Terroristan - June 20, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Indus Water Treaty thread.

Indus Water Treaty: Next round of Indo-Pak talks at World Bank to begin today :

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by svenkat »

There’s more than bank fraud going on here. In Washington, it’s never about what they tell you it’s about. So take this to the bank: The case of Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s mysterious Pakistani IT guy, is not about bank fraud. Yet bank fraud was the stated charge on which Awan was arrested at Dulles Airport this week, just as he was trying to flee the United States for Pakistan, via Qatar. That is the same route taken by Awan’s wife, Hina Alvi, in March, when she suddenly fled the country, with three young daughters she yanked out of school, mega-luggage, and $12,400 in cash.
By then, the proceeds of the fraudulent $165,000 loan they’d gotten from the Congressional Federal Credit Union had been sent ahead. It was part of a $283,000 transfer that Awan managed to wire from Capitol Hill. He pulled it off — hilariously, if infuriatingly — by pretending to be his wife in a phone call with the credit union. Told that his proffered reason for the transfer (“funeral arrangements”) wouldn’t fly, “Mrs.” Awan promptly repurposed: Now “she” was “buying property.” Asking no more questions, the credit union wired the money . . . to Pakistan.
As you let all that sink in, consider this: Awan and his family cabal of fraudsters had access for years to the e-mails and other electronic files of members of the House’s Intelligence and Foreign Affairs Committees. It turns out they were accessing members’ computers without their knowledge, transferring files to remote servers, and stealing computer equipment — including hard drives that Awan & Co. smashed to bits of bytes before making tracks.
They were fired in February. All except Awan, that is. He continued in the employ of Wasserman Schultz, the Florida Democrat, former DNC chairwoman, and Clinton crony. She kept him in place at the United States Congress right up until he was nabbed at the airport on Monday. This is not about bank fraud. The Awan family swindles are plentiful, but they are just window-dressing. This appears to be a real conspiracy, aimed at undermining American national security. At the time of his arrest, the 37-year-old Imran Awan had been working for Democrats as an information technologist for 13 years. He started out with Representative Gregory Meeks (D., N.Y.) in 2004. The next year, he landed on the staff of Wasserman Schultz, who had just been elected to the House. Congressional-staff salaries are modest, in the $40,000 range. For some reason, Awan was paid about four times as much. He also managed to get his wife, Alvi, on the House payroll . . . then his brother, Abid Awan . . . then Abid’s wife, Natalia Sova. The youngest of the clan, Awan’s brother Jamal, came on board in 2014 — the then-20-year-old commanding an annual salary of $160,000. A few of these arrangements appear to have been sinecures: While some Awans were rarely seen around the office, we now know they were engaged in extensive financial shenanigans away from the Capitol. Nevertheless, the Daily Caller’s Luke Rosiak, who has been all over this story, reports that, for their IT “work,” the Pakistani family has reeled in $4 million from U.S. taxpayers since 2009. That’s just the “legit” dough. The family business evidently dabbles in procurement fraud, too. The Capitol Police and FBI are exploring widespread double-billing for computers, other communication devices, and related equipment. Why were they paid so much for doing so little? Intriguing as it is, that’s a side issue. A more pressing question is: Why were they given access to highly sensitive government information? Ordinarily, that requires a security clearance, awarded only after a background check that peruses ties to foreign countries, associations with unsavory characters, and vulnerability to blackmail. These characters could not possibly have qualified. Never mind access; it’s hard to fathom how they retained their jobs. The Daily Caller has also discovered that the family, which controlled several properties, was involved in various suspicious mortgage transfers. Abid Awan, while working “full-time” in Congress, ran a curious auto-retail business called “Cars International A” (yes, CIA), through which he was accused of stealing money and merchandise. In 2012, he discharged debts in bankruptcy (while scheming to keep his real-estate holdings). Congressional Democrats hired Abid despite his drunk-driving conviction a month before he started at the House, and they retained him despite his public-drunkenness arrest a month after. Beyond that, he and Imran both committed sundry vehicular offenses. In civil lawsuits, they are accused of life-insurance fraud.
Democrats now say that any access to sensitive information was “unauthorized.” But how hard could it have been to get “unauthorized” access when House Intelligence Committee Dems wanted their staffers to have unbounded access? In 2016, they wrote a letter to an appropriations subcommittee seeking funding so their staffers could obtain “Top Secret — Sensitive Compartmented Information” clearances. TS/SCI is the highest-level security classification. Awan family members were working for a number of the letter’s signatories. Democratic members, of course, would not make such a request without coordination with leadership. Did I mention that the ranking member on the appropriations subcommittee to whom the letter was addressed was Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Why has the investigation taken so long? Why so little enforcement action until this week? Why, most of all, were Wasserman Schultz and her fellow Democrats so indulgent of the Awans? The probe began in late 2016. In short order, the Awans clearly knew they were hot numbers. They started arranging the fraudulent credit-union loan in December, and the $283,000 wire transfer occurred on January 18. In early February, House security services informed representatives that the Awans were suspects in a criminal investigation. At some point, investigators found stolen equipment stashed in the Rayburn House Office Building, including a laptop that appears to belong to Wasserman Schultz and that Imran was using. Although the Awans were banned from the Capitol computer network, not only did Wasserman Schultz keep Imran on staff for several additional months, but Meeks retained Alvi until February 28 — five days before she skedaddled to Lahore. Strange thing about that: On March 5, the FBI (along with the Capitol Police) got to Dulles Airport in time to stop Alvi before she embarked. It was discovered that she was carrying $12,400 in cash. As I pointed out this week, it is a felony to export more than $10,000 in currency from the U.S. without filing a currency transportation report. It seems certain that Alvi did not file one: In connection with her husband’s arrest this week, the FBI submitted to the court a complaint affidavit that describes Alvi’s flight but makes no mention of a currency transportation report. Yet far from making an arrest, agents permitted her to board the plane and leave the country, notwithstanding their stated belief that she has no intention of returning. Many congressional staffers are convinced that they’d long ago have been in handcuffs if they pulled what the Awans are suspected of. Nevertheless, no arrests were made when the scandal became public in February. For months, Imran has been strolling around the Capitol. In the interim, Wasserman Schultz has been battling investigators: demanding the return of her laptop, invoking a constitutional privilege (under the speech-and-debate clause) to impede agents from searching it, and threatening the Capitol Police with “consequences” if they don’t relent. Only last week, according to Fox News, did she finally signal willingness to drop objections to a scan of the laptop by federal investigators. Her stridency in obstructing the investigation has been jarring. As evidence has mounted, the scores of Democrats for whom the Awans worked have expressed no alarm. Instead, we’ve heard slanderous suspicions that the investigation is a product of — all together now — “Islamophobia.” But Samina Gilani, the Awan brothers’ stepmother, begs to differ. Gilani complained to Virginia police that the Awans secretly bugged her home and then used the recordings to blackmail her. She averred in court documents that she was pressured to surrender cash she had stored in Pakistan. Imran claimed to be “very powerful” — so powerful he could order her family members kidnapped. We don’t know if these allegations are true, but they are disturbing. The Awans have had the opportunity to acquire communications and other information that could prove embarrassing, or worse, especially for the pols who hired them. Did the swindling staffers compromise members of Congress? Does blackmail explain why were they able to go unscathed for so long? And as for that sensitive information, did the Awans send American secrets, along with those hundreds of thousands of American dollars, to Pakistan? This is no run-of-the-mill bank-fraud case.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by tandav »

So between the AWANs manning the IT networks and Huma_Abedin the entire Democratic Party has been infiltrated by the ISI who were potentially getting and passing on to China/Russia/Pakistan all the inside information/military projects marked top secret for top dollar. This is a major intelligence coup by the ISI of the highest order.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

tandav wrote:This is a major intelligence coup by the ISI of the highest order.
Are we sure that the US understands this or it doesn't see the big picture?
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Defiant Pakistan says 'it's not our job to satisfy the US'

NEW DELHI: Pakistan's defence minister said yesterday it is not Islamabad's job to satisfy the US, and added that his government is currently "reassessing" ties with Washington, Pakistani media reported. According to World's Greatest Constitionalist, Democrat and Secularist - who in real life was none of the Three - it was the USA that needed Clapistan!

"We are here to give our point of view logically and with evidence. We will explain our position. But it's not for us to satisfy them," said Khurram Dastgir Khan, the defence minister of Pakistan.

The "reassessment" of ties with the US is a result of the US President last month roundly criticising Pakistan for "hosting terror safe havens".

Islamabad is seriously miffed with Donald Trump for threatening to suspend aid unless it falls in line and cracks down on terror which Trump said it is exporting to the region, including to Afghanistan.

Defence minister Dastgir said the situation in the region was a "challenge" for Pakistan because the US "keeps changing the goalposts". He didn't appear to have elaborated on what these "changes" were.

Khan was also upset that the US did not share Pakistan's threat perception about India, which he claimed is "warmongering and building up its military capabilities".

"The United States cannot ignore the threat to us from India. It is [a] serious [situation]," said Khan.

The defence minister added that a "nexus" between the US, India and Afghanistan was a threat to Pakistan.

"The US knows all, but ignores the threats faced by us because of its strategic interests," said Khan.

The reassessment follows Pakistan last month suspending bilateral talks and visits with the US "as a mark of protest over the recent anti-Pakistan diatribe by US President Donald Trump", said top government sources to Dawn newspaper.

Pakistan's foreign minister Khawaja Mohammad Asif last month also postponed his scheduled visit to Washington to meet with US secretary of state Rex Tillerson.

Asif is currently in New York for the United Nations General Assembly. Dawn expects he will meet Tillerson during the course of this visit.

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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the IWT Thread

Pakistan’s likely soft stance over water dispute with India to drag issue further

LAHORE: Pakistan’s flexibility to dispute resolution mechanism related to its long-pending conflict with India over Indus hydropower projects is feared to let the deadlock persist for another two or three years, sources said.

Sources said a Pakistani delegation, which will attend a second round of talks starting on Thursday (today) with its Indian counterparts, may show flexibility in discussing other options, including changes in Indus Waters Treaty (IWT), to resolve water disputes.

“Now, if the World Bank establishes a special court to determine future line of action about dispute resolution mechanism it would further waste about three years,” said a source privy to the development. “By that time, India would be successful in completing Ratle hydropower project as well.”

India has already completed construction of Kishanganga hydropower project, the source said. Officials, however, said the country is determined to iron out differences after wasting more than a year in negotiating water issues with India.

Pakistani and Indian delegations will discuss the conflict during a two-day meeting (September 14 and 15) in Washington under the aegis of the World Bank. The two neighbouring countries already held secretary-level talks on August 2.

Pakistan and India disagree over whether or not technical design features of the two hydroelectric plants Kishanganga (330 megawatts) and Ratle (850 megawatts), being built on tributaries of the Jhelum and Chenab rivers, contravene the IWT.

The Treaty designates two rivers as well as the Indus as the western rivers to which Pakistan has unrestricted use. Under the Treaty, India is permitted to construct hydroelectric power facilities on these rivers subject to constraints specified in the Treaty.

Pakistan first moved case to the World Bank, which is a custodian of the treaty signed in 1960, about formation of court of arbitration for resolving the issue. India, on the other hand, opted to go for appointment of neutral experts to buy time and to delay the whole process, sources said. “There is no justification in India’s stance as it is ridiculous that a country wants to go for a dispute resolution against itself,” another source said.

Sources said the indecisiveness of Pakistani delegation about dispute resolution mechanism could lead to modification of Indus Waters Treaty.

“Once Pakistan shows any sign of modifying the treaty, it would be an unending exercise and would potentially hurt the interest of the country,” a source said. Kishanganga and Ratle Hydropower projects may affect flow of water downstream.

“And, being a lower riparian, Pakistan has the right to submit its case about violation of Indus Waters Treaty,” the source added.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Attempt By Paki Defense Minister To Paint Immy Khan As A "Lewd Lover " Fails Miserably :mrgreen:

Defence Minister Khurram Dastgir deletes spicy tweet featuring Imran Khan in conversation with British Army chief’s wife
SLAMABAD – The Defence Minister of Pakistan Khurram Dastgir deleted one of his tweets showing a picture of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s chief Imran Khan talking casually to a lady during a ceremony at London.
Dastgir, who enjoys a good reputation among his peers for his decent demeanor shared a picture of a wedding bash in London in which ruling party’s rival Imran Khan was seen having a conversation with a British lady, later identified as the wife of British Army Chief General Nick Carter.
To spice up the tweet, the minister wrote a caption: Worth a thousand words (or Blackberry messages) indirectly referring to the allegedly lewd text messages which PTI’s disgruntled member Ayesha Gulalai claimed to have received from Imran Khan.
Everything is "fair game" in ( Paki) politics. Definitely not "halal" :roll:
The legislator thought of enjoying the responses but the tweet actually boomeranged with social media buffs attacking the minister for stooping to such level in a bid to discredit his rival.
The picture was captured during the wedding ceremony of the daughter of British tycoon Aneel Musarrat and was apparently used by the minister to fire potshots at Imran Khan for being surrounded by ladies in Western outfits and to question his morality.
However, as the tweet went viral, PTI’s head of UK & Europe Sahibzada Jahangir clarified that the couple standing behind Imran Khan was his son’s family and the lady exchanging views with Imran Khan was the wife of General Sir Carter, Chief of the General Staff of the British Army.
“How would Khurram Dastgir face General Carter when he would realise Dastgir’s tweets about her wife” inquired PTI leader.
Bemoaning over the episode, Jahangir expressed that Imran Khan was not flirting with Carter’s wife. The Romeo reputation of Immy !
From Pakistan, PTI chief Imran Khan along with Babar Awan, Usman Dar, Awami Muslim League President Sheikh Rasheed and other political personalities attended the event estimated to have cost around £4 million.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

India - Japan Joint Statement relevant to Pakistan
Strongly pitching for a "zero- tolerance" approach towards terrorism, India and Japan today agreed to strengthen cooperation against terror groups like Al-Qaida and Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe asked Islamabad to bring to book the perpetrators of terror strikes, including those involved in the Mumbai (2008) and Pathankot (2016) attacks, according to a joint statement issued after their annual summit.

The two leaders also condemned in the "strongest terms" the growing menace of terrorism and violent extremism, it said.

"They shared the view that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is a global scourge that must be forcefully combated through concerted global action in the spirit of 'zero tolerance'," the document said.

The two prime ministers called upon all countries to work towards rooting out terrorist safe havens and infrastructure, disrupting terrorist networks and financing channels and halting cross-border movement of terrorists, in an apparent reference to Pakistan.

"They looked forward to the convening of the fifth Japan-India Consultation on Terrorism and to strengthening cooperation against terrorist threats from groups, including Al-Qaida, ISIS, JeM, LeT and their affiliates," the statement added.

Modi and Abe called upon all UN member countries to implement UNSC resolution 1267 and other relevant resolutions dealing with the designation of terrorist entities
, the statement said.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?

Many individuals have been crying hoarse over how the Pakistan Army should be sent to Myanmar to help out the Rohingya Muslims that are being brutally massacred. I would like to ask the said individuals to reconsider their stance.

Yes, we are truly upset and shocked at what is happening in Myanmar, but we already have enough going on in our own country and we have to protect our people first. Our soldiers are constantly on their feet on the Line of Control (LoC) as well as the Durrand Line, especially given the recent skirmishes.

Moreover, our soldiers are valiantly fighting against militants in North Waziristan, via anti-militancy programs such as Raddul Fassad, and our soldiers have been deployed to assist the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects, owing to the security threat the Chinese face. Furthermore, our soldiers are curbing militancy in Karachi, which has been facing increasing crimes and militancy.

Additionally, the Army was even called in to deal with rain-related issues, given provincial government’s ineptness in dealing with natural disasters. The situation was so terrible that Karachi’s Mayor Wasim Akhtar outrightly said that the situation was out of control of the authorities under him.

Currently, more than 2,000 soldiers are deployed in Punjab for the anti-militancy campaign, while 600,000 soldiers are stationed at the LoC. Moreover, 15,000 soldiers have been deployed in CPEC-related projects.

What more can they be expected to do? Is this not enough already?

If individuals advocating for our forces to be deployed in Myanmar think we are not doing enough, they should do their research.

Are they unaware that Pakistan is the only Islamic nation in the world that has helped the most refugees and given them shelter? In comparison, no other Islamic nation has helped as much as Pakistan has. Rather than bashing our country to do more, how about we take pride in what it has already done?

Statistically, since the 80s, more than 0.3 billion Burmese Muslims have immigrated to Pakistan and are complacent in their surroundings. We are, and have been, assisting the persecuted Rohingya Muslims since two decades.

Additionally, Pakistan has been putting pressure on other countries to do more to help the Rohingya Muslims. In a press conference, Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said the Rohingyas’ plight is “a challenge to the conscience”.

If individuals are rooting for us to do more, how can we do more? Pray, tell.

Furthermore, it is not only the Rohingya Muslims whom Pakistan has provided shelter for, as we have provided shelter for Afghan refugees as well. The number of Afghan refugees amounts to 600,000. We have always welcomed our Muslim brothers and sisters with open arms and never turned them away, because that is what one brother does for another, despite frayed relations.

Yes, the on-going Rohingya massacre is a genuine concern, there is no doubt about that. But I would like to reiterate that Pakistan is the only country in the region that is doing the most.

Where are our neighbouring countries and why have they not taken in refugees or provided aid? Especially India and Bangladesh, who are immediate neighbours with Myanmar. Narendra Modi’s silence on this matter is deafening. His actions stain the concept of humanity. Be it a Muslim, Sikh, Hindu or Christian, at the end of the day, we are humans and we should reach out to each other.

Even if we wanted our forces to be deployed on the ground in Myanmar or if we sent them for aerial action, it would be out of the question. This is because India would never allow Pakistan to use its airspace in order to save Muslims. That would be against Modi’s ethics and what his party stands for.

What about the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, who are presumed the upholders of religion? These nations who have state-of-the-art defence systems and vast amounts of money reserves seem to be silent as well. This could be due to the fact that Rohingya Muslims are of no economic importance to them and the persecuted group mean nothing to them in terms of monetary benefits. Saudi Arabia, who established the Islamic military alliance, apparently under the name of Islam, surprisingly does not think it important enough to save their Muslim brethren, be it the Rohingya Muslims, the Palestinians, the Syrians or the Iraqis. Here, I would like to ask Saudi Arabia if this alliance was formed to protect the interests of only the rich and royal families, because it surely seems so. Is it not their rightful religious duty to help their Muslim brothers and sisters who are being beheaded and burnt to death?

Other than Pakistan, Turkey and Iran’s efforts are applause-worthy since they are doing their best to rescue and help the Rohingya Muslims. Turkey was the first country to get permission for supplying aid to the Rohingya Muslims and the Turkish government even announced its plans to distribute aid to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladeshi camps. Furthermore, Iran called for a united effort to put an end to the Rohingya massacre and it has also decided to send aid to the persecuted group.

But then again, how much can three countries do? Strength in numbers is what matters now.

Why is Pakistan the only assumed saviour of the entire Islamic world? Yes, the Rohingya Muslims need help and they need it now. But our Army cannot do more.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan Now "Claims Credit" For "Zero- Evidence" Discovered Near Peshawar :roll:

Much ado about nothing: ancient Indian text contains earliest zero symbol
Nowt, nada, zilch: there is nothing new about nothingness. But the moment that the absence of stuff became zero, a number in its own right, is regarded as one of the greatest breakthroughs in the history of mathematics.Now scientists have traced the origins of this conceptual leap to an ancient Indian text, known as the Bakhshali manuscript – a text which has been housed in the UK since 1902.
Marcus du Sautoy, professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford, said: “Today we take it for granted that the concept of zero is used across the globe and our whole digital world is based on nothing or something. But there was a moment when there wasn’t this number.”
The Bakhshali manuscript was found in 1881, buried in a field in a village called Bakhshali, near Peshawar, in what is now a region of Pakistan. It was discovered by a local farmer and later acquired by the Bodleian Library in Oxford.
Richard Ovenden, head of the Bodleian Library, said the results highlight a Western bias that has often seen the contributions of South Asian scholars being overlooked. “These surprising research results testify to the subcontinent’s rich and longstanding scientific tradition,” he said. The manuscript will be on public display on 4 October, as part of a major exhibition, Illuminating India: 5000 Years of Science and Innovation, at the Science Museum in London. Pakistan is in the habit of "claiming credit" for things that have nothing to do with Pakistan (e.g. Indus Valley Civilization and /or Mohanjodero, Gandhara Civilization ( decimated by Malsi ), Dilip Kumar, Raj Kumar, Kohinoor Diamond etc etc and the list goes on and on. :mrgreen:

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Honour And Dignity Of The Kaptaan Vs Honour And Dignity ( AKA Echendee ) Of The Election Commission Of Pakistan (ECP ). Stay Tuned For "Who Blinks First" :mrgreen:

Arrest warrants issued for Imran Khan
ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) Thursday issued bailable arrest warrants for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan.The warrants were issued in contempt of court case against the PTI chief. Khan is facing the case over his scandalous remarks about the commission. The contempt petition was filed by PTI founding member Akbar S. Babar.
So, Immy's enemies are "going after him" through one of his own :roll:
A full bench of the ECP headed by Chief Election Commissioner retired Justice Sardar Mohammad Raza is hearing the case. In the previous hearing last month, the ECP issued a second show-cause notice to Imran Khan over his failure to file response to an earlier notice in the contempt of court proceeding.Today was the last day for Imran Khan to file his reply in the case; however, his lawyer Babar Awan appeared before the commission. He informed the bench that Khan could not file the reply since he was in UK and has returned today just an hour ago
Sounds "almost" like a TV "court drama" :mrgreen:
“Imran Khan respects the court and will turn up whenever required,” Awan assured. However, the commission did not buy the argument, saying that Khan should have personally appeared before the commission if he really respected the courts. I get the impression that the ECP is basically in the pocket of Ganja supporters !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »


The 2012 "spanking new" Paki Embassy in DC - From the Outside onlee......

[–]azizijee 12 points 17 hours ago

The inside is not beautiful at all and staff is terrible. :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Ex Senator, Larry Pressler Goes Against Conventional DC Wisdom - Says That Pakistan Nukes Are More Dangerous Than North Korea. !

We should worry more about Pakistan than North Korea
By Former Sen. Larry Pressler (R-S.D.), opinion contributor- THE HILL
North Korea’s brazen and defiant nuclear tests last week have been keeping our leadership up at night, and for good reason. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s unsecured nuclear weapons program is even more dangerous and should keep all of us up at night. Senator not mincing any words ! :twisted:
Imagine this: A small group of terrorists buys a nuclear weapon from Pakistani generals with dark money and transports it to the port of Karachi in a pickup truck. From there, the weapon is hidden in a crate, cushioned amongst textiles and agricultural products, and loaded onto a container ship bound for the United States, where it could very easily destroy one of our cities. This operation could be carried out by a fairly small number of terrorists. Now why would Pakistan do that ! After all, it is A Major Non- NATO L. I :mrgreen:
This scenario is a disaster waiting to happen because Pakistan continues to harbor some of the most hardened Islamic militants and terrorists within its borders and because the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons is suspect, even though Pakistani leaders insist their program is safeguarded. The dangers of their nuclear weapons program are many: they are routinely moved around the country over dangerous and treacherous roads in unmarked vehicles with few defenses. So, within though, he has left politics, the Senator is keeping upto date on Paki shenanigans !
Pakistan’s leaders have essentially blackmailed us into providing aid for the War on Terror with threats to cease assistance in rooting out terrorists in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, we know full well that Pakistan allows terrorists to operate unfettered in large swaths of its southwestern province of Baluchistan and their potential access to Pakistan’s nuclear weapons should keep us all up at night. Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is one of the "blackmail weapons" of the Paki Fauj :mrgreen:
We let Pakistan use U.S. taxpayer money in the 1970s and 1980s to build their nuclear weapons program. Why do we now let them use U.S. taxpayer money to harbor terrorists? Without our money and military supplies, Pakistan would be powerless. Why do we continue to call Pakistan an ally? Why do we continue to be blackmailed? Tough questions indeed but the question of the "blackmail weapons" still remains unresolved . Look what happened . Nuclear technology was exchanged with NoKo for missile technology by no less than Benazir ! Xerox Khan "allowed to sell" Nuclear Secrets to Iran and the results are there for all to see !
As I state emphatically in my newly released book, “Neighbours in Arms: An American Senator’s Quest for Disarmament in a Nuclear Subcontinent,” Pakistan should be treated like North Korea, like a rogue state. The only reason Pakistan is not a totally failed state is that countries like China and the United States continue to prop it up with massive amounts of foreign aid. Unless Pakistan changes its ways with respect to terrorism, it should be declared a terrorist state. Indeed, the first Bush administration seriously considered doing so in 1992.
During my tenure as the chairman of the Arms Control Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I worked hard, along with my colleague Sen. John Glenn (D-Ohio), to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of Pakistan, most notably through a piece of legislation called the Pressler Amendment.
Named after me, it was enforced under President Bush in 1990 when he could not certify that Pakistan did not have a nuclear weapon. As a result, all aid to Pakistan was immediately cut off. It was the ultimate diplomatic “stick.” Unfortunately, the generals in the Pentagon continued to find ways to fund the generals in Islamabad and the Pressler Amendment’s effectiveness and enforcement withered. The Pentagon of Massaland has historically always been a "cheerleader" for Paki Generals !
Now, the Trump administration appears to be ready to take a much harder line against this corrupt nation, and President Trump is advocating for a much stronger relationship with India, as evidenced by his strong rhetoric last week. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson publicly stated that he would advocate for negotiations with the Taliban.
Indeed, for the first time in my lifetime, a fundamental shift in foreign policy towards Pakistan appears to be underway. News reports from that region indicate that Pakistanis are already angry about Trump’s statements. These policy changes signal a stark shift from previous presidents and are long overdue. But in my opinion, they are necessary because Pakistan will only respond to punitive action that hits where it hurts: in their pocketbooks. IMO unless the US finds ways and means for other cheaper and more efficient supply routes to Afghanistan, Pakistan will likely have "some" leverage
I agree with Trump, but I would press for an even closer relationship with India. We must not equivocate. We must decisively choose India as our nation’s most favored ally in the world, on a par with the special relationships we have with Israel and the United Kingdom. Oddly enough, the election of Trump as president might be the best thing for the relationship between the world’s two largest democracies. But it will not be "that easy" to "purchase India" as the Senator thinks :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Paki Anal-ist Shows His Pakistaniyat. Starts Bad Mouthing "Taller Than Mountain Fliend" . Calls China A "Toothless Dragon" :eek:

BRICS’ declaration and the toothless dragon
...has caused more harm to China’s under-construction super power image than to Pakistan’s denial of non-existence of terror safe havens and has left Beijing’s aides shell-shocked. Countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka may tilt towards New Delhi as perception has stemmed that Beijing is unable to defend its allies even on diplomatic forums :roll:
Against the backdrop of Xiamen declaration, the visits of Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif to China, Russia and Turkey have become of trivial importance. Unfortunately, this declaration has brought premature death to China-Russia-Pakistan nexus. Xiamen-like statements serve as wakeup call for Islamabad ... Diplomacy 101. No permanent friends, only permanent interests . Pakistan has to let go of the concept of "permanent friends" :mrgreen:
Time is ripe that strategists in Islamabad should craft relations with other countries on basis of mutual geopolitical and economic interests instead of devising them on pretext of common enmity with specific country as Pakistan and China were conspicuously drawn toward each since Sino-India 1962 war. Pakistan's foreign policy is based on the Arab concept of "enemy of my enemy is my ( fast ) friend " !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Massa Based "Indian Scam Artists" Take Advantage Of Vulnerable Pakis Living In USA , Legal Or Illegally . Gang Members Now Arrested :mrgreen:

Suspects plead guilty in US multi-million dollars scam. The gang particularly targeted the Pakistani-American community because of their vulnerability.
WASHINGTON: Four suspects have pleaded guilty to fraudulently collecting hundreds of millions of dollars from tens of thousands people, says the US Justice Department.
The gang particularly targeted the Pakistani-American community because of their vulnerability. The scam began in June 2013 and continued through December 2015. This was the period when the Pakistani community in the United States felt particularly vulnerable because of the rapidly deteriorating US-Pakistan relations and some of them were easily persuaded to believe that they need to pay the scammers to avoid arrest. If your conscience is clear, you have nothing to hide ! But this may not be the case !
This correspondent was among those thousands of Pakistanis who received a call from the scammers :D
The conspirators would at times allegedly use alternative fraudulent schemes in which the call centre operators would offer the victims small short-term loans or advise them that they were eligible for grants. The conspirators would then request a good-faith deposit to show the victims’ ability to pay back the loan, or payment of a fee to process the grant.The victims of the alleged scam never received any money after making the requested payment. Whether Indians would have fallen victim to Paki scammers is another story for another day :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Arjun »

Last edited by Arjun on 15 Sep 2017 00:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by sudeepj »

Falijee wrote:Massa Based "Indian Scam Artists" Take Advantage Of Vulnerable Pakis Living In USA , Legal Or Illegally . Gang Members Now Arrested :mrgreen:

Suspects plead guilty in US multi-million dollars scam. The gang particularly targeted the Pakistani-American community because of their vulnerability.

Whether Indians would have fallen victim to Paki scammers is another story for another day :mrgreen:

Disgusting crime.. Good on the US and Indian authorities cooperating to put an end to it. One reason Pakistanis were vulnerable to such a crime is because of largely 'off the books' operations of small mom-pop businesses. Many Indians operate the same way, and I am sure this gang had no compunctions in targeting them too.. This is just the dawn drumming up the usual hate India narrative.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by ashish raval »

No need to personalise a community. There are morons from all over India who are scam artists more so from other states both in India and abroad. IT vity has loads of scammers from every state for h1b..which state are you from btw?

Mods please take a note..
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Arjun »

ashish raval wrote:
Arjun wrote: Gujju morons stooping to Paki levels...
No need to personalise a community. There are morons from all over India who are scam artists more so from other states both in India and abroad..

Mods please take a note..
Boss, I have tremendous respect for Gujjus and not to mention that the political idol for most of us on this forum is a Gujju !

I used the term because the origin of these idiots is quite evident from their names...I will edit the previous post if it is causing hurt.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by SBajwa »

by Falijee
Suspects plead guilty in US multi-million dollars scam. The gang particularly targeted the Pakistani-American community because of their vulnerability.
I have gotten those calls all you need to do is ask them their preferred languages and abuse.

IRS will never ever call you if you have not paid your taxes., they will simply send a registered summons at your house via snail mail.

There is another scam where they call you saying "I am so and so from Microsoft and we have got signal from your computer that you have illegal software., pay us the money or we will send police with warrant to your house" I just give them the choicest Punjabi galis.

Another phone calls and letters that I get in my house is from Islamic charities (especially when their religious festivals are going on), to donate I ask them which is their preferred language and go back to my Punjabi/Hindi galis.

Another one is the Dish network (more scamming of Dish network than customers)., where they make you resign with Dish network and you lower your bills (especially if you have Indian TV channels) after signing again. They then probably get something from Dish network for making you sign back with them
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Who is pressurising NAB to file appeal in Hudaibiya case? ( The hidden hand of the Deep State cannot be ruled out :twisted:)
ISLAMABAD: The National Accountability Bureau is under tremendous pressure to file an appeal in the Supreme Court of Pakistan against the Sharifs in Hudaibiya Paper Mills case
A credible source confided to this correspondent that early this week a meeting was held in an office in Islamabad where a few senior officials of NAB were invited. They were reprimanded as to why NAB has not yet prepared the appeal in the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case against the Sharifs in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Venue and other details of the meeting including the names of those who were present there are not being disclosed.The Hudaibiya Paper Mills case appeal, if filed, will extend the scope of the ongoing probe to Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif and his son Hamza Shahbaz. The elder Sharif, former prime minister Nawaz, already stands disqualified while his children have also been booked in NAB references. It would indeed be applaudable, if the NAB is going after "criminals and crooks" of all hues and colors. But it that is not the case in Pakistan, where "selective civilian corruption is targeted but the corrupt Fauj, which has its dirty fingers in every sector of the civilian economy - not to speak of "commissions" in purchase of arms and ammunition , is left to its own devices , and is untouchable ! As one world famous author has noted in his best book on Pakistan ( and other Islamic civilizations ) that the country is a vast criminal enterprise, from the very beginning in 1947, when the "faithfool" came in possession of Hindu and Sikh properties , when the same were left behind by their owners fleeing to India !
Sources in NAB say although the Bureau has yet to decide whether it will file the appeal or not, in the given situation it is under pressure to file the appeal. According to one source, the appeal in Hudabiya may be filed in a fortnight time. This is not to defend Ganja ( who is a first -class crook, hiding behind Islamic piety ) but to show that the "rules are different" for faujis and civilians !
In the Supreme Court’s July 28th judgment, there was no direction given to the NAB to file an appeal in Hudabiya Paper Mills case. The SC order discussed the issue in para 12 where a clear room was given to the NAB whether or not it wants to file an appeal.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

According To This Paki Blogger "Everyone Knows" Who Killed Benazir Bhutto :mrgreen:

BB Assassination case Act II starts
After 10 years the Benazir Bhutto assassination case was decided by the Anti-Terrorist Court. But it seems that the 10 year long proceedings were just the act one of this tragic drama.
The act two has already started as the two senior police officers who were convicted for the dereliction of duty have filed the appeal challenging the severe punishment given to them by the ATC. It is They did not take the ATC judgement lying down. But probably they may continue to protect the people in high positions who were issuing orders to these two senior police officers.
The main "actor" ( Mush ) is exiled abroad . So, there is no chances of getting him !
Of course it can be said that they were not supposed to follow the unlawful orders and that too from agencies other than their own departments.
When the People’s Party government asked for an investigation by the UN, many television pundits and the opposition leaders criticised this decision. The People’s Party leadership was convinced that a local investigation agency would not have the courage to point the finger in the right direction. It is therefore necessary to revisit the UN report on Benazir Bhutto’s assassination to get down to pointing the finger towards the right direction.
Even the UN Report on BB’s assassination has hinted at the irony of Pakistan. The first Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated, his killer was killed to remove the evidence and subsequently the inquiry committee members died in a mysterious plane crash. Till today nobody knows who had him killed. Conjectures are it was the then “establishment.”
The "history of Pakistan" is filled with such conspriracies, breakup of East wing, murder of ZAB, followed by Zia aeroplane blast, disowning Ahmedis etc etc
Benazir Bhutto was assassinated as dusk was settling on Islamabad on 27th December 2007. Asif Zardari, Bilawal and the people of Pakistan did not trust the administration for their investigation. The history of other assassinations has shown that the truth never comes out. Not because it is not known at the top, but because everybody is afraid to name the people who order it. But if we go through the UN report it is clear that the commission has implicitly said it all. If some people cannot or do not want to read the report objectively, it’s their problem.
The report says: “The investigation was severely hampered by intelligence agencies and other government officials, which impeded an unfettered search for the truth. More significantly, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) conducted parallel investigations, gathering evidence and detaining suspects. Evidence gathered from such parallel investigations was selectively shared with the police. The Commission believes that the failure of the police to investigate effectively Ms Bhutto’s assassination was deliberate. These officials, in part fearing intelligence agencies’ involvement, were unsure of how vigorously they have to pursue actions, which they knew, as professionals, they should have taken.”
The obvious fact is that the Karachi attack on BB’s procession and her assassination in Islamabad are interconnected. The UN report has looked at it: “The Sindh police investigation of the attack never advanced. A former high level ISI official told the Commission, however, that the ISI conducted its own investigation and near the end of October 2007, captured and detained four suspects from a militant cell; the whereabouts of these four could not be confirmed by the Commission as of March 2010.” Nobody knows what happened to these alleged culprits.
Report says: “The Director General of the ISI, Major General Nadeem Taj, ( who is related to Mush !) met with Ms Bhutto in the early morning hours of 27 December at Zardari House in Islamabad. Directly knowledgeable sources told the Commission that they spoke both about the elections and about threats to Ms Bhutto’s life; versions differ as to how much detail was conveyed about the threats. The Commission is satisfied, that at least, Major General Taj told Ms Bhutto that the ISI was concerned about a possible terrorist attack against her and urged her to limit her public exposure and to keep a low profile at the campaign event at Liaquat National Bagh (Liaquat Bagh) later that day.” Now agencies defence could be that they flagged the danger prior to the event. They wrote an internal memo that her life is danger. A lay-man on the street believes that if they were involved in BB’s assassination why would they pre-warn her.
Further down the commission explains the term ‘establishment’ is euphemistically used in Pakistan. “General Musharraf also had the full support of what is known in Pakistan as the “Establishment”, the de facto power structure that has as its permanent core the military high command and intelligence agencies, in particular, the powerful military-run the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) as well as Military Intelligence (MI) and the Intelligence Bureau (IB). The capability of the Establishment to exercise power in Pakistan is based in a large part on the central role played by the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies in the country’s political life, with the military ruling the country directly for 32 of its 62 years as an independent state.”
The commission has noted that: “Several persons interviewed who have first-hand knowledge of the situation told the Commission that General Musharraf was furious when Ms. Bhutto made her announcement (to come back) and, according to one source, believed that her action represented “a total breach of the agreement”. Other informed sources said that Ms. Bhutto seemed equally stunned by General Musharraf’s reaction.”
The UN commission report has proved amply that first the security provided to BB on that evening was inadequate. Among all persons who died or were injured there was no policeman that shows that they were nowhere close to her. Subsequently, a number of actions taken by the Musharraf government officials’ show that they were trying to cover-up which confirms the suspicion that it was a conspiracy and not just Taliban and Al Qaeda attempt to kill a liberal leader : as Mr Rehman Malik has stated in his recent article in The News. Consider the following cover-up actions that have been highlighted in the report:
he hosing of the crime scene which destroyed evidence.
BB’s ‘dupatta’ an important piece of evidence goes missing.
On three different occasions, Professor Mussadiq asked CPO Saud Aziz for permission to conduct an autopsy on Ms. Bhutto, and the CPO refused each request.
DCO Elahi’s instructions to the doctors to give their report to him keeping no hard and soft copy.
SP Khurram asserted that the PPP supporters could have become disruptive. Therefore, the police needed to wash away the blood from the scene as a public order measure. But according to the commission no one familiar with the case agreed with his claim.
CPO Saud Aziz’s role in this decision is controversial. Many senior Pakistani police officials have emphasized that hosing down a crime scene is fundamentally inconsistent with Pakistani police practice.
Why Saud Aziz has agreed to become a fall guy now when the report says “he had confided in him (UN unnamed source) that he had received a call from Army Headquarters instructing him to order the hosing down of the crime scene.”
The decision to hold the press conference was made by General Musharraf in which Brig. Cheema briefed the media about the cause of death and interception of Baitullah Masud’s call. The tape of the call was never shared with the media to confirm whether the voice on the other side was of Baitullah or not.
Saud Aziz the report says dilly-dallied for two days to take the JIT team to the crime scene.
There are many such issues which emerge from the reading of the report. These issues couldn’t have been raised officially by any other investigation team in the country because of our typical power structure. To conclude one has to keep in mind that it is not important who ran away from the crime scene, whether BB died of bullet wounds or was hit by the sun-roof latch, the fact remains that she was assassinated. And that Musharraf government first did not provide her the required security in spite of the fact it was known that there was danger to her life and his officials tried to cover up.
But having said that and given the past history of assassinations in Pakistan there is hardly any chance that the real culprits will be brought to the book. Like other kith and kin of assassinated leaders of Pakistan, Asif Zardari knows this. So he has compromised to sleep with the enemies as long as they would tolerate him. And Pakistani tragedy drama continues. (ayazbabar@gmail.com)
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by RCase »

From the kirket World XI ...
https://tribune.com.pk/story/1504401/co ... l-cricket/

Reports suggest that the government’s decision to completely lockdown the adjoining areas of the stadium was taken considering the incident that took place during the Zimbabwe’s tour of Pakistan in 2015. At least two people were killed as a result of a blast near Gaddafi Stadium during a Pakistan-Zimbabwe cricket match in 2015; though police insisted the explosion was accidental. :rotfl: Vacuum bulb explosions?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by ashish raval »

Arjun wrote:
ashish raval wrote:
No need to personalise a community. There are morons from all over India who are scam artists more so from other states both in India and abroad..

Mods please take a note..
Boss, I have tremendous respect for Gujjus and not to mention that the political idol for most of us on this forum is a Gujju !

I used the term because the origin of these idiots is quite evident from their names...I will edit the previous post if it is causing hurt.
Well I had no issue if you had just used word morons . Thanks for understanding my concern here.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by saip »

Another phone calls and letters that I get in my house is from Islamic charities
I make it a point to mail them back (if they are reply paid envelopes) with nothing in them. They have to pay postage when they receive them.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the STFEP Thread

Can't force India to play bilateral series against Pakistan: ICC

KARACHI: ICC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dave Richardson has made it clear that the sport's governing body cannot force India to play bilateral matches with Pakistan.

Talking to the media in Lahore, Richardson also dispelled the impression that the ICC had a bigger leaning towards India compared to Pakistan cricket.

"If India is not ready to play with Pakistan, we can't force them to do so," he said.

He said obviously the ICC wanted good relations among all its member nations and discouraged member countries from being involved in legal battles with each other.

"You have to understand that bilateral series is always held with the agreement of two cricket boards and though we would like to see India and Pakistan play bilateral matches they have political tensions and any cricket is dependent on their existing relations," Richardson said.

He, however, insisted that if India and Pakistan were in the same group in any ICC event they would have to play against each other.

While India has steadfastly refused to play bilateral cricket with Pakistan since 2008, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has maintained it is getting ready to file a compensation claim with the ICC's disputes resolution committee against the BCCI for not honouring an MoU signed between the two boards in 2014. A MOU is only an "UNderstanding". It is not a Contract!

The ICC CEO said the world body remained neutral when it came to Indo-Pak cricket relations.

"We are aware that Pakistan has even offered BCCI the option of playing at neutral venues and they are going to the ICC disputes resolution committee with their claim but we remain neutral," Richardson said.

Richardson said that in the existing situation it didn't appear likely for India and Pakistan to resume bilateral ties soon.
"India gives the ICC a lot of business but in our eyes all member nations are equal," he added.

PCB chief Najam Sethi also told the media that they had asked the ICC to nominate three representatives of other boards to look into the Pakistan's claim against India.

"We would like to see a logical and proper end to our compensation claim which is being finalised by our lawyers now," he said.

Richardson also spoke about the absence of any Indian player in the World XI outfit and said it was decided with the PCB that coach Andy Flower would not approach any Indian player because of the sensitivity of the tour.

"If an Indian player had been in the team this tour would have got a lot more attention and it would have meant more pressure and security requirements for everyone," he said.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by partha »

This is just full of :rotfl:

Remember German CEO of PIA who was put on "Exit Control List" till a probe into his selling of a PIA plane to a German museum is complete?

Apparently he has escaped to Germany from Pakistan. On a PIA plane. Taking the plane with him. Neither him nor the plane is coming back :rotfl:
ISLAMABAD: The issue of a ‘missing’ PIA plane was raised in the Senate on Tuesday with Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmad claiming that the former acting chief executive officer (CEO) of the airline, Bernd Hildenbrand from Germany, had taken the plane home while leaving Pakistan.
Senator Tahir Hussain Mashhadi of the MQM raised the issue in the House saying he had learnt that a Boeing plane of the national flag carrier had gone missing.
Confirming that the plane had gone missing, the minister said: “We have also formed a committee to probe the matter but it has not found any clue so far.”
When contacted, PIA spokesman Mashhood Tajwar told Dawn it was not a Boeing plane rather Airbus-A-310. “It’s not missing. It’s in Germany,” he remarked.
Mr Tajwar said the plane had been chartered by a British company for picturising a movie in Malta following which the aircraft flew to Germany.
He said the plane had already completed its flying hours and was no longer airworthy. “It’s a 30-year-old aircraft and had already been grounded.”
He said heavy expenses were to be incurred on bringing the plane back to Pakistan and, therefore, tenders were floated to dispose it of what can well be termed a scrap.
He had initially gone on leave and was later removed from the post. Apparently, his name was struck off the ECL as he is believed to be in Germany right now.
There is no need for a 'The Onion' in Pakistan.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »


Xi Ping and Modi-ji at BRICS ; Jacket Gifting by Modi-ji ? ( same design,- even the pockets - but different colour,) :roll:
Co-incidence ( or am I reading too much in this photu! )
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Afghanistan: A Country Of Choice For "Bad Terrorists" :roll:

Terrorists who escaped Karachi's central jail reach Afghanistan: CTD
KARACHI (Dunya News) – The two alleged terrorists, who broke out of Karachi’s central jail two months ago, have reached Afghanistan, a report formulated by Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) revealed, reported Dunya News
In a report submitted to the home department, CTD revealed that the two alleged terrorists who broke out of Karachi’s central jail have reached Afghanistan via Chamman.
According to the report, alleged terrorists Sheikh Mumtaz alias Firaun and Ahmed alias Munna fled the jail in June. The report further revealed that police chased these suspected terrorists for 30 hours, and they were told about their escape a day later. The facilitators of Mumtaz and Ahmed had been arrested.
Earlier, two terrorist had escaped Karachi’s central jail through judicial complex’s court on the night of 13th June. These terrorists had cut the iron bars comfortably. Police also found blades and scissors which were used by the alleged terrorists to shave their beards. Or it could be a propaganda stunt to portray Afghanistan in "bad light"
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

"Axact" Was Quite "Active" In Canada According To This News Report !

Axact sold over 800 fake degrees in Canada: CBC
In a startling revelation made by a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) article, the Axact fake degree scandal has now engulfed Canada, revealing that over 800 Canadian citizens purchased fake degrees from the software company. This came to the fore after investigations were made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and an international publication. The ones who fell prey to the fake degree scam in Canada include engineers, nurses, counsellors and doctors. Would not be surprised if the majority of the purchasers were of Paki origin !
Former FBI agent Allen Ezell, who was probing the Axact “diploma mill” case, said this is just one operation, and it does not specify the number of fake degrees sold in Canada on the whole. “All of us can be harmed by any professional that … does not have the full extent of training that his credentials purport that he has,” he said.
The case of Gilbert Correces, in this regard, is very important. He acquired one such Almeda University degree from Axact. Interestingly, Correces was previously a contractor, but he is now a “psychotherapist”. Quite a career change plus right paper in hand :mrgreen:
However, the PhD and Correces’s alma mater are both fake as Almeda University is affiliated with Axact’s international diploma mill scheme, and is not an accredited post-secondary institution. :lol:
Yasir Jamshaid, a former quality assurance employee of Axact, (printing "quality" of the fakes :roll: ) said 95 per cent of the education customers “were crooks themselves.” “They knew they’re buying something that is not real but they’re still going for it. They’re not innocent.” Jamshaid told that when he blew the whistle on the software company in early 2015, by then Axact had recovered approximately $600,000 for about 20 customers who he believes were actually deceived. There were unconfirmed rumours that Axact is a front for Dawood Ebrahim !
“Hamid, 31, of Karachi, Pakistan, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison”, according to a press statement by US Department of Justice in April, this year. He was arrested on Dec 19, 2016, according to a statement by former Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara. He was produced in a federal court in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, the following day.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by yensoy »

What else to do if your degree is from Axact University? :rotfl: BTW, the comments on Dawn's article showed what the Pakis really think about us.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Skanda »

Falijee wrote:Image

Xi Ping and Modi-ji at BRICS ; Jacket Gifting by Modi-ji ? ( same design,- even the pockets - but different colour,) :roll:
Co-incidence ( or am I reading too much in this photu! )
Xi wears a lotus pin too. Must be a secret Sanghi :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Die Hard Cricket Fan, Nicknamed "Chacha T20" Arrested For Sexually Assaulting His Daughters :shock:

Chacha T20 sent to jail on 14-day remand for sexually abusing teen daughters
LAHORE – A magistrate in Hafizabad city of Punjab has sent Mehar Muhammad Zaman, nicknamed ‘Chacha T20’ or Uncle T20 Cricket, to jail on 14-day remand for allegedly assaulting his two real daughters for past several years.
Vanike Tarar Police produced Zaman, 40, before the magistrate court and told the court that the suspect has confessed to committing sexual acts with girls, 18 and 19 years of age. After hearing the initial arguments, the court allowed the police custody of the accused.
The area SHO, Gulzar Ahmad Bhatti told Daily Pakistan that they received a complaint from the girls’ mother, Ameena Parveen, few days ago ...
She narrated in her complaint to the police that when she came to know about the abuse, she refrained her husband from such immoral act but he continued to torture her and her daughters amid life threats for reporting his highly immoral practices.
Long black mustache and big white turban famed Chacha T20 had left his job as a driver in the United Arab Emirates in 2012 after his company refused him a leave to watch the Asia Cup. The diehard cricket fan has been supporting Pakistan cricket team from the past 20 years.
Last edited by Falijee on 15 Sep 2017 06:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by ArjunPandit »

yensoy wrote:
Arjun wrote: Indian morons stooping to Paki levels...
What else to do if your degree is from Axact University? :rotfl: BTW, the comments on Dawn's article showed what the Pakis really think about us.
This has to be the best comment of all
"My father in law,73 was scammed and paid them$2,000 for back taxes. Callers used English and Australian cricketers name. The Who called him was Kevin Pieterson. My FIL didn't tell any of us about this till it was too late. Mind you he has lived in this country for 40 yrs. Tax services here never calls any one. Every one knows. I guess he got scared thought they were for real. Caller threatened arrest in next hour if he doesn't deliver the pre paid credit card over the phone.
Recommend 11

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Paki Army Captain Victim Of "Botched Hair Transplant Surgery".

Army captain dies after hair transplant surgery in Lahore
LAHORE – A young army officer breathed his last the other day after undergoing a hair transplant surgery at a private hospital in the provincial capital.
Captain Khurram Tariq, from 62 Baloch Regt, was admitted in Lahore’s Combine Military Hospital with medical complications following the hair implantation.
The officer had undergone hair implantation from on September 11th while on leave.Late Capt Khurram was unmarried and eldest among the siblings. He has three sisters who live with their parents. His death has left the family and friends in shock.Enquiry needed to rule out RAA hand :twisted:

PS: This would not have happened if the surgery was performed by the same "English Surgeon", responsible for Ganja Sharif's hair makeover :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

The image (see below) came from official Govt of Pakistan sources.. with caption "PM offering dua (prayers)".. The item was about proud moment about "inauguration of the country's fifth nuclear power reactor -- coming online of Chashma (Chinese-supplied pressurized water reactor (PW)) - which will grow to 8800 MW by 2030 and what not..

I was wondering who is this martyr (Shahid) whom the PM is offering prayers... he certainly has a fancy tombstone etc..

(I have to confess, I have to do some googling as I did not know the first name (or even who is the current PM) of Paki PM.. :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

"Loose Mouth" FM Asif May Regret Statement "Pakistan Will Not Beg For The American Aid" :mrgreen:

'Pakistan conveys big no to US aid,’ says Kh Asif

[quote]Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif said Thursday that Pakistan will not beg for the American aid.[/quote]
We do not need American aid but Pakistan's sacrifices against terrorism being recognized," the foreign minister said and referred to the losses of Pakistani military officers during fight against armed groups and financial losses the country has suffered. "Pakistan have fought anti-terror war with own resources," he said in an interview with a news channel. The new FM, needs to know that one of the basics of diplomacy : you do not negotiate with the other party via media, if there are other alternatives available ( which in this case are !)
He was talking about US President Donald Trump's remarks that the US has given billions of dollars but it has not fought against the groups, which are fighting in Afghanistan.
Asif said he will ask the United States and the world community during his upcoming visit to New York to do more against terrorism as his country has done more than anyone.
To a question, he said that trilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of Afghanistan, China and Pakistan will be held in Beijing in December that will focus on ways for peace and stability in Afghanistan
He rejected the allegations that the Taliban-linked Haqqani Networks has sanctuaries in Pakistan :roll: and said the group operates from eastern Afghan provinces of Khost, Paktiya, Paktika and Kunar.
He said Iran had concerns over the US policy for the region. Why is he bringing up Irani concerns about US now, ( to drum up support? ) when Iran has been voicing this for the last 20+ years !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by abhijitm »

^^^ which one is the PM? The one in kurta?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by abhijitm »

Falijee wrote:Image

Xi Ping and Modi-ji at BRICS ; Jacket Gifting by Modi-ji ? ( same design,- even the pockets - but different colour,) :roll:
Co-incidence ( or am I reading too much in this photu! )
this was when Xi visited india, not recent BRICS.