Terroristan - 29 September 2017

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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Motorcyclist ticketed for not wearing seat belt in Karachi
An officer in Karachi has ticketed a motorcyclist for not wearing seat belt.
The 'offender ' and the officer could not be reached for comment on the authenticity of the ticket .
A large number of motorcyclists ride through Karachi without bothering to get driving licences and wearing helmets .
https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/25607 ... in-karachi
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by ramana »

Anup, Just because you are paranoid don't think there is nobody out to destroy you!!!

We should dissect every morsel and spit out the poisonous ones.
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Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the PESW Thread

International Investment Position of Pakistan (BPM6) – Summary – As on End Period

2017 Q2 -US$ 99.4801 Billion

As we are in the Middle of December so IMO "End Period" for the above Statement must be End June 2017!

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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by periaswamy »

Apparently all pakistanis prefer BJP government to a congress govt

Nirupama Subramanian does a nice spin job to move focus from what happened in Mani Shanar Aiya's place.
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Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Peregrine »

US backs Russian investment in Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline

ISLAMABAD: The United States supports infrastructure investment by Russia – an arch rival of America in global politics – in laying an offshore gas pipeline from Iran as it will give a boost to Pakistan’s economy and improve people’s lives, said US Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director Jerry Bisson. This Pipe Line will be extended to India

“We can look at it (Russian plan to build the offshore gas pipeline); any donor investment in infrastructure either from Russia, China, the World Bank or the Asian Development Bank and any investment for the benefit of Pakistani people and economy, we support it,” he said while talking to a group of journalists.

“We don’t have any particular views about where the money comes from; we support the government of Pakistan in improving lives of the people.”

Saying that Pakistan was a sovereign country, he emphasised that they backed the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project – an investment that was critical for Pakistani people and economy.

Responding to a question about the change in USAID investment priorities under the Trump administration, Bisson pointed to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s trip to Pakistan where he talked about education, health care and economy.

The US wanted to work together with Pakistan and strengthen people-to-people ties, he said while outlining the support extended to 30 universities in Pakistan, especially the provision of scholarships.

“We have supported over 18,000 students and it has a huge impact; we want to continue that support,” he remarked.

About the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by US companies, Bisson explained that it depended on the market situation as American gas companies were looking for buyers around the world because they had surplus LNG.

“If you have good terminals and gas transportation infrastructure from the port to local markets, I guess they will be willing to sell,” he said.

US oil and gas giant ExxonMobil had expressed interest in constructing an LNG terminal at Port Qasim, but it recently pulled out of the project.

Power production

Talking about cooperation in civil nuclear technology, Bisson said he was not aware of such an opportunity, but USAID had focused on renewable wind and solar energy as the technology was simple and could start electricity generation in 18 months.

“There are large dam projects which could take 10 to 15 years. If we look at clean solar and wind energy, it is very fast and can easily to attract private-sector investment,” he elaborated.

Bisson called Balochistan and Sindh very rich in renewable energy resources where USAID had recently been engaged in different projects.

“We have poured $1 billion into the energy sector in the form of grants, not loans, since 2010 and the production capacity has gone above 3,000 megawatts for the benefit of 36 million Pakistanis,” he said. He highlighted that General Electric had been injecting $240 million into 126 turbines in Sindh whereas USAID provided technical assistance to put in place infrastructure for power generation.

He recalled that the US was the first country to recognise Pakistan and it financed the country’s first two power projects – Tarbela and Mangla, which were the largest dams in the world with large-scale manufacturing and engineering works.

“We are still assisting Pakistan in upgrading some turbines; we have helped in increasing electricity supply,” he said.

When his attention was drawn towards lack of interest by the US in funding new hydroelectric power projects like Dasu and Diamer Bhasha dams, he argued that their budget was going down and there were funding limitations.

“We have … much more funding for technical advisory services and are looking how we can encourage the private sector to invest,” he said.


Speaking about cooperation in the field of agriculture, Bisson said USAID was looking at institutions as to how scientists and farmers could be trained and was working closely with provincial governments.

“We have a very interesting programme to help small women farmers to raise goats and improve their stock; the same approach will be adopted for the dairy sector in order to improve milk yield of cows to help farmers increase their income,” he said.

In an attempt to encourage more lending to enterprises, USAID provides $60 million of seed money to four banks.

“We will provide seed money to banks which will, in turn, increase their own capital and lend more to small and medium enterprises,” Bisson said.

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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

In Spite Of Its Earlier GOP Denial, The Paki Rupee Seems To Be Cut Down To Size ( With Devaluation) :mrgreen:

IMF says devalued Pakistani rupee a welcome move for economic growth

Poor Paki Abduls To Be Squeezed Again, until a time will come when you cannot get out water out of squeezing a stone :twisted:
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

"Umra Freeloading" Giving Pakis A "Bad Name" In Saudia :roll:

How some Umrah pilgrims bring bad name to Pakistan
Many Pakistanis on Umrah pilgrimage are bringing a bad name to their country by their activities during their stay in Saudi Arabia . All such people are supposed to be resourceful enough to bear all their expenses, but, unfortunately, thousands of them live on charity food and are involved in begging, which is against the spirit of holy mission. And then they wonder , why the "Head Of The Two Holy Mosques" wants to deport them :mrgreen:
In Makkhah, there are about a dozen food points outside King Abdulaziz Gate and King Fahd Gate of Masjid Al-Haram. A large number of Pakistani pilgrims line up in front of these outlets to get free food, or sabeel, distributed as Sadqa after Zohr and Isha prayers. Although nationals from other countries are also among the recipients, an overwhelming majority hails from the sole nuclear power of the Islamic world. They can be easily recognised from their faces or shalwar kameez dresses.
The same poor Abduls probably garb themselves in "Arabi Libaas" "back home" in Pakiland :mrgreen:
It has also been observed that male pilgrims send their spouses, sisters or other female relatives to join these queues as they receive the food packets rather easily. ( And I bet that the same is not shared with "their" Ayeshas !)
Maulana Rasheed Mian of Jamia Madnia, Ravi Road, Lahore, says Umrah is not mandatory (Wajib) and Haj has been enjoined upon only those who have the resources to bear all expenses.Talking to The Nation, he said that asking for Sadqa (Sabeel) or accepting it is against self-respect which is something Islam wants everyone to uphold in all situations. The esteemed maulana speaketh :D
The writer is of the considered opinion that the government should spare some time from its political wrangling at home and think of some measures to discourage this trend in a country where millions from other countries are there to watch the beggars’ line many a time every day.
Pakistani missions in KSA can be tasked to keep an eye over the people whose activities are damaging national prestige. And those seen in charity lines should be proceeded against through some mechanism to be evolved for the purpose. Many Pakistanis would gladly apply to be "a policeman in Saudia for the cause of Malsi" :mrgreen:
The writer is of the considered opinion that the government should spare some time from its political wrangling at home and think of some measures to discourage this trend in a country where millions from other countries are there to watch the beggars’ line many a time every day.Pakistani missions in KSA can be tasked to keep an eye over the people whose activities are damaging national prestige. And those seen in charity lines should be proceeded against through some mechanism to be evolved for the purpose. For all practical purposes, these are modern day slaves . It may be noted that officially, slavery was abolished in Saudi Arabia in the early 60's. As one can make out from this and other reports, it is alive, well and thriving . Although he is getting paid plenty, is not Raheel a "slave" to MBS :mrgreen:
Some Pakistanis have changed their “jobs”. They have purchased wheelchairs and help the disabled or sick people from Pakistan perform Umrah , and in return receive compensation. While Saudi nationals performing the same job receive up to 150 Riyals for Tawaf and Sa’ee, a process that be completed in a couple of hours, Pakistanis agree even to 50 per cent of this amount. To facilitate their clients they pick them from their residences and drop them there, a facility that can’t be expected from the Saudi handlers. Begging knows no limits !!!
Since the wheelchair pushers have to wear Ehram to enter Mataf (the area where Tawaf is performed) they are taken as Umrah performers or their relatives, which is not the case. Ehram is used just to hide their illegal status. You need to be a "Malsi scholar" to understand this :D
Pakistan Houses in the two holy cities can’t accommodate all guests.And if the government also makes some arrangements to provide food to all guests staying at such places, the profit going to the government will be much higher. The government will be doing a great service by setting up currency exchange centre at these places. It must ban the purchase of any item from KSA or any other country which is available at home. This single step will save the country huge amounts. Those going for Haj and Umrah should be directed to focus on religious obligations rather than purchasing unnecessary items.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by KLNMurthy »

anupmisra wrote:
Kasuri is a clown with perhaps an advance stage of dementia. The only common enemy that binds all paki political parties is India.
What you are telling.

The whole matter of what was discussed at that meeting is now absolutely settled, since the paki Kasuri himself told "Gujarat" was not even mentioned.

And the whole world knows that Pakis never lie. The world needs pakistan more than pakistan needs the world. Etc., etc.

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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

Modi Plane And The "Karachi Connection"

'Karachi' Detail Fuels More Buzz Over PM Modi's Seaplane Ride In Gujarat
New Delhi: The seaplane that turned into a spectacular ride for Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the last day of campaigning on Tuesday for the Gujarat election, came to India from Karachi on December 3 - a detail that was enough to stoke critics in the middle of a massive row over a dinner attended by Congress leaders and Pakistani guests last week.
According to flight-tracking website UK.Flightaware.com, the seaplane, a Quest Kodiak 100 operated by a foreign pilot, made a pit-stop at Karachi earlier this month. From there, it took off on December 3 and landed the same day in Mumbai, from where it flew to Ahmedabad on Monday.
The single-engine seaplane is reportedly privately-owned and has the US registration number N181KQ. John Goulet, the pilot who flew the seaplane, described his VIP rider as "a very good passenger".
The Karachi detail drew comments on social media, which has been abuzz with acrimonious sparring over a dinner at suspended Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar's home, in which guests included former prime minister Manmohan Singh, other Congress leaders, and Pakistanis including former foreign minister Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri."& Why Was A #Seaplane That Travelled From Karachi Doing Rounds For Our PM @narendramodi Ji," was a tweet from the handle @INCTelangana. Shaktisinh Gohil was among the multiple Congress leaders who shared media reports on Twitter.
At a public rally in Gujarat on Sunday, PM Modi suggested that the election was discussed at Mr Aiyar's dinner, and hinted at a conspiracy between the Congress and Pakistan to defeat the BJP, which has ruled Gujarat for 22 years.
The PM's allegation has been rubbished as outrageous by the Congress and Manmohan Singh responded with an unusually cutting statement asking Mr Modi to apologise for "falsehoods and canards". :roll:
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

UN Asks Pakistan To Implement 111 Human Rights Recommendations According To UN Conventions .

Govt deliberates on UN request to limit military's role in civil spheres :roll:
The federal government asked the concerned ministries and departments to take "requisite legislative, policy and administrative measures" in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations (UN), calling for the termination of military courts and limiting the role of the army in civil spheres, DawnNews reported on Thursday. UN recommends to Fed Govt. Fed Govt cascades the request to ministries and depts. The "requisite" action is not actionable "as the concerned ministries " do not have the necessary authority to implement same. Case closed :mrgreen:
The UN had urged Islamabad to ensure the implementation of 111 recommendations in accordance with its human rights conventions. The Ministry of Human Rights forwarded the recommendations to the relevant departments and ministries for further action. Going by the number of disappeared persons, media clampdown in Balochistan and FATA, the so-called Ministry Of Human Rights exists on paper only :mrgreen:
According to an "office memorandum" issued by the human rights ministry, a copy of which is available with DawnNews, Pakistan has ratified seven "core human rights conventions". Subsequently, four progress reports were prepared and submitted before the relevant UN bodies through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Pakistan is a member of the UN Human Rights Council !. How did this rogue and serial violator of Human Rights become such a member is not a mystery when you consider that Ummah Head Saudia is also a member :mrgreen:
A high-level delegation led by the human rights minister presented and defended these reports before the concerned UN committees in the review meetings, held during 2016 and 2017. The UN committees, while reviewing the obligatory reports, had made concluding observations and recommendations. Why did not the COAS of Pak Army "defended" these reports . After all, just very recently, he was "acting" as if he was the Foreign Minister Of Pakiland !
Based on the recommendations put forward by the UN committees in this regard, the human rights ministry compiled a matrix and forwarded it to all concerned ministries and departments, asking them to take "requisite legislative, policy and administrative measures". A copy of the "matrix" should also have been endorsed to Gen Bajwa for necessary action :mrgreen:
According to the document, the UN asked Islamabad to immediately put a moratorium on the capital punishment and eventually "consider abolishing the death penalty". In addition to this, if ineluctable, the death penalties should not be imposed by the military courts — particularly in cases involving civilians.The UN also recommended that the death penalty should only be awarded for the most serious crimes, involving intentional killings. In Pakistan, all these are the responsibilities of Pak Army, so the UN should have dealt directly with Pak Army. The civilian Govt is a puppet of the Fauj !
The UN committees also recommended to "repeal or amend Actions in Aid of Civil Power Regulations 2011 in order to abolish the military's power to establish internment centres in the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (Fata) and Provincially Administrated Tribal Areas (Pata)". It also urged Islamabad to ensure that no one is held in secret or incommunicado detention anywhere in the country. The UN will not be allowed to interfere in Pakistan's internal affairs :twisted:
The UN has suggested making amendments in the Army Act 2015 in order to eliminate retrospective immunity and clarify that anyone committing acts of torture will be subjected to criminal prosecutions.The committees also recommended to strengthen the powers of the National Commission and ensure that it is able to investigate all cases or torture and ill-treatment committed by any entity carrying out arrest and detentions in the country, including intelligence agencies and armed forces. Naming and shaming the Pakistan Army in world public opinion may help the victims of torture and detention :mrgreen:
According to the document, the global rights body recommended taking effective measures to mitigate the "intensified hostility towards Afghan refugees by police and security forces". The government was also asked to "expedite the adoption of national refugee law and a voluntary repatriation policy on Afghan refugees". Not only the Afghan refugees but the whole FATA region's population is looked upon with hostility and the civilian population is almost under siege and media is barred from going there, as the govt intensifies its effort to flush out so-called terrorists :mrgreen:
The body also recommended granting permission to local and international non-governmental organisations to make official and unannounced visits to all detention centres. According to the document, it was also recommended to "end the use of paramilitary forces to carry out law enforcement tasks". No Foreign Agencies will be allowed to interfere in Pakistan's domestic affairs, therefore permission denied !!!
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Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Peregrine »

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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

Supreme Court's Christmas Present To Imran Khan. :twisted:

Thank God I was cleared in this fake case: Imran Khan
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Friday spoke briefly with reporters after the Supreme Court's judgement in the case brought by the PML-N's Hanif Abbasi, saying he "thanked God for being cleared in this fake case filed by a drug dealer."
The drug dealer comment was targeted at Abbasi, ( related to PM Abbasi ) :roll: who currently faces charges of illegally selling ephedrine that was used in the manufacture of illicit substances.
The PTI chief also expressed regret that the Supreme Court had disqualified Jahangir Tareen, whom he described as an upright citizen and one of Pakistan's highest tax-paying politicians.
Notwithstanding the verdict, he said, Tareen should not be compared to the "corrupt mafia" of the Sharif family, who Khan again accused of taking Rs300 billion. Compared to the Sharifs, Tareen conducted all his legitimate business in the country, Khan said.
He also said the PTI would file for a review of the Supreme Court's judgement on Tareen, insisting it was based on a technicality. Fauj did "sifarish" on his behalf with the "Lordships" :roll:
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

Karachi_Post Retweeted
MAS‏ @MuradAliSha
1h1 hour ago
Replying to @MiftahIsmail

Logic?!?! hahah... good joke
Imran Khan accepted his Offshore Company
but #SupremeCourt Insists that he has nothing to do with the company
its not about 'logic' from the beginning
Haram And Halal Comparison ( Sharia Compliance !) Between Ganja And Immy :mrgreen:

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Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Interpol to bring Dar back for NAB
ISLAMABAD: The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on Thursday ordered to initiate 10 inquiries against alleged corruption in Punjab, Sindh and the federal government and it decided to get a red warrant issued for Senator Ishaq Dar to bring him back with the help of Interpol.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

Sign Of Further Chinification Of Pakiland

Chinese Doctors to Conduct 500 Free Eye Surgeries in Pakistan Next Month
CPEC covered :roll:
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Kashi »

Mani Shankar Aiyar accused Indian military of playing politics: Kanwal Sibal- TNN- Srinjoy Chowdhury
Dec 15, 2017

New Delhi: Former Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal has revealed that Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar insulted the Indian Armed forces accusing the Indian military of playing politics.

At an event, where Sibal was one of the panelists, Aiyar blamed the Indian military for "sabotaging" the Siachen agreement.

"He (Mani Shankar Aiyar) said a few things which I think were rather surprising. Because he accused the Indian military of playing politics and having sabotaged the Siachen agreement. He said that his advice on uninterrupted dialogue has been accepted by the Pakistan government and not the Indian government," Sibal said in response to a question by Times Now.

Sibal said that Aiyar holds India "responsible for not seeking a breakthrough in our relations with Pakistan".

He also cited a remark from the floor wherein, in the track two dialogue between India and Pakistan, the Pakistani generals have told India that they "will stop terrorism for a year and then we will have talks".

Sibal, however, said that the present policy of not resuming the dialogue unless there is satisfaction on the issue of terrorism and various incidents that have occurred- the most recent being the release of 26-11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed.

"What it (offer from Pakistani generals) implied was that first of all we control terrorism and second we use terrorism an as instrument for putting pressure on India. But if we were to agree on this logic, we are legitimising the use of terrorism by Pakistan against us... And what we are agreeing to is that in the year you give us reprieve on terrorism, we will look for means and ways to satisfy you on Kashmir. And if we are not able to do so, you can resume your terrorist activities," he said adding, "There should be no dialogue".
...is right
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by nam »

Who is Mani Shankar?
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Lisa »

He is a pakistani who resides in India.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Gagan »

Falijee wrote:Sign Of Further Chinification Of Pakiland

Chinese Doctors to Conduct 500 Free Eye Surgeries in Pakistan Next Month
CPEC covered :roll:
Pakistanis should be careful.
Chinese doctors might try to do population control in the guise of eye operations.
The eye drops they use are specially dangerous

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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Vips »

nam wrote:Who is Mani Shankar?
He is a self hating and low self esteemed individual who to India's misfortune holds it passport and who openly acts against the general interest and well being of Bharat Varsh.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by nam »

Yeah, I know him. Which is why I asked, who is Mani Shankar, and why should we worry about his f**ts
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by komal »

Lisa wrote:He is a pakistani who resides in India.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by chilarai »

Gagan wrote:
Falijee wrote:Sign Of Further Chinification Of Pakiland

Chinese Doctors to Conduct 500 Free Eye Surgeries in Pakistan Next Month
CPEC covered :roll:
Pakistanis should be careful.
Chinese doctors might try to do population control in the guise of eye operations.
The eye drops they use are specially dangerous

Stop spreading misinformation. They only cause sterility. It's totally safe.
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Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Peregrine »

PM Abbasi says 'no plan' to let rupee weaken further
KARACHI: The government has no plan to let the rupee weaken further, said Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, a statement that comes amid rumours and speculation that the currency would continue to fall after a nearly 5% hit within the week.
In a text message to Bloomberg, the premier said that his government has “no plans” to further depreciate the rupee and future levels of the currency would be determined by the market.
Another senior banker, who also foresaw the rupee touching Rs115 to the greenback, said the developments suggested that Pakistan has begun talks with the IMF for a new bailout package.

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Last edited by Peregrine on 16 Dec 2017 03:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Gagan »

I am deeply relieved!
My hakim friends inform me that Sterile means no bacteria.

As long as the missiles can phyrr, who cares if its phyrring blanks hain ji!
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Prem »

Chini Dr Bhai Tum Aisse Hi Aankhian Baannnnah
Paki get Kanhi Pey Nigaahe, Kanhi Pey Nishana !!
Mush Ko Smajhe Mukh, Mukh ko Dekhe Mush
Logg Kanhe , Yeh Tho Paki Mujahid Purana !!
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

Paki "Senators" Flex Their Muscle :mrgreen:

Senators demand Saudi-led coalition's ToRs be presented before parliament
Expressing concerns over the terms of reference (ToRs) of the Saudi-led Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC) being kept secret, senators on Friday demanded that parliament be apprised of the particulars of the military alliance.The inaugural meeting of the IMCTC was held in Saudi Arabia last month, with former Army chief Raheel Sharif being handed its command. Representatives of 40 nations were in attendance.PPP Senator Farhatullah Babar complained that when asked about the reservations of Iran on the Saudi-led coalition, the Foreign Office had said that it was unaware of any and would reply after talking to the authority on the matter. "Just who is this authority?" Babar asked. Babar is taking his job too seriously . When it comes to the fauj, the "senators" can demand all the answers, but they will get none. Was the CPEC agreements brought before the Paki Assembly and Senate :twisted: :mrgreen:
He also stated that parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were being kept in the dark about Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa's recent visits to Iran. Bajwa is "trying" to convince the Iranis that Pakistan is a neutral player in the Sunni-Shia tussle, but Iran is not "buying" that !
"One institution is formulating policy on its own, regarding which even the Foreign Office is unaware," he remarked, requesting Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani to give a ruling on the issue and summon the foreign minister.Responding to Senator Babar's request, Rabbani said: "I will go missing before March 12 if I give a ruling on this." Below the belt shalwar :roll: . He also took the opportunity to rubbish some senators' comments about the parliament having gotten "weaker than the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC)."
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by saip »

Gagan wrote:
Falijee wrote:Sign Of Further Chinification Of Pakiland

Chinese Doctors to Conduct 500 Free Eye Surgeries in Pakistan Next Month
CPEC covered :roll:
Pakistanis should be careful.
Chinese doctors might try to do population control in the guise of eye operations.
The eye drops they use are specially dangerous

Looks like someone read your post.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by abhijitm »

Abbasi has declared pakistan is finally load shedding free..as promised........in some urban pockets..........during winter..............between 7PM to 7AM
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Gagan »

I mean the financial load on each pakistani has increased, and there is no possibility of the pakistanis ever being able to shed that load

Abbassi is 100% right
Load shedding free indeed

PS: Have people seen the twitter video of Paki information minister-ni (no less !), talking about yahudis and hindus in a derogatory way!
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by SSridhar »

schinnas wrote: do you think US taking an unexpectedly harder stance against India and global consensus in WTO (related to food security which is dear to India) is somehow tied to this, to show its displeasure to India? What leverage does US have over India, other than giving us a seat at the Afghan end game, which India deserves anyway (we do have a land border with Afghanistan and are one of the most critical countries involved in reconstruction of Afghan infra).

schinnas, sorry for a late response.

The answer to your question is a no, IMO. Trade disputes happen a dime a dozen and India's agricultural subsidies, public distribution, government buying & holding of agricultural produce which are all at the core of the WTO dispute have been there for quite some time now. Nothing new. India cannot and shall not budge from these positions. The globalization of trade has made it very aggressive and political and international relationships are largely kept out of WTO dispute resolution mechanism. When it comes to trade & WTO, no country is beholden to anybody else.

As for leverage, the US may think it has some. For example, India has been repeatedly turning to the US, after the latter was involved in the resolution of Kargil, to put pressure on Pakistan. The increasing military purchases is another and significant leverage. Initiatives such as the DTTI are largely viewed as technology transfers by the US. India still depends on heavylifting by the US in joining various fora (such as UNSC, NSG, AG etc). Apart from these, the US holds many not-so-obvious levers such as in international financial transactions, cyberspace and a myriad others that could affect an ambitious India which wants to grow more rapidly in all areas simultaneously, unlike a staid growth curve that it was satisfied with earlier. China grew only with help from the US and after an inflexion point, it has been on its own. India has a long way to go before reaching that point.

But, the US is not opening the spigot for India at the same rate it did for China in the 70s & 80s because it has probably learnt a few lessons from the Chinese backlash - the story of Basmasura. Also, India being a very argumentative democracy, internal reforms do not proceed as rapidly as it did in Communist China.
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Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the PESW Thread

Pakistan’s external debt, liabilities increase 12.3% to $85b

ISLAMABAD: Amid a weakening currency that has increased the cost of debt servicing, Pakistan’s external debt and liabilities have mounted to $85 billion by September-end this year – a year-on-year increase of 12.3%, reported the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Friday.

In September 2016, the country’s total external debt and liabilities were $75.8 billion that increased by another $9.3 billion, showed the central bank data. The figures are exclusive of $2.5 billion Pakistan obtained last month by floating two sovereign bonds.

The SBP’s external debt bulletin release coincides with the depreciation of the Pakistani rupee against the US dollar. The local currency shed its value by about 4.8%, standing at Rs110.54 to the dollar on Friday.

The external debt and liabilities figures have been released till the period of September 2017 when the value of rupee to a dollar was Rs105.40. Due to the depreciation, Pakistan will require an additional Rs436 billion to service the same amount of debt.

At Rs105.40 to a dollar, external debt and liabilities were equal to Rs8.964 trillion that, due to the depreciation, have increased to Rs9.4 trillion.

Although a weaker rupee had long been predicted due to a weakening position of the external sector, independent economists had warned the government about the implications of exchange rate adjustments. They had said that Pakistan was sitting on explosive mines, as the day it would let the rupee touch its actual value against the US dollar, the country’s external debt would grow.

Former finance secretary Dr Waqar Masood had called on the government to adjust the fiscal deficit target after taking into account the implications of the increase in external debt servicing cost due to rupee depreciation.

The rupee is expected to further shed value in the coming months, as the external sector fundamentals remain weak. The SBP governor said this week that after the recent adjustments the rupee-dollar parity was now closer to the equilibrium.

IMF’s Mission Chief to Pakistan Harald Finger on Thursday said that Pakistan’s external sector and its international reserves would continue to remain under pressure in the coming months.

Out of $85 billion, public external debt including debt and liabilities of the public sector enterprises stood at $70.3 billion by September this year. These were $5 billion higher than a year ago.

The share of the public external debt was $67 billion – higher by $4.6 billion or 7.4% in one year. The public sector enterprises debt increased to $3 billion – also higher by 7.7%.

The debt signed by banks grew phenomenally by 68% to roughly $5 billion in just one year. Out of this, the short-term debt contracted by the banks increased from $1.9 billion a year ago to $3.8 billion by September this year.

The country spent $2.1 billion on repayment of external debt and interest on it during the first quarter (July-September) of this fiscal year, according to the SBP. The figure suggests that like the previous fiscal year, this year again, the overall cost of external debt servicing will remain high.

The cost of public external debt servicing stood at $1.64 billion. The principal loans repayment by the public sector stood at $1.34 billion in just three months. The cost of interest payments increased to $300 million in the first quarter.

The private sector debt servicing cost amounted to $304 million including interest payments.

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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Vips »

chetak wrote:
abhijitm wrote:Congress is partying, dining with pakistanis is out in open on front page of every goddamn newspaper in india. People do not read headlines they read between the lines.
slimy worm infested guest list.

did the discussions center on Indo pak peace process or the Indo pak piece process??

Check how one of the participants TCA Raghavan behaved when he was posted in Porkistan.

One had occasion to meet the former Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan, T.C.A. Raghavan, in Lahore. He came across as a moderate person allergic to hard positions and willing to understand when his Pakistani interlocutors fly off the handle.(Meaning able and ready to keep taking shit from pakistan)

In short there is a pattern where Track Thoo participants from Indian side selected are pliant and of such a mental state that they would be ready to make compromises (Vacating Siachen, Visa regime to be diluted, keeping the talks going on even if pakistan indulges and promotes terrorism in India).

Watching the NDTV/Republic TV talk show about the meeting in Aiyars house it is clear to what extent Pro Pakis these participants are. It is in your face paki agenda pushing in the name of democratic right and freedom of expression. It is sickening.

Ajay Shukla and Rahul Singh are the worst. Their congress bhakti is to be heard and seen. Rahul Singh made a complete spectacle of himself when he kept claiming it was a Private dinner and then had to admit that everybody including Mickey Mouse Singh made some sort of presentation before his lordship Kasuri on how to improve India pakistan relationship in the current environment (meaning how to take care of the Modi rule).

Check the list of the participant in the Viper abode:
We know these are all confirmed pro pakistanis:
-Aiyar, Ansari, Natwar Singh, Shukla, Raghavan, Lambah, Bhadrakumar, Prem Shankar Jha, Rahul Singh.
-Not sure about Gharekhan Salman Haider, KS Bjapai and Deepak Kapoor.
-Not want to mention anything about Manmohan Singh as the less said about him the better.
Last edited by Vips on 16 Dec 2017 20:39, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

Mullah Molestations

Fear, shame preserve silence of abuse by clerics in Pakistan
By kathy gannon, associated press
It began with sweets and pocket money when he was 10 years old — special attention from the religious cleric who ran the Pakistani madrassa, or Islamic school, the boy attended.And it escalated to rape and months of sexual abuse, the now 28-year-old young man says."I feel rage now when I think after he raped me he took a bath and right away he left to lead the prayers," the man, an economist who lives in Islamabad, told The Associated Press. "After that I came to know from three or four of my classmates that the mufti used to do the same with them."Speaking English, at times searching for the right words and at others apologizing for the explicitness of his conversation, he described the cleric's advances: how he took him to another mosque that was not associated with the madrassa the boy attended and then raped him. And top it all, in many cases, these "bearded ones" are married !
He said he suppressed memories of the abuse for years, but after reading an AP report last month revealing widespread abuse by clerics in Pakistan's thousands of madrassas, they all came tumbling back."I read the story two times. The first time I was shocked. The things that were written there were everything I had lived. The second time I read it, the whole of my body was trembling because of the memories it brought back," said the man, speaking on condition of anonymity, not only because of the shame he felt nearly two decades later but because he feared Pakistan's religious leaders could retaliate against him either with violence or charges of blasphemy or being an apostate, both of which, he said, were tantamount to a death sentence. As one can determine from recent press reports, the Mullahs Of Pakistan are on the rise again !
There are more than 22,000 registered madrassas in Pakistan, and many thousands of unregistered ones, often grimy one- or two-room facilities in remote villages. The millions of students they teach are often among the country's poorest, who receive food and an education for free.But at the madrassa this young man attended — one of the largest in the Pakistani capital, which attracted students from other parts of the country — many of his fellow students were, like himself, from middle- and upper-middle class families, "sent to the madrassa to win favor for the family from God," he said. Is he referring to "Lal Masjid" of Aabpara , near ISI HO :roll:
Naeema Kishwar, a federal lawmaker who last year helped change Pakistan's laws to close a legal loophole that had allowed those who commit so-called "honor killings" to escape punishment, said that laws exist to tackle sexual abuse of minors, which she called a scourge in Pakistan, not only in madrassas but in public schools, at home and among the army of child workers who are employed in homes as domestic workers and in factories. "Of course, it is the responsibility of the federal government to prevent abuse of children, but you must keep it in your mind that provincial governments are equally to be blamed for being unable to stop child abuse at all places, including private and government schools and madrassas," she said. "This is a common problem."
But Kishwar who is a member of the religious Jamaat-e-Ulema-e-Islam, a pro-Taliban party, took umbrage with a focus on sexual abuse in the madrassas. Her party operates thousands of religious schools. But like the clerics who dominate her party, Kishwar, despite data and evidence to the contrary, said the incidents of abuses in religious seminaries were isolated.Taha Siddiqui, a prominent Pakistani blogger and journalist, who has come under attack by the military and intelligence agencies in Pakistan for his outspoken commentaries, said the AP report was widely shared on social media, whereas the mainstream media stayed mostly silent. He blamed fear among the mainstream media of antagonizing the country's religious leaders and because sex, even if it involves abuse, is a taboo subject. Like Saudi Arabia, what goes on behind the "four walls of a house, or a mini-palace " is entirely contrary to the strict dictates of Malsi :evil:
Sherry Rahman, a senator in Pakistan's upper house of Parliament and a close ally of Pakistan's slain leader, Benazir Bhutto, tweeted: "This is a subject we need to talk about so our children are better protected. Sexual abuse of children is pervasive at many levels of society across the class divide. We must give courage and hope for victims to speak out. "
But there were also virulent attacks, said Siddiqui. Some accused those who criticized madrassas of blasphemy, while others said it was a Western conspiracy to defame Islam. Says the young economist and abuse survivor: "In Pakistan the mullahs have two weapons—— they can declare you an apostate or charge you with blasphemy. Both are a certain death sentence."
He is 100% right !
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

Imran Khan's "Money Man" Resigns As Sec Gen Of PTI Party :D

Jahangir Tareen resigns as Secretary General of PTI
ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – A day after his disqualification by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Jahangir Tareen has resigned from the post of Secretary General of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.
“Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has disqualified me on an interpretation of a legal term. It is disappointing that the country’s highest tax paying Parliamentarian stands disqualified on a flimsy technical ground, but since the highest court of Pakistan has concluded that I am not qualified to continue as a member of assembly I bow my head in compliance of that order,” Jahangir Tareen stated in his resignation letter submitted to PTI chairman Imran Khan.He further remarked: “I have spent all my life on principles and moral values and I feel that morally it is not justified for me to continue as Secretary General fo PTI.”Tareen said he will always remain available to PTI as political worker in the fight against the political status quo and towards building a “Naya Pakistan”. :((
Reportedly, Imran Khan has not accepted the resignation yet. Tareen was disqualified under Article 62(1)(f) because of his blatant misstatement regarding the ownership of the Hyde House property and failure to declare it in his nomination papers. IMO, Paki politicians are corrupt top to bottom . And this person is no exception !!!
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by arun »

Fittingly on Vijay Divas commemorating the surrender of 90,000 tall fair tight assed (TFTA) military personnel of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan self proclaimed to have descended from martial Arab and Central Asian horsemen to Short Dark Rice Eating (SDRE) Indian Hindu’s comes news of India again bursting Pakistan’s cherished notions of martial superiority based on the specious theory that 1 TFTA Pakistani Mohammadden equals 10 SDRE Hindu’s.

At the Commonwealth Championship for the “Martial” sport of wrestling the Islamic Republic wins 6 bronze medals as against 10 Gold and 10 Silver by India.

Pakistani wrestlers bag six bronze medals in Commonwealth Championship

India clinch 10 gold, 10 silver medals at Commonwealth Wrestling Championship
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by arun »

Associated Press article written by Kathy Gannon reports that in the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan those propagating Mohammadden belief are indulging in homosexual paedophilic activity:

Fear, shame preserve silence of abuse by clerics in Pakistan[/

An earlier Associated Press report, also by Kathy Gannon on the same unsavoury homosexual paedophilic antics of those teaching Mohammadden belief in the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the impunity they enjoy as most in the Islamic Republic are in the thrall of the notion that no institution of Mohammaddenism can be questioned:

Pakistan’s Islamic schools rife with child sex abuse that goes unpunished

If theses report are indeed true then given the early involuntary “initiation” of Madrassah products into homosexual activity at a tender age, would it not be logical to surmise that the motivatory 72 Virgins in Jannat waiting for suicide bombers on martyrdom missions should more correctly read 72 Virgin Males?
Last edited by arun on 16 Dec 2017 22:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Falijee »

"Famous Paki Ayesha" Accused Of Racism By Pashtun Activists

Here’s why activists in FATA oppose Obaid-Chinoy’s latest project
Writer: Dr. FarhatTaj
Pakistan army’s strategic depth policy has had devastating consequences for people of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The area was handed over in de facto manner by Pakistan army to its proxies, the Taliban, since 9/11. The Taliban disrupted life in the area through terror and violence on a scale never experienced the locals in their past history. Under the military controlled access to information and narratives about area, the Taliban were promoted nationally and internationally as heroes of the area under ‘legitimacy’-invoking titles, such as ‘Pashtun nationalists’, ‘warriors for social justice’, ‘fiercely autonomous freedom fighters’ resisting the Pakistan army ‘encroachments’ in the area and so on. But all this failed to smoke screen Pakistan army’s duplicity in dealing with the Taliban.
Resultantly, Pakistan army started half-hearted military operations in FATA under the US pressure. The operation generally gave safe passages to Taliban militants, but flattened the area’s infrastructure to the grounds and killed and injured countless people. As early as 2010 a Pakistan army general has publicly announced that the army had conducted over 1000 small and large military operation in the area. Pakistan air force chief admitted in 2011 to have rained the area with bombs in 5500 air strikes. Resultantly, people fled the area as Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs, to other parts of Pakistan. The whole situation made the people vulnerable to multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and exploitation by both state and non-state actors. US "commands" ; Pakistan "complies" ! . Meanwhile the Haqqanis are relocated elsewhere :mrgreen:
Since then, countless reports have emerged about mishandling of ordinary Pashtun at the hands of security personnel. Meanwhile, humanitarian activities of state institutions for relief and rehabilitation have not been able to cater to the needs of all IDPs, especially the poor. The state-dominated humanitarian assistance system is gender-biased, leaving many women without assistance, especially those without adult male family members. There have been several reports of cases of sexual exploitation of women in IDPs camps. The Pashtuns Abduls "migrate" to Krachi to serve as "day labourers"
Add to the foregoing the continuance of oppressive Pashtun socio-cultural norms and we’ll get a sense of the intersecting forms of exploitation based on ethnicity, class, culture and gender that the FATA people remain subjected to. Recently, Pakistan’s only Oscar Award winning film-maker Sharmeed Obaid-Chinoy announced her plan to make a film on the plight of FATA people. Publicity hungry "westernized" RAPE
However, some prominent social activists in FATA and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province reportedly approached by Obaid-Chinoy for interviews refused to facilitate her film project – even though these activists have always cooperated with media, NGOs and anyone from outside of the region who has wanted to highlight human suffering in FATA.These activists include Noreen Naseer, a faculty member at Peshawar University; Shahida Shah, a Peshawar-based women’s rights activist; and Mohsin Dawar, an ANP politician. Dawar also raised the issue on the social media where most respondents expressed opposition to the project. She will most likely be a "tool" in the hand of the Paki military !
Their reason: Obaid-Chinoy’s insensitive tweets in 2014 in which she had suggested that movement of IDPs from Waziristan should be restricted to IDP camps in Pakhtunkhwa province. She held that allowing the IDPs to come to Karachi will expose the city to security threats. Karachi is where she lives and does not want "her" city to be swamped by unwashed Pathani Abduls, a blatantly racist point of view from a "patriotic Paki " :mrgreen:
Obaid-Chinoy’s statement about the IDPs is problematic on two counts. One, it displays utter disregard for the rights of people of FATA as citizens of Pakistan. Being citizens of the country, they have the right to unrestricted travel to any part of the country where they can settle down as well. Thus, Obaid-Chinoy’s tweets went beyond even the draconian Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) as it asked for more restrictions on citizenship rights of the FATA people.
Two, instead of questioning the strategic depth policy of Pakistan army generals that has caused indefinite insecurity in Waziristan and other tribal agencies – as well as in rest of Pakistan – she treats the entire displaced civilian population, including women and children, as a security threat. The undertone of her comments is racist. She equates all Pashtun with the wild Taliban, which in turns implies that the IDPs are not fit to live in the ‘civilized’ mainland Pakistan and should be ‘quarantined’ to their own area in the ‘wild’ northwest of the country. Her comments fit well with the narrative espoused by segments of the Pakistani media analysist that all Pashtun are Taliban sympathisers.
Additionally, Obaid-Chinoy’s past record of film-making is also problematic. Rukhsana, a Pakistani acid attack victim, who participated in one of Obaid-Chinoy’s documentary films, Saving Face, has publicly accused her of exploitation. In a video available on the Internet, tearful Rukhsana alleges that the film-maker promised, in lieu of participation in the film, to help her with plastic surgery and monetary assistance, but never fulfilled her promise. Obaid-Chinoy rejected the allegations but this does not settle the issue. There is a clear unequal power relationship between Obaid-Chinoy and Rukhsana. One is educated woman and belongs to the upper middle class and the other is a victim of acid attack with poor socio-economic background. Obaid-Chinoy fails to address the power inequality with necessary sensitivity. In other words, the victims were used by this "filmmaker" for her ulterior ego motives !
By a minimal standard of ethical consideration in any creative work, like film-making, the artist is expected to reflect a lot on the unequal power relationship and take all appropriate measures to ensure that the weaker party, in this case Rukhsana, does not feel exploited and humiliated. Not only did Obaid-Chinoy fail to do so, but she also reportedly dismissed Rukhsana’s allegations. Could Obaid-Chinoy treat Rukhsana the way she did, if Rukhsana were a white American woman? Why is it so damn easy to disregard ethical standards when it comes to the poor in Pakistan?
With this baggage at hand, Obaid-Chinoy’s announcement that she wanted to make a film on FATA women was bound to raise eyebrows, as it did. It is not easy to believe that she will be sensitive to the vulnerability of FATA women’s intersecting forms of discrimination rooted in ethnicity and class as well as gender. It is not clear how would she ensure that her film is not coloured with racism? Obaid-Chinoy has a legitimacy problem that needs to be addressed to restore her credibility as an unbiased and a professional film-maker. As things stand right now, her film idea appears little more than an attempt at self-promotion.
At the very least, she should tender an unconditional apology for her racist comments about the Waziristan IDPs. She should also work to raise public confidence in her ability and to negate the perception that she will eventually leave her would-be film participants from FATA insulted and exploited, like Rukhsana.Pakistani media routinely ignores the suffering of the people of FATA. This necessitates that independent actors and organisations with access to wider public in the world and in Pakistan come forward, if and when possible, to highlight the issue. These independent actors and organisations are requested to abide by at least the minimal ethical standards in their professional work. This will ensure the integrity of their work as they highlight human suffering in FATA.
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Re: Terroristan - 29 September 2017

Post by Manish_P »

Yawn link - Pakistan to play more cricket matches against stronger teams in new FTP draft
Pakistan are set to play more than 120 Test, ODIs and T20 Inter­nationals under the new Future Tours Programme (FTP) being finalised by the ICC, including 80 per cent against strong teams and 20 per cent against lowly outfits, Dawn has learnt.
Um that's because you yourself are a lowly outfit with most other nations ranked above you :rotfl: