Terroristan - June 20, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

India related excerpt from the Q&A sessision with the Prime Minister of the Mohammadden Terrorism fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, at the US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR):
A Conversation With Shahid Khaqan Abbasi
Past Event — September 20, 2017 4:45pm EDT …………………..

SANGER: I want to talk a little bit about India and the state of play with your discussions with India. So, first, give us your assessment of what’s happening up along the Line of Control and whether you think you have managed now what had been some pretty tense time up there in recent times.

ABBASI: There is Indian aggression along the Line of Control, mostly to draw attention away from the genuine struggle of the Kashmiri people, who have today risen against the Indian occupation there. And we fully support the right of self-determination. We’ve fully supported that at every forum since 1948, and we continue to support that. And that issue should be resolved as per the U.N. Security Council resolutions. There’s no two opinions about that. So we fully support the self-determination rights of the Kashmiri people, and we ask the world community to honor and defend that.

And the Indian occupation forces there have committed atrocities which are really beyond belief, and we expect the world community to take notice of those atrocities. These are very serious crimes against humanity in that region.

SANGER: And what are your plans and hopes for discussions, your next steps of discussions with the Indian senior leadership? Each one of your predecessors has usually had an initiative of some kind. Some worked, some fizzled out pretty quickly.

ABBASI: Well, I think we need to engage on core issues. Those have to be resolved first, and Kashmir is the basic core issue there. But unfortunately, in the recent past the aggression from India has continued unabated, and that is not acceptable. And we want normal relations with India, but on the basis of trust and respect.

SANGER: You saw how the United States a decade ago signed an agreement with India that basically looked past their—the fact that they were not members of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and opened the way for greater U.S.-Indian trade. I think many in this room would probably tell you that American companies have been disappointed, by and large, with how that’s worked out. But at the same time, your predecessor, Prime Minister Sharif, said to me last year that he—that Pakistan was still interested in trying to negotiate a similar kind of arrangement with the U.S. to what India got in 2006. Have you pursued that? Did you discuss it with Vice President Pence yesterday?

ABBASI: That was not part of the discussion yesterday, but that is something that we always raise at various forums, that there should be equal treatment on such issues. And that’s what we intend to pursue.

SANGER: But you did not take it up with him. Did he give you any indication of where he would like to take the relationship—both the economic relationship and the diplomatic relationship?

ABBASI: This issue is part of our engagement with the U.S., but yesterday’s particularly meeting it was not discussed. But we have raised it and we intend to raise it again. The economic relationship, we want expanded relationship with the U.S. Like I said, it’s a historical relationship. It’s 70 years old. And it should not be Afghan-centric. It should not be limited to Afghanistan only. It cannot be limited to Afghanistan only. But that’s the way that we view that relationship, that we need to grow it and continue it.
On our country India’s role in Afghanistan:
Q: Masuda Sultan, Insight Group.

I was wondering, you talked a little bit about the role of India, the way that the Trump administration sees it. I was just wondering what you think the role of India should be in Afghanistan.

ABBASI: Zero. (Laughter.) India—we don’t foresee any political or military role for India in Afghanistan. I think it will just complicate the situation and it will not resolve anything. So if they want to do economic assistance, that’s their prerogative, but there’s no—we don’t accept or see any role politically or militarily for India in Afghanistan.

SANGER: Do you see a business role for them in Afghanistan—as investors, as—

ABBASI: That’s up to them. All countries have the right to trade with each other, invest in other countries. So if they want to do that—and India has invested in Afghanistan in the past. ……………..................

Q: Thank you. Jeff Laurenti.

I appreciated very much your recycling of a term that President Trump used ad nauseum yesterday in saying that your sovereignty won’t allow you to accept American drone bases in Pakistan. But in rejecting any potential Afghan-Indian political role or cooperation, you seemed to suggest that Afghanistan didn’t enjoy quite as much sovereignty. So I wonder if you could share with us what you think Pakistan’s role is in helping secure and guarantee a peace settlement.

And with these Taliban whom American drones keep finding on your side of the border—and often dispatching to their eternal reward—what do you think is keeping those Taliban from being willing to negotiate with the government in Kabul? And how can Pakistan help in bringing them to negotiate seriously on a peace agreement for Afghanistan?

ABBASI: I think a basic fact was lost here that the Taliban are Afghans. So it’s up to the Afghan government how to deal with them. And the border is fluid. There’s a lot of cross-border movement. It has been there for centuries. Like I said, we are attempting border management through our own resources. We want the Afghans to also manage their own border. Because, like I said, today there is a substantial amount of cross-border movement by elements who are based in Afghanistan to attack our troops and our installations across the border, and that is not acceptable. And that’s the issue we’ve taken up with the Afghan government at various levels.

So we want to work with the Afghan government to find peace for Afghanistan, because peace for Afghanistan means peace for Pakistan. That’s what we—and I think that’s something that is often overlooked. We have 3 million plus Afghanis in Pakistan today. That’s not a small number.
From here:

A Conversation With Shahid Khaqan Abbasi
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by sum »

Amber G. wrote:Eenam Gambhir did not disappoint..brilliant reply just like last year.
Holy $#%#^....that reply sounds straight out of BRF.

Wonder if TSP has ever been called Terroristan in all these years of its existance by another country in open fora
Raja Bose
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Raja Bose »

A tight jhapad to Paki mardangi delivered by an educated, smart, beautiful woman. Paki mullah HnD just went for a sixer after that one like the chakkas they are. Gotta hand it to our IFS babus who chose her to deliver the reply. The look on the Paki delegation's face was epic. :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by abhijitm »

Motherly instict of women make them fierce defenders.
Raja Bose
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Raja Bose »

sum wrote:
Amber G. wrote:Eenam Gambhir did not disappoint..brilliant reply just like last year.
Holy $#%#^....that reply sounds straight out of BRF.

Wonder if TSP has ever been called Terroristan in all these years of its existance by another country in open fora
BRF is infiltrating everywhere. 1st Trumpanzee addresses Kim as rakkitmard and now India labels Pakistan Terroristan. :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

Full text of speech of Prime Minister of the Mohammadden Terrorism fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) :
Mr. President, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me first congratulate Mr. Miroslav Lajcak on his election as the President of the 72nd session of the General Assembly. I am confident that his long experience in public service and international relations will be an asset in successfully guiding this august Assembly to address the imposing challenges of security, development and governance that confront the world today.

Mr. President,

For over 70 years – despite the Cold War, the nuclear arms race and scores of regional conflicts – our world was able to avoid a global conflagration. This can be ascribed in large measure to the adherence by most States to the prohibition of the use or threat of use of force except under the authority of the UN Charter.

Unfortunately, the principles of the UN Charter have been progressively eroded in the new millennium. In recent years some countries have displayed a growing proclivity to resort to unilateral force and intervention against other States. Coercion and threats have emerged again as the main currency in the management of inter-state disputes and differences.

Renewed East-West tensions may engulf Europe in another Cold War. Peace and prosperity in Asia is threatened by emerging big power friction and rising tensions in South, East and West Asia.

The Middle East is wracked by war and violence – in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere. Although Daesh appears to have been weakened in Iraq and Syria, terrorist violence has spread and intensified across the Middle East and Africa and other parts of the world.

There is no end in sight to the tragedy of Palestine. Israel’s prolonged occupation and expansion of illegal settlements may lead to renewed and wider violence in the Holy Land.

The legitimate struggle for self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir continues to be brutally suppressed by India’s occupation forces.

Rising racism and religious hatred – manifested in xenophobia and Islamophobia – is erecting physical walls and psychological barriers between nations and peoples even as our world becomes increasingly interdependent.

The ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas is not just an affront to all norms of humanity but also challenges our collective conscience.

While the pillars of world order are being eroded, the imperative of international cooperation – to address poverty, disease, climate change, nuclear proliferation, terrorism and forced displacement – is intensifying.

Today, more than ever, we need the United Nations to provide the parameters, processes and platforms for global cooperation that is essential to address the wide ranging challenges to peace, security, and development.

Pakistan welcomes the efforts launched by Secretary General Antonio Guterres to revitalize the United Nations’ capabilities in Peace and Security, Development and Management.

We are also committed to reform that transforms the Security Council into a more representative, democratic and accountable body rather than an expanded club of the powerful and the privileged.

Mr. President,

Pakistan celebrated the 70th anniversary of its independence last month. This month marks the 70th anniversary of Pakistan’s membership of the United Nations.

Pakistan’s commitment to the principles of the United Nations is evident from the long record of its constructive role in the initiatives and contributions that have shaped the decisions and discourse at this world body on decolonization, development, trade, international law, human rights, refugees, peacekeeping, security, disarmament and the United Nations’ budget and management.

Pakistan has consistently been one of the world’s top troop contributors to UN peacekeeping. We will remain on the frontlines of peacekeeping and continue to offer professional and well-trained personnel to the United Nations, despite our own security challenges.

Mr. President,

Our adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter flows from the declaration of our Founding Father, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah who said: “Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all nations of the world”.

Unfortunately, from day one of its creation, Pakistan has faced unremitting hostility from its eastern neighbor. India refuses to implement the unanimous resolutions of the UN Security Council, which mandate a UN supervised plebiscite to enable the people of Jammu and Kashmir to freely decide their destiny.

Instead India has deployed nearly 700,000 troops in Occupied Kashmir to suppress the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination. This is the most intense foreign military occupation in recent history.

As in the past, today the Kashmiri people are waging a heroic and popular struggle to rid themselves of India’s oppressive rule. They come out in the streets daily to call on India to leave Jammu and Kashmir.

India has responded with massive and indiscriminate force to suppress the Kashmiris, shooting indiscriminately at children, women and youth. Hundreds of innocent Kashmiris have been killed or injured. Shotgun pellets have blinded and maimed thousands of Kashmiris including children. These and other brutalities clearly constitute war crimes and violate the Geneva Conventions.

Pakistan demands an international investigation into India’s crimes in Occupied Kashmir. We ask that the United Nations Secretary-General and the High Commissioner for Human Rights send an inquiry Commission to Occupied Kashmir to verify the nature and extent of India’s human rights violations, secure the punishment of those responsible, and provide justice and relief to the victims.

Pakistan also urges the international community to call on India to: halt pellet gun attacks and other violence against unarmed demonstrators; stop the use of rape as an instrument of state policy; end media blackouts; rescind its draconian emergency laws; and free all Kashmiri political leaders.

Mr. President,

To divert the world’s attention from its brutalities, India frequently violates the ceasefire along the Line of Control in Kashmir. Despite over 600 violations since January this year Pakistan has acted with restraint. But if India does venture across the LoC, or acts upon its doctrine of “limited” war against Pakistan, it will evoke a strong and matching response.

The international community must act decisively to prevent the situation from a dangerous escalation.

Mr. President,

The Kashmir dispute should be resolved justly, peacefully and expeditiously. As India is unwilling to resume the peace process with Pakistan, we call on the Security Council to fulfill its obligation to secure the implementation of its own resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir.

To this end, the UN Secretary-General should appoint a Special Envoy on Jammu and Kashmir. His mandate should flow from the longstanding but unimplemented resolutions of the Security Council.

Mr. President,

Let me reiterate, Pakistan remains open to resuming a comprehensive dialogue with India to address all outstanding issues, especially Jammu and Kashmir, and discuss measures to maintain peace and security. This dialogue must be accompanied by an end to India’s campaign of subversion and state-sponsored terrorism against Pakistan, including from across our western border.

Mr. President,

Apart from the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan and its people have suffered the most from four decades of foreign intervention and civil wars in Afghanistan. These wars have blighted our country with the flow of extremists and terrorists, guns and drugs as well as an influx of millions of refugees. They have set back our economic development by decades. Even today, Pakistan is host to over 3 million Afghan refugees. No one desires peace in Afghanistan more than Pakistan.

From 16 years of the ongoing war in Afghanistan, it is clear that peace will not be restored by the continuing resort to military force. Neither Kabul and the Coalition, nor the Afghan Taliban, can impose a military solution on each other. The international community – as expressed in several United Nations resolutions – has concluded that peace can be restored in Afghanistan only through a negotiated settlement.

Having suffered and sacrificed so much due to our role in the global counter-terrorism campaign it is especially galling for Pakistan to be blamed for the military or political stalemate in Afghanistan. We are not prepared to be anyone’s scapegoat. Taliban “safe havens” are located not in Pakistan but in the large tracts of territory controlled by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Yes, cross border attacks do occur. These are mostly conducted by anti-Pakistan terrorists from “safe havens” across the border. To end all cross border attacks we ask the Afghan government and the Coalition to support and complement Pakistan’s ongoing efforts to strengthen border controls and monitor all movement across it.

What Pakistan is not prepared to do is to fight the Afghan war on Pakistan’s soil. Nor can we endorse any failed strategy that will prolong and intensify the suffering of the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan and other regional countries.

Pakistan believes that the urgent and realistic goals in Afghanistan should be: One, concerted action to eliminate the presence in Afghanistan of Daesh, Al-Qaeda and their affiliates, including the TTP and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, which was recently declared a terrorist organization by the Security Council.

Two, promote negotiations between Kabul and the Afghan Taliban – in the Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) or any trilateral format – to evolve a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan.

These two steps offer the most realistic prospect of restoring peace and stability in Afghanistan and our region.

Mr. President,

Pakistan’s counter-terrorism credentials cannot be questioned. After 9/11 it was Pakistani efforts that enabled the decimation of Al-Qaeda. Pakistan’s military campaigns have succeeded in clearing our tribal areas of almost all militant groups.

We took the war to the terrorists. We have paid a heavy price. Over 27,000 Pakistanis including 6,500 military and law enforcement personnel have been martyred by terrorists. 50,000 Pakistani nationals have been injured, including 15,000 army personnel, many of whom have lost their limbs.

Mr. President,

We have fought the war against terror with our own resources. Pakistan’s economic losses are estimated at over $120 billion. Yet, we remain committed to fully implementing our National Action Plan against terrorism and extremism. Defeating terrorist violence is vital to realize our overriding priority of rapid economic and social development.

Mr. President,

Terrorism is now a global phenomenon, which must be addressed comprehensively. We see two major gaps in the global counter-terrorism strategy. First, the international community has failed to address the issue of state sponsored terrorism. This is an instrument of choice of the agents of chaos and aspiring hegemons. In several regions, stability will be difficult to restore unless State sponsored terrorism is condemned, prohibited and punished.

Second, to eliminate terrorism, its root causes must be addressed. These are not only poverty and ignorance; terrorism is even more an extreme response to real or perceived political and other grievances, including foreign intervention, oppression and injustice. Unless such root causes are addressed, it will be difficult to counter the twisted narrative of terrorist groups.

Mr. President,

Confronted by a hostile and increasingly militarized neighbor, Pakistan has been obliged to maintain the capability for credible deterrence. My country developed nuclear weapons only when these were introduced in our region by this neighbor. Our strategic assets are vital to deter oft-threatened aggression. They are tightly and effectively controlled, as has been widely acknowledged by experts. The world community would be well served by enabling Pakistan to join global non-proliferation arrangements, such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group on a non-discriminatory basis.

Mr. President,

Climate change poses a new and existential threat to mankind’s future. Extreme climate events are multiplying: Their consequences – flooding in Texas, landslides in Nepal and Sierra Leone, devastation in the Caribbean and Puerto Rico, disappearing Himalayan glaciers – are global and indiscriminate. As one of the most vulnerable states to climate change, we believe that it is in our collective interest to pursue and realize the goals of the Paris Agreement and build a new and greener model for growth and development.

Mr. President,

Growth and development remain the primary objectives of the developing countries. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals represent the most ambitious development agenda in history. The development challenge has become even more imposing due to the combined constraints of climate change, rising protectionism, fraying international cooperation and proliferation of conflicts.

The vision of shared growth – spelt out in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road initiative – offers a solid path to prosperity and a model of South-South cooperation worthy of emulation.

Mr. President,

Pakistan’s economy has recorded a remarkable revival in the past four years. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) will further contribute to our economic upsurge. This will expand exponentially as the Pakistan-China partnership extends beyond energy and transportation to many other sectors.

Pakistan’s integration into the Eurasian Belt and Road network will provide a firm foundation for Pakistan’s rapid economic development. With a youthful population of 207 million people, we are confident that an economic strategy anchored on rising incomes, consumption and production will propel Pakistan towards greater prosperity.

To achieve these priority goals for our people, Pakistan seeks to build peace within our country and security around our borders. We seek good relations with all States on the basis of sovereign equality. We will respond positively to all offers of friendship and cooperation.

Mr. President,

We are poised at a critical inflection point in history. The world order that has prevented a global war for over 70 years is under threat. Yet, revolutionary advances in science and technology, the immense capacity for global investment, production, consumption and trade, especially in the developing countries, and the availability of structures and mechanisms for collective action offer an opportunity, unprecedented in human history, to address the diverse challenges that we face today. It is here, through the United Nations, that the peoples of the world can seize the opportunities to achieve our common vision of a more just, peaceful and prosperous world.

I thank you, Mr. President.
From here:

Dunya News
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by chetak »


India demolishes PM Abbasi's 'human rights' argument at UN, says Pakistan is now 'terroristan'

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

arun wrote:X Posted from the Pakistani Role In Global Terrorism thread.

Eenam Gambhir, India’s First Secretary to the United Nations, delivers India’s right of reply to the bilge dished out at the UN General Assembly by the Prime Minister of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Among other things Enam Gambhir said “The quest for a land of pure has actually produced 'the land of pure terror'. Pakistan is now ‘Terroristan’”:

http://img01.ibnlive.in/ibnlive/uploads ... /doc1.jpeg

http://img01.ibnlive.in/ibnlive/uploads ... oc2new.jpg

From here: It's Terroristan, Not Pakistan: India Gives a Befitting Reply at United Nations
arun Ji :

Please join me with the request to the "Powers that Be" i.e. the MODS to hereby and for the future "Replace" Clapistan with the appropriate Term "Terroristan".

Many thanks in advance.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

Ms. Eenam Gambhir's reply was simply brilliant . . . . a sledge-hammer strike.

For the first time, we have given a suitable name officially to Pakistan. This is surely something.
Karthik S
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Karthik S »

SSridhar wrote:Ms. Eenam Gambhir's reply was simply brilliant . . . . a sledge-hammer strike.
SS sir, can this thread be renamed STFU-Terroristan.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by chetak »

SSridhar wrote:Ms. Eenam Gambhir's reply was simply brilliant . . . . a sledge-hammer strike.
Insult to injury.

The junior most on the Indian side, easily countering the paki PM, showing him his place.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by chetak »

Peregrine wrote:
arun wrote:X Posted from the Pakistani Role In Global Terrorism thread.

Eenam Gambhir, India’s First Secretary to the United Nations, delivers India’s right of reply to the bilge dished out at the UN General Assembly by the Prime Minister of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Among other things Enam Gambhir said “The quest for a land of pure has actually produced 'the land of pure terror'. Pakistan is now ‘Terroristan’”:



From here: It's Terroristan, Not Pakistan: India Gives a Befitting Reply at United Nations
arun Ji :

Please join me with the request to the "Powers that Be" i.e. the MODS to hereby and for the future "Replace" Clapistan with the appropriate Term "Terroristan".

Many thanks in advance.

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Peregrine saab,

Just made a wee correction in your post to show the images. Please don't mind. :)
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

Frankly, I am numbed with what she has just said. Whoa!

Those in the MEA who chose Ms. Eanam Gambhir for this job at the UN deserve all praise.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

arun wrote:X Posted from the Pakistan Economic Stress Watch thread.

A real Honour and Dignity aka H&D nightmare for the Mohammadden Terrorism fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Bangladesh which separated from the Mohammadden Terrorism fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1971 with our help overtakes the Islamic Republic in per capita GDP at Market Exchange Rates per the Economist:
Bangladesh’s GDP per person is now higher than Pakistan’s
At market exchanges rates, at least

Print edition | Asia
Sep 7th 2017

WHEN Bangladesh won independence from Pakistan in 1971, it was much poorer than the country it left. Industry accounted for only 6-7% of its GDP, compared with over 20% in Pakistan. The battle for independence had killed or displaced millions, damaged roads and railways, and severed ties with Pakistan’s bankers and industrialists (including the owner of one of the world’s biggest jute mills). Even before the war, Bangladesh had been trampled by another apocalyptic horseman: a cyclone killed hundreds of thousands in 1970. The country’s independence leader, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, complained that West Pakistan had not promptly shared its bumper wheat crop or “given a yard of cloth for our shrouds”.

Last month revealed a remarkable turnaround. Bangladesh’s GDP per person is now higher than Pakistan’s. Converted into dollars at market exchange rates, it was $1,538 in the past fiscal year (which ended on June 30th). Pakistan’s was about $1,470.

Strange as it may sound, Bangladesh jumped ahead because of an advance in Pakistan. On August 25th Pakistan released the results of its census, updating earlier population estimates. They showed that the country has 207.8m people, more than 9m more than previously thought. It may now have the fifth biggest population in the world, surpassing Brazil’s. But the new count also lopped 4-5% off Pakistan’s GDP per person, the arithmetic consequence of revealing so many more people.

A caveat should be noted. A dollar stretches further in Pakistan than in Bangladesh because prices in the former tend to be lower. So Pakistan’s $1,470 per person actually has more purchasing power than Bangladesh’s $1,538.

This is nonetheless a good moment to celebrate Bangladesh’s economic progress. Its annual growth has averaged more than 6% over the past ten years and has run above 7% over the past two. Industry accounts for 29% of its GDP. A country that once lacked cloth for shrouds now exports more ready-made garments than India and Pakistan combined. Working conditions are still far worse than they should be. They are also far better than they once were.

Bangladesh’s GDP per person received a boost from another source. Its last census, in 2011, led to a large revision of the country’s population, larger even than Pakistan’s. But in Bangladesh’s case, the revision was downwards.
The Economist:

Bangladesh’s GDP per person is now higher than Pakistan’s : At market exchanges rates, at least
X Posted from the Pakistan Economic Stress Watch thread.

Finally someone in the Mohammadden Terrorism fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan gathers the courage to write about the Honour and Dignity aka H&D demolishing news item in the Economist of Bangladesh which separated from the Islamic Republic in 1971 with our help, overtakeing the Islamic Republic in terms of per capita GDP at Market Exchange Rates:

Op Ed in Express Tribune by Pervez Tahir who formerly was Chief Economist of the Planning Commission of the Mohammadden Terrorism fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
When East overtakes West
By Dr Pervez TahirPublished: September 22, 2017

While the budget speech claims that Pakistan will be among the 20 largest economies by 2030 and the Vision 2025 sees the country in the list of 10 largest economies by 2047, a recent article, “East overtakes West,” in The Economist has thrown a spanner in the works. The east is the erstwhile East Pakistan and the west is today’s Pakistan. It shows that the GDP per capita of Bangladesh is $1,538 and that of Pakistan lags behind at $1,470. This is the result of a GDP growth rate of over six per cent per annum in the past 12 years. One-third of the GDP is contributed by industry and the value-added garments exports are larger than India and Pakistan put together.

The dominant sentiment in the west was optimistic. Most investment and foreign aid utilisation had taken place in the west. Growth as well as income per capita had been consistently higher than the east. Land-man ratio was far better. The east, in short, was a demographic, climatic and economic liability. Shahid Javed Burki (Pakistan Economic and Social Review, June 1972) went further. His optimism was not just based on the “statistical improvement brought about by the severance from the economy of the poor region of East Pakistan,” but on the assessment of economic potential. He estimated that there was a net transfer of public and private resources from west to east of the order of 2.3 per cent of its GDP. The productive use of these resources would raise the already high rate of investment. Quoted by Burki, The Economist took a pessimistic view in April 1972, stating that “sales to the east before the break-up were rising faster than exports and the loss of east has already led to setbacks in the production of cotton yarn and fabrics, cigarettes and certain chemicals. To divert these goods to the world markets will require an upgrading of quality (eg in cotton textiles), even if markets can be found at all. Equipment would need to be imported (for which foreign exchange may be lacking), because of Pakistan’s high cost structure, subsidies may be needed.”

As economic developments have unfolded since 1972, The Economist has the last laugh. The most contentious issue of the day was the inter-wing disparity of income per capita. Economists from the east would explain it in terms of the net transfer from east to west and offer a two-economy model as a solution. The recent reversal of the disparity adds substance to their case. In an opinion piece for The Pakistan Times before the formation of Bangladesh, I had argued that “Pakistan is a case of two brothers minding their own business most of the time and each other’s some of the time.” It is, however, not just that Bangladesh is now on its own. There are some other factors in east overtaking west. First, Bengalis in the east used to be stereotyped in the west as interested in nothing but procreation to produce a crop of agitators. In 1970, the population was 65 million in the east and 58 million in the west. By 1987, the situation had reversed, and the census 2017 estimates population of Pakistan at 207.8 million against Bangladesh’s 164.8 million. The addition to Pakistan’s population since 1970 is only a few million less than the total population of Bangladesh. Second, military expenditure as a percentage of the GDP in Bangladesh has been just over one per cent compared to over three per cent in Pakistan. Third, and related to the first two, Pakistan is among the top 20 scorers on the Global Conflict Risk Index. Bangladesh does not even make the list.
From here:

When East overtakes West
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

Peregrine wrote:
arun wrote:X Posted from the Pakistani Role In Global Terrorism thread.

Eenam Gambhir, India’s First Secretary to the United Nations, delivers India’s right of reply to the bilge dished out at the UN General Assembly by the Prime Minister of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Among other things Enam Gambhir said “The quest for a land of pure has actually produced 'the land of pure terror'. Pakistan is now ‘Terroristan’”:

http://img01.ibnlive.in/ibnlive/uploads ... /doc1.jpeg

http://img01.ibnlive.in/ibnlive/uploads ... oc2new.jpg

From here: It's Terroristan, Not Pakistan: India Gives a Befitting Reply at United Nations
arun Ji :

Please join me with the request to the "Powers that Be" i.e. the MODS to hereby and for the future "Replace" Clapistan with the appropriate Term "Terroristan".

Many thanks in advance.

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800% joining you to "request to the "Powers that Be" i.e. the MODS to hereby and for the future "Replace" Clapistan with the appropriate Term "Terroristan"."
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

chetak wrote:Peregrine saab,

Just made a wee correction in your post to show the images. Please don't mind. :)
chetak Ji :
Your Post 22 Sep 2017 14:41 : No offence taken at all. Just "knocked off" the "Image Sign" to save a bit of space!

Cheers Image
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan Has Become A "Garbage Dump" For Second - Hand Chini- Maal :D

China donates office equipment to Pakistan's parliament

China has donated 330 pieces of office equipment including laptops, computers, scanners, printers and projectors to Pakistan's parliament, reported China's Xinhua news agency. The handover ceremony was held at the parliament in Islamabad on Thursday. Senate Secretary Amjed Pervez Malik and Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Sun Weidong signed a handover document. Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani expressed gratitude over the donation. He said the donation will help improve the working conditions of the parliament. He highlighted the friendship and exchanges between the two countries. The Chinese ambassador said enhancing bilateral exchanges are of great importance to strengthening the mutually beneficial cooperation, especially to promote the bilateral policy coordination and people-to-people exchanges. So, it amounts to that ! The artificial entity is so bankrupt that it had to "beg" for routine laptops, computers, scanners, printers and projectors for the country's Parliament. ( Not to mention that most of the health, education, women's empowerment functions, etc etc have also been outsourced to foreign govts and /or foreign NGOs :mrgreen: )
PS: Hope that the equipment is checked for hidden electronic moles, bugs and other such things, before they are used ; otherwise the Chinis would have a life time source at the heart of Paki so-called democracy :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Paki Govt Still Not Answering Questions About Raheel's "New Employment "

Saudi-led alliance will not participate in unrelated military operations, Senate told
Defence Minister Khurram Dastgir informed Senate on Friday that the 41-nation Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT) will not take part in unrelated military operations.In a written reply submitted to the upper house, Dastgir said that the alliance has been formed to fight terrorism across the world and while the terms of reference (ToRs) for the alliance are yet to be finalised, it has been said that "it will not take part in unrelated military operations" :roll: Raheel military expertise is no doubt being "used" in the elimination of Yemenis !
A request for a no-objection certificate (NOC) for retired Gen Raheel Sharif's appointment as the head of the Saudi-led military alliance was received by the defence ministry through the interior ministry on April 14, read the reply.
"After a discussion between the defence ministry and General Headquarters (GHQ) on April 18, the former army chief was granted an NOC, allowing him to lead the alliance." Any mai - ka- lal dare deny this "vital doc" to the Ex COAS :mrgreen:
The conference between member nations to discuss ToRs for the military alliance is yet to happen as the group is still going through the process of formation, the defence minister informed.According to the information provided by Saudi Arabia, the alliance will only fight terrorism, thus it is expected that the ToRs for it will only be regarding the eradication of terrorism from the world, he added. Why go through all this so-called farce, when "everyone" knows that he was employed as the "henchman of the Saudi crown prince" and also to put down the rebels in Yemen . After this operation, he will return back to Pakiland with riches and glory to assume the PMship in alliance with Immy Khan :twisted:
On this, Senator Farhatullah Babar maintained that his question regarding the possibility of calling Gen Raheel back from the assignment if need be, has yet to be answered by the concerned ministries. :roll:
Upon finding out that neither the interior minister nor the state minister for interior were present, the chairman suspended the proceedings for 15 minutes.The Senate chairman also threatened to exercise his powers to suspend the two absent ministers from the Upper House. Ganja, the shrewd dehati politico got the Bad Sharif out of the way, to save his political skin . Now, let the Bad Sharif fend on his own :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Pakistani Role In Global Terrorism thread.

Afghanistan joins India in roasting the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan at the general debate of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly of the UN:
Pak has history of providing safe havens to global terrorists: Afghanistan

Afghanistan has persistently and consistently sought to address this outstanding issue through various channels

ANI | New York
Last Updated at September 22, 2017 15:53 IST

Exercising its right-of-reply at the United Nations, Afghanistan made a scathing attack on Pakistan by listing a record number of instances of the terrorists being sheltered by Pakistan.

Kabul also accused Islamabad of providing safe-havens to 20 internationally-recognised terrorist groups and said that "Pakistan remains the main source of insecurity in the region".

Afghanistan's First Secretary to the UN, during the general debate of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, said "An erroneous claim by one-member-state regarding the presence of safe-havens and sanctuaries in Afghanistan - such reference is a deliberate attempt by the government of Pakistan to divert international attention from its longstanding failure to take effective action against various terrorist groups and sanctuaries on its territory.

It remains evidently clear to the global community that the propagation of terrorist activities by state and non-state actors in the neighbouring Pakistan constitutes the main source of insecurity in Afghanistan and the wider region."

"Afghanistan has persistently and consistently sought to address this outstanding issue through various channels, including bilateral and other mechanisms.

Nevertheless, efforts to this end have yielded no results, whatsoever. At this juncture, Pakistan has another opportunity to engage in a comprehensive dialogue to resolve outstanding issues that have prevented it from adopting a clear and decisive stance in combating terrorism and a constructive approach for peace and security in Afghanistan," he added.
Afghanistan also listed out examples to give a clear picture of the current situation -"let us ask the following questions:"

1) Where was the mastermind of international terrorism, leader of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden killed? Answer: In the capital of Pakistan - Islamabad

2) Where did the notorious leader of the Taliban, Mullah Mohammad Omar, die? Answer, in a hospital in Karachi

3) Where was Mullah Akhtar Mansour, the successor of Mullah Omar, found and killed by international forces? Answer: Balochistan of Pakistan and guess which country's passport he was using for travel to different locations? Pakistan's

4) Where is the leadership of the Quetta and Peshawar Shuras located at this very moment? Answer : The name of locations just mentioned speaks for themselves.

From what country has almost every single terrorist elements and some 20 internationally-recognised terrorist groups enter into Afghanistan and continue to do so? Answer - Pakistan

"What was just mentioned are few examples of the incessant support enjoyed by extremists groups from Pakistan? Moreover, these are not just the words of Afghanistan. These have been claimed and verified by various credible international sources," he stated.

"Long before any foreign intervention and the so-called 'Civil War' in Afghanistan, Pakistan had adopted a policy of use of violent proxies in pursuit of political objectives. Lastly, wasn't it PM Abbasi of Pakistan himself, who in an interview a few days ago, admitted that the culprits of the massive terrorist truck bomb on 31st May in Kabul may have entered from Pakistan to Afghanistan," he further said.

"We wish to categorically reject any claim of any support provided to the terrorist groups in Afghanistan. The facts speak for themselves. Now is the time for Pakistan to opt for a constructive approach to combating terrorism and promoting peace in our region."

"Moving forward we will use every means possible including negotiations and dialogue to ensure security and stability for our people. In this context, our resolve and commitment to defeat terrorism is unwavering and this is shown in action by the sacrifice of our brave Afghan national defence and security forces every day," he concluded.

From here:

Pak has history of providing safe havens to global terrorists: Afghanistan

The video Afghanistans response is here:

Afghanistan - 1st Right of Reply

The video of India’s response is here:

India - 1st Right of Reply
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Saudis To "Invest" In Gwadar Port :roll:

Saudi Arabia ‘to join CPEC’ for stonger (sic) trade ties with Pakistan
ISLAMABAD – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will soon join the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and undertake investments at Gwadar Port, according to a Pakistani newspaper which interviewed Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Nawaf Saeed Ahmed Al-Malkiy.
During an interview with Jang Group publications, the ambassador said Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are taking measures to strengthen “fraternal and trade ties”. “More than three million Pakistanis are playing their role in the progress and prosperity of Saudi Arabia,” Pakistani daily The News quoted Al-Malkiy as referring to Pakistani immigrants working in Saudi Arabia.
The envoy added that Saudi Arabia’s investment in CPEC would allow the kingdom to play a similar role in Pakistan. :roll: In August, during a visit to Jeddah, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi had shown appreciation for Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman Al Saud’s ‘Vision 2030’ plan – an ambitious project to diversify and modernise the Saudi economy. PM Abbasi had assured the Prince of continued cooperation and collaboration to the benefit of both Islamic countries.Referring to the meeting in Jeddah, the ambassador said that new avenues will be explored for enhancing trade volumes between the two countries.
Diplomatic statement taken as "firm commitment" to invest !!!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by rsingh »

chetak wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOjoqmdQmac

India demolishes PM Abbasi's 'human rights' argument at UN, says Pakistan is now 'terroristan'

WOW. The way she is firing Katusha towards terroristan..........is superb. Cool, calm, quite and clean cut. That is face of new and confident India :) .
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by venug »

Apologies if posted earlier:
Pakistan PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi sees zero role for India in Afghanistan

Yeah Afghanistan is their baap ka maal that they have a say in who has a role and who doesn't.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by VishalJ »

India, Afghanistan & Pakistan's speech

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by salaam »

rsingh wrote:
chetak wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOjoqmdQmac

India demolishes PM Abbasi's 'human rights' argument at UN, says Pakistan is now 'terroristan'

WOW. The way she is firing Katusha towards terroristan..........is superb. Cool, calm, quite and clean cut. That is face of new and confident India :) .
She says 'terroristan' twice. Just to twist the knife.

As mentioned earlier. Look at the face of terroristan delegation.

Since India officially stated this, let in future call the abomination as terroristan always.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

V J wrote:India, Afghanistan & Pakistan's speech

Hmmm ………. Going by the above video of the speech by the representative Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan it was not just India and Afghanistan who whacked the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It appears Bangaldesh also whacked Pakistan at the same UN General Assembly forum.

Excerpt from address of Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh dealing with the Mohammadden Terrorism fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan though not on the topic of Mohammadden Terrorism but on the topic of the genocide committed by the Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Punjabi dominated Military tof he Mohammadden Terrorism fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan prior to the time the Armed Forces of our country India kicked them out of erstwhile East Pakistan and present Bangladesh:
Mr. President,

In the 1971 war of liberation, we endured an extreme form of genocide. In the 9-month-long war of liberation against Pakistan 3 million innocent people were killed and more than 200,000 women were violated. The Pakistan military launched the heinous 'operation searchlight' on 25th March which was the beginning of the 1971 genocide.

The 1971 genocide included targeted elimination of individuals on the ground of religion, race and political belief. The intellectuals were killed brutally. To pay homage to the victims of the genocide, our national parliament has recently declared 25th March as "Genocide Day."

In Bangladesh, we have already undertaken the daunting task of bringing the key perpetrators to justice through the International Crimes Tribunal. I urge the international community to take collective actions to prevent recurrence of such heinous crimes anywhere anytime. I believe, recognition of past tragedies like the 1971 genocide would guide us to achieve 'never again'.

From here:

Address by H. E. Sheikh Hasina Hon'ble Prime Minister Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Actually I was waiting for EG's reply.. I heard her 3 times last year (as Paki, kept replying to her reply to get even more) and like everyone very impressed. This time same brilliancy!!

( For old timers, just to see why some of us are happy to see things are changing and we are getting that even junior people are articulate - Just see this "reply" in 2012) http://webtv.un.org/search/india-right- ... ate&page=2
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Meanwhile iron brother China comes to Paki aid (NOT) ... Pakis did not except this blow but what to do.. :((
(They said issue should be resolved bilaterally by India and Pakistan through talks while dismissing calls for implementation of the UN resolution on the dispute.)

Asked about the contact group of the OIC calling for the implementation of the UN resolution on Kashmir, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said the issue should be resolved between India and Pakistan.

"China has noted the relevant report. China's position on the Kashmir issue is clear-cut," Lu said, in response to a question.

"The Kashmir issue is left over from history. China hopes India and Pakistan can increase dialogue and communication and properly handle relevant issues and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability," he said.

The 57-member OIC, of which Pakistan is a member, routinely passes a resolution on Kashmir calling for the implementation of the UN resolution.

The contact group of the OIC met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly two days ago.

China's reaction came hours after Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi demanded that the UN Security Council resolution on Kashmir be implemented, and urged the world body to appoint a special envoy to Kashmir.
Link:Blow to Terroristan
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Y I Patel »

MOslem TErrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Terroriststan -


Close enough.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

NAB "Tightens Screw" On Besieged - not so!- Sharif Family !

NAB bars Sharif family from selling property
National Accountability Bauru (NAB) pasted confiscation of property notice today, on the main gate of the Sharif’s resident in Jati Umra Lahore.
According to the NAB sources, this property cannot be sold to anyone.Copies of the NAB notice also have been send to the Director General Lahore Development Authority (LDA), Punjab Excise Department, District Commissioner Lahore, Defence Housing Authority and to all the banks of the country.
NAB Lahore office has already written letters to Nawaz Sharif and his children that under the section 23 of the NAB ordinance 99, that any violation of this order is punishable under sub-section A of the Section 23 of the NAB ordinance.NAB also warned the Sharif children in the letter that transfer or sale of this property is a punishable crime.
Part of the overall plan of the "Deep State" to make the Sharif family irrelevant in Paki politics ! IMO, he is heading for permanent exile ( worst scenario) or at the very least (court litigation) and the salvation of his "good family name" or debarment from Paki politics for his whole family !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

NAB Cleans Up "Dirty NBP" Stable :mrgreen:

Former NBP president arrested on corruption charges involving bank's Bangladesh branch
The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on Friday arrested former National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) president Syed Ali Raza on charges of corruption after the Sindh High Court turned down Raza's bail request. The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) had filed a reference against the former NBP chief and other officials for allegedly misusing their authority by granting and revising financing facilities in the NBP Bangladesh branch that caused a loss of $185 million ( Sialkot Statistics :roll: ) to the national exchequer.
Implementing the high court's orders, NAB arrested Raza and the co-accused, including Imran Butt and General Manager Bangladesh Waseem Khan.During a hearing of the bail plea initiated by the former bank chief, NAB apprised the court about the losses inflicted on the national treasury by the accused. I bet, top level "Fauji corruption" is not on the mandate of NAB :twisted:
NAB further told the court that 16 individuals had been nominated in the corruption reference in all, adding that Raza and former senior executive vice president Zubair Ahmed had been granted bail earlier. Would be lenders to Pakistan should take "due note" of the wide spread corruption practiced in this country !

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

Excerpt from book titled “Are India-Pakistan Peace Talks Worth A Damn?” by Ashley J. Tellis who holds the Tata Chair for Strategic Affairs and is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Tellis argues International calls for bilateral engagement are actually counterproductive because they embolden Pakistan to persist in a fruitless strategy of coercion.:
The international community’s routine call for continuous India-Pakistan dialogue is not only misguided but also counterproductive. This entreaty, which often follows major Pakistani supported terrorist attacks in India, fails to recognize that the security competition between the two nations is not actually driven by discrete, negotiable differences. Rather, the discord is rooted in long-standing ideological, territorial, and power-political antagonisms that are fueled by Pakistan’s irredentism, its army’s desire to subvert India’s ascendency as a great power and exact revenge for past Indian military victories, and its aspirations to be treated on par with India despite their huge differences in capabilities, achievements, and prospects. Pakistan’s revisionist behavior is further intensified by its army’s ambition to preserve its dominance in domestic politics. Moreover, its possession of nuclear weapons has permitted its military and intelligence services to underwrite a campaign of jihadi terrorism intended to coerce India—with the expectation that Pakistan will remain fundamentally immune to any meaningful military retaliation. This manifestation of hostility toward India makes any kind of diplomatic solution satisfactory to both Islamabad and New Delhi highly elusive. Even worse, the Pakistan Army feels emboldened by the international calls for bilateral engagement, believing that its strategy of nuclear coercion successfully invites foreign pressure on India to make concessions on territory and other issues thus far out of reach.


• India is content with the status quo. It accepts Pakistan’s existence as a state and is content to have the current Line of Control be the legitimate, internationally recognized boundary in Jammu and Kashmir.

• India aspires to achieve great power status, and its most pressing strategic challenge is countering the rise of China. Consequently, India sees Pakistan’s antagonism and its support for terrorism as distractions that consume resources otherwise better spent on fueling its ascent on the world stage.

• In contrast, Pakistan aims to revise the status quo. It sees India as an existential threat to its survival and perceives itself to be India’s genuine peer competitor. Although both perceptions are dubious, Pakistan continues to use force, as well as jihadi terrorism, to achieve its strategic objectives of weakening India and securing political concessions.

• More broadly, the Pakistan Army’s conflict with India preserves its domestic political and economic predominance, and its efforts at protecting the “ideology of Pakistan” end up sustaining the perilous notion of a permanent Muslim resistance toward a “Hindu India.”


• India’s clear geopolitical, economic, and military superiority implies that Pakistan cannot compel it to revise the status quo by force. Nor does India have to offer any compromises to procure peace because it is both a satisfied and dominant power. Since Pakistan lacks the means to either wrest the territories it lays claims to or reverse its continuing relative decline vis-à-vis India, the path to peace depends largely on Pakistan’s willingness to accept its current strategic circumstances.

• Since the full subordination of the Pakistani military to its civilian leadership is unlikely for the foreseeable future, a shift in Pakistan’s orientation and behavior will depend fundamentally on the military itself. The army’s former chief of staff Pervez Musharraf provided the best hope to date that peace could be negotiated by an idiosyncratic military leader who is willing to change the army’s objectives with respect to India. Unfortunately, Musharraf has proven to be the exception, not the norm, in the Pakistan Army.

• Great power mediation is not an adequate alternative for peace either, since the United States lacks the means to alter Pakistan’s strategic calculus and China lacks the desire. Even if motivated, however, China would likely utilize Pakistan to slow down the rise of its emerging Asian competitor, India.


• The United States and others in the international community should recognize—in the current environment—that continued dialogue will not extinguish the entrenched grievances that drive the Pakistan Army’s passionate animosity toward India. There is a role for Washington and others in encouraging a peace settlement between the two nations, but it requires subtlety and, first and foremost, must involve pressing the Pakistan Army to cease supporting jihadi terrorism in India.

• The Pakistan Army should also be persuaded to acquiesce to the current territorial and strategic realities involving India and, as a consequence, end its relentless revisionism— which threatens to destabilize the Indian subcontinent and the security of Pakistan itself. The international community may never be able to convince Rawalpindi of the benefits of accepting the status quo, but it should certainly avoid reinforcing troublesome Pakistani behavior through a premature and futile call for dialogue.
From Carnegie Endowment For International Peace:

Are India-Pakistan Peace Talks Worth a Damn?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Pakhanis keep bringing up at regular intervals the number of "civilians" seemingly killed in LOC firing by IA. First of all, can the pakis be believed? If the civilians are getting killed, is this because:

1. "Civilians" on PoK side live periliously close to TSPA posts?
2. They are not actually "civilians" but TSPA mard-e-mujahids (or their terrorist/jihadi birathers) that are actually hallaled but are passed off as civilian deaths for HS&D?
3. The "civilian homes" are hit actually staging off / R&R points for the jihadis to cross over, and this is Indian Army's way of telling the PoK civilians to stop letting the jihadis use their homes?
4. TSPA uses those civilian homes as their "bunkers" and the civilians (who are killed in cross-fire) are actually working for the TSPA as their couriers or mules?
5. Could it be that the civilian homes are being hit by paki mortars (but blame it on the evil Yindoo)?
6. Or could it be an actual case of mis-phyr (highly unlikely as it seems to be a regular affair)?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by chetak »

anupmisra wrote:Pakhanis keep bringing up at regular intervals the number of "civilians" seemingly killed in LOC firing by IA. First of all, can the pakis be believed? If the civilians are getting killed, is this because:

1. "Civilians" on PoK side live periliously close to TSPA posts?
2. They are not actually "civilians" but TSPA mard-e-mujahids (or their terrorist/jihadi birathers) that are actually hallaled but are passed off as civilian deaths for HS&D?
3. The "civilian homes" are hit actually staging off / R&R points for the jihadis to cross over, and this is Indian Army's way of telling the PoK civilians to stop letting the jihadis use their homes?
4. TSPA uses those civilian homes as their "bunkers" and the civilians (who are killed in cross-fire) are actually working for the TSPA as their couriers or mules?
5. Could it be that the civilian homes are being hit by paki mortars (but blame it on the evil Yindoo)?
6. Or could it be an actual case of mis-phyr (highly unlikely as it seems to be a regular affair)?
There are very many more homes of cashmeri civilians that have been deliberately targeted and damaged willfully by the pakis, especially if is known that Hindus live there.

Like rajnath singh was saying, the pakis are beginning to regret their aggressive stance on the LOC because the IA has been freed to respond to paki provocation as it will, to return fire and also use punitive methods to deter/damage the pakis.

Increasingly, some paki channels are beginning to remark that the earlier "soft or naram" stance of the Indians has changed to a very aggressive and a much more intolerant stance to provocations and that seems to have upset the pakis.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Chandragupta »

Rashtravadi‏ @National1st now

The US fights one ISIS (IS in Iraq, Syria) and funds the other ISIS- Islamic State in Indian Subcontinent. What an irony!

Pakistan is the original ISIS - Islamic State in Indian Subcontinent

Claiming all rights to the above usage! :)
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by RCase »

anupmisra wrote:Pakhanis keep bringing up at regular intervals the number of "civilians" seemingly killed in LOC firing by IA. First of all, can the pakis be believed? If the civilians are getting killed, is this because:

1. "Civilians" on PoK side live periliously close to TSPA posts?
2. They are not actually "civilians" but TSPA mard-e-mujahids (or their terrorist/jihadi birathers) that are actually hallaled but are passed off as civilian deaths for HS&D?
3. The "civilian homes" are hit actually staging off / R&R points for the jihadis to cross over, and this is Indian Army's way of telling the PoK civilians to stop letting the jihadis use their homes?
4. TSPA uses those civilian homes as their "bunkers" and the civilians (who are killed in cross-fire) are actually working for the TSPA as their couriers or mules?
5. Could it be that the civilian homes are being hit by paki mortars (but blame it on the evil Yindoo)?
6. Or could it be an actual case of mis-phyr (highly unlikely as it seems to be a regular affair)?
Or... it could be due to 'accidental' explosions of the vacuum bulb kind.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Faces of Pakistan diplomats when @eenamg said: "Pakistan is now #Terroristan".
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

More Angst For Disgraced National Carrier !

PIA crew refused room booking in London Hotel
LONDON – A hotel in UK has told the Pakistan International (PIA) Airlines that it would not provide rooms to the airline’s crew anymore.The hotel told the national flag carrier that female guests at the hotel felt insecure in the presence of PIA’s male crew members.
Bacha-baazi is a well known (bedroom) sports in Pakiland ! Hotel Management should also have included the word "male" as well :mrgreen:
It added that it had received numerous complaints of the airline’s male staffers asking its female guests for their phone numbers. Therefore, the hotel’s management added, it would not provide rooms to the airline’s staff until action was taken against the crew members involved in pestering its female guests. The Pakis are following in the footsteps of the Saudis and the Emirities. What passes of as "haram" in their own countries, suddenly converts into "halal" in Londonistan and Massaland :twisted:
In May this year, British authorities had confirmed that heroin were found on a PIA flight at Heathrow airport.The passports of the crew members of the flight were also confiscated.
The National Crime Agency of Britain was investigating the matter relating to the recovery of narcotics from Islamabad to London flight PK-785 by the border security personnel. IMO, PEMRA should put a stop to all this "anti national" propaganda emanating from foreign sources, and take this newspaper to task :mrgreen: