing it with undisclosed amount of investments, any argument of increasing trade and economic cooperation between India and Pakistan lose out completely." But the Chinese also realize that their grandiose goals cannot succeed in a terror infested environment that is Pakistan :D
Zaidi blamed the Pakistani ruling classes for leading the country down the path of enslavement. "Our ruling classes, especially the military, have first lived with the influence of US imperialism, then allowed unusual degree of Saudi intrusion in domestic, cultural and social affairs. Now they have prostrated themselves before Chinese imperial designs. Pakistan will temporarily gain from Chinese investment in infrastructure and connectivity, and some jobs may be created, and we may gain in power generation. Left with no options as to how to confront India , IMO, the Paki Fauj and the ruling elite had no options but to resort themselves to "sell" Pakiland to the Chinese . !
"But we should not forget how Chinese investments turned sour in Sri Lanka, Tajikistan and several parts of Africa. In both Sri Lanka and Tajikistan, with rising costs and debts , large swathes of land had to be handed over to the Chinese to make up for unpaid funds. There are good reasons to fear that Pakistan could be reduced to being a vassal state. " He said Pakistan should learn from the way Bangladesh has dealt with the Chinese. Did not the "founder of Pakistan" offered his "artificial state" to the Americans as a bulwark against the godless Soviets ( and joined SEATO and CENTO to beef up it's armed forces ) and did not the Americans use Pakistan as a condom for their own purposes. ! History repeats itself ! Pakistan never learns from history :mrgreen:
"Bangladesh accept Chinese investments but on its own terms. They insist that Chinese companies should adhere to environmental norms which they are so prone to flout. Bangladesh has also not accepted Chinese conditions like deployment of its own labour force which Pakistan failed to resist." Zaidi said that the government has not clarified what will the CPEC cost now and in years to come. "Whatever little we have learnt is from media leaks. Islamabad will reportedly award contracts for all CPEC projects to the Chinese, who may or may not partner with local firms, and may or may not, procure material from local manufacturers. They will get special incentives, not available to local Pakistani firms. It is also not clear what will happen to the tens of thousands of people displaced by the CPEC projects." The detailed CPEC agreement was not even presented to the Paki Parliament for discussion and approval and Pakistan "boasts" itself as an "emerging democracy" !
Zaidi described Pakistan as a majoritarian Punjabi driven country with a strong military presence in decision making. "That means the views of other ethnicities who will be affected by the CPEC corridor will not be taken into account," he said. "Can you believe we now have a Chinese language paper in Islamabad with 5000 readers," Zaidi quipped.
The Chinese are well known for long term planning ; maybe, in the next 10 years or so, the circulation is bound to increase manifold :mrgreen:
On the future of India-Pakistan relations, Zaidi was not pessimistic. "Many Pakistanis, especially the young lot, appears keen on friendship with India . There is great demand of Indian entertainment content in Pakistan, but possibly cricket can play the most important role. Indo-Pak relations significantly improved following India’s tour of Pakistan in 2003, but that changed after the 2008 Mumbai attack. Even at this juncture, resumption of Indo-Pak cricket series can be the best starting point." Nepali editor Kanak Mani Dixit, who spoke after Zaidi, accepted the fears raised by the Pakistani academic. "Nepal is also engaging more with China but we need to learn from the Chinese experience in other countries like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, but we need to avoid what is happening in Pakistan," he said. It is not fair. ! "Enemies" of China and "enemies" of Pakistan are ganging up . China should have been "allowed" to present its point of view also :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

The Mad Rush To Grab "A Piece Of Gwadar" Before The
Adrenaline Wears Off :mrgreen:

Unreal estate: The boom in Gwadar’s property market
Gwadar is changing. This is the usual tag line for advertisements promoting the port city as the next best destination for investment in real estate after Dubai. These adverts generally feature a skyline dominated by well-lit, high-rise buildings lining wide avenues and towering over a shimmering waterfront. The Gwadar of reality has neither electricity nor drinking water of its own. Its electricity – available only eight hours a day – comes from Iran and its water is brought from reservoirs located far away. Yet the city and its eponymous tehsil are changing.
Those travelling regularly on the Makran Coastal Highway have seen this change pick up pace recently. Around Nilhat, a village where Gwadar tehsil starts and Pasni tehsil to the east ends, boundary walls have cropped up on rural lands that only six months ago looked like green fields sown with fodder crops. Many hilly mounds have disappeared; many streams that once carried rainwater during rains and brought seawater inland in the dry season have been filled up with earth and marked as private property. Signboards announcing real estate projects of different types can be seen everywhere along a stretch of road, close to 50 kilometres long, between Nilhat and Gwadar. The fate of Gwadar and the Balochis is being decided by the Pakjabis and other non-locals!
Most of these developments have taken place after a direct road link was opened for traffic between Gwadar and Quetta last year. Gwadar Port receiving its first consignments from China, also in 2016, has been another contributing factor.
The case of Muhammad Irfan, an accountant at a private company in Karachi, is slightly different. He was tempted to invest money in a housing project in Gwadar in the first half of 2006 — a time when a real estate boom in the area was at its peak...
Five years ago, he came to know that the NOC for the scheme in which his plot was located had been revoked. He immediately stopped paying instalments, without cross-checking the information. He did not realise that this was going to be his second misstep.In April this year, Irfan logged in to the GDA’s website, which provides updates on private real estate projects running within its jurisdiction. He found out that the NOC for Arabian City Gwadar had been restored. He, however, is not sure if he is still eligible to own the plot he had reserved because he has not been paying his monthly instalments for years. One small example of how the "game" is likely to be played in the coming years !
No official land records existed for the entire Makran division before 1992.
Hayatt, who has hosted talk shows for three years at Radio Pakistan Gwadar and has been a presenter on the Pakistan Navy’s FM radio Bayzaan, says most Gwadaris did not understand what the settlement process meant.
Only bureaucrats, government officials, smugglers and those who were engaged in politics knew its intricacies. They saw the settlement process as an opportunity to own vast tracts of land that originally belonged to no one, he says. Am sure the gernails and the kernels of the Paki Fauj are in this corrupt game as well !
Shakeel Ahmed Baloch, a former member of the National Assembly from Gwadar who later became a judge of the Balochistan High Court, said something similar in 2008. “Influential people from Gwadar and from other parts of the province and the country bribed patwaris (revenue clerks) to get land registered in their name,” he said in an interview with the Herald. Many of the new landowners, according to him, did not even belong to the area, let alone having used local lands for 12 years. The Balochis and other locals are being shafted by the Paki Establishment in this "new" Wild West Frontier Of Pakistan !
Ahmed Iqbal is a poet. He owns a private Balochi language television channel and is the president of Gwadar Builders and Developers Association. He believes the ongoing real estate boom in Gwadar is not genuine because very few builders and developers have applied for and received new NOCs for real estate projects in the last year or so. :roll:
qbal cites a number of reasons to explain why reports of a thriving real estate sector in Gwadar are exaggerated. Firstly, he says, the Baloch living in and around Gwadar have no experience of being construction workers. They work as fishermen, peasants, herdsmen and traders but seldom as daily wage labourers adept at handling brick and mortar. Builders and developers, therefore, need to bring in labourers from outside the area.But this is not easy because of the activities of Baloch insurgents. In the middle of the last month alone, unidentified assailants opened fire at a construction site in Gwadar. The firing resulted in the killing of 10 labourers, according to daily Dawn. They were all residents of NaushahroFeroze area of Sindh province. No one will happily leave their home and hearth to work in an area that has such precarious law and order, Iqbal argues. Being a local, he probably has more accurate information ![/quote]
The revenue department officials say around 20,000 acres of land scattered in different parts of Gwadar tehsil remains to be settled. There are rumours that the relatives of an influential federal minister from Balochistan are trying to own this land. The scramble for this land will certainly create new disputes, even as the old ones have been mostly resolved. Whether the "shrewd Chinese" will be players in this game is anybody's guess !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Rawheel Becoming A Headache For Pakistan :roll:

Sartaj Aziz's remarks on Raheel Sharif misquoted: FO
Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria clarified Sartaj Aziz had said that that the government issued no-objection certificate (NOC) to General (Retd) Raheel Sharif in accordance with the rules.During a press conference, FO spokesman Nafees Zakaria replied to a media query and said the statement at the in-camera session, attributed to Foreign Affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz, before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate was a misquotation.However, the policy regarding Pakistan’s participation in different activities of the alliance will be decided by the government after the TORs (terms of reference) have been finalized and in consultation with the parliament, Sartaj had informed. IMO, the " Bad Sharif" was "encouraged" to take up the job by the "Good Sharif", after Nawaz whispered a few good words in the ears of the Saudi Monarch. Raheel got a good "post-retirement" package courtesy of the Saudis ( financial headache gone !) and Ganja got rid of his nemesis from the domestic political scene . A good quid pro quo . Therefore, according to this logic, it should be Ganja Sharif who should clear the air and address the Paki Awam in a nation wide TV and Radio address ( prepared script onlee !) :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Pathik »

Rishi Verma wrote:I dont understand why, in UN speeches, india only "alludes" to, "without naming points fingers to" pakistan. Why can't the diplomat say "pakistani government sponsored terrorism needs to end".

History is replete with terms like "country at the western border", "our neighbour", "cross-border firing", "militant infiltration" etc etc... Nehruvian foot in mouth disease.
typical indian apologetic approach. They start with beating around the bush, who will take them seriously
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Guddu »

All this is optics, in preparation for Modis meeting with Trump.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Guddu »

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Guddu »

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Gagan »

People often wonder why was Raheel chosen to lead the Arab Sunni alliance against the Shias?

One has to examine why a Pakistani retired COAS was chosen? What are the goals of the alliance, it will give some perspective into what is planned for the future.

One obvious reason is that Pakistan is a Sunni nation, with a overwhelmingly Sunni army, and Raheel himself is sunni
Second, that Pakistan is a rather loyal slave of KSA and the arab nations, and will go out of the way to serve them

But what else? Why a Pak mil general?
Is KSA expecting an all out war against the shias? A raging land battle with armour crossing the deserts at high speeds or a full scale invasion of Iran?
Very unlikely
KSA/Arabs don't share a land border with Iran and the Persian Gulf precludes movement of heavy armour. There is no Normandy type landing happening anytime soon. Or ever.

Besides, for any such endeavour, one needs a military leader from an armed forces that has actually won wars, has a history of planning and winning impressive battles.

The Pakistanis are an Army of eternal losers, who have lost every time they have waged war. These guys seriously suck at anything that has to do with disciplined military warfighting.

The Pakistanis are good only at Terrorism. The Pakistani Armed forces has fair success and experience at Terrorism. Besides, Pakistan shares a land border with Iran. Raheel will be expected to know the terrain in Balochistan well, as well as have a valuable experience in sponsoring terrorism. He has junior officers serving currently in the Pak Army who can be loyal to him.

So we now can perhaps better understand the motivations that were behind Raheel's selection for the Job.

One can expect terror strikes into Iran from Balochistan. The taliban might move to capture territory in the vicinity of the Iran-Afghan border at the behest of the ISI.
Perhaps Raheel has laid some groundwork prior to retirement towards this already. Perhaps Kulbhushan Yadav's kidnapping from Chabahar plays a minor part of this strategy, to involve Iran, in allegedly "destabilizing" Pakistan.

Raheel and the Pakistani Army are upto no good.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by jayasimha »

Five Dead, 13 Injured in Blast Outside Quetta IGP’s Office
https://www.thequint.com/world/2017/06/ ... igp-office
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Bill tabled in US House of Representatives to revoke Pakistan's non-NATO ally status

WASHINGTON: A bipartisan bill seeking to revoke Pakistan's status as major non-NATO ally (MNNA) to the US has been introduced in the House of Representatives by two top lawmakers, saying the country failed to effectively fight terrorism.

Introduced by Republican Congressman Ted Poe and Democratic lawmaker Rick Nolan, the legislation calls for revoking MNNA status of Pakistan, which was granted to it in 2004 by the then president, George Bush, in an effort to get the country to help the US fight al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

"Pakistan must be held accountable for the American blood on its hands," said Poe, who is a member of the foreign affairs committee and serves as chairman of the subcommittee on terrorism, non-proliferation and trade.

"For years, Pakistan has acted as a Benedict Arnold ally of the United States. Military Hero turning Traitor! Clapistan never was the United States of America's Hero. It started out as a Traitor and kept becoming THE USA's BIGGEST TRAITOR Degree by Degree until it became that GRAND POOBAH OF ALL TRAITORS OF THE USA! From harbouring Osama bin laden to backing the Taliban, Pakistan has stubbornly refused to go after, in any meaningful way, terrorists that actively seek to harm opposing ideologies," he said.

"We must make a clean break with Pakistan, but at the very least, we should stop providing them the eligibility to obtain our own sophisticated weaponry in an expedited process granting them a privileged status reserved for our closest allies," Poe said.

Under MNNA, a country is eligible for priority delivery of defence materials, an expedited arms sale process and a US loan guarantee programme, which backs up loans issued by private banks to finance arms exports.

It can also stockpile US military hardware, participate in defence research and development programmes and be sold more sophisticated weaponry.

Last August, the then secretary of defence, Ash Carter, withheld $300 million in military reimbursements because he could not certify that Pakistan was taking adequate action against the Haqqani network, as required by the NDAA.

"Time and time again, Pakistan has taken advantage of America's goodwill and demonstrated that they are no friend and ally of the United States," Nolan said.

"The fact is, the billions of dollars we have sent to Pakistan over the last 15 years has done nothing to effectively fight terrorism and make us safer. It is time to wake up to the fact that Pakistan has ties to the same terrorist organisations which they claim to be fighting," he said.

The legislation will protect American taxpayer dollars and make the US and the world safer, Nolan said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Kashi »

^^I believe we should never take such reports and such attempts seriously. Nothing will happen, nor is it intended to happen. the bill will come and go like many others and the Pakis will continue milking as always.

The only people who would really happy with such "initiatives" must be the Capitol lobbyists.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by pankajs »

Quite right! This is just showbazi just before Modi arrives in DC. There are 3 main beneficiaries of such a dramabazi.

1. Congressmen get to *show* their commitment to Indo-American donors.
2. A little ego massaging of the GOI to get more business out of India / push their agenda with India. Congressmen are often times fronting for US companies / NGOs. In their minds it is helpful by participating in some such initiative.
3. Lobbyist get to earn their keep.

Anytime I see such a proposal I have a hearty laugh. Even if one such thing gets through, it will be ONLY and ONLY because it advances the US agenda. Rest all is just BS.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the PESW Thread

Clapistan’s Exports and Imports of Goods & Services

Goods and Services Balance - July 2016 to May 2017 : US$ -25.440 Billion

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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Quetta: Suicide attack targeting IGP Office claims 12 lives

QUETTA: At least 12 people were killed and 16 injured in a suicide attack near the office of Balochitsan Police Chief on Gulistan Road here early Friday, according to security and hospital officials.

DIG Abdul Razzaq Cheema said that the bomber detonated the explosives-laden vehicle after he was stopped by the law enforcement personnel for screening as he was mysteriously taking rounds in the area. Bomb Disposal Squad confirmed that the explosives were planted in a vehicle.

Police bore the maximum brunt as five policemen embraced martyrdom in the early morning blast while nine were hurt and under treatment at different health facilities in the provincial capital.

The police cordoned off the Shuhada Chowk vicinity, where the incident took place. Two vehicles can be seen damaged in video footage of the crime scene.

Balochistan government spokesman Anwar ul Haq Kakar said the blast happened near the office of the inspector general of police when officers stopped the car to search it near a checkpoint.

"It´s possible the IG office was the target, or the assailants were trying to enter the (army) cantonment which is close by," he said.

The rescue services shifted the victims to the nearby hospitals. Several injured are said to be in critical condition.

Important government offices are located in the area where the explosion occurred. The city was on high alert due to Friday.

Balochistan have been targeted by the militants to spark panic and terror among the citizens. Indian RAW agent Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav confessed to have been involved in subversive activities in Balochistan.

Kakar said India has been playing a dirty game in the region since long but we will not let them play havoc with the innocent lives of Pakistanis.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Gagan »

Just look at the Pakjabi names in Balochistan, Cheema, Kakar.
Quetta is the meeting point of the Pashtoon and the Baloch. But the Pakjabis have taken over this place. Occupied balochistan, is not allowed to have any ethinic baloch in any position of power
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Malsi In D.C. In 1805 :shock:

Amy B Wang ( in the service of Islam?)

Jefferson’s White House iftar in 1805
IN the early days of December 1805, a handful of prominent politicians received formal invitations to join President Thomas Jefferson for a White House dinner. Such entreaties were not uncommon: Jefferson frequently hosted lawmakers for political working dinners at the White House, almost always commencing them about 3:30 in the afternoon, shortly after the House or Senate had adjourned for the day. But this gathering, scheduled for Dec 9, would be slightly different. “Dinner will be on the table precisely at sunset” — the invitations read. “The favour of an answer is asked.” The occasion was the presence of a Tunisian envoy to the United States, Sidi Soliman Mellimelli, who had arrived in the country just the week before, in the midst of the ongoing US conflict with what were then known as the Barbary States. And the reason for the dinner’s later-than-usual start was Mellimelli’s observance of Ramazan, a holy month for Muslims in which observers fast between dawn and dusk. Only after sunset do Muslims break their fast with a meal, referred to as an iftar. So, according to this "legend", POTUS connection to Ramadhan ( AKA Ramzan ) goes way, way back to 1805 !
Jefferson’s decision to change the time of the meal to accommodate Mellimelli’s observance of Ramazan has been seized on by both sides in the 21st-century debate over Islam more than 200 years later. Historians have cited the meal as the first time an iftar took place in the White House. Meanwhile, critics on the far right have taken issue with the characterisation of Jefferson’s Dec 9, 1805, dinner as an iftar.
Did the esteemed Tunisian Envoy, prior to breaking his fast, prostrate towards Mecca with the help of a "Kaaba Compass", in the "special prayer room", that was allocated to him for his visit- enquiring readers like to know :mrgreen:
Ramazan, which falls on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, started on May 27 this year and will end on Saturday. Several former White House staff members said they would usually begin planning an iftar “months in advance” and don’t think the Trump White House could pull something off before the end of Ramazan. So, POTUS is breaking the tradition that goes back to 1805! how are the Saudis re-acting to this affront to Malsi by the most "Powerful Man" in the Whole World ! Hidden Hand Of RAA and the Indian Lobby :twisted:
That Jefferson would push back the time of a dinner by several hours is an indication for his respect for religious freedom, said Scott Harrop, a professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian languages and cultures at the University of Virginia.
funding provided by Saudia :roll:
John Ragosta, a historian and author of Religious Freedom: Jefferson’s Legacy, America’s Creed, agreed, saying that people trying to claim Jefferson’s 1805 dinner was not an iftar were playing a “rather childish semantic game”. “Here is an ambassador, an honoured guest. The dinner is specifically scheduled after sundown to accommodate him,” Ragosta said. “Yeah, it sounds to me like an iftar dinner.so, "iftar" is now a "household name"in D.C. now :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Paki Ayeshas Are "Coming Out Of The Islamic Closet" And Openly Talking About Sexual Harassment And/ Or Groping In The Guise Of Medical Examination By Male Medical Doctors In The Islamic Republic Of Pakistan :shock:

How a medical exam at a top notch Karachi hospital ended in sexual harassment
Let me put it this way: a highly-esteemed surgeon, sitting at one of Karachi’s top-notch hospitals, smacked a female patient’s butt while examining her. Now, does that make you uncomfortable? Women Human Rights arriving in Pakiland, at last. Is the "powerful Islam Brigade" "comfortable" with the "Outside The Box Book" way of modern thinking :mrgreen: :roll:
PS: If you are facing sexual harassment and would like to file a complaint, please follow the government's guidelines here and here. You can also reach out to NGO helplines. If you wish to share your story at Dawn, write to us at blog@dawn.com.
What further action will be taken against the "Doctor" in this specific incident is anybody's guess. !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Imran Khan "Power Drunk" At Iftar Dinner :roll:

Imran sees Nawaz going by July-end, early polls
ISLAMABAD - Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief is seeing the disqualification of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif by the end of July as well as early elections after the Supreme Court verdict in the Panama Papers case.“I am confident that the prime minister would face disqualification by the end of July as a result of the findings of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) probing the offshore wealth of the Sharif family,” he said during an informal chat with a select group f of journalists at an Iftar dinner he hosted. Of the record "boasting" for which The Kaptaan is quite famous :mrgreen:
“It looks that I am about to win the test match of Panama,” the PTI chief went on to say. He said that Nawaz Sharif should take some tranquilizers or sleeping pills as the JIT was about to give its findings. Explaining his point of view about early elections, the PTI chief said that after the disqualification of PM Sharif, the PML-N will have no option but to nominate Maryam Nawaz for the slot of the prime ministership and she could not become the premier as she is not the member of the parliament. “Practically, the government should complete its tenure after the disqualification of the prime minister,” he said adding that it did not look doable. The "political death" of Ganja- the shrewd dehati politico- Sharif has been predicted many times before as well :twisted:
He said that the PTI was ready to start a movement against the government after Eid if the government continued to attempt to make the JIT controversial. The threat of "street power" to fulfill his ambition of become PM of Pakiland !
Khan avoided answering a question on the criticism by some circles that the chief of army staff announced Umrah tickets for the cricket team from the national kitty for winning the ICC Champions Trophy. Bajwa, the suspected Qadiani, in Immy's pocket :roll:
“I am going to invite Awami Muslim League chief Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed to join the PTI but he is unaware of my offer,” he said adding that Rasheed was the person who faced this mafia alone. ( will be rewarded with a cabinet post if Immy comes to power !) :mrgreen:
Responding to a question, Khan said that he had no intention to tie the knot till the next general elections. “No marriage till next general elections,” he said.
Marriagable market value likely to increase after election victory, but prospective Paki Ayeshas ( preferably young and chaste !) will have to pass the "interview test" conducted by Imran's sisters before final approval . :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Gagan wrote:Just look at the Pakjabi names in Balochistan, Cheema, Kakar.
Quetta is the meeting point of the Pashtoon and the Baloch. But the Pakjabis have taken over this place. Occupied balochistan, is not allowed to have any ethinic baloch in any position of power
Minor nitpick. Kakars are pakhtoons.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Gagan »

Kakars are punjabis, dogras too
400% this is a Pakjabi ..
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Gagan »

Sindhi on Bakistan


Hussain Haqqani is a Shia
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

10 dead, 50 injured in twin explosions in Parachinar
At least 10 people are feared dead and over 50 injured as two subsequent explosions hit a densely populated part of Kurram Agency's Parachinar area on Friday, local political administration officials told DawnNews.
https://www.dawn.com/news/1341299/10-de ... parachinar
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Gagan »

What / who are these explosions in KP targeted at?
Pakjabis in KP? Shia-sunni? Freedom fighters against the occupier government? False flag by the ISI?

One wonders...
Need to delve deeper to try and understand who the target was, who claimed responsibility etc
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by habal »

parachinar has shia majority, hence all the action is focussed there.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

Gagan, Parachinar means it is against the Shia. Most probably IS-affiliates.
Rishi Verma
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Rishi Verma »

Paki BAT team was intercepted by our jawans inside our territory, two jawans dead, two SSG BATs dead, rest SSG BATs scooted. Dead pigs were carrying decapitating swords etc... Photo in story below.

http://m.timesofindia.com/india/army-sa ... 288978.cms
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

SSG specializes in decapitating. Completely imbibed the terror culture from the Book. Zia had also commissioned a book on Islamic War which is being taught in Kakul. Remember the one-eyed Ilyas Kashmiri, who as an SSG decapitated our brave martyr Bhausaheb Maruti Talekar of the Maratha Light Infantry and received a cash award for his act from COAS Gen. Musharraf? The current action against the Pakistani Army along the LoC & IB is perhaps not enough. It needs to be stepped up even more significantly. This decapitation attempt must be used as an excuse to a huge strike.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

anupmisra wrote:10 dead, 50 injured in twin explosions in Parachinar
https://www.dawn.com/news/1341299/10-de ... parachinar

Update - At least 25 dead, 100 injured in twin explosions in Parachinar
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Ramzan in bakistan.
4 policemen gunned down in Karachi's SITE area during iftar
The policemen were having iftar at a hotel located between Siemens Chowk and Habib Bank Chowrangi when three unidentified persons on two motorbikes opened fire on them.
Maqsood claimed that the assailants belonged to a "defunct terrorist organisation". :roll:
https://www.dawn.com/news/1341305/4-pol ... ring-iftar