Terroristan - October 8, 2018

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Paki "Boasting" About UN Peace Keeping Missions :D

73rd UN Day: remembering 156 Pakistani peace keepers who sacrificed their lives for Global peace. To date, Pakistan has contributed over 200000 troops in 46 UN Missions in 28 countries.

India and UN Peacekeeping
India has also been contributing to the UN Peacebuilding Fund. 2. India has been the largest troop contributor to UN missions since inception. :D So far India has taken part in 49 Peacekeeping missions with a total contribution exceeding 1,95,000 troops and a significant number of police personnel having been deployed.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Jalebi At Helm Of Human Rights In Pakiland Making A Difference :roll:

Pakistani headteacher suspended for attacking Christian student
UCA News. Com
Oct 24, 2018
Pakistani authorities have suspended the head teacher of a government school for assaulting a Christian student and abusing his mother. Nusrat Shaheen was suspended on Oct. 22 after a complaint of discrimination against 12-year-old Sharjeel Masih by his parents. Sharjeel, a fourth grader, was beaten and suspended for a week from the Government Boys Primary School of District Attock, Punjab province. The district education officer has launched an inquiry into the incident.
"I was just trying to turn off a running tap when the teacher grabbed me, called me churha (low caste) and asked why I had touched the tap and made it filthy. 'This tap is not from the country of your mother,' she said before abusing me. I had to sit outside the school for five hours," said Sharjeel, whose father works in a military hospital as a sanitary worker.
Was under the impression that there is no caste system in Malsi . :roll:
His mother Farzana Ejaz recounted the humiliation of the incident to ucanews.com.
Federal Minister for Human Rights Shireen Mazari tweeted that the case involved "horrific discrimination" against a child, adding that "even one such case is one too many."
Jalebi on the case . ! Hopefully, justice will be done ! :mrgreen:
Last year, Christian girl Muqadas Sukhraj (probably a convert from Hinduism! ) was shifted to evening classes at a school in Attock after she opted to study ethics instead of Islamic studies. According to her family, a Muslim teacher punished her for not learning Islam and ordered Muslim students to avoid eating with her.Although non-Muslim students can opt for ethics instead of Islamic studies in pre-high school examinations, Catholic institutes prefer to teach Islam ( so as not to get into trouble with the Mullahs and The Goberment :evil: ) to allow students to attain better scores and have competent teachers.
Christian researchers say school textbooks in the Muslim-majority country promote hatred of other religions and nationalities. A delegation of the National Commission for Justice and Peace, the Catholic Church's human rights body in Pakistan, shared similar concerns with minister Mazari in Islamabad on Oct. 10.
This Topic is way out of Mazari's purview . She knows where the Red Lines of the Mullah Brigade and The Deep State are , on this sensitive topic :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Khuram MalikImage
‏ @kmalikk

Delaying tactics by Khan Of Kalat delayed accession to February 1948
6 months after independence.

This disappointed #QaideAzam in Ahmed Yar Khan & he accepted pending accession requests from Kharan Lasbela & Makran

Isolating Kalat as 26% of landlocked area in #Balochistan


Pakis Gobbled Up All These Princely States In 1947 . And Renamed It As Balochistan :evil:

And Chaudry Rehmat Ali's original pipe dream of Pakistan, Osmanistan, Bangistan and various other "green spots" :mrgreen:

But the British gave DJinnah a "Moth Eaten Pakistan" when they left in a hurry :mrgreen:

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

Musharraf suffering from amyloidosis, has difficulty standing and walking
Former president retired General Pervez Musharraf is said to be suffering from a rare disease amyloidosis, DawnNewsTV reported on Wednesday, citing All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) Overseas President Afzaal Siddiqui
Last month, former APML chairperson Dr Muhammad Amjad had revealed that Musharraf was "growing weaker rapidly" due to an unspecified illness and cannot return to Pakistan to face the treason case against him.
he is currently being treated in London
"Due to amyloidosis, broken protein starts getting deposited in various organs," he explained. "[As a result] Pervez Musharraf has difficulty in standing and walking."
Siddiqui said that doctors have "managed to stop the production of broken protein" in Musharraf's system and "are now trying to cleanse his body".
the former president has "appealed to the nation to pray for him".
https://www.dawn.com/news/1441066/musha ... pml-leader
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

US warns Pakistan against ‘harbouring’ terrorists
The United States has made it clear to Pakistan that its South Asia policy has not changed, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said.
“Our expectation is that Pakistan will not provide safe harbour to terrorists on their western border,” Pompeo told reporters when asked about Islamabad’s role. “We couldn´t have made that message any more clear,” he said, adding, “Pakistan will be held to account if they don’t achieve that, if they’re not sincere in that effort.
https://dailytimes.com.pk/314274/us-war ... errorists/
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by g.sarkar »

anupmisra wrote:Musharraf suffering from amyloidosis, has difficulty standing and walking
https://www.dawn.com/news/1441066/musha ... pml-leader
Mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. Or Karma will finally get him.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Manish_P »

^ Karma gets everyone.. eventually. The deep regret here is that Dharma couldn't get him, in time.
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Further to my Post 23 Oct 2018 19:42 on Page 15 :

PM directs ministry to reduce electricity tariff

We now have the following from Terroristan of Imran Can't :

ECC approves 33% hike in power tariff - Shahbaz Rana

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) led federal government on Wednesday approved increase in electricity prices by around 33% to recover additional Rs144 billion annually from consumers but did not increase the rates for consumers using up to 300 units per month.

In order to give a boost to the agriculture sector, the government has also drastically cut the electricity prices for the agriculture sector, bringing down the per unit price by Rs5 to Rs5.35 per unit.

It has also protected the small and medium commercial consumers from the hike. The schools and hospitals have also been exempted from the increase, said the Power Division.

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet approved to increase the average electricity prices by at least Rs1.20 per unit or 10.3% to Rs12.91, according to the government officials.

Delayed gas-power plants set for final checks

The decision will help the government to recover minimum Rs123.6 billion from the consumers on account of tariffs. In addition, the consumers will also pay Rs21 billion additional sales tax.

Finance Minister Asad Umar chaired the ECC meeting – the second in last three days, which finally took the politically unpopular decision.

The summary for increase in tariffs will now be placed before the federal cabinet today (Thursday) for ratification and after that the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) will notify the new electricity prices.

The PTI government has blamed the last PML-N government for the surge in prices, saying the increase was inevitable due to high cost of power generation and payments of net hydel profit to the provinces.

Nepra had proposed to increase the average electricity prices by Rs3.82 per unit. The Power Division officials said the government would give minimum Rs1.20 per unit direct subsidy. The average 10% increase in power prices would reduce the build-up of circular debt only to the extent of tariff increase.

The issues of high line losses, less recovery of electricity bills and electricity prices and arrears of the consumers of the Azad Jammu & Kashmir and agriculture tube-wells of Balochistan remain unaddressed.

The tariff increase will also not address the legacy issue of the Rs1.26 trillion outstanding circular debt. The government has protected the consumers using up to 300 units electricity per month from the increase.

For those whose monthly consumption is between 301 to 700 units, the prices have been increased by at least 10%. Similarly, for consumers using more than 700 electricity units in a month, the minimum 15% average increase has been approved.

For the commercial category, the government has increased the electricity prices around 20% and for the bulk category domestic consumers the minimum increase is nearly 33%, the officials added.

The electricity prices for the industrial consumers except for five export-oriented sectors have also been increased. These five sectors are textile, garments, leather, surgical and sports goods.

These five export oriented sectors will be provided electricity at 7.50 cents per unit, as had been promised by the PTI in its elections manifesto.

The Power Division said only a minimum increase was approved in electricity prices for industrial consumers in all categories, barring the five export oriented sectors. It added the Rs3 per unit electricity subsidy will also for industrial consumers will continue in future as well.

“In the most difficult of economic conditions, the tariff proposal has been made to ensure protection of poor and middle classes,” said the Power Division. Through the present proposal, the agriculture and industry would receive a much needed boost, it added.

The officials said the government will require minimum Rs149 billion subsidy on account of tariff differential. This is significantly higher than Rs105 billion subsidy earmarked in the budget.

In addition to that the government will also need Rs75 billion for paying subsidies to agriculture tube wells and the K-Electric. The total subsidies are estimated at Rs224 billion, at least. The government has not fully passed on the increase in electricity prices due to net hydel profit payments to the provinces.

The impact of Rs65 billion that translates into 66 paisa per unit on account of net hydel profit has not been transferred to the consumers. The money has been paid to Punjab and Khyber Paktunkhwa by borrowing from the banks.

The officials said increase on account of net hydel profit will be considered at the time of next year’s tariff determination. For the time being, the government will get the loans rollover.

Alvi emphasises on meeting Karachi’s electricity needs

The PTI government had promised to improve governance in the power sector by reducing line losses and improving recovery of the electricity bills. The Power Division has been assigned the targets to reduce line losses and increase the overall recovery of electricity bills by the ECC.

The division has been given the target to reduce both losses and improve recovery by 1% each during the current fiscal year, said the officials. Similar targets had also been given in the past but things did not change in the Power Division and its distribution companies.

The desk audit by the department of the Auditor General of Pakistan disclosed that four loss making power distribution companies (DISCOs) incurred Rs47 billion line losses over and above the threshold determined by Nepra last year. Pesco’s recovery against current bills was 74.83%, Hesco’s 52.31%, Sepco 39.62 and Qesco was recovering only 15.42% of the current billed amount.

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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Saudi loan – Editorial

AS Prime Minister Imran Khan and his government assemble a financial rescue strategy for Pakistan, two things are becoming apparent: Mr Khan believes that the public should take him at his word at all times and that all wrong that has been done to this country has been committed by his political enemies.

In the latter opinion, Mr Khan and his allies can make a reasonable case based on the fact that yet again the country is facing a balance-of-payments crisis and running dangerously high fiscal deficits. This was not Mr Khan nor his PTI government’s doing.

What is the prime minister’s doing and responsibility, however, are the steps he and his government are taking. And when those steps start to mirror the measures taken by the previous governments he relentlessly attacks, a fair question arises: why should Mr Khan simply be taken at his word?

In an address to the nation last night, Prime Minister Khan argued that the loan arrangement and deferred oil payments he has secured from Saudi Arabia will reduce the quantum of money Pakistan needs from the IMF and, therefore, the country will be able to negotiate better terms with the Fund.

According to Mr Khan, the IMF will make onerous demands of Pakistan if more money is sought from it. But the prime minister did not explain what are the terms on which Saudi Arabia has agreed to lend money to Pakistan.

Almost certainly, the terms will be different to what the IMF is likely to demand; no reasonable person would argue that Saudi cheque-book diplomacy has any stakes in domestic economic reforms in Pakistan. But there will be at a minimum Saudi expectations, and perhaps even demands, when it comes to Pakistan’s support for issues that are of interest to the Saudi monarchy.

When he was an opposition figure, Mr Khan seemed to understand that and hence decried the secret deal that the previous PML-N rulers had struck with the Saudis in return for a loan.

The prime minister’s claim that Pakistan will try and facilitate dialogue between the Saudis and its regional rivals and enemies is similarly unconvincing. It has been claimed before, by the last government, and did not amount to much.

Mr Khan has the political space to seek a financial bailout package as his government deems necessary; no one has denied the need for a bailout and the accusations of the opposition ring hollow because they fared little better when in office.

Mr Khan is also right in insisting that accountability is necessary — the fight against corruption is vital to this country’s long-term well-being. But the prime minister’s impulse to relentlessly attack the opposition while taking steps similar to those taken by previous governments is likely to fuel political instability.

The PTI needs to be more transparent in its decision-making.

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan First Islami Takat To Put Man Into Space ? Chini Help Sought On Same :mrgreen:

Pakistan decides to send astronauts into space with Chinese help
ARY News- Web Desk
Oct 25, 2018
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has decided in principle to send its astronauts on a space mission with assistance of China, ARY News reported. The decision to this regard will be taken during the Federal Cabinet meeting today with Prime Minister Imran Khan in the chair. The Cabinet will also ratify the space mission proposal soon after discussion on the matter.The meeting will also approve agreement between Pakistan and China on joint anti-narcotics task force.In December last year, Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman ( he is noted for his loose tongue !) had announced that Pakistan will be able to send astronauts into space with the collaboration of China in the next two years.
He was addressing the inauguration session of AirTech’17 conference, hosted by Air University in Islamabad. AirTech’17 is the country’s largest technical and scientific Olympiad, being held at the main campus of Air University from December 7 to 10.
Not sure, if this is added to the CPEC bucket list :mrgreen:
China in July this year launched two satellites for Pakistan on a Long March-2C rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, to monitor billion-dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.
Sabotage by RAA and Balochi agents :roll:

PS: Not sure, if this "announcement " is "some sort of a catch up with India in this difficult economic times :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Vips »

Ha Ha the desperation and longing to believe that it is India's equal in every field is making the pakis do anything. Good. India should announce a 25% increase in its defense budget for next year and see how the pakis trying to match it will falter on the economic build up agenda being pursued by Immy the charsi.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by sanjaykumar »

The Chinese are welding grab bars on the outside of the Shenzou for the Pakistani monkey to hold.
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

sanjaykumar wrote:The Chinese are welding grab bars on the outside of the Shenzou for the Pakistani monkey to hold.
sanjaykumar Ji :

While all the Terroristanis - I hope all 250 Million of them - are Holding on to the Grab Bars on the Divine Craft then by the Divine Mercy of the All Magnanimous, Magnificent, Merciful, Mighty Allah they lose their "Hand Hold-Grip" will they fall down on to the Earth - Land or Sea etc - or will they forever be possibly 250 Million Terroristanis in Space?

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

The Immy Effect - On Dams !

Pakistan Embassy in Riyadh collects Rs 62m for dam fund in one night
ARY News
Oct 24, 2018


How many decades to go , till the damn Dam gets built :roll:

PS: According to "Dam Experts" the cost of building Dams increase exponentially from original cost amounts :D
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Qureshi : Kashmir Is Part Of Pakistan :((

Foreign minister says as stated in demarcation principles , Kashmir belongs to Pakistan
ARY News
Oct 25, 2018
ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Thursday said according to fundamental canons of demarcation of boundary line between Pakistan and India at the time of partition Kashmir was not part of India, ARY News reported. “It was evidently decided that Muslim majority areas would become part of Pakistan. Insha Allah! Kashmir will one day become Pakistan,” he said while addressing a seminar on the Kashmir conflict at the National Press Club (NPC) in Islamabad.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

First Pakistani space mission in 2022
The News International
Oct 25, 2018
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s first space mission has been planned for 2022 and the Federal Cabinet has approved this in today’s meeting.
An agreement between Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) and a Chinese company has already been signed, Federal Information Minister Ch Fawad Hussain said after the cabinet meeting.
Further going into debt, because there is no "free lunch" from the "shrewd Chinis" :twisted:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Maulana Diesel Mobilizes Opposition Against Immy !

Maulana Fazl advises PM not to make threats with 'fake' mandate
The News International
Oct 25, 2018
ISLAMABAD: Jamiat-Ulema-Islam-F (JUI-F) leader Fazlur Rehman has advised Prime Minister Imran Khan to refrain from making threats, saying his mandate to rule the country was “fake.”“Who has asked for the NRO,” Fazl asked, in reply to Imran Khan’s statements that he would never approve an amnesty for the corrupt.Speaking to media persons, Rehman said that 75 percent of the work to unite opposition parties has been done.
"The Powerful Mullah" from D.I. Khan has been in the forefront of agitating against - Zionist Agent - Imran Khan, and unite the opposition . It has been specially hard of him now that he does not have a sarkari house, a sarkari car, sarkari allowances and other perks of power . He wants to be on the gravy train once again !
The JUI-F chief said that they will contact opposition to formulate a joint strategy and an all-parties conference would be summoned next week.Earlier this week, Asif Zardari said he was open to meeting Nawaz Sharif and other opposition leaders to put up a united front against “Prime Minister Select.”
On the other hand, Immy has accused the opposition as being a "bunch of corrupt politicians" . Interesting times ahead :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Now It Is Immy's Turn For "Honest Brokering" In Yemeni War :roll:

Pakistan to mediate in Yemen war: PM
The News International
Oct 25, 2018
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday said Pakistan will act as a mediator in the war between the Houthi rebels and Saudi Arabia-led alliance in Yemen.The prime minister said this while addressing the nation in order to take the people into confidence over his recent visit to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan's political and economic situation. The premier said he will try to get the Muslim countries together, besides acting as a "mediator" in resolution of conflicts between the Muslim countries.
"We are trying our best to act as a mediator to resolve the Yemen crisis," he said. Imran Khan said the assistance provided by Saudi Arabia has lessened the financial burden on Pakistan, adding that they were thankful to Riyadh for helping them at a difficult time.
Immy is "concerned" that Yemeni War is sapping Ummah unity . And on the other hand, Raheel Sharif as Head Of So-Called Coalition Against Terrorism is "thickly involved" in bombing Yemeni civilians, arranging arms and ammunition for Saudi forces, devising war strategy with MBS , applying his "war experience " in FATA , in fighting the Shias of Yemen . Talk about mediation :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

Falijee wrote:The Immy Effect - On Dams !

Pakistan Embassy in Riyadh collects Rs 62m for dam fund in one night
ARY News
Oct 24, 2018


How many decades to go , till the damn Dam gets built :roll:

PS: According to "Dam Experts" the cost of building Dams increase exponentially from original cost amounts :D
Falijee Ji :

Some Foods for Some Thoughts :

Neelum-Jhelum Project

Just like the new Islamabad International Airport project, this one explains the governments’ incompetency and carelessness in completing a project as per schedule and in a proper manner. The airport project finally seems to be completed, but its hard to estimate how many more decades the hydel project will take.

The initial proposal date for this project goes back to 1989 where it was approved at Rs 15.3 billion cost. The authorities’ lack of seriousness kicked in and the project continued facing delays.

In 2015, the project’s cost was revised from Rs 275 billion to stand at a huge Rs 404 billion. In the meantime, the national treasury held the burden of all cost overruns over past three decades. The government has now extended the timeline for the project to June 2018.

Now, after another two years, the cost of the project has been revised upwards yet again to Rs 500.3 billion. The CDWP also approved Rs 100 million for hiring consultants regarding the approval of the project.

Once completed, the electricity coming from the project won’t be cheap. According to current estimates, it will cost Rs 13 per unit, which is more expensive than any other water project in the country and higher than the international cost per unit for water, solar, wind, nuclear and water sourced power projects.

Yes Indeed Sahib Ji! The cost of building Dams increase exponentially from original cost amounts - OVER 340 Times in this case !!

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by partha »

Falijee wrote:First Pakistani space mission in 2022
The News International
Oct 25, 2018
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s first space mission has been planned for 2022 and the Federal Cabinet has approved this in today’s meeting.
An agreement between Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) and a Chinese company has already been signed, Federal Information Minister Ch Fawad Hussain said after the cabinet meeting.
Further going into debt, because there is no "free lunch" from the "shrewd Chinis" :twisted:
Of course, when India has announced manned space mission in 2022, can Pakistan be far behind? Only in India's case, the mission will be completed successfully. Couldn't they at least use a different year?

And trust Indian media to buy into the Paki propaganda

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/ind ... 366489.cms
First Indian and Pakistani astronauts to be in space in 2022?
Even if the Paki announcement is not propaganda / fake which is 100% doubtful, how is this even a space race? Pakis have not even built a small satellite indigenously.

Edit: original headline was "space race?" something which TOI updated.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

One More Confirmation That The Chinis Are Looking Forward For CPEC To Feed Their Hungry Populace With Loads Of Paki Agriculture And Sea Food Products !

CPEC moves into agriculture
Khurram Hussain
Oct 25, 2018
A VERY interesting annexure in the latest State Bank’s annual report provides much-needed detail on the entry of Chinese firms in Pakistan’s agriculture sector. Agriculture appears to be one of China’s top priorities in CPEC, contrary to how the Pakistani government has presented the enterprise as being built around transit trade. And now, possibly for the first time, we have an official source where this is fleshed out in further detail.
It begins by noting that the CPEC Long Term Plan (LTP) lays great stress on agriculture, with wide-ranging engagement across the entire sector. Boosting yields in the crop sector, reducing losses from harvest and transportation, and engaging with livestock and dairy are some of the thrusts envisaged under the plan. The eventual goal appears to be to boost Pakistan’s food exports to China.
While Chinese agricultural land and farm labour is slowly being converted to industrial purposes and migration to big cities, the Chinese are relying more and more on food and agricultural imports from USA, Canada, Europe , Africa , South America and Asia to feed their hungry and growing population. And Pakistan is on the top of this "servicing" list , just like the previous East India Company and the British Empire used to be . :mrgreen:
The report adds this intriguing sentence, without elaborating: “It is important to note that the nature and direction of such a progress critically depends upon changes currently under way in the agriculture sector of the Chinese economy.”
Do not think that the Aam Kisaan of Pakiland has latched on the fact that they will henceforth be working for the Chinese !
The annexure points out that agriculture is a big priority for China’s overseas investments in all countries under the Belt and Road Initiative. The motivation is China’s growing food deficit at home and the erosion of arable land. :mrgreen:
“China’s food import dependence is rising amidst continued degradation of arable land and depletion of its livestock and fisheries resources. To address these concerns, it is investing heavily under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by outsourcing its food supplies, while moving towards high value-added food products to contain its food trade deficit.”
And in case of monsoon or crop failure, it will be the Paki Awaam who will suffer, not the Chinese populace !
So China is “outsourcing its food supplies” to address its growing food-security vulnerability, and this involves growing investments in the agriculture sectors of other countries. The benefits for Pakistan are nicely laid out in the annexure. They include improved yields through superior seeds, mechanisation of farms as well as introduction of drip irrigation technology on a wider scale, increased use of formal credit systems for agri-lending, and greater documentation of the rural economy and especially its land registries.
More Chinification of Pakistan, more entry of Chinese in the rural area of Pakiland, more polk fliend lice, and possibly more CPEC marriage unions . All this will erase the Islamic identity of Pakiland . Am sure the Mullahs of Pakistan are "concerned" about this aspect as well . :mrgreen:
Likewise, a cold storage station has been erected in Khunjerab, on the Chinese border, for seafood exports to China. It is active for eight months of a year, according to the annexure, and will handle sales to the Xingjian region, as well as Shanghai and Beijing according to the authors. As per the LTP, more cold storages are planned in Karachi, Gwadar, as well as Lahore and Peshawar.
If Pakistan is not careful , the Arabian Sea will be fished out of sea food sooner than expected !
Chinese enterprises are also scouting for possible investments in Pakistan’s agrarian economy. More recently, “on July 31, 2018, Fauji Foods Ltd disclosed on the stock exchange that Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Company Limited, a Chinese state-owned enterprise, has expressed interest in acquiring up to 51 per cent of the voting shares and/ or control in the former with the intention of expanding R&D operations and manufacturing high-value-added dairy products to be exported to China.”
If Pakis want "Chinese security umbrella" against Dushman India , they will have a price to pay :mrgreen:
This is an interesting strategy to acquire controlling stakes in a large agro enterprise in the country, then fanning outwards from there. In due course, cotton will also come on this radar, since the LTP has specifically mentioned the interest of Chinese officials in Pakistani yarn and coarse cloth to feed Xinjiang’s growing textile industry.Some structural problems will need to be addressed, the authors of the annexure state, for the benefits of this opportunity to flow smoothly for Pakistan. These include low levels of farmer literacy and awareness, low levels of formal credit for farmers, ‘cluster farming’ — or the land holding pattern of the country where the majority of farmers own small pieces of land (typically 12.5 acres or less) which inhibits economies of scale — poor state of land records and of course a highly dysfunctional water economy.
The biggest concern in the whole enterprise is not mentioned: what does it mean for Pakistan’s own food security? Boosting agricultural yields and reducing losses in the food supply chain are clearly required for Pakistan, but as exports grow and more land is brought under water-intensive rice cultivation (as an example), what will happen to our local food needs?
There is good scope of Pakistan "getting rid of its donkey and wild boar population" They can be exported to China for food !
Soon the enterprise will move into its next phase, where land acquisition for demonstration projects gets going and large agro enterprises in the country start being bought out, like what is happening with Fauji Foods Ltd. Long before that happens, it is imperative that the government of Pakistan ensures that the country’s own needs are in the driving seat.
We need to ask whether new varieties of hybrid rice (particularly sticky rice) are the best place to lay the emphasis for the future of this engagement, since it means devoting large tracts of land as well as enormous water resources, to growing something that is not a staple food here. Perhaps more emphasis on wheat in the coming days will also materialise.
Paki cuisine will slowly and surely be Chinified. Not sure if polk flied lice be however be on the menu of the local roadside dhabba though :mrgreen:
Pakistan’s agriculture needs support of the sort that the Chinese are offering — there is little doubt about that. But our agriculture is the lifeblood of our economy, and the biggest pillar of our stability is our hard-fought food security. There is very little bargaining room with these priorities
Bring it to the attention of Imran and Company :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

What Is The Quid Pro Quo On That Saudia "Gift" Of $ 6 Billion To The First Islami Atomi Takat :twisted:

Pakistan Foreign Minister responds to rumours over deal with Saudi Arabia
Oct 25, 2018
ISLAMABAD - Pakistan has responded over the rumours of the conditions with Saudi Arabia over huge assistance package.
Foreign Minister has rejected the rumours of the conditions linked with the Saudi assistance package.
I am 400% sure that Pakistan has not yielded in granting concessional permits to the Saudis - for Houbara Bird Hunting via Falcons . They are not INTO this kind of "bird hunting" . They prefer London, NYC or Paris for that "kind of fun" . The Houbara Birds dread the Emirati and the Qatari Falcons . :twisted:
Saudi Arabia has not placed any conditions on Pakistan in return for a $6 billion financial deal to help the country overcome a widening balance of payments and current deficit crisis, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Wednesday. :lol:
Accept they have to toe Saudi line in the UN and other forums when it comes to Saudi Adventures in the ME :mrgreen: And of course to remain at the beck and call of MBS ( like in the Riyadh Summit , where Immy was on B List in the seating order !) .
"How did Pakistan receive the deal?" inquired Mir, to which the foreign minister responded: "By the grace of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), I believe".
When PBUH is invoked, no reporter DARE do a "follow up " question !
The foreign minister said that the kingdom's deal with Pakistan had no connection with former Chief of the Army Staff General (retd) Raheel Sharif heading the Saudi coalition forces.
Am pretty sure that the Saudis must have asked for more Paki "cannon fodder" as one condition of giving the money ( as a loan !)
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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »


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Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat Thread

Inside China's Xinjiang internment camps: tear gas, Tasers and textbooks

Examination of over 1,500 publicly available govt documents shows the centres are run more like jails than schools.

On state television, the vocational education centre in China's far west looked like a modern school where happy students studied Mandarin, brushed up their job skills, and pursued hobbies such as sports and folk dance.

But earlier this year, one of the local government departments in charge of such facilities in Xinjiang's Hotan prefecture made several purchases that had little to do with education: 2,768 police batons, 550 electric cattle prods, 1,367 pairs of handcuffs, and 2,792 cans of pepper spray.

The shopping list was among over a thousand procurement requests made by local governments in the Xinjiang region since early 2017 related to the construction and management of a sprawling system of “vocational education and training centres”.

The facilities have come under international scrutiny, with rights activists describing them as political re-education camps holding as many as one million ethnic Uighurs and other Muslim minorities.

Beijing had previously denied their existence. But a global outcry, including from the UN and the US, sparked a PR counter-offensive.

Government propaganda insisted the centres were aimed at countering the spread of separatism, terrorism and religious extremism through “free” education and job training.

However, an AFP examination of more than 1,500 publicly available government documents — ranging from tenders and budgets to official work reports — shows the centres are run more like jails than schools.

Thousands of guards equipped with tear gas, Tasers, stun guns and spiked clubs keep tight control over “students” in facilities ringed with razor wire and infrared cameras, according to the documents.

The centres should “teach like a school, be managed like the military, and be defended like a prison”, said one document, quoting Xinjiang's party secretary Chen Quanguo.

To build new, better Chinese citizens, another document argued, the centres must first “break their lineage, break their roots, break their connections, and break their origins”.

'Detain those who should be detained'

The centre featured on state broadcaster CCTV last week is one of at least 181 such facilities in Xinjiang, according to data collected by AFP.

Participation is voluntary, according to CCTV, which showed contented “students” wearing matching uniforms, studying Mandarin and learning trades like knitting, weaving and baking.

The centres first appeared in 2014, the year that authorities launched a new “strike hard” campaign against “terrorism” after deadly violence in Xinjiang.

But the buildup began in earnest in early 2017, with local governments in predominantly Uighur southern Xinjiang ordered to speed up the construction of “concentrated educational transformation centres for focus groups” — a euphemism for the religious, the poor, the uneducated, passport holders, and virtually all men of military age.

Shortly after, Xinjiang's regional government issued regulations on managing “religious extremism”. Extremists could be hiding anywhere, officials warned, instructing cadres to be on the lookout for 25 illegal religious activities and 75 signs of extremism, including such seemingly innocuous activities as quitting smoking or buying a tent.

“Detain those who should be detained to the greatest extent possible,” cadres were told. Detentions surged, catching local governments unprepared.

In 2017, spending by justice bureaus throughout Xinjiang exploded, driven largely by huge outlays for building and running vocational centres.

The offices spent nearly three billion yuan ($432 million) — at least 577 per cent more than planned — according to AFP's calculations.

Counties in the south closed the gap with a special fund earmarked for centres in the region. At least some of that money came directly from the Communist Party's Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission — the group in charge of the nation's legal authorities — budget documents showed.

'Wolf's teeth'

Around April 2017, local governments began posting a wide variety of tenders related to the facilities. Some orders — furniture, air conditioners, bunk beds, cutlery — would not seem out of place at a typical Chinese university.

But others resembled prison equipment: sophisticated surveillance systems, cameras for recording students in their rooms, razor wire, a system for eavesdropping on phone calls, and infrared monitoring devices.

The centres also bought police uniforms, riot shields and helmets, pepper spray, tear gas, net guns, stun guns, electrified batons, billy clubs, spears, handcuffs and spiked clubs known as “wolf's teeth”.

At least one centre requested “tiger chairs”, a device used by Chinese police to restrain interrogation subjects.

The gear was necessary, party officials in the regional capital Urumqi argued in an emergency request for Tasers, to “guarantee staff members' personal safety”.

Non-lethal weapons, it said, were important for “reducing the possibility of accidental injury in some situations where it is not necessary to use standard firearms”.

Despite repeated attempts by AFP, local authorities could not be reached for comment before publication. On Wednesday, Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying questioned the report's findings but offered no specific denial.

“I want to express my strong doubts on whether the situation you described is true,” she told an AFP reporter at a regular press conference, adding that “I hope you can look at what Chinese officials have said and what the Chinese media has reported.”


At the end of 2017, “higher authorities” issued directions to standardise the facilities' operations. New “vocational education and training service management bureaus” were set up, headed by officials experienced in running prisons and detention centres, according to local government websites.

Students would be tested on their knowledge of Mandarin and propaganda on a weekly, monthly and “seasonal” basis, and write regular “self-criticisms”, one bureau wrote in a memo.

They would spend their days “shouting slogans, singing red songs and memorising the Three Character Classic”, it said, referring to an ancient Confucian text.

Their files lodged in a centralised database, students were sorted into categories based on their offences and levels of accomplishment.

Criminals who had completed a prison sentence were released directly into the centres, under the principle of “putting untrustworthy people in a trustworthy place”.

Students who performed well would be allowed to call their families or even visit them in special rooms at the centres.

Officials were ordered to regularly visit students' families at home to give them “anti-extremism” lessons and check for signs of anger that could harden into opposition to the Communist Party.

The new bureaus also ensured “absolute security” against “troublemaking” in the centres, including preventing “escapes”, one local management bureau wrote in a breakdown of its duties.

In addition to ex-prisoners and those charged with religious extremism, local governments were also ordered to ensure that at least one member of each household received vocational education for a minimum of one to three months — a measure ostensibly aimed at alleviating poverty in the region of 24 million.

While China has rejected estimates that upwards of one million are held in the centres, tender documents hint at huge numbers.

In a one-month period in early 2018, Hotan county's vocational education bureau, which oversees at least one centre, ordered 194,000 Chinese language practice books. And 11,310 pairs of shoes.

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by g.sarkar »

https://www.india.com/news/india/jammu- ... d-3399081/
Jammu And Kashmir: Four Terrorists Killed in Anantnag Encounter; Arms And Ammunition Recovered
Anantnag Encounter: Four Terrorists Killed in J&K; Arms And Ammunition Recovered
Published: October 25, 2018 10:00 PM IST
Srinagar: Four terrorists were neutralised in an encounter with security forces in Bijbehara’s Arwani in Anantnag district in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday. Incriminating materials including arms and ammunition were recovered from the site where the operation took place.
Earlier in the day, two terrorists were killed in an encounter with security forces in Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir. The area was cordoned off after receiving information about the two militants hiding in the village. While efforts were made to let them surrender on their own, the militants retaliated and were thus neutralised. The identities of the two militants who were killed in the incident are yet to be ascertained, while the arms and ammunition used in the Baramulla encounter have been recovered, said SSP Imtiyaz Hussain.
Meanwhile, police and security forces have arrested an Over Ground Worker of Hizbul Mujahideen in Kupwara district on Thursday. The arms and ammunition that were in his possession were recovered. A case has been registered under relevant sections in this regard.
If Wednesdays are like this, how bad will the Fridins be?
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by SBajwa »

partha wrote:
Falijee wrote:First Pakistani space mission in 2022
The News International
Oct 25, 2018

Further going into debt, because there is no "free lunch" from the "shrewd Chinis" :twisted:
Of course, when India has announced manned space mission in 2022, can Pakistan be far behind? Only in India's case, the mission will be completed successfully. Couldn't they at least use a different year?

And trust Indian media to buy into the Paki propaganda

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/ind ... 366489.cms
First Indian and Pakistani astronauts to be in space in 2022?
Even if the Paki announcement is not propaganda / fake which is 100% doubtful, how is this even a space race? Pakis have not even built a small satellite indigenously.

Edit: original headline was "space race?" something which TOI updated.
Indian Rakesh Sharma has already been to space in 1984
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

And now this. Only in toiletistan:

Shahid Masood escapes arrest
TV anchorperson Shahid Masood escaped from the court to avoid arrest on Wednesday after a local court dismissed his pre-arrest bail plea.
The FIA team - present in the court – was unable to arrest the TV anchor as Masood fled from the court before the decision was read.
Masood was appointed as the PTV chairman in Pakistan People’s Party government and there are allegations of corruption worth around rupees 33 million against him.
This guy:


https://nation.com.pk/25-Oct-2018/shahi ... pes-arrest
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

Pakistan to unite Muslim world: Imran
My country fellows, :D today I am here with good news for all of you. We were facing really hard times. We were highly pressurised into paying heavy debts. But thanks to Saudi Arab’s extension of assistance, we are out of the pressure,” he said.
Addressing the nation yesterday, he shared the good news with his people saying, “We have got an amazing package from Saudi Arabia... which has taken off the burden.”
The premier also said Pakistan was trying to broker peace deal to end the war in Yemen as the country wanted to work for unity of Muslim world.
We are playing a positive role... so as to unite the Muslim world.
He said they wanted to help resolve the issues between the Muslim countries through negotiation and mediation.
Boosting the morale of the nation the premier said that together they would bring country out of the prevailing crisis and transform Pakistan into a country which instead of taking loans would come in a position to lend money to other countries.
Someone is full of himself and has a very high opinion of his "country fellows".

https://nation.com.pk/E-Paper/lahore/20 ... 1/detail-5
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Pakis Poke Their Pakjabi Nose In Dutch Domestic Affairs :mrgreen:

Pakistan lodges protest with Dutch ambassador over blasphemous tweet
Oct 25, 2018
ISLAMABAD – The Foreign Office (FO) on Thursday protested over a blasphemous tweet sent by a Dutch member of parliament, according to Radio Pakistan
Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua called the ambassador of the Netherlands to the FO and expressed concerns over the blasphemous tweets by Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders.Janjua said such discriminatory acts increase violence and extremism and may lead to hatred and intolerance. “These discriminatory incidents spread hate and intolerance and provoke extremism and violence, which were prohibited under human rights laws and standards,” she said while calling upon the Dutch government to condemn and take suitable measures to counter and prevent such actions from taking place.
Pakistan has taken upon itself as the watchdog/ guardian of Islam pro-bono !
She said this cannot be allowed under the garb of freedom of expression. Consequently, the Dutch ambassador assured that the concerns of the Pakistani government and people will be conveyed to the concerned authorities in the Netherlands.
This is the Paki version of events . !
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Mohajirs And Police Clash In Karachi !

fter police and protesters clash, CJP extends deadline for eviction of Pakistan Quarters residents
Oct 24, 2018
Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar on Wednesday granted a two-month extension in the deadline for eviction of illegal occupants from Karachi's Pakistan Quarters after a court-ordered eviction operation resulted in clashes between police and protesters, leaving at least 12 people injured on both sides and over a dozen arrested.The Supreme Court in July had ordered the eviction within 10 days of alleged illegal occupants from Pakistan Quarters, Martin Quarters, Jamshed Quarters, Clayton Quarters, Federal Capital Area, and other residential areas in Karachi for federal government employees. Since then, heavy contingents of police have attempted to vacate the 'illegal occupants' by force.
According to DawnNewsTV, the protesters allegedly pelted stones at police officials in retaliation, and chanted slogans against the government as Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) MPA Jamal Siddiqui arrived at the site of the clashes. They appealed to the Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar to take suo motu notice of the operation.
Karachi is Altaf Bhai's turf !
According to an Express Tribune report, a report submitted in court by the deputy attorney general said that some 4,168 government quarters have been illegally occupied, of which 639 houses are in Martin Quarters, 301 in Patel Quarters, 49 houses in Garden and Pakistan Quarters.A petition had earlier been filed seeking eviction of families living in these areas for decades even after the retirement or death of an allottee — a government servant to whom a quarter is allotted. Once a government employee retires or leaves the job, he or she has six months to vacate the home.After this, residents of these neighbourhoods met and pleaded their case with CJP Nisar. Some said that they had been gifted the quarters after their retirement, while others said they were still government employees and had the legal right of living there.All were then asked to produce documents by July 31 to prove that they were living there rightfully.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

What Is The "Jarnail For Hire" Upto These Days :roll:

Jordanian CJCS calls upon Gen (r) Raheel Sharif to discusses joint cooperation
Pakistan Today
Oct 25, 2018
AMMAN: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff (CJCS) Lieutenant General Mahmoud Freihat on Thursday received Military Commander of the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC) and former chief of army staff General (r) Raheel Sharif and the accompanying delegation at Pakistan’s Embassy in Saudi Arabia.
Raheel using the Paki Embassy in Amman as a base to plan / coordinate Saudi attacks in Yemen in the guise of uniting so called "anti terrorism effort" :evil:
During the meeting, Freihat and Raheel Sharif discussed prospects of enhancing joint cooperation and action as well as uniting anti-terrorism efforts, stressing the importance of group work in countering this phenomenon on the various fronts, and in uprooting its risk at security, cultural, and ideological levels. A number of senior Army officers and the military attaché at the Saudi embassy in Amman attended the meeting.

Are there any dissident Saudi journos in Amman ? Is Raheel "planning something" for them similar to what happened to Kashoggi in Amman :twisted:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by RCase »

g.sarkar wrote:
anupmisra wrote:Musharraf suffering from amyloidosis, has difficulty standing and walking
https://www.dawn.com/news/1441066/musha ... pml-leader
Mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. Or Karma will finally get him.
Maybe that is why Kammandu was not standing or walking, while smoking a cigar at the cricket match in Dubai!
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by Falijee »

Paki Mullah Still Living In The Golden Age Of Islam :roll:

VIDEO: Kaukab Noorani defies science, says earth can’t revolve
Oct 25, 2018
Eminent religious scholar Kaukab Noorani has expressed his disbelief in the widely-accepted scientific fact that earth orbits around the sun in a video which is going viral over the internet.“Science says earth revolves around Sun. [Religious] scholars say the earth is stationary. Earth doesn’t revolve,” the acclaimed Islamic preacher claimed during a sermon.He went on to criticise the ‘people of science’ for teaching children that earth revolves around the sun. While explaining his opinion, he gave a reference of a book titled “Al Fauz Ul Kabeer”.
Noorani refuted the proven scientific fact of earth’s motion by saying that the planet is stationary because of holy reasons. The video was later shared by a Twitter account and people raised their eyebrows in the comments section. In 2015, a Saudi cleric made news when he rejected the theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun and claimed that the opposite is true, Al Arabia News reported.
Makes sense IMO. Paki Mullahs take their cue from their Saudi Brothers . So nothing new here :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

Watch TSPA fire on protesting pashtuns.

https://twitter.com/AwamiAzaadi/status/ ... 9203249153

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

Baloch Republican Army blowing up TSPA truck, killing three terrorists.

https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/10 ... 2448226309
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

F. Jeffery
Follow Follow @Natsecjeff
22nd October: Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed repelling a Pakistan Army attack in South Waziristan on Sunday, claiming to have killed six Pakistani soldiers and wounding four. TTP also claims to have captured 2 G-3 guns, 1 LMG, 1 sniper, 2 night vision goggles & ammo.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by anupmisra »

TSPA having tea with the haqqani taliban.

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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by SSridhar »

Saeed-led JuD, FIF no more on list of banned outfits in Pakistan: report - PTI
Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed-led Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) and Falah-i-Insaniyat Foundation (FIF) are no longer on the list of banned outfits in Pakistan as the presidential ordinance that proscribed them under a UN resolution has lapsed, a media report said on Friday.

In February this year, former president Mamnoon Hussain promulgated an ordinance amending the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 to declare JuD and FIF as proscribed groups.

During a hearing on Thursday of a petition filed by Saeed, his counsel informed the Islamabad High Court (IHC) that the presidential ordinance had lapsed and it had never been extended, Dawn newspaper reported. {Dimmy, who shares the same ideology and platform with Hafeez Saaeed cannot be expected to re-issue the ordinance or convert it into law. Let's see how FATF reacts to this. KSA might have made tall promises of USD 13B, but that still does not obviate the need for IMF bail-out.}

The petitioner had challenged the ordinance under which his organisations had been banned for being on the watch list of the United Nations Security Council.

Saeed contended in the petition that he established JuD in 2002 and cut off all ties with the banned Lashkar-i-Taiba, but India continued to malign the JuD for its past association with the banned outfit, the report said.

The petitioner said he was kept in detention in 2009 and 2017 due to India’s pressure. He said that the UN Security Council had passed a resolution against the JuD after which the government of Pakistan put it on the watch list, it said.

India has been pushing Pakistan to bring to justice the planners of the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. Saeed is the co-founder of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was responsible for the attack in which 166 people were killed.

Saeed’s counsel Raja Rizwan Abbasi and Sohail Warraich appeared before Justice Aamer Farooq of the IHC. On a query, Saeed’s counsel informed the court that the current government did not extend the ordinance or table it in parliament to convert it into an act.

Deputy Attorney General Raja Khalid Mehmood Khan confirmed that the ordinance has lapsed. He, however, declined the request of advocate Abbasi for giving a statement on behalf of the interior ministry about the lapse of the ordinance.

Khan told the court that since the petitioner did not cite the interior ministry as a respondent, he could not give a statement unless the petition was amended and the interior secretary added as a party in the petition.

Justice Farooq held that the petition became infructuous since the ordinance challenged by the petitioner has lapsed.

The judge disposed of the petition with an observation that in case the government renewed this ordinance, the petitioner was at liberty to file another petition against the promulgation of the law.

The petitioner claimed that the promulgation of the ordinance was not only prejudicial to the sovereignty but also contradictory to the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.

He said that any law which was violative of constitutional provisions was liable to be struck down.

According to a list updated on September 5 on the National Counter Terrorism Authority’s website, 66 organisations have been banned in the Pakistan and the JuD and FIF are not among them.
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Re: Terroristan - October 8, 2018

Post by SSridhar »

anupmisra wrote:Watch TSPA fire on protesting pashtuns.

https://twitter.com/AwamiAzaadi/status/ ... 9203249153
Ahhh... I see a Punjabistan flag with a haraami symbol. Is Rehmat Ali's formulation working in reverse now!